



Book1 Unit 4 Natural Disasters 教案A. At 9:25 a.m.B. At 9 a.m.C. At 8:25a.m.Step 3: After listening(一)、Read the 2 news report and pay attention to the colored words, trying to recognise what kind information they are.News report 1Good morning,it’s 17 April. A strong earthquake hit Ecuador yesterday. The 7. 8-magnitude earthquake damaged many buildings,and early reports said that about 230 people were killed and more than 1500 were injured. Volunteers and rescue workers are helping the survivors.News report 2Good evening. Today is 27 March. More news about the floods in central China. The government is helping more than 12,000 people in Hunan and Jiangxi get away from the rising water. Homes and land have been destroyed,but no one has been killed. Rescue workers and soldiers are working day and night to make sure that people are safe. They are also bringing food and water to those whose homes were lost in the disaster.Conclude:A news report includes: Greeting, dates/times, events, place, activities, numbers...(二).Speaking: Read about the disasters below and prepare a short news report on one of them. Then present your news report to your partner.If you were a news reporter, present your news report to the class.。



Ullit 4 NatUral DiSaSterS PeriOd 1LiStening and SPeaking 教案教材分析:高老听力材料的选用非常重视语言直实性和交际性的原则,语言材料一般来源于实际生活,对话的内容大都取材于日常生活,即衣、食、住、行、工作、学习、天气、生活环境等话题,可分为校园、公共场所、家庭等方面,女口:ShOPPmg I finding the Way l domg one,s homework I Seeillg a doctor, making a PhOne Cail, Weather IePort, askmg for dιfiereιιt kinds Of Hifbnnation 等。




根据生活中实际情况和高考常见语境,我们不难发现提前预测和抓住题干中的W很重要,即What, Where, Whell, Why 等等。



教学过程:Unit 4 NatUrai DiSaSterS PeriOd 2Reading and Thinking 教案教学目标与核心素养:1.TeaCh SnIdelItS to find OUt the ParagraPh topic Sentelices, UnderStaild the basic InfbnllatIoII Of die TangShall earthquake tlιrouglι SkHliining, SearCIlIng aιιd Other Ieadmg SkiIIs.2.Enable SnldelltS to SOrt OUt the details Of the paragraph, to UnderStand the Strange things before die TangShan earthquake, the tremendous destructive force CaUSed by the eartlιquake, and the IaPld and SeIfleSS rescue and reconstruction after the disaster.3.DiSClISS the tliuiking brought by eartlιquake and SUblillIate the theme SignIfiCanee.教学重难点:1.DeVelOP students' IeadIng ability SUCh as Skmiming, SCanning and SllIninarIZing.2.Let StlIdentS talk about the PreCUrSOr before the earthquake, the damage CaUSed by theearthquake, the IeSCUe after die earthquake and die reconstnιctιon after die earthq uake.教学过程:SteP 1 ACtivity 1ACtiVating background informationT: TOday We are gomg to Iearn a PaSSage With the title -The Night the EartIl Didn't Sleep,∖ SO Why didn't the earth SleeP on that night? What happened to the earth? ACnlany there is a movie directed by Feng XlaOgang focuses On the SaIIle earthquake. Now, Γd IIke to ShOW you a SIlOrt CllP Of die movie.1.TaIk about the earthquakeQl: What do you Ieanl from the video?2.Talk about TangShall earthquake.Ql: What do you know about TangShan earthquake?Q2: What do you Want to know about it?SteP 2 AXtiVity 2Reading to get SOme basic information about earthquake1.Read quickly to find the answers to the students' OWn questions.2.Read for the topic SentelICeS and ∖λr ork OUt the OrgallIZatIOn Of die text.Ql: What,s tlιe topic SentenCe m each paragraph?Q2: In What Order does the author describe die earthquake?SteP 3 ACtiVity 3Reading for detailed information1.Read to get detailed information about ParagraPh 1.Ql: What Were tlιe Strange tilings?Q2: What WaS people's IeaCtIOn to tlιese Strange tilings?Q3. Why didn't PeOPle Pay attention to these Strange thmgs/the SignS before the earthquake? T: PeOPle had Iittle knowledge Of earthquake at tlιat tune.Q4: When does this ParagraPh mainly talk about?T: AbnOnilal SigllS before the eartlιquake.2.Read to get detailed InfbrmatiOn about ParagraPh 2.Ql: HOW StrOng WaS die earthquake?Q2: HOW did the PeOPle feel Whell die earthquake happened?Q3: What does this ParagraPh mamly talk about?3.Read to get detailed information about Para. 3.Ql: What Were destroyed?Q2: HOW does die ∖λτιter describe 飞VerythIng iιι the city"?Q3: HOW did the PeOPle feel?Q4: What does this ParagraPh mamly talk about?4.Read to get detailed information about ParagraPh 4.Ql: WhO brought hope back? And Wllat did tlιey do?Q2: HOW did the PeOPle feel after a IOt Of PeOPle Came to rescue?Q3: HOW WaS the City after a IOt Of PeOPle Came to rescue?5.Read to get detailed InfbrmatiOn about ParagraPh 5.Ql: What ShOWS the revival OfTangShaιι?Q2: HOW Call TallgShaIl WViVe itself aιιd get UP On its feet agam?Q3: In tmιes Of disasters, how Can We go tlιrouglι it?T: Iii times Of disasters, We ShOUld unify; ShOW the WiSdom and Stay positive.SteP 4 AXtiVity 4HighIighting the theme and reflecting1.Make a SuinnIary Of die text.2.FUrther IInderStalld the titleQ: After Ollr Ieanimg, Why do you tlιιnk the earth didn't SleeP On tlιat Ilight?T: An earthquake happened. The PeOPle In the earthquake SUfiered a lot. and die PeOPle OUtSide TangShall Λλ-ere ConCemed about the PeOPle there a lot.3.RefleCt tlιroιιglι discussion on Wllat Can be Ieamt after reading.T: DISaSterS are POWerfiIL UnPreParedlleSS Call be deadly. Life is weak, but if PeOPle V t r QTk togetherto help each otlιer5 disasters Can be defeated.TIlere is no IOVe &om disaster, but We have IoVe In the human heart.SteP 5 ASSignmentHOW does the WrIter COlIVey tlιat the earthquake WaS deadly, and tlιat PeOPle Were helpless durmg tlιe earthquake? Try to find SOme attractive and impressive expressions and note them down.UIlit 4 NatUral DiSaSterS PeriOd 3DiSCOVering USefUl StrUCtUreS 教案教材分析:ThiS teaching PerIOd mainly deals With the granmiar: die restrictive relative clauses.ThiS PeriOd carries COnSIderable SignIfiCanCe to the CUlthβatιon Of students' Writing COmPetellCe and IayS a SOlId foundation for the basic appreciation Of Iallgllage beauty. The teacher is expected to enable StUdentS to master tlιis PerIOd thoroughly aιιd COaSOIIdate the knowledge by doing SOme exercise Of good quality.教学目标与核心素养:1.Get SnldentS to ha∖∙e a good IUIderStandlllg Of the basic USageS Of the restrictive IelatiVe clauses.2.Enable SnIdentS to USe the TeSniCtIVe relat∏∙e CIaUSeS flexibly.3.DeVelOP students' SPeaklllg and COOPeratmg abilities.4.Strellgtllell students' great mterest iιι grammar Ieainmg.【学堇难点:HOW to enable SnldentS to have a good ImderStanding Of the restrictive relative clauses, espeCiaIly the IISeS Of the IeIath*e WOrdS SUCh as which, that, who, whom.教学过程:StePl语法知识呈现定语从句(一)——关系代词的用法在复合句中,修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。

Unit 4 Natural Disasters Listening and(教学设计)

Unit 4 Natural Disasters Listening and(教学设计)

人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 4 Natural DisastersListening and TalkingTeaching Plans课程分析:本节课的教材来自人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 4 Natural Disasters Listening and Talking部分,主要包括听力材料和对话练习。


教学目标:1. 学生能够听取并获取有关地震不同阶段应该采取的具体措施的信息。

2. 学生能够运用句型介绍自然灾害前、中、后应该采取的安全措施。

3. 学生能够根据获取和总结的信息,介绍急救包中必需的物品,并说明其重要性。

教学重点:1. 学生能够听取并获取有关地震不同阶段应该采取的具体措施的信息。

2. 学生能够运用句型介绍自然灾害前、中、后应该采取的安全措施。

3. 学生能够介绍急救包中必需的物品,并说明其重要性。

教学难点:1. 学生能够根据获取和总结的信息,介绍急救包中必需的物品,并说明其重要性。




教学策略:1. 设计合理的教学活动,激发学生的兴趣。

2. 创设情境和真实的场景,帮助学生理解和运用所学知识。

3. 引导学生参与讨论和互动,培养他们的表达能力。

教学方法:1. 听力训练,帮助学生获取有关地震应对措施的信息。

2. 对话练习,帮助学生熟练运用句型介绍自然灾害前中后的安全措施。

3. 信息搜集和整理,帮助学生了解急救包中必备的物品,并说明其重要性。

4. 分组讨论和小组展示,培养学生的合作能力和表达能力。

教学过程:导入环节:1. 老师打开课件,展示一幅关于地震的图片,引起学生的兴趣并激活他们的相关知识。

人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 4 Natural Disasters Listen 教学设计

人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 4 Natural Disasters Listen 教学设计

the information they should listen for. 3.Listen to the news reportone by one,and answer the questions on the ppt.Listen to the news report 1and choose the right answers Q1:What was the magnitude of the earthquake in Ecuador?A.7B.7.8C.8.7Q2:How many people were killed or injured?A.150;23B.15000;2300C.230;1500Listen to the news report 2 and fill in blanksListen to the news report 3 and fill in form.Listen to the news report 4 and answer the questions. Q1:Which buildings were damaged in Seoul? Q2:What caused the damage?Q3:What other damage did the landslide do to Seoul?4.Listen to the news reportfor the third time and write down the expression like:breaking news 、earlyreporets said that....listen for.3.Listen to the four news reports one byone and find the answers efficiently byexcluding the unnecessary information.(1).B C(2).Listen and fill in the blanks Good evening.Today is 27 March More news about the floods in central China.The government is helping morethan 12,000 people in Hunan and Jiangxi get away from the rising water.Homes and land have been destroyed,but no one has been killed.Rescue workers and soldiers are working dayand night to make sure that people aresafe.They are also bringing food and water to those whose homes were lostTime PlaceDisasterDamage Rescuesouther nMemphisweredestroyed andat least person hasdiedThepoliceadvise in the disaster.(4).Listen to the key words and answer the questions A library and a supermarket.It was caused by the heavy rain.No one wasinjured,but several cars were damaged.4.write down the expression as muchan possible.活动意图说明1.要求学生选出与听力对应的自然灾害,从语言上巩固对灾害的认知。

统编人教版高中英语必修第一册《Unit 4 Natural disasters》优质课公开课课件教案

统编人教版高中英语必修第一册《Unit 4 Natural disasters》优质课公开课课件教案

统编人教版高中英语必修第一册《Unit 4 Natural disasters》优质课公开课课件、教案Unit 4 Natural Disasters—Reading & Thinking 【教学目标与核心素养】1. Teach students to find out the paragraph topic sentences, understand the basic information of the Tangshan earthquake through skimming, searching and other reading skills.2. Enable students to sort out the details of the paragraph, to understand the strange things before the Tangshan earthquake,the tremendous destructive force caused by the earthquake, and the rapid and selfless rescue and reconstruction after the disaster.3. Discuss the thinking brought by earthquake and sublimate the theme significance.【教学重难点】1. Develop students’ reading ability such as skimming, scanning and summarizing.2. Let students talk about the precursor before the earthquake, the damage caused by the earthquake, the rescue after the earthquake and the reconstruction after the earthquake.【教学过程】Step 1 Activity 1 Activating background informationT: Today we are going to learn a passage with the title “The Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep”. So why didn’t the earth sleep on that night? What happened to the earth? Actually there is a movie directed by Feng Xiaogang focuses on the same earthquake. Now, I’d like to show you a short clip of the movie.1. Talk about the earthquakeQ1. What do you learn from the video?2. Talk about Tangshan earthquake.Q1. What do you know about Tangshan earthquake?Q2. What do you want to know about it?Step 2 Activity 2 Reading to get some basic information about earthquake1. Read quickly to find the answers to the students’ own questions.2. Read for the topic sentences and work out the organization of the text.Q1 What’s the topic sentence in each paragraph?Q2 In what order does the author describe the earthquake?Step 3 Activity 3 Reading for detailed information1. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 1.Q1: What were the strange things?Q2: What was people’s reaction to these strange things?Q3. Why didn’t people pay attention to these strangethings/the signs before the earthquake?T: People had little knowledge of earthquake at that time.Q4 When does this paragraph mainly talk about?T: Abnormal signs before the earthquake.2. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 2.Q1 How strong was the earthquake?Q2 How did the people feel when the earthquake happened?Q3 What does this paragraph mainly talk about?3. Read to get detailed information about Para. 3.Q1 What were destroyed?Q2 How does the writer describe “everything in the city”?Q3 How did the people feel?Q4 What does this paragraph mainly talk about?4. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 4.Q1. Who brought hope back? And what did they do?Q2. How did the people feel after a lot of people came to rescue?Q3. How was the city after a lot of people came to rescue?5. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 5.Q1. What shows the revival of Tangshan?Q2. How can Tangshan revive itself and get up on its feet again?Q3. In times of disasters, how can we go through it?T: In times of disasters, we should unify, show the wisdom and stay positive.Step 4 Activity 4 Highlighting the theme and reflecting1. Make a summary of the text.time what happened people’s response beforeduringafter2. Further understand the titleQ: After our learning, why do you think the earth didn’t sleepon that night?T: An earthquake happened. The people in the earthquake suffered a lot, and the people outside Tangshan were concerned about the people there a lot.3. Reflect through discussion on what can be learnt after reading.T: Disasters are powerful. Unpreparedness can be deadly. Life is weak, but if people work together to help each other, disasters can be defeated.There is no love from disaster, but we have love in the human heart.Step 5 AssignmentHow does the writer convey that the earthquake was deadly, and that people were helpless during the earthquake? Try to find some attractive and impressive expressions and note them down.。



人教版高一英语必修一Unit4 NA TURAL DISASTERS Reading and Thinking教学设计教材分析1.单元背景。




为了让学生有充足的Natural Disasters 知识和正确的情感态度去面对自然灾害,而且学生也能学有所用。


让学生对Natural Disasters 的知识有一定的了解,并明白各种自然灾害的破坏性。



珍爱生命,在大灾难前要有大爱,这样也提高了学生的自身素养I.Teaching Content:Unit4 Earthquakes ReadingA Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep II.Teaching time:45 minutesIII.Teaching Goals1. Knowledge aim1). Get the students to learn some useful words and expressions.2). Develop the students reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.2. Ability aims:1). Get the students know damages earthquake bring about and the ways to reduce losses of earthquake.2). Get the students to know how to protect oneself and help others in earthquake.3. Moral aims:1). Know what damages an earthquake will bring about and the ways to reduce losses of an earthquake.2). Know how to protect oneself and to help others in an earthquake.IV. Important points:1.Words: shake, rise, crack, burst, well, smelly, pond, steam, destroy, ruin, injure, survivor, brick, useless, shock, quake, rescue, electricity, disaster, organize, bury, coal, mine, shelter, fresh, percent.2.Phrases: right away, at an end, lie in ruins, be trapped under sth, put up, give out, wake sb up, prepare sth for sth., think little of sth.3.Sentences:(1). It seemed as if the world was at an end.(2). Onethird of the nation felt it.(3). In fifteen terrible seconds, a large city lay in ruins.V. Difficult points1. The meanings of some words and expressions.2. Describe a natural disaster, such as an earthquake3. Understanding of sentences which contain Attributive Clause.VI. Teaching tools blackboard, courseware, tape recorder and some coloured ,pictures.VII. Teaching MethodsSituational teaching methods & interactive teaching methods, cooperative exploring methods.VIII. Teaching Procedures1.Greetings2. LeadinTeacher shows some pictures about the earthquake. Students look at the pictures and think of some new words relating to the natural disasters.3.Reading1). Fast readingTeacher shows the title and the photo on page fifty. Let students guess what the text is about. Student will be given five minutes to get the main idea and pay attention to the beginning and any sentences in each paragraph and find out the topic sentence and then match the main idea with each paragraph.Para.1: A.The rescue work.Para.2: B.The revival of the city.Para.3: C.Warning signs before the earthquake.Para.4: D.The happening of the big earthquake.Para.5: E.The immediate effects of the earthquake2). CarefulreadingStudents will be given five minutes to read part one carefully and do the following exercises: What were some of the strange things happening before the earthquake and how did people in react to the signs.How did people in Tangshan react to the signs?A.Ignorant. B.Alert. C.Sensitive. D. Casual3. What rhetorical device(修辞手法) does the author use in the sentence “the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell”?A.Metaphor(比喻).B.Repetition(重复).C.Parallelism(排比).D.Personification(拟人).参考答案A AFunction: To make the description more vivid and involve the readers in the atmosphere.Students read part 2 carefully and do the following exercise and read paragraph 3 to carefully to do the following exercise the teacher will choose some students to show your answers for others1. How can we protect ourselves in an earthquake at school?2.What can you do after an earthquake?(Creative thinking)PostreadingGroupwork(1) Don’t be nervous and keep calm.(2) Don’t try to run out of the classroom.(3) Sit down under your desk.(4) Protect your head by putting your bag on your head.(5) Don’t use lift.(6)If possible,run to the schoolyard.IX. Group workStudents will be given five minutes to have a group of work to have a discussion about how can we protect ourselves in an earthquake at school and what can you do after an earthquake? Whatdo you think helped in the revival of city?What lesson can we learn from these events? Some students will be invited to share their answers for the other students.The spirit of bating disaster relief抗震救灾精神Whether in Tangshan earthquake or in Wenchuan earthquake, the most important thing is the spirit of Chinese people. Every time a disaster happens, we fight against it together and we never lose hope. That is the spirit of bating disaster reliefRecently, in the battle against COVID19, China did the best in controlling the virus. That is the result of the spirit of bating COVID19X. SummarySome students will be invited to have a summary about what did we learn today.XI. Homework1.Write a passage about your feelings after today’s passage learning.2.Finish activity 5.XII. Blackboard writingXIII. Teaching reflection课后反思依据教学目标,对学生的学习过程进行评价,旨在反思教学效果,不断改进自己的教学方法与策略。

Unit 4 Natural Disasters教学设计-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册

Unit 4 Natural Disasters教学设计-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册







该教学主张由三类具有关联性、递进性的学习活动构建,依次是学习理解类活动、应用实践类活动、迁移创新类活Step 3: First reading (8 mins):news Tsunami Hits Asia: Over 6,500 Dead, T asks Ss to make a judgement of a sample summary and then write a summary of their own version.Here is one summary of the news report.Read and check the main points it includes. Then write your own version.Writing1)Firstly, ss read the text and write a list of main elements(details), filling the first column of the table. T then give the suggested answers.P1: Strange things happened in the countryside before the earthquake.P2: An earthquake hit Tangshan, China on 28 July 1976.P3: More than 400,000 people were killed or badly injured.P4: Nearly everything in the city was destroyed.P5: The government and soldiers came and began rescuing and rebuilding the city.2)After that, ss write down the main idea of each paragraph based on the elements(details) in the first column, filling the second column of the table.Step 7: Drafting (15 mins)Step 9: Revising (5 mins)Ss get back their draft back and revise it according to the feedback they get from their partners. Students are encouraged to put forward questions on what they are not understand.Homework。

人教版高中英语Unit4 Natural disasters 教学设计

人教版高中英语Unit4 Natural disasters 教学设计
How to find the main ideas of each paragraph.
Grasp some reading skills.
Step1 lead in
1.Discuss what can happen to a city during a big earthquake?
6.A few buildings were still standing, but people were afraid to use them as shelters, worrying they would be ________ if the buildings fell.
1.in ruins
1.The umbrella is a poor shelter from heavy rain.
2.This is a shelter for homeless women.
3.The wall sheltered us from the wind.
***********Reading skills*************
Pay attention to the topic sentence of each paragraph to find the main idea quickly

人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 4 Natural Disasters The 教学设计

人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 4 Natural Disasters The  教学设计

人 教 版 必 修 一 Unit 4 Natural Disasters The Night the Earth Didn't sleep 教学设计1.Teaching ObjectivesKnowledge objectives Students should have a clear understanding of the main idea of the article,grasp the details of the article,and ultimately summarize and retell the content of the article;At the same time,it is necessary to master and learn to use key vocabulary and sentence patterns that appear in the article.Capability objectives Under the guidance of teachers,students are capable of utilizing reading strategies to accomplish tasks,acquiring proficiency in both intensive and extensive reading techniques,and attaining effective comprehension of articles;Be able to summarize the main idea of different paragraphs on your own and master different reading skills based on different topic types.Emotional goals Understand major natural disasters that have occurred in China,establish awareness of disaster prevention and self-protection;Through autonomous internalization and group discussion,stimulate students'motivation for reading and learning,and cultivate their spirit of cooperative exploration.2.Teaching Focus and DifficultiesTeaching focus Enable students to comprehend the central concept of the article and gradually grasp its intricate details and clues.Furthermore,guide students in deciphering the discourse structure and logical relationships present within the text;Be able to master the key vocabulary,sentence structures,and grammar of this lesson. Teaching difficulties Summarize reading problem-solving skills through different types of questions, cultivate students'self-directed learning ability and collaborative exploration ability.3.Teaching ProcessStep 1 Leading-in(3mins)Firstly,teacher plays a video clip about Tangshan earthquake for students to watch. After watching,ask students:What happened in this video?What do you think of the video?·····Design intention: Use video clips to attract students³attention,create thematic context,introduce themes,ignite students’interest in reading and awaken their preexisting knowledge base.At the same time,introduce some new words through dialogue to eliminate vocabulary and background barriers.Improvement points of core literacy:Step 2 Prediction (3mins)Before reading,show the picture that appeared on the textbook and the title of this article for students to predict and ask“what does the title mean?What will happen ifthe earth didn't sleep?What the text mainly talk about?”Design intention: Predict the content of the material based on the title,cultivate students'cognitive strategies,and form reading expectations.Step 3 Presentation (3mins)The teacher presents a range of questions,varying from simple to complex,and students employ reading strategies to locate answers in relation to those questions. (Instruction:Please skip and scan the passage and think about four questions.) ·When did the earthquake happen?(For level C)·What damage did it cause to the city andpeople?(For level B)·What happened later that afernoon?(For level B)·How did people feel?(For level C)Design intention: Students can gain a preliminary understanding of the main content of the article through rapid reading,improve skimming skills,and purposeful reading.Step 4 Assimilation(15mins)Firstly,students should read this passage carefully.After reading the article thoroughly,test students’mastery of the details of the article by sorting it. (Instruction:Answer these questions.)·Who came to the rescue?(For level C)·What did they do?(For level B)·What does the author mean by“slowly the city began to breath again?”(For levelA)Secondly,the teacher elucidates the new vocabulary,crucial grammar points,and challenging linguistic elements within the article,aiming to facilitate a deeper comprehension for students.(Directions:Let us concentrate on the emphasized words within the context and collectively endeavor to learn these terms.)Design intention: Questions can help students better understand the main idea of the article and the discourse structural relationships and sorting can help students quickly clarify the context of the article.Step 6 Discussion (20 minutes)Group Discussion (1)This stage involves a discussion among group members,following theindividual internalization process,where each person raises questions and discusses solutions in the order of illuminating the exam.During the discussion,students can focus on prompts provided by the teacher or extend upon the knowledge points presented in the article.The conversation flows from addressing questions raised by group members to assessing each other's learning progress.Through this interaction, students gradually consolidate impressions and form knowledge.Group leader assigns tasks based on students³English proficiency.In addition to peers monitoring each other's contributions,teachers play a crucial role in facilitating timely discussions.During these group discussions,students are encouraged to take notes in class and organize the collective“Shine -Test-Help”approach,aim ing to enhance understanding and learning outcomes.Design intention:Group discussions are communication between students,allowing them to more freely express themselves.By fostering a desire for self-expression and fostering appropriate competition,students'learning motivation can be further augmented.Concurrently,outstanding students serve as motivation for those who may be slightly less proficient,encouraging them to engage actively in critical thinking and kindling a thirst for knowledge among all students.Teacher Spot Check To foster active participation in discussions,teachers should maintain continuous surveillance in the classroom,promptly seizing hold of students'discussion topics. Timely intervention is key,involving oneself in students'dialogues,providing timely feedback,and awarding grades.This approach serves to kindle students ⁷enthusiasm for engaging in the process.Furthermore,teachers should conduct spot checks in a random manner,selecting diverse students in each class to ensure that every student gets a chance to voice their opinions.Additionally,teachers must encourage students’expressions and st rive to refrain from criticism to safeguard students ’ self-esteem and maintain their eagerness for learning.··Design intention: Teachers are the organizers of the classroom and need to timely grasp the teaching progress and make adjustments to the learning situation. Free Questions This section features a lively discussion and exchange of ideas among groups,as well as between students and teachers.Groups are encouraged to pose questions related to the“Shine -Test-Help”approach or any other topics they consider exploratory.Both students and teachers can contribute to this process.Given the limitation of time,teachers are advised to carefully select representative questions and inspire students to delve deeper into the article.For instance,posing thought-provoking questions like,“How will this article enhance your future academic pursuits and personal life?”;Summa ry questions such as“What do you think about scientific spiri t after reading the article?”;It is crucial to note that at this stage,teachers play a pivotal role in encouraging students to overcome their fears and shyness,and to boldly ask questions without hesitation.Design intention: Free questioning represents a mutual exchange in which both teachers and students actively participate.It serves as a crucial avenue for teachers to gather valuable learning feedback and simultaneously enhances students’oral communication skills.●Teacher SummaryFinally,The teacher offers additional clarifications on the knowledge points that students may have overlooked,summarizes the content covered in the lesson, outlines the reading techniques utilized in comprehension,and presents practice exercises to promptly reinforce students'application skills.Assign homework after class.Due to the examination of students’mastery abilities in detail comprehension questions,main idea questions,guessing questions about word and sentence meanings,and logical reasoning questions in this experiment,four types of questions are used as examples to explain reading skills.Step 6 Homework (1min)Students need to write down their own mind map about this passage . Students should summarize the Shine-Test-Help.(for level A,B,C) The content that they perceive with the deepest sentiment,derive the utmost benefit from,and hold the highest appreciation for during the learning process is Shine-Test-Help.If you comprehend something yet believe others might harbor ···doubts,articulate it in the form of inquiries to provoke others,which constitutes Testing You.Convey your uncertainties,incomprehension,or aspirations for clarification through posing questions,and seek assistance from your classmates during group discussions,thereby embodying Helping Me.It can be the knowledge as follows:Figure of speech:students can identify the use of figurative language within this article and enumerate the corresponding sentences.·Numbers:students can find the numbers of this passage,and illustrate the function.Important and difficult phrases. Literary journalism:its language feature and the examples. ·Others.Tips:No quantity is required,but at least one at each point.Draw a mind map of the text including Transition words and Key details.(fo r level A,B)Organize a group presentation on what we should do when hearing about an earthquake happening in a certain place.(for level A) ·····。

高中英语新人教必修一unit 4 Natural disasters全单元(共4部分)导学案教案

高中英语新人教必修一unit 4 Natural disasters全单元(共4部分)导学案教案

Unit4 Natural DisastersPeriod 1 Listening&Speaking&Talking导学案1.To report a news report about natural disasters by watching videos and listening to the newsreports.2.To talk about how to prepare for a disaster.1. To learn to use different listening tips to get the necessary information.2. To talk about the related topic such as how to report a news and how to give instructions about a natural disaster.3.To Think about what you are listening for before you listen:numbers, dates, times, addresses, activities, people or places,reasons,etc.Part 1: Listening and SpeakingLead inThe teacher is advised to talk with their students about natural disasters.Boys and girls, look at the pictures, what natural disasters are they? Write them down._________________________________________________________________After their small talk, the teacher can move on by finishing the following listening task:Play the tape which is about news reports and tick the disasters that you hear and after finishing listening for the first time, the students need to solve the following tasks.disasters you hear:()earthquake ()tornado ()wildfire()drought ()landslide ()tsunami()flood ()volcanic eruptionListening tip:After finishing the task above, the teacher plays conversation 2 and after finishing listening, the students need to solve the following task.Listen to the news again. Then answer the following questions:Circle the key words in the questions below and write the kind of information they refer to. Then listen again and answer the questions.Finally, after finishing the task above, the teacher is expected to instruct students to work in groups to finish the following project:Speaking ProjectRead about the disasters below and prepare a short news report on one of them. Then present your news report to a partner.Speaking Project___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________Part 2: Listening and TalkingPlay conversation 1 which is about how to prepare for a disaster and after finishing listening for the first time, the students need to solve the following tasks.Before an earthquake:Make a safety list of _________________,______________and_________________During an earthquake(in a building):Remember to _________________,___________and________________During an earthquake (outdoors):Go to a(an)_____________________space away from _____________,_____________________or power lines.After an earthquake (if you are trapped):Use an/a ________________to get helpTap on a pipe or __________pr whistle for help.Speaking ProjectWork in pairs. Choose a disaster and prepare a list of safety instructions. The expressions below may help you.Give instructionsSpeaking Project___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________【答案】Part 1: Listening and SpeakingLead inThe teacher is advised to talk with their students about natural disasters.Boys and girls, look at the pictures, what natural disasters are they? Write them down.1.tornado2.tsunami3.earthquake4.wildlife5.floodAfter their small talk, the teacher can move on by finishing the following listening task:Play the tape which is about news reports and tick the disasters that you hear and after finishing listening for the first time, the students need to solve the following tasks.disasters you hear:()earthquake ()tornado ()wildfire()drought ()landslide ()tsunami()flood ()volcanic eruptionKeys:(√)earthquake (√)tornado (√) landslide ( √) flood Listening tip:After finishing the task above, the teacher plays conversation 2 and after finishing listening, the students need to solve the following task.Listen to the news again. Then answer the following questions:Circle the key words in the questions below and write the kind of information they refer to. Then listen again and answer the questions.Finally, after finishing the task above, the teacher is expected to instruct students to work in groups to finish the following project:Speaking ProjectRead about the disasters below and prepare a short news report on one of them. Then present your news report to a partner.Keys:Good morning. Today is 13 May. A huge earthquake hit Wenchuan, China yesterday. It has killed at least 8,500 people by now. The earthquake measured 7.8 on the Richter scale. Injured survivors have been moved to safety by rescue workers, including medical workers, troops, and volunteers, who organized quickly.Part 2: Listening and TalkingPlay conversation 1 which is about how to prepare for a disaster and after finishing listening for the first time, the students need to solve the following tasks.Before an earthquake:Make a safety list of _________________,______________and_________________During an earthquake(in a building):Remember to _________________,___________and________________During an earthquake (outdoors):Go to a(an)_____________________space away from _____________,_____________________or power lines.After an earthquake (if you are trapped):Use an/a ________________to get helpTap on a pipe or __________pr whistle for help.Keys: what to do; where to go; and who to contactdrop, cover and hold onOpen buildings treesCell phone a wallSpeaking ProjectWork in pairs. Choose a disaster and prepare a list of safety instructions. The expressions below may help you.Give instructionsKeys:First of all, you should stay calm if you're in a tornado. Cover your ears if the noise is too loud. Stay indoors and get to a low place. Stay away from windows. Don't drive or walk outside in a tornado.Unit 4 Natural DisastersPeriod 2 Reading and Thinking:The Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep导学案1. To find out the paragraph topic sentences, understand the basic information of the Tangshan earthquake through skimming, searching and other reading skills2. To sort out the details of the paragraph, to understand the strange things before the Tangshan earthquake, the tremendous destructive force caused by the earthquake, and the rapid and selfless rescue and reconstruction after the disaster;3.To discuss the thinking brought by earthquake and sublimate the theme significance.1. To acquire reading ability such as skimming, scanning and summarizing.2. To talk about the precursor before the earthquake, the damage caused by the earthquake, the rescue after the earthquake and the reconstruction after the earthquake.1.What do you know about Tangshan Earthquake?2.What’s the main idea in each paragraph.Paragraph1:Paragraph2:Paragraph3:Paragraph4:Paragraph5:3. In what order does the author describe the earthquake?4.Read paragraph1 answer the following questions1: What are the strange things?2: What was people’s reaction to these strange things?3. Why didn’t people pay attention to these strange things/the signs before the earthquake?4. When does this paragraph mainly talk about?2). Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 2.1. How strong was the earthquake?2 .How did the people feel when the earthquake happened?3. What does this paragraph mainly talk about?3. Read to get detailed information about Para. 3.1 .What were destroyed?2. How does the writer describe “everything in the city”?3. How did the people feel?4. What does this paragraph mainly talk about?4). Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 4.1. Who brought hope back? And what did they do?2. How did the people feel after a lot of people came to rescue?3. How was the city after a lot of people came to rescue?5). Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 5.1. What shows the revival of Tangshan?2. How can Tangshan revive itself and get up on its feet again? Q3. In times of disasters, how can we go through it?5. Highlighting the theme and reflecting1.Make a summary of the text.2. Further understand the titleAfter our learning, why do you think the earth didn’t sleep on that night?3. Reflect through discussion on what can be learnt after reading.【答案】1 What do you know about Tangshan Earthquake?It was a terrible disaster, which almost destroyed a city and caused lots of people to die and become homeless.2 .What’s the main idea in each paragraph.Paragraph1: Warning signs before the earthquake.Paragraph2:the deadly damage of the quakeParagraph3: the deadly damage of the quakeParagraph4: the rescue after the quakeParagraph5:the revival of the city2. In what order does the author describe the earthquake?Order of timeStep 3 Reading for the detailed information1). Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 1.1: What are the strange things?The water in the wells rose and fellDeep cracks in the wellSmelly gas coming out of the wellAnimals were too nervous to eat and refused to go insideMice ran outBright lights were seenLoud noises were heard2: What was people’s reaction to these strange things?Go to sleep as usual.3. Why didn’t people pay attention to these strange things/the signs before the earthquake?At that time, people knew little or nothing about the warning signs of quakes.4. When does this paragraph mainly talk about?Before the quake2). Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 2.1. How strong was the earthquake?One of the most deadly earthquake of the 20th century ; it caused damage more than 150 kilometers away ; nearly one third of the nation felt it.2 .How did the people feel when the earthquake happened?The end of the world.2.What does this paragraph mainly talk about?the deadly damage of the quake3. Read to get detailed information about Para. 3.1 .What were destroyed?Nearly everything was destroyed.2. How does the writer describe “everything in the city”?Use some numbers and use some figure of speech to vividly express the destruction.3. How did the people feel?Wonder how long the disaster would last4. What does this paragraph mainly talk about?the deadly damage of the quake4). Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 4.1. Who brought hope back? And what did they do?The army and soldiers, workers , government and volunteers2. How did the people feel after a lot of people came to rescue?Hopeful,positive and confident to rebuild their homes3. How was the city after a lot of people came to rescue?The city started to revive and get back up on its feet.5). Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 5.1. What shows the revival of Tangshan?The new city becomes a new home.2. How can Tangshan revive itself and get up on its feet again?With strong support and the tireless efforts of the city’s people.Q3. In times of disasters, how can we go through it?In times of disasters, we should unify, show the wisdom and stay positive.Step 4 Highlighting the theme and reflecting3.Make a summary of the text.2. Further understand the titleAfter our learning, why do you think the earth didn’t sleep on that night?An earthquake happened, the people in the earthquake suffered a lot, and the people outside Tangshan were concerned about the people there a lot.3. Reflect through discussion on what can be learnt after reading.Disasters are powerful, unpreparedness can be deadly and life is weak, but if people work together to help each other, disasters can be defeated.There is no love from disaster, but we have love in the human heart.Unit 4 Natual DisastersPeriod 3 Discovering Useful Structures导学案姓名:_________ 班级:____________1. To master the basic usages of the restrictive relative clauses.2. To learn to use the restrictive relative clauses mentioned flexibly.1. To appreciate the function of the restrictive relative clauses.2. To write essays using the proper the restrictive relative clauses.Step1: 语法自主探究定语从句(一)---关系代词的用法在复合句中, 修饰名词或代词的从句叫_____________。



Unit 4 Natural Disasters 教学设计Teaching Aims:Knowledge Objects:(1). Get the students to learn useful new words and expressions in this passage.(2). Enable students to know basic knowledge about earthquakes.2. Ability objects:(1). Develop the students’ ability and let them learn different reading skills.(2). Get the students collect the information from the internet by themselves.3. Emotional objects:Get the students to be aware of the terrible disasters, meanwhile help them to face it, treat it in a proper way, and never get discouraged when in danger.Teaching important points:1.Students master the new words,phrases and useful expressions.2.Train students’reading ability to understand the content of the text.Teaching difficult points:Develop the students’ reading ability.Teaching Procedures:Step one LeadinGreet the students and show students a video about Australia wildfire to lead in the topic of this class. Show students the pictures and guess what these natural disasters are. A picture of earthquake to let students to discuss what can happen to a city during a big earthquake and then lead in the passage.Step two ReadingFast readingRead the text quickly and fill in the table.Task1WhatMain idea:Task 2Find out the topic sentences of each paragraph and divide the text into three parts. Para1:_______________________________________________________Para2:_______________________________________________________Para3:_______________________________________________________Para4:_______________________________________________________Part1( ):___________________________________________________Part2( ):___________________________________________________Part3( ):___________________________________________________Careful readingPart1 Before the earthquakeJoin the correct parts of the sentences.The water in the wells a.ran out of the fieldsChickens and pigs b.jumped out of waterMice c.were too nervous to eatA smelly gas d.rose and fellFish e.came out of the wellsPart 2 During the earthquakeFind out the meaning of the numbers.11kilometers:___________________________8 kilometers:___________________________30meters:____________________________one minute:___________________________400,000:_____________________________75%, 90%:____________________________Task 3 Part 3 After the earthquakeWho came to help? What were done immediately?Post readingRetell the story Circle the key time in the textHow is the text developed?Step three Discussion and pairworkSuppose student A is an interviewer of a program and student B is a survivor of Tangshan earthquake who are to be interviewed. What would they talk about? Discuss with your partners and do a roleplay activity.Example:A: Hello, Mr/Mrs Li,nice to meet you, I ’m Jack from CCTV 8. May I ask you some questions?B: Yes,of course.A; I think that you are a very lucky person. What do you think of the earthqauke ? B: Scary/terrible....A: Where were you when you heard the crash?B: I was sleeping as usual/.....A: Do you notice something strange things before the earthquake?B: Yes, the wells and.......Step four HomeworkRetell the story after class.Surf the internet to find the ways to protect ourselves in the earthquake. What were done immediate?。

英语人教版高中必修一(新课标)教案Unit 4 Reading and Thinking 教案

英语人教版高中必修一(新课标)教案Unit 4 Reading and Thinking 教案

Unit 4 Natural DisastersPeriod 2Reading and Thinking教材分析该板块以“描述自然灾害”(Describe a natural disaster)为活动主题,要求学生通过阅读文本,了解我国20世纪70年代发生在唐山的大地震,学习报告文学这种纪实性文体的语言特征,最后完成用自己的语言描述自然灾害的任务。



教学目标1. 能正确理解使用下列词汇:ruin, percent, brick, metal, shock, electricity, trap, bury, breathe, effort, wisdom, context, suffer等。

2. 阅读描述重大灾害的纪实性报告文学语篇,掌握该类语篇的语言特征和叙事要点,能分析阅读语篇的文本结构。

3. 掌握在阅读中根据上下文猜测词义的策略;巩固合成词的相关知识;能运用构词法知识推测词义。

4. 从历史事件的角度了解国内外发生过的一些重大自然灾害,树立防灾意识和自我保护意识。

5. 能够了解和掌握一些与自然灾害相关的安全常识和防范措施。



教学过程Step 1 Warming-upHave a brief review of the natural disasters mentioned in news reports in Period 1. Discuss ingroups what can happen to a city during a big earthquake.设计意图:回顾上节课的内容,激活关于自然灾害和地震的背景知识。

2020年新人教版高中英语必修一《Unit 4 Natural Disasters》单元教案(附导学案)

2020年新人教版高中英语必修一《Unit 4 Natural Disasters》单元教案(附导学案)

《Unit 4 Natural Disasters》单元教案Unit 4 Natural DisastersPeriod 1 Listening and Speaking【教材分析】高考听力材料的选用非常重视语言真实性和交际性的原则,语言材料一般来源于实际生活,对话的内容大都取材于日常生活,即衣、食、住、行、工作、学习、天气、生活环境等话题,可分为校园、公共场所、家庭等方面,如: shopping, finding the way, doing one’s homework, seeing a doctor, making a phone call, weather report, asking for different kinds of information等。




根据生活中实际情况和高考常见语境,我们不难发现提前预测和抓住题干中的w很重要,即what, where, when, why等等。



【教学过程】Unit 4 Natural Disasters—Reading & Thinking【教学目标与核心素养】1. Teach students to find out the paragraph topic sentences, understand the basic information of the Tangshan earthquake through skimming, searching and other reading skills.2. Enable students to sort out the details of the paragraph, to understand the strange things before the Tangshan earthquake, the tremendous destructive force caused by the earthquake, and the rapid and selfless rescue and reconstruction after the disaster.3. Discuss the thinking brought by earthquake and sublimate the theme significance.【教学重难点】1. Develop students’ reading ability such as skimming, scanning and summarizing.2. Let students talk about the precursor before the earthquake, the damage caused by the earthquake, the rescue after the earthquake and the reconstruction after the earthquake.【教学过程】Step 1 Activity 1 Activating background informationT: Today we are going to learn a passage with the title “The Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep”. So why didn’t the earth sleep on that night? Wh at happened to the earth? Actually there is a movie directed by Feng Xiaogang focuses on the same earthquake. Now, I’d like to show you a short clip of the movie.1. Talk about the earthquakeQ1. What do you learn from the video?2. Talk about Tangshan earthquake.Q1. What do you know about Tangshan earthquake?Q2. What do you want to know about it?Step 2 Activity 2 Reading to get some basic information about earthquake1. Read quickly to find the answers to the students’ own questions.2. Read for the topic sentences and work out the organization of the text.Q1 What’s the topic sentence in each paragraph?Q2 In what order does the author describe the earthquake?Step 3 Activity 3 Reading for detailed information1. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 1.Q1: What were the strange things?Q2: What was people’s reaction to these strange things?Q3. Why didn’t people pay attention to these strange things/the signs before the earthquake?T: People had little knowledge of earthquake at that time.Q4 When does this paragraph mainly talk about?T: Abnormal signs before the earthquake.2. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 2.Q1 How strong was the earthquake?Q2 How did the people feel when the earthquake happened?Q3 What does this paragraph mainly talk about?3. Read to get detailed information about Para. 3.Q1 What were destroyed?Q2 How does the writer describe “everything in the city”?Q3 How did the people feel?Q4 What does this paragraph mainly talk about?4. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 4.Q1. Who brought hope back? And what did they do?Q2. How did the people feel after a lot of people came to rescue?Q3. How was the city after a lot of people came to rescue?5. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 5.Q1. What shows the revival of Tangshan?Q2. How can Tangshan revive itself and get up on its feet again?Q3. In times of disasters, how can we go through it?T: In times of disasters, we should unify, show the wisdom and stay positive.Step 4 Activity 4 Highlighting the theme and reflecting1. Make a summary of the text.Q: After our learning, why do you think the earth didn’t sleep on that night?T: An earthquake happened. The people in the earthquake suffered a lot, and the people outside Tangshan were concerned about the people there a lot.3. Reflect through discussion on what can be learnt after reading.T: Disasters are powerful. Unpreparedness can be deadly. Life is weak, but if people work together to help each other, disasters can be defeated.There is no love from disaster, but we have love in the human heart.Step 5 AssignmentHow does the writer convey that the earthquake was deadly, and that people were helpless during the earthquake? Try to find some attractive and impressive expressions and note them down.Unit 4 Natural DisastersPeriod 3 Discovering Useful Structures【教材分析】This teaching period mainly deals with the grammar: the restrictive relative clauses.This period carries considerable significance to the cultivation of students’ writing competence and lays a solid foundation for the basic appreciation of language beauty. The teacher is expected to enable students to master this period thoroughlyand consolidate the knowledge by doing some exercise of good quality.【教学目标与核心素养】1. Get students to have a good understanding of the basic usages of the restrictive relative clauses.2. Enable students to use the restrictive relative clauses flexibly.3. Develop students’ speaking and cooperating abilities.4. Strengthen students’ great interest in grammar learning.【教学重难点】How to enable students to have a good understanding of the restrictive relative clauses, especially the uses of the relative words such as which, that, who, whom. 【教学过程】Step1: 语法知识呈现定语从句(一)—关系代词的用法在复合句中, 修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。

高中英语 新人教版 必修一Unit4 Natural Disasters 教案

高中英语 新人教版 必修一Unit4 Natural Disasters 教案

Unit 4 Natural Disasters Period 1Listening and Speaking教案教材分析:高考听力材料的选用非常重视语言真实性和交际性的原则,语言材料一般来源于实际生活,对话的内容大都取材于日常生活,即衣、食、住、行、工作、学习、天气、生活环境等话题,可分为校园、公共场所、家庭等方面,如:shopping,finding the way,doing one’s homework,seeing a doctor,making a phone call,weather report,asking for different kinds of information等。







教学过程:Unit 4 Natural Disasters Period 2Reading and Thinking教案教学目标与核心素养:1. Teach students to find out the paragraph topic sentences, understand the basic information of the Tangshan earthquake through skimming, searching and other reading skills.2. Enable students to sort out the details of the paragraph, to understand the strange things before the Tangshan earthquake, the tremendous destructive force caused by the earthquake, and the rapid and selfless rescue and reconstruction after the disaster.3. Discuss the thinking brought by earthquake and sublimate the theme significance.教学重难点:1. Develop students’ reading ability such as skimming, scanning and summarizing.2. Let students talk about the precursor before the earthquake, the damage caused by the earthquake, the rescue after the earthquake and the reconstruction after the earthquake.教学过程:Step 1 Activity 1Activating background informationT: Today we are going to learn a passage with the title “The Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep”. So why didn’t the earth sleep on that night? What happened to the earth? Actually there is a movie directed by Feng Xiaogang focuses on the same earthquake. Now, I’d like to show you a short clip of the movie.1. Talk about the earthquakeQ1: What do you learn from the video?2. Talk about Tangshan earthquake.Q1: What do you know about Tangshan earthquake?Q2: What do you want to know about it?Step 2 Activity 2Reading to get some basic information about earthquake1. Read quickly to find the answers to the students’ own questions.2. Read for the topic sentences and work out the organization of the text.Q1: What’s the topic sentence in each paragraph?Q2: In what order does the author describe the earthquake?Step 3 Activity 3Reading for detailed information1. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 1.Q1: What were the strange things?Q2: What was people’s reaction to these strange things?Q3. Why didn’t people pay attention to these strange things/the signs before the earthquake? T: People had little knowledge of earthquake at that time.Q4: When does this paragraph mainly talk about?T: Abnormal signs before the earthquake.2. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 2.Q1: How strong was the earthquake?Q2: How did the people feel when the earthquake happened?Q3: What does this paragraph mainly talk about?3. Read to get detailed information about Para. 3.Q1: What were destroyed?Q2: How does the writer describe “everything in the city”?Q3: How did the people feel?Q4: What does this paragraph mainly talk about?4. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 4.Q1: Who brought hope back? And what did they do?Q2: How did the people feel after a lot of people came to rescue?Q3: How was the city after a lot of people came to rescue?5. Read to get detailed information about Paragraph 5.Q1: What shows the revival of Tangshan?Q2: How can Tangshan revive itself and get up on its feet again?Q3: In times of disasters, how can we go through it?T: In times of disasters, we should unify, show the wisdom and stay positive.Step 4 Activity 4Highlighting the theme and reflecting1. Make a summary of the text.2. Further understand the titleQ: After our learning, why do you think the earth didn’t sleep on that night?T: An earthquake happened. The people in the earthquake suffered a lot, and the people outside Tangshan were concerned about the people there a lot.3. Reflect through discussion on what can be learnt after reading.T: Disasters are powerful. Unpreparedness can be deadly. Life is weak, but if people work together to help each other, disasters can be defeated.There is no love from disaster, but we have love in the human heart.Step 5 AssignmentHow does the writer convey that the earthquake was deadly, and that people were helpless during the earthquake? Try to find some attractive and impressive expressions and note them down.Unit 4 Natural Disasters Period 3Discovering Useful Structures教案教材分析:This teaching period mainly deals with the grammar: the restrictive relative clauses.This period carries considerable significance to the cultivation of students’ writing competence and lays a solid foundation for the basic appreciation of language beauty. The teacher is expected to enable students to master this period thoroughly and consolidate the knowledge by doing some exercise of good quality.教学目标与核心素养:1. Get students to have a good understanding of the basic usages of the restrictive relative clauses.2. Enable students to use the restrictive relative clauses flexibly.3. Develop students’ speaking and cooperating abilities.4. Strengthen students’ great interest in grammar learning.教学重难点:How to enable students to have a good understanding of the restrictive relative clauses, especially the uses of the relative words such as which, that, who, whom.教学过程:Step1 语法知识呈现定语从句(一)——关系代词的用法在复合句中,修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。

人教版高中英语必修第一册《Unit 4 Natural Disasters》说课稿

人教版高中英语必修第一册《Unit 4 Natural Disasters》说课稿

人教版高中英语必修第一册《Unit 4 Natural Disasters》说课稿课程背景和教学目标本课是人教版高中英语必修第一册的第四单元,主题为自然灾害。








例如:•Have you ever experienced any natural disasters? Which ones?•What do you know about earthquakes / floods / hurricanes (choose one type of natural disaster)?•What kind of damage do you think natural disasters can cause?然后,让学生自由讨论并分享自己的观点和经历。

接下来,向学生简要介绍本单元的主题《Natural Disasters》并提问:•What do you think we will learn in this unit?•What kind of natural disasters do you think we will study?通过导入部分的讨论,激发学生的学习兴趣,为接下来的学习做好准备。

高中英语 新人教版 必修一Unit4 Natural Disasters 教案

高中英语 新人教版 必修一Unit4 Natural Disasters 教案

高中英语新人教版必修一Unit4Natural Disasters 教案关键词,并标注出来,为接下来的听力做好准备。

5分钟Step 4 Group nIn groups。

discuss the以下这个环节可以让学生通过XXX问题讨论,提高他们的口语表达share your answers.能力和团队合作能力。

10分钟Step 5 Listening for the2nd and 3rd timeNow listen to the news再次听力,让学生能够更加熟XXX话题背景和重点信息,并找到问the correct answers to题中的关键词。

XXX.10分钟Step 6 Follow-up activityIn pairs。

XXX通过角色扮演,让学生更好地play based on one of the理解和运用所学的语言知识。



2.Develop students' XXX and effects of natural disasters.3.XXX' XXX.教学重难点:1.如何通过快速阅读找到段落主题句。



教学步骤:Step 1 Warm-up1.Show students some pictures of natural disasters and ask them to name the types of disasters they see.2.Ask students if they have ever experienced a natural disaster or know someone who has。



课时教学设计1(参考)课时教学设计2(参考)3.Do you know why an earthquake happens? Why do some countries have a lot of earthquakes?Step2. Prereading Talk about the title “A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep”Step3.Fast reading1. What does the passage mainly talk about?The passage mainly talks about a terrible________(回答what?) that happened in ________( where?) in _______( when? ) and caused great damage to people.2. Structure of the passagePart 1 (Para.1 ) before the earthquake Part 2 ( (Para.2 &3 ) during the earthquake Part 3 ((Para.4 ) after the earthquake Step4.Detailed reading1.Mindmap the first part2.Fill in the blanks.1) of the nation felt the earthquake. desire of thinking and speaking about the topic.*to know the main idea and structure of the passage.*find and proc ess informatio n to develop st udents’ thinkin g .how to help people who suffered a lot after earthquake.Three topics related to the passage for students to di scuss and share. Step 7. HomeworkWrite a letter to tell people how to protect yourself i n the earthquake.板书设计(含思维导图)作业设计(1) 晚练(四篇阅读理解+七选五) (2) 同步《课时小练》 (3) 《双语报》练习 教学反思附:课时教学设计3(参考) 课题 Unit 4 Natural DisastersDiscovering Useful StructuresPart 1 (Para.1 ) before the earthquakePart 2 ( (Para.2 & 3 ) during the earthquake Part 3 ((Para.4 ) after the earthquake。



Unit 4整体单元设计及嵌入型评价一、单元主题Natural disasters二、课标分析(1)新课标要求理解上下文语境。













25 April, 2022
Lasting for 1 day
Many plants and temples destroyed
Hundreds of firefighters arrived
Motorcycles, helicopters used to fight the fire
No deaths, on injuries
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Ullit 4 NatUral DiSaSterS PeriOd 1LiStening and SPeaking 教案教材分析:高老听力材料的选用非常重视语言直实性和交际性的原则,语言材料一般来源于实际生活,对话的内容大都取材于日常生活,即衣、食、住、行、工作、学习、天气、生活环境等话题,可分为校园、公共场所、家庭等方面,女口:ShOPPmg I finding the Way l domg one,s homework I Seeillg a doctor, making a PhOne Cail, Weather IePort, askmg for dιfiereιιt kinds Of Hifbnnation 等。




根据生活中实际情况和高考常见语境,我们不难发现提前预测和抓住题干中的W很重要,即What, Where, Whell, Why 等等。



教学过程:Unit 4 NatUrai DiSaSterS PeriOd 2Reading and Thinking 教案教学目标与核心素养:1.TeaCh SnIdelItS to find OUt the ParagraPh topic Sentelices, UnderStaild the basic InfbnllatIoII Of die TangShall earthquake tlιrouglι SkHliining, SearCIlIng aιιd Other Ieadmg SkiIIs.2.Enable SnldelltS to SOrt OUt the details Of the paragraph, to UnderStand the Strange things before die TangShan earthquake, the tremendous destructive force CaUSed by the eartlιquake, and the IaPld and SeIfleSS rescue and reconstruction after the disaster.3.DiSClISS the tliuiking brought by eartlιquake and SUblillIate the theme SignIfiCanee.教学重难点:1.DeVelOP students' IeadIng ability SUCh as Skmiming, SCanning and SllIninarIZing.2.Let StlIdentS talk about the PreCUrSOr before the earthquake, the damage CaUSed by theearthquake, the IeSCUe after die earthquake and die reconstnιctιon after die earthq uake.教学过程:SteP 1 ACtivity 1ACtiVating background informationT: TOday We are gomg to Iearn a PaSSage With the title -The Night the EartIl Didn't Sleep,∖ SO Why didn't the earth SleeP on that night? What happened to the earth? ACnlany there is a movie directed by Feng XlaOgang focuses On the SaIIle earthquake. Now, Γd IIke to ShOW you a SIlOrt CllP Of die movie.1.TaIk about the earthquakeQl: What do you Ieanl from the video?2.Talk about TangShall earthquake.Ql: What do you know about TangShan earthquake?Q2: What do you Want to know about it?SteP 2 AXtiVity 2Reading to get SOme basic information about earthquake1.Read quickly to find the answers to the students' OWn questions.2.Read for the topic SentelICeS and ∖λr ork OUt the OrgallIZatIOn Of die text.Ql: What,s tlιe topic SentenCe m each paragraph?Q2: In What Order does the author describe die earthquake?SteP 3 ACtiVity 3Reading for detailed information1.Read to get detailed information about ParagraPh 1.Ql: What Were tlιe Strange tilings?Q2: What WaS people's IeaCtIOn to tlιese Strange tilings?Q3. Why didn't PeOPle Pay attention to these Strange thmgs/the SignS before the earthquake? T: PeOPle had Iittle knowledge Of earthquake at tlιat tune.Q4: When does this ParagraPh mainly talk about?T: AbnO nilal SigllS before the eartlιquake.2.Read to get detailed InfbrmatiOn about ParagraPh 2.Ql: HOW StrOng WaS die earthquake?Q2: HOW did the PeOPle feel Whell die earthquake happened?Q3: What does this ParagraPh mamly talk about?3.Read to get detailed information about Para. 3.Ql: What Were destroyed?Q2: HOW does die ∖λτιter describe 飞VerythIng iιι the city"?Q3: HOW did the PeOPle feel?Q4: What does this ParagraPh mamly talk about?4.Read to get detailed information about ParagraPh 4.Ql: WhO brought hope back? And Wllat did tlιey do?Q2: HOW did the PeOPle feel after a IOt Of PeOPle Came to rescue?Q3: HOW WaS the City after a IOt Of PeOPle Came to rescue?5.Read to get detailed InfbrmatiOn about ParagraPh 5.Ql: What ShOWS the revival OfTangShaιι?Q2: HOW C all TallgShaIl WViVe itself aιιd get UP On its feet agam?Q3: In tmιes Of disasters, how Can We go tlιrouglι it?T: Iii times Of disasters, We ShOUld unify; ShOW the WiSdom and Stay positive.SteP 4 AXtiVity 4HighIighting the theme and reflecting1.Make a SuinnIary Of die text.2.FUrther IInderStalld the titleQ: After Ollr Ieanimg, Why do you tlιιnk the earth didn't SleeP On tlιat Ilight?T: An earthquake happened. The PeOPle In the earthquake SUfiered a lot. and die PeOPle OUtSide TangShall Λλ-ere ConCemed about the PeOPle there a lot.3.RefleCt tlιroιιglι discussion on Wllat Can be Ieamt after reading.T: DISaSterS are POWerfiIL UnPreParedlleSS Call be deadly. Life is weak, but if PeOPle V t r QTk together disasters Can be defeated.to help each otlιer5TIlere is no IOVe &om disaster, but We have IoVe In the human heart.SteP 5 ASSignmentHOW does the WrIter COlIVey tlιat the earthquake WaS deadly, and tlιat PeOPle Were helpless durmg tlιe earthquake? Try to find SOme attractive and impressive expressions and note them down.UIlit 4 NatUral DiSaSterS PeriOd 3DiSCOVering USefUl StrUCtUreS 教案教材分析:ThiS teaching PerIOd mainly deals With the granmiar: die restrictive relative clauses.ThiS PeriOd carries COnSIderable SignIfiCanCe to the CUlthβatιon Of students' Writing COmPetellCe and IayS a SOlId foundation for the basic appreciation Of Iallgllage beauty. The teacher is expected to enable StUdentS to master tlιis PerIOd thoroughly aιιd COaSOIIdate the knowledge by doing SOme exercise Of good quality.教学目标与核心素养:1.Get SnldentS to ha∖∙ e a good IUIderStandlllg Of the basic USageS Of the restrictive IelatiVe clauses.2.Enable SnIdentS to USe the TeSniCtIVe relat∏∙ e CIaUSeS flexibly.3.DeVelOP students' SPeaklllg and COOPeratmg abilities.4.Strellgtllell students' great mterest iιι grammar Ieainmg.【学堇难点:HOW to enable SnldentS to have a good ImderStanding Of the restrictive relative clauses, espeCiaIly the IISeS Of the IeIath*e WOrdS SUCh as which, that, who, whom.教学过程:StePl语法知识呈现定语从句(一)——关系代词的用法在复合句中,修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。
