
1 分子生物传感器在医学检验中的应用分子生物传感器是利用一定的生物或化学的固定技术,将生物识别元件(酶、抗体、抗原、蛋白、核酸、受体、细胞、微生物、动植物组织等)固定在换能器上,当待测物与生物识别元件发生特异性反应后,通过换能器将所产生的反应结果转变为可以输出、检测的电信号和光信号等,以此对待测物质进行定性和定量分析,从而达到检测分析的目的。
Skladal等用经过寡核苷酸探针修饰的压电传感器检测血清中的丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)并实时监测其DNA的结构转录和聚合酶链式反应(PCR)扩增过程,完成整个监测过程仅需10 min且装置可重复使用。
2 分子生物芯片技术在医学检验中的应用随着分子生物学的发展及人们对疾病过程的认识加深,传统的医学检验技术已不能完全适应微量、快速、准确、全面的要求。


PCR技术发展与应用的研究进展王亚纯 09120103摘要:聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR 是最常用的分子生物学技术之一,通过变性、退火和延伸的循环来完成核酸分子的大量扩增.定量PCR 技术是克服了原有的PCR 技术存在的不足,能准确敏感地测定模板浓度及检测基因变异等,快速PCR 技术快速PCR 在保证PCR 反应特异性、灵敏性和保真度的前提下,在更短时间内完成对核酸分子的扩增.mRNA 差异显示PCR 技术是在基因转录水平上研究差异表达和性状差异的有效方法之一.近年来已经开展了许多这三方面的研究工作,本文就定量PCR 技术、快速PCR 技术、mRNA 差异显示PCR 技术作一综述,以便更好地理解及应用这项技术。
关键字:定量PCR ;荧光PCR ;快速PCR ;DNA 聚合酶;mRNA 差异显示PCR0 前言聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR 技术由于PCR 简便易行、灵敏度高等优点,该技术被广泛应用于基础研究。
但是,由于传统的PCR 技术不能准确定量,且操作过程中易污染而使得假阳性率高等缺点,使其在临床上的应用受到限制[1]。
鉴于此,对PCR 产物进行准确定量便成为迫切的需要。
几经探索,先后出现了多种定量PCR (quantitative PCR ,Q-PCR 方法,其中结果较为可靠的是竞争性PCR 和荧光定量PCR(fluorescence quantitative PCR,FQ-PCR 。
随着生命科学和医学检测的不断发展,人们越来越希望在保证PCR 反应特异性、灵敏性、保真度的同时,能够尽量缩短反应的时间,即实现快速PCR(Rapid PCR or Fast PCR。
快速PCR 技术不仅可使样品在有限的时间内可以尽快得到扩增,而且可以显著增加可检测的样品数量,显然,在大批量样本检测和传染病快速诊断等方面将会有重要的应用前景。

• Molecular Medicine • Journal of Cellular and Molecular
Medicine • International Journal of Molecular
Medicine • Trends in Molecular Medicine • Current Molecular Medicine • Methods in Molecular Medicine • ……
前沿技术: 1.生物技术
〔1〕靶标发现技术 〔2〕动植物品种与药物分子设计技术 〔3〕基因操作和蛋白质工程技术 〔4〕基于干细胞的人体组织工程技术 〔5〕新一代工业生物技术
根底研究: 2.科学前沿问题 〔1〕生命过程的定量研究和系统整合 〔7〕脑科学与认知科学 3.面向国家重大战略需求的根底研究 〔1〕人类安康与疾病的生物学根底 4.重大科学研究方案 〔1〕蛋白质研究 〔2〕量子调控研究 〔3〕纳米研究 〔4〕发育与生殖研究 〔5〕干细胞研究
➢ 1985年Cetus公司Mullis等创造聚合酶链式反响〔PCR〕 ➢ 1972年Berg等将SV-40病毒DNA与噬菌体P22DNA在体外 ➢ 重组成功,获得了新的重组DNA分子,并成功转化大肠杆 ➢ 菌,打破了种属界限。 ➢ 1973年,Cohen和Boyer获得美国首个DNA重组技术专利
约30Mb的测序任务。 重要事件:2000年6月28日人类基因组工作草图完成
2003年4月14日, 人类基因组序列图绘制成功 2004年10月,人类基因组完成图公布 2005年3月,人类X染色体测序工作根本完成
人类基因组方案(human genome project, HGP)

现代分子生物学课程论文题目基因敲除技术班别生物技术10-2学号 *********** 姓名陈嘉杰成绩基因敲除技术的研究进展要摘基因敲除是自80年代末以来发展起来的一种新型分子生物学技术,是通过一定的途径使机体特定的基因失活或缺失的技术。
此后经历了近20年的推广和应用,直到2007年10月8日,美国科学家马里奥•卡佩奇(Mario Capecchi)和奥利弗•史密西斯(Oliver Smithies)、英国科学家马丁•埃文斯(Martin Evans)因为在利用胚胎干细胞对小鼠基因金星定向修饰原理方面的系列发现分享了2007年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。
应用DNA同源重组技术将灭活的基因导入小鼠胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ES cells)以取代目的基因,再筛选出已靶向灭活的细胞,微注射入小鼠囊胚。

作用在小分子核糖核酸(miRNAs抗癌药物的分子机理与其耐药性和临床实践意义班级: 药学一班组员:张志强陈建斌刘军伟廖鑫杨承林张相如作用在小分子核糖核酸(miRNAs抗癌药物的分子机理与其耐药性和临床实践意义文摘抗药性在治疗癌症患者的常规的化疗中和新颖的生物药剂中仍然是一个主要的问题。
在本文我们概述小分子核糖核酸在抗癌药物的耐药性的作用,报道主要研究经由放松管制的mRNA 的表达导致的细胞存活和细胞凋亡通路的改变,以及在药物的目标和药物代谢的决定因素,还讨论了当前状态的药理遗传学研究及其可能的mRNA 作用,是肿瘤干细胞药物耐药性。
表达一个或多个能源依赖运输检测抗癌药物的细胞,导致多药耐药性[ 2 ]。

现代分子生物学课程论文题目基因敲除技术班别生物技术10-2学号 *********** 姓名陈嘉杰成绩基因敲除技术的研究进展要摘基因敲除是自80年代末以来发展起来的一种新型分子生物学技术,是通过一定的途径使机体特定的基因失活或缺失的技术。
此后经历了近20年的推广和应用,直到2007年10月8日,美国科学家马里奥•卡佩奇(Mario Capecchi)和奥利弗•史密西斯(Oliver Smithies)、英国科学家马丁•埃文斯(Martin Evans)因为在利用胚胎干细胞对小鼠基因金星定向修饰原理方面的系列发现分享了2007年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。
应用DNA同源重组技术将灭活的基因导入小鼠胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ES cells)以取代目的基因,再筛选出已靶向灭活的细胞,微注射入小鼠囊胚。

Chapter19Detection and Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs by PCR Seungil Ro and Wei YanAbstractIncreasing lines of evidence indicate that small non-coding RNAs including miRNAs,piRNAs,rasiRNAs, 21U endo-siRNAs,and snoRNAs are involved in many critical biological processes.Functional studies of these small RNAs require a simple,sensitive,and reliable method for detecting and quantifying levels of small RNAs.Here,we describe such a method that has been widely used for the validation of cloned small RNAs and also for quantitative analyses of small RNAs in both tissues and cells.Key words:Small RNAs,miRNAs,piRNAs,expression,PCR.1.IntroductionThe past several years have witnessed the surprising discovery ofnumerous non-coding small RNAs species encoded by genomesof virtually all species(1–6),which include microRNAs(miR-NAs)(7–10),piwi-interacting RNAs(piRNAs)(11–14),repeat-associated siRNAs(rasiRNAs)(15–18),21U endo-siRNAs(19),and small nucleolar RNAs(snoRNAs)(20).These small RNAsare involved in all aspects of cellular functions through direct orindirect interactions with genomic DNAs,RNAs,and proteins.Functional studies on these small RNAs are just beginning,andsome preliminaryfindings have suggested that they are involvedin regulating genome stability,epigenetic marking,transcription,translation,and protein functions(5,21–23).An easy and sensi-tive method to detect and quantify levels of these small RNAs inorgans or cells during developmental courses,or under different M.Sioud(ed.),RNA Therapeutics,Methods in Molecular Biology629,DOI10.1007/978-1-60761-657-3_19,©Springer Science+Business Media,LLC2010295296Ro and Yanphysiological and pathophysiological conditions,is essential forfunctional studies.Quantitative analyses of small RNAs appear tobe challenging because of their small sizes[∼20nucleotides(nt)for miRNAs,∼30nt for piRNAs,and60–200nt for snoRNAs].Northern blot analysis has been the standard method for detec-tion and quantitative analyses of RNAs.But it requires a relativelylarge amount of starting material(10–20μg of total RNA or>5μg of small RNA fraction).It is also a labor-intensive pro-cedure involving the use of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,electrotransfer,radioisotope-labeled probes,and autoradiogra-phy.We have developed a simple and reliable PCR-based methodfor detection and quantification of all types of small non-codingRNAs.In this method,small RNA fractions are isolated and polyAtails are added to the3 ends by polyadenylation(Fig.19.1).Small RNA cDNAs(srcDNAs)are then generated by reverseFig.19.1.Overview of small RNA complementary DNA(srcDNA)library construction forPCR or qPCR analysis.Small RNAs are polyadenylated using a polyA polymerase.ThepolyA-tailed RNAs are reverse-transcribed using a primer miRTQ containing oligo dTsflanked by an adaptor sequence.RNAs are removed by RNase H from the srcDNA.ThesrcDNA is ready for PCR or qPCR to be carried out using a small RNA-specific primer(srSP)and a universal reverse primer,RTQ-UNIr.Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs297transcription using a primer consisting of adaptor sequences atthe5 end and polyT at the3 end(miRTQ).Using the srcD-NAs,non-quantitative or quantitative PCR can then be per-formed using a small RNA-specific primer and the RTQ-UNIrprimer.This method has been utilized by investigators in numer-ous studies(18,24–38).Two recent technologies,454sequenc-ing and microarray(39,40)for high-throughput analyses of miR-NAs and other small RNAs,also need an independent method forvalidation.454sequencing,the next-generation sequencing tech-nology,allows virtually exhaustive sequencing of all small RNAspecies within a small RNA library.However,each of the clonednovel small RNAs needs to be validated by examining its expres-sion in organs or in cells.Microarray assays of miRNAs have beenavailable but only known or bioinformatically predicted miR-NAs are covered.Similar to mRNA microarray analyses,the up-or down-regulation of miRNA levels under different conditionsneeds to be further validated using conventional Northern blotanalyses or PCR-based methods like the one that we are describ-ing here.2.Materials2.1.Isolation of Small RNAs, Polyadenylation,and Purification 1.mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit(Ambion).2.Phosphate-buffered saline(PBS)buffer.3.Poly(A)polymerase.4.mirVana Probe and Marker Kit(Ambion).2.2.Reverse Transcription,PCR, and Quantitative PCR 1.Superscript III First-Strand Synthesis System for RT-PCR(Invitrogen).2.miRTQ primers(Table19.1).3.AmpliTaq Gold PCR Master Mix for PCR.4.SYBR Green PCR Master Mix for qPCR.5.A miRNA-specific primer(e.g.,let-7a)and RTQ-UNIr(Table19.1).6.Agarose and100bp DNA ladder.3.Methods3.1.Isolation of Small RNAs 1.Harvest tissue(≤250mg)or cells in a1.7-mL tube with500μL of cold PBS.T a b l e 19.1O l i g o n u c l e o t i d e s u s e dN a m eS e q u e n c e (5 –3 )N o t eU s a g em i R T QC G A A T T C T A G A G C T C G A G G C A G G C G A C A T G G C T G G C T A G T T A A G C T T G G T A C C G A G C T A G T C C T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T V N ∗R N a s e f r e e ,H P L CR e v e r s e t r a n s c r i p t i o nR T Q -U N I r C G A A T T C T A G A G C T C G A G G C A G GR e g u l a r d e s a l t i n gP C R /q P C Rl e t -7a T G A G G T A G T A G G T T G T A T A G R e g u l a r d e s a l t i n gP C R /q P C R∗V =A ,C ,o r G ;N =A ,C ,G ,o r TQuantitative Analysis of Small RNAs299 2.Centrifuge at∼5,000rpm for2min at room temperature(RT).3.Remove PBS as much as possible.For cells,remove PBScarefully without breaking the pellet,leave∼100μL of PBS,and resuspend cells by tapping gently.4.Add300–600μL of lysis/binding buffer(10volumes pertissue mass)on ice.When you start with frozen tissue or cells,immediately add lysis/binding buffer(10volumes per tissue mass)on ice.5.Cut tissue into small pieces using scissors and grind it usinga homogenizer.For cells,skip this step.6.Vortex for40s to mix.7.Add one-tenth volume of miRNA homogenate additive onice and mix well by vortexing.8.Leave the mixture on ice for10min.For tissue,mix it every2min.9.Add an equal volume(330–660μL)of acid-phenol:chloroform.Be sure to withdraw from the bottom phase(the upper phase is an aqueous buffer).10.Mix thoroughly by inverting the tubes several times.11.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for5min at RT.12.Recover the aqueous phase carefully without disrupting thelower phase and transfer it to a fresh tube.13.Measure the volume using a scale(1g=∼1mL)andnote it.14.Add one-third volume of100%ethanol at RT to the recov-ered aqueous phase.15.Mix thoroughly by inverting the tubes several times.16.Transfer up to700μL of the mixture into afilter cartridgewithin a collection bel thefilter as total RNA.When you have>700μL of the mixture,apply it in suc-cessive application to the samefilter.17.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.18.Collect thefiltrate(theflow-through).Save the cartridgefor total RNA isolation(go to Step24).19.Add two-third volume of100%ethanol at RT to theflow-through.20.Mix thoroughly by inverting the tubes several times.21.Transfer up to700μL of the mixture into a newfilterbel thefilter as small RNA.When you have >700μL of thefiltrate mixture,apply it in successive appli-cation to the samefilter.300Ro and Yan22.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.23.Discard theflow-through and repeat until all of thefiltratemixture is passed through thefilter.Reuse the collectiontube for the following washing steps.24.Apply700μL of miRNA wash solution1(working solu-tion mixed with ethanol)to thefilter.25.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.26.Discard theflow-through.27.Apply500μL of miRNA wash solution2/3(working solu-tion mixed with ethanol)to thefilter.28.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.29.Discard theflow-through and repeat Step27.30.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.31.Transfer thefilter cartridge to a new collection tube.32.Apply100μL of pre-heated(95◦C)elution solution orRNase-free water to the center of thefilter and close thecap.Aliquot a desired amount of elution solution intoa1.7-mL tube and heat it on a heat block at95◦C for∼15min.Open the cap carefully because it might splashdue to pressure buildup.33.Leave thefilter tube alone for1min at RT.34.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.35.Measure total RNA and small RNA concentrations usingNanoDrop or another spectrophotometer.36.Store it at–80◦C until used.3.2.Polyadenylation1.Set up a reaction mixture with a total volume of50μL in a0.5-mL tube containing0.1–2μg of small RNAs,10μL of5×E-PAP buffer,5μL of25mM MnCl2,5μL of10mMATP,1μL(2U)of Escherichia coli poly(A)polymerase I,and RNase-free water(up to50μL).When you have a lowconcentration of small RNAs,increase the total volume;5×E-PAP buffer,25mM MnCl2,and10mM ATP should beincreased accordingly.2.Mix well and spin the tube briefly.3.Incubate for1h at37◦C.3.3.Purification 1.Add an equal volume(50μL)of acid-phenol:chloroformto the polyadenylation reaction mixture.When you have>50μL of the mixture,increase acid-phenol:chloroformaccordingly.2.Mix thoroughly by tapping the tube.Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs3013.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for5min at RT.4.Recover the aqueous phase carefully without disrupting thelower phase and transfer it to a fresh tube.5.Add12volumes(600μL)of binding/washing buffer tothe aqueous phase.When you have>50μL of the aqueous phase,increase binding/washing buffer accordingly.6.Transfer up to460μL of the mixture into a purificationcartridge within a collection tube.7.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.8.Discard thefiltrate(theflow-through)and repeat until allof the mixture is passed through the cartridge.Reuse the collection tube.9.Apply300μL of binding/washing buffer to the cartridge.10.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.11.Transfer the cartridge to a new collection tube.12.Apply25μL of pre-heated(95◦C)elution solution to thecenter of thefilter and close the cap.Aliquot a desired amount of elution solution into a1.7-mL tube and heat it on a heat block at95◦C for∼15min.Open the cap care-fully because it might be splash due to pressure buildup.13.Let thefilter tube stand for1min at RT.14.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.15.Repeat Steps12–14with a second aliquot of25μL ofpre-heated(95◦C)elution solution.16.Measure polyadenylated(tailed)RNA concentration usingNanoDrop or another spectrophotometer.17.Store it at–80◦C until used.After polyadenylation,RNAconcentration should increase up to5–10times of the start-ing concentration.3.4.Reverse Transcription 1.Mix2μg of tailed RNAs,1μL(1μg)of miRTQ,andRNase-free water(up to21μL)in a PCR tube.2.Incubate for10min at65◦C and for5min at4◦C.3.Add1μL of10mM dNTP mix,1μL of RNaseOUT,4μLof10×RT buffer,4μL of0.1M DTT,8μL of25mM MgCl2,and1μL of SuperScript III reverse transcriptase to the mixture.When you have a low concentration of lig-ated RNAs,increase the total volume;10×RT buffer,0.1M DTT,and25mM MgCl2should be increased accordingly.4.Mix well and spin the tube briefly.5.Incubate for60min at50◦C and for5min at85◦C toinactivate the reaction.302Ro and Yan6.Add1μL of RNase H to the mixture.7.Incubate for20min at37◦C.8.Add60μL of nuclease-free water.3.5.PCR and qPCR 1.Set up a reaction mixture with a total volume of25μL ina PCR tube containing1μL of small RNA cDNAs(srcD-NAs),1μL(5pmol of a miRNA-specific primer(srSP),1μL(5pmol)of RTQ-UNIr,12.5μL of AmpliTaq GoldPCR Master Mix,and9.5μL of nuclease-free water.ForqPCR,use SYBR Green PCR Master Mix instead of Ampli-Taq Gold PCR Master Mix.2.Mix well and spin the tube briefly.3.Start PCR or qPCR with the conditions:95◦C for10minand then40cycles at95◦C for15s,at48◦C for30s and at60◦C for1min.4.Adjust annealing Tm according to the Tm of your primer5.Run2μL of the PCR or qPCR products along with a100bpDNA ladder on a2%agarose gel.∼PCR products should be∼120–200bp depending on the small RNA species(e.g.,∼120–130bp for miRNAs and piRNAs).4.Notes1.This PCR method can be used for quantitative PCR(qPCR)or semi-quantitative PCR(semi-qPCR)on small RNAs suchas miRNAs,piRNAs,snoRNAs,small interfering RNAs(siRNAs),transfer RNAs(tRNAs),and ribosomal RNAs(rRNAs)(18,24–38).2.Design miRNA-specific primers to contain only the“coresequence”since our cloning method uses two degeneratenucleotides(VN)at the3 end to make small RNA cDNAs(srcDNAs)(see let-7a,Table19.1).3.For qPCR analysis,two miRNAs and a piRNA were quan-titated using the SYBR Green PCR Master Mix(41).Cyclethreshold(Ct)is the cycle number at which thefluorescencesignal reaches the threshold level above the background.ACt value for each miRNA tested was automatically calculatedby setting the threshold level to be0.1–0.3with auto base-line.All Ct values depend on the abundance of target miR-NAs.For example,average Ct values for let-7isoforms rangefrom17to20when25ng of each srcDNA sample from themultiple tissues was used(see(41).Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs3034.This method amplifies over a broad dynamic range up to10orders of magnitude and has excellent sensitivity capable ofdetecting as little as0.001ng of the srcDNA in qPCR assays.5.For qPCR,each small RNA-specific primer should be testedalong with a known control primer(e.g.,let-7a)for PCRefficiency.Good efficiencies range from90%to110%calcu-lated from slopes between–3.1and–3.6.6.On an agarose gel,mature miRNAs and precursor miRNAs(pre-miRNAs)can be differentiated by their size.PCR prod-ucts containing miRNAs will be∼120bp long in size whileproducts containing pre-miRNAs will be∼170bp long.However,our PCR method preferentially amplifies maturemiRNAs(see Results and Discussion in(41)).We testedour PCR method to quantify over100miRNAs,but neverdetected pre-miRNAs(18,29–31,38). AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank Jonathan Cho for reading andediting the text.This work was supported by grants from theNational Institute of Health(HD048855and HD050281)toW.Y.References1.Ambros,V.(2004)The functions of animalmicroRNAs.Nature,431,350–355.2.Bartel,D.P.(2004)MicroRNAs:genomics,biogenesis,mechanism,and function.Cell, 116,281–297.3.Chang,T.C.and Mendell,J.T.(2007)Theroles of microRNAs in vertebrate physiol-ogy and human disease.Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet.4.Kim,V.N.(2005)MicroRNA biogenesis:coordinated cropping and dicing.Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol,6,376–385.5.Kim,V.N.(2006)Small RNAs just gotbigger:Piwi-interacting RNAs(piRNAs) in mammalian testes.Genes Dev,20, 1993–1997.6.Kotaja,N.,Bhattacharyya,S.N.,Jaskiewicz,L.,Kimmins,S.,Parvinen,M.,Filipowicz, W.,and Sassone-Corsi,P.(2006)The chro-matoid body of male germ cells:similarity with processing bodies and presence of Dicer and microRNA pathway components.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S 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医学论文翻译Medical Journal Translation (700 words)Title: The Role of Genetic Factors in the Development of Cardiovascular DiseasesAbstract:Cardiovascular diseases are a major global health concern, accounting for a significant percentage of morbidity and mortality worldwide. While several environmental and lifestyle factors have been identified as risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, recent research has also highlighted the role of genetic factors in their development. This paper aims to review the current understanding of the genetic basis of cardiovascular diseases, including the identification of specific genes and genetic variants that are associated with increased disease risk. Additionally, it will discuss the potential implications of these findings for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.Introduction:Cardiovascular diseases, including coronary artery disease, hypertension, and stroke, remain leading causes of mortality worldwide. Although considerable progress has been made in identifying and managing traditional risk factors such as smoking, high cholesterol, and sedentary lifestyle, a significant proportion of individuals still develop cardiovascular diseases without obvious risk factors.Genetic factors have long been suspected to contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Twin and family studieshave consistently demonstrated a heritable component in the risk of these diseases. Recent advances in genomics have allowed for the identification of specific genes and genetic variants that are associated with increased susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases.Genetic studies in different populations have revealed a variety of genes and genetic variants that influence cardiovascular disease risk. For example, variations in the ACE gene have been found to be associated with an increased risk of hypertension and heart disease. Polymorphisms in the LDL receptor gene have been linked to elevated cholesterol levels and a higher risk of atherosclerosis. Additionally, certain variants in the APOC3 gene have been shown to be associated with increased triglyceride levels and cardiovascular disease risk.Understanding the genetic basis of cardiovascular diseases has several important implications. First, genetic testing may enable the early identification of individuals at higher risk for developing these diseases, allowing for targeted interventions and preventive measures. For example, individuals with genetic variants associated with a higher risk of hypertension can be closely monitored and receive appropriate management strategies to prevent the development of complications.Furthermore, the identification of specific genes and pathways related to cardiovascular diseases may lead to the development of novel therapeutic targets. Drugs targeting specific genetic variants or pathways could potentially provide more personalized and effective treatment options for individuals with cardiovascular diseases.In conclusion, genetic factors play a crucial role in the development of cardiovascular diseases. Advances in genomics have enabled the identification of specific genes and genetic variants associated with increased disease risk. These findings have important implications for risk assessment, prevention, and the development of targeted therapies for cardiovascular diseases. Further research is needed to fully understand the complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors in the development and progression of these diseases.。

Chapter 3 Nucleic Acid1. Physical and chemical structure of DNA●Double-stranded helix● Major groove and minor groove● Base pairing● The two strands are antiparallel● G+C content (percent G+C)● Satellite DNASatellite DNA consists of highly repetitive DNA and is so called because repetitions of a short DNA sequence tend to produce a different frequency of the nucleotides adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine, and thus have a different density from bulk DNA — such that they form a second or ’satellite’ band when genomic DNA is separated on a density gradient。
Alternate DNA structureTwo bases have been extruded from base stacking at the junction. The white line goes from phosphate to phosphate along the chain。
O is shown red, N blue, P yellow and C grey.3. Circular and superhelical DNADNA can also form a double-stranded, covalently-closed circle。

随着高通量测序技术的发展,DNA 序列分析变得更加高效和准确。
- 张三, 李四. "分子生物学研究进展." 《生物学杂志》 2020.。

分子生物学论文范文Title: Application of Molecular Biology Techniques in Understanding the Mechanisms of Cellular Reprogramming Abstract:Cellular reprogramming refers to the conversion of one cell type into another, often achieved through the activation or silencing of specific genes. In recent years, molecular biology techniques have been extensively used to unravel the underlying mechanisms involved in cellular reprogramming. This article aims to provide an overview of the diverse molecular biology techniques employed in this field, including DNA sequencing,gene expression analysis, gene editing, and epigenetic profiling. Furthermore, it discusses the impact of these techniques on our understanding of cellular reprogramming and potentialapplications in regenerative medicine and disease modeling. By exploring these cutting-edge molecular biology techniques, wecan decode the intricate processes underlying cellular reprogramming and harness them for therapeutic purposes.1. IntroductionCellular reprogramming is a revolutionary technique that holds immense potential in regenerative medicine. It allows the conversion of differentiated cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which possess the ability to differentiate intoany cell type. Furthermore, cellular reprogramming provides valuable insights into the mechanisms governing cellularidentity and differentiation. In recent years, advances in molecular biology techniques have greatly contributed to our understanding of cellular reprogramming. This article highlights the key molecular biology techniques utilized in this field and their impact on the field of regenerative medicine.2. DNA Sequencing3. Gene Expression AnalysisGene expression analysis techniques, such as quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and RNA sequencing, have allowed researchers to examine the expression levels of thousands of genes simultaneously. This has provided valuable insights into the molecular events occurring during cellular reprogramming. By characterizing the gene expression profile of iPSCs, researchers have identifiedspecific gene networks and signaling pathways that drive the reprogramming process. Additionally, gene expression analysis has contributed to the identification of key genes responsible for maintaining cellular identity.4. Gene EditingGene editing techniques, such as the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9 system, have revolutionized the field of molecular biology. They enabletargeted modification of specific genes, enabling researchers to investigate the functional significance of specific genes and genetic variants during cellular reprogramming. Gene editing has been utilized to introduce or eliminate specific transcription factors or epigenetic modifiers to enhance or inhibit reprogramming efficiency. Furthermore, it allows the correction of genetic mutations associated with certain diseases, paving the way for personalized medicine.5. Epigenetic ProfilingEpigenetic modifications play a crucial role in cellular reprogramming by regulating gene expression patterns. Techniques such as chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) and DNA methylation profiling have been employed to map specific histone modifications and DNA methylation patterns during reprogramming. These techniques have provided insights into the dynamics of chromatin accessibility and epigenetic remodeling that occur during cellular reprogramming.6. Applications in Regenerative Medicine and Disease ModelingThe understanding gained through molecular biology techniques has paved the way for potential therapeutic applications in regenerative medicine and disease modeling. By deciphering the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular reprogramming, researchers can develop strategies to generatepatient-specific iPSCs for transplantation, bypassing the need for immunosuppression. Additionally, cellular reprogramming can be utilized to model diseases in vitro, enabling the study of disease progression and drug screening in a personalized manner.7. ConclusionMolecular biology techniques have significantly advanced our understanding of cellular reprogramming. The integration of DNA sequencing, gene expression analysis, gene editing, and epigenetic profiling has provided valuable insights into the mechanisms governing cellular identity and differentiation. These techniques have not only expanded our knowledge ofcellular reprogramming but also hold great potential in the fields of regenerative medicine and disease modeling. By harnessing the power of molecular biology, we can unlock thefull therapeutic potential of cellular reprogramming in the future.。
分子生物学 翻译

fMet fMet
进 位
转 位
真核生物肽链合成的延长过程与原核 基本相似,但有不同的反应体系和延长因 子。
另外,真核细胞核蛋白体没有E位,转 位时卸载的tRNA直接从P位脱落。
当mRNA上终止密码出现后,多肽链 合成停止,肽链从肽酰-tRNA中释出, mRNA、核蛋白体等分离,这些过程称 为肽链合成终止。
胞浆 胞浆
28S,5400个核苷酸 18S,2100个核苷酸 5.8S,160个核苷酸 5S, 120个核苷酸
转运氨基酸 与密码子识别
构成核糖体 , 蛋白质合成场 所
S:沉降系数 (1S=10-13秒)
碱基数量:bp, Kb, Mb
原核生物16S rRNA的二级结构
• 核蛋白体大小亚基分离; • mRNA在小亚基定位结合; • 起始氨基酰-tRNA的结合; • 核蛋白体大亚基结合。
1. 核蛋白体大小亚基分离
IF-1 IF-3
2. mRNA在小亚基定位结合
在原核生物mRNA起始密码AUG上 游,存在4~9个富含嘌呤碱的一致性序列, 如-AGGAGG-,称为S-D序列。又称为核 蛋白体结合位点(ribosomal binding site,RBS)
氨基酸的活化形式:氨基酰-tRNA 氨基酸的活化部位:α-羧基 氨基酸与tRNA连接方式:酯键 氨基酸活化耗能:2个~P

分子生物学论文高血压张亚梅,2021级口腔专业2班,学号 12021051702022摘要:单基因突变引起的高血压的分类和原发性高血压的分类,以及高血压基因sNPs研究。
关键词:单基因突变引起的高血压;EH;Liddl e 综合征;高血压基因sNPs研究;基因治疗高血压是遗传与环境因素共同作用的结果。
分类Ⅰ单基因突变引起的继发性高血压: 1与肾上腺皮质激素合成有关的基因 a. 醛固酮合成酶基因b. 11β羟化酶基因c.17α羟化酶基因d. 11β羟类固醇脱氢酶(11βOHSD)基因 2上皮细胞钠通道(ENaC)基因 3高血压伴短指畸形Ⅱ原发性高血压1血管紧张素原(AGT)基因 2血管紧张素转化酶(ACE)基因 3肾素基因4血管紧张素Ⅱ 1型受体(AT2R1)基因 5 β 2-肾上腺素受体基因 6 α-adducin基因7 G蛋白β 3亚单位人G蛋白β3亚单位(G-proteinβ3-subunit ,GNB3)基因举例单基因突变引起的继发性高血压:以上皮细胞那通道(ENaC)基因有关的Liddl e 综合征为例:Liddl e 综合征于1963年首列被报道出来。

1、临床医学中所运用到的分子生物学技术1.1 分子生物传感器技术分子生物学在生物体细胞内以电信号为主要代表形式。

分子生物学论文范文精选一:题目:牛病毒性腹泻病毒分子生物学特性研究进展摘要:牛病毒性腹泻病毒(Bovine viral diarrhea virus, BVDV)是引起牛黏膜病的病原,该病原给养牛业造成重大的损失,致病机理十分复杂。
关键词:牛腹泻病毒;致病机理;RNA病毒;免疫逃避;遗传牛病毒性腹泻病毒(Bovine viral diarrhea virus,BVDV)是引起牛腹泻病及粘膜病的主要病原,临床症状复杂多样,可表现为亚临床感染,或出现繁殖障碍和由免疫抑制导致的呼吸系统、消化系统性疾病,以及由血小板减少、出血导致的致死性粘膜病。


分子生物学课程论文------- 基因治疗与基因诊断的研究与发展张威10级口腔一班学号105摘要:基因诊断与基因治疗能够在比较短的时间从理论设想变为现实,主要是由于分子生物学的理论及技术方法,特别是重组DNA技术的迅速发展,使人们可以在实验室构建各种载体、克隆及分析目标基因。
因此在20世纪70年代末诞生了基因诊断(gene diagnosis);随后于1990年美国实施了第一个基因治疗(gene therapy)的临床试验方案。
关键词:基因治疗基因诊断重组DNA英文题目:Molecular biology course in dissertationMolecular biology curriculum paper gene treatment and gene diagnosis research and developmen tZhangFaguang 09 levels 2009111002Summary: gene-diagnosing and gene therapy in the relatively short time from theoretical ideas into reality, mainly due to the molecular biology of theory and techniques, in particular the recombinant DNA technology is developing rapidly, so that people can build a variety of carriers in the laboratory, cloning and analysis of target genes. The disease can drill down to the molecular level research and has made significant progress. Thus, in the late 1970s was born gene diagnosis (gene diagnosis); subsequently, in 1990, United States implemented the first gene therapy (gene therapy) clinical trials programme. V isible, genetic diagnosis and gene therapy is a modern molecular biology of theory and technology combined with the medicine.Keywords: gene therapy gene-diagnosing recombinant DNA1.引言20世纪后半叶以来,由于分子生物学的崛起,人们进入了合成代谢与代谢调节的研究。
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我们了解正在循环的肿瘤细胞(CTC)和已转移的肿瘤细胞(DTC)的能力一直因为只能检测和离析到少量(通常是< 10)的这类细胞而制约。
为了确定是否一个可取的商用技术可以提供前列腺癌细胞(PCa) 的一个单细胞转录组剖面,我们无性繁殖地选择和培养了一些细胞周期同步的C4-2B PCa细胞。
十套1,5 10个细胞通过使用一个有倒置显微镜的显微操纵器在直接观察下被分离。
使用WT-Ovation™ One-Direct Amplification系统使RNA放大。
然后让被放大的原料在44 k全人类基因表达微阵列里杂化。
1.离散的 PCa细胞的培养和离析
为了获得一个同步的PCa的细胞群进行分析,我们在混合有10%FBS的 RPMI 1640培养基(生命科学技术股份有限公司)中无性繁殖地选择C4-2B细胞和培养一些细胞。
在混合有10%FBS的 RPMI 1640培养基里,细胞被胰蛋白酶化和重新悬浮。
样品的处理在1 - 2小时内开始,5个小时内完成。
简单地说,骨髓抽出物被放置在一个15毫升体积的聚蔗糖-甲泛影纳制剂1.077 g / ml(精确的化学制品,韦斯特伯里,纽约)里。
5 PCa细胞中整体RNA的放大
一个可取的商用技术可以提供前列腺癌细胞(PCa) 的一个单细胞转录组剖面。