
●姓:Familyname,Surname名:FirstName,Givenname ●性别:sex,gender●男:male;女:female●国籍:nationality,countryofcitizenship护照号:passportnumber●原住地:countryoforigin●前往国:destinationcountry●登机城市:citywhereyouboarded●签证签发地:citywherevisawasissued●签发日期:dateofissue●出生日期:dateofbirth,birthdate●签名:signature●官方填写:officialuseonly●职业:occupation●登机、启程:Embarkation●登岸:Disembarkation●乘机常用词汇航站、终点站:Terminal入境大厅:ArrivalLobby出境大厅:DepartureLobby登机门号码:GateNumber登机证:BoardingCard,BoardingPass机场税:AirportTax登机手续办理处:CheckinCounter海关申报处:CustomsServiceArea货币申报:CurrencyDeclaration免税商品:Duty-FreeItems大号:large;中号:medium;小号:small纪念品:Souvenir行李:Baggage,Luggage托运的行李:Checkedbaggage随身行李:Carry-onbaggage行李领取处:Baggageclaimarea行李牌:BaggageTag行李推车:LuggageCart退税处:Tax-freerefund●盥洗室(厕所):Lavatory,washroom,toiletW.C.=watercloset,restroom男厕:Men"s,Gent"s,Gentlemen"s女厕:Women"s,Lady"s使用中:Occupied空闲:Vacant●男(女)空服员:Steward(Stewardess)●机内免税贩卖:In-FlightSales●钱币兑换常用词汇外币兑换店:CurrencyExchangeShop汇率:Exchangerate旅行支票:Traveler"scheck银行买入价:Webuy(Bid)银行卖出价:Wesell(Ask)●酒店常用词汇入住登记手续:Check-in客房服务:RoomService退房(时间):CheckOut(Time)前台:FrontDesk,Reception酒店大堂:Lobby咖啡馆:Coffeeshop服务员,侍者:waiter(餐厅、旅馆的服务生、行李员)●日常用语请问你叫什么名字:MayIhaveyourname,please?我可以试穿一下吗:MayItryiton?请把菜单给我:Pleaseshowmethemenu.干杯:Cheers!Bottomsup!我迷路了,您能告诉我怎么回饭店吗:I"mlost.Couldyoudomeafavortofindmyhotel?你能帮我拍照吗:Couldyoutakeapictureforme?非常感谢:Thankyouverymuch.我就是忍不住:Ijustcouldn"thelpit.我怎样能跟你联络上:HowcanIgetintouchwithyou?我将会尽我最大努力:I"lldomybest.请稍等一下:Waitamomentplease.你先请:Afteryou我们该走了:We"dbetterbeoff.我真要累死了:I"mreallydead.真是那样吗:Isthatso?我不确切知道:Idon"tknowforsure.太好了,太棒了:That"ssomething.这主意真棒:Brilliantidea!此话当真:Doyoureallymeanit?你帮了大忙:Youareagreathelp.我身无分文:I"mbroke.我一直不太喜欢这东西:Ineverlikeditanyway.别跟我耍花招:Don"tplaygameswithme!看情况再说:Thatdepends.【常用英语】《酒店》1、住宿:Guesthouse/Inn(1~3星);Hotel酒店(3~5星)2、酒店房间:standard标准房;superior上房;deluxe豪华房;bungalow平房别墅3、房间床位:Single单人;double双人大床;twin是两张单人床;如果要大床又担心说错的,可以说Wewannaaking-sized/queen-sizedbigbed.4、付款:advance预付款;advancedeposit订金;rate价格、费用;tariff价目表;guaranteed有保证的、被担保的5、其他:registration登记;cancellation取消预定;pick-up接送;luggage/baggage行李;porter行李员;onchange待清扫房;unmaderoom未清扫房;valuables贵重品《交通》1、长尾船:longtailboat2、Tuk-tuk:有篷的三轮摩托车,可以坐2名乘客3、Minibus:带空调的面包车,能坐8~10人4、Privatecar:房车,一般都是酒店为客人提供接送服务的,当然,费用较高5、Shuttlebus:往来班车6、Seasickmedicine:晕船药《机场》1、Arrive:入境;Departure:出境2、Information:问询处;Terminal:机场的出口;Air-bridge:旅客桥;Jetway:登机道;Concourse:中央大厅3、Internationalterminal:国际航班候机楼;Domesticterminal:国内航班候机楼;Loadingbridge:候机室至飞机的连接通路4、Lightluggage:轻便行李;Registered/checkedluggage:托运行李;Trolley:手推车5、VAT:税金;Passengerservicecharge:离境税/机场建设费《游玩》1、Snorkeling浮潜;ScubaDiving深潜2、巴通海滩PatongBeach;卡隆海滩KaronBeach;卡塔海滩KataBeach;攀牙湾PhangnagaBay3、PP岛KohPhiPhiDon4、大皇宫(THEGRANDPALACE);卧佛寺(WATPHO);郑王庙(WATARUN);四面佛(ErawanShrine);湄南河(MaeNamChaophraya)《钱》1、Exchange:货币兑换点2、VAT:税金;passengerservicecharge:离境税/机场建设费3、Thirtyperkilo:30铢一公斤4、Onefifty:150B,泰国的小贩从不说hundred这个词哦【常用泰语】*您好,早安,再见SaWatDeeKrap*你好吗?SabaiDeeMai?*很好,谢谢SabaiDee,Korpkun*不,不好Mai,MaiDee*再见lagon*先生,小姐Kun*我是中国人chanpenkonchin*不会说泰语PutPasaThaMaiBen(英语:CannotspeakThai)*不懂maikaojai*你能帮助我吗?qiuweidaimai?*一点点yidnai*…..吗?……Mai?*有Mee*没有MaiMee*对不起Korto*没关系MaiBenRai*多少钱?TaoLai?*太贵了taifai(英语:tooExpensive)*便宜一点吧lounaidaimai?(英语:Cheap)*你有便宜一点的吗?mitooguamai?*好,我买了Doklong*哪里交钱jiangentinai?(英语:Wheremakesapayment)*大,小Yai,Lek*能换个颜色吗?nicienmai?(英语:Cantradeacolor)*一,二,三,四Neung,Sorng,Sarm,See*五,六,七,八Har,Hok,Jet,Paet*九,十,十一,十二Gao,Sip,Sip-et,Sip-sorng*十三,二十,二十一Sip-Sam,Yee-Sip,Yee-Sip-et*三十,三十一,四十SarmSip,Sam-Sip-et,See-Sip*一百二百,NeungRoi,SorngRoi*一千,一万NeungPan,NeungMeun*铢ba*在哪里?YuTeeNai?*这里,那里TeeNee,TeeNon*左转,右转LieoSai,LieoKwaa*直走DongPai*慢,快Char,Reu*这是什么街?NeeKoeThanonArai?*酒店在哪里?RongRamYuTeeNai?*退房时间是几点?seiaogeimo?*等一下RorSaKu*今天,明天WanNee,ProngNee*我要去机场PomJaBaiSanamPin*何时Muarai*巴士站SathaniRotMei*机场,警察局SanamPin,SathaniTamruat*大使馆,医院SathanThut,RongPhayaBan*洗手间,房间HongNarm,Hong*水,开水Nam,NamRorn*你有……吗?Mi…….mai?(英语:doyouhave) *毛巾haqiedoa(英语:towel)*餐巾纸geladaqiangda(英语:ToiletPaper)*牙膏yasifeng(英语:toothpaste)*肥皂sabu(英语:soap)*洗发精yasapong(英语:shampoo)*护发素keleinoapong(英语:Conditioner)*冰NamKaen*茶Char*咖啡KarFei*啤酒Bia*计程车TaikSee*三轮嘟嘟车Samlor*摩托车motousai姓:Familyname,Surname名:FirstName,Givenname性别:sex,gender男:male;女:female国籍:nationality,countryofcitizenship护照号:passportnumber原住地:countryoforigin前往国:destinationcountry登机城市:citywhereyouboarded签证签发地:citywherevisawasissued 签发日期:dateofissue出生日期:dateofbirth,birthdate 年:year;月:month;日:day签名:signature官方填写:officialuseonly职业:occupation护照:Passport;签证:Visa登机、启程:Embarkation登岸:Disembarkation商务签证:BusinessVisa观光签证:TouristVisa乘机常用词汇航站、终点站:Terminal入境大厅:ArrivalLobby出境大厅:DepartureLobby登机门号码:GateNumber登机证:BoardingCard,BoardingPass 机场税:AirportTax登机手续办理处:CheckinCounter海关申报处:CustomsServiceArea货币申报:CurrencyDeclaration免税商品:Duty-FreeItems大号:large;中号:medium;小号:small纪念品:Souvenir行李:Baggage,Luggage托运的行李:Checkedbaggage行李领取处:Baggageclaimarea随身行李:Carry-onbaggage行李牌:BaggageTag行李推车:LuggageCart退税处:Tax-freerefund盥洗室(厕所):Lavatory,washroom,toiletW.C.=watercloset,restroom男厕:Men"s,Gent"s,Gentlemen"s女厕:Women"s,Lady"s使用中:Occupied空闲:Vacant男(女)空服员:Steward(Stewardess)机内免税贩卖:In-FlightSales钱币兑换常用词汇外币兑换店:CurrencyExchangeShop汇率:Exchangerate旅行支票:Traveler"scheck银行买入价:Webuy(Bid)银行卖出价:Wesell(Ask)酒店常用词汇入住登记手续:Check-in客房服务:RoomService退房(时间):CheckOut(Time)前台:FrontDesk,Reception酒店大堂:Lobby咖啡馆:Coffeeshop食物简明英语ongYum,意思是酸辣鲈鱼Bass金枪鱼Tuna猪肉pork三文鱼Salmon泰国常见的一种海鱼Snapper,适合BBQ鱿鱼sleeve-fish/Squid乌贼Squid墨鱼cuttlefish螃蟹crab蟹肉条Crabstick龙虾lobster(大的)/rocklobster(小一些的)小虾、基围虾shrimp黑色椭圆形贝壳Mussel对虾,明虾,大虾prawn生蚝,牡蛎oyster虾仁PeeledPrawns扇贝(小)scallops大虾KingPrawns小贝肉Cockles虎虾TigerPrawns田螺Winkles蘑菇mushroom蒜Garlic番茄tomato洋葱onion土豆potato空心菜morningglory米饭rice面条/米粉noodle/ricenoodle白米饭steamedrice云吞(馄饨)wonton烹饪方法:蒸、清蒸steamed烤grilled或者roast炖、蒸braiseBBQ烧烤、烤baked炒的、嫩煎的sauté凉拌菜、色拉salad炒fried汤soup油炸deepfried用旺火煸炒stir-fry...汁....sauce咖喱curry...酱....paste黑胡椒blackpepper有点酸甜的酱料soyasauce辣的spicy酸辣口味TongYum不要加辣Nospicy鱼露fishsauce泰式炒空心菜:friedmorningglorywithThaistyle 咖喱炒蟹:friedcrabwithcurrypaste海鲜炒饭:friedricewithseafood好吃的(牛肉/猪肉/鸡肉/鱼丸)米粉汤:ricenoodlesoupwithbeef/porkicken/fishballs再有就是些固定的西餐名词,比如牛排:steak/三明治:sandwich等等**juice或者是**shake,**代表不同的水果名字,juice是果汁,通常加了冰块,而shake是冰沙,就是把果汁里的冰块打碎了。

境外游必备日常英语为了避免出国旅游语言不通的尴尬是时候掌握一些境外游必备英语啦一、机场用语国际机场 international airport登机手续办理 check-in国内机场 domestic airport登机牌 boarding pass (card)机场候机楼 airport terminal护照检查处 passport control immigration 国际候机楼 international terminal行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim 国际航班出港 international departure国际航班旅客 international passengers国内航班出站 domestic departure中转 transfers卫星楼 satellite中转旅客 transfer passengers中转处 transfer correspondence出口 exit; out; way out过境 transit进站(进港、到达) arrivals报关物品 goods to declare不需报关 nothing to declare贵宾室 V.I.P. room海关 customs购票处 ticket office登机口 gate; departure gate付款处 cash候机室 departure lounge出租车 taxi航班号 FLT No (flight number)出租车乘车点 Taxi pick-up point来自…… arriving from大轿车乘车点 coach pick-up point预计时间 scheduled time (SCHED)航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service实际时间 actual租车处 car hire已降落 landed公共汽车 bus; coach service前往…… departure to公用电话 public phone; telephone起飞时间 departure time厕所 toilet; W. C.; lavatories; rest room延误 delayed男厕 men's; gent's; gentlemen's登机 boarding女厕 women's; lady's由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures 餐厅 restaurant迎宾处 greeting arriving由此上楼 up; upstairs咖啡馆 coffee shop; cafe由此下楼 down; downstairs免税店 duty-free shop银行 bank邮局 post office货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange出售火车票 rail ticket订旅馆 hotel reservation旅行安排 tour arrangement行李暂存箱 luggage locker行李牌 luggage tag二、机票相关飞机票 endorsements/restrictions旅客姓名 name of passenger承运人 carrier旅行经停地点 good for passage between 航班号 flight no.起点城市 from座舱等级 class起飞日期 date机号 plane No.起飞时间 time机座号 seat No.订座情况 status吸烟坐位 smoking seat机票确认 ticket confirm非吸烟席 non-smoking seat登机口 gate三、出入境相关国籍 nationality行政管理人员 legislators &administrators 国籍 country of citizenship办事员 clerk护照号 passport No.商业人员 commerce原住地 country of Origin服务人员 service前往目的地国 destination country农民 farmer登机城市 city where you boarded工人 worker签证签发地 city where visa was issued 其他 others签发日期 date issue无业 jobless前往国家的住址 address while in签名 signature街道及门牌号 number and street官方填写 official use only城市及国家 city and state出生日期 date of BirthMay I see your passport, please?麻烦请给我你的护照。

塞舌尔(Seychelles)拉迪格岛(La Digue Island):Union Park公园的象龟园、.德阿让海滩Anse D’Argent马埃岛(Mahe Island)包括Grand Anse海滩Anse Kerlan海滩普拉林岛(Praslin Island):五月山谷国家公园Vallee de Mai Nature Reserve(一)机场换登机牌Your passport and your e-ticket (paper-ticket), please! 请出示您的护照和电子机票。
(我们通常都是网上订票打印出来的电子票叫electronic ticket or paper ticket)How many pieces of baggage/ luggage do you have? 你有几件行李?I have a huge suitcase, a carry-on bag and a backsack. 我有一个大箱子,一个手提拧包和一个背包。
(小背包一般用Rucksack)Are you checking the backsack or carrying on? –你的背包要托运吗?Sorry, your luggage is 2 kilos overweight!对不起,您的行李超重2公斤。
How much is the excess baggage charge? 超额行李费多少钱?It’s 50 rin ggits. 50马币。
Can I change my aisle seat to window seat? 我能把靠走廊的位置换到靠窗位吗?Here's your boarding pass. 请拿好您的登机牌。
(上有座位号和登机信息)After the security check, board your flight at gate B17,please!通过安检后请在B17登机口登机!I have to transit from Kuala Lumpur. 我得在吉隆坡转机。
最新-海岛旅游物品品清单和实用英语(详细) 精品

旅游打包清单/浮潜注意事项/常用英语介绍旅游打包清单 - 海岛游增强版【文件类】护照和复印件:护照是必须带的,大家常忽略复印件,请多复印几份(给家人留一份,自己随身带1-2份,平时出海玩都请携带复印件,这样不怕丢失或者弄湿)如果真的在境外将护照丢失,请携带复印件去找所在国的中国大使馆,办理临时旅行证即可登机回国,办理时间取决于所在国家。
旅游保险单: 也可以不携带,但要记住上面的紧急救援电话以及单号,遇到问题时,记得先给保险公司打电话,问清楚需要在当地开具什么材料才能获得理赔哈。
【电器】转换插头+接线板(如果电器较多的话)剃须刀、照相机、摄像机、电池、相机储存卡 (吹风机一般好点的酒店都有)手机/IPad等:可购买当地SIM卡上网通话哈~(全球通/动感地带的同学也可以咨询10186询问如何开通国际呼叫业务 - 但要注意的是,开通的同时,请让他们临时关闭数据漫游业务,防止产生天价流量费)【衣服】比基尼/长裙/草帽等海边拍照必备品,比基尼要至少带2身,不是特别好干,关键是颜色鲜艳。
【其他】小水果刀: 不带,买了木瓜就只能用手扣了......环保袋: 可以带个好看的环保袋去当地超市采购水果^_^海岛用产品:参考网站海岛520装备网和天天轻松驴友网。
国外海岛旅游英语必备 (3)

酒店篇因为大家都是提前在网上预订好,所以这里就不介绍预订英语了,要说话的地方应该就是check in 和check out时,如果想要额外的room service....那进了房间看服务的册子(room menu)吧,这里也不多提了。
Check in很简单,走进大堂,找到前台,把护照递给他,然后说Hi, I have a reservation and I am checking in。
* 他们可能会要你的信用卡,冻结点钱,防止你搞破坏,或者看付费频道后逃跑......然后.....他们就给你钥匙......你去找房间就好啦。
Check out 同样,你就说I am checking out 然后给他们钥匙就成了!* 如果你有额外消费(收费节目,吃了冰箱的东西等),酒店会对你说:"Your credit card will be charged a total of $256.78. Can you sign on the bottom?""Should we charge the credit card on file or did you want to use a different card?"然后你签单走人也就好了。
* 如果你不知道几点check out,可以提前一天问前台:What time do I have to check out tomorrow?其他:* check in后,酒店可能会问你是否need help with your bags,需要的话...记得给小费,不想给就自己来,就说 No thanks 就好。
* 如果你要人给你清扫房间,可以对前台说:Could you get someone to clean my room, please?* 如果想去别的地方,比如市中心,可以问前台: How do I get to city center from here? Can I take a bus or do I have to take a taxi? 或者 Do you have a map of the city ? * 如果要前台推荐吃饭的地方可以说: Can you recommend a good restaurant around here?餐饮篇快餐,比如麦当劳和Subway,其实...旅游期间...有时候会觉得麦当劳挺好吃的....其英语对话也非常简单:麦当劳:.... welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order? ...你:I'll take a Big Mac and a small coke.麦当劳:One Big Mac and One small coke, Will that be all?你:Yes麦当劳:Will that be for here or to go?你:For here please.麦当劳:The total comes to 5欧你:..... 给钱.......如果你想吃麦香鱼,但是不知道怎么说,或者怎么发音,那其实更简单,你就买套餐!看准了图,然后说:I'll take number 2.其他:饮料大小small , medium, large, super size餐馆篇进餐馆时,如果有人招待,可能会问你Welcome to XX. Do you have a reservation? 你可以说No, Do you have any free tables right now? ..... 然后他会给你带到桌子那里去,如果你不满意,比如想找个靠窗的桌子,可以说Could we get a table by the window?一般你入座后,餐馆先会问你是否要个饮料,比如:Can I get you a drink? / Would you like to order a drink now? / What would you like to drink.如果你不想花钱喝饮料,直接说Water will be fine 或者Can I have a glass of water? 就成!想喝东西的话可以说I'll take a coke, I'll have an orange juice, 或者你可以问下What kind of drinks do you have?等。

国外海岛旅游英语必备:预定餐位和海鲜海岛旅游是当下人们最喜欢游玩的地方之一,去国外的海岛当然少不了学会英语口语了,下面小编整理了海岛旅游英语口语,希望对你有所帮助!预订餐位应该怎么说?I'd like to reserve a table for tonight.我要预订一个今天晚上的餐位。
【小扩展】各种海鲜怎么说?Tuna 吞拿鱼(金枪鱼) Lobster龙虾 Clam蛤Crayfish小龙虾 Crab螃蟹 Sea cucumber 海参Salmon 三文鱼 Surfclam 北极贝Oyster 生蚝(牡蛎) Shrimp虾Squid 鱿鱼 Caviar 鱼子酱 Scallop 扇贝P.s.发音困难的同学可以模仿音频反复练习发音哦!想自己额外调制蘸料怎么说?Can you give me some mustard?可以给我一些芥末吗?【小扩展】各种调料怎么说?辣椒 hot/red pepper 胡椒(black)pepper盐 salt 咖喱粉curry 酱油 soy醋 vinegar 姜 ginger蒜 garlic 芥末mustardP.s.记得模仿音频反复练习发音哦!【旅行小提示】不建议租车自驾游,因为毛里求斯的路标经常会让你走错路,而且没有GPS。
迷路时的必备口语?Could you tell me the wayto Port-Louis?你能告诉我去路易港该怎么走吗?【小复习】Could you tell me the way to……?你能告诉我到…该怎么走吗?How can I get to……?我该怎样到达…?公众号:唯学旅游英语。

海边沙滩度假必背词汇下面是整理的海边沙滩度假必背词汇,欢迎大家阅读!Off to the beach this summer? Then you’ll need some beach vocabularyThe school holidays have started here in the UK and this weekend will see many families fly off to sunnier countries to catch some of those rays and to luxuriate in warm sea waters.Having just returned from an idyllic two weeks in Barbados with its white sandy beaches and turquoise blue waters, I can totally empathise with the excitement that will be felt across households as families pack their suitcases remembering to take with them their swimsuits – trunks for boys and men; bikinis, tankinis, one-piece swimsuits for girls and women; their beach towels; shorts;T-shirts; light summer dresses; sparkly sandals; flip flops; sunglasses (or shades) and many more itemsOf course, we mustn’t forget to take our suntan or sunscreen lotions with us. Years ago, people used to go on a beach holiday and not bother with sun protection. They would lie in the sun for hours on sun loungers and by the end of theday some of them would look like the colour of lobsters (bright red) or worse still, suffer from sunstroke. It’s good to know that with all the publicity about the real dangers of skin cancer, more people are using sun protection. Depending on the colour of your skin, you will decide on the level of protection (sun protection factor SPF) that you need. For example, SPF 50+ gives you maximum protection against the sun whilst SPF15+ the least protection. I remember years ago you could get SPF 4+ which in my opinion hardly gave you any protection.So armed with sun protection, swimsuits, beach towels and all the right clothes for a beach holiday, what are you going to do?Are you the sort of person who likes to lie by the beach on a sun lounger or towel soaking up the sunshine (sunbathing) whilst listening to music or reading the latest summer novel?Or are you the sporty kind who enjoys swimming, doing water sports like kayaking, windsurfing, sailing, boogie boarding, surfing, jet skiing?I like a mixture of sunbathing and swimming. I will occasionally do some snorkelling. I normally borrow someone’s mask, snorkel and fins. I did somesnorkelling in Barbados and got to see some of the most colourful fish I’d ever seen. We also bought some “noodles”which are a kind of floater that allowed us to float in the sea and enjoy being in the water whilst chatting. The floaters also made it a lot easier to stay in the water for longer as we didn’t have to keep swimming. It was heavenly.Some people enjoy walking along the beach. I especially like sandy beaches. I am not so fond of pebbly or rocky beaches as it is much harder to walk on them. If I do have to walk on those beaches I use special swim shoes. What can I tell you, I have sensitive feet!David, my husband, loves building sandcastles in the sand. He can spend hours creating such masterpieces as a giant hand, a dolphin, a racing car. He often gets an appreciative audience of young children looking on as he works. The children are often armed with their buckets and spades and always keen to give him a helping hand.One of the highlights of any beach holiday, though, must be sipping a cocktail (my favourite is a mojito /mohito/) at a beach bar whilst watching the sunset. Bliss.That’s it, I’m booking my next beach holiday right now.。

1. 酒店和住宿- Accommodation - 住宿- Hotel - 酒店- Hostel - 青年旅社- Resort - 度假胜地- Room - 房间- Check-in - 入住- Check-out - 退房- Reception - 前台- Key card - 门卡- Room service - 客房服务- Housekeeping - 客房清洁服务- Wi-Fi - 无线网络2. 旅游和交通- Tour - 旅游- Sightseeing - 观光游览- Tourist attraction - 旅游景点- Ticket - 票- Airport - 机场- Flight - 航班- Boarding pass - 登机牌 - Gate - 登机口- Baggage - 行李- Customs - 海关- Taxi - 出租车- Bus - 公共汽车- Train - 火车3. 餐饮和购物- Restaurant - 餐厅- Menu - 菜单- Table - 餐桌- Waiter/waitress - 服务员 - Order - 点餐- Bill/check - 账单- Tip - 小费- Supermarket - 超市- Shopping mall - 购物中心 - Cashier - 收银员- Credit card - 信用卡- Currency exchange - 货币兑换4. 紧急情况- Help! - 救命!- Emergency - 紧急情况- Hospital - 医院- Doctor - 医生- Nurse - 护士- Ambulance - 救护车- Police - 警察- Fire - 火灾以上是一些度假旅游中必备的英语词汇和短语,希望能够帮助你顺利完成一次畅游海外的旅程。

Sickness bag
Emergency exit
Oxygen mask
Light mealack点心
Orange juice
Mineral water
Full Board
Half Board
Bed & Breakfast
We're going to take off in a moment.
We're taking off now, please fasten your seat belt.
Please keep your seat belt fastened until the captain has turned off the seat belt sign.
I’d like to leave this with you.

酒店篇因为大家都是提前在网上预订好,所以这里就不介绍预订英语了,要说话的地方应该就是check in和check out时,如果想要额外的room service....那进了房间看服务的册子(room menu)吧,这里也不多提了。
Check in很简单,走进大堂,找到前台,把护照递给他,然后说Hi, I have a reservation and I am checking in。
Check out同样,你就说I am checking out然后给他们钥匙就成了!*如果你有额外消费(收费节目,吃了冰箱的东西等),酒店会对你说:"Yourcreditcardwillbechargedatotalof$256.78.Canyousignonthebottom?""Shouldwechargethecreditcardonfileordidyou wanttouseadifferentcard?"然后你签单走人也就好了。
*如果你不知道几点check out,可以提前一天问前台:What time do I have to check out tomorrow?其他:* check in后,酒店可能会问你是否need help with your bags,需要的话...记得给小费,不想给就自己来,就说No thanks就好。
*如果你要人给你清扫房间,可以对前台说:Could you get someone to clean my room,please?*如果想去别的地方,比如市中心,可以问前台:HowdoIgettocitycenterfromhere?Can I take a bus or do I have to take a taxi?或者Do you have a map of the city ?*如果要前台推荐吃饭的地方可以说:快餐,比如麦当劳和Subway,其实...旅游期间...有时候会觉得麦当劳挺好吃的....其英语对话也非常简单:麦当劳:你:I'll take a Big Mac and a small coke.麦当劳:One Big Mac and One small coke, Will that be all?你:Yes麦当劳:Will that be for here or to go?你:For here please.麦当劳:你:.....给钱.......如果你想吃麦香鱼,但是不知道怎么说,或者怎么发音,那其实更简单,你就买套餐!看准了图,然后说:I'll take number2.其他:饮料大小small , medium, large, super size餐馆篇一般你入座后,餐馆先会问你是否要个饮料,比如:Can I get you a drink? / Would you like to order a drink now? / What would you like to drink.如果你不想花钱喝饮料,直接说Water will be fine或者Can I have a glass of water?就成!想喝东西的话可以说I'll take a coke, I'll have an orange juice,或者你可以问下What kind ofdrinks do you have?等。

夏季海边游玩必备词汇对爱美的女生来说,夏天护肤最重要,protect yourself against the sun's ray,所以一定要涂抹high-sector suncream(高系数防晒霜),还要戴上sunglasses(太阳镜)和sun hat(太阳帽)。
如果要来一次sunbate(日光浴)或get a tan(晒晒皮肤),女士们会穿bikini(or two-piece)(比基尼),或swimming costume(游泳衣)。
男士们穿swimming trunks(泳裤)。
穿着sandals or flip-flops(人字拖)在沙滩上行走特别舒服。
在海滩上你会看到有人玩frisbees(飞盘)、volleyball (排球)或者badminton(羽毛球)。
swimming pool 游泳池changing room 更衣室shower 淋浴diving platform 跳台ten-meter platform 10米跳台five-meter platform 5米跳台three-meter springboard 3米跳板one-meter springboard 1米跳板diving pool 跳水池non-swimmer's pool 浅水池swimmer's pool 深水池starting block 出发台starting dive 出发起跳rope with cork floats 水线swimming lane 泳道touching the finishing line 终点触线timekeeper 计时员lifesaver, lifeguard 救生员land drill 陆上练习breaststroke 蛙泳crawl stroke 爬泳back stroke 仰泳side stroke 侧泳butterfly stroke 蝶泳dolphin butterfly stroke 海豚式蝶泳treading water 踩水underwater swimming 潜泳swimming pool with artificial waves 人工海浪泳池artificial waves 人工海浪swimsuit 女游泳衣swimming trunks 男式游泳短裤swimcap 游泳帽swimming google 游泳镜anti-fog 防雾UV Protection Lens 防紫外线镜片swim gear 游泳装备kickboard 踢水板floats 漂浮物ear/nose clip 耳/鼻夹子swim fins 脚蹼stopwatch 秒表pool toy 泳池玩具填写表格注意姓:Family name,Surname 名:First Name,Given name 性别:sex,gender 男:male;女:female国籍:nationality,country of citizenship 护照号:passport number 原住地:country of origin 前往国:destination country 登机城市:city where you boarded 签证签发地:city where visa was issued 签发日期:date of issue出生日期:date of birth,birth date偕行人数:accompanying number玩吃massage按摩snorkeling浮潜 Surfing冲浪Diving深潜fried egg就是炒鸡蛋,fried beef就是炒牛肉。

1.机位预约、确认篇Hello. This is United Airlines. 联合航空,您好。
I'd like to reconfirm my flight. 我想要再确认班机。
What's your name and flight number?请说您的大名与班机号码?My name is Jerry Cheng, and the flight number is UA 003 for Los Angeles. 我的名字是杰瑞‧陈,班机号码是飞往洛杉机的联合航空003班机。
When is it?June 10th. 行程是那一天?6月10日。
I'd like to make sure of the time it leaves. 我想要确认班机时间没有改变。
I can't find your name. Really?我找不到您的大名。
真的?May I have your name again?请再告诉我一次您的大名?I still can't find your name on the reservation list. 我仍然无法在订位名单中找到您的名字。
Anyway, we have seats for new bookings on this flight. No problem. 别担心,这班班机仍有空位提供新的订位者。
One economy class seat, is that right?一个经济舱座位,对吗?Now you have been booked. 没问题,您已完成订位。
Thanks a lot. What time do you start check-in?谢谢。
你们何时开始办理登机?Two hours before departure time. 起飞前2小时。
You must check-in at least one hour before. 你必须在至少1小时前办理登机。

巴厘岛旅行实用英语Here is my passport / Here it is.这是我的护照。
I will stay at Boston Hotel.我将住在波士顿饭店。
What's the purpose of your visit?旅行的目的为何?Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan?是否有台湾回程机票?Sightseeing(Business).观光(公务)。
Yes, here it is.有的,这就是回程机票。
How long will you be staying in the United States?预计在美国停留多久?How much money do you have with you?你随身携带多少现金?5 days.5天。
I have 800 dollars.大约800元。
I plan to stay for about 10 days.预计停留约10天。
Good. Have a nice day.祝你玩得愉快。
I'm just passing through.我只是过境而已。
Thank you.谢谢。
I am leaving for Geneva tonight.今晚即动身前往日内瓦。
Where can I get my baggage?我在何处可取得行李?It's a small ovemight bag. It's light brown.它是一个茶色小旅行袋。
I can'find my baggage.我找不到我的行李。

巴厘岛旅游必备英语一、抵达之前1. What's the weather like these days there? 天气怎么样?2. Please give me an application form. 请给我一张申请表。
3. Can we get an seat by the window please? 我能选择一个靠窗的位置吗?4. All buggage needs to go through the security inspection. 所有的行李都要经过安检.二、住宿1. Can you give me a discount? 能打折吗?2. I'd like to check in. 我要登记入住。
3. How do I get to my room from here? 怎么到我的房间?4. What time do you start serving breakfast? 早餐时间?5. Can you give me a map of bali? 索要地图?6. Where are the gum and sauma? 健身房和桑拿房在哪里?7. Could you give me a wake-up call,please? 叫醒服务8. One of the lights seems to be out. 灯不亮9. I think the bill is wrong. 帐单出错了10. This one is not working. 东西坏了11. Can I leave my luggage here after I have checked out? 退房之后,是否可以把行李放到前台寄存?三、购物1. Are they on sale? 打折吗?2. How much discount can I get? 能给我几折?3. Don't try to fool me. 别骗我.4. Can I try it on? 我能试穿吗?5. Do you have any coupons? 你有优惠券吗?6. Can I use this coupon now? 我能用这张优惠券吗?7. How much discount can I get with this coupon? 用这张优惠券能打几折?四、餐饮1. Here's your tip. 这是给你的小费.2. You can keep the change. 不用找钱了.3. I want to reserve a seat in advance. 预订座位.4. What's the special today? 今天的特色菜是什么?5. Do you know any economical restaurant there? 你知道哪里有比较经济的餐馆吗?6. Can I pay by credit card/cash? 信用卡还是现金支付?7. Here's my Visa Card. 这是我的Visa卡.五、交通1. Excuse me. I need to go to the washroom. 去厕所.2. We'd better book a cab from a taxi company. 最好在出租公司订一辆车.3. We are in... Could you send a car here within ....minutes? 我们在....饭店,你能在...分钟内派一辆车过来吗?4. My telephone number is ... Please call me when you arrive. 我的电话号码是...请到时给我电话.5. I feel sick in my stomach. 我感觉恶心.6. Where's the nearest men's/ladies'room? 最近的厕所在哪?六、其它1. How can I make that call? 应该怎么打那个电话?2. I'd like to change some money. 我想兑换一些钱.3. I have got lost, I'm looking for.... 我迷路了,正在找....地方4. Where am I now? 我在哪?5. How can I get to...? 我怎么能到...?6. Are there any obvious buildings around? 附近有什么显眼的建筑物吗?七、单词(一) 抵达之前airfares 机票 a roundtrip ticket 往返票ticket 票 budget 预算baggage 行李 suitcase 手提箱transportation 交通 accommodation 住宿apply for a visa 申请签证 E_ticket 电子客票 passport 护照blanket 毯子pillow 枕头 restroom 卫生间pick up our baggage 取行李Baggage Claim Area 行李提取区baggage tag 行李牌customs declaration form 海关申报表(二)住宿check in 入住check out 离店room service 客房服务electric iron 电熨斗a hair dryer 吹风机sheet 床单key card 钥匙卡wifi connection 无线网络cellphone 手机late check out 延迟退房laptop 笔记本电脑air-conditioner 空调(三)购物expensive 贵receipt 发票 bill 帐单 check out 收银台exchage 换货discount 折扣sign 签名brand 牌子cost 花费fitting room 试衣间articles for daily 日用品flea market 跳蚤市场coupon 优惠券 sunscreen cream 防晒霜department store 百货商场grocery store 杂货店 duty_free 免税(四)餐饮buffet 自助order 点菜cafeteria 自助餐厅juice 汁beverage 饮料papaya 木瓜汁 NASI GORENG 印尼炒饭SPARE RIBS 烤猪排NASI CAMPUR 巴离岛式拼盘饭Gado Gado 印尼著名沙拉CRAB IN BALINESE SAUCE 咖喱蟹(五)交通take a taxi 打车 destination 目的地trunk 后备箱rent a car 租车car rental company 租车公司land the luggage in the car 往车上放行李seasick 晕船dizzy 晕throw up 吐landmark 标志性建筑(六)其他visit 参观landscape 风景 Cliff 悬崖pura 寺庙adult 成人through ticket 通票massage 按摩pay phone 公用电话local call 市内电话embassy 大使馆。

机场1. 托运行李- 递给对方护照和机票,对方可能会问:How many luggages are you checking in? 20 kilogramDo you have a carry on? (有手提行李没?)yesCan you place your baggage up here? (请把行李放上来(传送带/小盒子))* 如果你行李超重,对方会说your luggage is overweight.2. 飞行过程中的英语* 如果冷想多要一个毯子可以说Could I get another blanket, please, I'm a little cold.* 如果要在飞机上填入境表,没有笔可以说:Could you lend me a pen to fill out this immigration form?* 如果要找个人换座,可以说:Can I change seats with you?* 如果有人坐在你椅子上了,可以说:I'm sorry, I think you are in my seat.3. 在境外转机Hello, could you tell me which gate is for the flight XXX(航班号)please,一般他们都会回答这个飞机delay了,或者在maintain , 需要再等待一下。
4. 抵达目的地,入关海关:where did you fly from? 或者where have you come from?你:from China(如果你不给他护照,或者他需要别的东西会说:May I have your passport and sth, please?)海关:what is the purpose of your visit? 我:travel.海关:How long are you planning to stay? 我:9days海关:Where will you be staying? 我:I'll be staying at a hotel5. 从目的地返回时过安检- 安检 Take off your belt / Take your shoes off. 什么的交通1. Taxi 打的Taxi stop出租车站Please take me to the XXX.Use the meter and No high way. No toll [təul] way, please.*一定要跟司机说清楚,你要去的是international airport2. Bus公交minibus小巴How much is it to____ please?到____站请叫我。

小编精心收集了关于出国旅游英语必备单词,供大家欣赏学习!关于出国旅游英语必备单词1Mechanical Help 车辆修理“AA”Film 十四岁以下禁看电影Do Not Pass 禁止超车No U Turn 禁止掉头U Turn Ok 可以U形转弯No Cycling in the School校内禁止骑车SOS 紧急求救信号Hands Wanted 招聘Staff Only 本处职工专用No Litter 勿乱扔杂物Hands Off 请勿用手摸Keep Silence 保持安静On Sale 削价出售No Bills 不准张贴Not for Sale 恕不出售Pub 酒店Cafe 咖啡馆、小餐馆Bar 酒巴Laundry 洗衣店Travel Agency 旅行社In Shade 置于阴凉处Keep in Dark Place 避光保存Poison 有毒/毒品Guard against Damp 防潮Beware of Pickpocket 谨防扒手Complaint Box 意见箱For Use Only in Case of Fire 灭火专用Bakery 面包店~ Keep Dry 保持干燥Information 问讯处No Passing 禁止通行No Angling 不准垂钓Shooting Prohibited 禁止打猎Seat by Number 对号入座Protect Public Propety 爱护公共财物关于出国旅游英语必备单词2Ticket Office(or :Booking Office)售票处Visitors Please Register 来宾登记Wipe Your Shoes And Boots请擦去鞋上的泥土Men“s/Gentlemen/Gents Room 男厕所Women“s/Ladies/Ladies” Room女厕所Occupied (厕所)有人Vacant (厕所)无人Commit No Nuisance 禁止小便Net(Weight) 净重MAN:25032002 生产日期:2002年3月25日EXP:25032002 失效期:2002年3月25日Admission Free免费入场Bike Park(ing) 自行车存车处Children and Women First 妇女、儿童优先Save Food 节约粮食Save Energy 节约能源Handle with Care 小心轻放Dogs Not Allowed 禁止携犬入内Keep Away From Fire 切勿近火Reduced Speed Now 减速行驶Road Up. Detour 马路施工,请绕行Keep Top Side Up 请勿倒立Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind 当心不要丢失东西Please Return the Back After Use 用毕放回架上1Luggage Depository 行李存放处关于出国旅游英语必备单词3room rate 房价standard rate 标准价en-suite 套房family suite 家庭套房twin room you 带两张单人床的房间double room 带一张双人床的房间advance deposit 定金reservation 订房间registration 登记rate sheets 房价表tariff 价目表cancellation 取消预定imperial suite 皇室套房presidential suite 总统套房suite deluxe 高级套房junior suite 简单套房mini suite 小型套房honeymoon suite 蜜月套房penthouse suite 楼顶套房unmade room 未清扫房on change 待清扫房valuables 贵重品porter 行李员luggage/baggage 行李registered/checked luggage 托运行李light luggage 轻便行李baggage elevator 行李电梯baggage receipt 行李收据trolley 手推车storage room 行李仓briefcase 公文包suit bag 衣服袋travelling bag 旅行袋shoulder bag 背包trunk 大衣箱suitcase 小提箱name tag 标有姓名的标签regular flight 正常航班non-scheduled flight 非正常航班international flight 国际航班domestic flight 国内航班flight number 航班号airport 机场airline operation 航空业务alternate airfield 备用机场landing field 停机坪international terminal 国际航班候机楼domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼control tower 控制台jetway 登机道air-bridge 旅客桥visitors terrace 迎送平台concourse 中央大厅loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路airline coach service 汽车服务shuttle bus 机场内来往班车。

写去海南岛的必备物品的英语作文Essential Items to Bring to Hainan IslandHainan Island, located in the South China Sea, is a beautiful tropical destination known for its stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and vibrant culture. Whether you are planning a relaxing beach vacation or an adventurous nature exploration, there are certain essential items that you should pack for your trip to Hainan Island.1. Sunscreen: With its year-round tropical climate, Hainan Island can have intense sun exposure, especially during the peak summer months. It is essential to pack a high SPF sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays and prevent sunburn.2. Swimsuit: Hainan Island is home to some of the most pristine beaches in China, so be sure to pack your favorite swimsuit for a relaxing day by the sea. Whether you prefer lounging on the beach or taking a dip in the crystal-clear waters, a swimsuit is a must-have item.3. Insect repellent: While Hainan Island is known for its natural beauty, it is also home to mosquitoes and other insects that can be bothersome. Be sure to pack insect repellent toprotect yourself from bug bites while exploring the island's lush rainforests and hiking trails.4. Lightweight clothing: Hainan Island has a warm and humid climate year-round, so be sure to pack lightweight and breathable clothing to stay cool and comfortable during your trip. Opt for loose-fitting clothes made from breathable fabrics like cotton or linen.5. Hat and sunglasses: To shield your eyes and face from the intense sun, be sure to pack a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. Not only will these accessories provide sun protection, but they will also add a touch of style to your beach ensemble.6. Reusable water bottle: Staying hydrated is essential, especially in a tropical climate like Hainan Island. Be sure to pack a reusable water bottle to refill throughout the day and reduce waste from single-use plastic bottles.7. Beach bag: A sturdy beach bag is essential for carrying your essentials to and from the beach. Make sure to choose a waterproof bag to protect your belongings from sand and water.8. Portable charger: To keep your devices charged while exploring the island, pack a portable charger or power bank. Thiswill ensure that you can capture all of your memorable moments and stay connected with loved ones back home.9. First aid kit: It's always a good idea to pack a basic first aid kit with essentials like bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any prescription medications you may need. This will come in handy for minor injuries or illnesses during your trip.10. Travel documents: Last but not least, don't forget to pack your travel documents, including your passport, visa (if required), travel insurance information, and any necessary reservations or tickets. Keep these documents in a safe and secure place during your trip.By packing these essential items for your trip to Hainan Island, you can ensure a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable travel experience. Whether you are relaxing on the beach, exploring the rainforest, or immersing yourself in the local culture, these items will help you make the most of your time on this tropical paradise.。

国内外海边旅游胜地英文推荐暑假马上就要到来了,想去海边旅游,却不知道有什么好去处吗?下面店铺为大家带来国内外海边旅游胜地英文推荐,欢迎大家阅读!海边旅游胜地:马尔代夫Maldives. The beach awash in bioluminescent phytoplankton makes it look like an ocean of stars.马尔代夫。
海边旅游胜地:巴厘岛in Indonesia has long been famous as a leading tourist destination in terms of seaside travel, with its exotic natural scenery and vibrant culture, the world for its exotic and vibrant art and culture, Bali is an island of paradise.印尼的巴厘岛,久负盛名的海边旅游胜地。
海边旅游胜地:广西北海银滩The Silver Beach in Beihai city, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.海边旅游胜地:鼓浪屿Located 500 meters off the coast of Xiamen in southeastern China's Fujian province, Gulangyu island got its name from the reefs to the southwest of the island, which when pounded by waves, produce a sound like the beating of a drum.距离福建厦门海滩500米的鼓浪屿,名字来源于岛屿西南边的礁石,当这些礁石被海浪拍打的时候,就会发出敲鼓般的声音。

beach sports 海滩运动
diving 潜水
fishing 钓鱼
golf 高尔夫
island hopping 越岛作战;跳岛游
jet skiing 水上摩托车,喷气式滑水车运动
kayaking 皮划艇;皮艇运动
nightlife 夜生活
parasailing 帆伞运动,驾帆伞滑翔
relaxing/ sunbathing 放松日光浴
sailing 帆船运动
shopping 购物
sightseeing 观光;游览
skydiving 跳伞运动
snorkeling 浮潜;潜水;浅滩潜水
spa 水疗
surfing 冲浪
swimming 游泳
walks & hikes 徒步旅行,远足water skiing 划水windsurfing 风帆冲浪wreck diving 沉船潜水。
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酒店篇因为大家都是提前在网上预订好,所以这里就不介绍预订英语了,要说话的地方应该就是check in 和check out时,如果想要额外的room service....那进了房间看服务的册子(room menu)吧,这里也不多提了。
Check in很简单,走进大堂,找到前台,把护照递给他,然后说Hi, I have a reservation and I am checking in。
* 他们可能会要你的信用卡,冻结点钱,防止你搞破坏,或者看付费频道后逃跑......然后.....他们就给你钥匙......你去找房间就好啦。
Check out 同样,你就说I am checking out 然后给他们钥匙就成了!* 如果你有额外消费(收费节目,吃了冰箱的东西等),酒店会对你说:"Your credit card will be charged a total of $256.78. Can you sign on the bottom?""Should we charge the credit card on file or did you want to use a different card?"然后你签单走人也就好了。
* 如果你不知道几点check out,可以提前一天问前台:What time do I have to check out tomorrow?其他:* check in后,酒店可能会问你是否need help with your bags,需要的话...记得给小费,不想给就自己来,就说 No thanks 就好。
* 如果你要人给你清扫房间,可以对前台说:Could you get someone to clean my room, please?* 如果想去别的地方,比如市中心,可以问前台: How do I get to city center from here? Can I take a bus or do I have to take a taxi? 或者 Do you have a map of the city ? * 如果要前台推荐吃饭的地方可以说: Can you recommend a good restaurant around here?餐饮篇快餐,比如麦当劳和Subway,其实...旅游期间...有时候会觉得麦当劳挺好吃的....其英语对话也非常简单:麦当劳:.... welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order? ...你:I'll take a Big Mac and a small coke.麦当劳:One Big Mac and One small coke, Will that be all?你:Yes麦当劳:Will that be for here or to go?你:For here please.麦当劳:The total comes to 5欧你:..... 给钱.......如果你想吃麦香鱼,但是不知道怎么说,或者怎么发音,那其实更简单,你就买套餐!看准了图,然后说:I'll take number 2.其他:饮料大小small , medium, large, super size餐馆篇进餐馆时,如果有人招待,可能会问你Welcome to XX. Do you have a reservation? 你可以说No, Do you have any free tables right now? ..... 然后他会给你带到桌子那里去,如果你不满意,比如想找个靠窗的桌子,可以说Could we get a table by the window?一般你入座后,餐馆先会问你是否要个饮料,比如:Can I get you a drink? / Would you like to order a drink now? / What would you like to drink.如果你不想花钱喝饮料,直接说Water will be fine 或者Can I have a glass of water? 就成!想喝东西的话可以说I'll take a coke, I'll have an orange juice, 或者你可以问下What kind of drinks do you have?等。
然后餐馆给你端来水(期间你可以研究下菜单),会问你是否开始点菜:May I take your order? /. What would like to order? / Are you ready to order?如果你还没想好,说Can I have a couple more minutes?想好了...就直接说要点什么就成了:I'll take the Salisbury steak.... (不会发音,那就指着菜单说I'll take this....也成啊)你点好后,餐馆可能会根据你点的,推荐点别的,比如Would you like toast, a muffin, or a cornbread? 不想要继续No thanks 。
...... 然后就可以等着,然后吃饭了!吃饭期间,有些餐馆可能会来人问你How is everything? Is everything ok? How is your dinner? Do you need anything else?其实...就是问你是否还想要点别的,多赚点钱....话说回来一开始你也确实不用把甜点啊什么都点了... 如果你觉得味道还行可以说Yes, that was a really great meal. We both loved it. 然后餐馆可能会说Is there anything else I can get you? 不要就是No thanks,要的话....就继续take这个那个好了。
Would you like dessert today? / Would you like our dessert menu?不要的话,no thanks继续,要的话可以要个dessert menu,然后继续take这个那个的。
如果要结账,盯着一个服务人员看,然后挥下手叫人过来,然后说Can I have my check? 或者I would like my check please(他可能过来会先说Can I get you anything else?)* 如果你点的东西半天没人理,可以叫人过来说I asked for a Coke about 15 minutes ago.* 如果你不知道是直接给钱还是收钱的那块给钱(这句话说的很别扭...) 可以拿了check后说Excuse me, do we pay here or at the case register.* 如果你不知道餐费里是不是包含了小费,你可以直接问:Is the tip included in the check? 人家说No的话就掏钱吧.....* 另外...有时候很饿又找不到餐馆,问路时就是Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest restaurant is?最后略微提一下高端餐厅的规矩........我没去过.........传说是点红酒的话,他们会先给你到一点点,然后你要立即喝了,然后说yes,他们才会给你倒满......其他都一样啦,另外这些餐厅通常需要订餐,问路--- 其实问了后,特麻烦的很多好心人会带着你走,特复杂的,你没听懂的话....也没关系.....有个大概方向,然后一路问下去就好了,呵呵。
Excuse me, Do you know where the post office is?Excuse me, I am looking for the post office, do you know how to get there?可能回答(有很多种,随便挑了几个)Turn right after you pass McDonalds.When you see a church on your left hand side, turn right on the next street.Go down the street, turn left on Williams street, and it will be right around the corner from the gas station.It's pretty far from here, Go on Williams Street for about 2 miles, you'll see it next to a school.海岛专用:半日列岛游(island hopping half day)全天列岛游(island hopping full day)落日海豚之旅(sunset dolphin cruise)马累购物游(male’s shopping ferry/discover male)水上飞机摄影(photo flight by seaplane)黄昏海钓(sunset fishing)夜晚海钓(night fishing)浅滩浮潜(sand bank snorkelling)潜水设备租赁Diving equipment Leasing潜水装备 DIVE EQUIPMENT OR GEAR面镜 MASK近视镜片 OPTICAL LENS游泳镜 GOGGLE防雾剂 ANTI-FOG SPRAY蛙鞋 FINS面镜带 MASK STRAP呼吸管 SNORKEL扣环 BUCKLE BC套式蛙鞋 SHOES FIN湿式防寒衣 WET SUIT干式防寒衣 DRY SUIT水母衣 DIVE SKIN潜水背心 VEST防滑鞋 BOOTS脚底 SOLES手套 GLOVE止滑 NON-SLIP咬嘴 MOUTH PIECES浮潜救生衣 SNORKELING VEST潜水刀 KNIFE背包 BACK PACK潜水手电筒 DIVE LIGHT备用气瓶 SPARE AIR TANK (PONY BOTTLE)硅胶面镜 SILICONE MASK黑胶面镜 RUBBER MASK哨子 WHISTLE空气枪 AIR GUN水中写字板 PLATE防水盒 HOUSING相机硬壳行李箱 PHOTO CASE数字相机 DIGITAL CAMERA潜水帽 HOOD附录1. 酒店预订常见问题:Q. 要求免费升级英文怎么说?为什么会有免费升级?A. 英文比较简单,是Could I get free room upgrade? 免费升级有很多种原因,常见的几种情况是:Q. 关于酒店房型的英文?A. 其实没几种房型,一般都是起步级别叫做高级房superior,网上是豪华房deluxe,再往上的就是叫grand deluxe,再再往上就是suite(套间,不只一个卧室) 。