金属材料的未来 卢柯
金属与粉末冶金作者:暂无来源:《新材料产业》 2018年第6期艾姆斯实验室可预测高熵合金元素的出现范围美国能源部的艾姆斯实验室开发了一种计算分析方法,可以帮助预测尚未制成的高熵合金的成分和性能。
(中国航空工业发展研究中心)“先进稀土材料制备及应用技术( 二期)”重大项目课题通过技术验收科技部高技术中心在沈阳组织“十二五”“863”计划新材料技术领域“先进稀土材料制备及应用技术(二期)”重大项目课题“高效稀土改性纳米耐硫变换催化剂和净化剂产业化关键技术及应用”技术验收会。
用等通道挤压法也制备出了纳米材料,此 又先后两次赴美国维斯康星大学材料系任 结束的,科学工作则是用一次次的失败来
后,人们不断地尝试用各种手段制备致密、 客座教授。
2000年,卢柯课题组在实验室里又获 灵感,钻进了实验室里,半年,十个月,一
1997年,32岁的卢柯担纲“快速凝固 这中间有一个心态调整的过程,但是必须
新闻:继德国的葛莱特用原位蒸发冷压成 非平衡合金国家重点实验室”主任。先后 调整到一个好的状态,重新开始。失败其实
型法制备出纳米材料后,俄国的瓦列夫采 三次赴德国马普金属研究所任客座教授, 是科学工作的常态。跳高比赛是以失败而
刊物《Mater.Sci.Eng.Repots》邀请卢柯撰 “鼻祖”葛莱特教授认为,这项工作是“本 对我的学生说,对自己的思维一定要有极
写关于非晶完全晶化法的专题综述,这意 领域的一次突破,它第一次向人们展示了 强的信心,Nothing is impossible(没有什么
味着该制备方法在国际纳米材料界得到了 无空隙纳米材料是如何变形的”。
专家们称为是“非晶态金属晶化方面近十 卢柯很少下班。女儿已经12岁了,到现在,
年来的好文章”。1989年,卢柯荣获首届 她还是不厌其烦地追问他:“爸爸,你为什
么总是加班?…‘你什么时候回家呀?” 了,就放弃了,再换一个思路接着干。当然,
样能找到问题?卢柯告诉他们,实际上,问 了,我们还有机会,我们要在他的基础上发 学术刊物上发表论文240余篇,有关论文
E 2 6 ] 陈丙璇 , 宋婧 , 钟建华 .易切削 黄铜耐磨 耐腐蚀 性能 的研
究l _ J j . 铸造 , 2 0 0 6 , 3 5 ( 5 ) : 5 1 6—5 1 8 . E 2 7 ] 韩 和兵 .C u—Zn —B i —Mn—RE无铅易切 削黄铜组织 性
的铜 杆线 制作 工 艺 是 先把 铜 水 铸 造 成 锭 , 再加 热 轧制 成铜 杆线 , 而 如今这 个连铸 连 轧 的生产 线 , 则 不需 进行 二次 加热 , 就 直接轧 制成 材 , 与 目前 国内 相 同 的进 口生产 线 相 比, 能耗直降 1 ( ) % 以上 .全 自动化 的操作 流程 , 生 产线 上每班 只需 2 1 名 工 人 就 可完成 操作 , 设 备使 用清 洁能 源一 天然 气 , 废 水 通过 冷却塔 的特别装 置可循 环使 用 .
美陆 军将 研 发 世界 最 大战 车 用铝合 金 整体 车体
据 中国 国 防科技 信 息 网报道 , 美 铝 公 司 与美 国 陆军研 究实验 室将 联合 开发 世界 最大 的地 面 战 车用铝合金整体车体 , 以替代 目前使用 的组合 车 体, 进一步提高车体 的强度和耐久性 . 采用整体铝 合金车体 , 不仅安全性 能提高 , 还 能实现车体 减 重, 缩短装 配 时 问 , 降 低 战 车制 造 及 使 用 成本 . 美 铝公 司将 采用 该公 司 的 5万 t 锻压 机 生产 尺寸 达 6・ 1 7 ・ 1 m 的整 体 车 体 样 件 , 来 验 证 其 性 能 优 势. 美铝公 司的 5万 t 压机 是 美 国 国 防非 常 重 要 的战略 资产 , 同样 吨位 的重 型 闭模 锻压 设 备 美 国 只有 两 台 . 采用 锻 压 成 形 的整 体 车 体 具 有 如下 优 势: 一是 能消 除 焊缝 , 显 著 提 高 车体 抗 弹性 能 ; 二 是 采用更 能 吸 收爆 炸 能 量 的新 型 铝 合 金 , 将 进 一 步 提高 车辆 的抗 损 伤 能 力 ; 三 是 由于 锻 压 成形 相 对 容易 , 可 以根 据抗 弹性 能 和 减重 需 求 确 定 车体 厚度 ; 四是整 体 车体 结 构 将 会 降低 战 车整 个 生命 周 期 的成 本 , 包括通 过减 重提 高 战车燃 油效 率 , 降 低 装配 复杂性 , 缩 短装 配时 间 . ( 摘 自《 中国铝业 网》 )
表面技术第53卷第4期金属材料表面纳米化研究与进展杨庆,徐文文,周伟,刘璐华,赖朝彬*(江西理工大学 材料冶金化学学部,江西 赣州 341000)摘要:大多数金属材料的失效都是从其表面开始的,进而影响整个材料的整体性能。
关键词:金属材料;表面纳米化;梯度纳米结构;纳米化机理;表面性能中图分类号:TG178 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2024)04-0020-14DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2024.04.002Research and Progress on Surface Nanocrystallizationof Metallic MaterialsYANG Qing, XU Wenwen, ZHOU Wei, LIU Luhua, LAI Chaobin*(Department of Materials Metallurgy and Chemistry, Jiangxi University ofTechnology, Jiangxi Ganzhou 341000, China)ABSTRACT: It is well known that the failure of most metallic materials starts from their surfaces, which in turn affects the overall performance of the whole material. Numerous studies have shown that the preparation of nanocrystals on the surface of metallic materials, i.e., surface nanosizing, can enhance the surface properties of materials and extend their service life. Surface nanosizing of metallic materials makes use of repeated violent plastic deformation to make the surface coarse grains gradually收稿日期:2023-02-23;修订日期:2023-06-29Received:2023-02-23;Revised:2023-06-29基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52174316,51974139);国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC2905200,2022YFC2905205);江西省自然科学基金项目(20212ACB204008)Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(52174316, 51974139); National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFC2905200, 2022YFC2905205); Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province (20212ACB204008)引文格式:杨庆, 徐文文, 周伟, 等. 金属材料表面纳米化研究与进展[J]. 表面技术, 2024, 53(4): 20-33.YANG Qing, XU Wenwen, ZHOU Wei, et al. Research and Progress on Surface Nanocrystallization of Metallic Materials[J]. Surface Technology, 2024, 53(4): 20-33.*通信作者(Corresponding author)第53卷第4期杨庆,等:金属材料表面纳米化研究与进展·21·refine to the nanometer level, forming nanostructured layers with gradient changes of grains along the thickness direction, including surface non-woven nanocrystalline layer, submicron fine crystal layer, coarse crystal deformation layer and matrix layer, and this unique gradient nanostructure is effective for the significant improvement of surface properties of metallic materials. The process technology and related applications of nanocrystalline layers on the surface of metallic materials in China and abroad are introduced, and the research progress of high-performance gradient nanostructured materials is discussed.Starting from the classification of the preparation process of gradient nanostructured materials and combining with the research results of surface nanosizing in China and abroad, a brief overview of three methods of metal surface nanosizing, namely, surface coating or deposition, surface self-nanosizing and hybrid nanosizing, was given, the advantages and disadvantages of each were discussed and the advantages of surface self-nanosizing technology were summarized. On the basis of this, the key role of dislocations and twins in the process of surface self-nanitrification of metallic materials was analyzed, and the mechanism of surface self-nanitrification of metallic materials was inextricably linked to the material structure and the size of layer dislocation energy, and the current research status of the mechanism of surface self-nanitrification of metallic materials was summarized. Finally, the key technologies required to be overcome in the existing surface strengthening process were summarized, and future research work was prospected. It was proposed to combine surface nanosizing technology with some existing surface treatment technologies such as electroplating, vapor deposition, tack coating, spraying, chemical heat treatment, etc., to replace the high-cost manufacturing technologies and prepare inexpensive complex-phase surface layers with more excellent performance.Techniques for the preparation of gradient nanostructured materials include surface coating or deposition, surface self-nanosizing, and hybrid surface nanosizing. Surface coating or deposition technology has the advantages of precise control of grain size and chemical composition, and relatively mature process optimization, etc. However, because the coating or deposition technology adds a cover layer on the material surface, the overall size of the material increases slightly, and there is a certain boundary between the coating and the material, and there will be defects in the specific input of production applications.In addition, the thickness of the gradient layer prepared by this technology is related to the deposition rate, which takes several hours to prepare a sample. The surface self-nanitrification technique, which generates intense plastic deformation on the surface of metal materials, has the advantages of simple operation, low cost and wide application, low investment in equipment and easy realization of unique advantages. The nanocrystalline layer prepared on the surface of metal materials with the surface self-nanitrification technique has a dense structure and no chemical composition difference from the substrate, and no surface defects such as pitting and pores, but the thickness of the gradient layers and nanolayers prepared by this technique as well as the surface quality of the material vary greatly depending on the process. Hybrid surface nanosizing is a combination of the first two techniques, in which a nanocrystalline layer is firstly prepared on the surface of a metallic material by surface nanosizing technology, and then a compound with a different composition from the base layer is formed on its surface by means of chemical treatment.To realize the modern industrial application of this new surface strengthening technology, it is still necessary to clarify the strengthening mechanism and formation kinetics of surface nanosizing technology as well as the effect of process parameters, microstructure, structure and properties on the nanosizing behavior of the material. For different nanosizing technologies, the precise numerical models for nanosizing technologies need to be established and improved, and the surface self-nanosizing equipment suitable for industrial scale production needs to be developed. In the future, surface nanosizing technology will be combined with some existing surface treatment technologies (e.g. electroplating, vapor deposition, adhesion coating, spraying, chemical heat treatment, etc.) to prepare a complex phase surface layer with more excellent performance, which is expected to achieve a greater comprehensive performance improvement of the surface layer of metal materials.KEY WORDS: metal material; surface nanocrystallization; gradient nanostructures; nanocrystallization mechanism; surface properties金属材料在基建工程、航空航天中扮演着重要角色,随着当今科学技术的高速发展,传统金属材料的局限性日趋明显,开发一种综合性能优异的金属材料迫在眉睫。
赴中科院金属研究所生产实习报告目录第1章生产实习概况 (1)1.1 生产实习计划 (1)1.2 中科院金属研究所 (1)1.2.1 金属研究所简介 (1)1.2.2 金属研究所机构设置 (4)1.2.3 金属研究所机构设置 (5)1.2.4 金属研究所科研动态 (6)第2章生产实习内容与成果 (7)2.1 材料分析检测技术简述 (7)2.2 力学性能检测 (8)2.2.1 材料力学性能 (8)2.2.2 强度与塑性——拉伸试验 (9)2.2.3 硬度检测 (14)2.2.4 冲击韧性 (16)2.2.5 疲劳与断裂 (17)2.3 化学分析 (20)2.3.1 经典化学分析和仪器分析简述 (20)2.3.2 光谱分析方法概述 (21)2.3.3 原子发射光谱分析 (22)2.3.4 原子吸收光谱分析 (27)2.3.5 X—射线荧光分析 (29)2.4 材料微区结构分析 (31)2.4.1 电子显微分析的物理基础——德布罗意波 (31)2.4.2 电子显微分析 (32)2.4.3电子能谱分析方法 (37)2.4.4 衍射分析方法 (39)第3章实习体会与感想 (40)参考文献 (40)III赴中科院金属研究所生产实习报告王贤迪*材料物理071班第1章生产实习概况1.1 生产实习计划材料物理专业本科生生产实习在本科学习期间的第二次面向全班的实习活动。
1.梯度纳米金属兼具高强度高塑性 [J],
2.纳米材料世界的领跑者——记中国科学院院士卢柯 [J], 梁辑
3.卢柯院士当选美国工程院外籍院士 [J], 科学网; 《吉林日报》; 中国工程院
4.让中国的纳米技术扬名世界——小记中国科学院院士卢柯 [J], 梁辑
5.纳米材料世界的领跑者——记中国科学院院士卢柯 [J], 梁辑
卢柯 Revealing the Maximum Strength in Nanotwinned Copper
29.F.F.Balakirev et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.102,017004(2009).30.F.Rullier-Albenque et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.99,027003(2007).31.T.Senthil,Phys.Rev.B78,035103(2008).32.A.Kanigel et al.,Nat.Phys.2,447(2006).33.J.W.Loram,K.A.Mirza,J.R.Cooper,J.L.Tallon,J.Phys.Chem.Solids59,2091(1998).34.T.Yoshida et al.,J.Phys.Condens.Matter19,125209(2007).35.J.Zaanen,Nature430,512(2004).36.J.W.Loram,J.Luo,J.R.Cooper,W.Y.Liang,J.L.Tallon,J.Phys.Chem.Solids62,59(2001).37.C.Panagopoulos et al.,Phys.Rev.B67,220502(2003).38.H.J.A.Molegraaf,C.Presura,D.van der Marel,P.H.Kes,M.Li,Science295,2239(2002).39.S.Chakraborty,D.Galanakis,P.Phillips,/abs/0807.2854(2008).40.P.Phillips,C.Chamon,Phys.Rev.Lett.95,107002(2005).41.We acknowledge technical and scientific assistance fromS.L.Kearns,J.Levallois,and N.Mangkorntang andcollaborative support from H.H.Wen.This work wassupported by Engineering and Physical Sciences ResearchCouncil(UK),the Royal Society,Laboratoire National desChamps Magnétiques Pulsés,the French AgenceNationale de la Recherche IceNET,and EuroMagNET.Supporting Online Material/cgi/content/full/1165015/DC1Materials and MethodsFigs.S1and S2References22August2008;accepted21November2008Published online11December2008;10.1126/science.1165015Include this information when citing this paper.Revealing the Maximum Strengthin Nanotwinned CopperL.Lu,1*X.Chen,1X.Huang,2K.Lu1The strength of polycrystalline materials increases with decreasing grain size.Below a critical size,smaller grains might lead to softening,as suggested by atomistic simulations.The strongest size should arise at a transition in deformation mechanism from lattice dislocation activities to grain boundary–related processes.We investigated the maximum strength of nanotwinned copper samples with different twin thicknesses.We found that the strength increases with decreasing twin thickness,reaching a maximum at 15nanometers,followed by a softening at smaller values that is accompanied by enhanced strain hardening and tensile ductility.The strongest twin thickness originates from a transition in the yielding mechanism from the slip transfer across twin boundaries to the activity of preexisting easy dislocation sources.T he strength of polycrystalline materials increases with decreasing grain size,asdescribed by the well-known Hall-Petch relation(1,2).The strengthening originates from the fact that grain boundaries block the lattice dislocation motion,thereby making plastic defor-mation more difficult at smaller grain sizes.How-ever,below a certain critical size,the dominating deformation mechanism may change from lattice dislocation activities to other mechanisms such as grain boundary–related processes,and softening behavior(rather than strengthening)is expected (3,4).Such a softening phenomenon has been demonstrated by atomistic simulations,and a crit-ical grain size of maximum strength has been predicted(5–7).In pure metals,an impediment to determining the grain size that yields the highest strength is the practical difficulty of obtaining sta-ble nanostructures with extremely small structural domains(on the order of several nanometers).The driving force for growth of nanosized grains in pure metals,originating from the high excess en-ergy of numerous grain boundaries,becomes so large that grain growth may take place easily even at ambient temperature or below.Coherent twin boundaries(TBs),which aredefined in a face-centered cubic structure as the(111)mirror planes at which the normal stackingsequence of(111)planes is reversed,are known tobe as effective as conventional grain boundariesin strengthening materials.Strengthening has beenobtained in Cu when high densities of nanometer-thick twins are introduced into submicrometer-sized grains(8–10).In addition,coherent TBs aremuch more stable against migration(a fundamen-tal process of coarsening)than conventional grainboundaries,as the excess energy of coherent TBs isone order of magnitude lower than that of grainboundaries.Hence,nanotwinned structures areenergetically more stable than nanograined coun-terparts with the same chemical composition.Thestable nanotwinned structure may provide samplesfor exploring the softening behavior with very smalldomain sizes.Here,we prepared nanotwinned pureCu(nt-Cu)samples with average twin thicknessranging from a few nanometers to about100nm.High-purity(99.995%)Cu foil samples com-posed of nanoscale twin lamellae embedded insubmicrometer-sized grains were synthesized bymeans of pulsed electrodeposition.By increasingthe deposition rate to10nm/s,we succeeded inrefining the mean twin thickness(i.e.,the meanspacing between adjacent TBs,hereafter referredto as l)from a range of15to100nm down to arange of4to10nm(see supporting online ma-terial).The as-deposited Cu foils have an in-planedimension of20mm by10mm and a thicknessof30m m with a uniform microstructure.Shownin Fig.1,A to C,are transmission electron mi-croscopy(TEM)plane-view images of three as-deposited samples with l values of96nm,15nm,and4nm,respectively.The TEM images indicatethat some grains are irregular in shape,but low-magnification scanning electronic microscopyimages,both cross section and plane view,showthat the grains are roughly equiaxed in three di-mensions.Grain size measurements showed asimilar distribution and a similar average diam-eter of about400to600nm for all nt-Cu samples.Twins were formed in all grains(see the electrondiffraction pattern in Fig.1D),and observationsof twins in a large number of individual grainsrevealed no obvious change in the twin densityfrom grain to grain.Note that in all samples,theedge-on twins that formed in different grains arealigned randomly around the foil normal(growth)direction(8,11),in agreement with a strong[110]texture determined by x-ray diffraction(XRD).Foreach sample,twin thicknesses were measured froma large number of grains,which were detected fromnumerous TEM and high-resolution TEM(HRTEM)images,to generate a distribution.Figure1E illus-trates the492measurements for the sample withthe finest twins;the majority yielded spacings be-tween twins smaller than10nm,with a mean of4nm.For simplicity,each nt-Cu sample is iden-tified by its mean twin thickness;for example,thesample with l=4nm is referred to as nt-4.Figure2shows the uniaxial tensile true stress–true strain curves for nt-Cu samples of various lvalues.Also included are two stress-strain curvesobtained from a coarse-grained Cu(cg-Cu)andan ultrafine-grained Cu(ufg-Cu)that has a sim-ilar grain size to that of nt-Cu samples but is freeof twins within grains.Two distinct features areobserved with respect to the l dependence of themechanical behavior of nt-Cu.The first is the oc-currence of the l giving the highest strength.Allstress-strain curves of nt-Cu samples in Fig.2,Aand B,are above that of the ufg-Cu,indicating astrengthening by introducing twins into the sub-micrometer grains.However,such a strengthen-ing does not show a linear relationship with l.Forl>15nm(Fig.2A),the stress-strain curves shiftupward with decreasing l,similar to the strength-ening behavior reported previously in the nt-Cu(9,11)and nanocrystalline Cu(nc-Cu)(12–15)samples(Fig.3A).However,with further de-1Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science,Institute of Metal Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110016,P.R.China.2Center for Fundamental Research:Metal Structures in Four Dimensions,Materials Research Department, RisøNational Laboratory for Sustainable Energy,Technical Uni-versity of Denmark,DK-4000Roskilde,Denmark.*To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail: llu@ o n J a n u a r y 3 0 , 2 0 0 9 w w w . s c i e n c e m a g . o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mcreases of l down to extreme dimensions (i.e.,less than 10nm),the stress-strain curves shift down-ward (Fig.2B).As plotted in Fig.3A,the mea-sured yield strength s y (at 0.2%offset)shows a maximum value of 900MPa at l ≈15nm.The second feature is a substantial increase in tensile ductility and strain hardening when l <15nm.As seen in Fig.2,the tensile elongation of the nt-Cu samples increases monotonically with decreasing l .When l <15nm,the uniform ten-sile elongation exceeds that of the ufg-Cu sample,reaching a maximum value of 30%at the finest twin thickness.Strain-hardening coefficient (n )values were determined for each sample by fitting the uniform plastic deformation region to s =K 1+K 2e n ,where K 1represents the initial yield stress and K 2is the strengthening coefficient (i.e.,the strength increment due to strain hardening at strain e =1)(16,17).The n values determined for all the nt-Cu samples increase monotonically with de-creasing l (Fig.3B),similar to the trend of uniform elongation versus l .When l <15nm,n exceeds the value for cg-Cu (0.35)(16,17)and finally reaches a maximum of 0.66at l =4nm.The twin refinement –induced increase in n is opposite to the general observation in ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline materials,where n continuously decreases with decreasing grain size (Fig.3B).The strength of the nt-Cu samples has been considered to be controlled predominantly by the nanoscale twins via the mechanism of slip trans-fer across the TBs (10,18),and it increases with decreasing l in a Hall-Petch –type relationship (9)similar to that of grain boundary strength-ening in nanocrystalline metals (12).Our re-sults show that such a relationship breaks down when l <15nm,although other structural pa-rameters such as grain size and texture are un-changed.The grain sizes of the nt-Cu samples are in the submicrometer regime,which is too large for grain boundary sliding to occur at room temperature,as expected for nanocrystalline ma-terials with grain sizes below 20nm (3).There-fore,the observed softening cannot be explained by the initiation of grain boundary –mediated mechanisms such as grain boundary sliding and grain rotation,as proposed by molecular dynam-ics (MD)simulations for nanocrystalline mate-rials (3).To explore the origin of the twin thickness giv-ing the highest strength,we carried out detailed structural characterization of the as-deposited sam-ples.HRTEM observations showed that in each sample TBs are coherent S 3interfaces associated with the presence of Shockley partial dislocations (as steps),as indicated in Fig.1D.These partial dislocations have their Burgers vector parallel to the twin plane and are an intrinsic structural fea-ture of twin growth during electrodeposition.The distribution of the preexisting partial dislocations is inhomogeneous,but their density per unit area of TBs is found to be rather constant among sam-ples with different twin densities.This suggests that the deposition parameters and the twin re-finement have a negligible effect on the nature ofTBs.Therefore,as a consequence of decreasing l ,the density of such TB-associated partial dislocations per unit volume increases.We also noticed that grain boundaries in the nt-Cu samples with l ≤15nm are characterized by straight segments (facets)that areoftenTrue strain (%)T r u e s t r e s s (M P a )True strain (%)Fig.2.Uniaxial tensile true stress –true strain curves for nt-Cu samples tested at a strain rate of 6×10−3s −1.(A )Curves for samples with mean twin thickness varying from 15to 96nm;(B )curves for samples with mean twin thickness varying from 4to 15nm.For comparison,curves for a twin-free ufg-Cu with a mean grain size of 500nm and for a cg-Cu with a mean grain size of 10m m areincluded.C200 nmA BbbDFig.1.TEM images of as-deposited Cu samples with 15nm.(C )l =4nm.(D )The same sample as (C)but at higher resolution,with a corresponding electron diffraction pattern (upper right inset)and a HRTEM image of the outlined area showing the presence of Shockley partials at the TB (lower right inset).(E )Distribution of the lamellar twin thicknesses determined from TEM and HRTEM images for l =4nm.REPORTSo n J a n u a r y 30, 2009w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o massociated with dislocation arrays (19),whereas in samples with coarser twins,grain boundaries are smoothly curved,similar to conventional grain boundaries.The microstrain measured by XRD was a negligible 0.01%for samples with l ≥15nm,but increased gradually from 0.038%to 0.057%when l decreased from 10to 4nm,which also indicates a gradual increase in the de-fect density.Recent experimental studies and MD simula-tions (3,20,21)have shown that an increase in the density of preexisting dislocations in nano-scale materials will cause softening.In the nt-Cu samples studied,both the dislocation arrays asso-ciated with the grain boundaries and the steps associated with the preexisting partial dislocations along TBs could be potential dislocation sources,which are expected to affect the initiation of plas-tic deformation (22)and to provide the disloca-tions required for the dislocation-TB interactions that cause work hardening.The preexisting par-tial dislocations can act as readily mobile dislo-cations,and their motion may contribute to the plastic yielding when an external stress is applied to the sample.The plastic strains induced by the motion of preexisting partial dislocations can be estimated as e =r 0b s d/M (where r 0is the initial dislocation density,b s is the Burgers vector of Shockley partial dislocation,d is the grain size,and M is the Taylor factor).Calculations showed that for the samples with l >15nm,the preexist-ing dislocations induce a negligibly small plastic strain (<0.05%).However,for the nt-4specimen,a remarkable amount of plastic strain,as high as 0.1to 0.2%,can be induced just by the motions of high-density preexisting dislocations at TBs (roughly 1014m −2),which could control the mac-roscopic yielding of the sample.The above anal-ysis suggests that for extremely small values of l ,a transition in the yielding mechanism can result in an unusual softening phenomenon in which the preexisting easy dislocation sources at TBs andgrain boundaries dominate the plastic deforma-tion instead of the slip transfer across TBs.Shockley partial dislocations are always in-volved in growth of twins during crystal growth,thermal annealing,or plastic deformation.Shock-ley partials might be left at TBs when the twin growth is interrupted.Therefore,the presence of Shockley partials at some TBs is a natural phe-nomenon.Although these preexisting dislocations may have a small effect on the mechanical be-havior of the samples with thick twins,the effect will be much more pronounced in the samples with nanoscale twins and/or with high preexist-ing TB dislocation densities such as those seen in deformation twins (23).To understand the extraordinary strain hard-ening,we analyzed the deformation structures of the tensile-deformed samples.In samples with coarse twins,tangles and networks of perfect dis-locations were observed within the lattice between the TBs (Fig.4A),and the dislocation density was estimated to be on the order of 1014to 1015m −2.In contrast,high densities of stacking faults and Shockley partials associated with the TBs were found to characterize the deformed structure of the nt-4sample (Fig.4,B and C),indicating the interactions between dislocations and TBs.Recent MD simulations (18,24,25)showed that when an extended dislocation (two Shockley partials connected by a stacking fault ribbon)is forced by an external stress into a coherent TB,it recom-bines or constricts into a perfect dislocation con-figuration at the coherent TB and then slips through the boundary by splitting into three Shockley par-tials.Two of them glide in the slip plane of the adjacent twin lamella,constituting a new extended dislocation,whereas the third one,a twinning par-tial,glides along the TB and forms a step.It is expected that with increasing strain,such an in-teraction process will generate a high density of partial dislocations (steps)along TBs and stack-ing faults that align with the slip planes in the twin lamellae,which may (or may not)connect to the TBs.Such a configuration of defects was observed,as shown in Fig.4C.The density of partial dislocations in the deformed nt-4sampleFig.3.Variation of (A )yield strength and (B )strain hardening coef-ficient n as a function of mean twin thickness for the nt-Cu samples.For comparison,the yield strength and n values fornc-Cu [▲(12),◀(13),▶(14),and ◆(15)],ufg-Cu[▾(9)],andcg-Cu samples reported in the literature are included.A maximum in the yieldstress is seen for thent-Cu with l =15nm,but this has not beenobserved for the nc-Cu,even when the grain size is as small as 10nm. d (nm)0200400600800σy (M P a )λ or d (nm)020406080100120110100100010000λ2 nmTTB200 nmA CFig.4.(A )A typical bright TEM image of the deformed nt-96sample showing the tangling of lattice dislocations.(B )An HRTEM image of the nt-4sample tensile-deformed to a plastic strain of 30%,showing a high density of stacking faults (SF)at the TB.(C )The arrangement of Shockley partials and stacking faults at TBs within the lamellae in the nt-4sample.Triangles,Shockley partial dislocations associated with stacking faults;⊥,partials with their Burgers vector parallel to the TB plane.REPORTSo n J a n u a r y 30, 2009w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mwas estimated to be 5×1016m −2on the basis of the spacing between the neighboring partials and l .This is two orders of magnitude higher than that of the preexisting dislocations and the lattice dislocations stored in the coarse twins.Such a finding suggests that decreasing the twin thick-ness facilitates the dislocation-TB interactions and affords more room for storage of dislocations,which sustain more pronounced strain hardening in the nt-Cu (26,27).These observations suggest that the strain-hardening behavior of nt-Cu samples is governed by two competing processes:dislocation-dislocation interaction hardening in coarse twins,and dislocation-TB interaction hardening in fine twins.With a refining of l ,the contribution from the latter mech-anism increases and eventually dominates the strain hardening,as revealed by the continuous increase of n values (Fig.3B).However,the former hard-ening mechanism usually leads to an inverse trend,diminishing with size refinement (17).Twins are not uncommon in nature,and they appear in various metals and alloys with different crystallographic structures.Extremely thin twin lamellae structures can possibly be achieved under proper conditions during crystal growth,plastic deformation,phase transformations,or thermal annealing of deformed structures.Our finding of the twin thickness giving maximum strength il-lustrates that the scale-dependent nature of plastic deformation of nanometer-scale materials is not necessarily related to grain boundary –mediated processes.This finding also provides insight into the development of advanced nanostructured materials.References and Notes1.E.O.Hall,Proc.Phys.Soc.London Ser.B 64,747(1951).2.N.J.Petch,J.Iron Steel 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observations,and Y.Shen for conducting some of the tensile tests.Supporting Online Material/cgi/content/full/323/5914/607/DC1Materials and Methods Table S1References24October 2008;accepted 30December 200810.1126/science.1167641Control of Graphene ’s Properties by Reversible Hydrogenation:Evidence for GraphaneD.C.Elias,1*R.R.Nair,1*T.M.G.Mohiuddin,1S.V.Morozov,2P.Blake,3M.P.Halsall,1A.C.Ferrari,4D.W.Boukhvalov,5M.I.Katsnelson,5A.K.Geim,1,3K.S.Novoselov 1†Although graphite is known as one of the most chemically inert materials,we have found that graphene,a single atomic plane of graphite,can react with atomic hydrogen,which transforms this highly conductive zero-overlap semimetal into an insulator.Transmission electron microscopy reveals that the obtained graphene derivative (graphane)is crystalline and retains the hexagonal lattice,but its period becomes markedly shorter than that of graphene.The reaction with hydrogen is reversible,so that the original metallic state,the lattice spacing,and even the quantum Hall effect can be restored by annealing.Our work illustrates the concept of graphene as a robust atomic-scale scaffold on the basis of which new two-dimensional crystals with designed electronic and other properties can be created by attaching other atoms and molecules.Graphene,a flat monolayer of carbon atoms tightly packed into a honeycomb lattice,continues to attract immense interest,most-ly because of its unusual electronic properties and effects that arise from its truly atomic thick-ness (1).Chemical modification of graphene has been less explored,even though research on car-bon nanotubes suggests that graphene can be al-tered chemically without breaking its resilient C-C bonds.For example,graphene oxide is graphene densely covered with hydroxyl and other groups (2–6).Unfortunately,graphene oxide is strongly disordered,poorly conductive,and difficult to reduce to the original state (6).However,one can imagine atoms or molecules being attached to the atomic scaffold in a strictly periodic manner,which should result in a different electronic struc-ture and,essentially,a different crystalline mate-rial.Particularly elegant is the idea of attaching atomic hydrogen to each site of the graphene lattice to create graphane (7),which changes the hybridization of carbon atoms from sp 2into sp 3,thus removing the conducting p -bands and open-ing an energy gap (7,8).Previously,absorption of hydrogen on gra-phitic surfaces was investigated mostly in con-junction with hydrogen storage,with the research focused on physisorbed molecular hydrogen (9–11).More recently,atomic hydrogen chem-isorbed on carbon nanotubes has been studied theoretically (12)as well as by a variety of exper-imental techniques including infrared (13),ultra-violet (14,15),and x-ray (16)spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy (17).We report the reversible hydrogenation of single-layer graphene and observed dramatic changes in its transport properties and in its electronic and atomic struc-ture,as evidenced by Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).Graphene crystals were prepared by use of micromechanical cleavage (18)of graphite on top of an oxidized Si substrate (300nm SiO 2)and then identified by their optical contrast (1,18)and distinctive Raman signatures (19).Three types of samples were used:large (>20m m)crystals for Raman studies,the standard Hall bar de-vices 1m m in width (18),and free-standing mem-branes (20,21)for TEM.For details of sample fabrication,we refer to earlier work (18,20,21).1School of Physics and Astronomy,University of Manchester,M139PL,Manchester,UK.2Institute for Microelectronics Tech-nology,142432Chernogolovka,Russia.3Manchester Centre for Mesoscience and Nanotechnology,University of Manches-ter,M139PL,Manchester,UK.4Department of Engineering,Cambridge University,9JJ Thomson Avenue,Cambridge CB3OFA,UK.5Institute for Molecules and Materials,Radboud University Nijmegen,6525ED Nijmegen,Netherlands.*These authors contributed equally to this work.†To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail:Kostya@REPORTSo n J a n u a r y 30, 2009w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o m。
第3 4卷 第5期 V o l . 3 4 N o . 5
材 料 科 学 与 工 程 学 报 J o u r n a l o f M a t e r i a l s S c i e n c e &E n i n e e r i n g g
[] t r e a t m e n t s e t u - p4
) F i . 2 S c h e m a t i c i l l u s t r a t i o n o f t h e s h o t e e n i n r o c e s s( a g p g p
[ 1] 1 ;( ) S u b s t r a t e w a s n o t f i x e d u b s t r a t e w a s f i x e d o n t a n k b S [ 4] 1 i n h o r i z o n t a l a n d v e r t i c a l d i r e c t i o n w h i c h w a s v i b r a t i n g
【 】 A b s t r a c t u r f a c e m e c h a n i c a l a t t r i t i o n t r e a t m e n t( S MAT) i s a m e t a l s u r f a c e m o d i f i c a t i o n t e c h n o l o S g y , a e r . F i r s t d i f f e r e n t S MAT r o s e c t s . I t s d e v e l o m e n t s a n d a l i c a t i o n s w e r e i n t r o d u c e d i n t h i s o o d w i t h p p p p p p p g , r e a r e d b r o e r t i e s o f v a r i e s c o a t i n s r o c e s s i n m e t h o d a n d d e v i c e s w e r e s h o w e d .T h e n s t r u c t u r e a n d p p y p p g p g , S MAT w e r e d i s c u s s e d . N a n o c o a t i n a n d a m o r h o u s c o a t i n w e r e e s e c i a l l e m h a s i z e d . A t l a s t d e v e l o m e n t g p g p y p p r o s e c t e d . d i r e c t i o n a n d a l i c a t i o n f o r e r o u n d o f S MAT w e r e p p p p g 】 ; ; 【 ; ; w o r d s S e e n i n a l l m i l l i n o a t i n K e MAT r e v i e w s h o t g p g b g c y 米化 、 混合纳米化 。 其 中 表 面 涂 覆 或 沉 积 包 括 多 种 方 等离 子 技 术 等 ; 第二种是采用机械 法, 如C V D、 P V D、 法以达 到 表 面 自 纳 米 化 ( e c h a n i c a l i n d u c e d s u r f a c e m ,M , 而混合纳米化则 n s e l f a n o c r s t a l i z a t i o n I S S C) - -N y 是两种过程的相继或相伴发生 。 目前 , 表面机械处 理 法 在 国 内 外 都 得 到 了 研 究 人 员的关注 , 经过十几 年 的 发 展 已 用 于 多 种 金 属 基 体 表 面的涂层制备 , 获得了不同成分与结构的涂层。本文 主要介绍表面机械处 理 的 具 体 工 艺 方 法 , 并总结了该 法制备出的几类涂层的相关研究 。
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