1. 监管背景有害物质禁用限制的制定是基于对环境和人体健康的关注,以及对可能引发安全问题的物质的识别和控制。
2. 清单与分类有害物质禁用限制的清单根据危害程度和其他相关因素进行分类,以帮助企业和个人了解及遵守相关规定。
以下是常见的有害物质禁用限制清单分类:2.1. 剧毒物质 (Highly Toxic Substances)此类物质对人体健康和环境具有极高的危害性。
2.2. 致癌物质 (Carcinogenic Substances)这些物质已被确认为能引发癌症的因素。
2.3. 致畸物质 (Teratogenic Substances)这些物质对胚胎和胎儿发育可能产生畸形的影响。
2.4. 有害物质 (Hazardous Substances)此类物质可以对人体健康和环境造成损害,但与剧毒物质、致癌物质和致畸物质相比,危害程度较低。
2.5. 定向禁用物质 (Restricted Substances)这些物质基于特定用途或限制含量被禁止使用或限制使用。
3. 遵守准则为了遵守有害物质禁用限制的准则,以下是需要注意的关键要点:- 确保了解相关法规和指导方针,并将其应用到适当的场景中。
- 对于禁用物质,严格遵守相关限制,并寻找替代品或替代方法。
- 标记和标识含有有害物质的产品,以便用户和相关人员能够识别和处理这些物质。
- 提供培训和教育,确保员工了解有害物质的危害和正确的处理方法。
- 定期检查和评估使用有害物质的风险,并更新控制措施以确保安全性。
4. 监管责任监管机构负责监督和执法有害物质禁用限制的规定。
SMTC 5 500 001 汽车零件和材料中禁用限用危险物质(20140715)
SMTCSMTC 5 500 001-2014(V3)代替SMTC 5 500 001-2012(V2)汽车零件和材料中禁用/限用危险物质Automotive prohibited/restricted hazardoussubstances for parts and materials上海汽车集团股份有限公司技术中心企业标准Enterprise Standard of SAIC MOTOR Technical Center前言为发展环境友好汽车产品,控制汽车零件和材料中的禁用/限用危险物质,以减少汽车产品从生产到报废回收各个阶段对环境的污染及对人身健康的危害,特制定本标准。
本标准是对SMTC 5 500 001-2012(V2)《汽车零件和材料中禁用/限用危险物质》的修订。
自本标准实施之日起代替SMTC 5 500 001-2012(V2)。
本标准与SMTC 5 500 001-2012(V2)相比的主要变化是:——增加了4.6,4.7节内容,将对石棉、多环芳烃有害物质的管控要求纳入此标准,并在表1中增加了其限值要求与检测方法;——在4.10.3中细化明确了ESO签署时有害物质检测报告提交/不提交的原则要求;——根据最新欧盟ELV法规要求,对豁免清单附录A进行了修订;请注意本标准的某些内容可能涉及专利,上汽集团不承担识别这些专利的责任。
本标准所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为:---SMTC 5 500 001-2011(V1), SMTC 5 500 001-2012(V2)。
Copyright: © 2014 by 'Global Organic Textile Standard International Working Group' © 2014 版权所有人:全球有机纺织品标准国际工作组(IWG)
Contact 联系网址:
GOTS Manual- Issue of 01 March 2014, page 1 of 43 GOTS 手册-2014 年 3 月 1 日发布,第 1 页,共 43 页
Table of contents
目录 Principles........................................................................................................................... 4 总则 ................................................................................................................................... 4 Official interpretations for specific criteria of the GOTS, Version 4.0 .................................. 5 4.0 版 GOTS 特定准则的官方释义 ..................................................................................... 5 1.2 Scope and structure................................
禁止和限制物质的法律法规遵守保证书Warranty to Compliance of Related Laws and Regulations to Forbidden and Restricted Substances公司名称:Corporate nameXXX法人代表:Legal representative联系方式:Contact information填写日期:Filling date我司保证向深XXX有限公司提供的所有零部件和材料,均符合以下禁止和限制物质的相关法律法规要求。
禁止和限制物质清单(关于化学物质和相关法规的详细内容及相关术语,请参照《有害物质管理程序》)_______________________warrants that all the parts and materials being provided to ZZZ can comply with any related laws and regulations of the prohibition and restrictiong of material.At the same time, about RoHS (2011 / 65 / EU) substances that are subject to the NO.A001-A010), we warrant submiting the test report of the rate of chemical substances which has provided by the third party testing organization of the national certification. The object material (NO.B001-B021) which are restricted by other laws and regulations, we warrant submiting the test report of the rate of chemical substances which has provided by the third party testing organization of the national certification,if XXXElectronics Co., Ltd need.No. 物质群名和物质名限制值备注A001 镉和镉化合物Cadmium and its compounds低于均质材料的0.01重量%(100ppm)·In the homogeneous material below 100ppm*1A002 六价铬和六价铬化合物chromium(Ⅵ) compounds低于均质材料的0.1重量%(1000ppm)·In the homogeneous material below 1000ppm*1A003 铅和铅化合物Lead and its compounds低于均质材料的0.1重量%(1000ppm)·In the homogeneous material below 1000ppm*1A004 汞和汞化合物Mercury and its compounds低于均质材料的0.1重量%(1000ppm)·In the homogeneous material below 1000ppm*1A005 多溴联苯(PBB类)polybrominated biphenyls(PBB)低于均质材料的0.1重量%(1000ppm)·In the homogeneous material below 1000ppmA006 多溴二苯醚(PBDE类)polybrominated diphenylethers(PBDE)低于均质材料的0.1重量%(1000ppm)·In the homogeneous material below 1000ppmA007 邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)diethylhexyl phthalate(DEHP)低于均质材料的0.1重量%(1000ppm)·In the homogeneous material below 1000ppmA008 邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯(BBP)butyl benzyl phthalate(BBP)低于均质材料的0.1重量%(1000ppm)·In the homogeneous material below 1000ppmA009 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)dibutyl phthalate (DBP)低于均质材料的0.1重量%(1000ppm)·In the homogeneous material below 1000ppmA010 邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯(DIBP)two isobutyl phthalate, (DIBP)低于均质材料的0.1重量%(1000ppm)·In the homogeneous material below 1000ppmB001 ①石棉类,②臭氧层破坏物质,③砷化合物,④甲醛①Asbestos②Ozone Depleting Substance③arsenic compound(packaging materials)④Formalin无有意添加、制造工程中禁用No intentionally added*2(签名及公章)(signature/official seal)若我司违反以上禁止和限制物质的使用要求,我司愿意承担一切由此带来的后果。
金屬鉛製程可能產生鉛化合物毒性效應各有不同,在人體中 鉛會影響中樞神經系統及腎臟。鉛對一些生物的環境毒性已被普 遍證實。血液鉛濃度達10µg/dl以上就會產生敏感的生化效應, 若長期曝露使血液鉛濃度超過60~70µg/dl就會造成臨床鉛中毒 。而鉛表面在空氣、土壤及水中容易起反應,形成一層保護及不 溶的無機鉛化物。這些無機化合物的生物可用率低,通常只有在 高濃度時會被陸生植物及動物吸收。但鉛在陸生或水生食物鏈中 並無生物放大效應。
(AAS)﹐感應等离子體質量分析裝置(ICP-MS)﹐通過上述的預處 理和測定裝置的組合﹐可以測出鉛﹐鎘的含量﹒ 14:最高品質責任者﹕ 公司的負責人 15:品質責任者﹕工厂品保负责人
GP/ISO 9000/ISO14001的主要区别与 联系
项目 来源
认证形态 性质
教育训练 内部稽核 管理责任 纠正与预防
的物質.如:清洗劑,焊錫,涂料,油墨等. 5.供 應 商: 指向SONY供應材料的商業單位(直接供應材料單位). 6.Green Partner: 綠色伙伴,任何一家供應商成為SONY合格供應商,須向
SONY申請及經稽核合格後,方可稱SONY公司“綠色夥伴”及正式成為合 格供應商.
7.ROHS: Restriction of Hazardous Substance---危害物質限用管制,依歐 洲共盟體(CE)綠色組織所策劃/規定之相關規範,套用於我司及展至各供應 商.
1. 镉及镉化合物 2. 铅及铅化合物 3.汞及汞化合物 4.六价铬化合 物
5. 多氯联苯(PCB) 6. 多氯化萘(PCN)
TS67-0403--B 汽车禁限用有害物质
Specification for Hazardous Substance of Prohibited & Restricted on Automobile
Document No.: TS67-0403--B Page: 2 / 8
2018 年 1 月 1 日前上市全新車型及其售服零件
2(a). 加工用的鋁合金,其鉛含量最高不超過 2wt%
2008 年 1 月 1 日前上市全新車型之售服零件
2(b). 加工用的鋁合金,其鉛含量最高不超過 1.5wt% 2010 年 7 月 1 日前上市全新車型之售服零件
B 2(c). 加工用的鋁合金,其鉛含量最高不超過 0.4wt% 應依最新版歐盟指令進行後續檢討(TBD)
Document No.: TS67-0403--B Page: 5 / 8
表 1: 禁限用有害物質定性/定量檢測限制值
定性檢測限制值(mg/kg=ppm) 定量檢測限制值(mg/kg=ppm)
鉛 Lead (Pb)
汞 Mercury (Hg)
8(j). 焊接在膠合玻璃中之含鉛銲錫
9. 汽門座
2009 年 7 月 1 日前所開發引擎型式之售後服務零
B 10. 燈泡玻璃和火花塞釉層除外的具有含鉛玻璃或 尚未有豁免期限(無限期豁免)
B 5. 鉛酸電池
Aabrasives 磨削剂absolute 净油absorbents 吸收剂acne/spot 青春痘用品active matter content 活性物含量adhesives 胶黏剂aerosol/ spray 喷雾aftershave 须后产品alcohol 醇类alcohol-free 无酒精aldehyde 醛类alkanoamide 烷酰胺类alkanolamines 烷醇胺类alkoxylated alcohols 烷氧基化醇类amino acids 氨基酸类ampoule 精华素/安瓿anti-acne抗粉刺anti-age 抗衰老anticaking agents 抗结块剂antidandruff agents 去头屑剂anti-foaming agents 消泡剂antifungal agents 抗真菌剂anti-hair loss /anti-alopecia 防脱发anti-irritation 无刺激antimicorobial agents 抗微生物剂anti-oxidant 抗氧化antiperspirant agents 抑汗剂antiperspirant sprays 止汗喷剂anti-perspiration (fragrant)liquid(lotion/spray/paste) 抑汗(香体)液(乳、喷雾、膏)anti-perspiration sticks 棒状止汗剂anti-prickly heat powder 祛痱粉antistatic agent 抗静电剂anti-wrinkle 抗皱aqueous products 水剂类产品Bbanned ingredient 禁用组分bath agents and shower agents 沐浴剂bath capsules 浴用胶囊binders 黏合剂blemish balm(BB)遮瑕block products 块状产品blush 腮红/胭脂body product 体用化妆品body lotion/moisturizer 润肤露(身体)bodybuilding 健美body powder 爽身粉body refining 纤体body wash 沐浴露brow brush 眉刷brow powder 眉粉brow pencil 眉笔brighten skin colour 提亮肤色bubble baths 泡泡浴产品buffering agents 缓冲剂bulking agent 填充剂bust beauty cosmetics 美乳化妆品bust beauty lotion 美胸露bust firming emulsion 胸部紧致乳液Ccartridge 活动型化妆笔芯clean-/purify- 清洁用cleansing oil 卸妆油cleanser 清洁剂chelating agent 螯合剂cold cream 香脂/冷霜color control(CC)色彩调控colorant 着色剂combination(混合性皮肤)compact 块/饼/带镜粉盒concealer 遮瑕膏conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel 焗油膏contents 内装物cosmetics 化妆品cosmetic astringents 化妆品用收敛剂cosmetic auxiliary material 化妆品辅助原料cosmetic brush/face brush 粉刷cosmetic label 化妆品标签cosmetic labelling 化妆品标识cosmetic raw material 化妆品原料cosmetic ground substance material 化妆品基质原料cosmetic sunscreens 防晒化妆品cotton pads 化妆棉cream 霜Ddaily defense cream DD霜denaturants 变性剂deodorant cosmetics 除臭化妆品deodorant agents 除臭剂deo-fragrance 除臭香精depilating agents 脱毛剂depilating cosmetics 脱毛化妆品depigmenting agent 祛斑剂dispersing agents 分散剂display panels 展示面dry 干性皮肤Eeffective matter content 有效物含量efficacy cosmetics 功效化妆品emollient 润肤剂emulsion 乳液emulsion stabilizers 乳液稳定剂emulsifier 乳化剂epilating agents 去毛剂exfoliating scrub 去死皮essence serum 精华素essential oil 精油eye gel 眼胶eye-lid color 眼彩eye shadow 眼影eye product 眼部化妆品eyeliner 眼线Ffacial mask/masque 面膜facial cleanser/face wash foaming/face wash milk/face wash cream/ face wash gel 洗面奶face product 面部用化妆品face powde r香粉fiber mask 纤维贴膜fine fragrance 香水film-forming agent 成膜剂firming lotion 紧肤水firming/lift 紧实/提拉flavoring agents/ fragrance 芳香剂florida water/floral water 花露水foam 泡沫foam bath 泡泡浴foam boosters 增泡剂foundations 粉底产品freeze dried power 冷冻干燥粉Ggel 啫喱gel molding mask 胶状成型贴膜grain 颗粒Hhair bleaching preparation 发用漂浅剂hair care gel(lotion) 发用啫喱(水)hair conditioner 护发素hair color 染发hair coloring preparation 染发剂hair cream 发乳hairdressing gel/ conditioning hairdressing 焗油膏hair dye cosmetics 染发化妆品hair fixatives 发用定型剂hair growing cosmetics 育发化妆品hair perming cosmetics 烫发化妆品hair product 发用化妆品hair restorers 育发剂hair removal cream(lotion) 脱毛霜(乳)hair spray 定型发胶hair straighteners 头发拉直产品hair tints 非永久性染发产品hair wax/hair pomade 发蜡hair-waving/straightening agents 卷发/直发剂hair wave sets 烫发产品套装humectant保湿剂hydratant 保湿hydra- 保湿用hydra-move/hydra-balance 动态保湿/平衡保湿Iingredient 成分instant pigmentation darkening,IPD即时性黑化JJelly啫喱/凝胶/凝露Llabeling 标签lash curler 睫毛夹leave-on cosmetics 驻留类化妆品light stabilizers 光稳定剂lip moisturizer 润唇膏lip product 口唇化妆品lip gloss 唇彩lip color/lip stick 唇膏lip liner 唇线笔liquid 液liquid/gel eyeliner 眼线液(膏)loose power 香粉(蜜粉)lotion 露lytic agents 溶解剂Mmascara 睫毛膏massage essential oil 按摩精油mask 膜makeup 彩妆makeup bases 妆前用打底产品makeup fixatives 定妆产品makeup foundation 粉底make-up pressed powder 化妆粉块makeup-removal oil(lotion /emulsion/balm/cream) 卸妆油(液、乳、膏、霜)makeup remover 卸妆massage base oil 按摩基础油massage oil 按摩油massage cream 按摩霜milk 乳moisturizers and creams 护肤霜moisturizing lotion 润肤乳液moisturizer 保湿mousse 摩丝mouthwash 漱口水NNail conditioning agents 指甲护理剂nail product 指(趾)甲化妆品nail polish remove/ enamel remover 洗甲液、洗甲水nail polish 指甲油nail saver 护甲液nanometer material 纳米材料natural material 天然成分/天然原料natural moisturizing factor 天然保湿因子net content 净含量nutritious 滋养normal 中性皮肤non-special cosmetics 非特殊用途化妆品Oocclusive 封闭剂oil油oil-absorbing sheets 吸油纸oily(油性皮肤)oil-control 控油opacifying agents 乳浊剂oxitdizing agents 氧化剂Ppack 剥撕式面膜/贴paste 膏pearlescent agents 珠光剂peeling 敷面剥落式面膜penetration 穿透perfume and cologne 香水/古龙水perm/perming formula 冷烫水permanent oxidizing hair dyes 永久性氧化型染发剂permeation 渗透persistent pigmentation darkening,PPD 持续性黑化pH adjusters pH调节剂photoaging 皮肤光老化photoclastogenicity 光致断裂性photomutagenicity 光致突变性photosensitization 光敏性phototoxicity (photoirritation) 光毒性(光刺激性)pore cleanser/ striper pore refining 去黑头pore minimizing/pore reducer 收缩/细致毛孔powder 粉powder puffs 粉扑preservative 防腐剂preshave lotions 须前水pressed powder/powdery cake 粉饼prohibited substances in cosmetics 化妆品禁用物质propellants 推进剂Protection Factor of UVA 长波紫外线防护指数PFA值Qquaternary ammonium salts 季铵盐类Rreducing agents 还原剂remover 去除/卸妆remove hair by waxing 热蜡脱毛revitalite 活化rollers/perm rollers 卷发器repair 修护/修复recipe 配方remove spots 祛斑/淡化色斑resorption 吸收restricted substances in cosmetics 化妆品中限用物质restrain melanin 抑制黑色素rinse-off product 淋洗类化妆品roll-on 滚珠式rouge 口红Ssales packaging 销售包装semi-permanent hair dyes 半永久性染发剂sensitive 敏感性皮肤serum 露/精华露shaving cream 剃须膏shampoo 洗发水showering gel 淋浴啫喱shaping cream 定型膏shelf life 保质期smoothing toner 柔肤水slimming cosmetics 健美化妆品slip modifiers 助滑剂skin bleaching agents 皮肤漂白剂skin care oil 润肤油skin conditioning agent 皮肤调理剂skin fresheners 皮肤清凉剂skin product 肤用化妆品skin protectants 皮肤保护剂skin tonic 化妆水soften cream 软化膏solubilizers 增溶剂solvent 溶剂special cosmetics 特殊化妆品sponge puffs 海绵扑spot-removing cosmetics 祛斑化妆品substances prohibited in cosmetic products 化妆品禁用组分substances which cosmetic products must not contain except subject to the restrictions laid down / restricted substances in cosmetics化妆品限用组分sun screen/sun block 隔离霜,防晒sun block 防晒用Sun Protection Factor 防晒指数SPF值surfactant/surface active agent 表面活性剂stratum corneum 角质层styling gel 发胶symmetry 匀称Ttalcum powder 爽身粉tanning 晒黑temporary hair dyes 暂时性染发剂terminology of cosmetics 化妆品术语toning cream/toninglight/tone-up cream 素颜霜toner 柔肤水toilet soap 香皂toiletry 化妆品/盥洗用品toner/astringent 爽肤水toning lotion 化妆水tonics dressings and other hair grooming aids 修饰头发的产品和其它使头发易梳理、光亮的产品toning cream美体霜toothpaste 牙膏trentment 修护Uultraviolet light absorbers紫外线吸收剂UVC 短波紫外线200nm-290nmUVB 中波紫外线290nm-320nmUVA 长波紫外线320nm-400nmVvanishing cream 雪花膏very water resistant 强抗水性viscosity increasing agent 增稠剂viscosity decreasing agents 降粘剂visible panels 可视面Wwater 水whiten 美白。
化妆品禁限用物质检测方法解析张淑欣1,张秋园2,林丹萍1(1.广州锦同生物科技有限公司,广东广州510545;2.广东省测试分析研究所(中国广州分析测试中心),广东广州510070)Analysis of Detection Method for Prohibited and Restricted Substances inCosmeticsZhang Shuxin1, Zhang Qiuyuan2, Lin Danping1(1. Guangzhou JinTong Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510545;2. Guangdong Institute of Testing and Analysis (China Guangzhou Analysis and Testing Center), Guangzhou 510070, China)Abstract: with the development of modern economy, the topic of “maintenance”and “make-up”is not restricted with women, and cosmetics industry is developing continuously. In this context, the harm of cosmetics has become a more concerned topic. If some harmful substances are added to the cosmetic itself, it will have a serious impact on the health of the human body. Some prohibited substances are added to the cosmetics and these substances are in contact with the skin for a long time. Will gradually accumulate to form certain harm to the human body. According to incomplete statistical analysis, illegal addition of prohibited substances in cosmetics will cause serious safety problems. To regulate makeup, Product production industry, must pay attention to cosmetics banned substances inspection. Only in this way can we standardize cosmetics industry effectively and provide effective technical support and reference for cosmetic inspection,And further, the health of people is guaranteed at all, and a healthy and orderly cosmetic production mode is constructed. Based on this, the author has carried on the simple inquiry analysis to the cosmetics forbidden substance detection method.Keywords: cosmetics;forbidden substances;detection methods化妆品中含有禁限用物质检测方式种类繁多,在各种技术手段的支持之下新型的检测方式也逐渐成熟。
第三方检测机构检测禁用物质要求Version 2_20150506
一汽-大众汽车有限公司| 中国长春安庆路5号| 邮编:130011电话:+ 86 431 8599 0114 | 传真:+ 86 431 8599 0130 | 1 / 1第三方检测机构禁用物质的测试要求Requirement for prohibited substance testing to third-party institution1目的Purpose为规范统一第三方检测机构对一汽-大众供应商送检的零部件禁限用物质的检测过程,特制订此测试要求。
In order to ensure prohibited substance testing by third-party institution is unify and qualified, forward the requirement to the third-party institution.2.要求Requirement2.1 收样要求Sample Requirement●只接收零件样品进行禁限用物质测试,不接收原材料(粒子、样条、样片等)进行检测。
●The Third-party testing institution can only accept sample of part and assembly for experiment, notraw materials such as particle piece particles.●零件样品拆解到均一材质进行测试;当拆解后均一材质数量不足时,允许提供同批次零件进行补充测试。
●Sample should be disassembled by homogeneous material to test. Suppliers can provide the samebatch parts to testing if the homogeneous material of one part is not enough to tested.●在零件样品拆解成均一材质的过程中,如遇不明确之处,向一汽-大众提出审核申请。
We hereby certify that none of the products we currently deliver to LEONI Special Cables (Changzhou) Co.,Ltd. any of the substances listed in the attached “List of critical substances with prohibited applications” (dated: 2008-12-15) in concentrations above the threshold limits contained in this attached list. This certification also applies to products we may deliver to LEONI Special Cables (Changzhou) Co.,Ltd in the future. If a future product to be delivered to LEONI Special Cables (Changzhou) Co.,Ltd would not meet this requirement, we will inform you in writing prior to purchase. If you or other third party find it’s not meet with this requirement without writing prior information from us, we would agree with bearing all responsibility and make with the amends.
2018年禁限用纺织化学品最新动态(待续)章杰【摘要】从7个方面即新的高度关注物质候选清单、新的需授权物质清单、REACH法规中限制物质清单新变化、STAN-DARD 100 by OEKO-TEX新规定、LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO-TEX新变化、AAFA新限制物质清单、ZDHC 公布的首批外部认证标准等阐述了2018年国际市场上禁限用纺织化学品的最新动态,可以看出各国采取一系列措施以积极的姿态支持2020年有害化学物质零排放的目标和去毒行动.%The recent developments of prohibited and restricted textile chemicals in 2018 on the interna-tional market were described from 7 respects: candidate list of new SVHC, new list of substances to require authorization, new changes of restricted substances list in the REACH regulation, new regulations of STAN-DARD 100 by OEKO-TEX, new changes of LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO-TEX, new restricted substances list of AAFA, external authenticating standard of the first batch to be announced by ZDHC etc. It was found that countries had adopted a series of measures to actively support the goal of zero emissions of harmful chemicals in 2020 and drug elimination actions.【期刊名称】《印染助剂》【年(卷),期】2018(035)005【总页数】7页(P1-7)【关键词】2018年;国际市场;禁限用纺织化学品;最新动态【作者】章杰【作者单位】上海染料有限公司,上海 200025【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ314随着人们对人体健康和环境保护研究的不断深入,各国对生态环境和生物安全要求不断提高。
EU Directive 2009/425/EC
Sony SS-0025914th
Japan: Ind-safety Law*2
Sony SS-0025914th
EU Directive 76/769/EEC, 2002/61/EEC, 2003/03/EEC
BedarfsgegenstandeVerordnung Sony SS-0025914th
Sony SS-00259 13th
Chromium VI (Cr6+) Compounds
EU REACH Regulation,
EU Directive2011/65/EU
Polybrominated biphenyls
Sony SS-0025914th
Dimethyl Fumarate
EU Directive 2009/251/EC Sony SS-0025914th
Arsenic(As) and Arsenic compounds
Prohibited Substance Declaration禁用物质声明-2019
Prohibited Substance Declaration禁用物质声明1Name of supplier (供应商) :address (地址) :city/country (城市/国家) :Products Involved (相关产品) :1. We, the Supplier named above, warrant that all of the products and its packaging supplied by us to TCLTechnoly Electronics(Hui Zhou)CO.LTD, do not contain the prohibited substances listed in the TCL Prohibited Substance Standard attached to this declaration, or the concentration of prohibited substances contained in the products and its packaging shall comply with the TCL Prohibited Substance Standard.我们保证:所有由我们供应给TCL 通力电子(惠州)有限公司的产品及其包装,不含有本声明中附件《TCL 禁用物质标准》所列的禁用物质或含有的禁用物质浓度符合《TCL 禁用物质标准》限定的要求。
2. We ,the Supplier named above, warrant that we comply with all of the international rules about environmental substance (e.g. EU RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC etc).我们保证:我们遵守所有与影响环境的物质相关的国际法规(如欧盟RoHS 指令等)。
3.外包 outsourcing(客戶)委托consign 委托外加工manufacturing consignment 呼叫中心call centrer 批允收比率(批量允收率)lot accept rate –LAR 批判退比率Lot Reject Rate –LRR 水准,基点benchmarkUnit 3 In-process Quality Control制程品保1. 制程稽核作业指导书WI 首件检查报告FAIR 作业手法workmanship拿取产品方法 handling methodUnit 4 Outgoing Quality Control出货品保Unit 6 Safety Certificates and Icons1. CCC认证 China Compulsory Certification中国强制认证, 3C认证.2. UL认证 Underwriters Laboratories (美国)保险商实验所 UL主要对各种设备,系统和材料进行安全性试验和检查,确认它们对生命财产是否存在危害.3. GS认证Geprufte Shcherhet(德语)4. SGS认证 SOCIETE GENERALE DE SURVELLANCE SA 瑞士通用公证行5. DNV认证挪威船级社。
Unit 7 Application of Six Sigma 6个标准差的运用P-D-C-A循环Plan-Do-Check-ActionUnit 9 Environment Management有害物质hazardous substance禁用物质Prohibited /Restricted Substance重金属heavy metal 有毒物质Toxic substanceSony G/P Sony green partner 索尼绿色伙伴(计划)Chapter 6 Engineering Department工程部Unit 1 Research and Development & New Product Introduction R&D研究与开发&亲产品导入新产品开发New product development 产品寿命周期Product life cycle亲产品导入New product Introduction (NPI)亲产品准备状况审查 Sample Approval试产,验证性生产Control Run小批量生产Pilot Run 样品试制阶段pilot stage2. 不良描述偏差deviation 差异discrepancy 异常abnormal 不良defect/NG 失效, 故障failure/malfunction不合格品,次品defective goods, NG goods ,rejected product不良材料,不符材料nonconforming material 不良现象defect phenomenon 不良代码error code不良数defect quantity 不良率defect rate每百万个零件中不良品数Defect Parts Per Million(DPPM)与具体不良项目相关的常用语外观cosmetic 外观不良cosmetic defect 外观标准cosmetic specification。
Contents1Scope (1)2Prohibited and restricted substances according to SWN 39003 (1)Application and significanceProducts supplied to STIHL Group companies and that reach the end customer must not contain certain substances or must contain them only within strictly defined limits. These requirements, as compiled in the present Works Standard, are intended to make it easier for STIHL to comply with existing and future legal obligations (e.g. laws and regulations prohibiting particular substances). STIHL shall keep its suppliers informed of any changes to this Works Standard. However, updates to the lists specified in sections 2.1 and 2.2 are not considered to be changes to SWN 39003. Suppliers themselves are therefore responsible for keeping up to date with any changes to these lists.1 ScopeThis Works Standard applies to all products supplied to STIHL Group companies and reaching the end customer, i.e. raw materials, process materials and fluids, semi-finished products, parts and merchandise.Legal prohibitions or restrictions affecting particular products must also be implemented even if not expressly mentioned here (e.g. Directive 2009/48/EC on the safety of toys, textile-guidelines etc.).2 Prohibited and restricted substances according to SWN 390032.1 REACH candidate listSubstances included in the candidate list specified in (EC) Regulation No. 1907/2006 (REACH) may not be contained in products except in quantities less than 0.1% weight by weight (w/w). This limit must apply to the homogeneous material.The REACH candidate list is regularly updated and published on internet by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)1.1 GADSLSubstances included in the Global Automotive Declarable Substances List (GADSL) and marked with a “P”, if included in products, must comply with the limits specified in the GADSL.The GADSL is regularly updated and published on internet at .2.3 Other prohibited and restricted substancesIn addition, compliance with the list of prohibited and restricted substances in Annex 1 is required.Confidential:Confidential:This works standard may not be forwarded or copied, and its content may not be sold or divulged unless expressly agreed in writing. Any breach of this provision shall automatically render the person(s)concerned liable for damages. All rights reserved in the event of granted patent or an application for registered design.Page 3 of 4Annex 1: List of prohibited substancesSubstanceCAS Number Limit Measured in:CommentsAzo dyes with carcinogenic amine components 1 10 ppm Homogeneous materialLead and its compounds 0.1% w/w Homogeneous materialDirective 2002/95/EC (RoHS) Boron and its compounds 1 3.0 % w/w Homogeneous materialCadmium and its compounds 0.01 % w/w Homogeneous materialDirective 2002/95/EC (RoHS) Chlorinated hydrocarbons 10.1 % w/wHomogeneous materialChromium (VI) compound (hexavalent chromium) 0.1 % w/w(defined as % weight by weightof Cr)Homogeneousmaterial Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) Dimethyl fumarate (DMF) 624-49-7 0.1 ppm HomogeneousmaterialDecision 2009/251/EC Nitrite-releasing substances 1 20 ppm HomogeneousmaterialOrganic tin compounds10 ppm HomogeneousmaterialConfidential:This works standard may not be forwarded or copied, and its content may not be sold or divulged unless expressly agreed in writing. Any breach of this provision shall automatically render the person(s)concerned liable for damages. All rights reserved in the event of granted patent or an application for registered design.Page 4 of 4Acenaphtene 83-32-9 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 Anthracene 120-12-7 Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 Benzo(ghi)perylene191-24-2 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 Chrysene 218-01-9 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Fluorene 86-73-7 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyren 193-39-5Naphthalene 91-20-3 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)Pyrene129-00-0 Total < 10 ppmBenzo(a)pyrene <1 ppm,In the case of materials with anticipated skin contact forless than 30s (short-term skin contact) or without skin contact, materials can be used with the following limits after express approval by STIHL: Total < 200 ppmBenzo(a)pyrene < 20 ppmHomogeneous material GS symbol requirementsPolybrominated diphenylether (PBDE) 0.1 % w/w Homogeneous materialDirective 2002/95/EC (RoHS) Polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) 0.1 % w/w Homogeneous materialDirective 2002/95/EC (RoHS) Mercury and its compounds0.1 % w/wHomogeneous materialDirective 2002/95/EC (RoHS)1Only applies to process materials and fluids In the case of boron compounds in the REACH candidate list, the applicable limit is 0.1 % w/w。
1-Jan-00 2000-1-1 1-Jan-04 2004-1-1 1-Jan-04 2004-1-1 2007
nd per homogenous Substance,
ng radiation in excess of 0.5 µSv/hr (50 he source
注释:1. 限值代表最高浓度值的重量和同质物质,这些物质为非有意添加。
2. 进厂的材料和成品发出任何电离辐射应不得超过0.5µSv/hr (50 µR/hr),测量点与辐射源不超过1米。
Guiding Regulation 规范准则
Effective Date 生效日期 January 1, 1988 ref: CPPSCERT 6720-1-8 1988-1-1
2 3 4
Cadmium 镉 Mercury 汞(水银) Hexavalent Chromium 六价铬 Polybrominated
7440-43-9 7439-97-6 18540-29-9
5 Biphenyls (PBB)
多溴联苯(PBB) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE) 多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)
Appendix A: Black List - Prohibited and Restricted Substances 6+1 附加A:黑色清单 – 禁用和限制的物质
Substance 物质 Asbestos CAS Identification CAS识别 Threshold by Weight 重量限值 No asbestos allowed, as defined by: No intentionally added content permitted at any level. Naturally occurring trace silicate minerals less than 0.1%. 不许有石棉, 定义为:不许有故意添加的 任何等级的物质,自然产生的硅酸盐中石 棉含量小于0.1% 0.01% 0.10% 0.10%
STD100-0002 黑色清单-禁用
Chemical substances which must not be used within the Volvo GroupVolvo’s black listOrientationThis issue differs from issue 1 in that a text regarding legal requirements has been added in section 1 Scope and field of application. Furthermore, the substance in the tables have been sorted according to English alphabetical order. One associated standards are STD 100-0003 “Chemical substance whose use within the Volvo Group shall be limited –Volvo’s grey list”.1 Scope and field of applicationAccording to a decision by the Volvo Group management, restrictions have been introduced with respect to the use of certain chemical substances. This standard lists those chemical substances, which must not be used in Volvo’s production processes, nor must they be included in Volvo’s products in unreacted form. The Volvo Group’s Environmental Council initiates the updating of the standard.Please note that these lists are only Volvo standards and compliance with these lists does not mean that legal requirements concerning hazardous chemical substance in different countries are fulfilled.New products containing one or more of the chemical substance listed in this standard must not be put into use. Phase-out plans with final date of use are required for those listed chemical substances, which have not been fully phased out.The prohibition refers to each deliberate use of the chemical substance specified in the standard. However, the prohibtion does not apply in those cases a chemical substance occurs in the form of impurities in a specific product, that is, non-desired occurrence in very low concentrations, or when it is handled in small quantities by trained staff at laboratories.Exceptions may also be made for chemical substances used in processes controlled by legal requirements or safety regulation where exception have to be made, special precautionary measures shall be taken to prevent injurious effects on humans or the environment. The respective Volvo company shall decide upon any exceptions. Volvo集团内部禁止使用的化学物质Volvo黑色清单介绍此版本和第一版的不同之处是在第一节适用范围中增加了有关法律要求方面的内容。
1.目的該程序旨在嚴密管控禁用物質,以符合歐盟法規RoHS、EN71、2005/84/EC、94/62/EC、REACH 等法案,美國法規ASTM F963、ASTM D3421-75等指令,孩之寶SRS規格要求、美泰QSOP規格要求及其他法規及客戶要求。
3.名詞定義3.1 EN71:歐洲玩具安全標準;94/62/EC:歐盟包裝物及包裝廢棄物指令;2005/84/EC:歐盟塑膠配件增塑劑管控指令;3.2 ASTM F963:美國玩具安全標準;3.3 RoHS:歐盟電子產品有害物質限制指令;3.4 SRS:孩之寶測試規格要求(包括: SRS-012,SRS-044,SRS-047,SRS-046等);3.5 QSOP:美泰測試規格要求(QSOP0006-3600,QSOP0006-3610等);3.6 Supplier Certificate of Compliance:供應商禁用材質保證書(COC );3.7 Supplier’s Declaration of Confor mity:供應商符合性聲明(Sdoc);3.8 RSCM:(Restricted Substances Control Manager)禁用物質管控專案負責人,分為xxxRSCM和供應商RSCM;3.9 紙制玩具:適用於設計或預定供14歲以下兒童玩耍的,用紙、紙板為主要原材料製成的非電玩具,包括紙質玩具書、拼圖玩具、折紙玩具、具有與文具類似功能的玩具(包括:水彩、油彩、蠟筆、油畫棒、各種筆類、文具盒類);3.10高風險性物料:用於產品塗布表面的UV油類、油墨、膠水、絲印油等化工類物料;3.11低風險性物料:除3.10定義的高風險性物料外,其他物料均屬於低風險物料;3.12禁用物質:包括兩層含義﹕A. 指在生產加工過程中根據相關的國際標準和法律法規或客戶要求而禁止使用的某种或某些物質; B. 根據相關的國際標準和法律法規或客戶要求, 某种或某些物質被規定了含量限制, 禁止超過含量限制的物質也叫禁用物質。
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Anthracene 蒽
All products
Carcinogenic 致癌
4,4’- Diaminodiphenylmethane 4,4'-二氨基二苯基甲烷
All products
Carcinogenic 致癌
All products
持久性,生物 累积性和毒性 的物质
Pesticide, fungicide in paint 杀虫剂,涂料中的杀真 菌剂 Insectides 驱虫剂
Bis(tributyltin)oxide 三丁基氧化锡
All products
295-275-9 292-604-8 292-603-2 266-028-2
PBT & vPvB PBT & vPvB PBT & vPvB vPvB
Paint, moisture seal 涂料,防潮层 Synthesis of Polyacrylamide: for waste water treatment and paper processing, as a filling agent for textile processing. 合成聚丙烯酰胺:用于废水 处理及纸张加工,作灌浆 剂,用于纺织品加工。 Manufacture of explosives, polyurethane plastics, organic synthesis, dyes 用于制造炸药、聚氨酯塑 料、有机体合成和染料 Plasticizer 增塑剂 Used as additives for painting and coatings, printing inks and in plastics 用作涂料,颜料和塑料的添 加剂 Used as colorant in painting, printing inks and plastic 涂料、颜料和塑料的着色剂 Used as colorant in painting, printing inks, rubber and plastic 涂料、颜料、橡胶和塑料的 着色剂 Metal parts cleaning and degreasing; binder in the solvent; production of chlorinated and fluorinated organic compounds Media. 金属部件的清洁及脱脂;粘 和剂中的溶剂;生产氯化和 氟化有机化合物的介质。 For pesticides, preservatives, personal care products, food additives, glass, ceramics, rubber, fertilizer, flame retardants, paints, industrial fluids, brake fluids, welding products, printing agent. 用于:杀虫剂,防腐剂,个 人护理产品,食品添加剂, 玻璃,陶瓷,橡胶,化肥, 阻燃剂,油漆,工业流体, 制动液,焊接产品,冲印剂。 For glass, glass fiber, ceramics, detergents, personal care products, industrial fluids, metallurgy, bonding materials, flame retardants, pesticides, fertilizers. 用于:玻璃,玻璃纤维,陶 瓷,清洁剂,个人护理产品, 工业流体,冶金术,粘接材 料,阻燃剂,杀虫剂,化肥。 Laboratory analytical reagents, production of other chromium compounds. 实验室分析试剂,生产其它 铬化合物。
Prohibited And Restricted Substance 禁用及限用物质清单
Rule No. Substances Name 物质名称 Limit(PPM) 限值 Scope 范围 CAS No. CAS 编号 EC No. EC编号 Hazard 危害 Application 应用
Insecticides, weed killer, wood preservatives, coloured glass, dyeing and printing 杀虫剂、除草剂、木材 防腐剂、涂彩杯子、染 料和颜料 Curing agent for epoxy resin in PCB, preparation of PU, azo dyes in garments PCB 中环氧树脂的固化 剂、PU 配制品、服装中 的偶氮染料。 Plasticizer,in adhesive and paper coatings;insect repellent fot textiles 粘合剂和纸张涂层的增 塑剂,纺织品中的杀虫 Mainly used as intermediate in the manufacture of other cobalt compounds, in tyre adhesion additives,organic textile dyes, and drying agents for paints. Furthermore it is used in surface treatment processes,as water treatment /corrosion inhibition chemical, as colourant or for discolouring in the production of inorganic pigments & frits, glass, and ceramic ware, in varistors and magnets, as well as in humidity indicators. 生产其他钴化合物的中间体,轮胎附 着力添加剂,有机纺织染料,涂料干 燥剂。此外,它是用来在表面处理过 程 中,作为水处理/缓蚀化学色素或无机 颜料与釉料,玻璃,陶瓷制品的生 产,湿度指示剂 Insecticides, weed killer, wood preservatives, coloured glass, dyeing and printing 杀虫剂、除草剂、木材 防腐剂、涂彩杯子、染 料和颜料 Weed killers, timber preservatives,
Application 应用
Intermediates for semi-conductor 半导体的中间产物 Plasticizer for resin, PVC, acrylics 用作树脂、PVC、丙烯 酸树脂的增塑剂 Mainly in the manufacture of other substances, such as refined anthracene, carbon black, restore promoter, part of the fuel 主要用于制造其他物质,如 提炼蒽、碳黑,也用于炸药 的还原促进剂,作为燃料的 组成部分以及海洋捕捞、防 腐。
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vPvB Toxic for reproduction 生殖毒性 PBT 持久性,生物 累积性和毒性 的物质
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Hexabromocyclododecane(HBCDD) and all major diastereoisomers identified α–HBCDD,β-HBCDD,γHBCDD)(六溴环十二烷
All products
25637-99-4 and 3194-556(134237-517,134237-506,1342337-52-8)
247-148-4 and 221-695-9
Alkanes, C10-13, chloro (Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins) 短链型C10-13氯化石蜡
Lead hydrogen arsenate 砷酸氢铅
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持久性,生物 累积性和毒性 的物质 Carcinogenic, toxic for reproduction 致癌及生殖毒 性
Carcinogenic 致癌 除草剂、木材防腐剂、 特殊玻璃的加工 Chrome-tanning of leather, corrosion inhibitor in paints, mordant in textile dyeing process 皮革中的铬镀,颜料阻 蚀剂,纺织染料工业中 的媒染剂 Cosmetics and soap 妆品和皂用香料。 Plasticizer for resin, PVC, blister PVC,树脂等塑料制品 的增塑剂 Flame retardant used in HIPS and textiles 纺织品和HIPS 中的阻 燃剂 Leather coating, plasticizer in PVC and chlorinated rubber, flame retardant in plastic & textiles 皮革中的涂层、PVC 和 氯化橡胶中的增塑剂, 纺织品和塑料的阻燃剂
Sodium dichromate 重铬酸钠