



南京航空航天大学研究生考试试卷r 1 1 -2'一、(20 分)设矩阵4= —2 —2 3 ,<-1 -1 1 >(1)求A的特征多项式和A的全部特征值;(2)求A的行列式因子、不变因子和初等因子;(3)求A的最小多项式,并计算A6+3A —2/;(4)写出A的Jordan标准型二、(20分)设Z?2"2是实数域上的全体2x2实矩阵构成的线性空间(按通常矩阵的加法和数与矩阵的乘法)。

(1)求尺2"2的维数,并写山其一组基;(2)设W是全体2x2实对称矩阵的集合,证明:W是/?2x2的子空间,并写出W的维数和一组基;(3)在W中定义闪积G4,B) = Zr(&4),其中人BeW,求出W的一组标准正交基;(4)给出尺〜2上的线性变换7\ T(A) = A+A r, VA G R^2写出线性变换T在(1)中所取基下的矩阵,并求7的核/^r(r)和值域/?(r)。

三、(20分)证明: 是C'w 上的矩阵范数并说明具有相容性(1)求矩阵A 的07?分解;(3)用广义逆判断方程组Av = 6是否相界?若相界,求其通解;若不相容,求其极小最小二乘解 五、(20分)证明:A,, >0, Ar-AgAjAuSO 。

(I-1 1、’2' 1 11,向量/?=11 、0 0b<2>四、(20分)已知矩阵4 =,5 3 2>12、 1)设矩阵汲二3 2 t ,B = 1 1 0.5/t 2; /<2 0.5/ 1 ,,其中f 为实数问当Z 满足什么条件时,A 〉B 成立?Ai A 2 A2 ^22>0,其巾 A u eCkxkau(1)设乂 =2 13 -1 21 ,喇"K, ML, h(2)设4 =(〜)e C ,IX \ 令p=n • max 騸⑶证明:-||<<||<<(2)设 n 阶 Hermite 矩阵 A =(3)己知Hermite 矩陈A =(七)€ (?■ , a ij〉工a ij (= l,2,".,n ),证明:A 正定一、(20 分)(2) VA ,fielV ,V 々e/?,贝ij v (A +B)7= A 7+ B 7= A+B , /. A + B G W ;v (M)7 =kA T = kA ; /.MeW 。



Mid-term Exam of Matrix TheoryPart IRequired Questions (4×15′=60′).Q1.1)Let A = 2−344−686−78,1.Calculate the characteristics polynomial and eigenvalues of A .2.Find the determinant divisors,invariant divisors and elementary divisors of A .2)Given B =(17−645−16)and C =(14−603−13),please determine if B and C are similar or not.And prove your conclusion.Q2.Denote V ={(a 11a 12a 21a 22)∈R 2×2|a 11=a 22}.For any X ∈V ,let T (X )=P X +XP ,where P =(0110).1.Find a basis of V and show the dimension.2.Arbitrarily given A =(a 11a 12a 21a 22)and B =(b 11b 12b 21b 22)in V ,define (A,B )=a 11b 11+2a 12b 12+a 21b 21.Please show that (A,B )is an inner product on V .3.Given an orthonormal basis of V under the inner product of 2.4.Prove that T is a linear transformation on V ,and show the matrix representation of T with respect to the basis given in item 1.Q3.Consider the inner product space C [−1,1]with inner product defined as(f,g )=∫1−1f (x )g (x )dx,∀f (x ),g (x )∈C [−1,1].11.Show that1and3x2−1are orthogonal.2.Determine∥1∥and∥3x2−1∥.3.Let S=L{1,3x2−1}be a subspace of R[x]3,find the optimal approximation of xover S.Q8.Denote R[x]3to be the vector space of zero and polynomials with degree less than3.1.Determine the dimension of R[x]3and give a basis of R[x]3.2.Define the linear transformation D on R[x]3,D(f(x))=f′(x),∀f(x)∈R[x]3.Please give the matrix representation of D with respect to the basis given in the above item.Show R(D)and ker(D).3.Prove that D is not diagonalizable.4.Define the inner product on R[x]3,(f,g)=∫1−1f(x)g(x)dx,∀f(x),g(x)∈R[x]3,please Gram-Schmidt orthogonalize the basis given in item1.Part IIPreferential Questions(2×20′=40′).Q5.For any x∈R n,several definitions are given as follows,∥x∥0=∑x i=0|x i|0,∥x∥p=(m∑i=1|x i|p)1p(0<p<1),∥x∥1=m∑i=1|x i|.(1)1.Please determine if∥x∥0,∥x∥p and∥x∥1are valid vector norms or not.And try todefense your decision.2.Especially when n=2,plot the curves of∥x∥0=1,∥x∥p=1and∥x∥1=1respectively.2Q6.Given A∈R n×n,summarize the necessary and sufficient conditions of A to be di-agonalizable,and prove at least one of them.Determine if the matrix A given in Q1is diagonalizable or not.If yes,please explain why,if not,please give the Jordan canonical form of A.Q7.Given A∈R n×n,denote W={X∈R n×n|AX=XA}.1.Show that W is a subspace of R n×n.2.DenoteD=λ10 00λ2 0............00···λn,whereλ1,λ2,···,λn are different from each other.If A=D,please determine the dimension of W.3.If A is similar to D defined as in item2,please prove that any X∈W is diagonalizable.4.Given some X∈W,if X and A are both diagonalizable,then there exists a nonsingularmatrix P∈R n×n such that P−1XP and P−1AP are diagonal simultaneously.3。



第五章部分习题参考答案#2. Find determinant divisors and elementary divisors of each of the following matrices.(a) 1000100015432λλλλ-⎛⎫ ⎪-⎪ ⎪- ⎪+⎝⎭ (b)001010100000λλλλ⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭Solution(a ) 100010()0015432A λλλλλ-⎛⎫ ⎪- ⎪= ⎪- ⎪+⎝⎭det (())A λ4322345λλλλ=++++100det 10101λλ-⎛⎫⎪-=- ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭. Hence, the determinant divisors are 123()()()1D D D λλλ===,4324()2345D λλλλλ=++++. Invariant divisor are 123()()()1d d d λλλ===,4324()2345d λλλλλ=++++Unfortunately, it is not easy to factorize 4324()2345d λλλλλ=++++ by hand. With the help of Maple or Matlab, we can see that ()A λ has four distinct linear elementary divisors. (b) 44()D λλ=, 123()()()1D D D λλλ===. There is a unique elementary divisor 4λ #3. Let11a a A a ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ , a a B a εε⎛⎫ ⎪⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ be n n ⨯ matrices, where 0ε≠. Show that A and B are similar.Proof The Smith normal forms of both I A λ- and I B λ-are11()n a λ⎛⎫ ⎪⎪ ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭. A and B have the same set of elementary divisors. Hence they are similar to each other. #4. Let11a a A a ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ , 11a a B a ε⎛⎫ ⎪⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭be n n ⨯ matrices, where 0ε≠. Show that A and B are NOT similar. ProofThe determinant of I A λ- is ()n a λ- . The determinant of I B λ- is ()n a λε--. A and B have distinct characteristic polynomials. Hence, they are not similar.#11. How many possible Jordan forms are there for a 66⨯ complex matrix with characteristic polynomial 42(2)(1)x x +-?Solution The possibilities for the sets of elementary divisors are { 42(2),(1)x x +-}, {4(2),(1),(1)x x x +--}{32(2),(2),(1)x x x ++-}, {3(2),(2),(1),(1)x x x x ++--} {222(2),(2),(1)x x x ++-}, {22(2),(2),(1),(1)x x x x ++--},{22(2),(2),(2),(1)x x x x +++-}, {2(2),(2),(2),(1),(1)x x x x x +++--}{2(2),(2),(2),(2),(1)x x x x x ++++-}, {(2),(2),(2),(2),(1),(1)x x x x x x ++++--}. For each set of elementary divisors, there is a Jordan canonical form up to similarity. There are 10 Jordan canonical forms up to similarity.#12. Classify up to similarity all 33⨯ complex matrices A such that 3A I =. Solution An annihilating polynomial of A is 321(1)()()x x x x ωω-=---, where ω A is diagonalizable.The possibilities for the minimal polynomial of A are1x -, x ω-, 2x ω-;(1x -)(x ω-), (x ω-)(2x ω-), (1x -)(2x ω-);2(1)()()x x x ωω---Up to similarity, all 33⨯ complex matrices A are100010001⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭, 000000ωωω⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭, 222000000ωωω⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭; 10001000ω⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭, 1000000ωω⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭; 22000000ωωω⎛⎫ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎝⎭, 2000000ωωω⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭;221000000ωω⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,210001000ω⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭21000000ωω⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭#14. If N is a nilpotent (幂零的) 33⨯ matrix over C , prove that 21128A I N N =+- satisfies2A I N =+, i.e., A is a square root of I N +. Use the binomial series for 1/2(1)t + to obtain asimilar formula for a square root of I N +, where N is any nilpotent n n ⨯ matrix over C .Use the result above to prove that if c is a non-zero complex number and N is a nilpotent complex matrix, then cI N +has a square root. Now use the Jordan form to prove that every non-singular complex n n ⨯ matrix has a square root.Solution If N is an n n ⨯ matrix and k N O =, then k x is an annihilating polynomial for N . The minimal polynomial of N must be of the form p x , where p n ≤ and p k ≤ since the minimal polynomial of a matrix divides its characteristic polynomial. Thus, n N O =.(1) If N is a nilpotent 33⨯ matrix, then 3N O =. By straightforward computation, we can verify that 2A I N =+.(2) If N is an n n ⨯ nilpotent matrix, n N O =.1/22111111(1)(1)((1)1)122222(1)122!(1)!n n t t t t n -----++=+++++- 1/22111111(1)(1)((1)1)122222()22!(1)!n n I N I N N N n -----++=++++-(3) Since1N c is a nilpotent matrix, 1I N c + has a square root 1/21()I N c+. cI N + has a square root 1/21/21()c I N c+.(4) Suppose that 12121()0()000()r d d d r J J P AP J J λλλ-⎛⎫ ⎪⎪==⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭. Then each ()k d k J λ has asquare root 1/2()k d k J λ since ()k d k J λ is of the form k I N λ+, where 0k λ≠ because A is nonsingular and N is nilpotent.Let 121/211/2211/2()000()000()r d d d r J J B P P J λλλ-⎛⎫⎪⎪=⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭, then 2B A =. Hence, A has a squareroot.#20. Prove that the minimal polynomial of a matrix is equal to the characteristic polynomial if andonly if the elementary divisors are relatively prime in pairs.Proof Suppose that a Jordan canonical form of A is1212()000()000()r d d d r J J J J λλλ⎛⎫⎪ ⎪=⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭(where 12,,,r λλλ are not necessarily distinct. Each ()i d i J λ is a Jordan block.)The minimal polynomial of A is the same as that of J . The characteristic polynomial of A is the same as that of J . The elementary divisors of A are 11()d λλ-, , ()rd r λλ-The minimal polynomial of ()i d i J λ is ()i d i λλ-. The minimal polynomial of J is the least common multiple (最小公倍式) of 11()d λλ-, , ()rd r λλ-. The characteristicpolynomial of J is 1212()()()()rd d d r p λλλλλλλ=--- .The least common divisor of 11()d λλ-, , ()rd r λλ- is equal to the product of11()d λλ-, , ()r d r λλ- if and only if ()j dj λλ-and ()k d k λλ-are relatively prime forj k ≠. Thus the minimal polynomial of a matrix is equal to the characteristic polynomial ifand only if the elementary divisors are relatively prime in pairs.。







1. 已知矩阵A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9],求A的逆矩阵。



计算矩阵A的行列式,得到det(A) = -3。




计算得到A的伴随矩阵为Adj(A) = [-3 6 -3; 6 -12 6; -3 6 -3]。

最后,将伴随矩阵除以行列式的值,即可得到矩阵A的逆矩阵A^-1 = [-1 2 -1; 2 -4 2; -1 2 -1]。

2. 已知矩阵A = [2 1; 3 4],求A的特征值和特征向量。


特征方程的形式为|A - λI| = 0,其中A为给定矩阵,λ为特征值,I为单位矩阵。

计算得到特征方程为|(2-λ) 1; 3 (4-λ)| = (2-λ)(4-λ) - 3 = λ^2 - 6λ + 5 = 0。

解这个二次方程,得到特征值λ1 = 1,λ2 = 5。


将特征值代入(A - λI)x = 0,即可求解出特征向量。

对于特征值λ1 = 1,解得特征向量x1 = [1; -1];对于特征值λ2 = 5,解得特征向量x2 = [1; 3]。

3. 已知矩阵A = [1 2; 3 4],求A的奇异值分解。

解析:奇异值分解是将一个矩阵分解为三个矩阵的乘积:A = UΣV^T,其中U和V是正交矩阵,Σ是对角矩阵。



可编辑修改精选全文完整版Solution Key to Some Exercises in Chapter 3 #5. Determine the kernel and range of each of the following linear transformations on 2P(a) (())'()p x xp x σ=(b) (())()'()p x p x p x σ=- (c) (())(0)(1)p x p x p σ=+Solution (a) Let ()p x ax b =+. (())p x ax σ=.(())0p x σ= if and only if 0ax = if and only if 0a =. Thus, ker(){|}b b R σ=∈The range of σis 2()P σ={|}ax a R ∈ (b) Let ()p x ax b =+. (())p x ax b a σ=+-.(())0p x σ= if and only if 0ax b a +-= if and only if 0a =and 0b =. Thus, ker(){0}σ=The range of σis 2()P σ=2{|,}P ax b a a b R +-∈=(c) Let ()p x ax b =+. (())p x bx a b σ=++.(())0p x σ= if and only if 0bx a b ++= if and only if 0a =and 0b =. Thus, ker(){0}σ=The range of σis 2()P σ=2{|,}P bx a b a b R ++∈= 备注: 映射的核以及映射的像都是集合,应该以集合的记号来表达或者用文字来叙述. #7. Let be the linear mapping that maps 2P into 2R defined by10()(())(0)p x dx p x p σ⎛⎫⎪= ⎪⎝⎭⎰ Find a matrix A such that()x A ασαββ⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭.Solution1(1)1σ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭ 1/2()0x σ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭11/211/2()1010x ασαβαββ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫+=+= ⎪ ⎪⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭Hence, 11/210A ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭#10. Let σ be the transformation on 3P defined by(())'()"()p x xp x p x σ=+a) Find the matrix A representing σ with respect to 2[1,,]x x b) Find the matrix B representing σ with respect to 2[1,,1]x x + c) Find the matrix S such that 1B S AS -=d) If 2012()(1)p x a a x a x =+++, calculate (())n p x σ.Solution (a) (1)0σ= ()x x σ=22()22x x σ=+002010002A ⎛⎫⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭(b) (1)0σ=()x x σ=22(1)2(1)x x σ+=+000010002B ⎛⎫⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭(c)2[1,,1]x x +2[1,,]x x =101010001⎛⎫⎪⎪ ⎪⎝⎭The transition matrix from 2[1,,]x x to 2[1,,1]x x + is101010001S ⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭, 1B S AS -=(d) 2201212((1))2(1)n n a a x a x a x a x σ+++=++#11. Let A and B be n n ⨯ matrices. Show that if A is similar to B then there exist n n ⨯ matrices S and T , with S nonsingular, such thatA ST =andB TS =.Proof There exists a nonsingular matrix P such that 1A P BP -=. Let 1S P -=, T BP =. Then A ST =and B TS =.#12. Let σ be a linear transformation on the vector space V of dimension n . If there exist a vector v such that 1()v 0n σ-≠ and ()v 0n σ=, show that(a) 1,(),,()v v v n σσ- are linearly independent.(b) there exists a basis E for V such that the matrix representing σ with respect to the basis E is000010000010⎛⎫⎪⎪⎪⎪⎝⎭Proof(a) Suppose that1011()()v v v 0n n k k k σσ--+++= Then 11011(()())v v v 0n n n k k k σσσ---+++=That is, 12210110()()())()v v v v 0n n n n n k k k k σσσσ----+++==Thus, 0k must be zero since 1()v 0n σ-≠. 211111(()())()v v v 0n n n n k k k σσσσ----++==This will imply that 1k must be zero since 1()v 0n σ-≠.By repeating the process above, we obtain that 011,,,n k k k - must be all zero. Thisproves that1,(),,()v v v n σσ- are linearly independent.(b) Since 1,(),,()v v v n σσ- are n linearly independent, they form a basis for V .Denote 112,(),,()εv εv εv n n σσ-=== 12()εεσ= 23()εεσ= …….1()εεn n σ-= ()ε0n σ=12[(),(),,()]εεεn σσσ121[,,,,]εεεεn n -=000010000010⎛⎫⎪⎪⎪⎪⎝⎭#13. If A is a nonzero square matrix and k A O =for some positive integer k , show that A can not be similar to a diagonal matrix.Proof Suppose that A is similar to a diagonal matrix 12diag(,,,)n λλλ. Then for each i , there exists a nonzero vector x i such that x x i i i A λ= x x x 0k k i i i i i A λλ=== since k A O =.This will imply that 0i λ= for 1,2,,i n =. Thus, matrix A is similar to the zero matrix. Therefore, A O =since a matrix that is similar to the zero matrix must be the zero matrix, whichcontradicts the assumption.This contradiction shows that A can not be similar to a diagonal matrix. OrIf 112diag(,,,)n A P P λλλ-= then 112diag(,,,)k k k k n A P P λλλ-=. k A O = implies that 0i λ= for 1,2,,i n =. Hence, B O =. This will imply that A O =.Contradiction!。



2 3 4 A 4 6 8 6 7 8 。 一(20 分) (1)设
2010 ~ 2011 学年《矩阵论》 课程考试 A 卷
(i)求 A 的特征多项式和 A 的全部特征值; (ii)求 A 的行列式因子,不变因子和初等因子; (iii)写出 A 的 Jordan 标准形;
1 A* A2 A* (3)证明: n 。
1 1 1 1 A 0 0 0 0 四、 (20 分)已知矩阵
(1)求矩阵 A 的 QR 分解;
1 2 0 1 b 1 1 2 1 ,向量 ,
(2)计算 A ;
17 6 14 60 A , B 45 16 3 13 ,试问 A 和 B 是否相似?并说明 (2)设
2 1 A 1 2 3 1 ,求 A 1 , A 2 , A , A F ; 二(20 分) (1)设

(3)用广义逆判断方程组 Ax b 是否相容?若相容,求其通解;若不相容,求其极小最小二乘解。
五、 (20 分)
问当 t 满足什么条件时, A B 成立?
5 3 2 0 1 A 3 2 t , B 1 1 2 t 2 2 0 .5 t
五(20 分)设
A ( a ij )
为 n 阶 Hermite 矩阵,证明:
存在唯一 Hermite 矩阵 B 使得 A B ;
(3) 如果 A 0 ,则 tr ( A)tr ( A ) n 。
如果 A 0 ,则 tr ( A ) (tr ( A)) ;


学院 年级 班 学号 姓名 ------------------------------线--------------------------------- ---------- -----------------------封--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------密--------------------------------
(3),判断方程组 Ax b 是否相容?若相容,求其最小范数解;若不相容,求其极小最小二乘 解。(4 分)
2 0 0 8 1 0 0 4 行 (1): A 0 2 8 0 0 1 4 0 ,故矩阵 A 的满秩分解为: 2 2 8 8 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 4 1 0 0 4 A 0 2 CD, C 0 2 , D 。 0 1 4 0 0 1 4 0 2 2 2 2
k 1
A |||| A k 1 |||| A || || A || k . (5 分)
2. || A || 1 lim || A || k 0 lim || A k || 0. (5 分) 3. lim || A k || 0 lim || A k 0 || 0 lim A k 0. (5 分)
学院 ------------------------------ 线 ----------------------------------------------------------------
年级 ----------

南航双语矩阵论matrix theory第4章部分习题参考答案

南航双语矩阵论matrix theory第4章部分习题参考答案

If i is a root of p( ) 0 , then p(i ) 0 . We obtain that eigenvalue of C T with eigenvector x (1, i ,, in 2 , in 1 )T .
Exercise 16
Let be an orthogonal transformation on a Euclidean space V (an inner product space over the real number field). If W is a -invariant subspace of V, show that the orthogonal complement of W is also -invariant. Proof Let V W W , where W is -invariant. Let {u1 , u2 ,, uk } be an orthonormal basis for
0 1 T C x 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 an 0 an 1 0 an 2 1 a1
i i 1 2 2 i i i n2 n 1 n 1 i i i n 1 n n 1 a a a p ( i n i n 1 i 1 i i
C T x i x . Then i is an
(b) If p( ) has n distinct roots, then all roots of p( ) are eigenvalues of C T . We obtain that the characteristic polynomial of C T and p( ) have the same n distinct roots. And also they have the same degree and the same leading coefficient. Hence, the characteristic polynomial of C T is the same as p( ) . Since C and C T have the same characteristic polynomial, we know that p( ) is the characteristic polynomial of C.



南京航空航天大学07-14硕士研究生矩阵论试题2007 ~ 2008学年《矩阵论》 课程考试A 卷一、(20分)设矩阵⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-----=111322211A , (1)求A 的特征多项式和A 的全部特征值; (2)求A 的行列式因子、不变因子和初等因子;(3)求A 的最小多项式,并计算I A A 236-+;(4)写出A 的Jordan 标准形。

二、(20分)设22⨯R 是实数域R 上全体22⨯实矩阵构成的线性空间(按通常矩阵的加法和数与矩阵的乘法)。

(1)求22⨯R的维数,并写出其一组基;(2)设W 是全体22⨯实对称矩阵的集合, 证明:W 是22⨯R的子空间,并写出W 的维数和一组基;(3)在W 中定义内积W B A BA tr B A ∈=,),(),(其中,求出W 的一组标准正交基;(4)给出22⨯R 上的线性变换T : 22,)(⨯∈∀+=R A A A A T T写出线性变换T 在(1)中所取基下的矩阵,并求T 的核)(T Ker 和值域)(T R 。

三、(20分)(1)设⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=121312A ,求1A ,2A ,∞A ,F A ; (2)设nn ij C a A ⨯∈=)(,令ijji a n A ,*max ⋅=,证明:*是n n C ⨯上的矩阵范数并说明具有相容性;(3)证明:*2*1A A A n ≤≤。

四、(20分)已知矩阵⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=100100011111A ,向量⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=2112b , (1)求矩阵A 的QR 分解;(2)计算+A ;(3)用广义逆判断方程组b Ax =是否相容?若相容,求其通解;若不相容,求其极小最小二乘解。

五、(20分)(1)设矩阵⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=15.025.011210,2223235t t B t t A ,其中t 为实数,问当t 满足什么条件时, B A >成立?(2)设n 阶Hermite 矩阵022121211>⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=A A A A A H,其中k k C A ⨯∈11,证明:0,012111122211>->-A A A A A H。

南航双语矩阵论matrix theory第5章部分习题参考答案

南航双语矩阵论matrix theory第5章部分习题参考答案

第五章部分习题参考答案Exercise 2Find determinant divisors and elementary divisors of each of the following matrices.(a) 1000100016733λλλλ-⎛⎫ ⎪- ⎪ ⎪- ⎪--+⎝⎭ (b)001010100000λλλλ⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ Solution(a ) 100010()0016733A λλλλλ-⎛⎫ ⎪-⎪= ⎪- ⎪--+⎝⎭det (())A λ432323376(1)(46)λλλλλλλλ=+--+=-++-222(1)(56)(1)(2)(3)λλλλλλ=-++=-++There is a 3x3 submatrix whose determinant is100det 10101λλ-⎛⎫ ⎪-=- ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭. Hence, the determinant divisors are 123()()()1D D D λλλ===,4324()3376D λλλλλ=+--+. Invariant divisor are 123()()()1d d d λλλ===,4324()3376d λλλλλ=+--+ The elementary divisors of ()A λ are 2(1)λ-, 2λ+, 3λ+(b) 44()D λλ=, 123()()()1D D D λλλ===. There is a unique elementary divisor 4λExercise 3Let11a a A a ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ , a a B a εε⎛⎫ ⎪⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭be n n ⨯ matrices, where 0ε≠. Show that A and B are similar.Proof The Smith normal forms of both I A λ- and I B λ-are11()n a λ⎛⎫ ⎪⎪ ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭.A andB have the same set of elementary divisors. Hence they are similar to each other.Exercise 4Let11a a A a ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ , 11a a B a ε⎛⎫ ⎪⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭be n n ⨯ matrices, where 0ε≠. Show that A and B are NOT similar.ProofThe determinant of I A λ- is ()n a λ- . The determinant of I B λ- is ()n a λε--. A and B have distinct characteristic polynomials. Hence, they are not similar.Exercise 6For each of the following matrices, find the Jordan Canonical Form J and matrix P such that 1P AP J -=(a) 040140122-⎛⎫ ⎪- ⎪ ⎪--⎝⎭(b)134478677-⎛⎫⎪- ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭Solution(a)40140122I A λλλλ⎛⎫ ⎪-=-+ ⎪ ⎪-+⎝⎭Determinant divisors are 33()det()(2)D I A λλλ=-=+, 2()det()(2)D I A λλλ=-=+,1()1D λ= Invariant divisors are 23()(2)d λλ=+, 2()(2)d λλ=+, 1()1d λ= Elementary divisors are 2(2)λ+, (2)λ+A Jordan canonical form is 210020002-⎛⎫⎪- ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭. Let123(,,)p p p P =, then1121233222p p p p p p p A A A =-=-=-Solving (2)x 0A I +=, that is, 123240012001200x x x -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪⎪ ⎪-= ⎪⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭, we obtain that {1p ,3p } form abasis for (2)((0,0,1),(2,1,0))T T N I A Span -= . Let 1(2,1,0)(0,0,1),p T T a b =+ To obtain 2p , we solve the system212(2)p p a A I a b ⎛⎫⎪-== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭, that is,1232402120120y a y a y b -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪⎪ ⎪-= ⎪⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭. This system is consistent only if a b =. Let 1a b ==. Then 1(2,1,1)p T =, We solve the system above for vector2(1,0,0)p T =. Take 3(0,0,1)p T =.210100101P ⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭(b) 134478677I A λλλλ--⎛⎫ ⎪-=-+- ⎪ ⎪--⎝⎭23()det()(1)(3)D I A λλλλ=-=+-, 2()1D λ= , 1()1D λ=Invariant divisors are 23()(1)(3)d λλλ=+-, 2()1d λ=, 1()1d λ= Elementary divisors are 2(1)λ+, (3)λ-A Jordan canonical form is 110010003-⎛⎫⎪- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭. Let123(,,)p p p P =, then11212333p p p p p p p A A A =-=-= 3(1,2,2)p T =, 1(1,2,1)p T =, 2(1,1,0)p T =--111212102P -⎛⎫⎪=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭Exercise 8Show that if p A I = for some positive integer p , then A is similar to a diagonal matrix over the complex number field.Proof Since p A I =, 1p x - is an annihilating polynomial. The minimal polynomial ()m x of A must divide 1p x -. Since the polynomial 1p x - has only single roots(单根),()m x has only single roots. Therefore, by Theorem 5.2.7 (see lecture notes p124), matrix A is diagonalizable.Exercise 9Prove that if an n n ⨯ matrix satisfies 256A A I -=then A is diagonalizable.Proof Since 256A A I -=, 256x x -- is an annihilating polynomial of A . . The minimal polynomial ()m x of A must divide 256x x --. Since 256(6)(1)x x x x --=-+, the minimal polynomial must be a product of distinct linear factors. By Theorem 5.2.7 (see lecture notes p124), matrix A is diagonalizable.Exercise 10Show that if A is nonsingular, then 1A - can be written as a polynomial of A .Proof Let 1110()n n n p x c c c λλλ--=++++ be the characteristic polynomial of A . The constant term of ()p x must not be zero since A is nonsingular. By Cayley-Hamilton Theorem,()p A O =. That is, 1110n n n A c A c A c I O --++++= . Thus,1121101()n n n A A c A c I c ----=-+++ , which is a polynomial of A .Exercise 11How many possible Jordan forms are there for a 66⨯ complex matrix with characteristic polynomial 42(2)(1)x x +-?Solution The possibilities for the sets of elementary divisors are { 42(2),(1)x x +-}, {4(2),(1),(1)x x x +--}{32(2),(2),(1)x x x ++-}, {3(2),(2),(1),(1)x x x x ++--} {222(2),(2),(1)x x x ++-}, {22(2),(2),(1),(1)x x x x ++--},{22(2),(2),(2),(1)x x x x +++-}, {2(2),(2),(2),(1),(1)x x x x x +++--}{2(2),(2),(2),(2),(1)x x x x x ++++-}, {(2),(2),(2),(2),(1),(1)x x x x x x ++++--}. For each set of elementary divisors, there is a Jordan canonical form up to similarity. There are 10 Jordan canonical forms up to similarity.Exercise 12Classify up to similarity all 33⨯ complex matrices A such that 3A I =.Solution An annihilating polynomial of A is 321(1)()()x x x x ωω-=---, where ω= A is diagonalizable.The possibilities for the minimal polynomial of A are1x -, x ω-, 2x ω-;(1x -)(x ω-), (x ω-)(2x ω-), (1x -)(2x ω-);2(1)()()x x x ωω---Up to similarity, all 33⨯ complex matrices A are100010001⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭, 000000ωωω⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭, 222000000ωωω⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭; 10001000ω⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭, 1000000ωω⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭; 22000000ωωω⎛⎫ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎝⎭, 2000000ωωω⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭;221000000ωω⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,210001000ω⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭21000000ωω⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭Exercise 14If N is a nilpotent (幂零的) 33⨯ matrix over C , prove that 21128A I N N =+- satisfies2A I N =+, i.e., A is a square root of I N +. Use the binomial series for 1/2(1)t + to obtain asimilar formula for a square root of I N +, where N is any nilpotent n n ⨯ matrix over C .Use the result above to prove that if c is a non-zero complex number and N is a nilpotent complex matrix, then cI N +has a square root. Now use the Jordan form to prove that every non-singular complex n n ⨯ matrix has a square root.Solution If N is an n n ⨯ matrix and k N O =, then k x is an annihilating polynomial for N . The minimal polynomial of N must be of the form p x , where p n ≤ and p k ≤ since the minimal polynomial of a matrix divides its characteristic polynomial. Thus, n N O =.(1) If N is a nilpotent 33⨯ matrix, then 3N O =. By straightforward computation, we canverify that 2A I N =+.(2) If N is an n n ⨯ nilpotent matrix, n N O =.1/22111111(1)(1)((1)1)122222(1)122!(1)!n n t t t t n -----++=+++++- 1/22111111(1)(1)((1)1)122222()22!(1)!n n I N I N N N n -----++=++++-(3) Since1N c is a nilpotent matrix, 1I N c + has a square root 1/21()I N c+. cI N + has a square root 1/21/21()c I N c+.(4) Suppose that 12121()00()000()r d d d r J J P AP J J λλλ-⎛⎫ ⎪⎪==⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭. Then each ()k d k J λ has asquare root 1/2()k d k J λ since ()kd k J λ is of the form k I N λ+, where 0k λ≠ because A is nonsingular and N is nilpotent.Let 121/211/2211/2()000()000()r d d d r J J B P P J λλλ-⎛⎫⎪⎪=⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭, then 2B A =. Hence, A has a squareroot.Exercise 20Prove that the minimal polynomial of a matrix is equal to the characteristic polynomial if andonly if the elementary divisors are relatively prime in pairs.Proof Suppose that a Jordan canonical form of A is1212()000()000()r d d d r J J J J λλλ⎛⎫ ⎪⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭(where 12,,,r λλλ are not necessarily distinct. Each ()id i J λ is a Jordan block.)The minimal polynomial of A is the same as that of J . The characteristic polynomial of A is the same as that of J . The elementary divisors of A are 11()d λλ-, , ()rd r λλ-The minimal polynomial of ()id i J λ is ()id i λλ-. The minimal polynomial of J is theleast common multiple (最小公倍式) of 11()d λλ-, , ()rd r λλ-. The characteristicpolynomial of J is 1212()()()()rd d d r p λλλλλλλ=--- .The least common divisor of 11()d λλ-, , ()rd r λλ- is equal to the product of11()d λλ-, , ()r d r λλ- if and only if ()j dj λλ-and ()k d k λλ-are relatively prime for j k ≠. Thus the minimal polynomial of a matrix is equal to the characteristic polynomial ifand only if the elementary divisors are relatively prime in pairs.。



17 分
⇒ 由(1)的证明知,“=”成立时,有 A 酉相似于一对角阵,根据定理 4.5.2,A 为
正规阵 20 分
2× 2
三.(1) 对任意 X1 , X 2 ∈ W , k ∈ R, 都有 X1 + X 2 ∈ W , kX1 ∈ W , 所以, W 是 R ⎛ x11 线 性 子 空 间 , 设 X =⎜ ⎜x ⎝ 21 ⎛ x11 X =⎜ ⎜x ⎝ 21 0 ⎞ ⎟, x11 + x21 ⎟ ⎠

x12 ⎞ ⎟ ∈ W , 因 为 AX = XA, 所 以 , x22 ⎟ ⎠
⎛1 0⎞ ⎛0 0⎞ 5分 W 的一组基为 X1 = ⎜ ⎟ , X = ⎜ 2 ⎜0 1⎟ ⎜1 1 ⎟ ⎟, 维数是 2. ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ( 2 ) 对 任 意 X1 , X 2 ∈ W , k ∈ R, 都 有 T ( X 1 + X 2 ) = T ( X1 ) + T ( X 2 ) , 9分 T ( kX1 ) = kT ( X1 ) ,所以, T 为线性变换 ⎛1 0⎞ ⎛0 0⎞ (3)对于 W 的一组基为 X1 = ⎜ ⎜0 1⎟ ⎟, X 2 = ⎜ ⎜1 1 ⎟ ⎟, 有: ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ 0 0⎞ ⎛ − 1 0⎞ T ( X 1) = ⎜ ⎜ 0 0⎟ ⎟ = 0X1 + 0 X2 , T ( X 2 ) = ⎜ ⎜ 2 1⎟ ⎟ = −1 X1 + 2 X 2 , ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ 0 − 1⎞ ⎛ 0 −1⎞ T ( X 1 , X 2 ) = ( X 1 , X 2 )⎜ ⎜0 2 ⎟ ⎟ , T 在(1)中所取基下的矩阵是 A = ⎜ ⎜0 2 ⎟ ⎟ 14 分 ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛1 0⎞ ⎛0 0⎞ (4)对于 W 的一组基为 X1 = ⎜ ⎜0 1⎟ ⎟, X 2 = ⎜ ⎜1 1 ⎟ ⎟, ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ − b 0⎞ ⎛ 0 0⎞ 若 T ( aX 1 + bX 2 ) = ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 2b b ⎟ ⎟=⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ,则有: b = 0 , ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 0 0⎠ 所以, Ker (T ) = {kI2 : k ∈ R )} ,维数为 1, 17 分 ⎛ −1 0⎞ R (T ) = {T ( X ) : X ∈ W } = span{T ( X 1 ), T ( X 2 )} = {k ⎜ ⎜ 2 1⎟ ⎟ : k ∈ R} , ⎝ ⎠



南航双语矩阵论matrixtheory第7章部分习题参考答案第七章部分习题参考答案Exercise 1Show that a normal matrix A is Hermitian if its eigenvalues are all real.Proof If A is a normal matrix, then there is a unitary matrix that diagonalizes A . That is, there is a unitary matrix U such that H A UDU =where D is a diagonal matrix and the diagonal elements of D are eigenvalues of A . If eigenvalues of A are all real, then ()H H H H H H A UDU UD U UDU A ====Therefore, A is Hermitian.Exercise 2Let A and B be Hermitian matrices of the same order. Show that AB is Hermitian if and only if AB BA =. ProofIf AB BA =, then ()()H H H H AB BA A B AB ===. Hence, AB is Hermitian. Conversely, if AB is Hermitian, then ()H AB AB =. Therefore, H H AB B A BA ==.Exercise 3Let A and B be Hermitian matrices of the same order. Show that A and B are similar if they have the same characteristic polynomial.Proof Since matrix A and B have the same characteristic polynomial, they have the same eigenvalues 12,,,n λλλ . There exist unitary matrices U and V such that12diag(,,,)H n U AU λλλ= , 12diag(,,,)H n V BV µµµ= .Thus,H H U AU V BV =. (11,H H U U V V --==)That is 1()H H UV AUV B -=. Hence, A and B are similar.Exercise 4Let A be a skew-Hermitian matrix, i.e., H A A =-, show that (a) I A - and I A + are invertible.(b) 1()()I A I A --+ is a unitary matrix with eigenvalues not equal to 1-. Proof of Part (a)Method 1: (a) since H A A =-, it follows that()()H I A I A I AA I A A -+=-=+For any x 0≠()()0x x x x x x x x x x H H H H H H H I A A A A A A +=+=+>Hence, ()()I A I A -+ is positive definite. It follows that ()()I A I A -+ is invertible. Hence, both I A - and I A + are invertible. Method 2:If I A - is singular, then there exists a nonzero vector x such that()x 0I A -=. Thus, x x A =,x x x x H H A =. (1)Since x x H is real, it follows that()x x x x H H H A =.That is x x x x H H H A =. Since H A A =-, it follows thatx x x x H H A -= (2)Equation (1) and (2) implies that 0x x H =. This contradicts the assumption that x is nonzero. Therefore, I A - is invertible. Method 3:Let λ be an eigenvalue of A and x be an associated eigenvector. x x A λ=x x x x H H A λ=. ()x x x x x x x x x x x xH H H H H H H H A A A λλ===-=-Hence, λ is either zero or pure imaginary. 1 and 1- can not be eigenvalues of A . Hence, I A -and I A + are invertible.Method 4: Since H A A =-, A is normal. There exists a unitary matrix U such that 12diag(,,,)H n U AU λλλ=12()()diag(,,,)H H H H H H n U AU U A U U AU ==-= 12diag(,,,)n λλλ= 12diag(,,,)n λλλ- Each j λ is pure imaginary or zero. 12(diag(,,,))H n I A U I U λλλ-=-12diag(1,1,,1))H n I A U U λλλ-=---Since 10i λ-≠ for 1,2,,j n = , det ()0I A -≠. Hence, I A - is invertible. Similarly, we can prove that I A + is invertible.Proof of Part (b) Method 1:Since ()()()()I A I A I A I A +-=-+, it follows that11[()()]()()H I A I A I A I A ---+-+11()()()()H H I A I A I A I A --=+--+ ( Note that 11()()H H P P --= if P is nonsingular.)11()()()()I A I A I A I A --=-+-+ 11()()()()I A I A I A I A I --=--++=Hence, 1()()I A I A --+ is a unitary matrix. Denote 1()()B I A I A -=-+.Since 111(1)(1)()()()()2()I B I I A I A I A I A I A I A -----=---+=-++-+=-+,1det()(2)det[()]0n I B I A ---=-+≠Hence, 1- can not be an eigenvalue of 1()()I A I A --+. Method 2:By method 4 of the Proof of Part (a),12diag(1,1,,1))H n I A U U λλλ-=---12diag(1,1,,1))H n I A U U λλλ+=+++1()()I A I A --+1212111diag(,,,))111H n nU U λλλλλλ---=+++ The eigenvalues of 1()()I A I A --+ are1212111,,,111n nλλλλλλ---+++ , which are all not equal to 1-.Method 3: Since ()()()()I A I A I A I A +-=-+, it follows that11()()()()I A I A I A I A ---+=+-If 1- is an eigenvalue of 1()()I A I A --+, then there is a nonzero vector x , such that1()()x x I A I A --+=-. That is 1()()x x I A I A -+-=-.It follows that()()x x I A I A -=-+.This implies that x 0=. This contradiction shows that 1- can not be an eigenvalue of1()()I A I A --+.Exercise 6If H is Hermitian, show that i I H - is invertible, and 1(i )(i )U I H I H -=+- is unitary. Proof Let i A H =-. Then A is skew-Hermitian. By Exercises #4, I A - and I A + are invertible, and 1()()U I A I A -=-+ is unitary. This finishes the proof.Exercise 7Find the Hermitian matrix for each of the following quadratic forms. And reduce each quadratic form to its canonical form by a unitary transformation (a) 12312131213(,,)i i f x x x x x x x x x x x =+-+ Solution()1123123230i 1(,,)i 00100x f x x x x x x x x ???? ???=- ??? , 0i 1i 00100A ?? ?=- ? ???3d e t ()2I A λλλ-=-. Eigenvalues of Aare 1λ=2λ=30λ=.Associated unit eigenvectors are1i 1,)22u T =-, 2i 1,)22u T =-, and3u T =, respectively. 123,,u u u form an orthonormal set.Let 123(,,)u u u U =, and x y U =. Then we obtain the canonical form1122y yExercise 9Let A and B be Hermitian matrices of order n , and A be positive definite. Show that AB issimilar to a real diagonal matrix.Proof Since A is positive definite, there exists an nonsingular Hermitian matrix P such that H A PP = 1()H H AB PP B P P BP P -==AB is similar to H P BP . Since H P BP is Hermitian, it is similar to a real diagonal matrix. Hence, AB is similar to a real diagonal matrix.Exercise 10Let A be an Hermitian matrix of order n . Show that there exists a real number 0t such that t I A +is positive definite.Proof 1: The matrix t I A + is Hermitian for real values of t . If the eigenvalues of A are12,n λλλ,,, then the eigenvalues of t I A +are 12,,n t t t λλλ+++ ,. Let 12max{,,}n t λλλ> ,Then the eigenvalues of t I A + are all positive. And hence, tI A +is positive definite.Proof 2: The matrix t I A + is Hermitian for real values of t . Let r A be the leading principle minor of A of order r .d e t ()r r r I A t +=+terms involving lower powers in t . Hence, det()r r t I A + is positive for sufficiently large t .Thus, if t is sufficiently large, all leading principal minors of t I A + will be positive.That is, there exists a real number 0t such that det()r r t I A + is positive for 0t t > and for each r . Thus t I A + is positive definite for 0t t >.Exercise 11 Let11121222H A A A A A ??=be an Hermitian positive definite matrix. Show that 1122det()det()det()A A A ≤Proof We first prove that if A is Hermitian positive definite and B is Hermitian semi-positivedefinite, then det()det()A B A +≥. Since A is positive definite, there exists a nonsingular hermitian matrix P such thatHA P P =11(())H H A B P I P B P P --+=+ 11det()det()det(())H A B A I P B P --+=+11()H I P B P --+ is positive semi- definite. Its eigenvalues are all greater than or equal to 1.Thus11det(())1H I P B P --+≥111121112112111222H H I O A A I A A A A I A A O I --??-?-11112111112112212111222121112H H A A A O I A A O A A A A O A A A A O I ---??-== ? ? ?--?122121112H A A A A -- is positive definite, and 1121112H A A A - is positive semi-definite, and11122121112det()det()det()H A A A A A A -=- Hence, 111222212111212111222121112det()det()det(H H H A A A A A A A A A A A A ---=-+≥-)This finishes the proof.Exercise 12Let A be a positive definite Hermitian matrix of order n . Show that the element in A with the largest norm must be in the main diagonal.Proof Let ()ij A a =. Suppose that 00i j a is of the largest norm, where 00i j ≠. Consider theprincipal minor 00000000i i i j i j j j a a a a ??. It must be positive definite since A is positive definite. (Recall that an Hermitian matrix is positive definite iff all its principal minors are positive.) Thus, 00000000det 0i i i j i j j j a a a a ??>. On the other hand, 000000000000002det 0i i i j i i j j i j i j j j a a a a a a a ??=-≤since 00i j a is of the largest norm.(Remark: The diagonal elements in an Hermitian matrix must be real.)This contradiction implies that the element in A with the largest norm must be in the main diagonal.。



南京航空航天大学2011级硕士研宄生共5页第1页2011〜2012学年第1学期《矩阵论》课程考试A卷考试日期:2012年1月9日,:学院专业学号姓名成绩、2 1、二(20 分)(1)设-1 23>(2)设A =(力)eC,,证明:(i)对m阶酉矩阵f/和n阶酉矩阵V,有||[MV||F=||<.;(ii)若胭A(A) = r,…,<7,.为A的全部正奇异值,则玄〜f。

A-I /=1 7=1AM 14 00 5Vl4;11<=3;11<=初.r 4’r r⑵(i)||[MV||F =[zr((f/AV)H[/AV)]2 = [tr(y H A H U H UAV}}=[tr(y n A n AV)y = [tr(V-l A,J AV)y =[tr(A n A)y =||A||(ii)因为md(A) = r,则l+l奇异值分解定理知,存在m阶酉矩阵(7和zi阶酉矩阵V,其中,…,C7,.),从而Z 0 04 10 1、三(20分)设焱= 0 110,b = 0J 21 1,<4;(1) 计算A 的满秩分解;(2) 计算广义逆矩阵4+;(3) 用广义逆矩阵判定线性方程组Ar = /7是否相容。

若相容,求其通解; 若不相容,求其极小最小二乘解。

22 A += c T(cc Tr\B TBy 1B T z 5 -4 r 03 3 15 -57 2 5-4 169,,1 51"3<55>0、,1 1 0 1、 0 10 1 1 o y J b \ 71) A715 本b,所以Ax = 6不相容,Ax = b 的极小最小二乘解为x = /V7?1 15 ,19、12-7r 2 -1 0 '四(20分)(1)设4= -13-3,判断A是否是正定或半正定矩阵,并<0-3 2〉说明理由;(2)设A是H阶Hermite正定矩阵,5是阶Hermite矩阵,证明:相似于实对角矩阵;(3)设B均为《阶Hermite矩阵,并且= /I是AB的特征值,证明:存在A的特征值汉和S的特征值A,使得A =(1) 因为A的顺序主子式A1=2〉0,A2=5〉0,A3=-8<0,所以A不是正定的。





一、基础知识部分1. 请解释矩阵的定义和基本性质。






2. 什么是方阵和单位矩阵?方阵是行数等于列数的矩阵。



二、矩阵运算部分1. 请计算以下矩阵的和:A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6],B = [7 8 9; 10 11 12]。


根据题目给出的矩阵,可以计算得到A + B = [8 10 12; 14 16 18]。

2. 请计算以下矩阵的积:C = [1 2; 3 4],D = [5 6; 7 8]。


根据题目给出的矩阵,可以计算得到C × D = [19 22; 43 50]。

三、线性方程组部分1. 请解以下线性方程组:2x + 3y = 8,4x - 5y = 7。

线性方程组可以转化为矩阵的形式,即AX = B,其中A为系数矩阵,X为未知数矩阵,B为常数矩阵。

根据题目给出的线性方程组,可以得到矩阵形式为:[2 3] [x] [8][4 -5] [y] = [7]通过矩阵的逆运算,可以解得x = 3,y = 2。

2. 请解以下线性方程组:x + 2y + 3z = 6,2x - y + z = 1,3x + 4y + 5z = 10。

同样地,将线性方程组转化为矩阵形式:[1 2 3] [x] [6][2 -1 1] [y] = [1][3 4 5] [z] [10]通过矩阵的逆运算,可以解得x = 1,y = 2,z = 1。



2006矩阵论试题答案一.填空(每题4分,共40分)1. 设−−=41311221222832A ,则A 的值域4(){,R }R A y y Ax x ==∈的维数=)(dim A R 2 .2. 设A 的若当标准型−−−=10000011000001100000020000012000002J ,则A 的最小多项式=)(λψm 32(1)(2)λλ+−.3. 设110430102A −=−,则()5432333h A A A A A A =−++−=110430102−− −−. 4. 设埃尔米特阵为 −−+=2005111i i i i A , 则矩阵A 为 正定的 埃尔米特阵.5. 在3R 中有下列两组向量:()13,1,2Tα=−−,()21,1,1Tα=−,()32,3,1Tα=−; ()11,1,1Tβ=,()21,2,3Tβ=,()32,0,1Tβ=,则由321,,ααα到321,,βββ的过渡矩阵=P 619113421270−−−−−− −− .6.设33CA ×∈,21332211{}ij m j i A a ===∑∑,H AA 的非零特征值分别为15 ,5 ,3,则=2mA.7. 设12102101, 11111137A B −== −−,12,V V 分别为齐次线性方程组 0Ax =,0Bx =的解空间,则=)dim(21V V ∩ 1 .8. 设1(1)1(1)121()321nn n n n n n A n n n n +−−=++ −,则lim n n A →∞=1311e .9. 设213121202A −=,则A 的 LDU 分解为 A =100121012/51 2001123205200115004/5001−  −   − 10.设 −=5221A ,=0242B ,则2448204048102040100A B−−−⊗=. 二.(10分)设T 为n 维欧氏空间V 中的线性变换,且满足:),(),(Ty x y Tx −=,试证明:T 在标准正交基下的矩阵A 为反对称阵(T A A −=)证明:设n ααα,,,21 为V 的标准正交基,n n ij a A ×=}{,下证:ji ij a a −=: 由=),,,(21n T ααα A n ),,,(21ααα 知n ni i i i a a a T αααα+++= 2211,n nj j j j a a a T αααα+++= 2211, ),(),(j i j i T T αααα−=;=),(j i T ααji j n ni i i a a a a =+++),(2211αααα , =),(j i T ααij n nj j j i a a a a =+++),(2211αααα , 所以:ji ij a a −=.三.(10分)在复数域上求矩阵−−−=7137341024A 的若当标准形J ,并求出可逆矩阵P 使得J AP P =−1.解: A 的若当标准形210021002J=. 令123(,,)P p p p =,则有112123232,2,2Ap p Ap p p Ap p p ==+=+;1213262100621062104170,417,4173150315315p p p p p −−−−=−=−= −−−解得:123(2,1,1),(0,1,0),(1,2,1)T T Tp p p ===− , 201112101P=−.四. (10分)已知 =654321x x x x x xX ,162534()sin()x x f X e x x x x =++,求dXdf . 解答:16161234652543225516cos()cos()x x x x ff f x x x df dX ff f x x x x e x x x x x x x x x e ∂∂∂∂∂∂== ∂∂∂ ∂∂∂. 五.(10分)已知311202113A −=−−−,求4sin()A π,Ae .解:3||(2)E A λλ−=−,A 的最小多项式2)2()(−=λλϕ .待定系数一:令24sin ()(2)q a b πλλλλ=−++,则21,0a b b +==,4sin()A E π=;令2()(2)e q a b λλλλ=−++,则222,a b e b e +==.222211212112A e e e E e A −−=−+=− −−.待定系数二:令324sin ()(2)q a b c πλλλλλ=−+++,则22222414018,8,32216a b c b c a b c c ππππ ++=+=⇒=−==− =− ; 224sin()(44)32A E E A A E ππ=−−+=.令32()(2)e q a b c λλλλλ=−+++,则2222222414,,22a b c e b c e a e b e c e c e++= +=⇒==−== ; 2221()2211212112A e e E A A e −−− =− +−−= .六.(10分)设−=01200110A ,求A 的奇异值分解. 解答一:=5002A A H ,A 的奇异值为5,2; 00Σ= , 25H HV A AV = ,1001V =; 1100100100200100U AV −−− =Σ==; 00000000U− =; 0000010001 0 000 0 000A=.解答二:=5002A A H ,那么A 的奇异值为5,2,A A H对应于特征值5,2的标准特征向量为 = =01,1021x x ,=0110V ; 再计算H AA 的标准正交特征向量,解得分别与5,2,0,0对应的四个标准正交特征向量=0520511υ, −=2102102υ,−=0510523υ,=2102104υ,−−=210210051052210210052051U ; 所以=∆=HV UA 0000000000000110.七.(10分)设n n i A ×∈≠C 0,2rank rank i i A A =),,2,1(n i =,且当i j ≠时),,2,1,(0n j i A A j i ==.试用归纳法证明存在同一个可逆阵n n P ×∈C 使 得对所有的i ),,2,1(n i =有1−=P PE a A ii i i ,其中C ∈i a . 证明:1n =时,命题显然.假设n k ≤时,命题成立. 当1n k =+时,设1rank A r =.由若当分解11111000D A P P − =,其中1C r rD ×∈可逆; 当2,,j n = 时,由110j j A A A A ==可得1(1)(1)1100, C 0n n j jj A P P B B −−×− =∈(直接推出的j B 为()()n r n r −×−的) 再由0i j A A =得0i j B B =(,,2,,)i j i j n ≠= ;0j B ≠,2rank rank j j B B =也是明显的.由假设知存在可逆阵(1)(1)C n n Q −×−∈使得1j j jj B a QE Q −=,其中C j a ∈,2,,j n = .此时,再由110j j A A A A ==得到11111111110101010000000a A P P a P P Q Q −−− == ; 记1100P P Q =,则 11111111100000000 (2,,).0 j j j jj j j jj jj A P P P P B a QE Q a P P a P E P j n E −−−−− =====由归纳原理知命题为真.。



= 5; A
= 23 ;
T 1 2
∵ λ ( A A) = {3, 5,15} , ∴ A 2 = [λmax ( A A)] = 15 。
的特征向量, (2)设 x ∈ C 是 A 相应于特征值 λ 的特征向量,∴ Ax = λ x , x ≠ 0 , )
两 边 取 矩 阵 范 数 导 出 的 C 上 向 量 范 数 可 得 : λ x = λ x = Ax ≤ A x ,

0 , In−k
使得 PAP
A11 = 0
=B, A22 − A A A12 0
H 12 −1 11
H − ∵ A11 > 0, A22 − A12 A111 A12 > 0,∴ B > 0, 从而有 A > 0 。
5 ∆ 1 = 5 > 0, ∆ 2 = 1 > 0 , ∆ 3 = A − B = 1 − t 2 > 0 4
2 2 成立。 <t< 时 A > B 成立。 5 5
矩阵, (2)∵ A 是 Hermite 矩阵,∴ 存在酉矩阵 U ,使得 U AU = diag{λ1 , λ2 ,⋯ , λn } , ) 由此可知: 由此可知: λmin ( A) I ≤ A ≤ λmax ( A) I ,
共 3 页 ∴ ∀x ∈ C n , x ≠ 0 ,有 λmin ( A) ≤ R( x ) =
第 3 页
x H Ax ≤ λmax ( A) 。 xH x
− 存在,构造可逆矩阵 (3)∵ A11 > 0,∴ A11 存在,构造可逆矩阵 P = ) − A H A− 1 12 11



矩阵论作业答案与提示第一章(P41-P44)8提示:设044332211=+++ααααx x x x ,解得04321====x x x x ,因此4321,,,αααα线性无关.10(1)提示:考虑n 阶反对称矩阵构成的线性空间V .设ij α是处的元素为1,处的元素为-1,而其余元素均为零的n 阶反对称矩阵(),则),(j i ),(i j j i <n n n 2n ,123112,,,,,,,−ααααL L L A ij 线性无关.又若V a α∈=)(,则有∑≤<≤=nj i ijija A 1α,即A 可以由n n n n ,1223112,,,,,,,−αααααL L L 线性表示,因此.2)1(12)2()1()dim(−=+++−+−=n n n n V L 同理,若V 是n 阶对称矩阵构成的线性空间,则.2)1()dim(+=n n V 12提示:设A x x x x =+++44332211αααα,解得1,1,3,24321−===−=x x x x ,因此A 在基4321,,,αααα下的坐标是.)1,1,3,2(T −−18提示:(1)对任意P ,,∈∈k W Y X ,直接验证W kX Y X ∈+,.(2)在中取向量W )(i i e diag =α,其中表示第i 个分量为1,其余分量为零的n 维行向量,,则i e n i ,,2,1L =n ααα,,,21L 线性无关.又若,则由W x X n n ij ∈=×)(XA AX =得到,即)(0j i x ij ≠=),,,(2211nn x x x diag X L =.于是∑==ni i ii x X 1α,即X 可由n ααα,,,21L 线性表示.因此n ααα,,,21L 是的一组基,而.W n W =)dim(19(1)提示:设},{},,{212211ββααspan V span V ==,则},,,{212121ββααspan V V =+.由于121,,βαα是向量组2121,,,ββαα的极大线性无关组,所以,而3)dim(21=+V V 121,,βαα是21V V +的一组基.接下来,求的维数和基.设21V V I 21V V I ∈α,则有24132211ββαααk k k k −−=+=,从而024132211=+++ββααk k k k .解这个向量方程得到:,,3,4,4321k k k k k k k k =−=−==其中k 是任意常数.此时,)4,3,2,5()3()4(2121T k k k −−−=−=−=ββααα即.于是})4,3,2,5{(21T span V V −−−=I 1)dim(21=V V I ,而是的一组基. T )4,3,2,5(−−−21V V I 21提示:设,)1,,1,1(,)1,1,0,,0(,)0,,1,1,0(,)0,,0,1,1(121Tn T n T T L L L L =−=−=−=−αααα则},,,{},{},,,,{112121211n n n n span V V span V span V ααααααα−−=+==L L .由于n n ααα,,,11−L 线性无关,所以它们构成n R 的一组基,从而.注意到,于是. n R V V =+21}0{21=V V I n R V V =+⋅2124提示:在V 中取向量,1100,0010,0011321⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛=⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛=⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛=ααα 则321,,ααα线性无关,且321αααc b a c c b a a ++=⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛+, 从而,而3)dim(=V 321,,ααα是V 的一组基.定义映射如下:3:R V →σ,)(⎟⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎜⎝⎛=⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛+c b a c c b a a σ 由于是向量在基T c b a ),,(⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛+=c c b a a α321,,ααα下的坐标,所以σ是V 到3R 的同构映射.27(1)提示:首先将321,,ααα化为标准正交向量组,得到.)2,1,1,2(101,)2,3,3,2(261,)1,2,2,1(101321T T T −−−=−=−=εεε其次,解方程组,求得基础解系,将其单位化,得0321===x x x TT T εεεT )3,2,2,3(4−=αT )3,2,2,3(2614−=ε,则4321,,,εεεε是V 的标准正交基.最后,直接计算,得到311010εεα+=. (2)解答:212321362),31(4103,26,21εεαεεε+=−===x x .。


一、 (20 分) (1)特征值多项式为 f (λ ) =

第 1 页
课程编号: A000003 考试日期: 2009 年 1 月 13 日
λ I − A = λ (λ + 1)2
---------------3 ----------------3 -------------6 --------------2 ---------------2
= P −1 AP 满足相容矩阵范数的四个条件。
共 4 页
第 2 页
三、 (20 分)
(1) A 的满秩分解为 1 0 − 1 0 1 A = 0 1 0 1 0 − 1 0
A + = C T ( CC
1 4 0 1 − 4
(tr ( A))2 = (λ1 + L + λn ) 2 ≥ λ12 + L + λn2 = tr ( A2 ) 。 ---------------4
(3)因为 A > 0 ,则 A 可逆,并且 A−1 > 0 。由 I = AA−1 ,可得
n = tr ( I ) = tr ( AA−1 ) = tr ( AH A−1 ) ≤ tr ( AH A)tr ( A− H A−1 ) 2 = tr ( A2 )tr ( A−2 ) 2
由(2)知 tr ( A2 ) ≤ tr ( A), tr ( A−2 ) ≤ tr ( A−1 ) ,因此n ≤ tr ( A)tr ( A−1 ) 。 -则存在与 . 相容的向量范数 . a ,从而
| λ | x a = λ x a = Ax a ≤ A x a , | λ −1 | x a ≤ A−1 x



Solution Key (chapter 1)Exercise 2.The show that this set is not closed under multiplication.TakeS ,2=.But 2S ∉.If 2S ∈rational numbers a and b ,such that2=It is clear that 0a ≠and0b ≠.)This will 224232a b ab --=The right hand is a rational number and the left hand side is an irrational number.This is impossible.Thus,S is not closed under multiplication.Hence,S is not a field.Exercise 7.zx y x +=+)()()()(z x x y x x ++-=++-z x x y x x ++-=++-])[(])[(z 0y 0+=+zy =Exercise 12It is a vector space.A1:A2:,Hence,A3:The existence of the zero element .The zero element must satisfy that for any ,That is for any ,.We obtain that the zero element is A4:The existence of additive inverse.For each ,its additive inverse is ,since.(Note that is the zero element of )M1:M2:M3:M4:Exercise 13.(a)No,it is not a subspace.Denote the set by S .Take 2()p x x x S =+∈,2()q x x x S =-+∈.Then ()()2p x q x x S +=∉.S is not closed under addition.Hence,S is not a subspace.(Or:The set S does not contain the zero polynomial,hence,is not a subspace.)(b)Denote the set by S .(b)Take 3()1p x x S =+∈,3()1p x x S =-+∈.Then ()()2p x q x S +=∉.S is not closed under addition.Hence,S is not a subspace.(Or:The set S does not contain the zero polynomial,hence,is not a subspace.)(c)Yes,it is a subspace.Check that this set is closed under addition and scalar multiplication.(d)No,it is not a subspace.Denote the set by S .Take ()1p x x S =+∈,()1p x x S =-+∈,()()2p x q x S +=∉.S is not closed under addition.Hence,S is not a subspace.Exercise 15.(a)Yes,it is a subspace.Check that this set is closed under addition and scalar multiplication.(b)Yes,it is a subspace.Check that this set is closed under addition and scalar multiplication.(c)Denote the set by S .Take ()p x x S =∈.But (1)()p x x S -=-∉.Thus,the set S is not closed under scalar multiplication.Hence,S is not a subspace.(d)Yes,it is a subspace.Check that this set is closed under addition and scalar multiplication.(e)Denote the set by S .Take ()1p x x S =-∈()1q x x S =+∈.But ()()2p x q x x S +=∉.S is not closed under addition.Hence,S is not a subspace.Exercise 17.Since 12{,,,}u v v v i s span ∈ for each i ,all combinations of 12,,,u u u r are also in12{,,,}v v v s span .Thus,12{,,,}u u u r span is a subspace of 12{,,,}v v v s span .Therefore,12dim({,,,})u u u r span ≤ 12dim({,,,})v v v s span .Exercise 19By Taylor expansion formula()110(1)()32(1)!j n n j j f f x x x j --==+=-∑22(1)(2)512(1)(1)(1)2!n n n x x --=⋅+-⋅-+-+ 12(1)(2)()(1)2(1)!j n n n n j x x j ----+-++- The coordinate vector is 2(1)(2)2(1)(2)()5,2(1),,,,,2)Tn n n n n j n ------ (Exercise 22Use the definition of the transition matrix.111011001⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭Exercise 25.(b)Let 12(,,,)b b b n B = .Then 12(,,,)b b b n AB A A A = .If AB O =,then b 0i A =for 1,2,,i n = .()b i N A ∈for 1,2,,i n = .All linear combinations of 12,,,b b b n are also in ()N A .Thus,()()R B N A ⊂.()R B is a subspace of ()N A .If ()R B is a subspace of ()N A ,then for each column b i of B ,we must haveb 0i A =.Hence,12(,,,).b b b n AB A A A O == (b)By part (a),we know that ()R B is a subspace of ()N A .Thus,()dim(())dim(())r B R B N A =≤.By the rank-nullity theorem,we obtain that ()()dim(())()r B r A N A r A n+≤+=Exercise 26.(a)Hint:First,show that each column vector of C is a linear combination of the column vectors of A.Then,linear combinations of the column vectors of C are linear combinations of the column vectors of A.(b)Hint:First,show that each row vector of C is a linear combination of the row vectors of B.Then,linear combinations of the row vectors of C are linear combinations of the row vectors of B.(c)By (a)and (b),()dim(())dim(()()rank C R C R A rank A =≤=And ()dim(())dim(())()T rank C R C R B rank B =≤=Thus,()min{(),()}rank C rank A rank B ≤Exercise 27.(a)Hint:The column vectors of C are linearly independent if and only if the system 0x C =has only the trivial solution (the zero solution).If ()0x AB =,then ()0x A B =.x B must be zero since the column vectors of A are linearly independent.Thar is,0x B =.Since the column vectors of B are linearly independent,x must be zero.(b)Hint:T T T C B A =.Column vectors of T A are linearly independent.Column vectors of T B are linearly independent.The row vectors of C are linearly independent if and only if the column vectors of T C are linearly independent.Then apply part(a).Exercise 29.Let ,A B S ∈.Then ()T T T A B A B A B +=+=+,and ()T T kA kA kA ==.S is closed under addition and scalar multiplication.Thus,S is a subspace of n nR ⨯Let ,A B K ∈.Then ()()T T T A B A B A B A B +=+=--=-+,and ()()T T kA kA kA ==-.Kis closed under addition and scalar multiplication.Thus,K is a subspace of n n R ⨯The proof of n n R S K ⨯=⊕.Let .n n A R ⨯∈Then 11()()22T T A A A A A =++-.1()2T A A +is symmetric and 1()2T A A -is anti-symmetric.This show that n n R S K ⨯=+.Next,we show that the sum S K +is a direct sum.If A S K ∈⋂,then we have both TA A =and TA A =-.This will imply that A A =-.Thus,A must be the zero matrix.This proves that the sum S K +is a direct sum.Exercise 32.Let ij E denote the matrix whose (,)i j entry is 1,zero elsewhere.ij F denote the matrix whose (,)i j entry is 1-,zero elsewhere.Forany ()m n ij ij A a C ⨯=+∈,where ,ij ij a b are real numbers,A can be written as1111n m n mij ij ij ij j i j i A a E b F =====+∑∑∑∑.This shows that the matrices {,|1,2,,,1,2,,} ij ij E F i m j n == forms a spanning set for m n C ⨯.If 1111n m n m ij ij ij ij j i j i a E b F O ====+=∑∑∑∑,then 0ij ij a =for 1,2,,i m = ,1,2,,j n = .Thus,we must have 0ij ij a b ==for 1,2,,i m = ,1,2,,j n = .Therefore,{,|1,2,,,1,2,,} ij ij E F i m j n == forms a basis for m nC ⨯.Thedimensionis 2mn .Note that,all coefficients of linear combinations must be real numbers because theunderlying field is the real number field.。

南航双语矩阵论matrix theory第3章部分习题参考答案

南航双语矩阵论matrix theory第3章部分习题参考答案

Exercise 8
Let S be the subspace of C[a, b] spanned by e x , xe x , and x 2 e x . Let D be the differentiation operation of S, i.e., D( f ) f ' . Find the matrix representing D with respect to [e x , xe x , x2 e x ] Solution
This will imply that k1 must be zero since n 1 ( v) 0 . By repeating the process above, we obtain that k0 , k1 , , kn 1 must be all zero. This proves that
(1) 1
( x)
1 / 2 0
( x) 1 0 1
Hence, A
1 1/ 2 1 0
1/ 2 1 1/ 2 0
If B is nonsingular, then AB B1 ( BA) B . AB and BA are similar.
A P diБайду номын сангаасg(1 , 2 , , n ) P1 then Ak P diag(1k , 2k ,
, n . Hence, diag(1 , 2 ,
, n k ) P1 .
Ak O implies that i 0 for i 1, 2,
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一组基为q =
南京航空航天大学双语矩阵论期中考试参考答案(有些答案可能有问题) Q1
1解矩阵A 的特征多项式为
A-2 3 -4
4I-A| =-4 2+6 -8 =A 2(/l-4)
-6 7 A-8
所以矩阵A 的特征值为4 =0(二重)和/^=4.
人・2 3
由于(4-2,3)=1,所以D| (人)二1.又 彳 人+6=“2+4人=?(人)
4-2 3
、=7人+4=代(人)故(们3),代3))=1 •其余的二阶子式(还有7个)都包含因子4, -6 7
所以 D? 3)=1 .最后 det (A (/L))=42(人.4),所以 D 3(A)=/l 2 (2-4). 因此矩阵A 的不变因子为d, (2) = d 2(2) = l, d 3 (2) = r (2-4). 矩阵A 的初等因子为人2, 2-4.
2解矩阵B 与矩阵C 是相似的.矩阵B 和矩阵C 的行列式因子相同且分别为9 3)=1 ,
D 2(/i)=A 2-/l-2 .根据定理:两矩阵相似的充分必要条件是他们有相同的行列式因子.
所以矩阵B 与矩阵c 相似.
2)设k 是数域p 中任意数,a, 0, /是v 中任意元素.明显满足下而四项.
(") = (",a) ; (a+月,/) = (",/) + (”,刃;(ka,/3) = k(a,/3) ; (a,a)>0,
当且仅当Q = 0时(a,a) = ().所以(。

,/?)是线性空间V 上的内积.

用Gram-Schmidt 正交化方法,可以依次求出
,p 2 =%-(%'5)与=
T ") = %2+"12 _1
02+"12 -o r
%2 +Sn _ i
%2 +腐2 _ 1 0 %1 +021 +。

12 +"12
+811 + %2 +012 %2 +§T1 + G 1 +J1
%2 +0\2 +%1 +目21 T (a )+T (/?)=T (a+").T (ka ) = R 任1 +。

12 。

》+名] 0] +0>7 +4] 灯(a ).所以T 是V 上的线性变换.T (/) = T (%) =
1 1
0 0矩阵A 称为线性变换T 在
0 0
Q3 1)
l|| = 7(n )=V2 , |3X 2
-1|| = ^
(3X 2-1,3X
设S 中的任意向量为K I +K2(3X 2-
-(^ + ^(3\2-1))|| = ^ j (x-3K 2x 2-K 1 + K2)2</% =
4)设Q, ”CV, k 为数域P 上的任意数.
0 丁(。



1,%,%)人. A= 2
QIZ 2 7
《+—.明显看 5 I
出当K!=K 2=O 时上式值

所以x 在S 上的最佳逼近为0向量.
1)维数为 3, 一组基为 0=1, a 2=x , a y = x 1.
D (l )=0-l+0x + 0-x 2
2) D (x )=l-l+0 x + 0-x 2 或表示成D (l, x, x 2) = (l, x, x?)A.则线性变换在
D (X 2
)=0-1+2-X + 0-X
(1,3亍一 1)= j (3x 2
-l )^/x = 0所以 1 和 3X 2
-1 是正交的.
1 %+坊 0 %1+”21 8
4) 0 1 0
基1, X, x2下的矩阵为A= 0 0 2
0 0 0
A -1 |AE-A|= 0 2 0 0
-2 =23 4.当4=0的时候,秩r(AE-A )= 2,所以D 不可对角化.
£\ -ii^ii ->
腐=%一(%,£|)弓=X ,£2

3 - ( %,*1 )与 一 (0,£ ?)《2 = JV~ - I / 3 ,《
1) Ikllp ,||域0为无效范数,kill 为有效范数.
对于||圳°,当x={i ,i ,i …}时,|HHHII %P G P
不满足齐次性,所以为无效 范数. 对于 x p,当a={0,a,0,(),•••}, 0={a,0,0,(),•••}, (x,/3e. R n , p =—时.
R + "||p =(2网)2 =4|d ,而妆|| +1加|| = 2同,所以不满足三角不等式.||x||p 为 无效范数,另外根据Minkowski 不等式,只有当P21才满足三角不等式的条件, 也可也得到lk||p 为无效范数.对于凤,容易证明满足非负性,齐次性和三角不等 式。

1) 证明存在可逆矩阵P,使P 'AP=A ,其中A 为对角矩阵.
A 的特征值互异.
A* X】…,* X,…,X n]PA
. .
因为X], X2,---, Xn线性无关,故P为满秩矩阵,所以AP=PA ,即存在可逆矩阵使得P"AP=A,即A可对角化.
必要性:已知存在可逆矩阵P使P J A P=A,设P=[P|, P2,…,P n],则有
[A P p AP2,..-, APJ = [/11P1, /l2P2,---, /l n P n],可知九为A 的特征值,%为A 的特
秩为2壬〃一§,S,・=2/ = 3.根据Q1的初等因子可得Jordan形矩阵为
3) 证明对于A的每一个特征值W都有秩(4义- A) = 〃 - S’,S,.是九的重数.
4) 矩阵A可对角化的充要条件是有n个线性无关的特征向量.
证明:充分性:设A的n个线性无关的特征向量为XI, X2, X3,…,Xn.则, i = 1,2,…,〃。
