英语口语小组对话 主题marriage

MarriageA:Recently I heard one of my classmates married!B:Congratulations to him!A:What kind of person do you want to marry?B:Talent and good individual character are of great importance in choosing life companion! However,I think the love is the premise to get married!How about you?Appearance beauty and beauty of mind which is more important?A:I would marry someone who is generous, kind-hearted, broad-minded and so on!Inner beauty is more important than Appearance beauty ,It is best she a lso has the appearance beauty and beauty of mind.B:Broad-minded,Aye,having to much to say each other is an important condition for a good marriage.B:what do you think is crucial for a happy marriage?A:Eh,Mutual respect and understanding between husband and wife can make up the difference between them.and it can contribute much to a happy marriage.B:Do you know premarital agreements?I think it shows how much you and you partner are going to respect each other’s needs and expectations!what do you think about it?A:It sounds too practical,if it must sign,I hope it will be put in a drawer and never look at it again.B: Y es,this is marriage everyone hopes for !Y outhA:Hi,tomorrow is Y outh Day,Unconsciously, we have is the youth,how will you celebrate youth day?B:On youth day,we often volunteer to do something for our community.In order to help those who are in need.A:Eh,me too,I think in this way I can learn about myself,learn about others,learn many new things that I can not learn from books and meet a lot of interesting people.B:Y outh is the golden age of a person.We now can not only enjoy, and should learn to do some good to the society of the things.A:Y e,youth comes but once in a lifetime.We can not waste.A:Do you think what quality is our youth have,and what we should do?B:We are bravery,energy,passion and so on.We should work together to make the society a better place!A:Now,We should shoulder the responsibility!。

我精心采集了关于婚姻的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!关于婚姻的英语对话1Jeff:Wouldyouevergetadivorce?你会离婚吗?Joan:IwoulddoeverythingIcouldtoavoiddivorcingthemanImarr ied.我会去做任何我能够做的事,避免和我结婚的男人离婚。
Jeff:Butifhewasnotgoodtoyou,wouldyougotoseealawyertodi vorce?但是,假如他对你不好,你会去找律师离婚吗?Joan:IfhereallytreatedmebadlyandifIthoughtaboutmyactionsv erycarefully,thenIwould.假如他真的对我不好,而且我很仔细考虑了我的做法,我会去做的。
Joan:ItakemarriageveryseriouslyJeff.WhenyousayIdotoaman,it issupposedtobeforlife.我对待婚姻很严肃,杰夫。
Jeff:WillyoumarrymeJoan?你愿意嫁给我吗,琼?Joan:Iwillnot!Youareagoodfriend,butIthinkyouwouldbeanimm aturehusband.我不愿意!你是一个好朋友,不过我觉得你不是一个成熟的丈夫。

爱情与婚姻的英文对话作文Title: Love and Marriage: A Dialogue。
Scene: A cozy café, where two friends, Alex and Jamie, sit across from each other, sipping coffee.Alex: So, Jamie, I've been thinking a lot about love and marriage lately. What are your thoughts on the subject?Jamie: That's a loaded question, Alex. Love and marriage, huh? Well, let me gather my thoughts. To start, I believe love is the foundation of a successful marriage. Without it, what's the point, right?Alex: Absolutely! Love is essential. But do you thinkit's enough to sustain a marriage?Jamie: Hmm, good point. Love is like the fuel that gets the engine running, but for the journey to last, you need more than just fuel. You need compatibility, understanding,and commitment. It's like building a house; love lays the foundation, but compatibility and commitment are the bricks that hold it together.Alex: That's a great analogy, Jamie. So, do you believe in the idea of finding 'the one'?Jamie: Honestly, I'm not sure if there's just one person out there for everyone. I think compatibility plays a huge role. You could potentially have a great connection with multiple people, but finding someone whose valuesalign with yours and who you can envision a future with is key.Alex: That makes sense. But what about arranged marriages? They're quite common in some cultures, yet they seem to work for many couples. What's your take on that?Jamie: Arranged marriages are a whole different ball game. While they may seem foreign to us, they often prioritize compatibility and family harmony over romantic love. It's a different approach, but it can be successfulif both parties are willing to put in the effort to make it work.Alex: Interesting perspective, Jamie. But what about the concept of 'happily ever after'? Is it realistic?Jamie: Ah, the elusive happily ever after. I think it's more of a journey than a destination. Marriage, like any relationship, has its ups and downs. It's about weathering the storms together and finding joy in the little moments. So, while happily ever after may not always be smooth sailing, it's about finding happiness and contentment in the journey you're on together.Alex: I couldn't agree more. Marriage is definitely a journey, not a destination. So, what's your advice for someone considering marriage?Jamie: My advice would be to take your time, get to know your partner inside and out, and make sure you're on the same page about the important things: values, goals, and expectations. And most importantly, never stopcommunicating and working on your relationship.Alex: Wise words, Jamie. Thanks for sharing your insights on love and marriage. It's been a thought-provoking conversation.Jamie: Anytime, Alex. It's always a pleasure delving into these deep topics with you. And who knows, maybe one day we'll both find ourselves walking down the aisle, hand in hand, ready to embark on our own journey of happily ever after.。

有关结婚的情景英语对话小编今天带来的是英语的口语,英语是我们要多花点心思去学习的哦,大家要好好看一看,背一背,这样才能更快的提升英语成绩哦,大家快点行动起来吧,与需要的可以收藏起来哦一最近在看中国式离婚这部电视剧Ahi, how are you doing?嗨,过得好吗?Beverything's great. And you?挺好的,你呢?Asame here. Have you seen any new films recently?还老样子。
最近看什么新电影了吗?Bno, I haven't had a chance to. But I've been watching a Chinese TV series called Chinese-Style Divorce.没有,没机会去啊。
Aoh, really? I saw it two years ago. It's worth seeing and it's thought-provoking.哦,是吗?我两年前就看过了。
Byeah. I found it is so close to our life.的确,我觉得很贴近生活。
Ait reflects some of our difficulties in this ever-changing world.反映了我们这个变化莫测的社会中的很多现实的问题。
Byou said it. You know, the divorce rate has been on the rise in recent years.的确。
Awell, it's said that a lot of young people favor getting married quickly which tend end quickly too.是啊,现在的年轻人流行闪婚,然后很快婚姻就破裂了。

Marriage◎词汇Fall in love with sbBe in relation with sbPropose to sbEngaged to sbMarry sbMarry A to BShe married money. marryA andB are married last yearHe is a married man.bride新娘bridegroom新郎best man伴郎bridesmaid 伴娘◎句型1:She is in thirties but he still is single/free/availableBachelor’s day2:My younger brother is engaged.3:Her fiance is David, businessman.fiance未婚夫fiancee未婚妻My elder sister is pregnantMy elder sister is with a childShe is in the family wayMy elder sister is married, b ut she doesn’t want to have a child./ give birth to childanniversary 周年纪念日wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日golden wedding anniversary金婚五十年diamond wedding anniversary钻石婚六十年She gets on well with her mother-in-law。
Get on badly withGet on well withThey had a baby last year.He got divorced from her last year and remarried her this year.Divorce rate is risingGet divorce from sb.Divorce sb.He divorced the girl.ex-wife前妻ex-husband 前夫Mike married twice ,he has two stepsons.She married five times.She had five marriages.stepfather 继父stepmother继母stepson继子stepdaughter继女adopted son 养子adopted daughter养女adopted father 养父adopted mother养母Daniel has another woman on the side but his wife does not know it. He is having an affair with his secretary.He is cheating on his wife.Some young people in the west fear marriage and would rather cohabitate/be single.They are separate.They split up.He’s moved out.They broke upLucy has been alone since her husband passed away last year.passed away 去世He passed away.他去世了。
英语口语课 marriage

牧师: 新郎ID, do you take this woman,新娘ID,to be your lawful wedded wife,to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love her, honor her, comfort her and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be true to her as long as you both shall live?
Do you want to get married?
When do you plan to get married? How will you propose? Have you imagine what’ your proposal/ wedding will be like?
Hale Waihona Puke 新郎: I,新郎ID, take you ,新娘ID, as my lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. 我以上帝的名义,郑重发誓:接受你成为我的妻 子,从今日起,不论祸福,贵贱,疾病还是健康,都 爱你,珍视你,直至死亡.
bride [braid]新娘 groom [ɡru:m] 新郎 best man伴郎 bridesmaid ['braidzmeid] 伴娘 maid of honour 主 要伴娘 marriage

大学英语口语对话练习:marriageChen: Hi,Pan,Would you like to go shopping with me this Sunday?Pan:Oh,I am sorry, I would like to go,but I am going to my best friend”s wedding this Sunday.Chen:That is a good news.You should take part in the wedding.Pan:Yes,I m very excited for her and I hope that she will have happiness. But a successful marriage is difficult to handle with .Do you think so?Chen:Yes ,I agree with you.marriage means responsibilities,loyalty,care, tolerance.There are many factors contributing to a successful marriage,such as love, commitment,physical fitness .Pan:You are right.It s really a long career.Both sides should make joint efforts.I think love and mutural understanding are most importantChen: Shared values is also important .They have some interests in comom.It s helpful to their communication and mutural understanding.Pan:It is true. Equal economic status and educational background are also significant.If they are in equal position,they will be more respect for each other.Chen: I take your point. The good relationship needs a lot of efforts. You should give your friend some good advices .Pan:yes ,I will do.Thank you, chen .。

Hello,everyone! Today,my topic is marriage.As it says,marriage is not a matter of just two people,it's about two families.So,i think in some degree,in a marriage matching each other is necessary.Subjectively,matching each other is an old feudal conception.But,realistically speaking, marriage being well-matched in social and economic status is necessary on some extent.Many people think that the real life will be very cruel without necessarily economic and material basis.In fact, in my personal opinion, this mainly depend on individual's pursuit, if one's pursuit standards are different, the standards of choosing his/her spouse will be different.Sometimes we could not able to hold our hands with our love even though we really love each other very much, after all, it is not a pure-love era.When talk about marriage ,we have to think about the characteristics ,the living habits,the living environment,the cultural level,the individual integrity of both sides as well as the material conditions and whether two families could get along well with each other.So, Matching each other is not absolute but relative.We know,in some degree ,marriage being well-matched in social and economic status means that two people own a similar life circle .They accept equal education and have common topics.They have similar values, backgrounds, and goals for the future.What's more,marriage being well-matched in social and economicstatus contains two aspects:material and spirit.When the gap is too large in not only the material but also in spirit,that would bring difficulty in communication between each other.Moreover,it's hard for them to abandon any tendency to believe that their way of thinking is superior to their partner's, and that will only make communication more difficult.Here is a typical example.Recently,ugly duckling become a hot word.Ugly duckling refers to these men who come from a small village and live a hard life,but stay in city and marry with a city girl after graduation through hardworking.Though they are away from the rural natural living environment,they remain many simple concepts and traditional thoughts.When they marry with the city girl,that brings lots of family conflicts.The cause of their family conflicts are mostly based on their different growing environments. It's true that we can not deny that some of the well-matched in social and economic status marriage are also not happy as well as some of the marriage which are not well-matched are still living a happy life.In conclusion,it's not hard for us to find that the necessity of marriage being well-matched in social and economic status.Matching each other is not absolute,it still should be considered prior that whether a marriage is well-matched in social and economic status or not when talk about marriage. But we should also know that during a marriage,the most important thing is mutual understanding and perspective-taking.。

婚姻情感英语如何说话When discussing marriage and emotions in English, it's important to use language that is sensitive, respectful, and clear. Here are some phrases and conversation starters that could be helpful in such discussions:1. Expressing Love and Commitment- "I cherish every moment we spend together."- "Our marriage is a commitment I take very seriously."2. Discussing Feelings- "I feel like we've grown closer over the past year."- "I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately. Can we talk about it?"3. Communication in Marriage- "Communication is key in our relationship."- "Let's make sure we always have open lines of communication."4. Resolving Conflicts- "We don't always agree, but we always find a way to work it out."- "I believe in addressing issues head-on rather than letting them fester."5. Support and Encouragement- "I'm here to support you in everything you do."- "You've been working so hard; I'm really proud of your achievements."6. Sharing Responsibilities- "We share the responsibilities in our home equally."- "Let's divide the chores in a way that works for both of us."7. Building Trust- "Trust is the foundation of our marriage."- "I trust you completely, and I hope you feel the same way about me."8. Celebrating Anniversaries and Milestones- "Every anniversary is a reminder of how much I love you."- "Let's celebrate our love and the milestones we've reached together."9. Apologizing and Forgiving- "I'm sorry for my part in our argument. I want to make it right."- "I appreciate your apology, and I'm ready to forgive and move forward."10. Future Planning- "I look forward to growing old with you."- "Let's talk about our future plans and dreams for our family."11. Maintaining Intimacy- "Intimacy is important to me, and I want to make sure we're both happy."- "Can we find ways to keep our relationship romantic and intimate?"12. Coping with Stress- "We all have stress, but we can help each other manage it."- "Let's find healthy ways to cope with the pressures we face."Remember, the goal is to foster a supportive and loving environment where both partners feel heard and valued. It's also important to be patient and understanding when discussing sensitive topics.。

下⾯是由⽆忧考给⼤家整理的关于婚姻的英语⼝语⼝语对话,供⼤家参阅!【篇⼀】有关婚姻的英语⼝语对话:婚姻状况 我还是单⾝。
I’m still single。
I have no family to tie me down。
She (was/got) married young。
I prefer being single to being married。
They will tie the knot in August。
She’s married to a Frenchman。
They split up after one year of marriage。
She is married again to a wealthy man。
【篇⼆】有关婚姻的英语⼝语对话:婚礼 我等待这⼀刻已经很久了。
I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time。
谁将要主持婚礼?Who will officiate at the wedding? 他们在演奏婚礼进⾏曲了。
They’re playing the Wedding March。
The groom and bride are perfect for each other。
I raise my glass to the happy couple, wishing you a long life together。
I hope you have a great honeymoon。
恭喜你们喜结良缘!Congratulations on your marriage! 你们能喜结连理真是太好了!It’s great for you to tie the knot!【篇三】有关婚姻的英语⼝语对话:不幸的婚姻 我真后悔和你结婚。

爱情与婚姻的英文对话作文英文:Love and marriage are two of the most important aspects of our lives. They are intertwined and often go hand in hand. Love is the foundation of a marriage, and a successful marriage is built on love, trust, and mutual respect.I believe that love is the most powerful force in the world. It has the ability to bring people together, to overcome obstacles, and to create a deep and meaningful connection between two individuals. Love is what makes a marriage strong and enduring. It is the glue that holds a relationship together through the good times and the bad.I have personally experienced the power of love in my own marriage. My spouse and I have faced many challenges and obstacles, but our love for each other has always been the driving force that has helped us overcome them. We havelearned to communicate openly and honestly with each other, to compromise, and to support each other through thick and thin. This has strengthened our bond and made our marriage even more fulfilling.Marriage, on the other hand, is a commitment to loveand support another person for the rest of your life. It is a partnership in which both individuals work together to build a life, a family, and a future. Marriage requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to grow and change together. It is not always easy, but the rewards ofa strong and loving marriage are immeasurable.中文:爱情和婚姻是我们生活中最重要的两个方面。

结婚对话作文模板英语英文回答:1. What made you decide to get married?We have been together for seven years and we know each other very well. We love each other and we want to spend the rest of our lives together. Marriage is a way to show our commitment to each other and to start a new chapter in our lives.2. What are your expectations for marriage?We expect marriage to be a partnership based on love, trust, and respect. We want to support each other through good times and bad, and we want to grow together as a couple. We also hope to have children and raise a family together.3. What are your concerns about marriage?We are both aware that marriage can be challenging at times. We are concerned about the potential for conflict, financial stress, and infidelity. However, we are confident that we can overcome any challenges we face by working together as a team.4. What do you think is the most important thing in a marriage?The most important thing in a marriage is communication. We believe that open and honest communication is essential for a healthy and lasting relationship. We also believethat it is important to be willing to compromise and to forgive each other's mistakes.5. What are your hopes and dreams for the future?We hope to have a long and happy marriage filled with love, laughter, and adventure. We dream of traveling the world together, raising a family, and growing old together. We also hope to make a positive contribution to ourcommunity and to the world.中文回答:1. 是什么让你决定结婚?我们已经在一起七年了,我们彼此非常了解。

婚姻情感的英语对话Scene: A couple, Alex and Taylor, are sitting in their living room discussing their feelings about their marriage.Alex: Hey Taylor, we've been so busy lately, I feel likewe've hardly had a moment to just sit and talk.Taylor: You're right, Alex. Work and life have been overwhelming. What's on your mind?Alex: I've been thinking about our marriage, and I just wantto make sure we're both on the same page emotionally. Howhave you been feeling about us lately?Taylor: I appreciate you bringing this up. To be honest, I've felt a bit distant. I think we need to reconnect and spend more quality time together.Alex: I agree. Distance isn't just physical; it can be emotional too. What do you think we can do to bridge that gap?Taylor: Maybe we could start by having a weekly date night,no matter what. Also, I've been feeling like we could usesome new shared experiences.Alex: That's a great idea. How about we take up a new hobby together? Something we've never done before.Taylor: I love that. We could try a cooking class or maybe even dance lessons. It's been a while since we've tried something new and it could be fun.Alex: Dance lessons sound like a blast. We could learn some moves and it would definitely be a good way to let loose and enjoy each other's company.Taylor: And we should also make sure to communicate more openly about our feelings. Sometimes I feel like we're both just going through the motions.Alex: I completely agree. Open communication is key in a marriage. If we're feeling down or upset, we need to express it, not bottle it up.Taylor: Exactly. And we should also make an effort to appreciate each other more. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget to say 'I love you' or do little things for each other.Alex: You're so right. Small gestures can go a long way. How about I start by giving you a massage after dinner tonight?Taylor: That sounds perfect, Alex. I'll make us a nice dinner to start the evening off right.Alex: It's a deal. I'm really glad we're having this conversation. I love you, and I want us to keep growing together.Taylor: I love you too, Alex. Let's make a promise to keep the lines of communication open and to always work on our relationship.Alex: Promise. Here's to a stronger, happier marriage for us.Taylor: Cheers to that.End of Scene。

A: Hey,Tom. How are you these days?B: Fine,and you?A: I am fine,too. My teacher ask me to write articles about college students' marrige. B: Is that so?A: Yes. You know that many college students are getting married nowadays.B: I have learnt from newspaper.A: Could you please say something about that? I am looking for opinions about that topic.B: My pleasure. I think people get married during their college life is not so good. A: Can you tell me the reason?B: They are still too young to think about it。
And it also spends much time and energy,their studies will be influenced。
I think it is irresponsibility for themselves to get married on campus。
A: I'm sorry, I don’t think so,I think that they are adults,Get married is a basic right of human being,and it makes great contribute to study,because they can help each other,In addition,it is a useful way to find a job. You know that it is difficult for students to find a job.B:But they are still students. They still need money from their parents and they have no economic basic,do you think this married could last long?A: What you say makes sense,of course,but wealth can be created by two people,money could not buy love。
英语情景对话:007 marriage and dating 婚姻与约会

英语情景对话:007 marriage and dating 婚姻与约会07 marriagedatingbeginnerA: how are you wedding plans going.B: very well. We started organizing everything earlyavoidlast minute rushget things done. The only thingthat isn’t ready yetmy wedding dress.A: when will that be ready?B:dressmakers said thatwould be readytwo weeks.A:you’re getting marriedthree weeks. So that should be ok. So, you’ve preparedchurch, catering, transport, hotel-everything.B:yes. We’ve taken careallthat. We decided no tget marrieda church though. Neitherusvery religious.A: which hotel willreception be held at?B:palace hotel they’re taking carethe catering, includingwedding cake. I’m sure they’ll dogood job.A; oh, yes. It’sexcellent hotel. A friendmine had her wedding reception theresaidwas perfect, though very expensive.B: yes. It will be expensive, but we thinkwill be worth. It gives us great peacemindknow that our receptioninhandsexperienced people.A;think you makeright decision.IntermediateA: hell o mary.havn’t seen youages. Are you still seeing paul?B:no. we broke up last month. I’m takingbreak from dating forwhile.A: did you break up amicably? Sometimes couples rowlot before splitting up.B: we just decidedstop seeing each other. It was all very amicable. Are you still going out with mike?a:yes,am. We’re thinking about getting engaged. We’ve been datingoveryear now.b: goodyou! Have you seen Kelly recently:she still dating nick?A;havn’t seen her forwhile. She stopped seeing nick because he was cheatingher. He was seeinggirl formoffice. One day, she saw them holding handsendedrelationship immediately.B; she was rightdo that.heardneiltina getting married soon.A:really? They’ve been together forlong time. When are they getting married?B;think it’s 26th September. I’ll checkmake sure that tina remembersinvite youthe hen night.A:tinks….hey, look at that guy over there.think he fancies you.B:he certainly looks interested doesn’t he? Shall we invite him overour table.WordsMarry marriage propose divorce wedding engagement date fancy hen night stag night wedding dress anniversary separated split up unfaithful romantic kiss row live together flirtPhrasesBe interestedsb. Setwedding date goa date falllove haverelationship go out together be seeing someone stop seeing someone haveaffair be engaged cheatsomeone hold hands。
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A:Marriage is one of the most important events of people's lives. so we always treat it very cautiously. And no doubt what we pay the most attention to is choosing a satisfactory man or woman to marry. What kind of person would you like to marry? B:Perhaps we may talk about it according to the letter“marriage”.The first letter M is for money. I guess that no one can deny the significance of money in marriage. The sense of happiness is built on certain material basis, though some people say don't marry for money. The second letter is for ability. Ability is the way to making a living as well as an element of charm. It seems that man pay more attention on his spouse's ability. The letter R stand for right. He is charming, cool, handsome, excellent…She is pretty, cute, graceful…The wise women choose their Mr. right. I is for independent. it refers that he or she should be able to take care of himself or herself. You are searching for a wife, not a daughter.A:It seems like more and more girls want to marry a foreigner. I am one of them. Well, I think the best thing is that two people fall in love finally get together. Also, good things like can go and live in another country, learn different cultures, know how people think and behave over there, when they have children, can teach them the best things from both side. To marry a foreigner make you more understanding, because only by that, two people from different country can be together happily ever after. Don't you think so?C:Of course we should look for one who we love and by whom we are loved in return. After all, each of us has only one life. And love is the most essential element of a fulfilled life. A guy who shares some of my interests so that at least we won't be bored and can have a genuinely good time together .for example- camping. I hate it. We would have problems if it were his passion. If only there is a slighteset chance, I think one should not give up the search for true love. Love, Kathleen Couldn't agree more. Love makes the world beautiful. If your heart is full of love and affection, you will find you can almost go easily with everything and even everyone. And eventually you're sure to find your everlasting love. Well, what do you think is crucial for a happy marriage?D:I think the mutual trust makes a happy marriage. Firstly, mutual trust is the most basic emotional quality between a married couple. Secondly, mutual trust is the most important factor to keep a long and happy marriage. Lastly, mutual trust is the only thing one wife or one husband needs when they are in trouble. So I think mutual trust is one of the most important elements to make a happy marriage.B:Talking about how to the marriage happy , different people hold different opinions. For me, I believe that communication is vital. Marriage means you are not alone any more . You are supposed to share the opinions ,feelings ,hobbies and many other aspects in your life with your husband or wife ,otherwise this marriage has lost its real meaning .Also if you always hide your feelings toward him or her ,the marriage can hardly last long. In this way ,I believe that communication leads a happy marriage. What's more ,you should try to understand your partner and concern what he or she needs ,do your best to help overcome the difficulties together and hand in hand create a better lifeA:Mutual understanding is critical to the success of marriage. As a sayinggoes:"Marriage is the grave for love. To a certain extent, it has some point in it, because love in most case is romantic and the lover only see the bright side of his or her part, but the marriage involves more vulgar things. During the daily life, you not only discover his or her bright side, you may also be reluctant to find sometimes he or she offensive to you. Therefore, mutual understanding is pretty important to maintain a good marriage.C:I agree with you. Without it, the couples will only complain each other when confronted with conflicts between them. As time goes by and the tension exists, more often than not, the marriage will eventually fall collapsed. So the most and foremost thing that a couple should keep in mind is that the precious love that bind them together. If not for that, how could they get to know and fall in with each other?D:In my opinion, When we are young and fall in love we can sometimes have too high expectations for ourselves. We would like everything to be perfect. We think of our future together forever and hope that one day we will in fact have a fairy tale wedding and therefore live happily .For most couples love and marriage can be a fairy tale. Waking up together in the morning looking for that first smile of the day. This alone can put you on a high pedestal for the rest of the day. Sharing breakfast together can also be fun. Then when you return home from work and cannot wait to see each other there is so much to tell one another that, without realizing it, you are becoming closer and closer to each other. Hence, a stable relationship is growing all the time. Live is such a wonderful thing.。