
According to the Chinese Lunar calendar , August is the second month of autumn. Therefore people call it the Mid-Autumn Festival . Also, because this day the moon full circle, is a symbol of reunion, so the Mid-Autumn Festival is also called Reunion Festival.
The Mid-Autumn Festival is a family reunion, so people would not been able to go home at that day. They will be very miss their hometown.
The Mid-Autumn Festival this year is September 19th. There will be a celebration in China in the evening of September 19th.
Eat moon cake
• The moon cake is the traditional food of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Because the moon cake looks like a full moon, so it is used to describe the meaning of reunion.
The Mid-Autumn Festival
----Chinese TΒιβλιοθήκη aditional Festival

对 影 成 三 人 Her light with my Shadow and we’re three friends.
一个英文网站面向中学生征稿。请你写一篇英语稿 件,介绍“中秋节”及这个节日里的主要活动。写 作要点:
The Mid-Autumn Festival
1. 它是中国的传统节日之一; 2. 家人团聚; 3. 赏月,吃月饼;
The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th of the eighth month of our Chinese lunar calendar. As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it has been enjoying great popularity in our country. Usually, no matter how far away or how busy we are, we will spare no efforts to come home for reunion and celebration. The moon that night looks the brightest in the whole lunar month. What we love most is the time we admire the full moon together. With the beautiful noon up in the sky, we sit together and eat moon cakes and fruit, sharing our stories. In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range of choices such as flying the sky lights and visiting our relatives or friends.

• The King of Heaven awarded him with a Longevity medicine. • Houyi’s wife named Chang’e, stolen the medicine • Chang’e was flying into the moon on the 15th day of the eighth
lunar month when the moon is full and bright
• then she become the goddess of moon
Moon cake
There is this story about the moon-cake.
during the Yuan dynasty China was ruled by the Mongolian people. Leaders from the preceding Sung dynasty were unhappy, and set how to coordinate the rebellion without being discovered. The leaders of the rebellion, knowing that the Moon Festival was drawing near, ordered the making of special cakes. Backed into each moon caked was a message with the outline of the attack. On the night of the Moon Festival, the rebels successfully attached and overthrew the government. Today, moon cakes are eaten to commemorate this legend and was called the Moon Cake.

There are various types of mooncakes, including salted egg yolk, chocolate, coffee, and other flavors. People often give mooncakes as gifts to family and friends during this festival.
Promote traditional culture
Promote community harmony
Watching the full moon
In some regions, people may hold lanterns made of various shapes and sizes to moon gaze, creating a romantic and dreamy atmosphere.
Other specialty foods

Some people also like to hang lanterns outside their houses, not only to celebrate the festival, but also to beautify their homes. This activity can be translated as "lantern hanging".
In addition to family reunions, friends also gather for dinner on this occasion, strengthening social bonds and promoting friendship.
Social aspect
When friends gather, they often choose dishes that are symbolic of the Mid-Autumn Festival, such as mooncakes and pomelo, to share.
The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday that emphasizes family reunion. On this day, people不管where they live will try to return home to celebrate with their families.
农历八月15日 中秋节介绍 主题宣传教育 中英文PPT课件

"Look up at the moon, love thousands of miles of light.“
People put the nostalgia, affection, friendship, love, leisure, are placed on the full moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and with the help of that round of full moon singing, placed their own aspirations.
Reunion and custom
"GUI Zi falls in the middle of the moon, and the incense clouds float outside.“
People appreciate the beauty of osmanthus flowers, but also like to collect osmanthus flowers, make delicious pastries, or brew mellow osmanthus wine to seal, to contribute to the Mid-Autumn Festival party.
In the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the Mid-Autumn Festival began to prevail, and gradually developed into a grand festival like New Year's Day and Spring Festival in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and even mooncakes with holiday symbols appeared.

中秋节英文介绍IntroductionThe Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, which usually falls in September or October in the Gregorian calendar. It is one of the most important festivals in Chinese culture and is observed by people of Chinese descent around the world. In this presentation, we will explore the origins, customs, and significance of the Mid-Autumn Festival.OriginsThe Mid-Autumn Festival dates back over 3,000 years and has its roots in ancient Chinese mythology and folklore. The festival is associated with several legends, the most famous one being the story of Chang’e, the Moon Goddess. According to the legend, Chang’e consumed a pill of immortality and floated to the moon, where she has lived ever since. On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is believed that Chang’e returns to the earth briefly, and people pay tribute to her by offering mooncakes and other delicacies.Customs and TraditionsThe Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for families to gather and celebrate. Here are some customs and traditions associated with the festival:1.Mooncakes: Mooncakes are the most iconic food of the Mid-AutumnFestival. These round pastries are traditionally filled with lotus seed paste or red bean paste and often contain salted egg yolks to symbolize the full moon.nterns: Lanterns are another important element of the Mid-AutumnFestival. People light and display various kinds of lanterns, including traditional paper lanterns and elaborate lantern sculptures. It is also common for children to carry lanterns while parading through the streets.3.Worship and Offerings: On the night of the festival, families gatheroutdoors to admire the full moon and pay homage to Chang’e. They often set upa table with offerings of fruit, mooncakes, and burning incense as a way toexpress their gratitude and seek blessings.4.Dragon and Lion Dance: In some regions of China, dragon and liondance performances are held during the Mid-Autumn Festival. These lively and colorful performances are believed to bring good luck and drive away evilspirits.SignificanceThe Mid-Autumn Festival holds great cultural and emotional significance for the Chinese people. Here are a few reasons why the festival is so important:1.Family Reunion: The Mid-Autumn Festival is often referred to as a。

According to Chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. One day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth theircircling heat.The earth wasday, saved According to Chinese mythology, the earth once had with 10 suns over it. One when a strong archer, Hou Yi succeeded in shooting down of the suns. Yi was stole the elixi all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their9heat.The earth saved of life tosavearcher, the people his tyrannical rule, but his wife, Chang-E drank it.the Thus when a strong Hou from Yi succeeded in shooting down 9 of the suns. Yi stole elixir started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young Chinese girls would pray at of life tosave the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, Chang-E drank it. Thus the Mid-Autumn Festival. started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young Chinese girls would pray at the

admire the full moon
watch the full moon to celebrate the festival
The 15th day of the 8th lunar month
admire the full moon
eat mooncakes
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
watch the fire dragon and lion dances
carry lanterns
mid-autumn festival
light lanterns
play with lanterns / scaldfish
offering sacrifice to the moon
Mid Autumn Festival practical English
admire the moon
traditional mooncakes
吃月饼 Eat moon cakes
吃团圆饭 Eat group dinner
admire the full moon light a lantern
Origin of Mid Autumn Festival
对中国人来说,中秋节意味着团聚、平安。人们觉得,中秋节 的月亮最大、最圆。满月象征着繁荣、幸福和团圆。

1 Abstract 2 Origin 3 Legend 4 social customs
Mid-autumn Day
Mid-autumn Day is a Chinese festival. It comes on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month .On that day we usually eat a big dinner and eat moon cakes. There are many kinds of moon cakes. They are small round cakes with meat, nuts or something sweet inside . Eating moon cakes has been our custom. Families staying outside in the open air have a big dinner and moon cakes. The most important thing is looking at the moon. On that day, the moon looks brighter and rounder. We call this moon the full moon. On that day, families get together, so we call this day Getting –together Day.
The Name Of Mn China, every season is divided into Meng(孟), Zhong(仲), Ji(季) three parts,so the Mid-Autumn Festival also calls Zhongqiu(仲秋).
中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival英文版PPT课件 共14页

eat moon-cake(吃月饼)
The custom of eating moon cake appeared in the Tang Dynasty. Ancient moon cake was eaten by a sacrifice (祭品)in the Mid-oAf utumn Festival at the beginning,but now it has been thought of the Mid-Autumn Festival food and gifts. eat moon-cake(吃月饼)
Legend(传说) of Mid-Autumn Festival
• Chang‘e Ben Yue • “Zhong Qiu Jie” could date from the Zhou dinasty. • It was later given a mythological legends of • Chang-E Ben Yue. • According to Chinese mythology, the earth • once had 10 suns circling over it. One day, all 10 suns appeared
l a ns
t h (灯展)
eo rw n
fire Douxiang(烧斗香 )
put the sky lights(放天灯 )
plant the Mid-Autumn(树中秋 )
Member:YangLamei XiangLin
docin/sanshengshiyuan doc88/sanshenglu
crystal mooncake, ham mooncake

The Mid-Autumn Festival
恭 贺 中 秋
The Goddess Chang's fly to the moon
The Mid-Autumn Festival
恭 贺 中 秋
Evening, Hou Yi returned home, maid cried the day they happened. Hou Yi both scared and angry, Choujian kill bad guys, Peng Meng escaped early. Hou Yi wringing Hou Yi quickly sent to the Chang-e, after a favorite garden, put the incense table, put her favorite honey usually eat fruit, Yao Ji at the the moon's Chang-e in the attachment of their own. People have heard about the Moon After the news of immortality, have decorative incense table in the next month, the Chang-e to pray for good luck peace. Since then, the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival worship in private spread.
The Mid-Autumn Festival
moonlight, Doubts is on the frost. Raisesthe head looks 恭 the bright moonlight, 贺 lowers the head thinks 中 the hometown 秋
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烧塔来源于对蒙古鞑子的驱赶,现多为青少年 玩乐活动,中秋前几天,青少年们就忙碌起来, 四处捡拾残破瓦片,积聚枯树枝、废木片木块, 于中秋下午就开始砌瓦塔。
为了使塔身通风透气和造型美观,大的瓦塔常是两 片瓦片合在一起按“品”字形架放。砌建瓦塔地方, 大都在旷埕与广场,在同一场地中,有时砌上几个 瓦塔。月亮升至半空以后瓦塔开始燃烧起来,至燃 烧猛烈时,瓦片被烧得通红透亮,塔口的火焰直冲 云天,就在这个时候,人们把粗粒的海盐,一大把 一大把地撒向塔里,瓦塔发出像鞭炮一样的噼啪响 声,再撒上硫磺,燃放出蓝色光焰,十分壮观,招 引广大群众围观欣赏。
中秋节吃月饼相传始于元代。当时,中原广大人民 不堪忍受元朝统治阶级的残酷统治,纷纷起义抗元。 联合各路反抗力量准备起义。但朝庭官兵搜查的十 分严密,传递消息十分困难。军师刘伯温便想出一 计策,命令属下把藏有“八月十五夜起义”的纸条 藏入饼子里面,再派人分头传送到各地起义军中, 通知他们在八月十五日晚上起义响应。到了起义的 那天,各路义军一齐响应。 很快,徐达就攻下元 大都,起义成功了。
中秋节的盛行始于宋朝,至明清时,已与元旦齐名,成为我国的主要节日之一。关于中秋节的起源, 起源于古代对月的崇拜、月下歌舞觅偶的习俗,古代秋报拜土地神的习俗。
其一,中秋节起源于古代帝王的祭祀活动。《礼记》上记载:“天子春朝日,秋夕月”, 夕月就是祭月亮,说明早在春秋时代,帝王就已开始祭月、拜月了。后来贵族官吏和文人 学士也相继仿效,逐步传到民间。
消息传来,朱元璋高兴得连忙传下口谕,在即将来 临的中秋节,让全体将士与民同乐,并将当年起兵 时以秘密传递信息的“月饼”,作为节令糕点赏赐 群臣。此后,“月饼”制作越发精细,品种更多。 之后中秋节吃月饼的习俗便在民间流传开来。
在古代有“秋暮夕月”的习俗。夕月,即祭拜月神。设 大香案,摆上月饼、西瓜、苹果、红枣、李子、葡萄等 祭品,其中月饼和西瓜是绝对不能少的。在月下,将月 亮神像放在月亮的那个方向,红烛高燃,全家人依次拜 祭月亮,然后由当家主妇切开团圆月饼。切的人预先算 好全家共有多少人,在家的,在外地的,都要算在一起, 不能切多也不能切少,大小要一样。
后羿因此受到百姓的尊敬和爱戴,后羿娶了个美 丽善良的妻子,名叫嫦娥。后羿除传艺狩猎外,终日 和妻子在一起,人们都羡慕这对郎才女貌的恩爱夫妻。 不少志士慕名前来投师学艺,心术不正的蓬蒙也混了 进来。
关于中秋节还有一个传说:相传月亮上的广寒宫前的桂 树生长繁茂,有五百多丈高,下边有一个人常在砍伐它, 但是每次砍下去之后,被砍的地方又立即合拢了。几千 年来,就这样随砍随合,这棵桂树永远也不能被砍光。
向项目快建设、批准项目快开工、开工项目快投产、投产项目快达效。同时,积极培植 小企业,力争在全县形成“骨干企业顶天立地,中小企业铺天盖地”的局面。在全县尽 业反哺农业,城市支持乡村”,实现工业兴县。 三是盘活发展内力,做大民营经济文章 “面”上抓总量扩张,“点”上抓骨干膨胀,“线”上抓特色培植,“块”上抓园区建 路,下大力发展民营经济,重点实施“四个一”工程,即每个乡
相传唐玄宗与申天师及道士鸿都中秋望月,突然 玄宗兴起游月宫之念,于是天师作法,三人一起 步上青云,漫游月宫。但宫前有守卫森严,无法 进入,只能在外俯瞰长安皇城。在此之际,忽闻 仙声阵阵,清丽奇绝,宛转动人!唐玄宗素来熟 通音律,于是默记心中。这正是“此曲只应天上 有,人间能得几回闻!”日后玄宗回忆月宫仙娥 的音乐歌声,自己又谱曲编舞,这便是历史上有 名的“霓裳羽衣曲”。
早在北宋《武林旧事》中,记载中秋夜节俗, 就有将“一点红”灯放入江中漂流玩耍的活动。 中秋玩花灯,多集中在南方。如前述的佛山秋 色会上,就有各种各式的彩灯:芝麻灯、蛋壳 灯、刨花灯、稻草灯、鱼鳞灯、谷壳灯、瓜籽 灯及鸟兽花树灯等,令人赞叹。
桂花有“九里香”之誉,是我国人民十分喜爱的一种传 统名贵花木。自古以来,人们把桂花及其果实视为“天 降灵实”,作为崇高、美好、吉祥的象征。因此人们称 誉好的儿孙为“桂子兰孙”;把“进士及第”或考上了状 元,称之为“蟾宫折桂”;把月宫称为“桂宫”,以“桂 魄”比喻月亮。而且,我国劳动人民还以桂花和月亮为 题材,创造了许许多多优美动听的神话故事,世代相传。
诗人李白写自己在花间月下独酌的情景。“对影成三 人”句构思奇妙,表现了他孤独而豪放的情怀。《李 诗直解》:“此对月独饮,放怀达观以自乐也。”诗 人 上场时,背景是花间,道具是一壶酒,登场角色只 是他自己一个人,动作是独酌,加上“无相亲”三个 字,场面单调得很。于是诗人忽发奇想,把天边的明 月,和月 光下自己的影子,拉了过来,连自己在内, 化成了三个人,举杯共酌,冷清清的场面,就热闹起 来了。
其三,隋末唐军发明月饼以解决军饷的故事. 隋末唐军于大业十三年八月十五日,唐军裴 寂以圆月作为构思,成功发明月饼,并广发军中作为军饷,成功解决因大量吸收反隋义军 而衍生之军粮问题。
相传,远古时候天上有十日同时出现,晒得庄 稼枯死,民不聊生,一个名叫后羿的英雄,力大无穷, 他同情受苦的百姓,登上昆仑山顶,运足神力,拉开 神弓,一气射下九个多太阳,并严令最后一个太阳按 时起落,为民造福。
每年农历八月十五日,是传统的中秋佳节。 这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋。 在中国的农历里,一年分为四季,每季又分 为孟、仲、季三个部分,因而中秋也称仲秋。 八月十五的月亮比其他几个月的满月更圆, 更明亮,所以又叫做“月夕”“八月节”。 此夜,人们仰望天空如玉如盘的朗朗明月, 自然会期盼家人团聚。远在他乡的游子,也 借此寄托自己对故乡和亲人的思念之情。所 以,中秋又称“团圆节”。
据说这个砍树的人名叫吴刚,是汉朝西河人,曾跟随仙 人修道,到了天界,但是他犯了错误,仙人就把他贬谪 到月宫,日日做这种徒劳无功的苦差使,以示惩处。李 白诗中有“欲斫月中桂,持为寒者薪”的记载。
此传说最早见于《汉乐府·董逃行》:“玉兔 长跪捣药蛤蟆丸,奉上陛下一玉盘,服此药 可得神仙。”相传月亮之中有一只兔子,浑 身洁白如玉,所以称作“玉兔”。这种白兔 拿着玉杵,跪地捣药,成蛤蟆丸,服用此等 药丸可以长生成仙。玉兔恐怕是嫦娥在广寒 宫中最早的玩伴吧。
镇向园区引荐一个投资过万元的项目,培植一到两个限额以上企业,新增一个税收过万 工商税收增加万元。在重点围绕冠洲“三板”、冠星纺织、农副产品深加工等搞好项目 形成新的特色产业链条,实现规模优势。要继续发展壮大已形成的轴承加工、农机配件 等民营企业,要加大对资金、政策、服务等方面的扶持力度,进行重点培植,促进其尽 要按照政府引导、市场运作的原则,建立民营经济提保信用评
价、人才培训、技术信息、法律服务和行业协会等六个体系,为民营经济创造良好的发 时,进一步抓好“双带”工程,鼓励机关事业单位工作人员离岗创业,引导更多的人投 促进全县经济快速发展。 四是借助外力谋发展,做活招商引资文章。要坚持“大招商, 进大发展”的方针不动摇,牢固树立“冠县以外都是外”的思想,扩大招商引资,借助 发展新优势,突出抓好企业招商、委托招商、网上招商以商
中秋节是我国的传统佳节。根据史籍的记载,“中秋”一词最早出现在 《周礼》一书中。到魏晋时,有“谕尚书镇牛淆,中秋夕与左右微服泛 江”的记载。直到唐朝初年,中秋节才成为固定的节日。《唐书·太宗 记》记载有“八月十五中秋节”。中秋节的盛行始于宋朝,至明清时, 已与元旦齐名,成为我国的主要节日之一。这也是我国仅次于春节的第 二大传统节日。
来源于祭月,严肃的祭祀变成了轻松的欢娱。 民间中秋赏月活动约始魏晋时期,但未成习。 到了唐代,中秋赏月、玩月颇为盛行,许多 诗人的名篇中都有咏月的诗句。
兔儿爷是中秋节期间,给孩子们玩耍娱乐的一种 泥塑玩具。其形状是人形而有兔嘴兔耳。头上竖 两只长耳朵,嘴是三瓣的兔子嘴,其他地方跟人 没什么区别。
现在寻常市面上已见不到兔儿爷的踪影,只是 作为民俗文物在民俗博物馆之类的地方展览, 或者在工艺品商店里出售。年轻人对它所知不 多,而老人提起它来就津津乐道。
貂蝉是东汉末年司徒王允的歌女,国色天香, 有倾国倾城之貌。传说貂蝉降生人世,三年间 当地桃杏花开即凋;貂蝉午夜拜月,月里嫦娥 自愧不如,匆匆隐入云中;貂蝉身姿俏美,细 耳碧环,行时风摆杨柳,静时文雅有余,貂蝉 之美,蔚为大观。正是因了这种美貌,让弄权 作威的董卓、勇而无谋的吕布反目成仇,使得 动乱不堪的朝野稍有安宁之象。
中秋节博饼是一种独特的月饼文化,是闽南地 区几百年来独有的中秋传统活动。传说是郑成 功屯兵时为解士兵的中秋相思之情、激励鼓舞 士气,命部将洪旭发明的。博饼活动里倾注了 人们的感情寄托,其中尤以厦门地区为甚。所 以,闽南人总是对中秋节格外重视,甚至有 “小春节,大中秋”的说法。
貂蝉是东汉末年司徒王允的歌女,国色天香, 有倾国倾城之貌。传说貂蝉降生人世,三年间 当地桃杏花开即凋;貂蝉午夜拜月,月里嫦娥 自愧不如,匆匆隐入云中;貂蝉身姿俏美,细 耳碧环,行时风摆杨柳,静时文雅有余,貂蝉 之美,蔚为大观。正是因了这种美貌,让弄权 作威的董卓、勇而无谋的吕布反目成仇,使得 动乱不堪的朝野稍有安宁之象。
“定知玉兔十分圆,已作霜风九月寒。寄语重门休上钥,夜 潮留向月中看。”这是宋代大诗人苏轼写的《八月十五日看 潮》诗。在古代,浙江一带除中秋赏月外,观潮可谓是又一 中秋盛事。
中秋观潮的风俗由来已久,早在汉代枚乘的《七发》赋中就 有了相当详尽的记述。汉以后,中秋观潮之风更盛。明朱廷 焕《增补武林旧事》和宋吴自牧《梦粱录》也有观潮记载。 这两书所记述的观潮盛况,说明在宋代中秋观潮之事达到了 巅峰。