Seven Wonders of the World 世界七大奇迹(课堂PPT)

The Hanging Gardens
It was rumored that the king King Nebuchadnezzar, ordered the gardens built to honor his queen.
The queen was homesick for her land in the mountains. The gardens were designed by the king to make his queen feel loved and welcomed in her new land of Babylon.
The Great Pyramid at Giza
The Great Pyramid at Giza
The Great Pyramid of Giza is about 4,500 years old, and is the only ancient wonder still standing.
Visit the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Great Pyramid at Giza Hanging Gardens of Babylon Statue of Zeus at Olympia Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Colossus of Rhodes Lighthouse at Alexandria
The Great Pyramid at Giza
Until the early 1800's, the Great Pyramid at Giza was the tallest building in the world!

巴比伦空中花园最令人称奇的地方是那个供水系统,因为巴比伦 雨水不多,而空中花园的遗址相信亦远离Euphrates(幼发拉底河) 河,所以研究人员认为空中花园应有不少如图所示的输水设备, 奴隶不停地推动连系着齿轮的把手,把地下水运到最高一层的储 水池,再经人工河流返回地面。另一个难题,是在保养方面,因 为一般的建筑物,要长年抵受河水的侵蚀而不塌下是不可能的。 由于美索不达米亚平原(Mesopotamian plain)没有太多石块,因此 研究人员相信空中花园所用的砖块是与别不同,它们被加入了芦 苇、2沥021青/3/10及瓦,更有文献指石授块课:被XX加X 入了一层铅,以防止河水13 渗 入地基。
样一20个21/3狮/10 身人面像为法老守护授门课:户XX。X
亚历山大灯塔 The Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria 建造时间:大约公元前270年 建造地点:埃及亚历山大港
阿耳忒弥斯神庙 The Temple of Artemis (Diana) at

埃及金字塔 The Pyramids of Egypt 建造时间:大约公元前2700-2500年 建造地点:埃及开罗附近的吉萨高原
保存得相对完整的遗迹,我们至今仍未揭开它的全部秘密。 金字塔是法老的陵墓,“法老”是古埃及的国王。法老为什么 要建造金字塔?巨大的金字塔是怎样建成的?有人说金字塔是 外星人造出来的,事实究竟怎样? 相传,古埃及第三王朝之前,无论王公大臣还是老百姓死 后,都被葬入一种用泥砖建成的长方形的坟墓,古代埃及人叫 它"马斯塔巴"。后来,有个聪明的年轻人叫伊姆荷太普,在给 " " 埃及法老左塞王设计坟墓时,发明了一种新的建筑方法。 他用 山上采下的呈方形的石块来代替泥砖,并不断修改修建陵墓的 设计方案,最终建成一个六级的梯形金字塔 ——这就是我们现 在所看到的金字塔的雏形。 在古代埃及文中,金字塔是梯形分层的,因此又称作层级 金字塔。这是一种高大的角锥体建筑物,底座四方形,每个侧 面是三角形,样子就像汉字的"金"字,所以我们叫它"金字塔"。 伊姆荷太普设计的塔式陵墓是埃及历史上的第一座石质陵墓。
巴比伦空中花园最令人称奇的地方是那个供水系统,因为巴比伦 巴比伦空中花园最令人称奇的地方是那个供水系统, 是那个供水系统 雨水不多,而空中花园的遗址相信亦远离Euphrates(幼发拉底河) 雨水不多,而空中花园的遗址相信亦远离 (幼发拉底河) 所以研究人员认为空中花园应有不少如图所示的输水设备, 河,所以研究人员认为空中花园应有不少如图所示的输水设备, 奴隶不停地推动连系着齿轮的把手, 奴隶不停地推动连系着齿轮的把手,把地下水运到最高一层的储 水池,再经人工河流返回地面。另一个难题,是在保养方面, 水池,再经人工河流返回地面。另一个难题,是在保养方面,因 为一般的建筑物,要长年抵受河水的侵蚀而不塌下是不可能的。 为一般的建筑物,要长年抵受河水的侵蚀而不塌下是不可能的。 由于美索不达米亚平原(Mesopotamian plain)没有太多石块,因此 没有太多石块, 由于美索不达米亚平原 没有太多石块 研究人员相信空中花园所用的砖块是与别不同, 研究人员相信空中花园所用的砖块是与别不同,它们被加入了芦 及瓦,更有文献指石块被加入了一层铅, 苇、沥青 及瓦,更有文献指石块被加入了一层铅,以防止河水渗 入地基。 入地基。

一、情绪的基本类型:喜、怒、哀、惧 二、情绪影响着人们的行为、生活 1。情绪对智力影响 2。情绪对健康的影响 3。情绪对理
• 提问:学习了情绪对智力的影响,对同学 们有什么启发呢?在学习方面应该怎么做 呢?
参考答案: 在学习中,应该保持一种积极的情绪,做到“乐 学”,这样会提高学习效果。因为,消极的情绪 不仅对提高学习成绩没帮助,而且会影响学习的 效果。积极良好的情绪有利于人的智力的发展, 有助于人取得好成绩。
A。注意转移。 B。合理发泄法。 C。理智控制法。 D。心理放松法。
• 例子
• 有人一天在,良奥好斯的特瓦情尔绪德状牙态病发下作,,有疼正痛难常忍的,理使智, 容易他的发情挥绪出很自差。己他的拿正起常一位水不平知。名在的青消年极寄情来绪的状 态下稿件,,会粗使看人了一的下判,断觉和得都分是析奇能谈力怪论下,降就,扔容到易 失去了那废篇理纸被智篓 他和扔里自掉。的几制论天力文后,又,做在他他牙出脑疼许海好多中了不闪,现情理。绪智他也的捡好举出了,动。
2.当你看到中国足球在世界杯比赛中以4:0输掉, 你会感到:____失__望_____
3.当你看到以军轰炸巴勒斯坦平民时,你会感到: ______气__愤_
4.期中考时由于自己的粗心,成绩发挥不够理想, 你会感到:___懊__悔______
5.自己喜欢的书,被同学遗失了,你会感到: ____生__气_____
A。小丑比医生重要。B。医生没有什么用。C。愉快的情绪有利于人的身体健康。 D。不愉快的情绪有碍于人的身体健康。
5。三国时期的关羽在进攻樊城的战斗中失利,被毒箭射中左臂,在华佗为 其刮骨疗毒时,仍与马良弈棋、饮酒,谈笑风生。这里关羽运用的调节情绪 的方法是。

结语 卷首语 目录
首都巴格达大约一百公里附近, 于幼发拉底河(Euphrates)东面, 在堪称四大文明古国巴比伦最兴 盛时期-尼布甲尼撤二世纪时代 (公元前604-公元前562)所建。 它建于皇宮广场的中央,是一个
四角椎体的建设,堆起纵橫各 400公尺,高15公尺的土丘,每 层平台就是一个花园,由拱顶石
长久以来,有关巨神像的模 样众说纷纭,一般人都相信它是 两脚张开、手持火把,站立于罗 德斯岛港口的入口处,船只由其 胯下经过,然而,研究表示以港 口的阔度和巨像的高度来计算, 这种结构是不合常理,因为巨像 跨越港口入口必须要四分一公里 高才能办到,不论以金属或石块 来建造,跨立的巨像绝对无法承 受巨大张力和冬季强风,而且倾 倒后巨像的遗迹亦会阻碍着港口, 所以估估计真实的巨像应该立于 港口东面或更内陵的地方。至于 姿势至今仍无人知晓。
在炎炎盛夏,也感觉到非常涼爽。在长年平坦干旱只能生长若干耐旱灌木的土地上, 出现令人惊叹的绿洲。
此神奇的供水 系统呢?
目录 卷首语 结语
空中花园是一个四角 椎体的建设,由沥青及砖 块建成的建築物以拱顶石 柱支承着,台阶种有全年 翠绿的树木,河水从空中 花园旁边的人工河流下來, 远看就仿似一座小山丘。
家昂蒂帕克最早提出了“世界七大奇迹”的说法。 昂蒂帕克总结沿途所见的7处最伟大的人造景观, 称它们为“世界七大奇迹”:巴比伦空中花园、罗 德斯岛太阳神雕像、摩索拉斯王陵墓、阿尔忒弥斯 神殿、宙斯神像、法洛斯灯塔、埃及金字塔。

●It’s a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; considered the largest Art Deco(建筑风格) statue in the world.
●It weighs 635 tonnes, and is located at the peak of the 700-metre Corcovado(科尔 科瓦杜) mountain in the Tijuca Forest National Park overlooking the city.
●Petra(meaning rock )is an ancient city in the Jordanian governorate of Maan
●It lies on the slope of Mount Hor in a basin among the mountains which form the eastern flank of Wadi Araba, the large valley running from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba
including the ball game courts(球戏场——球戏是玛雅人的宗教活动), temples
(庙宇), Pyramid of Kukulcan& cenote. The second part is about Maya science,
such as astronomical observatory. 2021
●It is made of reinforced concrete(钢筋混泥土) and soapstone(皂石), and was constructed between 1922 &1931.

河两岸的沙漠之上,在离当时的首都孟菲斯(Menphis)不远(开罗西南80km)的吉萨(Giza)建造,是古埃及时 期最高的建筑成就。金字塔如此高大,使人们很容易相信它们是神或巨人所建造的古代传说。
神像昂然地接受人们崇拜达九百多年,但最后基督教结 束一切。公元393年,罗马皇帝都路(Theodsius)一世,毅 然颁发止竞技的敕令,古代奥林匹克竞技大会也是在这一 年终止。接着,公元426年,又颁发了异教神庙破坏令, 于是宙斯神像就遭到破坏,菲迪斯亚的工作室亦被改为教 堂,古希腊从此灰飞烟灭;神庙内倾颓的石柱更在公元 522年及551年的地震中震垮,石材被拆,改建成抵御蛮 族侵略的堡垒,随后奥林匹亚地区经常发生洪水泛滥,整 个城市埋没在很厚的淤泥下。所幸的是,神像在这之前已 被运往君士坦丁堡(Constantinople)(现称伊斯坦堡), 被路易西收藏于宫殿内达60年之久,可惜最后亦毁于城市 暴动中。
公元700年,亚历山大发生地震,灯室和波西顿立像塌毁。 关于此事,传说东罗马帝国一位皇帝企图
攻打亚历山大,但惧于其船队被灯塔照见,于是派人向倭 马亚王朝的哈里发进言,谎称塔底藏有亚历山大大帝的遗 物和珍宝。哈里发中计下令拆塔,但在黎民百姓的强烈反 对下,拆到灯室时便停止。880年,灯塔修复。1100年, 灯塔再次遭强烈地震的洗劫,仅残存下面第一部分,灯塔 失去往日的作用,成了一座瞭望台,在台上修建了一座清 真寺。1301年和1435年两次地震,塔全毁。
河两岸的沙漠之上,在离当时的首都孟菲斯(Menphis)不远(开罗西南80km)的吉萨(Giza)建造,是古埃及时 期最高的建筑成就。金字塔如此高大,使人们很容易相信它们是神或巨人所建造的古代传说。
神像昂然地接受人们崇拜达九百多年,但最后基督教结 束一切。公元393年,罗马皇帝都路(Theodsius)一世,毅 然颁发止竞技的敕令,古代奥林匹克竞技大会也是在这一 年终止。接着,公元426年,又颁发了异教神庙破坏令, 于是宙斯神像就遭到破坏,菲迪斯亚的工作室亦被改为教 堂,古希腊从此灰飞烟灭;神庙内倾颓的石柱更在公元 522年及551年的地震中震垮,石材被拆,改建成抵御蛮 族侵略的堡垒,随后奥林匹亚地区经常发生洪水泛滥,整 个城市埋没在很厚的淤泥下。所幸的是,神像在这之前已 被运往君士坦丁堡(Constantinople)(现称伊斯坦堡), 被路易西收藏于宫殿内达60年之久,可惜最后亦毁于城市 暴动中。
公元700年,亚历山大发生地震,灯室和波西顿立像塌毁。 关于此事,传说东罗马帝国一位皇帝企图
攻打亚历山大,但惧于其船队被灯塔照见,于是派人向倭 马亚王朝的哈里发进言,谎称塔底藏有亚历山大大帝的遗 物和珍宝。哈里发中计下令拆塔,但在黎民百姓的强烈反 对下,拆到灯室时便停止。880年,灯塔修复。1100年, 灯塔再次遭强烈地震的洗劫,仅残存下面第一部分,灯塔 失去往日的作用,成了一座瞭望台,在台上修建了一座清 真寺。1301年和1435年两次地震,塔全毁。

1. The Pyramids in Egypt teach us how rulers were___________?
A. Educated B. Lived (house) C. Buried
Excellent Choice
The Sydney Opera House in Australia is the major home to the performing arts, such as plays, operas, ballets, and symphonies.
3. The Coliseum was used for which reason?
Please click here to return to the question. Try Again!
It Rings True
The Golden Pavilion is a significant Cultural feature of Japan because it depicts Buddha, the prophet of Buddhism.
Journey Over
The Great Wall of China is the world’s largest man-made barrier.
We hope that you have enjoyed your vacation visiting the Wonders of the World.
This is a significant POLITICAL feature of the USA because it is the
Seven Wonders of the World 世界七大奇迹ppt课件

The Colossus of Rhodes The Lighthouse of Alexandria
The only ancient world wonder that still exists is the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Great Pyramids of Giza
Originally, the Great Pyramid was covered by casing stones that formed a smooth outer surface; what is seen today is the
underlying core structure. Some of the casing stones that once covered the structure can still be seehere have been varying scientific and alternative theories
about the Great Pyramid's construction techniques. Most
accepted construction hypotheses are based on the idea that
pyramids for Khufu's wives, an even smaller
Hanging Gardens of Babylon 8
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only
province, in Iraq. The Babylonian priest Berossus, writing in about 290
The only ancient world wonder that still exists is the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Great Pyramids of Giza
Originally, the Great Pyramid was covered by casing stones that formed a smooth outer surface; what is seen today is the
underlying core structure. Some of the casing stones that once covered the structure can still be seehere have been varying scientific and alternative theories
about the Great Pyramid's construction techniques. Most
accepted construction hypotheses are based on the idea that
pyramids for Khufu's wives, an even smaller
Hanging Gardens of Babylon 8
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only
province, in Iraq. The Babylonian priest Berossus, writing in about 290
世界七大奇迹 英文PPT

Two fairy stories
• The garden was build by the queen of for enjoyness; • The Neo-Babylonian Empire king,who built the gardens is reported to have constructed the gardens to please his homesick wife,who longed for the trees ang fragrant plants of her homeland.
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
The temple of Artemis was located near the ancient cicy of Ephesus,about 50 km south from the mordern part city,in Turkey. Today the site lies on the edge of the mordern town ofSelcuk(塞尔丘克).
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
No Wonders,no life!
Glad to go on a journey about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World with you.
The Great Pyramid of Khufu
Ancient Babylon
One of the Four Great Ancient Civilizations
Is it real or just a legend?
Destroyed by several earthquake s after the 2nd century BC.
Seven Wonders of the World 世界七大奇迹

Based on a mark in an interior chamber naming the work gang and a reference to fourth dynastyEgyptian Pharaoh Khufu. Egyptologists believe that the pyramid was built as a tomb over a 10 to 20-year period concluding around 2560 BC. Initially at 146.5 meters (481 feet), the Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years. Originally, the Great Pyramid was covered by casing stones that formed a smooth outer surface; what is seen today is the underlying core structure. Some of the casing stones that once covered the structure can still be seen around the base. There have been varying scientific and alternative theories about the Great Pyramid's construction techniques. Most accepted construction hypotheses are based on the idea that it was built by moving huge stones from a quarry and dragging and lifting them into place.
世界七大奇迹 英文介绍

Reflection after the miracle
The seven wonders of the ancient world have disappeared, and the seven wonders of world are slowly being damaged. In addition to the natural causes, human destruction is also a large proportion. If we don't take measures to protect it, it will disappear. soon
❖ 3. recommend tourists do not destroy cultural relics
As long as each visitor behave themselves
The world will become a better place
Thank you !
吴哥窟(Angkor Wat)
泰姬陵(Taj Mahal )
What action should we take
❖ 1. Appeal to the world organization to take protective measures
❖ 2. Appeal to the world organization Establish protection laws
❖罗德岛太阳神巨像 ❖埃及吉萨金字塔 ❖奥林匹亚宙斯巨像 ❖巴比伦空中花园 ❖阿尔忒弥斯神庙
❖Because most of the ancient wonders of the world have been destroyed, so the world has made seven wonders of the world
Reflection after the miracle
The seven wonders of the ancient world have disappeared, and the seven wonders of world are slowly being damaged. In addition to the natural causes, human destruction is also a large proportion. If we don't take measures to protect it, it will disappear. soon
❖ 3. recommend tourists do not destroy cultural relics
As long as each visitor behave themselves
The world will become a better place
Thank you !
吴哥窟(Angkor Wat)
泰姬陵(Taj Mahal )
What action should we take
❖ 1. Appeal to the world organization to take protective measures
❖ 2. Appeal to the world organization Establish protection laws
❖罗德岛太阳神巨像 ❖埃及吉萨金字塔 ❖奥林匹亚宙斯巨像 ❖巴比伦空中花园 ❖阿尔忒弥斯神庙
❖Because most of the ancient wonders of the world have been destroyed, so the world has made seven wonders of the world
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bedrock upon which the pyramid was built and was unfinished. The so-called Queen's Chamber and King's Chamber are higher up within the pyramid structure. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only pyramid in Egypt known to contain both ascending
The Great Pyramid of Giza (also known as the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops) is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in
the Giza Necropolis bordering what is now El Giza, Egypt. It is the oldest of the Seven
Seven Wonders of the World
The classic seven wonders were:
Great Pyramids of Giza Hanging Gardens of Babylon Statue of Zeus at Olympus The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
one whose location has not been definitely established.
Traditionally they were said to have been built in the ancient city of Babylon, near present-day Hillah, Babil
Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact.
Based on a mark in an interior chamber naming the work gang and a reference to fourth dynastyEgyptian Pharaoh Khufu. Egyptologists believe that the pyramid was built as a tomb over a 10 to 20-year period concluding around 2560 BC. Initially at 146.5 meters (481 feet), the Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years.
province, in Iraq. The Babylonian priest Berossus, writing in about 290
BC and quoted later by Josephus, attributed the gardens to the Neo-Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, who ruled between 605 and 562 BC. There are no extant Babylonian texts which mention the gardens,
it was built by moving huge stones from a quarry and dragging
and lifting them into place.
There are three known chambers inside the Great Pyramid. The lowest chamber is cut into the
The Colossus of Rhodes The Lighthouse of Alexandria
The only ancient world wonder that still exists is the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Great Pyramids of Giza
pyramids for Khufu's wives, an even smaller
Hanging Gardens of Babylon 8
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only
There have been varying scientific and alternative theories
about the Great Pyramid's construction techniques. Most
accepted construction hypotheses are based on the idea that
Originally, the Great Pyramid was covered by casing stones that formed a smooth outer surface; what is seen today is the
underlying core structure. Some of the casing stones that once covered the structure can still be seen around the base.
and descending passages. The main part of the Giza complex is a setting of buildings that included two mortuary temples in honor of Khufu (one close to the pyramid and one near the Nile), three smaller
The Great Pyramid of Giza (also known as the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops) is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in
the Giza Necropolis bordering what is now El Giza, Egypt. It is the oldest of the Seven
Seven Wonders of the World
The classic seven wonders were:
Great Pyramids of Giza Hanging Gardens of Babylon Statue of Zeus at Olympus The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
one whose location has not been definitely established.
Traditionally they were said to have been built in the ancient city of Babylon, near present-day Hillah, Babil
Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact.
Based on a mark in an interior chamber naming the work gang and a reference to fourth dynastyEgyptian Pharaoh Khufu. Egyptologists believe that the pyramid was built as a tomb over a 10 to 20-year period concluding around 2560 BC. Initially at 146.5 meters (481 feet), the Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years.
province, in Iraq. The Babylonian priest Berossus, writing in about 290
BC and quoted later by Josephus, attributed the gardens to the Neo-Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, who ruled between 605 and 562 BC. There are no extant Babylonian texts which mention the gardens,
it was built by moving huge stones from a quarry and dragging
and lifting them into place.
There are three known chambers inside the Great Pyramid. The lowest chamber is cut into the
The Colossus of Rhodes The Lighthouse of Alexandria
The only ancient world wonder that still exists is the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Great Pyramids of Giza
pyramids for Khufu's wives, an even smaller
Hanging Gardens of Babylon 8
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only
There have been varying scientific and alternative theories
about the Great Pyramid's construction techniques. Most
accepted construction hypotheses are based on the idea that
Originally, the Great Pyramid was covered by casing stones that formed a smooth outer surface; what is seen today is the
underlying core structure. Some of the casing stones that once covered the structure can still be seen around the base.
and descending passages. The main part of the Giza complex is a setting of buildings that included two mortuary temples in honor of Khufu (one close to the pyramid and one near the Nile), three smaller