

小学英语人教版PEP英语三年级起点单词表 三年级至六年级全 册

小学英语人教版PEP英语三年级起点单词表 三年级至六年级全 册
watermelon strawberry
grape buy fruit eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen
['grændmɑː] ['grændˌfɑːðə]
['grændpɑː] ['fæmɪli] [θɪn] [fæt] [tɔːl] [ʃɔːt] [lɒŋ] [smɔːl] [bɪg] [dʒɪˈrɑːf] [səʊ] ['tʃɪldrən] [teɪl] [ɒn] [ɪn] ['ʌndə] [tʃeə] [desk] [kæp] [bɔːl] [kɑː] [bəʊt] [mæp] [tɔɪ] [bɒks] [peə] ['æpl] ['ɔːrɪndʒ] [bə'nɑːnə]
面包 果汁 蛋 牛奶 水 蛋糕 鱼 米饭 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 兄;弟 姐;妹 盘子 英国 加拿大 美国 中国 她 学生 小学生 他 教师 男孩 和;与 女孩 新的 朋友 今天 父亲;爸爸 爸爸(口语) 男人 女人 母亲;妈妈 姐;妹 兄;弟 (外)祖母
三下 Unit 2 三下 Unit 2 三下 Unit 2 三下 Unit 2 三下 Unit 3 三下 Unit 3 三下 Unit 3 三下 Unit 3 三下 Unit 3 三下 Unit 3 三下 Unit 3 三下 Unit 3 三下 Unit 3 三下 Unit 3 三下 Unit 3 三下 Unit 4 三下 Unit 4 三下 Unit 4 三下 Unit 4 三下 Unit 4 三下 Unit 4 三下 Unit 4 三下 Unit 4 三下 Unit 4 三下 Unit 4 三下 Unit 4 三下 Unit 4 三下 Unit 5 三下 Unit 5 三下 Unit 5 三下 Unit 5 三下 Unit 5 三下 Unit 5 三下 Unit 5 三下 Unit 5 三下 Unit 5 三下 Unit 6 三下 Unit 6 三下 Unit 6 三下 Unit 6 三下 Unit 6 三下 Unit 6 三下 Unit 6 三下 Unit 6

人教版三年级起点小学英语三年级上册(PEP义务教育版) C【全国一等奖】

人教版三年级起点小学英语三年级上册(PEP义务教育版) C【全国一等奖】

新版PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit6 Happy birthdaySection C一.教学内容本课时讲的内容是第六单元Section C的,主要包括review , Let's sing和Story time.二.设计思路首先学生唱歌曲Ten little candles方面复习下26个字母和1到10的数字,利用加法算式练习数字用法,同时告知学生今天是Zoom生日,听遍Story time回答问题,利用role play的方式帮助学生更好的理解这篇课文.三.教学目标1.能借助图片读懦故事时间中的故事2.数字在生活中的应用.四.教学重、难点重点:正确理解句子: There is Zoom! Ihave two gifts.难点:理解单词surprise的意思。

五.教学准备1.图片和单词卡片2.录音机,配套微带, Lion, Elephant, Horse和Zoom的头饰六.教学过程1.热身、复习(warm-up/ Revision)通过介绍这节课的游戏规则,分为三组ABC,表现好的走一步,走到顶端可以获得一个蛋糕。

开始用日常用语和学生进行打招呼热身,接着利用歌曲Ten little candles 复习1到10的数字。



One+one= one+two= five+two= four+two=(设计意图:让学生学会运用数字进行计算,并书写英文数字。

)2.导入、呈现(presentation)教学Story time首先听一遍录音,让学生大致感知这篇Story time 的内容,其次再听一遍学生复述,培养学生语音语调,然后教师提出两个问题,How old is Zoom 和Who celebrate for his birthday 让学生自己读两分钟回答问题培养学生的阅读思考能力。



人教版小学英语·三年级上册·单词表Unit 1pen [pen]钢笔pencil ['pensəl]铅笔pencil-case ['pensəlkeis]铅笔盒ruler ['ru:lə]尺子eraser [i'reizə]橡皮crayon ['kreiən]蜡笔book [buk] 书bag [bæɡ]书包sharpener['ʃɑ:pənə]卷笔刀school [sku:l]学校Unit 2head[hed] 头face[feis] 脸nose[nəuz] 鼻子mouth ]mauθ] 嘴eye [ai]眼睛ear [iə]耳朵arm[ɑ:m] 胳膊finger['fiŋɡə] 手指leg [leɡ] 腿foot [fut] 脚body ['bɔdi]身体Unit 3 red [red]红色的yellow ['jeləu]黄色的green [ɡri:n]绿色的blue [blu:]蓝色的purple ['pə:pl] 紫色的white [hwait] 白色的black [blæk]黑色的orange ['ɔrindʒ] 橙色的pink [piŋk]粉色的brown [braun]棕色的Unit 4cat [kæt] 猫dog [dɔɡ, dɔ:ɡ] 狗monkey ['mʌŋki]猴子panda ['pændə]熊猫rabbit ['ræbit]兔子duck dʌk] 鸭子pig [piɡ] 猪bird [bə:d] 鸟bear [bεə] 熊elephant ['elifənt]大象mouse ]maus, mauz]老鼠squirrel ['skwə:rəl] 松鼠Unit 5cake [keik] 蛋糕bread [bred]面包hot dog[hɔt dɔɡ] 热狗hamburger ['hæmbə:ɡə]汉堡包chicken ['tʃikin]鸡肉French [frentʃ] Fries 榨薯条Coke [kəuk] 可乐juice [dʒu:s] 果汁milk[milk]牛奶water['wɔ:tə] 水tea[ti:]茶coffee ['kɔfi]咖啡Unit 6one [wʌn] 一two [tu:] 二three[θri:]三four [fɔ:] 四five [faiv] 五six[siks] 六seven['sevən] 七eight [eit] 八nine[nain] 九ten[ten]十doll [dɔl]玩具娃娃boat [bəut]小船ball [bɔ:l] 球kite[kait] 风筝balloon ]bə'lu:n] 气球car [kɑ:]小汽车plane [plein] 飞机人教版小学英语·三年级下册·单词表Unit 1boy [bɔi]男孩girl [ɡə:l] 女孩teacher ['ti:tʃə] 教师student ['stju:dənt]学生this [ðis, 弱ðəs] 这个my 我的friend [frend] 朋友I’m=I am 我是nice [nais]好的;愉快的good morning ['mɔ:niŋ]早上好good afternoon [,ɑ:ftə:'nu:n]" 下午好meet [mi:t]遇见;碰见goodbye [,ɡud'bai] 再见too [tu:] 也;太Unit 2father ['fɑ:ðə] 父亲;爸爸dad 爸爸口语mother ['mʌðə]母亲;妈妈mom 妈妈口语man [mæn] 男人woman ['wumən]女人grandmother ['ɡrænd,mʌðə] 外祖母grandma ['ɡrændmɑ:](口语(外)祖母grandfather ['ɡrænd,fɑ:ðə](外)祖父grandpa ['ɡrændpɑ:](口语(外)祖父sister ['sistə] 姐妹brother ['brʌðə] 兄妹let’s=let [let] us [ʌs] 让我们great [ɡreit] 太好了really ['riəli, 'ri:li] 真地;确切地and ænd, 和;并且how [hau] 多么;怎么样Unit 3eleven [i'levən]十一twelve [twelv] 十二thirteen 'θə:'ti:n]十三fourteen ['fɔ:'ti:n]十四fifteen ['fifti:n]十五sixteen ['siks'ti:n] 十六seventeen [,sevən'ti:n] 十七eighteen ['ei'ti:n] 十八nineteen [,nain'ti:n] 十九twenty ['twenti] 二十how [hau] many ['meni]多少can [kæn, kən] 能够;可以look [luk] at [强æt, 弱ət]看;瞧Unit 4peach [pi:tʃ] 桃pear[pεə] 梨orange ['ɔrindʒ] 橙子watermelon ['wɔ:təmelən]西瓜apple ['æpl] 苹果banana [bə'nɑ:nə] 香蕉strawberry ['strɔ:bəri]草莓grape [ɡreip]葡萄like [laik]喜欢some [sʌm, 一些;某些thanks [θæŋks]多谢Unit 5bus [bʌs]公共汽车bike [baik] 自行车taxi ['tæksi] 出租车jeep [dʒi:p]吉普车desk [desk]课桌chair [tʃεə]椅子Walkman[wɔ:kmæn] 随身听lamp [læmp]台灯your [jɔ:, jəu, 弱jə] 你的;你们的zoo [zu:] 动物园Unit 6small [smɔ:l] 小的big [biɡ]大的long [lɔŋ, lɔ:ŋ]长的short [ʃɔ:t] 短的;矮的tall [tɔ:l] 高的giraffe [dʒi'rɑ:f] 长颈鹿deer [diə] 鹿小学英语四年级上册单词表Unit1window[ ' windəu ]窗户board [ bɔ:d ]写字板light ['lait ]灯;管灯picture[ 'piktʃə ]画;图画door[ dɔ: ] 门.floor[ flɔ: ] 地板.classroom[ 'klɑ:srum ]教室many[ 'meni ]许多的our[ 'auə ] 我们的.classmate[ 'klɑ:smeit ]同学have a look[ luk ]看一看seat[ si:t ] 座位.near[ niə ]在…的旁边new[ nju: ]新的where[wεə ]在哪里computer[ kəm'pju:tə ]计算机teacher’s desk[ desk ]讲台wall[ wɔ:l ]墙fan[ fæn ]扇子;电扇clean[ kli:n ]打扫;清洁;擦干净的unit2 good idea [ ɡud ] [ ai'diə]好主意all right[ ɔ:l ] [ rait ]好吧;好的good job [dʒɔb]干得好Chinese book [ buk ]语文书English book 英语书math book[ mæθ ]数学书schoolbag [ 'sku:lbæɡ ]书包story -book['stɔ:ri ]故事书notebook [ 'nəutbuk ]笔记本colour [ 'kʌlə ]颜色fat [ fæt ]胖的may [ mei ]可以sure [ ʃuə] 当然可以.here you are[ hiə ]给你twenty [ 'twenti ]-one 二十一thirty [ 'θə:ti ] 三十.thirty-one 三十一forty [ 'fɔ:ti ]四十forty-one 四十一fifty[ 'fifti ]五十too many 太多了heavy [ 'hevi ] 重的;沉重的. sorry [ 'sɔ:ri ]对不起.unit3long hair [ lɔŋ] [ hεə ] 长头发.short hair[ ʃɔ:t ]短头发thin[ θin ]瘦的strong[ strɔŋ ]强壮的quiet[ 'kwaiət ]安静的.friend[ frend ] 朋友.Chinese [trai'ni:z] n.中文,汉语;中国人adj. 中国的,中国人的;photo[ 'fəutəu ] 照片. .music[ 'mju:zik ]音乐science[ 'saiəns ] 科学.sports[ spɔ:ts ] 体育运动.painting[ 'peintiŋ ]绘画computer game[ kəm'pju:tə ] [ ɡeim ] 电脑游戏her[ hə: ]她的right [ rait ]对的;正确的unit4study [ 'stʌdi ] 书房.bathroom [ 'bɑ:θrum ]卫生间bedroom [ 'bedrum ]卧室living [ 'liviŋ ] room 起居室kitchen [ 'kitʃin ]厨房fish [ fiʃ] 鱼. .room [ ru:m ]房间open [ 'əupən ]打开close [ kləuz ] 关上.phone [ fəun ]电话sofa [ 'səufə ]沙发shelf [ ʃelf ] 书架. .fridge [ fridʒ]冰箱unit5rice [ rais ]米饭noodle(s)['nu:dl]面条(复数)soup [ su:p ]汤vegetable [ 'vedʒitəbl ] 蔬菜. beef [ bi:f ]牛肉dinner [ 'dinə ] 晚餐;正餐. wait [ weit ] 等.hungry [ 'hʌŋɡri ]饥饿的knife [ naif ]刀chopstick(s)['tʃɔpstik ]筷子spoon [ spu:n ]勺子plate [ pleit ]盘子plane [ plein ]飞机fork [ fɔ:k ]叉子pass [ pɑ:s]传递ready[ 'redi ] 准备好了.try[ trai]尝试helpyourself[ help ] [jɔ:'self]随便吃show[ ʃəu ]展示yummy[ 'jʌmi ] 好吃的.use[ ju:z ]使用unit6family[ 'fæmili ]家庭parents['pɛərənts]父母uncle[ 'ʌŋkl ] 叔叔;舅舅.aunt[ ɑ:nt ]姨;姑姑;婶;.baby[ 'beibi ] 婴儿. .people[ 'pi:pl ]人member[ 'membə ]成员.only[ 'əunli ]只有;仅仅puppy[ 'pʌpi ]小狗baseball player ['beisbɔ:l] [ 'pleiə ] 棒球运动员driver[ draivə ] 司机.doctor[ dɔktə ]医生farm[ fɑ:m ]农场farmer[ 'fɑ:mə ]农民nurse[ nə:s ]护士四年级下册Unit1playground['pleiɡraund ]操场garden ['ɡɑ:dn ]花园teacher,s-office['ɔfis]教师办公室library[ 'laibrəri ]图书馆.canteen[ kæn'ti:n ]食堂first[ fə:st ]第一.visitor[ 'vizitə ]客人;参观者there[ ðεə ]哪儿;那里lunch[ lʌntʃ]午餐this way[ wei ]这边that [ðæt]那;那个.art room[ɑ:t] [ru:m]绘画教室computer room[kəm'pju:tə ru:m] 计算机教室washroom['wɔʃrum]卫生间music room['mju:zik]音乐教室.gym[ dʒim ]体育馆.TV room 电视机房second[ 'sekənd ]第二cool [ ku: ]订好的;酷的.Unit2English class 英语课music class[ klɑ:s ]音乐课breakfast[ 'brekfəst ] 早餐. .P.E. class 体育课over[ 'əuvə ]结束go to the playground[ 'pleiɡraund ] . 去操场just a minute['minit]再多一会go home[ həum ]回家kid[ kid ]小孩;孩子run[ rʌn ] 跑.get up [ ɡet ][ ʌp ]起床go to school [sku:l]上学go to bed 上床睡觉ready[ 'redi ]准备好的hurry[ 'hʌri ]抓紧;赶快.math[ mæθ ]数学Chinese['tʃai'ni:z]n. 中文,汉语;中国人adj. 中国的,中国人的;中国话的china['tʃainə] n. 中国;瓷器England['iŋglənd]n.英格兰;英国English [ 'iŋgliʃ]a.英国的;英国人的;英语的n.英语;英国人P.E.体育class[ klɑ:s]班级;课程music[ 'mju:zik ] 音乐.for[ fɔ] 为;给.Unit3jacket[ 'dʒækit ]夹克衫.shirt[ ʃə:t ]衬衫.T-shirt [ skə:t ] T 恤衫skirt[ skə:t ] 裙子.dress[ dres ] 连衣裙.sweater [ 'swetə ]毛衣. .whose[ hu:z ]谁的no [nəu]不;不是not[ nɔt ]不;不是的jeans[dʒi:nz]牛仔裤pants[ pænts ]长裤parents ['pɛərənts]父母亲socks[sɔks]袜子shoes [ʃuːz]鞋子shorts[ʃɔ:ts]短裤these[ ði:z ] 这些. .those[ ðəuz ] 那些. .what .for[ wɔt ]为什么neighbour[ 'neibə ]邻居colour[ 'kʌlə ]颜色unit4warm[ wɔ:m ]暖和的cold[ kəuld ]寒冷的cool[ ku:l ]凉爽的;酷的hot[ hɔt ]炎热的.weather[ 'weðə ] 天气.weather report[ ri'pɔ:t ] 天气预报.wear[ wεə ]穿football['futbɔ:l]足球.put on 穿上. put on 动词,表示穿上衣服的动词,强调动作例: I get up and put on my coat.wear 动词,表示穿上衣服的动作,也可表示穿着衣服的状态,强调状态例: Today, he wears a red hat.rain[ rein ]n.雨vi.下雨rainy[ 'reini ] 下雨的. now[ nau ]现在snow[ snəu ]n.雪;vi.下雪snowy[ 'snəui ]下雪的.wind[ wind ]n.风windy[ 'windi ]有风的cloud[ klaud ]云cloudy[ 'klaudi ]多云的sun [ sʌn ] 太阳.sunny[ 'sʌni ]晴朗的not much[ mʌtʃ]没什么New York 纽约matter[ 'mætə ]事情;麻烦have to 必须;不得不unit5colourful['kʌləful ]色彩丰富的pretty[ 'priti ]漂亮的;可爱的cheap[ tʃi:p ] 便宜的. expensive[iks'pensiv]昂贵的. sixty[ 'siksti(:) ]六十seventy[ 'sevənti ] 七十. hundred[ 'hʌndrəd ]百how much 多少钱ninety-nine[ 'nainti ]九十九sneakers ['sni:kəz]胶底帆布鞋;网球鞋slippers ['slipə]拖鞋sandals ['sandl]凉鞋boots[ bu:ts ]靴子want[ wənt ] 想要.pair[ pεə ] 一双;一对.a pair of 一双son[ sʌn ]儿子sun[ sʌn ]太阳size[ saiz ]尺码take [ teik ]买.them[ ðem ]它(他、她)们unit6sheep[ʃi:p]绵羊horse[hɔ:s]马hen[ hen ]母鸡lamb[ læm ]小羊;羔羊goat[ gəut ]山羊.cow[ kau ] 奶牛.donkey['dɔŋki]驴子key[ ki: ] 钥匙.rabbit[ 'ræbit ]兔子.pig[ pi g ]猪duck[ dʌk ]鸭子tomoto[ tə'ma:təu]西红柿cucumber[ 'kju:kʌmbə ]黄瓜potato[ pə'teitəu ]土豆onion[ 'ənjən ] 洋葱.carrot[ 'kærət ]胡萝卜fresh[ freʃ]新鲜的there [ ðεə ] .be 有人教版小学英语·五年级上册·单词表Unit 1Young [jʌŋ] (年轻的)funny ['fʌni] (滑稽可笑的)tall [tɔ:l] (高的strong [strɔ:ŋ, strɔ:ŋ](强壮的)kind [kaind](和蔼的、亲切的)old [əuld](年老的)short [ʃɔ:t](矮的)thin [θin](瘦的)Mr (先生)from [frɔm, frəm]从;来自Canada ['kænədə]加拿大like [laik] (像、喜欢)know [nəu] 知道principal ['prinsəpəl] 校长university [,ju:ni'və:səti] student['stju:dənt, 'stu:-] 大学生strict [strikt](严格的)smart [smɑ:t](聪明的、巧妙的)active['æktiv] (积极的、活跃的)Miss [mis] 小姐lady['leidi] 女士;小姐;夫人so much[mʌtʃ] 很;非常fun[fʌn] 有趣;逗笑quiet ['kwaiət](安静的、文静的)very['veri](很、非常)but[强bʌt, 弱bət, bɔt] (但是)Unit 2Monday['mʌndi, 'mʌndei](星期一)Tuesday ['tju:zdi](星期二)Wednesday ['wenzdi; -dei] (星期三)Thursday ['θə:zdi; -dei](星期四)Friday ['fraidi] (星期五)Moral ['mɔrəl, 'mɔ:-] Education[,edju:’keiʃən] 思想品德课Social ['səuʃəl] Studies ['stʌdiz]社会课Saturday ['sætədi; -dei] (星期六)Sunday ['sʌndei; -di] (星期天)day [dei] (天)wait [weit] 等等;等待tomorrow [tə'mɔrəu, -'mɔ:-] 明天often ['ɔfən, 'ɔftən, 'ɔ:-] 经常love [lʌv] 爱;热爱have [hæv, həv, əv, v](有、吃)on [ɔn](在…..时候)do homework ['həumwə:k](做作业)watch[wɔtʃ] TV (看电视)read[ri:d] books (读书)Unit 3cabbage[['kæbidʒ] 洋白菜;卷心菜pork[pɔ:k] 猪肉mutton['mʌtən] 羊肉eggplant'eɡplɑ:nt,-plænt] (茄子)fish[fiʃ] (鱼)green[ɡri:n]beans[bi:n] (青豆)tofu['təufu:] (豆腐)potato[pə'teitəu (土豆)tomato[tə'mɑ:təu, -'mei-] (西红柿)for [fɔ:, fə](为)lunch [lʌntʃ](中餐)we[wi](我们)menu ['menju:, mə'nju:]菜单sound [saund]听起来Mew Mew 猫咪healthy['helθi]健康的tasty ['teisti](好吃的)sweet [[swi:t]] (甜的)sour ['sauə](酸的)fresh [freʃ](新鲜的)salty ['sɔ:lti] (咸的)favourite ['feivərit] (最喜欢的)they are [ɑ:](他们是)fruit [fru:t](水果)grape [ɡreip](葡萄)now [nau] 现在have to 不得不eat [i:t]吃Unit 4empty ['empti] the trash [træʃ] 倒垃圾cook[kuk] the meals [mi:ls] (烧饭)water['wɔ:tə] the flowers ['flauə] (浇花)sweep [swi:p] the floor [flɔ:] (扫地)clean [kli:n] the bedroom ['bedru(:)m] (打扫卧室)helpful ['helpful] 有帮助的at home [æt həum]在家里ill [il]有病的wash [wɔʃ, wɔ: ʃ] the windows['windəu] 擦窗户just [dʒʌst] do it 就这么干吧do housework ['hauswə:k] 做家务make [meik] the bed(铺床)set[set] the table ['teibl](摆饭桌)wash[wɔʃ, wɔ: ʃ] the clothes[kləuðz] (洗衣服)do the dishes [diʃ](洗碗碟)put away[ə'wei] the clothes[kləuðz] 收拾衣服have a try[trai] 试一试robot['rəubɔt, -bət, 'rɔbət] 机器人play[plei] chess[tʃes] 下棋use[ju:z] a computer[kəm'pju:tə] (使用计算机)Unit 5air-conditioner['εəkən,diʃən] 空调curtain['kə:tən](窗帘)trash bin [træʃbin](垃圾箱)closet['klɔzit] (壁橱)mirror['mirə](镜子)end [end] table ['teibl] (床头柜)look at[luk æt] 看一看own [əun] 自己的flat [flæt] 公寓third [θə:d]第三的bedroom ['bedru(:)m] (卧室)kitchen ['kitʃin] (厨房)bathroom ['bɑ:θrum](卫生间)living ['liviŋ] room (客厅)in [in](在… 里面)on[ɔn](在…上面)under ['ʌndə] (在…下面)near [niə](在..旁边)behind [bi'haind] (在…后边)over ['əuvə] 在…上面In front of [in frɔnt ɔv] 在…前面clothes [kləuðz] (衣服)work [wə:k] 工作tell [tel]告诉;说Unit 6sky [skai]天空cloud [klaud] 云mountain ['mauntin]山;山脉river['rivə] (河流)flower['flauə] (花)grass [ɡrɑ:s, ɡræs](草)lake [leik](湖泊)forest['fɔrist](森林)path[pɑ:θ,pæθ](路)park[pɑ:k](公园)nature['neitʃə] park 自然公园farm[fɑ:m]农场holiday ['hɔlədi]假期picture['piktʃə] (照片)village ['vilidʒ]乡村;村庄city ['siti]城市house[haus, hauz](房子)bridge[bridʒ] (桥)tree[tri:] (树)road[rəud] (公路)building ['bildiŋ](建筑物)clean [kli:n](干净的)air [εə]空气run[rʌn] 跑;奔跑any['eni] 任何的;所有的人教版小学英语·五年级下册·单词表Unit 1do morning exercises ['eksəsaiz](晨练)eat[i:t] breakfast['brekfəst](吃早饭)have English class(上英语课)play[plei] sports[spɔ:ts](进行体育运动)eat dinner['dainə](吃晚饭)when[hwen](什么时候)about [ə'baut] 关于;大约policeman [pə'li:smən]警察work [wə:k]工作evening['i:vniŋ](夜晚;晚上)get up[ɡet ʌp](起床)at(在…… 点钟)usually['ju:ʒuəli](通常;一般)noon[nu:n](中午)tell[tel] 告诉;说climb[klaim] mountains ['mauntin](爬山)go shopping ['ʃɔpiŋ](购物;买东西)play the piano [pi'ænəu, pi'ɑ:-](弹钢琴)visit ['vizit] grandparents['ɡrænd,pεərənt](看望祖父母)go hiking[haiking](去远足)weekend[,wi:k'end, 'wi:kend](周末)often['ɔfən, 'ɔftən, 'ɔ:-](经常)sometimes['sʌmtaimz](有时候)rain [rein]下雨either['aiðə, 'i:-] 也next[nekst] 下一个Unit 2spring[spriŋ](春天)summer['sʌmə](夏天)fall[fɔ:l](秋天)winter['wintə](冬天)season['si:zən](季节)which[hwitʃ](哪一个)best[best](最;极)always['ɔ:lweiz, -wiz] 总是play with 玩…snow [snəu] 雪leaf[li:f](复数leaves)叶子up[ʌp]至北方或北方城市north[nɔ:θ]北方;向北方Halloween [,hæləu'i:n]万圣节之前夕Thanksgiving['θæŋks,ɡiviŋ; ,θæŋks'ɡ-]感恩节swim [swim](游泳)fly kites[kait](放风筝)skate [skeit](滑冰;滑冰鞋)make a snowman ['snəumæn](堆雪人)plant [plɑ:nt, plænt] trees [tri:](种树)why [hwai](为什么)because [bi'kɔz](因为)sleep [sli:p](睡觉)Unit 3Jan./January ['dʒænjuəri](一月)Feb./February ['dʒænjuəri](二月)Mar./March [mɑ:tʃ](三月)Apr./April ['eiprəl](四月)May [mei](五月)June [dʒu:n](六月)July [dʒu: 'lai](七月)Aug./Augest(八月)Sept./September [sep'tembə](九月)Oct./October[ɔk'təubə](十月)Nov./November[nəu'vembə](十一月)Dec./December[di'sembə](十二月)chart [tʃɑ:t]图表birthday['bə:θdei](生日)uncle['ʌŋkl](叔叔;舅舅)cousin['kʌzn] 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹first [fə:st]第一second['sekənd] 第二third[θə:d] 第三forth[fɔ:θ]第四fifth[fifθ]第五eighth [eitθ, eiθ]第八ninth [nainθ]第九twelfth[twelfθ]第十二twentieth['twentiiθ]第二十send[send] 寄;发送e-card [kɑ:d]电子卡片her[hə:] (她的)able ['eibl]能everybody ['evri,bədi] 每个人then [ðen] 那么date [deit](日期)Unit 4draw [drɔ:] pictures ['piktʃəz](画画)cook [kuk] dinner ['dinə](做饭)read a book(看书)answer ['ɑ:nsə, 'æn-] the phone(接电话)talk [tɔ:k] 讲话Children’s['tʃɪldrən] Center['sentə] 儿童活动中心see you later['leitə] 再见listen ['lisən] to music ['mju:zik](听音乐)clean [kli:n] the room [ru:m, rum](打扫房间)write [rait] a letter ['letə](写信)write an e-mail(写电子邮件)mom(妈妈)grandpa ['ɡrændpɑ:](爷爷;外公)speak [spi:k] to 和…讲话call[kɔ:l] 打电话study['stʌdi](书房)Unit 5fly[flai](飞)jump[dʒʌmp](跳)walk[wɔ:k](走)run[rʌn](跑)swim[swim](游泳)kangaroo[,kænɡə'ru:](袋鼠)trunk [trʌŋk]象鼻sleep[sli:p](睡觉)climb[klaim](往上爬)fight[fait](打架)swing[swiŋ](荡;荡秋千)drink[driŋk]water['wɔ:tə, 'wɔ-](喝水)climber['klaimə] 攀登者Unit 6take pictures['piktʃəz](照相)watch[wɔtʃ, wɔ:tʃ] insects['insekt](观察昆虫)pick[pik] up leaves[li:vz](采摘树叶)do an experiment [ik'speriment, ek's-] (做实验)catch [kætʃ] butterfly ['bʌtəflai](捉蝴蝶)woods [wuds] 树木ant [ænt] 蚂蚁interesting ['intristiŋ,'intrəstiŋ] 有趣的honey ['hʌni](蜂蜜)thing [θiŋ] 东西;物count [kaunt] insects ['insekt](数昆虫)collect [kə'lekt] leaves [li:vz](收集树叶)wtite a report [ri'pɔ:t](写报告)play [plei]chess[tʃes](下棋)have a picnic ['piknik](举行野餐)him [him, im]他(宾格)leave ['li:v] 离开us[əs] 我们(宾格)over there[əuvə ðɛə]在那边人教版小学英语·六年级上册·单词表Unit 1by [bai] (经,乘)foot[fut] (脚)bike [baik] (自行车)bus [bʌs] (公共汽车)train [trein] ( 火车)plane [plein]飞机ship [ʃip] 船;舰subway ['sʌbwei] 地铁how [hau] (怎样)go to school(上学)then[ðen]怎样fifth [fifθ]第五traffic ['træfik](交通)traffic light ['lait](交通灯)traffic rule [ru:l](交通规则)stop [stɔp](停,停车站)wait [weit](等待)remember [ri'membə] 记住get to[ɡet tu:](到达)find [faind]寻找;找到difference ['difərəns]不同;区别same [seim]相同的every ['evri] 每个;所有的country ['kʌntri] 国家always ['ɔ:lweiz, -wiz] 总是mean [mi:n]意思是drive [draiv]驾驶right [rait] 右边的side [said] 边England ['iŋɡlənd]英国Australia [ɔ'streiljə]澳大利亚however [hau'evə]但是left [left]左边的if 如果must [mʌst, məst]必须know[nəu] 知道Unit 2library['laibrəri] ( 图书馆)post[pəust] office['ɔfis, 'ɔ:-] (邮局) hospital ['hɔspitəl] ( 医院)cinema['sinəmə] ( 电影院) bookstore['bukstɔ:] (书店)science ['saiəns] museum [mju:'ziəm] 科学博物馆excuse[ik'skju:z, ik'skju:s] me 对不起where[hwɛə] ( 在哪里,到哪里) please[pli:z] (请)next to[nekst tu:] (与…相邻)far [fɑ:] 远supermarket['sju:pə,mɑ:kit]超市bank [bæŋk]银行after school['ɑ:ftə sku:l] 放学以后want[wɔnt] 想要buy[bai] 买a pair[pɛə] of 一双shoe store][ ʃu:] [stɔ:] 鞋店get off[ɡet ɔf] 下车minute['minit] 分钟north [nɔ:θ]北south [sauθ, sauð]南east [i:st]东west[west] 西turn[tə:n] (转弯)right ][rait] ( 右边)left[left] ( 左边)straight[streit] (成直线地)then [ðen] (然后)twelfth [twelfθ] 第二十party ['pɑ:ti] 聚会;晚会tell [tel]告诉start [stɑ:t]开始take [teik]乘坐look for[luk fɔ:] 寻找Unit 3next week[nekst wi:k] ( 下周)this morning['mɔ:niŋ] (今天上午)this afternoon[,ɑ:ftə'nu:n] (今天下午) this evening['i:vniŋ] ( 今天晚上) tonight [tə'nait]今晚tomorrow [tə'mɔrəu]明天take a trip [trip] 去旅行read a magazine [,mæɡə'zi:n]阅读杂志go to the cinema ['sinəmə] 去看电影theme [θi:m]park [pɑ:k]主题公园the Great [ɡreit] Wall [wɔ:l]长城busy ['bizi] 忙碌的together [tə'ɡeðə]一起地comic ['kɔmik] book(漫画书)post [pəust] card [kɑ:d] ( 明信片) newspape ['nju:s,peipə, 'nju:z-] r( 报纸)magazine [,mæɡə'zi:n]杂志dictionary ['dikʃənəri] 词典;字典shoe store][ ʃu:] [stɔ:] 鞋店buy [bai] (购买)fruit stand [fru:t stænd]水果摊pet shop[pet ʃɔp] 宠物商店need[ni:d] 需要plant[plɑ:nt, plænt] 植物else[els] 其他;另外shop[ʃɔp] 商店Unit 4 hobby['hɔbi](爱好)ride a bike--riding a bike(骑自行车) dive--diving(跳水)playing the violin[,vaiə'lin] (拉小提琴) make kites—making kites(制作风筝) collect[kə'lekt] stamps[stæmp]—collecting stamps( 集邮)show[ʃəu] 展览pen pal [pen pæl]笔友dear[diə] 亲爱的twin[twin]双胞胎之一something ['sʌmθiŋ]某事物must [mʌst, məst]一定;肯定fun[fʌn] 快乐;乐趣with [wið]同…TV reporter[ri'pɔ:tə]电视台记者live –lives(居住)teach--teaches(教)go--goes(去)watch--watches(看)read--reads(读,看)does doesn’t=does notdifferent['difərənt] 不同的week [wi:k] 星期;周say [sei] 说soon [su:n]不久excited [ik'saitid] 兴奋的;激动的Unit 5singer ['siŋə] (歌唱家,歌手)writer ['raitə] (作家)actor ['æktə] ( 男演员)actress ['æktris] (女演员)artis ['ɑ:tist] t(画家)TV reporter [ri'pɔ:tə] (电视台记者) Hong Kong 香港show[ʃəu] 演出、表演engineer [,endʒi'niə] ( 工程师) accountant [ə'kauntənt] (会计) policeman [pə'li:smən] ( 男警察) salesperson ['seilz,pə:sən] ( 销售员) cleaner ['kli:nə] (清洁工)company ['kʌmpəni] 公司where [hwεə](在哪里,到哪里)work [wə:k](工作)factory ['fæktəri] 工厂design [di'zain]设计tip[tip] 有用的小建议help [help]帮助money ['mʌni]钱well[wel]好;对;满意地enjoy [in'dʒɔi]从…获得乐趣tourist ['tuərist] 旅行者;way [wei]路;道motor cycle['məutə'saikl] 摩托车police[pə'li:s] 警方;警察部门Unit 6rain[rein] (雨)cloud[klaud] (云)vapour['veipə] 蒸汽;水汽sun[sʌn] ( 太阳)stream[stri:m] ( 河,溪)come from(来自,从…来) shine [ʃain]照耀become [bi'kɔm]变成little ['litl]小的drop [drɔp]一滴wake[weik] up 醒来feel ['fi:l]感觉到think[θiŋk]想;思考meet[mi:t] 遇见high[hai] 高的other ['ɔðə]其他的fall[fɔ:l]落下down[daun]向下into['intu:]进入come out [kʌm aut]露出again[ə'ɡen]又seed[si:d] ( 种子)soil[sɔil] ( 土壤)sprout[spraut] (苗,芽)plant[plɑ:nt, plænt] (植物,种植) should[ʃud, ʃəd] ( 应该)then[ðen] (然后)garden ['ɡɑ:dn]花园easy['i:zi] 简单的put[put] 放several['sevərəl] 一些day [dei]天see[si:] 看见pot [pɔt]锅碗瓢盆lovely['lʌvli] 可爱的makesure[ʃuə, ʃɔ:] 核实month[mʌnθ] 月份still[stil] 仍然hardly ['hɑ:dli]几乎不人教版小学英语·六年级下册·单词表Unit 1 tall—taller[tɔ:lə]更高的short—shorter[ʃɔ:tə] 更矮的strong—stronger[strɒŋə]更强壮的old—older[əuldə] 年龄更大的young—younger['jʌŋɡə] 更年轻的cm(centimeter) 厘米than [ðæn, ðən]与…相比较funnier['fʌniə] 更滑稽的big—bigger[bigə]更大的heavy—heavier[ˈheviə] 更重的long—longer[lɔŋə]更长的thin—thinner ['θi nə] 更瘦的small—smaller[smɔ:lə](体型)更小feet['fi:t, fi:t]脚(复数)size [saiz]号码;尺码wear[wεə] 穿meter[mi:tə] 米ton[tʌn, tuŋ]吨each[i:tʃ] 各自;每个squid[skwid] 鱿鱼lobster['lɔbstə] 龙虾shark[ʃɑ:k] 鲨鱼deep[di:p] 深的seal[si:l] 海豹sperm[spə:m] whale[hweil] 抹香鲸killer['kilə] whale 虎鲸even ['i:vən]甚至Unit 2have a fever['fi:və] 发烧have a sore[sɔ:] throat[θrəut]喉咙疼have a cold[kəuld]感冒have a toothache['tu:θeik] 牙疼have a headache['hedeik] 头疼matter['mætə]事情,麻烦sore 疼的feel 感觉sick[sik] 不舒服的;有病的hurt[hə:t]疼痛nose[nəuz] 鼻子people['pi:pl] 人们flu[flu:] 流感know[nəu] 知道might [mait]可以;能worry['wɔri, 'wə:ri] 烦恼;担忧medicine['medisin] 药drink [driŋk]饮料stay[stei] 在;逗留better['betə] 更好的soon [su:n]立刻;不久tired['taiəd]疲劳的,累的excited[ik'saitid]兴奋的angry['æŋɡri]生气的happy['hæpi]高兴的bored[bɔ:d]无聊的,烦人的sad[sæd] 忧伤的,悲伤的trip[trip] 旅行fail [feil]不及格;失败test [test]测试hear[hiə] 听见match[mætʃ] 比赛between[bi'twi:n] 在…之间pass[pɑ:s, pæs] 传递kick[kik] 踢a little['litl] 有些goal[ɡəul] 得分bounce[bauns] 反弹off 距;离;离开another[ə'nʌðə] 另一个gues s[ɡes] 猜测win[win](过去式won)赢game[ɡeim]比赛laugh [lɑ:f, læf] at因…而发笑Unit 3 watch—watched[wɔtʃt] 看wash—washed[wɔʃt] 洗clean—cleaned[kli:nt]打扫play—played[pleit]玩visit—visited[visited] 看望do—didlast weekend 上一个周末go—went 去go to a park—went to a park 去公园go swimming—went swimming 去游泳go fishing—went fishing 去钓鱼read—read 读go hiking—went hiking 去郊游yesterday['jestədi,-dei] 昨天study['stʌdi](过去式studied)学习tongue[tɔŋ] twister['twistə] 绕口令fiy(过去式flew) 飞return[[ri'tə:n]] 送回;归还swim[swim](过去式swam)游泳Unit 4learn[lə:n] Chinese—learned Chinese 学汉语sing[siŋ] and dance[dɑ:ns,dæns]—sang[sæŋ]and danced 唱歌和跳舞eat good food—ate[et,eit] good food 吃好吃的食物take pictures—took[tuk] pictures 照相climb—climbed 爬have—hadbuypresents['prezənts,pri'zents]—bought[bɔ:t] presents 买礼物row[rəu] a boat[bəut]—rowed a boat 划船see[si:] elephant['elifənt]—saw[sɔ:] elephant 看大象go skiing—went skiing 去滑雪go ice-skating—wentice-skating['skeitiŋ]去滑冰how 怎么,如何get—got 到达last 上一个的,仅余的,留在最后的cousin['kʌzn] 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹relax[ri'læks] 放松prepare[pri'pεə] 准备。

人教版三年级起点小学英语三年级上册(PEP义务教育版) A(市一等奖)

人教版三年级起点小学英语三年级上册(PEP义务教育版) A(市一等奖)
教师说指令,学生来做动作,或者教师做动作,学生说指令的形式,操练Let’s do的短语。可由慢到快,加强练习。
1. 做配套练习册题。
2. 小组内试着用I like….等句子表达自己喜欢的动物,课内课外的都可,用猜谜的形式让其他同学猜一猜。
Hello, boys and girls; Nice to meet you.;Good afternoon!;
2、播放歌曲“Old MacDonald”,学生跟着音乐演唱歌词
1. 出示课件教师利用Let’s guess通过猜图片这一环节快速复习上节课所学动物,从而引出本节课所要学的新的5个动物:bird, panda, tiger, elephant, monkey.创设情境:在动物园里小动物们正在表演,都有哪些小动物呢我们赶快去看看来呈现新知识。
5.教师边做动作边说Act like a/an….使学生理解该句子的意思,然后挑一名接受能力强的学生,老师说,他/她来做的形式使学生真正理解该句子的意思,并分小组发音练习。
6. 听Let’s do的录音,边听边跟着做动作。
1. 游戏 快速抢答
把学生分成四组进行比赛,教师说单词让学生快速说出动物名称,或教师说动物名称让学生快速说出英文名称,答对多的小组为胜者。并在小组之间用What’s that It’s a/an….进行问答练习。
1. 听说、认读5个动物单词:bird, panda, tiger, elephant, monkey.会用英语把它们介绍给同学、家长。
2. 理解并会运用指令句子:Act like a/an….

人教版三年级起点小学英语三年级上册(PEP义务教育版) B(省一等奖)

人教版三年级起点小学英语三年级上册(PEP义务教育版) B(省一等奖)

一.Greeting-----Good morning boys and girls.-----I’m Miss Huang .Nice to meet you .How are you二.Lean-in1. ----Now let’s chant together ,OK (播放光盘:I have a ruler , me too….)----Look, I have a ruler , (me too)…If you also have, please say “me too”引入---- .I have a cake…haha, you don’t .Do you know why Because today is my birthday. So what can you say it to me (Happy birthday!) And I want to hold a birthdayparty in our class, do you want to join I have three birthday wishes ,if you can help me to finish, I will invite you to join my party. Can you help me2. 愿望----Now ,Look at my wishes. ..愿望A:----I’m hungry now, I want you to sing a song about food for me …(Wow, nice voice, thanks for your song) ----What can you see in the song We can see much food and drinks in the song~ Look, we also have much food and drinks on the blackboard, what would you like (示范:I’m hungry, I’d like some rice and fish. How about you )----个操(What would you like (全班问)—I’d like some…(叫该学生到黑板前回答,然后老师回答Here you are. 学生:Thank you (然后直接把卡片放入他们组)愿望B:----Just now , you help me to finished my first wish, thanks again. Well, my second wish is :I want you to say a chant for me….-----First, Let’s listen and follow (学生听并跟读)-----Now, can you chant OK, Let’s chant.(学生自读)----Now this time, Let’s make it more difficult, can you chant with the actions, Now, Look and listen carefully.(老师示范歌谣+拍手)----Now, it’s your turn.(学生自读,自拍)B2.----I have another chant for you ,listen.( 让学生听第二段童谣,,并跟读)-----Now it’s your turn.(学生自读)-----I Well done, big hands for yourselves.愿望C. Now it’s my last birthday wish….I want you to read the dialogue of P51 for me ….----Now, please open your English book ,and turn to page51, Let’s listen to the dialogue. (开书,听光盘内容)-----Can you read it Let’s read together. (齐读)-----Now please close your book and look at the blackboard, Miss Huang is very hungry, Can I have some …,please(利用载体操练句子Can I…老师出示载体卡片,学生输出句子:全班---组)------情境设置:Someone is also very hungry, let’s have a look---showPPT: The boy is hungry ,how can he ask for food(个操)------利用载体进行个操:If you feel hungry, how can you ask for food(叫学生到黑板前,学生1:Can I have some….., please. Miss: Here you are. S1:Thank you . Miss:You’re welcome. ….------You’re welcome情境设置:When can we also use “You’re welcome”----show PPT:情境1. When the boyoffered his seat to grandmother on the bus, Gm says: thank you , and how can the boy answer情境2. When the girl helped her mother to wash the dishes, her mother says” Thank you “, How can she answer情境3. It is raining, but the boy forgets to bring the umbrella, and the girl share her umbrella with the boy , the boy says :Thank you , and how can the girl answer情境boy doesn’t know how to read the sentences, so the girl helps him , the boy should say”thank you “, how can the girl answer(思想教育:When sb helps you ,you should say “Thank you “ to others, and if others say thank you to you ,we should answer “You’re welcome”.)-----Wow, You’re so clear!-----Can you read the dialogue again4. 小组活动-----Group work : Now 4 ss together, and then use thes epictures to practise the dialogue. (示范:先请一个学生来跟老师对话)----请1-2对学生对话表演5. Party time-----Wow, all of you done a good job! So I want to invite all of you to my party.----戴生日帽,welcome to my party. I have much food and drinks for you ,do you want to eat Do you want do drink If you want to eat ,you should use the sentences to ask for food ,OK----给出示范:Miss朱-&Miss李:After eating, please put your rubbish on this plate, we should keep our classroom tidy.)6.思想教育:Did you enjoy my party todayAre you happy today I’m very happy today, and thank you for your coming. And I also want to say “thank you “to my parents. Coz they gave me life, they teach me much things, give me much love, and they always give the best things to me and so on.So if today is your birthday, please don’t celebrate your birthday with your friends, I think you should stay with your parents , say “thank you “and I love you “to them.。



小学英语人教版三年级上下册单词表新版pep三年级上单词表Unit1 Hello!1.ruler ['ru:l?] n. 尺子2.pencil [pensl] n. 铅笔3.eraser [i'reis?] n. 橡皮擦;黑板擦4.crayon ['krei?n] n. 蜡笔5.bag [b?g] n.包6.pen [pen] n. 钢笔7.pencil box ['pensl b?ks] n. 铅笔盒8.book [buk] n. 书9.no [n?u] 不10.your [j?:?] pron. 你们的Unit2 Colours1.red [red] n. 红色adj. 红色的2.green [ɡri?n] adj. 绿色的n. 绿色3.yellow [?jel?u] adj. 黄色的n. 黄色4.blue [blu?] n. 蓝色adj. 蓝色的5.black [bl?k] n. 黑色adj. 黑色的6.brown [braun] n.棕色adj.棕色的7.white [(h)wait] adj. 白色的n. 白色8.orange [??rind?] n. 橙色adj. 橙色的9.Ok [?u’kei] 好;行10.Mum [m?m] n. 妈妈Unit3 Look at me1.face [feis] n. 脸2. ear [i?] n. 耳朵3.eye [ai] n. 眼睛4.nose [n?uz] n. 鼻子5.mouth [mauθ] n. 嘴6.arm [ɑ:m] n. 胳膊7.hand [h?nd] n. 手8.head [hed] n. 头9.body ['b?di] n. 身体10.leg [leg] n. 腿11.foot [fut] n. 脚11.school [sku:l] n. 学校(注:黑体词要求学生能够听、说、认读,白体词只做听、说要求。



三年级英语上册教材目录一、引言1. 教材概述2. 课程目标二、教学内容1. 第一单元:Hello2. 第二单元:My Family3. 第三单元:My School4. 第四单元:My Day5. 第五单元:My Home三、教学方法1. 游戏教学法2. 多媒体教学法3. 合作学习法四、教学建议1. 课堂教学2. 课外拓展五、教学评价1. 评价方式2. 教学效果分析六、结语引言1. 教材概述人教版三年级英语上册教材是基于新课程标准编写的,主要针对三年级学生的学习特点和认知能力进行设计,内容丰富多彩、贴近生活,具有很强的针对性和可操作性。

2. 课程目标通过本教材的学习,学生将能够掌握日常生活中基本的英语交际能力,包括日常用语、简单句型和基本语法知识,为今后的英语学习打下坚实的基础。

教学内容1. 第一单元:Hello本单元主要以介绍打招呼和自我介绍为主要内容,通过多样化的教学活动,帮助学生掌握基本打招呼用语,并能够简单介绍自己。

2. 第二单元:My Family本单元围绕“家庭”展开教学,帮助学生学习家庭成员的称呼,并能够简单描述家庭成员的特征和爱好。

3. 第三单元:My School本单元主要介绍学校的基本场所和设施,并能够简单描述学校的日常活动和规定。

4. 第四单元:My Day本单元以介绍一天的生活日程为主题,帮助学生学习一天各个时间段的常用动作和活动,并能够简单描述自己的一天生活。

5. 第五单元:My Home本单元围绕“家庭”展开教学,帮助学生学习家居环境和基本家务活动,培养学生的生活自理能力。

教学方法1. 游戏教学法游戏教学是英语教学中常用的方法之一,能够激发学生的学习兴趣,提高课堂氛围,增强学生的参与度,有利于培养学生的口头表达能力和语言运用能力。

2. 多媒体教学法多媒体教学是利用现代化的教学技术手段,结合图像、声音等多种形式,帮助学生更直观地理解和掌握英语知识,提高学生的学习效率和质量。



人教版pep小学英语三起点三年级下册Unit One Welcome back to school! 第一单元欢迎回到学校!(A )Welcome! 欢迎!Wu Yifan, this is Amy. 吴一凡,这是艾米。

Hi! Nice to meet you. 你好!很高兴见到你。

Where are you from? 你从哪里来?I'm from the UK. 我从英国来。

Welcome back! 欢迎回来!Nice to see you again. 很高兴再见到你们。

Nice to see you, too. 我们也很高兴见到你。

A Let's talk. A 我们来说一说。

Boys and girls, 孩子们,we have two new friends today. 今天我们有两个新朋友。

Hi, I'm Amy. 大家好,我是艾米。

I'm from the UK. 我是英国人。

Hi, I'm Zhang Peng. 大家好,我是张鹏。

I'm from Shandong. 我是山东人。

Welcome! 欢迎!Let's learn 我们来学一学Hi, I'm Amy. 你好,我是艾米。

I'm from the UK. 我是英国人。

UK 英国Canada 加拿大USA 美国China 中国Let's chant 我们来说唱We are friends. We like to play. 我们是朋友。


We are friends. We like to play. 我们是朋友。


A boy from Canada, A girl from the UK, 男孩来自加拿大,女孩来自英国,Friends from China and the USA. 中国美国的朋友们。

Let's spell 我们来拼写Listen, repeat and chant. 听一听,跟读并说唱。



(2018年秋)人教版三年级上册英语优秀课件(全册)[PEP 三年级起点] ] 2018年秋人教版小学三年级上册英语人教版 (PEP) 三年级英语上册 Hello! Part A ((Let's talk amp; Let's play ) Unit OneMain scene 点击图片,播放视频或点击此处播放视频Warm up 或点击此处播放视频 Let's sing 点击图片,播放视频Meet friendsLet's talk Lead in: Presentation Hello,I'm Miss White. Hi.你好Hello.你好Task:Watch,listen and find. Who are they?(对话中都有哪些人?试着说出来)点击图片,播放视频或点击此处播放视频 Let's talk同学们都会用英语中的hello和hi与别人打招呼吧!下面让我们来看一看它们的具体使用语境:知识点1 如何与别人打招呼课文原句:Hello,I'm Miss White. Hi,I'm Sarah. Language points打招呼 1. 上学路上遇到老师或同学时,说 Hello! 或 Hi!。

2. 出去玩发现同学在不远处,你过去打招呼时说Hello!或 Hi!。

3. 和朋友去看电影,你先帮他占了位,当看见他在找你,为了引起对方的注意时,说Hello!或 Hi!。

I'm Amy. 知识点2 自我介绍课文原句:I'm Miss White. 句型结构:I'm +姓名. 特别提醒:I'm=I am,I'm是I am的缩写形式。

I'm 还有其他用法:拓展:功能句型例句介绍自己的年龄 I'm+数字. I'm ten. 我10岁。

介绍自己的特征 I'm+形容词. I'm tall. 我很高。



Unit 1 Hello第一课时教学目标:1、听懂、会说 Hello./Hi, I'm ...。


教学重点:本部分主要是见面打招呼、自我介绍及道别用语的会话学习,使学生在不同的情景中听懂、会说 Hello./Hi . I'm ...。

教学难点:自我介绍用语I’m …的发音不容易到位,学习起来较难,教师要适时纠正,切不可挫伤孩子的学习积极性。

课前准备:1、教材相关人物的面具或头饰2、为Let's play中的击鼓传花游戏准备相应的道具3、学生和教师各自收集一些印有外国文字的物品。


教学过程:绿色圃小学教育网绿色圃中学资源网1、热身 (Warm-up)教师用“Hello.”问候学生。




2、呈现新课、操练 (Presentation/ Practice)(1)教师播放本课的歌曲“Hello”的录音,自然引出师生之间的打招呼。

(2)教师利用这个机会及时向学生介绍自己Hello, I’m …/Hi, I’m …(3)通过师生对话,鼓励学生介绍自己Hello, I’m …/Hi, I’m …(4)介绍本套教材中的主要人物Sarah, Chen Jie, Mike, Wu Yifan,请学生扮演这些人物到讲台前说Hello! I’m …(5)通过教学素材来展示Let’s talk部分的教学内容.3、活动、操练 (Activities/ Practice)情景表演4、课外活动(Add-activities)(1)遇到老师、同学和家长时要用打招呼;分手时要用道别。



人教版PEP小学英语(三起, 2012版) 三年级上册课文Unit one Hello!Hello! I'm Zoom.Hi! My name's Zip.Hello! I'm Mike.Hi, I'm Wu Yifan.Hello, I'm Chen Jie.What's your name?My name's Sarah. Goodbye!Bye, Miss White!A Let's talk.Hello, I'm Miss White. Hello, I'm WU Yifan.Hi, I'm Sarah.Let's learn.I have a ruler.I have an eraser.ruler pencil crayon eraser Let's chant.I have a ruler. Mee too!I have a pencil. Mee too!I have a crayon. Me too!I have an eraser. Me too! Let's sing.A B C songAa-Ba-Cc-Dd-Ee-Ff-Gg, Hh-Ii-Jj-Kk-Ll-Mm-Nn.Oo-Pp-Qq, Rr-Ss-Tt,Uu-Vv-Ww-Xx-Yy-Zz.Xx-Yy-Zz, now you see,I can say my ABCs.B Let's talk.Hello, I'm Mike.What's your name?My name's John. Goodbye! Bye, Miss White.Let's learn.Zoom! Your bag! Zoom!Oh, no!Bag pen pencil-box book Let's do.Open your pencil box. Show me your pen. Close your book.Carry your bag.Let's check.Listen and number.Let's sing.Hello!Hello, Sarah! Do, oh, do. Hello, John! Do, oh, do. Hello, Mike! Do, oh, do. Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello, Sarah! Do, oh, do. Hello, John! Do, oh, do. Hello, Mike! Do, oh, do. Hello! Hello! Hello!C Story time.Hello!Hi! Who's there?Guess!Are you Tutu?No!Haha! I'm Zip!Hi, Zip!My name's Zoom.Let's play! OK?Great!Unit two ColoursLet's paint!OK!Good afternoon, Yifan. Good afternoon.Dad, this is Mr Jones.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.A Let's talk.AMr Jones, this is Miss Green. Good morning, Miss Green. Good morning.Let's learn.I see red.I see green.Red yellow green blueLet's do.Show me green.Show me red.Show me blue.Show me yellow.Letters and sounds. Listen, repeat and chant.A a ant appleB b book bagC c cat crayonD d dog duckA a ant appleB b book bagC c cat crayonD d dog duckB Let's talk.BHi, Mum.This is Wu Yifan.Good afternoon, Wu Yifan. Good afternoon.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too. Let's learn.Colour it brown!OK!Black white orange brownLet's do.Black, black. Stand up.Orange, orange. Sit down. White, white.Touch the ground.Brown, brown. Turn around. Black, black. Stand up.Orange, orange. Sit down. White, white.Touch the ground.Brown, brown. Turn around.Let's check.Listen and tick or cross.Let's sing.Colour song.Red and yellow and pink and green. Purple and orange and blue.I can sing a rainbow, sing a raibow. Sing a rainbow now.Red and yellow and pink and green. Purple and orange and blue.I can sing a rainbow, sing a raibow. Sing a rainbow now.C Story time.Good morning, Zoom.Good morning, Zip.How are you?Fine, thank you.Wow! Flowers!A red flower.A yellow flower.A blue flower ...Zip, look! Zip,Zoom, look! Zoom,Unit three Look at me!Let's play!OK.How are you?I'm fine, thank you.How are you?Very well, thanks.Look at my nose!A Let's talk.Good morning.Good morning.How are you?I'm fine, thank you.Let's go to school!OK!Let's play.Hello! Hello!How are you?I'm fine, thank you.How are you?Hello! Hello!How are you?I'm fine, thank you.How are you?Let's learn.Look at me! This is my face. ear eye nose mouth face Let's do.Close your eyes.Open your mouth.Touch youe nose.Touch your ear.Touch your face.Letters and sounds. Listen, repeat and chant.E e egg elephantF f face footG g green gift H h hand hiI i ice cream iceLet's chantA B C,clap your kneeC D E,point to meE F G, show me threeG H I, close your eyesA B C D E ,repeat this chant after me E F G H I,it's time to say goodbye Goodbye!B Let's talk.Hi, Mike! How are you?Very well, thanks.Let's make a puppet!Great!Let's learn.This is the arm.This is the leg.arm hand head body leg footLet's do.Clap your hands.Touch your head.Wave your arms.Shake your legs.Shake your body.Stamp your foot.Let's check.Listen and number.Let's sing.Head and shoulders,knees and toes.Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.C Story time.Let's make a puppet.Good idea!First, make the head.Then, make the body.Look! An arm and a leg.Let's play with the puppet.Goodbye!Recycle 1Read aloud.Morning!Good morning.I'm Chen Jie.This is Sarah.I'm Zoom.My name's Zip.White hands?Brown armsHello!Look! Zoom and Zip!Bye!Hey!Can you act it out?Listen and colour.Grr!I’m Miss Green.Colour my nose green. Shh!I’m Mr Blue.Colour mymouth red and my arms blue. I’m Miss Red. Colour my body red. Sing a song.How are you?Hello, Mike. Hello, Chen Jie. Hello, hello! How are you?This is Mary. This is Willy.Nice to meet you.How are you?I'm fine. I'm fine.Thank you, thank you very much. I'm fine. I'm fine.Thank you, thank you very much. Hello, Mike. Hello, Chen Jie. Hello, hello! How are you?This is Mary. This is Willy.Nice to meet you.How are you?I'm fine. I'm fine.Thank you, thank you very much. I'm fine. I'm fine.Thank you, thank you very much.Unit four We love animals. Look, a panda!Look, Zoom!What's that?It's an elephant.Cool! I like it.What's this?It's a bear.A Let's talk.What's this?It's a duck.What's this?It's a dog.What's this?Oh, no! It's a bear!Oh, it's Zoom!Let's learn.It's a duck.It's a dog.pig cat duck dogLet's chant.Look at the cat. It is fat.Look at the pig. It is big.Look at the dog. It's on the log.Look at the duck. It's in the truck.Look at the bear. It's on the pear.Letters and sounds.Listen, repeat and chant.J j jeep jumpK k kite kateL l long legM m mum mikeN n nose noodlesB Let's talk.Let's learn.What's that?It's a tiger!zoo bird panda tiger elephant monkeyLet's do.Act like an elephant.Act like a bird.Act like a tiger.Act like a monkey.Act like a panda.Let's check.Listen and number.Let's sing.Old MacDonald.Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.And on that farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O. With a quack quack here and a quack quack there. Here a quack, there a quack,everywhere a quack quack.Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.Old Macdonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm he had some pigs. E-I-E-I-O. With a oink-oink there. And a oink-oink there. Here a oink, there a oink. Everywhere a oink-baa. Old Macdonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.Old Macdonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.And on that farm he had some dogs. E-I-E-I-O. With a woof-woof here. And a woof-woof there. Here a woof.There a woof.Everywhere a woof-woof. Old Macdonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.C Story time.Hello, Pig! Follow me!Hello, Dog!Follow Pig. Follow me!Hello, Duck! Follow Zoom.Follow Pig. Follow me!Hello,Rabbit! Follow Zoom.Follow Pig.Follow Dog.Follow me!I have a carrot.Follow me!Follow Zip! Follow me!Unit five Let's eat!I'd like some bread, please.Here you are.Can I have some milk?Here you are.Thanks.You're welcome.Have some cake.Thank you.A Let's talk.I'd like some juice, please.Here you are.Have some bread, too.Thanks.Let's learn.Mum, I'm hungry!Have some bread.juice egg milk breadLet's do.Have some eggs.Have some juice.Eat some bread.Drink some milk.Letters and sounds.Listen, repeat and chant.O o on orangeP p pig penQ q queen quietR r rice redS s six SarahT t tiger tenB Let's talk.Can I have some water, please? Here you are.Thank you.You're welcome.Let's learn.Can I have some water, please? Here you are.cake fish rice waterLet's do.Drink some water.Eat some fish.Eat some rice.Cut the cake.Let's check.Listen and tick.Let's sing.Let's have a picnic today.Let's have some cake today. Let's have some cake today. Let's have some cake today, on such a lovely day.Let's have some milk today.Let's have some milk today.Let's have some milk today,on such a lovely day.C Story time.I'd like some fish, please.Here you are.I'd like some rice, please.Sure.Can I have some Coke,please?Here you are.Can I have some ice cream, please? Here you are.Oh, no! My fish.Unit six Happy birthday!Unit six Happy birthday!How old are you?I'm six.Happy birthday!A Let's talk.This one, please.Sure. How many plates?Five.OK. Here you are.Let's learn.one two three four fiveLet's chant.Jump! Jump! Jump! One, two, three! Jump! Jump! Jump! Three, two, one! Four and five! Four and five!Jump up high! Jump up high! Five! Four! Three, two, one! Jump! Jump! It's so fun! Letters and sounds.Listen, repeat and chant.U u umbrella underV v vet vestW w wet waterX x fox boxY y yellow yo-yoZ z zoo ZipB Let's talk.John, this is my brother, Sam.Hi, Sam. Happy birthday!Thank you.How old are you?I'm six years old.Let's learn.I'm six years old.six seven eight nine tenLet's do.Show me six. Show me seven.Show me eight. Show me nine.Show me ten.Let's sing.Ten little candles.One little, two little, three little candles. Four little, five little, six little candles. Seven little, eight little, nine little candles. Ten little candles dancing.C Story time.I have two gifts.Shh! There's Zoom!Surprise!Happy birthday!Thank you. Let's eat the cake!1, 2, 3 ...I see so many candles.You are old!Recycle 2Read aloud.Baby, have some water.No, thanks.Can I have some bread, please? OK, wait a minute.Morning! What's your name? Bobby.I'm Tom.You are a big boy!How old are you?I'm 2.Look at your head.I like it!Thank you.Look at your face.I like it!Thanks.Look at your body.I like it!Hey cat! Go away!Can you act it out?Listen and tick.。



人教版三年级起点小学英语三年级下(英语单词表,带发音)Unit 1UK英音 [ˌju ː ˈkeɪ]美音 [ˌju ː ˈkeɪ]n. 英国 abbr. 联合王国(United Kingdom)Canada英音 [ˈkæn ədə]美音 [ˈkæn ədə]n. 加拿大(北美洲国家)USA英音 [ˌju:es'e ɪ]美音 [ˌju:es'e ɪ]abbr. 美国;美利坚合众国(the United States of America)China英音 [ˈt ʃa ɪn ə]美音 [ˈt ʃa ɪn ə]n. 中国 n. china,瓷器 adj. 中国的;中国制造的 adj. china,瓷制的she英音 [ʃi]美音 [ʃi; ʃi ː]n. 女人;雌性动物 pron. 她(主格);它(用来指雌性动物或国家、船舶、地球、月亮等)student英音 [ˈstju ːdnt]美音 [ˈstuːdnt]n. 学生;学者pupil英音 [ˈpju ːp(ə)l]美音 [ˈpju ːpl]n. 学生;[解剖] 瞳孔;未成年人he英音 [hi; i ː; i; hiː]美音 [hi; i ː; i; hi ː]n. 男孩,男人;它(雄性动物) pron. 他teacher英音 [ˈti ːt ʃə(r)]美音 [ˈti ːt ʃər]n. 教师;导师boy 英音 [b ɔɪ]美音 [b ɔɪ]n. 男孩;男人and英音 [ənd]美音 [ənd; ən; n; ænd]conj. 和,与;就;而且;但是;然后girl英音 [ɡɜːl]美音 [ɡɜːrl]n. 女孩;姑娘,未婚女子;女职员,女演员;(男人的)女朋友 n. (捷)吉尔new英音 [njuː]美音 [nu ː]adj. 新的,新鲜的;更新的;初见的 adv. 新近Unit 2friend英音 [frend]美音 [frend]n. 朋友;助手;赞助者today 英音 [t əˈde ɪ]美音 [t əˈde ɪ]n. 今天;现今 adv. 今天;现今father英音 [ˈfɑːðə(r)]美音 [ˈfɑːðər]n. 父亲,爸爸;神父;祖先;前辈 vt. 发明,创立;当…的父亲dad英音 [dæd]美音 [dæd]n. 爸爸;爹爹man英音 [mæn]美音 [mæn]n. 人;男人;人类;丈夫;雇工 vt. 操纵;给…配置人员;使增强勇气;在…就位woman英音 [ˈw ʊm ən]美音 [ˈw ʊm ən]n. 妇女;女性;成年女子mother英音 [ˈm ʌðə(r)]美音 [ˈm ʌðər]n. 母亲;大娘;女修道院院长 vt. 生下;养育;像母亲般关怀或照管 adj. 母亲的;出生…sister英音 [ˈs ɪst ə(r)]美音 [ˈs ɪst ər]n. 姐妹;(称志同道合者)姐妹;修女;护士adj. 姐妹般的;同类型的brother英音 [ˈbr ʌðə(r)]美音 [ˈbr ʌðər]n. 兄弟;同事;战友 int. 我的老兄!grandmother英音 [ˈɡrænm ʌðə(r)]美音 [ˈɡrænm ʌðər]n. 祖母;女祖先 vt. 当…的祖母 vi. 当祖母grandma英音 [ˈɡrænmɑː]美音 [ˈɡrænmɑː]n. 奶奶;外婆grandfather英音 [ˈɡrænfɑːðə(r)]美音 [ˈɡrænfɑːðər]n. 祖父;始祖 vt. 不受新规定限制grandpa英音 [ˈɡrænpɑː]美音 [ˈɡrænpɑː]n. 爷爷;外公family英音 [ˈfæm əli]n. 家庭;亲属;家族;子女;[生]科;语族;Unit 3Unit 4美音 [ˈfæm əli][化]族adj.家庭的;家族的;适合于全家的thin英音 [θɪn]美音 [θɪn]n. 细小部分 adj. 薄的;瘦的;稀薄的;微弱的 vt. 使瘦;使淡;使稀疏 vi. 变薄;变瘦;…fat英音 [fæt]美音 [fæt]n. 脂肪,肥肉 adj. 肥的,胖的;油腻的;丰满的 vt. 养肥;在…中加入脂肪 vi. 长肥tall英音 [t ɔːl]美音 [t ɔːl]adj. 高的;长的;过分的;夸大的 adv. 夸大地short英音 [ʃɔːt]美音 [ʃɔːrt]n. 短;缺乏;短路;短裤 adj. 短的;不足的;矮的,低的 adv. 不足;突然;唐突地long英音 [l ɒŋ]美音 [l ɔːŋ]n. 长时间;[语] 长音节;(服装的)长尺寸;长裤 adj. 长的;过长的;做多头的;长时间…small英音 [sm ɔːl]美音 [sm ɔːl]n. 小件物品;矮小的人 adj. 少的,小的;微弱的;几乎没有的;不重要的;幼小的 adv (i)英音 [b ɪɡ]美音 [b ɪɡ]adj. 大的;重要的;量大的 adv. 大量地;顺利;夸大地giraffe英音 [d ʒəˈrɑːf]美音 [d ʒəˈræf]n. 长颈鹿so英音 [s əʊ]美音 [so ʊ]conj. 所以;因此 adv. 如此,这么;确是如此pron. 这样children英音 [ˈt ʃɪldr ən]美音 [ˈt ʃɪldr ən]n. 孩子们(child的复数)tail英音 [te ɪl]美音 [te ɪl]n. 尾巴;踪迹;辫子;燕尾服 adj. 从后面而来的;尾部的 vt. 尾随;装上尾巴 vi. 跟踪;…on英音 [ɒn]美音 [ɑːn]adv. 向前地;作用中,行动中;继续着 prep.向,朝……;关于;在……之上;在……时候…in英音 [ɪn]美音 [ɪn]prep. 按照(表示方式);从事于;在…之内n. 执政者;门路;知情者 adj. 在里面的;时…Unit 5under 英音 [ˈʌnd ə(r)]美音 [ˈʌnd ər]prep. 低于,少于;在...之下 adj. 下面的;从属的 adv. 在下面;在下方chair 英音 [t ʃe ə(r)]美音 [t ʃer]n. 椅子;讲座;(会议的)主席位;大学教授的职位 vt. 担任(会议的)主席;使…入座;…desk英音 [desk]美音 [desk]n. 办公桌;服务台;编辑部;(美)讲道台;乐谱架 adj. 书桌的;桌上用的;伏案做的cap英音 [kæp]美音 [kæp]n. 盖;帽子 vt. 覆盖;胜过;给…戴帽;加盖于 vi. 脱帽致意ball 英音 [b ɔːl]美音 [b ɔːl]n. 球;舞会 vt. 捏成球形 vi. 成团块car英音 [kɑː(r)]美音 [kɑːr]n. 汽车;车厢boat 英音 [b əʊt]美音 [bo ʊt]n. 小船;轮船 vi. 划船map英音 [mæp]美音 [mæp]vt. 映射;计划;绘制地图;确定基因在染色体中的位置 n. 地图;示意图;染色体图 vi. …toy 英音 [t ɔɪ]美音 [t ɔɪ]n. 玩具;小装饰品;不值钱的东西 adj. 作为玩具的;玩物似的 vi. 玩弄;调情;随随便…box 英音 [b ɒks]美音 [bɑːks]n. 箱,盒子;包厢;一拳 vt. 拳击;装…入盒中;打耳光 vi. 拳击pear英音 [pe ə(r)]美音 [per]n. [园艺] 梨树;梨子apple英音 [ˈæp(ə)l]美音 [ˈæpl]n. 苹果,苹果树,苹果似的东西;[美俚]炸弹,手榴弹,(棒球的)球;[美俚]人,家…orange英音 [ˈɒr ɪnd ʒ]美音 [ˈɔr ɪnd ʒ]adj. 橙色的;橘色的 n. 橙;橙色;桔子banana英音 [b əˈnɑːn ə]美音 [b əˈnæn ə]n. 香蕉;喜剧演员;大鹰钩鼻Unit 6watermelon 英音 [ˈw ɔːt əmel ən]美音 [ˈw ɔːt ərmel ən]n. 西瓜strawberry 英音 [ˈstr ɔːb əri]美音 [ˈstr ɔːberi]n. 草莓;草莓色grape 英音 [ɡre ɪp]美音 [ɡre ɪp]n. 葡萄;葡萄酒;葡萄树;葡萄色buy 英音 [ba ɪ]美音 [ba ɪ]n. 购买,买卖;所购的物品 vi. 买,采购 vt.购买;获得;贿赂fruit 英音 [fru ːt]美音 [fru ːt]n. 水果;产物 vt. 使……结果实 vi. 结果实eleven英音 [ɪˈlev(ə)n]美音 [ɪˈlevn]num. 十一;十一个 n. 十一;十一个 adj. 十一的;十一个的twelve英音 [twelv]美音 [twelv]num. 十二;十二个 n. 十二;十二个 adj. 十二的;十二个的thirteen英音 [ˌθɜːˈti ːn]美音 [ˌθɜːr ˈti ːn]n. 十三;十三岁;十三个 num. 十三 adj. 十三的;十三个的fourteen英音 [ˌf ɔːˈti ːn]美音 [ˌf ɔːr ˈti ːn]num. 十四;十四个;第十四 n. 十四的记号;十四岁;十四点钟;十五世纪fifteen英音 [ˌf ɪf ˈti ːn]美音 [ˌf ɪf ˈti ːn]n. 十五;十五个;十五人组成的橄榄球队num. 十五 adj. 十五的sixteen英音 [ˌs ɪks ˈti ːn]美音 [ˌs ɪks ˈti ːn]num. 十六 adj. 十六的,十六个的seventeen英音 [ˌsev(ə)n ˈti ːn]美音 [ˌsevn ˈti ːn]n. 十七,十七个 num. 十七 adj. 十七岁的;十七的,十七个的eighteen英音 [ˌe ɪˈti ːn]美音 [ˌe ɪˈti ːn]n. 十八,十八个 num. 十八 adj. 十八个的,十八的nineteennum. 十九英音 [ˌna ɪn ˈti ːn]美音 [ˌna ɪn ˈti ːn]twenty英音 [ˈtwenti]美音 [ˈtwenti]num. 二十 n. 二十;二十年代 adj. 二十的kite英音 [ka ɪt]美音 [ka ɪt]n. 风筝 vi. 使用空头支票;像风筝一样飞;轻快地移动 vt. 骗钱;涂改(支票)beautiful英音 [ˈbju ːt ɪf(ə)l]美音 [ˈbju ːt ɪf(ə)l]adj. 美丽的 出色地 出色的 迷人的 迷人地。



人教版pep小学英语三起点三年级下册UnitOneWelcomebacktoschool!第一单元欢迎回到学校!(A) Welcome!欢迎!WuYifan,thisisAmy.吴一凡,这是艾米。





















人教版三年级起点小学英语三年级上册(PEP义务教育版) C【省一等奖】

人教版三年级起点小学英语三年级上册(PEP义务教育版) C【省一等奖】

Unit 2 ColorsPart C Story time.一、教学内容:人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级上册Unit2 Colors.Part CStory time二、教材分析:本节课选自人教版小学英语三年级上册Unit2 Colors Part CStory time部分。

教学主题为Colors,主要学习单词red, blue, green, yellow,并学会用句型A red flower. 等介绍关于颜色的花。









单词掌握之后,学习Story time,使他们共同参与这项活动,活跃了课堂气氛的同时再次复习单词,并且让孩子们更深刻的理解英语在生活中的运用。






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人教版PEP小学英语(三年级起点) 1北师大版小学英语(三年级起点) 5牛津小学英语(苏教版)7深圳朗文版小学英语10开心学英语(三年级起点)14广州版小学英语(三年级起点)16外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起点)18河北版小学英语(三年级起点)22人教版新目标初中英语24牛津初中英语(深圳版)28外研社新标准初中英语29人教版新课标普通高中英语31北师大版高中英语32外研社新标准高中英语34人教版PEP小学英语(三年级起点)PEP小学英语(三年级上册)UNIT ONE Hello! AUNIT ONE Hello! BUNIT ONE Hello! CUNIT TWO Look at Me AUNIT TWO Look at Me BUNIT TWO Look at Me CUNIT THREE Let's Paint AUNIT THREE Let's Paint BUNIT THREE Let's Paint CRecycle 1UNIT FOUR We Love Animal AUNIT FOUR We Love Animal BUNIT FOUR We Love Animal CUNIT FIVE Let's Eat AUNIT FIVE Let's Eat BUNIT FIVE Let's Eat CUNIT SIX Happy Birthday! AUNIT SIX Happy Birthday! BUNIT SIX Happy Birthday! CUNIT Recycle 2PEP小学英语(三年级下册)UNIT ONE Welcome Back to School! A UNIT ONE Welcome Back to School! B UNIT ONE Welcome Back to School! C UNIT TWO My Family AUNIT TWO My Family BUNIT TWO My Family CUNIT THREE How Many? AUNIT THREE How Many? BUNIT THREE How Many? CRecycle 1UNIT FOUR Do You Like Pears? AUNIT FOUR Do You Like Pears? BUNIT FOUR Do You Like Pears? CUNIT FIVE Where Is My Ruler? AUNIT FIVE Where Is My Ruler? BUNIT FIVE Where Is My Ruler? CUNIT SIX At the zoo AUNIT SIX At the zoo BUNIT SIX At the zoo CRecycle 2PEP小学英语(四年级上册)UNIT ONE MY CLASSROOM AUNIT ONE MY CLASSROOM BUNIT ONE MY CLASSROOM CUNIT TWO MY SCHOOLBAG AUNIT TWO MY SCHOOLBAG BUNIT TWO MY SCHOOLBAG CUNIT THREE MY FRIENDS AUNIT THREE MY FRIENDS BUNIT THREE MY FRIENDS CRecycle 1UNIT FOUR MY HOME AUNIT FOUR MY HOME BUNIT FOUR MY HOME CUNIT FIVE WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE? A UNIT FIVE WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE? B UNIT FIVE WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE? C UNIT SIX MEET MY FAMIL Y! AUNIT SIX MEET MY FAMIL Y! BUNIT SIX MEET MY FAMIL Y! CRecycle 2PEP小学英语(四年级下册)UNIT ONE OUR SCHOOL AUNIT ONE OUR SCHOOL BUNIT ONE OUR SCHOOL CUNIT TWO WHAT TIME IS IT? AUNIT TWO WHAT TIME IS IT? BUNIT TWO WHAT TIME IS IT? CUNIT THREE IS THIS YOUR SKIRT? AUNIT THREE IS THIS YOUR SKIRT? BUNIT THREE IS THIS YOUR SKIRT? CRecycle 1UNIT FOUR IT'S WARM TODAY AUNIT FOUR IT'S WARM TODAY BUNIT FOUR IT'S WARM TODAY CUNIT FIVE HOW MUCH IS IT? AUNIT FIVE HOW MUCH IS IT? BUNIT FIVE HOW MUCH IS IT? CUNIT SIX AT A FARM AUNIT SIX AT A FARM BUNIT SIX AT A FARM CRecycle 2PEP小学英语(五年级上册)UNIT ONE MY NEW TEACHERS AUNIT ONE MY NEW TEACHERS BUNIT ONE MY NEW TEACHERS CUNIT TWO MY DAYS OF THE WEEK AUNIT TWO MY DAYS OF THE WEEK BUNIT TWO MY DAYS OF THE WEEK CUNIT THREE WHAT'S YOUR FA VOURITE FOOD? A UNIT THREE WHAT'S YOUR FA VOURITE FOOD? B UNIT THREE WHAT'S YOUR FA VOURITE FOOD? C Recycle 1UNIT FOUR WHAT CAN YOU DO? AUNIT FOUR WHAT CAN YOU DO? BUNIT FOUR WHAT CAN YOU DO? CUNIT FIVE MY NEW ROOM AUNIT FIVE MY NEW ROOM BUNIT FIVE MY NEW ROOM CUNIT SIX IN A NATURE PARK AUNIT SIX IN A NATURE PARK BUNIT SIX IN A NATURE PARK CRecycle 2PEP小学英语(五年级下册)UNIT ONE THIS IS MY DAY AUNIT ONE THIS IS MY DAY BUNIT ONE THIS IS MY DAY CUNIT TWO MY FA VOURITE SEASON AUNIT TWO MY FA VOURITE SEASON BUNIT TWO MY FA VOURITE SEASON CUNIT THREE MY BIRTHDAY AUNIT THREE MY BIRTHDAY BUNIT THREE MY BIRTHDAY CRecycle 1UNIT FOUR WHAT ARE YOU DOING? AUNIT FOUR WHAT ARE YOU DOING? BUNIT FOUR WHAT ARE YOU DOING? CUNIT FIVE LOOK AT THE MONKEYS AUNIT FIVE LOOK AT THE MONKEYS BUNIT FIVE LOOK AT THE MONKEYS CUNIT SIX A FIELD TRIP AUNIT SIX A FIELD TRIP BUNIT SIX A FIELD TRIP CRecycle 2PEP小学英语(六年级上册)UNIT ONE HOW DO YOU GO THERE? AUNIT ONE HOW DO YOU GO THERE? BUNIT ONE HOW DO YOU GO THERE? CUNIT TWO WHERE IS THE SCIENCE MUSEUM? A UNIT TWO WHERE IS THE SCIENCE MUSEUM? B UNIT TWO WHERE IS THE SCIENCE MUSEUM? C UNIT THREE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? A UNIT THREE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? B UNIT THREE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? C Recycle 1UNIT FOUR I HA VE A PEN PAL AUNIT FOUR I HA VE A PEN PAL BUNIT FOUR I HA VE A PEN PAL CUNIT FIVE WHAT DOES SHE DO? AUNIT FIVE WHAT DOES SHE DO? BUNIT FIVE WHAT DOES SHE DO? CUNIT SIX THE STORY OF RAIN AUNIT SIX THE STORY OF RAIN BUNIT SIX THE STORY OF RAIN CRecycle 2PEP小学英语(六年级下册)UNIT ONE HOW TALL ARE YOU? AUNIT ONE HOW TALL ARE YOU? BUNIT ONE HOW TALL ARE YOU? CUNIT TWO WHAT'S THE MATTER, MIKE? AUNIT TWO WHAT'S THE MATTER, MIKE? BUNIT TWO WHAT'S THE MATTER, MIKE? CUNIT THREE LAST WEEKEND AUNIT THREE LAST WEEKEND BUNIT THREE LAST WEEKEND CUNIT FOUR MY HOLIDAY AUNIT FOUR MY HOLIDAY BUNIT FOUR MY HOLIDAY CRecycle 1 LET'S TAKE A TRIP!Recycle 2 A FAREWELL PARTYAppendix 1北师大版小学英语(三年级起点)北师大版小学英语(三起)(三年级上册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 1 Hello!Unit 2 This is Danny DeerUnit 3 Who's that?Unit 4 Ann's familyUnit 5 He's my fatherUnit 6 Review北师大版小学英语(三起)(三年级下册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 7 Is it a pear?Unit 8 Are these tomatoes?Unit 9 How many?Unit 10 What color is it?Unit 11 I can climbUnit 12 Review北师大版小学英语(三起)(四年级上册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 1 Don't walk!Unit 2 How much?Unit 3 Whose CDs?Unit 4 Dinner time!Unit 5 Our schoolUnit 6 Review北师大版小学英语(三起)(四年级下册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 7 At the restaurantUnit 8 Big bird!Unit 9 Hot soup!Unit 10 Mocky's storeUnit 11 Green berriesUnit 12 Review北师大版小学英语(三起)(五年级上册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 1 Mocky the jugglerUnit 2 I like BobbyUnit 3 It's too expensive!Unit 4 Where is it?Unit 5 Our townUnit 6 Review北师大版小学英语(三起)(五年级下册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 7 Today is MondayUnit 8 Mocky is lateUnit 9 Day and nightUnit 10 Let's go!Unit 11 Uncle Jack's farmUnit 12 Review北师大版小学英语(三起)(六年级上册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 1 Ann's dreamUnit 2 Mocky's bad dayUnit 3 School sports dayUnit 4 Mocky's birthdayUnit 5 I'm tallerUnit 6 Review北师大版小学英语(三起)(六年级下册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 7 StoryUnit 8 StoryUnit 9 StoryUnit 10 StoryUnit 11 StoryUnit 12 Story牛津小学英语(苏教版)译林版牛津小学英语(一起)1A(一年级上册)UNIT ONE HelloUNIT TWO Good morningUNIT THREE This is my mumUNIT FOUR My bagUNIT FIVE FruitUNIT SIX On a farmUNIT SEVEN Follow meUNIT EIGHT What can you do?UNIT NINE Happy New Year!UNIT TEN What colour?译林版牛津小学英语(一起)1B(一年级下册)Unit 1 What's your name?Unit 2 How are you?Unit 3 Nice to meet youUnit 4 My nice rulerUnit 5 On the roadUnit 6 In the parkUnit 7 Open the door, pleaseUnit 8 I can swimUnit 9 Happy birthday!Unit 10 Let's go to the park译林版牛津小学英语(一起)2A(二年级上册)Unit 1 My familyUnit 2 What is your father?Unit 3 Look at the moonUnit 4 Clean the table, pleaseUnit 5 At the marketUnit 6 A picnicUnit 7 Here you areUnit 8 Dinner timeUnit 9 Merry Christmas!Unit 10 Put on your coat译林版牛津小学英语(一起)2B(二年级下册) Unit 1 Do you like winter?Unit 2 At the zooUnit 3 What can you see?Unit 4 My toysUnit 5 At schoolUnit 6 Let's countUnit 7 Can I help you?Unit 8 Keep the water clean!Unit 9 Where's the plane?Unit 10 Goodbye!Appendix Picture dictionary译林版牛津小学英语(一起)3A(三年级上册) Unit 1 HelloUnit 2 Nice to meet youUnit 3 This is my fatherUnit 4 GoodbyeUnit 5 How are you?Unit 6 Review and checkUnit 7 It's niceUnit 8 Let's go to the parkUnit 9 On and offUnit 10 Thank youUnit 11 A boy and a girlUnit 12 Review and check译林版牛津小学英语(一起)3B(三年级下册) Unit 1 My school bagUnit 2 Yes or noUnit 3 Family membersUnit 4 TimeUnit 5 Plus and minusUnit 6 Review and checkUnit 7 Where?Unit 8 I'm hungryUnit 9 ShoppingUnit 10 Do you play ...?Unit 11 A good ideaUnit 12 Review and checkAppendix Picture dictionary译林版牛津小学英语(一起)4A(四年级上册) Unit 1 May I have...?Unit 2 In a toy shopUnit 3 A purseUnit 4 I like ...Unit 5 Review and checkUnit 6 Whose gloves?Unit 7 It's lateUnit 8 In classUnit 9 What's the matter?Unit 10 Review and check译林版牛津小学英语(一起)4B(四年级下册) Unit 1 A new studentUnit 2 At a partyUnit 3 What's your job?Unit 4 Buying fruitUnit 5 Review and checkUnit 6 Let's go by taxiUnit 7 At a snack barUnit 8 Open DayUnit 9 BreakfastUnit 10 Review and check译林版牛津小学英语(一起)5A(五年级上册) Unit 1 The first day at schoolUnit 2 A new houseUnit 3 At a Music lessonUnit 4 HalloweenUnit 5 Review and checkUnit 6 Doing houseworkUnit 7 After schoolUnit 8 A camping tripUnit 9 ShapesUnit 10 Review and check译林版牛津小学英语(一起)5B(五年级下册) Unit 1 A new termUnit 2 A telephone callUnit 3 HobbiesUnit 4 An English friendUnit 5 Review and checkUnit 6 A PE lessonUnit 7 A busy dayUnit 8 At the weekendsUnit 9 The English clubUnit 10 Review and check译林版牛津小学英语(一起)6A(六年级上册) Unit 1 Public signsUnit 2 Ben's birthdayUnit 3 It was there!Unit 4 Review and checkUnit 5 On the farmUnit 6 HolidaysUnit 7 At ChristmasUnit 8 Review and check译林版牛津小学英语(一起)6B(六年级下册) Unit 1 Who is younger?Unit 2 More exerciseUnit 3 Asking the wayUnit 4 Review and checkUnit 5 The seasonsUnit 6 Planning for the weekendUnit 7 A letter to a penfriendUnit 8 Review and check深圳朗文版小学英语深圳朗文版小学英语1(一年级上册)目录:Unit 1 Saying helloUnit 2 Making friendsUnit 3 My classroomUnit 4 My school thingsUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 Playing a gameUnit 7 My bodyUnit 8 FruitUnit 9 ColoursUnit 10 Revision深圳朗文版小学英语2(一年级下册)目录:Unit 1 About meUnit 2 Fun with KokoUnit 3 Our showUnit 4 At the zooUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 ToysUnit 7 My petUnit 8 Children's DayUnit 9 Fantasy WorldUnit 10 Revision深圳朗文版小学英语3(二年级上册)目录:Unit 1 My ageUnit 2 Coming to schoolUnit 3 In my school bagUnit 4 In my classroomUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 shoppingUnit 7 My mother and fatherUnit 8 My familyUnit 9 A birthday partyUnit 10 Revision深圳朗文版小学英语4(二年级下册)目录:Unit 1 My schoolUnit 2 At schoolUnit 3 My robotUnit 4 SensesUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 My roomUnit 7 My neighboursUnit 8 On the farmUnit 9 ClothesUnit 10 Revision深圳朗文版小学英语5(三年级上册)目录:Unit 1 My homeUnit 2 Places near homeUnit 3 My favourite thingsUnit 4 Fun with shapesUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 Our fashion showUnit 7 WeatherUnit 8 PlaytimeUnit 9 Christmas深圳朗文版小学英语6(三年级下册)目录:Unit 1 Our favourite subjectsUnit 2 Pet cornerUnit 3 My dayUnit 4 Our lessonsUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 At homeUnit 7 Helping at homeUnit 8 At the marketUnit 9 Planning a partyUnit 10 Revision深圳朗文版小学英语7(四年级上册)目录:Unit 1 Our birthdayUnit 2 Our holidaysUnit 3 Sports DayUnit 4 A school outingUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 At the mallUnit 7 Eating outUnit 8 Shopping for foodUnit 9 Chinese New YearUnit 10 Revision深圳朗文版小学英语8(四年级下册)目录:Unit 1 Good habitsUnit 2 Good mannersUnit 3 SeasonsUnit 4 Feeling sickUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 PlantsUnit 7 Future livingUnit 8 Helping touristsUnit 9 FestivalsUnit 10 Revision深圳朗文版小学英语9(五年级上册)目录:Unit 1 Good friendsUnit 2 Things in the kitchenUnit 3 A rainy weekendUnit 4 RevisionCulture Club 1 Where do people live?Unit 6 At Animal LandUnit 7 Holiday postcardsUnit 8 RevisionCulture Club 2 Cities around the world深圳朗文版小学英语10(五年级下册)目录:Unit 1 RememberUnit 2 Helping peopleUnit 3 Changes in our cityUnit 4 RevisionCulture Club 1 Changes around the worldUnit 5 A busy weekUnit 6 The typhoonUnit 7 Summer holidayUnit 8 RevisionCulture Club 2 School holidays深圳朗文版小学英语11(六年级上册)目录:Unit 1 A healthy bodyUnit 2 The natural worldUnit 3 SpaceUnit 4 RevisionCulture Club 1 World recordsUnit 5 Faster, higher and strongerUnit 6 Famous storiesUnit 7 International foodUnit 8 RevisionCulture Club 2 Festivals and food深圳朗文版小学英语12(六年级下册)目录:Unit 1 Being politeUnit 2 Fire and safetyUnit 3 Let's go shoppingUnit 4 RevisionCulture Club 1 Markets around the worldUnit 5 Active animalsUnit 6 Busy peopleUnit 7 Good memoriesUnit 8 RevisionCulture Club 2 Animals and countries开心学英语(三年级起点)广东版开心学英语(三起)1(三年级上册)目录:Unit 1 Hello!Unit 2 What's this?Unit 3 Can you sing?Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 Who's she?Unit 6 What's his name?Unit 7 Is this a dog?Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 What color is this?Unit 10 How old are you?Unit 11 What do you like?Unit 12 Review 3广东版开心学英语(三起)2(三年级下册)目录:Unit 1 Hello, Gogo!Unit 2 They're big.Unit 3 Do you like baseball?Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 What's that?Unit 6 What are these?Unit 7 Where's my book?Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 What time is it?Unit 10 How many are there?Unit 11 Do you have plates?Unit 12 Review 3广东版开心学英语(三起)3(四年级上册)目录:Unit 1 Hi, Gogo!Unit 2 What day is it today?Unit 3 Can I have a balloon?Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 Do you like science?Unit 6 What do they want?Unit 7 Where are my glasses?Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 What are you doing?Unit 10 This is his body.Unit 11 Whose bag is this?Unit 12 Review 3广东版开心学英语(三起)4(四年级下册)目录:Unit 1 Hi, Tony! Hi, Jenny!Unit 2 Are you dancing?Unit 3 I'm washing the car.Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 Where are you going?Unit 6 It's 3:15!Unit 7 I like eating.Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 Are these blue socks yours?Unit 10 What do you want to do?Unit 11 I'm a doctor.Unit 12 Review 3广东版开心学英语(三起)5(五年级上册)目录:Unit 1 Come with me!Unit 2 Do you have any glue?Unit 3 What do we need?Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 It's cold in winter.Unit 6 When can we go ice-skating?Unit 7 When's your birthday?Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 It was clean but it's dirty now.Unit 10 I planted trees.Unit 11 What did you do, Gogo?Unit 12 Review 3广东版开心学英语(三起)6(五年级下册)目录:Unit 1 Where were you last month?Unit 2 What did you eat this morning?Unit 3 Typhoon Meiling came last week.Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 What are you going to do today?Unit 6 It's a vacation!Unit 7 What's the matter?Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 What will the weather be like?Unit 10 Will there be a roller coaster?Unit 11 Can you put away your toys?Unit 12 Review 3广东版开心学英语(三起)7(六年级上册)目录:Unit 1 I wrote a long letter.Unit 2 I usually look for cookies.Unit 3 How often do you do hiking?Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 It's a magic hat.Unit 6 The turtle is faster.Unit 7 He's better than us.Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 The green fish is the biggest.Unit 10 I want the best!Unit 11 Let's go to space!Unit 12 Review 3广东版开心学英语(三起)8(六年级下册)目录:Unit 1 Where did you buy that hat?Unit 2 Turn left at the corner.Unit 3 He's going into the hole!Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 Where were you?Unit 6 Lisa was laughing loudly.Unit 7 I had a bad day.Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 They're good for you.Unit 10 We're going to go to Tibet.Unit 11 We have to go to India!Unit 12 Review 3广州版小学英语(三年级起点)广州版小学英语(三年上)Module 1 GreetingsModule 2 IntroductionsModule 3 BodyModule 4 FamilyModule 5 ToysModule 6 School things广州版小学英语(三年下)Module 1 RELATIONSHIPSModule 2 ANIMALSModule 3 NATIONALITIESModule 4 MY ROOMModule 5 MY HOUSEModule 6 MY SCHOOLModule 7 REVISION广州版小学英语(四年上)MODULE 1 ColthesMODULE 2 PeopleMODULE 3 OccupationsMODULE 4 PeopleMODULE 5 TimeMODULE 6 Days of the WeekMODULE 7 Revision广州版小学英语(四年下)Module 1 AGE UnitModule 2 ACTIVITIESModule 3 SPORTSModule 4 ENTERTAINMENTModule 5 FOOD AND DRINKSModule 6 SHOPPINGModule 7 REVISION广州版小学英语(五年上)Module 1 Routines and DatesModule 2 AbilitiesModule 3 PlantsModule 4 TravelModule 5 Zoo AnimalsModule 6 DirectionsModule 7 Revision广州版小学英语(五年下)Module 1 OUR LIFEModule 2 SEEING A DOCTORModule 3 OUR SCHOOL AND OUR CLASS Module 4 WILD ANIMALSModule 5 EATING HABITSModule 6 WEATHERModule 7 REVISION广州版小学英语(六年上)Module 1 PlansModule 2 CitiesModule 3 An InvitationModule 4 On the TelephoneModule 5 The PastModule 6 FestivalsModule 7 Revision广州版小学英语(六年下)Module 1 CHANGESModule 2 DIARIESModule 3 FAMOUS PEOPLEModule 4 STORIES AND FABLESModule 5 HOPES AND FANTASIESModule 6 REVISION外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起点)小学英语三年级起点第一册(三年级上学期适用)Module 1 Greetings Unit 1 I'm Sam.Module 1 Greetings Unit 2 How are you?Module 2 Introductions Unit 1 I'm Ms Smart.Module 2 Introductions Unit 2 What's your name?Module 3 Classroom Unit 1 Point to the door.Module 3 Classroom Unit 2 Point to the desk.Module 4 Colours Unit 1 It's red.Module 4 Colours Unit 2 It's a black dog.Module 5 Numbers 1-12 Unit 1 How many?Module 5 Numbers 1-12 Unit 2 Nine girls?Module 6 School Unit 1 This is my school.Module 6 School Unit 2 What's this?Module 7 Birthday Unit 1 Happy birthday!Module 7 Birthday Unit 2 How old are you?Module 8 Friends Unit 1 Is it a dragon?Module 8 Friends Unit 2 Where's the cat?Module 9 Family Unit 1 This is my mother.Module 9 Family Unit 2 He's a doctor.Module 10 Body Unit 1 This is his head.Module 10 Body Unit 2 Point to her nose.Reading for Pleasure The Three Bears小学英语三年级起点第二册(三年级下学期适用)MODULE 1 Alphabet Unit 1 It's the ABC SongMODULE 1 Alphabet Unit 2 My favourite toy is a car.MODULE 2 Zoo Unit 1 They're monkeys.MODULE 2 Zoo Unit 2 That monkey is fat.MODULE 3 Playground Unit 1 I like footballMODULE 3 Playground Unit 2 I don't like riding bikes.MODULE 4 Food Unit 1 Do you like meat?MODULE 4 Food Unit 2 Does Daming like banana?MODULE 5 Time Unit 1 I get up at seven o'clock.MODULE 5 Time Unit 2 What's the time, please?MODULE 6 Activities Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend? MODULE 6 Activities Unit 2 What does she do at the weekend? MODULE 7 Festivals Unit 1 We have a big family dinner. MODULE 7 Festivals Unit 2 We have Christmas in England. MODULE 8 Seasons and Weather Unit 1 It's hot in summer. MODULE 8 Seasons and Weather Unit 2 It's hot and sunny today. MODULE 9 Possessions Unit 1 I've got a new book.MODULE 9 Possessions Unit 2 She goes to school by bike. MODULE 10 Position Unit 1 It's on your desk.MODULE 10 Position Unit 2 Daming flies kites in the park. REVIEW MODULE Unit 2Reading for Pleasure Little Red Riding Hood小学英语三年级起点第三册(四年级上学期适用)MODULE 1 Numbers Unit 1 ... seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty! MODULE 1 Numbers Unit 2 I've got twenty-six points.MODULE 2 Directions Unit 1 Where are you going?MODULE 2 Directions Unit 2 The train is going up the hill. MODULE 3 Activities Unit 1 She's watching TV.MODULE 3 Activities Unit 2 What are you doing?MODULE 4 In the Park Unit 1 What are they doing?MODULE 4 In the Park Unit 2 What is Amy doing?MODULE 5 Food Unit 1 Do you want some rice?MODULE 5 Food Unit 2 I'm making dumplings.MODULE 6 Abilities Unit 1 Can you run fast?MODULE 6 Abilities Unit 2 Yes, I can.MODULE 7 Travel Unit 1 We're going to go to Hainan.MODULE 7 Travel Unit 2 We're going to visit the Ming Tombs. MODULE 8 Sports Day Unit 1 What are you going to do? MODULE 8 Sports Day Unit 2 I'm going to do the high jump. MODULE 9 Happy Birthday Unit 1 Can I have some sweets? MODULE 9 Happy Birthday Unit 2 Happy Halloween!MODULE 10 The Months Unit 1 There is one birthday in May. MODULE 10 The Months Unit 2 There are twelve months in the year. REVIEW MODULE Unit 1REVIEW MODULE Unit 2READING FOR PLEASURE Jack and the Beanstalk小学英语三年级起点第四册(四年级下学期适用)MODULE 1 Friends Unit 1 She's a nice teacherMODULE 1 Friends Unit 2 He's cool.MODULE 2 London Unit 1 London is the capital of England.MODULE 2 London Unit 2 This is the River Thames.MODULE 3 Picnic Unit 1 Will you take your kite?MODULE 3 Picnic Unit 2 On Monday I'll go swimming.MODULE 4 Robots Unit 1 Robots will do everything.MODULE 4 Robots Unit 2 Will it be windy in Beijing?MODULE 5 Size Unit 1 Amy's taller than Lingling.MODULE 5 Size Unit 2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.MODULE 6 Music Unit 1 This girl is good.MODULE 6 Music Unit 2 Lingling is better than Daming.MODULE 7 Countries Unit 1 New York is in the east.MODULE 7 Countries Unit 2 Beijing is the capital of China.MODULE 8 Changes Unit 1 I was two.MODULE 8 Changes Unit 2 They were young.MODULE 9 Weekend Unit 1 I helped Mum.MODULE 9 Weekend Unit 2 Did Dad cook lunch?MODULE 10 Accidents Unit 1 Sam fell off his bike.MODULE 10 Accidents Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.Review Module小学英语三年级起点第五册(五年级上学期适用)Module 1 London Unit 1 When did you come back?Module 1 London Unit 2 Did they buy ice creams?Module 2 Shopping Unit 1 How many do you want?Module 2 Shopping Unit 2 How much milk do you want?Module 3 At the Weekend Unit 1 We visited lots of places.Module 3 At the Weekend Unit 2 What did Daming do?Module 4 Possessions Unit 1 It's mine!Module 4 Possessions Unit 2 This bag is hers.Module 5 In Class Unit 1 There are enough.Module 5 In Class Unit 2 There are too many books on the desk.Module 6 Self-assessment Unit 1 You can play football well.Module 6 Self-assessment Unit 2 I can do it very well.Module 7 Community Unit 1 He can't see.Module 7 Community Unit 2 They can't walk.Module 8 School Unit 1 What time does school start?Module 8 School Unit 2 Where did Lingling go yesterday?Module 9 Feelings Unit 1 Are you feeling sad?Module 9 Feelings Unit 2 I feel happy.Module 10 Manners Unit 1 You should look, then cross the road. Module 10 Manners Unit 2 You should eat fruit.Reading for Pleasure The Elves and the ShoemakerReading for Pleasure The Twins and the Big Surprise小学英语三年级起点第六册(五年级下学期适用)MODULE 1 Changing Unit 1 We lived in a small house.MODULE 1 Changing Unit 2 She didn't have a television.MODULE 2 Grandparents Unit 1 She learnt English.MODULE 2 Grandparents Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.MODULE 3 English Food Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages.MODULE 3 English Food Unit 2 Sam ate six hamburgers.MODULE 4 Library Unit 1 Where are the books about computers, please? MODULE 4 Library Unit 2 Where can you find out about animals? MODULE 5 Decisions Unit 1 It's big and light.MODULE 5 Decisions Unit 2 It's too big for you.MODULE 6 Travel Unit 1 I went there last year.MODULE 6 Travel Unit 2 It's in the north of China.MODULE 7 Communications Unit 1 Let's send an email.MODULE 7 Communications Unit 2 I will be home at seven o'clock. MODULE 8 Discussion Unit 1 What do you suggest?MODULE 8 Discussion Unit 2 Line A is longer.MODULE 9 Letters from Abroad Unit 1 We laughed a lot.MODULE 9 Letters from Abroad Unit 2 See you soon.MODULE 10 Preparations Unit 1 Where are you going to go? MODULE 10 Preparations Unit 2 I'm in New York now.小学英语三年级起点第七册(六年级上学期适用)MODULE 1 Unit 1 The Great Wall.MODULE 1 Unit 2 New York is in the east of America.MODULE 2 Unit 1 Chinatown in AmericaMODULE 2 Unit 2 Postcards from ChinaMODULE 3 Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.MODULE 3 Unit 2 I've got a hobby.MODULE 4 Unit 1 Happy Thanksgiving!MODULE 4 Unit 2 What's your favourite festival?MODULE 5 Unit 1 Pleased to meet you!MODULE 5 Unit 2 Pen FriendsMODULE 6 Unit 1 A Postcard from New YorkMODULE 6 Unit 2 I've got some stamps from China.MODULE 7 Unit 1 I don't believe it!MODULE 7 Unit 2 Pandas love bamboo.MODULE 8 Unit 1 Looking at PhotosMODULE 8 Unit 2 I often go swimming.MODULE 9 Unit 1 A Visit to the UNMODULE 9 Unit 2 Do you want to go to Guilin?MODULE 10 Unit 1 At the LibraryMODULE 10 Unit 2 Go straight on!Review Module Unit 1Review Module Unit 2Reading for Pleasure A Backwards MorningReading for Pleasure A Visit to the ZooReading for Pleasure Tom's New Hobby小学英语三年级起点第八册(六年级下学期适用)Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please.Module 1 Unit 2 What do you want to eat?Module 2 Unit 1 We're going to have a picnic.Module 2 Unit 2 It's going to snow in Harbin.Module 3 Unit 1 The sun is shining.Module 3 Unit 2 I am looking out of the window.Module 4 Unit 1 I'm making Daming's birthday card.Module 4 Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs.Module 5 Unit 1 Daming is having a birthday party.Module 5 Unit 2 He's riding his bike, but it's starting to rain.Module 6 Unit 1 I bought you this book.Module 6 Unit 2 What's it about?Module 7 Unit 1 ShenzhouⅤflew into space.Module 7 Unit 2 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.Module 8 Unit 1 Helen KellerModule 8 Unit 2 His name was Louis Braille.Module 9 Unit 1 What's the matter?Module 9 Unit 2 Because it's going to rain.Module 10 Unit 1 We are going to speak Chinese.Module 10 Unit 2 What are you going to study?Review Module Unit 1Review Module Unit 2Reading for Pleasure The Bear, the Tall Man and the Short Man Reading for Pleasure A Book of MapsReading for Pleasure The Elephant and the Spi河北版小学英语(三年级起点)河北冀教版小学英语三年级上册:Unit 1 School and NumbersUnit 2 Friends and ColoursUnit 3 Body and FeelingsUnit 4 Family河北冀教版小学英语三年级下册:UNIT 1 Food and More NumbersUNIT 2 Food and RestaurantsUNIT 3 Clothes We Wear LessonUNIT 4 At Home Lesson河北冀教版小学英语四年级上册:Unit 1 The clothes we wearUnit 2 At homeUnit 3 Let's GoUnit 4 Shopping in the City河北冀教版小学英语四年级下册:Unit 1 Hello Again!Unit 2 Days and MonthsUnit 3 All about MeUnit 4 My Favourites河北冀教版小学英语五年级上册:Unit 1 My Family.Unit 2 My Country and English-speaking Countries Unit 3 A Trip to BeijingUnit 4 Let's Get Ready!河北冀教版小学英语五年级下册:Unit 1 On the TrainUnit 2 In BeijingUnit 3 Writing HomeUnit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip?河北冀教版小学英语六年级上册:Unit 1 Li Ming Comes to CanadaUnit 2 School in CanadaUnit 3 Winter in CanadaUnit 4 Christmas河北冀教版小学英语六年级下册:Unit 1 SportsUnit 2 Good Health to You!Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer?Unit 4 Li Ming Goes Home人教版新目标初中英语新目标初中英语(七年级上册)Starter Unit 1 Good morning!Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English?Starter Unit 3 What color is it?Unit 1 My name’s Gina.Unit 2 Is this your pencil?Unit 3 This is my sister.Unit 4 Where’s my backpack?Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Review of units 1-6Unit 7 How much are these pants?Unit 8 When is your birthday?Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?Unit 11 What time do you go to school?Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.Review of units 7-12Starter Unit 1 Word ListStarter Unit 2 Word ListStarter Unit 3 Word ListUnit 1 Word ListUnit 2 Word ListUnit 3 Word ListUnit 4 Word ListUnit 5 Word ListUnit 6 Word ListReview of units 1-6 Word ListUnit 7 Word ListUnit 8 Word ListUnit 9 Word ListUnit 10 Word ListUnit 11 Word ListUnit 12 Word ListReview of units 7-12 Word List。




他们将学习基本的问候语,如“Hello”、“Hi”和“Good morning”,以及如何介绍自己的姓名、年龄和其他基本信息。












他们将学习如何描述不同种类的动物和玩具,如“cat”、“dog”、“toy train”等。






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谢谢欣赏人教版PEP小学英语(三年级起点) 1北师大版小学英语(三年级起点) 5牛津小学英语(苏教版)7深圳朗文版小学英语10开心学英语(三年级起点)14广州版小学英语(三年级起点)16外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起点)18河北版小学英语(三年级起点)22人教版新目标初中英语24牛津初中英语(深圳版)28外研社新标准初中英语29人教版新课标普通高中英语31北师大版高中英语32外研社新标准高中英语34人教版PEP小学英语(三年级起点)PEP小学英语(三年级上册)UNIT ONE Hello! AUNIT ONE Hello! BUNIT ONE Hello! CUNIT TWO Look at Me AUNIT TWO Look at Me BUNIT TWO Look at Me CUNIT THREE Let's Paint AUNIT THREE Let's Paint BUNIT THREE Let's Paint CRecycle 1UNIT FOUR We Love Animal AUNIT FOUR We Love Animal BUNIT FOUR We Love Animal CUNIT FIVE Let's Eat AUNIT FIVE Let's Eat BUNIT FIVE Let's Eat CUNIT SIX Happy Birthday! AUNIT SIX Happy Birthday! BUNIT SIX Happy Birthday! CUNIT Recycle 2PEP小学英语(三年级下册)UNIT ONE Welcome Back to School! A UNIT ONE Welcome Back to School! B UNIT ONE Welcome Back to School! C UNIT TWO My Family AUNIT TWO My Family BUNIT TWO My Family CUNIT THREE How Many? AUNIT THREE How Many? BUNIT THREE How Many? CRecycle 1UNIT FOUR Do You Like Pears? AUNIT FOUR Do You Like Pears? BUNIT FOUR Do You Like Pears? CUNIT FIVE Where Is My Ruler? AUNIT FIVE Where Is My Ruler? BUNIT FIVE Where Is My Ruler? CUNIT SIX At the zoo AUNIT SIX At the zoo BUNIT SIX At the zoo CRecycle 2PEP小学英语(四年级上册)UNIT ONE MY CLASSROOM AUNIT ONE MY CLASSROOM BUNIT ONE MY CLASSROOM CUNIT TWO MY SCHOOLBAG AUNIT TWO MY SCHOOLBAG BUNIT TWO MY SCHOOLBAG CUNIT THREE MY FRIENDS AUNIT THREE MY FRIENDS BUNIT THREE MY FRIENDS CRecycle 1UNIT FOUR MY HOME AUNIT FOUR MY HOME BUNIT FOUR MY HOME CUNIT FIVE WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE? A UNIT FIVE WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE? B UNIT FIVE WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE? C UNIT SIX MEET MY FAMIL Y! AUNIT SIX MEET MY FAMIL Y! BUNIT SIX MEET MY FAMIL Y! CRecycle 2PEP小学英语(四年级下册)UNIT ONE OUR SCHOOL AUNIT ONE OUR SCHOOL BUNIT ONE OUR SCHOOL CUNIT TWO WHAT TIME IS IT? AUNIT TWO WHAT TIME IS IT? BUNIT TWO WHAT TIME IS IT? CUNIT THREE IS THIS YOUR SKIRT? AUNIT THREE IS THIS YOUR SKIRT? BUNIT THREE IS THIS YOUR SKIRT? CRecycle 1UNIT FOUR IT'S WARM TODAY AUNIT FOUR IT'S WARM TODAY BUNIT FOUR IT'S WARM TODAY CUNIT FIVE HOW MUCH IS IT? AUNIT FIVE HOW MUCH IS IT? BUNIT FIVE HOW MUCH IS IT? CUNIT SIX AT A FARM AUNIT SIX AT A FARM BUNIT SIX AT A FARM CRecycle 2PEP小学英语(五年级上册)UNIT ONE MY NEW TEACHERS AUNIT ONE MY NEW TEACHERS BUNIT ONE MY NEW TEACHERS CUNIT TWO MY DAYS OF THE WEEK AUNIT TWO MY DAYS OF THE WEEK BUNIT TWO MY DAYS OF THE WEEK CUNIT THREE WHAT'S YOUR FA VOURITE FOOD? A UNIT THREE WHAT'S YOUR FA VOURITE FOOD? B UNIT THREE WHAT'S YOUR FA VOURITE FOOD? C Recycle 1UNIT FOUR WHAT CAN YOU DO? AUNIT FOUR WHAT CAN YOU DO? BUNIT FOUR WHAT CAN YOU DO? CUNIT FIVE MY NEW ROOM AUNIT FIVE MY NEW ROOM BUNIT FIVE MY NEW ROOM CUNIT SIX IN A NATURE PARK AUNIT SIX IN A NATURE PARK BUNIT SIX IN A NATURE PARK CRecycle 2PEP小学英语(五年级下册)UNIT ONE THIS IS MY DAY AUNIT ONE THIS IS MY DAY BUNIT ONE THIS IS MY DAY CUNIT TWO MY FA VOURITE SEASON AUNIT TWO MY FA VOURITE SEASON BUNIT TWO MY FA VOURITE SEASON CUNIT THREE MY BIRTHDAY AUNIT THREE MY BIRTHDAY BUNIT THREE MY BIRTHDAY CRecycle 1UNIT FOUR WHAT ARE YOU DOING? AUNIT FOUR WHAT ARE YOU DOING? BUNIT FOUR WHAT ARE YOU DOING? CUNIT FIVE LOOK AT THE MONKEYS AUNIT FIVE LOOK AT THE MONKEYS BUNIT FIVE LOOK AT THE MONKEYS CUNIT SIX A FIELD TRIP AUNIT SIX A FIELD TRIP BUNIT SIX A FIELD TRIP CRecycle 2PEP小学英语(六年级上册)UNIT ONE HOW DO YOU GO THERE? AUNIT ONE HOW DO YOU GO THERE? BUNIT ONE HOW DO YOU GO THERE? CUNIT TWO WHERE IS THE SCIENCE MUSEUM? A UNIT TWO WHERE IS THE SCIENCE MUSEUM? B UNIT TWO WHERE IS THE SCIENCE MUSEUM? C UNIT THREE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? A UNIT THREE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? B UNIT THREE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? C Recycle 1UNIT FOUR I HA VE A PEN PAL AUNIT FOUR I HA VE A PEN PAL BUNIT FOUR I HA VE A PEN PAL CUNIT FIVE WHAT DOES SHE DO? AUNIT FIVE WHAT DOES SHE DO? BUNIT FIVE WHAT DOES SHE DO? CUNIT SIX THE STORY OF RAIN AUNIT SIX THE STORY OF RAIN BUNIT SIX THE STORY OF RAIN CRecycle 2PEP小学英语(六年级下册)UNIT ONE HOW TALL ARE YOU? AUNIT ONE HOW TALL ARE YOU? BUNIT ONE HOW TALL ARE YOU? CUNIT TWO WHAT'S THE MATTER, MIKE? AUNIT TWO WHAT'S THE MATTER, MIKE? BUNIT TWO WHAT'S THE MATTER, MIKE? CUNIT THREE LAST WEEKEND AUNIT THREE LAST WEEKEND BUNIT THREE LAST WEEKEND CUNIT FOUR MY HOLIDAY AUNIT FOUR MY HOLIDAY BUNIT FOUR MY HOLIDAY CRecycle 1 LET'S TAKE A TRIP!Recycle 2 A FAREWELL PARTYAppendix 1北师大版小学英语(三年级起点)北师大版小学英语(三起)(三年级上册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 1 Hello!Unit 2 This is Danny DeerUnit 3 Who's that?Unit 4 Ann's familyUnit 5 He's my fatherUnit 6 Review北师大版小学英语(三起)(三年级下册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 7 Is it a pear?Unit 8 Are these tomatoes?Unit 9 How many?Unit 10 What color is it?Unit 11 I can climbUnit 12 Review北师大版小学英语(三起)(四年级上册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 1 Don't walk!Unit 2 How much?Unit 3 Whose CDs?Unit 4 Dinner time!Unit 5 Our schoolUnit 6 Review北师大版小学英语(三起)(四年级下册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 7 At the restaurantUnit 8 Big bird!Unit 9 Hot soup!Unit 10 Mocky's storeUnit 11 Green berriesUnit 12 Review北师大版小学英语(三起)(五年级上册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 1 Mocky the jugglerUnit 2 I like BobbyUnit 3 It's too expensive!Unit 4 Where is it?Unit 5 Our townUnit 6 Review北师大版小学英语(三起)(五年级下册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 7 Today is MondayUnit 8 Mocky is lateUnit 9 Day and nightUnit 10 Let's go!Unit 11 Uncle Jack's farmUnit 12 Review北师大版小学英语(三起)(六年级上册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 1 Ann's dreamUnit 2 Mocky's bad dayUnit 3 School sports dayUnit 4 Mocky's birthdayUnit 5 I'm tallerUnit 6 Review北师大版小学英语(三起)(六年级下册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC目录:Unit 7 StoryUnit 8 StoryUnit 9 StoryUnit 10 StoryUnit 11 StoryUnit 12 Story牛津小学英语(苏教版)译林版牛津小学英语(一起)1A(一年级上册)UNIT ONE HelloUNIT TWO Good morningUNIT THREE This is my mumUNIT FOUR My bagUNIT FIVE FruitUNIT SIX On a farmUNIT SEVEN Follow meUNIT EIGHT What can you do?UNIT NINE Happy New Year!UNIT TEN What colour?译林版牛津小学英语(一起)1B(一年级下册)Unit 1 What's your name?Unit 2 How are you?Unit 3 Nice to meet youUnit 4 My nice rulerUnit 5 On the roadUnit 6 In the parkUnit 7 Open the door, pleaseUnit 8 I can swimUnit 9 Happy birthday!Unit 10 Let's go to the park译林版牛津小学英语(一起)2A(二年级上册)Unit 1 My familyUnit 2 What is your father?Unit 3 Look at the moonUnit 4 Clean the table, pleaseUnit 5 At the marketUnit 6 A picnicUnit 7 Here you areUnit 8 Dinner timeUnit 9 Merry Christmas!Unit 10 Put on your coat译林版牛津小学英语(一起)2B(二年级下册) Unit 1 Do you like winter?Unit 2 At the zooUnit 3 What can you see?Unit 4 My toysUnit 5 At schoolUnit 6 Let's countUnit 7 Can I help you?Unit 8 Keep the water clean!Unit 9 Where's the plane?Unit 10 Goodbye!Appendix Picture dictionary译林版牛津小学英语(一起)3A(三年级上册) Unit 1 HelloUnit 2 Nice to meet youUnit 3 This is my fatherUnit 4 GoodbyeUnit 5 How are you?Unit 6 Review and checkUnit 7 It's niceUnit 8 Let's go to the parkUnit 9 On and offUnit 10 Thank youUnit 11 A boy and a girlUnit 12 Review and check译林版牛津小学英语(一起)3B(三年级下册) Unit 1 My school bagUnit 2 Yes or noUnit 3 Family membersUnit 4 TimeUnit 5 Plus and minusUnit 6 Review and checkUnit 7 Where?Unit 8 I'm hungryUnit 9 ShoppingUnit 10 Do you play ...?Unit 11 A good ideaUnit 12 Review and checkAppendix Picture dictionary译林版牛津小学英语(一起)4A(四年级上册) Unit 1 May I have...?Unit 2 In a toy shopUnit 3 A purseUnit 4 I like ...Unit 5 Review and checkUnit 6 Whose gloves?Unit 7 It's lateUnit 8 In classUnit 9 What's the matter?Unit 10 Review and check译林版牛津小学英语(一起)4B(四年级下册) Unit 1 A new studentUnit 2 At a partyUnit 3 What's your job?Unit 4 Buying fruitUnit 5 Review and checkUnit 6 Let's go by taxiUnit 7 At a snack barUnit 8 Open DayUnit 9 BreakfastUnit 10 Review and check译林版牛津小学英语(一起)5A(五年级上册) Unit 1 The first day at schoolUnit 2 A new houseUnit 3 At a Music lessonUnit 4 HalloweenUnit 5 Review and checkUnit 6 Doing houseworkUnit 7 After schoolUnit 8 A camping tripUnit 9 ShapesUnit 10 Review and check译林版牛津小学英语(一起)5B(五年级下册) Unit 1 A new termUnit 2 A telephone callUnit 3 HobbiesUnit 4 An English friendUnit 5 Review and checkUnit 6 A PE lessonUnit 7 A busy dayUnit 8 At the weekendsUnit 9 The English clubUnit 10 Review and check译林版牛津小学英语(一起)6A(六年级上册) Unit 1 Public signsUnit 2 Ben's birthdayUnit 3 It was there!Unit 4 Review and checkUnit 5 On the farmUnit 6 HolidaysUnit 7 At ChristmasUnit 8 Review and check译林版牛津小学英语(一起)6B(六年级下册) Unit 1 Who is younger?Unit 2 More exerciseUnit 3 Asking the wayUnit 4 Review and checkUnit 5 The seasonsUnit 6 Planning for the weekendUnit 7 A letter to a penfriendUnit 8 Review and check深圳朗文版小学英语深圳朗文版小学英语1(一年级上册)目录:Unit 1 Saying helloUnit 2 Making friendsUnit 3 My classroomUnit 4 My school thingsUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 Playing a gameUnit 7 My bodyUnit 8 FruitUnit 9 ColoursUnit 10 Revision深圳朗文版小学英语2(一年级下册)目录:Unit 1 About meUnit 2 Fun with KokoUnit 3 Our showUnit 4 At the zooUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 ToysUnit 7 My petUnit 8 Children's DayUnit 9 Fantasy WorldUnit 10 Revision深圳朗文版小学英语3(二年级上册)目录:Unit 1 My ageUnit 2 Coming to schoolUnit 3 In my school bagUnit 4 In my classroomUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 shoppingUnit 7 My mother and fatherUnit 8 My familyUnit 9 A birthday partyUnit 10 Revision深圳朗文版小学英语4(二年级下册)目录:Unit 1 My schoolUnit 2 At schoolUnit 3 My robotUnit 4 SensesUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 My roomUnit 7 My neighboursUnit 8 On the farmUnit 9 ClothesUnit 10 Revision深圳朗文版小学英语5(三年级上册)目录:Unit 1 My homeUnit 2 Places near homeUnit 3 My favourite thingsUnit 4 Fun with shapesUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 Our fashion showUnit 7 WeatherUnit 8 PlaytimeUnit 9 Christmas深圳朗文版小学英语6(三年级下册)目录:Unit 1 Our favourite subjectsUnit 2 Pet cornerUnit 3 My dayUnit 4 Our lessonsUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 At homeUnit 7 Helping at homeUnit 8 At the marketUnit 9 Planning a partyUnit 10 Revision深圳朗文版小学英语7(四年级上册)目录:Unit 1 Our birthdayUnit 2 Our holidaysUnit 3 Sports DayUnit 4 A school outingUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 At the mallUnit 7 Eating outUnit 8 Shopping for foodUnit 9 Chinese New YearUnit 10 Revision深圳朗文版小学英语8(四年级下册)目录:Unit 1 Good habitsUnit 2 Good mannersUnit 3 SeasonsUnit 4 Feeling sickUnit 5 RevisionUnit 6 PlantsUnit 7 Future livingUnit 8 Helping touristsUnit 9 FestivalsUnit 10 Revision深圳朗文版小学英语9(五年级上册)目录:Unit 1 Good friendsUnit 2 Things in the kitchenUnit 3 A rainy weekendUnit 4 RevisionCulture Club 1 Where do people live?Unit 6 At Animal LandUnit 7 Holiday postcardsUnit 8 RevisionCulture Club 2 Cities around the world深圳朗文版小学英语10(五年级下册)目录:Unit 1 RememberUnit 2 Helping peopleUnit 3 Changes in our cityUnit 4 RevisionCulture Club 1 Changes around the worldUnit 5 A busy weekUnit 6 The typhoonUnit 7 Summer holidayUnit 8 RevisionCulture Club 2 School holidays深圳朗文版小学英语11(六年级上册)目录:Unit 1 A healthy bodyUnit 2 The natural worldUnit 3 SpaceUnit 4 RevisionCulture Club 1 World recordsUnit 5 Faster, higher and strongerUnit 6 Famous storiesUnit 7 International foodUnit 8 RevisionCulture Club 2 Festivals and food深圳朗文版小学英语12(六年级下册)目录:Unit 1 Being politeUnit 2 Fire and safetyUnit 3 Let's go shoppingUnit 4 RevisionCulture Club 1 Markets around the worldUnit 5 Active animalsUnit 6 Busy peopleUnit 7 Good memoriesUnit 8 RevisionCulture Club 2 Animals and countries开心学英语(三年级起点)广东版开心学英语(三起)1(三年级上册)目录:Unit 1 Hello!Unit 2 What's this?Unit 3 Can you sing?Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 Who's she?Unit 6 What's his name?Unit 7 Is this a dog?Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 What color is this?Unit 10 How old are you?Unit 11 What do you like?Unit 12 Review 3广东版开心学英语(三起)2(三年级下册)目录:Unit 1 Hello, Gogo!Unit 2 They're big.Unit 3 Do you like baseball?Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 What's that?Unit 6 What are these?Unit 7 Where's my book?Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 What time is it?Unit 10 How many are there?Unit 11 Do you have plates?Unit 12 Review 3广东版开心学英语(三起)3(四年级上册)目录:Unit 1 Hi, Gogo!Unit 2 What day is it today?Unit 3 Can I have a balloon?Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 Do you like science?Unit 6 What do they want?Unit 7 Where are my glasses?Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 What are you doing?Unit 10 This is his body.Unit 11 Whose bag is this?Unit 12 Review 3广东版开心学英语(三起)4(四年级下册)目录:Unit 1 Hi, Tony! Hi, Jenny!Unit 2 Are you dancing?Unit 3 I'm washing the car.Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 Where are you going?Unit 6 It's 3:15!Unit 7 I like eating.Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 Are these blue socks yours?Unit 10 What do you want to do?Unit 11 I'm a doctor.Unit 12 Review 3广东版开心学英语(三起)5(五年级上册)目录:Unit 1 Come with me!Unit 2 Do you have any glue?Unit 3 What do we need?Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 It's cold in winter.Unit 6 When can we go ice-skating?Unit 7 When's your birthday?Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 It was clean but it's dirty now.Unit 10 I planted trees.Unit 11 What did you do, Gogo?Unit 12 Review 3广东版开心学英语(三起)6(五年级下册)目录:Unit 1 Where were you last month?Unit 2 What did you eat this morning?Unit 3 Typhoon Meiling came last week.Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 What are you going to do today?Unit 6 It's a vacation!Unit 7 What's the matter?Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 What will the weather be like?Unit 10 Will there be a roller coaster?Unit 11 Can you put away your toys?Unit 12 Review 3广东版开心学英语(三起)7(六年级上册)目录:Unit 1 I wrote a long letter.Unit 2 I usually look for cookies.Unit 3 How often do you do hiking?Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 It's a magic hat.Unit 6 The turtle is faster.Unit 7 He's better than us.Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 The green fish is the biggest.Unit 10 I want the best!Unit 11 Let's go to space!Unit 12 Review 3广东版开心学英语(三起)8(六年级下册)目录:Unit 1 Where did you buy that hat?Unit 2 Turn left at the corner.Unit 3 He's going into the hole!Unit 4 Review 1Unit 5 Where were you?Unit 6 Lisa was laughing loudly.Unit 7 I had a bad day.Unit 8 Review 2Unit 9 They're good for you.Unit 10 We're going to go to Tibet.Unit 11 We have to go to India!Unit 12 Review 3广州版小学英语(三年级起点)广州版小学英语(三年上)Module 1 GreetingsModule 2 IntroductionsModule 3 BodyModule 4 FamilyModule 5 ToysModule 6 School things广州版小学英语(三年下)Module 1 RELATIONSHIPSModule 2 ANIMALSModule 3 NATIONALITIESModule 4 MY ROOMModule 5 MY HOUSEModule 6 MY SCHOOLModule 7 REVISION广州版小学英语(四年上)MODULE 1 ColthesMODULE 2 PeopleMODULE 3 OccupationsMODULE 4 PeopleMODULE 5 TimeMODULE 6 Days of the WeekMODULE 7 Revision广州版小学英语(四年下)Module 1 AGE UnitModule 2 ACTIVITIESModule 3 SPORTSModule 4 ENTERTAINMENTModule 5 FOOD AND DRINKSModule 6 SHOPPINGModule 7 REVISION广州版小学英语(五年上)Module 1 Routines and DatesModule 2 AbilitiesModule 3 PlantsModule 4 TravelModule 5 Zoo AnimalsModule 6 DirectionsModule 7 Revision广州版小学英语(五年下)Module 1 OUR LIFEModule 2 SEEING A DOCTORModule 3 OUR SCHOOL AND OUR CLASS Module 4 WILD ANIMALSModule 5 EATING HABITSModule 6 WEATHERModule 7 REVISION广州版小学英语(六年上)Module 1 PlansModule 2 Cities谢谢欣赏Module 3 An InvitationModule 4 On the TelephoneModule 5 The PastModule 6 FestivalsModule 7 Revision广州版小学英语(六年下)Module 1 CHANGESModule 2 DIARIESModule 3 FAMOUS PEOPLEModule 4 STORIES AND FABLESModule 5 HOPES AND FANTASIESModule 6 REVISION外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起点)小学英语三年级起点第一册(三年级上学期适用)Module 1 Greetings Unit 1 I'm Sam.Module 1 Greetings Unit 2 How are you?Module 2 Introductions Unit 1 I'm Ms Smart.Module 2 Introductions Unit 2 What's your name?Module 3 Classroom Unit 1 Point to the door.Module 3 Classroom Unit 2 Point to the desk.Module 4 Colours Unit 1 It's red.Module 4 Colours Unit 2 It's a black dog.Module 5 Numbers 1-12 Unit 1 How many?Module 5 Numbers 1-12 Unit 2 Nine girls?Module 6 School Unit 1 This is my school.Module 6 School Unit 2 What's this?Module 7 Birthday Unit 1 Happy birthday!Module 7 Birthday Unit 2 How old are you?Module 8 Friends Unit 1 Is it a dragon?Module 8 Friends Unit 2 Where's the cat?Module 9 Family Unit 1 This is my mother.Module 9 Family Unit 2 He's a doctor.Module 10 Body Unit 1 This is his head.Module 10 Body Unit 2 Point to her nose.Reading for Pleasure The Three Bears小学英语三年级起点第二册(三年级下学期适用)MODULE 1 Alphabet Unit 1 It's the ABC SongMODULE 1 Alphabet Unit 2 My favourite toy is a car.MODULE 2 Zoo Unit 1 They're monkeys.MODULE 2 Zoo Unit 2 That monkey is fat.MODULE 3 Playground Unit 1 I like footballMODULE 3 Playground Unit 2 I don't like riding bikes.MODULE 4 Food Unit 1 Do you like meat?MODULE 4 Food Unit 2 Does Daming like banana?MODULE 5 Time Unit 1 I get up at seven o'clock.MODULE 5 Time Unit 2 What's the time, please?MODULE 6 Activities Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend? MODULE 6 Activities Unit 2 What does she do at the weekend? MODULE 7 Festivals Unit 1 We have a big family dinner. MODULE 7 Festivals Unit 2 We have Christmas in England. MODULE 8 Seasons and Weather Unit 1 It's hot in summer. MODULE 8 Seasons and Weather Unit 2 It's hot and sunny today. MODULE 9 Possessions Unit 1 I've got a new book.MODULE 9 Possessions Unit 2 She goes to school by bike. MODULE 10 Position Unit 1 It's on your desk.MODULE 10 Position Unit 2 Daming flies kites in the park. REVIEW MODULE Unit 2Reading for Pleasure Little Red Riding Hood小学英语三年级起点第三册(四年级上学期适用)MODULE 1 Numbers Unit 1 ... seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty! MODULE 1 Numbers Unit 2 I've got twenty-six points.MODULE 2 Directions Unit 1 Where are you going?MODULE 2 Directions Unit 2 The train is going up the hill. MODULE 3 Activities Unit 1 She's watching TV.MODULE 3 Activities Unit 2 What are you doing?MODULE 4 In the Park Unit 1 What are they doing?MODULE 4 In the Park Unit 2 What is Amy doing?MODULE 5 Food Unit 1 Do you want some rice?MODULE 5 Food Unit 2 I'm making dumplings.MODULE 6 Abilities Unit 1 Can you run fast?MODULE 6 Abilities Unit 2 Yes, I can.MODULE 7 Travel Unit 1 We're going to go to Hainan.MODULE 7 Travel Unit 2 We're going to visit the Ming Tombs. MODULE 8 Sports Day Unit 1 What are you going to do? MODULE 8 Sports Day Unit 2 I'm going to do the high jump. MODULE 9 Happy Birthday Unit 1 Can I have some sweets? MODULE 9 Happy Birthday Unit 2 Happy Halloween!MODULE 10 The Months Unit 1 There is one birthday in May. MODULE 10 The Months Unit 2 There are twelve months in the year. REVIEW MODULE Unit 1REVIEW MODULE Unit 2READING FOR PLEASURE Jack and the Beanstalk小学英语三年级起点第四册(四年级下学期适用)MODULE 1 Friends Unit 1 She's a nice teacherMODULE 1 Friends Unit 2 He's cool.MODULE 2 London Unit 1 London is the capital of England.MODULE 2 London Unit 2 This is the River Thames.MODULE 3 Picnic Unit 1 Will you take your kite?MODULE 3 Picnic Unit 2 On Monday I'll go swimming.MODULE 4 Robots Unit 1 Robots will do everything.MODULE 4 Robots Unit 2 Will it be windy in Beijing?MODULE 5 Size Unit 1 Amy's taller than Lingling.MODULE 5 Size Unit 2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.MODULE 6 Music Unit 1 This girl is good.MODULE 6 Music Unit 2 Lingling is better than Daming.MODULE 7 Countries Unit 1 New York is in the east.MODULE 7 Countries Unit 2 Beijing is the capital of China.MODULE 8 Changes Unit 1 I was two.MODULE 8 Changes Unit 2 They were young.MODULE 9 Weekend Unit 1 I helped Mum.MODULE 9 Weekend Unit 2 Did Dad cook lunch?MODULE 10 Accidents Unit 1 Sam fell off his bike.MODULE 10 Accidents Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.Review Module小学英语三年级起点第五册(五年级上学期适用)Module 1 London Unit 1 When did you come back?Module 1 London Unit 2 Did they buy ice creams?Module 2 Shopping Unit 1 How many do you want?Module 2 Shopping Unit 2 How much milk do you want?Module 3 At the Weekend Unit 1 We visited lots of places.Module 3 At the Weekend Unit 2 What did Daming do?Module 4 Possessions Unit 1 It's mine!Module 4 Possessions Unit 2 This bag is hers.Module 5 In Class Unit 1 There are enough.Module 5 In Class Unit 2 There are too many books on the desk.Module 6 Self-assessment Unit 1 You can play football well.Module 6 Self-assessment Unit 2 I can do it very well.Module 7 Community Unit 1 He can't see.Module 7 Community Unit 2 They can't walk.Module 8 School Unit 1 What time does school start?Module 8 School Unit 2 Where did Lingling go yesterday?Module 9 Feelings Unit 1 Are you feeling sad?Module 9 Feelings Unit 2 I feel happy.Module 10 Manners Unit 1 You should look, then cross the road. Module 10 Manners Unit 2 You should eat fruit.Reading for Pleasure The Elves and the ShoemakerReading for Pleasure The Twins and the Big Surprise小学英语三年级起点第六册(五年级下学期适用)MODULE 1 Changing Unit 1 We lived in a small house.MODULE 1 Changing Unit 2 She didn't have a television.MODULE 2 Grandparents Unit 1 She learnt English.MODULE 2 Grandparents Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.MODULE 3 English Food Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages.MODULE 3 English Food Unit 2 Sam ate six hamburgers.MODULE 4 Library Unit 1 Where are the books about computers, please? MODULE 4 Library Unit 2 Where can you find out about animals? MODULE 5 Decisions Unit 1 It's big and light.MODULE 5 Decisions Unit 2 It's too big for you.MODULE 6 Travel Unit 1 I went there last year.MODULE 6 Travel Unit 2 It's in the north of China.MODULE 7 Communications Unit 1 Let's send an email.MODULE 7 Communications Unit 2 I will be home at seven o'clock. MODULE 8 Discussion Unit 1 What do you suggest?MODULE 8 Discussion Unit 2 Line A is longer.MODULE 9 Letters from Abroad Unit 1 We laughed a lot.MODULE 9 Letters from Abroad Unit 2 See you soon.MODULE 10 Preparations Unit 1 Where are you going to go? MODULE 10 Preparations Unit 2 I'm in New York now.小学英语三年级起点第七册(六年级上学期适用)MODULE 1 Unit 1 The Great Wall.MODULE 1 Unit 2 New York is in the east of America.MODULE 2 Unit 1 Chinatown in AmericaMODULE 2 Unit 2 Postcards from ChinaMODULE 3 Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.MODULE 3 Unit 2 I've got a hobby.MODULE 4 Unit 1 Happy Thanksgiving!MODULE 4 Unit 2 What's your favourite festival?MODULE 5 Unit 1 Pleased to meet you!MODULE 5 Unit 2 Pen FriendsMODULE 6 Unit 1 A Postcard from New YorkMODULE 6 Unit 2 I've got some stamps from China.MODULE 7 Unit 1 I don't believe it!MODULE 7 Unit 2 Pandas love bamboo.MODULE 8 Unit 1 Looking at PhotosMODULE 8 Unit 2 I often go swimming.MODULE 9 Unit 1 A Visit to the UNMODULE 9 Unit 2 Do you want to go to Guilin?MODULE 10 Unit 1 At the LibraryMODULE 10 Unit 2 Go straight on!Review Module Unit 1Review Module Unit 2Reading for Pleasure A Backwards MorningReading for Pleasure A Visit to the ZooReading for Pleasure Tom's New Hobby小学英语三年级起点第八册(六年级下学期适用)Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please.Module 1 Unit 2 What do you want to eat?Module 2 Unit 1 We're going to have a picnic.Module 2 Unit 2 It's going to snow in Harbin.Module 3 Unit 1 The sun is shining.Module 3 Unit 2 I am looking out of the window.Module 4 Unit 1 I'm making Daming's birthday card.Module 4 Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs.Module 5 Unit 1 Daming is having a birthday party.Module 5 Unit 2 He's riding his bike, but it's starting to rain.Module 6 Unit 1 I bought you this book.Module 6 Unit 2 What's it about?Module 7 Unit 1 ShenzhouⅤflew into space.Module 7 Unit 2 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.Module 8 Unit 1 Helen KellerModule 8 Unit 2 His name was Louis Braille.Module 9 Unit 1 What's the matter?Module 9 Unit 2 Because it's going to rain.Module 10 Unit 1 We are going to speak Chinese.Module 10 Unit 2 What are you going to study?Review Module Unit 1Review Module Unit 2Reading for Pleasure The Bear, the Tall Man and the Short Man Reading for Pleasure A Book of MapsReading for Pleasure The Elephant and the Spi河北版小学英语(三年级起点)河北冀教版小学英语三年级上册:Unit 1 School and NumbersUnit 2 Friends and ColoursUnit 3 Body and FeelingsUnit 4 Family河北冀教版小学英语三年级下册:UNIT 1 Food and More NumbersUNIT 2 Food and RestaurantsUNIT 3 Clothes We Wear LessonUNIT 4 At Home Lesson河北冀教版小学英语四年级上册:Unit 1 The clothes we wearUnit 2 At homeUnit 3 Let's GoUnit 4 Shopping in the City河北冀教版小学英语四年级下册:Unit 1 Hello Again!Unit 2 Days and MonthsUnit 3 All about MeUnit 4 My Favourites河北冀教版小学英语五年级上册:Unit 1 My Family.Unit 2 My Country and English-speaking Countries Unit 3 A Trip to BeijingUnit 4 Let's Get Ready!河北冀教版小学英语五年级下册:Unit 1 On the TrainUnit 2 In BeijingUnit 3 Writing HomeUnit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip?河北冀教版小学英语六年级上册:Unit 1 Li Ming Comes to CanadaUnit 2 School in CanadaUnit 3 Winter in CanadaUnit 4 Christmas河北冀教版小学英语六年级下册:Unit 1 SportsUnit 2 Good Health to You!Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer?Unit 4 Li Ming Goes Home人教版新目标初中英语新目标初中英语(七年级上册)Starter Unit 1 Good morning!Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English?Starter Unit 3 What color is it?Unit 1 My name’s Gina.Unit 2 Is this your pencil?Unit 3 This is my sister.Unit 4 Where’s my backpack?Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Review of units 1-6Unit 7 How much are these pants?Unit 8 When is your birthday?Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?Unit 11 What time do you go to school?Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.Review of units 7-12Starter Unit 1 Word ListStarter Unit 2 Word ListStarter Unit 3 Word ListUnit 1 Word ListUnit 2 Word ListUnit 3 Word ListUnit 4 Word ListUnit 5 Word ListUnit 6 Word ListReview of units 1-6 Word ListUnit 7 Word ListUnit 8 Word ListUnit 9 Word ListUnit 10 Word ListUnit 11 Word ListUnit 12 Word ListReview of units 7-12 Word List。
