第二局部英语专业根底知识Ⅰ.Vocabularyandstructure15%Directions:Thereare15incompletesentencesinthe following.ForeachsentencetherearefourchoicesmarkedA,B,CandD.ChoosetheONE thatbestcompletesthesentence.()1.Thoughheisseventyyearsold,hetakesexerciseeveryday.A.PastB.aboveC.OnD.over()2.—Whichwouldyoulike,Madam,teaorcoffee?—,thanks.I'dlikeaglassofwater,please.A.EitherB.BothC.NeitherD.OK()3.—Howsoonwillyoufinishthebuilding?—.A.IntwomonthsB.TwomonthsC.AbouttwomonthsD.Aftertwomonths()4.Theydidtheirfathertoldthem.A.LikeB.asC.AboutD.with()5.Oneoftheboysis,alltheotherboysare.A.English;ChinaB.anEnglish;ChineseC.England;ChinaD.English;Chinese()6.Eitheryouorhetheteam.A.isinB.areonC.isonD.arein()7.Hewasmadethirteenhoursadaybyhisboss.A.toworkB.workC.isonD.arein()8.Mrs.HuaskedLiuFangandtotakepartintheEnglishmeeting.A.IB.myC.MeD.mine()9.TellthestudentstheirEnglishbooks.A.totakeB.tocarryC.tobringD.bring()10.Itustwohourswalktogettoourschool.A.TakeB.takesC.SpendD.paid()11.Mylittlesisterissotired,shecanhardlywalk,?A.doessheB.cansheC.doesntsheD.cantshe()12.YellowRiveristhesecondlongestriverinourcountry.A./B.TheC.AnD.A()13.—Doyouwanttoatthemeeting?—No,Ihavenothingto.A.say;speakB.tell;talkC.say;sayD.speak;say()14.Sheaskedmehecoulddanceorsing.A.IfB.whatC.WhetherD.that()15.—Aren'tyouMary'ssister?—I'mheraunt.A.Yes,IamB.No,ImnotC.Yes,I'mnotD.No,IamⅡ.Close20%Directions:Thereare20blanksinthefollowingtext.Foreachblanktherearefourchoices markedA,B,CandD.ChoosetheONEthatbestfillstheblank.Duringourtwomonthsonthe road,BennettandIhadareally16experiencewithagood,honest17andsomehelpful mechanics.WeweredrivingeastonHighway10whenour“chickengine〞lightcameon.We limpedofa(n)18intoLasCruces.Wehadarealcar19.Bennettnursedthecarintoalocalgarage.Bythistimethecarwasmissing〔熄火〕so20itwasshakingallover.Thiswasthe21time toarriveatagarage—lateFridayafternoon.ServiceadviserScottwasbusy22paperworkand customersaswe23ourproblems.24hewasalready“tencarsbehind〞,hetoldustopullthecar intothegarage.Lincoln,whowelater25wasoneofthetwomotortechnicians,took26ofourcar repairing.HeandScottandsomeothermechanicsstayedseveralhoursafterclosing,27the car.Earlythenextmorning(theshopwasofficiallyclosedonSaturdays),Lincolnfinallylocatedthe28andfixediteasilywithinonly29.LaterScott30outtousthatitwasourattitudethat helped.“Youdidntcomeintotheplacedemandingthisorthat.Youshowedan31ofour problemsonabusyFridayafternoon.Customer'sattitudemeansalot.〞Hewasrightinsome way,customersshouldshow32andunderstandingtopeoplewho33them.34peoplewereextremely busy,theyfoundwaytoatleasttryandhelpwhentheyaremetwithpoliteness.Thepleasant experienceIhadshowsthat35forotherpeoplecanalwayshelp.()16.A.awfulB.pleasantC.wonderfulD.terrible()17.A.stationB.studioC.factoryD.garage()18.A.exitB.turningC.crossingD.entrance()19.A.difficultyB.examinationC.troubleD.disaster()20.A.busilyB.badlyC.quicklyD.weakly()21.A.highestB.easiestC.luckiestD.worst()22.A.atB.onC.withD.by()23.A.explainedB.introducedC.repeatedD.expressed()24.A.AsB.BecauseC.EvenD.Though()25.A.learnedB.understoodC.recognizedD.though()26.A.careB.controlC.chargeD.pride()27.A.buildingB.examiningC.repairingD.driving()28.A.problemB.diseaseC.dangerD.wound()29.A.daysB.hoursC.monthsD.minutes()30.A.spokeB.pointedC.brokeD.blew()31.A.understandingB.ignoranceC.appreciationD.awareness()32.A.cruelnessB.fairnessC.calmnessD.politeness()33.A.comfortB.protectC.serveD.rescue()34.A.EvenifB.EvenasC.EvensoD.Eventhen()35.A.obedienceB.respectC.patienceD.mercyⅢ.Readingcomprehension15%Directions:Therearethreepassagesinthefollowing.Foreachofthemtherearefour choicesmarkedA,B,C,andD.Youshoulddecideonthebestchoice.Passage1 JoeBiggswasabutcher.Hisshopwasinavillageinoneofthemostbeautifulpartsof southernEngland.Heworkedinitformanyyearswhilehisfatherwasthere.Then,whenhis fatherreachedtheageof65,hestoppedworkingintheshop.Joewasaloneinit,sohehadto workharder.Joeworkedfiveandahalfdayaweek.Hisshopshutatoneo'clockonThursday, anditwasshutthewholeofSunday.Saturdayswerethebusiestdays.Joehadabigrefrigeratorinhisshop,buthetriednottobuytoomuchmeatatatime.One Thursdayawomancameintotheshopatfiveminutestoone.“I'msorryImverylate,〞she said,“butsomepeoplehavejusttelephonedtosaythattheyaregoingtocometodinnertonight, andIneedsomemoremeat.〞Joeonlyhadonepieceofgoodmeatintheshop.Hehadsoldall therestearlierintheday.Hetookthepieceoutandsaidtothewoman.“T hisis£7.15.〞“T hat pieceistoosmall,〞thewomananswered.“H aventyougotanythingbigger?〞Joewentinto theroombehindhisshop,openedtherefrigerator,putthepieceofmeatintoit,tookitoutagain andshutthedooroftherefrigeratorwithalotofnoise.Thenhebroughtthepieceofmeatback tothewomanandsaid,“Thispieceisbiggerandmoreexpensive.It's£9.30.〞“G ood,〞the womanansweredwithasmile.“G ivemebothofthem,please.〞()36.Joeworkedaloneintheshop.A.onSaturdaysB.onThursdaysC.afterhisfatherdiedD.afterhisfatherstoppedworking()37.Joesoldmeatinhisshop.A.onThursdayafternoonsB.onSundaysC.onFridaysD.everyday()38.Onedayawomancametohisshop.A.at1:55,TuesdayB.at1:05C.tosaysorrytohimD.becausesomeonehadsuddenlytelephonedher()39.Whichofthefollowingistrue?A.Peopleboughtallthemeatfromhim.B.Thewomandidn'twanttheexpensivepieceofmeat.C.Joebroughtthewomanadifferentpiece.D.Thewomanwantedtobuythetwopiecesofmeattogether.()40.Joeonlyhadonepieceofgoodmeatbecause.A.Joesrefrigeratorhadbroken.B.hetriednottobuytoomuchmeatatatime.C.heknewthatthemeatwouldgobad.D.hehadnomoneytobuymore.Passage2 Ifyougointotheforestwithfriends,staywiththemalways.Ifyoudont,youmayget lost.Ifyoureallygetlost,thisiswhatyoushoulddo.Sitdownandstaywhereyouare.Don't trytofindyourfriends-letthemfindyoubystayinginoneplace.Thereisanotherwaytohelpyourfriendsorothernearbypeopletofindyou.Givethema signalbyshoutingorwhistlingthreetimes.Stop.Thenshoutorwhistlethreetimes.Any signalgiventhreetimesisacallforhelp.Keepuptheshoutingorwhistlingalwaysthreetimestogether.Whenpeoplehearyou,they willknowthatyouarenotjustmakingnoiseforfun.Theywillletyouknowthattheyhaveheard yoursignal.Theywillgivetwoshouts,twowhistlesortwogunshots.Whensomeonegivesa signal,itisananswertoacallforhelp.Ifyoudon'tthinkthatyouwillgethelpbeforenightcomes,trytomakealittlehousecover uptheholeswithbranchesandlotsofleaves.Makeyourselfasoftbedwithleavesand grass.Whatshouldyoudoifyougethungryorneeddrinkingwater?Youwouldhavetoleave yourlittlebranchhousetolookforariver.Don'tjustwalkaway.Pickoffsmallbranchesand dropthemasyouwalksothatyoucanfindyourwayback.Themostimportantthingtodowhenyouarelostis——stayinoneplace.()41.Ifyougetlostintheforest,youshould.A.staywhereyouareandgiveasignalthreetimesB.walkaroundtheforestandshoutsothatyourfriendsmighthearyouC.trytofindyourfriendsassoonaspossibleD.trytogetoutoftheforestandshoutforhelp()42.Ifyouwanttoletpeoplebelievethatyouarenotjustmakingnoiseforfunyou should.A.shoutthatyouarelostB.keepuptheshoutingorwhistlingalwaysthreetimestogetherC.shoutatthetopofyourvoiceD.shoutorwhistleonceinawhile()43.Whenyouhearshoutsorwhistlesorgunshots,youknowthat.A.two;peoplewillsooncometohelpyouB.three;someoneisaskingforhelpC.three;peoplewillsooncometohelpyouD.two;someoneisaskingforhelp()44.Whenyouarelostintheforest,butyouwanttoleaveyourplacetogetwater,you should.A.justgototheriverB.findabowloraglass,andthengoC.makeafiresothatyoumightmakeyourselfsomehotteaD.leavemarksasyougototheriversothatyoucanfindyourwayback()45.Thisstorymainlytellsyou.A.thatwhensomeonegivesasignalalwaysthreetimes,itisacallforhelpB.whatyoushoulddoifyougetlostintheforestC.thatwhenanysignalgiventwicemeansananswertoacallforhelpD.thatwhensomeonemakesafire,itisacallforhelpPassage3 Theoldestformsofmedicineareenjoyingacomeback.Modernholisticmedicineisan approachthattreatsthewholepatient,notjustthedisease.Itisawaytomaintaingoodhealth ratherthancureillness.Themostimportantinfluencesontoday'sholisticmedicineareancient ChinesemedicineandIndianAyurvedicmedicine,bothofwhichpromotedwholebodyhealth.Holisticmedicineusuallycombinesdiet,physicalexerciseandmeditation,togetherwithother alternativetechniquessuchasmassage〔按摩〕andacupuncture〔针灸〕.Herbaltreatment,a practiceoftreatingillnessbyusingplants,isinfluencedbythewritingsofCulpeperaswellas ChineseandAyurvedicmedicine.Homeopathy〔顺势疗法〕isoneoftheformsofholistic medicinewhichiswidelypracticedinEuropeandtheUSA.HomeopathybeganinGermanyintheearly1800s,whenSamuelHahnemanndescribedhowverytinydoses〔剂量〕ofadrughadan effectonhispatients.AccordingtoHahnemann,themorethedrugwasdiluted〔稀释〕,thestronger itseffects.Thesubstanceselectedwouldproducesimilareffectstothediseaseitselfifgivenin largedoses.IntheUKhomeopathyisregardedasanontraditionalbutjustaboutacceptable treatment.Meditationandcontemplationhaveanimportantroleinholisticmedicine.Theywere broughttoEuropebyIndianteacherswhocombinedIndianAyurvedicmedicinewithWestern beliefs.Transcendentalmeditation〔超脱静坐〕isoneofthebestknownofthese techniques.Peoplerepeatwordsinsidetheirheadtoreachastateofdeeprelaxation.Theholisticmovementhasmademanydoctorslookatthewholepatient,notjustthe disease.Lifestyle,emotionalproblemsanddietarejustsomeofthefactorsthatcanaffecta personshealth.Holisticmedicineemphasizesgooddiet,exerciseandfreshair,allofwhich contributetohealth.Someclinicsnowofferholisticmedicinealongwithtraditionaltreatments, sothattheirpatientscanchooseacombinationoftreatmentsthatsuitsthem.Oneproblemwith holisticmedicineisthatitisdifficultforpeopletobesureadoctorisreliable.Tosolvethis, manycountrieswantalternativedoctorstoformprofessionalbodies.()46.Modernholisticmedicinecentersupon.A.curingadiseaseB.herbaltreatmentC.continuousdevelopmentD.keepingpatientshealthy()47.WhichofthefollowingdoesNOTbelongtoholisticmedicine?A.MassageB.meditationC.abalanceddietD.akneeoperation()48.Theprincipleofhomeopathyisthat.A.thelargedosesofmedicinethatwillnotbeharmfulwilltakebettereffectB.thediseasewillbecuredsoonerbytakinglargerdosesofmedicineC.asmallthinnerdoseofmedicinewillbemoreeffectiveD.thedosesofmedicinedependonhowserioustheillnessis()49.Whichofthefollowingtitlesbestsumsupthepassage?A.HolisticMedicineB.TraditionalMedicineReturnsC.HistoryofMedicineD.CombinationofTreatmentsWorks()50.Whatcanweinferfromthepassage?A.Relaxationisthekeyofholistictreatment.B.Holisticmedicineneedstobecomemoretrustworthy.C.Holistictreatmentismorebeneficialthantraditionaltreatments.D.Holisticmedicinewillbecomethemostwelcometreatmentsoon.Ⅳ.Translation10%Directions:Thereare5sentencesinthefollowing.TranslatethemintoEnglish.51.我甚至在下雨天都不喜欢整天呆在家里。
福建省教师公开招聘考试小学英语真题2014年福建省教师公开招聘考试小学英语真题2014年(总分150, 做题时间90分钟)第一部分选择题一、单项选择题(本大题分为两部分:单项选择和阅读理解)(一)单项选择1.—Joan told me she had already passed the A-level exam.—______!• A. Congratulations• B. Certainly• C. Good news• D. With pleasureA B C D该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:C[解析] 考查交际用语。
Congratulations“恭喜”;Certainly“行,当然”;Good news“好消息”;With pleasure“我很乐意”。
2.If global warming goes on like this, Maldives in the Indian ocean ______ in the century to come.• A. disappears• B. disappeared• C. has disappeared• D. is going to disappearA B C D该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:D[解析] 考查动词时态。
be going to“将要”,表将来。
3.The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicle ______ school bus.• A. other than• B. rather than• C. or rather• D. or elseA B C D该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:A[解析] 考查短语辨析。
2014年福建特岗教师招聘考试《小学英语》完形填空题强化练习(二)(Cloze)(三)Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following text.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE that best fills the blank.My son Joey was born with club feet.The doctors said that with treatment he would be able to walk,but would never run very well.The first three years of his life was___1__in hospital.By the time he was eight,you wouldn't know he had a problem when you saw him___2__.Children in our neighborhood always ran around___3__their play,and Joey would jump and run and play,___4__.We never told him that he probably wouldn't be___5__to run like the other children.So he didn't know.In___6__grade he decided to join the school running team.Every day he trained.He ran more than any of the others,___7__only the top seven runners would be chosen to run for the___8__.We didn't tell him he probably would never make the team,so he didn't know.He ran four to five miles every day—even when he had a fever.I was___9__,so I went to___10__him after school.I found him running___11__.I asked him how he felt.“Okay.” he said.He has two more miles to go.Yet he looked straight ahead and kept___12__.Two weeks later,the names of the team___13__were out.Joey was number six on the list.Joey had___14__the team.He was in seventh grade—the other six team members were all eighth graders.We never told him he couldn't do it…so he didn't know.He just___15__it.( )1.A.spent B.taken C.cost D.paid( )2.A.talk B.sit C.study D.walk( )3.A.after B.before C.during D.till( )4.A.either B.too C.though D.yet( )5.A.able B.sorry C.glad D.afraid( )6.A.sixth B.seventh C.eighth D.ninth( )7.A.so B.if C.then D.because( )8.A.neighborhood B.family C.school D.grade( )9.A.excited B.tired C.pleased D.worried( )10.A.think about B.hear from C.agree with D.look for( )11.A.alone B.away C.almost D.already( )12.A.riding B.walking C.playing D.running( )13.A.jumpers B.runners C.doctors D.teachers( )14.A.got B.kept C.made D.found( )15.A.made B.played C.had D.took(四)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following text.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE that best fills the blank.It was the night of the full moon,a time which always drives Java's young people mad with excitement.Fireworks were lit long before the moon___1__.The big noise brought people out___2__the warm night to enjoy the interesting scene.Everywhere,there were the paper remains of___3__fireworks lying on the ground.Little boys___4__more and covered their ears as they waited___5__for the explosions.The moon appeared above the horizon (地平线): huge,___6__ball high above the city,and the___7__filled with people,as Java began to enjoy one of the year's greatest___8__:“the Night of the Full Moon”,a festival (节日) that is especially popular___9__young people.More and more young Javanese___10__together and walked slowly through the___11__.Joking and chatting,they moved towards the mountain___12__the city.They continued to climb___13__they reached the old temple (寺庙) at the___14__of the mountain.After they were___15__the temple,they drank their water and ate their mooncakes—delicious home made ones,___16__of dried fruit and nuts.Outside,on the mountain,young people___17__cross legged in circles,chatting and telling each other jokes.And___18__,in their hundreds,more young people continued to make their way up the mountain to___19__the brightly shining moon.By midnight,the fireworks had stopped shooting up from the___20__city in the valley below them.But during the night,the sound continued to be heard from the distance.( )1.A.let out B.gave out C.came out D.set out( )2.A.into B.at C.of D.from( )3.A.burning ed C.exploding D.broken( )4.A.lit B.bought C.piled D.removed( )5.A.patiently B.calmly C.worriedly D.excitedly( )6.A.silver B.new C.colorful D.gold( )7.A.mountains B.valleys C.streets D.shops( )8.A.games B.meetings C.sports D.events( )9.A.for B.to C.with D.in( )10.A.danced B.gathered C.drank D.shouted( )11.A.village B.scene C.night D.ground( )12.A.on the edge of B.on the way to C.in the center of D.in the direction of( )13.A.while B.until C.unless D.though( )14.A.tip B.back C.top D.bottom( )15.A.inside B.near C.off D.across( )16.A.fond B.little C.full D.free( )17.A.jumped B.sat C.stood D.bent( )18.A.so B.even C.yet D.still( )19.A.follow B.show C.notice D.admire( )20.A.clean B.gray C.peaceful D.empty参考答案(三):1—5 ADCBA 6—10 BDCDD 11—15 ADBCA(四):1—5 CABAD 6—10 ACDCB 11—15 CABCA 16—20 CBDDB。
2014年福建省中小学教师招聘考试 教育综合真题及答案
即反对形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和A.奢靡之风B.攀比之风C.浮夸之风D.空谈之风5.2013年6月20日上午,神舟十号航天员刘洋在天宫一号,成功地开展了中国首次A.太空科研B.太空会议C.太空授课D.太空对话6.第22届冬季奥林匹克运动会于2014年2月7日开幕,其主办城市是A.索契B.莫斯科C.盐湖城D.温哥华7.在2013年度“南南合作奖”颁奖典礼上,获得“人道主义成就奖”的是A.曼德拉B.阿拉法特C.德克勒克D.甘地8.《教师资格条例》规定,教育行政部门和受委托的高等学校每年受理教师资格认定申请的次数是A.1次B.2次C.3次D.4次9.《福建省中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》提出,教育工作的根本要求是坚持A.优先发展B.改革创新C.育人为本D.促进公平10.《中小学幼儿园安全管理办法》规定,接送学生的机动车驾驶员的条件之一是最近3年内任一记分周期的记录没有记满A.3分B.6分C.9分D.12分11.根据《中华人民共和国教师法》,下列属于教师享有的权利是A.对受教育者进行学籍管理,实施奖励或处分 C.参加进修或者其他方式的培训B.遵守宪法、法律和职业道德,为人师表 D.努力学习,完成规定的学习任务12.《中华人民共和国义务教育法》规定,县级以上人民政府及其教育行政部门应当缩小学校之间办学条件的差距,促进学校A.跨越发展B.优先发展C.均衡发展D.差异发展13.我国奴隶社会“学在官府”的现象,体现的教育特点是A.社会性B.阶级性C.历史性D.永恒性14.著有《普通教育学》并被西方誉为“科学教育学之父”的教育家是A.亚里斯多德B.夸美纽斯C.赫尔巴特D.杜威15.最早提出学习过程是“学一思一行”统一的过程的教育家是A.孔子B.孟子C.荀子D.墨子16.现阶段我国教育目的的重点是A.发展学生的智力 C.培养学生的思想政治素质和道德品质B.发展学生的个性特长 D.培养学生的创新精神和实践能力17.下列关于教育与社会政治经济制度关系的表述不正确的是A.社会政治经济制度决定教育的目的B.社会政治经济制度决定教育的领导权C.社会政治经济制度决定受教育的权利D.社会政治经济制度决定教育的规模和速度18.通常把形成课程的要素来源以及实施课程的必要而直接的条件称为A.课程标准B.课程结构C.课程评价D.课程资源19.前苏联教育家赞科夫的教学理论是A.课程结构理论B.范例教学理论C.发展性教学理论D.教学过程最优化理论20.“既追求让所有人都受到同样的教育,又追求教育的自由化”体现的教育特点是A.教育全民化B.教育终身化C.教育多元化D.教育民主化21.“蓬生麻中,不扶而直;白沙在涅,与之俱黑。
2014年福建省教师公开招聘考试(小学英语)真题试卷(精选)(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 2. 3. 短文填空 4. 5. 6. 书面表达7. 8.V ocabulary and Structure1.—Joan told me she had already passed the A-level exam. —______.A.CongratulationsB.CertainlyC.Good newsD.With pleasure正确答案:C解析:题干的意思是:琼告诉我她已经通过了A级考试。
2.If global warming goes on like this, Maldives in the Indian Ocean______in the century to come.A.disappearsB.disappearedC.has disappearedD.is going to disappear正确答案:D解析:if在此引导条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时.故答案选D。
3.The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicle ______ a school bus.A.other thanB.rather thanC.or ratherD.or else正确答案:A解析:other than意思是“除了”,rather than意思是“而不是”,or other意思是“或者其他的”,or else意思是“否则,要不然”。
4.When his uncle returned from Hong Kong,the boy asked______what present he would get.A.curiouslyB.fluentlyC.properlyD.consciously正确答案:A解析:A项是“好奇地”,B项是“流畅地”,C项是“适当地”,D项是“有意识地”。
姓名_________准考证号___________工作单位___________····················密·································封·································线···················· ★绝密★《小学英语教师学科专业知识》试卷答题须知:1、本次考试时间为100分钟,满分为100分。
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分 得分一、单选题(每小题1分,共10分)请从下列各题A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将其字母代号填入题后括号内。
2014福建中学英语教师招聘考试1. The smart phone benefits us a lot ,but the bad effect ______has on the youth can be ignoredA thatB whichC itD one2 When his uncle returned from HongKong ,the boy asked ______what present the wcld geoA consciouslyB fluentlyC properlyD curiously3“The key to ______the medical problems is health care reform”,said the minister A solve B solving C being solved D be solved4-----You didn’t attend the party last night?-------No, I____, for the party was put off for some reasonA.couldn’t haveB.neadn’t have Cdidn’t need to D don’t have to5Children many get into some bad habits_____they lack solf-disciplineA whenB unlessC thoughD until6 Shen zhen has passed a new law to ban smobing in pwblic, places, which can ______the covilization of a cityA weighB balanceC exploreD measure7 The chief manager is a determined man, you never find him in a ____when he makes a decisionA suddenB balanceC exploreD until8.Even when _____to such tough living conditions ,the children would never have any complaintA exposing B. exposed C. expose D. to expose9We’ll get you informed of the meeting the moment the manager becomes_____A accessibleB usefulC availableD convenient10 The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicle _____a school bus.A other thanB rather thanC or ratherD or else11Crimea decided to vote ____joining Russia on March 12, which might lead to the conflict between Russia and the USAAon B against C down D for12Much of the debate an a gong so ciety in China has focused on the extended families ______hte number of “empty-nests”is growing by the millins every year13If globa warming gves on like this,maldivers in the .Indian Ocean _____in the centuing to cowleAdisappears Bdisappeared Chas disappeared D is going to disappear14----She unwillingly took the job ,didn't she?-------I’ve no idea _____.A It doesn’t hurt to ask Bit counts for nothingC.it doesn’t make sense D It’s a deal15_______was a protest movement by American youth that arose in the late 19605A Free Speech MovementB The Women’s MovementC Anti-War MovementD Counter Culture Movement16 All the following works are written by mark Twain Except_____A The Gilded AgeB Life on the MississippiC Roughing itD the American17Which of the following refers to the stualy of meaning in abstraction?A phoneticsB PragmaticsC SemanticsD Sociolinguistics18控制信息的流程,监控和知道认知过程进行的策略指的是_______A无认知策略B认知策略C情感策略D社交策略19依据《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》模块考试结束后,教师要求学生根据考试结果进行反思,并想出解决办法。
每小题2分,共40分)1.一Joan told me she had already passed the A—level exam.一!A.CongratulationsB.CertainlyC.Good newsD.With pleasure2.If global warming goes on like this,Maldives in the Indian ocean in the centuryto come.A.disappearsB.disappearedC.has disappearedD.is going to disappear3.The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicle a school bus.A.other thanB.rather thanC.or ratherD.or else4.When his uncle returned from Hongkong,the boy asked what present he would get.A.curiouslyB.fluentlyC.properlyD.consciously5.It is reported in today’s newspaper that whoever helps to catch the robber will be offered a(n) of$10,000.A.awardB.rewardC.allowanceD.prize6.一You didn’t attend the party last night?一No,I ,for the party was put off for some reason.A. couldn't haveB. needn't haveC. didn't need toD. don't have to7. The song I Love You More Than I Can Say her of those beautiful days.A. ridB. robbedC. informedD. reminded8. The smart phone benefits us a lot, but the bad effect has on the youth can not be ignored.A. thatB. whichC. itD. one9. Don't spit! You see, bad habits, formed, are hard to kick.A. asB. unlessC. onceD. though10. --The result of the football match last night is really !--Indeed! Our team shouldn't have lost again.A. greatB. cheerfulC. relaxingD. disappointing11. His hard work before the examination and he received a lot of good job offers.A. showed offB. paid offC. took outD. set out12. The other night, Susan was walking street after street with her friend in search of a nice wedding dress.A. acrossB. fromC. downD. through13. Some people propose to move Teachers' Day to September 28, is believed to be the birthday of Confucius.A. whenB. whichC. whereD. that14. "The key to the medical problem at the roots is health care reform," said the minister.A. solveB. solvingC. being solvedD. be solved15. was a protest movement by American youth that arose in the late 1960s.A. Counter Culture MovementB. The Women's MovementC. The Anti-War MovementD. Free Speech Movement16. Scotland is in the of Great Britain.A. eastB. westC. southD. north17. The novel Oliver Twist is written byA. Charles DickensB. William ShakespeareC. Henry JamesD.O. Henry18.李老师在教学中运用多媒体巧设情境,引导学生积极参与,激发学生的求知欲,李老师在这一过程中运用了。
[职业资格类试卷]2014年福建省教师公开招聘考试(小学英语)真题试卷(精选)一、Vocabulary and Structure1 —Joan told me she had already passed the A-level exam. —______.(A)Congratulations(B)Certainly(C)Good news(D)With pleasure2 If global warming goes on like this, Maldives in the Indian Ocean______in the century to come.(A)disappears(B)disappeared(C)has disappeared(D)is going to disappear3 The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicle ______ a school bus.(A)other than(B)rather than(C)or rather(D)or else4 When his uncle returned from Hong Kong,the boy asked______what present he would get.(A)curiously(B)fluently(C)properly(D)consciously5 It is reported in today's newspaper that whoever helps to catch the robber will be offered an ______ of $10,000.(A)award(B)reward(C)allowance(D)prize6 —You didn't attend the party last night? —-No, I______ , for the party was put off for some reason.(A)couldn't have(B)needn't have(C)didn't need to(D)don't have to7 The song / Love You More Than I Can Say______her of those beautiful days. (A)rid(B)robbed(C)informed(D)reminded8 The smart phone benefits us a lot, but the bad effect ______ has on the youth can not be ignored.(A)that(B)which(C)it(D)one9 Don't spit! You see,bad habits, ______formed, are hard to kick.(A)as(B)unless(C)once(D)though10 —The result of the football match last night is really______! —Indeed! Our team shouldn't has lost again.(A)great(B)cheerful(C)relaxing(D)disappointing11 His hard work before the examination______and he received a lot of good job offers.(A)showed of(B)paid off(C)took out(D)set out12 The other night, Susan was walking______street after street with her friend in search of a ring of wedding.(A)across(B)from(C)down(D)through13 Some people propose to move Teacher's Day to September 28, ______is believed to be the birthday of Confucius.(A)when(B)which(C)where(D)that14 "The key to ______ the medical problems at the roots is health care reform," said the minister.(A)solve(B)solving(C)being solved(D)be solved15 ______was a protest movement by American youth that arose in the late 1960s. (A)Counter Culture Movement(B)The Women's Movement(C)Anti-War Movement(D)Free Speech Movement16 Scotland is in the______of Great Britain.(A)east(B)west(C)south(D)north17 The novel Oliver Twist is written by______.(A)Charles Dickens(B)William Shakespeare(C)Henry James(D)O. Henry二、单项选择题18 李老师在教学中运用多媒体巧设情境,引导学生积极参与并激发学生的求知欲。
完整版)教师招聘考试真题(小学英语科目)及答案XXX Exam ns [Primary School English Subject]Full marks: 100 points)Part One: XXXI。
XXX) (5%)1.The "n Law of the People's Republic of China" came into effect on _______.A。
September 1.1990B。
September 1.1995C。
September 1.1996D。
August 1.19972.The "XXX Law of the People's Republic of China" was promulgated on April 12.1986.as the 38th order of the People's Republic of China by _______.A。
The State CouncilB。
The Prime Minister's signatureD。
Local government3.The statement "The school's student source will sharply decrease next academic year。
and teachers XXX and evening self-study and make-up classes can go to other schools to seek better opportunities!" lates _______.A。
"School Management ns"B。
"Teacher Law"C。
"n Law"D。
福建省教师公开招聘考试小学英语真题(总分:150.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、第一部分选择题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、单项选择题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、(一)单项选择(总题数:20,分数:40.00)1.—Should I hand in form right now?—No. ______. And when you finish it, call me please.(分数:2.00)A.It doesn"t matterB.Take your time √C.Take it easyD.Never mind解析:[解析] 考查交际用语。
It doesn"t matter“没关系”,Take your time“不着急,慢慢来”,Take it easy“别紧张,别激动”,Never mind“没关系,不要紧”。
2.Body language is a powerful communication system, ______ it can signal very different things.(分数:2.00)A.butB.soC.for √D.then解析:[解析] 考查句内逻辑关系及连词辨析。
3.Keep your life ______ so that things don"t get you down.(分数:2.00)A.in disbeliefB.in preparationC.in disguiseD.in proportion √解析:[解析] 考查介词短语辨析。
in proportion“相称,符合比例”,keep sth. in proportion表示“理性地看待问题,不要把事情看得太糟(太严重)”,代入句中,意为“理性地看待生活,这样才不会因一些事情而沮丧”。
[职业资格类试卷]2014年福建省教师公开招聘考试(小学英语)真题试卷(精选)一、Vocabulary and Structure1 —Joan told me she had already passed the A-level exam. —______.(A)Congratulations(B)Certainly(C)Good news(D)With pleasure2 If global warming goes on like this, Maldives in the Indian Ocean______in the century to come.(A)disappears(B)disappeared(C)has disappeared(D)is going to disappear3 The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicle ______ a school bus.(A)other than(B)rather than(C)or rather(D)or else4 When his uncle returned from Hong Kong,the boy asked______what present he would get.(A)curiously(B)fluently(C)properly(D)consciously5 It is reported in today's newspaper that whoever helps to catch the robber will be offered an ______ of $10,000.(A)award(B)reward(C)allowance(D)prize6 —You didn't attend the party last night? —-No, I______ , for the party was put off for some reason.(A)couldn't have(B)needn't have(C)didn't need to(D)don't have to7 The song / Love You More Than I Can Say______her of those beautiful days.(A)rid(B)robbed(C)informed(D)reminded8 The smart phone benefits us a lot, but the bad effect ______ has on the youth can not be ignored.(A)that(B)which(C)it(D)one9 Don't spit! You see,bad habits, ______formed, are hard to kick.(A)as(B)unless(C)once(D)though10 —The result of the football match last night is really______! —Indeed! Our team shouldn't has lost again.(A)great(B)cheerful(C)relaxing(D)disappointing11 His hard work before the examination______and he received a lot of good job offers.(A)showed of(B)paid off(C)took out(D)set out12 The other night, Susan was walking______street after street with her friend in search of a ring of wedding.(A)across(B)from(C)down(D)through13 Some people propose to move Teacher's Day to September 28, ______is believed to be the birthday of Confucius.(A)when(B)which(C)where(D)that14 "The key to ______ the medical problems at the roots is health care reform," said the minister.(A)solve(B)solving(C)being solved(D)be solved15 ______was a protest movement by American youth that arose in the late 1960s. (A)Counter Culture Movement(B)The Women's Movement(C)Anti-War Movement(D)Free Speech Movement16 Scotland is in the______of Great Britain.(A)east(B)west(C)south(D)north17 The novel Oliver Twist is written by______.(A)Charles Dickens(B)William Shakespeare(C)Henry James(D)O. Henry二、单项选择题18 李老师在教学中运用多媒体巧设情境,引导学生积极参与并激发学生的求知欲。
2014福建中学英语教师招聘考试1. The smart phone benefits us a lot ,but the bad effect ______has on the youth can be ignoredA thatB whichC itD one2 When his uncle returned from HongKong ,the boy asked ______what present the wcld geoA consciouslyB fluentlyC properlyD curiously3“The key to ______the medical problems is health care reform”,said the minister A solve B solving C being solved D be solved4-----You didn’t attend the party last night?-------No, I____, for the party was put off for some reasonA.couldn’t haveB.neadn’t have Cdidn’t need to D don’t have to5Children many get into some bad habits_____they lack solf-disciplineA whenB unlessC thoughD until6 Shen zhen has passed a new law to ban smobing in pwblic, places, which can ______the covilization of a cityA weighB balanceC exploreD measure7 The chief manager is a determined man, you never find him in a ____when he makes a decisionA suddenB balanceC exploreD until8.Even when _____to such tough living conditions ,the children would never have any complaintA exposing B. exposed C. expose D. to expose9We’ll get you informed of the meeting the moment the manager becomes_____A accessibleB usefulC availableD convenient10 The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicle _____a school bus.A other thanB rather thanC or ratherD or else11Crimea decided to vote ____joining Russia on March 12, which might lead to the conflict between Russia and the USAAon B against C down D for12Much of the debate an a gong so ciety in China has focused on the extended families ______hte number of “empty-nests”is growing by the millins every year13If globa warming gves on like this,maldivers in the .Indian Ocean _____in the centuing to cowleAdisappears Bdisappeared Chas disappeared D is going to disappear14----She unwillingly took the job ,didn't she?-------I’ve no idea _____.A It doesn’t hurt to ask Bit counts for nothingC.it doesn’t make sense D It’s a deal15_______was a protest movement by American youth that arose in the late 19605A Free Speech MovementB The Women’s MovementC Anti-War MovementD Counter Culture Movement16 All the following works are written by mark Twain Except_____A The Gilded AgeB Life on the MississippiC Roughing itD the American17Which of the following refers to the stualy of meaning in abstraction?A phoneticsB PragmaticsC SemanticsD Sociolinguistics18控制信息的流程,监控和知道认知过程进行的策略指的是_______A无认知策略B认知策略C情感策略D社交策略19依据《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》模块考试结束后,教师要求学生根据考试结果进行反思,并想出解决办法。
1. What is the weather like today?- A. Sunny- B. Rainy- C. Cloudy答案:A2. Where is the cat?- A. In the tree- B. Under the table- C. Behind the sofa答案:C3. How many students are there in the classroom? - A. Ten- B. Fifteen- C. Twenty答案:B4. What color is the book?- A. Blue- B. Red- C. Green答案:A5. What is the boy doing?- A. Playing soccer- B. Reading a book- C. Riding a bicycle答案:C第二部分:语法与词汇语法与词汇部分共有10道题目,请根据句子意思选择正确的单词或语法形式。
1. She _____ watching a movie when the phone rang.- A. is- B. was- C. has been答案:B2. I have _______ brother and two sisters.- A. an- B. a- C. the答案:B3. The cat is _______ the table.- A. on- B. at- C. in答案:A4. They ________ swimming every Sunday. - A. go- B. goes- C. going答案:A5. My favorite ________ is science.- A. subject- B. book- C. sport答案:A6. Are those ________ books?- A. yours- B. your- C. you答案:B7. _______ you help me with my homework? - A. Can- B. Could- C. May答案:A8. The students are ________ the classroom. - A. at- B. in- C. on答案:B9. She _______ for the bus when it started raining.- A. wait- B. waits- C. was waiting答案:C10. I ________ to visit my grandparents next week.- A. am going- B. going- C. goes答案:A第三部分:阅读理解阅读理解部分共有两篇短文,请根据短文内容选择正确的答案。
P10加2016年福建省中小学新任教师公开招聘考试真题试卷(三)小学英语满分150 分,考试时间120 分钟。
题号第一部分第二部分总分一二三四五(一)(二)(一)(二)题分40 15 20 10 10 20 35 150得分第一部分选择题一、选择题(本大题分为两个部分:单项选择和阅读理解;满分55 分)(一)单项选择(共20 小题,每小题 2 分;满分40 分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
()1. —Would you be back some time earlier, David?—Sure.____’s up?C.Take your time.D. It makes no difference.()2.A report shows that the total value of China ’s cultural exports has been more than double____of the United States since 2013.()3. China ’s transport minister warned the online taxi-hailing companies Uber and Didi ____their subsidies leading to “unfair ”competition.()4. Some people won ’t gain weig_ht_, __they have much for meals every day. A. since B. whether C. even though D. as if()5. I was unexpectedly____at work, so I failed to contact you on time.A. put upB. held upC. turned downD. pulled down()6. As to gold jewelry, widely____as“safe harbor in uncertain times ”, its sales totaled $100 billion over the year.A. consideringB. to considerC. consideredD. to be considered()7. —Darling, I ’d like to be out for a sunbath.—All right. If you ____, take suntan lotion with you.A. mustB. mayC. canD. should()8. In the near future, occupations that a_re___related to the Internet will have a bigger chance to double income.A. roughlyB. frequentlyC. closelyD. similarly()9. Made familiar in the monkey master in Kung Fu Panda, the monkey becomesan important____in the world of Chinese martial arts.A. signalB. noticeC. markD. symbol()10. The writers present had a heated discussion with the scholars who study culture and group behavior, as well as thos_e ___the psychology of individuals.A. studyB. studyingC. to studyD. studied()11. Unlike some other food-capable 3D printers, the Foodini devi_ce___from the start to be a specialized food-printing machine.A. has designedB. has been designedC. would designD. would be designed()12. The athlete who lost vision in his teens took up wrestle, a spo_rt___touch and feel are more important than sight.A. whoseB. whichC. whenD. where()13. The boy walking back and forth at the door, his anxiety was____to everyone on the spot.A. aggressiveB. ambiguousC. apparentD. absurd()14. ____price, the newly-developed fridge has a big advantage over any other.A.In terms ofB.By means ofC.Owing toD.According to()15. Hamlet, Othello, ____and Macbeth are William Shakespeare ’s four great tragedies.A. As You Like ItB. King LearC.Twelfth NightD. A Midsummer Night s ’Dream()16. In 1719, ____A. Jonathan SwiftB.Samuel RichardsonC.Alexander PopeD.Daniel Defoe()17. In February 1972, The US Presiden_t ___visited China, which led to the establishment of Sino-US diplomatic relations in 1979.C.Richard NixonD.Bill Clinton()18. Which of the following is a compound word?y.D.Breakthrough.()19. According to the National English Curriculum for Compulsory Education, in regard to language knowledge, functions focus o_n ___.A. what feelings we want to showB. how we construct sentencesC.what rules apply to word formationsD. how sentences fit together()20. Which of the following belongs to a post-reading activity in English teaching? A. Scanning. B.Prediction making.C.Retelling.D.Inductive reasoning.(二)阅读理解(共 5 小题,每小题 3 分;满分15 分)阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出一个最佳选项。
2011年福建省教师公开招聘考试(小学英语)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 2. 3. 阅读理解 4. 短文填空 5. 6. 7. 书面表达8. 9.V ocabulary and Structure1.I would appreciate______greatly if you could give me a three-day leave.A.youB.itC.thatD.myself正确答案:B解析:appreciate意为“感谢”的时候是及物动词,要跟宾语,需要注意的是其后只能跟“事”作宾语,而不能跟“人”作宾语。
同时,appreciate跟由if 或when引导的宾语从句时往往在从句前加上形式宾语it,因此选择B项。
2.—Would you mind my using your computer for a while? —______.A.Yes, go aheadB.Of course, help yourselfC.Absolutely notD.Sure, but it’s broken down正确答案:C解析:回答用“Would you mind...”提出的问题时,若表示“不介意”或“同意”,常用否定形式。
如:No,of course not./No,not at all./No,go ahead.等;若表示“介意”或“不同意”,则常用较委婉的方式加以拒绝。
如:Sorry,you’d better not./I’m afraid you can’t./Yes,I do mind.等。
3.It may rain, but we should go______.A.anywayB.thoughC.certainlyD.however正确答案:A解析:anyway无论如何,不管怎样;though虽然,尽管;certainly当然,必定;how—ever然而,可是。
xx市公开招聘事业单位工作人员(教师)考试 《小学英语》和参考答案 (4)
本部分共 26小题,共 30分,分为四节。
第一节:字母和单词注音(共 10小题,每小题 0.5分,满分 5分)1. r [ ]2.h [ ]3. j [ ]4. head [ ]5.monkey []6.drive []7.look [] 8.short []9.fifty [] 10.vegetable []第二节:翻译题把下面的句子翻译成英文(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)11.对于英语学习来说,朗读非常重要。
第三节:完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)When sailors are allowed ashore after a long time at sea, they sometimes get drunk and cause trouble, __16__ this reason, the navy always has its police in big ports. Whenever sailors cause trouble, the police come and __17__ them.One day, the police in a big seaport received a telephone call from a bar in the town, __18__ that a big sailor had got drunk and was breaking the furniture in the bar. The officer in charge of the police guard that evening said that he would come immediately.Officers who ___19___ and punish the sailors who were heavily drunk usually chose ___20___ policeman they could find to go with them. But this particular officer did not do this. Instead, he chose the smallest and weakest looking man he could find to go to the bar with him. Another officer who ___21___ there was surprised when he saw the officer of the guard choose __22__ small man. So he said to him, “Why don’t you take a big man with you? Y ou have to fight the sailor who __23__ .”“Y es, you are quite right,” answered the officer of the guard __24__, “That is exactly why I am taking this small man. If you see two policemen coming towards you, and one is much smaller than the other, which one __25__ you attack?”16. A. In spite of B.Because of C.For D.To17. A. meet with B.deal with C.see D.judge18. A. which said B.and saying C.who said D.it said19. A. would go B.might order C.dared to fight D.had to go20. A. the biggest B.the youngest C.the bravest D.the most experienced21. A. drove B.had come C.would start off D.happened to be22. A. very B.has come C.such a D.too23. A. looks strong B.is drunk C.seems rude D.is dangerous24. A. laugh ughing ughed D.and laughing25. A. would B.will C.do D.can第四节:写作(1小题,满分10分)26.书面表达:兼职已经成为大学生中的普遍现象,作为大学生你如何看待这种现象?请以Part-time job for undergraduates 为题,按照下列要点写一篇100-120个词的英语短文,简要陈述你的基本观点。
—No, I ______, for the party was put off for some reason.
A.couldn't have
B.needn't have
C.didn't need to
D.don't have to
问题:9. We'll get you informed of the meeting the moment the manager becomes ______.
答案:C[解析] 本题考查形容词的辨析。句意:经理一有空,我们就告知你会议的事。D项convenient只能形容事物不能形容人,C项available在人作主语时表达“空闲的,不忙的”故应选C。
问题:2. When his uncle returned from Hong Kong, the boy asked ______ what present he would get.
答案:D[解析] 本题考查副词的辨析。句意:当他的叔叔从香港回来时,这个男孩好奇地问他会得到什么礼物。A项意为“自觉地,有意识地”;B项意为“流利地,通畅地”;C项意为“适当地,正确地”;D项意为“好奇地”。根据词义和语境可知,D项正确。
问题:17. Which of the following refers to the study of meaning in abstraction?
具体解析安排请看下表:考试模块直播解析文字版解析教育综合4月13日晚19:00 解析入口文字解析幼儿教育4月14日晚19:00 解析入口文字解析英语专业4月15日晚19:00 解析入口文字解析语文专业4月16日晚19:00 解析入口文字解析数学专业4月17日晚19:00 解析入口文字解析。
xx市公开招聘事业单位工作人员(教师)考试 《小学英语》和参考答案 (7)
第一节:给下面字母和单词注音或根据音标写出单词(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)1.w[]2.c [ ]3.parents[ ]4.getting [ ]5.says [ ]6.possible [ ]7.Chinese[]8.[i:t]____________9.[eks]_____________10[ru:l]___________第二节:翻译题把下面的句子翻译成为英文(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)11.有志者,事竟成。
A woman saw three old men sitting outside. She said," I don' t think I know you, but you must be very hungry. Please come in and have something to___16____ . ""We don't go into a house ___17___," they answered. "Why is that?" she asked.One of the old men said, "His name is Wealth, this is Success, and I am Love. Now go in and___18___with your family which one of us you want in your house. "The woman went in and told her family all that happened. She said, "Let's invite Wealth. We have been so___19___." Her husband disagreed, "My dear, why don't we invite Success? Don't you want me to be a successful man?" Then her daughter asked," Would it be___20___ to invite Love? Our life will then be filled with love!" In the end, the family decided to take the ___21___advice.So the woman went out and asked, "Which one of you is___22___? Please come in and beour guest. "Love got up and started walking to the house. The other two also got up and ___23___ him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success, " I____24___invite Love. Why are you coming along?" The two old men answered, "If you invited Wealth or Success, the other two would have to___25____, but as you invite Love, wherever he goes, we go with him. Where there is Love, there is Wealth and Success. "() 16. A. say () 17. A. together () 18. A. play () 19. A. rich () 20. A. worse () 21. A. father's () 22. A. Love () 23. A. left () 24. A. only ( ) 25. A. join in e B.alone B.exercise B.lucky B.better B.mother's B.Wealth B.followed B.hardly B.go along with C.get C.crowdedly C.discuss C.pleased C.Less C.daughter's C.Success C.stopped C.never C.stay out D.eat D.separately D.go D.poor D mad D.daughter ’s D.Black D.came D.have D.step into第四节:英语写作(1小题,满分10分)26.书面表达:假设你叫李华,你的英国笔友Linda 为了来中国参观奥运会而报名参加了汉语培训班学习汉语。
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每小题2分,共40分)1 .一Joan told me she had already passed the A —level exam.A. CongratulationsB. CertainlyC. Good newsD. With pleasure2. ______________________________________________________________ If global warming goes on like this , Maldives in the Indian ocean __________________________ i n the centuryto come .A. disappearsB. disappearedC. has disappearedD. is going to disappear3. The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicle ___________ a school bus.A. other thanB. rather thanC. or ratherD. or else4. When his uncle returned from Hongkong , the boy asked _______ what present he would get .A. curiouslyB. fluentlyC. properlyD. consciously5. It is reported in today ' s newspaper that whoever helps to catch the robber will be offered a(n)_______ o f$10, 000.A. awardB. rewardC. allowaneeD. prize6 .一You didn' t attend the party last night?一No, I _______ , for the party was put off for some reason .A. could n't haveB. n eed n't haveC. did n't need toD. don't have to7. The song I Love You More Than I Can Say _____ h er of those beautiful days.A. ridB. robbedC. i nformedD. remin ded8. The smart pho ne ben efits us a lot, but the bad effect ________ has on the youth can not be igno red.A. thatB. whichC. itD. one9. Don't spit! You see, bad habits, _____ formed, are hard to kick.A. asB. uni essC. onceD. though10. --The result of the football match last ni ght is really !--I ndeed! Our team should n't have lost aga in.A. greatB. cheerfulC. relaxi ngD. disappo inting11. His hard work before the exam in ati on ____ and he received a lot of good job offers.A. showed offB. paid offC. took outD. set out12. The other ni ght, Susa n was walk ing ____ street after street with her friend in search of a nice wedd ing dress.A. acrossB. fromC. dow nD. through13. Some people propose to move Teachers' Day to September 28, _____ i s believed to be the birthday of Con fucius.A. whe nB. whichC. whereD. that14. "The key to ______ the medical problem at the roots is health care reform," said themin ister.A. solveB. solvi ngC. being solvedD. be solved15. ____ was a protest movement by American youth that arose in the late 1960s.A. Cou nter Culture Moveme ntB. The Wome n's Moveme ntC. The An ti-War Moveme ntD. Free Speech Moveme nt16. Scotla nd is in the ____ of Great Brita in.A. eastB. westC. southD. north17. The novel Oliver Twist is writte n by _____A. Charles Dicke nsB. William ShakespeareC. Henry JamesD. O. Henry18 •李老师在教学中运用多媒体巧设情境,引导学生积极参与,激发学生的求知欲,李老师在这一过程中运用了________ 。
A. 兴趣诱导策略B. 认知指导策略C. 行为强化策略D. 心理趋合策略19. 根据《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》,在平时学习情况记录”中,学生个人收集了单元学习小结、学习活动自评或互评表、课堂检测记录等,这种评价过程是_____ 。
A. 终结性评价B. 形成性评价C. 结果评价D. 测试性评价20. 林老师是一位经验丰富的英语老师,在教学过程中经常把学生按照5〜6人分为一组,把组员围成一圈,开展话题讨论、语言游戏活动等,旨在发展学生的______ 。
A. 国际视野B. 合作意识C. 自信意识D. 祖国意识(二)阅读理解(共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)Are you an early riser or a ni ght owl?Researchers from Aache n Uni versity in Germa ny believe that about 10 perce nt of people can be classified as "morning people", who feel more active and function best in the morning. Around 20 perce nt are ni ght owls--people who n aturally tend to stay up late and are more tired during the day. And the rest of us fall somewhere in between, according to Nero Scientist.Previous studies have suggested that early risers are more likely to be happy and healthy while night owls experience worse sleep as well as more depression and anxiety during the day.A new study suggests that it isn't just people's habits--early risers and ni ght owls actually have different brain structures. For a long time, scientists have been trying to find out what causes the differe nces betwee n the two.Led by Jessica Rose nberg at Aache n Uni versity, researchers sca nned the brains of 16 earlyrisers, 23 ni ght owls and 20 people with in termediate sleep ing hours. They found that the brains of night owls had less "white matter"--which speeds up the transmission of nerve signals--in brain areas associated with depressi on.As you know, after people fly in an airplane from one time zone to another, they often suffer from a con fused and tired feeli ng called "jet lag" because their body clocks are out of sync with the new time zon e. It usually takes about a week for their bodies to adjust to the new time. But night owls always have difficulty syncing their bodies to the right time due to their brain structure. "It's like they suffer from perma nent jet lag," said Rose nberg.The good n ews is that it is possible for ni ght owls to tur n themselves into morning people. Accord ing to the researchers, ni ght owls should try to spe nd as much time in the sun light as possible and reduce their exposure to artificial light at night to force their body clocks to shift to a more no rmal rhythm.21. What would be the best title for the passage?A. Night Owls Have "Jet Lag"B. Early Risers Have "Jet Lag"C. Who Are Night Owls?D. Who Are Early Risers?22. The underlined part "jet lag" in Paragraph 6 most probably means _____A. the delayed flight of jetB. the sufferi ng from slow flight of jetC. the physical tired ness through lake of sleep after a long flightD. the tired ness and con fusi on caused by flying across several time zones23. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Night owls have to give up their un healthy life habits.B. Night owls' body clocks can be adjusted.C. Noth ing can be done to ease the trouble of ni ght owls.D. Night owls' brain structure can be cha nged.24. It can be inferred from the passage that night owls ________A. are more accustomed to artificial light tha n sun lightB. make up almost a third of the huma n populati onC. have more white matter in their brains than other peopleD. have body clocks that are not in agreement with the right time25. The author's attitude towards cha nging ni ght owls' sleep patter ns is _______A. doubtfulB. un certa inC. optimisticD. pessimistic第二部分非选择题二、填空题(本大题分为两部分:短文填空和课程与教学论知识填空,满分30分)(一)短文填空(共10空。