
? 《日出印象》 ? 《草地上的午餐》 ? 《圣阿德列斯的阳台》
? 《花园里的女人们》 ? 《巴黎圣拉查尔火车站》 ? 《干草垛》 ? 《睡莲》
? 这幅名画《是莫日奈出于18?7印2年象在勒》阿弗赏尔析港口画的一幅写 生画。他在同一地点还画了一张《日落》, 在送往首届印 象派画展时, 两幅画都没有标题。一名新闻记者讽刺莫奈 的画是 对美与真实的否定, 只能给人一种印象 。莫奈于 是就给这幅画起了个题目——《日出·印象》。它作为一幅 海景写生画, 整个画面笼罩在稀薄的灰色调中, 笔触画 得非常随意、零乱, 展示了一种雾气交融的景象。日出时, 海上雾气迷朦, 水中反射着天空和太阳的颜色.岸上景色 隐隐约约, 模模糊糊看不清, 给人一种瞬间的感受。
我 聊 绘 画
----克劳德·莫奈 (Claude Monet )
Monet,1840-1926),法 国画家,印象派代表人物和 创始人之一。莫奈是法国最 重要的画家之一。莫奈擅长 光与影的实验与表现技法。 莫奈 (Claude Monet) 在视 觉观察方面无疑是一个富有 创造性的天才,他善于从光 与色的相互关系中发现前人 从未发现的某种现象。莫奈
《巴黎圣拉 查尔火车站》
《野罂粟花田 》

一、艺术领域1. 莫奈(Claude Monet)莫奈,19世纪法国印象派画家之一,被誉为是印象派画派的代表人物。
2. 米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)米开朗基罗,文艺复兴时期的意大利大师级雕塑家和画家,以其地位崇高的艺术品质而被称为“天才”。
二、科学领域1. 爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)爱因斯坦,二十世纪最伟大的科学家之一,被普遍认为是理论物理学的奠基人。
2. 达尔文(Charles Darwin)达尔文,19世纪的英国自然学家,以其进化论理论而闻名。
三、文学领域1. 莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)莎士比亚,文艺复兴时期最伟大的剧作家和诗人之一,被公认为是英国文学宝库中的瑰宝。

莫奈:印象派之光Claude Monet, a French painter, revolutionized art with his impressionist style. Born in 1840, he captured the essence of light and color, focusing on the changingeffects of natural light. His paintings, such as "Impression, Sunrise" and "Water Lilies," are renowned for their vivid brushstrokes and vibrant hues. Monet's works reflect his deep connection with nature, as he often painted landscapes, gardens, and water scenes. His influence on subsequent generations of artists is immeasurable, making him a pivotal figure in the history of art.莫奈,这位法国画家,以其印象派风格彻底改变了艺术界。
[精品]莫奈——人物简介莫奈(Claude Monet,1840年11月14日-1926年12月5日),是19世纪法国最重要的画家之一,印象派的代表人物之一。

Balishengla Charles train station.
Luncheon on the Grass.
这幅画反映了莫奈一种物我两融 的愿望,但它没有一点悲怆的情 调。
Monet painting reflects a desire to melt I Two, but it does not point sorrowful mood.
莫奈1840年生于巴黎外省,从小酷爱绘画,15岁时在当地已 小有名气,他的漫画在文具店里展出并出售,价格为每幅20 法郎。 Monet was born in Paris in 1840, the provinces, from childhood love of painting, the age of 15 has been a minor celebrity at the local, and his cartoons on display at the
后来,他多次去伦敦进行创作,并在荷兰画运河、船舶、 风车,回国后居住在阿让特伊,这段时期已是印象主义运动的 顶峰时期。1872-1875年间,莫奈、雷诺阿、西斯莱等人创作 的作品是印象主义最吸引人的作品。 Later, he repeatedly went to London to create, and painting in the Netherlands, canals, ships, windmills, after returning to live in Argenteuil, this is an impression of movement during the peak period.1872-1875 years, Monet, Renoir, Sisley, who created the most interesting work is impressionistic work. 19世纪90年代以后,莫奈集中精力完成了一系列连作绘画, 如《白杨》、《干草垛》、《鲁昂各大教堂》、《塞纳河之晨》 等。 90 years after the 19th century, Monet completed a series of focus even for the painting, such as "Poplar", "haystacks", "the Cathedral of Rouen," "Morning Seine," and so on.

英文作文介绍莫奈英文:Claude Monet is one of the most famous painters in the world. He was born in Paris in 1840 and lived until 1926. Monet was a key figure in the Impressionist movement, which was characterized by the use of light and color to capture a moment in time.Monet's most famous works are his series of paintings of water lilies. He painted these over many years, capturing the changing light and colors of the flowers and their reflections in the water. Another famous series of paintings by Monet is his series of haystacks, which he painted at different times of day to capture the changing light.One of the things I admire most about Monet is his dedication to his art. He spent years perfecting his techniques and experimenting with new ways of capturinglight and color. He was also willing to take risks and try new things, even if they didn't always work out.Overall, Monet's work is a testament to the beauty of nature and the power of art to capture and convey that beauty.中文:克劳德·莫奈是世界上最著名的画家之一。

Monet擅长运用色彩和光线表现自然风景,他的作品常常呈 现出轻快、明亮的画面效果。他采用快速的笔触和短促的线 条,捕捉自然景色的瞬间变化,使得画面充满活力和动感。
Monet's Representative Works
《印象·日出》是Monet的代表作之一,也是印象派的标 志性作品。
Monet's commemorative activities and exhibitions
Numerous exhibitions have been held in honor of Monet's legacy, including retrospectives at major
museums worldwide.
Impressionism起源于19世纪60年代的法国,是艺术史上的一个重要流派,对 后世艺术产生了深远影响。
Impressionism强调光线和色彩的变化,以及瞬间印象的表现。艺术家们通过快 速的笔触和明亮的色彩捕捉自然风景和人物形象,打破了传统绘画的规则和技巧 。
Monet's painting techniques and style
comprehensive exhibition on Monet's works in 1985.
Monet's influence and inspiration on modern art
Monet's innovative techniques and style have been highly influential on modern art, particularly on abstract expressionism and pop art.

描述莫奈英语作文Claude Monet, born on November 14, 1840, in Paris, France,was a pivotal figure in the development of Impressionist art. His innovative approach to painting and his keen observationof natural landscapes have left an indelible mark on the history of art. Monet's work is characterized by his use of light, color, and brushwork, which together create a sense of atmosphere and movement in his paintings.Monet's early life was spent in Le Havre, where he initially showed an aptitude for drawing. His talent was recognized bya local landscape painter, Eugène Boudin, who encouraged him to paint outdoors. This advice was formative for Monet, as it led him to capture the fleeting moments of light and its effects on the landscape, a technique that would become a hallmark of Impressionist painting.In 1859, Monet moved to Paris to further his artistic education. He was influenced by the works of the Barbizon school, particularly the landscape paintings of Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot. Monet's time in Paris also exposedhim to the works of other great artists, including Édouard Manet, whose brushwork and modern approach to painting had a profound impact on Monet.The 1860s saw Monet's first attempts at creatingImpressionist paintings. His work "Impression, Sunrise" (1872) gave the movement its name when it was exhibited in the firstImpressionist exhibition in Paris. The painting's loose brushstrokes and emphasis on the atmospheric effect of the sunrise rather than a detailed representation of the harbor scene was met with criticism by the art establishment but was embraced by those seeking a new way of seeing the world.Throughout the 1870s and 1880s, Monet continued to experiment with his style, often focusing on a single subject and painting it multiple times under different lighting conditions. His series of paintings, such as the "Haystacks," "Rouen Cathedral," and "Water Lilies," showcased his ability to capture the transient qualities of nature.Monet's "Water Lilies" series, painted in his own garden at Giverny, is perhaps his most famous work. These paintings are a testament to Monet's dedication to capturing the essence of nature. The water lilies float on the surface of the pond, their colors and shapes shifting with the reflections of the sky and the surrounding foliage. Monet's use of color and light in these paintings is masterful, creating a sense of depth and tranquility.Monet's later years were marked by personal tragedy and failing eyesight, but he continued to paint until his death on December 5, 1926. His legacy as a founder of Impressionism and his influence on the development of modern art is undeniable. Monet's work continues to inspire artists and art lovers alike, reminding us of the beauty and complexity of the natural world as seen through the eyes of a true master.。

介绍莫奈的英语作文80词Claude Monet was a famous French painter and a leading figure in the Impressionist art movement. He was born in Paris in 1840 and became known for his beautiful landscape and outdoor scenes.克劳德·莫奈是一位著名的法国画家,也是印象派艺术运动的主要人物。
Monet's paintings often depict scenes of nature, including his famous water lily and bridge series, as well as his views of the Rouen Cathedral and haystacks.莫奈的画作经常描绘大自然的景色,包括他著名的睡莲和桥梁系列,以及他对鲁昂大教堂和麦垛的看法。
He had a unique way of capturing light and color in his paintings, using quick brushstrokes and vibrant hues to convey the atmosphere of the scene.他有一种独特的捕捉光线和色彩的方式,在他的画作中使用快速的笔触和鲜艳的色调来传达场景的氛围。
Monet's work had a major impact on the art world, influencing many artists and helping to shape the modern art movement.莫奈的作品对艺术世界产生了重大影响,影响了许多艺术家,并帮助塑造了现代艺术运动。

Claude Monet
又名:Claude Oscar Monet
代表作:《日出·印象》(Impression·Sunrise)《鲁昂大教堂》组画(Rouen Cathedral series)、《伦敦议会》组画(London Parliament series)、《睡莲》(Water Lilies)、《干草垛》(Haystacks)、《野罂粟花园》(The Poppy Fields)。
纪录。2004年,莫奈的油画?The Parliament?在伦敦拍出了20,100,000美元的高价,此后著名的《睡莲》(Water Lilies)拍出了16,500,000法郎(合32,670,000美元)的高价,成为有史以来拍卖价格最高的莫奈作品。那些凝聚着画家毕生心血的油画不仅成为这位印象派鼻祖留给世界的艺术珍宝,也是后世画家们潜心学习的楷模。

Monet's works have been exhibited in prestigious galleries worldwide, consistently attracting attention and admiration for his technical skill and artistic vision.
1 Summary of Accomplishments
Claude Monet's contributions to art, particularly the Impressionist movement, have made him one of the most influential and celebrated artists in history.
Considered the defining work of the Impressionist movement, this painting captured the fleeting effects of light and atmosphere.
"Water Lilies"
A series of paintings that depict Monet's beloved water garden, showcasing his fascination with light, reflection, and natural beauty.
2 Water Lilies
Monet's famous Water Lilies series showcases his mastery of capturing the reflections and colors of water in his paintings.

Claude Monet was born in 1840,the second son of Claude Adolphe Monet and Louise.Despite being baptized Catholic, Monet later became an atheist.His father wanted him to go into the family business, but Monet wanted to become an artist.In 1851, Monet entered Le Havre secondary school of the arts.Locals knew him well for his comics, which he would sell for ten to twenty francs.He would have been a comics artist comics.around 1856 he met Eugène Boudin, who became his mentor and taught him to use oil paints and "en plein air" (outdoor) techniques for painting.In 1857, his mother died. At the age of sixteen, he left school and went to live with his widowed, childless aunt.When Monet traveled to Paris to visit the Louvre, he witnessed painters copying from the old masters. Having brought his paints and other tools with him, he would instead go and sit by a window and paint what he saw. Monet was in Paris for several years and met other young painters,including Édouard Manet.In June 1861, Monet served in the army for a seven-year commitment.but, two years later,his aunt gave him a chance to get out of the army if he agreed to complete an art course at an art school.in 1862 Monet became a student of Charles Gleyre in Paris, where he met Renoir, Bazille and Sisley.Together they shared new ways to art.they studied the effects of light in outdoor painting with broken color and rapid brushstrokes, in what later came to be known as Impressionism.in 1865 ,Monet met Camille Doncieux. While in her teens, Doncieux began work as a model. She became his model posing for numerous paintings. She was Monet's mistress, living in poverty at the beginning of his career.His aunt and father did not approve of the relationship between Monet and Camille. During Camille's pregnancy with their first son, Monet left her in Paris and stayed at his aunt's country estate to protect the monthly cheque that he received from the family and give the appearance that he was no longer in a relationship with Camille.From 1871 to 1878 he lived on the right bank of the Seine river near Paris, where he painted some of his best-known works. Monet purchased a small boat used as a studio.The first Impressionist exhibition was held in 1874,Paris. The primary purpose of the participants was not so much to promote a new style, but to free themselves from the constraints of the Salon de Paris,the conservatives. Monet presented 11 paintings including Impression: Sunrise. However,some exhibitors had placed their prices too high so they couldn’t sell their works.In 1876, Camille Monet became ill.Much of the money that Monet had made on the sale of his paintings paid for her medical care. The birth of the couple's second child in 1877 weakened her health.In 1878, Camille was diagnosed with cancer, and she died in 1879 at the age of thirty-two.After several difficult months following the death of Camille, Monet began to create some of his best paintings.Alice Hoschedéhelped Monet to raise his two sons, Jean and Michel. She took them to live alongside her own six children. Monet married Alice Hoschedé in 1892.Monet and his large family rented a house and 2 acres (8,100 m2) from a local landowner at Giverny. The house was close enough to the local schools for the children to attend and the surrounding landscape offered many suitable materials for Monet's work.Because Monet’s dealer Paul had successed in selling Monet’s paintings, Monet's fortunes began to increase.And then he was rich enough to buy the house, the surrounding buildings and the land for his gardens.He hired seven gardeners but he designed personally all the instructions and layouts of his gardens.Japanese architectureIn the early 1910s, Monet's second wife, Alice,and his oldest son Jean,died. It was during this time that Monet began to get cataracts.This may have had a serious effect on the colors he perceived.In his last years,he was Nearly blind.Monet died of lung cancer in 1926 at the age of 86 and is buried in the Giverny church cemetery. The house and garden, are major attractions in Giverny, which hosts tourists from all over the world.Monet has been described as "the driving force behind Impressionism".He thought in terms of colours and shapes rather than scenes and objects.Having rejected the academic teachings of Gleyre's studio, he freed himself from theory, saying "I like to paint as a bird sings." Monet repeatedly painted the same subject in different lights, at different hours of the day, and through the changes of weather and season.。

Thank you
莫奈:(1840年11月14日-1926年12月5日), 法国画家,印象派代表人物和创始人之一。印象 出自其代表作印象· 日出的标题。
Impression, Sunrise
It was the beginning of Monet’s fame .
This painting is a description of through the mist waitand-see Havre (勒阿弗尔)port sunrise scene.
A truthful picture of the French port cities in the light of sunrise with color gives painter visual impression.
真实地描绘了法国海港城市日出的 光与色给予画家的视觉印象。
During the early years, money was scarce and he was forced to move several times. Monet had limited success in the acceptance of his paintings. Many of Monet's paintings were rejected. Camille ,Monet’s wife, who had accompanied him in his hard time, but unfortunatly she died of cancer in 1879 while Monet died in 1926
1904年5月11日-1989年1月23日是著名 的西班牙加泰罗尼亚画家,因他的超现 实主义作品而闻名。
Dalí attributed his ―love of everything that is gilded and excessive, my passion for luxury and my love of oriental (东方的)clothes to a selfstyled(自封的) ”Arab lineage―(“阿拉伯血统”), claiming that his ancestors were descended from the Moors(摩尔人 ).

In his later years, Monet continued to paint, often returning to his favorite subjects of landscapes and gardens He also developed a pass for Japanese prints and their influence can be seen in his later works
Monet's Birth and Early Life
Birth and Family Background
Claude Monet was born in Paris in 1840 His father was a grower and his mother was a seamstress
Cultural Heritage
As a key figure in impressionism, Monet's works report a significant chapter in the history of Western art
Monet's Enlightenment on Contemporary Artists
02 03
Reflection on Nature
His paintings prompt reflection on our relationship with nature and the environment, encoding a deep application and inspection
Monet's practice of painting the same subject multiple times in different lights and weather conditions influenced the concept of a work of art evolving over time

英文作文介绍莫奈Claude Monet, a French painter, was a key figure in the Impressionist movement that transformed French painting in the second half of the 19th century. His famous paintings include "Impression, Sunrise," "Water Lilies," and "Woman with a Parasol."Monet was known for his use of color and light to capture the essence of his subjects. He often painted en plein air, or outdoors, to capture the changing light and atmosphere of a scene.Born in 1840, Monet grew up in Le Havre, France, and moved to Paris as a young man to pursue his passion for art. He became friends with other artists such as Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro, and Édouard Manet, who also became influential figures in the Impressionist movement.Monet's later works, such as the series of paintings of water lilies in his garden at Giverny, are considered someof his most iconic and groundbreaking pieces. These paintings show his mastery of color and light, as well as his ability to capture the beauty of the natural world.Throughout his career, Monet continued to push the boundaries of traditional painting, experimenting with new techniques and styles. His legacy as one of the greatest painters of the 19th century continues to inspire artists and art lovers around the world.。

下面是店铺为你整理的莫奈英文简介,希望对你有用!克劳德·莫奈,简介Claude Monet (November 14, 1840 - December 5, 1926), the French painter, known as the "Impressionist leader", is one of the representatives and founders of the Impressionist.Monet is one of the most important painters in France, and most of the theory and practice of Impressionism have his promotion. Monet specializes in the experiment and expression of light and shadow. His most important style is to change the shadows and contours of the painting, in the paintings of Monet do not see very clear shadows, can not see the highlight or flat painted contours. The color of light and shadow depicts the greatest feature of Monet's painting.克劳德·莫奈,人物生平Oscar-Claude Monet (November 14, 1840 - December 5, 1926), referred to as Claude Monet or Moone, Taiwan translation Oscar Claude Monet, The continent of the traditional translation of Monet. French Impressionist major painter, Impressionist movement leader.teensMonet was born in Paris, when he was 5 years old when the family moved to Normandy Le Havre (LeHavre). His father wanted him to inherit the grocery store at home, but Monet wanted to be an artist.At the age of 15, his first little celebrity was because of hischarcoal comic, and the price for his work was 20 francs per piece. On the beaches of Normandy, he met the artist Eugene Boudin, who later became Monet's mentor and taught him to learn painting. When Monet came to the Louvre in Paris, where he saw many painters imitating the works of famous artists. So, carrying the pigments and tools, he sat next to a window and began to draw what he sawMonet was born in Algeria (1860-1862), and before his seven-year contract expires, Mrs. Lecadre of Monet's monks freed him from the army for the typhoid, and let him go to the university Art courses.art educationBecause of the traditional art education of the university made him awake, in 1862 Monet joined Paris in Charles Gleley (Charles Gleyre) studio. Where he confessed Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Frederic Bazille and Alfred Sisley. They together created a new artistic approach, later known as the Impressionist, that is, in the outdoor and natural light with a strong oil painting.In 1866, he created the "Green Woman" (CamilleDoncieux) model (TheWomanintheGreenDress). Soon after, things were pregnant and gave birth to their first child Jean (Jean).During the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871), Monet came to the British refuge. Where he studied the work of John Kansi Boer and J.M.W. Turner, whose work inspired Monet's innovation in color research.After returning to France, in 1872 or 1873, Monet created "Impression Sunrise" with a landscape of Le Havre. It was unveiled at the first Impressionist painter in 1874 and is now on display at the MuséeMarmottan-Monet in Paris. According to the title of the painting, art critic Luis Leroya put forward the"impressionist" argument.MarriageIn 1870, Monet married the East and West. In 1873, they moved into a house in the Argenteuil of Seine River. On March 17, 1878, they had another son, Michael. In 1879, Mrs. Monet died of tuberculosis.AliceHoschede decided to help Monet raise his two children. They live in Poissy, but Monet does not like it there. In April 1883, they moved to Giverny on the Upper Normandy region of Eure. He planted a large garden and finished his paintings for the rest of his life. Monet and Hoschede married in 1892.LateIn the eighties and nineties of the nineteenth century, Monet began a series of paintings, that is, in different light and angle to draw the same object. heThe first series of works "Rouen Cathedral" is in different angles and different days of the day to draw. In 1895, the paintings of the cathedrals from 20 different angles were exhibited at the Gurand-Ruel gallery. He also drew a series of straw mats.Monet is very fond of painting bound natural - his garden, his water lily, his pond and his little bridge. He also painted up and down the banks of the Seine.Between 1883 and 1908, Monet painted a lot of landscapes and sea views in the Mediterranean.His wife, Alice, died in 1911 and his son died in 1914.Cataracts allowed Monet to undergo two surgeries in 1923.He died on December 5, 1926, buried in the cemetery of the Giverny church.In 2004, Monet's The Salar and EffectsofSunintheFog soldmore than $ 20 million in London.1840 - was born in Paris, France. At the age of 5 moved out of Paris, with family living in Le Havre (LeHavre).1850 years - in the painting was enlightened, in 1859 returned to the birthplace of Paris to learn painting.In the 1860s - after serving military service in Algeria, with a considerable number of well-known painter friends, in France everywhere painting painting.The 1870s - after marriage and marriage, expanded the scope of travel, but also expanded the source of inspiration for painting. The 1870s were an important decade in which he began to promote Impressionism. During the decade, the Impressionists held four joint exhibitions. Moone has participated. 1879 was Monet's sad year, his wife Camille died, leaving the first son of the age of one and 12-year-old eldest son.1880 - Monet's last participation in the Impressionist exhibition was in 1882, after 1884 he began to travel around the country, visited the London, the United States and other places.1890 - Monet began to focus and continue to water lily theme creation,The 1900s - Monet's vision began to develop problems, but he continued to paint, and still painting water lilies, the more painting the greater.1910 - Monet suffered a second wife died in 1911, 1914 death of the eldest son of the blow, vision is rapidly deteriorating. Ironically, Monet was considered a successful painter, works began by the national collection, and money to build a large studio. He began painting large water lilies murals.1920 's - Monet' s old age continued to create, this time his focus on the Louvre will be on display his water lily works, despitethe vision is getting worse, has been close to blind, he painted to December 5, 1926 Died so far.。

"People must first of all learn to look at nature, and only then may they see and understand what we are trying to do." - Claude Monet
"You must know I'm entirely absorbed in my work. These landscapes of water and reflections have become an obsession. It's quite beyond my powers at my age, and yet I want to succeed at expressing what I feel." - Claude Monet
阿让特伊附近 的罂粟
Thank you for your listening
Oscar-Claude Monet is one of my favourate artists.
Claude Monet's Biography克劳 德· 莫奈个人简介
Oscar-Claude Monet was born in Paris, France on November 14, 1840. When he was about five, the family moved from Paris to the small town of La Havre. Claude Monet spent his childhood in La Havre. He first became known for his caricatures漫画 and exhibited this work locally. During this time, he befriended fellow同伴 artist Eugene Boudin who became his mentor良师. Boudin influenced Monet to begin plein air or outdoor painting. He also encouraged Claude to try oil paint and pastels 彩色粉笔 画 , instead of charcoal木炭 as a medium手法 for his artise日出.印象 Impression, Sunrise was painted in 1872 and the group of emerging artists were named Impressionists after an article in a newspaper laughingly referenced the style of painting.
Claude Monet

Weng Feller Seine estuary《翁费勒的塞纳河口》 《翁费勒的塞纳河口》
在这幅画上,出于莫奈自己的东西,就是表现 在前景水的笔触和云的笔触上的“颇能吸引观 众的大胆感觉”;这些笔触加强了画面的传统 效果。 1865 This painting is on display at the official Salon, and received a warm welcome, when critics comment on this picture, said: "harmony with the tone color formed to attract the audience pretty well ... a bold feel. " It shows the official on people really like this picture is totally understandable. Painting in the middle of the performance of a rich tone and the kind of bleak, calm Levels. Expand to the depths of space, line and handled by the bank was very successful according to tradition, marks the middle distance and long-term bank lines. In this painting, Monet for their own things, that the performance of the water in the foreground brush strokes and cloud on the "feel bold to attract the audience pretty well"; these strokes to enhance the image of the traditional effect.

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Impression, Sunrise
It was the beginning of Monet’s fame This painting is a description of through the mist wait-and-see havre port sunrise scene.
范学院附属中学 张雪
a school of late 19th century French painters who pictured appearances by strokes of unmixed colors to give the impression of reflected light
Thank you
Happy team ^.^ for you
Monet of this art environment formation and he describe reality new technique, more than anyone else contribution. It is no doubt that, though MaNai founder of impressionism, but really make its carry forward because he is of the light, manet to the changing scenery, painted has to run amok position.
Here is Camille , Monet’s wife, who had accompanied him in his hard time, but unfortunatly she died of cancer in 1879 while Monet died in 1926
范学院附属中学 There also be many paintings about her , and Monet always reclled Camille 张雪
A truthful picture of the French port cities in the light of sunrise with color gives painter visual impression.
they have bright brushwork emerges. No space symbol, only brush capture light and color. Aother work of Monet must be his Water Lily
During the early years, money was scarce and he was forced to move several times. Monet had limited success in the acceptance of his paintings. Many of Monet's paintings were rejected.
Claude Monet
——his life & his painting
Just in such canvas , Monet brought us visual feast
Next we will go for something about him…….
Monet, Claude (b. Nov. 14, 1840, Paris, Fr.--d. Dec. 5, 1926, Giverny) French painter, initiator, leader, and unswerving advocate of the Impressionist style. He is regarded as the archetypal Impressionist in that his devotion to the ideals of the movement was unwavering throughout his long caave touched them ,
now let’s
us feel them again
Claude Monet spent his childhood in La Havre. He first became known for his caricatures and exhibited this work locally. During this time, he befriended fellow artist Eugene Boudin who became his mentor. Boudin influenced Monet to begin plein air or outdoor painting. He also encouraged Claude to try oil paint and pastels, instead of charcoal as a medium for his artwork.
范学院附属中学 张雪
In his final years he was troubled by failing eyesight, but he painted until the end.
We know
It is Monet’s brave , persistence and love that arouse the infatuation with him
Monet’s second wife Alice married him at 1892 and died at 1911.
范学院附属中学 张雪
This painting unfinished before Camille’s death, and Monet kept it all his lifetime .