颜色词论文 参考文献
稳固性:基本颜色词应该在历史上长期表示颜色,是最稳固的颜色词。 姚小平先生在《基本颜色词理论述评——兼论汉语基本颜色词的演变史》一 文中对汉语基本颜色词的发展史进行了研究。根据姚小平先生的研究,我们 发现,早在殷商时代就出现了黑(幽)、白、红(赤)、黄、绿(青)、蓝(青) 这六个基本颜色词。“灰”的抽象颜色意义出现在汉代文献,到了晋代,“灰” 的使用开始频繁起来;“棕”(褐)的颜色用法在明清文献中还不多见,在现 代汉语中才广泛经常地使用起来。由此可见,棕的稳固性并不强。
辽宁师范大学 硕士学位论文 现代汉语基本颜色词研究 姓名:于慧婧 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:汉语言文字学 指导教师:迟永长
内容摘要:颜色词是根据概念意义划分出来的词类,主要是用来描写自然界各种 事物的色彩。它历来都是许多领域的研究者感兴趣的课题,语言学对颜色词也进 行过研究和探索。本文选取颜色词中基本颜色词为研究对象,在语义理论和语用 理论的指导下,综合运用归纳法、例举法等研究方法,对现代汉语基本颜色词进 行系统分析。
尽管近四十年来,我国对汉语基本颜色词的研究已经取得了可喜的成果, 但还是存在着一些问题和不足,具体表现为以下几点:
第一,颜色词的研究主要集中在中外颜色词比较上。虽然这四十年来, 对汉语颜色词研究的论文很多,但这些文章大多数是跨民族对比研究,且往 往局限于颜色词的文化伴随意义的对比研究,且这些研究多是举例、列举性 的,缺乏理论探索和系统分析。
全文主要分为三大部分。 第一部分主要对现代汉语基本颜色词进行界定和分类。首先在前人的界定成 果基础上,依据柏林、凯关于颜色词的经典理论,界定现代汉语基本颜色词为白、 黑、红、黄、绿、蓝、紫、灰8个。然后,以这8个基本颜色词为语义场,对基 本颜色词的下位词进行层级分类并对基本颜色词的下位词进行构词法分析。 第二部分分别分析8个基本颜色词的汉民族文化内涵。并对它们的语义特点 和语义来源进行详细论述。 第三部分是对本文的总结和归纳。
例如在西方国家,人们把圣诞节和其他节日称为red-letter day(喜庆的日子);圣诞节时,圣诞老人要戴红帽、着红妆。
美国人用red来表达高温与激情,如red carpet 表示“隆重欢迎”。
如a red flag(‘用作危险信号的’红旗);the red rules of tooth and claw(残杀和暴力统治)。
它还象征着放荡、淫秽,如a red light district花街柳巷(红灯区),同时在英语中红色还指“负债”,表示赤字、亏欠。
关键词:颜色词联想意义文化差异跨文化交际Chinese and English Cultural Differences Reflected in the ColorTermsAbstractAs we live in a colorful world, the diversity of colors results in the diversity of the equivalent color terms. Apart from expressing the most basic colors in the nature, colors, to some extent, represent some values and aesthetics of the mankind. In this case, color terms no longer merely express the designative meaning of the objective colors. They are given different symbolic meanings. People with different cultural background have different perceptions and aesthetic experience about colors, in which similarities can be found.This paper will select a few typical color terms to analyze the similarities and differences of color terms in Chinese and English cultures, discuss various reasons for these similarities, and touches upon their influence on the cross-cultural communication and exchanges and the solutions.Key words:color terms, associative meaning, cultural differences, cross-cultural communication目录引言 (1)1、中英两种文化中的颜色词及在跨文化交际中的翻译误区 (1)1.1、中英两种文化中的颜色词 (1)1.2、跨文化交际中颜色词的翻译误区 (1)2、颜色词在中英文化中的不同内涵,其共性与差异性 (1)2.1、白色(white) (2)2.2、红色(red) (2)2.3、黄色(yellow) (3)3、颜色词在中英文化中形成差异性的原因 (3)3.1、文化差异的原因 (4)3.2、价值取向的原因 (4)3.3、思维方式的原因 (5)3.4、宗教方面的原因 (5)3.5、其它原因 (5)4、颜色词的差异性对跨文化交流的影响 (6)5、在跨文化交流中应如何正确理解和翻译颜色词 (6)5.1、直译法 (6)5.2、意译法 (6)5.3、更换颜色词的翻译法 (7)5.4、增加颜色词的翻译法 (7)6、结语 (7)7、参考文献 (8)从颜色词看中英文化差异引言色彩与人类的生活息息相关,是人类认识世界的一个重要领域。
一、英汉颜色词隐喻的共性英汉颜色词都可以用来指代不同的抽象事物,以下源领域和目标领域之间的关系在英语和汉语的颜色词中都成立:请看以下例子:e.g.1 通过颜色表现出情感英语:She looks blue.她看上去情绪低落。
He gave her a black look.他对她怒目而视。
汉语:红白喜事(喜庆的,悲伤的)心灰意冷/灰心丧气(消沉的,沮丧的)e.g.2 通过颜色表现出事物品质英语:a white spirit 正直的精神White hand 廉洁He is too yellow to stand up and fight.他太胆怯而不敢起来抵抗。
关键词:汉语颜色词文化国内外都不乏对于颜色词的探讨,最具影响力的当数美国民族学家Berlin 和Kay, 他们曾在1969年发表《基本色彩词语: 普遍性与进化论研究》, 在这部巨著中就近百种语言中的基本颜色词进行了深入有趣的研究。
国内也有不少语言学家对颜色词进行了越来越深入的研究, 如伍铁平先生“论颜色词及其模糊性质”(伍铁平, 1986)对颜色词的模糊语义展开了研究; 张旺熹“色彩词联想初论”(张旺熹, 1988)就颜色词的联想义进行了研究, 较为全面地揭示出颜色词意义复杂性的深层原因。
随着人类社会经验的不断丰富, 对于颜色词认知和使用也随着发生着变化, 对英汉颜色词的更加深入的研究无疑是发展的需要, 也有利于增进彼此合作与交流。
在汉语中有红、橙、黄、绿、白、黑、蓝、紫、灰,在英语中也有red, orange, yellow, green, white, black, blue, purple, gray与之相对应。
如:red-hands 血腥的手——杀人的手;be caught red-handed 当场被捕(被捉个现行); red-neck 乡巴佬,即受美国北方人所歧视的美国南部的农民。
关键词:《中国谚语大辞典》;基本颜色词;词义引申;文化内涵AbstractColor word is a part of speech classified according to the conceptual meaning, which is a very special member of the language vocabulary system. It mainly refers to the words describing various colors of things. This paper takes the Chinese prover dictionary as the corpus, select "Chinese proverb dictionary contains" yellow, white, black, green and red ", a total of five basic color words saying, using literature research method, statistical method, induction, illustration and other research methods, from the basic color words quantity distribution characteristics, forms and grammatical properties of three aspects: sum up the use of the basic color words In proverbs; At the same time, combined with the specific proverbs analysis of the five basic color words " yellow, white, black, green, red" extended characteristics of the meaning of the basic color words, grasp the symbolic meaning of the basic color words; Finally, from the perspective of people's psychological and emotional experience and social traditional culture, this paper analyzes the social and cultural connotation of the basic color words in proverbs besides the expression of the inherent color of the object itself.Key words: dictionary of Chinese proverbs ;Basic color words;The meaning is extended ; The cultural connotati.目录一、引言 (1)二、《中国谚语大辞典》中基本颜色词的使用概况 (1)(一)基本颜色词的界定 (1)(二)谚语中基本颜色词的数量特点 (3)(三)谚语中基本颜色词的构成方式 (4)(四)谚语中基本颜色词的语法性质 (5)三、《中国谚语大辞典》中基本颜色词的词义引申 (7)(一)基本颜色词“红”的引申义 (7)(二)基本颜色词“白”的引申义 (7)(三)基本颜色词“黄”的引申义 (8)(四)基本颜色词“黑”的引申义 (9)(五)基本颜色词“青”的引申义 (9)四、《中国谚语大辞典》中基本颜色词的文化研究 (10)(一)颜色词与情绪情感 (10)1. 带喜欢色彩的颜色词:红 (11)2. 好恶模糊的颜色词:黄、白、青 (11)3. 带厌恶色彩的颜色词:黑 (11)(二)颜色词与社会文化 (12)1. 颜色与民俗风情 (12)2. 颜色与农事活动 (13)3. 颜色与等级尊卑 (14)五、结语 (14)注文 (15)参考文献 (15)致谢 (17)浅析《中国谚语大辞典》中的基本颜色词一、引言中华民族在漫长的历史演变过程中,逐渐形成了自己别具一格的色彩文化和审美品味。
英语毕业论文颜色词的中英文文化差异Cultural Differences of Chinese and English Color WordsABSTRACTLanguage is a kind of social phenomenon and is the carrier of culture. Almost every language has color words, including Chinese and English. However, the words to describe colors differ from one language to another because of different customs, polities, religious beliefs etc. Different colors bring different symbolic meanings which have unique characteristics in each nation. As a result, it may lead to misunderstanding and even violate the taboos. The main purpose of this paper is to compare the differences between Chinese and English color words in terms of word building, history, politics, economy and daily usage to help people to have a better understanding of different cultures and to bridge the gap between different cultures in communication and to facilitate cultural exchange.Keywords: color word culture differences politics history daily usage颜色词的中英文文化差异摘要语言是一种社会现象,也是文化的载体。
二、主题部分(阐明有关主题的历史背景、现状和发展方向,以及对这些问题的评述)1. 翻译的概念和特点翻译是翻译学的核心概念,也是翻译学及其相关学科的基石和逻辑起点。
ABSTRACTOwing to the differences in cognition and cultural backgrounds, the associative, symbolic and implied meaning of the English and the Chinese color terms are different. This article makes a comparison of the similarities and differences between the English color terms and the Chinese ones, with the purpose to raise the awareness of the color terms and provide a better understanding of the Chinese and different cognitive ways and cultural background, which will play an important role in the cross-culture communication.Key word: color terms; cognition; culture; similarities and differences中文摘要颜色与人们的生活息息相关,对颜色的认知也是人类的基本认知之一,人类的色彩感知用自然语言表达和固定下来就是自然语言中的各类颜色词语。
一、文献回顾1969年,美国语言学家伯林(Brent Berlin)和凯(Paul Kay)撰写了《基本颜色词:它们的分类和演变》一书,提出了基本颜色词(basic color terms)理论。
A Constractive Study on Cultural Connotation of English andChinese Color WordsApplicant: Qi Y ongwenSupervisor: Yu YeziFaculty: English DepartmentZhang Jiajie CollegeJanuary 6 , 2015Jishou UniversityContents Abstract (I)摘要 (II)I.Introduction (1)1.1 Introduction of Color words (1)1.2 Study on Purples, contents and meaning (1)II.Contract of cultural Connotations of Color Terms between English and Chinese (2)2.1 Contact of cultural Connotation of Red between English and Chinese (2)2.1.1 红 (2)2.1.2 Red (3)2.2 Contact of cultural Connotation of White between English and Chinese (4)2.2.1 白 (4)2.2.2 White (5)2.3 Contact of cultural Connotation of Yellow between English and Chinese (6)2.3.1 黄 (6)2.3.2 Yellow (7)III. Causes of Differences (8)3.1 Natural Environment (8)3.2 Perception (9)3.3 Religions (11)IV. Conclusion (13)Bibliography (14)AbstractThe world we live in is very colorful. There are various color words and expressions of colors used to depict the colorful world. Though different nations have different color conceptions, basic color words/characters, such as red/ 红,white/白,yellow/黄are in common in both English and Chinese. Basic color words/characters are always closely connected with Chinese and English cultures and reflect many different cultures of the two nations.The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One is the introduction of color words and the study on purples,contents and meaning. Chapter Two serves as the main body of this thesis, firstly finding out the common basic color words/characters in English and Chinese based on the theory of basic color words, then discussing the cultural connotations of English and Chinese common color words/characters in detail and contrasting the similarities and dissimilarities between them. Chapter Three probes the causes of similarities and dissimilarities including perceptions of color, natural environment, philosophy, religions, traditions and customs. Finally the paper concludes that though different nation may have different colors and different color words, there are some colors and color words in common. To understand the cultural connotations of the same color words in different languages, the cultural background of them should be learned so that misunderstanding will notbe caused in cross-cultural communications.To sum up language carries and reflects culture, so do the basic color words/characters as a part of language. Through the contrastive study on the cultural connotations of basic color words/characters in English and Chinese, the thesis concludes that in cross-cultural communication, the study will make people teach and learn English better and do translation more correctly and precisely.Key words:Basic Color Words/Characters; Cultural Connotations; Contrastive Study摘要我们生活在一个多彩的世界,相应地有诸多的颜色词被用来描述这个世界。
泰州高等师范专科学校外语系毕业论文A Contrastive Study of Color Words in English andChinese中英文中颜色词的比较研究专业:英语教育姓名: Penny指导教师:杨卉卉论文提交日期:2010年5月10日A Contrastive Study of Color Words in English andChineseAbstract:There are lots of words which stand for color in English and Chinese. But the meaning of color words in these languages has a huge difference. We not only need to pay attention to their basic connotation, but also observe their profound symbolized meaning. People's actual life is closely related to color. There are many color expressions, which reflect different culture psychologies and emotional colorings both in Chinese and English. Because the mankind has the same physiological mechanism and vision nerve, the color words are no different in essence, theoretically. However, because of various language culture, historical background, religious belief, mode of thinking, etc. in different nationality, people's impression of color and expression are different, and the associative meaning produced by the color has nothing in common with each other. There are different and various color words and expressions in English and Chinese. Sometimes it is difficult to find equivalent expression in one language. We need to know these differences; it is good for overcoming the cultural conflict and fostering the communication between the nations.中英有许多代表颜色的词,但颜色词的意思又大不相同。
关键词:汉语颜色词文化国内外都不乏对于颜色词的探讨,最具影响力的当数美国民族学家Berlin 和Kay, 他们曾在1969年发表《基本色彩词语: 普遍性与进化论研究》, 在这部巨著中就近百种语言中的基本颜色词进行了深入有趣的研究。
国内也有不少语言学家对颜色词进行了越来越深入的研究, 如伍铁平先生“论颜色词及其模糊性质”(伍铁平, 1986)对颜色词的模糊语义展开了研究; 张旺熹“色彩词联想初论”(张旺熹, 1988)就颜色词的联想义进行了研究, 较为全面地揭示出颜色词意义复杂性的深层原因。
随着人类社会经验的不断丰富, 对于颜色词认知和使用也随着发生着变化, 对英汉颜色词的更加深入的研究无疑是发展的需要, 也有利于增进彼此合作与交流。
英语语言学课程论文院系外国语学院专业英语师范专业班级 2011级英语师范三班学生姓名毛宁学号 201103024326任课教师王扬老师2014年月日The Different Meaning of Color Word Between Chinese and English - Taking Example of Word Redand Yellow专业英语师范学生毛宁学号201103024326Abstract: Due to the different geographical location, culture and tradition, different nations have different feelings and ideas about colors although they may share some common points on colors. This artical will focus on the differences meaning and symbolism about the color word between China and English and find out the similarities and the differences.Key words: meaning , symbolism, comprarison摘要:由于不同的地理环境以及文化传统,虽然一部分地区对颜色的理解会有相同之处,但大体来说不同国家对颜色有着不一样的理解和看法。
关键词:词义,象征意义,两词比较Outline1.introduction2.color word in the world2.1Yellow2.2Red3.Basic Symbolisms of Color Words3.1Fun Facts About the Color Yellow3.1.1China part3.1.2English part3.2Color Word Red3.2.1Chinese part3.2.2English part4.Conclusion1. IntroductionEvery language has kinds of words for color. That is what color words we call. Color words is given different meanings under the influence of the different national historical culture,politics,religion,customs and social environmentfactors. With the development of human civilization, those meanings are also grow and develop. The colorful nature offers human beings interesting living place, and thanks for it, different area have their different understanging about the color word. As we know, words have basic meaning and something deeper than its basic concept. So we just take some typical color word for example.From the scientific definition, color is a visual phenomenon lauched, reflected or caused through certain light wave by the object, it is one kind of visual essential features of human eye. Color words, in whatever languages, are used for describing different things. The statistics show that there are more than 7 million kinds of colors can be recognized in the nature. But, the color names are very limited in the languages because there are only dozens of colors expressed in single-morpheme word.However, even though Chinese and English nations have a nearly same understanding to natural colors, their distinguished cultural backgrounds cause them to have different feeling about the associative meaning, implication, and allusion of colors. So, every color and even color word have its own basic symbolisms in each place.2. Color Word in the World2.1 YellowIn Chinese culture, colors corresponded with the five primary elements, the directions, and the four seasons. And yellow was associated with earth and the center (in relation to direction). The Chinese have placed a predominance upon the color yellow not seen elsewhere in the world. It was the color of emperors during both the Ming dynasty and the Qing dynasty. Huangdi, also known as the Yellow Emperor, is thought to be the founder of Chinese civilization, due to the tremendous amount of inventions that took place during his reign.Comparatively the utilization of the word yellow is quite unitary in English. In the United States, taxi cabs and school buses are associated with the color yellow. The telephone directory was traditionally printed annually on yellow paper and thus became known as the “yellow pages”.But, Huang, in chinese, appear in manypejorative expressions and all contain obsecene or pemographic material.However, in English, the obscene film was called blue film. That is because blue flm came from flauus in Lain.2.2 RedColor “red” is given a lot of meanings owing to different development of historic orbit. It can help a lot if we know what is the most proper meaning when we read something.Red is a very popular color in Chinese. According to the complicated development of Chinese culture, color”red” has been developed kinds of meanings.the basic of them is auspicious and festival. This view handed down from the ancient time and becomes a tradition.In Chinese traditional wedding, the bridegroom wears a red flower on his breast, and the bride is dressed in red. On happy days, people decorate their houses with red contenrns and doublets.The kids will get”红包”which is a red envelop containing mon ey as a gift in Spring festival. The color”red” also means lucky and victory.Honwever, red is not very popular color in western cuture, and have a very strong derogatory sense. The first thing came into westerner’s mind is “fire”, “blood” when they think about red. Red symbolizes brutal and blood. For example, “not be worth a red cent” means worthless orregarding something as being worthless (Oxford University Press,2002, P1250). Another way of using red in English is to usered in front of a noun as modifier in order to compose a new noun,such as “redcap”—means the member of the military police or arailway porter (Oxford University Press, 2002, P1250).Although red has many meanings owing to different cultural background, there still have some meanings in common. From the view of emotion, red has a closed relation with festival, celebration activities in order to express the enthusiastic,passional and lively codition of spirit. For example, red-letter days generally refers to Chrismas or festive day in English, the calender are also used red print; “roll out the red carpet for somebody” mean s to welcome someone. The color “red” have a lot of negative meaning in western culture,while it was given many positive meaning in chinese. Such as red is the symbol of some bad or unhappy thing, it can easily image “fire”,“blood”,“destroy” for the westerners.3.Basic Symbolisms of Color Words3.1 Fun Facts About the Color Yellow3.1.1 China partThe Chinese have a very complex feeling to the yellow.In China, yellow can show varities of meanings during one’s daily life. Chinese not only use it to modifier the best matter but also the worst one. And it is difficult for us to find a neutral meaning word indicated by yellow in Chinese. The people in China regard the yellow as the high-ranking symbols (Liu, 2006). Soit is easy for us to understand why they use yellow to stand for auspiciousness and prosperity.For example, “黄金时代” is the period that politics, economy or cultureis very flourishing;“黄袍加身” is likened to succeed in a coup and gain thepower. Surprisingly, in our China, yellow is also used to express a fail plan ora plan that will never come true, such as “黄了”. And it also can symbolize the place where thedied person would go—“黄泉”. The word yellow is used in totally different way in describing sex. “黄色书刊” or “黄色电影” aren’t the books or the movies in yellow cover, while they are filthy books or obscene movies.But the most interesting thing is that Chinese use“黄花闺女” as another name of virgin.3.1.2 English partIn English,yellow can not be treat like what they are in China. In English culture, yellow always symbolizes the connotations of sickness, sorrow, coward and disgusting, and it also symbolizes a despicable person or a nervous person. Genghis Khan ang Yihe Boxing Campaign really shocked the wesuern people so they slandered yellow people “the yellow peril”, other phrase like: “yellow dog”- a mean man; “yellow-livered”- coward; “yellow back”- common tales in 19th century. And it is also the symbol for love. We have learn a lesson about the yellow ribbon which stand for the deep love the wife show her husband.3.2 Color Word Red3.2.1 Chinese partIn Chinese people’s mind red is symbol for auspicious, success, honest and prosperous. This originates from the woeship to God of Sun. Ancient powerful and rich paople’s clothes are called “朱衣”,their house are “朱门”, their vehicle are “朱轩”,and the most famous example is “红楼梦”, which is one of the great classics in China and even in the world. Chinese use red to stand for joyous occasions, wedding and luckysuch as “红白喜事”. It means that celebrate a wedding or an oldman’s deathwithout any pain. “红娘”—the match maker. And red also means good luckor wonderful things such as “红运”(good luck) and“红火” which means the busine ss is prosperous.“红男绿女” which means boys and girls wearing beautiful clothes. “红角儿” the famous star. Sometimes red in Chinese isused to indicate jealousy in order to satirize, such as“红眼病” is used to satirize the person who is not only admire others’ fame and wealth, but also jealous of them. In Beijing opera, Guan Yu’s facial makeup is red, which symbolizes his straight ang loyal characteristics. In traditonal Chinese wedding ceremory, auspicious words are wrote in red and placed on a wall. The bride covered by red veil on the head and a red coat. The bridegroom wears a big red flower on the chest. These red clothes not only bring an auspicious air to the ceremony but also hint a wonderful(红火的) future.3.2.2 English partIn Chinese, the red(红色) has commendatory meaning, while in English, redis usually used in noun or has derogatory meaning.The color stands for blood ang fire. In the west, red is always derogatory, representiong cruel, mad, disaster and bloody, like: “red hands”- murderer, killer; “red-headed”- raving fury; “red-neck”-hick,villager,southern American peasant; “red skin”- derogatory name to American Indians. Red is also being deragatory and commendatory in English. “paint the town red”- 狂欢,饮酒作乐,“red-blooded”-健壮的,有勇气的;“red-hot miracle”- 意料之外的;“red-cross”- 圣乔治十字架,英国国章. These words show red using for commendatory meanings.4.ConclusionThe symbolic meanings of color words are affected by traditional culture, so different nations have formed their own unique color view in precipitated long-term history. The cultural connotations of color words differ greatly because of different cultural issues, traditions and cultural psychology. In Chinese cultures, the symbolic meanings of color words are related to the feudal past, feudal superstition, primitive sciences and education. So the symbolic meanings of color words have strong inclination of politicizing and mystifying. In Western culture the symbolic meanings of color words are affected by the Western nationality openness, science, education degree. The symbolic meanings are a few mysteries. Thesymbolic meanings of color words are very direct; especially the education plays an important role in the color culture. And the color words are deep-rooted in the social culture. Actually, every kind ofcolorwords has different culture feature in different nation. Every nation shows itsown culture and value in different way. In a word, it is very important for us to comprehend and grasp the symbolic meanings of color wordsin both English and Chinese.This article only illustrates a part of the different meaning of color red and yellow between Chinese and English. There are still more interesting things during compared these two languages, and if you want to enjoy it, you should pay more attention to their history and work hard. So. it is very essential for our English learner to study the words about color with considering of the different culture so that we can understand them well.BibliographyOxford Advanced Learner’s English-ChineseDictionary, Extended forth edition, The Commercial Press,Oxford University Press, 2002, 1.Zhang Dexin. Informal discussion of Chinese and foreign languages. The Publishing House of University of Henan. 1999刘继俊,《英汉颜色词文化内涵差异》当代语言学, Vol. 2 2006.1魏峰,《颜色在英汉语言中的差异》濮阳教育学院学报,Vol. 13 2000.6蒋栋元,《论颜色及颜色词的文化差异》,四川外语学院学报, Vol.2002骆峰,《汉语色彩词的文化审视》,上海辞书出版社Vol.2004课程论文评分标准1. 立论正确,结构清楚,格式规范,论述过程清晰,结论合理,语言通顺流畅,字数达到1500英文单词以上,有自己的见解,可得90-100分;2. 立论正确,结构清楚,格式规范,论述过程清晰,结论合理,语言通顺,虽有少量错误但不影响意义表达,字数达到1500英文单词以上,可得80-89分;3. 立论正确,结构清楚,格式规范,论述过程基本清楚,结论合理,语言较为通顺,有少量错误但基本不影响意义表达,字数达到1500英文单词以上,可得70-79分;4. 立论正确,结构基本清楚,格式基本规范,有一定论述过程,结论合理,语言基本通顺,有较多错误但不影响整体意义表达,字数达到1500英文单词以上,可得60-69分;5. 立论基本正确,大体结构清楚,但内部结构较不清,格式基本规范,有一定论述过程但逻辑不严密,结论基本合理,语言有较多错误但不影响整体意义表达,字数达到1500英文单词以上,可得50-59分;6. 立论基本正确,大体结构与内部结构均不清,格式不够规范,有一定论述过程但逻辑不严密,结论基本合理,语言有较多错误且影响整体意义表达,字数未达到1500英文单词以上,可得40-49分;7. 立论基本正确,大体结构与内部结构均不清,格式不够规范,有一定论述过程但逻辑不严密,结论基本合理,语言错误多且严重影响意义表达,字数未达到1500英文单词以上,可得30-39分;8. 立论不正确,结构混乱,格式凌乱,论述过程粗陋,逻辑不清,结论不合理,语言错误过多且严重影响意义表达,字数未达到1500英文单词以上,可得20-29分;9. 立论错误,结构与格式凌乱,无论述过程,逻辑混乱,结论不合理,语言错误过多,无法表达意义,字数未达到1500英文单词以上,可得10-19分;10. 立论完全错误,无结构与格式可言,无论述过程,无逻辑,无结论,语言错误过多,无法卒读,字数未达到1500英文单词以上,可得0-9分;11. 未撰写论文的不得分。
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