

个国际音标对应的字母组合Revised as of 23 November 202048个国际音标对应的字母组合1 元音:1)[i:] 字母组合:①ee ②ea ③e ④ie \eiee: three[θri:](三)、tree [tri:](树)、green [ɡri:n](绿色)、sheep [i:p](绵羊)、 meet [mi:t] (遇见、会见)、beef [bi:f](牛肉)、ee [si:](看见、明白)、seek [si:k] (寻求、寻找)、bee [bi:] (蜜蜂)ea: eat [i:t] (吃、吃饭) 、tea [ti:](茶、茶叶)、meat [mi:t](肉、肉食)、leave [li:v](离开)、lead [li:d] (领导)、team [ti:m](队、团队)、mean [mi:n](表示、意味)、speak [spi:k](说、讲、讲话)、clean[kli:n](擦、打扫)、please [pli:z](请、使高兴)、teacher [,ti:t](老师)e: he [hi:, i] (他) 、she [i:, i](她)、me [mi:, mi](我,宾格)、be[bi:, bi]( [be v-ing]构成进行式)ie\ei: piece [pi:s](片, 块)、receive [ri ,si:v](收到, 接到)、ceiling .[,si:li](天花板, 顶棚)2)[i] 发音字母:① i ②y③ ei : sit [sit] ((使)坐)、picture .[,pikt] (图画, 肖像; 照片) 、it [it] (它)is .[iz;z;s] (是)、list [list] (目录, 名单)、 six .[siks] (六;六个(人或物)) 、mix[miks] (混合, 搅和) fix [fiks] (修理; 校准)、fit [fit] ((使)适合)、pig [piɡ](猪) 、big.[biɡ]( 大的) build [bild] (修建, 建造) 、miss [mis] (失误, 失败)y: any [,eni]( 一点, 一些)、dictionary [,diknri]( 词典, 字典)、twenty .[,twenti:, ,twn ti:] (二十;20) 、myth .[miθ]( 神话) 、happy[,h?pi]( 愉快的, 高兴的)、many [,meni]( 许多, 多的)e : defect .[di,fekt]( 缺点, 过失)、decide .[di,said] (下决心; (使)决定)、delicious .[di,lis]( 美味的, 可口的)3)[ ]发音字母: aa : bag .[b?ɡ] (袋, 包)、hand .[h?nd] (手)、and .[nd, nd]( 和, 与)、happy .[,h?pi] (愉快的, 高兴的)、mad .[m?d] (疯了的, 发疯的)、 hat .[ht](帽子)、map .[mp] (地图) ant .[nt]( 蚂蚁) 、bad .[bd] (坏的, 劣质的)、black .[blk] (黑色的, 黑暗的) back .[bk] (回原处;背, 背部) 、glad .[ɡld] (高兴的, 欢喜的) 、flag .[flɡ] (旗, 旗帜) man .[mn](男人, 成年男子) shall .[l, l] ((有时与I和we连用, 表示一般将来时)将要, 会)、at .[t, t]( 在, 于)、have .[hv, hv](有、拥有)、stand .[st?nd]( 站立)、that .[et, et](那、那个)、amily .[,f?mili](家庭、家人) 、Saturday .[,stdi](星期六)4)[e] 字母组合:① ea ②e ③a①ea : head .[hed]( 头部 )、bread .[bred]( 面包 )、breakfast .[,brekf?st](早餐)、 ready .[,redi](准备就绪的)、sweater .[,swet](毛衣)、weather .[,wee](天气)、pleasure .[,ple](愉快、满足)②e : desk .[desk](书桌, 办公桌)、bed .[bed](床, 床位)、lesson .[,les?n] (功课, 课)、 better .[,bet](更好的)、yes .[jes] (是)、elephant .[,elif?nt] (象、大象)、electric .[i,lektrik](电动的)、remember.[ri,memb](记得; 牢记)、sell .[sel] (卖; 售; 销)、 hotel .[h?u,tel](酒店、饭店、大宾馆)③a : any [,eni]( 一点, 一些) 、many [,meni]( 许多, 多的)5) [:] 字母组合:①ir② ur ③ear④ er ⑤or①ir :girl .[ɡ:l] (女孩、少女)、shirt .[:t](衬衫、衬衣)、 skirt .[sk:t](裙子) thirty .[,θ:ti:](三十)、thirteen .[θ:,ti:n](十三)、third .[θ:d] (第三)、bird .[b:d](小鸟)、sir .[s:]( 先生 ) first .[f:st]( 第一, 最早, 首先) dirty .[,d:ti]( 肮脏的 )②ur :turn .[t:n](翻转、旋转)、burn .[b:n](燃烧)、murder .[,m:d] (谋杀; 谋杀案)、nurse turtle Thursday burger③ear : learn earn earth heard early④er : term her nerd serve⑤or : work worm word world worth6) [] 字母组合: er or ou ar o a e u teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder doctor actor mayor author tractor delicious gracious pleasure familiar collar dollar together tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china men listen famulus Saturday7) [a:] 字母组合: ar a car farm card arm garden fast class last glass plant aunt calm8) [] 发音字母: u o ou ooup supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus come mother does brother love above trouble rough flourish blood flood9) [:]字母组合: al or au our ar small wall talk tall hall ball call walk short morelord horse for forty sport door floor store author caught autumn four mourn court bought warm quarrel quarter 10) [] / []发音字母: o a hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar not want wash 11) [u:] 字母组合: oo o u food moon room gloom broom doom goose tooth shoe do two true truth blue full12) [u] 字母组合: oo ou u o look good foot book should could put full bull pull push women whose13) [ei] 发音字母: a ay ea ai ey name cake late gate plane April play say may way great break rain paint plain they grey14) [ai] 发音字母: i y bike fine find die nine light night high my try fly eye15) [au] 字母组合: ou ow house out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse flower down now cow how town16) [u] 发音字母: o ow oa home cold go no phone host ghost know low belowgrow blow show flow boat coat goal17) [] 字母组合:oy oi boy toy joy oil soil voice choice18) [i] 字母组合: eer ea, ear,ea, ear, er, ier beer deer ear idea near here fierce19) [e] 字母组合:ear air pair bear chair air fair care there where20) [u] tour poor2 容易混淆的元音:[] [e] bad bed hand head man men land lend pan pen sad said[i:] [ei] real rail greet great mean main read raid[e] [ai] bet bite red write said side head hide[au] [:] house horse loud lord south sauce cloud clause now nor count corn[au] [] found fond down done gown gone town ton3辅音: 1) [p] pen pear play pig pour pull push2) [b] book big boot bike bread break3) [t] tree two ten ton town twenty city4) [d] door dull desk dose do dog dictionary5) [k] king kite key look cook book kitchen sky (发音字母k)card cat cream correct climb come account accept (发音字母c)fox box oxygen x-ray (发音字母x)school schedule schema (字母组合ch)6) [g] girl good goal goat grade long language7) [m] man make moon morning move come comb8) [n] pen ten nine fine night noon moon clean9) [] uncle bank English think thank junk sing king morning evening10) [l] long land lend lord fly flag black world cold could goal soul11) [r] read red right run room write12) [f] five fly fine flag frog fog roof knife life wife cough laugh rough physic photo phone13) [v] very evening even every voice vest14) [s] six sit student same seat kiss miss case scarf (发音字母s)license city cease cedar ceiling celebrate (发音字母c)licence piece juice science lance space ace (字母组合ce)15) [z] zoo zebra zero zap close nose hose suppose pause those whose16) [θ] think thank three thirty tooth mouth17) [e] that this those these though18) [] sheep shoulder ship shoe she brush wash nation attention station social special sure 19) [] pleasure20) [h] hot hop home house horse how who21) [w] when what where window wind wood22) [j] yes year yell you your yolk yellow23) [t] child chicken china chair lunch ouch catch teach24) [d] age language cabbage vegetable stage bridge joy enjoy join July June junk25) [tr] tree country try treat track trunk26) [dr] dry dream drop drive drink27) [ts] students boots boats goats nuts28) [dz] goods woods moods hoods4容易混淆的辅音:[v] [w] vest west vet wet vine wine very well[s] [θ] sink think mass math miss myth sort sought[z] [e] close cloth breeze breathe[n] [] thin thing sin sing ran rang ban bang win wing添加一点:9) [:]字母组合: al or au our ar aw small wall talk tall hall ball call walk short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store author caught autumn four mourn court bought warm quarrel quarter draw saw flaw23) [t] child chicken china chair lunch ouch teach (字母组合ch)catch watch match (字母组合tch)5 字母,组合音节发音规律1)a [ei] [] [] [a:] [:] late private grade bake grape nation station page active hand bank fan parent family glad flag accept about above formative machine cinema fast last glass class past father wash what watch want2)e [i:] [e] [i] [] 不发音 appreciate extremely secret she me he letter left message generate pebble decide pretty previous result restore problem prosperous student confident active table late wife store lecture3)i [ai] [i] high price library ice cream wife size line fist pick chicken piano fiancécity unit 4)o [u] [u:] [] [] [] lode host cold note okay old home lose do who whose prove love some other mother honey company today tomorrow together control collect lost hot mock office soft honest5)u [ju] [u] [] [] university refuse unique universe huge put push pull full bull but brush bucket duck bubble support suggest6)c [k] [s] country camp camera courage cable city ceiling celebrate cell cease 7)g [g] [d] [] girl grade glass glade bag flag village vegetable bridge gentleman gym long song sing morning evening8) l [l] 读音不同: listen learn language collect English gorilla world cold soil tall sell cool animal9) n [n] [] moon night noodle number uncle hungry angry young10) r [r] [[](美语发音) right read write grade progress card board door floor form north 11)y [j] [i] [ai] yellow year yell young yolk university country pretty happy dyke dying fly buy by my12)ar [a:] [] [:] farm card garden mark dollar warm quarrel quarter13) ea [i:] [e] [ei] [i] cease season breathe feature meat please bread breast breath meadow weather great break idea realize14) ear [:] [i] learn earth earn heard hear near clear ear fear15) er [:] [] [i] deserve serve her person teacher driver anger singer serious experience mysterious fierce16)ere [i] [ε] here mere fere sere there17) ir [:] [ai] shirt girl skirt admire desire18) oo [u:] [u] [] [:] room tool cool moon noon goof food good foot stood wood wool cook wood book blood flood door floor19) or [:] [:] [] short form corn born for work world worm word worst tractor doctor actor sector senior senator20) oor [:] [u]door floor moor poor boor21) our [u] [:] hour tour flour bourn lour pour court four mourn22) ou [au] [] [] house mouth mouse sound found enough trouble touch delicious gracious prosperous23) ow [u] [au] window meadow know show low now town how down cow24) se [z] [s] nose suppose gose lose pose rose mouse house25) th [θ] [e] thank think thought cloth clothes that this then than26) sion [n] [ n] propulsion tension progression passion protrusion provision conclusion television27) tion [n] [tn](不常见) station nation translation attention question6关于语音的几个概念:Phonics 是一种(方法), 是教育学习者从字母排列中去拼读出单个字来. AHD表示美语发音,The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language(简称AHD) KK音标是一套(注音符号系统),是由John Samuel Kenyon 和 John Albert Knott两位美国学者共同编着的发音词典A Pronouncing Dictionary of American1956中用于标注美式发音的符号系统, 这是一套最常用的也是最权威的注音法,从此人们把美语标准发音惯称为KK音标。

元音[i:] (长音衣)发这个音的字母及组合e ea ee ie ei i ey e: me she he we eveningee: sweet bee sheep see threeea: meat leaf sea teach eatie: pieceei: receive ceilingi: policeey: key[i] (短音衣)发这个音的字母及组合a i e y ey ay u ui a: village comrade orangei: pig fish in fifteen six ship thine: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busyey: monkey moneyay: Sunday Saturday Fridayu: busy businessui: build[ә:] (长音饿)发这个音的字母及组合er ir ur ear or our er: her serve termir: bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirtur: nurse Thursday turtle purple curtainear: early learnor: word work worldour: journey[ә] (短音饿)发这个音的字母及组合ure er ar or ou rea e i o uure: pictureer: teacher brother dinner father sisterar: sugar dollaror: doctor actorre: metre centreou: delicious graciousa: panda about above camera sofa Chinae: open hundredi: candidateo: control polite todayu: datum curriculum[ɔ:] (长音凹)发这个音的字母及组合a aw al or oor oreau ar ou oara: water wantaw: draw strawberryal: ball wallor: horse corn fork or shortoor: floor doorore: core toreau: August daughterar: warmou: bought oughtoar: board[ɔ] (短音凹)发这个音的字母及组合o a au ou owo: fox coffee dog shop dog doctora: watch whatau: Austriliaou: coughow: knowledge[u:] (长音屋)发这个音的字母及组合o oo ui u oe ou ewo: do who whoseoo: food moon tooui: fruit juiceu: ruler rudeoe: canoeou: couponew: drew blew[u] (短音屋)发这个音的字母及组合o oo u oulo: woman wolfoo: look good book foot woodu: bull bulletoul: could should[a:] (长音啊)发这个音的字母及组合a ar au ear al a: grass glass class dance fast fatherar: car star arm March scarfau: laugh auntear: heartal: half palm calm[Λ] (短音啊)发这个音的字母及组合o u oo ouo: son come color love moneyu: sun nut jump bus brush supper usou: touch cousin country[æ] (张大嘴的哎)发这个音的字母及组合a aia: dad cap cat bad apple bag flag handstand rat mapai: plaid[e] (张小嘴的哎)发这个音的字母及组合e ea a ai ue ie e: egg bell desk leg pet ten penea: bread head breakfasta: many any anythingai: saidue: guess guestie: friend friendly[ei] (哎和衣拼到一起念A)发这个音的字母及组a ai ay ey ea ei eigh a: cake make name game snake lazyai: rain train waitay: day May play today wayey: they greyea: great breakei: reign veileigh: eight weight[ai] (啊和衣拼在一起念圆滑的啊衣)发这个音的字母及组i y ie uy ei igh eyei: kite bike nice tiger writey: by cry fly my sky try whyie: tie pieuy: buy guyei: either(e)igh: high heighteye: eyebrow[ɔi] (凹和衣拼到一起念凹衣)发这个音的字母及组合oi oyoi: oil boil coinoy: boy toy[au] (啊和屋拼到一起念啊屋)发这个音的字母及组合ou owou: house mouse mouth trousersow: flower cow how now down[әu] (饿和屋拼到一起念饿屋)发这个音的字母及组合o oa ow ouo: nose rose open overoa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowlou: shoulder though[iә] (衣和饿拼到一起念衣饿)发这个音的字母及组合e ear eer ea ier eo e: eraear: ear hear teareer: deer beerea: reallyier: pierceeo: peony[eә] (哎和饿拼到一起念哎饿)发这个音的字母及组合air ear ere are eir air: hair chair pairear: pear bear wearere: where thereare: dare hareeir: their[uә] (屋和饿拼到一起念屋饿)发这个音的字母及组合oor our ure u oor: poorour: tourure: sure pureu: jury辅音[p] (坡)发这个音的字母及组合p pp pep: piano panda pet ship sheep pig stoppp: apple happype: cope ripe[b] (浊音波)发这个音的字母及组合b bb beb: book ball bird boy bag bananabb: rubber rabbit cabbagebe: robe tube[t] (清音特)发这个音的字母和字母组合t tt tet: table tea taxi cat rat fat tickettt: butter matterte: bite cute[d] (浊音的,是t的浊化)发这个音的字母和字母组合d ed dd ded: duck seed door desk day red headed: smiled opened playeddd: addition buddyde: ride jade[k] ck ch qu kec: cap cook cup car cank: cook milk key deskck: clock sock cock neckch: school Christmasque: cheque techniqueke: lake bike[g] (浊音哥,是k的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合g gg gh gu gue g: glass golf get girl bag goat flaggg: egggh: ghostgu: guilt guidegue: dialogue colleague[s] (清音丝)发这个音的字母及组合s c ss ce sc ses: star sun snake sea seec: pencil city cedar ceilingss: grass glass class bossce: face race rice nicesc: scene scentistse: sense dense[z] (浊音资,是s的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合z s se ze es z: zero zebra zoos: bags photos sistersse: nose roseze: size realizees: knives wolves[∫] (清音狮)发这个音的字母及组合s sh ch ci si tis: sugar suresh: ship sheep wash cash shop shech: machine chefci: species specialsi: session passionti: patient cautious[3] (浊音日,是∫的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合s ge gi si z s: usually measure pleasurege: massage miragegi: regimesi: collision decision televisionz:seizure[t∫] (吃)发这个音的字母及组合ch tch tch: teacher peach cherry chairtch: watch matcht: virtual ritual question[d3] (知)发这个音的字母及组合g j ge dgeg: ginger giraffej: jump job jamge: orange cabbage cagedge: bridge judge[f] (清音夫,咬下嘴唇)发这个音的字母及组合f ff ph gh fe f: five fan flower fish four leafff: giraffe cuffph: phone elephant photogh: laughfe: knife life[v] (浊音屋,咬下嘴唇,是f的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合v ve v: video vase vestve: five love[θ] (咬舌音丝)发这个音的字母及组合thth: three thin third mouth[ð](咬舌音资,是θthth: father mother brother weather[ts] (清音词)发这个音的字母及组合ts tests: seats goats coats cats pets eatstes: gates kites dates tastes[dz] (浊音资,是ts的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合ds desds: seeds woods friends birds bedsdes: rides[tr] (浊音戳)发这个音的字母及组合trtr: tree truck trousers strawberry trick[dr] (浊音桌,是tr的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合drdr: draw drink driver dragon dry[h] (清音和,就是哈出一口气,声带不要震)发这个音的字母及组合h wh h: he her head heart hair hamwh: who whose[r] (浊音若)发这个音的字母及组合r rr wr rhr: rice room ride road roserr: mirror carrot parrotwr: write wrong wraprh: rhyme rhythm[l] (可以理解成放在单词前面(第一排单词)发乐的音,放在最后发欧的音(第二排单词))发这个音的字母和字母组合l lll: look light lock lucky lion tailll: ball pull doll tell[m] (闭上嘴,用鼻子发木的音,放在单词中可以理解为发摸的音)发这个音的字母及组合m mb mm mn mem: mouse milk monkey money mummb: climb comb thumbmm: hammer common yummymn: autumn hymnme: time come[n] (闭上嘴,用鼻子发嗯的音,放在单词中可以理解为发呢的音)发这个音的字母及组合n kn gn nn nen: nose net nut banana noodles trainkn: knee knife knockgn: sign designnn: sunny dinner tennis[η] (可以理解为和上面的n发音一样)发这个音的字母和字母组合n ng n: ink bank tankng: sing hang song king reading[w] (发窝的音)发这个音的字母及组合w whw: winter window watch water wellwh: white where which when why wheel[j] (发也的音,要注意和u合起来ju发优的音)发这个音的字母及组合y e y: yogurt yard yes you youre: few beauty1、音节的划分一个单词的音标中有几个元音就有几个音节。

元音[i:](长音衣)发这个音的字母及组合e ea ee ie ei i eye: me she he we eveningee: sweet bee sheep see threeea: meat leaf sea teach eatie: pieceei: receive ceilingi: policeey: key[i] (短音衣)发这个音的字母及组合a i e y ey ay u uia: village comrade orangei: pig fish in fifteen six ship th e: begin behind jacket basketball y:happy heavy busy carry sunny ey: monkey moneyay: Sunday Saturday Fridayu: busy businessui: build[ә:] (长音饿)发这个音的字母及组合er ir ur ear or ourer: her serve termir: bird girl skirt first dirty ur: nurse Thursday turtle purple ear: early learnor: word work worldour: journey[ә] (短音饿)发这个音的字母及组合ure er ar or ou re a e i o uure: pictureer: teacher brother dinner father ar: sugar dollaror: doctor actorre: metre centreou: delicious graciousa: panda aboutcamera sofa China e: open hundredi: candidateo: control polite todayu: datum curriculum [ɔ:] (长音凹)发这个音的字母及组合a aw al or oor ore au ar ou oara: water wantaw: draw strawberryal: ball wallor: horse corn fork or short oor: floor doorore: core toreau: August daughterar: warmou: bought oughtoar: board[ɔ](短音凹)发这个音的字母及组合o a au ou owo: fox coffee shop dog doctor a: watch whatau: Austriliaou: coughow: knowledge[u:](长音屋)发这个音的字母及组合o oo ui u oe ou ewo: do who whoseoo: food moon tooui: fruit juiceu: ruler rudeoe: canoeou: couponew: drew blew[u](短音屋)发这个音的字母及组合o oo u oulo: woman wolfoo: look good book foot woodu: bull bulletoul: could should[a:](长音啊)发这个音的字母及组合a ar au ear ala: grass glass class dance fastfatherar: car star arm March gardenscarfau: laugh auntear: heartal: half palm calm[Λ] (短音啊)发这个音的字母及组合o u oo ouo: son come color love money u: sun nut jump bus brush supper usou: touch cousin country [æ](张大嘴的哎)发这个音的字母及组a aia: dad cap cat bad apple bag flag hand stand rat mapai: plaid[e] (张小嘴的哎)发这个音的字母及组合e ea a ai ue iee: egg bell desk leg pet ten pen ea: bread head breakfasta: many any anythingai: saidue: guess guestie: friend friendly[ei] (哎和衣拼到一起念A)发这个音的字母及组a ai ay ey ea ei eigha: cake make name game snake lazyai: rain train waitay: day May play today way ey: they greyea: great breakei: reign veileigh: eight weight[ai](啊和衣拼在一起念圆滑的啊衣)发这个音的字母及组i y ie uy ei igh eyei: kite bike nice tiger write knifey: by cry fly my sky try whyie: tie pieuy: buy guyei: either(e)igh: high heighteye: eyebrow[ɔi] (凹和衣拼到一起念凹衣)发这个音的字母及组合oi oyoi: oil boil coinoy: boy toy[au](啊和屋拼到一起念啊屋)发这个音的字母及组合ou owou: house mouse mouth trousers ow: flower cow how now down[әu] (饿和屋拼到一起念饿屋)发这个音的字母及组合o oa ow ou o: nose rose open overoa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowl ou: shoulder though [iә] (衣和饿拼到一起念衣饿)发这个音的字母及组合e ear eer ea ier eoe: eraear: ear hear teareer: deer beerea: reallyier: pierceeo: peony[eә] (哎和饿拼到一起念哎饿)发这个音的字母及组合air ear ere are eirair: hair chair pairear: pear bear wearere: where thereare: dare hareeir: their[uә] (屋和饿拼到一起念屋饿)发这个音的字母及组合oor our ure u oor: poorour: tourure: sure pureu: jury辅音[p](坡)发这个音的字母及组合p pp pep: piano panda pet ship sheep pig stoppp: apple happype: cope ripe[b](浊音波)发这个音的字母及组合b bb beb: book ball bird boy bagbananabb: rubber rabbit cabbagebe: robe tube[t](清音特)发这个音的字母和字母组合t tt tet: table tea taxi cat rat fattickettt: butter matterte: bite cute[d] (浊音的,是t的浊化)发这个音的字母和字母组合d ed dd d e d: duck seed door desk day red headed: smiled opened playeddd: addition buddyde: ride jade[k] (清音科)发这个音的字母及组合c k ck ch qu kec: cap cook cup car can class k: cook milk key deskck: clock sock cock neckch: school Christmasque: cheque techniqueke: lake bike[g] (浊音哥,是k的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合g gg gh gu gue g: glass golf get girl bag goat flaggg: egggh: ghostgu: guilt guidegue: dialogue colleague[s] (清音丝)发这个音的字母及组合s c ss ce sc ses: star sun snake sea seec: pencil city cedar ceilingss: grass glass class bossce: face race rice nicesc: scene scentistse: sense dense[z] (浊音资,是s的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合z s se ze esz: zero zebra zoos: bags photos sistersse: nose roseze: size realizees: knives wolves[∫] (清音狮)发这个音的字母及组合s sh ch ci si tis: sugar suresh: ship sheep wash cash shop shech: machine chefci: species specialsi: session passionti: patient cautious[3](浊音日,是∫的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合s ge gi si zs: usually measure pleasure ge: massage miragegi: regimesi: collision decision televisionz:seizure[t∫] (吃)发这个音的字母及组合ch tch tch: teacher peach cherry chair tch: watch matcht: virtual ritual question[d3](知)发这个音的字母及组合g j ge dgeg: ginger giraffej: jump job jamge: orange cabbage cagedge: bridge judge[f] (清音夫,咬下嘴唇)发这个音的字母及组合f ff ph gh fef: five fan flower fish four leaf ff: giraffe cuffph: phone elephant photogh: laughfe: knife life[v] (浊音屋,咬下嘴唇,是f的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合v vev: video vase vestve: five love[θ] (咬舌音丝)发这个音的字母及组合thth: three thin third teethmouth[ð](咬舌音资,是θ的浊化)发这个音的字母和字母组合thth: father mother brotherweather[ts](清音词)发这个音的字母及组合ts tests: seats goats coats catspets eatstes: gates kites dates tastes[dz](浊音资,是ts的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合ds desds: seeds woods friends birds bedsdes: rides[tr](浊音戳)发这个音的字母及组合trtr: tree truck trousers strawberry trick[dr] (浊音桌,是tr的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合drdr: draw drink driver dragon dry[h] (清音和,就是哈出一口气,声带不要震)发这个音的字母及组合h wh h: he her head heart hair hamwh: who whose[r](浊音若)发这个音的字母及组合r rr wr rhr: rice room ride road rose rr: mirror carrot parrotwr: write wrong wraprh: rhyme rhythm[l](可以理解成放在单词前面(第一排单词)发乐的音,放在最后发欧的音(第二排单词))发这个音的字母和字母组合l ll l: look light lock lucky lion tailll: ball pull doll tell[m] (闭上嘴,用鼻子发木的音,放在单词中可以理解为发摸的音)发这个音的字母及组合m mb mm mn me m: mouse milk monkey money mummb: climb comb thumbmm: hammer common yummy mn: autumn hymnme: time come[n] (闭上嘴,用鼻子发嗯的音,放在单词中可以理解为发呢的音)发这个音的字母及组合n kn gn nn ne n: nose net nut banana noodles trainkn: knee knife knockgn: sign designnn: sunny dinner tennis[η] (可以理解为和上面的n发音一样)发这个音的字母和字母组合n ngn: ink bank tankng: sing hang song king reading[w] (发窝的音)发这个音的字母及组合w whw: winter window watch water wellwh: white where which when why wheel[j] (发也的音,要注意和u合起来ju发优的音)发这个音的字母及组合y ey: yogurt yard yes you youre: few beauty。

48 个国际音标对应的字母组合1、元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:①ee ②ea ③e ④ie \ei①ee: three[θri:](三) tree [tri:](树)green [ɡri:n](绿色)sheep [ʃi:p](绵羊)meet [mi:t] (遇见、会见)beef [bi:f](牛肉)see [si:](看见、明白)seek [si:k] (寻求、寻找) bee [bi:] (蜜蜂)②ea: eat [i:t] (吃、吃饭) tea [ti:](茶、茶叶)meat [mi:t](肉、肉食)leave [li:v](离开)lead [li:d] (领导)team [ti:m](队、团队) mean [mi:n](表示、意味)speak [spi:k](说、讲、讲话) clean [kli:n](擦、打扫)please [pli:z](请、使高兴)teacher [’ti:tʃə](老师)③e: he [hi:’ i] (他) she [ʃi:’ʃi](她)me [mi:’ mi](我,宾格)be[bi:’ bi]( [be v-ing]构成进行式)④ie\ei: piece [pi:s](片,块) receive [ri’si:v](收到,接到)ceiling [si:liŋ] (天花板,顶棚)2) [i] 发音字母:①i ②y③e①i : sit [sit] ((使)坐) picture [’piktʃə] (图画, 肖像; 照片)it [it] (它) is [iz;z;s] (是) list [list] (目录,名单)six [siks] (六;六个(人或物)) mix [miks] (混合,搅和)fix [fiks] (修理; 校准) fit [fit] ((使)适合) pig [piɡ] (猪)big [biɡ](大的) build [bild] (修建, 建造)miss [mis] (失误,失败)②y : any [’eni](一点,一些) dictionary [’dikʃənəri](词典,字典)twenty [’twenti: , ’twʌn ti:] (二十;20) myth [miθ](神话)happy [’hæpi](愉快的,高兴的) many [’meni](许多,多的)③e : defect [di’fekt](缺点’过失) decide [di’said] (下决心; 决定)delicious [di’liʃəs](美味的’可口的) women [’wimin](女人)3) [æ ]发音字母: aa : bag [bæɡ] (袋,包) hand [hænd] (手) and [ænd,ənd](和,与)happy [’hæpi] (愉快的,高兴的) mad [mæd] (疯了的,发疯的)hat [hæt] (帽子) map [mæp] (地图) ant [ænt]( 蚂蚁)bad [bæd] (坏的,劣质的) black [blæk] (黑色的,黑暗的)back [bæk] (回原处;背,背部) glad [ɡlæd] (高兴的,欢喜的)flag [flæɡ] (旗,旗帜) man [mæn](男人,成年男子)shall [ʃæl’ʃəl] ((有时与I和we连用,表示一般将来时)将要,会)at [æt’ət](在,于) have [hæv’ həv](有、拥有)stand [stænd](站立) that [ðæt’ ðət](那、那个)family [’fæmili](家庭、家人) Saturday [sætədi](星期六)4) [e] 字母组合:①ea ②e ③a①ea: head [hed](头部) bread [bred](面包) breakfast [brekfəst](早餐)ready [’redi](准备就绪的)sweater [’swetə](毛衣)weather [’weðə](天气)pleasure [’pleʒə](愉快、满足) ②e : desk [desk](书桌,办公桌) bed [bed](床,床位)lesson [lesən] (功课,课)better [’betə](更好的)yes [jes] (是)elephant [’elifənt] (象、大象)electric [i’lektrik] (电动的)remember [ri’membə] (记得; 牢记)sell [sel] (卖; 售; 销) hotel [həu ’tel] (酒店、饭店、大宾馆)③a : any [’eni]( 一点, 一些) many [‘meni]( 许多,多的)5) [ə:] 字母组合:①ir②ur ③ear④er ⑤or①ir :girl [ɡə:l] (女孩、少女)shirt [ʃə:t](衬衫、衬衣)skirt [skə:t](裙子) thirty [’θə:ti:](三十)thirteen [θə: ’ti:n](十三)third [θə:d] (第三)bird [bə:d](小鸟)sir [sə:](先生)first [fə:st](第一,最早,首先) dirty [’də:ti](肮脏的)②ur : turn [tə:n](翻转、旋转) burn [bə:n](燃烧)murder [’mə:də] (谋杀; 谋杀案) nurse [nə:s](护士)turtle [’tə:tl](海龟,甲鱼) Thursday [’θə:zdi] (星期四)burger [’bə:ɡə](汉堡包)③ear: learn [lə:n](学习;学;学会) earn [ə:n]( 赚得; 挣钱)earth [ə:θ] (世界,地球) early [’ə:li](早的,提早的)④er : term [tə:m]( (学校的)学期) serve [sə:v](提供, 端上)her [hə:]( (she的宾格)她(she的所有格)她的)nerd [nɜ:d] (讨厌的人,卑微的人)⑤or : work [wə:k](工作,劳动,作业) worm [wə:m](虫; 蠕虫)word [wə:d] (字; 单词) world [wə:ld](世界,地球)worth [wə:θ]( (表示比率)值(多少钱), 值得)6) [ə] 字母组合: ①er ②or③ou ④ar ⑤o ⑥a⑦e ⑧u①er : teacher [’ti:tʃə]( 教师) leader [’ li:də]( 领袖,领导人)river [’rivə](江、河) writer [ ’raitə](作者)remember [ri’membə]( 记得; 牢记) powder [’paudə](粉, 粉末)speaker [’spi:kə]( 演讲者) farmer [’fɑ:mə] (农场主,农民)player [’pleɪə] (游戏的人,打牌的人,选手,比赛者\演员;演奏者)②or : doctor [’dɔktə](医生,大夫) actor [’æktə](演员(尤指男演员))mayor [mɛə] (市长) author [’ɔ:θə](著作家,作者)tractor [’træktə](拖拉机,牵引机)③ou : delicious [di’liʃəs]( 美味的, 可口的)gracious [’ɡreiʃəs] (有礼貌的, 仁慈的, 和蔼的, 亲切的)pleasure [’pleʒə](愉快, 快乐, 满足)④ar : familiar [fə’miljə](熟悉的, 通晓的)collar [’kɔlə](衣领, 领子)dollar [’dɔlə](美元)⑤o : together [tə’ɡeðə](在一起; 共同) tomorrow [tə’mɔrəu](明天)today [tə’dei]((在)今天) lesson [’lesən](功课, 课)Washington [’wɔʃiŋtən] (华盛顿)polite [pə’lait](有礼貌的, 客气的)⑥a : aaround [ə’raund](在周围, 在附近)ago [ə’ɡəu ] (以前)elephant [’elifənt] (象, 大象) manta [’mæntə](女用披巾,外套)about [ə’baut](关于) again [ə’ɡen, ə’ɡein](再(次), 又(一次))banana [bə’nɑ:nə](香蕉)Canada [’kænədə] (加拿大)Japan [dʒə’pæn](日本)china [’tʃaɪnə](中国)⑦e : men [men] ((man 的复数))listen [’lisn](倾听; 留心听)⑧u: famulus [’fæmjuləs](助手,私人秘书(或随从))Saturday [’sætədi](星期六)7) [a:] 字母组合: ①ar ②a①ar: car [kɑ:] (汽车,轿车) farm [fɑ:m] (农田,农场)card [kɑ:d] (卡片,名片) arm [ɑ:m] (臂)garden [’ɡɑ:dn](花园;果园) march [mɑ:tʃ]( 进军; 行进)party [’pɑ:ti] (社交聚会) park [pɑ:k] (公园)②a : fast [fɑ:st] (快的,迅速的) class [klɑ:s](班,班级,年级)last [lɑ:st] (最后的,末尾的) glass [ɡlɑ:s] (玻璃)plant [plɑ:nt] (种植,栽种) aunt [ɑ:nt](阿姨\姑母)father [’fɑ:ðə](父亲)8) [ʌ] 发音字母: ①u ②o ③ou ④oo①u : up [ʌp] (成直立姿势; 起床) but [bʌt , bət](但是,然而)supper [’sʌpə](晚饭,晚餐) lunch [lʌntʃ](午餐)gun [ɡʌn] (枪,炮) hunt [hʌnt]( 打猎’猎取)cup [kʌp]( 杯子) bus [bʌs](公共汽车,巴士)just [dʒʌst](刚才,方才) much [mʌtʃ](许多的,大量的) ②o : come [kʌm] (来;来到) mother [’ mʌðə] (母亲,妈妈)does [dʌz ; dəz](做,有用,工作) brother [’brʌðə] (兄,弟)love [lʌv] (爱; 热爱) above [ə’bʌv] (位置)在…正上方)money [’mʌni](钱,金钱; 货币) son [sʌn](儿子)other [’ʌðə] (别的,其他的)③ou : enough [I’nʌf](充足的,足够的) young [jʌŋ](年幼的,年轻的)trouble [’trʌbl](困难,麻烦) country [’kʌntri](国家,国土)④oo : blood [blʌd](血,血液) flood [flʌd] (洪水,水灾)9) [ɔ:]字母组合: ①al ②or ③au ④our ⑤ar①al : small [smɔ:l](小的, 少的) wall [wɔ:l](墙, 壁, 围墙)water [’wɔ:tə](水)talk [tɔ:k](说话, 交谈)tall [tɔ:l](高的, 身材高的)hall [hɔ:l](礼堂, 会堂; 大厅) ball [bɔ:l](球, 球状物)call [kɔ:l] (叫, 喊)walk [wɔ:k](走, 步行, 散步)②or : short [ʃɔ:t](短的; 矮的) more [mɔ:](更多的)horse [hɔ:s](马)for [fɔ: , fə] (表示对象) 替, 帮, 给forty [’fɔ:ti:](四十)door [dɔ:](门)sport [spɔ:t](运动)floor [flɔ:](地面, 地板)③au : author [’ɔ:θə] (著作家, 作者) autumn [’ɔ:təm](秋天, 秋季)④our : four [fɔ:](四)court [kɔ:t] (庭院, 院子)⑤ar : warm [wɔ:m](暖和的, 温暖的) quarter [’kwɔ:tə] (四分之一)10) [ɔ]发音字母: ①o ②a①o : hot [hɔt] (热的, 烫的)lost [lɔ:st, lɔst](失去的, 丧失的)lot [lɔt] (许多, 大量)fox [fɔks](狐, 狐狸)box [bɔks] (盒, 匣, 箱)mop [mɔp]((擦地板用的)拖把)loss [lɔs](丧失; 遗失)not [nɔt](不, 没)job [dʒɔb](职业、工作) colck [klɔk](钟, 座钟, 挂钟)often [’ɔfən](常常; 经常; 时常) stop [stɔp](停止; 中断)song [sɔŋ](歌曲) long [lɔŋ](长的)②a: want [wɔnt] (打算, 希望)wash [wɔʃ](洗; 洗涤)Watch [wɔtʃ](手表;看)11) [u:] 字母组合: ①oo ②o ③u ④ou①oo : food [fu:d](食物, 粮食)moon [mu:n](月亮, 月球)cool [ku:l]( 凉快的) school [sku:l](学校)room [ru:m](房间; 室)gloom [ɡlu:m](昏暗, 阴暗)broom [bru:m](扫帚)doom [du:m](注定; 判定)goose [ɡu:s] (鹅)tooth [tu:θ](牙, 齿)②o : shoe [ʃu:](鞋)do [du:](做, 干, 从事)whose [hu:z](谁的)who [hu:](谁) two [tu:](二; 2)③u : true [tru:](真实的)truth [tru:θ](事实, 真相, 实情)blue [blu:](蓝色, 蔚蓝; 青色)④ou: you[ju:]( 您, 你, 你们) group[ɡru:p]( 组, 群, 类)12) [u] 字母组合: ①oo ②ou ③u ④o①oo : look [luk](看, 瞧)good [ɡud](好的; 有效的)foot [fut](脚, 足)book [buk](书, 书籍)cook [kuk](烹调, 煮, 烧)②ou : should [ʃud] (应该)could [kud]((表示请求))would [wud](将)③u : put [put] (放; 置)full [ful](满的, 装满的)bull [bul](公牛, 雄兽)pull [pul](拉, 扯, 拔)push [puʃ](推, 推动)sugar [’ʃuɡə](糖)pudding [’pudiŋ](布丁)④o : woman [’wumən]( 成年女子, 妇女) wolf [wulf]( 狼)13) [ei] 发音字母: ①a ②ay ③ea ④ai ⑤ey①a : name [neim](名字, 名称)cake [keik](蛋糕, 糕饼)late [leit](迟的, 晚的)gate [ɡeit](门, 栅栏门)plane [plein](飞机)April [’eiprəl](四月)②ay : play [plei] (玩, 玩耍)say [sei](说; 讲)may [mei](可以, 许可)way [wei](路, 道, 街, 径)③ea: great [ɡreit] (大的, 巨大的; 非常的, 很多的)break [breik](打破, 折断, 弄坏)④ai : rain [rein] (雨) paint [peint](油漆, 涂料)plain [plein](平原)⑤ey : they [ðei, ðe](他[她, 它]们)grey [ɡrei](灰色的, 灰白的)14) [ai] 发音字母: ①i ②y①i : bike [baik](自行车)fine [fain](美好的, 优秀的)find [faind](找到, 发现)die [dai](死亡; 枯萎)nine [nain] (九;九个)light [lait](光源, 电灯)right [rait](对的, 正确的, 准确的)night [nait](夜, 夜晚)high [hai](高的; 高度的)②y: my [mai, mi](我的, 属于我的) try [trai](试图; 努力)fly [flai] (飞, 飞行) eye [ai](眼睛)15) [au] 字母组合: ①ou ②ow①ou: house [haus](住宅, 房子)out [aut](离开某地, 不在里面)flour [’flauə] (面粉)ground [ɡraund](地面)account [ə’kaunt] (认为) count [kaunt](有价值, 有重要意义)sound [saund](声音; 响声)loud [laud](响亮的, 大声的)around [ə’raund] (在周围, 在附近) mouse [maus](老鼠)②ow: flower [’flauə] (花朵)down [daun](向下, 在下面)now [nau](现在, 目前)cow [kau](母牛)how [hau](怎样, 如何, 怎么样) town [taun](镇, 市镇)16) [əu] 发音字母: ①o ②ow ③oa①o : home [həum] (家; 住宅; 家乡, 故乡)go [ɡəu](去; 走; 行; 驶)no [nəu](不、不是)phone [fəun](电话)host [həust](东道主, 主人)ghost [ɡəust] (鬼, 幽灵)cold [kəuld](冷, 寒冷)②ow : know [nəu] (知道, 懂得)low [ləu](低的, 矮的)below [bi’ləu] (在下面, 到下面) grow [ɡrəu](种植)blow [bləu](一击, 打击)show [ʃəu](给…看, 显示)flow [fləu](流, 流动; 循环)③oa: boat [bəut](小船, 小艇)coat [kəut] (上衣, 外套)goal [ɡəul](球门)17) [ɔi] 字母组合:①oy ②oi①oy : boy [bɔi] (男孩, 少年)toy [tɔi](玩具, 玩物)joy [dʒɔi](欢乐, 高兴)②oi : oil [ɔil] (油)soil [sɔil](泥土, 土壤, 土地)voice [vɔis] (嗓音, 说话声) choice [tʃɔis](选择, 挑选)18) [iə] 字母组合: ①eer ②ea③ear④er⑤ier①eer:beer [biə](啤酒)deer [diə](鹿)②ea :idea [ai’diə](想法, 主意)③ear:ear [iə](耳, 耳朵)near [niə](在附近)tear [tiə](眼泪, 泪水)dear [diə](亲爱的)fear [fiə](害怕, 恐惧)④er:here [hiə](在这里, 向这里, 到这里)⑤ier:fierce [fiəs](凶猛的; 凶狠的)19) [ɛə] 字母组合:①ear ②air ③ere ④are①ear : bear [bɛə](熊)②air: pair [pɛə] (一副, 一条, 一把; 一双, 一对) chair [tʃɛə](椅子)fair [fɛə](公平的, 公正的)air [ɛə](天空, 大气, 空气)③ere: there [ðɛə] (在那里, 往那里)where [wɛə](在哪里, 到哪里)④are:care [kɛə](关心, 担心, 在乎, 介意)20) [uə]tour [tuə](旅行, 观光)poor [puə](贫困的, 贫穷的)sure [ʃuə](无疑的, 确信的)2 容易混淆的元音:[æ] [e]bad [bæd] (坏的, 劣质的)hand [hænd](手)bed [bed] (床, 床位)head [hed](头部)man [mæn](男人)land [lænd](陆地, 陆上, 地面)men [men](man的复数)lend [lend](把…借给)pan [pæn](平底锅; 盘子)sad [sæd](悲哀的, 忧愁的)pen [pen] (笔; 钢笔)said [sed](say的过去式和过去分词) [i:] [ei]real [riəl] (真的)greet [ɡri:t](欢迎, 迎接,)rail [reil](隔开)great [ɡreit](大的, 巨大的)mean [mi:n](表示…的意思)read [ri:d](读; 看懂, 理解)main [mein] (主要的; 最重要的)raid [reid](突然袭击)[e] [ai]bet [bet](打赌)red [red](红色的)bite [bait](咬, 叮)write [rait](写)said [sed](say的过去式和过去分词)head [hed](头部)side [said](面; 侧面; 边)hide [haid](隐藏)[au] [ɔ:]house [haus](住宅, 房子)loud [laud] (响亮的, 大声的)horse [hɔ:s](马)lord [lɔ:d](领主, 君主)south [sauθ] (南, 南方)cloud [klaud](云)sauce [sɔ:s](调味汁, 酱汁)clause [klɔ:z](从句)now [nau] (现在, 目前)count [kaunt]((按顺序)数)nor [nɔ:, nə](也不; 也没)corn [kɔ:n](谷物; 谷粒)[au] [ʌ]found [faund] (创办, 成立; 建立)down [daun] (向下, 在下面)fond [fɔnd] (喜欢的, 喜爱的)done [dʌn](已完成)gown [ɡaun](女长服, 礼服)town [taun](镇, 市镇)gone [gɔ:n](过去的, 离去的)ton [tʌn](吨)3辅音:1) [p] :pen [pen](笔; 钢笔)pear [pɛə] (梨(树))play [plei](玩, 玩耍)pig [piɡ] (猪)pull [pul](拉, 扯, 拔)paper[’peipə] (纸, 墙纸)2) [b]:book [buk](书, 书籍)big [biɡ] (大的, 硕大的, 高大的)boot [bu:t](长统靴, 高统鞋) bike [baik](自行车)bread [bred](面包)break [breik] (打破, 折断, 弄坏) 3) [t] :two [tu:] (二;2)city [’siti] (城市, 都市)ten [ten](十(个))ton [tʌn](吨)town [taun](镇, 市镇)twenty [’twenti:] (二十;20)4) [d]:door [dɔ:](门)dull [dʌl](迟钝的, 呆笨的)desk [desk](书桌, 办公桌)dose [dəus](do第三人称单数)do [du:](做, 干, 从事)dog [dɔɡ](公狗, 狗)dictionary [’dikʃənəri](词典, 字典)5) [k] :①(发音字母k)King [kiŋ](君主, 国王)kite [kait](风筝)key [ki:] (钥匙)look [luk](看, 瞧)cook [kuk](烹调, 煮, 烧)book [buk](书, 书籍)kitchen [’kitʃin](厨房)sky [skai](天(空))②(发音字母c)card [kɑ:d](卡, 卡片, 名片)cat [kæt](猫)cream [kri:m](乳脂, 奶油)correct [kə’rekt](正确的, 对的)climb [klaim](爬, 攀登)come [kʌm](来; 来到)account [ə’kaunt](账, 账户) accept [ək’sept](接受, 领受, 收受)③(发音字母x)fox [fɔks](狐, 狐狸)box [bɔks](盒, 匣, 箱)oxygen [’ɔksidʒən] (氧, 氧气)x-ray [’eksrei] (X光照片)④(字母组合ch)School [sku:l](学校)schedule [’ʃedju:əl](排定, 安排)schema [’ski:mə](概要, 计划, 图表)6) [g]:girl [ɡə:l](女孩, 少女)good [ɡud] (良好的, 令人满意的)goal [ɡəul](球门)goat [ɡəut](山羊)grade [ɡreid](年级)language [’læŋɡwidʒ] (语言)7) [m] :man [mæn](男人, 成年男子)make [meik](做; 制造; 被制造)moon [mu:n](月亮, 月球)morning [’mɔ:niŋ](早晨, 上午)move [mu:v](移动; 搬动)come [kʌm](来; 来到)comb [kəum](梳子)8) [n]:pen [pen](笔; 钢笔)ten [ten](十(个))nine [nain](九;九个)fine [fain](美好的, 优秀的)night [nait] (夜, 夜晚)noon [nu:n] (正午; 中午)moon [mu:n](月亮, 月球)clean [kli:n](清洁的, 干净的)9) [ŋ]:uncle [’ʌŋkl](姑父, 姨父)bank [bæŋk]((河的)岸, 堤)English [’iŋgliʃ] (英语, 英文)think [θiŋk](想, 思索)thank [θæŋk](谢谢, 感谢)junk [dʒʌŋk](废旧物品, 破烂物)sing [siŋ](唱; 歌唱)king [kiŋ](君主, 国王)morning [’mɔ:niŋ](早晨, 上午)evening [’i:vniŋ] (傍晚, 晚上) 10) [l] :long [lɔŋ]((距离, 长度)长的)land [lænd](陆地, 陆上, 地面)lend [lend](把…借给)lord [lɔ:d](领主, 君主, 贵族)fly [flai](飞, 飞行)flag [flæɡ] (旗, 旗帜)black [blæk](黑色的, 黑暗的)world [wə:ld] (世界, 地球)cold [kəuld](冷, 寒冷)goal [ɡəul](球门)soul [səul](灵魂)11) [r] :read [ri:d](读; 看懂, 理解)red [red](红色的)right [rait](对的, 正确的, 准确的) run [rʌn](跑)room [ru:m](房间; 室)write [rait](写)12) [f] :①(发音字母s) five [faiv](五)fly [flai](飞, 飞行)fine [fain] (美好的)flag [flæɡ](旗, 旗帜)frog [frɔɡ](蛙)fog [fɔɡ](雾)roof [ru:f] (屋顶; 顶部)knife [naif](刀)life [laif](生活)wife [waif](妻子)②(发音字母组合gh)cough [kɔf](咳嗽)laugh [lɑ:f](笑, 发笑, 嘲笑)rough [rʌf](粗糙的; 不平的)③(字母组合ph)physic [’fizik](医学,医术,泻药)photo [’fəutəu](照片, 相片)phone [fəun](电话)13) [v] :very [’veri](很, 非常, 十分, 极) evening [’i:vniŋ](傍晚, 晚上)even [’i:vən](甚至, 即使)every [’evri](每一, 每个)voice [vɔis](嗓音, 说话声)vest [vest] (马甲, 背心) 14) [s] :①(发音字母s) six [siks](六;六个(人或物))sit [sit]((使)坐)student [’stju:dənt](学生, 大学生) same [seim](相同的; 同样的)seat [si:t](坐席, 座位)kiss [kis](吻)miss [mis](想念, 惦记)case [keis](实情, 情况)②(发音字母c)license [’laisəns](批准, 许可)city [’siti](城市, 都市, 市)cease [si:s] (停止, 终止, 结束)celebrate [’selibreit] (颂扬, 赞美, 歌颂)cedar [’si:də](雪松; 西洋杉)ceiling [’si:liŋ] (天花板, 顶棚)③(字母组合ce)licence [’laisəns](批准, 许可)piece [pi:s](片, 块, 段, 件)juice [dʒu:s](汁, 液)science [’saiəns](科学, 科学研究)lance [læns](鱼叉)space [spies](空间; 距离)ace [eis](某些活动中的能手)15) [z] :zoo [zu:](动物园)zebra [’zi:brə] (斑马)zero [’ziərəu](零)zap [zæp](杀死某人)close [kləuz] ((使)关, 关闭)nose [nəuz] (鼻子)hose [həuz](软管, 胶管, 水龙头)suppose [sə’pəuz](料想; 猜想;)pause [pɔ:z](停顿, 暂停)those [ðəuz](that的复数)whose [hu:z](谁的)16) [θ]:think [θiŋk](想, 思索)thank [θæŋk] (谢谢, 感谢)three [θri:](三)thirty [’θə:ti:](三十;三十个)tooth [tu:θ](牙, 齿)mouth [mauθ](口, 嘴巴) 17) [ð]:that [ðæt, ðət](那, 那个)this [ðis, ðəs](这个, 这事)those [ðəuz](that的复数)these [ði:z](this的复数)though [ðəu] (虽然; 尽管)18) [ʃ] :sheep [ʃi:p] (羊, 绵羊)shoulder [’ʃəuldə](肩, 肩部, 肩膀)ship [ʃip](船, 舰)shoe [ʃu:] (鞋)she [ʃi:, ʃi](她, 它)brush [brʌʃ](刷子; 画笔; 毛笔)wash [wɔʃ](洗; 洗涤)nation [’neiʃən](国家)attention [ə’tenʃən](注意, 专心)station [’steiʃən](车站)sure [ʃuə](无疑的, 确信的)social [’səuʃəl](社会的)special [’speʃəl](特殊的, 特别的)19) [ʃə] :pleasure [’pleʒə](愉快, 快乐)20) [h] :hot [hɔt](热的, 烫的)hop [hɔp] (单足蹦跳, 跳跃)home [həum](家; 住宅)house [haus](住宅, 房子)horse [hɔ:s] (马)how [hau](怎样, 如何)who [hu:, hu] (谁, 什么人)whose [hu:z](谁的)21) [w]:when [ wen] (什么时候)what [ wɔt](什么, 多少)window [’windəu] (窗户; 橱窗)wind [wind] (风, 气流)wood [wud] (木头, 木材) 22) [j] :yes [jes](是)year [jə:](年)yell [jel](叫喊, 号叫)you [ju:, ju, jə](您, 你, 你们)your [jɔ:](你(们)的)yolk [jəuk](蛋黄)yellow [’jeləu](黄色的)23) [tʃ] :child [tʃaild](小孩, 儿童)chicken [’tʃikin](鸡)china [’tʃainə](中国)chair [tʃɛə](椅子)lunch [lʌntʃ](午餐)ouch [aʊtʃ](哎哟)catch [kætʃ](接住)teach [ti:tʃ](教)24) [dʒ] :age [eidʒ](年龄, 年纪)language [’læŋɡwidʒ](语言)cabbage [’kæbidʒ] (洋白菜, 卷心菜)vegetable [’vedʒitəbl](蔬菜)stage [steidʒ] (阶段; 时期)bridge [bridʒ](桥; 桥梁)joy [dʒɔi](欢乐, 高兴)enjoy [in’dʒɔi](喜欢; 欣赏)join [dʒɔin](加入, 参加)July [dʒu:’lai](七月)June [dʒu:n](六月)junk [dʒʌŋk](废旧物品, 破烂物) 25) [tr]:tree [tri:](树, 乔木)country [’kʌntri](国家, 国土)try [trai](试图; 努力)treat [tri:t](款待, 招待)track [træk] (路径, 路线)trunk [trʌŋk](树干)26) [dr] :dry [drai] (干的, 干燥的)dream [dri:m](梦)drop [drɔp] ((使)落下, 投下)drive [draiv](驱赶)drink [driŋk] (喝(酒), 饮) 27) [ts] :students[’stju:dənts](学生, 大学生)boots [bu:ts] (擦靴人)boats [bəuts](小船, 小艇)goats [ɡəuts](山羊)nuts [nʌts](干果, 坚果)28) [dz] :goods [ɡudz] (商品, 货物)woods [wudz](森林)moods[mu:dz] (心情, 情绪)hoods [hudz] (兜帽, 头巾) 4、容易混淆的辅音:[v] [w]vest ( )west( ) vet( ) wet( ) vine( ) wine( ) very ( )well ( ) [s] [θ]sink ( )think( ) mass ( )math( ) miss( ) myth( ) sort( ) sought( ) [z] [ð]close ( )cloth( ) breeze( ) breathe( )[n] [ŋ]thin ( )thing( ) sin ( )sing( ) ran( ) rang ( )ban( ) bang( ) win ( )wing ( )5、字母、组合音节发音规律1)a [ei] [æ] [ə] [a:] [ɔ:][ei]: late private grade bake grape nation station page [æ]: active hand bank fan parent family glad flag[ə]: accept about above formative machine cinema[a:] : fast last glass class past father[ɔ:] : wash what watch want2)e [i:] [e] [i] [ə] 不发音[i:]: appreciate extremely secret she me he[e]: letter left message generate pebble[i]: decide pretty previous result restore[ə]: problem prosperous student confident不发音: active table late wife store lecture[ai]: high price library ice cream wife size line [i]: fist pick chicken piano fiancécity unit 4)o [əu] [u:] [ʌ] [ə] [ɔ][əu]: lode host cold note okay old home [u:] :lose do who whose prove[ʌ]: love some other mother honey company [ə]: today tomorrow together control collect [ɔ] : lost hot mock office soft honest5)u [ju] [u] [ʌ] [ə][ju]: university refuse unique universe huge [u]: put push pull full bull[ʌ]: but brush bucket duck bubble[ə]: support suggest6)c [k] [s][k]: country camp camera courage cable[s]: city ceiling celebrate cell cease7)g [g] [dʒ] [ŋ][g] : girl grade glass glade bag flag[dʒ]: village vegetable bridge gentleman gym [ŋ]: long song sing morning evening8) l [l] 读音不同:Listen learn language collect English gorillaworld cold soil tall sell cool animal9) n [n] [ŋ][n]: moon night noodle number[ŋ]: uncle hungry angry young10) r [r] [[](美语发音)[r]: right read write grade progress[[]: card board door floor form north[j]: yellow year yell young yolk[i]: university country pretty happy[ai]: dyke dying fly buy by my12)ar [a:] [ə] [ɔ:][a:]: farm card garden mark[ə]: dollar[ɔ:] : warm quarrel quarter13) ea [i:] [e] [ei] [iə][i:]: cease season breathe feature meat please [e]: bread breast breath meadow weather[ei]: great break[iə]: idea realize14) ear [ə:] [iə][ə:]: learn earth earn heard[iə]: hear near clear ear fear15) er [ə:] [ə] [iə][ə:]: deserve serve her person[ə]: teacher driver anger singer[iə]: serious experience mysterious fierce16)ere [iə] [εə][iə]: here mere fere sere[εə]: there17) ir [ə:] [ai][ə:]: shirt girl skirt[ai] : admire desire18) oo [u:] [u] [ʌ] [ɔ:][u:]: room tool cool moon noon goof food[u]: good foot stood wood wool cook wood book [ʌ]: blood flood[ɔ:]: door floor19) or [ɔ:] [ə:] [ə][ɔ:] : short form corn born for[ə:]: work world worm word worst[ə]: tractor doctor actor sector senior senator 20) oor [ɔ:] [uə][ɔ:]: door floor[uə] : moor poor boor21) our [uə] [ɔ:]hour tour flour bourn lour22) ou [au] [ʌ] [ə][au]: house mouth mouse sound found [ʌ]: enough trouble touch[ə]: delicious gracious prosperous23) ow [əu] [au][əu]: window meadow know show low[au] : now town how down cow24) se [z] [s][z]: nose suppose gose lose pose rose [s]: mouse house25) th [θ] [ð][θ]: thank think thought cloth[ð]: clothes that this then than26) sion [ʃə n] [ʒə n][ʃə n]: propulsion tension progression passion [ʒə n]: protrusion provision conclusion television 27) tion [ʃə n] [tʃə n](不常见)[ʃə n]: station nation translation attention[tʃə n]: question。

48个国际音标对应的字母(组合)1、元音[i:]:ee、ea、e 举例:b ee t ea m e[i] :i 、y 、e 举例:s i t an y d e cide[e] :ea、e、a 举例:h ea d b e d a ny[æ]:a 举例:b a g[ə:]:ir、or、ear、er、ur 举例:b ir d w or k l ear n h er t urn [ə] :er、or、ar、a、e、u 举例:teach er doct or doll ar a gol e sson Sat u rday[u:] :oo、o、u 举例:f oo d sh o e bl u e[u] :oo、ou、o、u 举例:g oo d sh ou ld w o man p u t[ɔ:] :al、or、au、our、ar 举例: w al l f or ty au tumn f our w ar m [ɔ] :o、a 举例:l o t w a sh[a:] :ar、a 举例:f ar m cl a ss[ʌ] :u、o、ou、oo 举例:c u t m o ther tr ou ble bl oo d [ei] :a、ay、ea、ai、ey 举例:n a me pl ay gr ea t r ai n th ey [ai] :i、y 举例:f i nd tr y[ɔi] :oy、oi 举例:b oy oi l[əu] :o、ow、oa 举例:h o me kn ow b oa t[au] :ou、ow 举例:h ou se n ow[iə] :eer、ear、ea、er、ier 举例:d eer n ear id ea h er e f ier ce [εə] :ear、air、ere 举例:b ear ch air th ere[uə] :oor、our 举例:fl oor t our2、辅音1)清辅音[p]:p 举例:p en p lay p eople[t]:t 举例:t able t all t en[k]:k 举例:k ite k ey loo k[b]:b 举例:b ag b edroom b read [d]:d 举例:d eer d esk d oor[g]:g 举例:g irl g rade g row[f]:f 举例:f lower f loor f amily[s]:s 举例:s chool s ix s tudent[ʃ]:s、sh 举例:s ure s ugar sh ow sh e [θ]:th 举例:th ink thank th ree[h]:h、wh 举例:h ot h ow wh o[ts]:ts 举例:boo ts studen ts nu ts2)浊辅音[v]:v 举例:v ery e v en e v ening[z]:z、s 举例:z ero z oo clo s e tho s e [ʒ]:s 举例:plea s ure mea s ure[ð]:th 举例:th is th at th ere[tʃ]:ch、tch 举例:ch ild ch icken wa tch ca tch [tr]:tr 举例:tr ee tr eat coun tr y[dʒ]:ge、j 举例:a ge sta ge j acket en j oy [dr]:dr 举例:dr y dr eam dr op[dz]:ds 举例:goo ds woo ds moo ds [m]:m 举例:m an m onkey m ake [n]:n 举例:n ame n eck n ose [ŋ]:n、ng 举例:u n cle ba n k si ng eveni ng [l]:l 举例:l and l ock b l ack[r]:r 举例:r abbit r un r ead[w]:w、wh 举例:w e w ant wh at wh ere [j] :y 举例:y es y ellow y ear。

48个国际音标对应字母组合1元音:1)[i:]字母组合:①ee②ea③e④ie\ei①ee:three[θri:](三)tree[tri:](树)green[ɡri:n](绿色)sheep[?i:p](绵羊)meet[mi:t](遇见、会见)②ea:eat[i:t](吃、吃饭)tea[ti:](茶、茶叶)meat[mi:t](肉、肉食)please[pli:z](请、使高兴)teacher[,ti:t??](老师)③e:④2)[i]①i:②y:happy③e:3)[?]a:4)[e]①ea:②e:③a:①ir:girl.[ɡ?:l](女孩、少女)shirt.[??:t](衬衫、衬衣)bird.[b?:d](小鸟)first.[f?:st](第一,最早,首先)②ur:turn.[t?:n](翻转、旋转)burn.[b?:n](燃烧)murder.[,m?:d?](谋杀;谋杀案)nurse③ear:learnearnearthheardearly④er:termherserve⑤or:workwormwordworldworth6)[?]字母组合:erorouuraroaeuer:teacherleaderrememberplayerspeakerfarmerpowderor:doctoractormayorauthortractorou:deliciousgraciousur:pleasureSaturdayar:familiarcollardollaro:togethertomorrowtodaylessoncontrolpolite a:aroundaccountagoelephantbananachin a e:policemenlistenu:famulus:araaualar:carfarmcardarmgardena:au:al:8)[?]u:o:ou:oo:al:or:au:our:ar:aw:ough:o:a:oo:o:u:truetruthbluefull12)[u]字母组合:ooouuooo:lookgoodfootbookou:shouldcouldu:putfullbullpullpusho:womenwhose13)[ei]发音字母:aayeaaiey a:namecakelategateplaneAprilay:playsaymaywayea:greatbreakai:rainpaintplainey:theygrey14)[ai]发音字母:iyi:bikefinefinddieninelightnighthighy:mytryflyeye15)[au]字母组合:ouowou:houseoutflourgroundsoundloudaroundmouseow:flowerdownnowcowhowtown16)[?u]发音字母:oowoao:ow:oa:oy:oi:eer:ea:ear:ere:er,ier:air:ear:are:ere:2⑴①⑵①realrail②greetgreat③meanmain④readraid⑶[e][ai]①betbite②redwrite③saidside④headhide⑷[au][?:]①househorse②loudlord③southsauce④cloudclause⑤nownor ⑸[au][?]①foundfond②downdone③gowngone④townton3辅音:1)[p]penpearplaypigpourpullpush2)[b]bookbigbootbikebreadbreak3)[t]twotentontowntwentycity4)[d]doordulldeskdosedodogdictionary5)[k]发音字母k:kingkitekeylookcookbookkitchensky发音字母c:cardcatcreamcorrectclimbcomeaccountaccept 发音字母x:foxboxoxygenx-ray[ks]发音字母ch:schoolscheduleschema6)[g]girlgoodgoalgoatgradelonglanguage7)[m]manmakemoonmorningmovecomecomb8)[n]pentenninefinenightnoonmoonclean9)[?]n:ng:ing:10)[l]11)[r]12)[f]f:gh:ph:13)[v]14)[s]15)[z]z:s:16)[θ]18)[?s:sure19)[?]s:pleasure20)[h]hothophomehousehorsehowwho21)[w]whenwhatwherewindowwindwood22)[j]yesyearyellyouyouryolkyellow23)[t?]ch:childchickenchinachairlunchouchcatchteachtch:catchwatchmatch24)[d?]ge:agelanguagecabbagevegetablestagebridgej:joyenjoyjoinJulyJunejunk25)[tr]treecountrytrytreattracktrunk26)[dr]drydreamdropdrivedrink27)[ts]studentsbootsboatsgoatsnuts28)[dz]goodswoodsmoodshoods29)[kw]qu:quarrelquarter4容易混淆的辅音:⑴[v][w]①vestwest②vetwet③vinewine④verywell⑵[s][θ]①sinkthink②massmath③missmyth④sortsought ⑶[z][e]①⑷①51)[ei]:[?]:[?]:[a:]:[?:]:2)[i:]:[i]:[e]:[?]:3)[ai]:[i]:4)[?u]:[u:]:[?]:[?]:todaytomorrowtogethercontrolcollect [?]:losthotmockofficesofthonest5)u[ju:][u][?][?][ju:]:universityrefuseuniqueuniversehuge [u]:putpushpullfullbull[?]:butbrushbucketduckbubble[?]:supportsuggest6)c[k][s][k]:countrycampcameracouragecable[s]:cityceilingcelebratecellcease7)g[g][d?][?][g]:girlgradeglassgladebagflag[d?]:(ge/g)villagevegetablebridgegentlemangym [?]:(ng/ing)longsongsingmorningevening8)l[l]读音不同:[l]:listenlearnlanguagecollectEnglishgorilla卷舌:worldcoldsoiltallsellcoolanimal9)n[n][?][n]:moonnightnoodlenumber[?]:unclehungryangryyoung(ng)10)r[r][[](美语发音)[r]:11)[j]:[i]:[ai]:12)[a:]:[?]:[?:]:[i:]:[e]:[ei]:[i?]:[?:]:[i?]:[?:]:[?]:[i?]:16)[i?]:[ε?]:there17)ir[?:][ai][?:]:shirtgirlskirt[ai]:admiredesire18)oo[u:][u][?][?:][u:]:roomtoolcoolmoonnoongooffood[u]:goodfootstoodwoodwoolcookwoodbook [?]:bloodflood[?:]:doorfloor19)or[?:][?:][?][?:]:shortformcornbornfor[?:]:workworldwormwordworst[?]:tractordoctoractorsectorseniorsenator20)oor[?:][u?][?:]:doorfloor[u?]:moorpoorboor21)our[u?][?:][u?]:hourtourflourbournlour[?:]:pourcourtfourmourn22)ou[au][?][?][au]:housemouthmousesoundfound[?]:[?]:[?u]:[au]:[z]:[s]:[θ]:[e]:[??n]:[??n]:[??n]:[t?6)KK,这是DJ中的标音而来.英式读音根据的是EnglishPronouncingDictionary《英语正音辞典》。

1. 元音音标:* /i/ 对应字母:i, e,开头的元音字母组合:ea, eet, ee, eer, i, ei, eigh, eil, oi, aen * /ɪ/ 对应字母:i, e开头的元音字母组合:ea, eet, ee, eer, i, ei, eigh, eil, oi, aen * /e/ 对应字母:e, a, ă开头的元音字母组合:ea, eet, ee, eer, i, ei, eigh, eil, oi, aen * /ɛ/ 对应字母:e, a开头的元音字母组合:ea, eet, ee, eer, i, ei, eigh, eil, oi* /ə/ 对应字母:a, ă开头的元音字母组合:aam, aas, ad, aen* /ɜ/ 对应字母:o开头的元音字母组合:oor* /ɔ/ 对应字母:o开头的元音字母组合:om* /u/ 对应字母:oo开头的元音字母组合:oof* /ʊ/ 对应字母:oo开头的元音字母组合:oop * /əʊ/ 对应字母:o开头的元音字母组合:oos * /ɑː/ 对应字母:a开头的元音字母组合:aas 2. 辅音音标:* /p/ 对应字母:p* /b/ 对应字母:b* /t/ 对应字母:t* /d/ 对应字母:d* /k/ 对应字母:c, k, q* /g/ 对应字母:g, gh* /f/ 对应字母:f, v* /s/ 对应字母:s, c* /z/ 对应字母:z* /θ/ 对应字母:th* /ð/ 对应字母:dh* /ʃ/ 对应字母:sh* /ʒ/ 对应字母:zh。

元音[i:](长音衣)发这个音的字母及组合e ea ee ie ei i ey e: me she he we eveningee: sweet bee sheep see threeea: meat leaf sea teach eatie: pieceei: receive ceilingi: policeey: key[i] (短音衣)发这个音的字母及组合a i e y ey ay u uia: village comrade orangei: pig fish in fifteen six ship thine: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy carry sunnyey: monkey moneyay: Sunday Saturday Fridayu: busy businessui: build[ә:](长音饿)发这个音的字母及组合er ir ur ear or our er: her serve termir: bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirtur: nurse Thursday turtle purple curtainear: early learnor: word work worldour: journey[ә](短音饿)发这个音的字母及组合ure er ar or ou re a e i o uure: pictureer: teacher brother dinner father sisterar: sugar dollaror: doctor actorre: metre centreou: delicious graciousa: panda about above camera sofa Chinae: open hundredi: candidateo: control polite todayu: datum curriculum[ɔ:] (长音凹)发这个音的字母及组合a aw al or oor ore au ar ou oara: water wantaw: draw strawberryal: ball wallor: horse corn fork or shortoor: floor doorore: core toreau: August daughterar: warmou: bought oughtoar: board[ɔ](短音凹)发这个音的字母及组合o a au ou owo: fox coffee dog shop dog doctora: watch whatau: Austriliaou: coughow: knowledge[u:](长音屋)发这个音的字母及组合o oo ui u oeou ewo: do who whoseoo: food moon tooui: fruit juiceu: ruler rudeoe: canoeou: couponew: drew blew[u](短音屋)发这个音的字母及组合o oo u oulo: woman wolfoo: look good book foot woodu: bull bulletoul: could should[a:] (长音啊)发这个音的字母及组合a ar au ear ala: grass glass class dance fast fatherar: car star arm March garden scarfau: laugh auntear: heartal: half palm calm[Λ] (短音啊)发这个音的字母及组合o u oo ouo: son come color love moneyu: sun nut jump bus brush supper usou: touch cousin country[æ](张大嘴的哎)发这个音的字母及组合a aia: dad cap cat bad apple bag flag handstand rat mapai: plaid[e] (张小嘴的哎)发这个音的字母及组合e ea a ai ue iee: egg bell desk leg pet ten penea: bread head breakfasta: many any anythingai: saidue: guess guestie: friend friendly[ei] (哎和衣拼到一起念A)发这个音的字母及组a ai ay ey ea ei eigha: cake make name game snake lazyai: rain train waitay: day May play today wayey: they greyea: great breakei: reign veileigh: eight weight[ai] (啊和衣拼在一起念圆滑的啊衣)发这个音的字母及组i y ie uy ei igh eye i: kite bike nice tiger write knifey: by cry fly my sky try whyie: tie pieuy: buy guyei: either(e)igh: high heighteye: eyebrow[ɔi] (凹和衣拼到一起念凹衣)发这个音的字母及组合oi oyoi: oil boil coinoy: boy toy[au](啊和屋拼到一起念啊屋)发这个音的字母及组合ou owou: house mouse mouth trousersow: flower cow how now down[әu] (饿和屋拼到一起念饿屋)发这个音的字母及组合o oa ow ouo: nose rose open overoa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowlou: shoulder though[iә] (衣和饿拼到一起念衣饿)发这个音的字母及组合e ear eer ea ier eoe: eraear: ear hear teareer: deer beerea: reallyier: pierceeo: peony[eә] (哎和饿拼到一起念哎饿)发这个音的字母及组合air ear ere are eir air: hair chair pairear: pear bear wearere: where thereare: dare hareeir: their[uә] (屋和饿拼到一起念屋饿)发这个音的字母及组合oor our ure uoor: poorour: tourure: sure pureu: jury辅音[p] (坡)发这个音的字母及组合p pp pep: piano panda pet ship sheep pig stoppp: apple happype: cope ripe[b] (浊音波)发这个音的字母及组合b bb beb: book ball bird boy bag bananabb: rubber rabbit cabbagebe: robe tube[t] (清音特)发这个音的字母和字母组合 t tt tet: table tea taxi cat rat fat tickettt: butter matterte: bite cute[d] (浊音的,是t的浊化)发这个音的字母和字母组合d ed dd ded: duck seed door desk day red headed: smiled opened playeddd: addition buddyde: ride jade[k] (清音科)发这个音的字母及组合c k ck ch qu kec: cap cook cup car can classk: cook milk key deskck: clock sock cock neckch: school Christmasque: cheque techniqueke: lake bike[g](浊音哥,是k的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合g gg gh gu gue g: glass golf get girl bag goat flaggg: egggh: ghostgu: guilt guidegue: dialogue colleague[s](清音丝)发这个音的字母及组合s c ss ce sc ses: star sun snake sea seec: pencil city cedar ceilingss: grass glass class bossce: face race rice nicesc: scene scentistse: sense dense[z](浊音资,是s的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合z s se ze esz: zero zebra zoos: bags photos sistersse: nose roseze: size realizees: knives wolves[∫] (清音狮)发这个音的字母及组合s sh ch ci si tis: sugar suresh: ship sheep wash cash shop shech: machine chefci: species specialsi: session passionti: patient cautious[3] (浊音日,是∫的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合s ge gi si z s: usually measure pleasurege: massage miragegi: regimesi: collision decision televisionz: seizure[t∫] (吃)发这个音的字母及组合ch tch tch: teacher peach cherry chairtch: watch matcht: virtual ritual question[d3](知)发这个音的字母及组合g j ge dgeg: ginger giraffej: jump job jamge: orange cabbage cagedge: bridge judge[f] (清音夫,咬下嘴唇)发这个音的字母及组合f ff ph gh fef: five fan flower fish four leafff: giraffe cuffph: phone elephant photogh: laughfe: knife life[v](浊音屋,咬下嘴唇,是f的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合v ve v: video vase vestve: five love[θ] (咬舌音丝)发这个音的字母及组合thth: three thin third teeth mouth[ð](咬舌音资,是θ的浊化)发这个音的字母和字母组合thth: father mother brother weather[ts](清音词)发这个音的字母及组合ts tests: seats goats coats cats pets eatstes: gates kites dates tastes[dz] (浊音资,是ts的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合ds desds: seeds woods friends birds bedsdes: rides[tr] (浊音戳)发这个音的字母及组合trtr: tree truck trousers strawberry trick[dr] (浊音桌,是tr的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合drdr: draw drink driver dragon dry[h](清音和,就是哈出一口气,声带不要震)发这个音的字母及组合h whh: he her head heart hair hamwh: who whose[r] (浊音若)发这个音的字母及组合r rr wr rhr: rice room ride road roserr: mirror carrot parrotwr: write wrong wraprh: rhyme rhythm[l] (可以理解成放在单词前面(第一排单词)发乐的音,放在最后发欧的音(第二排单词))发这个音的字母和字母组合l lll: look light lock lucky lion tailll: ball pull doll tell[m] (闭上嘴,用鼻子发木的音,放在单词中可以理解为发摸的音)发这个音的字母及组合m mbmm mn mem: mouse milk monkey money mummb: climb comb thumbmm: hammer common yummymn: autumn hymnme: time come[n](闭上嘴,用鼻子发嗯的音,放在单词中可以理解为发呢的音)发这个音的字母及组合n kn gn nn nen: nose net nut banana noodles trainkn: knee knife knockgn: sign designnn: sunny dinner tennis[η](可以理解为和上面的n发音一样)发这个音的字母和字母组合n ngn: ink bank tankng: sing hang song king reading[w] (发窝的音)发这个音的字母及组合 w whw: winter window watch water wellwh: white where which when why wheel[j](发也的音,要注意和u合起来ju发优的音)发这个音的字母及组合y ey: yogurt yard yes you youre: few beauty1、音节的划分一个单词的音标中有几个元音就有几个音节。

[i:] (长音衣)发这个音的字母及组合 e ea ee ie ei i ey e: me she he we evening ee: sweet bee sheep see three ea: meat leaf sea teach eat ie: piece ei: receive ceiling i: police ey: key
bought ought board
[ɔ] (短音凹)发这个音的字母及组合 o a au ou ow o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor a: watch what
au: Austrilia ou: cough ow: knowledge
[u:] (长音屋)发这个音的字母及组合 o oo ui u oe ou ew
[ð](咬舌音资,是 θ 的浊化)发这个音的字母和字母组合 th th: father mother brother weather
[ts] (清音词)发这个音的字母及组合 ts tes ts: seats goats coats cats pets eats tes: gates kites dates tastes
ff: giraffe cuff ph: phone elephant gh: laugh fe: knife life
[v] (浊音屋,咬下嘴唇,是 f 的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合 v ve v: video vase vest ve: five love
[θ] (咬舌音丝)发这个音的字母及组合 th th: three thin third teeth mouth
ea: great break ei: reign veil eigh: eight weight

[i:] 发这个音的字母及组合e ea ee ie ei i ey e: me she he we eveningee: sweet bee sheep see threeea: meat leaf sea teach eatie: pieceei: receive ceilingi: policeey: key[i] 发这个音的字母及组合a i e y ey ay u ui a: village comrad e orangei: pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy carry sunnyey: monkey moneyay: Sunday Saturday Fridayu: busy businessui: build[ә:] 发这个音的字母及组合er ir ur ear or our er: her serve termir: bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur: nurse Thursday turtl e purple curtain ear: early learnor: word work worldour: journey[ә] 发这个音的字母及组合ure er ar or ou rea e i o uure: pictureer: teacher brother dinner father sister ar: sugar d ollaror: d octor actorre: metre centreou: delicious graciousa: panda about above camera sofa China e: open hundredi: candidateo: control polite todayu: datum curriculum[ɔ:] 发这个音的字母及组合a aw al or oor oreau ar ou oar a: water wantaw: draw strawberryal: ball wallor: horse corn fork or shortoor: floor doorore: core toreau: August daughterar: warmou: bought oughtoar: board[ɔ] 发这个音的字母及组合o a au ou owo: fox coffee dog shop dog doctora: watch whatau: Austriliaou: coughow: knowledge[u:] 发这个音的字母及组合o oo ui u oe ou ewo: do who whoseoo: food moon tooui: fruit juiceu: rul er rudeoe: canoeou: couponew: drew blew[u] 发这个音的字母及组合o oo u oulo: woman wolfoo: look good book foot woodu: bull bulletoul: could should[a:] 发这个音的字母及组合a ar au ear ala: grass glass class dance fast fatherar: car star arm March gard en scarf au: laugh auntear: heartal: half palm calm[Λ] 发这个音的字母及组合o u oo ouo: son come color love moneyu: sun nut jump bus brush supper us ou: touch cousin country[æ] 发这个音的字母及组合a aia: dad cap cat bad apple bag flag hand stand rat mapai: plaid[e] 发这个音的字母及组合e ea a ai ue iee: egg bell desk leg pet ten pen ea: bread head breakfasta: many any anythingai: saidue: guess guestie: friend friendly[ei] 发这个音的字母及组a ai ay ey ea ei eigh a: cake make name game snake lazyai: rain train waitay: day May play today wayey: they greyea: great breakei: reign veileigh: eight weight[ai] 发这个音的字母及组i y ie uy ei igh eye i: kite bike nice tiger write knifey: by cry fly my sky try whyie: tie pieuy: buy guyei: either(e)igh: high heighteye: eyebrow[ɔi] 发这个音的字母及组合oi oyoi: oil boil coinoy: boy toy[au] 发这个音的字母及组合ou owou: house mouse mouth trousersow: flower cow how now down[әu] 发这个音的字母及组合o oa ow ouo: nose rose open overoa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowlou: should er though[iә] 发这个音的字母及组合e ear eer ea ier eo e: eraear: ear hear teareer: deer beerea: reallyier: pierceeo: peony[eә] 发这个音的字母及组合air ear ere are eir air: hair chair pairear: pear bear wearere: where thereare: dare hareeir: their[uә] 发这个音的字母及组合oor our ure uoor: poorour: tourure: sure pureu: jury[p] 发这个音的字母及组合p pp pep: piano panda pet ship sheep pig stop pp: appl e happype: cope ripe[b] 发这个音的字母及组合b bb beb: book ball bird boy bag bananabb: rubber rabbit cabbagebe: robe tube[t] 发这个音的字母和字母组合t tt tet: table tea taxi cat rat fat tickettt: butter matterte: bite cute[d] 发这个音的字母和字母组合d ed d d d ed: duck seed door desk day red head ed: smiled opened playedd d: ad dition buddyd e: ride jad e[k] 发这个音的字母及组合c k ck ch qu ke c: cap cook cup car can classk: cook milk key d eskck: cl ock sock cock neckch: school Christmasque: cheque techniqueke: lake bike[g] 发这个音的字母及组合g gg gh gu gueg: glass golf get girl bag goat flaggg: egggh: ghostgu: guilt guid egue: dialogue colleague[s] 发这个音的字母及组合s c ss ce sc ses: star sun snake sea seec: pencil city cedar ceilingss: grass glass class bossce: face race rice nicesc: scene scentistse: sense d ense[z] 发这个音的字母及组合z s se ze es z: zero zebra zoos: bags photos sistersse: nose roseze: size realizees: knives wolves[∫] 发这个音的字母及组合s sh ch ci si ti s: sugar suresh: ship sheep wash cash shop she ch: machine chefci: species specialsi: session passionti: patient cautious[3] 发这个音的字母及组合s ge gi si z s: usually measure pleasurege: massage miragegi: regimesi: collision d ecision tel evisionz:seizure[t∫] 发这个音的字母及组合ch tch tch: teacher peach cherry chair tch: watch matcht: virtual ritual question[d3] 发这个音的字母及组合g j ge dge g: ginger giraffej: jump job jamge: orange cabbage cagedge: bridge judge[f] 发这个音的字母及组合f ff ph gh fef: five fan flower fish four leafff: giraffe cuffph: phone elephant photogh: laughfe: knife life[v] 发这个音的字母及组合v vev: vid eo vase vestve: five l ove[θ] 发这个音的字母及组合thth: three thin third teeth mouth [ð]发这个音的字母和字母组合thth: father mother brother weather [ts] 发这个音的字母及组合ts tests: seats goats coats cats pets eats tes: gates kites dates tastes[dz] 发这个音的字母及组合ds d esds: seeds woods friends birds beds d es: rid es[tr] 发这个音的字母及组合trtr: tree truck trousers strawberry trick [dr] 发这个音的字母及组合drdr: draw drink driver dragon dry [h] 发这个音的字母及组合h whh: he her head heart hair ham wh: who whose[r] 发这个音的字母及组合r rr wr rhr: rice room rid e road roserr: mirror carrot parrotwr: write wrong wraprh: rhyme rhythm[l] 发这个音的字母和字母组合l lll: look light lock lucky lion tailll: ball pull d oll tell[m] 发这个音的字母及组合m mb mm mn me m: mouse milk monkey money mum mb: climb comb thumbmm: hammer common yummymn: autumn hymnme: time come[n] 发这个音的字母及组合n kn gn nn ne n: nose net nut banana noodles train kn: knee knife knockgn: sign designnn: sunny dinner tennis[η] 发这个音的字母和字母组合n ngn: ink bank tankng: sing hang song king reading [w] 发这个音的字母及组合w whw: winter wind ow watch water well wh: white where which when why wheel [j] 发这个音的字母及组合y ey: yogurt yard yes you youre: few beauty1、音节的划分一个单词的音标中有几个元音就有几个音节。

48个国际音标对应的字母及字母组合48个国际音标对应的字母组合元音:1) [i:]的字母组合有:ee、ea、e、ie。
2) [i]的发音字母有:i、y、e。
3) [æ]的发音字母是:a。
4) [e]的字母组合有:ea、e、a。
5) [ə:]的字母组合有:ir、ur、ear、er、or。
6) [ə]的字母组合有:er、or、ou、ar、o、a、e、u。
7) [a:]的字母组合有:ar、a。
8) [ʌ]的发音字母有:u、o、ou、oo。
9) [ɔ:]的字母组合有:al、or、au、our、ar。
10) [ɒ] / [ɔ]的发音字母有:o、a。
11) [u:]的字母组合有:oo、o、u。
12) [u]的字母组合有:oo、ou、u、o。
13) [ei]的发音字母有:a、ay、ea、ai、ey。
14) [ai]的发音字母有:i、y。
15) [au]的字母组合有:ou、ow。
16) [əu]的发音字母有:o、ow、oa。
17) [ɔɪ]的字母组合有:oy、oi。
18) [iə]的字母组合有:eer、ea、ear、er、ier。
19) [eə]的字母组合有:ear、air。
20) [uə]的字母组合有:tour、poor。
辅音:1) [p]——p。
2) [b]--------b。
3) [t] --------t。
4) [d]-----d。
5) [k] -----qu[kw]、c、k、ck、ch。
6) [g]------Gg。
7) [f]----Ff、ph、gh。
8) [v]----- v。
9) [θ]------th。
10) [ð] ------th。
11) [s]----- s、c、ce。
12) [z]-----z、se。
13) [ts]------ts。
14) [dz]-----ds。
15) [tr]------tr。
16) [dr]----dr。

[i:] 发这个音的字母及组合 e ea ee ie ei i eye: me she he we eveningee: sweet bee sheep see threeea: meat leaf sea teach eatie: pieceei: receive ceilingi: police ey: key[i] 发这个音的字母及组合 a i e y ey ay u ui a: village comrade orangei: pig fish in fifteen six ship thine: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy carry sunnyey: monkey moneyay: Sunday Saturday Fridayu: busy businessui: build[?:] 发这个音的字母及组合er ir ur ear or our er: her serve termir: bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirtur: nurse Thursday turtl e purple curtainear: early learnor: word work worldour: journey[?] 发这个音的字母及组合ure er ar or ou re a e i o uure: pictureer: teacher brother dinner father sister ar: sugar dollar or: doctor actorre: metre centre ou: delicious graciousa: panda about above camera sofae: open hundredi: candidateo: control polite todayu: datum curriculumau ar ou oara: water want aw: draw strawberryal: ball wallor: horse corn fork or shortoor: floor doorore: core toreau: August daughterar: warmou: bought oughtoar: board[?] 发这个音的字母及组o a au ou ow o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor a: watch whatau: Austriliaou: coughow : knowledge[u:] 发这个音的字母及组合o oo ui u oe ou ewo: do who whose oo: food moon too ui: fruit juice China[?:] 发这个音的字母及组合 a aw al or oor oreu: rul er rude oe: canoe ou: coupon ew: drew blew [u] 发这个音的字母及组合 o oo u oul o: woman wolfoo: look good book foot woodu: bull bulletoul: could should[a:] 发这个音的字母及组合 a ar au earala: grass glass class dance fast father ar: carstar armMarchgard en scarfau: laugh auntear: heartal: half palm calm[ Λ ]发 这个音的字母及组o u oo ouo son come color love moneyu sun nut jump bus brush supper usou: touch cousincountry[? ] 发这个音的字母及组合a aia dad cap cat bad apple bagflag handstand rat mapai:plaid[e] 发这个音的字母及组合 e eaa ai ue iee: egg bell desk leg petten penea: breadhead breakfasta: many anyanythingai: said[?i] 发这个音的字母及组合 oi oy oi: oil boil coin oy: boy toy[au] 发这个音的字母及组合 ou ow ou: house mouse mouth trousersow: flowercow hownowdown [?u] 发这个音的字母及组合 ooa ow ouo: nose rose open over oa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowlou: should er though[i?] 发这个音的字母及组合 e ear eer ea ier eo e: era ear: ear hear tear eer: deer beer ea: really ier: pierce eo: peony[e?] 发这个音的字母及组合 air ear ere are eir air: hair chair pair ear: pear bearwearue guess guestie: friend friendly[ei] 发这个音的字母及组 a ai ay ey ea ei a: cake make name game snake lazy ai: rain train waitay: day May play today wayey: they greyea great breakei: reign veileigh:eight weighteigh [ai] 发这个音的字母及组 i y ie uy ei ighi: kite bike nicetiger write knifey: by cry fly my sky try whyie: tie pieuy: buy guyei: either(e)igh :high heighteye : eyebroweyeere: where thereare: dare hareeir: their[u?] 发这个音的字母及组合oor our ure uoor: poorour: tourure: sure pureu: jury[p] 发这个音的字母及组合p pp pep: piano panda pet ship sheep pig stop pp: appl e happype: cope ripe[b] 发这个音的字母及组合 b bb beb: book ball bird boy bag banana bb: rubber rabbit cabbagebe: robe tube[t] 发这个音的字母和字母组合 t: tt: te: table tea taxi cat buttermatter bite cutetrat ttfatte ticketd: duckseed doordesk day red head ed: smiled opened playeddd: addition buddyde: rid e jade[d] 发这个音的字母和字母组合 d ed qu kedd dec: cap cook cup car can k: cook milk key deskck: clock sock cock neck ch: school Christmasque: cheque technique ke: lake bike[k] 发这个音的字母及组合c kck ch class[g] 发这个音的字母及组合 g: gglass golf get girl gg gh gu bag goat gueflaggg: egggh: ghostgu: guilt guid egue:dialogue colleague] 发这个音的字母及组合 s c sss: star sun snake sea see c: pencil city cedarceilingss: grass glass class boss ce: face race rice nice sc: scene scentist se:sense densece sc se[z] 发这个音的字母及组合 z s se ze es z: zero zebra zoo s: bags photos sisters se: nose rose ze: size realize es: knives wolves[ ∫ 发] 这个音的字母及组合 s sh ch ci si tit: virtual ritual question[d3] 发这个音的字母及组合 g j ge dge g: ginger giraffe j: jump job jamge: orange cabbage cage dge: bridge judge [f] 发这个音的字母及组合 f ff ph gh fes: usually measure pleasurege: massage miragegi: regimesi: collision decisiontel evisionz:seizure∫发] 这个音的字母及组合ch tch t ch: teacher peach cherry chairtch: watchmatch[t [3] 发这个音的字母及组合 s ge gi si z s: sugar suresh: ship sheep wa ch: machine chefci: species special si: session passion ti: patient cautiouscash shop shef: five fan flowerfish four leaf ff: giraffecuffph: phone elephantphotogh: laughfe: knifelife[v] 发这个音的字母及组合 v ve v: video vase vest ve: five love [ θ ]发 这个音的字母及组合 th th: three thin third [e] 发这个音的字母和字母组合 th th: father mother brother weather des: rid es[tr] 发这个音的字母及组合 tr[dr] 发这个音的字母及组合 dr dr:draw drink driver [h] 发这个音的字母及组合 h whh: he her head heart hair hamwh: who whoseteeth mouth[ts] 发这个音的字母及组 ts: seats goats tes: gates kites[dz] 发这个音的字母及组合ts tes coats cats dates tastes dsdesfriends birdseatsbedstr: tree truck trousersstrawberry trickdragon dry pets[r] 发这个音的字母及组合 r rr wr rh r: rice room rid e road rose rr: mirror carrotparrot wr: write wrong wraprh: rhyme rhythm[l] 发这个音的字母和字母组合 l ll l: look light lock lucky lionll: ball pull doll tell [ η ]发 这个音的字母和字母组合 n ng n: ink bank tank ng: sing hang song king reading [w] 发这个音的字母及组合 w wh w: winter wind ow watch water well wh: white where which when why wheel [j] 发这个音的字母及组合 y e y: yogurt yard yes you e: few beauty1、音节的划分 一个单词的音标中有几个元音就有几个音tail[m] m: mousemilk monkey mb: climb comb thumb mm: hammer common yummy mn: autumn hymn me: time comemm mnmoney me mumn: nose net nut bananakn: kneeknifeknockgn: sign designnn: sunny dinner tennisgn nn ne noodles trainyour发这个音的字母及组合 m mb[n] 发这个音的字母及组合 n kn节。
英语中48个音标对应的字母 组合

tch: watch match t: virtual ritual question [d3] (知)发这个音的字母及组合g j ge dge g: ginger giraffe j: jump job jam ge: orange cabbage cage dge: bridge judge
[f] (清音夫,咬下嘴唇)发这个音的字母及组合f ff ph gh fe f: five fan flower fish four leaf ff: giraffe cuff ph: phone elephant photo gh: laugh fe: knife life
stand rat map ai: plaid
[e] (张小嘴的哎)发这个音的字母及组合e ea a ai ue ie e: egg bell desk leg pet ten pen ea: bread head breakfast a: many any anything ai: said ue: guess guest ie: friend friendly
[ei] (哎和衣拼到一起念A)发这个音的字母及组a ai ay ey ea ei eigh a: cake make name game snake lazy ai: rain train wait ay: day May play today way ey: they grey ea: great break ei: reign veil eigh: eight weight
[әu] (饿和屋拼到一起念饿屋)发这个音的字母及组合o oa ow ou o: nose rose open over oa: boat coat soap goat ow: show window snow bowl ou: shoulder though

1. [i:] /i:/ ee 这是一个元音,发音时,舌头要往上抬起,嘴巴要往前伸出,舌尖接近上齿龈,口腔容纳大量空气,张口形成一个圆形,声带振动。
2. [ʌ] /ʌ/ uh 这是一个元音,发音时,舌头要稍微向后缩,嘴巴要张开,舌尖要靠近下齿龈,口腔容纳少量空气,形成一个扁圆形,声带振动。
3. [ɑ:] /ɑ:/ a 这是一个元音,发音时,舌头要放松,嘴巴要张开,舌尖要靠近下齿龈,口腔容纳少量空气,形成一个圆形,声带振动。
4. [æ] /æ/ a 这是一个元音,发音时,舌头要向前伸出,嘴巴要张开,舌尖要靠近下齿龈,口腔容纳少量空气,形成一个扁圆形,声带振动。
5. [ʃ] /ʃ/ sh 这是一个辅音,发音时,牙床要结合在一起,舌头要抬起,嘴巴要呈扁平状态,舌尖和舌根要“sh”,比如说“ship”,“cash”,“wash”等。
6. [tʃ] /tʃ/ ch 这是一个辅音,发音时,牙床要紧紧结合,舌头要抬起,嘴巴要呈半圆形,舌尖和舌根要靠近下齿龈,发出擦音,声带不振动。
7. [θ] /θ/ th 这是一个辅音,发音时,牙床要紧紧结合,舌头要抬起,嘴巴要呈扁平状态,舌尖和舌根要靠近下齿龈,发出擦音,声带不振动。
8. [z] /z/ z 这是一个辅音,发音时,牙床要紧紧结合,舌头要抬起,嘴巴要呈扁平状态,舌尖要抵住下齿龈,发出嘶哑音,声带要振动。
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[i:] 发这个音的字母及组合e ea ee ie ei i ey e: me she he we eveningee: sweet bee sheep see threeea: meat leaf sea teach eatie: pieceei: receive ceilingi: policeey: key[i] 发这个音的字母及组合a i e y ey ay u ui a: village comrad e orangei: pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy carry sunnyey: monkey moneyay: Sunday Saturday Fridayu: busy businessui: build[ә:] 发这个音的字母及组合er ir ur ear or our er: her serve termir: bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur: nurse Thursday turtl e purple curtain ear: early learnor: word work worldour: journey[ә] 发这个音的字母及组合ure er ar or ou rea e i o uure: pictureer: teacher brother dinner father sister ar: sugar d ollaror: d octor actorre: metre centreou: delicious graciousa: panda about above camera sofa China e: open hundredi: candidateo: control polite todayu: datum curriculum[ɔ:] 发这个音的字母及组合a aw al or oor oreau ar ou oar a: water wantaw: draw strawberryal: ball wallor: horse corn fork or shortoor: floor doorore: core toreau: August daughterar: warmou: bought oughtoar: board[ɔ] 发这个音的字母及组合o a au ou owo: fox coffee dog shop dog doctora: watch whatau: Austriliaou: coughow: knowledge[u:] 发这个音的字母及组合o oo ui u oe ou ewo: do who whoseoo: food moon tooui: fruit juiceu: rul er rudeoe: canoeou: couponew: drew blew[u] 发这个音的字母及组合o oo u oulo: woman wolfoo: look good book foot woodu: bull bulletoul: could should[a:] 发这个音的字母及组合a ar au ear ala: grass glass class dance fast fatherar: car star arm March gard en scarf au: laugh auntear: heartal: half palm calm[Λ] 发这个音的字母及组合o u oo ouo: son come color love moneyu: sun nut jump bus brush supper us ou: touch cousin country[æ] 发这个音的字母及组合a aia: dad cap cat bad apple bag flag hand stand rat mapai: plaid[e] 发这个音的字母及组合e ea a ai ue iee: egg bell desk leg pet ten pen ea: bread head breakfasta: many any anythingai: saidue: guess guestie: friend friendly[ei] 发这个音的字母及组a ai ay ey ea ei eigh a: cake make name game snake lazyai: rain train waitay: day May play today wayey: they greyea: great breakei: reign veileigh: eight weight[ai] 发这个音的字母及组i y ie uy ei igh eye i: kite bike nice tiger write knifey: by cry fly my sky try whyie: tie pieuy: buy guyei: either(e)igh: high heighteye: eyebrow[ɔi] 发这个音的字母及组合oi oyoi: oil boil coinoy: boy toy[au] 发这个音的字母及组合ou owou: house mouse mouth trousersow: flower cow how now down[әu] 发这个音的字母及组合o oa ow ouo: nose rose open overoa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowlou: should er though[iә] 发这个音的字母及组合e ear eer ea ier eo e: eraear: ear hear teareer: deer beerea: reallyier: pierceeo: peony[eә] 发这个音的字母及组合air ear ere are eir air: hair chair pairear: pear bear wearere: where thereare: dare hareeir: their[uә] 发这个音的字母及组合oor our ure uoor: poorour: tourure: sure pureu: jury[p] 发这个音的字母及组合p pp pep: piano panda pet ship sheep pig stop pp: appl e happype: cope ripe[b] 发这个音的字母及组合b bb beb: book ball bird boy bag bananabb: rubber rabbit cabbagebe: robe tube[t] 发这个音的字母和字母组合t tt tet: table tea taxi cat rat fat tickettt: butter matterte: bite cute[d] 发这个音的字母和字母组合d ed d d d ed: duck seed door desk day red head ed: smiled opened playedd d: ad dition buddyd e: ride jad e[k] 发这个音的字母及组合c k ck ch qu ke c: cap cook cup car can classk: cook milk key d eskck: cl ock sock cock neckch: school Christmasque: cheque techniqueke: lake bike[g] 发这个音的字母及组合g gg gh gu gueg: glass golf get girl bag goat flaggg: egggh: ghostgu: guilt guid egue: dialogue colleague[s] 发这个音的字母及组合s c ss ce sc ses: star sun snake sea seec: pencil city cedar ceilingss: grass glass class bossce: face race rice nicesc: scene scentistse: sense d ense[z] 发这个音的字母及组合z s se ze es z: zero zebra zoos: bags photos sistersse: nose roseze: size realizees: knives wolves[∫] 发这个音的字母及组合s sh ch ci si ti s: sugar suresh: ship sheep wash cash shop she ch: machine chefci: species specialsi: session passionti: patient cautious[3] 发这个音的字母及组合s ge gi si z s: usually measure pleasurege: massage miragegi: regimesi: collision d ecision tel evisionz:seizure[t∫] 发这个音的字母及组合ch tch tch: teacher peach cherry chair tch: watch matcht: virtual ritual question[d3] 发这个音的字母及组合g j ge dge g: ginger giraffej: jump job jamge: orange cabbage cagedge: bridge judge[f] 发这个音的字母及组合f ff ph gh fef: five fan flower fish four leafff: giraffe cuffph: phone elephant photogh: laughfe: knife life[v] 发这个音的字母及组合v vev: vid eo vase vestve: five l ove[θ] 发这个音的字母及组合thth: three thin third teeth mouth [ð]发这个音的字母和字母组合thth: father mother brother weather [ts] 发这个音的字母及组合ts tests: seats goats coats cats pets eats tes: gates kites dates tastes[dz] 发这个音的字母及组合ds d esds: seeds woods friends birds beds d es: rid es[tr] 发这个音的字母及组合trtr: tree truck trousers strawberry trick [dr] 发这个音的字母及组合drdr: draw drink driver dragon dry [h] 发这个音的字母及组合h whh: he her head heart hair ham wh: who whose[r] 发这个音的字母及组合r rr wr rhr: rice room rid e road roserr: mirror carrot parrotwr: write wrong wraprh: rhyme rhythm[l] 发这个音的字母和字母组合l lll: look light lock lucky lion tailll: ball pull d oll tell[m] 发这个音的字母及组合m mb mm mn me m: mouse milk monkey money mum mb: climb comb thumbmm: hammer common yummymn: autumn hymnme: time come[n] 发这个音的字母及组合n kn gn nn ne n: nose net nut banana noodles train kn: knee knife knockgn: sign designnn: sunny dinner tennis[η] 发这个音的字母和字母组合n ngn: ink bank tankng: sing hang song king reading [w] 发这个音的字母及组合w whw: winter wind ow watch water well wh: white where which when why wheel [j] 发这个音的字母及组合y ey: yogurt yard yes you youre: few beauty1、音节的划分一个单词的音标中有几个元音就有几个音节。