
旅游英语口语对话文本一、机场和飞行1.在机场碰面–A: Hi, are you the one I’m meeting?–B: Yes, I am. Are you here on vacation?2.在登机口–A: Excuse me, where is the boarding gate for flight BA123?–B: It’s over there, sir. Have a nice flight!3.在飞机上–A: Can you help me put my luggage in the overhead bin?–B: Of course, I can help. Just be careful, it’s heavy.二、抵达目的地1.在出租车上–A: How much does it cost to get to the city center?–B: It’s about 20 dollars. Is that okay with you?2.在酒店前台–A: Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of Smith.–B: Welcome, Mr. Smith. Here is your room key. Enjoy your stay!3.在观光巴士上–A: Is this the bus that goes to the Eiffel Tower?–B: Yes, it is. You can get off at the next stop.三、在旅游景点1.在博物馆–A: Do you have any audio guides available for the exhibits?–B: Yes, we do. They are free of charge.2.在名胜古迹–A: How old is this castle?–B: It’s over 500 years old. Isn’t it impressive?3.在购物中心–A: Where can I find some souvenirs to bring home?–B: There is a souvenir shop on the first floor.四、餐厅和美食1.在餐厅–A: What do you recommend on the menu?–B: The seafood pasta is our specialty. Would you like to try it?2.点菜–A: Can I have a steak, medium rare, please?–B: Sure, anything to drink with that?3.买吃的–A: How much is the chocolate croissant?–B: It’s 2 euros. Enjoy your snack!五、交通和交通工具1.在地铁–A: Is this the right train to the city center?–B: Yes, it is. Make sure you get off at the last stop.2.在出租车上–A: How long does it take to get to the airport?–B: It usually takes about 30 minutes, depending on traffic.3.在火车站–A: Excuse me, when does the next train to Rome depart?–B: The next train leaves in 15 minutes.希望这份旅游英语口语对话文本能帮助你在旅途中和他人更流畅地交流,享受美妙的旅行体验。

经典旅游英语情景对话 旅游可以让我们和所到地⽅的⼈聊天,感受当地⼈的⽣活,⾛进当地的⽂化。
店铺整理了经典旅游英语情景对话,欢迎阅读! 经典旅游英语情景对话⼀ A:Tom, shall we pass a village? 汤姆,我们要经过乡村吗? B:Yes. If you look ahead, you may see a hill, at the foot is a village. 是的,如果您往前看,您会看见⼀座⼩⼭,在⼭脚下就有⼀座⼩⼭村。
A:Wow, I got it. It looks terrific. Can we visit it? 哇,我看见了。
太美了,我们可以去参观吗? B:No problem. Generally, farmers are very friendly and hospitable. I'm sure they will feel very happy when we go there. 没问题,村民们通常都热情好客。
A:Really? Then, after you. 真的吗?那我们⾛吧! B:According to my experience, this is typical mountainous village. The mountain, the tile roofed houses and the fields create a gorgeous view. 根据我的经验,这是个典型的⼭村。
⼤⼭、⽡房、⽥野构成了⼀幅多美的画⾯呀! C:Hold on, please. We'd like to have a panorama of the fields. 停停车,好吗?我们想看看⽥野的全貌。
B:OK. There are two crops in the fields. One is wheat, the other with yellow flowers is rape seed. 好吧。

小编精心收集了旅游英语情景对话,供大家欣赏学习!旅游英语情景对话1K:Evan, are you OK? You've hardly eaten anythingfor lunch.凯西:艾凡,你还好吧?你午餐几乎没吃什么。
E:I guess I'm not very hungry.艾凡:我想我不大饿。
K:What? You!? You've been eating like a bear the whole trip. Is something the matter?凯西:什么?你!?这整趟旅行你都吃很多。
有什么问题吗?E:I don't know. I feel kind of slow. I mean, I don't feel well. Something's wrong.艾凡:我不知道。
K:Is it your stomach? Do you have a headache? A fever?凯西:是你的胃吗?头会痛吗?有没有发烧?E:I don't think so. I just feel kind of tired.艾凡:我想没有。
K:Do you want to see a doctor?凯西:你想去看医生吗?E:Maybe I just need some more rest.艾凡:也许我只需要多休息。
We've been traveling and moving about for a month straight now.到目前为止,我们已经连续旅行奔波一个月了。
K:Well, yes, that's true, but I don't feel sick. Come on.凯西:嗯,是的,这倒是实话,但是我没有觉得不舒服啊。

在机场对话1:Traveler: Excuse me, where is the nearest ATM?Airport Staff: The ATM is located near the exit, just follow the signs.对话2:Traveler: Is there a shuttle bus to the city center?Bus Driver: Yes, the shuttle bus leaves from the platform outside Gate 5.在酒店对话1:Guest: I’d like to check in, please.Receptionist: Of course, can you provide your ID and credit card?对话2:Guest: Could you recommend a good restaurant nearby?Concierge: Sure, there’s a great Italian restaurant just a few blocks away.在景点对话1:Tourist: How long does the guided tour of the museum last?Tour Guide: The tour lasts about 2 hours and starts in 10 minutes.对话2:Tourist: Can I take photos inside the castle?Security Guard: Sorry, photography is not allowed inside the castle.在购物中心对话1:Shopper: How much is this dress?Shop Assistant: That dress is on sale for $50.对话2:Shopper: Do you have this in a different size?Shop Assistant: Let me check in the back for you.总结以上是一些在旅游中常见的英语情景对话,希望这些对话能帮助您更好地应对不同的旅行场景。

小编精心收集了关于常用旅游英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!关于常用旅游英语对话篇1Please tell me about some interesting places in this city.请告诉我这座城市一些有趣的地方。
A: Please tell me about some interesting places in this city.请告诉我这座城市一些有趣的地方。
B: OK, what are you interested in?好的,你对什么感兴趣?A: I want to visit some historic sites.我想参观一些历史名胜。
What are the places of special interest here?这里有什么特别有趣的地方吗?A: What are the places of special interest here?这里有什么特别有趣的地方吗?B: Why don't you go to the Disneyland? I'm sure you'll have fun here.何不去迪斯尼乐园玩玩呢?我相信你在那儿肯定会玩得很开心。
A: Thank you!谢谢!关于常用旅游英语对话篇2A: Please tell me about some interesting places in this city.请告诉我这座城市一些有趣的地方。
B: OK, what are you interested in?好的,你对什么感兴趣?A: I want to visit some historic sites.我想参观一些历史名胜。
What are the places of special interest here?这里有什么特别有趣的地方吗?A: What are the places of special interest here?这里有什么特别有趣的地方吗?B: Why don't you go to the Disneyland? I'm sure you'll have fun here.何不去迪斯尼乐园玩玩呢?我相信你在那儿肯定会玩得很开心。

A: 这件衬衫多少钱?
B: 30美元。
A: 我可以试穿吗?
B: 当然,试衣间就在那边。
A: 谢谢。
A: How do I get to the museum from here?
B: It's just a 10-minute walk down this street, you can't miss it.
A: Thank you so much.
A: 从这里怎么去博物馆?
1. 在机场
A: Excuse me, where is the baggage claim?
B: It's right over there, next to the customs exit.
A: Thank you.
A: 请问,行李提取处在哪里?
B: 就在那边,就在出关口旁边。
A: 谢谢你。
2. 在酒店
A: I'd like to check in, please.
B: Of course, could I have your name, please?
A: It's John Smith.
B: Great, and how long will you be staying with us?
A: Just for the weekend.

机场接机情景一:在机场接机旅客: Excuse me, are you the driver from the hotel?司机: Yes, I am. May I have your name please?旅客: My name is John Smith.司机: Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith. Let me help you with your luggage.情景二:询问行李找不到旅客: Excuse me, my luggage seems to be missing.工作人员:I’m sorry to hear that. Could you please describe your luggage to me?旅客:It’s a black suitcase with a red ribbon tied around t he handle.工作人员: Let me check with the lost and found department. Please wait here.酒店入住情景一:办理入住手续前台: Welcome to our hotel. How may I help you?旅客: I have a reservation under the name of Mary Johnson.前台: Let me check that for you. Yes, here it is. Could I see your identification and credit card, please?旅客: Sure, here you go.情景二:房间设施问题旅客:Excuse me, the air conditioning in my room doesn’t seem to be working.服务员:I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I will send someone to fix it right away.旅客: Thank you for your prompt response.餐厅用餐情景一:点餐服务员: Good evening, welcome to our restaurant. May I take your order?旅客:I’d like to start with a Caesar salad and then have the grilled salmon for my main course.服务员: Excellent choice. Would you like anything to drink with your meal?旅客:I’ll have a glass of white wine, please.情景二:投诉食物质量旅客:Excuse me, I’m sorry to say that the steak I ordered is overcooked.主管:I apologize for the mistake. We’ll prepare a new one for you right away.旅客: Thank you for your attention to this matter.景点参观情景一:询问景点开放时间旅客: What time does the museum open?工作人员: The museum opens at 10 am and closes at 6 pm.旅客: Thank you for the information.情景二:询问导览服务旅客: Is there a guided tour available for the palace?工作人员: Yes, guided tours are available every hour. Would you like to join the next one?旅客: Yes, that would be great. How much does it cost?工作人员: The guided tour is free of charge.购物情景一:询问商品价格旅客: Excuse me, how much is this T-shirt?销售员: That T-shirt is $20.旅客:Great, I’ll take it.情景二:尝试砍价旅客: Is there any discount if I buy two of these scarves?销售员: I can offer you a 10% discount if you buy two.旅客: How about 15%?销售员: Okay, 15% discount for two scarves.结束语以上是一些旅游英语情景对话的示例。

旅游英语口语情景对话大全带翻译第一场景:在机场情景对话1:旅客: Excuse me, where is the check-in counter for this flight?工作人员:It’s over there, the counter number 5.旅客: Thank you so much.工作人员:不客气。
情景对话2:旅客: Can you tell me where the baggage claim is?工作人员:Sure, it’s downstairs, just follow the signs.旅客: Thank you for your help.工作人员:不用客气。
第二场景:在酒店情景对话1:客人: Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of Smith. 前台: Yes, Mr. Smith, we have your reservation right here.客人: Great, how far is the nearest subway station from here?前台:It’s about a 10-minute walk from the hotel.客人: Thank you for the information.前台:不客气。
情景对话2:客人: Is breakfast included in the room rate?前台: Yes, breakfast is included in the room rate.客人:That’s good to know. Thank you.前台:不用客气。
第三场景:在旅游景点情景对话1:导游: Welcome to the Grand Canyon!游客:It’s stunning! How long does the tour last?导游: The tour lasts for about 2 hours.游客: Thank you for the information.导游:不客气。

旅游英语口语情景对话八句1. 询问信息Tourist: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest bus stop?Local:Sure, just go straight ahead and turn left at the traffic lights. You’ll see it on your right.2. 请求帮助Tourist: Sorry, I seem to have lost my way. Can you help me find this tourist attraction on the map?Local:Of course, let me have a look. Oh, it’s right here. You need to take bus number 12 and get off at the third stop.3. 下订单Tourist:I’d like to order a tradi tional dish. What do you recommend?Waiter: Our specialty is the local grilled fish. Would you like to try that?4. 询问价格Tourist: How much does this souvenir cost?Vendor:It’s 10 dollars, but I can give you a discount if you buy two or more.5. 感谢服务Tourist: Thank you for your excellent service. I had a great time here.Hotel Staff:You’re welcome. We’re glad to hear that you enjoyed your stay. Have a safe journey back.6. 抱怨服务Tourist:I’m sorry, but the room is not as clean as I expected.Hotel Manager: I apologize for the inconvenience. Let me arrange for a thorough cleaning right away.7. 询问当地习俗Tourist:Could you please tell me if it’s appropriate to tip in this country?Local: It is not mandatory, but if you are satisfied with the service, a small tip is appreciated.8. 确认行程Tourist: Just to confirm, the tour starts at 9 a.m. tomorrow, right?Guide:That’s correct. Please be at the meeting point 15 minutes before the scheduled time. It’s going to be a wonderful experience.以上是一些旅游英语口语情景对话的典型例句,希望对你的旅行有所帮助。

店铺整理了去旅游的英语情景对话,欢迎阅读!去旅游的英语情景对话篇一亨利: May I see your passport,please?麻烦请给我你的护照.莫妮卡: Here is my passport.这是我的护照.亨利: What`s the purpose of your visit?旅行的目的为何?莫妮卡: Business.公务.亨利: How long will you be staying in the United States?预计在美国停留多久?莫妮卡: I plan to stay for about 10 days. I`m just passing through.I am leaving for Geneva tonight.预计停留约10天.我只是过境而已.今晚即动身前往日内瓦.亨利: Where are you staying?将在那儿住宿?莫妮卡: I will stay at Boston Hotel.我将住在波士顿饭店.亨利: Do you have a return ticket to T aiwan?是否有台湾回程机票?莫妮卡: yes,here it is.有的.这就是回程机票.亨利: How much money do you have with you?随身携带多少现金?莫妮卡: I have 800 dollars.大约800元.亨利: Good. Have a nice day.祝你玩得愉快.莫妮卡: Thank you.谢谢.去旅游的英语情景对话篇二安检: Next.下一个.汤姆: Oh, hello.您好!安检: Please put all your stuff in this box, take off your shoes, and walk through this gate here.请把你所有的东西都放到这个盒子里.脱下鞋.走到这个门这里.汤姆: Okay.好的.安检: Excuse me sir, you are not allowed to carry a gun on the plane.打扰一下.先生.不能带枪上飞机.汤姆: Oh, it's my son's toy gun. I will show you and it has batteries.哦.那是我儿子的玩具枪.我给你看下.它有电池.安检: Oh okay.Sorry sir, the styling mousse is over 100g. It is not allowed to be carried on the plane.好.对不起.你的定型摩斯超过了100克.飞机上不允许.汤姆: Oh okay, I will take it and give it to my wife outside the gate.好的.我拿着.把它给我太太.她在门外.安检: Sorry about that.很抱歉.去旅游的英语情景对话篇三游客: Where shall we go at first?我们首先要去哪?导游: In general, many people go to Yunnan Nationalities Villages at first while they come to Yunnan in the first time.一般大多数人第一次来云南的时候会选择去云南民族村.游客: Why?为什么呢?导游: Because there are 26 kinds of minority peoples live there, and the arts and handicrafts of minority peoples are a splendid legacy.因为那里有26种少数民族居住.并且少数民族的工艺美术异彩纷呈.游客: I think that will be interesting.我想那会非常有趣.导游: And you can buy some souvenirs there.而且在那儿您可以买一些纪念品.游客: Which is the second place we should go?那么我们要去的第二个地方是哪?导游: It`ll be the Dian Lake and western Hills. We can go sight-seeing on the Dian Lake by boat, and at the Lakeside we can take the cableway to the top of the Western Hills.滇池和西山.我们可以在滇池里坐船浏览.在滇池湖边我们可以坐缆车到西山的山顶.游客: What`s program in the third day?那么第三天我们要去哪?导游: We`ll go to Stone Forest. The Stone Forest is considered wonders of the world by indigene.我们去石林.石林被当地人称为"世界第一奇迹".游客: Is there any good place to visit in the forth day?第四天有什么好地方去呢?导游: We`ll go to DaLi. In the fifth day we`ll go to LiJiang.我们去大理.第五天我们去丽江.去旅游的英语情景对话篇四苏珊: Hello, Jacob, how are you doing?雅各布.你好.最近好吗?雅各布: Hi, Susan! I`m fine. I heard you`ve been to many places in China during the past year.还好吧.我听说你去年去了中国的很多地方.苏珊: Yes, I have. I love traveling.是啊.我是去了不少地方.我喜欢旅行.雅各布: Which do you prefer ? Going on a package tour with a tour agency or going on your own-a "Do-It-Yourself" tour?你更喜欢哪一种旅行.是跟旅行团还是自助游?苏珊: When I first came to China, I usually took package tours but now I`ve found Do-It-Yourself tours are more interesting.我刚来中国的时候.常常跟团旅游.但现在我发现自助游更有意思.雅各布: Yes, they are. I like traveling independently. There`s not so much freedom in a package tour.是啊.确实如此.我喜欢自己旅行.跟旅行团不太自由.苏珊: Exactly. What I really don`t like in a package tour is that the tour buses stop at tourist stores for a certain time and we are forced to spend lots of time shopping even if we have little interest in jade, pearls or paintings.没错!我最讨厌跟团的地方就是.就算我们对那些宝石.珍珠和画一点兴趣也没有.旅游大巴也总要在那些景点的商店停一段时间.我们就被迫花时间购物.雅各布: Yes, another disadvantage is that the tourists have to follow exactly the travel agency`s schedule, but in a Do-It-Yourself tour they can select their own itinerary.是啊.跟团还有一个缺点就是游客必须听从旅行社的日程安排.但要是自助游的话.游客就能自主安排行程.苏珊: And in a package tour, I always have to hurry up to follow the tour guide and stand next to him to hear what he says.I can`t stay longer at those places I like and take more pictures.而且跟团旅行时.我总是忙着赶上导游.站的离他近一些好听他讲解.这样.我就不能在我喜欢的景点多呆一会儿.多照几张相片了.雅各布: That`s another reason why I prefer Do-It-Yourself option. I can travel at my own pace.这也是我更喜欢自助游的另一个原因.就是能按我自己的节奏旅行.苏珊: And besides that, it`s great to select your own travel mates.不仅如此.能自己选择旅伴也是件很棒的事.雅各布: You`re right. Traveling with friends or family is better than going with strangers.你说的对.与朋友和家人一起旅行比和陌生人旅行更好.苏珊: I`m planning to drive myself to the countryside in the weekend. Would you like to come?我计划着周末自己开车去郊区玩.你想一起去吗?雅各布: I`d love to, but I`ve already promised to go backpacking with my classmates.我很想去.可我已经答应和同学一起去远足了.苏珊: That`s all right. Maybe I can ask Lisa. She loves "Do-It-Yourself" tours, too.没关系.或许我可以问问丽莎.她也喜欢自助游.雅各布: Have a nice weekend!祝你周末玩得愉快!苏珊: Thanks. The same to you!谢谢.你也是!。

小编精心收集了关于旅游的英语情景对话,供大家欣赏学习!关于旅游的英语情景对话篇1K:Gee, this land is so flat!凯西:咦,这里的地真是平坦!E:The Netherlands literally means "the down lands," which of course means "the lowlands."艾凡:荷兰字面上的意思是洼地,当然就是低地的意思。
K:It's flat, but why do they say it's "low"?凯西:地面很平坦呀,为什么他们要说是『低地』呢?E:A lot of the Netherlands is actually below sea level.艾凡:实际上荷兰许多陆地都低于海平面。
That's why there are dikes everywhere to keep out the sea water.那也就是荷兰到处可见阻挡海水的堤防的原因了。
K:No wonder the Dutch are considered an industrious people.凯西:难怪荷兰人被认为是一个很勤奋的民族。
It's a constant fight against the sea for survival.为了生存他们和海洋长期博斗。
E:The Dutch are tough. Such a small country, but they've not only survived, they've prospered.艾凡:荷兰人很吃苦耐劳的。
K:It's true. You hardly see any poverty here.凯西:你说的没错。

旅游英语口语情景对话1.旅游英语口语情景对话篇一May I help you?I'm interested in a tour.Is there anything special you want to see?We have three basic tours.That's in the all-day tour.That's a tour of all the most famous places.Where do I meet the bus?At the Hilton at nine thirty.Fine. Please reserve me a seat for this Saturday.It seems to be going at least 60 miles an hour.This is a good quality highway,and very wide.2.旅游英语口语情景对话篇二It was so nice to get away from this cold,miserable weather.And those mountain views-they were absolutely breathtaking.So much to see and do there.I hadn't realized how much I missed big-city life after being str uck out here in the boonies for so long.We went to Stanley Park and the aquarium,up Grouse Mountain,and to museums and galleries.It's only two hours away by ferry,isn't it?Victoria is a city I've always wanted to visit.They say it's such a quiet and elegant city with a lot of British influence.I'll show you my pictures once I get them developed.3.旅游英语口语情景对话篇三What a nice garden!Look at those beautiful flowers.That will be a good shot.Jane, I'd like to have my picture taken here.Please take the flower-bed as the background.Smile,please.Say "Cheese"。

旅游英语口语情景对话3分钟带翻译对话一:预订酒店房间 (Booking a Hotel Room)A: Receptionist 前台接待员B: Guest 游客A: Good morning! Can I help you? 早上好!需要帮助吗?B:Yes, I’d like to book a room for two nights. 是的,我想预订两个晚上的房间。
A: Sure, we have a standard room available. 请问您需要哪种房间?B: How much is it per night? 一个晚上多少钱?A:It’s $100 per night. It includes breakfast. 每晚100美元,含早餐。
B:That sounds good. I’ll take it. 好的,我要了。
对话二:问路 (Asking for Directions)A: Tourist 游客B: Local 本地人A: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the museum? 请问,怎么去博物馆?B: Sure! You go straight ahead and it will be on your left. 当然!一直往前走,博物馆在你的左边。
A: How far is it from here? 从这里有多远?B:It’s about a 10-minute walk. 大约走路10分钟就到了。
A: Thank you so much for your help. 谢谢你的帮助!对话三:点菜 (Ordering Food)A: Waiter 服务员B: Customer 顾客A: Good evening! May I take your order? 晚上好!请问需要点菜吗?B:Yes, I’d like to have a steak and a glass of red wine, please. 是的,我想要一份牛排和一杯红酒。

旅游英语口语情景对话1. 预订酒店情景:预订酒店A:Hi, I’d like to make a reservation for a room, please.B: Of course. When will you be checking in and for how many nights?A: I will be arriving on the 15th of May and staying for three nights.B: Great. What type of room would you like?A: I would like a double room with a sea view, if possible.B: Sure, we have availability for that. Can I have your name and contact details?A: My name is Sarah Smith, and you can reach me at 555-123-4567.B: Thank you, Sarah. Your reservation is confirmed. We look forward to welcoming you on the 15th.2. 在机场情景:在机场A: Excuse me, where is the baggage claim area?B:It’s on the lower level, just follow the signs.A: Thank you. Could you also tell me where I can find a taxi to the city?B: Sure. Taxis are available outside the arrival gate. You can just queue up there.A: Perfect. Do you know roughly how much a taxi ride to the city center would cost?B: It should be around $30 to $40, depending on the traffic.A: Great, thank you for your help.3. 在餐厅情景:在餐厅A: Good evening. Do you have a table available for two?B: Yes, certainly. Smoking or non-smoking?A: Non-smoking, please.B: Right this way. Here is your table. Can I get you something to drink to start?A:I’ll have a glass of red wine, please.B: And for you, madam?C:I’ll have a glass of water, thank you.B:Here you go. I’ll give you a moment to look at the menu.A: Thank you.4. 在旅游景点情景:在旅游景点A: Excuse me, could you take a photo of us in front of the monument, please?B: Sure, no problem. Just stand closer together.A: Thank you so much. By the way, do you know when the next guided tour of the castle starts?B: Yes, the next tour starts in 20 minutes. You can buy tickets at the ticket booth over there.A:Great, we’ll do that. Thank you for your help.以上是一些旅游英语口语情景对话的简短示例,希望对您有帮助。

今天店铺整理了关于去旅游的英语对话给大家,欢迎大家阅读!关于去旅游的英语对话一Joan: Hello,Ashley! Where did you go for your trip?你好,艾诗莉!你去哪里旅游了?Joe: Beijing,for I only had a week.北京,因为我只有一周的时间。
Joan: Oh! That is a good place! How was your trip like?噢!那是个好地方啊!旅行感觉如何?Joe: I had much fun on our trip.我觉得旅行还是很有意思的!Joan: Could you tell me what your trip was like?讲述一下您的旅游好吗?Joe: Oh,not bad,but very tiring!哦!挺不错的,就是感到累。
Joan: Where do you think is better for shopping in Beijing?北京哪里适合购物?Joe: Wangfujing Street. I think. It has got more exclusive shops.王府井街。
Joan: What's the weather like in Beijing?北京的天气如何?Joe: It's kind of cold.有点凉。
Joan: How were the restaurants there?那里的餐馆怎么样?Joe: It seemed they're wonderful,and not expensive.似乎不错,还不贵。
Joan: Is there any mentions of tours?旅行中应该注意什么?Joe: Yes.A traveler should train himself to observe the odd customs there.旅行者应该学会观察当地的奇特习俗。

小编精心收集了有关于旅游英语情景对话,供大家欣赏学习!有关于旅游英语情景对话篇1接待人员: I’m sorry,but Mr. Li has just stepped out on urgent business.很抱歉,李先生有急事刚出去。
外宾: When will he be back then?他什么时候回来呢?接待人员: Sorry,I don’t know.对不起,我不知道。
外宾: Oh, what a pity.太遗憾了。
接待人员: Anything else I can help?还有别的我能帮上忙的吗?外宾: No, thank you very much.不了,非常感谢您。
有关于旅游英语情景对话篇2接待人员: What are you particularly interested in seeing in Beijing?您在北京有什么很想去的地方吗?外宾: Chinese landscape gardens.中国式园林。
接待人员: How about the Summer Palace first?先去颐和园怎么样?外宾: Wonderful! I’ve been looking forward to visiting it.太棒了!我一直希望去那儿游览。
接待人员: I’ll make the arrangements.我来安排。
外宾: Thank you.谢谢。
有关于旅游英语情景对话篇3接待人员: What are you interested in seeing here?在这儿您想看些什么呢?外宾: Buddhist temples.佛教寺庙。
接待人员: How about Yonghegong?雍和宫如何?外宾: What sort of place is that?那是个什么地方?接待人员: It’s the biggest Buddhist temple here.它是这儿最大的佛教寺庙。

旅游英语口语情景对话场景一:机场登机口游客 A: Excuse me, which gate is for the flight to Paris?机场工作人员: Gate 12, madam.游客 A: Thank you.场景二:酒店前台游客 B: Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of Smith.酒店工作人员: Welcome, Mr. Smith. Could you please fill out this form?游客 B: Sure, here you go.场景三:旅游景点导游: Welcome to the Louvre Museum. This painting is the famous Mona Lisa.游客 C:Wow, it’s beautiful. Can you tell us more about it?导游: Of course, it was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century.场景四:餐厅点餐服务员: Good afternoon, what would you like to order?游客 D:I’d like a traditional Spanish paella, please.服务员: Excellent choice. Anything to drink?游客 D: A glass of sangria, please.场景五:购物中心销售员: Can I help you find anything specific today?游客 E:Yes, I’m looking for a souvenir for my friend. Do you have any recommendations?销售员:How about this local handcrafted jewelry? It’s very popular among tourists.场景六:出租车上司机: Where to, sir?游客 F: Can you take me to the nearest train station, please?司机: Sure thing, it will take about 10 minutes.以上是一些旅游情景下的英语口语对话,希望对您有帮助!。

旅游英语对话(精选5篇)第一篇:旅游英语对话第二幕:A: So many people.We have to share a table with strangers.X: OK!I don’t care.There are two seats.A: Excuse me.Could we sit here?Y: No problem.X: Thank you.A:(停顿)Mum, it’s delicious.Y: You are travelers, aren’t you? I’m a local.A: Yes, can you introduce something special to visit in Shanghai?Y: I think Jingan District is a nice choice.There are Jingan Temple, Shikumen and so on.X:What’s the Shikumen? Can you explain it in details?Y: Shikumen is the Shanghai residents’ home in 1970’s.It combines old Chinese style and Western style.And it is the cultural representative od old Shanghai.A: Oh, it sounds great.Let’s visit it tomorrow.X: How can we reach there?Y: It’s convenient.You can take Line.2 and take off at Jingan Temple station.A: Thank you.You are kindness!第二篇:英语旅游对话(张)A: Hello, Tengfei.(杨)B: Hello, Sera.Tomorrow is the National Day.What’s your plan for this coming holiday?A: As I like travel, I’ll go travelling this year, just as in the past few years.B: Ha-ha, nice.To where?A: Jiangxi province.B: Which city and who will you go with?A: I’ve put my name down for an organized tour.We’ll go to Lu Mount, Jingdezhen, Wu Yuan, San Qing Mount, and Yu Mount.B: You said you will go to the world famous porcelain city?A: Yeah.B: You like porcelain, right? You can buy some back, they are wonderful artworks.A: I’d love to, if I could afford that.B:This is for the first day?A: Yes.The second day, we’ll go to Wu Yuan;they say it’s the most beautiful country in China.B: It can bear this name.You could also taste the excellent peasant food there;you know I’ve been there before.A: And the day after that, we’ll go to the famous Taoist San Qing Mount, and then we’l l enjoy the scenery in Yu Mount.Well, what about your holiday plan?B: I’ll ride a bike with my friends to Luo Yang in Hu Nan province.A: By bike? You kidding ?B: Yeah, it’s true.A: How far is Luo from here? Is the time enough?B: About 1000km.Actually, we can ride 150km one day, it will just take 5 to 6 days on the way.We still have several days to travel around the city.Then we will come back by train, so time is enough.A: Wow, it must be tiresome.B: Sure, but really interesting.Sometimes we also need to camp in the wild.A: I wish I can go with you next time.B: But I don’t think you are competent to the riding.Maybe you need more exercise.A: En, I agree.Have a good holiday.B: The same to you.第三篇:旅游英语情景对话编剧:Lucy LU A导游-B译员–C&D游客–A:大家好,我是A,是负责今天大家行程的导游。

旅游英语口语情景对话八句怎么写1. 在飞机上•旅客: Excuse me, can I have a blanket?•乘务员: Sure, I will bring one right away.•旅客: Thank you so much.•乘务员: You’re welcome. Is there anything else I can help you with?2. 在酒店接待处•游客: Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of John Smith.•接待员: Welcome, Mr. Smith. Could you please provide your ID and credit card for check-in?•游客: Here you go.•接待员: Thank you. Here is your room key. Enjoy your stay.3. 在景点门口•导游: Welcome to the Great Wall. Please follow me and stay close to the group.•游客: Thank you, the view is amazing.•导游: We will have a break after this section. Feel free to take photos.4. 在购物商店•店员: Can I help you find something specific?•游客: I’m looking for a souvenir for my family. Do you have any recommendations?•店员: Sure, we have traditional handmade crafts over there. Let me show you.5. 在餐厅•服务员: Good afternoon, how many in your party?•游客: Just two, please.•服务员: Right this way, please have a seat. Here are the menus.•游客: Thank you. What do you recommend?6. 在出租车上•司机: Where are you heading to?•乘客: To the airport, please. How long will it take?•司机: About 30 minutes, depending on traffic.•乘客: Thank you for the information.7. 在地铁站•乘客: Excuse me, which line should I take to get to the city center?•工作人员: You need to take Line 2 and transfer to Line 1 at the next station.•乘客: Thank you for your help.8. 在旅行结束时•旅客: It’s been a wonderful trip. Thank you for the hospitality.•酒店工作人员: It was our pleasure hosting you. Have a safe journey back home.•旅客: Goodbye and hope to visit again soon.以上是一些旅游英语口语情景对话的典型例句,希望能够帮助您在旅行中更流利地与他人交流。

精心收集了关于旅游英语情景对话,供大家欣赏学习!关于旅游英语情景对话1服务员: Beijing Hotel,front desk.您好!北京饭店前台。
客人: Hello. I’d like to reserve a room with a single bed.你好,我想订个单人间。
服务员: Sorry,madam,but we are fully booked.很抱歉,女士,我们已经客满了。
客人: Oh,dear. Then could you suggest another hotel?天啊!那你能推荐另一家饭店吗?服务员: Would you please try Olympic Hotel? The phone number is 88810166.您不妨试一下奥林匹克饭店。
客人: Thanks for your help!谢谢你的帮助!关于旅游英语情景对话2门童: Good morning. Welcome to Blue Sea Hotel.早上好!欢迎来到蓝色海洋饭店。
客人: Thank you. Good morning.谢谢!早上好!门童: I’m the doorman,Jim. May I help with your luggage?我是门童,叫Jim。
需要为您提行李吗?客人: It’s very kind of you.太好了。
门童: Let me show you to the front desk. Follow me,please.我带您到前台去。
请跟我来!客人: Thank you very much.非常感谢!关于旅游英语情景对话3门童: Good evening,miss. Welcome to Xiyuan Hotel.小姐,晚上好!欢迎来到西苑饭店!客人: Good evening.晚上好!门童: How many pieces of luggage do you have?请问您有几件行李?客人: Two of them.两件。
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旅游英语情景对话旅游英语情景对话1、航空之旅(1)Buying Tickets and Making Reservations(1)购买机票和订位Model Dialogs标准对话Dialog 1 Reserving Two Seats to New York对话1预订两个到纽约的座位A:I'd like to make reservations for two to New York. Do you have anything in Economy Class for this Saturday?A:我要预订两个座位到纽约,周六的经济舱有空位吗?B:Just a moment, please. I'll check.B:请稍候,我查查看。
B:Yes, sir. we have two seats available on TWA Flight 502 at 10:30 A.M.. Will that be all right?B:是的,先生,TWA航空公司502班次上午10点半班机有两个空位,可以吗?A:Well, we have to be there by noon. Don't you have anything earlier?A:嗯,我们中午前要到那里,你们没有早一点的吗?B:Let me see... Yes, there's an 8:15 flight with two Economy Class seats available. It gets to New York at 10:45. How's that?B:我看看......,是的,8点45分的班次经济航有两个空位,10点45分到达纽约,怎么样?A:That'll be fine.A:可以。
B:All right. Was that round-trip or one-way?B:好的,是单程票还是来回票?A:One-way, please.A:单程票。
B:That's three hundred and fifty dollars altogether, sir. The flight number and boarding gate are indicated on your tickets.B:总共350元,先生,班次号码和登机门都写在你的机票上。
A:Thank you very much.A:非常谢谢你。
B:Our pleasure, sir. Have a good trip.B:为你服务是我们的荣幸,先生,祝你旅途愉快。
Dialog 2 All the Seats are Reserved对话2票已订完A:May I help you?A:有什么我能为你效劳的吗?B:Yes, I'd like to reserve an Economy Class seat to San Francisco on your Flight 903. Are there any seats available for tomorrow?]B:是的,我要预订你们903班次到旧金山的一张经济航座位,明天有空位吗?]A:I'm sorry, sir. All the seats are reserved.]A:对不起,先生,已客满了。
]B:Oh, I see. In that case, how about a Saturday flight?]B:哦,我知道,如果这样的话,周六的班次如何?]A:Just a second. I'll check... Yes, sir, we do have an available seat on Northwest Flight 901.A:请稍候,我查查看......,是的,先生,西北航空公司901班次有空位。
B:What time does it take off?B:几点起飞?A:Nine A.M., sir. And it gets to San Francisco at 2:30.A:上午9点,先生,2点30分到达旧金山。
B:That's fine. I'll take it.B:好的,我决定买了。
Useful Expression常用语句I'd like two seats on today's Northwest Flight 7 to Detroit, please.我想订两张今天西北航空公司7班次到底特律的机票。
I'd like to make reservations for two seats on your flight leaving at noon for Washington.我要订两张你们航空公司中午起飞到华盛顿的机票。
Do you have a flight to New York departing at about 10 A.M. next Monday? 你们有下周一大约上午10点起飞到纽约的班机吗?What's the fare to New York, Economy Class?去纽约的经济舱机票多少钱?Please reserve one seat, Economy Class, on this flight.请预订这班次经济舱一个座位。
Would you please make my reservation to Chicago for tomorrow?请帮我预订明天飞芝加哥的座位好吗?I'll pick up the ticket at the airport counter.我会在机场柜台拿机票。
My contact address is Room 105 at the Park Hotel.我的联络地址是公园旅馆105房。
Where (When) do I pick up the ticket?我在什么地方(时候)拿机票?Vocabulary词汇airline company航空公司propeller plane螺旋浆飞机jet喷气式飞机jumbo jet大型喷气式客机domestic flight国内航次overseas flight国际航次fare票价air fare航空票价first class头等舱economy class; tourist class 经济舱;旅游舱flight班次regular flight正常班次extra flight临时班次airline ticket; plane ticket机票arrival time到达时间departure time出发时间gate number登机门号码one-way单程round-trip往返程flight number班次号码travel insurance旅行保险accident insurance意外保险(2)Checking In at the Airport(2)在机场办理登机手续Model Dialogs标准对话Dialog 1 Checking in at the Airport对话1办理登机手续A:Your ticket, please. A window or aisle seat, sir?A:请给我你的机票,你要靠窗还是靠走道的座位,先生?B:A window seat, please. Also, I'd like a seat in the non-smoking section. B:请给我靠窗的座位,而且我要在不抽烟区。
A:Please put your things on the scale.A:请把你的行李放在磅秤上。
B:OK. I hope my bags aren't overweight.B:好的,希望我的行李不会超重。
A:No, you're OK. Here's your boarding pass, sir.A:不,没有超重。
B:What gate do I go to?B:我要走哪个登机门?A:You'll be boarding from gate number 12.A:你要在12号登机门登机。
B:Thanks a lot.B:非常感谢。
A:Have a good flight, sir.A:祝你飞行愉快,先生。
Dialog 2 Checking the Departure Time对话2核对出发时间A:I'm taking Flight 21. Is it departing on time?A:我要搭乘21次班机,是否准时出发?B:Well, I'm sorry. but I'm afraid there'll be some delay.B:嗯,抱歉,恐怕有点延误。
A:Is that so? How long will we have to wait?A:真的吗?我们要等多久?B:As it looks now, you'll have to wait about 40 minutes.B:就目前而言,你们必须等大约40分钟。
A:Oh, I see. And how will I know when it's time to board?A:哦,我知道,我怎么知道登机时间?B:There'll be an announcement, so just listen for your flight number to be called.B:会广播的,请注意听广播会呼叫你的班机号码。
A:All right. Where should I wait?A:好的,我要在哪里等候?B:You could wait in the lobby. It's just down the hall.B:你可以在大厅等候,就在走廊那边。
Useful Expression常用语句I prefer a window seat.我较喜欢靠窗的座位。
I'd rather have an aisle seat.我宁可要靠走道的座位。
I'd like a window seat (an aisle seat).我要靠窗(走道)的座位。
I'd like a seat with a good view.我要可以看风景的座位。
I'd like a seat in the front (rear, middle) of the plane.我要前(后、中)座。