狗 的英文演讲ppt
病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
Each day, Hachi would come to the same place on time, waiting for ... ... Behind him the leaves turned from green to yellow, yellow to green, as such is ten years.
病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
Hachi Statue
To commemorate the loyal dog, after it was gone, there build a statue of Hachi in Japanese Shibuya, which stood there to replace Hachi to wait for his owner.
病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
Tightly they embraced each other again, and never separated ... ...
病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
The end Thanks
病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
Regular bathing and grooming are essential for maintaining your dog's coat and skin in good condition. Bathe your dog at least once a month, more often if necessary for particular breeds or if your dog gets dirty easily. Brush their coat regularly to remove dead hairs and prevent mats.
Socialization is important for your dog's mental well-being. Introduce your dog to new people, other dogs, and new environments gradually to help them become well-adjusted and confident.
Working dogs
Hound breeds are dogs that have been bred to hunt using their scent and sight capabilities. Some of the most famous hound breeds include Greyhounds, Afghan Hounds, and Beagles.
目 录
Introduction to Dog Species
Japanese Akita日本秋田犬 introduced from the Chinese rural dog in the Tang Dynasty, Japanese fostered them to formed the breed afterwards. Japanese treat them as the county aristocratic cultivation. Akita in Japan has a high value origin. In 1931 them officially recognized as Japan national rare animals.
5.Let sleeping dogs lie. 不要惹事生非。
6.He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿。
7.A son never thinks his mother ugly, and a dog never shuns its owner’s home however shabby it is. 儿不嫌母 丑,狗不嫌家贫。
• 由于新进搬入了一个禁止饲养 宠物的公寓里,安迪和布鲁斯 姐弟两个必须以最快的速度为 他们的宠物狗弗莱迪找一个新 家,他们共同将一些被扔掉的 日常用品变成了各种非常具备 机械原理的小奇迹,并在邻居 朋友的帮助下,彻底地将一座 已经许久无人涉足的破败酒店 ,变成了一个充满着奇幻色彩 的狗狗的天堂,不仅让弗莱迪 有了容身之所,他们还将每一 只能够找到的流浪狗都安置在 这里。
1.Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。
2.A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with. 欲加之罪, 何患无词。 3.Every dog has his day. 人人皆有得意时。 4.Barking dogs don’t (seldom) bite. 爱叫的狗很少咬人。
介绍狗的英语演讲74916 共16页PPT资料
West Highland whiteTerrier (西部高地白梗)
习性: Small size, frolicsome(爱玩的) Steady(坚定的), with good artistic temperament (艺术气 质) conceited(自负)
Old English Sheepdog (古代英国牧羊犬)
习性: Friendly, loyal, Steady(沉稳的), large size, weight, active
Chihuahua 吉娃娃犬
Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world. From Mexico
Dogs have lived with and worked with humans in so many roles that their loyalty has earned them the sobriquet "man's best friend."
The end Thank you!
藏獒是高度智慧,独立,意志坚强和 深沉的犬。
The gait of a Tibetan Mastiff is powerful, steady and balanced, yet at the same time, lightfooted.
藏獒的步态是有力,稳重和平衡的, 然而同时,是轻盈的。
No second Tibetan mastiff dogs as full of mystery, like the color also has been given the ancient myths and legends.
• enthusiastic 热情的 • Shapely 匀称的
拉布拉多 labrador retriever
• Lively 活泼的
• No offensive 无攻击性的 • A good guide dog 出色的导盲犬
马尔济斯犬 Maltese Dog
• Dignified 高贵的 端庄的
• 《导盲犬小Q》改编自日本作家石黑谦吾和秋元 良平的小说《再见了,可鲁》。书中的可鲁确实 曾经存在,生卒年为1986年6月25日到1998年7 月20日。一只聪明的、一生都在工作的狗,在人 世间走过了12年的岁月,日后它的故事被记录、 被传播。然后是除了他的主人和作者之外的更多 人被感动。据说,作者用了15年的时间才完成这 只小狗的传记。时间证明,这15年的付出的确有 所值,因为在出版后的一年多时间里,这本书已 经被认为是21世纪“感动1亿亚洲人心”的超级 畅销好书和21世纪亚洲“赚得泪水最多”的一本 书
• 养狗注意事项: 1.不能给小狗狗喝牛奶,只需给它喝干净的水就可以,因为犬奶和牛 奶的成分完全不同,犬奶中含有高蛋白质、高脂肪和低乳糖,而牛奶 中却含有低蛋白质、低脂肪和高乳糖,两者成分正好相反,幼犬的肠 胃无法吸收和消化牛奶,会产生腹泻等肠胃病。 2.一定要把肉弄碎才能给狗狗吃,鸡、鸭、鹅等禽类的骨既小又硬。 不能像猪、牛骨头一样较易被狗牙齿嚼碎,尤其是小狗根本无法嚼碎。 犬囫囵吞下这些骨头,有时会会刺穿喉咙或胃,导致犬丧失生命。所 以在喂犬鸡、鸭、鹅肉时,一定要把骨头剔除。 3.芥末及辣椒含量太多的食物,会造成犬的口。胃肠溃烂现象,不能 喂。 4.洋葱是绝对不可以喂给狗吃的食物。洋葱相对狗的血液有强烈的毒 性,犬吃多了会引起急性贫血,甚至危及性命 5.盐制的干燥食品如咸鱼、小鱼小虾干和腊肉、食品火腿及腌肉等盐 份高的食品,不能喂给犬吃。 6.冷藏的牛奶、冰淇淋和其它乳制品也不能给狗吃,特别是对发育未 完全的幼犬影响最大。通常几口冷牛奶就会造成幼犬腹泻,长期如此 会形成习惯性腹泻,导致犬体虚弱,犬的肠胃不适应此类食品。 7.3个月以内的幼犬最好饲喂商品幼犬粮,因其营养搭配比较合理。 如果幼犬粮太干可以用温开水泡软。 8.自己给幼犬配置食物时,最好不要放太多的肉。幼犬由于肠胃发育 还不够健全,过量的肉会使它肠胃负担过重,引起腹泻;尤其是单纯 喂肉引起的消化紊乱有时是致命的。 9.幼犬不能缺水,对幼犬来说,缺水的危害比饿肚子更严重。给幼犬 准备足量请水让它随便喝。盛水的器皿要注意每天清洗,保持清洁
狗狗英语 (课堂PPT)
Samoyed breed has a very dramatic appearance—— white coat, smiling face and bright eyes and double-fold eyelids(双眼皮).
Cute Samoyed
202Golden retriever's IQ ranks 4th in the list of canine .It is funloving, loyal, dedicated,. It is very kindy to children and infants .
Smart Golden 中排名第四
They are extremely
sociable and outgoing,
even towards strangers,
so they do not make
good watchdogs or
guard dogs.But they can
play important roles in
illegal drug detection,
search and rescue as
sniffer dogs and guide
Smart Golden dogs
Retriever 聪明金毛
嗅探犬和导盲犬 Thei
They like rainy day and playing water very much.
Smart Golden
宠物话题 英语演讲PPT
Which animal do you want to keep as a pet? Why?
Pets are not only good friends to their masters , but also become members of the family.
Although they are not human beings, their behavior sometimes is better than the human beings, for they always remain obedient and loyal to the master.
As a labrador puppy, Quill is sent to live with a couple, who work as volunteers, training guide dogs (seeing eye dogs). When Quill grows to an adult dog, he is taken to a guide dog school, by a friendly, yet firm trainer Satoru Tawada. Although Quill is a little slower than the other dogs at the school, he seems to have an unusual ‘empathy’ and remarkable patience with his trainers. Tawade decides that Quill would be the ideal guide dog for Watanabe .From the day Quill joins the Watanabe household with his wife and their two children, Watanabe's range of activities broadens rapidly. An incident occurs which cause the seemingly incompatible man and dog to come to rely on each other, and begin to walk together.
•Do you think the dog and man which is loyalty?why? •make:申栓,卢迪,徐青,徐悦阳, 马彬彬
West Highland whiteTerrier dog 西部高地白梗
From 英国西部高地 习性: Small size,(娇小的) frolicsome(爱玩的) Steady(坚定的), with good artistic temperament (艺术气质) conceited(自负)
Labrador Retriever 拉布拉多寻回犬
Samoyed 萨摩耶
husky 哈士奇
Rough Collie苏牧
•Do you like the dog?why?
•Have you ever had a dog? What's the name of your dog?
1.Every dog has his day. 大家都有走运的一天。 2.He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿。 3.Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 4.Lead a dog’s life 过穷困潦倒的日子
5. Barking dogs seldom bite.
Samoyed 萨摩犬 From俄罗斯 习性: Steady(沉稳) sunny(性格开朗的) friendly(友好)
From德国 习性: Smart, lively, with good temperament, (聪 明,活泼,有良好的气 质,)loyal nimble(敏 捷的) Gentler(优雅)
Chow Chow
when I get old. Please take good care of me because we are all will grow old.
When I will leave, you must guard at my side. Please don't say "I can't bear to watch it or let it when I am not around to let him go to" as long as there are you at my side, I may have inherit anything.
speakerBiblioteka 王春莅大麦町犬(Dalmatian,俗称斑点狗,因身上的斑点而得名)是一种 有斑点的,特殊的狗;平静而警惕;强健、肌肉发达、且活泼;毫不 羞怯;表情聪明伶俐;
The teddy bear is a stuffed toy bear for small children. It is an enduring, traditional form of stuffed animal, often serving the purpose of comforting upset children.
When you hit me, please don't forget, I could easily crush the bones of your hand, but I will never sharp teeth hurt you choose .
When you blame me for not obedient, stubborn, lazy, please ask yourself: before is my food enough of it? Whether haven't let me in the sun? Or because I have grown old and frail .
文明养狗英语作文pptOwning a dog is a rewarding experience that brings joy, companionship, and numerous health benefits to many households. However, with the privilege of having a furry friend comes the responsibility of ensuring that both the pet and the community can coexist harmoniously. This guide outlines the principles of responsible dog ownership, emphasizing the importance of training, healthcare, and community etiquette.Before bringing a dog into your home, it’s crucial to understand the long-term commitment involved. Dogs are social animals that require attention, care, and regular exercise. Prospective owners should evaluate their lifestyle, work schedule, and financial capacity to ensure they can provide a stable and loving environment for their pet.Selecting a breed that matches your living situation and activity level is essential. Some breeds require more exercise and space, while others are content with a more sedentary lifestyle. Researching breed characteristics and consulting with veterinarians or breed-specific rescue organizations can help potential owners make an informed decision.Proper training and socialization are the cornerstones of a well-behaved dog. Training should begin early and be consistent, using positive reinforcement techniques. This not only teaches the dog basic commands but also helps in establishing a bond between the pet and owner.Teaching basic commands such as sit, stay, come, and heel can prevent undesirable behaviors and ensure the dog’s safety. Enrolling in obedience classes can provide structured learning and socialization opportunities with other dogs and people.Exposing the dog to various environments, sounds, people, and other animals is crucial for developing a well-rounded temperament. Regular socialization can prevent fearfulness and aggression, making the dog more adaptable and less stressed in new situations.Maintaining a dog’s health involves regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and a balanced diet. Preventative healthcare is essential for early detection and treatment of potential health issues.Annual veterinary visits are necessary to monitor the dog’s health, update vaccinations, and address any concerns. Vaccinations protect against common diseases and contribute to overall public health by preventing the spread of zoonotic diseases.A balanced diet tailored to the dog’s age, size, and activity level is crucial. High-quality commercial dog food or a veterinarian-approved homemade diet can ensure the dog receives all necessary nutrients. Avoid feeding dogs table scraps or foods toxic to them, such as chocolate, grapes, and onions.Dogs require regular physical exercise and mental stimulation to maintain their physical and psychological well-being. Lack of exercise can lead to obesity and behavioral problems.The amount and type of exercise needed vary by breed and age. Activities can include walking, running, playing fetch, and agility training. Providing a safe, enclosed area where the dog can run freely is beneficial.Mental stimulation can be achieved through interactive toys, puzzle feeders, training sessions, and social interactions.Engaging a dog’s mind can reduce boredom and destructive behaviors.Responsible dog ownership extends beyond the home and into the community. Owners should be mindful of local regulations and respectful of public spaces.Adhering to leash laws and keeping dogs under control in public spaces is essential for the safety of the dog and others. Leashes prevent accidents and confrontations with other dogs and people.Picking up after your dog is a basic courtesy and a legal requirement in many areas. Carrying waste bags and disposing of them properly helps maintain a clean environment and prevents the spread of disease.Excessive barking can be a nuisance to neighbors. Training dogs to bark only when necessary and addressing underlying causes of excessive barking, such as boredom or anxiety, can mitigate this issue.Choosing to adopt from shelters or rescues supports the reduction of pet overpopulation. If breeding is considered, it should be done responsibly with a focus on health, temperament, and breed standards.Adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue organization can save a life and provide a loving home for an animal in need. Shelters often have dogs of all ages and breeds, including purebreds.If choosing to breed, it’s vital to prioritize the health and well-being of both the parent dogs and their offspring. Responsible breeders conduct health screenings and adhere toethical breeding practices to ensure the quality and health of the puppies.Responsible dog ownership requires dedication, education, and a commitment to the well-being of both the pet and the community. By understanding the responsibilities involved and adhering to best practices in training, healthcare, and community etiquette, dog owners can ensure a harmonious and fulfilling relationship with their canine companions. Embracing these principles not only enhances the quality of life for the dog but also fosters a positive environment for all.。
• You may not like dogs, but please don't hurt them.
广告学1班 顾安琪
Demolition team captain 拆迁队队长
Expressions emperor(表情帝)
If you want to keep a husky, you need to know ...
• Husky are compact and smart,have small appetite, cold-resistent body very adapted to polar environment. • Husky need plenty of exercise,so you should make sure that you have enough time to play with them. • They are trouble makers ,you need to bear the damage they have done. • If you are not sure, please don't let go of the rope, to prevent him from running away. • Finally ,If you decide to keep a husky, you should take good care of his stomach, because he has a "glass stomach"(玻璃胃).
Hale Waihona Puke Siberian Husky
•Siberian Husky is a kind of ancient dog,named by its special barking. •Their appearance looks like a wolf,but their character is completely opposite to wolf. •Husky has a changeable character, •some of them are extremly timid,the others are extremly fierce. •Husky in the family are tame,is a popular pet dogs in the world,they are welcomed by the people.
Dogs are our link to paradiise.They don’t have evil or jealousy or discontent.To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was ont boring ,it was peace.
• A sheepdog is generally a dog or breed of dogs historically used in connection with the raising of sheep.
Slpeeydog-Border collie
The world’s smartest dog Origin:Scotland Height:43~53cm Weight:14~22kg
狗是我们与天堂的联结,它们不懂何为邪恶、嫉妒和不满,在美丽的黄昏, 和狗并肩坐在海边,犹如重回伊甸园。即使什么事情也不做,也不觉得无 聊,只有幸福平和——米兰·昆德拉
Thank you
By 刘頔
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• The History • The types • My experience
The history
• The History • The types • My experience
The types (based on use)
1.sheepdog 2.working dog 3.hound dog 4.toy dog 5.others
Border Collie (边境牧羊犬)
• "Australian red" Border Collie competing in agilityBorder Collies excel at several dog sports in addition to their success in herding trials. They dominate the higher jump heights at dog agility competitions, so much so that in England competitions often include classes for ABC dogs, "Anything But Collies". • The Border Collie's speed, agility, stamina have allowed them to dominate in up-and-coming dog activities like flyball and disc dog competitions. Their trainability has also given them a berth in dog dancing competitions. • Border Collies have a highly developed sense of smell and with their high drive make excellent and easily motivated tracking dogs for Tracking trials. These trials simulate the finding of a lost person in a controlled situation where the performance of the dog can be evaluated with titles awarded for successful dogs. Because of this skill, Border Collies make excellent Search and rescue dogs in both Lowland, Mountain, and Urban areas.
Steady sunny friendly
Chow Chow
Miniature Schnauzer
迷你雪纳瑞犬 .
A Schnauzer is a German dog type that originated in Germany in the 1400s and 1500s. The original Schnauzer was of the same size as the modern standard Schnauzer breed, and was bred as a rat catcher, yard dog and guard dog. The miniature Schnauzer is the result of crossing the original schnauzer.
Huskies are an active, energetic and resilient breed whose ancestors came from the extremely cold and harsh environment of the Siberian Arctic and were bred by the Chukchi of Northeastern Asia, it was imported into Alaska during the Nome Gold Rush and spread from there into the United States and Canada, initially as a sled dog. It rapidly acquired the status of a family pet and a show-dog.
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它这 已只 经小 想狗 到实 ,际 家上 里非 或常 许享 已受 经被 为关 他注 准的 备感 好觉 药, 物 和 冰 The puppy is actually enjoying the feeling of being concerned, 淇 he believed that his master must have prepare him drugs and ice 淋 cream. 了
After pet dogs were bited by bees , their swollen face become more likeble . 宠物狗脸部被蜜蜂蛰肿成猪头 但颜值爆表仍讨人喜爱
The dog is very unfortunate for the first dog to bes another one of " tough shame". He tries to roar to hide his swollen cheeks. We hope he will fight against other bees attack by the this way. This dog seems to be very ashamed, just want to lower the head, Before the other people notice he leave terinary clinic,he has Known the picturewill bethe pain in his heart forever. 这是“耻辱柱”上的另一个硬汉,它试图以怒吼的 方式掩饰自己浮肿的面颊。我们希望它能始终以 这种方式抵御其他蜜蜂的袭击。
英语13-1班 : 陈洁,衡硕
Who knows where the bee stabbed the unfortunate one end? its eyes, nose, cheeks seemed swol 谁知道蜜蜂到底刺中这个不幸的家伙哪里,它的眼睛,鼻子,脸颊似乎都肿起来了。
The only boxer regret trying eating bees, although it is usuallythe King of the stage,. He is a strong guy but he also needs to pause a few rounds of the bout to have a good rest. 这只拳师犬非常后悔尝试吞吃蜜蜂, 尽管它通常是舞台上的王者, 是一个坚强的家伙, 但是它也需要暂停几个回合的较量 好好休息了。
According to foreign media reports, in Thailand , a woman keeps a lovely pet golden retriever. But some time ago, nfortunately, the small golden retriever suffered bees’ attack, his whole face was swollen like a "pighead." Even if this golden retriever was seriously injured, but it still did not forget to treat the difficulties with optimistic attitude. When his master take it to the hospital for treatment, he still keeps a smile with narrowed eyes into a line. According to his sister, the dog is under hit by the bees while playing ', "That face full of stinging swollen traces, is like a "bread man.". Dog's eyes are very small, but this does not affect its good looking. Before, the events about dog was suffering bees’s sting frequently appeared. if accidentally your dog encounters this kind of situation, you should take it under timely treatment. You can add some soda in the water, which was stung on swollen places to alleviate the symptoms. And they need for timely medical treatment. 据外媒报道称,泰国有一女主养了一只可爱的宠物金毛犬,但是前段时间,小金毛在玩耍时, 不幸遭到蜜蜂的攻击,整个脸都被蛰肿,宛如“猪头。” 即使这只金毛身受重伤,但它仍不忘用乐观心态对待困难。 主人将它送到医院救治时,它仍然保持笑容,两只小眼睛笑起来像是眯成了一条线,十分惹人喜爱。 据主人妹妹介绍说,姐姐的爱犬是玩耍时遭到了蜜蜂的“围殴,” 以至于脸部全是蛰肿痕迹,像是“面包侠。”狗狗的眼睛也被挤得很小,但这并不影响着它的颜值。 之前,爱犬遭到蜜蜂叮咬的事件就频繁出现过,如果不慎遭遇这种情况,一定会要及时治疗, 可以在水中加一些小苏打粉,涂在爱犬被蛰伤的地点,以缓解病状,但需及时就医。
According to the British "Daily Mail" on May 7th, Spring can be dangerous time. pollen fever, sunburn, and Harassment and other dangerous insects emerge frequently. Black and yellow bees and the Hornets can be well camouflaged in the bushes, anyone Know they are not delicious breakfast, but the problem is nobody tell those unsuspecting dogs. "Daily Mail" gathers those unfortunate dogs’ photos of these bad days. But swellingnose and cheek seems to make them look more lovely. 据英国《每日邮报》5月7日报道, 春天可能是很危险的一段时间,花粉热,晒 伤以及 昆虫袭扰等危险层出不穷。黑黄色的蜜蜂和 黄蜂可以很好的伪装在草丛中,任何人都 知道他们绝不是美味早餐,但是问题是没人 告诉那些毫无戒心的狗狗。 《每日邮报》盘点 了这些糟糕日子里遭遇不幸的狗狗照片,然 而肿胀 的鼻子好脸颊似乎让他们看起来更加可爱。
假这意 装只识 自骄到 己傲自 本的己 来狗的 就狗鼻 是决子 这定是 个高多 样昂么 子起的 。头滑 ,稽 可 笑 后 ,
In the extreme regret, this guy decides to locke himself in the bathroom, wrapped in a blanket, deposited good pain medication, and waits for the swelling to be eliminated
The puppy is actually enjoying the feeling of being concerned, he believed that his master must have prepare him drugs and ice cream.
在极度悔恨中,这家伙决定将自己 锁在卫生间中,裹好毯子,敷好 止痛药,耐心等待浮肿消除。
Realize how funny it is when you see your nose, The proud dog decided to high his headTo pretend that he was always like this.
这只狗狗 似乎感到非常羞愧,只想低着头, 在其他人注意到它之前离开兽医诊所。它已经 知道,这张照片可能成为它心中永远的痛。