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1. 单选题

① Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 2

Q19 The number of students counseled by the service last year was

A 214

B 240

C 2600

原文:… last academic year, in spite of staff cuts, we counseled two hundred and forty international students for a total of twenty-six hundred hours counseling…

该题可算是选项分类法最具代表性的例子,三个选项均为相对于文字而更为直观的数字。稍具听力做题经验的同学都能很快确定这题考查的核心点是fourteen和forty,基于这样的对立性,便可将A、B 划分为一类,C为另一类。在这里需要重点指出的是,选项分类法绝对不是简单地将归为另一类的C选项排除,而只是说A、B选项有且只有一个选项存在,或是说将1/3的答案正确性提高到了1/2。其实,C项2600在原文也有出现,只是其修饰对象为hours,而不是题目中的关键词students,这才将它排除。


② Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 2

Q16 Students should consult Glenda Roberts if

A their general health is poor.

B their diet is too strict.

C they can’t eat the local food.

原文:You may also be off your food, or you may have dietary problems because the local food is not to your liking…

快速阅读选项,不难发现B项和C项的相似之处,diet 和food 同义,因此可将两者划为一类。

③ Cambridge 5 Test 3 Section 2

Q19 The university accommodation officer will

A send a list of agents for students to agents.

B contact accommodation agencies for students.

C ensure that students have suitable accommodation.

原文:… we have a full-time accommodation officer… will deal with the agencies on your behalf.

A 项的表述可理解为“宿管员将房屋中介的信息给学生们,让学生自己去联系”,而B项传递的信息为“宿管员帮学生联系房屋中介,了解相关房屋信息。”这两者之间存在明显的对立性,可归为一类。

2. 多选题

① Cambridge 5 Test 3 Section 2

Qs 11-12 What TWO advantages does the speaker say Rexford University has for the students he is s peaking to

A higher than average results in examinations

B good transportation links with central London

C near London Airport

D special government funding

E good links with local industry

原文:… there is I think at Rexford an excellent combination of physical and geographical advantages… Rexford is just 35 minutes from London Airport… have unusually close relationship with industry in the area.


Physical advantages: A, D, E

Geographical advantages: B, C


② Cambridge 6 Test 4 Section 3

Qs 28-30 Which THERE topics do this term’s study skills workshops cover

A An introduction to the Internet

B How to carry out research for a dissertation

C Making good use of the whole range of library services

D Planning a dissertation

E Standard requirements when writing a dissertation

F Using the Internet when doing research

G What books and technical resources are available in the library

原文:The first one’s resources … How to use the library’s resources… This term it’s finding research materials online…It’s a workshop on dissertations…how to write one …


Internet: A, F

Dissertation: B, D, E

Resources: C, G

3. 配对题
