
fallen behind. You education majors might be especially interested in it
—that is, tutoring in math and
. You can choose to
—he'll be available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for

component: n.[C]one of several parts that together make up a whole machine
tutor: n. [C]someone who teaches one pupil or a small group, and is directly paid
家庭教师,私人教师 v. to teach someone as a tutor 给…当家庭教师;指导
mentor: n. [C]an experienced person who advises and helps a less experienced
the contracts were often no more than verbal agreements. They granted
piracy at sea, for
can see how insurance helped encourage international trade. Even the most

insurance: n. [U]an arrangement with a company in which you pay them money
保险;the money that you pay regularly to an insurance company 保
the business of providing insurance 保险业
bottomry: n. 船舶抵押契约(如船舶损失,则债务取消),冒险借贷
contract: n. [C]a formal written agreement between two or more people, which
loan: n. [C]an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc (银行等的)

understanding: n. [C usually singular]a private, unofficial agreement(私底下、

interest: n. [U]a charge made for borrowing money(借贷的)利息[+on]
piracy: n. the crime of attacking and stealing from ships at sea 海上抢劫,海盗行

cautious: adj. careful to avoid danger or risks 小心的,谨慎的,慎重的
hazardous: adj. 危险的
salient: adj. formal the salient points or features of something are the most
paramount: adj. more important than anything else 至高无上的,最重要的
, and inside
gravity of the Moon and of Mars as they walked on the treadmill. Newman
and stability and could easily adjust to a pace of 1.5 miles per hour. As
gradually increased the speed of the treadmill, the divers took longer,
that at Martian gravity, the divers needed less oxygen. The data Newman
Martian space suits will require smaller air tanks; and, to allow for freer

gallon: n. AmE a unit for measuring liquids, equal to 3.785 litres 【美】加仑(等于
vat: n. [C]a very large container for storing liquids such as whisky or dye, when
tank: n. [C]a large container for storing liquid or gas(盛放液体或气体的)大容器
treadmill: n. [C]a mill worked in

the past by prisoners treading on steps fixed to
aerospace: adj. involving the designing and building of aircraft and space vehicles
(器制造)的 n.[U]the industry that designs and builds aircraft and space
scuba diving: n. [U]the sport of swimming under water while breathing through

simulate: v. to make or produce something that is not real but has the appearance
Martian: adj. of or relating to the planet Mars 火星的
stride: n. [C]a long step 大步,阔步
elbow: n. [C]the joint where your arms bends 肘
many of the plants and animals typically associated with the Everglades.
, don't do this unless you have a very good sense of
—the best time
, the mosquitoes will just about eat you
Right now they're not so bothersome, but you'll still want to use an insect

Everglades National Park: 大沼泽地国家公园
saw grass: 克拉莎草;加州砖子苗
acre: n. [C]a unit for measuring area, equal to 4,047 square metres 英亩
sampling: n. items selected at random from a population and used to test
exotic: adj. approving seeming unusual and exciting because of being connected
【褒义】异国风情的,外国情调的:exotic birds 外国的奇异鸟类
alligator: n. [C]a large animal with a long mouth and sharp teeth that lies in the
boardwalk: n. [C]AmE a raised path made of wood, usually built next to the sea
prairie: n. [C]a wide open area of land in North America which is covered in grass
canoe: n. [C]a long light boat that is pointed at both ends and which you move
negotiate: v. <口> 成功通过,顺利越过
mosquito: n. [C]a small flying insect that sucks the blood of people and animals

repellent: n. [C,U]a substance that keeps insects away 驱虫剂
videotaped for the local TV
—the space
When most of you imagine an astronaut, that's probably the first thing that
in space. For example, outer space is a vacuum—there's no gravity or air
. It’s
of seven extremely durable layers. This thick insulation protects against
extremes and radiation. Next is what they call a "bladder" of oxygen
an inflatable sac, filled with oxygen, to simulate atmospheric pressure. This
suit is flexible, allowing free movement so we can work. Another really

videotape: v. to record a television programme, film etc on a videotape 把(电视

vacuum: n. [C]a space that is completely empty of all gas, especially one from
shade: n. [U]slight darkness or shelter from the direct light of the sun made by
toasty: adj. AmE informal warm and comfortable 【美,非正式】暖烘烘的,温暖舒


: n. [U]a scale of temperature in which water freezes at 32°and boils
marvel: n. [C]something or someone surprisingly useful or skillful, that you like
enlargement: n. [C]a photograph that has been printed again in a larger size 放

life-size: 又作life-sized,adj. a picture or model of something or someone that is
shuttle: n. [C]a spacecraft that can fly into space and return to Earth, and can
mission: n. [C]an important job done by a member of the airforce, army etc,
torso: n. [C]your body, not including your head, arms, or legs (头和四肢除外的)

durable: adj. staying in good condition for a long time even if used a lot 耐用的
insulation: n. [U]material used to insulate something, especially a building (尤
the act of insulating something or the state of being insulated

extreme: n. [C]something that goes beyond normal limits, so that it seems very
bladder: n. [C]a bag of skin, leather, or rubber, for example inside a football, that
inflatable: adj. an inflatable object has to be filled with air before you can use it 须
sac: n. technical a part inside a plant or animal that is shaped like a bag and
innermost: adj. formal furthest inside 【正式】最里面的
ventilation: n. [U]通风(ventilate: v. to let fresh air into a room, building etc 使

helmet: n. [C]a strong hard hat worn for protection by soldiers, motorcycle riders,
demonstrate: v. to show or prove something clearly 证明,论证,证实;to show or
示范,演示;to march through the streets
to show that you have a particular skill, quality, or ability 展
