





























国际经济学习题国际经济学课程习题第⼀章绪论⼀、单项选择题1、从⼗五世纪初到⼗⼋世纪中叶,在国际贸易和国际投资理论⽅⾯占主导地位的是()A.重商主义B.重农主义C.重⾦主义D.货币主义2、重商主义认为财富的唯⼀形式是( )A.⼟地B.商品C.货币D.⼈⼒资源3、最早提出贸易的利益是“⾮零和”的观点的经济学家是( )A.伊莱·赫克歇尔B.⼤卫·李嘉图C.亚当·斯密D.⽡西⾥·⾥昂惕夫4、阿根廷经济学家劳尔·普雷维什认为整个世界可以分为两类国家,其中处于“中⼼”地位的是( ) A.发达国家 B.发展中国家C.出⼝国家 D.进⼝国家5、重商主义的基本观点是⼀种( )A.国际⾦融的“乘数理论”B.国际贸易的“零和理论”C.国际⾦融的“杠杆原理”D.国际贸易的“绝对优势理论”6、第⼆次世界⼤战后没有出现的国际经济新现象是( )A.国际贸易增长速度超过世界⽣产增长速度B.跨国公司产值占世界总产量的⼀半以上C.发达国家采⽤各种⾮关税壁垒保护本国市场D.发展中国家的⾦融市场全⾯开放7、国际经济学理论体系发展阶段不包括()A.重商主义 B.古典的⾃由贸易论及其⾃由贸易的政策C.现代国际经济理论 D.重农主义8、国际经济学在研究资源配置时,作为划分界限的基本经济单位是( )A.企业B.个⼈C.政府D.国家⼆、名词解释1、国际经济学2、封闭经济3、开放经济⼆、问答题1、国际经济学的研究对象是什么?2、简述国内经济和国际经济的异同。






国际经济学题库(含参考答案)一、单选题(共50题,每题1分,共50分)1、区域一体化组织中最松散、最低级的形式是()A、关税同盟B、自由贸易区C、共同市场D、优惠贸易安排正确答案:D2、要素价格均等化表明()A、一国丰富要素所有者受益,稀缺要素所有者受损B、一国丰富要素所有者受损,稀缺要素所有者受益C、一国丰富要素所有者和稀缺要素所有者都受益D、一国丰富要素所有者和稀缺要素所有者都受益正确答案:A3、下列不属于关税同盟动态效应的是()A、大市场效应B、加剧竞争C、吸引外资D、贸易创造效应正确答案:D4、如果开放前一国X产品的相对价格低于其贸易伙伴,则贸易后该国()A、进口 X产品B、生产者福利增加C、整体福利下降D、消费者福利增加正确答案:B5、下列()会给本国带来较大的贸易创造效应。


A、零B、无穷大C、1D^大于零小于1正确答案:B8、假设中国和美国都能生产小麦和布,中国将一单位劳动时间全部生产布,可以生产50米;全部生产小麦,可以生产80千克;美国将一单位劳动时间全部生产布,可以生产40米;全部生产小麦,可以生产 100千克。

如果开放后的国际交换比价为1米布=L 8千克小麦,则下列说法正确的是()A、无法比较美国和中国的获利情况B、中国从贸易开放中获利更多C、美国和中国从贸易开放中获利相同D、美国从贸易开放中获利更多正确答案:D9、下列不属于国际收支平衡表资本项目的是()A、利息收支B、短期信贷C、短期证券买卖D、票据买卖正确答案:A10、消费者剩余是()A、消费者为了商品的消费而必须向政府支付的东西B、消费者通过低于市场价格的价格而得到的收益C、消费者购买商品所需支付的价格低于其愿意支付的价格而获得的收益D、消费者可以在各种价格水平得到的收益正确答案:C11、外汇市场中的即期交易不包含()A、套汇B、投机C、国际贸易结算D、银行同业拆借正确答案:B12、如果一个中国工人能生产3匹布或者1辆汽车,一个美国工人能生产4匹布或2辆汽车,则能促进中国与美国进行贸易并各自收益的交换比率是()A、4匹布换2辆汽车B、3匹布换1辆汽车C、3匹布换2辆汽车D、5匹布换2辆汽车正确答案:D13、国际经济学的研究对象是()A、国际商品流动B、国际收支平衡C、世界范围内的稀缺资源的最优配置D^国际人员流动正确答案:C14、根据国民收入决定方程Y=C+I+G+X-M,国际收支的吸收分析法中的“吸收”是指()A、YB、C+IC、C+I+GD、X-M正确答案:C15、开放经济条件下的宏观经济政策目标是()A、追求贸易顺差B、汇率稳定C、扩大出口D、国际收支平衡正确答案:D16、在进行贸易后,一国的收入分配会发生如下变化,()A、收入由消费者转向生产者B、受到进口商品竞争压力的国内生产者遭受损失,而出口商品的生产者则会受益C、消费者受损,生产者受益D、作为整体的国家受益,而个人则会受到损失正确答案:B17、商品和服务贸易记录在国际收支平衡表中的()A、经常项目B、误差和遗漏项目C、官方结算项目D、资本项目正确答案:A18、下列哪个行业最有可能具有内部规模经济?()A、好莱坞的电影业B、加州硅谷的半导体产业C、美国的大型农场D、北京中关村的电脑城正确答案:C19、采用()的配额分配方式,配额的福利效果与关税一样。



国际经济学期末考试题一、选择题(每题5分,共20题,共计100分)1. "供给"指的是:A. 指商品的市场供应量。

B. 指货币的供应量。

C. 指资金的供应量。

D. 指劳动力的供应量。

2. 比较优势理论是谁提出的?A. 亚当·斯密B. 大卫·李嘉图C. 约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯D. 弗里德曼3. 外汇市场上的汇率是由什么决定的?A. 外汇储备的数量B. 国内物价水平C. 利率水平D. 外国利率水平4. 以下哪个国际组织主要致力于促进全球贸易自由化?A. 世界贸易组织(WTO)B. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)C. 世界银行(WB)D. 美洲国家组织(OAS)5. 货币政策的主要目标之一是:A. 维持物价稳定B. 促进经济增长C. 降低利率D. 减少失业率6. 国际分工的好处包括:A. 提高生产效率B. 扩大市场规模C. 促进技术创新D. 所有选项都正确7. 如果一个国家的汇率升值,会对该国的贸易产生什么影响?A. 减少出口,增加进口B. 增加出口,减少进口C. 减少出口和进口D. 增加出口和进口8. 当通货膨胀率高于预期的时候,央行可能会采取的货币政策措施是:A. 加息B. 降息C. 货币放松D. 不采取任何措施9. 名义利率是指:A. 不包括通货膨胀的利率B. 超额储蓄的利率C. 包括通货膨胀的利率D. 市场利率10. 直接投资是指:A. 跨国公司间的资金流动B. 外商在本国购买股票和债券C. 资本流动到国际间接投资基金D. 政府间的经济援助二、简答题(每题20分,共计40分)1. 解释比较优势理论,并举例说明其应用。

2. 简述外汇市场的功能和作用。

三、论述题(共计60分)1. 请阐述货币政策对经济的影响,以及央行在实施货币政策时需要考虑哪些因素。

2. 选择一个国际组织,介绍其目标、职责以及对国际经济的影响。





( )2.重商主义认为,各国在国际贸易中的利弊得失是完全相反的,你之所得就是我之所失。

( )3.我们墨西哥在与美国的竞争中得不到什么好处,美国工厂的生产效率太高了,它有那么多的计算机和机械工具,它的工程水平也太发达了。



( )5.在现实社会中,当经济资源或生产要素从一个部门转移到另一个部门时,机会成本可以始终保持不变。

( )6.在机会成本递增条件下,只要各国在生产同样产品时,存在着价格差异,那么各国间的国际分工仍能达到完全专业化的程度。

( )7.国际贸易形成的范围是:国际比价必须在两个参加贸易的国家贸易前的国内比价之间。

( )8.如果进行贸易的两个国家具有同样的生产可能性边界,即使各国不同的生活习惯,以及嗜好差异,也不会导致国际贸易。

( )9.生产可能性边界曲线上的各点切线的斜率即为机会成本。

( )10.晚期重商主义的观点又被称为“贸易差额论”。


()12.由于发达国家工资水平高于发展中国家,所以发达国家与发展中国家进行贸易会无利可图;13.因为美国的工资水平很高,所以美国产品在世界市场缺乏竞争力;14. 发展中国家的工资水平比较低是因为国际贸易的缘故。






Word格式《国际经济学》习题集商务学院《国际经济学》课程组448 打印店有售绪论一、单项选择题1、国际经济学是以()为其研究对象的。

A. 国际贸易B. 国际经济关系C. 国际金融D. 贸易政策2、国际经济学的国际贸易部分又分为()两大部分。

A. 宏观与微观B. 实物面与货币面C. 理论与政策D. 开放与封闭3、在封闭条件下,一个经济社会生产均衡的条件是()。

A.MRT = P X/PYB.MRS = P X/PYC.XC=XP,YC=YPD.P X(XC-XP)= PY(Y P-YC)4、在开放条件下,一个经济社会贸易均衡的条件是()。

A.MRT = P X/PYB.MRS = P X/PYC.XC=XP,YC=YPD.P X(XC-XP)= P Y(YP-Y C)二、多项选择题1、国际经济学的研究内容包括()两部分。

A. 宏观与微观B. 实物面与货币面C. 理论与政策D. 开放与封闭E. 国际贸易与国际金融2、在封闭条件下,一个经济社会均衡的条件是()。

A.MRT = P X/PYB.MRS = P X/PYC.X C=XP,YC=YPD.PX(XC-XP)= PY(YP-Y C)E.P X=PY3、在开放条件下,一个经济社会均衡的条件是()。

A.MRT = P X/PYB.MRS = P X/PYC.X C=XP,YC=YPD.PX(XC-XP)= PY(YP-YC)E.P X=PY三、名词解释生产可能性边界无差异曲线机会成本边际替代率边际转换率四、判断改错1、在开放经济条件下,只有市场出清才能实现开放的均衡。









国际经济学试题及答案一、选择题1. 国际经济学研究的核心问题是什么?A. 国内经济政策B. 国际贸易与投资C. 国际货币体系D. 国际政治关系答案:B2. 根据比较优势理论,一个国家应该专门生产并出口什么?A. 其资源最丰富的商品B. 其生产成本最低的商品C. 其技术最先进的商品D. 其劳动力成本最低的商品答案:B3. 以下哪项不是贸易保护主义的措施?A. 关税B. 配额C. 出口补贴D. 进口许可证答案:C二、简答题1. 简述绝对优势理论的基本内容。



2. 什么是国际收支平衡表?答案:国际收支平衡表是一个记录一个国家与其他国家之间所有经济交易的统计报表。



三、论述题1. 论述汇率变动对国际贸易的影响。





2. 分析全球化对发展中国家的影响。






国际经济学习题集一、选择题1.AC.美国的布匹生产有绝对优势D.美国的布匹生产有相对优势2. 按照产品生命周期理论,新产品时期的产品通常是()产品。

A.劳力密集型B.土地密集型C.资本密集型D.技术密集型3 当某个产品的进口大国减少进口量时,其贸易条件将会()。

A.改善B.恶化C.不变D.变化不定4. 一国的本币升值,其出口将会()。

A.增加B.减少C.不变D.变化不定5. 根据赫俄理论,一国应该出口()产品。

A.丰裕要素密集型B.比较优势C.绝对优势D.稀缺要素密集型6. “贫困化增长”的一个必要条件为:()A.国家的增长偏向于出口产业。




7、从国际贸易对生产要素收入分配的短期影响来看,自由贸易会导致()A.生产进口竞争品部门使用的专门生产要素收入水平提高B.生产进口竞争品部门使用的共同生产要素收入水平下降C.生产出口品部门使用的共同生产要素收入水平提高D.生产出口品部门使用的专门生产要素收入水平提高8、在商品的国际比价保持不变的情况下,偏向出口的生产要素增长会()A.扩大出口品生产规模 B.扩大进口品生产规模C.使贸易规模保持不变 D.使贸易规模缩减9、不能解释产业内贸易现象的理论是()A.重叠需求理论 B.规模经济理论C.要素禀赋理论 D.相互倾销理论10、成员国间实行自由贸易优惠协定并统一外部关税,但成员国间要素尚未实现自由流动的是()A. 自由贸易区B. 关税同盟C. 共同市场D. 经济联盟11、通常与进口替代战略相配合的政策措施包括()A.降低关税壁垒 B.高估本币价值C.放松外汇管制 D.减少非关税壁垒12、征收进口关税对于进口国来说()A.不利于与进口产品相竞争的生产者B.使国内同类产品的生产减少C.有利于与进口产品相竞争的生产者D.使生产者剩余减少13、下列不属于绝对技术差异论与相对技术差异论共同的假设条件的是()A.生产要素在一国范围内各部门间可以自由流动B.生产要素都被充分利用C.生产要素在各国之间自由流动D.生产要素流动时机会成本不变14、国际贸易使得价格上升部门所密集使用要素的实际收入提高,价格下降部门密集使用要素的实际收入下降,这是()A.赫克歇尔-俄林定理(Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem)B.罗伯津斯基定理(Rybczynski Theorem)C.斯托尔珀-萨谬尔森定理(Stolper-Samuelson Theorem)D.赫克歇尔-俄林-萨谬尔森定理(Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Theorem)15. 根据重叠需求理论,两国的人均国民收入水平差距越大,则()A. 其需求的档次越接近B. 其贸易的基础越雄厚C. 其贸易的可能性越小D. 其需求重叠的部分越大16. 如果一个贸易小国发生进口偏向型要素增长,则()A. 其出口数量增加,进口数量减少B. 其出口数量增加,进口数量增加C. 其出口数量减少,进口数量增加D. 其出口数量减少,进口数量减少17. 其他条件不变,贸易大国征收关税,将导致()A. 世界价格提高B. 世界价格降低C. 该国的社会福利水平提高D. 该国的社会福利水平降低18. 对于贸易小国而言,实施出口补贴将导致其的是:( )A. 本国生产者福利受损B. 本国消费者福利受损C. 外国消费者福利受损D. 世界市场价格下降19. 下列那种理论无法解释产业内贸易()A. 特定要素理论B. 重叠需求理论C. 相互倾销理论D. 寡头垄断市场下的贸易理论20. 当贸易伙伴的提供曲线缺乏弹性时,该国经济增长将导致( )A. 贸易条件改善B. 出口减少C. 进口增加D. 进口减少21. 下列不属于产生外部规模经济的原因的是()A. 生产设备的专业化B. 共同的要素市场C. 产业集聚产生的技术外溢D. 管理费用的节约22. 国际贸易中理论模型中得贸易小国假设与贸易大国的区别在于:()A. GDP的值B. 人口和地域的大小C. 贸易额的大小D. 该国经济变量变化对世界变量是否具有影响23. 根据相对购买力平价理论,对于一个小国经济,其他条件不变,本国名义利率提高将导致本国货币()A. 贬值B. 升值C. 汇率不变D. 不确定24. 根据利率平价理论,对于一个小国经济,其他条件不变,本国名义利率提高将导致本国货币()A. 贬值B. 升值C. 汇率不变D. 不确定25.如果A国可用1个工时生产3单位的X产品或3单位的Y产品,B国可用1个工时生产1单位的X产品或1单位的Y产品,假定劳动是唯一的投入,那么:()A.A国在两种商品的生产上均具有绝对优势。






资本 C.人员 D.技术2.在比较利益模型中,两种参与贸易商品的国际比价(C)A。













重叠需求理论 B.要素比例理论C.规模经济理论D。



规模报酬递减 B.规模报酬递增C。








零进口关税 B.零进口关税与禁止性关税之间的水平C。

禁止性关税 D.禁止性关税以上9.世界贸易组织秘书处设在(B)A.日内瓦B。


布鲁塞尔 D.乌拉圭10。

在国际卡特尔订价中,当产品的需求弹性越小,卡特尔订价水平就(B) A。


越高 C.不变D。





















固定汇率制 B.浮动汇率制 C.钉住汇率制 D.联合浮动制16。














15、国际收支的调节理论有(弹性理论、吸收理论) (货币理论)等。




























选择题:1、首先用机会成本理论来解释比较优势原理的学者是: C、A、李嘉图B、罗布津斯基C、哈伯勒D、穆勒第三章:1、要素禀赋理论最初是由赫克歇尔和俄林提出的,后经萨缪尔森等人加工不断完善。







A.MRT = P X/P YB.MRS = P X/P YC.X C=X P,Y C=Y PD.P X(X C-X P)= P Y(Y P-Y C)4、在开放条件下,一个经济社会贸易均衡的条件是()。

A.MRT = P X/P YB.MRS = P X/P YC.X C=X P,Y C=Y PD.P X(X C-X P)= P Y(Y P-Y C)二、多项选择题1、国际经济学的研究内容包括()两部分。


A.MRT = P X/P YB.MRS = P X/P YC.X C=X P,Y C=Y PD.P X(X C-X P)= P Y(Y P-Y C)E.P X=P Y3、在开放条件下,一个经济社会均衡的条件是()。

A.MRT = P X/P YB.MRS = P X/P YC.X C=X P,Y C=Y PD.P X(X C-X P)= P Y(Y P-Y C)E.P X=P Y三、名词解释生产可能性边界无差异曲线机会成本边际替代率边际转换率四、判断改错1、在开放经济条件下,只有市场出清才能实现开放的均衡。








绪论一、单项选择题1.国际经济学产生与发展的客观基础是()A.国际经济活动范围不断扩大B.国际经济关系日益复杂C.跨越国界的经济活动不断增长D.国与国之间经济联系密切2.国际经济学的研究对象()A.国际经济活动B.国际经济关系C.世界范围内的资源配置D.国际经济活动与国际经济关系3.国际经济学产生的时间()A.20世纪60年代 B.20世纪50年代 C.20世纪40年代 D.20世纪70年代二、判断改错题1.国际经济学产生与发展的理论基础是国际贸易理论.()2.国际经济学是西方经济学的重要组成部分.()3.国际经济学的微观部分主要讨论世界范围内的资源配置问题.( )4.国际金融理论与政策是站在单个国家角度来研究金融问题的.()绪论一、单项选择题1.C 2.D 3.A二、判断改错题1.×。






第二章古典国际贸易理论一、单项选择题1.主张对外贸易顺差,并将金银视为财富的唯一形式的理论是()A.比较优势理论B.贸易差额理论C.要素禀赋理论D.相互需求理论2.贸易差额论的政策主张中对发展中国家制定贸易政策有借鉴意义的是()A.发展本国工业B.发展本国航运业C.追求贸易顺差 D.对外贸易垄断3.最早对重商主义提出质疑的英国学者是()A.约翰·穆勒 B.亚当·斯密C.大卫·李嘉图D.大卫·休谟4.甲国使用同样数量资源比乙国能生产更多的X,则乙国在X生产上具有()A.绝对优势B.比较劣势C.绝对劣势D.比较优势5.甲国生产单位布和小麦分别需要6天和9天,乙国为10天和12天,根据比较优势理论( )A.乙国进口小麦B.甲国出口布C.乙国出口布D.甲国出口小麦6.比较优势理论的提出者是()A.约翰·穆勒B.大卫·李嘉图C.亚当·斯密 D.李斯特7.被称为西方国际贸易理论基石的是()A.贸易差额理论B.绝对优势理论C.比较优势理论 D.相互需求理论8.比较优势理论认为国际贸易产生的主要原因是()A.劳动生产率的相对差异B.技术水平差异 C.需求强度差异D.商品价格差异9.律师打字速度是打字员的两倍却雇佣打字员打字,以下表述错误的是() A.律师在打字上具有绝对优势B.律师在律师咨询上具有比较优势C.打字员在打字上具有比较优势D.打字员在打字上具有绝对优势10.按照比较优势理论,大量贸易应发生在()A.发达国家之间 B.发展中国家之间C.发达国家与发展中国家之间D.需求相似国家之间二、判断改错题1.贸易差额论虽然产生时间很早,但并不是严格意义上的国际贸易理论。


























A.是一种双赢行为 B. 对其中的强国有利C.对其中的弱国有利 D. 是一种零和行为2.斯密的绝对优势理论假定增加某种产品的生产所放弃的另一种产品生产的代价是()。

A.递增的 B. 递减的C. 不变的D. 不确定的3.如果说一国的资本要素比较丰裕,就意味着()。

A. 该国的资本要素总量较多B. 该国的W/R的值较大C. 该国的K/L的值较小D. 该国的生产中较多使用技术4.根据特定要素模型,国际贸易的受损者为()。

A. 进口竞争部门的特定要素所有者B. 进口竞争部门的流动要素所有者C. 出口部门的特定要素所有者D. 出口部门的流动要素所有者5.根据产品生命周期理论,发明国的新产品出口()。

A. 在产品问世的时候即已开始B. 贯穿整个生命周期C. 是一个先增加然后逐渐减少的过程D. 以上三者都正确6. 在局部均衡分析中,与小国相比,大国征收关税的主要不同在于()。

A. 保护效应更明显B. 消费效应更明显C. 能够改善贸易条件D. 对政府税收没有影响7.如果一国在征收进口税时,对最终产品征收的关税低于中间产品,则可以使关税的实际保护效果()。

A. 增大B. 变小C. 没有影响D. 无法判断8.购买力平价理论的基础是()。

A. 粘性价格的存在B. 货币数量理论C. 马歇尔-勒纳条件D. 一价定律9.根据吸收分析法,贬值一定会()。

A. 导致国内总收入的增加B. 改善国际收支C. 促使国内货币供求重新平衡D. 上述说法都不对10. 根据斯旺图示,用来调节外部均衡的手段是()。

A. 支出转换政策B. 支出调整政策C. 本国的货币政策D. 本国的财政政策二、多项选择(1’×10=10’)1. 能够解释二战以后国际贸易流向新格局的理论包括()。

A.规模经济理论 B. 产业内贸易理论C.产品差异化理论 D. 需求偏好相似理论E.要素禀赋理论2. 对里昂惕夫之谜进行解释的学说包括()。




在诸种均等化中为主导力量的是()A、生产要素价格均等化B、要素技术密集度均等化C、商品价格均等化D、工资率均等化5、就国家整体而言,分配进口配额最好的方法是()A、竞争性拍卖B、固定的受惠C、资源使用申请程序D、政府适时分配6、当一国政府对某种产品征收进口关税时,若该产品的需求弹性大于供给弹性,生产者与消费者承担关税的程度是()A、前者大于后者B、后者大于前者C、两者相等D、不确定7、不是成熟的国际经济一体化组织的是()A、欧洲联盟B、亚欧经济合作C、美加自由贸易区D、东南亚国家联盟8、多数国际卡特尔组织难以长久存在的主要原因是它们难以()A、制定垄断价格B、维持垄断价格C、控制生产成本D、控制销售成本9、初级产品的出口价格若下降,其出口量将增加,出口总收入()A、不变B、增加C、下降D、不确定10、进口替代战略与出口鼓励战略的战略取向分别是()A、内向型-内向型B、内向型-外向型C、外向型-外向型D、外向型-内向型11、关税与贸易总协定的基本目标是()A、贸易适度保护B、关税稳定C、贸易自由化D、贸易公平12、在发展中国家利用外资的主要渠道中,不需要偿还的引资方式是()A、官方贷款B、发行债券C、银行贷款D、外商直接投资13、劳动力在各国间的流动使劳动力的移出国的不同利益集团均会受到影响,其中()A、劳动力需求方受损,而供给方获利B劳动力需求方受损,而供给方亦受损C劳动力需求方获利,而供给方受损D劳动力需求方获利,供给方亦获利14、在下列投资方式中,属国际直接投资的是()A、购买外国政府债券B、购买外国企业债券C、向外国企业提供商业贷款D在国外开设合资企业15、下列贸易理论与规模经济无关的是()A、产品差异理论B、重叠需求理论C相互倾销理论D、嗜好理论16、赫克歇尔——俄林模型认为国际贸易的根本原因()A、各国生产要素禀赋不同B、各国劳动生产率不同C、各国技术水平不同D、各国产品技术含量不同17、一个部门产品价格水平的上升会使共同生产要素的价格水平()A、不变B、增加C、减少D、无影响18、在分析生产要素价格均等化过程,有一系列的假设条件,下列不是其假设条件的有()A、生产要素在一国范围内的各部门间自由流动B、生产要素在国与国之间自由流动C、生产要素充分利用D不存在贸易障碍和运输费用19、在生产两种产品的情况下,如果商品的国际比价保持不变,一种生产要素增加所导致的密集使用该生产要素的产品产量的增加,会同时减少另外一种产品的产量,这称为()A、要素比例学说B、产品周期理论C、悲剧的增长理论D、罗伯津斯基定理20、出口商以占领市场为目的,以低于本国市场的价格持续地向国外市场销售商品,这种倾销称为()A、掠夺性倾销B、间歇性倾销C持续性倾销D、进攻性倾销21、属于非关税壁垒的措施是()A、反倾销税B、自然垄断C、垄断竞争D、寡头垄断22、战略性贸易政策不适宜在哪一种市场条件下运用()A、完全竞争B、自然垄断C、垄断竞争D、寡头垄断23、国际卡特尔定价的最基本出发点是()A、产品的需求弹性B、卡特尔市场占有率C、非卡特尔厂商产品的供给弹性D、卡特尔产品的需求弹性24、20世纪70年代至80年代中期,“亚洲四小龙”(韩国、新加坡、中国台湾和香港特别行政区)所采取的经济发展战略是()A、坚定外向型战略B、一般外向型战略C、一般内向型战略D、坚定内向型战略25、自关税与贸易总协定签字以来,在其组织下进行了多少轮多边贸易谈判()A、6B、7C、8D、926、从国际经济资源流动的难度看,最容易流动的要素是(27、28、A.商品B.资本C.人员D.技在比较利益模型中,两种参与贸易商品的国际比价(A.B.27、28、A.商品B.资本C.人员D.技在比较利益模型中,两种参与贸易商品的国际比价(A.B.C.D.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之上在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之下在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之间与贸易前的任何一个国家的国内比价相同比较利益理论认为国际贸易的驱动力是(劳动生产率的差异B.技术水平的差异C.劳动生产率的差异B.技术水平的差异C.产品品质的差异D.价格的差异29、在绝对技术差异理论与相对技术差异理论中,机会成本是(A.递增29、在绝对技术差异理论与相对技术差异理论中,机会成本是(A.递增B.递减C.先递增后递减D.不变30、30、不能解释产业内贸易现象的理论有重叠需求理论要素比例理论重叠需求理论要素比例理论规模经济理论垄断竞争理论规模经济理论垄断竞争理论能反映规模经济理论本意的是(A.规模报酬递减A.规模报酬递减规模报酬递增规模报酬不变规模成本递增规模报酬不变规模成本递增32、不改变贸易结构,只改变贸易规模的增长方式有( 32、不改变贸易结构,只改变贸易规模的增长方式有(A.偏向进口的生产要素增长B.偏向出口的生产要素增长D.悲惨的增长D.悲惨的增长33、下列不属于保护贸易学说的理论有(A.幼稚工业理论C.A.幼稚工业理论C.国防论34、最佳关税水平应等于(A.零进口关税平C.禁止性关税B.夕阳工业理论)零进口关税与禁止性关税之间的水禁止性关税以上35、从历史发展看,最为成功的国际卡特尔是()A.烟草贸易公司B.铁路运输公司橡胶生产国组织D.石油输出国组织36、世界贸易组织秘书处设在()A.日内瓦B.纽约C.布鲁塞尔D.乌拉圭37、在国际卡特尔订价中,当产品的需求弹性越小,卡特尔订价水平就()A.越低B.越高C.不变D.不确定38、在分析货币贬值对贸易收支的影响时,小国所面临的供给弹性是()A.零B.小于需求弹性C.大于需求弹性D.无穷大39、劳动力在各国间的流动通常会使劳动力流入国()财政总收入增加,公共设施利用率提高财政总收入增加,公共设施利用率下降财政总收入减少,公共设施利用率提高财政总收入减少,公共设施利用率下降40、国际生产综合理论的基本原理可以集中概括为下列优势的有机结合()所有权优势、区位优势和技术优势所有权优势、内部化优势和技术优势区位优势、内部化优势和技术优势所有权优势、内部化优势和区位优势41、当出现需求无弹性时,一国货币贬值可以导致()A、贸易收支改善B、贸易收支恶化C、出口数量下降D出口换汇增加42、成员国取消相互之间的进口关税和其他具有同等效力的贸易壁垒而形成的超越国界的产品自由流动或产品自由输出入的国际经济一体化形式是()。




A、1,6B、2,4C、3,4D、4,73、在中国,汇价的标价$100=RMB667.24的标价法被称为()A、间接标价法B、美元标价法C、直接标价法D、应收标价法4、货币的含金量之比又称()A、购买力平价B、铸币平价C、铸币数量D、铸币本位5、关税同盟的经济效应主要集中在以下哪两个方面?()A、贸易创造,贸易转移B、贸易创造,贸易抑制C、贸易转移,贸易抑制D、贸易创造,贸易分享6、在当今的国际贸易格局中,产业内贸易更容易发生于()A、发展中国家与发达国家B、发达国家与发达国家C、发展中国家与发展中国家D、发展中国家和最不发达国家7、在一国利用外资的下列渠道中,不需要偿还的引资方式是()A、官方贷款B、发行债券C、银行贷款D、外国直接投资8、目前中国采取的汇率制度是()A、固定汇率制度B、完全自由浮动汇率制度C、有管理的浮动汇率制度D、钉住汇率制度9、在下列投资方式中,属于国际间接投资的是()A、在国外设立分公司B、在国外设立独资企业C、在国外设立合资企业D、购买国外企业债券10、一国海关对本国进口商品在征收一般关税后,再根据某种目的所加征的关税称为( )A、进口税B、进口附加税C、过境税D、过境附加税11、若人民币相对美元贬值,则以美元表示的出口商品价格将()A、上升B、下降C、不变D、不确定12、某日中国银行的外汇牌价中,美元对人民币的现汇价标明有$100=RMB826.6500,$100=RMB829.1300,则银行买入美元的价格是()A、826.6500B、827.7900C、827.8900D、829.130013、下列哪位人物是幼稚工业保护论的主要代表人物是()A、汉密尔顿和李斯特B、李嘉图和李斯特C、汉密尔顿和萨伊D、托马斯·孟和萨伊14、在其它条件一定的情况下,一国国际收支顺差将会导致本币币值()A、上浮B、下浮C、不变D、上下浮动15、世界贸易组织的最高权力机构是()A、秘书处B、部长会议C、总理事会D、委员会1-5 DBCBA 6-10 BDCDB 11-15 BAAAB二、判断题(对的打“√”错的打“×”)1、“货币差额论”着眼于货币数量的增减,主张多进口,少出口甚至不出口。

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International Economics, 8e (Krugman)Chapter 16 Output and the Exchange Rate in the Short Run16.1 Determinants of Aggregate Demand in an Open Economy1) How does an increase in the real exchange rate affect exports and imports?A) Exports increase; imports decrease.B) Exports decrease; imports increase.C) Exports increase; imports change ambiguously.D) Exports change ambiguously; imports decrease.E) Exports increase; imports are constant.Answer: CQuestion Status: Previous Edition2) Which one of the following statements is the most accurate?A) For asset markets to remain in equilibrium, a rise in domestic output must be accompanied bya depreciation of domestic currency, all else equal.B) For asset markets to remain in equilibrium, a fall in domestic output must be accompanied by adepreciation of foreign currency, all else equal.C) For asset markets to remain in equilibrium, a rise in domestic output must be accompanied byan appreciation of domestic currency, all else equal.D) For asset markets to remain in equilibrium, a fall in domestic output must be accompanied byan appreciation of domestic currency, all else equal.E) None of the above.Answer: CQuestion Status: New3) Which one of the following statements is most accurate?A) In general, consumption demand rises by less than disposable income.B) In general, consumption demand rises by more than disposable income.C) In general, consumption demand rises by more than income.D) In general, consumption demand rises by the same amount as disposable income rises.E) None of the above.Answer: AQuestion Status: Previous Edition4) The current account balance isA) the supply of a country's exports less the country's own demand for imports.B) the demand for a country's exports plus the country's own demand for imports.C) the country's own demand for imports less the demand for a country's exports.D) the demand for a country's exports less the country's own demand for imports.E) None of the above.Answer: DQuestion Status: Previous Edition5) The domestic currency price of a representative foreign expenditure basket isA) P, the domestic price level.B) E, the nominal exchange rate.C) P times E, the domestic price level times the domestic price level.D) P, the foreign price level.E) P times E, the foreign price level times the nominal exchange rate. Answer: EQuestion Status: Previous Edition6) Current account is given by the equation:A) CA=IM-EX (measured in terms of domestic output).B) CA=IM-EX (measured in terms of foreign output).C) CA=EX-IM (measured in terms of domestic output).D) CA=EX-IM (measured in terms of foreign output).E) None of the above.Answer: CQuestion Status: New7) The domestic currency price of a representative domestic expenditure basket isA) P, the domestic price level.B) E, the nominal exchange rate.C) P times E, the domestic price level times the domestic price level.D) P, the foreign price level.E) P times E, the foreign price level times the nominal exchange rate. Answer: AQuestion Status: Previous Edition8) The real exchange rate, q, is defined asA) the price of the foreign basket in terms of the domestic one.B) the price of the domestic basket in terms of the foreign one.C) the price of the foreign basket.D) the price of the domestic basket.E) None of the above.Answer: AQuestion Status: Previous Edition9) A country's domestic currency's real exchange rate, q, is defined asA) E.B) E times P.C) E times P.D) (E times P)/P.E) P/(E times P).Answer: DQuestion Status: Previous Edition10) If the representative basket of European goods and services costs 40 euros, the representative U.S.basket costs $50, and the dollar/euro exchange rate is $0.90 per euro, then the price of theEuropean basket in terms of U.S. basket isA) [(0.9 $/euro) (40 euro per a European basket)]/[(50 $/U.S. basket)].B) [(0.9 $/euro) (50 $/U.S. basket)]/[(40 euro per a European basket)].C) [(40 euro per a European basket)]/[(50 $/U.S. basket) (0.9 $/euro)].D) [(50 $/U.S. basket)].E) [(0.9 $/euro) (40 euro per a European basket) (50 $ U.S. basket)].Answer: AQuestion Status: Previous Edition11) When EP/P rises,A) IM will rise.B) IM will fall.C) IM may rise or fall.D) IM is not affected.E) None of the above.Answer: CQuestion Status: Previous Edition12) When the real exchange rate rises,A) Imports measured in terms of domestic output will rise.B) Imports measured in terms of domestic output will fall.C) Imports measured in terms of domestic output will never be affected.D) Imports measured in terms of domestic output may rise or fall.E) None of the above.Answer: DQuestion Status: Previous Edition13) Which one of the following statements is the most accurate?A) An increase in disposable income improves the current account.B) An increase in disposable income does not affect the current account.C) An increase in disposable income worsens the current account.D) An increase in income worsens the current account.E) An increase in income improves the current account.Answer: CQuestion Status: Previous Edition14) Which one of the following statements is the most accurate?A) An increase in the real exchange rate and an increase in disposable income improve the currentaccount.B) A decrease in the real exchange rate and a decrease in disposable income improve the currentaccount.C) A decrease in the real exchange rate and a increase in disposable income improve the currentaccount.D) An increase in the real exchange rate and a decrease in disposable income improve the currentaccount.E) None of the above.Answer: DQuestion Status: Previous Edition15) Disposable income is defined as:A) Y-C.B) Y-T.C) C-T.D) I-C.E) Y-I.Answer: BQuestion Status: Previous Edition16) The real exchange rate is:A) how much of a foreign currency you can buy with the domestic currency.B) foreign CPI divided by the domestic CPI.C) the price of foreign goods in terms of domestic goods.D) the price of foreign goods in dollars.E) the domestic currency divided by the price level.Answer: CQuestion Status: Previous Edition17) An increase in the real exchange rate:A) makes imports more expensive.B) makes imports less expensive.C) does not affect import values.D) always makes the number of imports rise.E) A and D.Answer: AQuestion Status: Previous Edition18) Which of the following compete to determine whether the current account improves or worsensfollowing a rise in the real exchange rate:A) appreciation and depreciation.B) crowding Out effect and producers effect.C) volume effect and value effect.D) volume effect and inflation.E) producers effect and value effect.Answer: CQuestion Status: Previous Edition19) The current account increases when:A) real exchange rate decreases.B) real exchange rate increases.C) disposable income increases.D) exports fall.E) domestic prices fall.Answer: BQuestion Status: Previous Edition20) Which of the following would NOT cause the real exchange rate to rise?A) a rise in the exchange rate, EB) depreciation of the home currencyC) a right shift of the aggregate demand curveD) a rise in foreign prices, PE) a fall in domestic prices, P Answer: CQuestion Status: Previous Edition21) What is the best way to describe aggregate demand?A) quantity required to satisfy equilibriumB) exports decrease; imports increaseC) amount of a country's goods and services demanded by household and firms throughout theworldD) individual's demandE) None of the above.Answer: CQuestion Status: Previous Edition22) What have we assumed when we conclude that a real depreciation of the currency improves thecurrent account?A) The volume effect outweighs the value effect.B) The value effect outweighs the volume effect.C) All else equal and the volume effect outweighs the value effect.D) All else equal and the value effect outweighs the volume effect.E) None of the above.Answer: CQuestion Status: Previous Edition23) A country's domestic currency's real exchange rate, q, is best described byA) the price of similar goods in the same market.B) the price of the domestic basket in terms of the foreign one.C) the price of a domestic basket.D) the price of the foreign basket in terms of the domestic basket.E) the price of different goods baskets in the same market.Answer: DQuestion Status: Previous Edition24) Explain how does an increase in the real exchange rate affect exports and imports?Answer: When the real exchange rate increases, domestic products are cheaper relative to foreign products. Due to this, exports increase as foreigners demand more of our exports. The changein imports is ambiguous because fewer units of imports are purchased (the volume effect), buteach foreign unit is now more expensive (the value effect). Remember: exports and importsare measured in terms of domestic output, i.e. dollar value, not volume of units. However, weoften assume that the volume effect outweighs the value effect, so that imports decreasewhen the real exchange rate rises.Question Status: Previous Edition25) Please discuss the volume effect and the value effect in regards to how the current account willmove given a change in the real exchange rate.Answer: The volume effect takes place when consumer spending shifts on export and import quantities,while the value effect results when the domestic output worth of a given amount of foreign imports is changed. It is assumed that the volume effect outweighs the value effect, so that, other things equal, a real depreciation of the currency improves the current account.Question Status: Previous Edition26) What is the real exchange rate? What is its relationship to the current account?Answer: Defined as: EP/P (the exchange rate multiplied by foreign prices, divided by domestic prices).While the nominal exchange rate measures how much of a foreign currency one can buy witha unit of domestic currency, the real exchange rate measures how many goods and servicesone could buy.A rise in the real exchange rate (a depreciation of domestic currency) means that domesticgoods are cheaper compared to foreign goods, so exports increase and imports decrease.Aggregate demand increases and the CA rises. A fall in the real exchange rate has the oppositeeffect: Aggregate demand decreases and the CA falls.Question Status: Previous Edition27) Monetary expansion causes the current account balance to increase in the short run. Discuss. Is thesame the case for fiscal expansion?Answer: Am increase in the money supply leads to an increase in Y and E (output increases and the currency depreciates, respectively). Because of the currency depreciation, domestic goods arenow cheaper compared to foreign goods. Exports increase and imports decrease, therefore theCAB increases.An expansion of fiscal policy actually reduces the CAB: the DD curve is shifted right. ThereforeY rises, but E falls (output rises but the currency appreciates.) Domestic goods are moreexpensive, and the CAB falls.Question Status: Previous Edition28) Find the real exchange rate for the following case: Assume that the representative basket ofEuropean goods and services costs 40 euros and the representative U.S. basket costs $50, and the dollar/euro exchange rate is $0.90 per euro, then the price of the European basket in terms of U.S.basket is ________.Answer: [(0.9 $/euro) (40 euro per a European basket)]/[(50 $/U.S. basket)]Question Status: Previous Edition29) Find the real exchange rate for the following case: Assume that the representative basket ofEuropean goods costs 150 euros and the representative U.S. basket costs $90, and the dollar/euro exchange rate is $0.80 per euro, then the price of the European basket in terms of U.S. basket is:Answer: [(0.80 $/euro) (150 euro per a European basket)]/[(90 $/U.S. basket)] = 1.33 U.S.baskets/European basket.Question Status: Previous Edition30) Find the real exchange rate for the following case: Assume that the representative basket ofEuropean goods costs 150 euros and the representative U.S. basket costs $200, and the dollar/euro exchange rate is $1.20 per euro, then the price of the European basket in terms of U.S. basket is:Answer: [(1.20 $/euro) (150 euro per a European basket)]/[(200 $/U.S. basket)] = 0.9 U.S.baskets/European basket.Question Status: Previous EditionEuropean goods costs 100 euros and the representative U.S. basket costs $125, and the dollar/euro exchange rate is $0.75 per euro, then the price of the European basket in terms of U.S. basket is: Answer: [(0.75 $/euro) (100 euro per a European basket)]/[(125 $/U.S. basket)] = 0.60 U.S.baskets/European basket.Question Status: Previous EditionAnswer:Question Status: Previous EditionAnswer:Question Status: Previous Edition16.2 The Equation of Aggregate Demand1) How does a rise in real income affect aggregate demand?A) Y ↑ implies Yd ↑ implies Im ↑ implies CA ↓ implies AD ↓, but Y ↑ implies Yd ↑ implies C ↑ impliesAD ↑ by moreB) Y ↑ implies Yd ↑ implies Im ↓ implies CA ↓ implies AD ↓, but Y ↑ implies Yd ↑ implies C ↑ impliesAD ↑ by moreC) Y ↑ implies Yd ↑ implies Im ↑ implies CA ↑ implies AD ↑, and Y ↑ implies Yd ↑ implies C ↑implies AD ↑D) Y ↑implies Yd ↑ implies Im ↑ implies CA ↓ implies AD ↓, but Y ↑ implies Yd ↑ implies C ↑implies AD ↑ by lessE) Y ↑ implies Yd ↑ implies Im ↓ implies CA ↓ implies AD ↓, but Y ↑ implies Yd ↑ implies C ↑implies AD ↑ by lessAnswer: AQuestion Status: Previous EditionA) A rise in domestic real income raises aggregate demand for home output.B) A rise in domestic real income decreases aggregate demand for home output because of theincrease demand for import.C) A rise in domestic real income keeps aggregate demand for home output at the same level.D) It is difficult to tell whether a rise in domestic real income affects positively or negativelyaggregate demand for home output.E) None of the above.Answer: AQuestion Status: Previous Edition3) The aggregate demand for home input can be written as a function of:I. Real exchange rate.II. Government spending.III. Disposable income.A) I onlyB) III onlyC) I and IIID) II and IIIE) I, II, and IIIAnswer: EQuestion Status: Previous Edition4) What is an accurate implication resulting from an increase in income?A) an increase in exchange rateB) a decrease in exchange rateC) a decrease in consumptionD) a decrease in outputE) an increase in consumptionAnswer: EQuestion Status: Previous Edition5) Explain how does a rise in real income affect aggregate demand?Answer: A rise in domestic real income, Y, leads to a rise in disposable income, Yd. This raises the spending on imports, IM, thus lowering the current account, CA, and reducing aggregatedemand, AD. However, the rise in Yd also causes a rise in consumption, C, and raisesaggregate demand, AD, by more than the corresponding decrease.Question Status: Previous Edition6) Explain the difference between the following two expressions:Y = C(Y d) + I + G + CA(EP/P, Y d) andY = C + I +G + CAAnswer: The first one represents a behavioral equation and thus may express equilibrium condition for the output market or the aggregate desired demand for output. The second equation is only an identity that is always true.Question Status: Previous Edition16.3 How Output is Determined in the Short Run1) Which one of the following statements is most accurate?A) Factors of production can only be over-employed in the short run.B) Factors of production can only be under-employed in the short run.C) Factors of production can be over- or under-employed in the long run.D) Factors of production can be over- or under-employed in the short run.E) None of the above.Answer: DQuestion Status: Previous Edition2) In the short-run, any rise in the real exchange rate, EP/P, will causeA) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputB) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputC) a downward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputD) an downward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputE) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function but leaves output intactAnswer: BQuestion Status: Previous Edition3) In the short-run, any fall in EP/P, regardless of its causes, will causeA) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputB) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputC) a downward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputD) an downward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputE) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function but leaves output intactAnswer: DQuestion Status: Previous Edition4) The unique output level in the short-run is found at the intersection of the following curves:A) aggregate demand and aggregate supplyB) aggregate demand and 45 degree lineC) aggregate supply and 45 degree lineD) aggregate demand and short-run aggregate supplyE) None of the above.Answer: BQuestion Status: New5) Why is the economy at full employment in the long run?A) Only wages have the ability to adjust.B) Only price can adjust.C) Prices don't adjust.D) Wages and the price level eventually adjust to develop full employment.E) Wages don't adjust. Answer: DQuestion Status: Previous Edition6) In the short-run, we assume that the money prices of goods and services areA) temporarily fixed.B) permanently fixed.C) allowed to fluctuate.D) equal to long-run prices.E) None of the above.Answer: AQuestion Status: Previous Edition7) What would be the best description of what we assume about money prices in the Short run?A) Money prices of goods and services vary.B) Money prices of goods and services not related to each other.C) Money prices of goods are only temporarily fixed.D) Money prices of services are only temporarily fixed.E) C and D.Answer: EQuestion Status: Previous Edition16.4 Output Market Equilibrium in the Short Run: The DD Schedule1) In the short-run, a temporary increase in money supplyA) shifts the DD curve to the right, increases output and appreciates the currency.B) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and depreciates the currency.C) shifts the AA curve to the left, decreases output and depreciates the currency.D) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and appreciates the currency.E) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and depreciates the currency.Answer: EQuestion Status: Previous Edition2) The DD schedule shows all combinations of which 2 variables so that the output market is inequilibrium?A) imports and exportsB) exports and the exchange rateC) foreign prices and the exchange rateD) output and the exchange rateE) output and exportsAnswer: DQuestion Status: Previous Edition3) Which of the following does not affect the position of the DD curve?A) monetary policyB) government spendingC) taxesD) export DemandE) price levels Answer: AQuestion Status: Previous Edition4) Temporary tax cuts would cause:A) the AA-curve to shift left.B) the AA-curve to shift right.C) the DD-curve to shift left.D) the DD-curve to shift right.E) a shift in the AA-curve, although the direction is ambiguous.Answer: DQuestion Status: Previous Edition5) How would you define a DD schedule?A) the combinations of output and the exchange rate that must hold when the home moneymarket and the foreign exchange market are in equilibriumB) the combinations of output and the exchange rate that must hold when the output market is inshort-run equilibriumC) factors of production in the long runD) Both A and B.E) None of the above.Answer: BQuestion Status: Previous Edition6) Which of the following is the most accurate?A) Any disturbance that lower aggregate demand for domestic output shifts the DD schedule tothe right.B) Any disturbance that lowers aggregate demand for foreign output shifts the DD schedule tothe left.C) Any disturbance that raises aggregate demand for domestic output shifts the DD schedule tothe right.D) Any disturbance that raises aggregate demand for domestic output shifts the DD schedule tothe left.E) None of the above.Answer: CQuestion Status: New7) Discuss the main factors affecting the position of the DD schedule.Answer: The level of government demand, taxes, and investment; the domestic and foreign price levels;variations in domestic consumption behavior; and the foreign demand for home output.Question Status: Previous Edition8) Give 4 examples of situations that would cause the DD-curve to shift to the left.Answer: Correct answers include any situations that involve:(1) an decrease in government spending (eg. Decrease in military spending)(2) an increase in taxes(3) a fall in Investment demand (4) a price increase, which would lower net export demand (assuming E and P stay constant)(5) a fall in foreign prices (assuming E and P stay constant)(6) an autonomous fall in consumption demand (as long as it is not entirely a change in import demand)(7) a shift to demanding more foreign goods at the expense of domestic good demandQuestion Status: Previous Edition9) Explain what are the factors that shift the DD Schedule.Answer: A change in government demand, change in Taxes, a change in investment, change in domestic prices, change in foreign prices, changes in the consumption function and a demandshift between foreign and domestic goods.Question Status: Previous Edition16.5 Asset Market Equilibrium in the Short Run: The AA Schedule1) How is the AA schedule derived?A) The AA schedule has a positive slope because an increase in output leads to a depreciation ofthe currency.B) The AA schedule has a negative slope because an increase in output leads to a decrease in thedomestic interest rate.C) The AA schedule has a negative slope because an increase in output leads to an increase in thedomestic interest rate and a domestic currency appreciation.D) The AA schedule has a positive slope because an increase in the money supply leads to anincrease in the domestic interest rate.E) None of the above.Answer: CQuestion Status: Previous Edition2) Which one of the following statements is most accurate?A) In the long run, foreign output depends only on the available domestic supplies of factors ofproduction.B) In the short run, domestic output depends only on the available domestic supplies of factors ofproduction.C) In the long run, domestic output depends only on the available domestic supplies of factors ofproduction.D) In the long run and in the short run, domestic output depends only on the available domesticsupplies of factors of production.E) None of the above.Answer: CQuestion Status: Previous Edition3) In the short-run, a temporary increase in the money supplyA) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and depreciates the currency.B) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and depreciates the currency.C) shifts the AA curve to the left, decreases output and depreciates the currency.D) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and appreciates the currency.E) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and appreciates the currency.Answer: AQuestion Status: Previous Edition4) Equilibrium output is determined from the following equation(s):A) Y=C(Y d)+I+G+CA(EP*/P,Y d).B) Y=C(Y-T)+I+G+CA(EP*/P,Y-T).C) Y=D(EP*/P,Y-T,I,G).D) A and C.E) A, B, and C. Answer: E Question Status: New5) The interest parity condition requires that:A) all countries have the same interest rate.B) there is a unique exchange rate for every output level.C) purchasing power parity hold.D) interest rates are fixed in the short run.E) the money supply is held constant.Answer: BQuestion Status: Previous Edition6) How is the AA schedule derived?A) It is derived by the schedule of interest rate and output combinations that are consistent withequilibrium in the domestic money market and the foreign exchange market.B) It is derived by the schedule of exchange rate and output combinations that are consistent withequilibrium in the foreign money market and the domestic exchange market.C) It is derived by the schedule of exchange rate and output combinations that are consistent withequilibrium in the domestic money market and the foreign exchange market.D) It is derived by the schedule of exchange rate and output combinations that are consistent withequilibrium in the domestic bond market and the foreign asset market.E) None of the above.Answer: CQuestion Status: Previous Edition7) Explain how the AA schedule is derived.Answer: For a fixed real money supply, an increase in output leads to an increase in the domestic interest rate. In the foreign exchange market, an increase in the domestic interest rate leads toa lower nominal exchange rate, thus appreciating the currency. Therefore, the relationshipbetween nominal exchange rate and output is negative; this leads to a negative slope of theAA schedule, which has the nominal exchange rate and output on its axes.Question Status: Previous Edition8) Discuss the main factors affecting the position of the AA schedule.Answer: Changes in the domestic money supply; changes in the domestic price level; changes in the expected future exchange rate; changes in the foreign interest rate; and shifts in the aggregatereal money demand schedule.Question Status: Previous Edition9) What is the AA-curve? Why does it have a negative slope? What factors cause it to shift? P.219 Answer: The AA-curve is the specific levels of E and Y under which the money and foreign exchange markets are in equilibrium.The AA-curve has a negative slope because an increase in Y will cause E to fall (a domesticcurrency appreciation).The factors that affect it are: the money supply, price level, expected exchange rate, foreigninterest rates, and the level of real money demand.Question Status: Previous Edition10) Explain what are the factors that shift the AA Schedule?Answer: Changes in the domestic money supply; changes in the domestic price level; changes in the expected future exchange rates; changes in the foreign interest rate and shifts in theaggregate real money demand.Question Status: Previous Edition。
