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®1/9Table 1: Main FeaturesDESCRIPTIONAvailable either in through-hole or surface-mount packages, the BTA16, BTB16 and T16 triac series is suitable for general purpose AC switching. They can be used as an ON/OFF function in applica-tions such as static relays, heating regulation, in-duction motor starting circuits... or for phase control operation in light dimmers, motor speed controllers, ...The snubberless versions (BTA/BTB...W and T16series) are specially recommended for use on in-ductive loads, thanks to their high commutation performances. By using an internal ceramic pad,the BTA series provides voltage insulated tab (rat-ed at 2500V RMS ) complying with UL standards (File ref.: E81734).Symbol Value Unit I T(RMS)16A V DRM /V RRM 600, 700 and 800V I GT (Q 1)10 to 50mABTA16, BTB16 and T16 Series16A TRIAC SREV. 7February 2006SNUBBERLESS™, LOGIC LEVEL & STANDARDTable 2: Order CodesPart Number Marking BTA16-xxxxxRG See page table 8 onpage 8BTB16-xxxxxRG T16xx-xxxGBTA16, BTB16 and T16 Series2/9Table 3: Absolute Maximum Ratings Tables 4: Electrical Characteristics (T j = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)■SNUBBERLESS and Logic Level (3 quadrants)Symbol ParameterValue Unit I T(RMS)RMS on-state current (full sine wave)D 2PAK /TO-220AB T c = 100°C 16ATO-220AB Ins.T c = 15°C I TSM Non repetitive surge peak on-state current (full cycle, T j initial = 25°C) F = 50 Hz t = 20 ms 160A F = 60 Hz t = 16.7 ms168I ²t I ²t Value for fusingt p = 10 ms 144A ²s dI/dtCritical rate of rise of on-state cur-rent I G = 2 x I GT , t r ≤ 100 nsF = 120 HzT j = 125°C 50A/µs V DSM /V RSM Non repetitive surge peak off-state voltaget p = 10 msT j = 25°C V DSM /V RSM + 100V I GM Peak gate currentt p = 20 µsT j = 125°C 4A P G(AV)Average gate power dissipation T j = 125°C1W T stg T jStorage junction temperature range Operating junction temperature range- 40 to + 150- 40 to + 125°CSymbol Test ConditionsQuadrant T16BTA16 / BTB16Unit T1635SW CW BW I GT (1)V D = 12 V R L = 33 ΩI - II - III MAX.35103550mA V GT I - II - III MAX. 1.3V V GD V D = V DRM R L = 3.3 k ΩT j = 125°C I - II - IIIMIN.0.2V I H (2)I T = 500 mA MAX.35153550mA I L I G = 1.2 I GTI - III MAX.50255070mA II60306080dV/dt (2)V D = 67 %V DRM gate open T j = 125°C MIN.500405001000V/µs(dI/dt)c (2)(dV/dt)c = 0.1 V/µsT j = 125°C MIN.-8.5--A/ms(dV/dt)c = 10 V/µsT j = 125°C - 3.0--Without snubberT j = 125°C8.5-8.514BTA16, BTB16 and T16 Series3/9■Standard (4 quadrants)Table 5: Static Characteristics Table 6: Thermal resistance Symbol Test ConditionsQuadrant BTA16 / BTB16Unit C B I GT (1)V D = 12 V R L = 33 ΩI - II - III IV MAX.255050100mA V GT ALL MAX. 1.3V V GD V D = V DRM R L = 3.3 k Ω T j = 125°C ALLMIN.0.2V I H (2)I T = 500 mA MAX.2550mA I L I G = 1.2 I GTI - III - IVMAX.4060mA II 80120dV/dt (2)V D = 67 %V DRM gate openT j = 125°C MIN.200400V/µs (dV/dt)c (2)(dI/dt)c = 7 A/ms T j = 125°CMIN.510V/µsSymbol Test ConditionsValue Unit V T (2)I TM = 22.5 A t p = 380 µs T j = 25°C MAX. 1.55V V to (2)Threshold voltage T j = 125°C MAX.0.85V R d (2)Dynamic resistance T j = 125°C MAX.25m ΩI DRM I RRMV DRM = V RRMT j = 25°C MAX.5µA T j = 125°C2mANote 1: minimum I GT is guaranted at 5% of I GT max.Note 2: for both polarities of A2 referenced to A1.Symbol ParameterValue Unit R th(j-c)Junction to case (AC)D 2PAK / TO-220AB 1.2°C/WTO-220AB Insulated 2.1R th(j-a)Junction to ambient S = 1 cm ²D 2PAK45°C/WTO-220AB / TO-220AB Insulated60S = Copper surface under tab.BTA16, BTB16 and T16 Series4/9Figure 1: Maximum power dissipation versus RMS on-state current (full cycle)Figure 2: RMS on-state current versus case temperature (full cycle)Figure 3: RMS on-state current versus ambient temperature (printed circuit board FR4, copper thickness: 35µm) (full cycle)Figure 4: Relative variation of thermal impedance versus pulse durationFigure 5: On-state characteristics (maximum values)Figure 6: Surge peak on-state current versus number of cyclesBTA16, BTB16 and T16 Series5/9Figure 7: Non-repetitive surge peak on-state current for a sinusoidal pulse with width t p < 10 ms and corresponding value of I 2tFigure 8: Relative variation of gate trigger current, holding current and latching current versus junction temperature (typical values)Figure 9: Relative variation of critical rate of decrease of main current versus (dV/dt)c (typical values) (Snubberless & L ogic level types)Figure 10: Relative variation of critical rate of decrease of main current versus (dV/dt)c (typical values) (Standard types)Figure 11: D 2P AK Thermal resistance junction to ambient versus copper surface under tab (printed circuit board FR4, copper thickness: 35µm)BTA16, BTB16 and T16 Series6/9Figure 12: Ordering Information Scheme (BTA16 and BTB16 series)Figure 13: Ordering Information Scheme (T16 series)Table 7: Product SelectorPart Numbers Voltage (xxx)Sensitivity Type Package 600 V 700 V 800 V BTA/BTB16-xxxB X X X 50 mA Standard TO-220AB BTA/BTB16-xxxBW X X X 50 mA Snubberless TO-220AB BTA/BTB16-xxxCX X X 25 mA Standard TO-220AB BTA/BTB16-xxxCW X X X 35 mA Snubberless TO-220AB BTA/BTB16-xxxSW X XX 10 mA Logic level TO-220ABT1635-xxxGXX35 mASnubberlessD 2PAKBTB: non insulated TO-220AB packageBTA16, BTB16 and T16 Series Figure 14: D2PAK Package Mechanical DataFigure 15: D2PAK Foot Print Dimensions(in millimeters)7/9BTA16, BTB16 and T16 Series8/9In order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in ECOPACK® packages. These packages have a Lead-free second level interconnect . The category of second level interconnect is marked on the package and on the inner box label, in compliance with JEDEC Standard JESD97. The maximum ratings related to soldering conditions are also marked on the inner box label. ECOPACK is an ST trademark. ECOPACK specifications are available at: .Table 8: Ordering InformationOrdering type Marking Package Weight Base qtyDelivery modeBTA/BTB16-xxxyzRGBTA/BTB16xxxyz TO-220AB 2.3 g 50Tube T1635-xxxG T1635xxxG D 2PAK1.5 g50Tube T1635-xxxG-TRT1635xxxG1000Tape & reelNote: xxx = voltage, yy = sensitivity, z = typeTable 9: Revision HistoryDate Revision Description of ChangesOct-20026A Last update.13-Feb-20067TO-220AB delivery mode changed from bulk to tube.ECOPACK statement added.BTA16, BTB16 and T16 Series Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequencesof use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are notauthorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics.All other names are the property of their respective owners© 2006 STMicroelectronics - All rights reservedSTMicroelectronics group of companiesAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America9/9万联芯城-电子元器件采购网,提供一站式配套,解决物料烦恼,万联芯城是国内优质的电子元器件供应商,货源渠道来自原厂及代理商,只售原装现货,只需提交BOM物料清单,我们将为您报出一个满意的价格,解决客户采购烦恼,为客户节省采购成本,点击进入万联芯城。



BT152中⽂资料GENERAL DESCRIPTIONQUICK REFERENCE DATAGlass passivated thyristors in a plastic SYMBOL PARAMETERMAX.MAX.MAX.UNIT envelope,intended for use in applications requiring high BT152-400R 600R 800R bidirectional blocking voltage V DRM ,Repetitive peak off-state 450650800V capability and high thermal cycling V RRM voltages performance.Typical applications I T(AV)Average on-state current 131313A include motor control,industrial and IT(RMS)RMS on-state current202020A domestic lighting,heating and static I TSMNon-repetitive peak on-state 200200200Aswitching.currentPINNING - TO220ABPIN CONFIGURATIONSYMBOLLIMITING VALUESLimiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134).SYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.MAX.UNIT -400R -600R -800R V DRM Repetitive peak off-state -45016501800V voltagesI T(AV)Average on-state current half sine wave; T mb ≤ 103 ?C -13A I T(RMS)RMS on-state current all conduction angles-20A I TSMNon-repetitive peak half sine wave; T j = 25 ?C prior to on-state currentsurge t = 10 ms -200A t = 8.3 ms -220A I 2t I 2t for fusingt = 10 ms-200A 2s dI T /dt Repetitive rate of rise of I TM = 50 A; I G = 0.2 A;-200A/µs on-state current after dI G /dt = 0.2 A/µs triggering I GM Peak gate current -5A V GM Peak gate voltage-5V V RGM Peak reverse gate voltage -5V P GM Peak gate power -20W P G(AV)Average gate power over any 20 ms period -0.5W T stg Storage temperature -40150?C T jOperating junction -125Ctemperature1 Although not recommended, off-state voltages up to 800V may be applied without damage, but the thyristor may switch to the on-state. The rate of rise of current should not exceed 15 A/µs.THERMAL RESISTANCESSYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT R th j-mb Thermal resistance-- 1.1K/W junction to mounting base R th j-aThermal resistance in free air -60-K/Wjunction to ambientSTATIC CHARACTERISTICST j = 25 ?C unless otherwise stated SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT I GT Gate trigger current V D = 12 V; I T = 0.1 A -332mA I L Latching current V D = 12 V; I GT = 0.1 A -2580mA I H Holding current V D = 12 V; I GT = 0.1 A -1560mA V T On-state voltage I T = 40 A- 1.4 1.75V V GT Gate trigger voltage V D = 12 V; I T = 0.1 A-0.6 1.5V V D = V DRM(max); I T = 0.1 A; T j = 125 ?C 0.250.4-V I D , I ROff-state leakage currentV D = V DRM(max); V R = V RRM(max); T j = 125 ?C-0.21.0mADYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICST j = 25 ?C unless otherwise stated SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT dV D /dt Critical rate of rise of V DM = 67% V DRM(max); T j = 125 ?C;200300-V/µs off-state voltageexponential waveform gate open circuit t gt Gate controlled turn-on V D = V DRM(max); I G = 0.1 A; dI G /dt = 5 A/µs;-2-µs timeI TM = 40 At qCircuit commutated V D = 67% V DRM(max); T j = 125 ?C;-70-µsturn-off timeI TM = 50 A; V R = 25 V; dI TM /dt = 30 A/µs;dV D /dt = 50 V/µs; R GK = 100 ?MECHANICAL DATANotes1. Refer to mounting instructions for TO220 envelopes.2. Epoxy meets UL94 V0 at 1/8".DEFINITIONSData sheet statusObjective specification This data sheet contains target or goal specifications for product development. Preliminary specification This data sheet contains preliminary data; supplementary data may be published later. Product specification This data sheet contains final product specifications.Limiting valuesLimiting values are given in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability. Application informationWhere application information is given, it is advisory and does not form part of the specification.Philips Electronics N.V. 1997All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, it is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent or other industrial or intellectual property rights.LIFE SUPPORT APPLICATIONSThese products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. Philips customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.。

JSR168 PORLET标准手册汉化整理

JSR168 PORLET标准手册汉化整理

JSR168 PORLET标准手册汉化整理本规范汉化资源搜集整理于网上并由我作了些修改和添加,主要为适应大陆的语辞、用语及其他未译之处。


特此严重感谢翻译此规范的原译者:第一、第二章节台湾省Jini第三章节上海市风之舞第四章~最后章节台湾省koji lin许多大型企业的网站, 渐渐采用了portal server 作为开发的基础. 至于什么是portal 呢, 中文翻译为"门户网站"。

有人可能想.. 天杀的.. 门户网站不是就像yahoo, pchome, yam 等等。

不过, 我们现在讨论的portal server, 不是那么地简单, 基本上yahoo, pchome, yam 那些只能称为搜索引擎的门户网站。

如果你从来沒有用过portal server 或是似懂非懂.. 大家可以连结到MyNetscape或MyYahoo去注册一个帐号。

因为MyNetscape 的样式比较好看, 所以我接下来就以MyNetscape 为介绍的范例。

如果你第一次接触到portal,你会惊讶的发现... 哇.. 为何一个网站里面充满了这么多小窗口. 我们称这些小窗口叫做"portlet",而且每个小窗口都存在着独立的信息与内容,可以放到最大化,缩小,还原,关闭等等。

当你登陆之后,可以选择及调整自己portlet 的配置,也可以设置自己喜爱的风格与样式,更可以设置每个portlet 的资料配置。


Portal 的组成可以分为三部份 (1) Portal Server (2) Portlet Container (3) Portlet1)Portal Server 的定义是一个 Portal(门户网站)就是指一个 Web-based 的系统,通常都会提供个人化设置、单一登陆、以及由各种不同来源或不同网站取得各式各样的信息,并且将这些信息放在网页之中组合而成的呈现平台,门户网站会有精巧的个人化设置去提供定制的网页,当不同等级的使用者来浏览该页面将获得不同的信息内容。



Jan Mayen
Russian Federation
Bosnia and
Burkina Faso
Trinidad and Tobago
Taiwan, Province of China
坦桑尼亚联合共和 Tanzania, United

Republic of



All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers.
© NXP B.V. 2011. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 3 — 3 November 2011
2. Pinning information
Table 1. Pin 1 2 3 Pinning Description main terminal 2 (T2) gate (G) main terminal 1 (T1)
Simplified outline
T1 G
Fig 4.
RMS on-state current as a function of surge duration, for sinusoidal currents; maximum values
Fig 5.
RMS on-state current as a function of lead temperature; maximum values
Typ 150
Max 60 80 -
Unit K/W K/W K/W
thermal resistance from junction to full cycle lead half cycle thermal resistance from junction to see Figure 6 ambient
tp 20 ms (1) dIT/dt limit (2) T2 G+ quadrant


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·网游小说网 - 流行小说网/wangyou.php
·网游小说 - 阳光文学/sort/2_1.htm
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1/7®BTA/BTB16 and T16 SeriesSNUBBERLESS ™ , LOGIC LEVEL & STANDARD16A TRIAC SOctober 2002 - Ed: 6AMAIN FEATURES:DESCRIPTIONAvailable either in through-hole or surface-mount packages, the BTA/BTB16 and T16 triac series is suitable for general purpose AC switching. They can be used as an ON/OFF function in applications such as static relays, heating regulation, induction motor starting circuits... or for phase control operation in light dimmers, motor speed controllers, ...The snubberless versions (BTA/BTB...W and T16series) are specially recommended for use on inductive loads, thanks to their high commutation performances. By using an internal ceramic pad,the BTA series provides voltage insulated tab (rated at 2500V RMS) complying with UL standards (File ref.: E81734).Symbol Value Unit I T(RMS)16A V DRM /V RRM 600, 700 and 800VI GT (Q 1)10 to 50mAABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol ParameterValueUnit I T(RMS)RMS on-state current (full sine wave)D2²P AK Tc = 100°C 16ATO-220ABTO-220AB Ins.Tc = 85°C I TSM Non repetitive surge peak on-state current (full cycle, Tj initial = 25°C) F = 60 Hz t = 16.7 ms 168A F = 50 Hzt = 20 ms160I ²t I ²t Value for fusingtp = 10 ms144A ²s dI/dtCritical rate of rise of on-state current I G = 2 x I GT , tr ≤ 100 nsF = 120 Hz Tj = 125°C 50A/µs V DSM /V RSM Non repetitive surge peak off-statevoltagetp = 10 ms Tj = 25°C V DRM /V RRM+ 100V I GM Peak gate currenttp = 20 µsTj = 125°C 4A P G(AV)Average gate power dissipation Tj = 125°C1W T stg T jStorage junction temperature range Operating junction temperature range- 40 to + 150- 40 to + 125°CBTA/BTB16 and T16 Series2/7ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tj = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)sSNUBBERLESS™ and LOGIC LEVEL (3 Quadrants)sSTANDARD (4 Quadrants)STATIC CHARACTERISTICSNote 1: minimum IGT is guaranted at 5% of IGT max.Note 2: for both polarities of A2 referenced to A1Symbol Test ConditionsQuadrantT16BTA/BTB16UnitT1635SW CW BW I GT (1)V D = 12 V R L = 33 ΩI - II - III MAX.35103550mA V GT I - II - III MAX. 1.3V V GD V D = V DRM R L = 3.3 k Ω Tj = 125°C I - II - IIIMIN.0.2V I H (2)I T = 500 mA MAX.35153550mA I L I G = 1.2 I GTI - III MAX.50255070mA II60306080dV/dt (2)V D = 67 % V DRM gate open Tj = 125°C MIN.500405001000V/µs (dI/dt)c (2)(dV/dt)c = 0.1 V/µs Tj = 125°CMIN.-8.5--A/ms(dV/dt)c = 10 V/µs Tj = 125°C - 3.0--Without snubber Tj = 125°C8.5-8.514Symbol Test ConditionsQuadrant BTA/BTB16UnitCB I GT (1)V D = 12 V R L = 33 ΩI - II - III IV MAX.255050100mA V GT ALL MAX. 1.3V V GD V D = V DRM R L = 3.3 k Ω Tj = 125°C ALLMIN.0.2V I H (2)I T = 500 mA MAX.2550mA I L I G = 1.2 I GTI - III - IVMAX.4060mA II80120dV/dt (2)V D = 67 % V DRM gate open Tj = 125°CMIN.200400V/µs (dV/dt)c(2)(dI/dt)c = 7 A/ms Tj = 125°CMIN.510V/µsSymbol Test ConditionsValue Unit V TM (2)I TM = 22.5 A tp = 380 µs Tj = 25°C MAX. 1.55V V to (2)Threshold voltage Tj = 125°C MAX.0.85V R d (2)Dynamic resistance Tj = 125°C MAX.25m ΩI DRM I RRMV DRM = V RRMTj = 25°C MAX.5µA Tj = 125°C2mABTA/BTB16 and T16 Series3/7THERMAL RESISTANCESS: Copper surface under tabPRODUCT SELECTORORDERING INFORMATIONSymbol ParameterValue Unit R th(j-c)Junction to case (AC)D ²PAK TO-220AB 1.2°C/WTO-220AB Insulated2.1R th(j-a)Junction to ambientS = 1 cm ²D ²PAK 45°C/WTO-220AB 60TO-220AB InsulatedPart NumberVoltage(xxx)SensitivityTypePackage600 V700 V 800 V BTA/BTB16-xxxB X X X 50 mA Standard TO-220AB BTA/BTB16-xxxBW X X X 50 mA Snubberless TO-220AB BTA/BTB16-xxxC X X X 25 mA Standard TO-220AB BTA/BTB16-xxxCW X X X 35 mA Snubberless TO-220AB BTA/BTB16-xxxSW X XX 10 mA Logic level TO-220AB T1635-xxxGXX35 mASnubberlessD ²PAKBTA/BTB16 and T16 Series4/7OTHER INFORMATIONNote: xxx = voltage, y = sensitivity, z = typePart NumberMarkingWeight Base quantity Packing mode BTA/BTB16-xxxyz BTA/BTB16xxxyz 2.3 g 250Bulk BTA/BTB16-xxxyzRG BTA/BTB16-xxxyz 2.3 g 50Tube T1635-xxxG T1635xxxG 1.5 g 50Tube T1635-xxxG-TRT1635xxxG1.5 g1000T ape & reelFig. 1: Maximum power dissipation versus RMS on-state current (full cycle).Fig. 2-1: RMS on-state current versus case temperature (full cycle).Fig. 2-2: D²PAK RMS on-state current versus ambient temperature (printed circuit board FR4,copper thickness: 35µm), full cycle.Fig. 3: Relative variation of thermal impedance versus pulse duration.BTA/BTB16 and T16 Series5/7Fig. 4: On-state characteristics (maximum values)Fig. 5: Surge peak on-state current versus number of cycles.Fig. 6: Non-repetitive surge peak on-state current for a sinusoidal pulse with width tp <10ms, and corresponding value of I²t.Fig. 7: Relative variation of gate trigger current,holding current and latching current versus junction temperature (typical values).Fig. 8: Relative variation of critical rate of decrease of main current versus (dV/dt)c (typical values).Fig. 9: Relative variation of critical rate of decrease of main current versus junction temperature.BTA/BTB16 and T16 SeriesFig. 10:D²P AK Thermal resistance junction to ambient versus copper surface under tab (printed circuit board FR4, copper thickness: 35µm).PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA6/7BTA/BTB16 and T16 Series PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATAFOOTPRINT DIMENSIONS (in millimeters)Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.© The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics© 2002 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All Rights ReservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Brazil - Canada - China - Finland - France - GermanyHong Kong - India - Isreal - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - SingaporeSpain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States.7/7。



P R E L I M I N A R Y I N F O R M A T I O Ning modeCharacteristics Continue9Automatically selects the opti-mized mode for forwarding9Allows manual frame forwarding mode selection override Multi-Media ready with QoS supports9Four frame transmission priority queuesComplies with IEEE 802.1 Bridge Standard9Assigns one unique MAC Address for each portVLAN ID Tagging & Stripping 9Auto padding if necessary after stripping Automatic retry frame transmission 9Transmit collision 9Transmit buffer under-runAutomatic receive filtering for bad frames for Store & Forward Mode 9Bad FCS9Short events or frames under 64bytes9Long events or frames over 1518/1522 bytesAutomatic statistic collection for RMONBlock Diagram –EA218E 8-Port Ethernet Access ControllerTypical Application :9 A 16-port Ethernet Switch with 4-Fast EthernetSystem Block Diagram --16-Port Ethernet Switch with 4 Fast Ethernet Up-Links1.PIN ASSIGNMENT1.1Logic SymbolT_MODE P_CS#P_ADS#P_RWC P_BS16#P_RDY#P_INT P_RST#P_CLK P_A[11:1]Tm_RXD Tm_RXC Tm_TXC Tm_TXEN Tm_TXD Tm_LPBK Tm_FD Tm_COL Tm_CRS Tm_LNKS_IRDY S_TABT#S_REQ#S_GNT#S_CLKL_CLK1.2Pin Assignment (Preliminary)Note:#Active low signalInput Input signalIn-ST Input signal with Schmitt-TriggerOutput Output signal (Tri-State driver)Out-OD Output signal with Open-Drain driverI/O-TS Input & Output signal with Tri-State driverI/O-OD Input & Output signal with Open-Drain driver5VT Input with 5V ToleranceOutput signal with programmable polarity.Input or output pins with weak internal pull up resistors (50k to 100k Ohms each)These pins are reserved for internal use only. They should be left unconnected.Pin No(s).Symbol TypeMaxI OL/ I OH Name and FunctionsManagement Bus InterfaceJ25,K26,L24,K25,L26,M24,L25,M26,N24,M25,P24,N26,N25,R24,P26, P25P_D[15:0]TTL I/O-TS (5VT)16mA Management Bus – Data Bit [15:0]C26,D24,C25,E24,D26,D25,F24,E26,E25,G24, F26P_A[11:1]TTL In (5VT)Management Bus – Address Bit [11:1] F25P_ADS#TTL In (5VT)Management Bus – Address StrobeH25P_RWC TTL In (5VT)Management Bus – Read/Write Control J24P_RDY#TTL Out-OD16mA Management Bus – Data ReadyG25P_BS16#TTL Out-OD16mA Management Bus – 16 bit Data BusG26P_CS#TTL In (5VT)Management Bus – Chip SelectH26P_INT CMOS Output4mA Management Bus – Interrupt Request J26P_RST#TTL In-ST (5VT)Management Bus – Master ResetK24P_CLK TTL In (5VT)Management Bus – Bus Clock XpressFlow Bus InterfaceC23,A23,B22,C22,A22S_D[31:27] /P_C[0:4]CMOS I/O-TS12mA XpressFlow Bus – Data Bit [31:27] or Manage-ment Bus Interface Configuration bit [0:4]B21,D20,C21,A21,B20,A20,C20,B19,A19,C19,B18,A18,B17,C18,A17,D17,B16,C17,A16,B15,A15,C16,B14,D15,A14,C15,B13S_D[26:0]CMOS I/O-TS12mA XpressFlow Bus – Data Bit [26:0]B12S_MSGEN#CMOS I/O-TS12mA XpressFlow Bus – Message EnvelopeA12S_EOF#CMOS I/O-TS12mA XpressFlow Bus – End of FrameC14S_IRDY CMOS I/O-TS12mA XpressFlow Bus – Initiator ReadyC13S_TABT#CMOS I/O-OD12mA XpressFlow Bus – Target AbortB23S_HPREQ#CMOS I/O-OD12mA XpressFlow Bus – High Priority Request A24S_REQ#CMOS Output4mA XpressFlow Bus – Bus Request to SC201 B24S_GNT#CMOS Input XpressFlow Bus – Bus Grant from SC201 A13S_OVLD#CMOS Input XpressFlow Bus – Bus OverloadD13S_CLK CMOS Input XpressFlow Bus – ClockPin No(s).Symbol Type Name and FunctionsControl Buffer Memory InterfaceM4,N2,L3,M1,M2,L1,K3,L2,K4,K1,J3,K2,J1,J2,H3,H1,H2,G3,G1,G2,F1,F3,F2,E1,E3,E2,D1,D3,D2,C1,C2,B1L_D[31:0]TTL I/O-TS 8mA Local Memory Bus – Data Bit [31:0]A6,B6,C8,A7,D8,D7,C9,A8,B8,A9,C10,B9,D10,A10,C11,B10,A11L_A[18:2]CMOS Output8mA Local Memory Bus – Address Bit [17:2]C7L_A[19] /L_OE[3]#CMOS Output8mA Local Memory Bus – Address Bit [19] or MemoryRead Chip Select [3]D5,A5,A3L_OE[2:0]#CMOS Output2mA Local Memory Read Chip Select [2:0]D7,E4,B5,C4L_WE[3:0]#CMOS Output2mA Local Memory Write Chip Select [3:0]C6,B4,A4,C5L_BWE[3:0]#CMOS Output8mA Local Memory Byte Write Enable, Byte [3:0] B3L_ADSC#CMOS Output8mA Local Memory Controller Address StatusG4L_CLK CMOS Output8mA Local Memory Clock inputEthernet Access Port cont. [7:0]AF20,AE17,AD12,AD9, AC2,T25T[7:2]_RXD TTL In (5VT) Receive Data – (one for each 10Mbps Serial In-terface Port)AC25,AF6T[1:0]_RXD TTL In (5VT)AD19,AD16,AE14,AF10,AC2 1U24T[7:2]_RXC TTL In (5VT) Receive Clock – (one for each 10Mbps Serial In-terface Port)AC24,AE7T[1:0]_RXC TTL In (5VT)AF18,AD14,AE12,AF8, W2,AA25,AE22,AD1T[7:0]_TXC TTL In (5VT)Transmit Clock – (one for each 10Mbps Serial In-terface Port)AE19,AF15,AF12,AD8, W1,AA24T[7:2]_TXEN CMOS Out 4mA Transmit Enable – (one for each 10Mbps SerialInterface Port)AF22,AF2T[1:0]_TXEN CMOS OutputAE20,AF16,AF13,AE10, Y1,W25T[7:2]_TXD CMOS Out 4mA Transmit Data – (one for each 10Mbps Serial In-terface Port)AF23,AE4T[1:0]_TXD CMOS OutputAD18,AD15,AE13,AF9, Y2,Y26T[7:2]_LPBK CMOS Out 2mA Loop Back Enable – (one for each 10Mbps SerialInterface Port)AE23,AF3T[1:0]_LPBK CMOS OutputAF19,AE16,AD11,AE9, V3,AA26T[7:2]_FD CMOS Out 2mA Full Duplex Mode – (one for each 10Mbps SerialInterface Port)AD21,AE3T[1:0]_FD CMOS OutputAD17,AE15,AF11,AE8, V1,AB26T[7:2]_COL TTL In (5VT) Collision Detected – (one for each 10Mbps SerialInterface Port)AD20,AC23T[1:0]_COL TTL In (5VT)AE18,AD13,AD10,AD7, U3,AB24,T[7:2]_CRS TTL In (5VT) Carrier Sense – (one for each 10Mbps Serial In-terface Port)AF21,AD2T[1:0]_CRS TTL In (5VT)AF17,AF14,AE11,AF7, V2,AB25,T[7:2]_LNK TTL In (5VT) Link Status – (one for each 10Mbps Serial Inter-face Port)AE21,AB3T[1:0]_LNK TTL In (5VT)Pin No(s).Symbol TypeMaxI OL/ I OH Name & FunctionsTest FacilityA25T_MODE CMOS I/O-TS 2mA Test Pin – Set Test Mode upon Reset, and pro-vides test status output during test modeN1,M3,P2,P1,N3,R2,P3,R1,T2R3,T1,R4,U2,T3,U1,U4T_D[15:10] CMOS Output4mA Test Pins – Reserved for internal use onlyPin No(s).Symbol Type Name & FunctionsPower PinsD6,D11,D16,D21,F4,F23,L4,L23,T4,T23,AA4,AA23AC6,AC11,AC16,AC21VDD Power+3.3 Volt DC SupplyA1,A2,A26,B2,B25,B26,C3,C24,D4,D9,D14,D19,D23,H4,J23,N4,P23,V4,W23,AC4,AC8,AC13,AC18,AC23,AD3,AD24,AE1,AE2,AE25,AF1, AF25VSS Power Ground1.3Pin Reference Table: (352 pin BGA)Pin #Signal Name Pin #Signal Name Pin #Signal Name Pin #Signal Name Pin #Signal NameF26P_A[1]C18S_D[13]E3L_D[7] V1T3_COL T2T_D[7] G24P_A[2]B17S_D[14]E1L_D[8] V3T3_FD R1T_D[8] E25P_A[3]A18S_D[15]F2L_D[9] Y2T3_LPBK P3T_D[9] E26P_A[4]B18S_D[16]F3L_D[10] Y1T3_TXD R2T_D[10] F24P_A[5]C19S_D[17]F1L_D[11] W1T3_TXEN N3T_D[11] D25P_A[6]A19S_D[18]G2L_D[12] W2T3_TXC P1T_D[12] D26P_A[7]B19S_D[19]G1L_D[13] AC1T3_RXC P2T_D[13] E24P_A[8]C20S_D[20]G3L_D[14] AC2T3_RXD M3T_D[14] C25P_A[9]A20S_D[21]H2L_D[15] AF7T4_LNK N1T_D[15] D24P_A[10]B20S_D[22]H1L_D[16] AD7T4_CRSC26P_A[11]A21S_D[23]H3L_D[17] AE8T4_COL D6VDDF25P_ADS#C21S_D[24]J2L_D[18] AE9T4_FD D11VDDG26P_CS#D20S_D[25]J1L_D[19] AF9T4_LPBK D16VDDH25P_RWC B21S_D[26]K2L_D[20] AE10T4_TXD D21VDDG25P_BS16#A22S_D[27] / P_C[4]J3L_D[21] AD8T4_TXEN F4VDDJ24P_RDY#C22S_D[28] / P_C[3]K1L_D[22] AF8T4_TXC F23VDDJ26P_RST#B22S_D[29] / P_C[2]K4L_D[23] AF10T4_RXC L4VDDH26P_INT A23S_D[30] / P_C[1]L2L_D[24] AD9T4_RXD L23VDDK24P_CLK C23S_D[31] / P_C[0]K3L_D[25] AE11T5_LNK T4VDDP25P_D[0]L1L_D[26] AD10T5_CRS T23VDDP26P_D[1]A11L_A[2]M2L_D[27] AF11T5_COL AA4VDDR24P_D[2]B10L_A[3]M1L_D[28] AD11T5_FD AA23VDDN25P_D[3]C11L_A[4]L3L_D[29] AE13T5_LPBK AC6VDDN26P_D[4]A10L_A[5]N2L_D[30] AF13T5_TXD AC11VDDP24P_D[5]D10L_A[6]M4L_D[31] AF12T5_TXEN AC16VDDM25P_D[6]B9L_A[7]AE12T5_TXC AC21VDDN24P_D[7]C10L_A[8]AB3T0_LNK AE14T5_RXC A1GNDM26P_D[8]A9L_A[9]AD2T0_CRS AD12T5_RXD A2GNDL25P_D[9]B8L_A[10]AC3T0_COL AF14T6_LNK A26GNDM24P_D[10]A8L_A[11]AE3T0_FD AD13T6_CRS B2GNDL26P_D[11]C9L_A[12]AF3T0_LPBK AE15T6_COL B25GNDK25P_D[12]B7L_A[13]AE4T0_TXD AE16T6_FD B26GNDL24P_D[13]D8L_A[14]AF2T0_TXEN AD15T6_LPBK C3GNDK26P_D[14]A7L_A[15]AD1T0_TXC AF16T6_TXD C24GNDJ25P_D[15]C8L_A[16]AE7T0_RXC AF15T6_TXEN D4GNDB6L_A[17]AF6T0_RXD AD14T6_TXC D9GNDD13S_CLK A6L_A[18]AE21T1_LNK AD16T6_RXC D14GNDA13S_OVLD#C7L_A[19] / OE[3]#AF21T1_CRS AE17T6_RXD D19GNDB23S_HPREQ#D5L_OE[2]#AD20T1_COL AF17T7_LNK D23GNDA24S_REQ#A5L_OE[1]#AD21T1_FD AE18T7_CRS H4GNDB24S_GNT#A3L_OE[0]AE23T1_LPBK AD17T7_COL J23GNDB12S_MSGEN#D7L_WE[3]#AF23T1_TXD AF19T7_FD N4GNDA12S_EOF#E4L_WE[2]#AF22T1_TXEN AD18T7_LPBK P23GNDC14S_IRDY B5L_WE[1]#AE22T1_TXC AE20T7_TXD V4GNDC13S_TABT#C4L_WE[0]#AC24T1_RXC AE19T7_TXEN W23GNDB13S_D[0]C6L_BWE[3]#AC25T1_RXD AF18T7_TXC AC4GNDC15S_D[1]B4L_BWE[2]#AB25T2_LNK AD19T7_RXC AC8GNDA14S_D[2]A4L_BWE[1]#AB24T2_CRS AF20T7_RXD AC13GNDD15S_D[3]C5L_BWE[0]#AB26T2_COL AC18GNDB14S_D[4]B3L_ADSC#AA26T2_FD A25T_MODE AC23GNDC16S_D[5]G4L_CLK Y26T2_LPBK AD3GNDA15S_D[6]B1L_D[0] W25T2_TXD U4T_D[0] AD24GNDB15S_D[7]C2L_D[1] AA24T2_TXEN U1T_D[1] AE1GNDA16S_D[8]C1L_D[2] AA25T2_TXC T3T_D[2] AE2GNDC17S_D[9]D2L_D[3] U24T2_RXC U2T_D[3] AE25GNDB16S_D[10]D3L_D[4] T25T2_RXD R4T_D[4] AF1GNDD17S_D[11]D1L_D[5] V2T3_LNK T1T_D[5] AF25GNDA17S_D[12]E2L_D[6] U3T3_CRS R3T_D[6]Note: Output signals with programmable polarity.Input or output pins with weak internal pull up resistors (50k to 100k Ohms each)These pins are reserved for internal use only. They should be left unconnected.2.FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION2.1Local Memory (Local Buffer Memory) InterfaceUses industry standard Synchronous Burst Mode SRAM up to 1M bytes932k x 32, 64k x 32, 128k x 32, or 256k x 32Provides separate Read and Write Chip Selects ( L_OE[3:0]# and L_WE[3:0]# ) for each memory chipSupports back to back Read or Write operations across memory chips2.1.1Pin DescriptionSymbol Type Name and FunctionsL_D[31:0] TTL I/O-TS Local Memory Data Bus Bit [31:0]– a 32-bit synchronous data bus.L_A[18:2]CMOS Output Local Memory Address Bus Bit [18:2] – Bit [18:2] of a synchronous address bus. Thememory address is sampled when L_CS# is enabled and L_ADSC# is asserted.L_A[19] / L_OE[3]#CMOS Output Local Memory Address Bus Bit [19] or Local Memory Read Chip Select [3]– De-pends on memory configuration, this pin can be used as the Local Memory Address Bit[19] or as the Local Memory Read Chip Select [3].L_OE[2:0]#CMOS Output Local Memory Read Chip Select [2:0] – allows up to read one of the 4 banks of mem-ory.L_WE[3:0]#CMOS Output Local Memory Write Chip Select [3:0]– allows up to write one of the 4 banks of mem-ory.L_BWE[3:0]#CMOS Output Local Memory Byte Write Enable [3:0]– use to write individual bytes.L_ADSC#CMOS Output Local Memory Controller Address Status– to load a new address.L_CLK CMOS Output Local Memory Clock– a synchronous clock to memory devices.L_D[31:0]TTL I/O-TS Local Memory Data Bus Bit [31:0]– a 32-bit synchronous data bus.L_A[18:2]CMOS Output Local Memory Address Bus Bit [18:2]– Bit [17:2] of a synchronous address bus. Thememory address is sampled when L_CS# is enabled and L_ADSC# is asserted.L_A[19] / L_WE[3]#CMOS Output Local Memory Address Bus Bit [19] or Local Memory Write Chip Select [3]– De-pends on memory configuration, this pin can be used as the Local Memory Address Bit[19] or as the Local Memory Write Chip Select [3].L_WE[2:0]#CMOS Output Local Memory Write Chip Select [2:0]– allows up to write one of the 4 banks of mem-ory.L_OE[3:0]#CMOS Output Local Memory Read Chip Select [3:0]– allows up to read one of the 4 banks of mem-ory.L_BWE[3:0]#CMOS Output Local Memory Byte Write Enable [3:0]– use to write individual bytes.L_ADSC#CMOS Output Local Memory Controller Address Status– to load a new address.L_CLK CMOS Output Local Memory Clock– a synchronous clock to memory devices.Note: These pins have weak internal pull up resistors (50k to 100k Ohms each).2.1.2Supported Memory ConfigurationsRead/Write Chip Select and High Address BitsChip #3Chip #2Chip #1Chip #0RAM Chip Size # of RAM Chips Total BufferMemory Size L_WE[3]#L_A[19] /L_OE[3]#L_WE[2]#L_OE[2]#L_WE[1]#L_OE[1]#L_WE[0]#L_OE[0]#32k x 321128k bytes ------------------------L_WE[0]#L_OE[0]#2256k bytes ----------------L_WE[1]#L_OE[1]#L_WE[0]#L_OE[0]#4512k bytes L_WE[3]#L_OE[3]#L_WE[2]#L_OE[2]#L_WE[1]#L_OE[1]#L_WE[0]#L_OE[0]#64k x 321256k bytes ------------------------L_WE[0]#L_OE[0]#2512k bytes ----------------L_WE[1]#L_OE[1]#L_WE[0]#L_OE[0]#41M bytes L_WE[3]#L_OE[3]#L_WE[2]#L_OE[2]#L_WE[1]#L_OE[1]#L_WE[0]#L_OE[0]#128k x321512k bytes ------------------------L_WE[0]#L_OE[0]#21M bytes ----------------L_WE[1]#L_OE[1]#L_WE[0]#L_OE[0]#256k x3211M bytes----L_A[19]----------------L_WE[0]#L_OE[0]#2.1.3Bus Cycle WaveformsL_CLK L_ADSC#L_CS#L_A[19:2]L_WE[3:0]#L_BWE[3:0]#L_OE[3:0]#L_D[31:0] (Wr)L_D[31:0] (Rd)Typical Local Memory Access Operations2.2Processor Bus InterfaceSupports various industry standard micro-processors including: 9Intel 186, 386, and 486 family or equivalent9Motorola MPC series embedded processorsEasily adapts to other industry standard CPUsProvides separate Address and Data busSupports Big & Little Endian byte ordering Supports 16-bit Data BusSupports early RDY cycle9Meets timing requirement for Intel/AMD 186 family proc-essorsSupports 1X or 2X CPU Clock92X CPU Clock for 386 family processorsProvides a single interrupt signal to Switch Manager CPU2.2.1Pin DescriptionSymbol Type Name and FunctionsP_C[4:0]CMOS Input Processor Configuration bit [4:0]:– During the Reset Cycle, the P_C[4:0] pins provides theprocessor configuration. By using external weak pull-up or -down resistors, they define the Ex-ternal Management Bus Interface Configuration. These inputs are sampled at the trailing edge ofthe Reset cycle.C[0] – Defines the CPU Clock input is 1X or 2X clockC[1] – Selects either Big or Little Endian byte orderingC[2] – Defines the polarity of the P_RWC (Rd/Wr Control) inputC[3] – Defines the CPU Bus width – For EA-208, it is default to 16-bit CPU Bus interface, andthe setting of this bit is ignored.C[4] – Defines the timing relationship between P_RDY and P_D[15:0] valid. If C[4] is High,the P_D[15:0] are valid along in the same clock period as P_RDY is asserted. If C[4]is Low, the P_RDY is asserted one clock period early ahead of the P_D[15:0] arevalid.C[0]C[1]C[2]C[3]C[4]CPU Clock Byte Order RWC Bus Size RDY TimingLo1X Clock Little Endian P_R/W#n/a NormalHi2x Clock Big Endian P_W/R#n/a EarlyAfter RESET, these pins are used as XpressFlow Bus Data bit [31:27].P_A[11:1]TTL In (5VT)Address Bus Bit [11:1]– I/O port addressP_D[15:0]TTL I/O-TS (5VT)Data Bus Bit [15:0]– a 16-bit synchronous data bus.P_ADS#TTL In (5VT)Address Strobe– indicates valid address is on the busP_RWC TTL Input (5VT)Read/Write Control– indicates the current bus cycle is a read or write cycle.C[1] defines thepolarity of this signal during the Reset cycle.C[1]=Low P_R/W# is used for PowerPC or other similar processors.C[1]=High P_W/R# is used for 386, 486 or other similar processors P_RDY#TTL Out-OD Data Ready– timing indicates for bus data validP_BS16#TTL Out-OD Bus Size 16– response to bus master that the EA208 only supports 16-bit data bus width.P_CS#TTL Input (5VT)Chip Select– indicates the XpressFlow Engine is the target for the current bus operation.P_INT CMOS Output Interrupt Request to Switch Manager CPU The polarity of this signal output is programmablevia chip configuration register.P_RST#TTL In-ST (5VT)CPU Reset– Synchronous reset Input from Switch Manager CPUP_CLK TTL In (5VT)CPU Clock– 2X Clock for 386 family, and 1X Clock for the others2.2.2Motorola MPC801 Processor InterfaceP_CLK {CLKOUT}P_ADS#{TS#}P_A[11:1]{A[20:30]}P_CS#P_RWC {RD/WR#}P_RDY#{TA#}P_D[15:0]{D[0:15]}P_D[15:0]{D[0:15]}(out)(in)Note:Mnemonics with in {} are the equivalent signals defined by MPC801Typical Motorola MPC801 CPU I/O Access Operations2.2.3Intel 486 Processor InterfaceP_CLK P_ADS#P_A[11:1]P_CS#P_W/R#P_RDY#P_D[15:0] (in)P_D[15:0] (out)Typical 486 CPU I/O Access Operations2.2.4Intel 386 Processor InterfaceP_CLKPH2 (internal)P_ADS#P_A[11:1]P_CS#P_W/R#P_RDY#P_D[15:0] (in)P_D15:0] (out)Typical 386 CPU I/O Access OperationsP_CLKPH2 (internal)P_RST#Internal PH2 Clock Synchronization **Note:** See Intel 386 Processor Data Book for more details2.2.5Register MapNote:All 32-bit registers are D-word aligned.All 16-bit registers are also D-word aligned and right justified.For the Little Endian CPUs, register offset bit [1,0] are always set to be 00.For the Big Endian CPUs, register offset bit [1,0] are always set to be 10.This is a Global Register. CPU is allowed to write the Global Register of all devices by a single operation.These registers are reserved for system diagnostic usage only.I/O OffsetRegister Description LittleEndianBigEndianReg.SizeW/R Note:Device Configuration Registers (DCR)GCR Global Control Register hF00hF0216-bit W/-- DCR0Device Status Register hF00hF0216-bit--/RDCR1Signature & Revision Register hF10hF1216-bit--/RDCR2ID Register hF20hF2216-bit W/RDCR3Device Configuration Register hF30hF3216-bit W/RDCR4Interfaces Status Register hF40hF4216-bit--/RDTSR Test Register hF70hF7216-bit W/R Interrupt ControlsISR Interrupt Status Register – Unmasked hF80hF8216-bit--/RISRM Interrupt Status Register – Masked hF90hF9216-bit--/RIMSK Interrupt Mask Register hFA0hFA216-bit W/RIAR Interrupt Acknowledgment Register hFB0hFB216-bit W/--Buffer Memory InterfaceMWAR Memory Write Address Reg. – Single Cycle hE08hE0832-bit W/RMRAR Memory Read Address Reg. – Single Cycle hE18hE1832-bit W/RMBAR Memory Address Register – Burst Mode hE28hE2832-bit W/R MWBS Memory Write Burst Size (in D-words)hE40hE4216-bit W/RMRBS Memory Read Burst Size (in D-words)hE50hE5216-bit W/R MWDR Memory Write Data Register hE68hE6832-bit W/--MWDX Memory Write Data Reg. – Byte Swapping hE6C hE6C32-bit W/--MRDR Memory Read Data Register hE68hE6832-bit--/RMRDX Memory Read Data Reg. – Byte Swapping hE6C hE6C32-bit--/RFCB Buffer & Stack ManagementFCBBA Frame Control Buffer – Base Address hD00hD0216-bit W/R FCBAG Frame Control Buffer – Buffer Aging Status hD30hD3216-bit--/R FCBSL Frame Ctrl Buffer Stack – Size Limit hD90hD9216-bit W/R FCBST Frame Ctrl Buffer Stack – Buffer Low Threshold hDA0hDA216-bit W/R FCBSS Frame Ctrl Buffer Stack – Allocation Status hDB0hDB216-bit--/RI/O OffsetRegister Description LittleEndianBigEndianReg.SizeW/R Note:Access Control Function (Chip Level controls)AVXR VLAN Control Table (VCT) Index Register hC00hC0216-bit W/--AVDR VCT Data Register hC10hC1216-bit W/RAVTC VLAN Type Code hC20hC2216-bit W/RAXSC Transmission Scheduling Control Register hC30hC3216-bit W/RAMIIC MII Command Register hC40hC4032-bit W/--AMIIS MII Status Register hC40hC4032-bit--/RAFCR Flow Control Register hC70hC7216-bit W/RAMAR0Multicast Address. for MAC Control Frames Byte [1,0]hC80hC8216-bit W/RAMAR1Byte [3,2]hC90hC9216-bit W/RAMAR2Byte [5,4]hCA0hCA216-bit W/RAMCT MAC Control FrameType Code Register hCB0hCB216-bit W/RADAR0Base MAC Address Register – Byte [1,0]hCC0hCC216-bit W/RADAR1Base MAC Address Register – Byte [3,2]hCD0hCD216-bit W/RADAR2Base MAC Address Register – Byte [5,4]hCE0hCE216-bit W/R Ethernet MAC Port Control Registers – (substitute [n] with Port Number, n = {0..3] )ECR0MAC Port Control Register h n00h n0216-bit W/RECR1MAC Port Configuration Register h n10h n1216-bit W/RECR2MAC Port Interrupt Mask Register hn20hn2216-bit W/RECR3MAC Port Interrupt Status Register hn30hn3216-bit--/R EXSR MAC Tx Status Register hn40hn4216-bit--/R EXEC MAC Tx Error Counters hn50hn5216-bit--/R ERSR MAC Rx Status Register hn68hn6832-bit--/R EREC MAC Rx Error Counters hn78hn7832-bit--/R2.3XpressFlow Bus OperationZarlink’s optimized XpressFlow Bus architectureProvides 1.6G bps switching bandwidth9-33 1.07G bps9-40 1.28G bps9-50 1.6G bpsFull multi bus master structureAllows XpressFlow Engine to communicate with Access Con-trollers via a message passing protocol9Command Messages for passing control information be-tween devices9Data Messages for forwarding an Ethernet frame from re-ceiving port to transmission portBuilt-in intelligent bus load regulator for data traffic balancing Provides centralized bus arbitration with two level request pri-orities9High priority for Data Messages9Low priority for Command Messages2.3.1Pin DescriptionSymbol Type Name and FunctionsS_D[31:0]CMOSI/O-TS Data Bus Bit [31:0]– a 32-bit synchronous data bus.Note:During the system RESET period, Data Bit [31:28] are used as Processor Interface Configuration bit [0:3]S_MSGEN#CMOSI/O-TS Message Envelope– encompasses the entire period of a message transfer. Targets use the leading edge of this signal to detect the beginning of a message transfer, and to decode the message header for the intended target(s).S_EOF#CMOSI/O-TS End of Frame– only used by frame data transfer messages to identify the end of frame condi-tion. This signal is synchronous with the Rx Frame Status word appended to the end of the message.S_IRDY CMOSI/O-TS Initiator Ready– a normal true signal. When negated, it indicates the initiator had asserted wait state(s) in between command words. Target should use this signal as enable signal for latching the data from the bus.S_TABT#CMOSI/O-OD Target Abort– when asserted, the target had aborted the reception of current message on the bus.S_HPREQ#CMOSI/O-OD High Priority Request– indicates one or more Bus Requester is requesting for high priority message transfer.S_REQ#CMOSOutput Bus Request–Bus Request signals from Access Controller to Bus Access Arbitrator in Xpress-Flow EngineS_GNT#CMOS In-putBus Grant–Bus Grant signals from Bus Arbitrator to Bus RequesterS_OVLD#CMOSOutput Bus Overload– when asserted, all data forwarding bus bandwidth has been allocated. Cannot support additional load for data forwarding traffic.S_CLK CMOSInputXpressFlow Bus Clock– 33MHz system clock2.3.2Bus Cycle WaveformsS_CLKS_MSGEN#S_D[31:0]S_EOF#S_IRDYXpressFlow Bus Data Transfer CycleCommand Cycle Data Xfer w/o Data Aborted CommandS_CLKS_MSGEN#S_D[31:0]S_EOF#S_TABT#Other XpressFlow Bus CyclesS_CLK S_REQ[k]#S_REQ[j]#S_HPREQ#High Priority Request pre-empts the low priority request.S_MSGEN#S_REQ[j]#S_GNT[j]#S_HPREQ#S_REQ[I]#S_GNT[I]#XpressFlow Bus arbitrationS_CLKS_OVLD#Bus Overload pre-empts the data transfer request2.410Mb Serial Interface for Port 0 through 7Fully compliant with IEEE 802.3 10M bit Serial Interface Stan-dard for connecting with external 10Mbps Ethernet Physical Layer TransceiverSupports 10Mbps 10BaseT serial interface Supports both half and full duplex operation2.4.1Pin DescriptionSymbol Type Name and FunctionsTn_RXD TTL In (5VT)Receive Data – (one for each 10M bit Serial Interface Port) a receive data stream.Tn_RXC TTL In (5VT)Receive Clock – (one for each 10M bit Serial Interface Port) from external phy for sampling the receive data from Tn_RXD inputTn_TXC TTL In (5VT)Transmit Clock – (one for each 10M bit Serial Interface Port) a continuous clock input with 35% to 65% duty cycles.Tn_TXEN CMOS Output Transmit Enable – (one for each 10M bit Serial Interface Port)Tn_TXD CMOS Output Transmit Data – (one for each 10M bit Serial Interface Port) a transmit data stream.Tn_LPBK CMOS Output Loop Back Enable – (one for each 10M bit Serial Interface Port) The polarity of this signal is programmable via Port Configuration RegisterTn_FDCMOS Output Full Duplex Mode – (one for each 10M bit Serial Interface Port) The polarity of this signal is programmable via Port Configuration RegisterTn_COL TTL In (5VT)Collision Detected – (one for each 10M bit Serial Interface Port)Tn_CRS TTL In (5VT)Carrier Sense – (one for each 10M bit Serial Interface Port)Tn_LNKTTL In (5VT)Link Status –(one for each 10M bit Serial Interface Port) The polarity of this signal is pro-grammable via Port Configuration RegisterNote :“n” is the port number [7:0]These signals have programmable output polarity.TXCTXENTXD10M bit Serial Interface – Transmit TimingCRSRXCRXD10M bit Serial Interface – Receive Timing2.5Test PinsSymbol Type Name and FunctionsT_MODECMOS I/O-TSTest Mode Selection & Test Output – Set Test Mode upon Reset, and provides test status output during test mode3.DC SPECIFICATION3.1ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSStorage Temperature-50°C to +125°COperating Temperature0°C to +70°CSupply Voltage V DD with Respect to V SS+3.0 V to +3.6 VVoltage on 5V Tolerant Input Pins-0.5 V to (V DD+ 1.8 V)Voltage on Other Input Pins-0.5 V to (V DD + 10%)Stresses above those listed may cause permanent device failure. Functionality at or above these limits is not implied. Exposure to Ab-solute Maximum Ratings for extended periods may affect device reliability.3.2DC CHARACTERISTICSV DD= +3.0 V to +3.6 V T AMBIENT= 0°C to +70°CPreliminarySymbol Parameter Description Min Type Max Unitf osc Frequency of Operation (-40)2040.0000MHzFrequency of Operation (-50)2050.0000MHzFrequency of Operation (-66)2066.6667MHzI DD Supply Power – @ 40 MHz (V DD=3.3 V)300 500mASupply Power – @ 50 MHz (V DD=3.3 V)300500mASupply Power – @ 66.67 MHz (V DD=3.3 V)360600mA V OH-CMOS Output High Voltage (CMOS) I OH= maximum V DD- 0.5V V OL-CMOS Output Low Voltage (CMOS) I OL= maximum0.45V V OH-TTL Output High Voltage (TTL) I OH= maximum 2.4V V OL-TTL Output Low Voltage (TTL) I OL= maximum0.45V V IH-CMOS Input High Voltage (CMOS)VDD x 70%V DD+ 10%V V IL-CMOS Input Low Voltage (CMOS)-0.5VDD x 30%V V IH-TTL Input High Voltage (TTL) 2.0V DD+ 10%V V IL-TTL Input Low Voltage (TTL)-0.3+0.8V V IH-5VT Input High Voltage (TTL 5V tolerant) 2.0V DD+ 1.8V V IL-5VT Input Low Voltage (TTL 5V tolerant)-0.3+0.8V±10µAI LI Input Leakage Current (0.1 V ) V IN) V DD)(all pins except those with internal pull-up/pull-down resis-tors)I LO Output Leakage Current (0.1 V ) V OUT) V DD)±15µA60µAI IH Input Leakage Current V IH= V DD- 0.1 V(pins with internal pull-down resistors)-60µAI IL Input Leakage Current V IL= 0.1 V(pins with internal pull-up resistors)C IN Input Capacitance8pFC OUT Output Capacitance8pFC I/O I/O Capacitance10pF Notes:4.AC SPECIFICATION4.1XpressFlow Bus Interface:S_CLK S_D[31:0] S_MSGEN#S_EOF#S_IRDYS_TABT#S_HPREQ#S_GNT#S_OVLD#XpressFlow Bus Interface –Input setup and hold timingS_CLKS_D[31:0]S_MSGEN#S_EOF#S_IRDYXpressFlow Bus Interface –Output float delay timing S_CLKS_D[31:0]S_MSGEN#S_EOF#S_IRDYS_TABT#S_HPREQ#S_REQ#XpressFlow Bus Interface –Output valid delay timing。



0 10−2
surge duration (s)
f = 50 Hz; Tmb ≤ 99 °C.
Fig 4. RMS on-state current as a function of surge duration; maximum values.
Tmb (°C)
T2+ G+
T2+ G−
T2− G−
T2− G+
latching current
VD = 12 V; IGT = 0.1 A;
Figure 10
T2+ G+
T2+ G−
T2− G−
T2− G+
holding current
VD = 12 V; IGT = 0.1 A;
Figure 11
on-state voltage
BT139B series E
Triacs; sensitive gate
102 (1)
T t
Tj(initial) = 25 °C max
T (ms)
tp ≤ 20 ms. (1) dIT/dt limit. (2) T2− G+ quadrant.
repetitive peak off-state voltage BT139B-600E



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ProduktebeschreibungDer AS168X ist ein thermisch magnetischer Hochleistungs CBE, der in der Lage ist, bei Kurzschluss-Abschaltungen den Durchlass-Strom drastisch zu reduzieren. Die Serie ist erhältlich in Ausführungen mit einem bis vier geschützten Polen, die in Wechselstrom- oder Gleich-stromnetzen eingesetzt werden können. Mehrpolige CBE sind intern und beim Kipphebel mechanisch verbunden, um gleichzeitiges Schal-ten zu gewährleisten. Dies gilt auch für eine Kombination mit dem schaltbaren Null-Leiter Pol. Raffiniert konstruierte Liftklemmen auf der Eingangs- und Abgangsseite ermöglichen einen bequemen Netz- und Lastanschluss. Die Klemmen sind zum Anschluss von Leitern mit 1,5bis 25 mm 2Querschnitt geeignet, (AWG #16...4).Der AS168X ist einsetzbar als Geräteschutzschalter nach UL 1077 /EN 60934 oder als Motorschutzschalter nach UL 508 bzw.CSA 22.2 14. Der Schalter ist somit vielseitig einsetzbar und eignet sich für folgende Funktionen:• Motor overload protection (thermisch und magnetisch)• Motor starting across-the-line (direct-on-line)• Motor starting with motor disconnect (cos phi 0,4–0,5)• Motor group installation (short capacity 5 kA)• Control circuitsZubehör•HilfskontakteJedes Modul ist mit einem Öffnungs- oder Schliesskontakt ausgerüstet.•Signalkontakt-ModulSignalkontakt Module sind intern mit dem benachbarten Pol verbunden, weisen aber keine Verbindung der Kipphebel auf. Daher schaltet dieses Modul nur beim automatischen Auslösen der benachbarten Pole, aber nicht bei manueller Betätigung.•FremdauslösungDieses Modul kann für die Fernauslösung der benachbarten Pole mittels eines Spannungspulses verwendet werden.•Schaltbarer Neutralleiter PolDieses Modul erlaubt ein automatisches Öffnen des Neutralleiters wenn die geschützten Pole auslösen.Besondere Merkmale•Exzellentes Abschaltvermögen (bis zu 10 kA)•Ermöglicht hohe Selektivitätsgrenzen durch energiebegrenzendes Schalten•Grosse Auswahl von AuslösekennlinienAnpassungsfähigkeit an die Applikations-Bedingungen •Ausführungen für Wechsel- und Gleichstrom in gleicher Gehäusegrösse•Kompakte «fingersichere» Bauweise •Einfache Montage (DIN-Schiene)Anwendungen• Industrieller Maschinenbau • Automation• Klima- und Ventilationsanlagen • Transformatoren • Stromversorgungen•Telekommunikationsanlagen • Computersysteme • Testsysteme • MedizinalgeräteProduct descriptionThe AS168X is a thermal magnetic high performance CBE to IEC 934and a «supplementary protector» to UL 1077. It is capable of drasti-cally limiting the «let-through energy» in case of short circuit interrup-tions. The series is available in units from one to four poles for use in AC and DC circuits. Multipole devices are connected internally and at the handle for simultaneous operation. This applies also to combina-tions with the switched neutral pole. Well designed screw type term-inals at line and load side are provided for safe and easy connection to line and load. They accept #16 to 4 AWG / 1,5 to 25 mm 2.The AS168X is suitable as supplementary protector under UL 1077 / EN 60934 or as Manual Motor Controller according UL 508 / CSA 22.2 14. Thus the Breaker has a high versatility and is suitable for many functions:• Motor overload protection (thermal and magnetic)• Motor starting across-the-line (direct-on-line)• Motor starting with motor disconnect (cos phi 0,4–0,5)• Motor group installation (short capacity 5 kA)• Control circuitsAccessories•Auxiliary contact moduleEach auxiliary contact module contains one contact, either normally open or normally closed.•Signal contact moduleSignal contact modules are linked internally with the protected poles but not linked at the handles.Contacts are actuated by a fault condition at the protected poles, not by the manual operation of the CBE.•Relay trip moduleThe relay trip module can be used for remote tripping of the adjacent poles by applying a voltage to the module’s terminal.•Switched neutral pole (factory assembled)This module allows to automatically open the neutral line when the protected poles have been tripped.Features •Excellent short circuit performance (up to 10 kA)•High limits of discrimination (due to energy limitation)•Wide choice of characteristics (Adaptability)•Availability of AC and DC in the same frame size •Compact, «finger safe» design •Ease installation (on DIN rail)Applications• Industrial machines • Automation• Aircondition, ventilation • Transformers • Power supplies • Telecom systems • Computer systems • Test systems• Medical equipmentsBeispiel DC-Version:Nennstrom bei +23°C 10 A Umgebungstemperatur +50°C Korrekturfaktor1,2Gewählter Nennstrom bei +50°C Umgebungstemperatur 10 A x 1,2 = 12 AUmgebungs-Korrekturfaktortemperatur [°C]AC-Version DC-Version–20 0,78 0,80–5 0,82 0,870 0,83 0,90+10 0,87 0,95+23 0,91 1,00+30 0,95 1,05+40 1,00 1,10+50 1,05 1,20+60 1,11 1,30Einfluss derUmgebungstemperaturAC-Schalter sind für eine Umgebungs-temperatur von +40°C geeicht, DC-Schalter für +23°C.Zur Bestimmung des Nennstromes für eine tiefere oder höhere Umgebungs-temperatur ist ein Korrekturfaktor gemäss untenstehender Tabelle zu verwenden:Example DC version:Rated current at +23°C 10 A Ambient temperature +50°C Correction factor1,2Chosen rated current at +50°C ambient temperature 10 A x 1,2 = 12 ATripping characteristic F Auslösekennlinie FTripping characteristic G Auslösekennlinie GTripping characteristic H Auslösekennlinie HAmbientCorrection factortemperature [°C]AC version DC version–20 0,78 0,80–5 0,82 0,870 0,83 0,90+10 0,87 0,95+23 0,91 1,00+30 0,95 1,05+40 1,00 1,10+50 1,05 1,20+60 1,11 1,30Effect of ambient temperatureAC-breakers are calibrated for an ambient temperature of +40°C, DC-breakers for +23°C. To determine the rated current for a lower or higher ambient temperature, usea correction factor from the table below:Multiple of rated current (x I n )Nennstrom-Vielfaches (x I n )nT r i p p i n g t i m e / A u s l ös e z e itMultiple of rated current (x I n )Nennstrom-Vielfaches (x I n )nT r i p p i n g t i m e / A u s l ös e z e itMultiple of rated current (x I n )Nennstrom-Vielfaches (x I n )nT r i p p i n g t i m e / A u s l ös e z e itTripping characteristic DF Auslösekennlinie DFTripping characteristic DG Auslösekennlinie DGTripping characteristic DHAuslösekennlinie DHMultiple of rated current (x I n )Nennstrom-Vielfaches (x I n )nT r i p p i n g t i m e / A u s l ös e z e itMultiple of rated current (x I n )Nennstrom-Vielfaches (x I n )nT r i p p i n g t i m e / A u s l ös e z e itMultiple of rated current (x I n )Nennstrom-Vielfaches (x I n )nT r i p p i n g t i m e / A u s l ös e z e itApprovals / ApprobationenUL UL UL 1077CSA 22.2 235UL 508 **CSA 22.2 14Volt DCVolt ACIcn [A]2776527750002772406527750002776527750002772406527750004806548050004806548050004806548065480Y/27765UL UL 1077CSA 22.2 235Volt DC180180360360360360360360360AC versions / AC-VersionenDC versions / DC-Versionen* VDE approval pending / VDE Zulassung pendent** Rated currents 32–52 A available approx. March 2003/ Nennwerte 32–52 A ca. ab März 2003 lieferbarConversion table Ampere rating – Horsepower rating / Umrechnungstabelle Ampère – Horsepower HORSEPOWER(FLA & LRC RATINGS APPLY WHERE NO HP RATING IS GIVEN)NOMINAL CIRCUIT VOLTAGE, VacAS168X-CB MOTOR NAMEPLATE110-120200208220-240265277380-415440-480Rated Current (See Note #1)FLA Rating Starting/LRC Rating1pole2 pole0.5A 0.5A 3°1A 1A 6°1/101.5A 1.5A 9°1/101/101/101/62A 2A 12A 1/81/61/61/43A 3A 18A 1/101/61/61/41/41/31/31/24A 4A 24A 1/81/41/31/31/31/31/215A 5A 30A 1/61/31/31/21/21/23/4 1 1/26A 6A 36A 1/41/21/21/23/43/4127A 7A 42A 1/41/21/23/411 1 1/228A 8A 48A 1/33/43/4111229A 9A 54A 1/33/411 1 _ 1 1/22310A 10A 60A 1/211 1 1/2 1 1/222312A 12A 72A 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/22223313A 13A 78A 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/22223315A 15A 90A 3/4222333516A 16A 96A 1222333518A 18A 108A 1223335520A 20A 120A 1 1/2333335523A 23A 138A 1 1/23333357 1/225A 25A 150A 23335557 1/227A 27A 162A 2333557 1/21030A 30A 180A2335557 1/210HORSEPOWER(FLA & LRC RATINGS APPLY WHERE NO HP RATING IS GIVEN)AS168X-CBMOTOR NAMEPLATE NOMINAL CIRCUIT VOLTAGE, VAC110-120200208220-240380-415440-480Rated Current(See Note #1)FLA Rating Starting/LRC Rating3 pole0.5A 0.5A 1A 1A 1.5A 1.5A 10A 1/21/22A 2A 12.5A 3/43/43A 3A 20A 1/21/21/21 1 1/24A 4A 25A 3/43/43/4 1 1/225A 5A 32A 1/2111236A 6A 32A 1/211 1 1/2237A 7A 32A 3/4 1 1/2 1 1/22338A 8A 46A 3/4222359A 9A 46A 12223510A 10A 46A 12235512A 12A 63.5A 1 1/233357 1/213A 13A 63.5A 1 1/233357 1/215A 15A 81A 23337 1/21016A 16A 81A 23357 1/21018A 18A 81A 2555101020A 20A 81A 3555101023A 23A 116A 3557 1/2101525A 25A 116A 357 1/27 1/2101527A 27A 145A 37 1/27 1/27 1/2152030A30A145A37 1/27 1/2101520HP-Rating: 1 phase (1 pole & 2 pole):Note #1: For AC motor circuit nameplate FLA loads, AC general-use loads, AC resistance loadsVoltage Rating:One pole:AC 277 V , 1 phaseTwo pole:AC 480Y/277 V , 1 phase Three pole:AC 480Y/277 V , 3 phaseHP-Rating: 3 phase (3 pole):Order code / BestellcodeBasic type / GrundtypThermal magnetic high performance circuit breakerThermisch-magnetischer Hochleistungs-Geräteschutzschalter Number of poles / Polzahl 1234Tripping characteristics / AuslösekennlinienThermal Magnetic Deliverable currents Thermisch Magnetisch Lieferbare Nennströme F 1.0–1.25 xI n 3 – 5 xI n 0,5 – 52 A G 1.0–1.25 xI n 6 – 10 xI n 0,5 – 52 A H 1.0–1.25 xI n 12 – 20 xI n 0,5 – 52 A DF 1.05–1.35 xI n 4,5 – 8 xI n 0,5 – 50 A DG 1.05–1.35 xI n 9 – 16 xI n 0,5 – 50 A DH1.05–1.35 xI n18 – 32 xI n6,0 – 50 ARated current / Nennstrom Switched neutral pole /Schaltbarer neutraler Pol NAuxiliary contact / Hilfskontakt H1Assumes the same contact position as the protected polesGleiche Kontaktposition wie die geschützten Pole (gleichschaltend)H2Assumes the opposite contact position as the protected polesEntgegengesetzte Kontaktposition wie die geschützten Pole (gegenschaltend)Signal contact / Signalkontakt S1Assumes the same contact position as the protected polesGleiche Kontaktposition wie die geschützten Pole (gleichschaltend)S2Assumes the opposite contact position as the protected polesEntgegengesetzte Kontaktposition wie die geschützten Pole (gegenschaltend)Relay trip module / Fremdauslösung A1AC/DC 5 – 12 V A2AC/DC 10 – 24 V A3AC/DC 20 – 48 V A4AC/DC 40 – 110 V A5AC/DC 90 – 240 VAccessories / ZubehörMust be ordered separately /muss separat bestellt werden2DG 200N AS168X – CB S2AS168X – ACB Code I n (A)060 6.00707.00808.00909.010010.012012.015015.0Code I n (A)0050.5010 1.0015 1.5020 2.0030 3.0040 4.00505.0Code I n (A)16016.018018.020020.023023.025025.027027.030030.0Code I n (A)32032.035035.040040.045045.050050.052052.0** AC version only / Nur AC-VersionDIN rail mounting / Hutschiene DIN-BefestigungAS168X-CB1……NWire crosssection Max. torqueDrahtquerschnitt Max. Drehmoment 1.5...10 mm 2 2.5 Nm 16 ...25 mm 2 3.1 Nm AWG #16...822 Ib–in AWG #6 (4)28 Ib–inAS168X-ACBH.AS168X-ACBS.AS168X-ACBA.Accessories / ZubehörAS168X-ACBLOALockout attachment / AbschliessverriegelungSchematic diagrams /SchaltbilderAS168X-CB1…AS168X-ACBH2AS168X-CB1…AS168X-ACBH1AS168X-CB1…NAS168X-CB1…AS168X-CB1…AS168X-ACBS1AS168X-CB1…AS168X-ACBS2AS168X-CB1…AS168X-ACBA.。



IT是什么意思?IT是指信息技术,即英文Information Technology 的缩写.bt是什么意思? BT是一种P2P共享软件,全名叫"BitTorrent",中文全称:"比特流"又名"****下载",论坛中说某BT,则是"****"的意思.diy是什么意思? DIY是每个电脑爱好者熟悉的新名词,是英文Do It Yourself的首字母缩写,自己动手制作的意思,硬件爱好者也被俗称DIYer.oem是什么意思? OEM是英文Original Equipment Manufacturer的缩写,意思是原设备制造商。

bbs是什么意思? BBS是英文Bulletin Board System的缩写,中文意思是电子公告板系统,现在国内统称做论坛。

xp是什么意思? XP,是英文Experience(体验)的缩写, 自从微软发布Office XP后,成为软件流行命名概念.ZT是什么意思? 论坛上常见文章标有zt字样,新手不知所云,其实不过是"转帖"的拼音缩写而已.ps是什么意思? 在网上,常用软件一般都用缩写代替photoshop简称ps,DreamWeaver简称dw,等等..ID是什么意思?ID是英文IDentity的缩写,ID是身份标识号码的意思.msn是什么意思? MSN 即MICROSOFT NETWORK, 是微软公司的一个门户站点. MSN作为互联网上最受欢迎的一个门户, 具备了为用户提供了在线调查、浏览和购买各种产品和服务的能力.dj是什么意思? DJ是DISCO JOCIKEY(唱片骑士)的英文缩写,以DISCO为主,DJ这两个字现在已经代表了最新、最劲、最毒、最HIGH的Muisc。

URL是什么意思? URL是英文Uniform Resoure Locator的缩写,即统一资源定位器,它是WWW网页的地址.ceo是什么意思? CEO(Chief Executive Officer),即首席执行官,源自美国20世纪60年代进行公司治理结构改革创新时.ova是什么意思? OV A是英文录象带的缩写.vip什么意思? VIP是英文Very Important Person的缩写,就是贵宾的意思。



1/9®BTA/BTB24,BTA25,BTA26and T25SeriesSNUBBERLESS ™&STANDARD25A TRIAC SSeptember 2000-Ed:3MAIN FEATURES:DESCRIPTIONAvailable either in through-hole of surface and T25mount packages,the BTA/BTB24-25-26triac series is suitable for general purpose AC power switching.They can be used as an ON/OFF function in applications such as static relays,heating regulation,water heaters,induction motor starting circuits...or for phase control operation in high power motor speed controllers,soft start circuits...The snubberless versions (BTA/BTB...W and T25series)are specially recommended for use on inductive loads,thanks to their high commutation performances.By using an internal ceramic pad,the BTA series provides voltage insulated tab (rated at 2500V RMS)complying with UL standards (File ref.:E81734).Symbol Value Unit I T(RMS)25A V DRM /V RRM 600and 800V I GT (Q 1)35to 50mAABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol ParameterValueUnit I T(RMS)RMS on-state current (full sine wave)D P AK TO-220AB Tc =100°C 25ARD91TOP3Ins.Tc =90°C TO-220AB Ins.Tc =75°C I TSM Non repetitive surge peak on-state current (full cycle,Tj initial =25°C)F =60Hz t =16.7ms 260A F =50Hzt =20ms250I t I t Value for fusingtp =10ms450A s dI/dtCritical rate of rise of on-state current I G =2x I GT ,tr ≤100nsF =120Hz Tj =125°C 50A/µs V DSM /V RSM Non repetitive surge peak off-statevoltagetp =10ms Tj =25°C V DRM /V RRM+100V I GM Peak gate currenttp =20µsTj =125°C 4A P G(AV)Average gate power dissipation Tj =125°C1W T stg T jStorage junction temperature range Operating junction temperature range-40to +150-40to +125°C GA2A1GA2A2A1GA2A2A1TO-220AB (BTB24)TO-220AB Insulated (BTA24)TOP3Insulated (BTA26)A1A2GA2A2GA1A2A1GD 2PAK (T25G)RD91(BTA25)BTA/BTB24,BTA25,BTA26and T25Series2/9ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tj =25°C,unless otherwise specified)sSNUBBERLESS ™(3Quadrants)T25-G,BTA/BTB24...W,BTA25...W,BTA26...WsSTANDARD (4Quadrants):BTA25...B,BTA26...BSTATIC CHARACTERISTICSNote 1:minimum IGT is guaranted at 5%of IGT max.Note 2:for both polarities of A2referenced to A1Symbol Test ConditionsQuadrantT25BTA/BTB UnitT2535CW BW I GT (1)V D =12V R L =33ΩI -II -III MAX.353550mA V GT I -II -III MAX. 1.3V V GD V D =V DRM R L =3.3k ΩTj =125°CI -II -IIIMIN.0.2V I H (2)I T =500mA MAX.505075mA I L I G =1.2I GTI -III MAX.707080mA II8080100dV/dt (2)V D =67%V DRM gate open Tj =125°CMIN.5005001000V/µs (dI/dt)c (2)Without snubberTj =125°CMIN.131322A/msSymbol Test ConditionsQuadrant Value Unit I GT (1)V D =12VR L =33ΩI -II -III IV MAX.50100mA V GT ALL MAX. 1.3V V GD V D =V DRM R L =3.3k ΩTj =125°CALLMIN.0.2V I H (2)I T =500mA MAX.80mA I L I G =1.2I GTI -III -IVMAX.70mAII160dV/dt (2)V D =67%V DRM gate open Tj =125°CMIN.500V/µs (dV/dt)c (2)(dI/dt)c =13.3A/msTj =125°CMIN.10V/µs Symbol Test ConditionsValue Unit V TM (2)I TM =35Atp =380µsTj =25°C MAX. 1.55V V to (2)Threshold voltage Tj =125°C MAX.0.85V R d (2)Dynamic resistance Tj =125°C MAX.16m ΩI DRM I RRMV DRM =V RRMTj =25°C MAX.5µA Tj =125°C3mABTA/BTB24,BTA25,BTA26and T25Series3/9THERMAL RESISTANCESS:Copper surface under tabPRODUCT SELECTORBTB:Non insulated TO-220AB packageORDERING INFORMATIONSymbol ParameterValue Unit R th(j-c)Junction to case (AC)D PAK TO-220AB 0.8°C/WRD91(Insulated)TOP3Insulated 1.1TO-220AB Insulated1.7R th(j-a)Junction to ambientS =1cmD PAK 45°C/WTOP3Insulated 50TO-220AB 60TO-220AB InsulatedPart NumberVoltage (xxx)SensitivityType Package 600V800V BTB24-xxxB X X 50mA Standard TO-220AB BTA/BTB24-xxxBW X X 50mA Snubberless TO-220AB BTA/BTB24-xxxCW X X 35mA Snubberless TO-220AB BTA25-xxxB X X 50mA Standard RD-91BTA25-xxxBW X X 50mA Snubberless RD-91BTA25-xxxCW X X 35mA Snubberless RD-91BTA26-xxxB X X 50mA Standard TOP3Ins.BTA26-xxxBW X X 50mA Snubberless TOP3Ins.BTA26-xxxCW X X 35mA Snubberless TOP3Ins.T2535-xxxGXX35mASnubberlessDPAK BT A 24-600BWTRIAC SERIES INSULATION:A:insulatedB:non insulatedCURRENT:24:25A in TO-220AB 25:25A in Rd9126:25A in TOP3SENSITIVITY &TYPE B:50mA STANDARDBW:50mA SNUBBERLESS CW:35mA SNUBBERLESSVOLTAGE:600:600V 800:800VBTA/BTB24,BTA25,BTA26and T25Series4/9OTHER INFORMATIONNote :xxx=voltage,y =sensitivity,z =typePart NumberMarkingWeight Base quantity Packing mode BTA/BTB24-xxxyz BTA/BTB24xxxyz 2.3g 250Bulk BTA25-xxxyz BTA25xxxyz 20g 25Bulk BTA26-xxxyz BTA26xxxyz 4.5g 120Bulk T2535-xxxG T2535xxxG 1.5g 50Tube T2535-xxxG-TRT2535xxxG1.5g1000Tape &reelT 2535-600G(-TR)TRIAC SERIES SENSITIVITY:35:35mAVOLTAGE:600:600V 800:800VCURRENT:25APACKAGE:G:D PAK2PACKING MODE:Blank:Tube-TR:Tape &ReelBTA/BTB24,BTA25,BTA26and T25Series5/9Fig.1:Maximum power dissipation versus RMS on-state current (full cycle).Fig.2-1:RMS on-state current versus case temperature (full cycle).Fig.2-2:D P AK RMS on-state current versus ambient temperature (printed circuit board FR4,copper thickness:35µm),full cycle.Fig.3:Relative variation of thermal impedance versus pulse duration.Fig.4:On-state characteristics (maximumvalues).Fig.5:Surge peak on-state current versus number of cycles.5101520250510********IT(RMS)(A)P (W)025507510012551015202530Tc(°C)IT(RMS)(A)BTA24BTB/T25BTA25/262550751001250.°C)IT(RMS)(A)D PAK (S=1cm )221E-31E-21E-11E+01E+11E+25E+21E-31E-21E-11E+0tp (s)K=[Zth/Rth]Zth(j-c)Zth(j-a)BTA/BTB24/T25Zth(j-a)BTA260. 4.5110100300VTM (V)ITM (A)Tj=25°CTj maxTj max.Vto =0.85V Rd =16m Ω110100100050100150200250300Number of cyclesITSM (A)Non repetitive Tj initial=25°CRepetitive Tc=75°COne cyclet=20msBTA/BTB24,BTA25,BTA26and T25Series6/9Fig.6:Non-repetitive surge peak on-state current for a sinusoidal pulse with width tp <10ms,and corresponding value of I t.Fig.7:Relative variation of gate trigger current,holding current and latching current versus junction temperature (typical values).Fig.8:Relative variation of critical rate of decrease of main current versus (dV/dt)c (typical values).Fig.9:Relative variation of critical rate of decrease of main current versus junction temperature.Fig.10:D PAK Thermal resistance junction to ambient versus copper surface under tab (printed circuit board FR4,copper thickness:35µm). (ms)ITSM (A),I t (A s)Tj initial=25°CITSMI tdI/dt limitation:50A/µs-40-20204060801001201400.°C)IGT,IH,IL[Tj]/IGT,IH,IL[Tj=25°C]IGTIH &IL0.11.010.0100. (V/µs)(dI/dt)c [(dV/dt)c]/Specified (dI/dt)cBW/CW/T2535B2550751001250123456Tj (°C)(dI/dt)c [Tj]/(dI/dt)c [Tj specified]4812162024283236401020304050607080S(cm )Rth(j-a)(°C/W)D PAKBTA/BTB24,BTA25,BTA26and T25Series7/9PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA D PAK (Plastic)REF.DIMENSIONSMillimeters Inches Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.A 4.30 4.600.1690.181A1 2.49 2.690.0980.106A20.030.230.0010.009B 0.700.930.0270.037B2 1.25 1.400.0480.055C 0.450.600.0170.024C2 1.21 1.360.0470.054D 8.959.350.3520.368E 10.0010.280.3930.405G 4.88 5.280.1920.208L 15.0015.850.5900.624L2 1.27 1.400.0500.055L3 1.40 1.750.0550.069R 0.400.016V20°8°0°8°AC2DR2.0MIN.FLAT ZONEA2V2CA1GLL3L2BB2EFOOTPRINT DIMENSIONS (in millimeters)D PAK (Plastic)8.903.701.305.0816.9010.30BTA/BTB24,BTA25,BTA26and T25Series8/9PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA RD91(Plastic)REF.DIMENSIONSMillimeters InchesMin.Max.Min.Max.A 40.00 1.575A129.9030.30 1.1771.193A222.000.867B 27.00 1.063B113.5016.500.5310.650B224.000.945C 14.000.551C1 3.500.138C2 1.95 3.000.0770.118E30.700.900.0270.035F 4.00 4.500.1570.177I 11.2013.600.4410.535L1 3.10 3.500.1220.138L2 1.70 1.900.0670.075N133°43°33°43°N228°38°28°38°A2L2L1B2CC2A1C1B1N1BFIAE3N2PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA TOP3(Plastic)REF.DIMENSIONSMillimeters Inches Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.A 4.4 4.60.1730.181B 1.45 1.550.0570.061C 14.3515.600.5650.614D 2.7 2.90.1060.114F 15.816.50.6220.650G 20.421.10.8150.831H 5.4 5.650.2130.222K 3.4 3.650.1340.144L 4.08 4.170.1610.164P 1.201.400.0470.055R4.600.181BTA/BTB24,BTA25,BTA26and T25Series9/9PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA TO-220AB (Plastic)REF.DIMENSIONSMillimeters Inches Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.A 15.2015.900.5980.625a1 3.750.147a213.0014.000.5110.551B 10.0010.400.3930.409b10.610.880.0240.034b2 1.23 1.320.0480.051C 4.40 4.600.1730.181c10.490.700.0190.027c2 2.40 2.720.0940.107e 2.40 2.700.0940.106F 6.20 6.600.2440.259I 3.75 3.850.1470.151I415.8016.4016.800.6220.6460.661L 2.65 2.950.1040.116l2 1.14 1.700.0440.066l3 1.14 1.700.0440.066M2.600.102MBl4Cb2a2l2c2l3b1a1AFLIec1Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable.However,STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics.Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.©The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics ©2000STMicroelectronics -Printed in Italy -All Rights ReservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia -Brazil -China -Finland -France -Germany -Hong Kong -India -Italy -Japan -Malaysia -Malta -MoroccoSingapore -Spain -Sweden -Switzerland -United Kingdom。







2品种来源及选育经过宝玉168系宝丰县农业科学研究所于2005年以自选系802为母本,自选系6107A 为父本杂交选育而成的玉米单交种。



宝玉168于2008年在海南组配制种,2008—2009年所内进行组合鉴定和多点品比试验,2010—2011年参加河南省7.5万株/hm 2密度组区域试验,2012年参加河南省7.5万株/hm 2密度组生产试验。

3产量表现3.1河南省区试结果2010年7.5万株/hm 2密度区试平均产量8743.5kg/hm 2,比对照郑单958(平均8031.0kg/hm 2)增产8.9%,差异极显著,居试验第1位。


2011年7.5万株/hm 2密度区试,4个核心点平均产量8103.0kg/hm 2,比对照郑单958(平均7026.0kg/hm 2)增产15.3%,差异极显著,居试验第1位,4个核心点全部增产,其他5个辅助点产量平均7749.0kg/hm 2,比对照郑单958(平均7194.0kg/hm 2)增产7.7%,差异不显著,居试验第1位,5个试点全部增产;总平均7926.0kg/hm 2,比对照郑单958(平均7110.0kg/hm 2)增产11.5%,居试验第1位。



玉米新品种强硕168选育报告南彩霞;张南冰;邓喆元【摘要】玉米新品种强硕168是以N547为母本、泰548为父本选育而成的杂交种.2015—2016年参加辽宁省中晚熟组玉米区域试验,强硕168平均折合产量分别为12918.6、14198.5 kg/hm2,比对照品种郑单958分别增产9.7%、12.3%.2015—2016年参加河南省低密(67500株/hm2)组玉米区域试验,强硕168平均折合产量分别为11779.5、14291.5 kg/hm2,比对照品种郑单958分别增产9.8%、12.4%.2015年参加国家东华北组、黄淮海组、西南组玉米区域试验,强硕168平均折合产量分别为14210.5、12957.5、15720.5 kg/hm2,比对照品种郑单958分别增产12.9%、10.7%、13.5%.2016—2017年参加甘肃省中晚熟旱地组玉米区域试验,强硕168平均折合产量分别为13235.9、15912.5 kg/hm2,比对照品种先玉335分别增产8.7%、10.1%.夏播生育期133~145 d,株高274~276 cm,穗位高112~114 cm,穗长21.9~25.2 cm,穗粗4.3~4.7 cm,轴粗2.7~2.8 cm,秃顶长1.0~1.4 cm,穗行数17.1~17.9行,行粒数36.9~42.5粒,千粒重313.2~324.4 g,出籽率82.2%.春播生育期135 d,株高300 cm,穗位105 cm,穗长31~35 cm,穗行数16.0~20.0行,行粒数50粒左右,出籽率88.9%.籽粒含粗淀粉74.06%、粗蛋白9.45%、粗脂肪3.90%、赖氨酸0.38%,容重745 g/L.高抗倒伏,耐涝性强,抗病性强.适宜在全国玉米产区年积温2800℃的山川地种植.【期刊名称】《甘肃农业科技》【年(卷),期】2019(000)004【总页数】4页(P1-4)【关键词】玉米;新品种;强硕168;选育【作者】南彩霞;张南冰;邓喆元【作者单位】甘肃省农业广播电视学校, 甘肃兰州 730000;张掖市甘州区农业技术推广中心,甘肃张掖 734000;张掖市金种源种业有限责任公司, 甘肃张掖 734000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S513玉米是我国三大粮食作物之一,在全国31个省市自治区都有种植。

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GENERAL DESCRIPTIONQUICK REFERENCE DATAGlass passivated,sensitive gate SYMBOL PARAMETER MAX.MAX.MAX.MAX.UNIT thyristors in a plastic envelope,intended for use in Residual Current BT168B D E G Devices/Ground Fault Interrupters/V DRM ,Repetitive peak 200400500600V Leakage Current Circuit Breakers V RRM off-state voltages (RCD/ GFI/ LCCB)applications I T(AV)Average on-state where a minimum I GT limit is needed.currentThese devices may be interfaced I T(RMS)RMS on-state current directly to microcontrollers,logic I TSMNon-repetitive peak 8888Aintegrated circuits and other low on-state currentpower gate trigger circuits.PINNING - TO92 variantPIN CONFIGURATION SYMBOLLIMITING VALUESLimiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134).SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.MAX.UNIT B D E G V DRM , V RRM Repetitive peak off-state-2001400150016001V voltages I T(AV)Average on-state current half sine wave;-0.5A T lead ≤ 83 ˚CI T(RMS)RMS on-state current all conduction angles -0.8A I TSMNon-repetitive peak t = 10 ms -8A on-state currentt = 8.3 ms-9A half sine wave;T j = 25 ˚C prior to surge I 2t I 2t for fusingt = 10 ms-0.32A 2s dI T /dt Repetitive rate of rise of I TM = 2 A; I G = 10 mA;-50A/µs on-state current after dI G /dt = 100 mA/µstriggeringI GM Peak gate current -1A V GM Peak gate voltage-5V V RGM Peak reverse gate voltage -5V P GM Peak gate power -2W P G(AV)Average gate power over any 20 ms period -0.1W T stg Storage temperature -40150˚C T jOperating junction -125˚Ctemperature1 Although not recommended, off-state voltages up to 800V may be applied without damage, but the thyristor may switch to the on-state. The rate of rise of current should not exceed 15 A/µs.THERMAL RESISTANCESSYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT R th j-lead Thermal resistance --60K/W junction to lead R th j-aThermal resistance pcb mounted; lead length = 4mm -150-K/Wjunction to ambientSTATIC CHARACTERISTICST j = 25 ˚C unless otherwise stated SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT I GT Gate trigger current V D = 12 V; I T = 10 mA; gate open circuit 2050200µA I L Latching current V D = 12 V; I GT = 0.5 mA; R GK = 1 k Ω-26mA I H Holding current V D = 12 V; I GT = 0.5 mA; R GK = 1 k Ω-25mA V T On-state voltage I T = 1 A- 1.2 1.35V V GT Gate trigger voltage V D = 12 V; I T = 10 mA; gate open circuit -0.50.8V V D = V DRM(max); I T = 10 mA; T j = 125 ˚C;0.20.3-V gate open circuitI D , I ROff-state leakage currentV D = V DRM(max); V R = V RRM(max); T j = 125 ˚C;-0.050.1mAR GK = 1 k ΩDYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICST j = 25 ˚C unless otherwise stated SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT dV D /dt Critical rate of rise of V DM = 67% V DRM(max); T j = 125 ˚C;-25-V/µs off-state voltageexponential waveform; R GK = 1 k Ωt gt Gate controlled turn-on I TM = 2 A; V D = V DRM(max); I G = 10 mA;-2-µs timedI G /dt = 0.1 A/µst qCircuit commutated V D = 67% V DRM(max); T j = 125 ˚C;-100-µsturn-off timeI TM = 1.6 A; V R = 35 V; dI TM /dt = 30 A/µs;dV D /dt = 2 V/µs; R GK = 1 k ΩMECHANICAL DATANotes1. Epoxy meets UL94 V0 at 1/8".DEFINITIONSData sheet statusObjective specification This data sheet contains target or goal specifications for product development. Preliminary specification This data sheet contains preliminary data; supplementary data may be published later. Product specification This data sheet contains final product specifications.Limiting valuesLimiting values are given in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability. Application informationWhere application information is given, it is advisory and does not form part of the specification.© Philips Electronics N.V. 1997All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, it is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent or other industrial or intellectual property rights.LIFE SUPPORT APPLICATIONSThese products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. Philips customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.。
