



说明:1.请填写课程名称、任课教师姓名、考试时长和考试方式,并注明是A 卷还是B 卷;一、单选题(本类题共30题,每小题1分,共30分。

每小题备选答案中,只有一个符合题意的正确答案)1. 下列项目中,不属于财务报告目标的主要内容的是( )。

A .向财务报告使用者提供与企业财务状况有关的会计信息B .向财务报告使用者提供与企业经营成果有关的会计信息C .反映企业管理层受托责任履行情况D .反映国家宏观经济管理的需要2. 以下事项中,作为企业收入核算的是( )。

A .提供劳务所取得的收入B .直接计入所有者权益的利得C .出售无形资产所有权取得的收益D .出售固定资产所有权取得的收益3. 关于收入,下列说法中正确的是( )。

A .收入是指企业在日常活动中形成的、会导致所有者权益增加的、与所有者投入资本无关的经济利益的总流入B .收入在经济利益很可能流入时予以确认,与经济利益的流入额能否可靠计量无关C .符合收入定义和收入确认条件的项目,应当列入资产负债表D .收入是指企业在日常活动中形成的、会导致所有者权益或负债增加的、与所有者投入资本无关的经济利益的总流入课程《中级财务会计(A )Ⅰ》【□A 卷】 任课教师 葛文荣、潘皓青、胡欢、 包华瑜、孙文川第2011-2012学年 第 一 学期 考试时长:100 分钟 【□闭卷】4.企业应当按照交易或者事项的经济实质进行会计确认、计量和报告,不应仅以交易或者事项的法律形式为依据,所反映的是会计信息质量要求中的()。

A.重要性 B.实质重于形式 C.谨慎性 D.及时性5.我国企业会计准则规定,企业的会计核算应当以()为基础。

A.权责发生制 B.实地盘存制 C.永续盘存制 D.收付实现制6. 下列各项中,不符合资产会计要素定义的是()。

A.委托代销商品B.委托加工物资C.待处理财产损失D.尚待加工的半成品7. 根据资产定义,下列各项中不属于资产特征的是( )。

A.资产是企业拥有或控制的经济资源B.资产预期会给企业带来未来经济利益C.资产是由企业过去交易或事项形成的D.资产能够可靠地计量8. 依据企业会计准则的规定,下列有关收入和利得的表述中,正确的是()。

中级财务会计期中测试1 答案

中级财务会计期中测试1 答案

1.07年:借:资产减值损失11000贷:坏账准备1100008年:发生:借:坏账准备5000贷:应收账款5000计提:借:资产减值损失10000贷:坏账准备1000009年:发生:借:坏账准备24000贷:应收账款24000收回:借:应收账款2000贷:坏账准备2000借:银行存款2000贷:应收账款2000计提:借:资产减值损失14000贷:坏账准备140002.(1)购进材料时:借:材料采购 85400应交税金一应交增值税(进项税) 14518贷:银行存款 99918 (2)收到材料时:借:原材料 80000贷:材料采购 80000借:材料成本差异 5400贷:材料采购 5400原材料的材料成本差异率=(-700+5400)/(20000+80000)= 4.7% 发出原材料应负担的成本差异 =110000×4.7% =5170(元)(2)结转发出材料的计划成本借:生产成本 60000管理费用 20000销售费用 30000贷:原材料 110000结转发出材料应该负担的成本差异:借:生产成本 2820管理费用 940销售费用 1410贷:材料成本差异 51703. (1)借:交易性金融资产----A公司股票(成本)234 000 投资收益 1 000应收股利 6 000贷:银行存款241 000(2)借:银行存款 6 000 贷:应收股利 6 000(3)借:交易性金融资产----A公司股票(公允价值变动)11 000 贷:公允价值变动损益11 000 借:公允价值变动损益11 000 贷:本年利润11 000(4)借:银行存款240 000 投资收益 5 000贷:交易性金融资产----A公司股票(成本)234 000 交易性金融资产----A公司股票(公允价值变动)11 000借:公允价值变动损益11 000 贷:投资收益11 0004、购入时:借:持有至到期投资——面值1000000——利息调整100000贷:银行存款110000007年末:投资收益=1100000*6.36%=69960应收利息=1000000*12%=120000借:应收利息120000贷:持有至到期投资——利息调整50040 投资收益69960 借:银行存款120000贷:应收利息12000007年末摊余成本=1100000+69960-120000=104996008年末:借:应收利息120000贷:持有至到期投资——利息调整49960 投资收益70040借:银行存款120000贷:应收利息120000收回投资成本:借:银行存款1000000贷:持有至到期投资——面值10000005、4月8日:借:可供出售金融资产——成本 364000 贷:银行存款 364000 07年12月31日:借:可供出售金融资产——公允价值变动 36000 贷:资本公积 36000 08年2月24日:借:银行存款 170000投资收益 30000贷:可供出售金融资产——成本 182000——公允价值变动 18000 借:资本公积 18000贷:投资收益 1800008年12月31日:公允价值变动额=(10-8.5)*20000=30000借:资本公积 30000贷:可供出售金融资产——公允价值变动 300006.(1)2007年1月1日购入B公司股权借:长期股权投资——成本 4000000贷:银行存款 4000000(2)购买日,调整初始投资成本A公司享有B公司可辨认净资产的公允价值的份额=10500000*40%=4200000 A公司应调整投资成本=4200000-4000000=200000借:长期股权投资——成本 200000贷:营业外收入 200000。



中级财务会计期中考试试卷答案一、单项选择题1~5 AADDA 6~10 BCBBA 11~14 DDAC二、多选题:1、BCE2、ABC3、ABCE 4、A C E三、判断题:1、√2、×3、√4、×5、√四:业务题1、1)2007年末,应计提坏账准备=400000 × 4‰=1600元)借:资产减值损失 1600贷:坏账准备 16002)2008年末,坏账准备余额=800000× 4‰=3200(元)应补提坏账准备=3200-1600=1600(元)借:资产减值损失 1600贷:坏账准备 16003)2009年,发生坏账5000元借:坏账准备5000贷:应收账款50002009年末坏账准备余额=900,000× 4‰=3600(元)应补提坏账准备=3600 +(5000-3200) = 5400(元)借:资产减值损失 5400贷:坏账准备 54004)2010年,收回坏账2000元借:应收账款2000 同时:借:银行存款2000贷:坏账准备2000 贷:应收账款2000 2010年末坏账准备余额=500000× 4‰= 2000(元)应冲减坏账准备=3600+2000-2000=3600(元)借:坏账准备3600贷:资产减值损失 36002.5月10日:购买股票借:交易性金融资产---成本600应收股利30投资收益6贷:银行存款6365月30日:收到购买前已宣告的股利借:银行存款30贷:应收股利306月30日股票市价每股上涨0.2元借:交易性金融资产--公允价值变动40贷:公允价值变动损益408月10日,确认持有期间实现的股利:借:应收股利40贷:投资收益408月20日收到现金股利:借:银行存款40贷:应收股利4012月31日,公允价值发生变动:借:交易性金融资产--公允价值变动 80贷:公允价值变动损益 8008年1月3日,出售交易性金融资产:借:银行存款 630投资收益 90贷:交易性金融资产--成本 600--公允价值变动 120 同时结转持有期间已确认的公允价值变动损益借:公允价值变动损益 120贷:投资收益 120累计损益=-6+40-90+120=64(万元)3、成本法下的会计处理:(1)2007年4月1日长江公司取得投资时:借:长期股权投资——H公司(成本)3 500 000贷:银行存款3 500 000(2)2007年末、2008年末不作处理(3)2009年末宣布发放股利借:应收股利160 000贷:投资收益160 000权益法下的会计处理:(1)2007年4月1日长江公司取得投资时:借:长期股权投资——H公司(成本)3500 000贷:银行存款3 500 000(2)2007年末确认所享有的净利润借:长期股权投资——B企业(损益调整)400 000贷:投资收益400 000(280万元-80万元)×20% (3)确认2008年应分担的亏损借:投资收益300 000贷:长期股权投资——B企业(损益调整)300 000 (4)2009年末确认所享有的净利润借:长期股权投资——B企业(损益调整)400 000贷:投资收益400 000(5)宣布发放股利借:应收股利160 000贷:长期股权投资——B企业(损益调整)160 000。



《中级财务会计》期中考试试卷(2008级)答案一.计算题:1解答:⑴本月材料成本差异率=(-267+6500)/(80000+643500)×100%=6233/723500=0.86%⑵发出材料的实际成本=6000×65+(6000×65)×0.86%=390000+3354=393354(元)⑶结存材料的实际成本=(80000+643500-390000)+333500×0.86%=333500+2868.1=336368.1(元)或=333500+2879=336379(元)(账户)2解答:由于B公司持有的笔记本电脑数量24000台多于已签订销售合同的数量20000台,其可变现净值=20000×1.5-20000×0.05=29000万元;其成本为28000万元;故其账面价值=28000万元;超过部分的可变现净值=4000×1.3-4000×0.05=5000万元;其成本为5600万元;故其账面价值=5000万元;B公司2009年12月31日笔记本电脑的账面价值=28000+5000=33000万元3解答:(1)采用双倍余额递减法计算如下:双倍折旧率=2÷5×100%=40%第一年应提的折旧额=5000000 ×40%=2000000(元)第二年应提的折旧额=(5000000-2000000)×40%=1200000(元)2011年应计提的折旧额=2000000×11/12+1200000×1/12=18333.33+100000=118333.33(元)二、核算题:1、解:(1)发出委托加工材料的实际成本:借:委托加工物资20000贷:原材料——乙材料20000同时分摊材料成本差异:借:材料成本差异1000贷:委托加工物资1000(2)支付加工费、增值税和往返运费:借:委托加工物资2186应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)354(340+200×7%)贷:银行存款2540(3)加工完成的原材料验收入库:借:原材料——加工材料21000材料成本差异186贷:委托加工物资211862、解:(1)2006年年末应提取的存货跌价准备为:200000一180000=20000(元)借:资产减值损失——计提的存货跌价准备20000贷:存货跌价准备20000 (2)2007年末应计提的存货跌价准备为:200000-175000=25000(元)。



中级财务会计期中测试题及答案一、单项选择题(共20小题,每题1分,共计20分)二、多项选择题(共10小题,每题2分,共计20分)三、判断并改错题(共10小题,每小题2分,共计20分)四、业务计算题(共2小题,第一题10分,第二题10分,共计20分)五、综合题(共10小题,每题2分,共计20分)一、单项选择题(共10小题,每题1分,共计10分)1. 2014年1月2日,甲公司以货币资金取得乙公司30%的股权,初始投资成本为2000万元,投资时乙公司各项可辨认资产.负债的公允价值与其账面价值相同,可辨认净资产公允价值及账面价值的总额均为7000万元,甲公司取得投资后即派人参与乙公司生产经营决策,但无法对乙公司实施控制。

乙公司2014年实现净利润500万元,假定不考虑所得税因素,该项投资对甲公司2014年度损益的影响金额为( D)。


甲公司该项交易性金融资产的入账价值为( A )。

A.810B.815C.830D.8353.下列关于投资性房地产核算的表述中,正确的是( D)。

A.采有成本模式计量的投资性房地产不需要确认减值损失B.采用公允价值模式计量的投资性房地产可转换为成本模式计量C.采用公允价值模式计量的投资性房地产,公允价值的变动金额应计入资本公积D.采用成本模式计量的投资性房地产,符合条件时可转换为公允价值模式计量4.根据规定,下列经济业务中,不能用现金支付的是( A )。

A.支付物资采购货款1200元B.支付零星办公用品购置费600元C.支付离退休人员工资3000元D.支付职工差旅费2000元5.下列固定资产中,应计提折旧的是( B )。

A.未提足折旧提前报废的固定资产B.闲置的机器设备C.已提足折旧继续使用的固定资产D.经营租赁租入的房屋6.下列各项关于无形资产会计处理的表述中,正确的是( D )。



广东外语外贸大学南国商学院试卷学号:——————————班级:————————姓名:———————————总分:——————一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1.在下列项目中,不属于其他货币资金的是( A )A.向银行申请的银行承兑汇票B.委托银行开出的银行汇票C.存入证券公司准备购买股票的款项D.汇到外地并开立采购专户的款项2. 企业本月月初库存原材料计划成本为75 000元,材料成本差异贷方余额1 500元,本月购进原材料计划成本为450 000元,实际成本441 000元。

该企业本月材料成本差异率为( B)A.超支2%B.节约2%C.超支1.4%D.节约1.4%3.企业购入债券作为持有至到期投资,该债券的初始确认金额应为( D )A.债券面值B.债券面值加相关交易费用C.债券公允价值D.债券公允价值加相关交易费用4.长期股权投资采用权益法核算,如果初始投资成本小于投资时应享有被投资单位可辩认净资产公允价值的份额,则其差额应当调整长期股权投资的初始投资成本,同时计入( D )。

A.投资收益B.公允价值变动损益C.资本公积D.营业外收入5.2008年7月1日,甲公司从二级市场以2 100万元(含已到付息日但尚未领取的利息100万元)购入乙公司发行的债券,另发生交易费用10万元,划分为交易性金融资产。

当年12月31日,该交易性金融资产的公允价值为2 200万元。


A.90 B.100 C.190 D.2006.某企业对材料采用计划成本核算。


该企业2008年12月31日结存材料的实际成本为(C )万元。


《中级财务会计》期中考试试题(英文版)(doc 8页)

《中级财务会计》期中考试试题(英文版)(doc 8页)

《中级财务会计》期中考试试题(英文版)(doc 8页)Sales returns and allowances 40,000Required:(a) Prepare the entries for estimated bad debts assuming that doubtful accounts areestimated to be (1) 6% of gross accounts receivable and (2) 1% of net sales.(b) Assume that all the information above is the same, except that the Allowance forDoubtful Accounts has a debit balance of $2,500 instead of a credit balance.Prepare the journal entry to record the bad debt expense?Question Three (9 points)The following trial balance was taken from the books of Fisk Corporation on December 31, 2007.Account Debit Credit Cash $ 12,000 Accounts Receivable 40,000Note Receivable 7,000Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $ 1,800 Merchandise Inventory 44,000Prepaid Insurance 4,800Furniture and Equipment 125,000Accumulated Depreciation--F. & E. 15,000 Accounts Payable 10,800 Common Stock 44,000 Retained Earnings 55,000 Sales 280,000Cost of Goods Sold 111,000Salaries Expense 50,000Rent Expense 12,800Totals $406,600 $406,600At year end, the following items have not yet been recorded.a. Insurance expired during the year, $2,000.b. Estimated bad debts, 1% of gross sales.c. Depreciation on furniture and equipment, 10% per year.d. Interest at 6% is receivable on the note for one full year.e. Rent paid in advance at December 1, $6,000 for half a yearf. Accrued salaries at December 31, $5,800.Required:(a) Prepare the necessary adjusting entries.(b) Prepare the necessary closing entries.Question Four (6 points)On May 1, Carter, Inc. factored $800,000 of accounts receivable with Rapid Finance ondiscounts, and absorb the credit losses. Rapid Finance assessed a finance charge of 6% of the total accounts receivable factored and retained an amount equal to 2% of the total receivables to cover sales discounts.Required:(a) Prepare the journal entry required on Carter 's books on May 1.(b) Prepare the journal entry required on Rapid Finance’s books on May 1.(c) Assume Carter factors the $800,000 of accounts receivable with Rapid Finance ona with recourse basis instead. The recourse provision has a fair value of $14,000.Prepare the journal entry required on Carter’s books on May 1.Question Five (6 points)Dent Company manufactures one product. On December 31, 2005, Dent adopted the dollar-value LIFO inventory method. The inventory on that date using the dollar-value LIFO inventory method was $180,000. Inventory data are as follows:Inventory at Price indexYear year-end prices (base year 2005)2006 $252,000 1.052007 368,000 1.152008 387,500 1.25InstructionsCompute the inventory at December 31, 2006, 2007, and 2008, using the dollar-value LIFO method for each year.Question Six (9 points)On January 1, a store had inventory of $48,000. January purchases were $46,000 and January sales were $90,000. On February 1 a fire destroyed most of the inventory. The rate of gross profit was 25% of cost. Merchandise with a selling price of $5,000 remained undamaged after the fire. Compute the amount of the fire loss, assuming the store had no insurance coverage. Label all figures.Question Seven (5 points)Accounts receivable in the amount of $250,000 were assigned to the Fast Finance Company by Nance, Inc., as security for a loan of $200,000. The finance company charged a 4% commission on the face amount of the loan, and the note bears interest at 9% per year.During the first month, Nance collected $130,000 on assigned accounts. This amount was remitted to the finance company along with one month's interest on the note.Make all the entries for Nance Inc. associated with the transfer of the accounts receivable and the remittance to the finance company.Question Eight (6 points)A machine which cost $200,000 is acquired on October 1, 2006. Its estimated salvage value is $20,000 and its expected life is eight years.Required:Calculate depreciation expense for 2006 and 2007 by each of the following methods, showing the figures used.(a) Double-declining balance(b) Sum-of-the-years'-digitsQuestion Nine (8 points)Ferry Corporation follows a policy of a 10% depreciation charge per year on all machinery and a 5% depreciation charge per year on buildings. The following transactions occurred in 2007:March 31, 2007—Negotiations which began in 2006 were completed and a warehouse purchased 1/1/98 (depreciation has been properly charged throughDecember 31, 2006) at a cost of $3,200,000 with a fair market value of$2,000,000 was exchanged for a second warehouse which also had afair market value of $2,000,000. The exchange had no commercialsubstance. Both parcels of land on which the warehouses werelocated were equal in value, and had a fair value equal to book value. June 30, 2007—Machinery with a cost of $240,000 and accumulated depreciation through January 1 of $180,000 was exchanged with $150,000 cash for aparcel of land with a fair market value of $230,000.Required:Prepare all appropriate journal entries for Ferry Corporation for the above dates.Question Ten (7 points)On March 1, Gatt Co. began construction of a small building. The following expenditures were incurred for construction:March 1 $ 75,000 April 1 $ 74,000May 1 180,000 June 1 270,000July 1 100,000The building was completed and occupied on July 1. To help pay for construction $50,000 was borrowed on March 1 on a 12%, three-year note payable. The only other debt outstanding during the year was a $500,000, 10% note issued two years ago.(a) Calculate the weighted-average accumulated expenditures.(b) Calculate avoidable interest.Question Eleven (5 points)The management of Yastrzemski Inc. was discussing whether certain equipment should be written off as a charge to current operations because of obsolescence. This equipment has a cost of $1,200,000 with depreciation to date of $300,000 as of December 31, 2007. On December 31, 2007, management projected its future net cash flows from this equipment to be $700,000 and its fair value to be $600,000. The company intends to use this equipment in the future.Required:(a) Prepare the journal entry (if any) to record the impairment at December 31, 2007.(b) Where should the gain or loss (if any) on the write-down be reported in the income statement?(c) At December 31, 2008, the equipment’s fair value increased to $700,000. Prepare the journal entry (if any) to record this increase in fair value.Question Twelve (8 points)Buhner Company constructed a building at a cost of $3,000,000 and occupied it beginning in January 1988. It was estimated at that time that its life would be 40 years, with no salvage value.In January 2008, a new roof was installed at a cost of $500,000, and it was estimated then that the building would have a useful life of 25 years from that date. The cost of the old roof was $200,000.Required:(a) What amount of depreciation should have been charged annually from the years1988 to 2007?(Assume straight-line depreciation.)(b) What entry should be made in 2008 to record the replacement of the roof?(c) Prepare the entry in January 2008, to record the revision in the estimated life of thebuilding, ifnecessary.(d) What amount of depreciation should be charged for the year 2008?Question Thirteen (7 points)At 12/31/06, the end of Feeney Company's first year of business, inventory was $4,100 and $2,800 at cost and at market, respectively.Following is data relative to the 12/31/07 inventory of Feeney:Original Net Net Realizable AppropriateCost Replacement Realizable Value Less InventoryItem Per Unit Cost Value Normal ProfitC .70 .75D .75 .65E .90 .85Selling price is $1.00/unit for all items. Disposal costs amount to 10% of selling price and a "normal" profit is 30% of selling price. There are 1,000 units of each item in the 12/31/07 inventory.Required:(a) Prepare the entry at 12/31/06 necessary to implement the lower-of-cost-or-marketprocedure assuming Feeney uses a contra account for its balance sheet.(b) Complete the last three columns in the 12/31/07 schedule above based upon thelower-of-cost-or-market rules.(c) Prepare the entry(ies) necessary at 12/31/07 based on the data above.Question Fourteen (8 points)On December 31, 2007, Brown Company finished consultation services and accepted in exchange a promissory note with a face value of $400,000, a due date of December 31, 2010, and a stated rate of 5%, with interest receivable at the end of each year. The fair value of the services is not readily determinable and the note is not readily marketable. Under the circumstances, the note is considered to have an appropriate imputed rate of interest of 10%.The following interest factors are provided:Interest Rate Table Factors For Three Periods 5% 10%Future Value of 1 1.15763 1.33100Present Value of 1 .86384 .75132Future Value of Ordinary Annuity of 1 3.15250 3.31000Present Value of Ordinary Annuity of 1 2.72325 2.48685 Required:(a) Determine the present value of the note.(b) Prepare a Schedule of Note Discount Amortization for Brown Company under theeffective interest method. (Round to whole dollars.) (Use the format below)Schedule of Note Discount AmortizationCash Effective Unamortized PresentInterest Interest Discount Discount Value Date (5%) (10%) Amortized Balance of Note12/31/0712/31/08(c) Prepare the entry for the interest receipt as of Dec. 31, 2008.。







A.720B.737C. 800D. 8172、甲公司期末存货采用成本与可变现净值孰低法计价,该公司各期末某项存货账面成本与可变现净值为:2002年末:成本562 500元,可变现净值517 500元;2003年末:成本675 000元,可变现净值 607 500元;2004年末:成本720 000元,可变现净值 697 500元。

该公司2004末计入“资产减值损失—存货减值损失”的金额为()元.A. 22 500B.-45 000C. 45 000D.-22 5003、甲公司系上市公司,20×3年年末库存乙原材料、丁产品的账面余额分别为1 000万元和500万元;年末计提跌价准备前库存乙原材料、丁产品计提的跌价准备的账面余额分别为0万元和100万元。

库存乙原材料将全部用于生产丙产品,预计丙产品的市场价格总额为1 100万元,预计生产丙产品还需发生除乙原材料以外的总成本为300万元,预计为销售丙产品发生的相关税费总额为55万元。




A.23B.250C.303D.3234、某企业期初库存原材料计划成本为60万元,材料成本差异为+10 000元(超支);本月购入原材料的计划成本为80万元,材料成本-38 000元(节约);本月发出材料的计划成本为100万元。







2016年12月31日该股票投资的账面价值为( )万元。

A.550 B.575 C.585 D.6105、下列关于交易性金融资产的说法中,错误的是()。

A.当指定可以消除或明显减少由于金融资产或金融负债的计量基础不同所导致的相关利得或损失在确认或计量方面不一致的情况时,某项金融工具直接指定为以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产B.企业取得的交易性金融资产,按其公允价值入账C.在活跃市场中没有报价、公允价值不能可靠计量的权益工具投资,可以指定为以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产D. 取得交易性金融资产的目的,主要是为了近期内出售6、未发生减值的持有至到期投资如为分期付息、一次还本债券投资,应于资产负债表日按票面利率计算确定的应收未收利息,借记“应收利息”科目,按持有至到期投资期初摊余成本和实际利率计算确定的利息收入,贷记“投资收益”科目,按其差额,借记或贷记()科目。




《中级财务会计》期中考试试题(英文版discounts, and absorb the credit losses. Rapid Finance assessed a finance charge of6% of the total accounts receivable factored and retained an amount equal to 2% of thetotal receivables to cover sales discounts.Required:(a) Prepare the journal entry required on Carter 's books on May 1.(b) Prepare the journal entry required on Rapid Finance’s books on May 1.(c) Assume Carter factors the $800,000 of accounts receivable with Rapid Finance ona with recourse basis instead. The recourse provision has a fair value of $14,000.Prepare the journal entry required on Carter’s books on May 1.Question Five (6 points)Dent Company manufactures one product. On December 31, 2005, Dent adopted thedollar-value LIFO inventory method. The inventory on that date using the dollar-valueLIFO inventory method was $180,000. Inventory data are as follows:Inventory at Price indexYear year-end prices (base year 2005)2006 $252,000 1.052007 368,000 1.152008 387,500 1.25InstructionsCompute the inventory at December 31, 2006, 2007, and 2008, using the dollar-value LIFO method for each year.Question Six (9 points)On January 1, a store had inventory of $48,000. January purchases were $46,000 andJanuary sales were $90,000. On February 1 a fire destroyed most of the inventory. Therate of gross profit was 25% of cost. Merchandise with a selling price of $5,000remained undamaged after the fire. Compute the amount of the fire loss, assuming thestore had no insurance coverage. Label all figures.Question Seven (5 points)Accounts receivable in the amount of $250,000 were assigned to the Fast Finance Company by Nance, Inc., as security for a loan of $200,000. The finance company charged a 4% commission on the face amount of the loan, and the note bears interestat 9% per year.During the first month, Nance collected $130,000 on assigned accounts. This amountwas remitted to the finance company along with one month's interest on the note.Required:Make all the entries for Nance Inc. associated with the transfer of the accounts receivable and the remittance to the finance company.Question Eight (6 points)A machine which cost $200,000 is acquired on October 1, 2006. Its estimated salvagevalue is $20,000 and its expected life is eight years.Required:Calculate depreciation expense for 2006 and 2007 by each of the following methods,showing the figures used.(a) Double-declining balance(b) Sum-of-the-years'-digitsQuestion Nine (8 points)Ferry Corporation follows a policy of a 10% depreciation charge per year on allmachinery and a 5% depreciation charge per year on buildings. The followingtransactions occurred in 2007:March 31, 2007—Negotiations which began in 2006 were completed and a warehousepurchased 1/1/98 (depreciation has been properly charged throughDecember 31, 2006) at a cost of $3,200,000 with a fair market value of$2,000,000 was exchanged for a second warehouse which also had afair market value of $2,000,000. The exchange had no commercialsubstance. Both parcels of land on which the warehouses werelocated were equal in value, and had a fair value equal to book value.June 30, 2007—Machinery with a cost of $240,000 and accumulated depreciation through January 1 of $180,000 was exchanged with $150,000 cash for aparcel of land with a fair market value of $230,000.Required:Prepare all appropriate journal entries for Ferry Corporation for the above dates.Question Ten (7 points)On March 1, Gatt Co. began construction of a small building. The followingexpenditures were incurred for construction:March 1 $ 75,000 April 1 $ 74,000May 1 180,000 June 1 270,000July 1 100,000The building was completed and occupied on July 1. To help pay for construction$50,000 was borrowed on March 1 on a 12%, three-year note payable. The only other debt outstanding during the year was a $500,000, 10% note issued two years ago.Required:(a) Calculate the weighted-average accumulated expenditures.(b) Calculate avoidable interest.Question Eleven (5 points)The management of Yastrzemski Inc. was discussing whether certain equipment should be written off as a charge to current operations because of obsolescence. Thisequipment has a cost of $1,200,000 with depreciation to date of $300,000 as of December 31, 2007. On December 31, 2007, management projected its future net cashflows from this equipment to be $700,000 and its fair value to be $600,000. The company intends to use this equipment in the future.Required:(a) Prepare the journal entry (if any) to record the impairment at December 31, 2007.(b) Where should the gain or loss (if any) on the write-down be reported in the income statement?(c) At December 31, 2008, the equipment’s fair value increased to $700,000. Prepare the journal entry (if any) to record this increase in fair value.Question Twelve (8 points)Buhner Company constructed a building at a cost of $3,000,000 and occupied it beginning in January 1988. It was estimated at that time that its life would be 40 years,with no salvage value.In January 2008, a new roof was installed at a cost of $500,000, and it was estimatedthen that the building would have a useful life of 25 years from that date. The cost of theold roof was $200,000.Required:(a) What amount of depreciation should have been charged annually from the years1988 to 2007?(Assume straight-line depreciation.)(b) What entry should be made in 2008 to record the replacement of the roof?(c) Prepare the entry in January 2008, to record the revision in the estimated life of thebuilding, ifnecessary.(d) What amount of depreciation should be charged for the year 2008?Question Thirteen (7 points)At 12/31/06, the end of Feeney Company's first year of business, inventory was $4,100and $2,800 at cost and at market, respectively.Following is data relative to the 12/31/07 inventory of Feeney:Original Net Net Realizable AppropriateCost Replacement Realizable Value Less InventoryItem Per Unit Cost Value Normal Profit ValueA $ .65 $ .45B .45 .40C .70 .75D .75 .65E .90 .85Selling price is $1.00/unit for all items. Disposal costs amount to 10% of selling priceand a "normal" profit is 30% of selling price. There are 1,000 units of each item in the 12/31/07 inventory.Required:(a) Prepare the entry at 12/31/06 necessary to implement the lower-of-cost-or-marketprocedure assuming Feeney uses a contra account for its balance sheet.(b) Complete the last three columns in the 12/31/07 schedule above based upon thelower-of-cost-or-market rules.(c) Prepare the entry(ies) necessary at 12/31/07 based on the data above.Question Fourteen (8 points)On December 31, 2007, Brown Company finished consultation services and acceptedin exchange a promissory note with a face value of $400,000, a due date of December31, 2010, and a stated rate of 5%, with interest receivable at the end of each year. Thefair value of the services is not readily determinable and the note is not readily marketable. Under the circumstances, the note is considered to have an appropriateimputed rate of interest of 10%.The following interest factors are provided:Interest Rate Table Factors For Three Periods 5% 10%Future Value of 1 1.15763 1.33100Present Value of 1 .86384 .75132Future Value of Ordinary Annuity of 1 3.15250 3.31000Present Value of Ordinary Annuity of 1 2.72325 2.48685Required:(a) Determine the present value of the note.(b) Prepare a Schedule of Note Discount Amortization for Brown Company under theeffective interest method. (Round to whole dollars.) (Use the format below)Schedule of Note Discount AmortizationCash Effective Unamortized PresentInterest Interest Discount Discount Value Date (5%) (10%) Amortized Balance of Note12/31/0712/31/0812/31/0912/31/10(c) Prepare the entry for the interest receipt as of Dec. 31, 2008.。









A.发生的排污费B.发生的印花税C.管理部门固定资产报废净损失D.发生的业务招待费3. 天海公司2006年12月31日取得的某项机器设备,原价为1000万元,预计使用年限为10年,会计处理时按照年限平均法计提折旧,税收处理允许加速折旧,天海公司在计税时对该项资产按双倍余额递减法计提折旧,预计净残值为零。



A.640 B.720 C.80 D.04. “预收账款”科目明细账中若有借方余额,应在资产负债表( )项目列示。

A.其他应收款 B.其他应付款 C.应收账款 D.预收账款5.“预收账款”科目明细账中若有借方余额,应将其计入资产负债表中的( )项目。

A.其他应收款 B.其他应付款 C.应收账款 D.预收账款6.黄河公司为一制造企业,2008年取得主营业务收入为2 000万元,增值税销项税额为340万元,2008年应收账款账户的期初数为200万元,期末数为360万元,计提坏账准备30万元,发生坏账损失为20万元,预收账款账户的期初数为150万元,期末数为280万元。






A、5月28日B、5月29日C、5月30日D、5月31日5、下列项目需要采用重置完全价值对固定资产进行计价的是( )。

A、增置的固定资产B、融资租入的固定资产C、盘盈的固定资产D、非货币性交易换入的固定资产6、企业分期摊销的出租包装物成本,应计入()A、销售费用B、管理费用C、其他业务成本D、营业外支出7、某一般纳税企业售钢材100吨,所实现的销售收入为200 000元,应交增值税为34 000元,代垫运费为2 500元,款项未收。


A、200 000B、234 000C、236 500D、202 5008、随同商品出售,单独计价的包装物的收入应当计入( )。

A、主营业务收入B、其他业务收入C、营业外收入D、其他业务支出9、某企业月初结存材料的计划成本为100 000元,成本差异为节约1 000元;本月入库材料的计划成本为100 000元,成本差异为超支400元。

当月生产车间领用材料的计划成本为150 000元。




《中级财务会计》期中考查专业:姓名:学号:1、大华公司以银行汇票支付购买的材料款,汇票面额为8 000元,增值税专用发票上注明的价款为6 000元,增值税额为1 020元。

收款人在银行汇票应收金额栏内填入7 020元,在多余金额栏内填入980元,连同进账单等凭证送交银行办理转账收款。


要求:(1)大华公司取得银行汇票时的会计分录; (2)大华公司以银行汇票支付购料款的会计分录;(3)大华公司收到银行汇票多余款项的会计分录。

2、某企业2011年10月1日销售一批产品给A公司,货已发出,发票上注明的销售收入为100 000元,增值税额17 000元。



3、2005年5月2日,企业持所收取的出票日期为3月23日,期限6个月,面值为110 000元的带息商业汇票一张到银行贴现,票面利率10%,贴现率为12%。




(3)假设票据到期银行遭到票据承兑人的拒付,银行向企业追偿,并收取20元手续费,企业予以偿还并支付了手续费,做出相关的会计分录.4、某企业2005年开始按应收账款余额5‰计提坏账准备,编制以下业务的会计分录:(1)2005年末,应收账款余额为1 200 000元;(2)2006年,该企业发生坏账3 000元,年末应收账款余额为700 000;(3)2007年末,该企业应收账款的余额为500 000元;(4)2008年,企业收回以前年度冲销的坏账3 000元,年末应收账款余额为900 000元;(5)2009年末,该企业的应收账款余额为1 000 000元。

















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091学期《中级财务会计》期中考试试卷考试时刻:3.5小时Question One (13 points)Listed below are several information characteristics and accounting principles and assumptions. Match the letter of each with the appropriate phrase that states its application. (Items a through k may be used more than once or not at all.)a. Economic entity assumption g. Matching principleb. Going concern assumption h. Full disclosure principlec. Monetary unit assumption i. Relevance characteristicd. Periodicity assumption j. Reliability characteristice. Historical cost principle k. Consistency characteristicf. Revenue recognition principle___ 1. Stable-dollar assumption (do not use historical cost principle).___ 2. Earning process completed and realized or realizable.___ 3. Presentation of error-free information with representational faithfulness.___ 4. Yearly financial reports.___ 5. Accruals and deferrals in adjusting and closing process. (Do not use going concern.)___ 6. Useful standard measuring unit for business transactions.___ 7. Notes as part of necessary information to a fair presentation. ___ 8. Affairs of the business distinguished from those of its owners. ___ 9. Business enterprise assumed to have a long life.___ 10. Valuing assets at amounts originally paid for them.___ 11. Application of the same accounting principles as in the preceding year.___ 12. Summarizing significant accounting policies.___ 13. Presentation of timely information with predictive and feedback value.Question Two (6 points)The trial balance before adjustment of Pratt Company reports the following balances:Dr. Cr.Accounts receivable $100,000Allowance for doubtful accounts $ 2,500Sales (all on credit) 750,000Sales returns and allowances 40,000Required:(a) Prepare the entries for estimated bad debts assuming thatdoubtful accounts are estimated to be (1) 6% of gross accounts receivable and (2) 1% of net sales.(b) Assume that all the information above is the same, except thatthe Allowance for Doubtful Accounts has a debit balance of $2,500 instead of a credit balance. Prepare the journal entry to record the bad debt expense?Question Three (9 points)The following trial balance was taken from the books of Fisk Corporation on December 31, 2007.Account Debit Credit Cash $ 12,000 Accounts Receivable 40,000Note Receivable 7,000Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $ 1,800 Merchandise Inventory 44,000Prepaid Insurance 4,800Furniture and Equipment 125,000Accumulated Depreciation--F. & E. 15,000 Accounts Payable 10,800 Common Stock 44,000 Retained Earnings 55,000Sales 280,000Cost of Goods Sold 111,000Salaries Expense 50,000Rent Expense 12,800Totals $406,600 $406,600At year end, the following items have not yet been recorded.a. Insurance expired during the year, $2,000.b. Estimated bad debts, 1% of gross sales.c. Depreciation on furniture and equipment, 10% per year.d. Interest at 6% is receivable on the note for one full year.e. Rent paid in advance at December 1, $6,000 for half a yearf. Accrued salaries at December 31, $5,800.Required:(a) Prepare the necessary adjusting entries.(b) Prepare the necessary closing entries.Question Four (6 points)On May 1, Carter, Inc. factored $800,000 of accounts receivable with Rapid Finance on a without recourse basis. Under the arrangement, Carter was to handle disputes concerning service, and Rapid Finance was to make the collections, handle the sales discounts, and absorb the credit losses. Rapid Finance assessed a finance charge of 6% ofthe total accounts receivable factored and retained an amount equal to 2% of the total receivables to cover sales discounts.Required:(a) Prepare the journal entry required on Carter 's books on May 1.(b) Prepare the journal entry required on Rapid Finance’s books onMay 1.(c) Assume Carter factors the $800,000 of accounts receivable withRapid Finance on a with recourse basis instead. The recourse provision has a fair value of $14,000. Prepare the journal entry required on Carter’s books on May 1.Question Five (6 points)Dent Company manufactures one product. On December 31, 2005, Dent adopted the dollar-value LIFO inventory method. The inventory on that date using the dollar-value LIFO inventory method was $180,000. Inventory data are as follows:Inventory at Price indexYear year-end prices (base year 2005)2006 $252,000 1.052007 368,000 1.152008 387,500 1.25InstructionsCompute the inventory at December 31, 2006, 2007, and 2008,using the dollar-value LIFO method for each year.Question Six (9 points)On January 1, a store had inventory of $48,000. January purchases were $46,000 and January sales were $90,000. On February 1 a fire destroyed most of the inventory. The rate of gross profit was 25% of cost. Merchandise with a selling price of $5,000 remained undamaged after the fire. Compute the amount of the fire loss, assuming the store had no insurance coverage. Label all figures.Question Seven (5 points)Accounts receivable in the amount of $250,000 were assigned to the Fast Finance Company by Nance, Inc., as security for a loan of $200,000. The finance company charged a 4% commission on the face amount of the loan, and the note bears interest at 9% per year.During the first month, Nance collected $130,000 on assigned accounts. This amount was remitted to the finance company along with one month's interest on the note.Required:Make all the entries for Nance Inc. associated with the transfer of the accounts receivable and the remittance to the finance company.Question Eight (6 points)A machine which cost $200,000 is acquired on October 1, 2006. Its estimated salvage value is $20,000 and its expected life is eight years.Required:Calculate depreciation expense for 2006 and 2007 by each of the following methods, showing the figures used.(a) Double-declining balance(b) Sum-of-the-years'-digitsQuestion Nine (8 points)Ferry Corporation follows a policy of a 10% depreciation charge per year on all machinery and a 5% depreciation charge per year on buildings. The following transactions occurred in 2007:March 31, 2007— Negotiations which began in 2006 were completed anda warehouse purchased 1/1/98 (depreciation has beenproperly charged through December 31, 2006) at a cost of$3,200,000 with a fair market value of $2,000,000 wasexchanged for a second warehouse which also had a fairmarket value of $2,000,000. The exchange had nocommercial substance. Both parcels of land on which thewarehouses were located were equal in value, and had afair value equal to book value.June 30, 2007—Machinery with a cost of $240,000 and accumulated depreciation through January 1 of $180,000 was exchangedwith $150,000 cash for a parcel of land with a fair marketvalue of $230,000.Required:Prepare all appropriate journal entries for Ferry Corporation for the above dates.Question Ten (7 points)On March 1, Gatt Co. began construction of a small building. The following expenditures were incurred for construction:March 1$ 75,000 April 1$ 74,000May 1 180,000 June 1 270,000July 1 100,000The building was completed and occupied on July 1. To help pay for construction $50,000 was borrowed on March 1 on a 12%, three-year note payable. The only other debt outstanding during the year was a $500,000, 10% note issued two years ago.Required:(a) Calculate the weighted-average accumulated expenditures.(b) Calculate avoidable interest.Question Eleven (5 points)The management of Yastrzemski Inc. was discussing whether certain equipment should be written off as a charge to current operations because of obsolescence. This equipment has a cost of $1,200,000 with depreciation to date of $300,000 as of December 31, 2007. On December 31, 2007, management projected its future net cash flows from this equipment to be $700,000 and its fair value to be $600,000. The company intends to use this equipment in the future.Required:(a) Prepare the journal entry (if any) to record the impairment at December 31, 2007.(b) Where should the gain or loss (if any) on the write-down be reported in the income statement?(c) At December 31, 2008, the equipment’s fair value increased to $700,000. Prepare the journal entry (if any) to record this increase in fair value.Question Twelve (8 points)Buhner Company constructed a building at a cost of $3,000,000 and occupied it beginning in January 1988. It was estimated at that time that its life would be 40 years, with no salvage value.In January 2008, a new roof was installed at a cost of $500,000, and it was estimated then that the building would have a useful life of 25 years from that date. The cost of the old roof was $200,000. Required:(a) What amount of depreciation should have been charged annually fromthe years 1988 to 2007?(Assume straight-line depreciation.) (b) What entry should be made in 2008 to record the replacement of the roof?(c) Prepare the entry in January 2008, to record the revision in theestimated life of the building, ifnecessary.(d) What amount of depreciation should be charged for the year 2008?Question Thirteen (7 points)At 12/31/06, the end of Feeney Company's first year of business, inventory was $4,100 and $2,800 at cost and at market, respectively. Following is data relative to the 12/31/07 inventory of Feeney:Original Net Net RealizableAppropriateCost Replacement Realizable Value Less InventoryItem P er Unit Cost Value Normal Profit ValueA $ .65 $ .45B .45 .40C .70 .75D .75 .65E .90 .85Selling price is $1.00/unit for all items. Disposal costs amount to 10% of selling price and a "normal" profit is 30% of selling price. There are 1,000 units of each item in the 12/31/07 inventory. Required:(a) Prepare the entry at 12/31/06 necessary to implement thelower-of-cost-or-market procedure assuming Feeney uses a contra account for its balance sheet.(b) Complete the last three columns in the 12/31/07 schedule abovebased upon the lower-of-cost-or-market rules.(c) Prepare the entry(ies) necessary at 12/31/07 based on the dataabove.Question Fourteen (8 points)On December 31, 2007, Brown Company finished consultation services and accepted in exchange a promissory note with a face value of $400,000, a due date of December 31, 2010, and a stated rate of 5%, with interest receivable at the end of each year. The fair value of the services is not readily determinable and the note is not readily marketable. Under the circumstances, the note is considered to have an appropriate imputed rate of interest of 10%.The following interest factors are provided:Interest RateTable Factors For Three Periods 5% 10%Future Value of 1 1.15763 1.33100Present Value of 1 .86384 .75132Future Value of Ordinary Annuity of 13.15250 3.31000Present Value of Ordinary Annuity of 12.72325 2.48685Required:(a) Determine the present value of the note.(b) Prepare a Schedule of Note Discount Amortization for BrownCompany under the effective interest method. (Round to whole dollars.) (Use the format below)Schedule of Note Discount AmortizationCash Effective Unamortized PresentInterest Interest Discount Discount ValueDate (5%) (10%) A mortized Balance of Note12/31/0712/31/0812/31/0912/31/10(c) Prepare the entry for the interest receipt as of Dec. 31, 2008.。
