欧比特 S698P4-DKit 四核并行处理器应用开发系统 使用说明书
存放地点应具备以下条件:防雨、防潮;机械振动要小,防止可能的碰撞;温度:0℃~40℃;湿度:40% ~80%。
目录第一章简介 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2缩略语 (1)1.3参考资料 (1)第二章S698P4-DKIT外观及配件 (2)2.1产品外观实物图 (2)2.2资源接口 (3)2.3配件清单 (4)2.4光盘内容 (4)第三章系统概述 (6)3.1功能特点 (6)3.1界面说明 (8)3.2.1 启动界面说明 (8)3.2.2 联机界面说明 (8)3.2.3 主界面说明 (9)3.2.4 三色灯界面说明 (9)3.2.5 数码管界面说明 (10)3.2.6 TFT界面说明 (10)3.2.7 以太网界面说明 (11)3.2.8 SD卡界面说明 (12)3.2.9 USB界面说明 (13)第四章应用及配置 (15)4.1开发步骤 (15)4.2模块应用及设置 (16)4.2.1 FLASH (16)4.2.2 SRAM (17)4.2.3 SDRAM (17)4.2.4 RS-232 / DSU串口 (18)4.2.5 CAN总线接口 (18)4.2.6 以太网接口 (18)4.2.8 8路GPIO接口 (19)4.2.9 USB接口 (19)4.2.10 8位数码管 (19)4.2.11 SD 接口 (19)4.2.12 STN屏接口 (19)4.2.13 TFT屏接口 (20)4.3软件调试 (20)4.4FLASH烧写 (26)4.4.1 生成 .bin文件 (26)4.4.2 烧写FLASH (27)第五章硬件跳线设置、外围接口及其管脚定义 (35)5.1硬件跳线设置 (35)表5-1SDRAM连接器(U401)信号定义 (36)表5-2:UART/DSU串口信号定义 (37)表5-3:CAN总线接口信号定义 (38)表5-4:RJ45网口信号定义 (39)表5-6:SD接口信号定义 (39)表5-7:USB接口(P901)信号定义 (40)表5-8:STN屏接口(P801)信号定义 (40)表5-9:TFT(U1104)信号定义 (40)表5-10:扩展槽接口信号定义 (41)附录A 产品装箱清单 (43)第一章简介1.1概述S698P4-DKit主要是为了使应用S698P4四核芯片的用户快速掌握关于S698P4芯片的外围电路设计,缩短项目的研发周期。
ng 81142参数
ng 81142参数
NG 81142是华为公司推出的一款基于NG8114的射频前端芯片,具有低功耗、高性能、高可靠性等特点,适用于低功耗蓝牙、无线传感器网络、无线局域网(LAN)等设备的功耗管理、功率驱动和控制。
1. 时钟频率:ng81142的时钟频率为
2. 工作电压:ng81142的工作电压范围是1.8V~5V,可以根据需
3. 最大工作电流:ng81142的最大工作电流为25A,具有很好的
4. 功率输出:ng81142具有两个功率输出口,支持动态功率调整和功率预测,可以根据设备的需要选择合适的功率输出。
5. 接口:ng81142具有一组标准接口,包括I2C、SPI、CAN、GPIO 等,可以进行数据的传输和控制。
6. 加密方式:ng81142支持多种加密方式,包括AES、RSA、ECC 等,可以支持不同的安全需求。
Figure7–20 shows the DQS phase-shift circuitry for Arria II devices. The inputreference clock goes into the DLL to a chain of up to 16 delay elements. The phasecomparator compares the signal coming out of the end of the delay chain block to theinput reference clock. The phase comparator then issues the upndn signal to theGray-coded counter. This signal increments or decrements a 6-bit delay setting (DQSdelay settings) that increases or decreases the delay through the delay element chainto bring the input reference clock and the signals coming out of the delay elementchain in phase.Figure7–20.Simplified Diagram of the DQS Phase-Shift Circuitry for Arria II Devices(Note1)Notes to Figure7–20:(1)All features of the DQS phase-shift circuitry are accessible from the UniPHY IP core and ALTMEMPHY megafunction in the Quartus II software.(2)The input reference clock for the DQS phase-shift circuitry can come from a PLL output clock or an input clock pin. For the exact PLL and inputclock pin, refer to Table7–6 and Table7–10.(3)Phase offset settings can only go to the DQS logic blocks.(4)DQS delay settings can go to the logic array and DQS logic block.You can reset the DLL from either the logic array or a user I/O pin. Each time the DLLis reset, you must wait for 1,280 clock cycles for the DLL to lock before you cancapture the data properly.Depending on the DLL frequency mode, the DLL can shift the incoming DQS signalsby 0°, 22.5°, 30°, 36°, 45°, 60°, 67.5°, 72°, 90°, 108°, 120°, 135°, 144°, 180°, or 240°. Theshifted DQS signal is then used as the clock for the DQ IOE input registers.All DQS/CQ and CQn pins, referenced to the same DLL, can have their input signalphase shifted by a different degree amount but all must be referenced at oneparticular frequency. For example, you can have a 90° phase shift on DQS1T and a 60°phase shift on DQS2T, referenced from a 200-MHz clock. Not all phase-shiftcombinations are supported. The phase shifts on the DQS pins referenced by the sameDLL must all be a multiple of 22.5° (up to 90°), 30° (up to 120°), 36° (up to 144°), 45°(up to 180°), or 60° (up to 240°).Figure7–26 shows the registers available in the Arria II GZ input path. The input pathconsists of the DDR input registers, resynchronization registers, and HDR block. Youcan bypass each block of the input path.Figure7–26.IOE Input Registers for Arria II GZ Devices(Note1)Notes to Figure7–26:(1)You can bypass each register block in this path.(2)This is the 0-phase resynchronization clock.(3)The input clock can be from the DQS logic block (whether the postamble circuitry is bypassed or not) or from a GCLK line.(4)This input clock comes from the CQn logic block.(5)This resynchronization clock comes from a PLL through the clock network (resync_ck_2 ).(6)The I/O clock divider resides adjacent to the DQS logic block. In addition to the PLL, the I/O clock divider can also be fed by the DQS bus or CQnbus.(7)The half-rate data and clock signals feed into a dual-port RAM in the FPGA core.(8)You can dynamically change the dataoutbypass signal after configuration to select either the directin input or the output from the half datarate register to feed dataout.(9)The DQS and DQSn signals must be inverted for DDR, DDR2, and DDR3 interfaces. When using Altera’s memory interface IPs, the DQS, and DQSnsignals are automatically inverted.(10)The bypass_output_register option allows you to select either the output from the second mux or the output of the fourth alignment/synchronization register to feed dataout.Locations of the I/O BanksLocations of the I/O BanksArria II I/Os are divided into 16 to 20 I/O banks. For Arria II GX devices, thehigh-speed differential I/O s are located at the right side of the device. For Arria II GZdevices, the high-speed differential I/Os are located at the right and left sides of thedevice.Figure8–1 and Figure8–2show a high-level chip overview of Arria II devices. Figure8–1.High-Speed Differential I/Os with DPA Block Locations in an Arria II GX Device(Note1), (2), (3)Notes to Figure8–1:(1)This figure is a top view of the silicon die, which corresponds to a reverse view for flip chip packages. It is a graphical representation only.(2)Applicable to EP2AGX95, EP2AGX125, EP2AGX190, and EP2AGX260 devices.(3)There are no center PLLs on the right I/O banks for EP2AGX45 and EP2AGX65 devices.。
DK224离线式开关电源控制芯片功能描述DK224 是一款符合 6 级能效标准的次级反馈,反激式 AC-DC 高性能准谐振开关电源 控制芯片。
芯片集成了 700V 高压开关功率管。
芯片内还包含有准谐振检测、SLEEP 超低 待机、自供电等电路,并具有输出短路、次级开路、过温、光耦失效、输出过压等保护 功能。
芯片采用高集成度的 CMOS 电路设计,具有外围元件极少,变压器设计简单(隔 离输出电路的变压器只需要两个绕组)等特点。
产品特点l 全电压输入 AC85V—265V。
l 内置 700V 高压 NMOS 功率管和。
l 芯片内集成了高压恒流启动电路,无需外部加启动电阻。
l 专利的自供电技术,无需外部绕组供电。
l 特有的 SLEEP 技术使芯片具有超低的待机功耗。
l 内置 PWM 准谐振电路,增加电源转换效率和保证良好的 EMC 特性。
l 输出短路、输出过压、次级开路、过温、光耦失效等保护。
l 4KV 防静电 ESD 测试。
应用领域24W 以下 AC-DC 应用包括:电源适配器、LED 电源、电磁炉、空调、DVD 等小家电产品。
1封装与引脚定义(DIP8)DK224离线式开关电源控制芯片引脚符号功能描述1 2 3 4 5,6,7,8IS 电流检测输入脚,外接电阻 R=400mV/Ip。
GND 芯片地。
FB 反馈引脚。
VCC 芯片的工作电源正端,外部对地接 4.7uF-10uF 的电容。
OC 芯片内部高压 NMOS 功率管的漏极引脚。
2工作原理DK224离线式开关电源控制芯片上电启动芯片内置高压启动电流源;上电启动时当 VCC 电压小于启动电压时,启动 1mA 电流对外 部的 VCC 储能电容充电。
当 VCC 电压达到 10V 启动电压的时候,关闭启动电流源,启动 过程结束,控制逻辑开始输出 PWM 脉冲。
软启动上电启动结束后,为防止输出电压建立过程可能产生的变压器磁芯饱和,功率管和次级 整流管应力过大,芯片内置软启动电路,在软启动时间内,最大初级峰值电流为 0.5*Ip。
高清MP4 MP5主控芯片介绍
3.64位MLC Nandflash ECC MLC因其低廉的价格早已取代SLC成为市场主流,在MLC给用户以更低价格带来更大容量的同时,它也带来了数据存储的不可靠性问题。目前业界通常采用的8Bit ECC已无法很好的应对MLC的纠错要求,而64Bit ECC比8Bit ECC强出许多。其超强的纠错能力使系统即使是面对最低等级的nandflash时都可以确保数据的可靠与正确,外加其超强的兼容性,使得用户再也不用担心Nandflash不兼容及程序数据丢失的严重问题。
DM6441最大的特点是它的节能设计,它具备两种电源模式:1.2V 全速工作模式(513 MHz DSP与256 MHz ARM)或1.05V省电工作模式(405 MHz DSP与202.5 MHz ARM)。其峰值运算能力可以达到4104 MIPS(million instructions per second ),足以应对视频解码的需求。目前市场上的代表产品有音悦汇T11。
DSP Instruction Extensions and Single Cycle MAC
ARM® Jazelle® Technology
Embedded ICE-RT? Logic for Real-Time Debug
ARM9 Memory Architecture
5.集成100M网络接口 网络能带来的好处最无需多言,有了网络接口这个“基础设施”,通过固件开发升级,网页浏览、VOIP、QQ、视频分享与点播、网络游戏等精彩应用都非常值得期待。
6.双驱动显示 支持LCD和TV上的同步显示。
7.多层图形加速器 实现画中画功能以及更酷更眩的界面。
ID Register n
Count Register n
Target Register n
Bandwidth History Register n
Current Register n
ADSP-BF60x SWU Interrupt List
,)&85B&17! '(&5(0(17&85B&17
&2817 (1$%/("
SWU Flow Diagram
The following diagram shows the logical program flow of the SWU.
Hitachi CodeJEDECEIAJWeight (reference value)DP-14ConformsConforms0.97 gUnit: mmHitachi CodeJEDECEIAJWeight (reference value)FP-14DA—Conforms0.23 gUnit: mm*Dimension including the plating thickness Base material dimension° – 8°Hitachi Code JEDEC EIAJ Weight (reference value)FP-14DN Conforms Conforms0.13 gUnit: mm°– 8°*Pd platingCautions 1.Hitachi neither warrants nor grants licenses of any rights of Hitachi’s or any third party’s patent,copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights for information contained in this document.Hitachi bears no responsibility for problems that may arise with third party’s rights, includingintellectual property rights, in connection with use of the information contained in this document.2.Products and product specifications may be subject to change without notice. Confirm that you havereceived the latest product standards or specifications before final design, purchase or use.3.Hitachi makes every attempt to ensure that its products are of high quality and reliability. However,contact Hitachi’s sales office before using the product in an application that demands especially high quality and reliability or where its failure or malfunction may directly threaten human life or cause risk of bodily injury, such as aerospace, aeronautics, nuclear power, combustion control, transportation,traffic, safety equipment or medical equipment for life support.4.Design your application so that the product is used within the ranges guaranteed by Hitachi particularlyfor maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installationconditions and other characteristics. Hitachi bears no responsibility for failure or damage when used beyond the guaranteed ranges. Even within the guaranteed ranges, consider normally foreseeable failure rates or failure modes in semiconductor devices and employ systemic measures such as fail-safes, so that the equipment incorporating Hitachi product does not cause bodily injury, fire or other consequential damage due to operation of the Hitachi product.5.This product is not designed to be radiation resistant.6.No one is permitted to reproduce or duplicate, in any form, the whole or part of this document withoutwritten approval from Hitachi.7.Contact Hitachi’s sales office for any questions regarding this document or Hitachi semiconductor products.Hitachi, Ltd.Semiconductor & Integrated Circuits.Nippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan Tel: Tokyo (03) 3270-2111 Fax: (03) 3270-5109Copyright ' Hitachi, Ltd., 1999. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan.Hitachi Asia Pte. Ltd.16 Collyer Quay #20-00Hitachi Tower Singapore 049318Tel: 535-2100Fax: 535-1533URL NorthAmerica : http:/Europe : /hel/ecg Asia (Singapore): .sg/grp3/sicd/index.htm Asia (Taiwan): /E/Product/SICD_Frame.htm Asia (HongKong): /eng/bo/grp3/index.htm Japan : Asia Ltd.Taipei Branch Office 3F, Hung Kuo Building. No.167, Tun-Hwa North Road, Taipei (105)Tel: <886> (2) 2718-3666Fax: <886> (2) 2718-8180Hitachi Asia (Hong Kong) Ltd.Group III (Electronic Components)7/F., North Tower, World Finance Centre,Harbour City, Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: <852> (2) 735 9218Fax: <852> (2) 730 0281 Telex: 40815 HITEC HXHitachi Europe Ltd.Electronic Components Group.Whitebrook ParkLower Cookham RoadMaidenheadBerkshire SL6 8YA, United KingdomTel: <44> (1628) 585000Fax: <44> (1628) 778322Hitachi Europe GmbH Electronic components Group Dornacher Stra§e 3D-85622 Feldkirchen, Munich Germany Tel: <49> (89) 9 9180-0Fax: <49> (89) 9 29 30 00Hitachi Semiconductor(America) Inc.179 East Tasman Drive,San Jose,CA 95134Tel: <1> (408) 433-1990Fax: <1>(408) 433-0223For further information write to:。
MTL646 647序列文本显示器(自然安全)说明书
1Eaton Electric Limited,Great Marlings, Butterfield, LutonBeds, LU2 8DL, UK.Tel: + 44 (0)1582 723633 Fax: + 44 (0)1582 422283E-mail:********************© 2017 EatonAll Rights ReservedPublication No. EPS 646-647 Rev EFebruary 2017MTL 646/647 DisplaysThe MTL646/647 Serial T ext Displays are intrinsically safe instrumentsthat can display text and simple graphics in a hazardous area. Havinga number of push-buttons and two solid-state switched outputs, theyprovide a low cost operator interface ideal for simple machine andprocess control applications. In addition to new installations, the legacyprotocol enables existing MTL643/644 display systems to be easilyupgraded.Data and power are normally supplied by a 2-wire serial data link froman MTL5051 isolator in the safe area. This isolator, which can powerand communicate with up to two MTL646/647 serial text displays, hasa bi-directional RS232 or RS422 safe area port. Alternatively, a 3 wiresystem may be used to communicate with up to four MTL646/647 textdisplays. The high contrast LCD incorporates a green backlight that ispowered by the serial data link. Brightness and contrast are adjustableenabling the display to be read in all lighting conditions from full sunlightto total darkness.Six push-buttons on the front panel of the MTL646 (four on theMTL647) may be used for operator acknowledgments or controls. Iflarger industrial switches are required, these may be connected tothe text display rear (MTL647–internal) terminals. When the remoteswitches are activated, the front panel push-buttons are disabledautomatically.T wo isolated switch outputs, which can control certified hazardousarea loads such as sounders, lamps and valves, are included.The MTL646/647 text displays are normally controlled and interrogatedby a safe area process computer or by a dedicated instrument such as aPLC or weighing system. The text displays may be used singly but up tofour instruments can be multidropped on a hazardous area network. At adata rate of 9600 bps, the cable between the safe area galvanic isolatorand the MTL646/647 text display may be up to 100m long. The protocol,which uses ASCII characters, enables text to be written anywhere onthe screen in five different font sizes, together with lines, boxes andbargraphs. Simple bitmap graphics may be downloaded to the displayand all characters can be reversed or flashed. Information can also bewritten to a hidden screen which may be displayed when required.Five different operational modes are selectable, allowing the userto choose the appropriate level of communications security for eachapplication. These range from immediate execution of a command withno message acknowledgement, to a 16 bit CRC. The communicationsspeed, number of stop bits and polarity of the parity bit can also bedefined.The legacy protocol enables the MTL646 or MTL647 to replace anMTL643 or MTL644, in order to provide certification to ATEX and adisplay backlight. No software or galvanic isolator changes are requiredand the MTL646 will fit into the existing panel cut-out. If required,simple modifications to the driver software will allow the enhancedfeatures of the MTL646/647 to be used.•IS display certified to ATEX•High contrast LCD with backlight•Communication from a safe area via a galvanic isolator•Operator push-buttons or external switch inputs•T wo switch outputs•IP65 front panelAPPROVALSFor the latest certification information visit: /certificatesMTL646MTL647SPECIFICATIONSLocationZone 0, 1 or 2DISPLA Y T ype120 x 64 pixel liquid crystal.Display Size86.5mm x 45mm.BacklightPowered from serial link.CharactersASCII character set, 5 font sizes each with 4 computer definable soft characters.Hidden screenMay be written to at any time and displayed when required.Switch cable length5m max.OUTPUTSTwo software controlled switch outputs.ContactsIsolated single pole solid state switch (certified as simple apparatus).R on less than 5Ω + 0.7V R off greater than 1MΩI.S. parametersUi = 28Vdc, Ii = 200mA, Pi = 0.85W DATAT ransmission Speed0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6 or 19.2k bps.*Cable length between isolator(s) & MTL646/647100m max at Baud rate of 9.6k bps**Depends upon configuration & type of cable - see instruction manual.Format1 or2 stop bits; odd, even or no parity bit; 7 or 8 data bits.ProtocolMTL646/647 or MTL643/644.CONTROLS Front panelMTL646: 6 push-buttons which can be software interrogated.MTL647: 4 push-buttons which can be software interrogated.Each button function may be displayed on the screen. Buttons may be disabled.External switchesControl may be transferred to six external switches; front panel buttons are inhibited.ENVIRONMENTAL Operating temp–20°C to +60°C (certified for use at –40°C)HumidityTo 95% @ 40°C EnclosureFront IP65Rear IP20MECHANICAL T erminalsRemovable with screw clamp for 0.5 to 1.5mm 2 cable.WeightMTL646 0.7kg MTL647 1.6kg ACCESSORIEST ag numberThermally printed strip on rear of instrument.Programming guideMay be downloaded from EUROPE (EMEA): +44 (0)1582 723633 ********************THE AMERICAS: +1 800 835 7075*********************ASIA-PACIFIC: +65 6 645 9888***********************The given data is only intended as a productdescription and should not be regarded as a legal warranty of properties or guarantee. In the interest of further technical developments, we reserve the right to make design changes.Eaton Electric Limited,Great Marlings, Butterfield, Luton Beds, LU2 8DL, UK.Tel: + 44 (0)1582 723633 Fax: + 44 (0)1582 422283E-mail:********************© 2017 EatonAll Rights ReservedPublication No. EPS 646-647 Rev E 080217February 20173MTL646 DIMENSIONSTERMINAL CONNECTIONSCONNECTIONSMTL647DIMENSIONSCONNECTIONSSwitch outputsSwitch outputssigP E。
PR 412041 电子设备产品说明书
PR_412041.xlsxLG-412041COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL GENERAL MODBUS TABLE ORGANIZATIONStarting Address of the Group Registers (Dec)Starting Address of the GroupRegisters (Hex)System Version(Release)System Version(Build)Group Name (Text)Group Code(Hex)Group Complexity(Hex)Group Version(Hex)000119Modbus settings00 011001 00 409610000119External input10 001001 00 2048050000119Three-phase Electric Measurement71 03 4001 00 2048050000119Measure configuration71 03 4001 00 2969674000119Pulse measurement 74 001001 00MODBUS PROTOCOL DETAILSFunction Code (Dec)Exception Codes (Dec)Data Encoding2 (Read Discrete Inputs)1, 2, 3"Big Endian" (most significant byte first)1 (Read Coils)1, 2, 3"Big Endian" (most significant byte first)5/15 (Write Single/Multiple Coils)1, 2, 3"Big Endian" (most significant byte first)4 (Read Input Registers)1, 2, 3"Big Endian" (most significant byte first)3 (Read Holding register)1, 2, 3"Big Endian" (most significant byte first)6/16 (Write Single/Multiple Holding register)1, 2, 3, 4"Big Endian" (most significant byte first)MODBUS OVER SERIAL DETAILSPhysical Layer Trasmission Modes Device Addressing Baud Rates (bit/s)Data BitsData bitstrasmissionsequenceParity Stop Bitsstandard EIA/TIA 485 (RS-485) two-wireconfiguration RTU1÷255programmable(4800, 9600, 19200,38400)8Least significantbit firstprogrammable(NONE, EVEN, ODD)1MASTER/SLAVE COMMUNICATION TIMINGTimer Description Timer Value (msec)Inter-character time-out< 1,5 character timesResponse delay (from master request)programmable ( 0 ÷ 99 ms )Delay Time (between two master trasmissions)-REFER ALSO TO:- MODBUS over serial line specification and implementation guide V1.02- MODBUS APPLICATION PROTOCOL SPECIFICATION V1.1bNOTE:File and printed copies of this document are not subject to document change control.LG-412041Register Number RegisterAddress(Dec)RegisterAddress(Hex)Dimension[bit]Description NoteReadFunctionCodes (Dec)Data Storing4097409610001External input4097409610001Current active tariff See Note 12Note 10: Tariff 11: Tariff 2LG-412041Register Number RegisterAddress(Dec)RegisterAddress(Hex)Dimension[bit]Description NoteReadFunctionCodes (Dec)WriteFunctionCodes (Dec)Data Storing(no COILS availables)Register Number RegisterAddress(Dec)RegisterAddress(Hex)Dimension[word]BitPositionDescription Type Scale Unit Range NoteReadFunctionCode (Dec)DataStoring20481204805000257Three-phase Electric Measurement204812048050002Phase 1 Current Value (R)unsigned integer1mA See Note 14 204832048250022Phase 2 Current Value (S)unsigned integer1mA See Note 14 204852048450042Phase 3 Current Value (T)unsigned integer1mA See Note 14 2048720486500623RESERVED (all return "8000h")2051020509501D21-N Voltage unsigned integer1mV See Note 14 2051220511501F22-N Voltage unsigned integer1mV See Note 14 2051420513502123-N Voltage unsigned integer1mV See Note 14 2051620515502321-2 Voltage unsigned integer1mV See Note 14 2051820517502522-3 Voltage unsigned integer1mV See Note 14 2052020519502723-1 Voltage unsigned integer1mV See Note 14 2052220521502916RESERVED (all return "8000h")205382053750391Three-phase frequency unsigned integer0,01Hz See Note 14 2053920538503A2Three-phase Active Power signed integer See Notes 2 and 54 2054120540503C2Three-phase reactive power signed integer See Notes 2 and 54 2054320542503E2RESERVED (all return "8000h")205452054450402Threee-Phase Apparent Power signed integer See Notes 2 and 54 205472054650422RESERVED (all return "8000h")205492054850441Three-phase Power Factor (PF)signed integer0,01See Note 24 205502054950451RESERVED (returns "8000h")205512055050461Power Factor (PF) sector unsigned integer See Note 54 205522055150472Phase 1 Active Power signed integer See Notes 2 and 64 205542055350492Phase 2 Active Power signed integer See Notes 2 and 64 2055620555504B2Phase 3 Active Power signed integer See Notes 2 and 64 2055820557504D2Phase 1 Reactive power signed integer See Notes 2 and 64 2056020559504F2Phase 2 Reactive power signed integer See Notes 2 and 64 205622056150512Phase 3 Reactive power signed integer See Notes 2 and 64 205642056350536RESERVED (returns "8000h")205702056950592Phase 1 Apparent Power unsigned integer See Notes 1 and 64 2057220571505B2Phase 2 Apparent Power unsigned integer See Notes 1 and 64 2057420573505D2Phase 3 Apparent Power unsigned integer See Notes 1 and 64 2057620575505F17RESERVED (returns "8000h")205932059250702Positive Three-phase Active Energy unsigned integer See Notes 1 and 74Y 205952059450722Negative Three-phase Active Energy unsigned integer See Notes 1 and 74Y 205972059650742RESERVED (returns "80000000h")205992059850762Positive Three-phase Reactive Energy unsigned integer See Notes 1 and 74Y 206012060050782Negative Three-phase Reactive Energy unsigned integer See Notes 1 and 74Y 2060320602507A2RESERVED (returns "80000000h")2060520604507C2Positive Three-phase Active Energy (Tariff 1)unsigned integer See Notes 1, 7 and 94Y 2060720606507E2Negative Three-phase Active Energy (Tariff 1)unsigned integer See Notes 1, 7 and 94Y 206092060850802Positive Three-phase Reactive Energy (Tariff 1)unsigned integer See Notes 1, 7 and 94Y 206112061050822Negative Three-phase Reactive Energy (Tariff 1)unsigned integer See Notes 1, 7 and 94Y 206132061250842Positive Three-phase Active Energy (Tariff 2)unsigned integer See Notes 1, 7 and 94Y 206152061450862Negative Three-phase Active Energy (Tariff 2)unsigned integer See Notes 1, 7 and 94Y 206172061650882Positive Three-phase Reactive Energy (Tariff 2)unsigned integer See Notes 1, 7 and 94Y2061920618508A2Negative Three-phase Reactive Energy (Tariff 2)unsigned integer See Notes 1, 7 and 94Y 2062120620508C18RESERVED (returns "8000h")2063920638509E2Positive Three-phase Active Energy (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kWh See Note 14Y 206412064050A02Negative Three-phase Active Energy (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kWh See Note 14Y 206432064250A22RESERVED (returns "80000000h")206452064450A42Positive Three-phase Reactive Energy (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kVarh See Note 14Y 206472064650A62Negative Three-phase Reactive Energy (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kVarh See Note 14Y 206492064850A82RESERVED (returns "80000000h")206512065050AA2Positive Three-phase Active Energy (Tariff 1) (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kWh See Notes 1 and 94Y 206532065250AC2Negative Three-phase Active Energy (Tariff 1) (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kWh See Notes 1 and 94Y 206552065450AE2Positive Three-phase Reactive Energy (Tariff 1) (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kVarh See Notes 1 and 94Y 206572065650B02Negative Three-phase Reactive Energy (Tariff 1) (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kVarh See Notes 1 and 94Y 206592065850B22Positive Three-phase Active Energy (Tariff 2) (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kWh See Notes 1 and 94Y 206612066050B42Negative Three-phase Active Energy (Tariff 2) (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kWh See Notes 1 and 94Y 206632066250B62Positive Three-phase Reactive Energy (Tariff 2) (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kVarh See Notes 1 and 94Y 206652066450B82Negative Three-phase Reactive Energy (Tariff 2) (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kVarh See Notes 1 and 94Y 206672066650BA59RESERVED (returns "8000h")207262072550F51Phase shift between V1 - V2unsigned integer0,1°See Note 34 207272072650F61Phase shift between V2 - V3unsigned integer0,1°See Note 34 207282072750F71Phase shift between V3 - V1unsigned integer0,1°See Note 34 207292072850F81Phase shift between U12 - U23unsigned integer0,1°See Note 44 207302072950F91Phase shift between U23 - U31unsigned integer0,1°See Note 44 207312073050FA1Phase shift between U31 - U12unsigned integer0,1°See Note 44 207322073150FB1Phase shift between I1 - I2unsigned integer0,1°See Note 84 207332073250FC1Phase shift between I2 - I3unsigned integer0,1°See Note 84 207342073350FD1Phase shift between I3 - I1unsigned integer0,1°See Note 84 207352073450FE1Phase shift between V1 - I1unsigned integer0,1°See Note 14 207362073550FF1Phase shift between V2 - I2unsigned integer0,1°See Note 84 207372073651001Phase shift between V3 - I3unsigned integer0,1°See Note 84100000 ≤ KTA*KTVMWh/Mvarh11000 ≤ KTA*KTV < 10000MWh/Mvarh 0,0110000 ≤ KTA*KTV < 100000MWh/Mvarh 0,110 ≤ KTA*KTV < 100kWh/kvarh 0,1100 ≤ KTA*KTV < 1000kWh/kvarh 1Note 7Transformer ratioMeasurement unitScale 1 ≤ KTA*KTV < 10kWh/kvarh 0,01KTA*KTV ≥ 5000kW/kvar/kVAScale 0,010,01Note 6KTA*KTV < 5000 Transformer ratio Measurement unitW/var/VA Expressed on "numeric coding"; without mark (fixed more significant bit = 0);Only with 3N-3E Note 4Expressed on "numeric coding"; without mark (fixed more significant bit = 0);Only with 3-3E or 3-2E Note 50: power factor = 11: inductive 2: capacitive Expressed in "numeric coding"; with mark (more significant bit = mark);Note 1Expressed on "numeric coding"; without mark (fixed more significant bit = 0);Note 2Note 3Only if the input acts as "Pulse measurement"Note 8Expressed on "numeric coding"; without mark (fixed more significant bit = 0);Only with 3N-3E, 3-3E or 3-2E Note 9Only if the input acts as "Tariff selector"Note 10Register Number RegisterAddress(Dec)RegisterAddress(Hex)Dimension[word]Bit Position Description Type Scale Unit Range NoteReadFunctionCodes (Dec)WriteFunctionCodes (Dec)DataStoring1001Modbus settings1001Protocol type unsigned integer See Note 1316Y 4097409610001External input4098409710011Configuration of external input unsigned integer See Note 2316Y 20481204805000223Measure configuration204812048050001Measurement System Features unsigned integer See Note 3316Y 204822048150011Phase Currents Transformation Ratio (KTA)unsigned integer1 1 ÷ 9999316Y 204832048250022RESERVED (all return "8000h")204852048450041Voltage Transformation Ratio (KTV)unsigned integer0,01100 ÷ 30000316Y 204862048550052Calculation Settings Requirement unsigned integer See Note 4316Y 2048820487500771RESERVED (all return "8000h")2055920558504E2Partial Positive Three-phase Active Energy unsigned integer See Notes 5 and 10316Y 205612056050502Partial Negative Three-phase Active Energy unsigned integer See Notes 5 and 10316Y 205632056250522RESERVED (all return "8000h")205652056450542Partial Positive Three-phase Reactive Energy unsigned integer See Notes 5 and 10316Y 205672056650562Partial Negative Three-phase Reactive Energy unsigned integer See Notes 5 and 10316Y 205692056850584RESERVED (all return "8000h")2057320572505C2Partial Positive Three-phase Active Energy (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kWh See Note 5316Y 2057520574505E2Partial Negative Three-phase Active Energy (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kWh See Note 5316Y 205772057650602RESERVED (all return "8000h")205792057850622Partial Positive Three-phase Reactive Energy (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kvarh See Note 5316Y 205812058050642Partial Negative Three-phase Reactive Energy (secondary)unsigned integer0,01kvarh See Note 5316Y 2058320582506654RESERVED (all return "8000h")2063720636509C2Total Active Power Requirement (MD)unsigned integer See Notes 7 and 9316 2063920638509E2Maximum Total Active Power Requirement (PMD)unsigned integer See Notes 7 and 9316Y 206412064050A032RESERVED (all return "8000h")206732067250C02Maximum Total Active Power Requirement Tariff 1 (PMD T1)unsigned integer See Notes 5, 9 and 11316Y 206752067450C24RESERVED (all return "8000h")206792067850C62Maximum Total Active Power Requirement Tariff 2 (PMD T2)unsigned integer See Notes 5, 9 and 11316Y 206812068050C816RESERVED (all return "8000h")206972069650D81Run hour meter threshold unsigned integer1/100%0 ÷ 5000316Y 206982069750D92Run hour meter (TOT)unsigned integer s See Note 6316Y 207002069950DB2Run hour meter (Tariff 1)unsigned integer s See Notes 7 and 11316Y 207022070150DD2Run hour meter (Tariff 2)unsigned integer s See Notes 7 and 11316Y 296972969674004Pulse measurement296972969674001Measurement unit input unsigned integer See Note 8316Y 296982969774011Pulse weight input unsigned integer1/100 1 ÷ 10000316Y 296992969874022Pulse pulse input unsigned integer1/100See Note 5316YNote 10: Standard MAP;1: Basic MAP.This register is shared between the two maps. It's always possible to read and write this register.Note 2Bit 6 = 0: the input acts as "Tariff selector";Bit 6 = 1: the input acts as "Pulse measurement".BYTE1 (MSB):"11": Single-phase system 1N-1E (L1);"32": Three-phase system without neutral 3-2E;"33": Three-phase system without neutral 3-3E;"34": Three-phase system with neutral 3N-3E.BYTE0 (LSB):"00" [default]: if the active power flows in the normal/indicated direction (“upstream to downstream” or depending on the polarity indicated for the connection );Note 4WORD0 (LSW): calculation method1: "sliding block interval"WORD1 (MSW): calculation window (value in [min] (5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60), “default”=15)Note 5This register is writable, but only with zeroNote 6This register is writable, but only with zero. Writing this register you will delete also the two tariffs values.Note 7Writing this register has no effect.Note 80 : Wh (default)1 : kWh2 : MWh3 : Varh4 : kVarh5 : MVarh6 : VAh7 : kVAh8 : MVAh9 : m310 : km311 : Mm312 : Nm3 (normal meter3)13 : kNm314 : MNm315 : J16 : kJ17 : MJ18 : cal19 : kcal20: g21: Kg23: TNote 9Transformer ratio Measurement unit ScaleKTA*KTV < 5000 W/var/VA0,01KTA*KTV ≥ 5000kW/kvar/kVA0,01Note 10Transformer ratio Measurement unit Scale1 ≤ KTA*KTV < 10kWh/kvarh0,0110 ≤ KTA*KTV < 100kWh/kvarh0,1100 ≤ KTA*KTV < 1000kWh/kvarh11000 ≤ KTA*KTV < 10000MWh/Mvarh0,0110000 ≤ KTA*KTV < 100000MWh/Mvarh0,1100000 ≤ KTA*KTV MWh/Mvarh1Only if the input acts as "Tariff selector"。
RIGOL普源精电 MSO1104Z 示波器拆解之主控芯片(ARM)及外围芯
RIGOL 普源精电MSO1104Z 示波器拆解之主控芯片
四、RIGOL 普源精电MSO1104Z 示波器拆解之主控芯片(ARM)及外围芯片展示看完了主控芯片(FPGA)以及外围的一些芯片,我们再看看另一
我们可以看到这是一颗Freescale(飞思卡尔)公司的iMAX283 芯片,笔者百度了有关这个芯片的介绍,有兴趣的可以看看,i.MX283 是一款低功率、高性能的多媒体应用处理器,专为通用嵌入式工业控制和消费电子市场而优化。
i.MX283 内核采用飞思卡尔快速的、久经验证的、高能效ARM926EJ-S™
内核, 频率高达454 MHz。
FreescaleiMAX283 芯片也外挂了一颗DDR2 芯片,上面的图片对于
DDR2 的型号可能不太清晰,可以看下图。
通过上图我们可以看到DDR2 芯片为Hynix(海力士)H5PS5162GFR 型号和FPGA 外挂的型号相同。
这个DDR2 芯片又起什么作用呢,这也是我们需要
MSO1104Z 这款示波器具备16 个数字通道。
高速高精度线性电源IT64OO系列用户手册型号:IT6411/IT6431/IT6432/IT6433/IT6411S版本号:V2.7声明© Itech Electronic, Co., Ltd. 2019根据国际版权法,未经Itech Electronic, Co., Ltd. 事先允许和书面同意,不得以任何形式(包括电子存储和检索或翻译为其他国家或地区语言)复制本手册中的任何内容。
手册部件号IT6400-402458版本第2版,2019年09月30日发布Itech Electronic, Co., Ltd.商标声明Pentium是Intel Corporation在美国的注册商标。
Microsoft、Visual Studio、Windows 和MS Windows是Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家/地区的商标。
此外,在适用法律允许的最大范围内,ITECH 不承诺与本手册及其包含的任何信息相关的任何明示或暗含的保证,包括但不限于对适销和适用于某种特定用途的暗含保证。
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Lenovo ThinkSystem SR645服务器产品指南说明书
Lenovo ThinkSystem SR645 ServerProduct GuideThe Lenovo ThinkSystem SR645 is a 2-socket 1U server that features the AMD EPYC 7002 "Rome" and AMD EPYC 7003 "Milan" families of processors. With up to 64 cores per processor and support for the new PCIe 4.0 standard for I/O, the SR645 offers the ultimate in two-socket server performance in a space-saving 1U form factor. The server is ideal for dense workloads that can take advantage of GPU processing and high-performance NVMe drives.Suggested uses: HPC, database, virtualization, and VDIFigure 1. Lenovo ThinkSystem SR645Did you know?The SR645 server offers onboard NVMe PCIe ports that allow direct connections to 12x NVMe SSDs, which frees up PCIe slots and helps lower NVMe solution acquisition costs.The server has been designed to take advantage of the features of the EPYC 7002 and EPYC 7003 processors, such as the full performance of 280W 64-core processors, support for 3200 MHz memory and PCIe Gen 4.0 support. Competitive servers that are based on the older EPYC 7001 "Naples" designs may not be able to offer these performance features.Click here to check for updatesComponents and connectorsThe following figure shows the front of the server.Figure 2. Front view of the Lenovo ThinkSystem SR645The following figure shows the components visible from the rear of the server. As shown, there are four different configurations available, including two with rear-mounted drive bays: two 2.5-inch hot-swap drive bays (SAS, SATA or NVMe) or new 7mm thickness hot-swap drives (SATA or NVMe).Figure 3. Rear view of the Lenovo ThinkSystem SR645The following figure shows the locations of key components inside the server.Figure 4. Internal view of the Lenovo ThinkSystem SR645System architectureFigure 5. SR645 system architectural block diagram Standard specificationsThe following table lists the standard specifications. Table 1. Standard specificationsComponents SpecificationMachine types 7D2Y - 1 year warranty 7D2X - 3 year warrantyForm factor1U rack.Processor One or two AMD EPYC 7002 Series processors (formerly codenamed "Rome") or AMD EPYC 7003 Series processors (formerly codenamed "Milan"). Supports processors up to 64 cores, core speeds ofup to 4.1 GHz, and TDP ratings of up to 280W.Chipset Not applicable (platform controller hub functions are integrated into the processor)Memory32 DIMM slots with two processors (16 DIMM slots per processor). Each processor has 8 memory channels, with 2 DIMMs per channel (DPC). Lenovo TruDDR4 RDIMMs and 3DS RDIMMs aresupported:Performance+ RDIMMs: 1 DPC at 3200 MHz, 2 DPC at 3200 MHzThe following table lists the models for the Asia Pacific region: Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam Table 4. Models for Asia Pacific marketsModel AMD EPYCprocessor†Memory RAID Drive bays OCP SlotsPowersuppliesFrontVGA XCC FansRailkitStandard models with a 3-year warranty (machine type 7D2X) Models with third-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA05RAP1x 7303 16C130W 2.4G 1x16GB9350-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen31x 750W Yes Std6x Perf Slide7D2XA05SAP1x 7203 8C120W 2.8G 1x16GB9350-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen31x 750W Yes Std6x Perf Slide† Processor description: AMD EPYC model, number of cores, thermal design power (TDP), core frequency Models for Australia and New ZealandAP models: Customers in Australia and New Zealand also have access to the Asia Pacific region models. Table 5. Models for Australia and New ZealandModel AMD EPYCprocessor†Memory RAID Drive bays OCP SlotsPowersuppliesFrontVGA XCC FansRailkitStandard models with a 3-year warranty (machine type 7D2X) Models with second-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA024AU1x 7272 12C120W 2.6G 1x16GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA02DAU1x 7272 12C120W 2.6G 1x16GB930-8i4x 3.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA025AU1x 7282 16C120W 2.4G 1x16GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA027AU1x 7282 16C120W 2.4G 1x16GB930-8i4x 3.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA020AU1x 7352 24C155W 2.3G 1x16GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Perf Slide7D2XA022AU1x 7352 24C155W 2.3G 1x16GB930-8i4x 3.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Perf SlideTopSeller models with a 3-year warranty (machine type 7D2X) Models with third-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA059AU1x 7313 16C155W 3.0G 1x32GB9350-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf SlideCMAModels with second-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA03VAU1x 7282 16C120W 2.4G 1x32GBOption Option 2.5";Open bayOpen Open1x 750W Yes Std6x Perf Slide7D2XA05AAU1x 7282 16C120W 2.4G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf SlideCMA† Processor description: AMD EPYC model, number of cores, thermal design power (TDP), core frequencyAP models: Customers in ASEAN also have access to the Asia Pacific region models. Table 6. Models for South East Asian countries (ASEAN)Model AMD EPYCprocessor†Memory RAID Drive bays OCP SlotsPowersuppliesFrontVGA XCC FansRailkitStandard models with a 3-year warranty (machine type 7D2X) Models with second-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA01VSG1x 7272 12C120W 2.6G 1x16GB930-8i4x 3.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA01ZSG1x 7272 12C120W 2.6G 1x16GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA01SSG1x 7282 16C120W 2.4G 1x16GB930-8i4x 3.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA021SG1x 7282 16C120W 2.4G 1x16GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA01PSG1x 7352 24C155W 2.3G 1x16GB930-8i4x 3.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Perf Slide7D2XA01USG1x 7352 24C155W 2.3G 1x16GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Perf Slide† Processor description: AMD EPYC model, number of cores, thermal design power (TDP), core frequency Models for BrazilTable 7. Models for BrazilModel AMD EPYCprocessor†Memory RAID Drive bays OCP SlotsPowersuppliesFrontVGA XCC FansRailkitStandard models with a 3-year warranty (machine type 7D2X) Models with second-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA05EBR2x 7252 8C120W 3.1G 4x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS; 4x1.92TB PM8934x1Gb57193x LPGen42x 750W Yes Ent8x Perf SlideTopSeller models with a 3-year warranty (machine type 7D2X) Models with third-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA04ZBR1x 7313 16C155W 3.0G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay2x10GbT574162x LPGen42x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA05GBR1x 7313 16C155W 3.0G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay2x10GbT574162x LPGen42x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA04UBR1x 7413 24C180W 2.65G 2x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x10GbT574542x LPGen42x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA05HBR1x 7413 24C180W 2.65G 2x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x10GbT574542x LPGen42x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf SlideModels with second-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA050BR1x 7252 8C120W 3.1G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen42x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA05FBR1x 7252 8C120W 3.1G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen42x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide† Processor description: AMD EPYC model, number of cores, thermal design power (TDP), core frequencyTable 8. Models for EMEA countriesModel AMD EPYCprocessor†Memory RAID Drive bays OCP SlotsPowersuppliesFrontVGA XCC FansRailkitStandard models with a 3-year warranty (machine type 7D2X) Models with third-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA05TEA1x 7203 8C120W 2.8G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 1100WTitaniumYes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA05UEA1x 7303 16C130W 2.4G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 1100WTitaniumYes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA04FEA1x 7313 16C155W 3.0G 1x32GB940-8i4GB8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA052EA1x 7313 16C155W 3.0G 1x32GB9350-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA056EA1x 7313 16C155W 3.0G 1x32GB9350-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 750WTitaniumYes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA05BEA1x 7313 16C155W 3.0G 1x64GB9350-8i8x 2.5" SAS; 2x960GB MVOpen2x LPGen41x 750WTitaniumYes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA05CEA1x 7313 16C155W 3.0G 1x64GB9350-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 1100WTitaniumYes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA04EEA1x 7343 16C190W 3.2G 1x32GB940-8i4GB8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA051EA1x 7343 16C190W 3.2G 1x32GB9350-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA057EA1x 7343 16C190W 3.2G 1x32GB9350-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 750WTitaniumYes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA05DEA1x 7343 16C190W 3.2G 1x64GB9350-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 1100WTitaniumYes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA04BEA1x 7453 28C225W 2.8G 1x32GB940-8i4GB8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 1100W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA04YEA1x 7453 28C225W 2.8G 1x32GB9350-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 1100W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA04CEA1x 7513 32C200W 2.6G 1x32GB940-8i4GB8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 1100W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA04WEA1x 7513 32C200W 2.6G 1x32GB9350-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 1100W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA04DEA1x 7713 64C225W 2.0G 1x32GB940-8i4GB8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 1100W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA04XEA1x 7713 64C225W 2.0G 1x32GB9350-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 1100W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide† Processor description: AMD EPYC model, number of cores, thermal design power (TDP), core frequencyAP models: Customers in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea also have access to the Asia Pacific region models. Table 9. Models for Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea (HTK)Model AMD EPYCprocessor†Memory RAID Drive bays OCP SlotsPowersuppliesFrontVGA XCC FansRailkitStandard models with a 3-year warranty (machine type 7D2X) Models with second-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA01NCN1x 7272 12C120W 2.6G 1x16GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA029CN1x 7272 12C120W 2.6G 1x16GB930-8i4x 3.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA01MCN1x 7282 16C120W 2.4G 1x16GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA023CN1x 7282 16C120W 2.4G 1x16GB930-8i4x 3.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA01XCN1x 7352 24C155W 2.3G 1x16GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Perf Slide7D2XA026CN1x 7352 24C155W 2.3G 1x16GB930-8i4x 3.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Perf Slide† Processor description: AMD EPYC model, number of cores, thermal design power (TDP), core frequencyAP models: Customers in India also have access to the Asia Pacific region models. Table 10. Models for IndiaModel AMD EPYCprocessor†Memory RAID Drive bays OCP SlotsPowersuppliesFrontVGA XCC FansRailkitStandard models with a 3-year warranty (machine type 7D2X) Models with second-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA01LSG1x 727212C 120W2.6G 1x16GB930-8i4x 3.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb 57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA02ESG1x 727212C 120W2.6G 1x16GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb 57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA02BSG1x 728216C 120W2.4G 1x16GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb 57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA02GSG1x 728216C 120W2.4G 1x16GB930-8i4x 3.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb 57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Std Slide7D2XA01RSG1x 735224C 155W2.3G 1x16GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb 57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Perf Slide7D2XA02FSG1x 735224C 155W2.3G 1x16GB930-8i4x 3.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb 57192x LPGen41x 750W Yes Std6x Perf SlideTopSeller models with a 3-year warranty (machine type 7D2X) Models with third-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA05WSG1x 730316C 130W2.4G 1x32GBOption10x 2.5" Any;Open bay2x1Gb+2x10Gb574162x LPGen42x -48VDCYes Ent6x Perf SlideCMAModels with second-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA04MSG1x 728216C 120W2.4G 1x32GB530-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb 57192x LPGen31x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf SlideCMA7D2XA04QSG1x 745232C 155W2.35G 1x32GB530-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb 57192x LPGen32x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf SlideCMA7D2XA04RSG1x 753232C 200W2.4G 1x32GB530-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb 57192x LPGen32x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf SlideCMA† Processor description: AMD EPYC model, number of cores, thermal design power (TDP), core frequencyTable 12. Models with a 3-year warranty for Latin American countries (except Brazil)Model AMD EPYCprocessor†Memory RAID Drive bays OCP SlotsPowersuppliesFrontVGA XCC FansRailkitStandard models with a 3-year warranty (machine type 7D2X) Models with third-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA053LA1x 7313 16C155W 3.0G 1x32GB940-16i4GB10x 2.5" SAS;Open bayOpen2x LPGen41x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf SlideModels with second-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2X1000LA1x 7282 16C120W 2.4G 1x16GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay4x1Gb5719LP+FHGen31x 750W Yes Std6x Std SlideTopSeller models with a 3-year warranty (machine type 7D2X) Models with third-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA04TLA1x 7313 16C155W 3.0G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay2x10GbT574162x LPGen42x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA05JLA1x 7313 16C155W 3.0G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay2x10GbT574162x LPGen42x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2XA04SLA1x 7513 32C200W 2.6G 2x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS;Open bay2x10GbT574162x LPGen42x1100WYes Ent6x Perf Slide† Processor description: AMD EPYC model, number of cores, thermal design power (TDP), core frequency Models for USA and CanadaTable 13. Models for USA and CanadaModel AMD EPYCprocessor†Memory RAID Drive bays OCP SlotsPowersuppliesFrontVGA XCC FansRailkitStandard models with a 3-year warranty (machine type 7D2X) Models with third-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA04GNA1x 7282 16C120W 2.4G 1x32GBOption Option 2.5";Open bayOpen Open1x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2X100BNA1x 73F3 16C240W 3.5G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS; 1x1.92TB S4620Open LP+FHGen42x1100WYes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2X100ANA1x 7513 32C200W 2.6G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS; 1x1.92TB S4620Open LP+FHGen42x1100WYes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2X1009NA1x 7543 32C225W 2.8G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS; 1x1.92TB S4620Open LP+FHGen42x1100WYes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2X1007NA1x 7643 48C225W 2.3G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS; 1x1.92TB S4620Open LP+FHGen42x1100WYes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2X1008NA1x 7713 64C225W 2.0G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS; 1x1.92TB S4620Open LP+FHGen42x1100WYes Ent6x Perf Slide7D2X1006NA1x 7763 64C280W 2.45G 1x32GB930-8i8x 2.5" SAS; 1x1.92TB S4620Open LP+FHGen42x1100WYes Ent6x Perf SlideModels with second-generation AMD EPYC processors7D2XA04GNA1x 7282 16C120W 2.4G 1x32GBOption Option 2.5";Open bayOpen Open1x 750W Yes Ent6x Perf Slide† Processor description: AMD EPYC model, number of cores, thermal design power (TDP), core frequency ProcessorsThe SR645 supports processors in the second-generation AMD EPYC family of processors. The server supports one or two processors.Topics in this section:4XG7A63585BF73ThinkSystem SR645 AMD EPYC 7763 64C 280W 2.45GHz Processor w/o Fan 2AMD EPYC 7003 Series Processors with AMD 3D V-Cache Technology ("Milan-X")4XG7A83634BQP4ThinkSystem AMD EPYC 7373X 16C 240W 3.05GHz Processor 24XG7A83633BQP5ThinkSystem AMD EPYC 7473X 24C 240W 2.8GHz Processor 24XG7A83632BQP6ThinkSystem AMD EPYC 7573X 32C 280W 2.8GHz Processor 24XG7A83631BQP7ThinkSystem AMD EPYC 7773X 64C 280W 2.2GHz Processor 2AMD EPYC 7002 Series ProcessorsCTO only*B766ThinkSystem AMD EPYC 7232P 8C 120W 3.1GHz Processor14XG7A63350B6TS ThinkSystem SR645 AMD EPYC 7262 8C 155W 3.2GHz Processor w/o Fan 24XG7A63357B767ThinkSystem SR645 AMD EPYC 7272 12C 120W 2.9GHz Processor w/o Fan 24XG7A63359B6VZ ThinkSystem SR645 AMD EPYC 7282 16C 120W 2.8GHz Processor w/o Fan 2CTO only*B6VV ThinkSystem AMD EPYC 7302P 16C 155W 3.0GHz Processor14XG7A38047B6TV ThinkSystem SR645 AMD EPYC 7302 16C 155W 3.0GHz Processor w/o Fan 24XG7A63351B6W0ThinkSystem SR645 AMD EPYC 7352 24C 155W 2.3GHz Processor w/o Fan 2CTO only*B6TT ThinkSystem AMD EPYC 7402P 24C 180W 2.8GHz Processor14XG7A63349B6VW ThinkSystem SR645 AMD EPYC 7402 24C 180W 2.8GHz Processor w/o Fan 24XG7A63358B6TU ThinkSystem SR645 AMD EPYC 7452 32C 155W 2.35GHz Processor w/o Fan 2CTO only*B6VX ThinkSystem AMD EPYC 7502P 32C 180W 2.5GHz Processor14XG7A63354BABP ThinkSystem SR645 AMD EPYC 7532 32C 200W 2.4GHz Processor w/o Fan 24XG7A63347B6W2ThinkSystem SR645 AMD EPYC 7542 32C 225W 2.9GHz Processor w/o Fan 24XG7A63356B6W3ThinkSystem SR645 AMD EPYC 7642 48C 225W 2.3GHz Processor w/o Fan 2CTO only*B6VY ThinkSystem AMD EPYC 7702P 64C 200W 2.0GHz Processor14XG7A63352BCE8ThinkSystem SR645 AMD EPYC 7F52 16C 240W 3.5GHz Processor w/o Fan 24XG7A63355BCEA ThinkSystem SR645 AMD EPYC 7F72 24C 240W 3.2GHz Processor w/o Fan 24XG7A63344BAVPThinkSystem SR645 AMD EPYC 7H12 64C 280W 2.6GHz Processor w/o Fan2Part number Feature code DescriptionQuantity supported** Processors with a P suffix are single-socket capable processors and are only available in configure-to-order builds or in preconfigured modelsThe following table lists the features of the supported processors.Table 15. Processor specificationsEPYC model**Cores /Threads BaseFrequency Max Boost Frequency†L3 Cache Memory channels Memory bus TDP AMD EPYC 7003 Series Processors7203 / 7203P 8 / 16 2.8GHz 3.4 GHz 64 MB 83200 MHz 120W 72F38 / 16 3.7 GHz 4.1 GHz 256 MB 83200 MHz 180 W 7303 / 7303P 16 / 32 2.4GHz 3.4 GHz 64 MB 83200 MHz 130W 7313 / 7313P 16 / 32 3.0 GHz 3.7 GHz 128 MB 83200 MHz 155 W 734316 / 32 3.2 GHz 3.9 GHz 128 MB 83200 MHz 190 W 73F316/ 32 3.5 GHz 4.0 GHz 256 MB 83200 MHz 240 W 741324 / 48 2.65 GHz 3.6 GHz 128 MB 83200 MHz 180 W 7443 / 7443P 24 / 48 2.85 GHz 4.0 GHz 128 MB 83200 MHz 200 W 745328 / 56 2.75 GHz 3.45 GHz 64 MB 83200 MHz 225 W 74F324 / 48 3.2 GHz 4.0 GHz 256 MB 83200 MHz 240 W 751332 / 64 2.6 GHz 3.65 GHz 128 MB 83200 MHz 200 W 7543 / 7543P32 / 642.8 GHz3.7 GHz256 MB83200 MHz225 WFigure 6. SR645 front drive bay configurationsThe backplanes used to provide these drive bays are listed in the following table.Field upgrades: All front backplanes are available as part numbers for field upgrades using upgrade kits,as described in the Field upgrades section below.Figure 7. Rear drive bay configurationsThe backplanes used to provide these drive bays are listed in the following table. Table 21. Backplanes for rear drive baysPart number Featurecode DescriptionMaximumsupportedRear - 2.5-inch drive backplanesSee note*B8MY ThinkSystem 1U 2x2.5" SAS/SATA Rear Backplane1 See note*BDY6ThinkSystem 1U 2x2.5" NVMe Rear Backplane1 Rear - 7mm drive backplanesThe following table shows the supported combinations when the server is configured with a 3.5-inch chassis (where the front drive bays are 3.5-inch). The table lists the front and rear backplanes required for each drive bay combination. The choice of storage controller for each configuration is listed in the Controller selections section.Table 22. Drive bay and backplane combinations with 3.5-inch chassis (Blue cells = SAS/SATA, Red = NVMe)Cfg CPUs TotaldrivesNVMedrives§Front bays (3.5")Rear bays (2.5")7mmReardrives*Front backplane Rear backplane S/S3.5"Any3.5"S/S2.5"NVMe2.5"A 1 or 2†404000Optional*4xS/S NoneB2604020No support4xS/S2xSAS/SATAC2624002No support4xS/S2xNVMeD 1 or 2†4 4 (1:1)0400Optional*4xAny NoneE26 4 (1:1)0420No support4xAny2xSAS/SATAF26 6 (1:1)0402No support4xAny2xNVMe* 7mm drives require 2 processors† See Controller selections section for specifics.‡ When connected using a RAID 940i adapter, each NVMe drive has a PCIe x1 connection. SAS, SATA or U.3 NVMe drives supported; U.2 NVMe drives not supported.The following table shows the supported combinations when the server is configured with a 2.5-inch chassis (where the front drive bays are 2.5-inch). The table lists the front and rear backplanes required for each drive bay combination. The choice of storage controller for each configuration is listed in the Controller selections section.Table 23. Drive bay and backplane combinations with 2.5-inch chassis (Blue = SAS/SATA, Red = NVMe, Purple = AnyBay)Cfg CPUs TotaldrivesTotalNVMeFront bays (2.5")Rear bays(2.5")7mmReardrives*Front backplane Rear backplane S/S2.5"Any2.5"NVMe2.5"S/S2.5"NVMe2.5"A 1 or 24040000Optional*4xS/S (BCGB)NoneB 1 or 2†8080000Optional*8xS/S (B8N0)None C11001000Nosupport10xS/S (BHU8)NoneD210080020Nosupport 8xS/S (B8N0)2xSAS/SATA(B8MY)E2120100020Nosupport 10xS/S (BHU8)2xSAS/SATA(B8MY)F 1 or 2†10 4 (1:1)64000Optional6xSAS +4xAny (B8MX)None G110 4 (1:1)640Nosupport10xAny (BB3T)NoneH212 4 (1:1)64020Nosupport 6xSAS +4xAny (B8MX)2xSAS/SATA(B8MY)I110 4 (1:1)60400Nosupport6xSATA +4xNVMe (BCQN)NoneJ212 4 (1:1)60420Nosupport 6xSAS +4xNVMe (BCQN)2xSAS/SATA(B8MY)K210 4 (1:1)62200Optional6xSAS +2xAny +2xNVMe(BCQP)None L 1 or 2†1010 (1:1)010000Optional10xAny (BB3T)NoneM21210 (1:1)010020Nosupport 10xAny (BB3T)2xSAS/SATA(B8MY)N21212 (1:1)010002Nosupport10xAny (BB3T)2xNVMe (BDY6) O21010 (1:1)08200Optional10xAny (BB3T)NoneP 1 or 2†1010 (1:1)001000Optional10xNVMe (BCQQ)NoneQ21210 (1:1)001020Nosupport 10xNVMe (BCQQ)2xSAS/SATA(B8MY)R21212 (1:1)001002Nosupport10xNVMe (BCQQ)2xNVMe (BDY6)S14 4 (1:1)00400Nosupport6xSAS +4xNVMe (BCQN)None* 7mm drives require 2 processors† See Controller selections section for specifics.‡ When connected using a RAID 940i adapter, each NVMe drive has a PCIe x1 connection. SAS, SATA or U.3 NVMe drives supported; U.2 NVMe drives not supported.Controller selectionsThis section helps you determine with storage adapter are supported for your desired drive bay configuration. In the tables, the controllers are grouped as follows:3.5-inch chassis configurationsThe following table lists the supported drive bay combinations for configurations with 3.5-inch front drive bays, plus the list of supported controller combinations supported by each of those drive bay combinations. Information about the controllers can be found in the Controllers for internal storage section.Table 24. Drive bay combinations with 3.5-inch chassis (Blue cells = SAS/SATA, Red = NVMe)Cfg Front bays (3.5")Rear bays (2.5")7mmReardrives*CPUs Controller combinations (drive count) (F=Front, R=Rear) S/S3.5"Any3.5"S/S2.5"NVMe2.5"A4000Yes* 1 or 2OB SATA (4) (F)Yes* 1 or 21x RAID 8i (4) (F)Yes* 1 or 21x HBA 8i (4) (F)B4020No 1 or 2OB SATA (6) (F+R)No 1 or 21x RAID 8i (6) (F+R)No 1 or 21x HBA 8i (6) (F+R)C4002No 1 or 2OB SATA (4) (F) + OB NVMe (2) (R)No 1 or 21x RAID 8i (4) (F) + OB NVMe (2) (R)No 1 or 21x HBA 8i (4) (F) + OB NVMe (2) (R)D0400Yes*2OB SATA (4) + OB NVMe (4) (F)Yes*21x RAID 8i (4) + OB NVMe (4) (F)Yes*21x HBA 8i (4) + OB NVMe (4) (F)No 1 or 21x RAID 940-8i Trimode-U.3 (4) (F)‡E0420No 1 or 2OB SATA (6) + 4x OB NVMe (4) (F+R)No 1 or 21x RAID 8i (6) + 4x OB NVMe (4) (F+R)No 1 or 21x HBA 8i (6) + OB NVMe (4) (F+R)F0402No2OB SATA (4) + OB NVMe (6) (F+R)No21x RAID 8i (4) + OB NVMe (6) (F+R)No21x HBA 8i (4) + 6x OB NVMe (6) (F+R)* 7mm drives require 2 processors‡ With RAID 940-8i Trimode-U.3, only SAS, SATA or U.3 NVMe drives supported; U.2 NVMe drives not supported. Each NVMe drive has a PCIe x1 connection.2.5-inch chassis configurationsThe following table lists the supported drive bay combinations for configurations with 2.5-inch front drive bays, plus the list of supported controller combinations supported by each of those drive bay combinations. Information about the controllers can be found in the Controllers for internal storage section.Table 25. Drive bay combinations with 2.5-inch chassis (Blue = SAS/SATA, Red = NVMe, Purple = AnyBay)CfgFront bays (2.5")Rear bays (2.5")7mmReardrives*CPUs Controller combinations (drive count) (F=Front, R=Rear) S/S2.5"Any2.5"NVMe2.5"S/S2.5"NVMe2.5"A40000Yes* 1 or 2OB SATA (4) (F)Yes* 1 or 21x RAID/HBA 8i (4) (F)B80000Yes*2OB SATA (8) (F)Yes* 1 or 21x RAID/HBA 8i (8) (F)Yes*21x RAID 8i Int (8) (F)Yes21x RAID/HBA 16i Int (8) (F)C1000No 1 only1x RAID/HBA 16i (10) (F)D80020No2OB SATA (10) (F+R)No21x RAID/HBA 8i (8) (F) + OB SATA (2) (R)No21x RAID/HBA 16i Int (10) (F+R)E100020No2OB SATA (12) (F+R)No21x RAID/HBA 16i (12) (F)F64000Yes2OB SATA (10) + OB NVMe (4)Yes21x RAID/HBA 8i (10) + OB NVMe (4)Yes21x RAID/HBA 16i Int (10) + OB NVMe (4)No 1 only1x RAID/HBA 16i (10) + OB NVMe (4)G640No 1 only1x RAID/HBA 16i (10) + OB NVMe (4)H64020No2OB SATA (12) + OB NVMe (4) (F+R)No21x RAID/HBA 16i Int (12) + OB NVMe (4) (F+R)I60400No1OB SATA (6) + Retimer (4) (F)J60420No2OB SATA (8) + OB NVMe (4) (F+R)K62200Yes2OB SATA (8) + OB NVMe (4) (F)Yes21x RAID/HBA 8i (8) + 4x OB NVMe (4) (F)No21x RAID 8i Int (8) + 4x OB NVMe (4) (F)Yes21x RAID/HBA 16i Int (12) + OB NVMe (4) (F+R)L010000Yes21x RAID/HBA 16i (10) + OB NVMe (10) (F)No 1 or 21x RAID 940-16i Trimode-U.3 (10) (F)‡M010020No21x RAID/HBA 16i (12) (F+R) + OB NVMe (10) (F)N010002No21x RAID/HBA 16i (12) (F+R) + OB NVMe (12) (F)O08200No2OB SATA (8) + OB NVMe (10) (F)Yes21x RAID/HBA 8i (8) + OB NVMe (10) (F)P001000Yes2OB NVMe (10) (F)No1OB NVMe (2) + 2x Retimer (4+4) (F)Q001020No2OB NVMe (10) (F) + OB SATA (2) (R)R001002No2OB NVMe (12) (F+R)S00400No1Retimer (4) (F)* 7mm drives require 2 processors‡ With RAID 940-8i Trimode-U.3, only SAS, SATA or U.3 NVMe drives supported; U.2 NVMe drives not supported. Each NVMe drive has a PCIe x1 connection.。
一款AC-DC反激式六级能效高性能开关电源适配器电源芯片ICM6362A M6362A详细资料1.M6362A是一款AC-DC反激式六级能效高性能开关电源适配器电源芯片,耐低温,能在-40℃环温正常工作,待机功耗小于75mW的,应用在60W范围。
3. 替换OB2362A,OB2281,OB2263,OB2273,SP5673,GR1837等。
产品特点:优化EMI性能的抖频技术扩展的突发工作模式提高转换效率和极低的待机功耗音频噪声处理功能全面的保护功能:VCC锁定与迟滞(UVLO)VCC过电压保护(VCC OVP)在通用输入电压范围内固定输出功率限制的电流阈值设置过载保护(OLP)及自动恢复功能外部(如果NTC电阻连接在PRT pin)或内部温度保护(OTP)与自动恢复功能输出电压保护(输出OVP)与自动恢复OVP触发电压可由辅助绕组与PRT销连接的电阻调。
1.0MHZ 1.5MHZ 1.5MHZ 1.0MHZ 1.2MHZ 1.0MHZ 600KHZ 500KHZ 1.4MHZ 1.2MHZ 500KHZ 500KHZ
静态 功耗
200uA 20uA 40uA 80uA 40uA 80uA 400uA 100uA 400uA 250uA 200uA 500KHZ
高压侧开关泄漏电流 VEN = 0V, VSW= 0V
RDS(ON)_H 高压侧接通电阻
IOUT = 600mA, VOUT =
IOUT = 600mA, VOUT =
SOT23-5L SOT23-5L SOT23-5L SOT23-5L SOT23-5L SOT23-6L SOT23-6L SOT23-6L SOT23-6L SOT23-6L SOP8-EP SOP8-EP
PW2458 PW2431 PW2608 PW2815 PW2906 PW2902 PW2153
⚫ 输入欠压闭锁 ⚫ 输出过压保护 ⚫ 输出短路保护 ⚫ 过温保护 ⚫ 固定 1200khz 开关频率 ⚫ 6.5V 至 55V 宽工作输入范围 ⚫ 效率高达 92% ⚫ SOT23-6L 封装
⚫ 功率计 ⚫ 分布式电力系统 ⚫ 电池充电器 ⚫ 线性调节器的预调节器
引脚号 1 2 3 4 5 6
A63-Core 产品硬件手册2020-5-28 Ver.C锐尔威视版本更新说明1. 产品概述1.1 产品简介锐尔威视的A63-Core模块是基于全志A63平台设计的高性价比嵌入式核心模块板。
A63-Core模块集成2GB LPDDR3内存和16GB EMMC存储器,集成PMU芯片,带电池充放电管理。
集成音频Codec功能,GPU为Mali-T760,可满足人脸识别及AI算法的需求,支持硬解H.265/H.264 4K@30fps,提供丰富的外设资源:USB、UART、SDIO、SPI、IIC、GPIO。
支持驱动2个4-lane MIPI 或1个8-lane MIPI接口的显示屏,最大分辨率2560x1600,支持驱动2-lane EDP屏,分辨率1920x1080。
搭载Android7.1操作系统,经过深度优化定制,运行流畅,用户可由PC端的固件修改工具定制个性化固件,如修改开机图片动画声音、设置开机自启动应用、更改LCD屏配置、设置屏幕旋转方向、修改机器信息等1.2 产品规格2. 应用接口2.1 邮票孔接口A63-Core采用邮票孔封装,间距1.2mm,共130个引脚2.1.1 管脚分布2.1.2 管脚定义2.2 电源2.2.1 DC供电A63-Core模块用直流5V电源供电,上电即可开机,电压范围4.8~6V。
具体要根据产品应用场合和经验选择合适的电容值2.2.2 电池充电和电池管理使用3.7V锂电池供电A63-Core内置线性充电管理电路,支持对3.7V锂电池进行充电。
支持DC和USB接口充电,当两种充电口同时接通时,优先选择DC充电如需要使用电池给外设(屏,USB)供电,建议用PS接升压IC,升压到5V2.2.3 RTC电源内部VRTC耗电较大,不建议使用,需要使用外挂RTC芯片(PCF8563),软件默认支持外挂RTC。
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+ -5%
PR6434 在恒流控制(CC)时,恒流值和输 出功率可以通过 CS 引脚的限流电阻 RS 设定, 内置电感补偿电路保证输出的电流具有较高 的恒流精度。在恒压控制(CV)时,内置输 出采样电路和线损补偿电路既保证了芯片输 出电压的高精度又保证了较好的负载调整率。 同时, 内置的准谐振导通模式, 有效提高了系 统的工作效率。 PR6434 具有基于自动重启的多重保护功能 来加强系统工作的稳定性和可靠性, 这些保护 功能包括 VDD 欠压锁定(UVLO)、VDD 过压 保护、逐周期的电流检测、峰值电流限制 ( OCP ) 、输出开路 / 短路保护、过温保护 (OTP)和变压器饱和保护。
为了确保系统的正常 PR6434 内置了多重基 于自动重启的保护措施。 当这些保护措施一旦 被触发, 将关断功率 BJT。 这些保护措施包括 VDD 欠压锁定(UVLO)、VDD 过压保护、逐 周期的电流检测、峰值电流限制(OCP) 、输 出开路/短路保护、过温保护(OTP)和变压 器饱和保护。
PR6434 通过辅助绕组和次级绕组的耦合关 系来检测输出电压。 在去磁时间段, 输出电压 与线损电压的关系如(3)所示。 N R1 Vref (1 ) I C R1 AUX (VO V Vcable ) (3) R2 NS 其中 VCable 为电流在输出导线上的压降。线损 电压随着输出负载的增加而增加, 导致导线末 端的电压不断下降。 为了保持导线末端电压的 稳定,PR6434内置了线损补偿电路来实现良 好的负载调整率。通过在INV脚叠加一个偏置 电压来调整输出。 该偏置电压是通过一个内部 电流流进电阻分压器来实现的,具体如图3所 示。
A A1 A2 b c D E E1 e e1 L θ˚
Millimeters Min.
1.000 0.000 1.000 0.300 0.100 2.800 1.500 2.600 1.800 0.300 0˚
Inches Min.
0.039 0.000 0.039 0.012 0.004 0.110 0.059 0.102 0.071 0.012 0˚
CC/CV Controller
CS 3
Error Amplifier
符号 VDD VINV VCS VASU Vgate RθJA TL TSTG TJ VDD 电压 INV输入电压 CS输入电压 ASU输入电压 GD电压 封装热阻 SOT-23-6L(环境温度85℃) 引脚压焊温度 存储温度范围 工作结温范围 SOT-23-6L (10S) 参数 范围 0~28 -0.3 to 5V -0.3 to 5V -0.3 to 5V -0.3 to 16V 200 220 -55 to + 150 -20 to + 150 单位 V V V V V ℃/W ℃ ℃ ℃
输出功率随 RS 的变化曲线
在PR6434中,系统的工作频率受控于系统的 负载状况。在反激式非连续模式的电源系统 中,最大的输出功率由如下公式计算:
1 2 LP FSW I P 2
其中 LP 是变压器初级绕组的电感量, I P 为
手机/数字摄像机充电器 小功率电源适配器 电脑和电视机的辅助电源 LED 照明
PR6434 是一款应用于小功率 AC/DC 充电器 和电源适配器的高性能离线式功率开关控制 器。PR6434具有PWM或PFM两种工作模式, 使用原边反馈架构, 无需次级反馈电路, 因此 省去了光耦和431,应用电路简单,降低了系 统的成本和体积, 提高了可靠性。 芯片内置了 高达±5%精度的恒流/恒压(CC/CV)控制电 路,输出曲线如图1所示。
恒压(CV)和恒流(CC)精度高达±5% 原边控制模式,省略TL431和光耦 工作于断续模式(DCM) 极低待机损耗(<75mW ) 低启动电流(<20uA) 低静态工作电流(<500uA) PWM或PFM工作模式 内置可调式线损补偿电路 内置前沿消隐电路 (LEB) 内置准谐振工作模式 内置初级电感补偿 基于自动重启的多种保护功能 欠压锁定 (UVLO) VDD过压保护 逐周期电流检测 峰值电流限制(OCP) 输出开路/短路保护 过温保护(OTP) 电感饱和保护 SOT-23-6L无铅封装
Vfb Toff_min Freq_min I_cable 反馈电压参考阈值电压 最小关断时间 最低工作频率 最大线损补偿电流 700 2.475 2.5 2.0 780 40 860 2.525 V us Hz uA
Vth_OUTOVP 输出过压保护阈值电压 3 V
+ 5% -
典型恒流/恒压(CC/CV) 曲线
1 6
引脚编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 引脚名称 GND GATE CS INV ASU VDD I/O P O I I I P 描述 地 驱动输出端。为外置的功率MOS提供驱动。 电流采样端。通过改变此端口与地之间的电阻可以设定恒流值 和系统的最大输出功率。 辅助绕组电压反馈输入端。此端口通过一个电阻分压器连接到 反射输出电压的辅助绕组上,通过变压器次级绕组和辅助绕组 的耦合来采样输出电压。 高压启动管驱动端。此端口驱动一个高压耗尽型NMOS用于快 速启动。 IC供电电源
为了实现 PR6434 的恒流/恒压控制,系统必 须工作在反激式系统的断续模式。 (参照典型 应用电路) 在断续模式的反激式转换器中, 输出电压能够 通过辅助绕组来设定。当功率 BJT 导通时, 负载电流由输出滤波电容 CO 提供,原边电流 呈斜坡上升, 系统将能量存储在变压器的磁芯 中; 当功率 BJT 关断时,系统将存储在变压 器磁芯中的能量传递到输出,当去磁结束后, 系统开始谐振直至再次打开功率 BJT。 在去磁 时间段, 变压器原边电流与次级电流的关系如 下:
PR6434是一款成本低、设计优化的功率开关 控制器,适用于离线式小功率AC/DC 电池充 电器和电源适配器。 它采用原边控制模式, 因 此不需要TL431和光耦。内置的高精度恒流 / 恒压控制能够很好地满足小功率电源适配器 和充电器的要求。
1.300 0.150 1.200 0.500 0.200 3.020 1.700 3.000 2.000 0.600 8˚
0.051 0.006 0.047 0.020 0.008 0.119 0.067 0.118 0.079 0.024 8˚
10 450
20 500 9.0 15.0 27.5
uA uA V V V
VDD 下降 VDD 上升
7.0 13.0 25.5
8.0 14.0 26.5
TLEB Vth_oc VCS_min Td_oc 前沿消隐时间 过流保护阈值电压 最低 CS 阈值 群延迟时间 485 400 505 150 100 515 ns mV mV ns
VOL VOH V_clamp T_r T_f 输出低电平 输出高电平 输出箝位电压 输出上升时间 输出下降时间 CL=0.5nF CL=0.5nF Io=20mA Io=20mA 8 16 300 80 1 V V V ns ns
同时,辅助绕组反射输出电压,具体如图 2
FSW 为系统 流经变压器初级绕组的峰值电流,
R1 INV PR6434 R2
从式(4)中可以看出,原边电感 LP 的改变将 导致恒流模式下最大输出功率和恒流值的改 变。为了补偿原边电感 LP 改变带来的影响, 开关频率 FSW 被内部环路锁定, 此时的开关频 率可以通过下式计算:
(Ta=25° C ,除非特殊说明, VDD = 16.0V)
符号 供电电源 (VDD)
启动电流 静态工作电流 进入欠压锁定阈值电压 退出欠压锁定阈值电压 过压保护阈值电压
其中 VZ 是指整流二极管上的压将。
PR6434的供电电源是VDD引脚。启动电阻提 供从高压端到VDD旁路电容的直流通路,为 芯片提供启动电流。PR6434的启动电流小于 20uA , 因 此 VDD 能 够 很 快 被 充 到 UVLO (OFF) 以上, 从而使芯片快速启动并开始工 作。一旦VDD超过UVLO(OFF),芯片就进 入启动状态。VDD的旁路电容一直为芯片提 供供电直至输出电压足够高以至于能够支撑 VDD通过辅助绕组供电为止。采用较大的启 动电阻可以减小整机的待机功耗。