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摘要 (2)


前言 (5)

第一章绪论 (6)

1.1建筑电气设计的概念 (6)

1.2建筑电气设计的具体内容 (7)

1.3建筑电气设计中存在的一些问题 (9)

1.4本工程设计背景 (9)

1.5本工程设计的要求、目的、意义及预期目标 (10)

1.6本章小结 (11)

第二章供电系统设计 (12)

2.1本工程供电设计的要求及负荷分级 (12)

2.2供电系统中的负荷计算 (14)

2.3供电系统中断路器的选择 (31)

2.4供电系统中导线的选择 (38)

2.5供电系统中插座的选择 (44)

2.6本章小结 (48)

第三章照明系统设计 (49)

3.1一般照明 (49)

3.2应急照明 (53)

3.3照明计算 (55)

3.4本章小结 (72)

第四章防雷接地系统 (73)

4.1防雷等级 (73)

4.2防雷的措施 (74)

4.3接地装置 (79)

4.4本工程防雷接地概述 (82)

4.5本章小结 (84)

第五章消防系统设计 (86)

5.1本工程消防系统总述 (86)

5.2火灾报警系统 (86)

5.3消防联动系统 (96)

5.4本章小结 (99)

第六章可视对讲系统 (100)

6.1概述 (100)

6.2本工程系统结构和功能 (100)

6.3本章小结 (102)

第七章有线电视、电话、宽带网络系统设计 (104)

7.1系统设计总系统图 (104)

7.2有线电视设计 (104)

7.3电话系统 (112)

7.4宽带网络系统 (113)

7.5本章小结 (115)

总结与体会 (115)

谢辞 (116)

参考文献 (117)

附录一电线电缆持续载流量表 (118)

附录二英文原文 (124)

附录三中文译文 (133)








With the rapid development of the national economy and people's living standards improve, there has been high-rise buildings. High-rise building is in line with people's living environment, access to information, entertainment, education and other requirements, so the actual to the rapid development of 21, in architectural design, electrical design occupies an important position, a good high-rise building Must be compatible with its architectural style electrical design, building designers and can express building che full ideaof the perfect building to show perfect building,favorable clectrical design is also an art.

A successful electrical design is compliant under the premise must be based on the safety of the residents, ensure the safety of tenants of the principle of life and property, followed by the residents for the purpose of the desire to meet the spiritual needs of households and material needs, in the second, Finally, in the case of resource constraints, energy is also very important, the four were indispensable.

The design of electrical engineering is civilian high-rise buildings, the design includes two parts, the strong electrical design and weak design. Strong electrical design is divided into power system design, lighting design, lightning protection and grounding design of such potential, including the weak part of the fire system design, generic cable design, cabling design and phone design.

Key words: high-rise building, electrical design, life and property,
