
a father is a music, let's be happy life。
a father, as deep as the sea and broad。
father's virtue is the best legacy son。
a father's words, let us make the right judgment。
a father is a candle, silently dedicate himself for us。
a father is a walking stick, let us in life less tumble。
i can see the wrath of god, but not the angry father。
all yes parents; the brothers to the rarest thing in the world。
a father can sacrifice their own everything, including his own life。
filial piety is born filial piety shunza, are also singled out son。
father and son of love in heart, not the flesh and blood relationship。
父爱名言警句英语 有关父爱的英语名言


父爱的英语名言带翻译11.it is a wise father that knows his own child.- william shakespeare再聪明的父亲也未必了解自己的孩子。
2.that is the thankless position of the father in the family-the provider for all, and the enemy of all.- j.august strindberg 这就是父亲在家中费力不讨好的地方——既要养活全家,又受全家敌视。
3.sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance.- ruth e.renkel有时最贫穷的'父亲能留给他的孩子最富有的遗产。
4.those who trust us educate us.- t.s.eliot师者,信其生方可育其人。
5.it doesnt matter who my father was; it matters who i remember he was.- anne sexton父亲是什么样的人并不重要,重要的是我心目的父亲是什么样的人。
6.when i was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant i could hardly stand to have the old man around.but when i got to be 21, i was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.- mark twain14岁的时候,我觉得父亲极其无知,我几乎不能忍受和他在一起。

a father is a music, let's be happy life。
a father, as deep as the sea and broad。
father's virtue is the best legacy son。
a father's words, let us make the right judgment。
a father is a candle, silently dedicate himself for us。
a father is a walking stick, let us in life less tumble。
i can see the wrath of god, but not the angry father。
all yes parents; the brothers to the rarest thing inthe world。
a father can sacrifice their own everything, including his own life。
filial piety is born filial piety shunza, are also singled out son。
father and son of love in heart, not the flesh and blood relationship。

There are no wise father or brother in life, no strict teacher or friend outside, and few people can succeed.2、父爱是我人生旅途中的一盏明灯,在我迷路时,照亮我的行程。
Father's love is a beacon in my life's journey. When I lose my way, it illuminates my journey.3、父亲的德行是儿子最好的遗产。
Father's virtue is the best legacy of his son.4、父爱是一把大伞,即使在风雨交加的路上,也不让一滴水珠落在我身上。
Father's love is an umbrella, even in the rain and wind on the road, do not let a drop of water fall on me.5、事父母,几谏,见志不从,又敬不违,劳而不怨。
Parents, a few admonitions, will not follow, and respect, work without complaint.6、父爱可以牺牲自己的一切,包括自己的的生命。
Father love can sacrifice everything, including his own life.7、做为一个人,对父母要尊敬,对子女要慈爱,对穷亲戚要慷慨,对一切人要有礼貌。
As a person, we should respect our parents, be kind to our children, be generous to our poor relatives and be polite to everyone.8、父爱是拐杖,让我们在人生中少摔跟头。

Fatherly love is good advice. Let's make a correct judgment.2、父母和子女,是彼此赠与的最正确礼物。
Parents and children are the best gifts for each other.3、父亲,应当是一个气度宽大的伴侣。
Father, should be a generous friend.4、天下无不是的父母;世间最难得者兄弟。
The world is full of parents; the world's most rare brothers.5、父亲的爱是阳光,让我们们安康的成长。
Father's love is sunshine, let us grow up healthily.6、父爱是一片汪洋的大海,浓郁而深远。
Fatherly love is a vast sea, rich and far-reaching.7、父爱同母爱一样的无私,他不求回报。
Father's love is as selfless as mother's love. He doesn't ask for return.8、财宝的父亲是劳动,财宝的母亲是大地。
The father of wealth is labor, and the mother of wealth is the earth.9、黑暗时,父爱是一盏照明的灯。
When it's dark, father's love is a light.10、父爱如路,伴你走完人生。
Father's love is like the road, accompany you to walk through life.11、父亲,是你一个气度宽大的伴侣。

One father is more than one hundred teachers.在儿子面前,我不是总统仅仅父亲。
In front of the son, I'm not the President was just "father.父爱可以牺牲自己的一切,包括自己的的生命。
A father can sacrifice their own everything, including his own life.父爱本来就是矛盾的,而且是最矛盾的。
A father is contradictory, and it is the most contradictory.父爱的标志,是转角处的匆匆一瞥。
A sign of a father, is a quick glance the corner.父爱是音乐,让我们快欢乐乐的生活。
A father is a music, let's be happy life.在所有的青年人眼里,父亲是多么严厉的法官啊!Of all the young people's eyes, father is how severe the judge!人见生男生女好,不知男女催人老。
People see good boy or girl, I do not know men and women ages people.父爱是阳光,让我们健康的成长。
A father is the sun, let us healthy growth.让自己的儿女们光宗耀祖是父亲们的主要缺点。
Let his own sons and daughters to uphold is the main drawback of fathers.父爱是蜡烛,默默的为我们奉献着自己。
A father is a candle, silently dedicate himself for us.【篇二】父爱是高山,即使在最困难的时候,也鼓励我挺直脊梁。

The father loves the is heavy in secure time.2、父爱,如大海般深沉而宽广。
A father, as deep as the sea and broad.3、父恩比山高,母恩比海深。
Mother father is higher than the mountains, deep than the sea.4、父子之情在心,而不在于血肉关系。
Father and son of love in heart, not the flesh and blood relationship.5、父爱母爱,是我一生还不完的债。
A father a mother's love, is still not finished my life.6、父爱是良言,让我们作出正确的判断。
A father's words, let us make the right judgment.7、父亲的德行是儿子最好的遗产。
Father's virtue is the best legacy son.8、父爱在天堂,依然能温暖我的心。
Father in heaven, still can warm my heart.9、父亲,应该是一个气度宽大的朋友。
Father, bearing should be a broad friend.10、父爱可以牺牲一切,包括自己的生命。
A father can sacrifice everything, including her own life.11、父亲是一个银行,发行知识,支付爱。
His father is a bank, offering knowledge, pay for love.12、为人父母天下至善;为人子女天下大孝。
The parents all over the world to good; Human children filial piety.13、父爱可能如白开水般平淡,但绝不会无味。

A father can manage a hundred sons, but a hundred sons can hardly manage a father.2、父爱是人类文明的产物,母爱却是与生俱来的。
Father love is the product of human civilization, but mother love is inherent.3、父爱,如大海般深沉而宽广。
Father's love is as deep and broad as the sea.4、有些爱注定遥不可及,比如母爱;有些爱却无能为力,比如父爱。
Some love is doomed to be out of reach, such as maternal love; some love is powerless, such as fatherly love.5、父爱可以牺牲一切,包括自己的生命。
Father love can sacrifice everything, including his own life.6、父亲,应该是一个气度宽大的朋友。
Father, should be a generous friend.7、如果说母爱如火一般热烈,那么我会说:父爱,如水一般深沉。
If maternal love is as warm as fire, then I will say: Father love is as deep as water.8、父爱是拐杖,让我们在人生中少摔跟头。
Father's love is a crutch, let us less fall in life.9、父恩比山高,母恩比海深。
Father's grace is higher than mountain's, mother's grace is deeper than sea's.10、父爱是良言,让我们作出正确的判断。

【经典金句】1. “A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.” -- Unknown父亲就是那个无论你长得多高,你都会仰望的人。
2. “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.” -- Jim Valvano我的父亲送给我最珍贵的礼物,那就是他相信我。
3. “B y the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually hasa son who thinks he’s wrong.” -- Charles Wadsworth当一个人意识到他的父亲可能是对的时候,他通常会有一个认为他错了的儿子。
4. “A father’s love is forever imprinted on his child’s heart.” -- Jennifer Williamson父爱会永远刻在孩子心中。

关于父爱的英文名言One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. -- English proverb 1个爸爸比100个校长还顶用。
-- 英国谚语I once plained to my father that I didnt seem to be able to do things the same ething insightful to add to the proceedings, or something really funny to say. He also taught me that if I couldnt be that kind of guy in real life, that I could earn a healthy living pretending to be that guy in the movies. -- Kevin Smith, My Boring Ass Life, 06-01-05 我爸曾这样告诫我:说话前要字斟句酌,要么有深度,要么有幽默。
I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a fathers protection. -- Sigmund Freud我想象不出还有什么比父亲的保护更让一个孩子渴求得强烈。
-- 西格蒙特-佛洛依德It is a wise father that knows his own child -- the bottoms of his feet, a man who came here uneducated, alone, unable to speak the language, who taught me all I needed to know about faith and hard work by the simple eloquence of his example. -- Mario Cuomo我看到一个小个子男人,双手长满了老茧,每天工作十五六个小时。

父爱如山的经典句子英语父爱如山的经典句子英语 11、老爸,现在换我,做你的靠山。
Dad, now it's my turn to be your support.2、父爱如山,让爱回响。
Father's love is like a mountain, let love reverberate.3、父亲是一盏灯,照亮我的美梦。
Father is a lamp to light up my dream.4、父子不仅血肉至亲,更是灵魂相依。
Father and son are not only blood and flesh, but also soul.5、托得起父亲的责任,承得住如山的父爱。
He can bear the responsibility of his father and the love of his father.6、感恩父亲,愿您一生平安,幸福快乐。
Thank you father, wish you a safe and happy life.7、父爱像一本厚重的书,耐人寻味。
Father's love is like a heavy book, which is thought-provoking.8、父亲的情似酒,任你陶醉。
Father's love is like wine, you can be intoxicated.9、父爱无声,却响彻耳畔。
Father's love is silent, but it rings through my ears.10、恐惧时,父爱是温暖的怀。
Fear, father's love is warm.11、我们只能在父亲面前,得进寸尺。
We have to be in front of our father. We have to go in.12、父爱,爱你在心口难开!Father love, it's hard to love you in my heart!13、父亲,是男孩到男人的一门必修课。

父爱的名言名句80句英文回答:1. "A father is a man who expects his son to be as gooda man as he meant to be." Frank A. Clark。
2. "The quality of a father can be seen in the goals, dreams and aspirations he sets not only for himself, butfor his family." Reed Markham。
3. "I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren't trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom." Umberto Eco。
4. "The greatest gift I ever had came from God; I call him Dad." Author Unknown。
5. "A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow." Author Unknown。
6. "Fathers, be good to your daughters. You are the only man who will ever truly love her." Dr. James Dobson。
7. "A dad is someone who wants to catch you when you fall. Instead, he picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again." Author Unknown。

We should know the kindness of our parents and hold our children and grandchildren in our arms.2、父母德高;子女良教。
Parents are virtuous; children are well educated.3、父爱是沉默的,如果你感觉到了那就不是父爱了!Father love is silent, if you feel that it is not father love!4、母亲的爱是永远不会枯竭的。
Mother's love will never be exhausted.5、慈父之爱子,非为报也。
A loving father's love for his son is not a reward.6、鸦有反哺之义,羊知跪乳之恩。
Raven has the meaning of feeding back, sheep knows the grace of kneeling and breastfeeding.7、母爱是世间最伟大的力量。
Motherly love is the greatest force in the world.8、知遇之恩当永生不忘。
The grace of knowing should never be forgotten.9、妈妈你在哪儿,哪儿就是最快乐的地方。
Mom, where are you, where is the happiest place.10、德行与技艺,是子孙最美的产业。
Virtue and skill are the most beautiful industries for future generations.11、母亲的低语总是甜蜜的。
关于父爱的诗句或名言 英文 出处

关于父爱的诗句或名言1. "A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow." - Unknown2. "One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters." - George Herbert3. "It is a wise father that knows his own child." - William Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"4. "Fatherhood is the best adventure a man can have." - Unknown5. "A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a s本人l to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way." - Unknown6. "The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature." - Antoine François Prévost7. "When you need real understanding, when you need someone to care, when you need someone to guide you, afather's always there." - Thomas J. Langley8. "My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: He believed in me." - Jim Valvano9. "The power of a dad in a child's life is unmatched." - Justin Ricklefs10. "A father carries pictures where his money used to be." - Unknown11. "To her, the name of father was another name for love." - Fanny Fern12. "Bing a dad means you have to be a role model for your son and be someone he can look up to." - Wayne Rooney13. "A father's love is as important to a child as the 本人r he breathes and the food he eats." - Unknown14. "Father! - to God himself we cannot give a holier name." - William Wordsworth15. "A father is the one friend upon whom we can always rely." - Emile Gaboriau这些关于父爱的诗句和名言展现了父亲在孩子生活中的重要性,并强调了父爱的价值和力量。

father's virtue is the best legacy son。
a father is the sun, let us healthy growth。
a father is a music, let's be happy life。
father, bearing should be a broad friend。
have a child and don't like, no children don't sigh。
a father, as deep as the sea and broad。
one father is more than one hundred teachers。
mother father is higher than the mountains, deep than the sea。
a father's words, let us make the right judgment。
his father is a bank, offering knowledge, pay for love。
a father is a candle, silently dedicate himself for us。

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关于父爱的英文名言"One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters." -- English Proverb1个爸爸比100个校长还顶用。
-- 英国谚语I once complained to my father that I didn't seem to be able to do things the same way other people did. Dad's advice? 'Margo, don't be a sheep. People hate sheep. They eat sheep.' -- Margo Kaufman我曾经向父亲倾诉说我无法像其他人一样做事。
"It doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was." -- Anne Sexton爸爸是什么样的人并不重要,重要的是我心目的爸爸是什么样的人。
-- 安妮-赛克顿"That is the thankless position of the father in the family-the provider for all, and the enemy of all." -- J. August Strindberg这就是父亲在家中费力不讨好的地方 -- 既要养活全家,又受全家敌视。
“A man knows when he isgrowing old,because he begins to look like his father.” -- Gabriel Garcia Marquez一个男人发现他在变老,因为他开始像他的父亲。
-- 加布里埃尔.加西亚.马尔克斯To be a successful father there's one absolute rule: when you have a kid, don't look at it for the first two years. -- Ernest Hemingway (1899 - 1961)做成功父亲的必由之路:当你有了孩子,头两年不要看他。
-- 海明威 (1899 - 1961)The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.一个父亲可以对孩子们所做的最重要的事情就是去爱孩子们的母亲。
My Father taught me to weigh my words carefully, and speak up only when I had something insightful to add to the proceedings, or something really funny to say. He also taught me that if I couldn’t be that kind of guy in real life, that I could earn a healthy living pretending to be that guy in the movies. -- Kevin Smith, My Boring Ass Life, 06-01-05我爸曾这样告诫我:说话前要字斟句酌,要么有深度,要么有幽默。
"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection." -- Sigmund Freud我想象不出还有什么比父亲的保护更让一个孩子渴求得强烈。
-- 西格蒙特-佛洛依德“It is a wise father that knows his own child ” -- William Shakespeare了解自己孩子的父亲是明智的父亲 -- 威廉.莎士比亚"I watched a small man with thick calluses on both hands work fifteen and sixteen hours a day. I saw him once literally bleed from the bottoms of his feet, a man who came here uneducated, alone, unable to speak the language, who taught me all I needed to know about faith and hard work by the simple eloquence of his example." -- Mario Cuomo我看到一个小个子男人,双手长满了老茧,每天工作十五六个小时。
-- 马里奥-库莫Fathers send their sons to college either because they went to college or because they didn't. -- L. L. Henderson父亲希望儿子上大学无外乎两个理由:(1)自己上过大学;(2)自己没有上过大学。
"A king, realizing his incompetence, can either delegate or abdicate his duties.A father can do neither. -Marlene Dietrich一个认识到自己不称职的国王,可以委托授权或干脆放弃。
-- 玛莲娜-迪特里希When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry. -- 犹太谚语当爸爸向儿子付出时,两人都在笑;当儿子向爸爸付出时,两人都在哭。
Son: How much does it cost to get married, Dad? Father: I don't know son, I'm still paying for it”儿子:老爸,结婚的成本到底多大?爸爸:不知道,儿子。
By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he'swrong. -- Charles当一个男人终于认识到他老爸也许说的不错时,往往他已经有了个儿子,而且这个儿子认为他爸什么都不对。
4 years: My Daddy can do anything!4岁:爸爸什么都会7 years: My Dad knows a lot…a whole lot.7岁:爸爸懂得挺多,真挺多8 years: My father does not know quite everything.8岁:爸爸也不是懂得那么多12 years: Oh well, naturally Father does not know that either.12岁:哦,这个吗,爸爸肯定不懂14 years: Oh, Father? He is hopelessly old-fashioned.14岁:唉,老爸?他实在是太老派了21 years: Oh, that man-he is out of date!21岁:哦,那老人已经落伍了25 years: He knows a little bit about it, but not much.25岁:他懂点,但不是太多30 years: I must find out what Dad thinks about it.30岁:我必须问问老爸看他怎么想35 years: Before we decide, we will get Dad's idea first.35岁:在做决定之前,先问问老爸的意见50 years: What would Dad have thought about that?50岁:要是老爸还在,他会怎么看这件事呢60 years: My Dadknew literally everything!60岁:我爸几乎什么都明白65 years: I wish I could talk it over with Dad once more.65岁:我真想再有机会和爸爸说话1.父亲是财源,兄弟是安慰,而朋友既是财源,又是安慰。
Father is revenue, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both revenue and comfort.2.智慧之子使父亲快乐,愚昧之子使母亲蒙羞.A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son mother to shame.3.父子不信,则家道不睦.Father and son not letter, it brings one another.4.使你的父亲感到荣耀的莫过于你以最大的热诚继续你的学业,并努力奋发以期成为一个诚实而杰出的男子汉。
Make your father honored way you with the greatest enthusiasm continue your studies, and strive to make in order to be an honest and outstanding man.6.父兮生我,母兮鞠我,抚我,畜我,长我,育我,顾我,复我。
Father, mother xi xi xi born I bowed my, fondle my me, grow, livestock, I teach my, From me, after me.My son,i want to tell you that to the world you maybe one person, but to one person you may be the world. I love you.我的儿子,我想告诉你,对于世界而言,你也许是一个人;但是对于某个人来说,你可能是他的整个世界啊。