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Baccini S.p.a. - Via Postumia Ovest, 244. Olmi di S. Biagio di C. Treviso – Italy
Web: http:// E-mail: baccini@interbusiness.it Tel. :+39 0422 892101 Fax :+39 0422 892238
File: Item 1 Software menu.doc 1
利用这个命令你可关闭设备运行程序并进入到WINDOWS NT桌面,只有通过高级密码才能关闭这个程序。
2. 设备选项
21. 运转
1. Enable Magazine Loader运行载片蓝装载装置:
2. Enable Printing (password required)运行印刷(需要密码):
当取消这一选项时,印刷动作被跳过即印刷X轴11MG,Y轴12MG,THATA轴13MG,Z轴14MG 印刷头16MG这些马达停止动作,但硅片在工作台上仍执行位置校正动作(假设在51页上的‘ALIGNMENT定位’功能被启用)和出片,仅仅不被印刷,3. Enable Flip-Over运行翻片器:when disabled, the Flip-Over does not work and the cell is not flipped before being processed by the item 2.
4. Enable Load Breakage 运行碎片检查: when disabled, the Flip-Over does not check if the wafer, before of table nests, is broken.
5. Enable Oven Heating (password required)运行烘干(须提供密码): this option enables or disables the oven heating elements.
6. Enable Unload Oven使能卸载烘箱中的晶片: this option enables or disables the unload function. In this mode the machine unload all pieces from the oven and will stop the loader item of the machine.
7. Enable Bypass Oven使能旁路烘箱: this is a useful option when the operator wants to run the machine without
loading pieces on the trays in the oven (directly to the final furnace).当烘箱中的盘子未装硅片操作者想运行机器时,这是一个非常有用的选项
8.Dispenser分配者: it is possible to set the frequency at which the loading of paste is automatically activated.
Zero (0) means disabling the dispenser. The field ―Pieces printed‖ shows the number of pieces printed
after the last dispenser activation. The dispenser can be also activated in manual mode by pressing the
proper button on the switchboard.
9. Enable Wafer Alignment (password required)使能硅片调整: this option allows the cell to be aligned by cameras before print procedure. Every cell will be printed in the same position independently on the physical
position it has been loaded on the table. If the o ption is disabled the position of the piece won‘t be
10. Enable Screen Alignment (password required)使能印刷网调整(提供密码): this option causes the fiducial marks on the screen to be located whenever the screen is changed or simply unlocked and locked.
11. Check Breakage Before印刷前碎片检测: this option enable/disable the possibility to check, the cell before of the print operation, if there are some breakage parts in the cell.
12. Check Breakage After印刷后碎片检测: this option enable/disable the possibility to check, the cell after the printing if there are some breakage parts in the cell.
13. Paper Change纸的更换: this is a ―watchdog‖ counter. It means that when the number of pieces printed in any
position get the number set in the field ―Num‖ the machine stops warning the operator about changing
the paper in that position. Setting 0 (zero) disables the ―watchdog‖.
14. Single Nest单一位置: enables the single nest mode. In other words it is possible to force the machine to print
only in a selected position. In normal conditions 0 (zero) must be set (all positions). This function has not
used in this machine.
15. Piece dimension片子尺寸:
13.1:Length长and Width宽: in these fields the two dimensions of the cell (in micrometers ) are displayed.
They can be modified only when machines A and B are both in manual mode.
13.2:Change piece size改变尺寸: pressing this button the machine will adjust the position of the axis according
to the values set on the Length and Width fields. This operation can be done only in manual mode.
Then the machine must be reset.
16. Cycle Time (password required)循环时间(提供密码): the production rate of the machine is determined by the walking beam cycle time. The operator can set that time in the bottom right box of the page. On the left box, on
the same page, it is possible to read the real cycle time for both the walking beams.
2.2. Print Data印刷数据
In this page a set of parameters involved in the print procedure, like snap-off, squeegee pressure, print cycle
and others, are listed. They can be loaded or saved manually in the ―Save / Load data‖ page (61) and the
machine, when started, automatically loads the file that was used the last time. Starting from the first line, the
user will find the following parameters:
在‘SAVE/LOAD DATA’存储/导出数据页(61),他们可以被手动导出和存储,并且当开始后机器可自动调出上次被应用的文件。
1. Print type印刷类型: four different kinds of printing cycles are selectable:
1.1. Alternate squeegee单向滚压: the machine prints every cell by a single movement, alternately in forward or backward direction.
1.2. Double squeegee双向滚压: every cell is printed twice, first in forward and then in backward direction.
1.3. Squeegee and flood滚压和溢出: the cell is printed in the forward direction and then, while the table is coming
back to unload it, the ink is flooded by the flood blade.
1.4.Flood and squeegee溢出和滚压: the ink is flooded by the flood blade and then the cell is printed in forward
2. Screen: the following parameters are involved in print procedure:
2.1. S nap-of f喷印距离: it is the distance between the cell and the screen while printing. It is important to note that
the distance is related to the Z axis movement, which is positive downward, that is, snap-off has to
be a negative number.
2.2. Park 停放: this is the distance between the cell and the screen after printing. Like snap-off, it is negative.
2.3. Speed upward向上的速度: it is the Z axis (holder of the screen) speed while going up from print position to
park position after printing.
3.Squeegee滚轴: during the printing the following parameters need to be set by the user:
3.1. Down-stop下放: this is the commanded vertical squeegee position while printing the cell. It is not
directly related to the snap-off value, that is, if the operator changes snap-off, he has to remember
also to change print height.
3.3. Park停放: this is the position of the print head after printing or flooding.这是印刷后印刷头的位置
3.4. Pressure压力: during the printing, the vertical squeegee is commanded to go to the ―Down-stop‖
position. This one has to be set a little bit under the cell level (0.3-0.4 mm could be enough), so that
the actual pressure (left side displayed) can reach the set value. The set pressure is expressed in
3.5. Pressure Mode压力模式: This option enable/disable the pressure during the printing operation. The
machine will work using the pressure mode or the position mode. Pressure mode is recommended.
4. Advancement前进: the horizontal movement of the holder of the squeegee has to be set by six parameters:
4.1. Position 位置1: this is the starting position when the machine prints in forward direction.
4.2. Position位置2: this is the final position when the machine prints in backward direction.
4.3. Position 位置3: this is the final position when the machine prints in forward direction.
4.4. Position位置4: this is the starting position when the machine prints in backward direction.
4.5. Printing speed印刷速度: this is the horizontal squeegee speed while printing.
4.6. Flood speed溢流速度: this is the horizontal flood blade speed while flooding.
4.7. FOOD SQUEEGE UP/DOWN: using these two buttons it will be possible to pull up/down the flood
blade squeegee. These options are enabled only in manual mode.
5. X, Y, Theta piece offsets(X、Y 、Theta偏移量: by setting these values the operator can correct the position of the screen : 通过设定这些值,操作者能够纠正丝网的位置
5.1 X offset(X轴偏移量): it is the correction along X direction.这是沿X轴方向的纠正
5.2 Y offset(Y轴偏移量): it is the correction along Y direction.这是沿Y轴方向的纠正
5.3 Theta offset(SHETA偏移量): it is the angular correction. Positive value causes counterclockwise rotation.
6. Delay After Print 印刷后延迟时间(Sec/10): this is the time the program will wait for after printing before going up with squeegee and screen. This time could be necessary to allow the screen to separate from the piece.
7. Move in print position移到印刷位置: if the machine is in manual mode the operator can push this button so that the screen goes down to the print position (see the upper point 2.1), and the squeegee will be move in the
middle of the screen and in park position (see the upper point 3.3).
2.4. Operator Page
This page is a merge of the main functions present in the other func tion pages such as ―21-Cycle‖ Menu and
the ―22-Print Data‖. It is very useful because allow the operator to perform the most frequent actions during
the set up without changing menu.本页是一些主要功能的合并页,这些功能在其它页中以被叙述,例如:‘21-循环’‘22-印刷数据’。
2.5 Breakage Measurement Cells破损电池尺寸
This page displays the breakage cells on the load walking beam, before of the table nests.
1. Breakage Sensor Actual Value破损传感器实际值: In this field you can see if the cell has been broken.
2. Breakage Tolerance Value破损允许值: In this field you can see the tolerance value, that the sensor use, for check if
the cell is broken or not..在这一区域里,你可看到传感器检测电池时的允许值,不管电池是否被损坏。
3.Breakage Sensor Home Value破损传感器有效值: In this field you can see zero value of the sensor, in volts. This value are calculated when you press the Calibration Breakage Measurement Cells Sensor button..
4. Calibration Breakage Measurement Cells Sensor校准破损传感器: When you press this button (with password and in manual mode) the system read the sensor and take this value for the new zero value. You must confirm
the page data for save this value.
2.6 Screen Measurement丝网尺寸
In this page the operator can set the parameter for the screen measurement test:
1. Enable Screen measurement使能丝网尺寸: this parameter is the frequency which the screen measurement cycle is automatically executed at. Null value means the cycle is no executed.
2. Set Nominal Fiducial Distance设定基准距离: this parameter is the nominal distance between the 2 fiducials in the screen.
3. Set Fiducial Tollerance +/-报警设定: this parameter represents the tollerance between the nominal fiducial distance and the real fiducial distance measured with the camera, if the tollerance are not OK a alarm
window appears.
3. OVEN烤箱
These pages are related to oven management, the others useful for the operator, the second one reserved
to qualified engineers.
3.1. Temperatures温度
Temperature sensors from channel A to channel D are provided on the oven. The user can read / set the
following parameters:
1. Status (read only)状态(只读): this flag is ON when the oven heating is enabled.
2. Time On (read only): this is the actual duty cycle (from 0 to 100 %) in the oven heating elements
3. T.Real (read only)实际温度(只读): this is the actual temperature and it is readable for all channels.
4. T.Set Temperature (read / write)设定温度(可读/写): this is the desired temperature the user wants to have inside each zone of the oven.
5. Temperature control range (read / write)温度控制范围(可读/写):this is the allowed temperature tolerance. The machine will work without any alarm when the difference between the real and the set temperature is not greater than
the control range temperature.
6. Economy temperature (read / write)经济温度(可读/写): this is the temperature which the oven will be commanded to
when a greater than the ―Economy delay time‖ elapses with the machine in stop mode
7. Economy delay time (read / write): this is time the machine will wait for before commanding the oven
to the ―Economy‖ temperature in stop mode.
PAGE 32-Temperatures PID(32页温度PID)
PAGE 33-Control Parameter PID(33页控制参数PID)
PAGE 34-Test Tuning PID(34页测试调整PID)
These pages are reserved to qualified engineers and concerns internal oven parameters such as
proportional band, integral and derivative time, tuning data and so on.
3.5. Oven Temperature Cycle烘箱温度周期
This page is useful when the operator wants to get the oven temperature profile. Only one option is
available, that is the ―Enable Oven Temperature Cycle‖. When selected, the ―X‖ appears between the
squared brackets and the oven starts the cycle. Once the cycle is ended, the ―X‖ disappears.
In the first line the set time is also available (read only parameter).
4. AXIS轴
The axes management is divided in two different pages, the first related to motion control card parameters
(reserved to qualified engineers), the second to manual commands (useful for the operator).
4.1. Elmo Axis Parameters
This page contains the most important parameters which are sent to the motion control card when the
machine is turned on. The motor can be selec ted by ―Page Up‖ and ―Page Down‖ keys. The following
parameters are displayed:
通过‘PAGE UP上翻’和‘PAGE DOWN下翻’键
1. KP3 Proportional (POS)位置比例系数: this is the proportional coefficient of the position loop in the PIP digital controller.
2. KP2 Proportional (VEL)速度比例系数: this is the proportional coefficient of the speed loop in the PIP digital controller. 这是PIP数字控制器中速度环中的比例系数
3. KI2 Integral (VEL)积分: this is the integrative coefficient in the PIP digital controller.这是PIP数字控制器中的积分系数
4. Smooth Factor平滑因数: this is the parameter which causes the trapezoidal speed profile to be smoothed. Its
range is 0 - 100, where 100 corresponds to the maximum smoothing and 0 corresponds to no smoothing
(not used).
5.SP Axis Speed(SP轴速度): it represents the maximum allowed motor speed.
6. AC Axis Acceleration(AC轴加速度): it is the motor acceleration in the first part of the speed profile.
7. DC Axis Deceleration(DC轴减速): it is the deceleration in the last part of the speed profile.
8. FL Axis Position Positive Limit(FL轴正位置极限): it is the maximum allowed motor position.
9. BL Axis Position Negative Limit(BL轴负位置极限: it is the minimum allowed motor position.
10. Axis Micron/Step Resolution(轴UM/编码器每步): it is the ratio between one final encoder step and the physical unit whichis used to measure motor position.
11. DP Axis Home Position(DP轴静止位置): it is the motor position related to the encoder zero position.
12. CL Continuous Current Limit直流电流界限: this is the maximum allowed continuous current of controller. The range
is 0 to 10 A. Whenever one of the parameters is changed the user can simply send it to the motion control card by using
the ―Confirm/Send‖ option. In order to make the change permanent, the user can also save it by using the
―Save Axis Data‖ option, with the ―Manual Movement‖ page you can move the selected axis.
For some parameters (FL,BL, resolution and DP) the axis reset must be done in order to make them active.
为了获得这些以改变的参数,用户也可通过‘SAME AXIS DATA存储轴数据’选项将数据保存,利用‘MANUAL MOVEMENT手动运动’页你可移动被选的轴。
4.2. Elmo Axis Manual轴手册
It is possible for each motor to read the current position, to set a new one or to move it by steps. These
commands are available in ―Axes manual commands‖ page, where the axis is selectable by using the BOX.
The actual position value is always readable in the first line of the page. With the machine in manual mode,
the following options are available:
在‘AXES MANUAL COMMANDS轴的手动命令’页中的一些命令是可用的,在该页可读出轴的实际值。
1. Set Axis Position设定轴位置: this option allows the user to move the axis manually in this position by push the
related button. A wrong value will be rejected and the axis don‘t move.
2. Step Offset步幅偏移量+/-: the user can type a step within the admissible range and then move the motor by increasing or decreasing its position one step every time the ―F(+)” or ―B(-)” button is pressed.
3. Axis Reset轴复位: this option causes the motor to execute its homing procedure.
In the white window you can see the alarm message related to the axis failure.
All set-up parameters involved in vision system are contained in vision page, which is divided in
―Alignment‖, ―Calibration‖ and ―Menu‖ pages
5.1. Cameras Piece Alignment相片调整
In order to print in the correct position, the system needs to locate two different points for both the cell and
the screen. However only one of them (one for the cell and one for the screen) will be considered as a
reference point for the alignment function. Their nominal coordinates must be given as input in the
―Alignment‖ page, like follows:
1. Wafer Alignment Reference晶片调整参考: the reference point in the piece aligned by the alignment algorithm.
2. Cell Camera Alignment Results (read only)晶片相机调整结果(只读): the axis positions computed by the alignment
3. Manual Piece Alignment手动片子调整: Pressing enter in this field will be able to execute, only in MANUAL mode, the piece alignment. In output will be show the movement of the axis X, Y, Theta gotten from the alignment
5.1.1 Screen Camera Alignment丝网相机调整
When the system needs to locate an object by a camera, i.e. when one camera has to find a reference point,
the involved motors must be in such a position that the object itself is visible. Every cell is aligned by locating
one corner or the center of the cell (by camera 1 in the left position). The screen is aligned by locating two
reference marks in the left and right part of the image (by camera 9 and 10). Thus three points have to be
found and the related motor positions for X and Y table axes have to be typed in the ―Alignment positions‖
page and saved in the current work file. The following parameters are listed:
因此这三个点和相关马达的位置(对应X和Y轴)必须输入到‘ALIGNMENT POSITIONS调整位置’页中,并保存到当前的工作文件中。
1. Screen R eference X/Y Camera 9(丝网参考XY相机9): This is the nominal X/Y coordinate of the screen reference point,
for camera 9, with respect to the center of the screen itself (Pattern 9).
2. Screen Position X Camera 9: it is the X screen axis position when the bottom reference mark of the
screen is located by camera 9 in the first position (Pattern 9).
3. Screen Position Y Camera 9: it is the Y screen axis position when the bottom reference mark of the
screen is located by camera 9 in the first position (Pattern 9).
4. Screen Reference X/Y Camera 10: This is the nominal X/Y coordinate of the screen reference point, for camera 10, with respect to the center of the screen itself (Pattern 10).
5. Screen Position X Camera 10: it is the X screen axis position when the upper reference mark of the screen is located by camera 10 in the second position (Pattern 10).
6. Screen Position Y Camera 10: it is the Y screen axis position when the upper reference mark of the screen is located by camera 10 in the second position (Pattern 10)
The Theta position is always supposed to be zero during the alignment procedure so that it is not displayed. When the ― Screen Camera Alignment” page is displayed the operator can also press the ―Move Camera 9/10 Axis‖ key (with the machine in manual mode): the Z axis will go to the displayed position and the screen light will be turned on. This is useful when the operator wants to check screen fiducials (Patterns 9/10). Set The Vision System Alignment Model You must define in the vision system these SEARCH (Patterns):Search(Pattern)
当‘SCREEN CAMERA ALIGNMENT丝网相机调整’页显示时,操作者可按下‘MOVE CAMERA 9/10移动相机’按钮(手动模式),Z轴将达到显示位置并且丝网灯被打开。
Baccini S.p.a. - Via Postumia Ovest, 244. Olmi di S. Biagio di C. Treviso – Italy
Web: http:// E-mail: baccini@interbusiness.it Tel. :+39 0422 892101 Fax :+39 0422 892238 File: Item 1 Software menu.doc 19
5.2. Cameras Calibration相机校准
The procedure whose aim is to determine those parameters the system needs to use cameras is called calibration. What the system requires is substantially the mathematical relation between vision coordinates (pixel), which are different in each camera, and machine coordinates, which are related to a common X, Y system. This can be considered as a tuning operation which is strictly related to each camera, and it must be carried out any time one camera is mechanically moved, rotated or replaced. The algorithm evaluates the required parameters by comparing known motor positions (X, Y and Theta) with vision coordinates. At the end the difference between known positions and calculated ones is evaluated as an index of fitness. These values are displayed in ―Calibration results‖ pages. One aluminum calibration screen is provided together with the machine to calibrate cameras 1. Another calibration screen has to be used for cameras 9 and 10. It can be a simple print screen with fiducials. The following options are available on ―Calibration‖ page:
这些值在被显示在‘CALIBRATION RESULTS校准结果’页中。
1. Calibration camera校正相机1: this option makes calibration start for camera 1. The user has first to select and confirm this option (in manual mode), then he has to insert and lock the calibration plate and then he has
to confirm again by pressing the Enter key. At the end of calibration the user has to unlock and remove
the calibration plate, and finally he has to confirm again by pressing the Enter key.
2. Calibration cameras 校准相机9-10: this option makes calibration start for camera 9 and 10. The user has to
insert and lock the calibration screen before starting. Every screen can be used as calibration screen,
but it‘s suggestible to choose one screen with very good fiducials and to use alw ays the same, so that
the user is not required to change calibration axes position any time he has to calibrate the system.
本选项开始校准相机9和10 。
3. Calibration Save校准保存: this option saves data concerning axes positions for calibration, as well as calibration
output parameters.
4. Calibration Load校准装载: this option loads data concerning axes positions for calibration, as well as calibration
output parameters.
Master Offsets X,Y,Theta page主偏移量页
The ―Master Offsets X, Y, Theta‖ button opens the related page, where the user can set the following
按下‘MASTER OFFSETS X、Y、THETA偏移量‘按钮打开相应页,在此用户可以设定以下参数:
•X master offset(X向主偏移量): it is the estimated offset value along the x direction due to machine system tolerances (basically due to calibration system).
•Y master offset(Y向主偏移量): it is the estimated offset value along the y direction due to machine system tolerances (basically due to calibration system).
•Theta master offset(THETA角度偏差): it is the estimated angular offset value due to machine system tolerances (basically due to calibration system).
Set The Vision System Calibration Model设置视觉系统校准模式
You must define in the vision system these SEARCH (Patterns):