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Have had twenty famous works by the age of twenty-five

House of birth, Bonn, Bonngasse 20, now theBeethoven-Haus museum
路德维希·凡·贝多芬Ludwig Van Beethoven
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Music is the trip of the soul ,
音乐是心灵的旅程 , There’s nothing more pure than music.
没有什么比音乐更加纯净 。 — Mozart 莫扎特
路德维希·凡·贝多芬Ludwig Van Beethoven
After the first performance of the Symphony No.9
(1824), as the conductor ,
Beethoven couldn't help crying at the moment of seeing the success of his works …
路德维希·凡·贝多芬Ludwig Van Beethoven
close our eyes hold our breath listen carefully to the Fate Symphony
Moonlight Sonata
路德维希·凡·贝多芬Ludwig Van Beethoven
Symphonie No.1 Op.21
(第一交响曲 1794--1796 C大调 )
Symphonie No.2 Op.36
(第二交响曲1801-1802.10 D大调 )
Symphony No.3 Eroica
(第三交响曲1803-1804 降E大调 )
DSyumrpinhogntiheeNloi.f4eOtipm.6e0of the Beeth(o第v四en交, 响he曲h1a8d06c.r1e0a降teBd大调)
第四钢琴协奏曲 1805-1806 G大调
Pinao Concertos No.5 Op.78
Pinao Concertos in D Op.61
第六钢琴协奏曲 1807
Egmond 1809
序曲 艾格蒙特
Coriolanus Overture Op.93
序曲 科里奥兰 1807 C大调
At the age of five,Beethoven began to play the piano
When he was eight years old , he gave his first public piano performance
And began to compose at the age of ten
(第九交响曲1824.2 D小调)
Pinao Concertos No.1 Op.15
第一钢琴协奏曲 1796 C大调
Pinao Concertos No.2 Op.19
第二钢琴协奏曲 1794-1795 降B大调
Pinao Concertos No.3 Op.37
第三钢琴协奏ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 1800 C小调
Pinao Concertos No.4 Op.58
• "His life is like one day thunderstorm days. First morning of a bright and clean water, only a few isolated idle breeze, but in the still air, a faint threat of heavy premonition, then all of a sudden hugeshadow volume, the solemn roar of thunder, full of the terrible silence of the sound. "
我要扼住命运的咽喉,它决不能使我屈服。 ---贝多芬
路德维希·凡·贝多芬Ludwig Van Beethoven Because of the fond of music and strong will, Even in his deafness period, created the most important representatives in his life --Symphony No.9 in d minor
Life has ups and downs…
began to have ear problems when he was 26 years old ,
and after twenty years ( 1817 ) became a
deaf completely …
I will take fate by the throat. ---
cSoyumnpthloenssy bNeoa.5uFtiaftuel melodies。。(第。五交响曲1804-1808 C小调 )
Sy(m在ph贝on多y 芬No的.6一Pa生st中or,al 他创作出了(第无六数交优响美曲的18旋07律---。18。08。F)大调 )
Symphony No.9 Choral
The Creatures of Prometheus Op.43 普罗米修斯的生民 1800-1801
A beautiful story
• One autumn, Beethoven went to inspect, to a small town in the Rhine.One night in the quiet road walking, heard on and off the piano from the house, this is his song, which is a 16-year-old girl, her face is very handsome, but blind, Beethoven was impressed by the girl, decided toa play for her, that is the famous "Clair de Lune".