



关于动物的英语单词与短语总结(3)186. crab 螃蟹187. lobster 龙虾188. snail 蜗牛189. worm 蚯蚓190. dog 狗191. puppy 小狗192. phoenix 凤凰193. butterfly 蝴蝶194. mosquito 蚊子195. fly 苍蝇196. firefly;glowworm;lightning bug 萤火虫197. silkworm 蚕198. dragon-fly蜻蜓199. grassopper蚱蜢200. cicada蝉201. mantis螳螂202. bee蜜蜂203. ant蚂蚁204. cricket蟋蟀205. spider蜘蛛206. wolf狼207. weasel黄鼠狼短语及习语1. 对牛弹琴;明珠暗投 cast pearls before swine2. 物以类聚,人以群分 Birds of a feather flock together.3. 出人意料的获胜者;“黑马” a dark horse4. 完全是另外一回事 a horse of another color/a different color5. 趾高气昂 be on one's high horse6. 趾高气昂;耀武扬威 ride the high horse7. 不再骄傲自大 come off one's high horse8. 吃得很多;大吃特吃 eat like a horse9. 徒劳;白费力flog a dead horse10. (消息等)直接得来的from the horse's mouth11. 忍耐;慢下来 hold one's horses12. 全力以赴地 horse and foot13. 辛苦地干活 work like a horse14. 领马河边易,逼马饮水难(意指不要逼人做不愿意作的事) You may take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink15. 埋头苦干 work like a horse16. 本末倒置 put the cart before the horse17. 很自然地;轻而易举地 like a duck to water18. 冒险;不管三七二十一 chance the ducks19. 那还用问吗?Will/Would a duck swim?20. 猫有九命(指生命力强) A cat has nine lives.21. (无意中)泄密 let the cat out of the bag22. 像热锅上的蚂蚁显得坐立不安 like a cat on hot bricks23. 争斗激烈的 like cat and dog24. 欲擒故纵;残忍地作弄 play cat and mouse25. 下倾盆大雨 rain cats and dogs26. 办法不止一种 There are more ways than one to skin a cat27. 血流如注 bleed like a (stuck) pig28. 吃得过多;喝得过多;过分放纵自己 make a pig of yourself29. 无稽之谈 pigs might fly (if they had wings)30. 永不;决不;决不可能 when pigs fly31. 他老是言过其实 All his geese are swans.32. 破坏某人的计划(或名誉)cook one's goose33. 杀鸡取卵 kill the goose that lays the golden eggs34. 讨厌的人;泼妇 a wet hen/an old hen35. 蛋尚未孵先数鸡;指望过早 count one's chickens before they are hatched36. 过着牛马不如的生活 live a dog's life37. 爱屋及乌 love me, love my dog38. 凡人都有得意日 Every dog has its day.39. 占着茅坑不拉屎的人 a dog in the manger40. 犬吠不咬人 Barking dogs do not/seldom bite.41. 悲惨地死去;可耻地死去die a dog's death/ die like a dog42. 无情的竞争 dog eat dog43. 给人强加的罪名将毁人一生;人言可畏 Give a dog a bad/an ill name and hang him.44. 堕落;毁灭 go to the dogs45. 雪中送炭 help a lame dog over a stile46. 欲加之罪,何患无辞 He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find a stick47. (使人)过着受折磨的日子 lead (sb) a dog's life48. 莫惹是非 let sleeping dogs lie49. 招惹是非 wake a sleeping dog50. 摆架子;装腔作势 put on (the) dog51. 待人如猪狗 treat sb like a dog52. 拼命干 work like a dog53. 如牛饮水 drink like a fish54. 上梁不正下梁歪Fish begins to stink at the head/to rot from the head55. 浑水摸鱼 fish in troubled waters56. 如鱼得水 like a fish out of water57. 非驴非马;不伦不类 neither fish nor fowl58. 不要班门弄斧 Never offer to teach fish to swim59. 善于游泳 swim like a duck60. 好鱼居水底 The best fish swim/are near the bottom61. 英语动物短语中的比喻62. 胆小如鼠 as timid as a hare/rabbit63. 一贫如洗 as poor as a church mouse64. 忙的不可开交 as busy as a bee65. 非常生气 as mad as a wet hen66. 病得很厉害的 as sick as a dog67. 视力不佳 as blind as a bat68. 非常勇敢 as bravebold as a lion69. 非常狡猾 as cunning as a fox70. 非常自由 as free as a birdas fish71. 非常凶猛 as fierce as a lion72. 非常温柔 as gentle as a lamb73. 非常贪婪 as greedy as a pig74. 像头恶狼 as hungry as a wolf75. 非常骄傲 as proud as a peacock76. 非常滑 as slippery as an eel77. 非常强壮 as srong as a horse。



介绍动物英语短语1. What is your favorite animal?My favorite animal is a panda. Pandas are known fortheir cute appearance and gentle nature.2. Can you describe a tiger?Tigers are large, powerful cats with striking orange fur and black stripes. They are known for their strength and agility.3. Do you like dolphins?Yes, I like dolphins. They are highly intelligent marine mammals known for their playful behavior and acrobatic skills.4. What can you tell me about elephants?Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth. They are known for their long trunks, tusks, and large ears. Elephants are highly intelligent and social creatures.5. Have you ever seen a giraffe?Yes, I have seen a giraffe. Giraffes are tall, long-necked mammals with distinctive spotted patterns on their coat. They are known for their long legs and necks.6. What do you know about wolves?Wolves are social animals that live and hunt in packs. They are known for their howling communication and hunting skills. Wolves are also considered apex predators in many ecosystems.7. Have you ever encountered a bear?No, I have never encountered a bear in the wild. Bears are large, powerful mammals with a reputation for being strong and potentially dangerous. It is important to respect their space and avoid confrontation.8. What can you tell me about penguins?Penguins are flightless birds that are highly adapted to living in cold, aquatic environments. They are known for their black and white plumage, waddling walk, and ability to swim underwater with great agility.9. Do you find koalas cute?Yes, I find koalas very cute. Koalas are marsupials native to Australia known for their fluffy appearance, large round ears, and love for eucalyptus leaves.10. Can you describe a lion?Lions are large, muscular cats with golden fur and a majestic mane in males. They are known as the "king of the jungle" and are apex predators in their habitats.1. 你最喜欢的动物是什么?我最喜欢的动物是熊猫。



一、包含动物名称的英语短语猫(Cat)cat and dog life: 争吵不休的生活cat nap: 短暂的休息cat on a hot tin roof: 极度焦虑的人rain cats and dogs: 下倾盆大雨狗(Dog)dog days of summer: 一年中最热的日子dog eat dog: 残酷的竞争dog tired: 非常疲倦every dog has its day: 每个人都有走运的一天马(Horse)dark horse: 冷门获胜者horse sense: 常识horse and carriage: 马车(旧式交通工具)ride the high horse: 摆架子,傲慢自大鸟(Bird)bird brain: 愚蠢的人bird of a feather flock together: 物以类聚,人以群分kill two birds with one stone: 一举两得early bird catches the worm: 早起的鸟儿有虫吃鱼(Fish)fish out of water: 如鱼离水,不自在cold fish: 冷酷无情的人small fish: 小人物,不重要的人teach fish to swim: 多此一举,画蛇添足羊(Sheep)black sheep: 害群之马follow the sheep: 随大流,盲目模仿separate the sheep from the goats: 区分好坏,明辨是非牛(Cow)cow's tail: 微不足道的东西like a red rag to a bull: 激怒某人the whole nine yards: 全部,彻底(源自旧时牛仔全套装备有九件)猪(Pig)make a pig of oneself: 狼吞虎咽,大吃特吃pig out: 大吃特吃when pigs fly: 绝无可能,除非太阳从西边出来狐狸(Fox)foxhole: 散兵坑,避难所play fox: 耍狡猾手段fox in the henhouse: 监守自盗其它动物fly by the seat of one's pants: 摸索着做事,碰运气(源自没有马鞍的骑马方式)as busy as a bee: 忙碌不停talk the hind leg off a donkey: 喋喋不休,说得没完没了like a chicken with its head cut off: 惊慌失措,不知所措二、学习方法和技巧分类记忆:将包含同一动物的短语归类在一起记忆,如上述的“猫”、“狗”等。



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您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来!动物单词1. horse 马2. mare 母马3. colt,foal 马驹,小马4. pony 矮马5. thoroughbred 纯种马6. mustang 野马7. hippopotamus 河马8. mule 骡9. ass,donkey 驴10. ox 牛11. buffalo 水牛12. bull 公牛13. cow 母牛14. calf 小牛,牛犊15. bullock,steer 小阉牛16. heifer 小母牛17. pig,swine 猪18. boar 种猪19. hog 阉猪,肥猪20. gilt 小母猪21. piglet 猪崽22. sheep 羊23. ewe 母羊24. goat 山羊25. lamb 羊羔,羔羊26. zebra 斑马27. antilope 羚羊28. gazelle 小羚羊29. deer 鹿30. reindeer 驯鹿31. giraffe 长颈鹿32. camel 骆驼33. dromedary 单峰驼34. llama 大羊驼35. guanaco 原驼36. alpaca 羊驼37. vicuna 小羊驼38. elephant 象39. rhinoceros 犀牛40. hippopotamus 河马41. cat 猫42. tabby,she-cat,grimalkin 雌猫43. tomcat 雄猫,公猫44. kitten,kitty,pussy 小猫45. lion 狮46. lynx 猞猁47. panther,puma 美洲豹48. leopard 豹49. tiger 虎50. wildcat 野猫51. bison 美洲野牛52. yak 牦牛53. dog 狗54. badger 獾55. weasel 鼬,黄鼠狼56. otter 水獭57. fox 狐58. hyena,hyaena 鬣狗59. wolf 狼60. squirrel 松鼠61. dormouse 睡鼠62. beaver 河狸63. marmot 土拨鼠64. ferret 雪貂65. bear 熊66. polar bear 北极熊67. rabbit 兔子68. hare 野兔69. rat 鼠70. mouse 家鼠71. vole 田鼠72. mole 鼹鼠73. monkey 猴子74. chimpanzee 黑猩猩75. gorilla 大猩猩76. orangutan 猩猩77. gibbon 长臂猿78. sloth 獭猴79. duckbill,platypus 鸭嘴兽80. kangaroo 袋鼠81. koala 考拉,树袋熊82. hedgehog 刺猬83. porcupine 箭猪,豪猪84. bat 蝙蝠85. armadillo 犰狳86. whale 鲸87. shark 鲨鱼88. dolphin 海豚89. porpoise 大西洋鼠海豚90. seal 海豹91. walrus 海象92. eagle 鹰93. baldeagle 白头鹰94. condor 秃鹰95. hawk,falcon 隼96. heron 苍鹰97. goldeneagle 鹫98. kite 鹞99. vulture 秃鹫100. cock 公鸡101. hen 母鸡102. chicken 鸡,雏鸡103. guinea,fowl 珍珠鸡104. turkey 火鸡105. peacock 孔雀106. duck 鸭107. mallard 野鸭,凫108. teal 小野鸭109. gannet 塘鹅110. goose 鹅111. pelican 鹈鹕112. cormorant 鸬鹚113. swan 天鹅114. cob 雄天鹅115. cygnet 小天鹅116. gander,wildgoose 雁117. dove 鸽118. pigeon 野鸽119. turtledove 斑鸠120. pheasant 雉,野鸡121. grouse 松鸡122. partridge 石鸡,鹧鸪123. ptarmigan 雷鸟124. quail 鹌鹑125. ostrich 鸵鸟126. stork 鹳127. woodcock 山鹬128. snipe 鹬129. gull,seagull 海鸥130. albatross 信天翁131. kingfisher 翠鸟132. birdofparadise 极乐鸟,天堂鸟133. woodpecker 啄木鸟134. parrot 鹦鹉135. cockatoo 大葵花鹦鹉136. macaw 金刚鹦鹉137. parakeet 长尾鹦鹉138. cuckoo 杜鹃,布谷鸟139. crow 乌鸦140. blackbird 乌鸫141. magpie 喜鹊142. swallow 燕子143. sparrow 麻雀144. nightingale 夜莺145. canary 金丝雀146. starling 八哥147. thrush 画眉148. goldfinch 金翅雀149. chaffinch 苍头燕雀150. robin 知更鸟151. plover 千鸟152. lark 百鸟,云雀153. swift 褐雨燕154. whitethroat 白喉雀155. hummingbird 蜂雀156. penguin 企鹅157. owl 枭,猫头鹰158. scopsowl 角枭,耳鸟159. snake 蛇160. adder,viper 蝰蛇161. boa 王蛇162. cobra 眼镜蛇163. copperhead 美洲腹蛇164. coralsnake 银环蛇165. grasssnake 草蛇166. moccasin 嗜鱼蛇167. python 蟒蛇168. rattlesnake 响尾蛇169. lizard 蜥蜴170. tuatara 古蜥蜴171. chameleon 变色龙,避役172. iguana 鬣蜥173. walllizard 壁虎174. salamander,triton,newt 蝾螈175. toad 蟾蜍176. giantsalamander 娃娃鱼,鲵177. crocodile 鳄鱼,非洲鳄178. alligator 短吻鳄,美洲鳄179. caiman,cayman 凯门鳄180. gavial 印度鳄181. turtle 龟182. tortoise 乌龟183. seaturtle 海龟184. frog 青蛙185. bullfrog 牛蛙。



To teach a fish how to swin 班门弄斧as busy as a bee 忙得团团转, 忙得不亦乐呼Love me, love my dog 爱屋及乌Lock the barn door after the horse is stolen 亡羊补牢He that will steal a pin steal an ox 小时偷针, 大时偷金Don't count your chicken before they hatch 勿打如意算盘, 不要高兴得太早as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗Let sleeping dogs lie 不要狗拿耗子,多管闲事; 不要打草惊蛇。

I'm so hungry that I could eat a horse 我其饿无比, 饥肠辘辘Go home and kick the dog 回家生闷气Separate the sheep from the goats 明辨是非A lion in the way 拦路虎One swallow doesn't make a summer 一燕不成夏A wolf in sheep'clothing 披着羊皮的狼Fine feathers make fine birds 人靠衣装,佛靠金装You can't make a crab walk straight 江山易改,禀性难移The early bird catches the worm 捷足先登;笨鸟先飞It rains dogs and cats 倾盆大雨All his geese are swans 夸大其词;敝帚自珍as stupid as a goose 蠢得象头猪cat 猫dog 狗pig 猪mouse 老鼠cow 母牛milk cow 奶牛sheep 绵羊horse 马donkey 驴lion 狮子tiger 老虎wolf 狼bear 熊fox 狐狸elephant 大象panda 熊猫deer 鹿monkey 猴子snake 蛇crocodile 鳄鱼frog 青蛙cock 公鸡hen 母鸡chicken 小鸡duck 鸭子goose 鹅bird 鸟swan 天鹅fish 鱼shark 沙鱼bee 蜜蜂ant 蚂蚁fly 苍蝇butterfly 蝴蝶与动物或颜色有关的词语或短语Bird 鸟1. He eats like a bird.他吃得很少。






















Every day, my mom is as busy as a bee.2. as free as a bird字面意思,像鸟儿一样自由。



The weekend is coming, and I will be as free as a bird.3. as black as a crow字面意思,像乌鸦一样黑。




2.Cat got your tongue这个短语直译是:你的舌头给猫捉住了吗?既然舌头被抓住了,那就不能说话啦!所以这句短语的真正意思为:舌头打结,怎么不说话了?通常说出来是为了让对方难堪。

3.Monkey business这个俚语指的是不诚实、不道德的行为,类似于中文的“耍小聪明”。


5.Horse around这个俚语意味着不认真工作或耍骑马游戏,类似于中文的“闹着玩”。

6.Chicken out这个俚语指的是因为害怕或缺乏勇气而放弃某件事,类似于中文的“临阵退缩”。

7.Rat race这个俚语意味着快节奏的竞争环境,类似于中文的“你死我活的竞争”。

8.Sly as a fox这个俚语形容某人十分狡猾,类似于中文的“狡猾如狐狸”。

9.Ants in one’s pants这短语直译就是“蚂蚁在一个人的裤子里”,这种画面简直不敢想象。


10.To chicken someone这个俚语意味着威胁某人,类似于中文的“恐吓”。

11.Wild-goose chaseWild-goose是“野雁”的意思,chase则表示“追逐”,字面上意思是“追逐野鹤”。


12.Don’t have a cow这个俚语不是“没有一头牛”的意思。

而是“不要大惊小怪、不要暴跳如雷、不要焦虑不安”的意思,相当于don't make a fuss.。



动物词汇英语单词:Tiger 老虎、Giraffe 长颈鹿、Lion 狮子、Deer 鹿、Leopard 豹、Monkey 猴子、Crocodile 鳄鱼、Snake 蛇、Rabbit 兔子、Frog 青蛙Tiger 老虎n.虎;强悍的人;劲头十足的人;小龙经济;不知足的人。

短语搭配:tiger lily卷丹tiger beetle虎甲科的甲虫paper tiger纸老虎Giraffe 长颈鹿意思:长颈鹿; 鹿豹座; 长劲鹿; 长颈。

例句:The giraffe is characterized by its long neck.长颈鹿以其长颈为特征。

Gail Giraffe has a long neck. He is too large for a cage.长颈鹿吉尔有个长长的脖子,笼子太小了,装不下他。

Lion 狮子意思:n.狮子;狮子星座;狮子纹章;纹章上的狮子标记;勇敢强壮(或残忍)的人;著名作家;文坛巨擘;狮子队队员;狮子俱乐部成员。

短语搭配:lion dance舞狮;狮子舞the lions den龙潭虎穴sea lion海狮;海狗;狮首狮身前部鱼尾神兽Deer 鹿意思:鹿; 韩国鹿牌; 迪尔; 德尔集团; 母鹿; 圣迪奥。

短语搭配:red deer赤鹿;马鹿musk deer麝mule deer黑尾鹿Leopard 豹意思:n.豹;斑豹造型;正面行进狮子造型;有豹斑的。

短语搭配:snow leopard雪豹clouded leopard云豹leopard seal豹斑海豹Monkey 猴子意思:n.猴;500英镑;锤式打桩机;淘气鬼;猿;顽童;受支配的人;受控制的人;v.胡闹;捣蛋;瞎弄;糊弄;模仿;学…的样。

短语搭配:monkey wrench活扳手;螺丝扳手spider monkey绒毛蛛猴brass monkey猴儿冷Crocodile 鳄鱼意思:n.鳄;鳄鱼;两人一排成纵列行走的小学生;鳄鱼皮。





a rat leaving a sinking ship 不能共患难的人Rats desert a sinking ship. 树倒猢狲散。

like a drowned rat 湿透了,像落汤鸡一样like a rat in a hole 瓮中之鳖一般rat out 夹着尾巴走、在尴尬中离去have a rat in a garret 想入非非,在口语中表示难以实现的梦想die like a rat 被毒死smell a rat 感到不妙,感到可疑Rats!胡说八道!(具有斥责、生气的意味)A rat race 激烈的竞争(尤指为保住职位和地位)另外,表示"鼠"的单词还有mouse(复数为mice)。


as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗like a drowned mouse 狼狈不堪play cat and mouse with sb. 对某人时好时坏quiet as a mouse 不出声,无声响二、牛(ox)首先需要说明的是,ox是不分性别的牛的统称。

The black ox has trod on somebody's foot. 灾祸已经降临到某人头上了ox-eyed 大眼睛的而bull则表示公牛。

a bull in a china shop 鲁莽冲撞的人throw the bull (美国俚语)一派胡言,胡言乱语,吹牛take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险like a bull at a gate 狂怒地、凶猛地milk the bull 做毫无意义的事情、徒劳无益cow是"母牛、奶牛"。

till the cows come home 永远都不可能地a sacred cow 可用于比喻神圣不可侵犯的人或事三、虎(tiger)fight like a tiger 极力攻击某人或保护自己a paper tiger 纸老虎catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair 不入虎穴,焉得虎子四、兔(rabbit)like rabbits in a warren 挤得水泄不通五、龙(dragon)在西方国家,龙的形象与中国大有不同,这种差异在有关dragon 的英语词组的含义中充分体现出来了。









1. The elephant in the room:这个短语指的是一个人,事物或问题显而易见,但没有人愿意谈论或者公开讨论。


2. A fish out of water:这个短语指的是一个人在某个环境中感到不自在或不适应。


3. The bee's knees:这个短语指的是某个人或物品非常出色或令人兴奋。


4. The cat's meow:这个短语与"bee's knees"类似,也指的是某个人或物品非常出色或令人兴奋。


5. Chicken out:这个短语指的是对某事胆怯或者懦弱而退缩。


6. Hold your horses:这个短语指的是让人冷静下来,停下来思考。


7. Snake in the grass:这个短语指的是形容一个不诚实或危险的人,往往指那些隐藏在人群中的刺客或者恶人。







关于动物的英语短语2007-08-04 16:53关于动物的英文短语1.蜜蜂As Busy as bee. 勤奋2.鸟Early bird 早到The early bird catches the worm. 早期的鸟有虫吃eat like a bird 吃的很少Kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟3.牛Bull`s eye 正中红心A bull in a china shop. 鲁莽的人Bull market 牛市4.鱼teach a fish to swim. 班门弄斧drink like a fish 牛饮a fish story 吹牛a fish out of water 失去依靠cold fish 冷血5.狗dog ears 卷起的页角live me,live my dog 爱屋及乌It rains cats and dogs. 瓢泼大雨Y ou are a lucky dog. 幸运儿Give it to the dog. 算了吧!during dog`s days 最热的日子every dog has his day 人人皆有得意时let sleeping dog lie 不可招惹的人barking dog doesn`t bite 虚张声势的人6.马hold your horse 稍等put the cart before the horce 本末倒置Dark horse 黑马7.羊a black sheep 败家子8.鹰eagle`s eye = eagle-eyed 犀利的目光9.大象white elephant 大而无用的东西10.狮子lion-hearted person 勇敢的人11.猫a cat may look at king 小人物也有权利a copy cat 抄袭作弊的人cat & dog life 争吵不休的生活cat around 寻欢作乐let the cat out of bag 泄密like a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁make a cat laugh 好笑的see how the cat jumps 观望形势turn cat in the pan 背叛when the cat is away,the mice will play. 山中无老虎,猴子称代王。




下面是店铺给大家整理的关于动物的英语短语,供大家参阅!关于动物的英语短语:十二生肖之鼠smell a rat 觉得可疑the rat race 激烈的竞争play cat and mouse with sb. 欲擒故纵,(像猫抓耗子似地)欺负(折磨、虐待)某人Ox , bull , cow ,calfa bull in a china shop 经常闯祸的人,笨手笨脚的人take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险 like a red rag to a bull 使愤怒till the cows come home 永远地,无限期地 kill the fatted calf 热情款待,设宴欢迎 Tigerpaper tiger 貌似强大而实质虚弱的敌人 Harehunt with the hounds and run with the hare 同时支持相对立的两派, 脚踩两只船关于动物的英语短语:十二生肖之龙在西方国家,龙的形象与中国大有不同,这种差异在有关dragon 的英语词组的含义中充分体现出来了。

在中国,龙是吉祥如意之兆,是历代帝王的象征,有神圣不可侵犯的感觉,正如印度人视牛为神圣的动物一样(正是前文提到的a sacred cow)。


也正因此,我们所熟悉的"亚洲四小龙"的称呼,在英语中并不使用dragon这个单词,而是用tiger,成为"Asian Tigers"。

从下面的关于dragon 的用法中可以进一步看出西方国家与中国关于龙的形象上的差异。

the old dragon 魔鬼The woman is an absolute dragon.那女人是十足的母夜叉。


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2007-08-04 16:53
As Busy as bee. 勤奋
Early bird 早到
The early bird catches the worm. 早期的鸟有虫吃eat like a bird 吃的很少
Kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟
Bull`s eye 正中红心
A bull in a china shop. 鲁莽的人
Bull market 牛市
teach a fish to swim. 班门弄斧
drink like a fish 牛饮
a fish story 吹牛
a fish out of water 失去依靠
cold fish 冷血
dog ears 卷起的页角
live me,live my dog 爱屋及乌
It rains cats and dogs. 瓢泼大雨
You are a lucky dog. 幸运儿
Give it to the dog. 算了吧!
during dog`s days 最热的日子
every dog has his day 人人皆有得意时
let sleeping dog lie 不可招惹的人
barking dog doesn`t bite 虚张声势的人
hold your horse 稍等
put the cart before the horce 本末倒置
Dark horse 黑马
a black sheep 败家子
eagle`s eye = eagle-eyed 犀利的目光
white elephant 大而无用的东西
lion-hearted person 勇敢的人
a cat may look at king 小人物也有权利
a copy cat 抄袭作弊的人
cat & dog life 争吵不休的生活
cat around 寻欢作乐
let the cat out of bag 泄密
like a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁
make a cat laugh 好笑的
see how the cat jumps 观望形势
turn cat in the pan 背叛
when the cat is away,the mice will play. 山中无老虎,猴子称代王。
