
设计作品集模板【封面】设计作品集【目录】1. 个人简介2. 作品展示2.1 平面设计2.2 UI/UX设计2.3 插画与动画2.4 网页设计2.5 其他设计作品3. 客户评价4. 联系方式【个人简介】姓名:[您的姓名]职业:[您的职业]联系方式:[您的联系电话/电子邮箱]个人网站:[您的个人网站]【作品展示】2.1 平面设计作品名称:[作品名称]设计理念:[简述设计理念]设计时间:[设计时间]作品展示:[插入作品图片] 2.2 UI/UX设计作品名称:[作品名称]设计理念:[简述设计理念]设计时间:[设计时间]设计工具:[使用的设计工具]作品展示:[插入作品图片] 2.3 插画与动画作品名称:[作品名称]设计理念:[简述设计理念]设计时间:[设计时间]设计工具:[使用的设计工具]作品展示:[插入作品图片] 2.4 网页设计作品名称:[作品名称]设计理念:[简述设计理念]设计时间:[设计时间]设计工具:[使用的设计工具]作品展示:[插入作品图片] 2.5 其他设计作品作品名称:[作品名称]设计理念:[简述设计理念]设计时间:[设计时间]作品展示:[插入作品图片]【客户评价】客户名称:[客户名称]评价内容:[客户对作品的评价]评价时间:[评价时间]【联系方式】姓名:[您的姓名]职业:[您的职业]联系电话:[您的联系电话]电子邮箱:[您的电子邮箱]个人网站:[您的个人网站]设计作品集模板【封面】设计作品集【目录】1. 个人简介2. 作品展示2.1 平面设计2.2 UI/UX设计2.3 插画与动画2.4 网页设计2.5 其他设计作品3. 客户评价4. 联系方式【个人简介】姓名:[您的姓名]职业:[您的职业]联系方式:[您的联系电话/电子邮箱]个人网站:[您的个人网站]简介:在这里,您可以简要介绍自己的设计背景、教育经历、专业技能以及设计理念。
【作品展示】2.1 平面设计作品名称:[作品名称]设计理念:[简述设计理念]设计时间:[设计时间]设计工具:[使用的设计工具]作品展示:[插入作品图片]作品描述:在这里,您可以详细描述作品的设计过程、目标受众、设计挑战以及最终成果。

Further Application Visusensographic Technology can be used to diagnose and treat any muscle in the body. The highlight of this project was coming up with a concept that used technology in a way never done before.
I realized that defining the problem sets the stage for research and helps determine design criteria.
We conducted a systems analysis of the ins and outs of a hockey bag and the extent of user interaction including storage, organization, transportation and maneuverability.
Designed to provide a unique drying system, Edge encourages players to air out their equipment on regular basis, significantly reducing odors and bacteria buildup.
I realized the importance of a lifecycle analysis when designing products in order to determine all the factors affecting the product’s existence.

29、在一切能够接受法律支配的人类 的状态 中,哪 里没有 法律, 那里就 没有自 由。— —洛克
30、风俗可以造就法律,也可以废除 法律。 ——塞·约翰逊
xiexie! 38、我这个人走得很慢,但是我从不后退。——亚伯拉罕·林肯
26、我们像鹰一样,生来就是自由的 ,但是 为了生 存,我 们不得 不为自 己编织 一个笼 子,然 后把自 己关在 里面。 ——博 莱索
Байду номын сангаас
27、法律如果不讲道理,即使延续时 间再长 ,也还 是没有 制约力 的。— —爱·科 克
28、好法律是由坏风俗创造出来的。 ——马 克罗维 乌斯

工业设计史论作业 ——著名设计师简介及作品言论
制作者:谭志成 学号:10020105 学号:10020105 班级:工业设计一班
福田繁雄(Shigeo Fukuda,1932- ) Fukuda,1932• 福田繁雄是日本当代天才的平面设计家。福田生于日本东京,1956年 福田繁雄是日本当代天才的平面设计家。福田生于日本东京,1956年

度 ,这款 笔记本 电脑定会让 你耳 目
新 。 一改 传 统 笔记 本 电脑 上 部
显示器 ,下部主机 加键 盘 的设计思
路 ,A a oX S 主机集成 到了屏 dm P将
幕一侧 ,合 上 电脑 时轻巧 的键 盘也 可以轻松 地嵌入显 示器凹槽 之中 , 整 个机身浑 然一体 。使 用时 只需将 键 盘向下翻开支撑在桌上即可 。
数字化 部件 ,通 过附加装置 和诊疗
软件 ,患者 的心 跳能够在听 诊的过
程 中 直 接被 记 录 下 来 , 为 医 生 提 供
这样一 来 ,在搓洗 头发时你就 可以
先按下暂 停键 停止 水流 ,而不 用担
心第二次打开时还需重调水温 。
4 、戴 森 无扇 叶 风 扇
个圆柱 形的机 身再加 上一个 圆环就可 以产生 阵阵凉 风 ,的确 让很 多
人都 唏嘘不 已。原来 ,这款神 奇无扇 叶风扇 的底座 内隐藏 了一台具 有超 强
吸力 的涡轮装 置, 增压后空气会被送 人圆环内壁 中 ,并通过圆环 上1 毫 通过 . 3
米的, 将风送 出 ;而 由于结 构特殊 ,当气流 从d 喷 出后 周围 的空气 也 ' J qL qLቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ将被带 动从而产 生强劲 的凉风 。据厂家 介绍 ,由于风 是直接从机 器喷 出 , 并非透 过扇叶切 割空气 推出 ,因此 不会 产生不 平衡气 流 ,其 气流较传 统风
扇更平稳 ;另外 由于表面没 有任何运动部件 ,整机不易积灰也更为安全 。
( 辑 :陈燕芬 ) 编
1 8
如 果不看后 半部分 ,你 或许会 认为这 是一副高 档耳机 ,这 款极富 科技色 彩的听诊 器着实让人 惊艳 。 由于其 采用 了人 体工程学设 计 ,在 使用时 更为舒适 。除了具 备传统听 诊器 的功能外 ,它还采 用了蓝牙和

工业设计作品集英文IntroductionIn the competitive field of industrial design, a comprehensive and impressive portfolio is crucial to showcase a designer’s skills, creativity, and expertise. An industrial design portfolio not only serves as a visual representation of a designer’s work bu t also tells a story about their design process and problem-solving capabilities. This article explores the key elements and best practices to create a compelling industrial design portfolio.The Importance of Industrial Design Portfolio1.Highlighting Design Skills– A well-crafted portfolio demonstrates a designer’s artistic skills, technical proficiency, and ability to createaesthetically pleasing designs.–It showcases expertise in various design software and tools, such as CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software, 3D modeling,and rendering tools.2.Showcasing Creativity– A portfolio allows designers to display their innovative thinking and unique design solutions.–It provides an opportunity to demonstrate how they have successfully transformed conceptual ideas into tangibleproducts.3.Reflecting Problem-Solving Abilities– A strong portfolio should include examples of how thedesigner identified and addressed design challenges.–It showcases the ability to think critically, conduct user research, and develop practical design solutions.4.Demonstrating Versatility– A diverse portfolio demonstrates the ability to work on different types of projects, industries, and materials.–It shows adaptability and versatility in approaching various design problems.Elements of an Impressive Industrial Design Portfolio1. Cover Page•The cover page should include the designer’s name, contact information, and a visually appealing design.•It sets the tone for the portfolio and creates a strong first impression.2. About Me/Introduction•This section provides a brief introduction about the designer, their background, and design philosophy.•It creates a personal connection with the viewer and gives insight into the designer’s motivations and inspirations.3. Project Selection•Select a diverse range of projects that showcase different design skills, industries, and materials.•Include both concept designs and realized products to demonstratea well-rounded portfolio.4. Project Overview•For each project, provide a concise overview that includes a project brief, objectives, and target audience.•Describe the design problem and explain the approach taken to solve it.•Highlight any unique design features and innovations.5. Design Process•Include a section that outlines the design process followed for each project.•This can include sketches, mood boards, 3D models, prototypes, and user feedback.•Show how the design evolved from initial concepts to the final product.6. Technical Skills•Dedicate a section to showcase proficiency in relevant software, tools, and techniques.•Include examples of CAD models, renderings, and technical drawings to demonstrate technical expertise.7. Presentation and Visualization•Ensure that the portfolio is visually appealing and well-organized.•Use high-quality images, clear typography, and consistent formatting throughout the portfolio.•Include multiple views and perspectives of the designs to showcase their details and functionality.Best Practices for Industrial Design Portfolio1.Keep it Concise: Select only the strongest and most relevantprojects to include, aiming for quality over quantity.2.Tailor to the Audience: Customize the portfolio based on thetargeted audience, such as potential employers or clients inspecific industries.e Clear and Descriptive Labels: Clearly label each projectsection and provide concise descriptions for easy navigation andunderstanding.4.Edit and Proofread: Review the portfolio multiple times to ensurethere are no typos, grammatical errors, or formatting issues.5.Seek Feedback: Share the portfolio with colleagues or mentors forconstructive feedback to further improve its quality.ConclusionA well-curated industrial design portfolio is a powerful tool for designers to showcase their skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. By carefully selecting projects, showcasing design process, and presenting their work creatively, designers can create an impressive portfolio that leaves a lasting impression on potential employers and clients. Remember to regularly update the portfolio with new projectsand make adjustments as the designer’s skills and experience progress in the field.。

首先,我们来看一下设计师Lucas的“The Delicate Balance”,这是一幅令人惊叹的平面设计作品,其独特之处在于将二维空间中的几何形状与金属质感的立体感形式相结合,让人们仿佛置身于镜像空间中。
再来看看设计师Sofie的“Creepy yet Cool”。

麦奇摩托“,革新了现代机动车的概念。作为 一名国际性的设计大师,他为日本的公司设计 了从照像机、手表到服装的众多产品,影
罗西是意大利重要的后现代主义建筑师、设计师,出生在米兰,1959 年毕业于米兰理工大学,1961-1964年任设计杂志的编辑,曾在
师门托凡尼(Aldo Mantovani)共同创建意大 利设计公司(ITALDESIGN),基本的经营方 针是将设计与工程技术紧密结合,为汽车生
产厂家提供从可行性研究、外观设计、工程设 计直到模型和样车制作的完整服务。目前该公 司已成了一个国际性设计中心,并获得了
1988年首届欧洲设计奖的荣誉提名。基吉阿罗 本人的设计将技术与对风格的理解融合在一起, 产生了许多成功的产品,其中包括大众
一等奖、美国国际招贴画展览奖等。1982年应耶鲁大学之邀担 任客座讲师。福田还是国际图形设计协会会员。
福田的每一种新观念都是他不断探索,尝试不同可能性的方法 的结晶。他总是弃旧图新,并系统地将各种创意、革新加以融 会贯通。
每一批作品都反映出他主观想象力的飞跃以及他控制和营造作 品的匠心。他在看似荒谬的视觉形象中透射出一种理性的秩序 感和连续

艾森豪威尔也对ZIPPO 大加赞赏:“ZIPPO是我惟一在任何时候都能点得着的打火机。

二、作品分类1. 广告设计2. 包装设计3. 品牌标识设计4. 杂志与书籍设计5. 海报设计6. 插画设计7. 平面插画设计8. 平面广告设计9. 宣传画册设计10. 平面标志设计三、目录模板示例作品分类:广告设计1. 作品标题:XXX广告设计作品简介:该设计通过巧妙运用色彩和排版,吸引了目标受众的注意力,成功推广了XXX产品。
2. 作品标题:XXX慈善广告作品简介:这幅广告设计突出了慈善主题,通过引人注目的视觉效果和简洁明了的文字传达了慈善组织的宗旨。
作品分类:包装设计1. 作品标题:XXX产品包装设计作品简介:该包装设计运用了独特的图案和材质,彰显了产品的高端与时尚,提升了产品的市场竞争力。
2. 作品标题:XXX食品包装设计作品简介:这个包装设计以鲜艳的色彩和生动的图案展现了食品的新鲜和美味,吸引了消费者的眼球。
作品分类:品牌标识设计1. 作品标题:XXX品牌标识设计作品简介:这个品牌标识设计通过简洁而富有创意的图案,成功表达了品牌的核心价值和个性。
2. 作品标题:XXX公司标识设计作品简介:该公司标识设计以稳重的色彩和简洁的形状展现了公司的专业与信誉。
作品分类:杂志与书籍设计1. 作品标题:XXX杂志封面设计作品简介:这个杂志封面设计采用了大胆的排版和引人注目的图片,吸引了读者的关注,提高了杂志的销量。
2. 作品标题:XXX书籍装帧设计作品简介:该书籍装帧设计运用了精美的插图和独特的封面造型,使书籍更具吸引力和收藏价值。
作品分类:海报设计1. 作品标题:XXX电影海报设计作品简介:这张电影海报设计通过黑白色调和独特的构图,成功传达了电影的悬疑和紧张氛围。
2. 作品标题:XXX音乐会海报设计作品简介:该音乐会海报设计以鲜艳的色彩和动感的线条表现了音乐会的热闹和活力。

艾森豪威尔也对ZIPPO 大加赞赏:“ZIPPO是我惟一在任何时候都能点得着的打火机。

PORTFOLIO Tom Verbist | Student Product Designer| 01 About me.Who I am and what do I have to offer? | 02 Product Design.Projects I have done so far.| 03 Design Research.Addition and vision on the design field | 04 Other Work.What else can I do?| 05 Contact.Yes, you can contact me!| 01About me.Who I am.Hi, dear reader! I’m Tom Verbist, currently a product design student at the Integral Product Development departement of Artesis university college of Antwerp. My homebase is located in Elewi j t near Mechelen, Belgium.With a multidisciplinary approach, I make sure your product has a solid and innovative design. In other words, I work with a well-structured design process, solving the ideation all the wayto end-user product. The outcome of this method guarantees a technical, economical and functional stability.I consider myself being a teamplayer and I have a broad interest in design and design-related challenges, so I would love to join in on the exciting projects you have to offer. You can fi nd my coordinates in the ‘Contact me’ Section. Thank you!Strengths•Ideation & Brainstorming • Analysis & Design research • Product Envisioning•Eye for detail & organisationSoftware Skills3D-modelling:• Solidworks • Rhinoceros Rendering:• Keyshot• V-ray for Rhinoceros Graphic Design• Adobe Photoshop • Adobe Illustrator • Adobe Indesign Other:• Arduino ProgrammingExperience• Student Worker at Achilles Associates: ProductDevelopment & Design (2012)• Internship at Achilles Associates:Product Development & Design(August - September 2011)Product Case:Robotic Wine ServingSmart Mechanics ArtesisThe goal of this student project wascreating a robot capable of servingfood or drinks. Within this context,I created a wine-serving robotthat operates in classy andtrendy restaurants. It is capableof transporting and serving twotypes of wine, while displaying theircharacteristics and backgroundinformation. The user can eitherchoose to taste the wine or fi ll theglass according to their needs.The robot has been given theright dimensions, acquired throughrestaurant observation and criticaldistance measuring. In this way, therobot operates in the user’s zone ofconvenient reach and is very mobilewithin the restaurant. The mainchallenge was to create a valuableand yet low-production-cost productdue to the small product series.Product Case:Robotic Wine Serving Smart Mechanics ArtesisThe body is constructed out of fi berglass on a milled polyurethane foam core. The control components are 3D-printed and mounted on the fi berglass body.Internal system components include two 2.,25 cl refi llable reservoirs connected tocomputer-controlled solenoïd valves. The robot navigates by following magnetic strips that are built in the fl oor. RFID tags give feedback of the exact position.When the user has made the right wine selection, making contact with the glass to the button will activate the solenoidvalves. The wine will then fl ow untill the user has suffi cient wine, with a maximum dispensed amount of 25cl. Remainingdroplets will be caught in a drip stop.Eco Soap Dispenser Bachelorproof Artesis and EcoverThis project was offered by Ecover. The result had to be a redesign of the bag-in-box soap dispensing system. My interpretation resulted in a low-impact, ecological paper pulp moulded box with a reusable pump system that could easily snap onto An intuitive pump drains the bag-in-box, improving residual volumes compared to the original gravity/pressure based design.The empty box can be used to gather paper when the soapbag is empty. This extends the life cycle and also provides theraw material to produce the box.ed to gatherempty. Thisprovides thebox. the box.Encaustic Art PenRedesign 2nd Bachelor Artesis An encaustic art pen was given toexamine and redesign. Encaustic art is performed by heating colored wax, and then painting or writing with the liquifi ed medium.The original pen was a modifi ed soldering iron that was barely suitable for precision tasks as in drawing. Analysis exposed the need for a more ergonomic pen with a more precise grip.The result is an ergonomically shaped pen suitable for both left- and right-handed artists. Theexcentered shape provides support at the thumb joint, which also reduces the risk of the fi ngers sliding to the heated pen tip.A little tool can be used to retrieve the pen tip. All the equipment can be stored in a holder.Pencil & Digital DrawingVarious Works, ArtesisThe most valuable aspect of a product developer is the ability to think andcommunicate through images. I am capable of doing this from fast, rough idea sketches to digital or digitallyenhanced drawings.Pencil & Digital Drawing Various Works, ArtesisI made these drawings using AutodeskSketchbook Pro and Adobe Photoshop. Digital drawings are a great tool for adding aesthetic detail to ideas or concepts. They give better visual information and are great to explore material and color usage. They take more time to produce, so I fi nd them suitable when ideas or concept achieve more maturity, or when a strong visuallanguage is desired.| 03 Design Research.Ana l ysis & Registration of Behavioura lResponses to Bodi l y-near, Stigmatising ProductsMasterthesis in Design Research, Artesis University College Supporting doctoral research of K. VaesI am very convinced that a strong vision and product insight are one of the most important keys to succesful development. That is why I chose to conduct a design research for my masterthesis.A stigma can be described as a ‘deeply ashaming, discrediting attribute’.Besides market research and methodologies, there is no known iterative method to obtaining an indication of the degree of stigmatisation induced by products. Though product designers can strongly benefit from this information. Reducing stigma can alter acceptance, desirability, and user-friendliness to otherwise respulsive products. Picking the least stigmatising design creates strategic selling proposition for the customer.I developped the fundaments of a registration and analysis method for product developers. Multiple, early to mature prototypes can be rapidly verified. The tool has been assesed with dust/medical masks.| 03 Design Research.Ana l ysis & Registration of Behavioura l Responses to Bodi l y-near, Stigmatising Products Masterthesis in Design Research, Artesis University College Supporting doctoral research of K. VaesThe tool focusses on avoidance-responses of the passers-by. By measuring interpersonal distance and unaware choices on the walking path, an indication of stigma can be obtained. ‘The Stain Dilemma’ and ‘Discriminating Dyadic Distances’ are both tests designed for use by product developers.The inelaborate tests are conducted in a natural city-environment with apparent absence of the researcher. Wireless measuring systems and test forms are designed to insert and analyze data without knowlegde of statistical matter.The visualisations help the product developer in verifi ying and refl ecting on a range of product concepts..Wit Respro Rood Prototype Transparant Prototype Sport130140150160170Geen Respro Rood Sjaal PrototypePrototypeSport3843485358636873781203-Modelling and renderingPhilips PhilishaveIn the courses of 3D-modelling with Rhino 4.0, I chose to model a Philips Philishave HQ 6849. This was a good product to learn smooth surface transitions and organic shape modelling. With this finished model I started to learn rendering with V-Ray and Keyshot. These final images were rendered with Keyshot Pro 2.3-Modelling and renderingPoules De LuxeRendering was something I thought it was fun to learn and improve. Shortly after learning the basics for V-Ray, I got offered to make invitation cards for a luxurious dining event called Poules de Luxe, Rotary Opsinjoor Mechelen.I thought it would be fun to experiment with 3D-objects and rendering in my graphic design activities. In the final result, I used a 3D-scanned sculpture of a chicken to produce this vintage, luxurious-looking image. It was rendered with V-Ray, and touched up with Photoshop. The image was then blended in the graphic design of the invitation card.Autonomous Robot Arduino Programming, Prototyping and ElectronicaWithin this course, an Arduino-based robot had to be built. It had to be capable of detecting a golf ball in a rectangular field, with only a black line on the outer boundaries. Once it was detected, the ball had to be transported to a rectangular hole in the field.We decided to not detect it at random, but instead using and selecting our sensor combination carefully. The finaland creative result included a homemade LDR-based sensor that could detect contrast changes, such as a golf ball. With a laser and an tweaked optocoupler, we made a laser gate. Eventually the robot followed a reliable, structured process of searching, detecting, catching and transporting the ball in under one minute and ultimately achieving it’s goal.. . .void Lijn(){// Serial.println(“void lijn“);// delay(500);while(Sit==2){for(int iek=0; iek<=1500; iek++){int MeanR=(analogRead(sensorR)+analogRead(sensorM))/2;int MeanL=(analogRead(sensorL)+analogRead(sensorM))/2;if(MeanR>GVI)motor.Right(MSH,MSL);if(MeanL>GVI)motor.Left(MSH,MSL);}W1=analogRead(sensorK)+50; //uitlezen sensorKW3=pulseIn(sensorUS,HIGH)/58; //uitlezen sensorUS// Serial.println(“W1 lezen“);while(rept<1000){int MeanR=(analogRead(sensorR)+analogRead(sensorM))/2;int MeanL=(analogRead(sensorL)+analogRead(sensorM))/2;if(MeanR>GVI)motor.Right(MSH,MSL);if(MeanL>GVI)motor.Left(MSH,MSL);. . .Arduino autonomous robot, together withVan Rompaey Senne and Van Hecke KarelBrand identityLiersepoort butcher’s shop and traiteurI was contacted to update the brandidentity of this butcher’s shop and traiteur.They wanted a clean and modern look[LIERSEPOORT//KLANTENKAART] that was also inspired an suitable withthe look and feel of the interior. With thisinformation I created a typical style andgraphic guidelines.Logo DesignYouth Club ElawaatAs a member and being active as agraphic designer for youth club ‘Elawaat’,I created this logo. A dynamic and freshlook shaped the new style that would beused for future events.CalorluxThis ambient lighting device will be activated by holding and throwing it in hot water, as in bathtubs. This concept was developed during Workshopweek 2011 by Tom Verbist within the Philips workshop assisted by Tom Wauters .The device has it’s function granted by the Seebeckeffect, transduction of temperature differences toelectricity. The component that hereby should beused is called a peltier plate. This is also more fre-quently used as a cooling element in electronicdevices. Since the effect of generating sufficientenergy is still low, this product conceptis only a future vision .Spinning the rubber wheel clockwise will able you to pick a colour within the spectrum you like. Spinning the wheel counterclockwise sets the intensityof the light.Hold the Calorlux ball under hot water for a few seconds to activate the peltier plate and LED. As the inner parts of the ball heat up, drop it in the hot bath water. The device will float. Cooling fins ond the upper side will provide a cold side for the peltier plate, the hot water and the hot LED aluminium parts will keep the inner part warm so the peltier plate provides electricity untill the ball is saturated when you leave the bath.Only heat is used as a power source, pulling this concept away from traditional lighting locations and equipement, making this ambient lightingplayful and independent.Ambient Light Workshop Philips Workshop during Workshopweek Artesis 2011The workshopweek in the Artesis department for Product Development invited the students to explore the possibilities of sustainable lighting. Within this week, various concept designs had to be created.This concept card is the result of my exploration: an ambient lighting device called ‘Calorlux’. The temperature of hot bath water heats op Peltier-plates, generating electricity. This is used to create an ambient, indirect light that illuminates the bath water and provides extensive user experience.。

56、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 57、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 58、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈来 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿
社团招生பைடு நூலகம்报
自 行 车 改 造
60、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地 走到底 ,决不 回头。 ——左

2、要冒一次险!整个生命就是一场冒险。走得最远的人,常是愿意 去做,并愿意去冒险的人。“稳妥”之船,从未能从岸边走远。-戴尔.卡耐基。
梦 境
3、人生就像一杯没有加糖的咖啡,喝起来是苦涩的,回味起来却有 久久不会退去的余香。
艺术设计平面设计作品集PPT模板 4、守业的最好办法就是不断的发展。 5、当爱不能完美,我宁愿选择无悔,不管来生多么美丽,我不愿失 去今生对你的记忆,我不求天长地久的美景要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。——培根 22、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——韩愈
23、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——马克思 24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。——莎士比亚