商务英语翻译Unit 21 Red tape and other examples of government bureaucracy hinder a company’s entry into a market.繁琐的手续及其他官僚作风的例子阻碍了公司进入市场。
2 In these days of increasing global integration, the task many international marketers face is not so much market entry as managing the marketing mix in different national markets.在全球日益一体化的今天,各国际市场面临的任务与其说是建立各种市场准入问题,不如说是如何对不同的国际市场的营销组合的问题。
3 Some companies, however, do develop the same product for all markets regardless of existing local preferences.无论如何,一些公司确实在所有的市场开发相同的产品,忽视了现有的当地客户的偏好。
4 Firms sometimes customize a product to every market; at other times they offer one standardized product everywhere; and sometimes they compromise and settle in the middle.公司有的时候给不同的市场提供不同的产品,而有的时候则为所有的市场提供一个标准化的产品,有的时候则是妥协采用折中的解决方案。
5 The advent of the Internet and Intranets has the potential to accelerate the process of mining all markets for relevant information and for features that can be included in new products.网络和局域网的来临,有可能加速了挖掘相关市场信息或用于新产品的特征这一进程.6 When Citibank introduced its credit card in the Asia-Pacific region, it launched it sequentially and tailored the productfeatures for each country while maintaining its premium positioning.当花旗银行在亚太地区推出信用卡业务时,它在各个国家依次推出,并且在维持它的高端定位的同时,为每个国家度身打造了一些独特的产品特征。
1. Globalization is the actual movement or potential to move across borders of nations in areas of trade, investment, technology, finance and labor.全球化在贸易、投资、科技、金融和劳务这些领域是一个潜在正在发生的跨越国界的趋势。
2. Globalization has resulted in increasing financial flows and trade between countries, as each country tries to establish itself into the global economy.因为每一个国家都尝试纳入到全球化经济体系中去,全球化导致了各个国家资金流动,贸易的不断增加。
3. The WTO is the main multilateral trading agreement, which provides a forum for countries to promote free trade and resolve trade disputes.世界贸易组织是一个主要的多边贸易协定,它为各国提供了一个讨论的场所旨在促进自由贸易,解决贸易争端的论坛。
4. OPEC used its control to artificially raise the oil prices in its member countries in 1973.在1973年,石油输出国组织人为的通过成员国抬高了油价。
5. The country’s economy has emerged from rece ssion for the reason that the government adopted some flexible policies.因为政府采取了一些灵活得政策,所以这个国家从经济萧条中走出来了。
翻译1.你父亲做什么工作(谋生)?What does your father do for a living?2.我是搞软件开发的。
I'm on the software development side.3.我以前没有这儿见过你。
I haven't seen you around before.4.约翰在一家计算机公司干了许多年了。
John has been with a computer company for years.5.我妻子在家工作。
My wife works from / at home.6、因为要开个会,周五下午我恐怕不能来。
I’m afraid I can’t come on Friday afternoon, because I will be having a meeting then.7、我们打算在这个地区建一座新工厂。
W e are going to set up a new plant in this area.8、你们公司的总部设在哪儿?Where is your company based?9、I’m sort of surprised.north mid-west of the States 美国中西部的北部10、你也从纽约来?真是太巧了。
You are also from New York? That’s really a coincidence.11、我们定个日子一起吃饭吧。
Let’s fix up a date to have dinner together.12、我们将尽力满足客户的需求。
We’ll try to meet the customers’ demands13、两个陌生人正在尽量寻找双方都感兴趣的话题。
Two strangers are trying to find topics of common interest.14、这是我第二次来美国。
1有形贸易 visible trade visible trade 2无形贸易 invisible tradeinvisible trade3证券投资 Portfolio Investment portfolio investment 4大额存单 Certificate of depositcertificate of deposit 5管理合同 management contract management contract 6价值链 value chainvalue chain7承包生产 contract manufacturing contract manufacturing 8交钥匙工程 turnkey project turnkey project 9国民收入 national income national income 10人均收入 per capita income per capita income 11基础设施 infra structureinfra structure1213收入分布 income distribution income distribution 14债权国 creditor countrycreditor country15经济一体化 economic integration economic integration 16自由贸易区 free trade area free trade area 17关税税率 tariff rates tariff rates 18关税同盟 custom union custom union 19关税联盟 customs union customs union 20共同市场 common market common market 21主权国家 sovereign state sovereign state 22政治实体 political entity political entity 23行政机构 executive bodyexecutive body24欧盟委员会 European commission European commission 25部长理事会 council of ministers council of ministers 26多极化 multi-polarization multi-polarization27双部长会议 dual-Ministerial meeting dual-Ministerial meeting 28分委员会 Sub-committeeSub-committee 2930技术进步 technical improvements technical improvements 31自然资源 natural resources natural resources 32初级产品 primary commodities primary commodities 33绝对利益 absolute advantage absolute advantage 34比较利益 comparative advantage comparative advantage 35进口关税 import duty import duty 36出口关税 export dutyexport duty 37混税,复合关税 compound dutycompound duty3839税率表,税则 tariff schedule tariff schedule 40关税壁垒 tariff barriertariff barrier41非关税壁垒 non-tariff barrier non-tariff barrier 42运输工具 means of transport means of transport43古迹 places of historical interest places of historical interest 44货仓 cargo compartment cargo compartment 45关税区 customs area customs area 46从价税 advalorem dutiesadvalorem duties独立国家联合体 commonwealth of independent 国际经济环境 international economic environment 最惠国待遇 most-favoured nation (MFN) treatment47贸易术语 trade terms trade terms48贸易惯例 trading practices trading practices49商品交易会 trade fairs trade fairs50长途电话 trunk call trunk call51有效期 validity period validity period52还盘 counter offer counter offer53销售合同 sales contract sales contract54销售确认书 sales (purchase) confirmation sales (purchase) confirmation55缔约方/合约各方 contracting parties contracting parties56不可抗力 force majeure force majeure57货号 article number article number58棉布 cotton piece goods cotton piece goods59棉纱 cotton yarns cotton yarns60对销贸易 counter trade counter trade61欧洲支付联盟 European payment union European payment union62竞争性贬值 competitive devaluation competitive devaluation63加工贸易 processing trade processing trade64清算系统 clearing system clearing system65实际头寸 net positions net positions66贸易信贷往来帐户 trade credit accounts trade credit accounts67反向购买 counter purchase counter purchase68回购交易 buyback buyback69租赁贸易 leasing trade leasing trade70财务状况 financial standing financial standing71资信可靠情况 credit worthiness credit worthiness72分阶段付款 periodic payments periodic payments73预付现金 cash in advance cash in advance74汇票 draft / bill of exchange draft/bill of exchange75远期汇票 usance draft usance draft76跟单汇票 documentary draft documentary draft77提单 bill of landing bill of landing78货物所有权 title to goods title to goods79保险单 insurance policy insurance policy80跟单托收 documentary collection documentary collection81付款交单 documents against payment (D/P)documents against payment (D/P) 82承兑交单 documents against acceptance (D/A)documents against acceptance (D/A) 83光票 clean draft clean draft84开证银行opening bank opening bank85往来行 correspondence bank correspondence bank86通知行 advising bank advising bank87保兑行 confirming bank confirming bank88分批装运 partial shipment partial shipment89保兑信用证 confirmed letter of credit confirmed letter of credit90价格条款 price term price term91光票信用证 clean credit clean credit92非贸易结算 non-trade settlement non-trade settlement93可撤销信用证 revocable credit revocable credit94不可撤销信用证 irrevocable credit irrevocable credit95双重保障 double assurance double assurance96即期信用证 sight credit sight credit97远期信用证 usance credit usance credit98面值 face value face value99可转让信用证 transferable credit transferable credit100不可转让信用证 non-transferable credit non-transferable credit101无汇票信用证 non-draft credit non-draft credit102推迟付款 deferred payment deferred payment103循环信用证 revolving credit revolving credit104唛头 shipping marks shipping marks105被通知人 notify party notify party106货运收据 cargo receipt cargo receipt107发运港 port of shipment port of shipment108海关发票 custom invoice custom invoice109领事发票 consular invoice consular invoice110装船通知 shipping advice shipping advice111产品自然领域 natural product provinces natural product provinces112公共承运人 common carrier common carrier113契约承运人 contract carrier contract carrier114自有承运人 private carrier private carrier115中间产品 intermediate product intermediate product116制成品 finished products finished products117最大诚信原则 utmost good faith utmost good faith118货物原产地港口 port of origin port of origin119交货费用 forwarding charges forwarding charges导致损失的直接原因 proximate cause of the loss120121汇率 exchange rate exchange rate122金本位制 gold standard gold standard123平价 par value par value124储备货币 reversed currency reversed currency125清洁浮动 clean float (free float-自由浮动)clean float 清洁浮动 (free float 自由浮动) 126肮脏浮动 dirt float (managed float-管理浮动)dirt float 肮脏浮动 (managed float 管理浮动) 127(汇率)直接标价 direct quote direct quote128(汇率)间接标价 indirect quote indirect quote129买入价 buying rate buying rate130卖出价 selling rate selling rate131中间价 medial rate medial rate132大萧条 Great Depression great depression133特别提款权 special drawing right special drawing right134国际收支赤字 BOP deficit BOP deficit135国际收支盈余 favorable balance of payment favorable balance of payment136贴现率 discount rate discount rate137外汇管制 foreign exchange control foreign exchange control138游资 idle funds (hot money)idle funds (hot money)139世界银行集团 word bank group word bank group140资本市场 capital market capital market141优惠期 grace period grace period142私营经济 private sector private sector143股权投资 equity investment equity investment144经济结构调整 economic restructuring economic restructuring145投票权 voting power voting power146黄金份额 gold tranche gold tranche147备用(信贷)安排 standby arrangement standby arrangement148客户流动 customer mobility customer mobility149免税期 tax holiday tax holiday150合资企业 joint venture joint venture151绿地战略 the greenfield strategy the greenfield strategy152战略联合 the strategic alliance the strategic alliance153知识产权 intellectual property intellectual property154常务委员会 standing committee standing committee155证券交易所 stock exchange stock exchange156长期资本 long-term capital long-term capital157二级资本市场 secondary capital market secondary capital market158交易场地 market floor (trading floor)market floor (trading floor)159挂牌证券交易市场 listed market listed market160所得税 income tax income tax161平衡帐目 balance the books balance the books 公共部门借贷需求 the public sector borrowing requirement162163金边证券 gilt-edged stocks / securities gilt-edged stocks/securities164事业机构投资商 institutional investors institutional investors165期权 options options166套期保值 hedge hedge167具体事场 particular market area particular market area168普惠制 generalized system of preferences generalized system of preferences 169关税减让 tariff concession tariff concession170制度力量 institutional strength institutional strength171反贴补措施 counter-veiling measures counter-veiling measures172反倾销 anti-dumping anti-dumping173国民待遇 national treatment national treatment174关税配额 tariff quota tariff quota175充分就业 full employment full employment176公平贸易 fair trade fair trade177贸易条款 term of trade term of trade178免责条款 escape clauses escape clauses179行动纲领 action programme action programme180联合国大会 united nations general assembly united nations general assembly 181较不发达国家 less-developed countries less-developed countries182无差别待遇 non-discrimination principle non-discrimination principle183差别待遇 differential treatment differential treatment184贸易条件 terms of trade terms of trade185186特惠税 preferential customs tariffs preferential customs tariffs 187技术转让 transfer of technology transfer of technology188金融市场 financial market financial market189中期贷款 extended fund facility extended fund facility190双边谈判 bilateral negotiation bilateral negotiation191特约条款 special clause special clause192董事会 board of directors board of directors193生产方式 production approach production approach194可保利益 insurable interest insurable interest195缓冲库存贷款 buffer stock financing facility buffer stock financing facility 196跨国公司母公司 parent MNC parent MNC197记帐交易 open credit open credit198滚装滚卸范畴运输 roll-on and roll-off traffic roll-on and roll-off traffic199规模经济 economies of scale economies of scale200有价保单 valued policy valued policy201从量税 specific duty specific duty202业务范围 business line business line203基础设施 capital infrastructure capital infrastructure204布雷顿森林会议 the Bretton woods convention the Bretton woods convention 205保证金 margin margin206统一关税制度 uniform tariff system uniform tariff system207208209210211212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224电子数据交换EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)国内生产总值GDP (Gross Domestic Product)国民生产总值GNP (Gross National Product)购买力平价PPP (Purchasing Power Parity)增值税VAT (value added tax)国际经济新秩序 new international economic order石油输出国组织OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)东南亚国家联盟ASEAN (Association of SouthEast Asian Nations)北美自由贸易协定NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)多边投资担保机构MIGA (Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency)经济及社会理事会ECOSOC (economic social council)国际开发协会IDA (International Development Association)国际货币基金组织IMF (International Monetary Fund)经济合作与发展组织OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development)零库存 just-in-time delivery (JIT)自动出口限制VER (Voluntary Export Restriction)投资交易所RIE (Recognized Investment Exchange)国际复兴开发银行IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)国际金融公司IFC (International Finance Corporation)。
(五):1、As you will see in our price list,we have offered very competitive prices,supplying you our best quality goods.We solicit that you will favor us with your orders,which shall always have our best attention.贵公司将会从我方价格表中看到,我方向贵公司提供了价廉物美的商品。
2、We should very much like to help you in thismatter,but we have already cut our prices down to the absolute minimum.We think you will find that our competitors are offering a product of cousiderably lower quality in order to compete at this price.我们很乐意帮助你们,但是我们已将价格降到最低限度。
Thank you for your letter of March 10,form which we have learned that you hope to receive our offer for “Meiling”brand canned goods.4..我们从贵公司8月20日来函中得知你放打算向我方订购二万公吨化肥 我们很高兴的报价如下。
We have learned form your letter dated August 20 that you are going to place an order with us for 20000 metric tons of chemical fertilizers.We are pleased to quote asfollows..5.兹复你方7月8日函 我们现向你方作如下报盘 以我方最后确认为准。
商务英语翻译实例3001. Bill of Lading 提单A title to goods isn't like a bill of lading.货物所有权不同于提货单.2. A bill of lading may be either freight prepaid or freight payable at destination.提单所规定的运费,可以预先支付,或在目的地支付.3. The bill of lading should be marked as “ freight prepaid ".提单上应该注明“运费预付”字样.4. The ship - owner has issued a clean on board bill of lading.船东已签发了清洁装运提单.5. Is it enough that we can have an on board bill of lading to claim a settlement? 我们有已装船提单就可索赔了吗?6. Oh, by the way, remember that we want extra copiesof the Bill of Lading.噢, 还有, 记住,我们要一份提货单.7. We'll send you two sets of the Shipped, Clean Bill of Lading.我们将寄送两套已装运清洁提单付款.8. The third party ocean Bill of Lading is not acceptable.第三方的海运提单是不被接受的.. cover note 担保书;承保单9. Cover Note (Insurance Certificate) follows as soon as we receive it from the underwriter. 一接到保险人的保险凭证,我们就立即寄给你方10. 风险指数--- economic indicator 经济停滞---economic stagnation风险资本---venture capital合并和兼并---mergers and acquisitions产品系列---product line11.我方确认往来电报,参见所附文本。
Business English Writing ------ Sentence Translation ReferencesUnit 1(1)我们想介绍一下我们的业务范围。
(business range)We would like to introduce our business range.2我们想利用这个机会介绍一下我们的业务范围。
(business line)We would like to avail ourselves of this opportunity to introduce our business(3) 尽早告知你方感兴趣的商品为盼。
(shall appreciate it if you could.)We shall appreciate it if you could tell us the goods you are interested in early reply.(4) 我们已收到从国外寄来的许多询价单。
(enquiry)We have received many enquiries from abroad.5) 我公司是拉哥斯市最大的电器用品进口商。
(leading)We are the leading importer of electronic products in Lagos.Unit 21我们愿意与你方合作以便扩大市场。
(cooperate, expand)We’d like to cooperate with you to expand the market.2从你方8月30日信中得悉,你方对我们的新产品感兴趣。
(learn from…that)We learn from your letter of August 30 that you are interested in our new products.3现随函寄去我方的最新商品插图目录,以及你方想要的一些样品。
past decade, especially in China since
Foreign direct investments of FDI for the country is playing an active role it. 是正常的贸易地位。受惠国只是享有被征收
overseeing 23deaprtments in charge of 产品。更理想的是,各国集中专门生产它的
19、 2000 年对国际贸易术语解释通则的修改 考虑了无关税区的发展,商务活动中电子通
different affairs.
zones, the increased use of electronic
conformity with those in the L/C.
communication, and the transport practices.
change in
付款则要晚于这个时间。 In the case of documents against
是促进世界和各国经济发展的最有效的工 具。
17、《买卖双方在制定合同时,如果有理解一 致的具体规则可供参照,他们就肯定简单、
neighbours separated only by a strip of
Technology, capital and ready markets are 可靠地确定各自的责任》 。
in an-other.
Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation(APEC)
4. B: thank you. We are always doing our best to abide by contracts and honour our word.
5. B: I’m very glad to be of any help. We specialize in exporting chemical fertilizer.
10. Your letter expressing the hope of establishing business connections with us has been received with thanks.
4. Complete the following dialogues
3. The enclosed price lists and catalogues will give you details of the models in which you are especially interested.
4. If you are interested in establishing business relations with us in this line, please let us know your specific requirements. We’ll be pleased to forward samples, catalogues as well as detailed information.
1. 现具函自我介绍.本公司是美国各种电子产品的主要出口商.
2. 感谢贵方3月2号的来信,我们很乐意同贵公司建立业务关系。
3. 来函收悉,得知贵方愿与我方建立业务关系,特表谢意。
We are willing to establish trade relations with your company.2、我们愿为发展两方贸易供给时机。
We wish to offer you an opportunity to develop bilateral trade.3、我企业经营电子产品的出入口业务,希望与贵方成立商业关系。
This corporation specializes in importing and exporting electronic products and wishes to enterinto business relations with you.4、依据你企业 1 月 20 日来函要求,现附寄目录一份。
As requested in your letter of Jan.20, we enclose a copy of our catalogue.5、对你努力为我企业开辟市场,深表感谢We very much appreciate your efforts to explore the market for our products.6、我们相信,我们两方的业务将跟着时间的推移而获取发展。
We are sure that the business between us will be promoted in years to come.7、我们保证对于贵方的询价赐予充足的重视。
We assure you of our best attention to any inquiries from you.8、殷切地期望早日来函。
We anticipate a prompt reply from you.9、假如你方报价拥有竞争性,交货期可接受的话,我们愿向你方订货。
We shall be very glad to place our order with you if your quotation is competitive and deliverydate acceptable.10 、一旦收到你方详细询价,我们将电告报价。
1. We wish you will give us a competitive price and we would rather have your CIF prices than FOB prices.我们希望你方能够报给我方一个较有竞争力的价格,并且希望你方报给我们CIF价(到岸价),而不是FOB价(离岸价)。
2. I’m afraid that the price is on the high side. How about reducing the price by 10%?我觉得这个价格偏高,把价格降低10%怎么样?3. I’m sorry to inform you that we have lodged a claim(提出索赔)against your companyon the goods for $500 for short weight.我非常遗憾地通知您,我们已针对货物短重一事向你公司提出索赔500美元。
4. We can assure you that we will do everything to effect the delivery(发货)as soon aspossible. This is the best we can do.我们可以向您保证我们将想尽一切办法尽快发货。
5. To meet you halfway, we suggest 50% of the payment should be made by confirmed (保兑的), irrevocable(不可撤销的)letter of credit(信用证), and the balance by D/P (付款交单).我们妥协一下吧,我们建议50%的付款用保兑的、不可撤消的信用证,其余的用D/P。
6. Now there remains one more point to discuss. What coverage(保险)will you take outfor the goods we have ordered?现在还有一个问题要讨论,你们准备给我们订的货买什么样的保险?7. Who is authorized to issue the inspection certificate(商检证)? What if the inspectioncan not be completed within the time limit?谁有权来发放商检证?如果商检不能在限期内完成将怎么办?8. I can’t give you the thumbs up right now, but I think it will be alright.我现在无法立刻同意,不过我想应该可以。
LESSON 1 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS国际商务1. 国际贸易一般指不同国家的当事人进行的交易,它涉及到许多因素,因而比国内贸易要复杂得多。
International business refers to transaction between parties from different countries. It involves more factors and thus is more complicated than domestic countries.2. 随着经济一体化进程的发展,很少人和公司能完全独立于国际商务之外而存在。
With the development of economic globalization, few people or companies can completely stay away from international business. Therefore, some knowledge in this respect is necessary both for the benefit of enterprises and personal advancement.3. 其他参与国际贸易的形式有管理合同、承包生产和“交钥匙”工程。
Other forms for participating in international business are management contract, contract manufacturing, and turnkey project.4. 国际贸易最初以商品贸易的形式出现,即在一国生产或制造商品而出口或进口到另一国进行消费或转售。
International business first took the form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another.5. 除了国际贸易和投资,国际许可和特许经营有时也是进入国外市场的一种方式。
商务英语口语900句Part 11. We'd like to express our desire to establish business relationship with you on the basis of quality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods .我们希望在保证质量、互惠互利以及交易彼此需要的货物的基础上和你们建立业务关系。
2. In order to extend our export business to your country we wish to enter into direct business relations with you.为了扩大我们在贵国的出口业务,我们希望和你们建立直接贸易关系。
3. Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us .希望在我们之间能够建立互惠互利的贸易关系。
4. We look forward to further extensions of pleasant business relations.我们期待进一步保持愉快的业务关系。
5. It’s our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you.我们的希望是和你们保持可观的生意往来。
6. We look forward to receiving your quotation very soon.我们期待尽快收到你们的报价单。
7. I hope you see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost.我希望你能够看到我们事实上已经作出了最大程度的让价。
8. We hope to discuss business with you at your earliest convenience.我们希望在你方便的时候和你洽谈业务。
We are a state-owned corporation mainly handling chemical products and enjoy a well-deserved reputation in our field.2.我们是一家在全世界范围内经营进出口业务的跨国公司。
We are a multinational corporation handing import & export business in the world wide.3. 随函附寄我方形式发票一式三份,以便你方申请许可证。
We are enclosing our proforma invoice in triplicate to the effect that you may apply for the license.4.此报价对我方无约束力。
This offer has no constraint force for us.5.我们报50公吨大豆的实盘如下,以一周内你方回复为准。
We are making you, subject to your reply reaching us within one week,the firm offer for 50 metric tons soybeans as follows.6.我们不能指定你们为你地区的我方代理人,但你方可享有我方发盘的优先权。
We are unable to appoint you as our agent at your end ,while you can enjoy the priority in our offers.7.装运货物按每隔一月安排。
The shipment should be arranged at intervals of one month.8.鉴于双方的长期友好关系,此次我们破例接受60天的付款交单。
International business refers to transaction between parties from different countries. It involves more factors and thus is more complicated than, domestic business.2、有形贸易是指将在一国生产或制造的商品,出口或进口到另一国消费或转售。
Visible trade refers to exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in an-other.3、外国直接投资,简称FDI。
Foreign direct investments of FDI for short is made for returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in a host country.4、国民生产总值指一个经济体凭借其居民拥有的资产和劳动力所生产的货物和服务的市场价值。
GNP refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy.5、日本和中国是重要贸易伙伴,两国经济互补,又是一衣带水的近邻。
With mutually complementary economy, Japan and China are major trade partners, and the two countries are close neighbours separated only by a strip of water. Sino-Japanese relations are therefore of great importance to both countries.6、加拿大和美国有很长的共同边境,而且大部分加拿大居民居住在边境地区。
商务英语 常用国际商务英语词汇against翻译
1.以……为先决条件,凭……We will deliver goods against Letter of Guarantee.我们将凭保证书交货。
又例如:We only agree to send the documents against acceptance.我们只同意承兑交单。
另外一个付款术语documents against payment的含义是:进口人在付清货款后,出口人才会将有关单证交给进口人。
例如:The shipping documents will be handed to you against settlement of the amount shown.货运单据将在开列的款项付清后交付给你。
2.对比,兑换,对照Profits per share were estimated at about$8 for 2001 against $7 in 2000.2001年每股利润估计约为8美元,而2000年为7美元。
The rate of the euro against U.S.dollar is appreciating.欧元对美元的汇率正在上升。
3.以……作准备,防止,保……险My villa is insured against fire.我的别墅已保了火险。
We must save money against old age.我们必须存钱防老。
4.作为……借项,以……抵付Many bills were entered against his account.许多款项记在他的账上。
1. 关于价格,我方可以协商。
We can negotiate about the price.
2. 我们会尽力提供你需要的任何信息。
We will try our best to provide any information you need.
3. 我想预订一张从纽约到伦敦的机票。
I would like to book a flight from New York to London.
4. 我们需要你们提供一份详细的报价单。
We need you to provide a detailed quotation.
5. 我们希望能在下个月完成这个项目。
We hope to complete this project next month.
6. 我们的产品在市场上很受欢迎。
Our products are very popular in the market.
7. 你们什么时候能交货?
When can you deliver the goods?
8. 这是我们的标准合同,你可以看一下。
Here is our standard contract, you can take a look.
9. 我们的价格是最优惠的。
Our price is the most competitive.
10. 我们期待与你合作。
We look forward to working with you.。
We're sorry to inform you that your price has been found uncompetitive, but we’re still interested in doing business if you can bring down your price to a level acceptable.2.中国经济过去属规划经济,在五年计划和十年计划下运作。
The PRC economy was in the past a planned economy which is subject to five and ten years plans. In recent years, economic reforms were introduced to aim at transforming the PRC economy from a planned economy into a market economy with socialist characteristics.3.本银行(通知银行)受通汇银行(开证银行)的委托,对本信用证加以保兑,并在此保证,凡提交贵公司(受益人)依信用证条款签发的汇票,届时由本银行兑付。
At the request of the correspondent (the Issuing Bank), we (the Advising Bank)have been requested to add our confirmation to this credit and we hereby affirm that all drafts drawn by you (Beneficiary) in accordance with the terms of the credit will be duly honored by us。
三、 区域经济一体化
Free trade area:is the loosest form of regional economic integration. Members of a free trade area removes barriers to the flow of goods and services among themselves while each member still adopts its own policy as regards to trade with outsiders.
Who introduced the theory of comparative advantage? Which theory makes more sense , absolute advantage or comparative advantage? Give a typical example to illustrate the comparative advantage of a particular country.
六、 国际贸易2-
Moat-favoured-nation treatment: it refers to a tariff treatment under which a country id requited to extend to all signatories any tariff concession granted to any participating country. However, the MFN treatment is not really special but is just normal trading status. It gives a country the lowest tariffs only within the tariff schedule, but it is still possible to have lower tariffs.
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国际商务英语句子翻译1.The current financing and investment system is mainly through administrative approval and examination which can’t use the market as a basic force in resource allocation. This has given rise to a lot of duplicated construction. So, there must be a reform in this regarding to make it in line with the international practice of market economy.现行的投资融资体制主要是行政审批的制度,这不能贯彻把市场作为资源分配的基础力量,产生了很多重复建设,必须进行根本的改革,使它符合市场经济的国际惯例。
2.The definition of injury under WTO anti-dumping rules is a broad one.It is taken to mean material injury domestic industry, threat of amaterial injury to a domestic industry or material retardation ofestablishment of such an industry.3.There is no economic regime to be perfect. In the absence of stable economic development climate and well-educated human resources, social motivation and innovation systems would be of little value. In the society full of illiteracy, no matter how good the motivationmechanism is, it can’t make prominent inventors or entrepreneurs.任何一种经济制度都不是万能的。
4.With Iran announcing it would stop selling oil to Britain and France in retaliation against a planned European oil embargo, oil prices have climbed to a nine-month high. The Iranian Oil Minister has warned, the country could act preemptively, ahead of the EU ban that’s due to take effect in July. All of this is stirring up increasing concern, that stunted supply will restrain global growth.由于伊朗宣布将停止向英国和法国销售石油,报仇反对一个有计划的欧洲石油禁运,石油价格已经攀升到9个月的最高纪录。
5.The European Union last month agreed to ban Iranian oil purchases as the West ratchets up pressure over Iran’s nuclear program. As aresult, Iran—the second-largest producer in OPEC after Saudi Arabia —said it’s stopped exporting crude oil to French and Britishcompanies, and will instead give its crude oil to new customers. This latest move is rattling already-concerned markets, pushing oil prices to their highest since May 2011.由于对于伊朗计划西方步步逼近的压力,上个月欧盟同意禁止向伊朗购买石油。
6.The release of the latest US economic data reveals a significant change in the balance of the economy. The third-quarter figuresshow a growth of 2.6%, and this cheered the Dow Jones to new highs.But a look behind the headline growth shows a more disturbingpicture. Calculated on an accrual basis, the level of US debt is nowlighting higher than the nation’s GDP. In broad terms, this means that the entire annual GDP would be needed to pay off US debt, adebt-to-GDP ratio beside which the European debt problems pale to insignificance.美国最新经济数据的发布显示出美国经济的一个意味深长的变化。
7.It creates a contradiction between market behavior and economic analysis. Many analysts, particularly in Europe, believe the highdebt-to-GDP ratio should weaken the US dollar. As a result, themarket for gold is bullish, with investors turning to it as a currencyhedge against fiat currencies. Additionally, the dollar’s weakness isbullish for commodity prices, which in turn helps develop inflationarypressures. Add to this mix the US’ quantitative easing and injection of printed money into its economy, and some analysts see a recipe for significant problems.它在市场行为和经济分析之间产生了矛盾。
8.President Barack Obama has said a fall in the number of unemployed Americans indicates a more optimistic outlook for the US economy, although more than 9% remain jobless. Referring to newemployment figures for the month of December, Mr. Obama said the pace of job growth was beginning to pick up.“The economy added more than 100,000 jobs last month, and the unemployment rate fell sharply. And we know these numbers canbounce around from month to month, but the tread is clear. We saw12 straight months of private sector job growth. That’s the first timethat’s been true since 2006.Earlier, the chairman of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke,warned it could take five years for unemployment to drop to its usualrate of about 6%.美国总统奥巴马表示,美国失业人数的减少表明经济出现了更加乐观的前景,尽管失业率仍然维持在超过9%。