



化工进展 2016年第35卷·830·由图7可以看出,剂油质量比对焦化蜡油脱氮效果影响显著,对精制油收率的影响不大。






3 结论本研究进行了负载型杂多酸吸附剂脱除焦化蜡油中碱性氮化物的实验,得出如下结论。






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不 同氮掺 杂量 碳 纳米 管 的合成 和 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 征
王利 军★ I 1 王 景伟 t 李庆华 t 袁 昊 t 田 震 t 解丽丽 t 李 全 芝
( 上 海 第二 工业 大 学环境 工 程 系, 环 境功 能材 料 实验 室 , 上海 ( 2 复旦 大 学化 学 系 , 分子 催化 与创 新 材料 实验 室 , 上海 2 0 1 2 0 9 ) 2 0 0 4 3 3 )
第 6期 2 0 0 7年 6月

Vo 1 . 2 3 No . 6
J u n . , 2 0 0 7
摘 要 :以不 同氮 含 量 的 有 机 胺 为 碳 和 氮 源 , 用 催 化 方 法 合 成 出 了 不 同 氮含 量 的大 管 径 碳 纳 米 管 。采 用 F e / S B A . 1 5分 子 筛 为 催化 剂, 有 机胺 经 过 1 0 7 3 K高 温 裂 解 得 到氮 掺 杂 碳 纳 米 管 材 料 ( C N 。比 较 了 苯 、 三乙胺 、 二 乙胺 、 乙 二 胺 四 种 原料 对 合 成 C N 形貌 、 产率 、 掺 氮 量 和 吸 水 率 的影 响 ; 以二 乙 胺 为 原 料 合 成 出 适 中的 氮 碳 t  ̄ ( N / C原 子 比 为 0 . 1 5 ) 和较 高 产 率 ( 2 . 2 g ・ ( g ・ c a t ) 。 ’ ) 的竹 节状
S y nt h e s i s a nd Cha r a c t e r i z a t i o n o f Ca r bo n Na no t ub e s wi t l l Di fe r e nt Am o unt o f Ni t r o g e n







地址:210094 江苏省南京市孝陵卫200号



















物 理 化 学 学 报Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2024, 40 (2), 2304021 (1 of 2)Received: April 10, 2023; Revised: May 22, 2023; Accepted: May 23, 2023; Published online: June 8, 2023.*Correspondingauthors.Emails:***********.cn(H.L.);****************.cn(L.X.);Tel.:+86-511-88799500(L.X.).The project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (22178148, 22278193).国家自然科学基金(22178148, 22278193)资助项目 © Editorial office of Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica[Article] doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB202304021 Fe 0.64Ni 0.36@Fe 3NiN Core-Shell Nanostructure Encapsulated in N-Doped Carbon Nanotubes for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries with Ultralong Cycle StabilityChen Pu, Daijie Deng, Henan Li *, Li Xu *Institute for Energy Research, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, Jiangsu Province, China.Abstract: Rechargeable zinc-air batteries (ZABs) havebeen extensively investigated owing to their high powerdensity and environmental friendliness. However, the slowkinetics of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygenevolution reaction (OER) processes limit their practicalapplication. Currently, IrO 2 and RuO 2 are considered theoptimal OER electrocatalysts, and Pt/C is the most effectiveORR electrocatalyst. However, the practical application of Pt,Ir, and Ru in ZABs is severely limited owing to their low naturalabundance and high cost. Therefore, the fabrication ofinexpensive and high-performance bifunctional catalysts is essential for the development of rechargeable ZABs. Transition-metal alloys have a high electrical conductivity and low energy barrier for the reaction of oxygen, and thus they are considered promising ORR electrocatalysts. Transition-metal nitride-transition-metal alloy core-shell nanostructures can be fabricated to improve the bifunctional electrocatalytic activity. In this study, a bifunctional electrocatalyst with Fe 0.64Ni 0.36@Fe 3NiN core-shell structures encapsulated in N-doped carbon nanotubes (Fe 0.64Ni 0.36@Fe 3NiN/NCNT) was designed for highly efficient rechargeable ZABs. Fe 0.64Ni 0.36@Fe 3NiN/NCNT was synthesized by pyrolyzing the nickel-iron-layered double hydroxide (NiFe-LDH) precursor, followed by ammonia etching of the Fe 0.64Ni 0.36 alloy. The core-shell structure produced more ORR/OER active sites. The Fe 0.64Ni 0.36 core exhibited high electrical conductivity, which facilitates charge transfer. The Fe 3NiN shell enhanced the OER performance and improved the bifunctional performance. Moreover, the NCNT structures not only efficiently enhanced the mass transfer efficiency and intrinsic electrical conductivity, but also provided a large electrochemical active surface area. The high anticorrosion property of the Fe 3NiN shell effectively protected the Fe 0.64Ni 0.36 core, which consequently enhanced electrocatalyst stability during the electrochemical processes. The protective carbon layer and the superior chemical stability of the Fe 3NiN shell resulted in the ultrahigh stability of Fe 0.64Ni 0.36@Fe 3NiN/NCNT. The catalyst exhibited an excellent bifunctional oxygen electrocatalytic performance, with a half-wave potential of 0.88 V for the ORR and low OER overpotential of 380 mV at 10 mA ∙cm −2. Moreover, the catalyst exhibited electrochemical stability (92.8% current retention after 8 h). In addition, the Fe 0.64Ni 0.36@Fe 3NiN/NCNT-based ZAB exhibited a higher peak power density (214 mW ·cm −2) than the ZABs based on Pt/C+IrO 2 (155 mW ·cm −2) and Fe 0.64Ni 0.36/NCNT (89 mW ·cm −2). Moreover, the Fe 0.64Ni 0.36@Fe 3NiN/NCNT-based ZAB delivered a high capacity of 781 mAh ·g −1, while the ZABs based on Fe 0.64Ni 0.36/NCNT and Pt/C+IrO 2 reached capacities of 688 and 739 mAh ·g −1, respectively. Furthermore, the Fe 0.64Ni 0.36@Fe 3NiN/NCNT-based ZAB exhibited ultralong cycling stability (cycle life > 1100 h), which exceeded those of Pt/C (50 h) and Fe 0.64Ni 0.36/NCNT (450 h). We propose that this study will facilitate the design of novel catalysts for highly stable and efficient ZABs.Key Words: Bifunctional electrocatalyst; Fe 3NiN; Core-shellstructure; Zinc-air battery; Ultra-long cycle stability物理化学学报 Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin.2024,40 (2), 2304021 (2 of 2)氮掺杂碳纳米管包覆Fe0.64Ni0.36@Fe3NiN核壳结构用于高稳定锌-空气电池蒲晨,邓代洁,李赫楠*,徐丽*江苏大学能源研究院,化学化工学院,江苏镇江 212013摘要:可逆锌-空气电池因其高功率密度和环境友好性而得到了广泛研究。



Ab t c :C l u ain a e b e d o h o f u a in f s g ewal d c r o a ou e o t ii g s r t ac lt s h v e n ma e f r t e c n g r t s o i l— l a b n n n t b s c n an n a o i o n e
第4 5卷
第 6期
吉 林 大 学 学 报 (理 学 版 ) J U N LO II N V R IY ( CE C DTO O R A FJLN U I E ST S I N EE II N)
V 1 4 No 6 o. 5 .
稳 定性 , 对碳 氮原 子 间的键 合情 况进行 讨论 . 并 1 计算 方法 本文采 用 构建基 函数 与 密度 泛 函理 论程 序包 D I o, MO3 中的每个 电子波 函数 均在 以一个 MO3D] D I
Ke r s:c r n n n t b ;nt g n;d p n y wo d ab a ou e i e o o r o ig
由于碳 纳米 管 …具 有 独特 的力学 、电学性 质及 结构 特 点 ,因此 已成 为 建造 分 子 尺度 机 器和 纳 米 电
子器 件 的理 想选 择 J .
Y h nse g WE igb , H N i a U S a — n , N Q n —o Z E G We t h —o
( oeeo t isSi c n n ie i , inU i rt, h ncu 3 0 2 C i ) Clg l fMae a c ne dE gne n J i nv sy C a gh n10 1 , hn rl e a rg l ei a























地址:250000 山东省济南市南辛庄西路336号


饪 让

V 13 . o 2 . No8
研究论 文: 4 8 】2 11- 43
C iee o r a aa s hn s un lfC tl i J o y s
D : 03 2 / P 0 82 1.1 2 oI l .7 4S J18 . 1 0 0 0 0
基 金来 源:国家 自然 科 学 基 金 (1 7 0 5 2 0 3 0 ) 1 0 9 0 , 1 3 0 9.
Enha e m m o i n he i c iiy o u S nc dA n aSy t ss tv t f uppo t d o t o e Do d A R r e n Nir g n— pe
收 稿 日期: 0 0 1-4 2 1—01 .接 受 日期 : 0 l0 —7 2 1一52 . 通讯 联 系 人 .电话 :0 1)4 7 9 9 (4 18 39 6 ;传 真:0 1)4 7 1 8 (4 183 9 2 ;电 子信 箱 : ax@dc . . pnl i a e p cn 通讯 联 系人 .电话 :0 1)4 8 6 7 (4 18 6 63 ;传 真 :0 1)4 7 18 (4 183 9 2 ;电 子信 箱 : h a@dc . . xb o i a c p en
纳 米 管 相 比, 掺 杂 碳 纳 米 管 负 载 的 R 催 化 剂 上催 化合 成氨 反 应 活 性 增 加 , 6 0C制 得 的 掺 氮 碳 纳 米 管 负载 的 R 催 化 剂 活 氮 u 于 5。 u 性相 对 最 高 , 可 能是 由于 载 体 中氮 掺 杂 和 管 壁 石 墨化 的综 合 作 用 所 致 . 这 关键 词 :化 学气 相 沉 积 :氮 掺 杂 :合 成 氨 :钌 :碳 纳 米管 中 图分 类 号 : 6 3 0 4 文 献 标 识码 : A



氮掺杂碳纳米管的制备及性质研究氮掺杂碳纳米管(Nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes,NCNTs)作为晶体管导电材料、电极催化剂等领域具有广泛的应用前景。



1. 氮掺杂碳纳米管制备方法目前,氮掺杂碳纳米管的制备方法主要有以下几种:(1)碳源法碳源法是目前制备NCNTs最常用的方法。







2. NCNTs的性质研究(1)电学性能与传统碳纳米管相比,掺杂有少量氮元素的碳纳米管,具有较高的导电性和载流子浓度。










应 用 前 景 ~引.
示 ) 经过 结构 优化 后 , 别 对 其 进行 不 同浓 度 和不 , 分 同位 置 的氮原 子取 代掺 杂并 予 以结 构 优化 . 1( ) 图 a 给 出 了 4种 不 同 的 掺 杂 构 形 中氮 原 子 的位 置 , 1 () 在 A 格点 用 氮 原 子 取 代 一 个 碳 原 子 , 为 A 型 掺 记 杂 ;2 ( )同时取 代 A 和 B格点上 的碳 原子 , 为 AB 记
型掺 杂 ; 3 ( )同时 在 A 和 C 格 点 进 行 取 代 掺 杂 , 记
大 量研 究 表 明 , 碳纳 米 管进 行 掺 杂是 改 变碳 对 管 电子 输 运 特 性 的 有 效 途 径 l 8 引. S NT 对 WC s中
的氮原 子掺 杂 的研 究 较 多 . 验 上 常 用 的掺 杂 方 法 实
的应用 . 中一个非 常重要 的 问题 就是 不 同浓度 、 其 不 同构形 的掺 杂原子 对 于输 运 性 能 的影 响 , 是 亟 待 这 解 决 的问题 . 了进 一 步 了解 氮 原 子 掺杂 构 形 和 掺 为 杂 浓度 对 S NT WC s的电子输 运特性 的影 响 , 文 对 本 S WC s 偏压 作用 下 的输 运特 性 进 行探 讨 . 对 NT 在 这 基 于碳 纳米 管 的分子 器件研 究有 重要 意义 .
运 特性 . 算 结 果 表 明 , 同构 形 和不 同 数 目 的氮 原 子 掺 杂 对 ( , )单 壁 碳 管 的 输 运 性 能 有 复 杂 的影 响 . 究 发 计 不 8O 研 现 , 原 子 的 掺 杂 提 高 了半 导 体 型 碳 管 的 输 运性 能 , 氮 电流 一 电压 曲 线 呈 非 线 性 变 化 . 于 浓 度 相 同 的 氮 掺 杂 , 胞 内 对 原 最 近邻 氮原 子 问 距极 大 地 影 响 了碳 管 的 输运 性 能 . 因此 , 于掺 杂管 的分 子 器 件 的设 计 中 很 有 必 要 考 虑 这 些 因 素 . 基



氮掺杂炭层包覆碳纳米管的组织结构调控及其氧还原催化活性李莉香;赵宏伟;邢天宇;耿新;宋仁峰;安百钢【摘要】Polypyrrole-coated carbon nanotubes ( PPy-CNTs ) synthesized by an in-situ chemical polymerization approach were heat-treated at 600, 800 and 1000 ℃ in N2 to prepare N-doped carbon coatings on CNTs (NC-CNTs). The specific surface area ( SSA) and pore volume of the NC-CNTs increase significantly with heat treatment temperature and the nitrogen content decreases. Also, as the temperature increases the content of pyrrolic-N decreases while that of the graphitic-N increases. The SSA and pore vol-ume of the NC-CNT1000 are 3 and 1. 7 times higher than those of the NC-CNT600. As metal free electrocatalysts, the NC-CNTs show significant ORR activity in a basic electrolyte, but it is not proportional to their total nitrogen content. The ORR mechanism of the NC-CNT600 and NC-CNT800 belongs to a two-electron transfer reaction while that of the NC-CNT1000 to a mixture of the two-electron and four-electron transfer reactions. The NC-CNT1000 exhibits the best ORR activity and durability among the samples ow-ing to its highest SSA and pore volume as well as having the largest amount of graphitic-N.%采用化学原位聚合合成聚吡咯涂覆碳纳米管,之后将其在氮气氛下热处理制备氮掺杂炭层包覆碳纳米管NC-CNTs.利用该工艺,通过改变热处理温度,调控NC-CNTs组织结构和表面化学组成.比表面和孔结构分析显示,600,800和1000℃热处理制备的氮掺杂碳纳米管NC-CNT600,NC-CNT800和NC-CNT1000的比表面积和孔体积依次显著增加,NC-CNT1000的比表面积和孔体积分别约是NC-CNT600的3倍和1.7倍.这是因碳纳米管表面聚吡咯层向氮掺杂炭层转化过程导致更多的微孔形成.然而,制备温度升高使NC-CNTs的氮含量降低,表面含氮官能团由吡咯型氮向吡啶型氮和石墨氮转化,NC-CNT1000含最高比例的石墨氮.作为无金属催化剂,NC-CNTs在碱性电解质条件下展现了明显的氧还原催化活性,但其氧还原活性并不与样品氮含量成正比.NC-CNT600和NC-CNT800的氧还原反应为两电子转移机制,而NC-CNT1000表现为两电子和四电子转移混合机制,其展现出最高的氧还原催化活性和催化稳定性,这可能是其具有高的比表面积和孔体积,结合含氮官能团中高比例石墨氮的缘故.【期刊名称】《新型炭材料》【年(卷),期】2017(032)005【总页数】8页(P419-426)【关键词】氮掺杂;碳纳米管;氧还原;氮官能团【作者】李莉香;赵宏伟;邢天宇;耿新;宋仁峰;安百钢【作者单位】辽宁科技大学化学工程学院, 辽宁鞍山 114051;辽宁科技大学材料电化学研究所, 辽宁鞍山 114051;辽宁科技大学化学工程学院, 辽宁鞍山 114051;辽宁科技大学化学工程学院, 辽宁鞍山 114051;辽宁科技大学化学工程学院, 辽宁鞍山 114051;辽宁科技大学材料电化学研究所, 辽宁鞍山 114051;鞍钢集团矿业设计研究院,辽宁鞍山 114004;辽宁科技大学化学工程学院, 辽宁鞍山 114051;辽宁科技大学材料电化学研究所, 辽宁鞍山 114051【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O646随着石化资源临近枯竭和其低效使用带来的环境污染加剧, 开发绿色清洁能源日益迫切。



氮掺杂碳纳米管活化过-硫酸盐降解酸性橙AO7王莹;魏成耀;黄天寅;吴玮;陈家斌【摘要】采用氮掺杂多壁碳纳米管(N-CNT)作为固体活化剂,活化过—硫酸盐(PMS)氧化降解偶氮染料酸性橙7(AO7).结果表明,N-CNT活化PMS降解AO7比颗粒活性炭(GAC)效果好,N-CNT投加量为400mg/L、n(PMS)/n(AO7)为40/1时,反应60min可使AO7的脱色率达到99%;研究了N-CNT活化PMS降解AO7的降解机制,发现N-CNT活化PMS产生的自由基主要是SO4-·,活化场所在N-CNT的表面.在N-CNT/PMS体系中,初始pH值对降解AO7有较大的影响,当pH=3.0时AO7降解效果最好;Cl、SO42-和CO32-离子对AO7降解都存在一定促进作用,离子浓度越高,AO7降解速率越快.紫外可见光谱、TOC分析表明AO7分子中偶氮键及萘环结构均被破坏,并进一步矿化为CO2和H2O.%Nitrogen-doped carbon nanotube (N-CNT) was used as an activator to activate peroxymonosulfate (PMS) to degrade azo dye,Acid orange 7 (AO7) in aqueous solution.The results indicated that N-CNT exhibited a much better performance on activating PMS to decolorize AO7 than activated carbon (GAC),the removal of AO7 could reach 99% after 60min with 400mg/L of N-CNT dosage,40/lof PMS/AO7 molar ratio.The degradation mechanism of AO7 in N-CNT activated PMS system was explored,and SO4-· was found to be dominantly responsible for AO7 degradation,which mainly took place on the surface of N-CNT.The The initial pH had a significant effect on the AO7 degradation,and pH 3.0 was most favorable for its degradation.In addition,the degradation of AO7 was accelerated after addition of Cl-、SO42-and CO32-;From the analysis of UV-vis spectra and TOC analysisindicated that the azo band and naphthaline ring of AO7 that were destructed and then mineralized into CO2 and H2O.【期刊名称】《中国环境科学》【年(卷),期】2017(037)007【总页数】8页(P2583-2590)【关键词】氮掺杂碳纳米管;过一硫酸盐;酸性橙7【作者】王莹;魏成耀;黄天寅;吴玮;陈家斌【作者单位】苏州科技大学环境科学与工程学院,江苏苏州215009;苏州科技大学环境科学与工程学院,江苏苏州215009;苏州科技大学环境科学与工程学院,江苏苏州215009;苏州科技大学环境科学与工程学院,江苏苏州215009;苏州科技大学环境科学与工程学院,江苏苏州215009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X703;X131.2偶氮染料是分子结构中含有一个或多个偶氮基(–N=N–)的染料,其生产废水具有毒性强、含盐量高、致突变、致癌、难降解等特点[1-2],不经处理直接排放会对环境造成严重污染.偶氮染料废水常用的处理方法有吸附[3]、膜过滤[4]、光催化[5-6]、臭氧化[7-8]等.近年来,基于硫酸根自由基的高级氧化技术对偶氮染料氧化降解作用明显[9-10].硫酸根自由基有较高的氧化还原电位(E0= 2.5~3.1V),可以氧化降解大部分有机污染物[11].过硫酸盐(PS)和过一硫酸盐(PMS)是能够产生的常用氧化剂,在常温下比较稳定很难分解,但在加热[12-14]、紫外光照射[15-16]、过渡金属离子[4,17-19]等条件下,能够被活化产生诸多研究表明用颗粒活性炭(GAC)能有效活化PS或PMS 降解偶氮染料废水[19-21].普通碳纳米管(CNT)因具有比表面积大、热稳定性高、独特管腔和吸附特性以及特有的电学特性等性质,已作为新型催化材料引起了人们的极大兴趣,取得了广泛的应用,例如在其力学性能方面,CNT的强度比其他纤维强度约高 200倍,加之CNT的韧性很好,使其可以广泛应用于微米甚至纳米机械;同时,CNT还是一种新型超导材料,具有很高的临界超导电流,这为热敏电阻辐射器件的研制和开发提供了条件.目前,CNT的制备方法主要有石墨电弧法、激光蒸发法和催化热解法.当碳纳米管掺入氮(N-CNT)之后,改变了碳原子周围的电子云密度,使其具有良好的电子传导性,其电子效应也在催化材料方面展示出独特性能.目前,氮掺杂碳纳米管的制备方法可以分为3:(1)同步原位掺杂,即在CNT生成过程中进行掺杂; (2)高温碳化含氮高分子; (3)在含氮条件下,对碳纳米管进行后处理,如采用等离子体、水热等方法进行氮掺杂.氮掺杂将影响CNT的状态密度、微分电容、体电导率和功函数等电化学及电子性质,使得碳纳米管可实现较低电位下氧的吸附解离,从而具有氧化还原反应催化活性.碳纳米管具有独特的电学,机械和结构性能.由于氮和碳的原子半径相差不多,所以在六边形石墨网状结构的碳纳米管中经常用氮原子来取代碳原子以改变碳纳米管的电学和化学性能,从而使碳纳米管具有某些特殊功用,如催化载体,传感器和碳极等.在催化剂载体研究领域,科学家们发现碳纳米管中的氮掺杂原子本身还具有氧还原催化活性,从而使非贵金属负载的 N-CNT作为催化材料的研发备受关注.本文采用 N-CNT活化 PMS降解 AO7,分析其降解过程; 研究了AO7降解的主要影响因素(N-CNT投加量、PMS浓度、初始pH值、温度、离子浓度),并对各反应条件对降解反应进行分析.1.1 材料实验用氮掺杂多壁碳纳米管(N-CNT)主要特性为:外直径 30~50nm,长度 10~30um,氮含量2.98wt%,比表面积>78.9m2/g,购于南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司;过一硫酸盐(HKSO5· 0.5KHSO4· 0.5K2SO4,PMS)购于Sigma-Aldrich;酸性橙7(AO7)购于国药集团化学试剂有限公司,苯酚(phenol)、甲醇(CH3OH)、叔丁醇(C4H9OH)、盐酸(HCl)、硫酸(H2SO4)、氯化钠(NaCl)均为分析纯购于国药集团化学试剂有限公司.实验用水为去离子超纯水.1.2 降解实验在一定的温度下,将250mL配好的AO7溶液注入锥形瓶,锥形瓶采用磁力搅拌器混合.加入一定量的PMS,用稀H2SO4或NaOH调节pH值,然后迅速加入一定量的N-CNT启动反应,每隔一段时间取样且样品经0.45µm滤膜过滤后,立即测定.1.3 分析方法使用Mapada UV-1600(PC)紫外可见分光光度计,于AO7最大吸收波长484nm 处测定滤液的吸光度,带入标准曲线求得浓度c; AO7矿化率采用总有机碳分析仪(TOC-LCPH,岛津)测定; 傅立叶红外光谱分析仪(FTIR,美国 Thermo公司, Nicole-6700型号)测定N-CNT表面活性官能团; Quanta FEG 250扫描电子显微镜(美国FEI公司)测定碳纳米管表面形貌特征.2.1 FT-IR以及表面形貌分析氮掺杂多壁碳纳米管在催化反应前后的FT-IR谱图如图1所示:3430cm-1处为O–H伸缩振动吸收峰[24];在 2917cm-1处的吸收峰为-CH3、-CH2的对称和反对称振动峰;2310cm-1附近对应–C≡C–的累积双键伸缩振动区; 1630cm-1附近的吸收峰是N-CNT表面羧基及内酯基中的C=O特征伸缩振动峰;1170cm-1处可归于CH2–O–CH2中的C–O对称伸缩振动峰[25].从图2中可以看出,N-CNT表面有大量活性官能团,且经过活化反应后N-CNT表面在2310处振动峰有明显增大,证明可能是碳质材料表面的含氧酸性官能团活化过一硫酸盐[19]降解AO7.图 2为原始碳纳米管和氮掺杂碳纳米管的扫描电镜照片.通过与原始碳纳米管的形貌比较可以看出,经含氮有机物处理后的碳纳米管的形貌并未发生明显的变化,即基本保持了原有的形貌特征,而不像强酸(如硝酸)、强碱(如强氧化钾)或强氧化型物质(如高锰酸钾)等处理时发生碳纳米管被切短、刻蚀而导致碳纳米管本征形貌和结构被破坏的现象[21].2.2 N-CNT活化性能图3显示了AO7在不同反应体系中的降解效果.从中可看出,在 60min内,PMS单独氧化体系脱色率仅为2%,同时GAC和N-CNT对AO7的吸附效果也不明显,脱色率分别为 27.5%和17.9%,在 PMS/GAC体系中AO7的脱色率可达48.3%,然而在N-CNT/PMS体系中AO7的脱色率可达到 97%.由此得出,PMS单独氧化降解AO7速率较低,GAC和N-CNT对AO7的吸附作用也不明显,但N-CNT/PMS体系能够高效氧化降解 AO7,其效果远优于 PMS/GAC体系. Zhang[26]等曾报道GAC可以活化PMS产生•氧化降解染料 AO7,由此可认为,N-CNT活化PMS产生SO-4•的效率要比GAC强的多,更利于偶氮染料AO7的氧化降解.2.3 N-CNT活化机理在活化PMS体系中,通常产生和OH—·,并通过加入自由基淬灭剂判断起作用自由基[20].目前已有研究表明,叔丁醇(TBA)对HO •自由基猝灭效果较好,而对自由基猝灭效果较弱,而甲醇(MA)对HO •和均可以猝灭.因此本实验先采用甲醇和叔丁醇对活化体系进行自由基鉴定,结果如图4 (a)、(b)所示.可以看出在投加MA和TBA体系中,60min 时AO7依然可降解 99%以上,相比未投加淬灭剂体系几乎没有变化.原因可能是MA和TBA是亲水性化合物,不容易靠近固体表面,由此可以推测降解反应可能发生在 N-CNT表面,因此抑制剂对降解反应作用不明显.此外,苯酚被认为能够更有效的淬灭和HO•[11],同时苯酚具有疏水性,易于吸附于固相物质表面,从而阻止PMS与固体表面的活性点位接触,导致降解结果下降[20].故推测当溶液中PMS与N-CNT接触后,反应产生的会被苯酚淬灭,从而导致降解效果下降.如图4(c)所示,在投加苯酚体系中,当 n(phenol)/n(AO7)= 100/1时,60min 反应降解了 33.0%;增大苯酚浓度为1000:1时,60min时AO7降解了18.7%.可见苯酚对N-CNT活化PMS降解AO7的抑制作用很强.且从N-CNT的FT-IR图(图1)可以看出其表面含有大量官能团,如O–H、C=O等,这些官能团可以活化 PMS产生自由基[19].由此可以推断N-CNT活化 PMS产生发生在 N-CNT表面.2.4 N-CNT投加量的影响N-CNT投加量对降解AO7的效果如图5所示.固定PMS投加量为40mg/L,60min时N-CNT对AO7吸附了1.6%,在加入一定量PMS之后,相同浓度下的N-CNT降解AO7达到31.3%;投加量增加至 200mg/L时,PMS/N-CNT系统内AO7在60min 时完全降解; 继续增大投加量为400mg/L时,AO7在20min 就可完全降解.主要原因是N-CNT用量增加,提供了更多的活化点位,活化效果增强;同时由于N-CNT的用量的增加,对染料AO7的吸附量也略微提高.2.5 PMS浓度的影响图6为不同PMS浓度对AO7降解的影响.可以看出,与N-CNT用量对AO7降解的影响相似,随PMS浓度的增大,AO7降解速度越快,降解完全所需时间越短.当n(PMS):n(AO7)为10:1时,反应至 60min时 AO7仅降解 59.5%; 然而当n(PMS): n(AO7)为20:1、40:1时,反应至60min时 AO7分别降解了 81.4%和 97.3%.继续增大PMS用量至n(PMS): n(AO7)= 80:1,AO7降解至99%以上仅需30min.有研究认为,当PMS浓度过高时,自由基相互反应,产生氧化能力较弱的 SO—5·等[见式(1) ~ (2)].因此PMS浓度应控制在适当范围,后续实验选取n(PMS): n(AO7)为40:1.2.6 pH值的影响图7显示了不同初始pH值对反应活化体系降解AO7的影响.从中可知,在pH值为3时反应速率最快,且随着pH值的增大,在pH值分别为5、7、9时,反应速率逐渐降低.这一现象可能与N-CNT的表面零电荷点有关.当溶液 pH<pHpzc时,N-CNT 表面带正电荷,有利于阴离子染料吸附;当溶液pH > pHpzc时,N-CNT表面带负电荷,有利于阳离子染料的吸附[19].经测得 N-CNT的pHpzc为 4.4,所以当溶液 pH 值分别为 5、7、9时,N-CNT表面带负电荷.由于AO7属于阴离子偶氮染料,导致AO7与N-CNT的表面产生相互排斥的效果,使得表面反应不容易进行;同时,在碱性条件下,SO—4·易转化为HO·,且HO·会与OH—反应使氧化剂淬灭[见式(3)~(4)].2.7 温度变化的影响温度通常是活化反应中的关键因素,如图8(a)所示,考察了不同温度条件下活化降解AO7效果.可以看出,PMS单独活化降解AO7受温度影响较小,在60℃下反应60min时,AO7降解率仅为5.5%;而N-CNT活化PMS降解AO7,随反应体系温度升高,降解速率加快.当在50℃时,NCNT活化降解AO7在20min时降解率可达到99.5%,而当在60℃时,AO7降解完全仅需15min.这可能是因为在高温条件下 N-CNT更易活化PMS产生,并且染料分子在高温下容易克服反应活化能.由图 8(b)可知,在不同温度条件下,N-CNT/PMS体系降解AO7符合一级降解动力学,反应速率常数k随温度升高逐渐变大,表明随温度升高,降解速率加快;并通过 Arrhenius公式计算出反应活化能Ea为69.7kJ/mol.2.8 NaCl、Na2SO4和Na2CO3对反应的影响印染工艺中往往通过投加 NaCl加速染色,导致其产生废水通常含有大量的 NaCl,然而 Cl-对高级氧化过程有较大影响.图9显示了不同浓度NaCl对活化降解AO7的影响.可以看出,加入Cl-会促进 AO7的降解,且随着 Cl-浓度的增加,AO7降解速率增大.当Cl-浓度为10mmol/L时,反应在 30min时降解 99%;当 Cl-浓度达到100mmol/L时,AO7在 10min时已经降解完全.以上实验结果的原因可能是,当NaCl存在时,Cl-与反应生成具有强氧化性的 HClO[见式(5)~(9)].在•和ClO-共同作用下,AO7降解速率明显提高.染料废水中除 NaCl浓度较高之外,通常以硫酸钠、碳酸钠等作为直接染料而导致染料废水中大量的存在.从图10可以看出随着浓度的升高,反应体系中AO7降解速率增大.这可能是因为高浓度的和可以增强离子强度,从而导致染料分子之间相互聚合,染料分子团聚后,更容易吸附于 NCNT表面,从而有利于染料和表面活性自由基的反应,促进AO7氧化脱色.2.9 降解分析图11(a)所示为N-CNT/PMS体系降解AO7过程中紫外可见光谱.可以看出,AO7主要有484nm和310nm处的特征吸收峰,分别代表AO7的发色基团偶氮键和萘环结构.随活化反应的进行,位于484nm和310nm处的AO7特征峰强度不断下降,表明AO7的偶氮键和萘环结构不断被•氧化;60min后,偶氮键和萘环的特征峰接近消失.为了进一步研究各 N-CNT/PMS体系降解AO7的TOC变化情况,本次研究还对反应过程中的TOC进行了测试,如图11(b)所示,对N-CNT体系,在0、20、40、60min分别取样,它们对AO7吸附效果的TOC去除率分别为0%、14.8%、15.1%和15.3%;而对于N-CNT/PMS体系中,在0、20、40、60min分别取样,它们对AO7的TOC去除率分别为 0%、19.6%、20%和 20.4%.结果表明N-CNT/PMS体系对AO7不仅有良好的降解效果,而且具有一定的矿化能力.3.1 N-CNT活化PMS降解AO7效果良好,可以证实CNT活化PMS产生的自由基主要是SO4-•, PMS被活化的场所在N-CNT的表面.3.2 AO7降解效果随N-CNT投加量、PMS浓度、温度、Cl-等离子浓度的增大而得到提高.初始 pH值对降解有较大的影响,偏酸性条件下更有利于反应进行.3.3 N-CNT/PMS体系对AO7的脱色效果良好,且N-CNT/PMS体系能使AO7分子得到一定程度的矿化.【相关文献】[1] Ji P, Zhang J, Chen F, et al. 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燃料电池中的电催化反应包括阴极氧还原反应(Oxygen reduction reaction,ORR)和阳极氢氧化反应(Hydrogen oxidation rection,HOR)。

质子交换膜燃料电池(Proton exchange membrane fuel cell,PEMFC)是一种应用前景更广阔的新能源发电装置。




硫掺杂多壁碳纳米管 优势

硫掺杂多壁碳纳米管 优势

硫掺杂多壁碳纳米管(Sulfur-doped multi-walled carbon nanotubes)是一种经过化学修饰的碳纳米管,通过将硫原子引入到碳纳米管的结构中,从而改变其物理、化学和电学性质。

1. 电学性能提升:硫掺杂可以改善多壁碳纳米管的电导性,使其成为更好的导电材料。


2. 催化活性增强:硫掺杂可以在多壁碳纳米管表面引入活性位点,从而提高其催化活性。


3. 光学性质调控:硫掺杂可以改变多壁碳纳米管的光学吸收和发射特性。


4. 生物相容性改善:相较于未掺杂的多壁碳纳米管,硫掺杂可以提高其生物相容性。


5. 气体吸附能力增强:硫掺杂可以增加多壁碳纳米管对某些气体的吸附能力,如二氧化碳、硫化氢等。



















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Sulfur e nitrogen doped multi walled carbon nanotubes composite as a cathode material for lithium sulfur batteriesYinchuan Li a ,Rui Mi b ,Shaomin Li b ,Xichuan Liu b ,Wei Ren b ,Hao Liu b ,*,Jun Mei a ,**,Woon-Ming Lau baSchool of Materials Science and Engineering,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010,PR China bChengdu Green Energy and Green Manufacturing Technology R&D Center,Chengdu Development Center of Science and Technology,China Academy of Engineering Physics,Southwest Airport Economic Development Zone,Shuangliu,Chengdu 610207,PR Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 31October 2013Received in revised form 26February 2014Accepted 6April 2014Available online 11May 2014Keywords:Nitrogen doped Carbon nanotubes Lithium e sulfur batteries Sulfur distributiona b s t r a c tThe performance of lithium sulfur (Li/S)battery was greatly improved by the employment of nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes (N-CNTs)based cathode.By manipulating its structure thereby creating more defects,N-CNTs presents better dispersion of sulfur particles on N-CNTs and higher electrical conductivity compared with their non-doped counterpart,which explain the reason why N-CNTs/S composite shows improved performance.The specific discharge capacity was maintained at 625mAh g À1and 513mAh g À1after 100cycles at 0.2C and 0.5C,respectively,which was about 2times as that of CNTs.This method is proved to be a promising way to develop cathode materials for lithium sulfur batteries.Copyright ª2014,Hydrogen Energy Publications,LLC.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rightsreserved.IntroductionThe increasing capabilities of portable electronic devices as well as the desire for long driving distances between re-charges of electric vehicles require electrical energy storage systems with high energy density [1].The Lithium/sulfur (Li/S)battery is an attractive and promising candidate among emerging battery technology.It has attracted great interest aspotential energy storage devices for electrical vehicles and other applications needing large-scale electricity storage [2].Conventional Li/S cells consist of a lithium metal anode,an organic liquid electrolyte,and a sulfur composite cathode [3].Sulfur is useful in the cathode because assuming complete reaction to Li 2S,it has a theoretical specific capacity of 1672mAh g À1,and energy density of 2600Wh Kg À1[4],which is significantly higher than the conventional lithium-ion cathode materials [5].*Corresponding author .Tel.:þ862867076208;fax:þ862867076210.**Corresponding author .Tel.:þ862867076202.E-mail addresses:mliuhao@ (H.Liu),meijun12@ (J.Mei).Available online at ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/hei n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 39(2014)16073e 16080/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.04.0470360-3199/Copyright ª2014,Hydrogen Energy Publications,LLC.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Although the Li/S battery has considerable advantages when considering the energy density,cost and environmental friendliness,there are many challenges associated with its commercialization[6].For example,the insulating nature of sulfur and its reduced products leads to low utilization of active material,and the intermediate lithium polysulfides (Li2S n,2<n<8)generated during cycling are soluble in the liquid electrolyte,resulting in the loss of active material.In addition,the volume change of sulfur particles during the charging and discharging processes leads to fast aging of the electrodes and a quick fading of the practical specific charge of the battery[7,8].To improve the performance of Li/S battery,researchers have found that using nanostructured sulfur e carbon composite cathodes can considerably improve reversible capacity[9],rate capability[10],and cyclic performance[11]of the battery,as well as the utilization[12]of sulfur in the battery cycle.Recent reports also suggest that carbon nanotubes(CNTs)with high mechani-cal strength,advantageous electrical properties and great chemical stability[13]are regarded as promising conductive materials that could improve the cycling performance of Li e S batteries[14e16].There is a large interface area between the CNTs and the lithium polysulfides,on which the electro-chemical reaction can take place.The three-dimensional network structures with regular pores retard the out-diffusion of the intermediate lithium polysulfides from the cathode[17]. Ahn et al.[18]reported a homogeneous and well dispersed sul-fur/CNTs composite for lithium sulfur batteries,which was synthesized by a simple direct precipitation method.The sulfur/ CNTs composite exhibits excellent performance with high spe-cific capacity and improved cyclic durability.Another research direction is to use nitrogen as a primary avenue for enhancing CNTs properties[19].Previous theoret-ical calculations and experiments show that substituting ni-trogen into sp2carbon structures could enhance their electronic conductivity significantly because the nitrogen atoms provide additional free electrons to the conduction band[20].And doping with nitrogen leads to more disorders through an increase in the number of defects[21].Further electrochemical characterization shows that Li storage per-formance of CNTs is enhanced by nitrogen doping[22]. Although it has been proved that nitrogen enriched meso-porous carbon materials show improved performance in Li e S batteries compared with their non-doped counterpart[23],to the best of our knowledge,there were no studies on the application of N-CNTs in Li e S batteries.Our group did some related works about controlling the structure and morphology of aligned N-CNTs by varying the nitrogen content[24],and found that more defects in the structure would lead to better dispersion of nanoparticles[25].This inspired us to investigate the effect of N-CNTs/sulfur composite cathode on the elec-trochemical properties in Li e S batteries.In this present work,N-CNTs/S composites were proposed as cathode materials for Li e S batteries.Our work demon-strates that nitrogen doping into CNTs not only increases the discharge capacity but also enhances the reversibility in the charge/discharge process.By manipulating its structure thereby creating more defects,N-CNTs promises better dispersion of sulfur particles on N-CNTs and higher electrical conductivity which explain the reason why N-CNTs/S composite show improved performance.Our work thus pro-vides a promising way to develop cathode materials for lithium sulfur batteries.Further research to increase the cycling performance is being carried on in our group.2.Experimental2.1.Preparation of N-CNTsCNTs with diameters of20e30nm were purchased from Chengdu timesnano,China.N-CNTs were synthesized through an injection chemical vapor deposition(CVD)method with a tubular furnace.1g of imidazole(C3H4N2)and150mg of ferrocene(Fe(C5H5)2)were added into20ml of acetonitrile (CH3CN)and the mixture was subsequently ultrasonicated for 5min to obtain a homogeneous solution.Before the furnace was heated,argon(99.999%in purity)was introduced into the quartz tube at aflow rate of500sccm for15min to exhaust the air in the tube.Then the system was heated to950 C at a rate of 30 C/min.Once the furnace reached the desirable tempera-ture,5ml of the solution prepared as above was injected into the tube at a rate of0.5ml/min.Then those gasified droplets were carried into the center of the furnace by the argonflow. After the exhaust of the solution,the furnace was turned off and cooled down to room temperature in theflowing argon gas.2.2.Preparation of sulfur/carbon compositesSublimed sulfur(99.5%)and N-CNTs were dried at60 C for 12h before use.Sublimed sulfur was then mixed with N-CNTs in the weigh ration of2:7.The mixture was ground for uni-formity and then heated at155 C for6h in a quartz tubefilled with argon gas.At this temperature,the melted sulfur has the lowest viscosity and can integrate well with N-CNTs[12].The temperature was then increased to300 C and was main-tained for2.75h to vaporize superfluous sulfur covering the surface of N-CNTs.The sulfur content in the composite, roughly estimated by the weight loss,was60%.For compari-son,the sulfur/CNTs composite with the similar sulfur con-tent was prepared by the same method.2.3.Material characterizationMorphological and structural information were obtained from scanning electron microscopy(SEM,Hitachi S-5200),X-ray diffraction(XRD,D/max2200/PC,Rigaku,40KV,20mA,Cu K a radiation).X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)analysis was collected at a XSAM800spectrometer using mono-chromatized Al K a-radiation at14KV.Raman spectroscopy was performed using a micro-Raman2000system(Renishaw, Britain)with a10mW helium e neon laser excitation source of wavelength633nm.Thermal Gravimetric Analysis(TGA Netzsch STA449C)was carried out under nitrogenflow of 50mL minÀ1with a heating rate of20 C minÀ1.2.4.Electrochemical measurementsThe electrochemical properties of the obtained samples were tested using a two-electrode electrochemical cell.Workingi n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y39(2014)16073e16080 16074electrodes were prepared by casting the slurry homoge-neously on an Al foil as a current collector.The slurry was produced by uniformly mixing the active material(CNTs or N-CNTs,80wt.%on dry solids basis),carbonaceous additive (acetylene black,10wt.%)and a poly vinylidene difluoride (PVDF,10wt.%on dry solids basis)in N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP)solvent.The loading of all sample are around 0.45e0.55mg cmÀ2.The electrodes were dried in a vacuum oven at60 C for20h.Lithium foil was used as the counter electrode.The electrolyte was composed of1M lithium bis(-trifluoromethane sulfone)imide(LiTFSI)dissolved in1,3-dioxolane(DOL)/dimethoxy ethane(DME)in a1:1(volume) mixture and Celgard2400microporous polypropylenefilm was used as a separator.The CR-2032-type coin cells were assembled in an argon-filled glove box(moisture and oxygen concentration<0.1ppm).The cells were charged and dis-charged over a voltage range of1.5e2.6V(vs Liþ/Li)at different rates using an Arbin BT-2000Battery Test System.Electro-chemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS)measurements were performed using CHI760D electrochemical workstation.The impedance spectra were obtained by applying an AC voltage of5.0mV over the frequency range from0.1to100KHz at room temperature.Cyclic voltammetry measurements were carried out on the CHI760D electrochemical workstation over the potential range 1.5e2.6vs.Liþ/Li at a scan rate of 0.1mV sÀ13.Results and discussion3.1.Morphological and nitrogen doping characterizationTypical SEM images of CNTs and N-CNTs are shown in Fig.1. Both samples have uniform distributions in diameters.Thediameter of CNTs and N-CNTs are in the same range.The bamboo-like structure in N-CNTs indicates that nitrogen atoms were introduced into the carbon network[26].Fig.2shows XRD patterns of CNTs and N-CNTs as well as N-CNTs/S composite.Both CNTs and N-CNTs samples exhibita broad(002)diffraction peak at2q around26 and a weak(100)diffraction peak around43 in the hexagonal graphitic carbon structure(Fig.2(a)).Both peaks of N-CNTs slightly shift to lower2q values compared with those of CNTs.The(100) line shift is assigned to the relaxation and distortions caused by the introduction of C e N bond(shorter than C e C bond) within the sp2carbon layer[27].The(002)peak shift was associated with the expansion of the interlayer distance be-tween the two graphitic layers to relax the distortion caused by nitrogen doping in the sp2carbon layer[28].The XRD pat-terns given in Fig.2(b)confirm the nanostructure of the N-CNTs/S.The reflections of the sulfur are consistent with Fddd orthorhombic pared with the pattern of the raw elemental sulfur,the XRD spectrum of the N-CNTs/S did not exhibit many changes except for the appearance N-CNTs peaks(Fig.2(a)),indicating that no phase transformation occurred during heat treatment and the crystal structure of sulfur still remains a Fddd orthorhombic structure.The weight loss of CNTs and N-CNTs after sulfur incorporation was recorded by TGA(Fig.3).The sulfur contents of CNTs/S and N-CNTs/S were around60%.The XPS spectra shown in Fig.4further confirm the incorporation of nitrogen in N-CNTs.A full scan spectrum of N-CNTs is illustrated in Fig.4(a).Three strong peaks at290, 401,and530eV are attributed to C1s,N1s and O1s,respec-tively.The atomic concentration of N can be estimated by the area ratio of N peak to the sum of C and N peaks.In this work, the nitrogen content in N-CNTs is2.34at.%.The position of the main C1s peak at290eV confirms the graphite structure of carbon which corresponds to sp2C e C bond[29,30].Deconvo-lution of the N1s peak was carried out to understand the bonding environment of nitrogen atoms incorporated in N-CNTs.As shown in Fig.4(b),the peak at398.8eV was attrib-uted to the pyridine-like nitrogen which bonds with two sp2 carbons,while the peak at400.9eV could correspond to the graphite-like nitrogen which bonds with three sp2carbons mostly located inside the graphitic carbon plane[31].The peak located at405.1eV could be ascribed to the chemisorbed ni-trogen oxide on the graphite layers[32].3.2.Electrochemical performanceThe cyclic voltammograms(CV)of the CNTs/S and N-CNTs/S composite electrodes are shown in Fig.5(a)and(b).Two reduction peaks are observed from both electrodes.Thefirst peak around2.3V is attributable to the reduction of sulfurto Fig.1e SEM micrographs of(a)pristine CNTs and(b)N-CNTs.i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y39(2014)16073e1608016075lithium polysulfides and the second peak around 2.05V to the reduction of longer-chain polysulfides to lithium sulfides [33].Compared with CNTs/S electrode,the cathodic and anodic peaks of N-CNTs/S electrode show a complete overlappingthrough cycles,suggesting an effective retention of capacity and prevention of the shuttle mechanism [34].Fig.5(c)and (d)show the discharge/charge profiles of CNTs/S and N-CNTs/S electrodes at different current densities.The N-CNTs/S composite-based cells deliver a higher capacity in the initial cycle at 0.1C (168mA g À1),0.2C (336mA g À1),0.5C (840mA g À1),respectively.Cycling performance of N-CNTs/S cathode at 0.2C and 0.5C is presented in Fig.6,together with that of the CNTs/S without nitrogen doping.A reversible capacity of around 625mAh/g was observed after 100cycles of charge and discharge.The discharge capacity at 0.5C also shows good cycling stability,and the reversible capacity was around 513mAh/g after 100cycles.N-CNTs/S electrode also exhibits higher coulombic efficiencies during cycling processes at both rates.Obviously,these results show improved performance in specific capacity as compared to CNTs/S composite.To understand the improvement in Li/S batteries’perfor-mance coming from nitrogen doping,further characterization to CNTs/S and N-CNTs/S composites were carried out.The energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)mapping in Fig.7pre-sents homogenous distribution of sulfur and carbon in the NCNTs/S composite,indicating that sulfur forms highly-dispersed nanoparticle.Fig.3e TGA of CNTs/S and N-CNTs/Scomposites.Fig.4e XPS full scan spectra of CNTs and N-CNTs (a),XPS N1s spectra of N-CNTs(b).Fig.2e XRD patterns of (a)CNTs and N-CNTs including a magnified view in the range of 23e 31 inserted,(b)N-CNTs/S composite.i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 39(2014)16073e 1608016076In addition,Raman spectroscopy was carried out to study the reason why nitrogen doping improved dispersion of sulfur on N-CNTs.Fig.8shows the Raman spectra of CNTs and N-CNTs.Both samples exhibit two obvious peaks at w 1345and w 1570cm À1,corresponding to the D and G bands,respec-tively.The D band denotes the disordered graphite structure,whereas the G band indicates the presence of crystalline graphitic carbon [35].The intensity ratio of D to G bands (I D /I G )is used to evaluate the disorder in carbon materials [36].TheI D /I G ratios of CNTs and N-CNTs are 0.99and 1.16,respectively.The higher I D /I G ratio implies more defects [37]which facilitate the distribution of sulfur on N-CNTs.The impedance spectra of CNTs/S and N-CNTs/S electrodes were analyzed and fitted to the equivalent circuit as shown in Fig.9.In the equivalent circuit,Rs is the total resistance of electrolyte,electrode and separator.Rct and CPE1are the resistance and capacitance of the film formed on the electrode surface,which is related to the formation of SEI.Zw is known as the Warburg resistance and is related to the frequency dependence of ion diffusion/transportation in the electrolyte to the electrode surface [38].The fitting values from the equivalent circuit are presented in Table 1.It is evident that the N-CNTs based electrode has a lower resistance (Rs ¼4.35,Rct ¼13.03)than those of the CNTs based electrode (Rs ¼5.03,Rct ¼14.13).It indicates that the N-CNTs/S electrode pos-sesses faster charge-transfer kinetics [23].Hence,the improved dispersion of S on N-CNTs and the reduced impedance of N-CNTs give rise to higher reversible specific capacity with cycling.4.ConclusionsThe performance of Li/S battery was greatly improved by the employment of N-CNTs based cathode,which was synthesized using an injection CVD method andtheFig.5e Cyclic voltammograms of CNTs/S (a)and N-CNTs/S (b)electrodes at a scan rate of 0.1mV s L 1in a voltage range of 1.5e 2.6V.Initial discharge/charge profiles of CNTs/S (c)and N-CNTs/S (d)electrodes at differentrates.Fig.6e Cycle performance at 0.2C (336mA g L 1)and 0.5C (840mA g L 1)of CNTs/S and N-CNTs/S electrodes.i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 39(2014)16073e 1608016077addition of sulfur by heat treatment.The specific discharge capacity was maintained at 625mAh g À1and 513mAh g À1after 100cycles at 0.2C and 0.5C,respectively,which was about 2times as that of CNTs.This improved performance is attributed to the enhanced electronic conductivity of electrode and more uniform sulfur dispersion on the nanotubes resulting from nitrogen doping,which were proved by reduced resistance examined from EIS and highlydispersed sulfur particles observed from EDS,separately.Although the achieved capacity is not the highest,consid-ering the straightforward composition method of N-CNTs and sulfur,this method is proved to be a promising way to enhance the performance of carbon nanotubes based cathode materials of Li e Sbatteries.Fig.7e EDS mapping of CNTs/S (a)and N-CNTs/S(b).Fig.8e Raman spectra of CNTs andN-CNTs.Fig.9e EIS of CNTs/S and N-CNTs/S electrodes after 30cycles of CV measurements at a scan rate of 0.5mV s L 1;insert:Randles equivalent circuit used for analysis of impedance spectra.i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 39(2014)16073e 1608016078AcknowledgmentsThe authors appreciate the support of the Science and Technology Foundation of China Academy of Engineering Physics(No.2012B0302041).We are indebted to Margaret Yau,Jiahui Lin,Kun Luo,Cong Wang,Changzhen Man,Jie Chen and Yongzheng Zhang for their kind help and fruitful discussions.r e f e r e n c e s[1]Manthiram A,Fu Y,Su Y-S.In charge of the world:electrochemical energy storage.J Phys Chem Lett2013;4:1295e7.[2]Bruce PG,Freunberger SA,Hardwick LJ,Taracon JM.Li-O2andLi-S batteries with high energy storage.Nat Mater2012;11:19e29.[3]Manthiram A,Fu Y,Su Y-S.Challenges and prospects oflithium-sulfur batteries.Acc Chem Res2013;46:1125e34. 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