unifi wifi 访问规则
unifi wifi 访问规则English Answer:Understanding UniFi Wi-Fi Access Rules.UniFi Wi-Fi access rules are a powerful tool that allows you to control who can access your network and what they can do once they are connected. Access rules can be used to:Restrict access to your network based on MAC address, IP address, or client type.Create guest networks with limited access.Control bandwidth usage for specific devices or groups of devices.Block access to specific websites or applications.Set up time-based restrictions on network access.Creating an Access Rule.To create an access rule, navigate to the "Access Rules" tab in the UniFi Network controller. Click on the "Add Rule" button and enter the following information:Name: The name of the access rule.Enabled: Select "Yes" to enable the access rule.Description: A brief description of the access rule.Match Criteria: Select the criteria that will be used to identify the clients that the access rule will apply to. You can match on MAC address, IP address, client type, or a combination of these criteria.Action: Select the action that will be taken when a client matches the match criteria. You can allow or deny access, limit bandwidth, or block access to specificwebsites or applications.Schedule: Select a schedule for the access rule. You can choose to have the access rule apply all the time or only during specific hours or days of the week.Advanced Options.The following additional options are available in the "Advanced Options" section of the access rule editor:Logging: Select "Yes" to enable logging for the access rule. This will log all traffic that matches the match criteria.Allow DHCP: Select "Yes" to allow the matching clients to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server.Allow Association: Select "Yes" to allow the matching clients to associate with the network.Accept from: Select the interface(s) that the matchingclients will be able to connect to.Apply to: Select the SSID(s) that the access rule will apply to.Example Access Rules.Here are some examples of access rules that you can create:Restrict access to a specific MAC address: Use the match criteria "MAC Address" and enter the MAC address of the device that you want to restrict access to. In the "Action" section, select "Deny Access".Create a guest network: Use the match criteria "Client Type" and select "Guest" from the drop-down menu. In the "Action" section, select "Allow Access" and limit the bandwidth for the guest network to 1 Mbps.Block access to a specific website: Use the match criteria "Destination URL" and enter the URL of the websitethat you want to block. In the "Action" section, select "Block Access".Set up time-based restrictions: Use the "Schedule" section to set up a time-based restriction for the access rule. For example, you could create an access rule that denies access to the network from midnight to 6am.Conclusion.UniFi Wi-Fi access rules are a powerful tool that can be used to improve the security and performance of your network. By carefully configuring access rules, you can control who can access your network, what they can do once they are connected, and when they can access your network.Chinese Answer:UniFi Wi-Fi 访问规则。
包装清单UniFi企业无线节点挂墙托架天花板固定板控制CD及使用手册电源线M3X30平头螺丝24V以太网供电适配器带齿状垫片的M3螺母M2 9x20自攻钉M3x20 螺旋型地锚系统需求·Windows XP,Vista,Win 7 ,Mac OS X·JAVA运行环境1.6版本或其以上版本平台·浏览器:火狐浏览器,谷歌浏览器或微软IE8及其以上版本网络技术需求·可运行DHCP的网络(使AP和调试后的无线客户端获得一个IP)·接入点和管理站计算机连接在同一个2层交换机网络实例图解硬件安装UniFi网络AP由以太网供电适配器供电驱动,安装AP执行下类步骤:1. 连接一根网线到AP网口上2. 连接电源线到以太网配置器的电源接口,连接另一端到电源输出插座.3. 把连接AP的网线连接到以太网供电适配器小贴士:如果你准备把AP安装在天花板上,先把AP固定在天花板上,然后在把连接AP的网线连接到以太网供电适配器。
请按照下了步骤安装:挂墙1. 把挂墙托架对齐,Wall Mount字样朝上。
在托架上有水平线和垂直线,以便校对定位2. 用铅笔来标注墙上的洞3. 用6毫米钻头在墙上打孔4. 在墙中插入3根地锚5. 把自攻钉穿过托架拧如地锚中,固定牢靠6. 对其AP与支架上的槽口7. 顺时针转动AP到底,使二者相扣在一起挂在天花板上1. 除去天花板瓷砖2. 把安装在天花板上的固定盘对准瓷砖正面的中心3. 在天花板瓷砖上用3.5毫米钻头电钻为3个平头螺丝打三个孔4. 切或钻一个大约25毫米的圆孔,大小与天花板固定盘上的圆孔相当。
5. 用3个平头螺丝和3个带齿状垫片的螺母来固定挂墙托架和天花板固定板6.把网线通过圆孔穿入并且把AP和挂墙托架的槽口对齐小贴士:UniFi企业版AP支持由以太网供电适配器提供的被动网络供电。
UniFi AP UAP LR 中文使用说明书
硬件安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 软件安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
章8:Guests(来宾)标签 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
章9:Offline Clients(离线客户端)标签 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
添加Google Map™. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
将无线接入点放到地图上. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 设置地图比例尺 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
edcwifi-UC-CK 控制器设置指南说明书
如下图所示,为ROS路由器租约表:浏览器登录UC-CK,点击下方UCCK系统菜单,默认用户名是root,密码是ubnt首次登录会提示修改密码,依次填入旧密码、新密码、确认新密码若要手动指定UCCK的IP,可在第二个菜单对UCCK指定静态IP由于出厂固件版本较低,建议先在线升级UCCK固件,点击第三个菜单选择CHECK FOR UPDATES在线检查更新(本地网络需可访问互联网),检查到新版本之后点击UPDATE NOW更新固件,CONFIRM确认开始更新。
Ubiquiti Networks
快速入门指南10G 可机架安装应用服务器型号: UAS-XG(数量 4)U Logo 贴纸(数量 2)使用条款: 所有以太网线必须使用 CAT6A(或以上)线缆。
需要由专业安装者进行安装,安装者有责任遵守当地规定,包括使其工作在合法频率范围内、符合当地输出功率和动态频率选择 (DFS) 等要求。
系统要求Web 浏览器: Google Chrome(其它浏览器的功能可能受到限制)网络拓扑示例UniFi 服务器需要启用 DHCP 的网络获取 IP 地址。
下面是使用这些设备的示例网络图:• UAS-XG UniFi 应用服务器托管 UniFi Controller 和 UniFi Video 软件应用程序。
• US-16-XG 将 UAS-XG 的 10G 以太网端口连接至 US-16-XG标准•UAS-XG硬件概览IPMI LAN LEDsLAN1/2 LEDsLAN1/2 LEDsHDD1/2 LEDs前面板 HDD 槽预装一个8 TB HDD。
如果要更换 HDD,请按照以下说明操作:1.更换 HDD 之前,请确保 UniFi 服务器已关闭,以免软件受损。
2.要更换 HDD,请按下 HDD 槽门。
3.门释放后,转动门并拉出 HDD 槽。
4.用另一 HDD 更换预装的 HDD(可选),然后关闭 HDD槽门。
*640-00281-05*640-00281-054.门释放后,转动门并拉出 HDD 槽。
6.将 HDD 槽推回原位并关闭 HDD 槽门。
7.对另一标签重复步骤 2 到 6。
设备安装UniFi 服务器可放置在水平表面、安装于墙壁上、或安装在机架中。
安装到机架中(可选)1. 使用八枚支架螺丝将机架安装底座连接至 UniFi 服务器。
2. 使用四枚安装螺钉将 UniFi 服务器安装到机架。
)3. 按下电源按键启动 UniFi 服务器。
UniFi全家桶的⼊门设置教程(UCKUSGUSWAP)前⾔UniFi ⽹络解决⽅案是⽬前市⾯上⼴受欢迎的企业级⽆线⽹络解决⽅案,因其功能强⼤、性能稳定、操作简单、外观设计时尚等特点被⼴泛应⽤在各⼤中⼩企业、商超、酒店、学校、房产以及家庭中。
本教程将通过 UniFi 控制器内置的操作向导来引导⼤家如何快速设置 UniFi 企业⽹络,并开启基本配置与远程访问。
材料清单UniFi 产品清单(产品详细介绍可参考官⽹ UniFi 产品页⾯):UniFi 安全⽹关(USG) | 代表型号:USG、USG-PRO-4 等UniFi AP(UAP) | 代表型号:UAP-AC-LITE、UAP-AC-PRO、UAP-AC-IW、UAP-AC-SHD、UAP-AC-M 等UniFi 交换机(USW) | 代表型号:US-8-60W、US-8-150W、US-24-250W、US-48-500W 等UniFi CloudKey(UC-CK) | 代表型号:UC-CK(注:以上 UniFi 产品清单在本教程中不⼀定要完全出现,如:你可以使⽤其它路由器交换机替代 USG 和 USW, 或者在⼀台 PC 上安装 UniFi 控制器来替代 UC-CK)个⼈电脑(推荐使⽤⾕歌、⽕狐浏览器)UBNT 设备发现⼯具软件⽹络宽带(PPPoE、DHCP、静态 IP 皆可)CAT5 类标准⽹线若⼲⽹络拓扑操作步骤本教程将以 USG 路由器、US-8-150W 交换机、UAP-AC-SHD ⽆线接⼊点以及 UC-CK 控制器为范例,向您讲述详细操作步骤。
注:本教程假设所有设备均处在出⼚默认状态(即未管理状态),如果不是,请将设备复位后进⾏接下来的操作(⼀般为上电后按住复位键 8 秒以上)。
1. 参考产品说明书,将要设置的设备按上述拓扑⽅式连接好2. 等待所有设备启动,直到 LED 指⽰灯长亮⽩⾊3.(可选项)由于 USG 的 LAN 地址默认为 192.168.1.x ,为避免冲突,如果你的⽹络是DHCP 的形式获得,且上级路由器提供的是 192.168.1.x 的⽹段,则需要先将 USG 路由器的LAN ⽹段分配为其它⽹段,否则⽆需设置。
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UniFi AP Outdoor评测报告
UniFi AP Outdoor+评测报告评测人:Joey Yang产品提供:优倍快网络Ubiquiti Networks™活动组织:Anywlan随时随地无线论坛目录1 评测缘由 (3)2 评测方向 (3)3 UAP Outdoor+外在美 (3)4 UAP Outdoor+输出功率频谱测试 (5)5 UAP Outdoor+传输速率测试 (6)5.1 HT40@28dBm速率 (6)5.2 HT40@13dBm速率 (6)5.3 HT20@28dBm速率 (7)5.4 HT20@13dBm速率 (8)6 UAP Outdoor+多通道射频特性抗邻道干扰能力测试 (8)6.1 多通道射频技术实现原理 (8)6.2 邻道抗干扰能力测试 (11)6.2.1 如下是UAP Outdoor+测试环境实物图: (12)6.2.2 如下是某品牌无线路由器测试环境实物图: (13)7 UAP Outdoor+在开放式密集型使用环境下的传输速率 (16)7.1 测试环境 (16)7.2 传输速率 (19)7.2.1 客户端在覆盖天线旁边,信号强度为-43dBm: (19)7.2.2 客户端在覆盖天线所在楼房下面,水平距离30米左右,信号强度为-52dBm时的传输速率: (20)7.3 客户端在覆盖天线所在街道,水平距离80米左右,信号强度为-63dBm时的传输速率:218 UAP Outdoor+环境适应性测试 (22)9 UAP Outdoor+内在美 (23)10 其它测试方法 (24)11 总结概括 (25)12 警告: (26)12.1 输出功率频谱和抗干扰能力测试 (26)12.2 拆机和DIY (26)13 评测感受 (26)1评测缘由我是一个业余爱好者,喜欢折腾,手上的WLAN无线设备虽然不少,但条件有限,没有宽阔的测试场地、没有大量的测试用户,更没有志同道合者在身边分享、交流、理解和支持,还好现在有了你们,虽不曾相见,却可互相倾吐着心中的激动、惊喜、失落与疑惑。
企业级 WiFi 系统
型号: UAP、UAP-LR、UAP-PRO、UAP-AC UAP-Outdoor、UAP-Outdoor5
突破性速度,最高可达1300 Mbps (802.11ac)
直观的 UniFi Controller 软件
热点管理 – 定制和内置计费选项
直观的UniFi Controller 软件 通过直观且简单易学的UniFi Controller用户界面,轻松安装、配置和管理所有UniFi AP。
可扩展 扩展性没有限制。根据需要组建或大或小的无线 网络。即使从单个包(或升级到三个包)扩展到数千个 包,仍保持单一的、统一的管理系统。
无线扩展 利用无线下行。一个有线 UniFi AP 上行支持最多四个无线下行,允许以其默认状态应用设备并实时更改网络拓 朴。
管理热点和控制计费 使用热点管理器来定制门户登录页和使用常用信用卡对客户收费。或者,使用热点管理器设置基于凭 证的身份验证系统进行凭证创建、来宾管理和退款。
/unifi 8
包含: • 墙壁固定装置和天花板固定装置电源适配器套件 • 以太网供电电源适配器 • UniFi Controller 软件安装光盘
2.4 GHz 速度*
UniFi AP (UAP)
300 Mbps
5 GHz 速度*
范围* 122 m (12,192.00 cm)
Gigabit 千兆以太网
3个或多个 UAP-AC
Unified Brands 产品操作手册说明书
This manual provides information for:OPERATOR MANUAL IMPORTANT INFORMATION, KEEP FOR OPERATORPART NUMBER 121006, REV. F (11/11)THIS MANUAL MUST BE RETAINED FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.READ, UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ANDWARNINGS CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL.FOR YOUR SAFETY Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.WARNING Improper installation,adjustment, alteration, service or maintenancecan cause property damage, injury ordeath. Read the installation, operating and maintenance instructions thoroughly before installing or servicing this equipment.NOTIFY CARRIER OF DAMAGE AT ONCEIt is the responsibility of the consignee to inspect the container upon receipt ofsame and to determine the possibility of any damage, including concealed dam-age. Unified Brands suggests that if you are suspicious of damage to make anotation on the delivery receipt. It will be the responsibility of the consignee to filea claim with the carrier. We recommend that you do so at once.Manufacture Service/Questions 888-994-7636.Information contained in this document is known to be current and accurate at the time of printing/creation. Unified Brands recommends referencing our product line websites,, for the most updated product information and specifications.MODELS TD/3 &TDA/1 DomesticSTEAM JACKETED KETTLE· Stainless Steel· Table Top Mounted· Direct Steam Heated· TiltingCAUTION: BE SURE ALL OPERATORS READ, UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW THE OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS, AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL. WARNING: THIS UNIT IS INTENDED FOR USE IN THE COMMERCIAL HEATING, COOKING AND HOLDING OF WATER AND FOOD PRODUCTS, PER THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL. ANYOTHER USE COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENTAND WILL VOID WARRANTY.WARNING: KETTLES MUST BE INSTALLED BY PERSONNEL QUALIFIED TO WORK WITH STEAM PLUMBING.IMPROPER INSTALLATION CAN RESULT IN INJURY TO PERSONNEL AND/OR DAMAGE TOEQUIPMENT.WARNING: AVOID ANY EXPOSURE TO ESCAPING STEAM. STEAM CAN CAUSE SEVERE BURNS. WARNING: TAKE EXTREME CARE TO KEEP HOT CONTENTS FROM SPILLING OR SPLASHING ON ANYONE.DO NOT STAND DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF KETTLE BODIES WHEN THEY ARE BEING TILTED. WARNING: AVOID ALL DIRECT CONTACT WITH HOT EQUIPMENT SURFACES. DIRECT SKIN CONTACT COULD RESULT IN SEVERE BURNS.WARNING: AVOID ALL DIRECT CONTACT WITH HOT FOOD OR WATER IN KETTLES. DIRECT CONTACT COULD RESULT IN SEVERE BURNS.CAUTION: DO NOT OVER FILL THE KETTLE WHEN COOKING, HOLDING OR CLEANING. KEEP LIQUIDS AT A MINIMUM OF 2-3” (5-8 CM) BELOW THE KETTLE BODY RIM TO ALLOW CLEARANCE FORSTIRRING, BOILING AND SAFE PRODUCT TRANSFER.WARNING: TAKE SPECIAL CARE TO AVOID CONTACT WITH HOT KETTLE BODY OR HOT PRODUCT WHEN ADDING INGREDIENTS, STIRRING OR TRANSFERRING PRODUCT TO ANOTHER CONTAINER. WARNING: WHEN TILTING KETTLE FOR PRODUCT TRANSFER:1) WEAR PROTECTIVE OVEN MITT AND PROTECTIVE APRON.2) USE CONTAINER DEEP ENOUGH TO CONTAIN AND MINIMIZE PRODUCT SPLASHING.3) PLACE CONTAINER ON STABLE, FLAT SURFACE, AS CLOSE TO KETTLE AS POSSIBLE.4) STAND TO LEFT OR RIGHT SIDE OF KETTLE (DEPENDING ON TILTING HANDLE PLACEMENT)WHILE POURING. DO NOT STAND DIRECTLY IN POUR PATH OF HOT CONTENTS.5) POUR SLOWLY, MAINTAIN CONTROL OF KETTLE BODY HANDLE AT ALL TIMES, ANDRETURN KETTLE BODY TO UPRIGHT POSITION AFTER CONTAINER IS FILLED OR TRANSFER ISCOMPLETE.6) DO NOT OVER FILL CONTAINER. AVOID DIRECT SKIN CONTACT WITH HOT CONTAINER ANDITS CONTENTS.CAUTION: KEEP FLOORS IN FRONT OF KETTLE WORK AREA CLEAN AND DRY. IF SPILLS OCCUR, CLEAN IMMEDIATELY TO AVOID SLIPS OR FALLS.WARNING: FAILURE TO CHECK SAFETY VALVE OPERATION PERIODICALLY COULD RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY AND/OR DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT.WARNING: WHEN TESTING, AVOID ANY EXPOSURE TO THE STEAM BLOWING OUT OF THE SAFETY VALVE.DIRECT CONTACT COULD RESULT IN SEVERE BURNS.2 OM-TDCAUTION: MOST CLEANERS ARE HARMFUL TO THE SKIN, EYES, MUCOUS MEMBRANES AND CLOTHING.PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN. WEAR RUBBER GLOVES, GOGGLES OR FACE SHIELD ANDPROTECTIVE CLOTHING. CAREFULLY READ THE WARNINGS AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS ONTHE LABEL OF THE CLEANER TO BE USED.CAUTION: USE OF ANY REPLACEMENT PARTS OTHER THAN THOSE SUPPLIED BY AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS CAN CAUSE OPERATOR INJURY AND DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT, AND WILLVOID ALL WARRANTIES.WARNING: SERVICE PERFORMED BY OTHER THAN FACTORY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL WILL VOID WARRANTIES.OM-TD 3Important Operator Warnings .....................................................page 2-3References..................................................................................... page 4Equipment Description.................................................................. page 5Inspection and Unpacking ............................................................ page 6Installation ..................................................................................... page 7Initial Start-Up................................................................................ page 8Operation ................................................................................... p age 9-10Sequence of Operation ................................................................ page 11Cleaning........................................................................................ page 12Maintenance................................................................................. page 13Troubleshooting............................................................................ page 14Part Lists/Diagram .................................................................. page 15-17Service Log ............................................................................ page 18-19KLENZADE SALES CENTER ECOLAB. Inc.370 WabashaSt. Paul, Minnesota 55102800/352-5326 or 612/293-2233NATIONAL SANITATION FOUNDATION3475 Plymouth Rd.Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106ZEP MANUFACTURING CO.1310-T Seaboard Industrial Blvd.Atlanta, Georgia 303184 OM-TDOM-TD 5The TDC/3 and TDA/1 are tilting, table-top kettles with direct steam-heated jackets. The one-piece stainless steel body on each includes a butterfly shaped pouring lip. The kettles have a 180 emery grit interior finish and a bright semi-deluxe exterior finish.Every unit requires a remote steam source. The steam supply is controlled by an inlet valve, and enters the jacket through one support and rotary joint. Condensate leaves the jacket through the other rotary joint and support. Standard units are ASME shop inspected, stamped, and registered with the National Board. These kettles operate efficiently at pressures above five PSI. A safety valve, strainer, steam trap, and check valve are all required for installation, and may be ordered as optional equipment.Optional features and equipment include:• Higher maximum pressure • Bracket inserts • Lift-off covers • Kettle brush kit • Open leg mounting table mounting • Steam trap assembly The TDC/3 kettle has a jacket rated for working pressures up to 55 PSI. The kettle body incorporates a reinforced rim. Two tubular steel supports support the swivel on which the kettle tilts. A support leg projects from the bottom rear of the kettle.The design makes it easy for one person to tilt the kettle with the tilting handle, even when the kettle is full.The TDA/1 kettle incorporates a reinforced rim and a jacket rated for working pressures up to 50 PSI. Two chrome-plated arms support the trunnions on which the kettle tilts. The arm that also serves as the steam inlet has an integral steam control valve.TDC/3TDA/1The kettle will arrive completely assembled and wrapped in protective plastic,strapped and bolted on a skid, enclosed in a cardboard crate. Immediately on receiptremove the box and plastic wrap, and inspect the unit for damage. Report anydamage or an incorrect shipment to the delivery agent.Write down the model number, serial number and installation date, and keep thisinformation for future reference. Space for these entries is provided at the top of theService Log in the back of this manual.When installation is to begin, cut the straps holding the unit on the skid. Lift the unitstraight up off of the skid.6 OM-TDOM-TD 71.Installation under a ventilation hood is recommended. Consult local codes.2. Install and anchor the kettle on a level and rigid surface. Recommended mounting surface is 16 gauge (.060” thick) top with a lower reinforcement of C4 structural channel. NOTE: Failure to install the kettle per above recommendation may cause the steam piping to flex and leak, reduce seal life and will void warranty. (see figure at left)3. If the steam supply pressure is greater than the maximum working pressure stamped on the nameplate, you must install a pressure reducing valve in the steam supply line near the kettle.4. Connect the steam supply line to the steam inlet fitting. Include a steam control valve and an appropriate safety valve. To obtain the full heating capability of the kettle, the steam supply line must be as large as the steam inlet fitting.5. The safety valve must be preset to relieve jacket pressure that exceeds its rated limit. Do not try to adjust the valve setting, and do not allow the valve outlet or lever to be blocked.6. Connect the kettle condensate return line to the boiler return line, or to a drain. A suitable steam trap, strainer, and check valve must be installed. (See recom-mended piping diagram, below). A condensate return pump may be required.7.Any mechanical change must be approved by the Service Department.Standing Piping The inlet valve for TDC models may be located anywhere on the cabinet top or face but not through the face casting. The illustrated sleeve is designed to simplify valve installation by allowing the valve to shift off center by 1/4”, if necessary. This should be enough to allow for thread take-up and misalignment.*Accessories available as options. Piping is to be supplied by the installer.RIGID MOUNTING SURFACENow that the kettle has been installed, you should test it to ensure that it is operatingcorrectly.1. Remove all literature and packing materials from inside and outside of the unit.2. Pour a small amount of water into the kettle.3. Open the steam inlet valve.4. When the water begins to boil, inspect all of the fittings to ensure that there areno leaks.5. Check the safety valve by lifting its lever far enough to let steam escape. Thenlet it snap back into place to reset the valve so that it will not leak.6. Shut down the unit by closing the steam inlet valve.7. Operate the tilting mechanism to confirm that this feature functions through thewhole range of normal operation.If the unit functions as described above, it is ready for use. If the unit does not functionas intended, contact your local Certified Service Agency.8 OM-TDOM-TD 9To heat the kettle, open the steam inlet valve. Adjusting the valve allows you to control the heating rate. Opening the valve more allows steam to flow into the jacket faster, and heats the product faster.The kettle operates efficiently at pressures from five PSI to the maximum working pressure for which the kettle was designed. The maximum pressure is stamped on the kettle nameplate.1. Tilting To transfer product or empty the kettle: the kettle is designed and manufac-tured to be tilted in a controlled manner. Grasp the insulated plastic ball firmly. Maintain a firm grip on handle when tilting, while keeping the kettle body in a tilted position and then SLOWLY returning the kettle body to an upright position.2. Accessories A. Cover As with stock pot cooking, an optional lift-off cover can speed up the heating of water and food products. A cover helps retain heat in the cooking vessel and reduces the amount of heat and humidity released into the kitchen. Use of a cover can reduce some product cook times and help maintain the temperature, color and texture of products being held or simmered for extended periods. Make sure plastic ball handle is secure on the lift off cover before using. ALWAYS use the plastic handle to place or remove the cover from the kettle. Wear protective oven mitts and a protective apron. When putting the cover on the kettle, position it on top of kettle rim, with its flat edge facing the pouring lip.When removing cover:a) Firmly grasp the plastic handle b) Lift rear edge (farthest from operator) 1-2” (3-5 cm) to allow any steam and water vapor to escape the cooking vessel. Wait 2-3 seconds.c) Tilt cover to 45-60° angle and allow any hot condensate or prod-uct to roll off cover back into kettle.d) Remove the cover, ensuring that any remaining hot condensate or product does not drip on operator, floor or work surfaces.e) Place cover on safe, flat, sanitary, out- of-the-way surface, or return to kettle rim.WARNING CAUTION,B. Basket InsertAn optional kettle basket insert (10 Quart and larger) can assist in cook-ing water boiled products, including eggs, potatoes, vegetables, shellfish, pasta and rice. The nylon mesh liner must be used when cookingproduct smaller than the mesh size of the basket, which is approximately1/4” (6 mm). This includes rice and small pasta shapes.Allow for the water displacement of basket and product to be cooked.This may mean only filling the kettle half full of water. Test the basketand product displacement with the kettle OFF, and with cold water in thekettle.a) Load basket on a level, stable work surface.b) Lift the loaded basket with both hands. Get help from anotherperson if the basket is too heavy for safe handling.c) Slowly lower product into kettle.d) When removing basket with cooked product, lift the basketstraight up, ensuring that the bottom of the basket clears the rimand pouring lip of the kettle. Wear protective oven mitts and aprotective apron.e) Allow hot water to fully drain from product before moving thebasket away from the kettle. Do not rest the kettle basket on thekettle rim or pouring lip. If the basket is too heavy for one individ-ual to lift and safely move, get help from another person. Removeproduct immediately from the basket into another container, beingsure to avoid contact with hot product and hot basket or. . .f) Place basket with food on stable, flat surface, setting it insidea solid steamer or bake pan, to catch any remaining hot waterwhich might drain from product.10 OM-TDThe following “action-reaction” outline is provided to help the user understand the function of the equipment.When the steam inlet valve is opened, steam flows into the jacket at a pressure determined by the boiler system or by the pressure reducing valve that serves the kettle.In the jacket, steam transfers heat to the kettle as it condenses into water. The steam trap allows condensate (water) to leave the jacket, while it holds steam in. When the steam is shut off, condensation produces a vacuum in the jacket, but the check valve in the condensate return line keeps water from flowing back into the jacket.OM-TD 1112 OM-TD 1. Suggested Tools: a) A good cleanerb) Kettle brushes in good condition c) A good sanitizer d) Film remover2. Procedure:a) Clean food-contact surfaces as soon as possible after use. If the unit is in continuous use, thoroughly clean and sanitize the interior and exterior at least once every 12 hours.b) Scrape and flush out food residues. Be careful not to scratch the kettle with metal implements.c) Prepare a hot solution of the detergent/ cleaning compound as instructed by the supplier.d) Clean the unit thoroughly, inside and outside.e) Rinse the kettle thoroughly with hot water, then drain completely. f) As part of the daily cleaning program, clean soiled external and internalsurfaces. g) To remove stuck materials, use a brush, sponge, cloth, plastic or rub-ber scraper, or plastic wool with the cleaning solution. To reduce effortrequired in washing, let the detergent solution sit in the kettle and soakinto the residue. Do not use abrasive materials or metal tools that mightscratch the surface. Scratches make the surface harder to clean and provide places for bacteria to grow.h) Do not use steel wool, which may leave particles in the surface andcause eventual corrosion and pitting.i) The outside of the unit may be polished with a stainless steel cleanersuch as “Zepper” from Zep Manufacturing Co.j) When equipment needs to be sanitized, use a solution equivalent to onethat supplies 200 parts per million available chlorine. Obtain advice on sanitizing agents from your supplier of sanitizing products.k) Following the supplier’s instructions, apply the agent after the unit hasbeen cleaned and drained. Drain and thoroughly rinse off the sanitizer.l) It is recommended that each piece of equipment be sanitized just before use.m) If there is difficulty removing mineral deposits or a film left by hard wateror food residues, clean the kettle thoroughly and use a deliming agent, in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions. Rinse and drain the unit thoroughly before further use.n) If cleaning problems persist, contact your cleaning product representa-tive for assistance. The supplier has a trained technical staff with labora-tory facilities to serve you.Use a brush, sponge, cloth, plastic or rubber scraper, or plastic wool to clean.Don’t use metal implements or steel wool.c.Prepare a hot solution of the detergent/cleaning compound as instructed by thesupplier.c.Prepare a hot solution of the detergent/cleaning compound as instructed by the supplier.d.Clean the unit thoroughly, inside andNOTICE: Contact an authorized representative whenrepairs are required.A Maintenance and Service Log is provided at the back of this manual. Each time maintenance is performed on your kettle, enter the date on which the work was done, what was done, and who did it. File the log with the warranty.Periodic inspection will minimize equipment down time and increase the efficiency of operation. The following points should be checked:1) Once a day, with pressure in the jacket, check the operation of the safety valve.Lift the lever of the safety valve until steam is released. Then release thelever and let the valve snap shut. If the lever does not activate, or there is noevidence of discharge, or the valve leaks, immediately discontinue use of the Array kettle and contact a qualified service representative.2) At least once every 90 days, inspect fittings and valves for signs of damageor wear. Regularly examine trunnion packings and valve seats for wear, andreplace them when necessary.NOTE: Service performed by other than factory authorized personnel will voidall warranties.OM-TD 13Your kettle will operate smoothly and efficiently if properly maintained. However, the following is a list of checks to make in the event of a problem. If the actions suggested do not solve the problem, call your qualified Service Representative. If an item on the list isfollowed by X, the work should be done by a qualified service representative.14 OM-TDOM-TD 15Model TDC/32132729283032313336353417161512141316 OM-TDOBSOLETE MODEL HANDLEOM-TD 17MODEL TDC/3Pedestal Cap 081754NOTE: THESE 5 RINGS COMPRISE ONE SET OF PACKING & MUST BE ASSEMBLED INTHE MANNER SHOWN. PART NO 002033FEMALE PACKING RING ADAPTERMALE PACKING RING ADAPTERPEDESTAL CAP 081754Model No:Purchased From: Serial No:Location:Date Purchased:Date Installed:For Service Call:Purchase Order No:18 OM-TDOM-TD 191055 Mendell Davis Drive • Jackson MS 39272888-994-7636 • 601-372-3903 • Fax 888-864-7636PART NUMBER 121006, REV. F (11/11)© 2011 Unified Brands. All Rights Reserved. Unified Brands is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dover Corporation.。
unifi使用手册全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Unifi使用手册Unifi是Ubiquiti Networks公司推出的一款用于管理无线网络设备的软件,它可以帮助用户简单方便地管理多个Wi-Fi接入点,无线路由器等设备。
一、安装Unifi软件首先您需要从Ubiquiti Networks的官方网站下载Unifi软件,选择适合您操作系统的版本进行下载。
神行通无线AP操作说明1.外网连接POE 交换机的UPLink 口2.POE 交换机的POE 口连接AP 背面的WAN 口3.AP的LAN口连接电脑二、网关模式配置配置之前请先查看“高级设置”-“网络设置”,检查局域网地址网段,不要与上层设备网段相同(上层设备不能出现192.168.188.x 这样的IP 地址,如果有就要修改局域网IP 地址,可以修改为192.168.133.253),并确保DHCP 地址池的网段与局域网网段相同(即红色框中的数字相同)一、AP 网线连接网关模式可以将有线网络转换为无线网络,并提供DHCP 服务。
在这种模式下,入墙式AP 起到的功能和一台普通的路由器是一样的。
配置如下:选择自己使用的广域网类型,如果是PPPOE(ADSL)拨号用户,要填写电信提供商提供的用户名和密码,设置SSID 号(即无线网络名称)和密钥,选择信道(无线信号传输频率),然后点击“应用”,设备自动重启之后就生效了。
三、万能中继模式配置之前请先查看“高级设置”-“网络设置”,检查局域网地址,不要与网络中其它设备相同,如果有相同的IP 地址就要修改局域网IP 地址(例如192.168.188.201,,,并确保DHCP 地址池的网段与局域网网段相同(即红色框中的数字相同)万能中继模式可以接收无线网络信号并发射一个新的网络信号,从而实现信号的中继和放大。
此模式不提供DHCP 服务。
输入当前设备的SSID 号(无线选择万能中继,点击“搜索网络”网络名称)和密码,选择信道(无线信号频率),点击“应用”,设备自动重启后生效。
四、AP 模式配置之前请先查看“高级设置”-“网络设置”,检查局域网地址,不要与网络中其它设备相同,如果有相同的IP 地址就要修改局域网IP 地址(例如192.168.188.201,,,并确保DHCP 地址池的网段与局域网网段相同(即红色框中的数字相同)AP 模式可以将有线网络转换为无线信号,此时入墙式AP 不提供DHCP 服务,上层需要接一个路由器。
UniFi – VLAN交换机配置
UniFi – VLAN交换机配置这个案例将展示交换机VLAN配置为UniFi AP, 这是只用于演示和经验分享,操作者应该具有并熟悉此类产品的应用。
本文档的读者是要有VLAN 和交换机的知识。
我们将创建4个无线局域网(vlan10_mgmt,vlan20_user,vlan30_finance,vlan40_guest)在4个不同的VLAN id(10、20、30、40)。
使事情更复杂一点,我们不使用默认的VLAN 1,但设置VLAN 10未加标签的携带UniFi AP流量管理。
它应当相当容易为使用者改变管理VLAN从VLAN 10恢复到默认VLAN 1。
网络VLAN & IP 范围•Management, VLAN 10, 10.0.10.x•User, VLAN 20, 10.0.20.x•Finance, VLAN 30, 10.0.30.x•Guest, VLAN 40, 10.0.40.x设备的管理IP 地址•airRouter•Netgear GS748TP•UniFi controller•HP ProCurve 2650-PWR•Cisco 2970 switch•D-Link DGS-3120-24PC配置不同设备概况如下:airRouter1.a irRouter需要使用版本v5.5或以上的固件.2.我们将使用airRouter在SOHO router模式简化, 我们将利用它作为网关,NAT和DHCP服务器为所有的vlan。
Un-link 最新AC控制器使用手册.
目录目录 .......................................................................................................................................... 2第一章详细配置指南简介 .....................................................................................................4 1.1本说明约定 .................................................................................................................4 1.2本说明章节安排 .........................................................................................................4第二章产品概述 ....................................................................................................................5 2.1 产品简介 .....................................................................................................................5 2.2 主要特性 .....................................................................................................................5第三章硬件描述 ....................................................................................................................6 3.1 面板布置 .....................................................................................................................6 3.2安装环境 .....................................................................................................................6第四章快速安装指南 .............................................................................................................7 4.1 硬件连接 .....................................................................................................................7 4.2 如何登陆 AC 控制器 ...................................................................................................7 4.3网络设置 .....................................................................................................................9 4.3.1子端口设置 ..............................................................................................................9 4.3.2瘦AP 端口设定 (10)4.3.3DHCP 配置 (10)4.3.4 链路检测 (11)4.4 RF配置 (12)4.4.1 AP默认配置 (12)4.4.2瘦 AP 配置模板 (13)4.4.3 瘦 AP 配置模板应用 (14)4.5 接入控制 (14)4.6 高级应用 (15)4.7 管理 (16)4.7.1 更改密码 (16)4.7.2 AC升级 (17)4.7.3 AP镜像上传 .........................................................................................................17 4.7.4 备份 /恢复设定 .....................................................................................................18 4.8 信息 ...........................................................................................................................19 4.8.1 AP资产管理 ..........................................................................................................19 4.8.2 瘦 AP 在线列表 ......................................................................................................19 4.8.3 无线终端列表 .. (21)第一章详细配置指南简介本文档旨在帮助您正确使用 AC 控制器的功能,内容包括 AC 控制器的性能特征以及所有功能的详细说明,若要使用路由器中的其他应用方面的功能,可以参考本文档相关部分内容。
‐ Targeting:
1. SMB users who demand a high power, long range performance Access Point. 2. SMB users who need to service a small group client’s wireless network connection such as hotels, schools, dorms, restaurants…etc. 3. Certain Enterprise users who require highly network secure management.
802.3af PoE Support WMM QoS Y Y
Throughput Test Environment
Pillar 3
Pillar 2 Pillar 1
35m AP Client (EUB9801)
Simple Connection
Key Selling Points
Gigabit Network (EAP350 Only) 10X faster than 10/100 Fast Ethernet. 1000Mbps 10/100Mbps
Easy Setup
III. Application scenario
EnGenius Ceiling Mount AP Product Family Comparison
EAP9550 EAP3660 EAP150 EAP300 EAP350
Model IEEE standard Tx/Rx Mode Antenna Ethernet Maximum output power Throughput at 35m PoE Support VLAN WPS WMM QoS 802.11b/g/n 2T2R 300Mbps AP/WDS AP/Repeater Internal 5 dBi 10/100 15dBm 13.05Mbps Y Y Y Y 802.11b/g 1T1R 54Mbps AP/WDS AP/Repeater Internal 5 dBi 10/100 26dBm 16.717 Y Y N Y
UniFi AP Datasheet 中文版
所有的UniFi AP均采用圆形吸顶设计,可在无辅助材料的情况下安装至天花或墙体上。
UniFi AP所采用的POE(以太网供电)方式,将数据与电源共缆传输,大大简化了设计与施工难度。
UniFi系统包含了UniFi Controller控制软件。
该软件替代了传统AC(无线控制器)复杂繁琐的管理方式,可安装于任何一台PC或Mac 设备上,通过标准的Web浏览器访问。
UniFi Controller控制软件的即时配置方式,无需专业化的操作培训即可使用。
UniFi AP-Mini (UAP-Mini)802.11n UniFi AP, 基础单元。
具备150 Mbps的链路速度100米的覆盖距离。
UAP-Mini 套件包括:●墙壁和天花板安装转接器套件●以太网电源适配器●UniFi Controller控制软件安装光盘功能设计独特的LED环形灯设计,为网络管理者提供了简单醒目的设备状态指示。
强大的硬件UniFi AP 设备使用了标准的802.11技术(b/g/n 标准) ,并提供300 Mbps 链路速度,150 ~ 200米覆盖范围。
可视化的UniFi Controller控制软件直观的安装、配置、管理UniFi AP设备,无需专业化的操作培训即可使用。
UniFi AP (UAP)802.11n MIMO UniFi AP, 标准单元。
具备300 Mbps的链路速度150米的覆盖距离。
UAP 套件包括:●墙壁和天花板安装转接器套件●以太网电源适配器●UniFi Controller控制软件安装光盘简易安装圆形壁挂和天花板瓷砖贴装设计。
下面是下载地址:.ubnt./eula/?BACK=/downloads/unifi/2.2.5/UniFi-installer.exe第一次使用首先要把unifi插在有dhcp(自动分配ip地址)的路由器(如果没有dhcp 服务器,需要看下面的操作),把设备接好后,就需要安装管理软件。
(注:(如果是unifi 已经在别的机子配置过,需要先复位(复位方法:通电,等设备起来以后,然后按住设备后面的reset键。
没有路由器的时候配置:unifi ip如果没有路由器的时候,默认ip是192.168.1.20,把您的机子设置成192.168.1.X段的ip,这样可以加入,但需要马上把ip改成您的局域网的ip段,要不然过一段时间会断掉。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
第一次使用首先要把unifi插在有dhcp(自动分配ip地址)的路由器(如果没有dhcp 服务器,需要看下面的操作),把设备接好后,就需要安装管理软件。
(注:(如果是unifi 已经在别的机子配置过,需要先复位(复位方法:通电,等设备起来以后,然后按住设备后面的reset键。
没有路由器的时候配置:unifi ip如果没有路由器的时候,默认ip是192.168.1.20,把您的机子设置成192.168.1.X段的ip,这样可以加入,但需要马上把ip改成您的局域网内的ip 段,要不然过一段时间会断掉。