LG 带除湿机功能的衣物护理机 SC5GMR4G 使用说明书

简体中文SC5**R4*MFL71825966Rev.00_061124© 2024 乐金电子(中国)有限公司版权所有目录本手册可能包含与您购买型号不同的图片或内容。
安全说明请在使用前阅读所有说明 (3)警告说明 (3)安装零件和规格 (9)安装位置要求 (13)本电器的拆箱 (14)调平本电器 (15)操作操作概述 (17)衣物的预处理 (18)在每次装入衣物前,检查相关项目 (19)将衣物装入本电器中 (21)控制面板 (26)程序表 (29)选项程序和额外功能 (34)智能功能LG ThinQ 应用程序 (35)智能诊断 (37)维护定期清洁 (38)故障排除呼叫服务之前 (42)附录保修 (47)提醒信息 (48)3安全说明简体中文安全说明请在使用前阅读所有说明以下安全指南旨在预防因不安全或不正确操作电器出现的意外⻛险或损坏。
安全信息易燃性制冷剂 (R290) 说明机组上有显示以下符号。
•本电器必须插入已接地的 220V、50Hz 插座,必须使用 15 安保险丝或断路器保护插座。

HMS535C 外观大机壳 传感器30C
机壳尺寸 325 ×260(mm)
机壳尺寸 235 ×200(mm)
技术规范 烟气水分测量范围: 0…40vol% 准确度: ≤±2% 响应时间: ≤30S 湿度传感器: 阻容式 温度传感器: PT100铂电阻 输出信号: 4…20mA 供电电源: 220vAC(50HZ) 功耗: 25W 传感器温度: 0…80 C 变送器及控制部分: -10…+55 C 工作环境湿度: 0…100RH% 使用工况: 采用特殊工艺及DW技术 ,专用于脱硫 后未安装或未使用GGH低温高湿的场合

3 0.14 9.1
3.2 0.16 13.2
高电压保护(V) 低电压保护(V) 缺相保护 逆相保护
475 285 OK OK 加热量及加湿量(如选配)
475 285 OK OK
475 285 OK OK
加热量(KW) 加湿量(kg/h )
4 4.5
4 4.5
4 4.5
机组供电参数(*FLA:满负荷电流值) 单冷 制冷带加热 制冷、加热、加湿 7.2 25.2 34.2 机组尺寸及重量 室内机组型号 尺寸(毫米) 长 宽 高 AL07 600 550 1900 AL12 600 550 1900 AL16 600 550 1900 11.5 29.5 38.5 14.1 32.5 41.3
先进的智能化控制技术,全中英文大屏幕 LCD 背光显示, 易操作的人性化界面,精确的微电脑控制系统; 多级密码保护,防止误操作; 具备运行状态智能显示、专家故障诊断功能; 记录各主要部件的运行时间;设置参数自动保护, 即使停电后也可以保存运行参数和告警记录;储存 30 条历史告警信息
REMANSNOW 描述: REMANSNOWAL 系列空调是专为小型机房设计开发的专用空调产品。可 提供 7.5KW、12.5KW、16.5 等多种冷量、多种配置选择的产品。
移动基站及控制中心、户外机房、微波及卫星地面站、寻呼机房、 短讯处理中心、网管中心、小型计算机室、小型实验室、小型网络机房。 特点: 高效的制冷系统设计,节能运行,在机房环境下使用,比普通舒适性空 调可节省 20~30%的能耗 具有恒温、恒湿功能, 大风量、小焓差设计,满足专业机房需要 采用高效稳定的涡旋式压缩机,保障产品的高寿命、高能效比 全中英文大屏幕显示,具有密码保护、专家故障诊断功能 超宽输入电压设计,独特的缺相保护功能和错相自动切换保障连续工作 功能,可实现来电自启动。 配备标准监控接口,灵活的主备机切换功能,实现机组自动切换、轮流 值班功能,低噪音设计 适合严寒地区使用


低 中高
在设备正常运转状态下: 点击功能切换键,可选择除湿或者是通风功能
-- --
-- --
22℃ 80%
通风…… 除湿……
定时关机… 定时启动…
低 中高
设定步骤: 点击[ ]键,湿度显示开始闪烁,此时点击[▲] [▼]键, 调节数值至需求湿度(一般建议60%),设定好之后,静 置5秒无操作,设定湿度自动保存,然后恢复显示实际湿 度,设定完毕。
当湿度达到设定湿度时,设备自动停止;当超过设定湿 度时,自动启动。
注:正常显示的数字为当前区域的实际湿度; 闪烁时显示的数字为需求的设定湿度。
hsway/汉斯威, 让家更舒适!
-- --
-- --
22℃ 80%
通风…… 除湿……
定时关机… 定时启动…
低 中高
-- --
-- --
22℃ 80%
通风…… 除湿……
定时关机… 定时启动…
风速Biblioteka 低 中高*在关机状态下,长按[ 在开机状态下,长按[
]键3秒,设备启动 ]键3秒,设备关闭
-- --
-- --
22℃ 80%
易龙 2ERSF 系列 冷暖型 直接蒸发式 全新风屋顶机 说明书

2ERSF1750C 13100
2ERSF2350C 17600
类型 控制方式
R22或R407C 电子膨胀阀
外形 尺寸
4015 2400 1915
4371 2500 2060
3937 3326 2585
1* 额定制冷量基于下列条件:室外温度33℃DB,28℃WDB(60%RH),容量未扣除制冷时送风机风扇电机热量。 2* 额定制热量基于下列条件:室外温度0℃DB,-2.9℃WDB(50%RH) 无霜情况下,容量增加了制热时送风机风扇电机热量。 3* 空气过滤网为非标件,请安装在进风侧,选择比色法50%(比色率)以上
60.4 60.5
73.1 73.2
91.5 91.7
107.9 108.1
122.9 123.3
32.0 63.9 77.3 96.7 114.1 130.2

溶液调湿技术利用特定的盐溶液,通过吸收或释放水蒸气来调节室内湿度。当室内湿度 过高时,溶液吸收水蒸气,降低湿度;当室内湿度过低时,溶液释放水蒸气,增加湿度。
溶液调湿技术具有节能、环保、安全可靠等优点,能够实现湿度的连续调节,提高室内 环境的舒适度。
控制系统是HVF电驱动系统的核心,负 责接收用户指令、监测系统状态、控制 各组件协同工作,实现各种运行模式和 控制策略。
驱动器负责控制电动机的启动、停止、 加速和减速,同时根据控制系统发出 的指令调整电动机的转速和转矩,以 实现各种运行模式和控制策略。
热泵系统利用逆卡诺循环,通过消耗少量电能,从室外环境中吸收热量,并传 递到室内,实现室内温度的调节。
热泵系统包括压缩机、冷凝器、蒸发器和膨胀阀等关键部件,这些部件协同工 作,实现热量的吸收和传递。
热泵式溶液调湿新风机组HVF电驱动 系统在提供舒适室内环境、改善室内 空气质量以及节能减排方面具有重要 作用。
该系统广泛应用于住宅、办公室、医 院、学校等建筑领域,为人们提供健 康、舒适的室内环境。
热泵式溶液调湿新风机组HVF电驱动系统自20世纪末开始发展,经过不断的技术改进和优化,逐渐成 为一种高效、环保的空气处理设备。
热泵式溶液调湿新风 机组HVF电驱动夏季
• 热泵式溶液调湿新风机组HVF电驱动系 统的概述
• HVF电驱动系统的核心组件与特性 • HVF电驱动系统在夏季的应用与优势 • HVF电驱动系统的挑战与解决方案 • HVF电驱动系统的未来发展与展望
产品说明书:X XS 22 工业洗浴机

507 438 Array Pub date 09/02Spare-parts manual2 / 43Drawing nr. 508019B - 25-Oct-04frame1 X01101000022 Completeframe1 501587 Completelabel2 PRI551000087 Earthgutter3 PRI407000109 Cable4 PRI250000005 Blind rivet 2,6x65 309084000410 BoltM4x10M6x126 309084100612 BoltM8x147 PRI203000019 Bolt8 PRI407000109 Cablegutter49 311127000004 Washer10 311902100004 Washer4,311 X01131100012 Front panel assembly12 X01133500011 Soap hopper cover assembly, (Full Control version)12 X01233500011 Soap hopper cover assembly (Card version)13 X01131001511 Rear cover (elect. heating and without heating)13 X01131001411 Rear cover (steam heating)14 X01131001613 Soap hopper cover lid15 102260 Emergency stop, (Full Control version)15 PRI401020022 Switching off unit16 102259 Emergency stop push button, (Full Control version)17 PRI505000058 Protecting rubber Étiquette avec logo exportation Europe Schild Logo Export Europa Placa con logotipo exportación Europa20 101805 Label logo, export Europe Étiquette avec logo exportation USA Schild Logo Export USA Placa con logotipo exportación EEUU20 548200100010 Label logo, export USA"Centralstop"21 548011028014 Label22 309500240618 Bolt M6x188,423 311125000008 Washer824 311127000008 WasherM8x2025 309933000820 Bolt26 X01131300014 Front panel supportpanel27 X01131100312 Frontsheet28 X01131100414 Antivibration29 X01131100614 Cover30 230200007514 Electrical label (electr. heating)33 X01133500112 Soap hopper cover plate35 235133500524 Rear relay holder36 PRI346000030 Magnetic switch 1032W, (Full Control version)36 PRI346000032 Magnetic switch, (Card Control version)rubber37 PRI505000058 Protectingrubber38 PRI709000013 Protectingrubber38 PRI709000013 ProtectingM3x1239 309963000312 BoltM4x1040 309963000410 BoltM443 310934000004 Nut4,345 311679824104 Washer346 311679800003 Washer51 345000032132 Plug52 Label warning (according language version)M653 311679824006 Washer54 311125240006 Washer6507 438 Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 3 /43507 438 Array Pub date 09/02Spare-parts manual4 / 43Drawing nr. 508020A - 25-Apr-041 X01131500013 Right - front complete side panel2 X01132100013 Left - front complete side panel3 X01132500012 Back left complete side panel4 X01133100012 Back right complete side panel5 X01131002014 Clamp for rear cover6 PRI505000058 Protecting rubber - profile UM8x207 309933000820 BoltM6x128 309933000612 Bolt8,49 311125000008 Washer6,410 311125000006 Washer811 311127000008 Washer612 311127000006 Washer13 X01131500113 Right - front side panel14 PRI611000023 SRV - pindevice15 PRI610030007 Locking16 PRI610002 007 Lockinghookrubber17 PRI505000058 Protecting18 100179 Antivibration sheet I.19 100179 Antivibration sheet II.20 310934000005 NutM55,321 311125000055 Washer522 311127000005 Washer23 X01132100113 Front left side panel24 X01132500111 Side panel back left side panel25 PRI611000018 Acceptor for SVR-pin26 100179 Antivibration sheet-left I.27 100179 Antivibration sheet-left II.passage28 273121015002 Cable29 PRI250000009 Blind rivet 3,2x7,930 X01133100111 Back right side panelrubber31 PRI505000058 ProtectingM632 PRI250002011 Insertnutnut33 PRI610006007 Smallnut34 PRI610005007 Big35 PRI522000012 Washer36 345900032132 Universalplug507 438 Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 5 / 43507 438 Array Pub date 09/02Spare-parts manual6 / 43Drawing nr. 508021A - 25-Apr-04tub1 515147 Complete2 X01127000014 Front shield fastening ring3 X01100010914 Washer4 273238006076 Hopper tube soap hose5 230100006514 Fastening ring coverII.6 235300007015 Bolt7 230100005215 Tub front adjusting bolt8 273239001886 Front shield seal9 503839 Temperature sensor (Full Control version, Card Control version)10 PRI614000047 Adapter, (Full Control version, Card Control version)12 PRI342000032 Heating element 6000W - 220V13 PRI342001016 Heating element blindM6x6014 309933000660 BoltM5x3015 309966240530 Bolt16 PRI228000006 Self-locking nut M5M617 310934000006 NutM1218 310934000012 Nut19 PRI247000003 Ornamental washer for M5620 311127000006 Washer1221 311127000012 Washer6,422 311125000006 Washerclamp24 PRI240000021 Hose25 X01134100012 Complete control box supportM8x2026 309159324820 Bolt8,427 311125000008 Washer28 235131002423 Clamp for spray rinse hoseM6x1829 309500240618 Bolt32 X01108100013 Complete front of washing machine3/4"33 319428324805 Plugboard34 X01105002524 CarryingM8x3035 309933240830 Bolt36 309933240815 Bolt M8x1537 310985000008 Self-locking nut M839 311125200008 Washer M8 (copper)40 311125000008 Washer M8 - zincing steel41 X01128000014 Wires protection tubeM4x1242 309084240412 BoltM443 310934000004 Nut444 311127000004 Washer4,345 311125000004 Washer48 S01100010014 Label "heatwarning" - bigwasher49 631613605100 Plastic507 438 Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 7 / 43507 438 Array Pub date 09/02Spare-parts manual8 / 43Drawing nr. 508022A - 29-Sep-041 518479 Drum2 501525 Bolt3 503576 Washer4 503575 NutM14507 438 Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 9 / 43507 438 Array Pub date 09/02Spare-parts manual10 / 43door 1 X01107000011 Completering2 223107000513 Door3 X01107100012 Holder4 X01107200113 Hinge5 X01107001323 Glassseal6 273112994945 Door7 PRI610000082 Plate of hingelever 9 PRI610001082 DoorlockM0710******* Doorlock handle, (export USA)10 PRI610000085 Doorlock handle shining510604 Doorlock handle black with logo, (export USA)510605 Doorlock handle black without logoaxle11 PRI610000089 HandleM6x2012 PRI212000032 Bolt13 310985000006 Self-locking nut M6spring14 PRI611000045 Handle15 PRI247010013 Safety washer 2,4616 311125240006 WasherM4x617 309084000406 Bolt19 311127000006 WasherM6x1220 309931240618 BoltM6x1821 309933240618 Bolt22 223107000814 Washernut23 PRI185001180 Holderpiece24 PRI523000014 Insertion25 223107000614 BoltM10M4x626 309553000406 Bolt27 507735 Door shower support28 507745 Fitting adapter for hose II.29 506503 Elbow connection 3/4"30 507737 Doorshower adapter fitting Iinsert 31 235108104414 Shower33 273111038046 "O" ring 46x38shower34 PRI425000068 Door35 PRI551001244 Label "spin direction"36 X01100011114 Hingewasher 37 PRI505007055 Shower hose 3/4"M8x2038 309159324820 Bolt39 311127240008 Washer M8washer 40 X01100010313 Distance641 311127240006 Washer42 548011072014 Label Warning heat43 X01107004715 NutSpare-parts manual12 / 431 X01108300013 Doorlock2 PRI610000132 Ground plate lockspring3 223116000214 Lockplate4 PRI610055077 Decoupling5 PRI610054077 Decouplingplatehousing6 X01108000512 Lock7 X01108000814 Housingwasher8 PRI611000050 Spring locking partcover 10 X01108200013 Completelockcoil11 PRI610000087 Locking12 PRI610000134 Locking part handle13 PRI610000090 Spindle for lock φ4x4514 PRI610000091 Tube lock φ6x23,515 PRI610034077 Microswitch16 PRI610011077 Microswitch17 PRI610012077 Coil18 PRI610012077 Coil19 PRI611000048 Spring locking partspring20 PRI611000047 Leafpassage21 PRI501000069 Cable22 PRI230000007 WasherM3x623 PRI212000001 BoltM4x824 309084000408 BoltM3x1625 PRI211000007 BoltM3x626 PRI211000001 BoltM3x1427 PRI202002067 Bolt28 PRI242000013 Retaining ring 10M5x2029 PRI242000013 Bolt430 311125240004 WasherM4x631 309933240406 Bolt32 X01108000614 Bolt633 311127240006 Washerswivel35 PRI350000056 CableM537 311125240005 WasherM6x1238 309933240612 BoltM4x839 309084100408 BoltM640 311125240006 Washer41 PRI350001056 Nutlabel42 PRI551000001 Earth443 311679824004 Washertape44 248000012003 DampingM4x1245 309084100412 BoltSpare-parts manual14 / 431 X01105000112 Bearinghouse2 X01105002614 Adapter3 PRI543000010 Grease hose adapter M10x14 PRI543000009 Cap nut M12x1,55 325000000260 Feltring6 325000022215 Bearing7 325000000315 Bushingtype8 325000010130 Ring9 X01105000613 Bearning house lidcase10 PRI158000039 Joint11 PRI530000023 Axial joint ringring12 PRI530000030 Shaft13 501534 Sealflange 18 PRI216000078 Bolt M18x70 DIN912pulley19 X01105002412 Belt20 PRI608000081 Bushing18x1021 X01105002934 Washer22 X01105002814 Washer23 309933001630 BoltM16x30M6x20 24 309933240620 BoltM625 310934240006 Nut626 311125200006 Washer627 311125000006 WasherM8x25 28 309933000825 Bolt829 311127000008 Washer30 X01105100016 Complete flangeSpare-parts manual16 / 431 X01100010414 Washmotor adjusting plate I.2 X01100010514 Spinmotor adjusting plate II.pulley3 X01100011513 Washmotor4 X01100011714 Spinmotor pulley - 50HzX01100011624 Spinmotor pulley - 60Hz5 PRI325001079 Washmotor - 50HzPRI325000075 Washmotor - 60Hz6 PRI325001080 Spinmotor - 50HzPRI325000076 Spinmotor - 60Hz7 PRI607000100 Motor V- belt8 PRI607000065 DrumV-beltM6x109 309913000610 BoltM8x2510 309933000825 Bolt11 311127000008 Washer88,412 311125000008 WasherM10x12013 309933001120 BoltM1014 310934000010 Nut10,515 311127000010 Washer1016 311125000010 WasherM10x3017 309933001030 Bolt18 X01100011014 Motor terminal board holderswivel19 PRI350000056 CableM6x1620 309084000616 Bolt621 311127000006 Washer6,422 311125000004 Washer23 PRI350001056 Nutshield24 S01100008414 MotorM1025 311902100010 WasherSpare-parts manual18 / 43board2 501571 Motor3 501589 Cover of frequency invertor4 501557 Pulley5 100450 Filter 1-ph 230V5 100451 Filter 3-ph 400V6 338400100032 Motor 3kW, 230-400V, 50Hz7 101825 Frequency inverter 3-ph 400V7 101823 Frequency inverter 1-ph 230V7 102424 Frequency inverter fan7 516076 Communication cable Câble de communication Kommunikationskabel Cable de comunicación8 PRI607000065 V-belt9 309913000610 BoltM6x10M5x1010 309084000510 Bolt511 311125000005 WasherM512 311127000005 WasherM10x12013 309933001120 BoltM1014 310934000010 Nut15 311125000010 Washer101016 311127000010 WasherM10x3017 309933001030 Boltsocket18 F0510******* CableM4x1020 309084000410 Bolt421 311127000004 Washer24 309084240510 BoltM5x101025 311902900010 WasherM526 311127000005 Washer27 311125000005 Washer528 100925 Brake resistor 240V28 100946 Brake resistor 400VSpare-parts manual20 / 43Drawing nr. 508027A - 25-Apr-041 515155 Soap hopper assembly2 PRI610010012 Soap hopper lock - complete3 X01110001413 Cover4 X01111100013 Complete soaphopper doorinsert5 X01111200013 Door10x20x1130mm6 273442021020 Seal7 S01100008914 Label of soap hopperswitch8 PRI346000031 MagneticM4x89 309933240408 Bolt410 311125240004 WasherM411 310934240004 Nut12 PRI229000004 Locking nut M614 X01111000013 Complete soaphopper door - complete4,316 311679824004 Washer18 PRI155001061 Soap hopper lever19 235110001614 Injector20 235110001715 Nut26 PRI609000003 Doorhinge27 223110002122 Soap dosing hopper28 PRI227001008 Ornamental nut M6lever29 235110500124 SecureM630 PRI609000002 Bolt31 PRI609000001 Shaft1232 311127000012 WasherM1233 PRI226000015 Nut34 PRI231002003 Washer6,4M635 PRI228000001 Nut36 120102302325 SpringM4x839 309933240408 BoltM8x2545 309933000825 BoltI.47 X01100010214 HolderM848 310934800008 Nut849 311127000008 Washer8,450 311125000008 Washer51 S01100008114 Label Warning"Heatwarning"52 S01100007214 LabelSpare-parts manual22 / 431 X01216000021 Card programmer control box assemblybox2 X021*******3 Completecover3 X01216200014 Complete5 PRI185000189 Level switch holder6 PRI121001003 Hingerubber7 PRI505000058 Protecting8 PRI610000007 Lockhook9 PRI610002007 Locking10 311902100004 Retaining ring 3,211 F01216500414 Buzzerholder12 PRI345034026 Buzzer 220V AC13 223245000825 Pin of programmerplate14 X01216002023 Faciaswitch15 PRI340000074 Level16 PRI343009028 Card programmer K24 220-50/60Hz17 506500 Thermostat18 102259 Emergency stop push button19 102260 Switch20 PRI348012097 Pilot light, (green)21 345020122499 Pilot light, (white)22 X022******** Terminal board holder24 PRI540001003 CapilarrySwivel25 PRI350000056 Cable26 PRI501000069 Cable Passage 8x227 PRI501000070 Cable Passage 5,5x228 309933240815 BoltM8x15M829 PRI226000009 Nut830 PRI231000021 Washer831 311125240008 WasherM6x1032 309933000610 Bolt633 311127000006 Washer634 311125000006 WasherM635 310934000006 Nut36 309500240408 BoltM4x837 PRI250000014 Blind rivet 3,2x7,938 PRI551001099 Label39 PRI551001248 Label"Centralstop"label40 PRI551000001 Earth41 PRI522000012 Washer42 PRI610006007 Smallnutnut43 PRI610005007 Big44 345000926647 Terminal board 15-poles45 345000926682 Terminal board 6-poles46 345000927231 Terminal board 9-polesM4x1247 PRI211000022 BoltM448 PRI226000003 Nut49 PRI231000002 Washer4,354 Label Warning according language versionM356 PRI226000001 Nut357 PRI245000001 Washer58 Label Warning according language version65 PRI343015028 Program card K24/50HzPRI343016028 Program card K24/60Hz67 X01119002414 Terminal board holder 1.68 PRI350001056 Nutbutton 71 345020123709 Pushcover 72 PRI543000003 Button"Flash"73 230200007514 Label507 438Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 26 / 43Drawing nr. 508028B - 13-Feb-05box1 501576 Microprocesorkeyboard2 PRI185000228 Z-profil3 X01216200014 Cover box complete7 503151 Label48 311679824004 WasherM4x89 309798524408 Bolt11 501580 Holder of terminal boardM3x812 309084000308 BoltM414 311679824004 WasherM4x816 309500240408 Boltswitch17 PRI348000113 Change-overM8x1518 309933240815 Bolt19 310934240008 NutM820 PRI343000212 Power board PWR21 100521 Keyboard MCB40-Full Control version22 100986 Microcontroller board MCB 40-Full Control version24 310934000004 NutM4strap25 PRI505000058 Deckle27 345000926647 Terminal board 15 poles28 345000927231 Terminal board 9 poles31 PRI551000001 Earthing index plate32 548000121014 Label of change-over switch33 235314001215 Pin8,434 311125000008 Washer35 307732029003 Retaining ring 3.236 101040 BoltM4x1237 309084000412 Bolt40 337230802050 VentilatorM441 310934000004 Nut4.344 311125000004 Washergrate45 321848114140 Air847 311127000008 Washerpassage49 273121008002 Cablepassage50 273121005052 CableM456 311679800004 Washer61 Card of program62 101041 Knurled thumb screws with collar M3x3070 PRI551000087 Label "Service warning"grate71 321848303060 Air72 501581 Holder of terminal board73 PRI610000007 Locknut74 PRI610005007 Big75 PRI522000012 Washernut76 PRI610006007 Small77 PRI610002007 Pawl79 102270 Microchip, (Full Control version)82 X022******** Ventcover"Flash"83 230200007514 LabelM584 311125000005 Washer85 310934000005 NutM5Warning86 PRI551002233 Label507 438Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 28 / 43Drawing nr. 508037A - 08-Jan-04 1 501582 Board of microprocessorboard2 235119400824 Reinfortcementend4 346000209101 Terminal5 F021******** Earthingclamp6 101643 TransformerM4x167 309084000416 Bolt9 514038 Contactordisconnector10 358251601312 Fuse358251503220 Roller fuse insert type 25A/500V 1AC358251503160 Roller fuse insert type 16A/500V 3AC11 514042 Heating contactor, 380-415VPRI345002019 Heating contactor, 208-240V12 358251503240 Roller fuse insert type 32A, 380-415V358251503220 Fuse 25A/500V, 208-240Vend13 346000209101 Terminal14 PRI401001020 Fuse sleeve smallPRI401003020 Fuse sleeve big1A/500V16 345805163032 Fuse2,5A/250V345805363032 Fuse1APRI401023021 Fuse3,2x7,919 313250032079 Rivetchannel20 366610025375 CableM4x1221 309084000412 Bolt22 PRI326002004 Holder of rectifier423 311125240004 WasherM6x1226 309084100612 Bolt427 311679824004 Washer628 311679824006 Washer429 311125240004 WasherM6x1232 309084000616 BoltM633 310934000006 NutM4x1234 309084100412 Bolt635 311125240006 WasherM636 311127000006 WasherM637 310934000006 Nut38 309084000416 BoltM4x16439 311679800004 WasherM440 310934000004 Nut41 309084000322 BoltM3x22washer42 235119001724 Microswitchnut43 235119001815 Microswitch44 235119300415 Adjustmentweight45 X01119300114 Holder of balance switch46 PRI610028077 Microswitch47 PRI610012077 RectifierM5x1650 309933000516 Bolt52 X01119300114 Holder of balance switch53 X01119301114 Washer of balance switch555 311125000005 Washer56 310934000005 NutM5M558 310985000005 Nut507 438Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 30 / 43Drawing nr. 508029A - 08-Jan-04 Full Control versionboard1 X01119400412 Microprocessorcube2 F021******** Earth3 PRI609003102 Programmerholdersupport4 235119400824 Board5 514039 Contactor514042 Contactor6 514030 Overload relay, 4-6A,3x380V/50Hz514092 Overload relay, 9-13A,3x220V/60Hz7 514031 Overload relay, 5,5-8A,3x380V/50Hz514032 Overload relay, 7-10A,3x220V/60Hz8 514051 Blocking of contactors9 PRI401013021 Circuit breaker 25Aboard10 100607 Additional14 PRI610120077 Rectifierlabel18 PRI551000001 Earth19 313250032079 Blind rivet 3,2x7,921 PRI211000022 BoltM4x12423 311902100004 Washergutter25 366610025375 Cable27 309084100412 BoltM4x12428 311679824004 Washer429 311125240004 Washer30 309084100612 BoltM6x12631 311679824006 Washer632 311125240006 Washerholder33 PRI326002004 RectifierM4x1234 309084000412 Bolt635 311125000006 WasherM636 311127000006 WasherM637 310934000006 NutM4x1638 309084000416 Bolt439 311679800004 WasherM440 310934000004 NutM3x2241 309084000322 Bolt42 235119001724 Microswitchwashernut43 235119001815 Microswitchweight44 235119300415 Adjustment45 X01119300114 Holder of balance switch46 PRI610028077 MicroswitchM5x1647 309933000516 BoltM548 310934000005 Nut549 311125000005 WasherM552 310985000005 Nut53 X01119301114 Washer of balance switch55 X01119300114 Holder of balance switch507 438Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 32 / 43Drawing nr. 508031A - 09-Jan-04 1 X021******** Boardsupport2 X01216300214 Boardholder3 PRI185000062 Relayholder4 PRI609003102 Programmercube5 F021******** Earthboard7 PRI343000211 Additionalrelay8 PRI343000057 Reverse9 514039 Contactor12 PRI401013021 Circuit breaker 25A13 PRI345006045 Additional part of contactor14 PRI345002045 Additional part of contactor15 514030 Overcurrent relay, 4-6A (Europe export)514092 Overcurrent relay, 9-13A (USA export)16 514031 Overcurrent relay, 5,5-8A (Europe export)514032 Overcurrent relay, 7-10A (USA export)17 514051 Blocking of contactors3.2x7.919 313250032079 Rivetgutter20 366610025375 CableM4x1221 PRI211000022 Bolt423 311902100004 WasherM4x1226 309084100412 Bolt427 311125240004 Washer428 311679824004 Washer429 311125240004 WasherM4x1030 309084000410 Boltlabel32 PRI551000001 EarthM6x1233 309084100612 Bolt634 311125240006 Washer635 311679824006 Washer636 311127000006 WasherM637 310934000006 NutM4x1638 309084000416 Bolt439 311679800004 WasherM440 310934000004 NutM3x2241 309084000322 Boltwasher42 235119001724 Microswitchnut43 235119001815 Microswitchweight44 235119300415 Adjustment45 X01119300114 Holder of balance switch46 PRI610028077 Microswitch47 PRI610120077 Rectifier48 PRI326002004 Holder of rectifierM5x1650 30993300516 Bolt52 X01119300114 Holder of balance switch53 X01119301114 Washer of balance switch555 311125000005 Washer56 310934000005 NutM5M558 310985000005 Nut507 438Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 34 / 431 X01140000020 Complete electrical box2 X01140100021 Water configuration box3 X01140200014 Electrical box cover4 PRI121001003 Hingeadapter5 230131300715 Connection6 PRI231000 062 Washer7 PRI426004027 Connection10 PRI426001107 T piece 3/4"holder15 PRI401001020 Fuse16 PRI404000098 Main switch-32A (steam heat., without heating)PRI404000099 Main switch- 63A (electrical heating)swivel17 PRI350000056 Cable2A18 PRI401000021 Fuse19 309084100610 BoltM6x10M622 311679824006 Washer23 X01100010914 WasherM14x1,524 310936000014 Nut25 PRI345002019 Contactor, (electrical heating 230V)514042 Contactor, (electrical heating 400V)M10x126 562541300103 Connection27 562541300401 Cap nut M12x1,528 283351220111 Grease hose φ6x1x33029 283351220111 Grease hose φ6x1x55030 PRI540001019 Bolt (component of transformer)label 31 ProductionM632 310985000006 Nut33 311902100006 Washer6M6x3034 309933000630 Boltsupport36 X01140200314 Lid3,2x637 313250032006 Rivet39 PRI522000012 Washer40 PRI505000058 Rubber seal L=2370mm41 PRI505000058 Rubber seal L=71mm42 PRI505000058 Rubber seal L=165mmnut44 PRI610005007 Bignut46 PRI610006007 Small52 PRI551002233 Label "Warning", (west languages)52 509608 Label "Warning", (east languages)53 S01100009914 Label "Service warning"53 PRI551000087 Label "Service warning" (export)label55 PRI551000001 Earthlabel57 S01100008814 Lubbricating58 PRI610000007 Lockhook59 PRI610002007 Locking4,360 311902100004 WasherM4x1263 309084100412 Bolt464 311127000004 Washer65 519035 Label "Warning, under current", (west languages)65 509610 Label "Warning, under current", (east languages)4,366 311125000004 Washerhose 69 X01100011313 Air-wentingclamp70 PRI240000017 Hose71 PRI505000064 Universalplug72 PRI614000025 Plug 3/4" (version with two waters)73 101643 Transformator79 425111211043 Lubricating nipple KM10x181 PRI350001056 Nut82 X021******** Plughook83 PRI551016250 Stick84 PRI610000078 Supportgutter85 PRI407000109 Cableholder86 PRI401003020 Fuse87 PRI350000057 CableSwivel88 345805463032 Fuse 4A 6,3x3289 PRI350001047 Nutdevice90 PRI404000095 Operating91 PRI350015007 Pumps terminal board 6-poles92 S01100007514 Label "U, V, W, PE"93 S01100010414 Label of terminal board"Outletwarning"95 PRI551000047 Label96 270200007514 Label"Flash"98 358251601312 Fuse disconnecter III (electr. heating)99 358251503240 Roller fuse insert type, 380-415V, el. heating358251503220 Roller fuse insert type, 208-240V100 548011148014 Label101 548011149014 Labelaerator 102 100704 Anti-siphon103 PRI426001217 Pipe nipple 3/4"3/4"104 PRI426002072 Elbow105 PRI350010044 Terminal board 4 polesM3x14106 309798500314 Bolt507 438Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 38 / 43Drawing nr. 508033 - 17-Dec-00 1 X01140300012 Inlet valve support assembly (version with2 waters)X01140400012 Inlet valve support assembly (version with3 waters)support2 X01140300112 Inletvalvetube3 PRI426003217 Extension4 X01140300414 Valve support I.5 PRI340040056 1-way valve 3/4"6 PRI340400056 4-way valve 3/4"101345 3-way valve 3/4"3/4"7 PRI426001107 T-piece8 PRI426001217 Connection3/4"3/4"9 PRI426002072 Elbow10 309084000410 BoltM4x10M6x1211 309933000612 Bolt412 311127000004 Washer613 311127000006 Washer6,414 311125000006 WasherM615 310934000006 NutM6x1616 309933000616 Bolt3/4"19 PRI426001217 Connection20 101344 2-way valve 3/4"21 PRI231000062 Washerfilter22 223111200016 Complete23 X01140400514 Extension tube II.24 PRI614000093 Adapter (export USA)hose25 PRI505000055 InletM426 310934000004 Nut627 311902100006 Washerhose28 PRI540000014 Inlethose29 PRI540001019 Inlethose30 PRI540001019 Inlethose31 PRI540001019 Inlet32 PRI540001019 Inlethosehose33 PRI540001019 Inlethose34 PRI540000014 Inlethose35 PRI540000014 Inlet38 PRI240000003 Hose clipclip39 PRI240000002 Hose40 PRI551000090 Label "Cold hard water"41 PRI551000092 Label "Hot water"42 PRI551000091 Label "Cold soft water"hose56 PRI540000014 Inlet507 438Pub date 09/02 Spare-parts manual 40 / 43Drawing nr. 508034 - 21-Aug-00injector1 230107000015 Steam2 F021******** Connection3 X01100010613 Tube3/4"x304 319413104563 Connection9 514162 Steam valve ¾" with coil Soupape à vapeur ¾" avec bobine Dampfventil ¾" mit Spule Válvula de vapor de ¾" con bobina9 514166 Steam valve ¾", without coil, valid for export USA Soupape à vapeur ¾"“ sans bobine, valable uniquement pour les USA Dampfventil ¾" ohne Spule, gültig nur für USA Válvula de vapor de ¾" sin bobina, válido sólo para EEUU9 514167 Coil, valid for export USA Bobine, valable uniquement pour les USA Spule, gültig nur für USA Bobina, válido sólo para EEUU10 405054057006 Condensation filter 3/4"M611 310934000006 Nut612 310125000006 Washer6,413 311127000006 Washer17 PRI614000016 Nutcone18 PRI614000017 Fastening19 230100001715 Holder21 PRI426006217 Tube22 X01100010714 Steam valve supportM8x2523 309933000825 Bolt824 311127000008 Washer8,425 311125000008 Washer"Steam"26 S01100010114 Labelhose27 273020001010 Steam28 F021******** Connection。


l 默认设定温度(内机出风温度)为 22℃。
l 当室外环境温度大于等于 14℃且小于等于 15℃时时,保持送风或制热模式
2.1.3 调节出风温度
按下 ⑧ (出风温度调节)按钮,设定所需的出风温度。
按钮,能以 1℃变更设定温度。
©2006 Shenzhen McQuay
4 如连续按着按钮,设定温度将以 1℃为单位连续改变。 l 出风温度可在 16~30℃范围内设定。
2.1 操作方法
①:“RUN” 运行指示灯
④:“模式” 选择键
⑤:“风扇” 功能键
⑥:“睡眠” 功能键
⑦:“新风” 功能键
⑧:“温度” 调节键
⑨:“定时” 功能键
开始操作之前 l 当电源接通后,“POWER”灯 ② 会发亮,这表示机组已经接通电源。
6 安装
6.1 安全注意事项……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
6.2 电气参数…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
6.3 安装步骤示意图…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
与 MDS 系统组合
MDS 新风处理机组 使新风达到室温
MDS 空调系统
使用新风处理空 调机的舒适通风
Alsanfan HVLS 大气流扇产品介绍说明书

HVLS FAN INDUSTRY6BLADESIndustrial Ceiling FansHVLS FAN INDUSTRYHigh Volume Low Speed Fan (6 Blades)Fancy Fan (8 Blades)Mobil Pivot Fancy Fan (6 Blades)Pivot Farm HVLS Fan (6 Blades)15913 HVLS FAN INDUSTRYWith the aerodynamic fan blade design that our company developed and designed in the early 2000s, our company has become one of the few companies in the world. Alsanfan works with the leading university in our country in terms of product development and fan performance. We have also added ceiling fans that we have completed R & D activities to our production portfolio. The constant principle of our company has always been quality service, on time delivery and reasonable price.What are Industrial Ceiling Fans (HVLS Fan) ?Alsanfan HVLS ceiling fans offers an innovative product that reduces heating-cooling costs in large-volume, high-ce-ilinged spaces. Alsanfan is capable of activating a high volume of air with low speed. With this feature, homogenous tempreture is obtained from floor to ceiling distribution of air stratification in high ceiling areas.At the same time, air is sent to the employees at a low speed to provide evoparative cooling (fan effect) without dis-turbing them, comfort and working hours are increased.HVLS fans are used in various industrial areas, commercial spaces, social spaces, factories, logistics warehouses, automotive service buildings, sports halls and residential areas by working in coordination with HVAC systems where energy saving is required with developing technology.12357647654321Double Angle Adjustable BracketSafety RopesEngine Housing And Protection Covers Belt Safety Hooks Steel Ring Seat BeltsFan Hub and Bottom Cover Aerodynamic Aluminum Blades1Fan Control Board:•Standard Speed C ontroller (Inverter).• External Touch Screen (HMI).• Inboard Ventilation And Temperature Control.•Add-on Fan Control Options ..Benefits of Celling Fans:Offer silent operation. Supply winter destratification and summer cooling.Offer multi-fan control and adjustable fan speed.Help reduce condensation on floors and equipments.Work coordinated with high velocity fans and other air conditioning systems.Assist in the removal of contaminant and heat.Cut energy consumption for heating. Provide eco-friendly and economic solutions.Require lower cost for investment, installation and maintenance than traditional cooling methods.Product Details :Fans are tested and simulated for best results.Safety Cable secures the fan to the mounting structure. Fan can be mounted to different construction profiles.Custom mounting systems for customersDesigned best for users safety and comfort.Body conducts heat into the air layer Summer CoolingBefore ProfanAfter ProfanHeated air collects at ceilingHVLS Fans Supply warm air destratificationBefore ProfanAfter ProfanCooling by air movementIE SUPERPremiumE ciencyIE5IE4IE3IE2Motor Efficiency ClassFan Diameterbetween Ø 8.2ft - 24ft(2.5m - 7.3m)• Saving up to 30% in summer.• Comfortable Coolness in Outdoor• 7.3m diameter fan sizes.•3m-6m Pole Fan Length Size3INVERTERCONTROLMOTORGEARREDUCER55d BA<45d BA<PERMANENTMAGNET6BLADESFan Control Board:Inboard Ventilation And Temperature Control.*Weight of fans change depending on the lenght and design of ceiling mounting brackets.*Coverage area is affected by objects such as obstructing the airflow. (columns, walls, machines, furnitures...)5Benefits of Celling Fans:Offer silent operation. Supply winter destratification and summer cooling.Offer multi-fan control and adjustable fan speed.Help reduce condensation on floors and equipments.Work coordinated with high velocity fans and other air conditioning systems.Assist in the removal of contaminant and heat.Cut energy consumption for heating. Provide eco-friendly and economic solutions.Require lower cost for investment, installation and maintenance than traditional cooling methods.8BLADESINVERTERCONTROLMOTOR123456123Double Angle Ceiling Mount Apparatus Engine Housing And Protection Cover Steel Safety Ropes456Belt Safety HooksSteel Ring Safety ConnectionsAerodynamic Aluminum BladesTechnical Details :6Benefits of Jumbo Fans:•Offers Easy and Safe Use.• Economical with Low Energy Consumption.• Enables Coolness in Wide Area with High Diameter.• Long And Healthy Engine Life With Reducer Design.•Wide Range of Color Options. (Colors with RAL Code)Product Details :• Designed best for users safety and comfort.• Protective wire grating is available as standard.• The most suitable materials were used in the tests.• Body length can be manufactured specially for the user.•Fan angle can be adjustable at certain limits to the enviroment which used.7INVERTERCONTROLMOTOR6BLADESFan Control Board:• Standard Speed C ontroller (Inverter).• External Touch Screen (HMI).• Inboard Ventilation And Temperature Control.•Add-on Fan Control Options ..Technical data :• Two different types of motors are available.• Water and Dust Resistant in Outdoor Areas.• 3 Year Warranty Period.•Powder Coating Painted Body.8Order Code Fan Diameter Ø (mm)Motor Power (KW)Covarage Area (m²)Maximum Speed (Rpm)Weight (kg)Maksimum Speed P.Consumption(KWh)Maximum SpeedCurrent (Amps)Airflow (m³/s)*Coverage area is affected by objects such as obstructing the airflow. (columns, walls, machines, furnitures...)T echnicial SpecificationsJfan16ft (1.83m)1501,51,323818414,56• Easy to use & Cycle Controlled • 6 Blades, 6 ft (1.80m) Fan Diameter • High Performance & Durability • Easy PortabilityBenefits of Mobile Pivot Fans :• Offers Easy and Safe Use.• Economical with Low Energy Consumption.• Provides Wide Area Cooling with 160 ° Swing Function.• Long And Healthy Engine Life With Reducer Design.•Convenient than current cooling systems in point of cost and usage.9INVERTERCONTROLMOTORProduct Details :Fans are tested and simulated for best results.Safety cage standardly available.Fan can be mounted to different construction profiles.Custom mounting solutionsDesigned best for users safety and comfort.6BLADESP�vot Soc�al FanMobile Pivot Fans1234510Fan Control Board:• Standard Speed C ontroller (Inverter).• External Touch Screen (HMI).• Inboard Ventilation And Temperature Control.•Add-on Fan Control Options ..Flexible Solutions for Ventilation at Every Place Flexible Pivoting Joints Allow Head Angle Adjustments Up to 160° of Airflow, Wide Coverage Area High Performance & Heavy Duty8 Blades, Fan Sizes up to 5ft (1.52m)P�vot Soc�al Fans11Benefits of Pivot Social FansOffer multi-fan control and adjustable fan speed.With oscillating head option, up to 160 degrees of airflow covers wide area.It offers high performance, heavy duty and affordable solutions.Assist in the removal of contaminant and heat. Help reduce condensation on floors and equipments.The fan can be easily pivoted up or down to aim in one direction for optimal air flow.Require lower cost for investment, installation and maintenance than traditional cooling methods.It is recommended for places where ceiling heigh is low. It offers flexible solutions for ventilation at every place.Product Details :Fans are tested and simulated for best results.Safety cage standardly available.Fan can be mounted to different construction profiles.Custom mounting solutionsDesigned best for users safety and comfort.• Up to 160° of Airflow, Wide Coverage Area • 8 Blades, Fan sizes up to 5ft (1.52m)• High Performance & Durability• Flexible Solutions for Ventilation at Every Place• Flexible Pivoting Joints Allow Head Angle Adjustments12INVERTERCONTROLMOTORAdjustable Ceiling or Column Mounting Bracket160° Oscillating FunctionInventer Control AC MotorHorizontal Pivot Adjustable HeadAerodynamic Aluminium Blades Galvanized Fan CageFan Control Board:• Standard Speed C ontroller (Inverter).• External Touch Screen (HMI).• Inboard Ventilation And Temperature Control.•Add-on Fan Control Options ..6BLADES123456• Cow Farms..• Chicken Farms..• Up to 25 % Increase on Milk Production of Dairy Cows.• Offers Cooling and Comfort for Dairy Cows.• Up to 160° of Airflow, Wide Coverage Area.• High Performance & Durability.•Reliable & Quiet Operation.13Pivot Farm FansBenefits of Pivot Farm FansOffer multi-fan control and adjustable fan speed.(Optionally required)With oscillating head option, up to 160 degrees of airflow covers wide area.It offers eco-friendly and affordable solutions.Assist in the removal of contaminant and heat. Help reduce condensation on floors and equipments.The fan can be easily pivoted up or down to aim in one direction for optimal air flow.15 °C is ideal ambient temperature for dairy cows’ milk production. Inconvenient conditions and hot weather effects negatively.Layer of warm air on body and blow flies annoy cows. However, Pivot Farm Fans distract them with maximum air movement andoffers cooling and comfort for dairy cows. Also Pivot Farm Fans sustain to increase productivity of them.• Ideal ambient tempreture for cows is 15 degrees. Hot ambient stress is a problem which causes low milk efficiency for cows. Heat layer and flies disturbs animals. Pivot Farm Fans moves away the heat layer and flies with air flow which is cause coolness and increase efficiency.14INVERTERCONTROLMOTOR6BLADESEye Bolts for Suspended MountingSteel FrameCeiling or Column Mounting Bracket 160° Oscillating Function Horizontal Pivot Adjustable Head Aerodynamic Aluminium BladesVee Belt Drive Motor or Gear Reducer AC MotorOrder Code Fan Diameter Ø (mm)Motor Power (KW)Coverage Area (m²)Maximum Speed (Rpm)Weight (kg)Maximum Speed P. Consumption(KWh)Maximum Speed System Current(Amps)Airflow (m³/s)*Weight of fans change depending on the lenght and design of mounting brackets.*Coverage area is affected by objects such as obstructing the airflow. (columns, walls, machines, furnitures...)T echnical SpecificationÇİFTLİK66ft (1.83m)2942.22150 -350110218•Our 6 Blade HVLS fans can be used in cow and chicken farms.• In summer you can relax in a more comfortable area as it provi-des coolness and relaxation on animals.• It plays an effective role in the fertilizer and soil ventilation.Remote ControllerOf FansHome Type Fans Of Alsanfan’s15Profan IstanbulModel: 93PRF-7046-A Light: Available/Led Diameter: 235 cmTimer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-RightMotor Power: 100 W Meteryal: Aluminyum Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 50m2PProfan ModernModel: 52PRF-3092-ALight: Available/Led Diameter: 132 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 38 W Meteryal: Wood Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 32m2Profan HisarModel: 52PRF-7063Light: Available/Led Diameter: 132 cmTimer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-RightMotor Power: 35 W Meteryal: Plastic Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 32m2PPProfan HardwoodModel: 52PRF-3092Light: -Diameter: 132 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 38 W Meteryal: Wood Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 32m2PProfan Hisar WhiteModel: 52PRF-7063-W Light: Available/Led Diameter: 132 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 HoursSupply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 35 W Meteryal: Plastic Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 32m2PProfan Istanbul Brown MiniModel: 60PRF-7025-KALight: Available/Led Diameter: 152 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 96 W Meteryal: Aluminyum Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 32m2Profan Istanbul - Without LampModel: 93PRF-7046Light: -Diameter: 235 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 100 W Meteryal: Aluminyum Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 50m2Profan Istanbul BrownModel: 93PRF-7046-B Light: Available/Led Diameter: 235 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 100 W Meteryal: Aluminyum Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 50m2Profan Modern DarkModel: 52PRF-3092-DA Light: Available/Led Diameter: 132 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 38 W Meteryal: Wood Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 32m2Profan Istanbul OutdoorModel: 93PRF-7046-W Light: -Diameter: 235 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 100 W Meteryal: Aluminyum Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 50m2PrProfan Istanbul MiniModel: 60PRF-7025-A Light: Available/Led Diameter: 152 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 100 W Meteryal: Aluminyum Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 35m2PHVLS FAN INDUSTRY16Profan ChichtWe C.2m2htWe C.2m2Profan BosphorusModel: 52PRF-7062-B Light: Available/Led Diameter: 132 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 35 W Meteryal: Plastic Controller: Remote C.Coverage Area: 32m2Profan StormModel: 56PRF-820 Light: Available/Led Diameter: 142cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 40W Meteryal: PlasticController: Remote C. Coverage Area: 42m2Profan GalataModel: 52PRF-002-B Light: -Diameter: 135 cm Timer: -Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 80 W Meteryal: WoodController: Manual Coverage Area: 30m2Profan RetroModel: 52PRF-002Light: -Diameter: 132 cm Timer: -Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 70 W Meteryal: WoodController: Manual Coverage Area: 32m2Profan FrostyModel: 52PRF-1008Light: Available/Led Diameter: 132 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 35 W Meteryal: Plastic Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 32m2htWe C.2m2Profan FunnyModel: 52PRF-1060Light: Available Diameter: 107 cm Timer: -Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 100 W Meteryal: Wood Controller: ManualCoverage Area: 30m2Profan SunnyModel: 52PRF-1060-A Light: Available Diameter: 107 cm Timer: -Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 35 W Meteryal: Wood Controller: Manual Coverage Area: 30m2htWe C.2m2Profan Bosphorus SteelModel: 52PRF-7062-MS Light: Available/Led Diameter: 132 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 35 W Meteryal: PlasticController: Remote C. Coverage Area: 32m2Profan DaisyModel: 65PRF-801-DC Light: Available/Led Diameter: 165 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 38 W Meteryal: Wood Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 42m2Model: 52PRF-811Light: Available/Led Diameter: 132 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 32 W Meteryal: Plastic Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 32m2htWe C.2m2Profan ActiveModel: 52PRF-868Light: Available/Led Diameter: 132 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 35 W Meteryal: PlasticController: Remote C. Coverage Area: 32m2Profan DarkModel: 56PRF-821-B Light: -Diameter: 140 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 22 W Meteryal: PlasticController: Remote C. Coverage Area: 35m2Profan WhiteModel: 56PRF-821-W Light: -Diameter: 140 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 22 W Meteryal: Plastic Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 35m2Profan Bosphorus WhiteModel: 52PRF-7062-W Light: Available/Led Diameter: 132 cm Timer: 1/2/4/8 Hours Supply: AC100-250VRotation: Letf-Right Motor Power: 35 W Meteryal: Aluminyum Controller: Remote C. Coverage Area: 32m2Ikitelli Atatürk Mah. Marmara San. Sit. S Blok No:8 Küçükçekmece - Istanbul / TURKEY Tel: (0212) 494 25 25 Fax: (0212) 494 45 97*****************//alsanfanHVLS FAN INDUSTRY。
Alfa Laval Kathabar 除湿系统产品指南说明书

Leading liquid desiccant technologyAlfa Laval Kathabar dehumidi fi cation systems are engineered solutions for temperature and humidity control for industrial, commercial, educational, institutional and green/LEED facilities. These cost-effective dehumidi fi cation and energy recovery systems have been usedto clean and dehumidify air for a wide range of industries worldwide – including pharmaceutical, investment casting, healthcare, cold storage, food and beverage, and many more.These systems help to improve the reliability, economy and ef fi ciency of any manufacturingor processing operation that is humidity, temperature or microorganism-sensitive. Whether your space conditions are 78°F and 20% RH, 45°F and 40% RH, or -20°F and -40°F dew point, the Alfa Laval Kathabar system can provide controlled conditions – resulting in an improved bottom line. Bene fi ts of liquid technology:• Simultaneous dehumidi fi cation anddirect air coolingSimple design provides high energy ef fi ciency• Microbiological decontaminationEffective biocide captures and neutralizesairborne pathogens• Performance reliabilityNon-vaporizing desiccant has in fi nite life• Energy savings – 100% modulationcapacityLess energy is required to operate than drydesiccant or mechanical refrigeration systems• Precise humidity control (+/-1%RH)Fully adjustable humidity level based on liquiddesiccant concentration and temperature• Frost-free coolingTemperatures as low as -60°F with no coil tofreeze up or defrost• FRP (fi berglass) non-metallic industrialconstructionLong equipment life, reliability and reducedmaintenance• Design fl exibilityUse of hot water or low pressure steamfor regeneration (including waste heat);multiple conditioners with single centralizedregenerator; vertical and horizontal air fl oworientations availableEconomic value comparisonWith increased awareness of energy costs, companies evaluatethe total cost to own and operate equipment, rather than initialcost alone. An Alfa Laval Kathabar evaluation considers thefi rst cost, installation cost and operating costs for dry and liquiddesiccant dehumidi fi cation systems. We then calculate the costfor various systems and present the economic value comparisonbased on speci fi c ASHRAE local weather data, customers’actual energy costs and system operating schedule.To ensure the evaluation does not leave anything up to question,we then compare both liquid and dry desiccant systems toconventional refrigeration systems, in order to determine thebest solution for your speci fi c needs. Simply ask your AlfaLaval Kathabar representative to prepare an economic valuecomparison for your application.Sea level imperial unitsTemperature (°F)Humidityratio(gr/lb)Advanced dehumidi fi cation systemsPerformance guaranteeLike-new dehumidi fi cation performance can be achievedthrough the life of the equipment – regardless of reapplication,relocation or airborne contaminants. Alfa Laval Kathabarprovides free Kathene® liquid solution laboratory checks for allinstallations. To take advantage of this free service, customersare asked to send a small sample of Kathene from theirequipment to our laboratory every six months.Through this process, the Kathene solution can be maintainedat maximum dehydrating capacity, which ensures the desiredperformance of the unit. This free Kathene solution testingservice can also identify potential impurities in the systems,allowing for adjustments even while equipment is in operation.How it works Alfa Laval Kathabar liquid desiccant dehumidi fi cation systems operate on the principle of chemical absorption of water vapor from air. The absorbent solution, Kathene, is a desiccantsolution composed of lithium chloride salt and water. Kathene is non-toxic, will not vaporize, and is not degraded by common airborne contaminants.The ability of Kathene to remove or add water vapor from the air is determined by the temperature and concentration of the solution. The concentration of Kathene can be adjusted to deliver air at any desired relative humidity between 18%and 90%. For a given Kathene concentration, lower solution temperatures enable the conditioner to deliver cooler, dryer air.The illustration below shows the basic elements of an Alfa Laval Kathabar system. In operation, air to be conditioned is cooled and dehumidi fi ed by contacting Kathene in the conditioner. By continuously circulating the desiccant through a heat exchanger, energy is extracted from the air and transferred to a coolant. The amount of heat extracted by the Alfa Laval Kathabar dehumidi fi er is modulated to exactly match the load by controlling coolant fl ow through the heat exchanger.Process airProcess airEnd-suction pumpEnd-suction pumpLiquid desiccant systems overviewAlfa Laval Kathabar offers a full line of liquid desiccant system series including, FV , FH, FP and SP . There are common features to the systems, along with features unique to each system. Application speci fi cations including air fl ow capacities, heat sources, space limitations and power requirements determine which liquid desiccant system will provide the best solution.Alfa Laval Kathabar FV – Vertical discharge conditionerIdeal for all applications. The FV design has the greatest latent and sensibleperformance, lowest unit air pressure drop, smallest footprint and lowest equipment cost. The conditioner can be designed with process fans available in upblast, front or rear air discharge arrangements. Units up to 25,000 CFM are available as packaged units, with pump and heat exchanger factory mounted on an extended skid base with desiccant piping complete.The vertical unit applies to industrial buildings and production rooms which often have limited fl oor space and high ceilings. They also have the fl exibility to incorporate multiple conditioners and a single regenerator.Alfa Laval Kathabar FH – Horizontal discharge conditionerIdeal for all applications. The FH design is best suited for applications where space height limitations prohibit the use of the FV series. These units also fi t well whenprocess air is being delivered to horizontal AHU’s and can easily be used in custom airhandling units for a total packaged indoor or outdoor installation. Like the FV series, units can be supplied with the pump and heat exchanger factory mounted and piped on an extended skid base.FH conditioners are commonly applied to commercial buildings or penthouses which do not have the head room required by the FV conditioners. Applications such as hospitals and labs often require the FH approach.Alfa Laval Kathabar FP – Fiberglass packed regeneratorIdeal for all applications. The packed tower regenerators are used with all FV and FH conditioners. The range of unit sizes are available in moisture removal capacities from 120#/Hr to 6000#/Hr. The high ef fi ciency contact packing and use of external heat exchangers offers unlimited design fl exibility capable of using heat sources as low as 140°F (60°C).FP regenerator applies for most applications that have a larger moisture load or several conditioners such as breweries, food and candy manufacturing. They come in a large range of sizes and can be remotely located from the conditioner or conditioners.Alfa Laval Kathabar SP – Small packaged conditioner/regeneratorIdeal for all applications with smaller air fl ow capacities from 1500 CFM to 7500 CFM. The SP series is also a vertical air fl ow design for high ef fi ciency. These factory packaged systems are a plug-and-play designed system, requiring only plant utilities and power to a single point.SP units are ideal for smaller applications such as water works, casting applications, pharmaceutical drying rooms and fi lling areas. They are compact, ready to go skid mounted and packaged units.Alfa Laval Kathabar FV –Vertical discharge conditioner overview Alfa Laval Kathabar FV features:• Vertical air fl ow discharge• Optional process fan (up to 36,000 CFM)• Housing of industrial grade fi berglass construction with internal parts of non-metallic engineered plastics• Free standing pump and pump tank assembly with vertical sealless fi berglass Kathene pump • Kathene solution fi ltering• Modular design to integrate with other air system components • Inlet air fi ltration plenumsComponents:A. FRP body/housingB. FRP pump tankC. Kathene spray pumpD. Heat exchangerE. Spray pressure valve F . Fan adapter plenum G. Process air fan H. Bypass fi lter cartridge I. Desiccant pipingOptional packaged vertical conditioner denoted FVP con fi guration is available. FVP features include:• Air fl ows from 1,500 CFM to 25,000 CFM • Horizontal end-suction Kathene pump with sealless magnetically coupled motor• Unit base platform of FRP clad construction with pump and heat exchanger factory mounted • Factory installed Kathene piping from unit-to-pump-to-heat exchanger-to-sprayAlfa Laval Kathabar FV – Vertical dischargeconditioner sizing informationUnit sizeAirflow (maximum)Airflow (minimum)Approximate dimensions Approximate weight CFMM3/hrCFMM3/hrInches CentimetersLbsKg* Unit sizes FV 240, FV 400 and FV 600 are not exactly as shown above.+ Fans not provided on unit sizes FV 4000, FV 5000, FV 6000 and FV 7000; refer to H+ dimension on drawing for height.Alfa Laval Kathabar FH –Horizontal discharge conditioner overview Alfa Laval Kathabar FH features:• Horizontal inlet and discharge air fl ow • Desiccant is distributed without sprays• Housing of industrial grade fi berglass construction with internal parts of non-metallic engineered plastics • Free standing pump and pump tank assembly with vertical sealless fi berglass Kathene pump • Kathene solution fi ltering• Modular design to integrate with other air system componentsComponents:A. FRP body/housingB. FRP pump tankC. Kathene spray pumpD. Heat exchangerE. Spray pressure valve F . Bypass fi lter cartridge G. Desiccant pipingOptional packaged horizontal conditioner denoted FHP con fi guration is available. FHP features include:• Air fl ows from 5,000 CFM to 20,000 CFM • Horizontal end-suction Kathene pump with sealless magnetically coupled motor• Unit base platform of FRP clad construction with pump and heat exchanger factory mounted • Factory installed Kathene piping from unit-to-pump-to-heat exchanger-to-sprayAlfa Laval Kathabar FH – Horizontaldischarge conditioner sizing informationUnit size Airflow (maximum)Airflow (minimum)Approximate dimensions Approximate weight CFMM3/hrCFMM3/hrInches CentimetersLbsKgAlfa Laval Kathabar FP – Fiberglass packed regenerator overview Alfa Laval Kathabar FP features:• Vertical air fl ow discharge• Optional interchanger for energy savings • Housing of industrial grade fi berglass construction with internal parts of non-metallic engineered plastics• Free standing pump and pump tank assembly with vertical sealless fi berglass Kathene pump • Inlet air fi ltrationComponents:A. FRP body/housingB. FRP pump tankC. Kathene spray pumpD. Heat exchangerE. Spray pressure valve F . Exhaust plenum G. Desiccant piping H. Regenerator fanOptional packaged regenerator con fi guration is available in all sizes.FP features include:• Horizontal end-suction Kathene pump with sealless magnetically coupled motor• Unit base platform of FRP clad construction with pump and heat exchanger factory mounted • Factory installed Kathene piping from unit-to-pump-to-heat exchanger-to-spray in fi berglassAlfa Laval Kathabar FP – Fiberglasspacked regenerator sizing informationUnit sizeInlet airflow (minimum)Approximate dimensions Approximate weight CFMM3/hrInches CentimetersLbsKg*Unit sizes FP 1.5, FP 3 and FP 6 do not come with pump tank and are not exactly as shown above.Alfa Laval Kathabar SP – Small packagedconditioner/regenerator overview Alfa Laval Kathabar SP features:• SP units combine both the conditioner and regenerator into a single component for easy installation with all wiring, controls and Kathene piping factory complete and tested • Sizes are available in air fl ows ranging from 1,500 CFM to 7,500 CFM • Vertical air fl ow discharge • Horizontal end-suctionconditioner and regenerator Kathene pump with sealless magnetically coupled motor • Unit base platform of FRP clad construction with Kathene pumps and heat exchangers factory mounted and pipedComponents:A. FRP body/housingB. Kathene spray pump(s)C. Heat exchangerD. Process air fanE. Bypass fi lter cartridge F . Desiccant piping G. Regenerator fan H. PLC control panelAlfa Laval Kathabar SP – Small packagedconditioner/regenerator sizing informationUnit sizeAirflow (maximum)Airflow (minimum)Approximate dimensions Approximate weight CFMM3/hrCFMM3/hrInches CentimetersLbsKgDehumidification system liquid application questionnaireAlfa Laval Kathabar, Phone +1 716-875-2000, Email: ****************************, Web:Customer dataProject name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Country: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________Outside air requirementsAirflow: _________________________ ACFM OSA temp: _____________________ °F OSA humidity: __________________ Gr/lb.Desired space conditionsSpace temp: ____________________________°F Space humidity: _________________________ Gr/lb.Space loadsSensible load: ___________________ Btu/Hr Latent load: _____________________ Bru/HrWinter humidification required?: Yes NoDelivered conditions to spaceAirfl ow: _________________________________ ACFMDelivered temp: __________________________ °F Delivered humidity: _______________________ Gr/lb.UtilitiesCoolant source: __________________ Coolant temp: ____________________ °F Heating source: ___________________Hot water temp/steam pressure: __________ °F / PSIGElectrical characteristicsVoltage: (Volts) __________________________Phase: _________________________________Frequency (Hz): _________________________andorPlease describe the location for the equipment installation. Provide room sketches with doors, slots, etc.Alfa Laval in briefAlfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineered solutions.Our equipment, systems and services are dedicated to helping customers to optimize the performance of their processes. Time and time again.We help our customers to heat, cool, separate and transport products such as oil, water, chemicals, beverages, foodstuffs, starch and pharmaceuticals.Our worldwide organization works closely with customers in almost 100 countries to help them stay ahead.How to contact Alfa LavalAlfa Laval KathabarPhone +1 716-875-2000Email: **************************** Web: Contact details for all countries are continually updated on our website. Please visit .PFL00083 1510。

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皮 肤 病 忽 晴 忽 雨 容 易 “ 痒 痒 ” 潮 湿 天 气 肠 胃 易 “ 闹 事 ”
设电 备视 受机 潮、 损音 毁响 及 其 他 影 音
电器 受潮
等由 制于 冷相 设对 备湿 的度 功较 耗高 增, 加空 。调
二. 在梅雨季的自然环境下,使用换气设备 ,会一定程度上增加室内湿度! 三. 在梅雨季,部分铝制热交换素子在通风 时会有冷凝水出现,但并不是起到了降 低室内湿度效果,而只是增加室内湿度 的表现!
问题给生活带来的困扰。 除湿设备的出现和发展,产品种类越来越多,每个
四. 带排水管的,在地面拖较长管道到地 漏,影响美观! 五. 占用空间,影响美观!
选 择
中 央 空 调 除 湿
一.电功率大 二.除湿能耗比较低 三.两管制除湿不舒适 四.全天候使用不合适 五.压缩机间断高负载运行
选 择
换 气 设 备 除 湿
一. 概念有误,换气设备功能为促进室内外
汉 斯 威
除 湿 新 风 雨 季
或值 霉 续 “江 , 较 黄南 故 长 初 梅梅 亦 的 夏 雨子 称 阴 江 ”黄 “ 沉 淮 。熟 霉 多 流 之雨雨域 时”天一 ,,气带 故简。经 亦称此常 称“时出 “霉,现 梅”器一 雨;物段 ”又易持
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诺汗湿烧烤机 Serie 4 60 x 60 cm 产品说明书

Serie 4, Forno con vapore daincasso, 60 x 60 cm, AcciaioHRA514BR0Accessori integrati1 x Griglia combinata, 1 x Leccarda universale smaltataAccessori opzionaliHEZ317000 Teglia per pizza, HEZ327000 Pietra per pane e pizza, HEZ333001 Coperchio per leccarda extra profonda, HEZ530000 2 leccarde slim 455x188x39 mm (LxPxA), HEZ531000 Leccarda bassa 455x375x30 mm (LxPxA), HEZ531010 Leccarda antiaderen455x375x30mm (LxPxA), HEZ532000 Leccarda profonda 455x375x38 mm (LxPxA), HEZ532010 Leccarda antiaderen 455x400x38mm (LxPxA), HEZ915003 Pirofila in vetro con coperchio 5,4 l.,HEZG0AS00 Cavo di collegamento 3m, HEZ533000 Leccarda profonda 455x375x81 mm (LxPxA), HEZ538000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ629070 Teglia per grigliare adatta a pirolisi,HEZ633001 Coperchio per tegame professionale, HEZ633070 Tegame professionale, HEZ634000 Griglia combinata 455x375x31 mm (LxPxA), HEZ636000 Leccarda in vetro 455x364x30 mm (LxPxA), HEZ638000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ660050 Accessory, HEZ664000 Griglia combinata 455x375x59 mm (LxPxA)• Aggiunta di vapore in cottura per ottenere pietanze succoseall'interno e croccanti all'esterno.• Hotair steam: aria calda e vapore vengono distribuiti uniformemente all'interno della cavità per risultati perfetti: pietanze croccanti all'esterno e morbide al loro interno.• Display digitale LED rosso: facile e comodo da utilizzare.• Cleaning Assistance: pulizia più semplice del forno grazie al nuovo sistema che è perfetto per un tipo di sporco leggero e non incrostato.Dati tecniciTipologia costruttiva del prodotto: .....................................Da incasso Sistema di pulizia: ....................................................................Idrolisi Dimensioni del vano per l'installazione (AxLxP): 585-595 x 560-568 x 550 mmDimensioni (AxLxP): ............................................595 x 594 x 548 mm Dimensioni del prodotto imballato (AxLxP): .......675 x 660 x 690 mm Materiale del cruscotto: ...................................................acciaio inox Materiale porta: ..........................................................................vetro Peso netto: ..............................................................................30.8 kg Volume utile: .................................................................................71 l Metodo di cottura: .Grill a superficie grande, Aria calda delicata, aria calda, Riscaldamento statico, Funzione pizza, riscaldamento inferiore, grill ventilatoMateriale della cavità: .................................................................Altro Regolazione della temperatura: ..........................................Meccanico Numero di luci interne: (1)Lunghezza del cavo di alimentazione elettrica: .....................120.0 cm Codice EAN: (4242005294008)Numero di vani - (2010/30/CE): (1)Classe di efficienza energetica: .........................................................A Energy consumption per cycle conventional (2010/30/EC): ........0.97 kWh/cycleEnergy consumption per cycle forced air convection (2010/30/EC):0.81 kWh/cycleIndice di efficienza energetica (2010/30/CE): ..........................95.3 % Potenza: ..................................................................................3400 W Corrente: .....................................................................................16 A Tensione: .............................................................................220-240 V Frequenza: ...........................................................................50; 60 Hz Tipo di spina: ..........................................................................Schuko Accessori inclusi: .......1 x Griglia combinata, 1 x Leccarda universale smaltataSerie 4, Forno con vapore daincasso, 60 x 60 cm, AcciaioHRA514BR0Caratteristiche principali- Forno con 8 funzioni di cottura: MultiCottura HotAir 3D, Riscaldamento superiore e inferiore, Grill ventilato, Grill a superficie grande, Funzione pizza, Riscaldamento inferiore, Aria calda delicata, Hotair Steam: combinazione vapore e aria calda ventilata- Regolazione della temperatura da 50 °C a 275 °C- Volume cavità: 71 l- Settaggio temperatura tramite manopola- Cleaning Assistance- Vaschetta dell'acqua da 250 mlSistema di controllo- Display digitale LED rosso- Orologio elettronico con impostazione inizio e fine cottura- Riscaldamento rapido- Illuminazione interna alogenaAccessori- Accessori: 1 griglia combinata, 1 leccarda universale profonda smaltataEtichetta energetica- Assorbimento massimo elettrico: 3.4 kW- Classe di efficienza energetica (acc. EU Nr. 65/2014): A(in una scala di classi di efficienza energetica da A+++ a D)- Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamento convenzionale:0.97 kWh- Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamento ventilato:0.81 kWh- Numero di cavità: 1 Tipo di alimentazione: elettrica Volume della cavità:71 lSerie 4, Forno con vapore da incasso, 60 x 60 cm, Acciaio HRA514BR0。

[汉斯威除湿] [章鱼式分风] [PE环保管道] [上海篇]
上海,每年梅雨不期而遇… 江南梅雨季
随着生活水平和科技的发展,人们有了 更多的选择去应对潮湿所带来的苦恼
hsway- 汉 斯 威
除 湿 机
chu shi ji
除湿机又称为抽湿机、干燥机、除湿器,一般可分为民用除湿机和工业除湿机两大 类,属于空调家庭中的一个部分。通常,常规除湿机由压缩机、热交换器、风扇、 盛水器、机壳及控制器组成。 其工作原理是:由风扇将潮湿空气抽入机内,通过热交换器,此时空气中
提高管道连接密封性 减少胶带的使用 连接处简洁美观 安装更便捷
使用寿命更长久 食品级的材料 降低了工人施工的时间 提高了新风系统的得风率 双层设计,隔音隔热
防止锈蚀管道 使用寿命更长久 密封更紧密 安装更便捷
密封性更好 使用寿命更长久 韧性更好不易断裂 强度更高不易变形 耐高温耐腐蚀更安全
06 01
杜绝潮湿导 致的霉变
节约能耗 除湿模式运 行功率低至 650w
智能运行 设定湿度
汉斯威施工案例- 朗香花园
确定方案 复核现场 修改方案 与业主沟通
隐蔽工程 保持整洁,黏贴标识 临时通电,运行检测 记录参数,合理调整
250 30
设备尺寸 (mm) 长*宽*厚
排水方式 +U型弯
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具有三分钟延迟启动功能,更好的保护 压缩机
麻烦 水满自停,手动倒水,
省心 排水管道预埋,冷凝水自动排出,
超薄机身 轻松定位 省心
压缩机 原装进口 耐用
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22℃ 80%
通风…… 除湿……
定时关机… 定时启动…
低 中高
三档风速 按需选择 节能
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-- --
22℃ 80%
通风…… 除湿……
定时关机… 定时启动…
低 中高
两种功能 不止除湿 亦可通风 省钱
汉斯威除湿 产品简介
汉斯威除湿新风一体机,更专业的室内湿度控制设备。在满足室内湿度控制的同时,还 具有辅助新风功能,保持室内干爽清新,为您的地下室保驾护航。
采用冷冻除湿方式,每天除湿量可达 30-50L
配合新风管道及风阀使用,可将室外新 风送入室内,实现室内通风换气
低 中高
*Hale Waihona Puke 开关键 1.长按开启或关闭。 2.在开机状态下,点击进入设置状态,依次为
调节键 1.在运行状态下,点击调节风速档位。 2.在设置状态下,点击调节数值大小。
模式转换键 在运行状态下,点击切换除湿模式和通风模 式。
hsway/汉斯威, 让家更舒适!
除湿的同时,净化室内空气,有效去除 污染物
配置三速离心风机,可根据需求,调节 风量
根据室内湿度和设定湿度,自动调整设 备运行模式,使室内相对湿度保持在 40%到60%之间
除湿模式运行功率低至550W,有效节 约能源
除湿量 L/D
30 50 50
适用面积 m2 外形尺寸 mm
回风口 新风口
除湿 通风
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22℃ 80%
通风…… 除湿……
定时关机… 定时启动…
输入电源:220v 50Hz 输出电源:220v / 24v
操作温度:5℃ - 50℃ 操作湿度:30% - 99%
额定风量(m3/h) 高中低
额定功率 (W)
FD30 375 315 250
FD50 500 350 250
FD50-P 500 350 250
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22℃ 80%
通风…… 除湿……
定时关机… 定时启动…
低 中高
面板显示 操作精简无赘述 简单
-- --
-- --
22℃ 80%
通风…… 除湿……
定时关机… 定时启动…
低 中高
一键设定 湿度自动控制 智能