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()1.A. pr et t y B.p ri nt in g C.pe o pl e D.pl an t

()2.A.w h e a t B.w a n t C.w a l k D.w r i t e r ()3.A.dentist B.dolphin C.duckling D.dancer ()4. A.work B.waiter C.waitress D.whale .()5.A.ca lf B.cl ev e r C.cl i mb D.com b

B.判断下列句子与你听到的是否相同,相同打(√),不同打(×)。(5%) ()1.I live at 56 Garden Road.

()2.L o o k a t h i s y e l l o w h a i r a n d b l u e e y e s.

()3. She’s good at Ch inese and maths.

()4.Is this your English book?

()5.We are going to have an English party this afternoon.C.根据你听到的问句,选择最佳答句(只填序号)。(10%) ()1.A.Yes,he is .

B.He’s a teacher.,

C.He’s my uncle.

()2.A.Maybe it’s Mary’s.

B.No,it isn’t.

C.It’S a goat.

()3.A.No,I can’t.

B.Yes,I am.

C.Yes,I do.

()4.A.They’re hens.

B.Y e s,t h e r e i s.

C.N o,t h e y c a n’t.

()5.A.I have a cold.’

B.It’s three o’clock.

C.We read story-books.



1.game baby ( ) 2.study run ( ) 3.c l i m b a n i m a l( ) 4.c u t e m u s i c() 5.g r e a t s p e a k( ) 6.g o o d l o o k()


( )1.He has two ______ .

A.b a b y p i g s B.b a b i e s p i g s C.b a b i e s p i g ( )2. Micky ______ painting.

A.fininshs B.finish C.finishes

( )3.I know ______ mother is a nurse.

A.they B.their C.them

( )4.He ______ with a puppet now.

A.plays B.is playing C.play

( )5.We often play ______ violin.

A.a B.an C.the

( )6.They are too big ______ me.

A.at B.for C.out

( )7. Please ______ worry.

A. not

B. don’t

C. not to

( )8. They pay ______ the mirror and the lamp.

A. for

B. at

C. in

( )9. You often ______ in the library?

A. Do…reading

B. Are…read

C. Do…read

( )10. How ______ do you have Chinese classes?.

A. often

B. many

C. some

( )11. We call a baby dog a ______.

A. kitten

B. puppy

C. piglet

( )12. How ______ is the lamp?

A. much

B. some

C. many

( )13. ______ is Lucy. Her pen is new.

A. He

B. She

C. Him

( )14.--Have some apples, please.

-- ____________.

A. That's OK

B. Here you are

C. No,thanks

( )15. Let me show you ______ our school.

A. around

B. at

C. for

( )16. We often do ______ in Englis h classe s.

A. speaking

B. speak

C. speaks

( )17.T h e r e______ s o m e w a t e r i n t h e b o t t l e.

A. are

B. is

C. am

( )18. I'm good ______ singing.

A. in

B. to

C. at

( )19. I want ______ the books ______ the classroom.

A. to take … to

B. to take … for

C. take … in ( )20. Can I ______ TV ?

A. watch

B. to watch

C. watching IV. 情景对话。(4% )
