【最新】黄金周利弊英语作文word版本 (4页)




黄金周利弊英语作文5篇各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟!黄金周利弊英语作文一:五一黄金周的利弊(1242字)during the 7-day golden week holiday, traveling has already become an indispensable part of people’s relaxation activities. the lengthy holidays have caused unexpected great travel craze and brisk economic activities. holiday spending, however, adds fuel to the chinese economy, which in turn leads to the creation of a new term “holiday economy” and it sparks a hot debate about it. some economists are in favor of the golden week economy.they believe it has many advantages. first, tourism-based holiday economy will raise consumption, up spending and, therefore, help to spurthe domestic demand.in addition, it benefits tourism, transportation, catering, hotels and service industries and enables them to thrive during holidays, which in turn adds fuel to the overall economic growth.however, others overstate its disadvantages and hold that it brings undeniable problems. first, the travel craze puts a heavy burden on the traffic system, causing serious traffic jams. besides, thousands and thousands of tourists flood scenic spots, jamming railway stations and airports, causing some over crowdedness and safety problems. therefore, we shouldn’t neglect the new problems. i believe its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages. after all, it greatly benefits our overall economy. finally, i suggest the government take effective measures to solve the aforementioned problems. only in this way can we let the golden week economy develop in a sound way.黄金周利弊英语作文二:黄金周利弊(989字)as we all know, lately the national people’s congress has passed several significant perposals, including the new festivals and holidays policies.three-day holiday is going to take place of “golden week”, which has been written into our latest labour law.instinct attitudes have been proclaimed by different people.the ones who support this new measurement argue that, short-holiday not only is capable of effectively mitigating the transporting and environment pressures caused by heavy tourism industry, but also allows us to celebrate the traditional may day. however,opposites do not agree with it. in their opinions, only by long-holiday could grant the employees and workers to be provided with sufficient opportunities to relax and rest.what is worse, sum of potential profits, particularly the tourism margins would lost by implementing thislegislation.as to me, this new regulation is acceptable on the whole.on the one hand, we college students still can enjoy our holidays with our families and friends. on the other hand, compared with a whole week holidays,short rest would probably allow us to return to our studies and business more efficiently.各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟!。



黄金周旅游弊端英语作文Traveling during the Golden Week has become a popular activity for many people. However, the downside of this trend is the over-crowded tourist spots, leading to negative impacts on both the environment and public safety. 黄金周旅游已成为许多人的热门活动。


Firstly, the surge in tourist numbers during the Golden Week often results in overcrowding at popular tourist destinations. The influx of tourists increases the pressure on local infrastructure and facilities, making it difficult for residents and tourists to move around comfortably. 黄金周期间游客的激增往往导致热门旅游目的地的过度拥挤。


Moreover, the over-crowded tourist spots can lead to negative impacts on the environment. The large volume of tourists can cause pollution, damage to natural habitats, and destruction of cultural heritage sites. Additionally, the heavy foot traffic can result in soilerosion and harm to wildlife in the area. 此外,旅游景点的过度拥挤可能会对环境产生负面影响。

【最新推荐】Holiday Economy英语作文-精选word文档 (1页)

【最新推荐】Holiday Economy英语作文-精选word文档 (1页)

【最新推荐】Holiday Economy英语作文-精选word文档本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==Holiday Economy英语作文As we see, the extended holidays have caused unexpected great travel craze and brisk economic activities.But there are many debates on the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of holiday economy.Many people,especially some economists,are in favor of the holiday economy.They believe that tourism-based holiday economy has raised consumption and helped to spur the domesticdemands.Inaddition,transportation,catering,hotels and service industries become flourishing during long holidays.However,many others argue that the holiday economy do more harm than good.First,the travel craze puts a heavy burden on the traffic system.Second,thousands of tourists full scenic spots causing over crowdedness and safety problems.As to me,I believe the advantages of holiday economy outweigh its disadvantages.After all,holiday economy greatly benefits the development of our overall economy.Besides,consumers can enjoy more colourful commodities and more preferential policies provided by the merchants.But the government should take effective measures to reduce the side effects of holiday economy.。



黄金周的好处和坏处英语作文The Pros and Cons of the Golden Week Holiday in ChinaThe Golden Week holiday in China is a highly anticipated event that takes place twice a year, once during the National Day celebration in October and again during the Lunar New Year in late January or early February. This extended holiday period, which typically lasts for 7 days, offers a much-needed respite from the daily grind and provides an opportunity for families to reunite and travel. However, the influx of people and the increased demand for transportation and accommodation during this time can also bring about significant challenges. In this essay, we will explore both the advantages and disadvantages of the Golden Week holiday in China.One of the primary benefits of the Golden Week holiday is the opportunity it provides for family reunions. For many Chinese people, the Golden Week is the only time of the year when they can take a break from work and spend quality time with their loved ones. This is particularly important in a country where the workforce is often required to work long hours and have limited vacation time. The Golden Week allows families to come together, share meals, catch up on each other's lives, and create lasting memories. This sense oftogetherness and connection is a cherished aspect of Chinese culture and helps to strengthen family bonds.Furthermore, the Golden Week holiday serves as a much-needed respite from the daily grind. The fast-paced and high-pressure nature of life in China can take a toll on individuals, both physically and mentally. The Golden Week provides a chance for people to step away from their routine, relax, and recharge. This can have a positive impact on their overall well-being, as they return to work feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.Another advantage of the Golden Week is the boost it provides to the tourism industry. During this time, millions of Chinese citizens take the opportunity to travel, whether it's to domestic destinations or abroad. This influx of travelers generates a significant amount of economic activity, benefiting hotels, airlines, tour operators, and other tourism-related businesses. The increased revenue and job opportunities created by the Golden Week holiday can have a positive ripple effect on the broader economy.However, the Golden Week holiday also comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the most significant issues is the strain it places on the transportation system. With so many people traveling at the same time, roads, railways, and airports become congested, leading to long delays and frustration for travelers. This can make theexperience of getting to one's destination a stressful and unpleasant one, dampening the overall enjoyment of the holiday.The overcrowding and increased demand for accommodation during the Golden Week can also be problematic. Hotels, resorts, and other tourist facilities often raise their prices significantly to capitalize on the high demand, making it difficult for some people to afford a vacation. This can lead to a sense of frustration and resentment among travelers, who may feel that they are being taken advantage of.Moreover, the influx of people during the Golden Week can also have a negative impact on the environment. The increased consumption of resources, such as energy and water, as well as the generation of waste, can put a strain on the local infrastructure and contribute to environmental degradation. This can be particularly concerning in popular tourist destinations, where the impact of the Golden Week can be more pronounced.In conclusion, the Golden Week holiday in China is a complex issue with both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it provides an opportunity for family reunions, a much-needed respite from daily life, and a boost to the tourism industry. On the other hand, it can also lead to transportation congestion, accommodation challenges, and environmental concerns. As with any major event, itis important to strike a balance between the benefits and the drawbacks, and to find ways to mitigate the negative impacts while preserving the positive aspects of the Golden Week holiday.。

【最新文档】说谎的英语作文-易修改word版 (3页)

【最新文档】说谎的英语作文-易修改word版 (3页)

【最新文档】说谎的英语作文-易修改word版本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==说谎的英语作文说谎是一种坏习惯,如果你身边有人有这种坏习惯,不妨让他们改正过来。

下面是关于说谎的英语作文,欢迎阅读!关于说谎的英语作文一:说谎Telling lies is usually looked upon as an evil, because some people try to get benefit from dishonest means or try to conceal their faults.However,_I_thinkdespitejits_neg1ative_effects,jsometimes_itjisjessentialto iemigsinour_dailylifei First, the liar may benefit from the lie by escaping from the pressure of unnecessary embarrassment. Meanwhile, the listener may also feel more comfortable by reasonable excuses. For example, if a little girl’s father died in an accident, her mother would comfort her by saying “farther has gone to another beautiful land”. In such cases, a lie with original goodwill can make the cruel nice.Second^thejsk^lsjofJtellingJlies^jtojsomeextent,canbe_regard_asja_capacity_ofcreationandjimagination.Therefore,jtakingjallJthese_factor^jntojconsideration,_wecandefinitely come to the conclusion that whether telling a lie is harmful depends on its original intention and the ultimate result it brings.关于说谎的英语作文二:小孩子为什么说谎?。




以下店铺整理的关于黄金周的英语六级作文,希望对大家有所帮助,更多信息请关注应届毕业生网!Should the Golden Week Vacations Be Abolished?(黄金周制度)You should write at least 150 words:1)“五一”、“十一”黄金周确实推动了中国经济的发展,丰富了人们的生活2)但黄金周制度也造成了很多问题3)我的态度英语六级作文范文如下Should the Golden Week Holidays BeAbolished?There is no denying the fact that the introductionof the Golden Week holidays in China has considerably promoted the develo pment of thenation’s economy and touring industry and enriched people’s life. People around the countryhave spent more time and money traveling and relaxing themselves.As every coin has two sides, the Golden Week holidays have also brought about piles ofproblems. For one thing, due to the fact that people across the country are spending theirvacations during the same period of time, it is terribly crowded almost everywhere: trains,buses, hotels, scenic spots, etc., which have ruined people’s mood for vacat ions. For another,some businessmen take advantage of the weeklong holidays and raise the price ofcommodities and services.Personally, I believe that it is necessary for people to have long vacations, but there is noneed for them to have thevacations during the same period of time. Instead, they should beallowed the freedom to arrange their own vacations. Only in this way can they really relax andrefresh themselves for a new round of work.【拓展阅读】英语六级翻译复习:黄金周请将下面这段话翻译成英文:黄金周(the Golden Week)是指连续7天的全国性假期。

【最新2018】关于省钱的大学生英语作文-推荐word版 (4页)

【最新2018】关于省钱的大学生英语作文-推荐word版 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==关于省钱的大学生英语作文省钱是一种生活态度,学会省钱是一种生活乐趣。


英语作文做一个精明的消费者Be a Truly Smart ConsumerSocial and economic development today has not only brought us new kinds of goods and services, but also greatly changed the way we buy goods and services. As students mostly rely on their families, along with the increasing pressure of daily life, they are more carefulwith their money: they collect all kinds of coupons, look for group-buy deals for eating and travelling, and buy clothes only on sale.For most people, this seems to be a smart way of enjoying better life at less expense. For me, however, this may not make us become smart buyers.今天社会和经济的发展不仅给我们带来了新的商品和服务,同时也大大改变了我们购买商品和服务的方式。


【推荐】初三英语作文:做三明治的过程-范文word版 (1页)

【推荐】初三英语作文:做三明治的过程-范文word版 (1页)

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Last Sunday I went to see my aunt with my brother . My aunt made some beef sandwiches for us . They were very delicious . After lunch , I asked my aunt to teach me how to make a beef sandwich .
First , she put a teaspoon of butter on a slice of bread . After that , she cut up an onion and a tomato . She added them to the
bread . Then she put some lettuce and four slices of beef on the
bread . Next she put two teaspoons of relish on the beef . Finally , she put another slice of bread on the top .。



黄金周旅游弊端英语作文(中英文版)Title: The Downsides of the Golden Week HolidayThe Golden Week holiday, a week-long national holiday in China, is a time when people are supposed to relax, travel, and spend time with family and friends.However, as the number of travelers increases, so do the problems associated with this holiday.One major issue with the Golden Week holiday is overcrowding.As everyone has the same days off, popular tourist destinations become extremely crowded, making it difficult to enjoy the sights and sounds.In addition, the increased number of people on the road can lead to traffic jams, making travel frustrating and time-consuming.Another problem with the Golden Week holiday is the high cost of travel.As demand for flights, hotels, and tours increases, prices skyrocket, making it difficult for many people to afford a holiday.This can lead to stress and financial difficulties for those who do manage to travel.Furthermore, the Golden Week holiday can also have negative effects on the environment.The increased number of travelers means more air and water pollution, as well as more waste generated.This can damage natural habitats and harm local wildlife.In conclusion, while the Golden Week holiday is a time for relaxation and enjoyment, it is important to be aware of the potential downsides.Byplanning ahead and choosing less popular destinations, travelers can help reduce the impact of overcrowding and high prices.Additionally, being mindful of the environment and taking steps to minimize pollution can help ensure a sustainable future for tourism in China.中文翻译:标题:黄金周假期的弊端黄金周假期是中国为期一周的国家假期,人们应该在这个时候放松、旅行和与家人朋友共度时光。

【最新推荐】放松自己的英语作文-易修改word版 (3页)

【最新推荐】放松自己的英语作文-易修改word版 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! ==放松自己的英语作文对于快节奏压力高的生活,我们学会放松自己。


下面是小编为您推荐的放松自己的英语作文,欢迎阅读!放松自己英语作文一:The best way of relaxing yourselftraveling is moer and more popular in the modern world.it helps us open our eyes and learn knowledge differden places.so i thing traveling is helpful for us.when we are free during the holiday ,we can go to some beautiful places to relax ourselves .w hile we are in different pleaces ,we will have a wonderful feeling in all we see,there we can eat all kinds of delicious food,visit many places of interest or something else.on the other hand ,traveling will help us learn lots of local cultures ,people’s lives there ,sometimes you can make some new friends,it also can make your life colorful.to us students mwe can relax ourselves from the busy studying life,we can use these experiences in our studying.so if you have time ,traveling is the best way to relax yourself the more places you travel,the mare you will learn.放松自己英语作文二:Relax YourselfEvery time when we feel stress, others will ask us to be relaxed. And we all know that relax is good for us to make things successful. I thinkmaybe it is because people can gain enough energy and clearing their mind after relaxing. But relaxing doesn't means indulging. Some people may suffer pain when they are trying to make something done, but when they stop to relax, they feel happy for avoiding the difficulty. And then they may indulge in the relax life resist to think. It is not good for them. For example, a student is tired from study. He can recover after several minutes’computer games. But if he is addicted in it, he will ruin his study. Thus, when relaxing, people need to pay attention to the problem of degree. Do not step over the line.放松自己英语作文三:Relax YourselfWhat does it mean to relax?Despite hearing this term thousands of times during the course of our lives, very few people have deeply considered what it's really about.When you ask people (which I have done many times) what it means to relax, most will answer in a way that suggests that relaxing is something you plan to do later you do it on vacation, in a hammock, when you retire, or when you get everything else done. This implies, of course, that most other times should be spent nervous, agitated, rushed, and frenzied. Very few actually come out and say so, but this is the obvious implication.Could this explain why so many of us operate as if life were one great big emergency?It is useful to think of relaxation as a quality of heart that you can access on a regular basis rather than something reserved for some later time. You can relax now. It's helpful t remember that relaxed people can still be superachievers and, in fact, that relaxation and creativity go hand in hand.When I'm feeling uptight, for example, I don't even try to write. But when I feel relaxed, my writing flows quickly and easily.放松自己英语作文四:Relax OurselvesRecently, we have little time to keep close contact with nature. We spend too much time on study or working. We almost forget that how green the grass is, how beautiful the flowers are, and how sweetly the birds are singing outside our windows. A saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". It means that we need to relax ourselves and go out to breathe more fresh air. We can also climb a hill in the suburbs.It's good for our health.Let's go outing.放松自己英语作文五:Relax OurselvesWhat do you usually do in your spare time to relax yourself? Let me tell you some ways to.First of all, you can stay in bed for a while, sleeping makes people feel good.Secondly, you can join your friends in some fun parties, talks with friends will let you feel comfortable.Thirdly, you can go outing alone. You can either breathe new fresh air in the mountains or you can take a look at how beautiful the nature looks like.Fourth, why don't you just play sports with your family? You'll feel tired if you do too much exercise once, but it keeps you healthy and energetic.What's your opinion?以下文字仅用于测试排版效果, 请使用时删除!当撩开窗的刹那,当推开门楣的倥偬,当抬头仰望天空时刻,秋阳光芒,总是令你防不胜防,把它光和热,幻化成清晰影子,将你打得,招架难熬,只有默默承受,从早到晚,变为它之囚徒,渴望于之脱逃。

【最新推荐】perseverance英语作文-范文word版 (1页)

【最新推荐】perseverance英语作文-范文word版 (1页)

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needless to say, nothing but perseverance can lead a man to the way of success. in other words, a persevering man never does his work without succeeding in it. this is indeed unchangeable truth.
our national father, dr. sun yat-sen, is the most ideal example. he was devoted to the revolution about forty years. he met with many failures, but he was anything but discouraged. as a result, he won. the republic of china was born.









一、命题作文1. My familyThere are four people in my family. They are my parents, my sister and I. My father is a doctor. He can drive a car. My mother is a factory worker. She works hard. My sister is a student. She is the best in her class. My hobby is playing basketball. My sister and I go to school on foot. I have a happy family. What about you?2.My English TeacherMiss Li is my English teacher. She’s very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes cats very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English classes. She is very kind to us. We all like her.3.My next weekendSaturday is my favorite day. On Saturday morning, I’m going to the supermarket with my mother. On Saturday afternoon, I’m going to do my homework. On Saturday evening, I’m going to read books and watch TV. Saturday is sweet for me.On Sunday morning, I’m going to read an Englis h book. On Sunday afternoon, I’m going to visit my grandparent s. On Sunday evening, I’m going to play computer game. Sunday is fun for me.My next weekend is great. I love it! What about you?二、材料作文1、根据给出的材料,写一写Mike这个周末的活动计划。



黄金周旅游弊端英语作文The Golden Week in China, a time when millions ofcitizens embark on vacations, is one of the busiest travel periods in the country. While it offers an opportunity for families and friends to reunite and enjoy leisure time together, it also presents several disadvantages that overshadow the benefits. This essay will explore some of the main drawbacks of traveling during this peak season.Firstly, the sheer volume of tourists during the Golden Week creates a chaotic environment at popular destinations. Historical sites, natural attractions, and urban centers become overcrowded, making it difficult to appreciate the beauty and cultural significance of these places. Long queues at ticket counters, packed public transport, and crammed accommodations can turn what should be a relaxing getawayinto a frustrating experience. Visitors often find themselvesspending more time stuck in traffic or waiting in line than enjoying the sights.Secondly, the high demand for travel services during this period leads to inflated prices. Hotels, restaurants, and transportation services often hike their prices, taking advantage of the increased demand. This surge in cost can significantly impact travelers’ budgets, leading tofinancial strain. Many families find themselves spending more than they initially planned, which can diminish the enjoyment of their trip and lead to dissatisfaction.Moreover, the intensity of travel during Golden Week is not only physically exhausting but can also create safety concerns. With massive crowds, the risk of accidents and mishaps increases. Situations such as loss of personal belongings, separation from travel companions, or even medical emergencies can occur more frequently in suchbustling environments. Travelers may find themselves feelinganxious rather than relaxed, detracting from the overall purpose of the vacation.Additionally, environmental concerns arise during this peak travel season. The overwhelming number of visitors contributes to pollution and environmental degradation, especially in fragile natural areas. Littering, overuse of resources, and disturbance to wildlife become more prevalentas popular sites struggle to cope with the influx of people. This can have long-term devastating effects on the ecosystems that travelers cherish.In conclusion, while the Golden Week presents an opportunity for rest and family bonding, the associated drawbacks cannot be overlooked. Overcrowding, inflated prices, safety concerns, and environmental impact transform what should be a delightful holiday into a stressful experience. Therefore, travelers might consider planning their vacations during off-peak seasons to better enjoy their journeys andminimize these negative consequences. By doing so, they can not only enhance their personal experiences but also contribute to more sustainable and enjoyable tourism practices.。

【最新】成人高考试题英语作文范文参考-精选word文档 (3页)

【最新】成人高考试题英语作文范文参考-精选word文档 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==成人高考试题英语作文范文参考成人高考中的英语作文确实不怎么好写,但是你们可以多看一些英语的作文范文。

下面就是小编给大家整理的成人高考试题英语作文,希望对你有用!成人高考试题英语作文篇1:爱读报纸的原因Why I like to Read NewspaperThe newspaper is one of the many mediums of carrying informationto us. No wonder people often say: “ Even without stepping out of my house, I am well-informed of al that has been happening in the world.”We get all kinds of news from newspapers. Newspapers can tell us about various events, past and future, domestic and foreign. Besides, they can teach us a lot of useful things. In fact, everyone can find something he wants from newspapers, and everyone enjoys reading them everyday.Reading newspapers can widen our scope of knowledge. Not onlythey help us improve our reading ability but they can help us enhance our ideology. Because of all these benefits, I like reading newspapers.My Opinion of Today’s Educat ionI think one of the main problems with today’s education is that too much emphasis is placed on test scores. It has become the most important criterion for college enrollment. A student, howevercreative and intelligent, will not be admitted into a college if his total scores are just one point less than required. It is also one of the crucial factors either in job assignment or in employment competitions.The competition for high scores among students becomes intense. Students find themselves concentrating more on strategies to achievehigh scores than on acquiring knowledge. They will play truant of some subsidiary course, skip over the substance which will not be tested on, even pump teachers for hints on upcoming exams. Teachers are apt to give their students high scores. As their job is judged mainly by the students’ performance in terms of scores, some teachers tend to set easy papers to test their students on or narrow down the scope of the exam. Some teachers even leak “accidentally” the exam questions or lower their criterion of scoring.As a result, the competition for high scores becomes so intense that it actually defeats academic goals of education.成人高考试题英语作文篇2:找工作Applying for the JobDear Sir,As I am going to graduate from the university, I would like to apply for a position with your company. My training at Beijing University helped me develop such skills as a secretary withexcellent shorthand and word processing: I would like to demonstrate how I can put them to work for your company.Here I enclose a resume which describes my education and work experience. You will note that I got good grades, and I placed second in our city in the Secretarial Shorthand Competition last November.If you think I can meet the requirement for work in your company, I would like to interview with you soon., May I call you on Next Monday to make an appointment.Yours sincerelyLiYing成人高考试题英语作文篇3:入学申请Application Letter for StudyDear Sir:I am writing to you because I wish to have information about admission to your university, the courses you offer and details of。

【2018最新】英语作文Mybadroomword版本 (1页)

【2018最新】英语作文Mybadroomword版本 (1页)

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以下是为大家整理的《英语作文50词:My badroom 我的房间》,供大家参考。

I have a tidy bedroom, it is not big, but placed a lot of things. The windowin the south, in the window next to the desk, my bag, put on the desklamp, the stationery box. Zhang Shafa in his desk nearby, there is a doll.In the bedroom is the North bed.




【最新推荐】关于抱怨的英语作文-推荐word版 (3页)

【最新推荐】关于抱怨的英语作文-推荐word版 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! ==关于抱怨的英语作文做人不能整天都在抱怨,抱怨会让你的生活越来越糟。

下面是关于抱怨的英语作文,欢迎阅读关于抱怨的英语作文一:抱怨信Dear president:I am one of the student who critical of restaurant of our seminary. We have been informed frequently that with the declining quality of the restaurant of our school it is intolerable to meal at school. It becomes the source of great complaint by student. Therefore please give me an access to put forward some disadvantage of the restaurant in order to be placed more stress onFirst the expression of the students ‘face Witness that how unsavory the food is .Secondly insect is conceal in the vegetable there are times when we are prepare to have . Thirdly the price of the restaurant is too high. Finally tableware not be sanitized is used in the restaurant.Please take it into account or it will give rise to a series of problem. In addition, let me apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused. I hold a belief that students will enjoy themselves when have a meal in the restaurant of our seminary.I am looking forward to seeing the changes of the restaurantYours sincerely关于抱怨的英语作文二:抱怨信Dear Manager,I venture to write to complain about the quality of the digital camera I bought last Friday at your store. During the five days the camera has been in my possession, problems have emerged one after another. For one thing, the screen is always black, making the camera no different from a traditional one. For another, the battery is distressing as it supports the camera’s operation for only two hours.Therefore, I wish to declare a refund. I will appreciate it if my problem receives due attention.Yours,关于抱怨的英语作文三:抱怨信Dear Sir,I am writing to you for the mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th Apr. 201X at Tele Mall in Wuhan, P. R. China. There is something wrong with my mobile phone. The mobile phone can’t send messages and it can’t ring if someone calls me. What was worse, this kind of mobile phone has been sold out, so it cannot be changed a new one. This kind of mobile phone is in a new style, so the shop has no spare parts to repair my phone. I was so worried about it. I make a request to your company to change it as soon as possible. I hope you can give me a hand.I am looking forward to receiving your answer. Please give me a letter as soon as you receive my E-mail.Thank you for your consideration.。

2019年英语作文大全及翻译word版本 (4页)

2019年英语作文大全及翻译word版本 (4页)

2019年英语作文大全及翻译word版本本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==英语作文大全及翻译英语作文大全及翻译 1My Best FriendBlair is my classmate as well as my best friend.We have already known each other for ten years. We live in the same block so that we always go to school together. She has long hair, big eyes and sweet smile, which makes her popular in my class. Blair works hard and she is a good student in the eyes of teachers. Besides, she is clever and kind-hearted. When others turn to her for help, she always tries her best to help.I feel proud to have such a good friend.我最好的朋友布莱尔是我的同学以及我最好的朋友。




布莱尔努力学习, 在老师眼中,她是一个好学生。




英语作文大全及翻译 2。



七、利弊类作文Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Electronic dictionaries. You should write at least 120 words, and base your compositionon the outline (given in Chinese) below:1. 电子词典有很多好处2. 电子词典也有许多弊端3. 我的看法是……Electronic DictionariesI n recent years electronic dictionaries have become very popular as a study aid among students.Compared with a traditional dictionary, this kind of new dictionar y has many advantages. First, in comparison with a traditional dictionary, it’s obviously very handy and convenient Besides,due to its multifunction, it’s also very helpful. It cannot only translate words from English to Chinese, but vice versa. Some even can teach the learner how to pronounce a word. Most important of all, most of the entries in electronic dictionaries are comparatively updated.On the other hand, electronic dictionary has its disadvantages. First,the definitions in the entries are very limited.In addition, there are not enough explanations, patterns, or examples to illustrate the correct usage of word. Last butnot the least, constant use of this study aid can make people too much attached to the dictionary and become lazy, which will lead them to form a passive and lazy attitude towards learning.In my opinion, we should use it properly and should have a good English dictionary at hand and treat the electronic one as a makeshift, when necessary.1 / 1。

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As we all know, lately the National People's Congress has passed several significant perposals, including the new festivals and holidays policies.Three-day holiday is going to take place of "Golden Week", which has been written into our latest Labour law.
Instinct attitudes have been proclaimed by different people.The ones who support this new measurement argue that, short-holiday not only is capable of effectively mitigating the transporting and environment pressures caused by heavy tourism industry, but also allows us to celebrate the traditional May Day. However,opposites do not agree with it. In their opinions, only by long-holiday could grant the employees and workers to be provided with sufficient opportunities to relax and rest.What is worse, sum of potential profits, particularly the tourism margins would lost by implementing this legislation.
As to me, this new regulation is acceptable on the whole.On the one hand, we college students still can enjoy our holidays with our families and friends. On the other hand, compared with a whole week holidays,short rest would probably allow us to return to our studies and business more efficiently.。
