



[单选]下列对于狂犬病的叙述中,错误的是()A.狂犬病病毒是有包膜的RNA病毒B.内基小体有诊断意义C.及时接种减毒活疫苗可预防发病D.患病动物为传染源E.病死率几乎达100% [单选]十二指肠球部溃疡时,壁细胞总数是()A.明显增加B.轻度增加C.减少D.正常E.缺如 [单选]某工商局任意改变了其所分属的营业执照中所确定的营业范围,从行政法理论上说,该工商局违反了行政行为效力的()方面。A.确定力B.拘束力C.执行力D.公定力 [单选,B1型题]药品通用名称()A.应当印刷在药品标签的边角B.应当印刷在药品标签的底部C.应当印刷在药品标签的右上角D.其字体以单字面积计不得大于通用名称所用字体的二分之一E.应当显著、突出,其字体、字号和颜色必须一致 [判断题]胎儿在子宫内死亡后,多在2~3周自然娩出。若胎死宫内超过4周,发生DIC的机会明显增多。A.正确B.错误 [填空题]SAN粉料的堆积密度为()。 [单选]钢中炭的含量超过1.00%时,钢材的性能表现为()。A.塑性大B.强度下降C.硬度大D.易于加工 [单选]流行性斑疹伤寒多于何时出现皮疹()A.第1病日B.第2~3病日C.第4~5病日D.第8~10病日E.第11~14病日 [单选]关于资产负债表的格式,下列说法不正确的是()。A.资产负债表主要有账户式和报告式B.我国的资产负债表采用报告式C.账户式资产负债表分为左右两方,左方为资产,右方为负债和所有者权益D.负债和所有者权益按照求偿权的先后顺序排列 [单选]超声心动图检查以下哪项可确诊感染性心内膜炎()A.二尖瓣瓣叶有增生粘连B.左房、左室扩大C.瓣膜上可探测到赘生物D.二尖瓣有反流E.主动脉根部扩张 [问答题,简答题]说明提高压缩比可以提高发动机热效率和功率的原因。 [单选]车站装车前,要认真核对待装货物品名、件数,检查标志、标签和()。A、货物质量B、货物体积C、货物形状D、货物状态 [名词解释]植物性极 [单选]关于袖套测压法错误的是()A.袖套太宽,读数相对较低B.一般袖套宽度应为上臂周径的2/3C.婴儿只宜使用2.5cm的袖套D.小儿袖套宽度需覆盖上臂长度的2/3E.袖套太狭窄,压力读数偏高 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料: [单选]根据柴油机的基本工作原理,下列哪一种定义最准确()。A.柴油机是一种往复式内燃机B.柴油机是一种在气缸中进行二次能量转换的内燃机C.柴油机是一种压缩发火的往复式内燃机D.柴油机是和种压缩发火的回转式内燃机 [单选]()的目的是增强劳动者的就业能力与工作能力,促进社会经济发展与劳动就业。A.职业培训B.就业服务C.就业援助D.职业指导 [单选]发热,咳嗽,胸闷,心烦,口渴,肌肤外发红疹,舌赤,苔薄黄,脉数,其病变阶段是:().A.气分B.卫分C.气营D.营分 [问答题,简答题]发电机中性点接地变压器的参数? [判断题]设备管道在气密试验时,压力降应不高于规定值。A.正确B.错误 [填空题]危险源的识别方法()()()()()。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]“以人为本,践行宗旨”的行为规范,主要体现在()A.坚持救死扶伤、防病治病的宗旨B.发扬大医精诚理念和人道主义精神C.以病人为中心,全心全意为人民健康服务D.以上都是E.以上都是 [单选]纳税人对税务机关核定的应纳税额有异议的,提供(),经税务机关认定后,调整应纳税额。A、《税务行政许可申请表》B、申请变更核定定额的个体工商户需报送《个体工商户定额核定审批表》。C、申请变更核定定额的其他纳税人提供相关材料。D、税务机关要求的其他材料 [单选]中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会按照简易程序受理甲、乙两公司的货款争议,在本案仲裁程序中,下列哪种做法是正确的?()A.可由3名仲裁员组成仲裁庭,也可以由1名独任仲裁员组成仲裁庭审理B.仲裁庭按照其认为适当的方式审理案件,可以决定开庭审理,也可以决定书面审理C.仲裁庭 [单选,A1型题]治疗寒积便秘。宜选用的药物是()A.甘遂B.大戟C.芫花D.巴豆E.商陆 [单选]1848年芝加哥82位商人发起组建了()。A.芝加哥商业交易所B.伦敦金属交易所C.纽约商业交易所D.芝加哥期货交易所 [单选]机舱失火,现场指挥是()。A.轮机长B.大副C.大管轮D.二管轮 [单选]以下网络结构当中哪一种的安全性和保密性较差()A.meshB.treeC.busD.star [问答题,简答题]架空电力线附近进行吊、卸作业时应注意哪些安全事项? [单选]油罐进油前应提前()h投运采暖管线预热。A、3B、2C、1D、0.5 [单选]脑血管形成血栓者服用小剂量的阿司匹林,目的是()A.扩张脑血管B.抗风湿C.防止头晕D.防止血小板凝集E.增强凝血机制 [单选]企业应建立的主要目标有销售定额、毛利额、访问户数、新客户数、()和贷款回收率等。A、销售量B、市场份额C、访问费用D、产品定位 [多选]有关渠道开挖施工方法说法不正确的是()。A、渠道开挖常用的施工方法有人工开挖、机械开挖等,不能采取爆破开挖B、选择开挖方法取决于土壤种类、渠道纵横断面尺寸、地下水位等因素C、渠道开挖的土方多直接运走D、田间渠道断面尺寸很小,不可采用开沟机开挖 [单选]()是对储粮安全和储粮品质危害最大的微生物。A、放线菌B、细菌C、霉菌D、酵母菌 [多选]一水软铝石的分子式为()。A、γ—AlOOHB、γ—Al2O3•H2OC、α—AlOOHD、α—Al2O3•H2O [单选]润滑油的温度升高,粘度()。A.增加B.不变C.减小D.不确定 [单选]关于躯体疾病所致精神障碍的共同特点,正确的是()。A.精神症状具有特异性(不同疾病引起不同的精神症状)B.精神障碍与原发病的病情平行发展C.急性期多数意识清晰D.精神症状相对比较固定E.预后一般不可逆 [单选]U1980和运营商A、B对接,如果到A的链路满了后走B运营商出局,采用何种方式?()A.普通路由B.中继承载C.失败路由D.呼叫源分析 [单选]躯体疾病所致精神障碍一般具有以下临床特点,但除外()。A.精神障碍与原发躯体疾病的病情在程度上有平行关系B.精神障碍与原发躯体疾病在时间上常有先后关系C.有特征性的精神症状D.治疗原发疾病及处理精神障碍可使精神症状好转E.急性躯体疾病常引起意识障碍,慢性躯体疾病常 [单选]硝石不宜与下列哪些药物混放()。A.朴硝B.青盐C.硇砂D.雄黄、硫黄E.蒲黄


,A2型题,A1/A2型题]对接触砷、石棉、镍、铬酸盐、放射性物质的工人进行定期体检时,首先应考虑()A.皮肤癌B.肺癌C.泌尿道癌D.白血病E.肝癌 [问答题][综合分析题]RB制造公司是一家位于华中某省的皮鞋制造公司,拥有近400名工人。大约在一年前,公司因产品有过多的缺陷而失去了两个较大的客户。RB公司领导研究了这个问题之后,一致认为:公司的基本工程技术方面还是很可靠的,问题出在生产线上的工人,质量检查员以及管理 [单选]已知单代号网络计划中,工作A最早开始时间(ES)和最早完成时间(EF)分别为10天和24天,则其紧后工作8的最早开始时间(ES2)和最早完成时间(EF2)分别为()。A.10天和l8天B.18天和32天C.18天和24天D.24天和32天 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]《素问·上古天真论》所述,人体生长发育过程中起决定性作用的是()A.五脏之气的充盛B.天癸的形成C.水谷的摄入D.肾气的充盛E.三焦的气化 [填空题]用兆欧表测量电器设备的绝缘电阻,必须先()。 [问答题,简答题]《药品生产质量管理规范》的具体实施办法、实施步骤由那个部门规定? [单选]按照形成资产法,建设投资应包括固定资产费用、无形资产费用、其他资产费用和()。A.财务费用B.流动资产费用C.预备费D.工程费用 [名词解释]上蔟适期 [多选]由予搅拌操作的多种多样,也使搅拌器存在着许多形式,典型的搅拌器形式有()、推进式、锚式、螺杆式等。A.分离式B.桨式C.涡轮式D.框式 [单选,A1型题]认知疗法认为一个人非适应性或非功能性的心理与行为是受以下哪项影响的()A.不正确的认知B.适应不良的行为C.外部不良的环境D.自我的能力E.个人的经验 [单选]下述哪项不是吴又可的贡献?()A.编著了我国医学史上第一部温病专著--《温疫论》B.提出瘟疫致病的原因是时行之气C.指出瘟疫有强烈的传染性D.感邪途径是邪从口鼻而入 [多选]左房室瓣口血流频谱的影响因素包括()。A.性别B.年龄C.心率D.呼吸E.前负荷 [单选]下列关于变更控制的说法中,表述不正确的是()。A.对项目变更目标要有明确的界定B.任何变更都要得到建设单位、监理单位和承建单位三方的书面确认C.变更控制中要选择冲击最小的方案D.为了避免项目变更影响项目实施人员的情绪,要把变更信息控制在领导层和项目关键人员范围内 [填空题]抗震设计时高层建筑按其()可分为甲类建筑、乙类建筑、丙类建筑等三类。 [单选]对某地小学生近视进行调查,描述患者的年龄分布可选用的统计图为()A.线图B.直条图C.直方图D.构成图E.散点图 [填空题]在抗震设防区,除岩石地基外,天然地基上的箱形和筏形基础,其埋置深度不宜小于建筑物高度的()。桩箱或桩筏基础的埋置深度(不计桩长)不宜小于建筑物高度的()。 [单选]原油中硫的含量是以()百分数表示的。A、体积B、质量C、密度D、分子量 [单选]乳腺癌的超声特征不包括()。A.边界清晰B.边缘毛刺C.微小钙化D.血流信号丰富E.后方声影 [单选]拟定沿岸航线,应尽量选择()的显著物标作为转向物标。A.转向一侧附近B.转向另一侧附近C.转向一侧正横附近D.转向另一侧正横附近 [单选,A1型题]急性动脉栓塞临床表现中不包括()A.动脉搏动减弱,以至消失B.皮肤呈苍白色,皮肤温度下降C.往往最早出现疼痛,常伴有触痛D.患肢远端感觉异常,甚至丧失,并可出现运动受损E.疼痛、皮温下降及触觉障碍的平面与动脉栓塞平面均一致 [单选]作用于肩关节的伸肌是?()A、冈上肌B、三角肌C、臂三头肌 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]有关分裂情感性精神障碍的病因与发病机制,以下说法错误的是()A.病前个性一般无明显缺陷B.有研究表明:在遗传学上介于精神分裂症和双相情感性精神病之间C.发病与应激诱因无关D.有关本病的发病机制,可以参考精神分裂症的素质模式E.有研究表明:在遗传学 [填空题]对蒸汽加温盘管的油罐,为确保测温的准确性,应在蒸汽切断()小时后,再进行温度测量。 [单选]患者外感风寒,恶寒发热,无汗,腹痛,吐泻,舌苔白腻。治疗宜选用()A.麻黄B.桂枝C.香薷D.防风E.白芷 [单选]2007年是内蒙古自治区成立60周年,中共中央在给内蒙古自治区的贺电中说:“内蒙古自治区的成立,是中国共产党把马克思主义基本原理同我国民族实际相结合的一个伟大创举。”这里的“伟大创举”是指()。A.率先实行了民族区域自治B.率先赢得了民族独立C.率先由当地民族当家作 [单选]()是控制液体压力控制阀的一种。A、溢流阀B、节流阀C、闸阀D、减压阀 [单选]转场航空器超过预定起飞时间()仍未起飞,又未申请延期的,其原飞行申请失效。A.半小时B.一小时C.两小时 [单选]男,15岁,渐进性鼻塞1年余,MRI扫描如图所示,最可能的诊断是()A.鼻咽部纤维血管瘤B.鼻咽部脓肿C.脊索瘤D.鼻咽部囊肿E.鼻咽癌 [单选]乳腺癌CDFI特点是()。A.无血流信号B.彩色血流不丰富,血管数目少C.彩色血流丰富,呈高速低阻血流D.彩色血流丰富,呈高速高阻血流E.彩色血流不丰富,呈高速低阻血流 [单选,A1型题]麻黄的功效是()A.发汗解表,宣肺平喘,利水消疮B.发汗解表,宣肺平喘,利水消肿C.发汗解表,宣肺平喘,通阳散结D.发汗解表,宣肺平喘,化湿通淋E.发汗解表,利水平喘,散寒止痛 [填空题]()是指地基稳定具有足够安全度的承载力,它相当于地基极限承载力除以一个安全系数k,且要验算地基变形不超过允许变形值。 [单选]下述哪种情况下可出现睾丸鞘膜积液()A.睾丸肿瘤B.附睾炎C.原发病因不清D.睾丸外伤E.以上都是 [问答题]指出压力单位“兆帕”与“千帕”、“兆帕”与“公斤力”、“帕”与“毫米水柱”之间的关系? [单选]()反映的是企业的经营业绩情况,是业绩考核的重要指标。A.资产B.利润C.收入D.所有者权益 [判断题]弱电综合布线,在一室外的一些走线位置我们可以共沟不共管。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]痰涂片阳性要求痰液中细菌的数量是多少()A.每毫升痰液中至少含有100000条细菌B.每毫升痰液中至少含有5000~10000条细菌C.每毫升痰液中至少含有500~1000条细菌D.每毫升痰液中至少含有50~100条细菌E.每毫升痰液中至少含有2000条细菌 [名词解释]社会群体 [单选]()把作为权数的变量值固定在报告期。A.拉氏指数B.帕氏指数C.基期加权综合指数D.拉氏指数和帕氏指数 [问答题,简答题]“HUADA”牌阀控铅酸蓄电池是哪个厂家生产的? [问答题,简答题]增加瓦斯嘴的操作?


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上行性感染引起的急性肾盂肾炎,镜下首先发现下列哪项病变?A.间质充血水肿及中性粒细胞浸润B.肾盂黏膜充血、水肿并有大量的中性粒细胞浸润C.间质内有大量中性粒细胞浸润D.肾小管及肾小球内充满脓细胞E.肾盂内变性、坏死的中性粒细胞 大脑皮质最厚的区域为。A.视区B.中央前回运动区C.中央后回感觉区D.听区E.语言区 国有土地使用权授权经营不适用于。A.经国务院批准设立的国家控股公司B.作为国家授权投资机构的国有独资公司C.中外合资企业D.作为国家授权投资机构的集团公司 客户服务中心的例会主要包括:班前会、、周例会、月例会、等。 从地下开采出未经炼制的石油叫原油,原油中含量一般较少,它主要是在二次加工过程中产出的。A、烷烃B、环烷烃C、芳香烃D、不饱和烃 支付结算由谁分级管理: 隐蔽的建(构)筑物及设备不须在地面上设有标志。A.正确B.错误 对于病原菌未明的化脓性脑膜炎的治疗,目前主张选用的抗生素是A.青霉素B.头孢曲松钠C.氯霉素D.红霉素E.氨苄西林 佛教文化的建筑在我国迅速发展,是我国的建筑出现了建筑标准规范是在阶段。A.夏商到秦汉时期(公元前2000年至公元200年,约2200年)B.从三国两晋南北朝到隋唐五代(公元200年至公元1000年,约800年)C.丛宋辽到金元时期(公元960年至1400年,约400年)D.明清时期(公元1400年至公 计算内力的一般方法是。A、静力分析B、节点法C、截面法D、综合几何、物理和静力学三方面 四君子汤的组成药物为A.人参、白术、干姜、炙甘草B.人参、茯苓、干姜、炙甘草C.白术、茯苓、黄芪、炙甘草D.人参、白术、茯苓、炙甘草E.人参、黄芪、白术、茯苓 从灰口铁的牌号可看出它的指标。 金融市场分为场内市场和场外市场的依据是()。A、交易的证券期限、利率和风险不同B、证券的索偿权不同C、交易证券是初次发行还是已经发行D、交易程序 在消防应变部署中的消防队长是由谁担任?A、大副B、二副C、三副D、水手长 1904年1月,清政府颁布并实施,这标志着中国现代教育和体育制度的正式确立。A、《钦定学堂章程》B、《奏定学堂章程》C、《新学制课程标准》D、《学校体育指导纲要》 食管至上而下的4个生理性狭窄形成分别为()A.食管入口、左主支气管压迫、主动脉弓压迫、贲门B.食管入口、左主支气管压迫、主动脉弓压迫、食管穿过横膈裂孔C.食管入口、主动脉弓压迫、左主支气管压迫、食管穿过横膈裂孔D.食管入口、主动脉弓压迫、左主支气管压迫、贲门E.食管入 信息发送者将信息译成接收者能够理解的一系列符号,如语言、文字、图表、照片、手势等,这属于沟通过程的环节A.信息源B.编码C.传递信息D.解码E.反馈 地形图都是按定向A.坐标北B.磁北C.地理北D.陀螺北 慢性肺心病患者提示右心功能不全的主要体征是A.双下肢水肿B.肝颈静脉回流征阳性C.心脏向左扩大D.肺动脉瓣区第二心音(P2)亢进E.肝大,触痛阳性 汗液形成的基本条件是津液和阳气。A.正确B.错误 如何正确认识社会主义社会的基本矛盾? 定期船货运程序为订舱、卸船交货。A.接货装船B.仓库收货C.集中装船D.交接 酸碱滴定中,有时二氧化碳的影响将是很大的,在这种情况下,通常应除去溶液中的二氧化碳。 要对一个正在发生的疾病现状进行调查,应使用哪种调查方法()A.前瞻性词查B.横断面调查C.追踪调查D.回顾性调查E.以上都不是 测定水的浊度时,水样中出现有物和物时,便携式浊度计读数将不准确。 医疗机构对本单位内被传染病病原体污染的场所、物品、医疗废物应依法A.封闭场所并销毁物品B.强制隔离治疗C.实施消毒和无害化处理D.报上级卫生行政部门处理E.报卫生防疫部门处理 患者,男,18岁。身高172cm,体重100kg,属于肥胖症,医生建议控制饮食减轻体重。进一步检查发现其血压明显高于正常,而且观察一周仍然高于正常范围,应给患者选择的饮食是()A.低蛋白饮食B.低盐、低脂饮食C.高糖类饮食D.低钠饮食E.低纤维素饮食 在损益表中,销售成本主要考虑生产成本,包括:A.原材料成本B.人工成本C.生产管理费用以及与生产相关的折旧D.上述答案均正确 关于血培养标本的采集原则中,错误的一项是()A.已使用抗生素者在检验单上注明B.必须空腹采集C.培养瓶内不可混入消毒剂和防腐剂D.采集量一般为5mlE.严格无菌操作 提高凝汽器真空,可提高机组运行经济性,但是,凝汽器的真空不是提高得越多越好。A.正确B.错误 急性白血病MICM分型概念 中心型肺癌最重要的诊断方法是A.X线检查B.CT检查C.支气管纤维镜检D.胸腔镜E.放射性同位素扫描 基本账户: 有关睾丸鞘膜积液不正确的是()A.透光试验阴性可除外睾丸鞘膜积液B.精索静脉曲张可继发睾丸鞘膜积液C.阴囊内容物手术后可继发睾丸鞘膜积液D.婴幼儿睾丸鞘膜积液可自愈E.附睾炎症可继发睾丸鞘膜积液 治疗小儿水肿脾虚湿困证的最佳方剂为A.五苓散B.五皮饮C.实脾饮D.补中益气汤E.参苓白术散


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[单选]我国门静脉高压症病人的最常见原因是()A.胆汁性肝硬化B.血吸虫性肝硬化C.肝炎后肝硬化D.先天性门静脉狭窄E.酒精性肝硬化 [单选]杀虫剂、杀菌剂和除草剂是按照()来分类的。A.原料的来源B.成分C.用途D.机理 [单选]可行性研究中一般应该以()结论作为项目或方案取舍的主要依据。A.技术分析B.工艺分析C.财务评价D.国民经济评价 [单选,A1型题]人体消灭结核杆菌主要依靠的细胞是()A.中性粒细胞B.嗜酸性粒细胞C.浆细胞D.B淋巴细胞E.巨噬细胞 [单选]为预防Rh阴性妇女发生致敏,下列哪些情况不适合预防性应用抗D球蛋白()A.第1次分娩Rh阳性婴儿后,于72小时内应用B.Rh(-)女婴出生时即应用C.流产(自然或人工流产)后D.在羊膜腔穿刺后E.产前出血、宫外孕、妊娠期高血压疾病 [单选]合金钢中合金元素的总含量()为低合金钢。A.3%B.6%C.9%D.12% [问答题,简答题]简述可行性研究的任务、意义和主要内容。 [单选]混凝土的抗拉强度很低,一般只有抗压强度的()。A.1/2-1/4B.1/10-1/20C.1/5-1/10D.1/15-1/25 [单选]以下无形资产中不属于知识产权类的是()A、专利B、商标C、营销网络D、软件著作权 [单选]假设其他条件不变,空气湿度大().A、空气密度大,起飞滑跑距离长B、空气密度小,起飞滑跑距离长C、空气密度大,起飞滑跑距离短D、空气密度小,起飞滑跑距离短 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列实验室检查中,对诊断甲亢最可靠的是().A.甲状腺肿大B.基础代谢率增高C.中枢神经系统兴奋性增高D.T3、T4增高E.多食、消瘦 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症属于()。A.常染色体显性遗传病B.常染色体隐性遗传病C.X连锁显性遗传病D.X连锁隐性遗传病E.Y连锁遗传病 [单选]下列哪种疾病不属于母斑病()A.眼-神经-皮肤血管瘤病B.神经纤维瘤病C.结节性硬化D.迷芽瘤E.视网膜血管瘤病 [单选]飞行警告计算机(FWC)产生的信息包括答案:()A、警戒信息、备忘信息、音响警告和合成语音信息B、无线电高度喊话C、决断高喊话D、着陆距离和着陆速度增量E、以上全部 [单选]下颌角在生长发育中,可因人种、年龄、性别等而有所不同。12岁时恒牙咬合完成时,下颌角为()A.140°~160°B.130°~140°C.120°~125°D.100°~110°E.以上都不是 [单选,A3型题]婴儿胎龄40周,生后5小时,择期剖宫产娩出,生后不久出现呻吟,呼吸急促,口中少许泡沫伴口周发绀。查体:呼吸70次/分,双肺呼吸音粗,可闻及粗湿啰音,心率140次/分,胸骨左缘2.3肋间闻及Ⅰ~Ⅱ级收缩期杂音。血气分析结果:pH7.32,PaO26.4kPa,PaCO26.7kPa,BE-6 [单选]()是指一个测验的结果与被测验者行为的公认标准之间的相关程度。A.信度B.效度C.难度D.标准化 [填空题]汽油的抗爆性可用()来表示。 [单选,A1型题]一名近视患者的右眼屈光度为-3.00D,则该眼的远点为()。A.3mB.33cmC.30cmD.1mE.无穷远 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]电子伏特(eV)与焦耳(J)的关系是()A.1eV=1.6×10-19JB.1J=1.6×10-19eVC.1eV=1JD.1eV=1.6×1019JE.以上都不对 [单选]在供电系统中用来校验开关设备的灭弧能力的是三相短路电流的()。A.冲击值B.最小值C.最大值D.有效值 [判断题]防火门应为向疏散方向开启的平开门,并在关闭后应能从任何一侧手动开启。()A.正确B.错误 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列疾病可于Graves病伴发的是().A.1型糖尿病B.慢性特发性肾上腺皮质功能减退症C.特发性血小板减少性紫癜D.重症肌无力E.以上都是 [单选]出生1分钟的新生儿,心率94次/分,无呼吸,四肢稍屈,无喉反射,口唇青紫全身苍白。Apgar评分为().A.5分B.4分C.3分D.2分E.1分 [判断题]银行应当按照《个人外汇管理办法》规定为个人办理外汇收付、结售汇几开立外汇账户等业务,对个人提交的有效身份证件及相关证明材料的真实性进行审核。A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列哪一个不是卤代羟基类药物A.氟烷B.氟烯烷C.恩氟烷D.异氟烷E.甲氧氟烷 [填空题]温度影响开花的原因是有些观赏植物必须经过一个低温周期才能形成花芽,这个低温周期叫()。 [单选]执行某些行政管理任务的组织,如城市的治安联防组织,由于其不能以自己的名义作出行政决定,只能以()的行政机关的名义作出,因此不具有行政主体资格。A.委托B.指派C.授权D.临时 [单选]输卵管妊娠的原因不包括()A.输卵管周围肿瘤B.输卵管黏膜纤毛缺乏C.放置宫内节育器D.子宫畸形E.受精卵游走 [判断题]18--8型不锈钢的线膨胀系数比较大,所以焊后的残余变形较大。A.正确B.错误 [单选]没有被腹膜覆盖的肝脏部分是A.方叶的膈面B.尾叶的脏面C.舌叶处D.肝脏的裸区E.右前叶右缘 [单选]()理论认为,智力是由一群彼此无关的原始能力构成的,各种智力活动可以分成不同的组群,每一群中有一个基本因素是共同的。A.智力的群因素论B.智力的三维结构理论C.智力的二因素论D.智力的认知成分理论 [单选]准时制生产的目标是()。A.节约装配时间、减少装配中可能出现的问题B.通过产品的合理设计使产品易生产C.彻底消除无效劳动造成的损失D.有效地利用各种生产资源 [问答题,简答题]照度计 [单选]下列()法律法规不是保安押运公司员工需要重点掌握的。A.《中华人民共和国道路交通管理条例》B.《中华人民共和国枪支管理法》C.《专职守护押运人员枪支使用管理条例》D.《社会治安管理条例》 [多选]造成血性关节液的原因主要有()。A.创伤B.色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎C.类风湿关节炎D.血友病E.高血压 [单选]下列在骨关节炎的治疗中对软骨保护有作用的药物是()A.糖皮质激素,如泼尼松B.非甾体类抗炎药C.环孢素AD.硫酸氨基葡萄糖E.间断在关节腔内注射长效激素 [单选]()与职业道德不是从来就有的,作为一种社会现象,两者均属历史的范畴。A、行业B、社会分工C、职业D、政治制度 [单选]不符合甲状腺危象的诊断标准的是()A.心率160次/分B.体温37.5℃C.恶心呕吐D.皮肤潮红、多汗E.失水、休克 [单选]当大血管转位时,根据下列哪一项可确定右心室A.腔内有节制索B.腔径较小C.心室壁较薄D.与肺动脉相连接E.与右心房相连接


22.There is no n_e_e_d_____to feel afraid of making speeches.
There's n_o_th__in_g__ to be afriad of.
23.Why are you always __c_ry_i_n_g____(cry)?
24. It’s said that a highway _c_o_n_n_e_c_ti_n_g_(connect) the two towns will be built in a year.
answers questions in class. 29. All of us should _a_c_t_i_v_el_y___ (active) take action
to protect giant pandas.
30. Sam plays table tennis very well. I think he is a __b_o_r_n___(birth) table tennis player.
38.They like to be with other people all the time. Maybe they like to be the center of a_tt_e_n_t_io_n___.
39(.Tspheeaekn)gyienseteerrdmaayd. We tehewweroenadlel rdfeuelp_sl_yp_me_e_oc_vh_ee_ds_by
(洗碗) after supper. I also help with it.
52. Why are you always _a_r_g_u_i_n_g____ (argue)?



人教版九年级英语期末复习unit1-14易错题汇编一、选择题1.The search for the missing old man, continued ____ he was found.A untilB whileC afterD since2. When he retired at 65, he ____ painting in over 20 cities in Europe and Asia.A teachesB has taughtC had taughtD would teach3. Our students have a lot of fun on ____ day of their New Year's Concert.A aB anC theD /4. The manager is much better than other employees ____ dealing with the customers' complaints.A inB onC atD of5. Don't be afraid of ____ questions if you don't understand what I've taught in today's lesson.A raiseB raisedC raisingD to raise6. I hear that you have been to Wuzhen. Did you like it? How long ____ you ____ there?A do...stayB have…stayedC did…stayD had…stayed7. The comic strips won't be exciting unless some sound effects ____.A addB will addC will be addedD are added8. We are sure we will shorten the commuting time after the bridge ____.A completesB is completedC has completedD will be completed9. There ____ a number of books in the school library. We spend much time reading there.A beB amC isD are10. We wanted the school to look ____, so we painted it a warm red.A lonelyB beautifullyC friendlyD softly二词性转换1. I got interested in ____ because of a movie about science. (physical)2. As teenagers, we should respect the old and treat them ____.(polite)3. Jenny's gift was the most special one to her mother although she spent the ____ money.(little)4. It is not ____ that children learn to read and write at different rates. (surprise)5. Their performance at the Christmas party was ____.(satisfy)6. The two boys became British ____ and they gained the right to vote. (city)7. Taking up different hobbies will help add ____to your life. (various)8. Police officers are often injured in the course of their ____.(duty)9. The children shouted with ____when they won the prize.(excited)10. It's hard to say what caused the accident, but the police think the driver fell ____.(sleep)三、句型转换1. During the test, our teacher stopped us from talking with each other. (保持句意基本不变)Our teacher didn't ____ us ____ talk with each other during the test.2. The factory decided to increase production to meet the needs of more customers. (保持原句意思)The factory decided to increase production to ____ the ____ of more customers.3.The thief finally said that he stole the valuable necklace from the lady. (保持句意基本不变)The thief finally ____ ____ the valuable necklace from the lady.4. Have you wondered? Does the web site belong to an organization? (两句合并为一句)Have you wondered ____ the web site ____ to an organization?5. My husband has begun to spend time jogging because he was too fat.(保持句意不变)My husband has ____ ____ jogging because he was too fat.6. He was absent from school because of his serious illness. (保持句意基本不变)He was absent from school because he was ____ ____.7. People all think cartoon Zootopia is interesting and wonderful.(对划线部分提问)____ do people ____ the cartoon Zootopia?8. Nowadays, many people continue their studies after they begin to work. (保持句意基本不变)Nowadays, many people ____ ____with their studies after they begin to work.9. Some students will realize the importance of study after they leave school. (保持句意基本不变)Some students ____ realize the importance of study ____ they leave school.10. The trousers were too long, so I shortened them. (保持句意基本不变) The trousers were too long, so I ____ them ____.答案:一、A C C C C C D A D C二、physics politely least surprising satisfying citizens varieties duties exciting asleep三、allow to satisfy demands admitted stealing if belongs taken up seriously ill How like go on won't until made shorter九年级英语易错题二一:选择题1. We are sure we will shorten the commuting time after the bridge ____.A completesB is completedC has completedD will be completed2.He ran his own business, but then about five years ago it all started to ____.A go wrongB go upC go overD go on3. If you ever want to visit Disney for three days, you can save ____ money by buying a multiple-day ticket.A muchB manyC a fewD a little4. To make the roads ____ for people, two Indian artists designed these 3D "zebra crossing."A safeB saferC safelyD more safely5. The old man ____ along the road when the truck suddenly knocked him off.A walksB walkedC was walkingD had walked6. Go straight down the street and you will see the post office on your right, ____ the kindergarten.A oppositeB betweenC amongD across7. The manager is much better than other employees ____ dealing with the customers' complaints.A inB atC onD of8. ____ amusing characters Mr. Thompson has created in the comic strip!A HowB What aC What anD What9. The little girl asked her mother ____.A When will her baby teeth start to fall outB when her baby teeth would start to fall outC when would her baby teeth start to fall outD when her baby teeth will start to fall out10. I hear that you have been to Wuzhou. Did you like it ? How long ____ you ____ there?A do….stayB have…. stayedC did …. stayD had….stayed二、词性转换1. The popular cafeteria offers its customers a wide ____ of delicious foods and drinks.(various)2. It's amazing that Mrs. Smith took up playing the piano in his ____(sixty)3. Words can hardly describe how ____ I was on hearing the news. (excite)4. Jenny's gift was the most special one to her mother although she spent the ____ money.(little)5. It is not ____ that children learn to read and write at different rates. (surprise)6. Experts are learning how to grow and protect some of the very____plants. (usual)7. I had to stay one more day in Capital Airport by the ____ haze in years. (bad)8. It was ____ asking my brother for money-he didn't have any. (use)9. A good article isn't judged only on its ____, but mainly on its contents. (long)10. It's ____ of you to make the same mistake again in your writing. (care)三、句型转换1. The sea wave reached 10 meters in the storm. (对划线部分提问)____ ____ was the sea wave in the storm?2. During the test, our teacher stopped us from talking with each other.(保持句子意思)Our teacher didn't ____ us ____ talk with each other during the test.3. The factory decided to increase production to meet the needs of more customers. (保持原句意思)The factory decided to increase production to ____ the ____ of more customers.4. Michael borrowed 3 books from the school library last week.(保持原句意思)Michael ____ ____ 3 books from the school library for a week.5. Did Maggie fly to New York on her own ? He wondered. (合并两句为一句)He wondered if Maggie ____ ____ to New York on her own.6. My brother seldom put his toys in the right place, ____ ____? (反义疑问句)7. I think Minions are funny and interesting cartoon characters. (对划线部分提问)____ do you ____ Minions?8. The trousers were too long, so I shortened them.(保持原句意思)The trousers were too long, so I ____ them ____.9. He was so tired that he couldn't concentrated on his schoolwork. (保持原句意思)He was ____ tired ____ concentrate on his school work.10. landing, the plane, prevented, the bad weather conditions, from.(连词成句)______________________________________________________________答案:一、B A A B C A B D B C二、variety sixties excited least surprising unusual worst useless length careless三、How high allow to satisfy demands has kept had flown did he How like made shorter too toThe bad weather conditions prevented the plane from landing.九年级英语易错题三一、选择题1. You will end up in hospital ____ go on smoking like that.A unlessB ifC becauseD until2. Mike said that he comic strips on the table belonged to ____.A himselfB himC ofD for3. ____ do you think it is not a good idea to keep a pet dog?A whoB whereC whyD what4. My sister ____ plenty of volunteer work in the past seven years.A doesB is doingC had doneD had done5. Paul told me that he had bought a new falt on ____ phone.A aB anC theD /6. I could hear ____ calling to me, but I didn't know who he was.A everyoneB someoneC anyoneD nobody7. The Greens ____ several tines since they came to work in this city.A moveB movedC have movedD are moving8. You are not allowed to enter the theatre ____ you have a ticket.A becauseB whenC ifD unless9. Tom looked out of the window and found it ____ heavily.A snowsB snowedC has snowedD was snowing10. I'm terribly sorry I have broken your mobile phone.-____.A That's all rightB All rightC Not at allD Of course not二、词性转换1. Several ____ have happened in the last two months in that estate. (robbery)2. Surprisingly, that's the ____ goal Ronaldo has kicked this season. (twelve)3. Don't rely on lunk in doing anything, or you will ____ in nothing. (success)4. One ____ way of keeping healthy is to take regular exercise. (base)5. You can use my dictionary if you can't find ____ (you)6. It rained so hard that the road was ____ covered by water soon. (complete)7. Don't ____ kids with terrible storied when they do something wrong. (frightening)8. The woman next door took up the piano-playing in her ____ (sixty).9. Finally Detective Lin made a ____ to search the bedroom for the suspect. (decide)10. Excuse me , could you tell me the ____ of the Great Wall? (long)三、句型转换1. The 30th Olympic Games were held in London in 2012. (保持句意不变) The 30th Olympic Games ____ ____ in London in 20122. Gray's parents seldom buy him named-brand sports shoes,________?(反义疑问句)3. Jane wrote several articles about memory last month. (改为被动语态) Several articles about memory ____ ____ by Jane last month.4. Frank asked me, "Have you ever created a comic strip?" (改为宾语从句) Frank asked me whether ____ ____ ever created a comic strip.5. The new machine stayed underwater for three hours. (对划线部分提问) ____ ____ did the new machine stay underwater?6. Paul has made great progress in chemistry this term. (改为感叹句)____ ____ progress Paul has made in chemistry this term.7. This shelf is too small to hold all your books. (保持句意基本不变)This shelf is ____ small ____ it can't hold all your books.8. "Is it the last bus to the city centre?" I asked the driver. (合并为一句)I asked the driver ____ it ____ the last bus to the city centre.9. The exchange students will get to New York in about two weeks. (对划线部分提问)____ ____ will the exchange students get to New York?10. him, told, not, Mary, worry, about, to, the operation (连词成句)__________________________________________________________.答案:一、B B C C C B C D D A二、robberies twelfth succeed basic yours completely frighten sixties decision length三、took place do they were written I had How long What great so that if was How soonMary told him not to worry about the operation.。



九年级上册英语期末复习易错题整理训练一、单项选择1. Recently, _______ UN report shows ________ number of the poor around the world has become larger.A. a; theB. an; aC. a; aD. an; the2. The weatherman says it will be cloudy with a slight ________ of rain later tonight.A. changeB. differenceC. chanceD. sign3. ---How did you get the wonderful news?---___________ a Mr. Lorry, one well-informed person.A. AcrossB. ThroughC. IncludingD. By4. As we all know, paper-cutting is ___________ Chinese art with a long history.A. commonB. modernC. traditionalD. new5. ---_________great loss it is for us to lose Audrey Hepburn!--- Yes. As a great actress, she once won ___________Oscar for Best Actress.A. What; anB. What a; theC. How; /; aD. How a; an6. The book provides a lot of articles ____________ can improve students' reading ability.A. whoB. thatC. whatD. where7. --- I missed the film “The Wandering Earth”.--- What a pity! It is ____________ meaningful film that it is really worth seeing.A. such aB. soC. suchD. so a8. It’s known that carrying out research __________ action, or you won’t have a good ending.A. realizesB. reducesC. requiresD. receives9. ______ David ______ Tom is listening to the report carefully, because they are both interested in it a lot.A. Neither; norB. Either; orC. Not only; but alsoD. Both; and10. --- There is still a copy of the magazine in the reading room. Will you go and borrow_________?--- No. I’d rather buy ________ in the bookshop after school.A. one; itB. it; oneC. one; oneD. it; it11. --- Would you like to visit the Slender West Lake with me now?--- Sorry. It’s ________the visiting hours. Let’s go there tomorrow.A. onB. overC. duringD. beyond12. --- My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow.--- _________. Shall we go together?A. So will my sisterB. So will youC. So will ID. So am I13. The real reason why prices __________, and still are, too high is mixed, and no short discussion can explainthis problem.A. wereB. will beC. have beenD. had been14. He devoted his lifetime _________ it possible for women _________ a better education.A. to make; to receiveB. to make; to receivingC. to making; to receiveD. to making; receive15. --- Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting?--- He rushed out of the room ___________ I could say a word.A. beforeB. afterC. sinceD. because16. We can live a better life if we create _________ polluted world.A. a lessB. a moreC. the leastD. the less17. ---How is everything going on with you?---Quite well. Not so smoothly as I hope, ________.A. thoughB. insteadC. eitherD. since18. ---Why is everything all wet on the floor?---The rain poured __________ a hole in the roof (屋顶) last night.A. byB. pastC. acrossD. through19. My grandparents ____________ the house twenty years ago. It is still in use now.A. put onB. put upC. put outD. put down20. ---Could I join you in the program?---Sorry, you _________. You are too young.A. shouldn’tB. mustn’tC. can’tD. needn’t21. --- Another person was hurt by the tiger in the zoo.--- What a pity! That is a lesson to us: we must take rules ________.A. quicklyB. clearlyC. carefullyD. seriously22. --- Did Mrs. King leave a message?--- Yes. She wanted to know ____________ this Sunday.A. who you would go shoppingB. if you would go shopping with herC. that you will go shoppingD. when will you go shopping with her23. --- Did your parents attend your graduation ceremony?--- ________. They were on holiday in Hawaii to celebrate their twenty years’ marriage.A. EitherB. NoneC. BothD. Neither24. ---It's said that the third aircraft carrier of China will be in service on the sea soon.---__________. That will make the Chinese Navy stronger and stronger.A. That's not the caseB. I'm afraid notC. I can't agree moreD. I can't wait to see it25. --- ________ will the meeting end? --- ________ they reach an agreement.A. How long; Not untilB. When; Not untilC. How long; UntilD. When; Until26. I thought the job would be successful, but it _____________to be a mess!A. turned onB. turned outC. turned upD. turned off27. ________ big success the film ________ her novel was!A. What a; based uponB. What; was based onC. What a; was based onD. How; based upon28. You __________ ever saw people do shopping on their mobile phones in the past, but now millions of people use their phones to shop online.A. sometimesB. usuallyC. hardlyD. almost29. ---A serious study of Physics is impossible __________ some knowledge of Math.---I couldn't agree more. So we should also learn Math well.A. amongB. withoutC. againstD. between30. Doctors all over the world are still trying their best to ___________ ways to treat COVID-19.A. get on withB. look forward toC. pay attention toD. come up with31. ---I don’t know why he left __________ without any words this morning.---Maybe he had something important to do.A. in a hurryB. in surpriseC. in fearD. in danger32.The film Me and My Motherland caught Chinese people’s ________ and many cinemaswere full of audience during the National Day Holiday.A. celebrationB. attentionC. positionD. suggestion33. ---Have you heard of the famous Huawei company?---Sure. It’s one of the greatest companies ________ make us Chinese proud.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. who34. The girl is so helpful that she devoted all her spare time she had _________ others.A. helpingB. to helpingC. to helpD. helped35. There is no doubt ___________the Harry Potter series are ___________again and again.A. whether; worth readingB. that; worth readingC. that; worth to readD. whether; worth to read36. ---The hamburgers at KFC are usually much smaller than ___________ in the advertisements.---So they are! That is the Art of Advertising.A. thatB. thoseC. oneD. ones37. The theatre will have to close ___________ the government agrees to give extra money.A. ifB. unlessC. becauseD. until38. ---___________ is it from your home to the nearest supermarket?---Nearest? Let me see. About five minutes’ ride.A. How longB. How farC. How oftenD. How soon39. --- Li Lei’s never read the book The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, ___________?--- __________. He told us it was interesting. He would like to read it again.A. is he; Yes, he isB. has he; Yes, he hasC. isn’t he; No, he isn’tD. hasn’t he; No, he hasn’t40. ---Why are you so silent these days? Are you missing your mom and dad?--- . I feel quite at home here. Don’t worry.A. It’s hard to sayB. That’s for sureC. That’s not the caseD. That depends二、词汇运用1. It is a _______________(浪费) of money to order too much in a restaurant , I think.2. Shanghai Science and ________________ (技术) Museum is a perfect place for children to visit.3. Let us ______________ (假定) another star with conditions similar to those on the moon.4. Let’s look at the ________________ (日历) to make a better plan.5. Miss Brown is one of the _________________ (严格的) teachers I have ever met.6. Christopher Columbus was famous for the ________________ (发现) of America.7. Several scientists have ______________ (success) developing a new kind of energy-saving car.8. It’s said that the game is ______________ (special) designed for children under twelve.9. ______________ (surprise), they solved this problem without any difficulty.10. With the inventions of many things, the world needs technology _____________ (先锋) like Qian Xuesenand Mrs. Curie to open up unknown fields.11. Mike ____________ (complete) forgot his birthday until he received his friend’s presents this morning.12. --- I’m so proud of the Chinese Women V olleyball.--- OK. I’m also moved by their _____________ of never giving up.13. People who are in their _____________ (thirty) care more about their career than their own life.14. Columbus, one of the first ______________ (Europe), discovered America in the 15th century.15. There are many different kinds of fresh and _____________ (dry) fruits on sale in that fruit shop.16. China is developing rapidly and it’s ______________ (wealth) and more powerful than ever before.17. A good friend is someone whom you can share everything with, including _____________ (sad).18. With the _____________ (develop) of technology, the journey to Mars might only take about 20 minutes inspacecraft in the future.19. The recent survey has found three ___________ (四分之一) of working mothers prefer to stay at home.20. As part of China, Hong Kong is _____________ (close) connected with the mainland.21. Look at the _____________ (center) island! It must be an exciting trip if we visit it.22. With the help of Weibo, we can know about the ______________ (late) news at home and abroad.23. More and more people are worried about the ______________ (安全) of the food they buy.24. I hate watching chat shows because there is too much ______________ (对话) in them.25. You can enjoy all the water sports, or_______________ (simple)lie on the beach.26. Tell me the ______________ (German) addresses so that I can go to visit them.27. Safety always comes first. I think we students need to guard ______________ (对抗) any possible danger around us any time.28. To my surprise, the boy was unable to ________________ (发音) a word correctly.29. The secrets of space are still _______________ (know) to most of us.30. We can easily see the pain from her ______________ (worry) eyes.三、动词填空1. ---What happened when you watched the famous Broadway musical Cats?---We couldn’t help clapping our hands while the characters _____________ (dance) to the beautiful music.2. _____________ (connect) the village with the outside world, a new road will be built soon.3. ---Tom! What’s wrong with your hands?---Don’t mention it! I didn’t finish my homework so I was made ____________ (wash) all my family members’ clothes yesterday.4. He had the book he devoted himself to _____________ (publish) last week.5. ---Have you got all your money back?---Not yet. We _____________(expect) the reply from the Customer Service Centre.6. You cannot imagine how much difficulty I had _______________ (communicate) with him.7. ---Where is my English dictionary, Rose?---Oh, sorry! I lent it to Tony yesterday, but he _______________ (not give) it back yet.8. How unlucky he was! He ______________ (mistake) for the suspect.9. If we don’t work hard today, we _____________ (live) to be sorry about our laziness in old age.10. I am sorry to keep you _____________ (wait) on such a cold morning.11. The way you thought of _______________ (help) the poor is practical and helpful.12. Simon is busy these days. I suppose he _____________ (work) hard for the coming exams.13. I really regret sharing Teddy’s decision with you, for I thought you _____________ (keep) it a secret.14. What a waste of time it is ______________ (read) such a useless report!15. Do you think Tom ______________ (avoid) meeting me? I haven’t seen him all day.四、完成句子1.接种疫苗是常见的预防疾病的方式,但是人们在纠结它能提防病毒多久。


[单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]中性粒细胞趋化能力显著下降见于()A.红斑狼疮B.荨麻疹C.烧伤D.补体缺陷症E.抗体缺陷症 [问答题,简答题]列车机车与第一辆车的车钩、软管摘解是怎样规定的? [单选]下列情况可出现睾丸鞘膜积液的是()A.睾丸外伤或炎症B.隐睾C.先天性睾丸发育不全D.附睾囊肿E.以上都不是 [单选]银汞合金充填后,与对颌牙接触时痛,如填充物检查未发现亮点,最可能的原因是()A.对颌牙有异种金属修复体B.有咬合高点C.深龋未垫底D.垫底材料选择不当E.洞底龋坏组织未去尽 [单选]按《合同法》的规定,合同生效后,当事人就价款或者报酬没有约定的,确定价款或报酬时应按()的顺序履行。A.订立合同时履行地的市场价格、合同有关条款、补充协议B.合同有关条款、补充协议、订立合同时履行地的市场价格C.补充协议、合同有关条款、订立合同时履行地的市场价 [单选]县级以上人民政府信访工作机构收到信访事项,应当予以登记,并区分情况,在()日内分别按规定要求,以不同的方式处理。A.30B.20C.15D.10 [多选]关于自吸离心泵的说法正确的是()。A.具有自吸能力的离心泵B.主要用于流量较大、扬程较高的城市给水C.适用于启动频繁的场合D.叶轮形状对称,不需要设置轴向力平衡装置 [单选]要进行胆道或胃肠疾病检查,通常要求病人禁食时间为()A.24小时B.20小时C.12小时D.8小时E.4小时 [单选]有关硫酸的下列化学反应中,不是表现硫酸氧化性的是()。A.浓硫酸与铝的反应B.浓硫酸与木炭的反应C.稀硫酸与锌的反应D.稀硫酸与纯碱的反应 [单选]当发现接触网导线断落要远离()米以外,并将该处加以防护。A、2B、5C、10D、20 [单选]以下性传播疾病不是由病毒引起的是()A.尖锐湿疣B.生殖器疱疹C.艾滋病D.扁平湿疣 [问答题,简答题]循环油压力突然下降的原因有那些?


[填空题]城市轨道交通的类型有()、()、()、()及()。 [填空题]氨区着火后在()灭火。切断()。若不能切断(),则不允许()泄漏处的()。喷水冷却容器,尽可能将容器从火场移至()。 [填空题]测量计算的基准面是()。 [单选]当灰分()时,先调风水,再调浮标密度,后调给料。A.高B.低C.适中D.偏低 [单选]甲公司的董事张某以公司的资产为本公司的股东林某的对外欠下的个人债务3万元提供了担保,且此个人债务的债权人对此并不知情,则此担保合同的效力是?()A.效力待定B.有效C.无效D.效力有瑕疵 [单选,A1型题]导致感冒的主因是()。A.寒邪B.热邪C.风邪D.湿邪E.暑邪 [单选,A1型题]形成高带免疫耐受的细胞是()A.B细胞B.T细胞C.T和B细胞D.单核细胞E.NK细胞 [单选]1866年闽浙总督()上奏朝廷,提出在马尾择地办船厂。A、左宗棠B、林则徐C、沈葆桢D、李鸿章 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]糖耐量试验(耐糖曲线)用于诊断()A.严重糖尿病B.酮症酸中毒C.检查血糖回复到正常水平的时间D.隐性糖尿病E.临床常规糖尿病 [填空题]13世纪是欧洲经济技术的()。城市的兴起,运输技术的进步,市场的扩大,刺激人们去制造商品。 [单选]目前,应用最为广泛的LAN标准是基于()的以太网标准A.IEEE802.5B.IEEE802.2C.IEEE802.3D.IEEE802.1 [单选]农村集体经济审计是基于我国农村()而产生的一种特殊的审计形式。A.集体所有制B.全民所有制C.股份合作制D.双层经营体制 [单选,A1型题]"先安未受邪之地"体现的防治原则是()A.既病防变B.扶正祛邪C.调整阴阳D.标本先后E.正治反治 [单选]5.8%(质量分数)的NaCl溶液产生的渗透压接近于()的渗透压。A.5.8%蔗糖溶液B.5.8%葡萄糖溶液C.



[单选]酒店的四种人:“勤牛”、“快马”、“懒猪”和“坏狗”中下面的描述的是那种人?“头脑灵活、聪明、能干,但往往吃不了苦、自以为是,优越感比较强”()A、勤牛型B、快马型C、懒猪型D、坏狗型 [单选]含水量为8%的粉煤灰540g,其烘干后质量为()。A.496.8gB.504gC.500gD.无法判定 [单选]借记回执信息最长返回时间不得小于基准时间,不得超过()个法定工作日,借记回执信息最长返回时间内遇法定节假日和小额支付系统停运日顺延。A.2B.3C.4D.5 [单选]下列哪项不属于各级人民检察院管辖范围内的信访事项()。A.对人民检察院工作的建议、批评和意见B.对人民法院工作的建议、批评和意见C.对人民检察院生效决定不服的申诉D.对公安机关不予立案决定不服的申诉 [问答题,简答题]货运检查作业基本程序中计划安排和准备有何规定? [单选]()是指将合约标的物所有权进行转移,以实物交割或现金交割方式了结未平仓合约的时间。A.交易时间B.最后交易日C.交割时间D.交割日期 [单选]在某一特定时间,同时对不同年龄组的被试者进行比较研究叫()。A.横向研究B.纵向研究C.个案研究D.因果研究 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]中性粒细胞吞噬能力显著下降见于()A.白色念珠菌感染B.糖尿病C.烧伤D.补体缺陷症E.肝癌 [单选]燥热病邪致病有别于其它温邪的基本特点是:().A.多发生在秋季B.从口鼻上受C.以肺经为病变中心D.病起即见鼻唇咽等明显津液干燥征象 [单选]脑震荡的临床表现中,下列说法错误的是()A.意识障碍一般不超过半小时B.伤后可有头痛、头晕、恶心、呕吐等症状C.神经系统查体无阳性体征D.脑脊液检查常可见少量红细胞E.CT检查颅内无异常发现 [多选]注视打开的电灯几分钟后闭上眼睛,眼前会产生一片黑背景,黑背景中间有一电灯形式的光亮形状,这就是()A.后像B.继时对比C.正后像D.无彩色对比 [填空题]塔板上浮阀的排列方法有正三角形和()两种。 [单选]关于胸锁乳突肌的描述不正确的是()A.位于颈外侧部B.一侧肌收缩使头向同侧倾斜C.一侧肌收缩使面转向同侧D.两侧肌收缩使头后仰E.起自胸骨柄和锁骨内侧端,止于颞骨乳突 [单选]最有特征性的痛风关节超声表现是()。A.软骨表面强回声B.关节腔内低回声液性暗区C.滑膜增厚,出现多普勒血流信号D.肌腱附着点多普勒血流信号E.软骨内强回声 [单选]某患者自诉乳腺可触及一包块,光滑可移动,超声图像如图,诊断为()。A.纤维瘤B.囊肿C.乳腺癌D.小叶增生E.乳腺导管扩张 [单选]一般电气设备铭牌上的电压和电流值的数值是()。A.瞬时值;B.最大值;C.有效值;D.平均值。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列可使血糖浓度下降的激素是()A.肾上腺激素B.胰升糖素C.生长素D.胰岛素E.甲状腺素 [单选]患儿急起发热、咳嗽、气促,胸片示双下肺斑片影沿支气管播散,应考虑()A.大叶性肺炎B.支气管肺炎C.支原体肺炎D.过敏性肺炎E.干酪性肺炎 [单选]中国第一艘千吨级轮船是()号。A、杨武B、威远C、万年清D、平远 [单选]卷烟生产企业在生产环节销售的所有牌号、规格的卷烟需要核定最低计税价格的,由主管税务机关受理后层报()。A、省局税务机关核定。B、财政部核定。C、国家税务总局核定,财政部备案。D、市局税务机关核定。 [单选]下列有关法律规范的效力等级和适用的说法哪一项是正确的?()A.地方性法规与规章具有同等效力B.规章具有同等效力C.部门规章之间对同一事项的规定不一致时,应由部门规章制定机关协商解决D.根据授权制定的地方性法规与法律规定不一致,不能确定如何适用时,由全国人大常委会 [单选]需要在运动状态下对包装设备进行调整、维护和排除故障时,则仅允许通过()或借助于点动按钮开关使包装设备进行运动。A.转动B.运行C.运转D.手动 [单选,A1型题]人格核心是()。A.气质B.能力C.性格D.需要E.动机 [单选,A1型题]临床预防服务的对象是()A.病人B.健康人C.无症状的"患者"D.健康人和无症状的"患者"E.病人和无症状的"患者" [问答题,简答题]励磁变接线组别? [单选]甲烷化炉床温联锁值是()℃。A.360B.380C.400D.430 [单选,A1型题]小儿化脓性脑炎的脑脊液变化为()A.细胞数增高,蛋白正常,糖降低B.细胞数增高,蛋白增高,糖降低C.细胞数正常,蛋白正常,糖降低D.细胞数增高,蛋白升高,糖升高E.细胞数升高,蛋白正常,糖正常 [填空题]带磨口的玻璃仪器,长期不用时磨口应()以防止时间久后,塞子打不开. [单选]跳汰机除去小修外的中修内容包括()。A.检查各槽体、有无漏水、漏矿。B.拆检中间轴C.电机表面清理D.更换中间轴 [单选,A1型题]下列各项,不属于伤寒证别称的是()。A.外寒证B.表寒证C.寒邪束表证D.太阳表虚证E.太阳伤寒证 [单选]急性虹膜睫状体炎最重要的局部治疗方法()A.1%匹罗卡品缩瞳B.抗感染C.1%阿托品扩瞳D.使用高渗脱水剂E.以上均是。 [判断题]根据企业生产经营特点和管理要求,单步骤、大量生产的产品一般采用品种法计算产品成本。()A.正确B.错误 [多选]由予搅拌操作的多种多样,也使搅拌器存在着许多形式,典型的搅拌器形式有()、推进式、锚式、螺杆式等。A.分离式B.桨式C.涡轮式D.框式 [填空题]行人持有长大、飘动等物件通过道口时,不得(),应与牵引供电设备带电部分保持()以上的距离。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列情况下,不需要洗手的是()A.在进行护理操作时,可能接触了患者的血液、体液、分泌物、排泄物和污染的器械B.护理两个患者之间C.脱手套后D.护理人员患者测血压后,进行导尿前E.与患者交谈后 [单选]烧伤患者开始浸浴的时机一般在()A.伤后48小时B.伤后1周C.伤后2周D.伤后1个月E.以上都不对 [单选]卫星通信中,A站与B站通信时,上下行频率共有()个A.2B.4C.8 [判断题]轿车空调所需的动力和驱动汽车的动力都来自同一发动机,而采用专用发动机驱动制冷压缩机的一般是大客车空调系统。()A.正确B.错误 [问答题,简答题]野外作业遇雷雨时,作业人员应遵守那些规定? [多选]职业生涯相互接纳过程中的问题与解决方法是()。A.对新员工的第一次正面的实绩考察与测评B.尽早向新员工分配由其负责的、有意义的工作C.组织与新员工都不能完全相信彼此交换的信息,造成心理上的隔阂D.将相互接纳过程中建立起来的心理契约固化E.掌握下属的真实期望和要求,听



处于备用状态的设施,经调度批准进行年度、季(月)度计划外的检修工作,计为。 不属按诊考察内容的是A.局部的冷热B.皮肤的润燥C.局部的颜色D.是否有肿块E.是否有压痛 有肠系膜的肠管是A、升结肠和横结肠B、乙状结肠和直肠C、于二指肠、空肠、回肠D、阑尾、盲肠、结肠E、空肠、回肠、横结肠 体温昼夜变化的特点是A.昼夜间呈现周期性波动B.清晨及午后体温均较高C.傍晚体温最低D.波动幅度在2℃以上E.体温波动与生物钟无关 对社会保险的强制性应该如何理解? 洗手刷应做到A、不必消毒B、一周一消毒C、一用一消毒D、一刷多用 肝性脑病的正确概念应是()A.肝脏疾病并发脑部疾病B.肝功能衰竭并发脑水肿C.肝功能衰竭所致的昏迷D.肝功能衰竭所致的精神紊乱性疾病E.严重肝病所致的神经精神综合征 初孕妇,平时月经正常,停经43周,无产兆,NST2次无反应,OCT10min内宫缩2次持续40~50s,均出现晚期减速,1周前雌激素/肌酐(E/C)比值为15,现仅为8。应如何处理A.催产素引产B.人工破膜引产C.立即剖宫产D.吸氧密观1周后复查E.服雌激素3天后复查 下列选项中哪些是口腔健康教育方法A.组织保证B.经济支持C.大众传媒宣传D.行政干预措施E.建立社区卫生服务机构 自由液面对静稳性力臂GZ的影响是。A.使静稳性力臂减小B.使静稳性力臂保持不变C.使静稳性力臂增大D.以上均有可能 留置导尿管护理中正确的是()A.保持引流通畅,避免导管受压、扭曲B.集尿袋高于膀胱位置C.消毒液擦拭尿道口每天3次D.每2天更换集尿袋一次E.每2周更换导尿管一次 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,下列表述错误的是。A.合同是当事人之间设立、变更、终止民事关系的协议B.合同成立是法律评价问题,合同生效是事实问题C.合同是一种民事法律行为D.合同是双方或者多方民事法律行为 申请期货公司营业部负责人的任职资格,应当具有从事期货业务年以上经验。A.5B.3C.2D.4 哪种标本中查不到微丝蚴A.血液B.脑脊液C.鞘膜积液D.尿液E.腹腔积液 睾丸间质细胞的功能是。A.营养和支持生殖细胞B.产生精子C.分泌雄激素D.分泌抑制素E.分泌雄激素结合蛋白 经纬仪竖丝检验的目的是使十字丝竖轴垂直于。A.视准轴B.水准管轴C.横轴D.水准盒轴 关于外阴白色病变下列何项是正确的A.外阴白色病变的病因是念珠菌感染B.硬化性苔癣型营养不良的病因与遗传、自身免疫、男性素不足可能有关C.增生型和混合型营养不良常继发癌变D.外阴白色病变病理变化恒定,任何病变区域一次活检均能作出诊断E.治疗原则以手术切除为宜 决定教育有效性与教学所能达到的境界的是A.对受教育者个性的把握程度B.教育者对知识的掌握程度C.对受教育者的了解程度D.教育措所需的压力来自:A、自身燃油泵B、油箱燃油泵C、电瓶 一新月形薄透镜,折射率1.5,前表面曲率半径为50cm,后表面曲率半径20cm,则透镜的屈光力为。A.+1.50DB.-1.50DC.+3.50DD.-3.50DE.-2.00D 叙述选用采盐泵的原则? 汛前、汛后、封冻前、解冻后进行的渠道检查观测是。A、经常性检查B、临时性检查C、定期检查D、渠道行水期间的检查 什么叫临边作业? 主要适用于高压供热系统和高层建筑的冷、热水管和蒸汽管道以及各种机械零件坯料的无缝钢管是。A.一般无缝钢管B.锅炉用高压无缝钢管C.锅炉用无缝钢管D.不锈耐酸无缝钢管 急性间质性肾炎的病变主要位于A.肾间质B.肾间质及肾小管C.肾间质及肾小球D.肾血管E.以上均不是 要使船舶处于中性平衡状态,必须满足的条件是。A.GM>0B.GM<0C.GM=0D.A、B均是 免疫系统不包括A.免疫组织B.免疫器官C.免疫细胞D.免疫分子E.免疫应答 合并哮喘的高血压患者药物治疗时不宜选用A.利尿剂B.钙离子通道阻滞剂C.β受体阻滞剂D.α受体阻滞剂E.血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂 低渗性缺水,尿中氯和钠含量A.正常B.略高C.时高时低D.减少或缺乏E.由低升高 变形缝有种。A.2B.3C.4D.5 直立性蛋白尿的特点是A.直立时出现B.多见于青少年C.卧床休息时完全缓解D.常伴高血压E.常有肾功能不全 腹泻病史采集要点。 绞窄性肠梗阻临床表现,下列哪项是错误的。A.腹部出现腹膜刺激征B.腹痛持续加重,无缓解C.呕吐血性或棕褐色液体D.肠鸣音消失或减弱E.X线检查见膨胀肠袢位置形状随体位和时间而变 1918年10月20日,学生救国会在大学组织,在南池子欧美同学会会所召开成立大会。A.新潮杂志社B.国民杂志社C.《大学月刊》 博学公司所生产的U盘使用了其品牌产品"移动硬盘"的注册商标,那么,该公司的商标专用权。A.享有了其U盘B.不享有其U盘C.享有移动硬盘和U盘D.不享有移动硬盘和U盘 之间的水库容积为兴利库容。A.正常蓄水位至防洪限制水位B.正常蓄水位至汛期排沙水位C.正常蓄水位至死水位D.正常蓄水位至防洪高水位 下面不属于SI基本单位的是。A.米;B.安培;C.摩(尔);D.欧(姆)。 施工单位()依法对本单位的安全生产全面负责。A.法定代表人B.主要负责人C.安全生产管理机构D.专职安全生产管理人员 负责全国中医药管理工作的部门是。A.国务院发展与改革行政管理部门B.国务院科技行政管理部门C.国务院中医药管理部门D.国务院事务管理局E.国务院办公厅 下列何者为F汽车之缺点?A.重心较高B.高速行驶不稳定C.底盘较高D.车室内易有油味进入



1.I hear a _S_w__ed_i_s_h_ (Sweden) rock band will give a concert in Danyang. 2.The _s_in_g_e_r_s_(sing) are going to visit our school next week. 3.The s_c_i_en_t_i_st_s__(science) will come to our school.We’ll welcome them
His father is _o_n__ a visit ___to__ France.
1.He is ill.He_C___ hospital now. A. lives in B.lives in the C. is in D. is in the
2.More than five _A____ students are having a meeting. A. hundred B.hundreds C.hundred of D.hundreds of 3.What happened _C___ your leg? A.with B.for C. to D.on 4.I’m not good at maths _C__ physics. A. and B. then C.or D.but 5._B___ does Jim like best in China? A.Where B.What place C.When D.How long 6.__A___ there any paper in your bag,Jack? A.Is B.Are C.Was D.Were
1.When you go out at night,you can see _C____ stars in the sky. A.two thousand B.two thousands C.thousands of D.thousand of



人教版九年级英语期末复习unit 1---14----易错题汇编一、选择题1.The search for the missing old man, continued ____ he was found.A untilB whileC afterD since2. When he retired at 65, he ____ painting in over 20 cities in Europe and Asia.A teachesB has taughtC had taughtD would teach3. Our students have a lot of fun on ____ day of their New Year’s Concert.A aB anC theD /4. The manager is much better than other employees ____ dealing with the customers’ complaint s.A inB onC atD of5. Don’t be afraid of ____ questions if you don’t understand what I’ve taught in today’s lesson.A raiseB raisedC raisingD to raise6. I hear that you have been to Wuzhen. Did you like it? How long ____ you ____ there?A do...stayB have…stayedC did…stayD had…stayed7. The comic strips won’t be exciting unless some sound effects____.A addB will addC will be addedD are added8. We are sure we will shorten the commuting time after the bridge ____.A completesB is completedC has completedD will be completed9. There ____ a number of books in the school library. We spend much time reading there.A beB amC isD are10. We wanted the school to look ____, so we painted it a warm red.A lonelyB beautifullyC friendlyD softly二词性转换1. I got interested in ____ because of a movie about science. (physical)2. As teenagers, we should respect the old and treat them ____.(polite)3. Jenny’s gift was the most special one to her mother although she spent the ____ money.(little)4. It is not ____ that children learn to read and write at different rates. (surprise)5. Their performance at the Christmas party was ____.(satisfy)6. The two boys became British ____ and they gained the right to vote. (city)7. Taking up different hobbies will help add ____to your life. (various)8. Police officers are often injured in the course of their ____.(duty)9. The children shouted with ____when they won the prize.(excited)10. It’s hard to say what caused the accident, but the police think the driver fell ____.(sleep)三、句型转换1. During the test, our teacher stopped us from talking with each other. (保持句意基本不变)Our teacher didn’t ____ us ____ talk with each other during the test.2. The factory decided to increase production to meet the needs of more customers. (保持原句意思)The factory decided to increase production to ____ the ____ of more customers.3.The thief finally said that he stole the valuable necklace fromthe lady. (保持句意基本不变)The thief finally ____ ____ the valuable necklace from the lady.4. Have you wondered? Does the web site belong to an organization? (两句合并为一句)Have you wondered ____ the web site ____ to an organization?5. My husband has begun to spend time jogging because he was too fat.(保持句意不变)My husband has ____ ____ jogging because he was too fat.6. He was absent from school because of his serious illness. (保持句意基本不变)He was absent from school because he was ____ ____.7. People all think cartoon Zootopia is interesting and wonderful.(对划线部分提问)____ do people ____ the cartoon Zootopia?8. Nowadays, many people continue their studies after they begin to work. (保持句意基本不变)Nowadays, many people ____ ____with their studies after they begin to work.9. Some students will realize the importance of study after they leave school. (保持句意基本不变)Some students ____ realize the importance of study ____ they leave school.10. The trousers were too long, so I shortened them. (保持句意基本不变)The trousers were too long, so I ____ them ____.答案:一、A C C C C C D A D C 二、physics politely least surprising satisfying citizens varieties duties exciting asleep三、allow to satisfy demands admitted stealing if belongs taken up seriously ill How like go on won’t until made shorter九年级英语易错题二一:选择题1. We are sure we will shorten the commuting time after the bridge ____.A completesB is completedC has completedD will be completed2.He ran his own business, but then about five years ago it all started to ____.A go wrongB go upC go overD go on3. If you ever want to visit Disney for three days, you can save ____ money by buying a multiple-day ticket.A muchB manyC a fewD a little4. To make the roads ____ for people, two Indian artists designed these 3D “zebra crossing.”A safeB saferC safelyD more safely5. The old man ____ along the road when the truck suddenly knocked him off.A walksB walkedC was walkingD had walked6. Go straight down the street and you will see the post office on your right, ____ the kindergarten.A oppositeB betweenC amongD across7. The manager is much better than other employees ____ dealing with the customers’ c omplaints.A inB atC onD of8. ____ amusing characters Mr. Thompson has created in the comic strip!A HowB What aC What anD What9. The little girl asked her mother ____.A When will her baby teeth start to fall outB when her baby teeth would start to fall outC when would her baby teeth start to fall outD when her baby teeth will start to fall out10. I hear that you have been to Wuzhou. Did you like it ? Howlong ____ you ____ there?A do….stayB have…. stayedC did …. sta yD had….stayed二、词性转换1. The popular cafeteria offers its customers a wide ____ of delicious foods and drinks.(various)2. It’s amazing that Mrs. Smith took up playing the piano in his ____(sixty)3. Words can hardly describe how ____ I was on hearing the news. (excite)4. Jenny’s gift was the most special one to her mother although she spent the ____ money.(little)5. It is not ____ that children learn to read and write at different rates. (surprise)6. Experts are learning how to grow and protect some of the very ____plants. (usual)7. I had to stay one more day in Capital Airport by the ____ haze in years. (bad)8. It was ____ asking my brother for money-he didn’t have any. (use)9. A good article isn’t judged only on its ____, but mainly on itscontents. (long)10. It’s ____ of you to make the same mistake again in your writing. (care)三、句型转换1. The sea wave reached 10 meters in the storm. (对划线部分提问)____ ____ was the sea wave in the storm?2. During the test, our teacher stopped us from talking with each other.(保持句子意思)Our teacher didn’t ____ us ____ talk with each other during the test.3. The factory decided to increase production to meet the needs of more customers. (保持原句意思)The factory decided to increase production to ____ the ____ of more customers.4. Michael borrowed 3 books from the school library last week.(保持原句意思)Michael ____ ____ 3 books from the school library for a week.5. Did Maggie fly to New York on her own ? He wondered. (合并两句为一句)He wondered if Maggie ____ ____ to New York on her own.6. My brother seldom put his toys in the right place, ____ ____? (反义疑问句)7. I think Minions are funny and interesting cartoon characters. (对划线部分提问)____ do you ____ Minions?8. The trousers were too long, so I shortened them.(保持原句意思)The trousers were too long, so I ____ them ____.9. He was so tired that he couldn’t concentrated on his schoolwork. (保持原句意思)He was ____ tired ____ concentrate on his school work.10. landing, the plane, prevented, the bad weather conditions, from.(连词成句)____________________________________________________ __________答案:一、 B A A B C A B D B C二、variety sixties excited least surprisingunusual worst useless length careless三、How high allow to satisfy demands has kept had flown did heHow like made shorter too toThe bad weather conditions prevented the plane from landing.九年级英语易错题三一、选择题1. You will end up in hospital ____ go on smoking like that.A unlessB ifC becauseD until2. Mike said that he comic strips on the table belonged to ____.A himselfB himC ofD for3. ____ do you think it is not a good idea to keep a pet dog?A whoB whereC whyD what4. My sister ____ plenty of volunteer work in the past seven years.A doesB is doingC had doneD had done5. Paul told me that he had bought a new falt on ____ phone.A aB anC theD /6. I could hear ____ calling to me, but I didn’t know who he was.A everyoneB someoneC anyoneD nobody7. The Greens ____ several tines since they came to work in this city.A moveB movedC have movedD are moving8. You are not allowed to enter the theatre ____ you have a ticket.A becauseB whenC ifD unless9. Tom looked out of the window and found it ____ heavily.A snowsB snowedC has snowedD was snowing10. I’m terribly sorry I have broken your mobile phone.-____.A That’s all rightB All rightC N ot at allD Of course not二、词性转换1. Several ____ have happened in the last two months in that estate. (robbery)2. Surprisingly, that’s the ____ goal Ronaldo has kicked this season. (twelve)3. Don’t rely on lunk in doing anything, or you will ____ in nothing. (success)4. One ____ way of keeping healthy is to take regular exercise. (base)5. You can use my dictionary if you can’t find ____ (you)6. It rained so hard that the road was ____ covered by water soon. (complete)7. Don’t ____ kids with terrib le storied when they do something wrong. (frightening)8. The woman next door took up the piano-playing in her ____ (sixty).9. Finally Detective Lin made a ____ to search the bedroom forthe suspect. (decide)10. Excuse me , could you tell me the ____ of the Great Wall? (long)三、句型转换1. The 30th Olympic Games were held in London in 2012. (保持句意不变)The 30th Olympic Games ____ ____ in London in 20122. Gray’s parents seldom buy him named-brand sports shoes,____ ____?(反义疑问句)3. Jane wrote several articles about memory last month. (改为被动语态)Several articles about memory ____ ____ by Jane last month.4. Frank asked me, “Have you ever created a comic strip?” (改为宾语从句)Frank asked me whether ____ ____ ever created a comic strip.5. The new machine stayed underwater for three hours. (对划线部分提问)____ ____ did the new machine stay underwater?6. Paul has made great progress in chemistry this term. (改为感叹句)____ ____ progress Paul has made in chemistry this term.7. This shelf is too small to hold all your books. (保持句意基本不变)This shelf is ____ small ____ it can’t hold all your books.8. “Is it the last bus to the city centre?” I asked the driver. (合并为一句)I asked the driver ____ it ____ the last bus to the city centre.9. The exchange students will get to New York in about two weeks. (对划线部分提问)____ ____ will the exchange students get to New York?10. him, told, not, Mary, worry, about, to, the operation (连词成句)____________________________________________________ ______.答案:一、 B B C C C B C D D A二、robberies twelfth succeed basic yours completely frighten sixties decision length三、took place do they were written I had Howlong What great so that if was How soon Mary told him not to worry about the operation.。



九年级英语期末考试易错题整理1. -- Finding information is not a big deal today.-- Well,the______is how we can tell whether the information is useful or not.A.courageB.messageC.challengeD.knowledge【考点】:名词辨析【错因分析】:句意语境理解不清晰【答案】:C【解析】:A 项“勇气”,B项“消息”,C项“挑战”,D项“知识”,根据前面句意“找到信息在今天已经不是一个大问题了”,回答中应当是指区分信息是否有用才是挑战,因而选择C项恰当2.--The fire ____at around 3 a.m. local time while people were celebrating with fireworks.-- I’m sorry to hear that.A. broke outB. put outC. came outD. went out.【考点】:动词短语【错因分析】:对短语含义记忆混淆【答案】:A【解析】:break out 爆发;put out 扑灭;come out 出版、出来、开花(发芽);go out 出去,根据句意应当为“当人们正在燃放烟花庆祝的时候,当地时间凌晨三点左右爆发了一场大火”,因而选择A项恰当3. _________ green or ________ in a light green room ______ good for us.A. Wear; sleep; isB. Wearing; sleeping; areC. Wear; sleep; areD. Wearing; sleeping; is【考点】:固定搭配及固定句型【错因分析】:学生对固定搭配掌握不好【答案】:D【解析】:动名次作主语后面谓语动词用单数,be good for sb/sth表示“对……好,有益处”4. ---Don't forget to give my best wishes to your parents. --- ____________________.A. No, I don'tB. No, I won’tC. Yes, I do.D.Yes, I would.【考点】:反意疑问句【错因分析】:学生对反意疑问句掌握不好【答案】:B【解析】:考查祈使句的回答方式,如果祈使句是肯定句,就回答Yes/OK, I will. 如果祈使句是否定句,就回答No/OK, I won’t.所以选B。

牛津译林版 九年级 第一学期 英语 期末复习易错题---单选(含答案)

牛津译林版 九年级 第一学期 英语 期末复习易错题---单选(含答案)

牛津译林版九年级第一学期英语期末复习易错题----单选单选1.--- A l i t t l e b i rd ente red th rough the open window to jo i n us fo r d inner l a s t n igh t.--- Wo w,the unexpec ted gues t _______ welcomed.A.wi l l beB.won’t beC.mus t beD.mus tn’t be2.--- My grandpa i s ve ry c rea t ive. Look! H e’s ____ a car ro t ca re fu l ly.--- Wo w!I t’s so wonder fu l!I t looks l ike a rose.A. making3.What an unforget t ab le exper ience!I’l l wr i t e i t down ____i t i s s t i l l f r esh in my me mory.A.a f te rB.unt i lC.whi leD.s ince4. An adver t i sement somet imes _____ cus tomers(顾客)to buy someth ing t hey don’t need a t a l l.A.leadsB.makesC.causesD.connec t s5. _____ bug surpri se to see you here!I thought you were s t i l l in Eng land!A. WhatB.W ha t aC. HowD. How a6. You _____ can’t imagine how te r r i ble the super typhoon Lek ima i s.A.near lyB.hard lyC. e spec ia l lyD.s implyB.descr ib ingC.drawingD.shap ing7.“Chi ld ren,a l l your d reams can come t rue as long as(只要) you have the ____to f igh t fo r t hem,”sa id our head t eacher.A.in te res tB.thoughtC.sp i r i tD.courage8.--- Mus t I b r ing m y s tuden t ca rd every t ime I en te r the l ib ra ry?---I’m af ra id you_____, because i t’s open on ly to t eachers and s tuden ts.A.have toB.mus tn’tC.needD. don’t have to9. _____ people have v i s i t ed the _____ s tone b r idge, which has become a tour i s t a t t r ac t ion o f t his vi l l age.A.Two mi l l ion o f;500-foo t-long C. Two mi l l ion; 500-fee t-longB. Severa l mi l l ions o f; 500-fee t-long D.Mi l l ions o f; 500-foo t-long10. Nei the r Leo nor h i s twin b ro thers_____ ever _____abroad fo r fu r the r s tudy.A.has; goneB.has; beenC.have; goneD. have; been11. Div ing i s _____ grea t fun tha t he en joys i t ve ry much. He has become ____ conf iden t a f t er the ac t iv i ty.A. so;suchB.so;soC.such;suchD.such;so12.--- Don’t be angry wi th your k id when he makes a mis take aga in, wi l l you?--- No,I won’t.I know tha t ____ o f us a re pe r fec t a f t e r a l l.A. bothB.a l lC.ne i the rD. none13.--- Hey, Mike!Are you go ing t o the zoo wi th us?--- ______.I have t o f in i sh my home w ork f i r s t.A. Of course,I doB. Sor ry, bu t I haveC. Not un t i l 9:00 a.m.D.Yes, bu t I won’t14.---I’m p lann ing to c l imb Mount Huang th i s sum mer. Would you l ike t o come a long?--- Wo w! Tha t would be exc i t ing _____ cha l leng ing.I’m in.A. as we l l a sB. as good asC. as long asD. as fa r as15.--- Which o f these sh i r t s do you l i ke be t t e r?---I’d t ake ___.They a re bo th expens ive and ou t o f fa sh ion.A.ne i the r B. e i the r C. none D. bo th16. Tra f f i c ru les should be ____t ra f f i c acc iden t s.A.pa id a t t en t ion to avo idB.paid a t t en t ion to to avoidC.pa id a t t en t ion to avo id ingD.pa id a t t en t ion to to avo id ing17.--- Do you have any th ing e l se to s ay fo r be ing la te aga in?--- No, no th ing ______ sor ry.A. aboveB.beh indC.f romD. bu t18.--- Hi, Susan!W hat a re you go ing to do dur ing the s u m mer ho l iday?---I’m go ing to _____ cooking because I l ike ea t ing de l i c ious food.A. c lean upB. pu t upC.take upD. make up19.Whi le I was s peak ing, the boy i n b lack _____ h i s hand and asked me i f the p r ice o f these books had ____ a l ot.A. rose;r i sen B,ra i sed;r i sen C.rose;ra i sed D.ra i sed;r a i sed20.---I’m sor ry.M y advice abou t a nimal s igns wasn’t of much he lp.--- ______. And i t was mos t he lp fu l.A. Thanks anywayB.I t doesn’t mat te rC. Of course no tD. Sure,i t was21.--- Here a re two t i e s. Which do you pre fe r?---I’l l t ake ______ fo r a change.one B.e i the r C.ne i the r D.bothA.22. He made up h i s mind to devo te h i s l i f e _____ po l lu t i on _____ happi ly.A.to p reven t;t o l iveB.to p reven t;f rom l iv ingC.to p reven t ing;to l iveD.to p revent ing;f rom l iv ing23.--- Are you sure ____ he ____the f ina l exam?--- Yes,I saw h i s marks jus t now.i f; passed B.whether; has passed C.i f; passes D.tha t; has passedA.24.I don’t know i f Dad ____ton igh t.I f he ____,I wi l l c a l l you.es back; wi l l come backB.wi l l come back; wi l l come backD.wi l l come back;comes backC,comes back; comes back25.I had no idea _____.A. what’s wrong wi th m y b ikeB.which was the way to the neares t hosp i ta lC,who i s wa i t ing f or me a t the school ga te D.how to a r r ive the museum26.I s th i s s to ry the s ame as ____in tha t newspaper?A. i tB.the oneC.whichD. wha t27.--- He l lo,Jack. Th is i s Sandy.Wha t a re you do ing?---I’m watch ing a baske tba l l ma tch.I t s t a r t ed a t 7:00 and ______ on fo r one more hour.i s B.was C. wi l l be D. has beenA.28. The book i s very cheap.I t’s on ly____ 15 yuan. But i t i s ______.A.cos t; we l l wor th read ingB.wor th; ve ry wor th be ing readC.cos t; we l l wor th be ing readD.wor th; we l l wor th r ead ing29.Mr. Green asked h i s son no t to _____la te. He wouldn’t l eave the door open a f te r 11 p.m.A. s tay upB.s tay awayC.s tay ou tD.s tay in30.--- Could you t e l l me _____? --- No prob lem.A. what wrong i s wi th your t ee thB.where have the pol ice caught the th i evesC.what you wi l l do w i th the d i f f i cu l t prob lemD.who would be recom mended fo r the cha i rperson31. Your b i r thday i s coming . What p r esen t s ______ f rom your paren t s?A. you expec t you can ge t B .you expec t can you ge tD.do you expec t you can ge tC.do you expec t can you ge t 32. --- I don ’t ca re _____. In th i s camp , t he re ’s on ly one ha i r s ty le --- shor t ! Unders tand? --- Yes , madam!A. what you a re used to l ik ing B .wha t you used to be l ikeD.what d id you used to be l ikeC.what a re you used to l ik ing 33.--- Chr i s d idn ’t even look a t me . I did say he l lo to h i m wi th a b ig smi le!--- ______. But that i s jus t so Chr i s . He ’s a lways l iv ing in h i s own wor ld .A. No wonder B . No worr ies 34.The exchange s t uden ts wi l l l eave . W e had be t t e r ask our moni to r ____ a f a rewel l pa r ty .A. when wi l l we have B .when we wi l l haveC.I be t you d idD.I doub t you d idC.when we would haveD.when would we have35. Don ’t wor ry . _____ you do , I wi l l be on your s ide .A.Whatever 36. John worked s o wel l in a s t ronomy(天文学) tha t people _____ a s t a r a f t er h im.s B ,named C.a re named D.were namedB.Ho weverC. WhereverD. Whenever37. The pa lace caught f i res th ree t imes in the l a s t cen tur y , and l i t t l e o f the or ig ina l bu i ld ing ____ now.A.is remained 38. I t was qu ie t _____ those b ig t rucks s t a r ted coming through the town.A.before B .af te r C .un t i l D .un less39. _____ he can ’t answer the ques t ion , you ’d be t t e r a sk someone e l se .A.Before B . Since C . Though D. W henever40. The show he pa id a t t en t ion to _____ success fu l in the end .A.was p rovedB. provedC.prov ingD. t o proveB.remainsC.i s remain ingD. has been remained41. --- Dad , you said you would buy me a t rans former (变形金刚) i f I made p rogress in Engl i sh . --- _______. I ’m a man of my word .A. 42. I know he ’s been cur ious abou t e very th ing , bu t tha t ’s _______.A. wha t do k ids l ike B .wha t k ids l ike C .wha t a r e k ids l ike D. wha t k ids a re l ike43. --- Wha t ’s up , E m ma? --- ______.A. Noth ing muchB. I ’m f ine 44. --- I t ’s no th ing se r ious , doc to r? A. That ’s a l l . B . Tha t ’s fo r su re .C.I unders tand wha t you mean .D. I fo rgo t i t .C.Thank youD. Wel l done--- No , ________.you ’l l be a l l r igh t s oon B.the re ’s some t roub le wi th youC.you won ’t be a l l r igh t soonD.i t ’s ve ry se r ious45. The theory tha t he devo ted mos t of h i s t ime _______ t rue .A. i s p rovedB.provedC.to p rovedD.to be p roved46. ____ in the sea, the p ic tu re looks amaz ing .A. TakingB. TakeC. To takeD. Taken47. Nat iona l Treasure qu ick ly rose t o the top t e lev i s ion ra t ing ranks a f te r i t was p resen ted on C CT V. I t means a growing ____ in t r ad i t iona l cu l tu re a m ong China ’s you t h .A. in te res tB.d i rec t ionC.hab i tD. dream48. --- What d id he a sk on the phone j us t now? --- He wanted to know ______.A. when the mee t ing wil l beg inB.how long the mee t ing would be l as t edD.who i s the hos t of the mee t ingC.where I was go i ng to s i t the nex t morn ing 49. The t eacher found h im _____ and gave h im some d i f f i cu l t homework to do .A. was c lever B .was a c lever boy C.a c lever boy D.c lever a boy50. --- Can you t e l l me how soon the work wi l l be f in i shed? --- ______.A. Unt i l nex t Sunday B .Not un t i l nex t Sunday C.Afte r two weeks D .Two weeks l a te r51. --- We a re p lanning a Yangtze River Pro tec t ion Day t his weekend . Do you have any adv ice?--- You ’d be t t e r _____ s igns a round t he school to t e l l a l l the s tuden t s abou t tha t .A. make up 52. I th ink you should compla in , ____, o f course , you a r e happy wi th the s i tua t ion .A. un lessB.however C .unt i l D . thoughB.put upC.se t upD.show up53. --- I l ike the songs sung by Ce l ine D ion . What abou t you?--- Me too . She i s wel l -known _____ peop le a l l over the wor ld .A. fo r 54. Emi ly i s g lad t ha t she ___ fo r he r hones ty a t the meet ing .A. pra i ses B .p ra i sed C .has p ra i s ed D. was pra i sed55. Be i j ing Expo 2019 opened to the publ ic on 29 Apr i l . I t ____ fo r f ive m onths .B. toC. asD. f romth A. 56. --- What do you th ink o f the band ’s per formance?--- I t cou ld be _____. I th ink they ’re fee l ing very nervous .A. good B .be t t e r C . bad D . worse57. --- Mary , wha t ’s the mat te r? You don ’t seem happy .--- _____, Mu m. I ’m jus t f ee l ing a l i t t l e t i r ed a f te r a long day ’s s tudy .A. Forge t abou t i t B .Don ’t mention i t C .Noth ing the mat te r D .None o f your bus inessl a s t s B. has l a s ted C. las ted D. wi l l l a s t58. The Chinese Skyeye and High-speed Tra in in te rest peop le a lo t because ____ of them are l ead ing the wor ld i n sc ience and t echno logy(技术).A. 59. --- Ta i ’an i s a r ea l ly comfor tab le c i ty to l ive in .--- _____, and i t ’s wor ld -famous fo r M ounta in Ta i .A. So i t i sB. So i s i t C .So i t does ne i the r B.eachC.e i the rD.bothD. So does i t60. --- Nowadays m ore and more fo r e igners a re becoming in te res ted in kung fu .--- Tha t ’s t rue . I t ’s an impor tan t pa r t of Chinese _____.A. sp i r i tB.cus tomC.cu l tu reD.t rad i t ion61. --- The ac to r says he ’l l ce lebra te hi s 28 b i r thday next week . His fans ...th --- ______. Tha t can ’t be r igh t . I ’m pre t ty su re he was born in 1985.A. No k idd ingB. Sure he wi l lC.Never mindD. Wai t a minu te62. --- The boy _____ los t i s c ry ing t here .--- How do you know he ge t s los t?A. whoB.who mC.who ’sD. whose63. What a p leasant su rpr i se to see you here ! I supposed you _____ Shangha i .A. 64. My teacher was angry a t ____ he walked ou t o f the of f i ce wi thou t a word .A. wha t he d id andB.wha t d id he tha t C .he d id wha t tha t D .wha t he d id tha t65. Your b i r thday i s coming . What p r esen t s _____ f rom your pa ren t s?A. you expec t you can ge t B .you expec t can you ge t C .do you expec t can you ge t have been to B .had been to C.have gone to D.had gone tod .do you expec t you can ge t66. They ’ve _____us $150000 fo r the house . Sha l l we ta ke i t ?A. prov idedB. pa idC.shownD. of fe red67. _____ regu la r (定期) exerc i se i s very impor tan t , i t ’s never a good idea t o exerc i se too ____ to the bed t ime .A. 68. ____ then , I knew no th ing a t a l l a bout i t .A. S inceB. Af te r C . When 69. I wi l l say no more on these mat te r s , impor tan t ____ t hey a re .I f ; c losed B. As ; c los ing C. Unless ; c lose ly D. Al though; c loseD. Unt i lA. unlessB. s inceC. thoughD. un t i l70. --- I can do some shopping fo r you , i f you l ike .--- Tha t ’s a ve ry k i nd _____, thanks very much .A. of fe rB.serv iceC. promiseD. sugges t ion71. --- Mr Reed wil l go to X i ’an fo r a vis i t wi th h i s fami l y dur ing the long hol iday .--- ________.A. So we wi l lB. So wi l l weC. Nei the r wi l l weD. Nei ther we wi l l72. --- The ac to r says he ’l l ce lebra te hi s 28th b i r thday next week . His fans ...--- _____. Tha t can ’t be r igh t . I ’m pre t ty su re he was born in 1985.A. No k idd ingB. Sure he wi l lC. Never mindD. Wai t a minu te73. I t i sn ’t wha t you have o r who you are tha t makes you happy o r unhappy , bu t ____ you th ink about i t .A. whetherB. wha tC. howD. why74. --- Do you have any t rave l p lans f or your May Day vaca t ion?--- ______. Any good ideas?A. Of courseB.Not rea l lyC. Not exac t lyD. I t ’s coo l75. --- Could you pl ease t e l l me ____ The Reader , a TV program me hos ted by Dong Qing? --- I t i s fun and teaches us a lo t o f knowledge .A. how do peop le l ikeB.how peop le l ikeC.why do many people l ikeD.why many peopl e l ike76. Dan ie l i s su re ____ the sec re t . You can be sure ____ tha t .A. abou t f ind ing; abou t B . o f f inding ; o f C .to f i nd ou t ; o f D. tha t he ’l l f ind ou t ; for77. When ____ he l p , one o f ten says “Thank you ” or “I t ’s k ind o f you ”.A. of fe r ingB.to o f fe r C .of fe red D. to be of fe red78. The rea l r eason why pr ices ____, and s t i l l a re , too h i gh i s mixed , and no shor t d i scuss ion can expla in th i s p rob lem.A. 79. --- Are you feel ing t i r ed a f te r the game? A. Not a b i t B . Not a l i t t l e 80. --- I t ’s a shame to ask you to he lp me aga in , bu t ...were B.wi l l be C.have been D.had been--- _____. In fac t , I f ee l qu i te r e laxed .C. Qui te a l i t t l eD. Qui te a b i t--- ____. You have r ea l ly done your bes t and I am f ree .A.Tha t ’s r igh tB. Don ’t be s i l ly C .No prob lem 81. There a re over 500 ____ languages in the wor ld .A.a l ive B . l ive C . l iv ing D . l ive lyD. No way82. --- Wi l l your son go to wa tch the f ootba l l t eam?--- I f yours does , s o ___ mine .A. 83. I s th i s museum ____ you v i s i t ed t he o ther day?A. whichB. tha t C . the ones 84. Mr Col l ins has jus t a r r ived , bu t I didn ’t know he ___ unt i l yes te rday .A. was coming B .has come C .wi l l come D .came85. --- Nowadays W echa t i s ve ry popula r among f r i ends .--- Yes . I t seems to be the bes t way of com munica t ion ____ people l ike .i s B.do C. does D. wi l lD. the oneA. tha tB. whichC. wha tD. who参考答案单选:C D C A BD C D D BD D A D B D D C A A B D C B D B C D C C D A C C B D D D C A D B C B A B A B D C B D B B B B B C B B B C D A C C C A A BB D A A CD C D D DC D D A CA. 64. My teacher was angry a t ____ he walked ou t o f the of f i ce wi thou t a word .A. wha t he d id andB.wha t d id he tha t C .he d id wha t tha t D .wha t he d id tha t65. Your b i r thday i s coming . What p r esen t s _____ f rom your pa ren t s?A. you expec t you can ge t B .you expec t can you ge t C .do you expec t can you ge t have been to B .had been to C.have gone to D.had gone tod .do you expec t you can ge t66. They ’ve _____us $150000 fo r the house . Sha l l we ta ke i t ?A. prov idedB. pa idC.shownD. of fe red67. _____ regu la r (定期) exerc i se i s very impor tan t , i t ’s never a good idea t o exerc i se too ____ to the bed t ime .A. 68. ____ then , I knew no th ing a t a l l a bout i t .A. S inceB. Af te r C . When 69. I wi l l say no more on these mat te r s , impor tan t ____ t hey a re .I f ; c losed B. As ; c los ing C. Unless ; c lose ly D. Al though; c loseD. Unt i lA. unlessB. s inceC. thoughD. un t i l70. --- I can do some shopping fo r you , i f you l ike .--- Tha t ’s a ve ry k i nd _____, thanks very much .A. of fe rB.serv iceC. promiseD. sugges t ion71. --- Mr Reed wil l go to X i ’an fo r a vis i t wi th h i s fami l y dur ing the long hol iday .--- ________.A. So we wi l lB. So wi l l weC. Nei the r wi l l weD. Nei ther we wi l l72. --- The ac to r says he ’l l ce lebra te hi s 28th b i r thday next week . His fans ...--- _____. Tha t can ’t be r igh t . I ’m pre t ty su re he was born in 1985.A. No k idd ingB. Sure he wi l lC. Never mindD. Wai t a minu te73. I t i sn ’t wha t you have o r who you are tha t makes you happy o r unhappy , bu t ____ you th ink about i t .A. whetherB. wha tC. howD. why74. --- Do you have any t rave l p lans f or your May Day vaca t ion?--- ______. Any good ideas?A. Of courseB.Not rea l lyC. Not exac t lyD. I t ’s coo l75. --- Could you pl ease t e l l me ____ The Reader , a TV program me hos ted by Dong Qing? --- I t i s fun and teaches us a lo t o f knowledge .A. how do peop le l ikeB.how peop le l ikeC.why do many people l ikeD.why many peopl e l ike76. Dan ie l i s su re ____ the sec re t . You can be sure ____ tha t .A. abou t f ind ing; abou t B . o f f inding ; o f C .to f i nd ou t ; o f D. tha t he ’l l f ind ou t ; for77. When ____ he l p , one o f ten says “Thank you ” or “I t ’s k ind o f you ”.A. of fe r ingB.to o f fe r C .of fe red D. to be of fe red78. The rea l r eason why pr ices ____, and s t i l l a re , too h i gh i s mixed , and no shor t d i scuss ion can expla in th i s p rob lem.A. 79. --- Are you feel ing t i r ed a f te r the game? A. Not a b i t B . Not a l i t t l e 80. --- I t ’s a shame to ask you to he lp me aga in , bu t ...were B.wi l l be C.have been D.had been--- _____. In fac t , I f ee l qu i te r e laxed .C. Qui te a l i t t l eD. Qui te a b i t--- ____. You have r ea l ly done your bes t and I am f ree .A.Tha t ’s r igh tB. Don ’t be s i l ly C .No prob lem 81. There a re over 500 ____ languages in the wor ld .A.a l ive B . l ive C . l iv ing D . l ive lyD. No way82. --- Wi l l your son go to wa tch the f ootba l l t eam?--- I f yours does , s o ___ mine .A. 83. I s th i s museum ____ you v i s i t ed t he o ther day?A. whichB. tha t C . the ones 84. Mr Col l ins has jus t a r r ived , bu t I didn ’t know he ___ unt i l yes te rday .A. was coming B .has come C .wi l l come D .came85. --- Nowadays W echa t i s ve ry popula r among f r i ends .--- Yes . I t seems to be the bes t way of com munica t ion ____ people l ike .i s B.do C. does D. wi l lD. the oneA. tha tB. whichC. wha tD. who参考答案单选:C D C A BD C D D BD D A D B D D C A A B D C B D B C D C C D A C C B D D D C A D B C B A B A B D C B D B B B B B C B B B C D A C C C A A B B D A A CD C D D DC D D A C。


[单选]中版海图水深浅于21m,水上注记注至()。A.0.1mB.0.5mC.整米D.1cm [单选]以下跳汰机是按入选煤的粒度加以区分的()。A、块煤跳汰机B、单段跳汰机C、主选跳汰机D、单槽跳汰机 [单选]对航海员来讲,下列那种导航方法比较直观()。A.雷达导航B.目视导航C.VTS导航D.GPS导航 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]二尖瓣球囊成形术的适应证有()A.心功能2~3级B.瓣口面积1.5~2.0cm2C.年龄65岁D.轻度二尖瓣狭窄E.近期有风湿活动 [单选]为加强鄱阳湖生态经济区生活污染防治,对污水处理厂出水规定要达到几级排放标准?()A、三级B、二级C、一级 [单选]注意的转移是指()A.注意的对象由一个事物转到另一个事物B.意识能长时间地保持在所选择的对象上C.任务要求时意识由一个对象转到另一个对象D.同一时间内把意识指向不同的对象 [单选]妊娠期性病性淋巴肉芽肿患者宜选用下列哪种药物治疗()A.多西环素B.四环素C.米诺环素D.红霉素 [判断题]制图综合程度的大小只受图解尺寸的影响。A.正确B.错误 [单选]某建设单位于2011年3月1日领取了施工许可证,由于某种原因工程未能按期开工,该建设单位按照《建筑法》的规定向发证机关多次办理了申请延期手续,该工程最迟应当在()开工。A.2011年5月1日B.2011年6月1日C.2011年9月1日D.2011年12月1日 [单选,B1型题]支气管哮喘常表现为()A.吸气性呼吸困难B.呼气性呼吸困难C.混合性呼吸困难D.呼吸节律不规则E.端坐呼吸 [单选]下列基质中,不适于栽培根系纤细的花卉植物的是()。A、珍珠岩B、陶粒C、水D、岩棉 [多选]关于进出口商品收发货人办理报检手续的方式,以下表述正确的有()。A.可以自行办理报检手续B.可以委托代理报检企业办理报检手续C.采用快件方式进出口商品的,可以自行办理报检手续D.采用快件方式进出口商品的,应当委托出入境快件运营企业办理报检手续 [问答题]北京某工程据统计混凝土实物工作量约为23000m3,混凝土为(商混)不考虑现场搅拌,混凝土养护用水定额取700L/m3;拟定结构及前期阶段施工工期为300d;每天按照1.5个工作班计算。其中:K1=1.1,Q1=23000m3,N1=7501/m3,T1=120d,t=1.5班,K2=1.5。生活区高峰人数为500人, [单选,案例分析题]66结果提示,胸片正常,心电图正常,针刺反应阳性,目前诊断为()A.单纯性口腔溃疡B.系统性红斑狼疮C.白塞病D.瑞特综合征E.血清阴性脊柱关节病F.系统性血管炎G.干燥综合征H.类风湿关节炎 [单选]成人人工呼吸时吹气时间至少为()A.1sB.2sC.3sD.4sE.5s [单选]下列关于外债资金的表述,错误的是()。A.境内企业所借外债资金,应当严格按批准的用途合理使用,不得挪作他用B.境内企业所借外债资金,确需变更用途的,应按原程序报批C.境内企业举借短期外债资金的,不得用作流动资金D.使用外债资金的固定资产投资项目,应当实行建设项目 [单选]可形成不完全吞噬的吞噬细胞是()A.树突状细胞B.中性粒细胞C.单核巨噬细胞D.γδT细胞E.NK细胞 [多选]若对中继做如下配置:configaddofficeno1officeselectcode1userpriorleveladvanced那么以下说法正确的是:()A的用户等级为normal,A可以从局向1出局B.A的用户等级为super,A可以从局向1出局C.A的用户等级为default,A可以从局向1出局D.A的用户等级为advanced,A可以从局向 [单选]最简单基本的心血管监测是()A.心输出量B.中心静脉压C.心率D.肺动脉压E.心电图 [单选]准时制生产的目标是()。A.节约装配时间、减少装配中可能出现的问题B.通过产品的合理设计使产品易生产C.彻底消除无效劳动造成的损失D.有效地利用各种生产资源 [单选]某县人民政府做出有关规范该县集贸市场秩序的决定,这一行为属于()。A.行政立法行为B.抽象行政行为C.具体行政行为D.行政执法行为 [单选]()办案适用于重大、复杂的案件或是跨部门管辖交叉的案件。A、母子式B、联合式C、纵向联合式D、横向联合式 [多选]职业生涯相互接纳过程中的问题与解决方法是()。A.对新员工的第一次正面的实绩考察与测评B.尽早向新员工分配由其负责的、有意义的工作C.组织与新员工都不能完全相信彼此交换的信息,造成心理上的隔阂D.将相互接纳过程中建立起来的心理契约固化E.掌握下属的真实期望和要求,听 [单选]对于一级航行通告项中有“EST”的通告,下列说法中正确的是。()A.表示该资料为永久性资料B.需要以后再发布一个航行通告以取消或代替C.到预计时间后自行失效 [单选,A1型题]亡阳兼气脱证,首选的药对是()A.附子、桂枝B.附子、人参C.附子、高良姜D.附子、干姜E.肉桂、吴茱萸 [单选]曲线积分(3dx+dy)/(|x|+|y|),其中L为由点(1,0)经(0,1)至(-1,0)的折线,则其值是:()A.-4B.-2C.0D.-6 [单选]从技术要求和相关技术参数可以了解()。A、加工工艺B、加工方法C、组装工艺D、施工工艺 [单选,案例分析题]某电网企业110kV变电站,两路电源进线,两路负荷出线(电缆线路),进线、出线对端均为系统内变电站,四台主变压器(电压比为110/10.5kV);110kV为单母线分段接线,每段母线接一路进线,一路出线,两台主变;主变高压侧套管CT电流比为3000/1A,其余110kVCT电流 [单选]扬声器的设置应能保证从本层任何部位到最近一个扬声器的步行距离不超过(),且每个扬声器的额定功率一般不得小于3W。A.10mB.5mC.15mD.20m [单选]检测仪表按测量原理分类如电容式、电磁式、压电式、光电式、超声波式、()测仪表等。A、扩散式B、核辐射式C、电流式D、电压式 [单选,A1型题]世界上第一部《医学伦理学》发表在()A.1913年B.1903年C.1883年D.1813年E.1803年 [填空题]纯毛料的缩水率是()%。全棉布缩水率是()%。 [名词解释]二众 [单选]公安消防机构在消防监督检查中,发现生产、储存易燃易爆化学物品的单位等存在重大火灾隐患,单位自身确无能力解决的,应当书面报请()协调解决。A、上一级公安消防机构B、主管公安机关C、当地人民政府D、主管行政机关 [单选,A1型题]既能清热燥湿,又能退虚热除蒸,解毒疗疮的药物是()A.银柴胡B.苦参C.黄芩D.黄连E.黄柏 [单选]劳动争议的内容是以()为标的的。A.当事人责任B.劳动义务C.劳动权利义务D.当事人责任义务 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]鼻出血时采用腭大孔注射法止血主要是封闭()。A.上颌动脉B.鼻腭动脉C.蝶腭动脉D.上唇动脉E.筛前动脉 [单选]关于鼻咽纤维血管瘤下列说法不相符的是()A.好发于10~25岁的男性青年B.肿瘤具有向邻近组织扩张能力C.肿瘤起源于枕骨底部、蝶骨体及翼突内侧的骨膜D.DSA及血管栓塞可减少术中出血E.活检确诊后手术切除 [问答题,简答题]在全网如何建立统一时钟,以优缺点。 [多选]下列关于出口玩具的表述,正确的有()。A.我国对出口玩具及其生产企业实行质量许可制度B.我国对出口玩具及其生产企业实行注册登记制度C.出口玩具检验不合格的,应国外买方的要求也可先出口D.出口玩具必须逐批实施检验



一、选择题1.Peter runs very fast, but his brother runs ________ than him.A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest B解析:B【解析】【详解】句意:Peter跑得很快,但是他的哥哥跑得比他更快。

fast快地;faster比较级;fastest最快地,最高级;the fastest最高级。


2.Helen is not good at maths, ______she never gives it up.A.and B.so C.but D.because C解析:C【详解】句意:海伦数学不好,但她从不放弃。


根据Helen is not good at maths,“海伦数学不好”,以及she never gives it up.“她从不放弃”,可知前后句表示转折关系,所以应用连词but连接,故答案选C。


A. and意为“和;而且;于是,就”,表示并列、顺承关系;B. so意为“所以,因此”,表示因果关系,引出结果;C. but意为“但是”,表示转折关系;D. because 意为“因为”,表示因果关系,引出原因。

本题根据Helen is not good at maths, ____she never gives it up.可知前后句的意思是转折关系,所以应用but连接,故答案选C。

3.-Are you going to try out for the host of the English party?-_____? It is such a good chance to improve my spoken English.A.What's up B.What's wrongC.Why me D.Why not D解析:D【解析】【详解】句意:-你打算尝试做英语晚会的主持人吗?-为什么不?这是如此好的一个机会来提高我的英语口语。



Hale Waihona Puke 75秒赛车怎么下不了 [单选,A1型题]关于小儿维生素D缺乏性佝偻病的预防,错误的一项是()A.孕母应多在家休息B.尽量母乳喂养C.及时添加辅食D.婴幼儿应多晒太阳E.应用维生素D预防 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]MRI检查前准备不包括()A.认真核对MRI检查申请单B.确认病人没有禁忌证C.有心理障碍者应用麻醉药物D.给患者讲述检查过程,消除恐惧心理E.婴幼儿、烦躁不安及幽闭恐惧症患者,应给适量的镇静剂 [单选]女,52岁,左颈部无痛性包块渐进性增大,MRI检查如图,最可能的诊断是()A.左侧颈部神经鞘瘤B.左侧颈部神经纤维瘤C.左侧颈部动脉瘤D.左侧颈部转移瘤E.左侧颈部脂肪瘤 [单选]牌号08F是:()。A.镇静钢B.半镇静钢C.沸腾钢 [单选]石油中的铁、镍、铜、钒、砷等微量元素通常只占石油总含量的()%左右。A、1B、3C、5D、7 [多选]每日价格最大波动限制的确定主要取决于标的物市场价格波动的()。A.频繁程度B.波幅大小C.最小变动价位D.交易时间 [填空题]IT是InformationTechnology的简称,IIS是InternetInformationServer的简称,WWW是WorldWideWeb的简称,FTP是()的简称。 [单选]王女士,28岁,已婚,未孕,其子宫峡部长度约为()。A.0.5cmB.1.0cmC.1.5cmD.2.0cmE.2.5cm [单选]焦炉烟囱吸力冬天比夏天()。A.增大B.减少C.无大变化 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]鉴别周围性和中枢性面神经麻痹,主要依据是()。A.上半部分面肌有无瘫痪B.鼻唇沟是否变浅C.口角偏斜的方向D.下半部分面肌有无瘫痪E.面肌瘫痪的程度 [单选]内文版式设计的转行齐肩是指()。A.下一行的第一个字要与第一行的第一个字对齐B.各行的尾部对齐C.下一行的第一个字要与第一行序号后的第一个字对齐D.各行的首部对齐 [填空题]东方电机厂QFSN—300—2型汽轮发电机定子绕组冷却水进口温度异常,上限()℃,下限()℃,冷却水出口温度高于()℃报警,电导率高于()μS/cm排污、补水,高于()μS/cm应考虑树脂再生。 [单选]()能增加装卸环节。A.重复运输B.合理运输C.过远运输D.对流运输 [单选]为提高奥氏体型不锈钢的屈服强度,应采用的强化方法为()。A.冷变形B.正火C.淬火D.酸洗与钝化 [单选]建设工程质量保证金(保修金)是从应付的工程款中预留,用以保证承包人对建设工程出现的缺陷进行维修的资金。该缺陷出现的时间应在()内。A.缺陷责任期B.保修期C.竣工验收期D.工程使用期 [问答题,简答题]进化的主要研究内容是什么? [单选]下列各项中,属于企业现金流量表“经营活动产生的现金流量”的是()。A.收到的现金股利B.支付的银行借款利息C.收到的处置价款D.支付的经营租赁租金 [问答题,简答题]主变的作用? [单选]张女士,29岁,于3年前经阴道自然分娩一健康男婴,现进行妇科查体,其子宫颈正常,则形状应该是()。A.圆形B.横椭圆形C.横裂状D.纵椭圆形E.梯形 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]急性粟粒型肺结核治疗方案中可选()A.异烟肼、卡那霉素、吡嗪酰胺B.异烟肼、链霉素、卷曲霉素C.氨硫脲、乙胺丁醇、对氨基水杨酸D.利福平、异烟肼、丙硫异烟胺E.异烟肼、利福平、链霉素、对氨基水杨酸 [单选,A1型题]下列关于具有抗肿瘤作用的药物,错误的是()A.黄连B.苦参C.黄芩D.鱼腥草E.知母 [填空题]高层结构平面布置时,应使其平面的()和()尽可能靠近,以减少()。 [单选]就显效和维持时间而言,拮抗肌松药的最佳组合是()A.依酚氯铵和胃长宁B.依酚氯铵和阿托品C.新斯的明和阿托品D.吡啶斯的明和阿托品E.以上均否 [判断题]气密试验是清除一些重大的隐患及质量问题,确保一次化工操作开车成功。A.正确B.错误 [多选]有关先天性髋关节脱位治疗后的并发症,下列哪些是恰当的A.再脱位常由于前倾角过小所致B.股骨上端骨折也常由于手术所致C.坐骨神经损伤常由于手术所致D.股骨头缺血性坏死与复位前牵引不够或内收肌、髂腰肌未松解,复位后股骨头承受过大压力有关E.髋关节骨性关节病亦与软 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]糖尿病最具特征的慢性并发症是()。A.动脉粥样硬化B.糖尿病足C.自主神经病变D.糖尿病视网膜病变E.直立性低血压 [填空题]塔板上浮阀的排列方法有正三角形和()两种。 [填空题]苗圃中大苗的培育常需经过()和()过程。 [名词解释]射频识别 [判断题]《反洗钱法》所称反洗钱,是指为了预防通过各种方式掩饰、隐瞒毒品犯罪、黑社会性质的组织犯罪、恐怖活动犯罪、走私犯罪、贪污贿赂犯罪、破坏金融管理秩序犯罪、金融诈骗犯罪等犯罪所得及其收益的来源和性质的洗钱活动,依照本法规定采取相关措施的行为。A.正确B.错误 [单选]我国社会信用管理体制选择:()。A.以商业征信公司形成的管理体系B.以中央银行为主体建立的管理体系C.以行业信用自律管理为核心的体系D.在国家信用管理总局领导下的信用管理体制 [单选]将充有nmLNO和mmLNO2气体的试管倒立于盛水的水槽中,然后通入nmLO2。m>n,则充分反应后,试管中气体在同温同压下的体积为()。A.(m-n)/3mLB.(n-m)/3mLC.(4m-1)/13mLD.3/(m-n)mL [问答题,简答题]我国GMP申请认证的开始时间是? [单选,A1型题]临产后肛查了解胎头下降程度是以下述哪项为标志()A.骶岬B.骶骨C.坐骨结节D.坐骨棘E.坐骨切迹 [单选,A1型题]《执业医师法》规定,医师因考核不合格被责令暂停执业活动3~6个月,期满后再次考核仍不合格的,由县级以上卫生行政部门对其()A.变更注册B.注销注册C.重新注册D.不予注册E.暂缓注册 [单选]变压器做短路试验,当所加电压所产生的短路电流为额定电流时,这个电压就叫做()。A.理想电压B.额定电压C.短路电压D.空载电压 [单选]柴油机是热机的一种,它是()。A.在气缸内进行一次能量转换的热机B.在气缸内进行二次能量转换的点火式内燃机C.在气缸内进行二次能量转换的往复式压缩发火的内燃机D.在气缸内进行二次能量转换的回转式内燃机 [单选]行政机关委托的组织所作出的具体行政行为,下列()机关是被申请人。A.委托的行政机关B.委托的行政机关的上一级机关C.作出具体行政行为组织的主管机关D.作出具体行政行为的受委托组织 [单选]正常的舌色为()A.淡白舌、红舌B.紫舌C.淡黄舌D.淡红舌E.绛舌 [单选,A1型题]在血吸虫发育各阶段,引起人体主要病理变化的是()。A.尾蚴B.成虫C.虫卵D.幼虫E.毛蚴
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[单选]图示支座反力BC的影响线形状正确的是:()A.B.C.D. [单选]病毒感染后有很长的潜伏期,既不能分离出病毒也无症状。经数年或数十年后,可发生某些进行性疾病,并导致死亡的这类感染是()A.慢性感染B.潜伏性感染C.慢发病毒感染D.亚临床感染E.急性感染 [单选]下列哪一种情况不能诊断为高热惊厥()A.上呼吸道感染伴发热惊厥B.咽结合膜热伴高热惊厥C.肠道感染伴发热惊厥D.出疹性疾病伴有热惊厥E.新生儿期的有热惊厥 [填空题]真正的客户服务是根据客户()使他获得满足,而最终使客户感觉到他受到重视,把这种好感铭刻在他的心里,成为企业的忠实的客户。 [单选,A1型题]药品说明书中所列的【有效期】系指该药品被批准的()A.贮藏期限B.使用期限C.安全期限D.生产日期E.销售期限 [单选]CT摄片时,通常需放大照相的是()A.图像模糊不清B.需重点观察有疾病的层面C.图像分辨率低D.图像的噪声较大E.观察部位有伪影重叠 [单选,A1型题]寒凉药对植物神经和内分泌的影响是()A.尿中儿茶酚胺(CA.增加B.尿中CA无变化C.尿中17-羟类固醇增加D.尿中17-羟类固醇减少E.尿中17-羟类固醇无变化 [单选]根据民事法律制度的规定,对始终不知道自己权利受侵害的当事人,其最长诉讼时效期间是()。A.2年B.5年C.20年D.30年 [单选]一侧提睾反射消失常提示()A.胸1~2损害B.腰1~2损害C.骶1~2损害D.骶4~5受损E.脊髓横贯性损害 [单选,B型题]听觉疲劳指()。A.短时间暴露于强噪声,使听阈上升10~15dB,脱离噪声接触后数分钟内即可恢复正常B.较长时间暴露于强噪声,致使听阈上升超过15~30dB,脱离后需数小时至几十小时才能恢复C.已长期在强噪声环境中导致听力曲线在3000~6000Hz范围 [单选]能够测量具有腐蚀性、高黏度、易结晶、含有固体状颗粒、温度较高的液体介质的压力,这种压力监测仪表是()。A.弹簧管式压力表B.隔膜式压力表C.防爆感应式接点压力表D.电组远传式压力表 [单选,A1型题]以下哪种放射性核素可用于治疗()A.99mTcB.111FC.11CD.32PE.201Tl [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于NBT试验下列说法正确的是()A.用于检测巨噬细胞的胞内杀菌能力B.细胞杀细菌过程中耗氧量逐渐减少C.细胞内磷酸己糖旁路代谢活力不变D.NBT试验可以接受氧分子E.淡黄色的NBT还原成点状的颗粒,并沉积于胞质内 [单选]与CT扫描伪影无关的是()A.扫描中病人移动B.显示器故障C.探测器故障D.体内金属异物E.扫描层面中有高密度骨出现 [问答题,简答题]列车机车与第一辆车的连挂是怎样规定的? [单选]下列关于侵犯公民生命健康权,造成死亡的,国家应支付的赔偿金的有关表述,()是错误的。A.支付死亡赔偿金、丧葬费B.死者生前抚养的无劳动能力人至死亡时止的生活费C.死者生前抚养的未成年人在18周岁以前的生活费D.死者其他无收入来源的家属的生活费 [单选]个体户赵某去世后,未留有遗嘱。留下两女、一男。大女儿3岁时由大伯父领养,二女儿结婚,嫁在外省。赵某去世后,大女儿、二女儿都主张继承权;张某自称是赵某的非婚生子女,以我国承认非婚生子女享有同婚生子女同样的继承权为由,也要求继承遗产。而赵 [单选]期刊的中观层次选题策划包括()等内容。A.选择开本B.设计版心大小C.专题策划、作品组配D.确定刊名 [单选,A1型题]诊断阻塞性肺气肿,最有价值的是()A.PaO低于正常B.残气量/肺总量>40%C.第一秒用力呼气量/用力肺活量<60%D.最大通气量低于预计值的80%E.潮气量低于预计值的80% [单选]关于隐性感染,下列不正确的是()A.机体发生特异性免疫应答B.不引起或只引起轻微的组织损伤C.不出现临床症状和体征D.病原体被完全清除,不会转变为病原携带状态E.在大多数传染病中最常见的表现 [单选,A2型题]9岁儿童,中午吃了妈妈从市场买的熟牛肉后,下午4点出现呕吐,腹泻,发热等症状,家长赶紧将孩子送到医院,医生初步诊断为食物中毒,这时应该采取的措施不包括()A.尽快清除未被吸收的毒物B.对症治疗C.特效治疗D.防止毒物吸收E.抗感染治疗 [单选]站修更换轮对时,同一车辆轮径差不大于()。A、30mmB、40mmC、50mmD、60mm [多选]申请水上水下施工作业时应提供的资料包括()。A.与通航安全有关的技术资料及施工作业图纸B.安全及防污染计划书C.施工作业者的资质认证文书D.航海日志E.施工作业船舶的船舶证书和船员适任证书 [问答题,简答题]输血的三查八对内容? [问答题,简答题]编入列车的车辆对车钩缓冲装置的质量要求是什么? [判断题]互感器应有明显的接地符号标志,接地端子应与设备底座可靠连接。A.正确B.错误 [问答题,简答题]药品生产企业未按规定实施GMP的,应受到什么样的处罚? [单选]属于压力容器结构的是()。A、进口阀B、出口阀C、连接件D、铭牌 [单选]有关听神经鞘瘤组织学,下列哪项描述不正确()A.肿瘤有完整包膜B.一般不侵犯小脑C.血供主要来自小脑前下动脉D.与听神经瘤关系最密切的脑神经是三叉神经E.不会发生恶变和转移 [问答题,简答题]电力需求侧管理的内容是什么? [单选]一个消费者宣称,他早饭每吃一根油条要喝一杯豆浆,如果给他的油条数多于豆浆杯数,他将把多余的油条扔掉,如果给他的豆浆杯数多于油条数,他将同样处理()A.他关于这两种食品无差异曲线是一条直线B.他的偏好破坏了传递性的假定C.他的无差异曲线是直 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]()的本质在于解决各方面的矛盾,使整个组织和谐一致,使每一个部门、单位和组织成员的工作同既定的组织目标一致()A.沟通B.领导C.激励D.协调E.组织 [单选]某酒店项目经公开招标,由某施工单位承建,包工包料。施工过程中,建设单位要求更换外墙保温材料。根据《条例》规定,以下不属于建设单位质量责任的是()。A.不得迫使承包方以低于成本价格竞标B.对更换后的外墙保温材料进行检验C.不得擅自改变主体结构 [单选,A1型题]“产育”的含义是什么()A.分娩B.分娩、产褥C.妊娠D.分娩、产褥及哺乳E.哺乳 [单选]在相同壁厚条件下,球罐承载能力()。A.最低B.一般C.较高D.最高 [单选]乳房部疾病症见经前胀痛者为()A.内吹乳痈B.乳疬C.乳腺增生病D.乳岩E.乳痨 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]患者女,35岁。情绪低落,有自责自罪,觉得活着没意思,是家人的累赘,在家曾先后跳河,割腕,被家人发现后送往医院,以下哪项处理不正确()A.应住院治疗B.评估患者的自杀危险性,并告诉其亲友和护士,以采取必要的防护措施C.争取早 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]李某,女,47岁,16岁初潮,45岁绝经,月经周期为30~32天,经期3天,以下正确的表达方式是()ABCDE [单选]21岁男性,体检发现肝右叶6cm占位,CT及MRI扫描除病灶中央可见放射状低密度/低信号影外,病灶实体未见显示,应首先考虑()。A.原发性肝癌B.局灶性结节增生C.肝血管瘤D.介入后致密斑E.肝脏炎性假瘤 [单选]坚持以质取胜,建设(),是保障和改善民生的迫切需要,是调整经济结构和转变发展方式的内在要求,是实现科学发展和全面建设小康社会的战略选择,是增强综合国力和实现中华民族伟大复兴的必由之路。A.制造强国;B.质量强国;C.外贸强国。
