


The Effects on the Coal Industry by National Industrial Policies Abstract

潘 克 西



This paper expounds systematically the developing trends of national coal industrial policies after the foundation of PRC. Then, the functions and the effects on the coal industry by national industrial policies are studied and researched with economic theories and methods. The rationality of the two completely reversing policies in coal industry by our country during different periods is discussed. By using the practical experiences of national coal industrial policies in western countries with market economics with references, the basic directions of coal industrial policies are put forward at present and in the future for the government of China.




























1982年,全国有乡镇煤矿1.6万多处,当年产煤1.46亿吨,占全国产量的21.9%;1983年,乡镇煤矿数量剧增到3万多处,产量增至1.7亿吨,占全国产量的23.8%。一年间,乡镇煤矿数量增加约87.5%,产量增加16%,占全国总产量的比重增加1.9个百分点,并为后几年的高速发展打下了基础。1985年,乡镇煤矿数量增加到 6.3万处,产量增加到 2.83亿吨,占全国产量比重增加到32.5%,比1982年产量增加了将近一倍,占全国总产量的比重增加10.58个百分点。1995年,乡镇煤矿数量达到7.29万多处,产量达到5.79亿吨,占全国煤炭总产量的48.42%。在1982年到1995年的十三年间,乡镇煤矿数量增加了3.5倍,产量增加4.33亿吨,增长近3倍,平均年增长3330万吨,占全国煤炭总产量的比重增加了26.5个百分点。十三年间,乡镇煤矿增加的年产量占全国煤矿增加的年产量的62.3%,由此,乡镇煤矿一跃成为煤炭工业的重要组成部分,对中国煤炭产量的增长起了决定性的作用,并使中国成为名列世界首位的产煤大国。
























近年来,煤炭工业逐步走入困境之中,其根本原因是煤炭市场需求的萎缩。目前,煤炭工业已显现出衰退产业的主要特征,外部具有较强的撤让压力,内 部的维持成本已成为国家和地区经济的净亏损,进行产业撤让的时机已经成熟。政府在制定煤炭工业产业撤让政策时,应着重考虑以下几方面的问题。









ASAC x IFSAM 2000 Conference Montreal, Quebec

Canada Pan Kexi Fudan University



Based on the change of national coal industrial policies after the founding of PRC, we applied the methods and theories of Industry Economics to analyze and

discuss the effects on the coal industry by national industrial policies. Then, we

demonstrated that it is necessary for a country to adopt different coal industrial

policies opposite to each other in different historical periods. We also put forward the

proper direction of coal industrial policies in PRC next period with the reference of

the practical experiences of national coal industrial policies in the west

market-economy country.

Industrial policy is a kind of economic policy. For the purposes of improving the integrated benefit of national economy, making each part assorted with each other and achieving the fastest economic growth and economic development at the same time, the government applied the macro-management deeply into the course of social reproduction. It is in light of the natural Law of evolution on resource allocated structure in the course of economic development and with the national situation and the stage of its own economic development concerned that some scientific, systemic, proper interference, involvement and participant have been made. The actions were taken into the structure and the formation of resource allocated structure in the national economic movement. The application of Industrial policies has a history of about 100 years in the west market-economy countries. However, in China, the word “industrial policies” appeared as a series of official policies in the official documents was happened ten years ago. We try to apply the methods and theories of Industry Economics to give a general and systemic analysis on the formation, development, evolvement, effects and influences of national coal industrial policies

since the founding of PRC in 1949. We expect to find a proper way for the future development of Chinese coal industry in the basis of summarizing the experiences and lessons of the past carefully and impersonally.

The Background and Types of Chinese Coal Industrial Policies

Since the founding of PRC in 1949, the national coal industrial policies can be dived into two types. They are policies encouraging fast growth on coal production and policies limiting blind coal production. In the age of planned economy, due to demand exceeds supply of coal, in order to assure the supply, the government adopted an special policies on encouraging the fast growth of coal production. After the Open and Reform, especially in the 1990s, the tight situation of demand exceeds supply on coal loosed gradually, and production began to be surplus. The continuous over supply of coal in 1997 made the government have to adopt some limited policies like closing mine reducing production, adjusting structure, balancing the quantity on the production of coal.

Policies Encouraging Fast Growth of Coal Production

For a long time, the coal industry has taken a very important position in the national economy of PRC. The production and consumption of energy always relied on coal. In the structure of production and consumption of non-renewable resource, coal always take more 70 percent of the sum of the resource expended, especially in the 1950s and 1960s, it even take 80-90 percent of the sum. The symbol of the shortage of energy is the demand exceeds supply of coal.

After the founding of the country, via a three-year economic recovery and the large-scale construction from “first five-year plan” period to “fifth five-year plan” period, the process of Chinese industrialization had achieved great successes. Great changes had taken place in the structure of industry in this period: with the descent of low-energy-cost Agriculture and Commerce, the higher-energy-cost Industry had become the dominant department of national economy. In the structure of Industry, the high-energy-cost departments like steel, construction material and Chemical grew very fast. The industrial structure of high-energy cost was actually the industrial structure of high coal cost. The industrial structure destines the backbone position of coal industry. Some scholars computed on the increasing value of coal production and general social production from year 1952 to 1988 with line-regress equation, and figured out the relation they need each other and affect each other clearly. When the quantity of coal acts as independent variable and general social production act as the dependent variable, per percentage increment of coal quantity would cause 1.2 percent increment of general social production. With their position interchanged, per percentage increment of general social production would ask for 0.74 percent increment of coal quantity. The two outcomes have a credible coefficient of 0.9, so the equation is quite reliable. It also illustrated the vital effects of coal on the national economy. Hence, the demand exceeds the supply of coal will delay the speed of the whole national economy. To improve the situation, Chinese government established strategies of “develop steel first and guarantee steel production with coal”, “coal industry is the pioneer industry of National Industrialization”, set a series of policies to accelerate the coal production and promote the

retrenching of coal. Such as leaning investment to coal industry, boosting the development of coal mines in towns, setting up five large open coal mine, allocating the input and output of coal mine uniformly, adjusting and unloosening the price limit gradually, etc. Proved by the facts, the former two policies played a significant role in the rapid growth of coal industry.

Leaning investment from government on coal industry

In the thirty year from 1949 to 1980, PRC was in the age of planned economy, the construction and development of coal industry relied heavily on the investment of government. During the period, the state-invested proportion of total investment in state-owned coal mine was: 92% in “first five-year plan”, 88% in “second five-year plan”, 97% in “third five-year plan”, 85% in “forth and fifth five-year plan”. The local governments and the enterprises raised only 3-15 percent of the sum. Though it was allowed that the aggregation of individuals can invest in coal production, the scales were tiny, and the percentage their productions in the general domestic coal production were very small: 4% in 1949, 5% in 1960, 9% in 1970, 18% in 1980.

For the sake of national leaning policies on coal industry, the basis investments on coal industry were arranged first by the government, the rate of industrial growth was fast. From 1953 to 1980, totally 27 years, the sum of total investment in state-owned coal mine from the state had increased to 3.464 billion RMB from 433 millions RMB at an annual rate of over 8%. It made the coal industry occupy about 12% of the national basic investment in every five-year plan period. The percentage was much higher in 1963-1965, the three-year adjustment time.

Boost the development of mine in town

After Open and Reform, the government adopted an encouraging policy of developing the large, middle and small coal mines altogether. While kept investing in state-owned coal mines especially the major coal mine, boosted the development of small coal mine in town. At the beginning of 1983, the government loosed the limits on the policies of mine exploitation and encouraged farmers to set up small coal mines. March of the same year, the announcement “ Eight measures on boosting the development of coal mines in town” was issued by the state council, it called for “where there is water, there should has flows”, “government get the roads built, individuals get the mines opened”. In Jan. 1985, new strategies and new polices to develop coal industry: “Government, groups and individuals work together, large, middle and small coal mines run at the same time”, was made. A series of measures had been take to call for active involvement in building coal mines, such as, the government ranges the coal mines available for operation, providing the low interest rate loan, paying financial allowance to provincial coal mines, etc. Many coal-producing provincial governments also offered kinds of encouraging and favorable polices to coal mine in towns, such as allocating short materials like steel and wood prior, aiding with goods and products, etc.

Policies Limit the Blind Increasing of Coal Production

In the middle and later 1990s, the social demand for coal had dwindled, the capacity had became superfluous. The inventory increased sharply. The market dwindled, competition was in no order. The price was too low, the delay of payment lengthened. Adding up the blind exploitation of coal mines in towns, especially the illegal operation of outlaw exploitation, all these disturbed the normal order of the market, encroached the interest of the state-owned coal

mines. That also took the state-owned coal mine, especially the major coal mines into a deeper difficulty. The coal industry fell in trouble again. To deal with the situation, the government adopted limiting policies to control the blind increment of coal production and keep the balance between demand and supply. There were two method: one is to hand out the right of operation of all the 94 state-owned coal mines, the other is based on the former policy and to close some mine and reduce the production. The objective is to solve the problem of surplus coal quantity. The two methods are an entire. It formed the national coal industrial policies in the new period.

Hand out the operation right of the major state-owned coal mine

In July 1998, the state council sent out the “notice on the relevant issues of reformation the managerial system of major state-owned coal mines” and handed out the right of operation of the mines to the local government. The major state-own mines, the local state-owned mines and coal mines in towns were all operated by local government at the same time. That solved the conflict between major state-own mines and local mines in the factors of market and resource when central government and local government had implemented a level management. And made it easier to organize the production, arrange transportation and divide the market, found a basis for efficient control on the blind increment of the production.

Closing mines, adjusting coal industrial structure

The gross development of small mines caused a series of negative influences while pushing the rapid growth of coal production. They are following: laggard equipment, technology and exploitation method; caused too much death and injures; low exploitation rate; pollution; resource wasted; low-level duplicated construction; illegal exploitation; unfair competition; disturbed the order of market. The balance between demand and supply was broken, the integrated profit of the industry went down and hurt the sustainable development of coal industry.

The blind development and the disorder competition of small mines made the capacities of large state-own coal mines can’t perform properly, their operation encountered a unprecedented difficulty. Till the end of 1997, there are 64 thousand coal mines all over the country. Among them, 61 thousand is the small ones, take 93.8% of the sum. Annual coal production in America is one billion tons, however there are only 2196 coal mines totally. Compared with the advanced coal-producing countries, the number of mines in PRC is amazing. It is the 30 times of America, the 300 times of Russia, the 700 times of Australia. The unlimited growth of small coal mines made the capacities of large state-owned mines have to be idle. In 1997, the rate of usage of major state-owned coal mines’ capacities was 88%, the surplus capacities were total 90 million tons. Especially, in 1998, about 60% of major state-owned coal mines can’t work properly, some were in the status of stop production or semi-stop production. Due to the inefficient working of the advanced equipment and productive capacity of the modernized mines which the state had invested a lot, a huge waste had incurred. The statistic number showed in 1997, the total production of all kinds of small coal mines allover the country was 622 million tons, took 47% of the general domestic coal production (1.33billion tons). That was the source of supply exceeds demand of coal.

The blind growth of small coal mines and the idle capacity of state-owned coal mines is not only the reason for illogical structure of coal industry but also the reason for surplus coal production. To make the supply on coal equals the demand and realize the optimum of the coal

industrial structure, it is necessary to reduce the illegal, illogical and non-plan production of small coal mines. In 1998, the state council sent out “notice on issues about closing mines and dwindling the production of coal industry” and a series of policies were made. The object of closing mines and dwindling production was to close 25.8 thousands of illegal, illogical and non-plan exploiting coal mines and to dwindle a 250 million tons’ production. There were two reasons attach to this object: first, according the actual demand, a productive reduction of 250 million could realize the balance between demand and supply, and solve the problem of surplus. Second, among the 61 thousand small coal mines, the amount of illegal mines were total 512 thousand. Through reorganized the order of coal production according to the law, to close 258 thousand is legal, logical, and feasible.

Effects and Results of Chinese Coal Industrial Policies

Effects and Results of Encouraging Industrial Policies

In the age of planned economy, the coal industry grew rapidly, because the government implemented fully of supporting policies on coal industry. The total capacity of mines with a annual capacity of over 30 thousand tons increased from the 13.02 million tons in 1952 to the 475.49 millions, with a average augment of 16.51 million tons per year in 28years, and grew 35 times. The general domestic production of coal increased from the 32.43 millions in 1949 to the 62.018 millions tons in 1980, grew 18 times in 31 years, the increasing rate is 10% per year. That made PRC the third biggest coal-producing countries next to USA and former USSR in the world.

During the Open and Reform, the encouraging policies of state boosted the development of coal mines in town, stimulated the enthusiasm of local government and farmers. A great wave of launching coal mines in town swept the whole nation with the favorable conditions created by a series of efficient measures. During the period of the “eighth five-year plan”, the price of coal kept going up with the unloosening price, the profit of coal mines in towns were quite high, that injected flesh power in the development of themselves.

In 1982, there were 16 thousand coal mines in towns all over the country. Their production was 146 million tons, took 21.9% of the general production. In 1983, the amount of mines increased to more than 30 thousand, the production increased to 170 millions, took 23.8% of general production. During the year, the amount made a 87.5% growth, and made a 16% growth in production, took a 1.9 percent increment in the general production. That built themselves a foundation for the rapid growth in the later years. In 1985, the amount of coal mines in towns increased to 63 thousand, the production of them increased to 283 million tons, took 32.5% of the general production. The production was nearly twice of that in 1982, and 10. 58 percent’s augment in the general production also occurred at the same time. In 1995, the amount of coal mines reached 72.9 thousand, the production was 579 million tons, 48.42 percent of the general production. In the 13 years from 1982 to 1995, the amount of coal mines had a 3.5 times’ increment, the production had a 3 times’ increment with a 433-million-ton addition that is an average growth of 33.3 million tons per year. The percentage in the general production increased 26.5 percent. In the 13 years the increment of annual production of coal mines in towns was the

62.3% of that of general production. Hence, the coal mines in towns became the important components of the coal industry. It contributed a lot to the increment of Chinese coal production, and made PRC the top coal-producing Countries in the world.

It is proved by the practice, the implement of encouraging policies on coal industry have made great effort to the rapid growth of coal industry and the swift increment of the coal production, the effects are obvious. The coal industry grew from weak to strong, from small to large, the tighten situation was loosed gradually. The demand of national economic growth and the social development was fulfilled. At the beginning of the 1990s, the balance in the demand an supply on coal had been achieved. The situation of supply exceeds the demand appears in the middle and the later 1990s. The relationship between demand an supply changed.

Effects and Results of Limited Industrial Policies

According to the relevant policies, with the close cooperation between local governments and the relevant departments, the hand out and hand-in task on coal mines had been accomplished in only one month. Later, many local governments influences the market of coal by the administrative or organizational method, to protect the interest of local coal mines especially the interest of large state-owned mines. Some of them required the local enterprises needs coal must buy coal from local mines, while some taxed administrative fee on the coals from outside to enhance the competitive force of local coal. Before long, the macro-allocation on coal production trended to be obvious. In 1998, the general production was 1.223 billion tons, 107 million tons less than the previous years, achieved the initial object of closing mines and reducing production.

The Coal Industrial Policies of West Market-Economy Countries

and Their Effects and Influences

In the west market-economy countries, the policies for coal industry focus on three aspects: keeping the balance of quantity, maintaining fair competition, building and managing the basic equipment of coal transportation. As far as the direction of the Chinese coal industrial policies from now on is concerned, we pay more attention to policies of keeping the balance of quantity.

Guiding Policies

In USA, the coal mines are all private possessions, the price of coal has no limits, the relationship between demand and supply runs after the Market Law and the Price System. The administration and allocation of government on coal industry is through the policies and providing information service.

In fact, the industrial policies about coal and plans of exploitation of The USA government can affect the situation of demand and supply, structure of products and location in a high degree. For instance, the “ mended edition of law on air purification” announced at the beginning of the 1990s, prescribed that the amount of SO2 given out in year 2000 should be less 100 thousand tons than in 1990. Hence, the productions of the west coal mines producing low-sulfur coal increased

fast, while many east coal mines producing high-sulfur coal closed. The government allocates 250 million US dollars per year for the career training of the lay-off workers, and guided the changes in the structure of location of coal effectively.

The Energy Information Bureau of USA is the largest official institution with most advanced technology and a widest rang of service in the world. The authoritative reports about general coal production and consumption issued by the bureau gave out the annual, middle and long-run prediction on the international and domestic demand of coal. It has become the major factor of the decision of governments and enterprises producing coal or consuming coal.

Polices of Direct Intervening

In Japan and Western Europe, the cost of coal production is too high, to protect the domestic coal industry, the governments all adopt policies of direct intervening to keep the balance of quantity. The methods in common uses are:

1. Allocating the sales of national coal and paying price allowance

The E.E.C. coal producing countries such as British, France, Germany and Spain, the conditions of coal exploiting are very laggard, the cost of production is much higher than the international market price. The average cost of coal production in Germany is 100 US dollars per ton more than the average current price of import coal. Hence, these countries have to allocate the sales and pay out allowances to maintain a certain level of coal production.

More details about the policies in British and Germany are: the government makes a five-year-long contract of coal sales signed between the coal corporation and the electronic power corporation, with a certain quantity at a certain price, the government offers the assurance. In British, there are three levels in the price and quantity of the coal used to generate electronic power. First level, based the price on the cost of national coal; second level, based the price on the price of import fuel and coal used for power; third level, based the price on the international market price of coal. Based on that the government pay allowance to coal enterprises according to relevant policies. The amount is the difference between the national cost and the international price. The amount for the coal used for power is the largest. In Germany, the public burdens the allowances of national coal. The government taxed a additional special fund on the final consumer of electric power. The coal enterprises provide coal for the electronic power corporations, the price difference with the import coal paid back by the special fund.

2.Financial support on the coal mines

After the 70s, the coal industry had declined. To reduce the strike to the society by the close of coal mines and maintain a certain percentage of energy accommodate from the national coal, the governments adopted polices of support and protection. Not only the money allocation, administrative financing and exchange payment were paid, but also offered huge financial allowance.

There are two kinds of financial allowance from the governments: direct allowance and indirect allowance. The direct allowance included the investment allowance, mine worker allowance, liabilities payment, exploitation allowance. The indirect allowance contained price

allowance, accelerate accumulation, social insurance and research allowance.

3.Contol on the production and price of coal

At the time of Japanese coal industry slumped, many mines closed, coal piled up. The “ temporary measures on neatening the coal industry” announced in time by government. The measures like limiting the production and limiting the price were adopted. The department of coal industry concerning the productive cost of coal, the price of import coal and the other fuel, set a standard of annual sales of coal and gave limits of price and production. The limits on the location and quantity sold were also given to the mines and enterprises of coal sales to assure the stability of coal use and minimize the influence to the users caused by the productive limits.

To promote the logical operation on coal mines and coal transportation, the Japanese government also established a committee of coal industry affairs, to implement the neatening plan. The money needed provided by the Japan development Bank or commercial banks, assured by the committee. The fund on the mines’ construction and technique improvement were all free loans, the term of payment usually was 15 or 20 years. The loans for improving operation and equipment of coal transportation were also low interest.

The Basic Direction of Future Development on Chinese Coal Industrial Polices

The same thing with west market-economy countries, the national policies on coal industry and the features of coal industry itself made the coal industry one of the weakest industry without exception.

Chosen as the leading industry, it needs the support of encouraging policies of the government to promote its growth and meet the requirement of integrated development of the national economy. Once being a decline industry, it needs the country the guiding and protection from the retreating policies of the government to avoid the excessive contend of surplus production and avoid the social problem may possibly caused by the overflows of labor, and maintain a certain level of production. According to the experience and the practices in China, to be honest, the coal industry is an unmarketable industry. The coal enterprises could not be the source of investment, in a quite long term, the investment should be burdened by the government. The theory and the practices have proved implementing a plan caused less loss than abandoning for the coal industry. These are the basic issues we should learn at first when choosing the direction for the development of coal industry.

In recent years, the coal industry stepped into difficulty, the major reason was the dwindling of the demand on coal. At present, the characters of “sunset” industry had been seen in the coal industry, the powerful force from outside and the internal cost of maintain caused a net loss of national and local economy. It is time for the industry to retreat. When setting the retreat policies, the government should pay attention to the following aspects.

Implementing a Planned Retreat, Focus on Adjusting the Structure of Coal Production The goal of closing mines and reducing production is to close the illegal and illogical small

coal mines to enhance the market share of state-owned mines and make full use of the capacity of the major state-owned mines, let the modernized mines with advanced technique works fully. Focus on adjusting the structure of coal production, make the present resource flowed to last the life of coal industry and build a new foundation for its later development through assets reorganization and technical improvement on the industry. After World War II, Japan treated coal industry as “sunset” industry, and set a series of policies of adjustment and aiding as well as special law. For an instance, tearing down surplus old equipment with financial support from government or favorable loans offered by official finance organization to make the coal industry adapt to the change of external and internal conditions, realized the reasonable internal structure and activate the industry.

Make the situation of coal industry stable by holding a proper measure

“Sunset” industry is not a dying industry, especially for coal industry, its basis role can never be neglected. When making and implementing the retreat policies of national coal industry, the point of holding a proper measure is to decide how much quantity and capacity to retreat according to the actual situation of the areas. And ensure the structure and the scale of local coal industry by industrial reform and reorganization. Finally, set the whole structure and scale of coal industry countrywide, and stabilized the basis position of coal industry.

Reducing the cost of retreat, maintain the order of the economy and the society

During the period of government implementing a closing mines and reducing the production, the fixed cost of these mines must be taken back. The major cost of retreat is the net value of fixed assets. Due to the decline of the whole industry, it is hard to find a buyer for these assets. On the other hand, at the moment of the growing period of the coal industry, the construction of a large mines would bring up a series local activities like transportation, architecture and life services. When the mines reduces its capacity or stop running, the relevant activities would partly terminate. The cost of the terminal business is the social cost of retreat. Hence, the policies of retreat must give a direction to reduce the cost of retreat. First, wash out the laggard assets and the fixed assets had gain the return in the industry, then via the reorganization of capacity among the enterprises to reduce the cost of retreat, with the current assets that works more effectively after reorganization to produce at a proper scale. The government must arrange the development of substitutive industry in advance to reduce the social cost of retreat.

On the other hand, not only the effects of cost loss but also the possible effects caused by the retreat should be considered when planning the retreat. Among the effects, the major effect is the effects on the economy and the society. A mass of unemployment might caused the public antipathy towards the government, even the opposite behaves. the scale and the timing of the transition of labor intensive industries must be considered in advance when making and implementing the policies of retreat. The training for the unemployed and the guiding for industrial transition should be also planned. Only in this way can minimize the shock to the economy and the society caused by the retreat of the industry.


我国产业政策演变 摘要:产业政策(industrial policy)是政府为了实现一定的经济和社会目标而对产业的形成和发展进行干预的各种政策的总和。产业政策的主要功能是弥补市场缺陷,有效配置资源;保护幼小民族产业的成长;熨平经济震荡;发挥后发优势,增强适应能力。我国产业政策主要是在国内外经济发展大环境的基础上并根据国内区域的具体情况进行制定和实施。其沿着产业空间布局政策、产业结构政策和产业组织政策三方面进行演变和发展。 1.产业空间布局政策。即产业空间配置格局的政策。这一政策主要解决如何利用生产的相对集中所引起的“积聚效益”,尽可能缩小由于各区域间经济活动的密度和产业结构不同所引起的各区域间经济发展水平的差距。我国产业空间布局政策主要路径是“公平优先的均衡产业布局战略(即“逆梯度配置”)——效率优先的非均衡产业布局战略(即“顺梯度配置”)——区域协调发展的产业布局战略——未来包容性发展的产业布局战略(即“产业布局一体化”)。我国产业组织政策、产业结构政策,主要是在空间布局政策大背景下进行的。因此在产业空间布局背景下探讨探讨产业政策比较贴合实际。 1.1公平优先的均衡产业布局战略。 20世纪50年代初期到70年代后期。此时正值新中国成立不久,经济百废待兴,沿海地区相对与内地来说由于区位和历史原因经济发展相对较好。国家为了缩小内地与沿海的地区差距,加大了对内地的经济发展力度。由于我国工业基础薄弱此时国家采取的产业政策主要是配置重大工程项目来缩小与沿海地区的差距。“一五”(1953-1957年)、“二五”(1958-1962年)至“四五”计划时期(1970-1975年),在西部地区展开了大规模以重化工业优先增长为中心的工业开发。重点是优先发展钢铁、电力、煤炭、石油、有色金属和机械设备制造等产业初步形成了我国工业布局的骨架雏形。


国家工商行政管理局关于停止发布含有乱评比、乱排序等内容广告的通知 国家工商总局门户网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4614512045.html, 1999-9-21 国家工商行政管理局 关于停止发布含有乱评比、乱 排序等内容广告的通知工商广字[1999]第247号各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市工商行政管理局: 根据《中共中央、国务院关于治理向企业乱收费、乱罚款和各种摊派等问题的决定》([中发(1997)14号])和《中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅关于严格控制评比活动有关问题的通知》([厅字(1996)10号])等文件精神,国家经济贸易委员会等六部委经国务院减轻企业负担部际联席会议批准,于近日发布了《关于整顿营销信息发布秩序,坚决制止乱排序、乱评比行为的通知》,在该《通知》中,对一些行业组织和市场调查机构擅自从事的排序、推荐、认定、上榜、抽查检验、统计、公布市场调查结果等活动认定为“实际上是对企业搞评比或变相评比活动,以此向企业索取高额费用”的行为。为进一步贯彻落实中共中央、国务院有关文件精神,维护公平竞争的市场环境,清除市场障碍、减轻企业负担,现就广告中使用排序、评比、综合评价结果等问题通知如下:

一、除按法律规定和国务院批准的各类带有评比性质的企业营销信息发布活动外,禁止在广告中使用排序、推荐、认定、上榜、抽查检验、统计、公布市场调查结果等对企业及其商品、服务进行排序或综合评价的内容。如“全国销量第一”、“市场占有率第一”、“市场主导品牌”、“消费者首选品牌”、“中国公认名(品)牌”、“×××推荐产品(品牌)”、“×××认定”、“×××认可”、“×××展示”、“×××荟萃”、“×××指定”、各种满意率、信任率以及某类商品、服务上榜企业等; 二、请各地接到本通知后,及时转发到各广告经营单位,并对含有排序、评比、综合评价内容的广告进行一次集中清理。在清理过程中如发现政策界限不清或难以认定的问题,请及时向国家工商行政管理局报告; 三、自1999年11月1日起,对未按本通知要求,违反中共中央、国务院有关文件精神发布含有上述内容广告的,依据《广告法》第三十九条规定予以处罚。对商品包装物上含有上述内容的,自2000年3月1日起,停止使用。 附件:《关于整顿营销信息发布秩序,坚决制止乱排序、乱评比行为的通知》(国经贸贸易[1999]757号) (略)一九九九年九月二十一日

遂经信〔2011〕125号 国家鼓励类产业政策确认暂行办法 川经信产业〔2011〕416号附件

遂经信…2011?125号 遂宁市经济和信息化委员会 关于转发省经信委《国家鼓励类产业政策确认 暂行办法》的通知 各区县经信局、园区经济局: 为充分把握和用好国家新一轮西部大开发优惠政策,积极引导和支持企业做优做强,加快发展我市“4+3”主导产业和战略性新兴产业,促进产业结构优化升级,现将省经信委?国家鼓励类产业政策确认暂行办法?(川经信产业…2011?416号附件)转发你们,请按照文件精神,认真组织企业做好国家鼓励类产业政策确认相关工作。 有关文件和表格可从市经信委网站“通知公告”中(https://www.360docs.net/doc/4614512045.html,/jw/ShowClass.asp?ClassID=304)下载。

联系人:李顺通何云峰联系电话:2988937 附件:国家鼓励类产业政策确认暂行办法 二〇一一年八月十七日 主题词:经济管理产业政策确认办法通知 遂宁市经济和信息化委员会办公室 2011年8月17日印 (共印20份)- 2 -

附件: 国家鼓励类产业政策确认暂行办法 为落实中共中央、国务院?关于深入实施西部大开发战略的若干意见?(中发…2010?11号)、国家发改委?产业结构调整指导目录?(2011年本,以下简称?目录?)等文件精神,引导企业充分利用国家西部大开发政策,做优产品、做强企业、做大产业,加快产业结构调整,促进产业健康发展,特制定本办法。 一、确认原则 (一)坚持科学发展,严格执行产业政策。严格执行?国务院关于发布实施?促进产业结构调整暂行规定?的决定?和?目录?),认真把好产业政策关,加快发展适合我省实际的鼓励类产业,积极培育壮大区域特色产业,促进我省产业健康、可持续和又好又快发展。 (二)加强政策引导,突出发展重点。依据国家和我省产业政策,围绕国家鼓励类产业、“7+3”优势产业、战略性新兴产业发展,以产业结构优化升级、转变发展方式为目标,发挥产业政策在鼓励优势产业、重点产品加快发展中的导向作用,引导企业依靠技术进步,发展高技术、高附加值、低消耗、低排放、节能、安全的新工艺和新产品,延伸完善重点产品产业链,形成新的增长点,推动优势产业、战略性新兴产业做大做强、加快发展。 (三)规范确认程序,提高工作效率。积极探索建立产业政策与促进优势产业发展的协同配合的长效工作机制,规范完善申 - 3 -


国家机关事务管理局关于做好中央国家机关厉行节约反对食品 浪费工作的通知 中央国家机关各部门、各单位: 为认真贯彻落实中央办公厅、国务院办公厅《关于厉行节约反对食品浪费的意见》,切实做好中央国家机关食品节约工作,现就有关事项通知如下: 一、开展厉行节约反对食品浪费宣传教育 各部门、各单位要高度重视,把厉行节约反对食品浪费工作作为践行社会主义核心价值观、落实党的群众路线和反对“四风”的重要举措,切实抓紧抓好。在“世界粮食日”、全国爱粮节粮宣传周等重要活动期间,通过悬挂节约标语、发放倡议书、印发宣传册、举办平衡膳食讲座、召开座谈会等形式,积极倡导崇尚节俭、科学健康的绿色消费观念和饮食文化,营造“节约食品、人人有责”的浓厚氛围。宣传先进典型,曝光浪费现象,进一步增强干部职工节约食品光荣、浪费食品可耻的意识,努力形成“节约食品从我做起,反对浪费机关带头”的良好风尚,带动全社会积极参与厉行节约反对食品浪费行动。今年10月,各部门、各单位要结合“世界粮食日”主题宣传活动,组织开展节约粮食电子倡议书签名活动。 二、深入推进“文明用餐、反对浪费”行动 各部门、各单位要认真总结去年以来开展的“文明用餐、反对浪费”行动情况,推广先进经验和典型做法,继续开展“文明餐桌”、“光盘行动”等主题活动,开创文明用餐新风尚。要教育引导干部职工厉行节约,克勤克俭,树立健康、科学、合理的饮食新理念,养成文明节俭的餐饮习惯;在机关食堂用餐时,做到按需取用、少取多次,不浪费食品。在食堂明显位置摆放提示牌,提醒用餐人员健康饮食,适量取餐;设立食品节约监督员,加强巡视检查;在餐厅安装监控视频设备,对浪费行为进行批评教育。各部门、各单位食品节约工作成效将作为健康食堂创建和文明单位创建的考核内容。2014年四季度,国管局将组织召开中央国家机关“文明用餐、反对浪费”行动现场交流会。 三、抓好机关食堂食品节约工作 (一)加强食品采购管理。加强食品采购成本控制管理,做好主副食和原材料人均餐次消费定量统计分析,确定合理采购供应量。严格执行食品、原材料采购计划和索证、质量验收制度,米、面、油、肉等大宗原材料实行定点采购、分批配送,生鲜食品等原材料实行少采勤采、即采即用,尽量采购当地应季食材,减少储存消耗,做好台账登记,日清月结。 (二)做好食品储存保管。执行食品原料出入库清单制度,出入库要严格登记签收。制定食品原料、调料辅料人均定额标准,根据每日就餐人数对米、面、油、盐等原料辅料实行定量供应。食品原料储存做到专库分架,离墙隔地,张贴保质期标识,确保先进先出。加强仓库、冷库等基础设施建设,控制温度湿度,防止食品腐烂变质造成浪费。 (三)提高原材料初加工利用率。严格落实餐饮作业初加工标准,规范原材料初加工工艺流程,增加毛菜的预处理环节,确保蔬菜净菜率平均达到85%以上。推行厨余食材深加工,充分利用食材边角料制作食品,创新搭配方式,提高原材料出成率。 (四)注重食品烹制管理。建立食堂用餐人员统计制度,根据用餐人数、饮食习惯和食材用量,制定食品供应配餐计划。参照《中国居民膳食营养指南》,按照卫生可口、营养健康、经济适量的原则烹制食品,合理搭配菜品花样,粗粮细做,注重膳食平衡,严格执行每人每天摄入25克油、6克盐的标准。加强厨师技能培训,机关食堂厨师要具有初级工以上职业资格证书,推行菜品末位淘汰制,提高烹饪水平和饭菜质量。 (五)改进供餐用餐方式。根据就餐人数情况,合理设计上菜时间和份量,热菜少炒勤炒,定时适量供应,用完再上;面食由大变小,减少剩余。具备条件的单位可实行自助点餐计量收费,供应小份或半份


浅析工商管理对企业的发展的作用 【摘要】在当今全球一体化的经济发展中,企业要想获得更好更长远的发展,就需要企业管理水平不断强化不断完善,所以企业对于管理者队伍的建设必须高度重视。而要想快速提高企业经营管理者的管理水平。工商管理对于企业发展来说意义重大,不仅可以更好地帮助经营管理者进行管理工作,而且也可以完善整个公司发展体系。 【关键词】工商管理;企业;发展;影响 0.前言 随着我国市场经济的不断发展和经济体制的不断改进,市场经济环境发生了巨大的改变。与计划经济体制时期相比,企业之间的竞争程度愈演愈烈,许多企业迫于生存压力。为提高企业的整体竞争力,工商管理在企业的发展中占有重要的地位,加强工商管理工作质量的提高,对于促进企业转型、规范企业发展模式、促进企业发展有着重要的作用。 1.工商管理对企业发展的作用 1.1加深工商管理与企业经营过程的融合 工商行政管理活动主要是围绕企业的经营行为展开的,工商行政部门不是进行相关手续办理和登记就可以,而是要加强和企业间的互动,加强工商管理与企业经营行为的融合,在企业迈向改革道路的阶段,搞好跟踪监督工作,深入了解企业改革道路上遇到的阻碍和困难,并全心全意搞好服务工作,优化相关政策环境,帮助其解决困难,渡过难关。 1.2促进对企业健康发展 在了解市场动态和经济发展走向的基础上,以发展的眼光制定法规政策,避免其滞后性和片面性成为企业发展的阻碍,并加强与企业间的沟通和调查,从企业的立场去看待政策是否有效及合理,并做出相应的调整,从而促进企业的发展。 1.3有利于提高企业的管理力度 工商部门加大法律和政策的宣讲力度,使市场主体更加明确自身的权利义务和责任,督促其依法办事,防范法律风险,从而提升工商部门的事再次,要搞好定期和不定期的检查工作。对企业经营活动的全程监督,因此,监管工作应实现到常态化,搞好定期检查和突击检查是保证监管不流于形式,对企业的经营行为形成威慑和有效约束,从而推进了企业自身管理的改革和创新,有利于提高企业管理力度。


2017年国家文化产业新政解读 国务院:力争“十三五”时期数字创意产业产值达8亿元 2016年12月19日,《“十三五”国家战略性新兴产业发展规划》(以下简称《发展规划》)正式印发。《发展规划》提出,战略性新兴产业代表新一轮科技革命和产业变革的方向,是培育发展新动能、获取未来竞争新优势的关键领域。“十三五”时期,要把战略性新兴产业摆在经济社会发展更加突出的位置,大力构建现代产业新体系,推动经济社会持续健康发展。规划期为2016—2020年。 据了解,《发展规划》为信息技术、高端制造、生物、绿色低碳、数字创意等五个新兴产业的发展目标和发展要求,并提出“战略性新兴产业增加值占国内生产总值比重达到15%,形成新一代信息技术、高端制造、生物、绿色低碳、数字创意等5个产值规模10万亿元级的新支柱,并在更广领域形成大批跨界融合的新增长点,平均每年带动新增就业100万人以上”的发展目标。 《发展规划》提出,以数字技术和先进理念推动文化创意与创新设计等产业加快发展,促进文化科技深度融合、相关产业相互渗透。到2020年,形成文化引领、技术先进、链条完整的数字创意产业发展格局,相关行业产值规模达到8万亿元。此外,《发展规划》还从创新数字文化创意技术和装备、丰富数字文化创意内容和形式、提升创新设计水平、推进相关产业融合发展等四个方面说明了“十三五”时期我国数字文化创意产业的发展方向。 两部委发文:发展工业文化产业 近日,国家工业和信息化部、财政部联合下发《工业和信息化部财政部关于推进工业文化发展的指导意见》(以下简称《指导意见》)。《指导意见》提出,将凝聚发展工业文化的社会共识,整合工业文化各类资源,加强与相关部门协同,培育和发展工业文化产业,建设各类主体共同参与工业文化发展的良好环境;聚焦突出问题,重点抓好工业设计、工业遗产、工业旅游、企业征信以及质量品牌、企业文化建设等领域工作,形成竞争新优势。 《指导意见》明确提出,发展工业文化产业,让工业文化产业成为经济增长新亮点。具体来说,将推动工业设计创新发展,促进工艺美术特色化和品牌化发展,推动工业遗产保护和利用,大力发展工业旅游,支持工业文化新生态发展。 “一带一路”彰显文化自信 文化部:推动“一带一路”文化产业繁荣发展 《文化部“一带一路”文化发展行动计划(2016—2020年)》于日前正式公布。该行动计划经推进“一带一路”建设工作领导小组审议通过,为“一带一路”文化建设工作的深入开展绘制了路线图。 据悉,《文化部“一带一路”文化发展行动计划(2016—2020年)》以“政府主导,开放包容;交融互鉴,创新发展;市场引导,互利共赢”为基本原则,重点任务是健全“一带一路”文化交流合作机制、完善“一带一路”文化交流合作平台、打造“一带一路”文化交流品牌、推动“一带一路”文化产业繁荣发展、促进“一带一路”文化贸易合作。具体包括“一带一路”国际交流机制建设计划、“一带一路”国内合作机制建设计划、“一带一路”沿线国家中国文化中心建设计划、“一带一路”文化交流合作平台建设计划、“丝绸之路文化之旅”计划、“丝绸之路文化使者”计划、“一带一路”艺术创作扶持计划、“一带一路”文化遗产长廊建设计划、“丝绸之路文化产业带”建设计划、动漫游戏产业“一带一路”国际合作行动计划、“一带一路”文博产业繁荣计划和“一带一路”文化贸易拓展计划共12项子计划。 在发展文化产业方面,《文化部“一带一路”文化发展行动计划(2016—2020年)》提出,建立和完善文化产业国际合作机制,加快国内“丝绸之路文化产业带”建设。以文化旅游、演艺娱乐、工艺美术、创意设计、数字文化为重点领域,支持“一带一路”沿线地区根据地域特色和民族特点实施特色文化产业项目,加强与“一带一路”国家在文化资源数字化保护与开发中的合作,积极利用“一带一路”文化交流合作平台推介文化创意产品,推动动漫游戏产业面向“一带一路”国家发展。顺应“互联网+”发展趋势,推进互联网与文化产业融合发展,鼓励和引导社会资本投入“丝绸之路文化产业带”建设。 文化部:2017年将积极推进扩大文化消费试点 来自文化部的报告显示,2016年,扩大文化消费试点工作逐步推进,第一批第一次26个试点城市因地施策,有效拓展了居民文化消费空间。国办转发文化部等部门的关于推动文化文物单位文化创意产品开发的若干意见,试点单位积极开发文创产品。对文化产业的扶持力度不断加大,186个产业项目获得亿元中央财政资金扶持。


中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局令 第93号 《企业名称登记管理实施办法》已经国家工商行政管理局局务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2000年1月1日起施行。 国家工商行政管理局局长 王众孚 一九九九年十二月八日 企业名称登记管理实施办法 第一章 总 则 第一条 为了加强和完善企业名称的登记管理,保护企业名称所有人的合法权益,维护公平竞争秩序,根据《企业名称登记管理规定》和有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。 第二条 本办法适用于工商行政管理机关登记注册的企业法人和不具有法人资格的企业的名称。 第三条 企业应当依法选择自己的名称,并申请登记注册。 企业自成立之日起享有名称权。 第四条 各级工商行政管理机关应当依法核准登记企业名称。 超越权限核准的企业名称应当予以纠正。 第五条 工商行政管理机关对企业名称实行分级登记管理。 国家工商行政管理局主管全国企业名称登记管理工作,并负责核准下列企业名称: (一) 冠以“中国”、“中华”、“全国”、“国家”、“国际”等字样的; (二) 在名称中间使用“中国”、“中华”、“全国”、“国家”等字样的; (三) 不含行政区划的。 地方工商行政管理局负责核准前款规定以外的下列企业名称: (一) 冠以同级行政区划的; (二) 符合本办法第十二条的含有同级行政区划的。国家工商行政管理局授予外商投资企业核准登记权的工商行政管理局按本办法核准外商投资企业名称。 第二章 企业名称 第六条 企业法人名称中不得含有其他法人的名称,国家工商行政管理局另有规定的除外。 第七条 企业名称中不得含有另一个企业名称。 企业分支机构名称应当冠以其所从属企业的名称。 第八条 企业名称应当使用符合国家规范的汉字,不得使用外国文字、汉语拼音字母、阿拉伯数字。 企业名称需译成外文使用的,由企业依据文字翻译原则自行翻译使用,不需报工商行政管理机关核准登记。 第九条 企业名称应当由行政区划、字号、行业、组织形式依次组成,法律、行政法规和本办法另有规定的除外。 第十条 除国务院决定设立的企业外,企业名称不得冠以“中国”、“中华”、“全国”、“国家”、“国际”等字样。 在企业名称中间使用“中国”、“中华”、“全国”、“国家”、“国际”等字样的,该字样应是行业的限定语。 使用外国(地区)出资企业字号的外商独资企业,可以在名称中间使用“(中国)”宇样。 第十一条 企业名称中的行政区划是本企业所在地县级以上行政区划的名称或地名。 市辖区的名称不能单独用作企业名称中的行政区划。市辖区名称与市行政区划连用的企


产业政策钢铁鼓励类 1、黑色金属矿山接替资源勘探及关键勘探技术开发 2、煤调湿、风选调湿、捣固炼焦、配型煤炼焦、干法熄焦、导热油换热、焦化废水深度处理回用、煤焦油精深加工、苯加氢精制、煤沥青制针状焦、焦油加氢处理、焦炉煤气高附加值利用等先进技术的研发与应用 3、非高炉炼铁技术 4、先进压水堆核电管、百万千瓦火电锅炉管、耐蚀耐压耐温油井管、耐腐蚀航空管、高耐腐蚀化工管生产 5、高性能、高质量及升级换代钢材产品技术开发与应用。包括600兆帕级及以上高强度汽车板、油气输送高性能管线钢、高强度船舶用宽厚板、海洋工程用钢、420兆帕级及以上建筑和桥梁等结构用中厚板、高速重载铁路用钢、低铁损高磁感硅钢、耐腐蚀耐磨损钢材、节约合金资源不锈钢(现代铁素体不锈钢、双相不锈钢、含氮不锈钢)、高性能基础件(高性能齿轮、12.9级及以上螺栓、高强度弹簧、长寿命轴承等)用特殊钢棒线材、高品质特钢锻轧材(工模具钢、不锈钢、机械用钢等)等 6、在线热处理、在线性能控制、在线强制冷却的新一代热机械控制加工(TMCP)工艺技术应用 7、直径600毫米及以上超高功率电极、高炉用微孔和超微孔碳砖、特种石墨(高强、高密、高纯、高模量)、石墨(质)化阴极、内串石墨化炉开发与生产 8、焦炉、高炉、热风炉用长寿节能环保耐火材料生产工艺;精炼钢用低碳、无碳耐火材料和高效连铸用功能环保性耐火材料生产工艺 9、生产过程在线质量检测技术应用 10、利用钢铁生产设备处理社会废弃物 11、烧结烟气脱硫、脱硝、脱二恶英等多功能干法脱除,以及副产物资源化、再利用化技术 12、难选贫矿、(共)伴生矿综合利用先进工艺技术 13、冶金固体废弃物(含冶金矿山废石、尾矿,钢铁厂产生的各类尘、泥、渣、铁皮等)综合利用先进工艺技术 14、利用低品位锰矿冶炼铁合金的新工艺技术,以及高效利用红土镍矿炼精制镍铁的回转窑-矿热炉(RKEF)工艺技术 15、冶金废液(含废水、废酸、废油等)循环利用工艺技术与设备 16、新一代钢铁可循环流程(在做好钢铁产业内部循环的基础上,发展钢铁与电力、化工、装备制造等相关产业间的横向、纵向物流和能流的循环流程)工艺技术开发与应用 17、高炉、转炉煤气干法除尘 产业政策钢铁限制类 1、未同步配套建设干熄焦、装煤、推焦除尘装置的炼焦项目 2、180平方米以下烧结机(铁合金烧结机除外) 3、有效容积400立方米以上1200立方米以下炼铁高炉;1200立方米及以上但未同步配套煤粉喷吹装置、除尘装置、余压发电装置,能源消耗大于430公斤标煤/吨、新水耗量大于2.4立方米/吨等达不到标准的炼铁高炉 4、公称容量30吨以上100吨以下炼钢转炉;公称容量100吨及以上但未同步配套煤气回收、除尘装置,新水耗量大于3立方米/吨等达不到标准的炼钢转炉 5、公称容量30吨以上100吨(合金钢50吨)以下电炉;公称容量100吨(合金钢50吨)及以上但未同步配套烟尘回收装置,能源消耗大于98公斤标煤/吨、新水耗量大于3.2立方米/吨等达不到标准的电炉


经济全球化对企业的影 响 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

经济全球化对中国企业的影响 作者倪俊俊 [摘要] 随着经济全球化的加剧,中国企业所面临的问题也越来越突出,跨国企业的不断进入,世界大鳄的不断蚕食鲸吞,使中国企业不得不进行一番改革,而在一片改革浪潮中由以品牌和创新两个词尤为突出,于是品牌和创新的思想便成了本论文的中心。 [关键词]经济全球化中国品牌胡锦涛主席 一.经济全球化的含义及其实质和表现 (一)含义 ??经济全球化又叫世界经济国际化,是指世界各国经济在生产、分配、交换和消费环节的全球趋同化趋势。 (二)实质 ? 发达国际由于生产力的发展所引起的生产要素在全球范围流动,以寻找更有利的投资场所的过程。 (三)当今经济全球化的主要表现 ? 1生产的全球化,跨国公司越来越成为世界经济的主导力量; ? 2市场的全球化,国际贸易迅速发展,国际贸易成为世界经济的火车头; ? 3资金的全球化,国际金融迅速发展,巨额资金在各国之间自由流动; ? 4科技开发和应用的全球化; ? 5信息传播的全球化; ? 6国际直接投资迅速增长,并呈现多元化格局。 二.过去经济全球化对中国企业的影响 (一)?? 新中国成立至改革开放时期 新中国刚刚成立时,中国的企业已是百业凋敝,几十年的战争以使中国的企业远远落后于其它国家。原本以为新中国的成立可以使中国企业面临一个新的春天,然而恰恰事与愿违,以美国为首的资本主义国家对中国实行经济封锁,中国再一次陷入闭关的状态,有所不同的是这一次是由外而内的。 面对这一状况,国家效仿苏联实行了计划经济体制,一片新的国有企业应运而生,而此时的世界,发达国家与发达国家之间,经济的交流进一步密切,联系也越来越紧密,跨国公司如雨后春笋般层出不穷,竞争力是越来越强,而我国的企业由于国家的扶植竞争力远远落后于发达国家。面对这一



前言 蓝草咨询的目标:为用户提升工作业绩优异而努力,为用户明天事业腾飞以蓄能!蓝草咨询的老师:都有多年实战经验,拒绝传统的说教,以案例分析,讲故事为核心,化繁为简,互动体验场景,把学员当成真诚的朋友! 蓝草咨询的课程:以满足初级、中级、中高级的学员的个性化培训为出发点,通过学习达成不仅当前岗位知识与技能,同时为晋升岗位所需知识与技能做准备。课程设计不仅注意突出落地性、实战性、技能型,而且特别关注新技术、新渠道、新知识、创新型在实践中运用。 蓝草咨询的愿景:卓越的培训是获得知识的绝佳路径,同时是学员快乐的旅程,为快乐而培训为培训更快乐! 蓝草咨询的增值服务:培训成绩合格的学员获颁培训结业证书,某些课程可以获得证书权威机构认证证书(学员仅仅承担成本费用)。 目前合作权威机构:中国管理科学研究院 (中央编办成立的国家事业单位,登记号:210000005343) 根据《职业教育法》的相关规定,该证书是对劳动者岗前培训,在职培训,能力提升培训,继续教育和创业培训的证明。持证者,说明其通过了职业能力培训考核与测评,具备了相应的专业知识和能力,可作为学员能力评价,考核,聘用和从业的重要凭证。 成为“蓝草club”会员的学员,报名参加另外蓝草举办的培训课程的,可以享受该培训课程多种优惠。

《国家产业政策与形势分析》 培训收益: 1、了解并建立了产业政策的概念; 2、掌握产业政策存在的必要性和效应; 3、学会产业政策类型对产业竞争力作用的分析; 4、把握产业政发展趋势,正视行业发展困难与挑战。 培训背景: 当前,经济全球化已作为一个客观事实而存在,世界各国都面临着经济全球化的大形势。尤其在我国加入WTO以后,我国的经济已经更加密切地融入到了这股浪潮中。竞争政策和产业政策作为我国重要的、也是基本的经济政策,在其制定和运作过程中不能忽略经济全球化和我国加入WTO的大背景。面对经济全球化的浪潮,我国更迫切地需要协调竞争政策和产业政策,减少两者之间的冲突。 展望2015年,世界经济将继续保持复苏态势,国内基本面和改革因素仍可支撑经济中高速增长,但一些短期、结构性与长期性因素将会对经济增长造成冲击和制约。要把2015年经济增长保持在合理区间,要继续实施和完善积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,发挥好改革和各类政策的合力。 培训背景: 第一讲:当前产业政策的现状


分析金融支持与产业政策 国内的相关研究较少,主要分析了技术进步、经济发展与产业升级的关系,用数据证明了我国金融体系和产业发展之间确实存在着比较显著的相关性;制约战略性产业发展的视角提出要从深化体制改革、放宽民间金融资本投资途径提升战略性产业的融资能力和效率。从我国当前的研究发现,对产业发展的金融支持进行的相关研究不多,从产业结构调整的内涵看,金融促进产业结构优化调整内在包含了三种实现方式,即支持产业选择、促进产业结构优化和产业结构高级化。其中,产业选择是产业结构合理化和高级化的前提,而产业结构合理化是产业结构调整的初级目标,在实现了合理化的产业结构后,产业必须通过技术创新实现产业的升级,即实现产业的高级化,以提高产业的附加值。 金融支持产业选择的内在作用 我国已经进入十二五的关键时期,以战略性新兴产业发展为代表的产业结构调整正在大力推进,通过研究金融支持战略性产业的路径和实现机理,有利于深刻认识并解决产业政策和金融体制改革中亟待解决的问题。金融体系对于产业结构优化调整支持作用最主要的体现在它能够支持产业选择,特别是在进行产业规划和制定产业政策及其相关配套政策方面。根据金融支持的主体不同,我们将金融支持划分为政策性金融支持和市场性金融支持。 (一)政策性金融 (二)市场化金融 与政策性金融政策支持不同,市场化的金融政策是依据市场自主机制进行市场化的选择。在金融资源配置中,依照市场规则,资本收益率高的产业会获取更多

的资本。如果市场性金融选择机制缺乏有效的监督和竞争,不能实现金融资源的有效配置,进而可能导致市场化金融支持进行产业选择的失败。在现实操作中,市场是产业结构调整的无形机制,具有一定的基础性作用。结合我国市场经济发展的现状来看,市场性选择虽然对于资源配置有很大的优势,但由于我国的市场经济并不完全成熟,单一的市场化配置容易削弱金融支持的作用,导致部分处于幼稚期的潜力产业获得市场化金融支持的机会很小甚至不可能获得支持,因此,要发挥市场化金融的基础性作用,从而更加促进金融系统对产业选择的支持作用。金融支持产业结构合理化和高级化的途径 (一)金融支持产业结构合理化 (二)金融支持产业结构高级化 金融支持产业高级化是指金融资源通过初次配置能够实现产业的选择,通过二次配置则能够实现产业的合理化,通过这两次配置过程,金融支持产业高级化的路径就是在前两次配置的基础上进行三次优化配置,提升产业的技术效率进而实现产业高级化目标的实现。通常我们认为,产业结构合理化内在包含产业结构高级化和含义。当产业发展到一定水平,必然面临着提高效率的要求,使得产业的发展需要由资源推动过渡到创新驱动上去,这离不开金融支持科技创新以实现产业结构从低级向高级状态的转换。同时,金融对产业结构高级化的支持一般具有间接性,能够实现产业结构的高级化。通过产品创新、工艺流程创新到技术创新,能够改善产业的技术结构从而提高技术效率,促进产业结构实现高级化。另外,现代经济发展越来越依赖科学技术,产业层面的产业结构升级更是需要技术创新活动,这就使得金融支持的地位更加凸显。 结语


国家工商行政管理总局关于工商行政管理机关正确行使行政处罚自由裁量权的指导意见 为了贯彻落实中共中央《建立健全教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系实施纲要》和国务院《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》,进一步促进工商行政管理机关正确行使行政处罚自由裁量权(以下简称处罚裁量权),推进工商行政管理机关依法行政工作,根据《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》等有关法律法规规定,制定本指导意见。 一、充分认识工商行政管理机关正确行使处罚裁量权的重要性 处罚裁量权是指行政机关查处违法行为时,依据法律、法规和规章的规定,在职权范围内选择对当事人是否处罚以及处罚种类和幅度的权限。行使处罚裁量权的过程是行政机关从法律目的、违法行为的事实、性质、情节、社会危害程度等方面综合裁量并作出决定的过程。 处罚裁量权在各级工商行政管理机关的行政执法中被普遍行使。总体来讲,各级工商行政管理机关在实施行政处罚过程中,能够统一思想,明确目的,正确行使处罚裁量权,在制止和打击违法行为、维护正常的市场经济秩序方面,发挥了应有的作用。但是,我们也必须看到,在工商行政管理机关行政执法的过程中,过罚不相当、同案不同罚等不规范行使处罚裁量权的情况依然时有发生。 有效促进处罚裁量权的正确行使,既是工商行政管理机关规范行政执法行为,进一步推进依法行政工作的需要,也是构建工商系统惩治和预防腐败体系的需要。行政处罚是行政执法的重要内容,对处罚裁量权的行使进行制度上的规范,有利于行政处罚的公平公正,能够有效防止重责轻罚、轻责重罚、同案不同罚等现象。促进正确行使处罚裁量权,防止滥用自由裁量权,是对行政执法权进行监督制约的重要方面,将对防治腐败工作起到重要作用。总之,促进工商行政管理机关正确行使处罚裁量权,有利于提高工商行政管理机关的执法水平和加强反腐


申请鼓励类项目税收优惠符合国家产业政 策认定操作规范 一、项目名称、性质 (一)名称:申请鼓励类项目税收优惠符合国家产业政策认定 (二)性质:公共服务事项 二、设定依据 《国家税务总局关于执行〈西部地区鼓励类产业目录〉有关企业所得税问题的公告》(国家税务总局公告2015年第14号)第三条“凡对企业主营业务是否属于《西部地区鼓励类产业目录》中国家鼓励类产业项目难以界定的,税务机关可以要求企业提供省级(含副省级)发展改革部门或其授权部门出具的证明文件。” 三、实施权限和实施主体 根据《广西壮族自治区发展和改革委员会关于授权设区市发展改革委认定鼓励类产业和审查节能登记表的通知》(桂发改工业〔2015〕900号),主营业务属于《西部地区鼓励类产业目录》中国家鼓励类产业项目的企业,从2015年8月14日起,可由项目所在地设区市发展改革委进行鼓励类产业认定。 四、审批条件 (一)符合国家有关法律法规;

(二)符合《西部地区鼓励类产业目录》(国家发展改革委令2014年第15号)包括国家现有产业目录中的鼓励类产业和西部地区新增鼓励类产业(广西壮族自治区部分)。 本目录原则上适用于在西部地区生产经营的各类企业。其中外商投资企业按照《外商投资产业指导目录》和《中西部地区外商投资优势产业目录》执行。其中国家现有产业目录包括: (1)《产业结构调整指导目录(2011 年本)(修正)》(国家发展改革委令2013年第21号); (2)《外商投资产业指导目录(2017年修订)》(国家发展改革委、商务部令2017年第4号) (3)《中西部地区外商投资优势产业目录(2017年修订)》(国家发展改革委、商务部令2017年第46号)广西壮族自治区部分。 以上目录如修订,按新修订版本执行。 五、实施对象和范围 在河池市范围内注册登记的需要申请鼓励类项目税收 优惠符合国家产业政策认定的企业。 六、申请材料 (一)县(区)发改局或园区经发局(处)出具的初审意见(原件); (二)项目申请报告(原件)。包括以下内容:项目名称,


什么是计划经济?一般说来,计划经济是由社会主义国家根据客观经济规律的要求,特别是国民经济有计划按比例发展的要求,通过指令性和指导性计划来管理和调节的国民经济。计划经济强调的无非是政府这一“有形的手”对经济的干预作用,不可否认的是,计划的力量是强大的。所以,计划经济的实践曾有过辉煌的历程:十月革命前的俄国是一个资本主义发展较晚的落后农业国,1913年工业总产量只占世界总产量的2.7%,仅为美国的6.9%,居世界第五位。十月革命后,苏联从1917~1936年,只20年时间,国民生产总值就从世界第五位上升到第二位。如果不实施计划经济,苏联在其建国初期要战胜帝国主义的包围、进攻,并且其经济地位从欧洲的第四位、世界的第五位一跃为欧洲的第一位、世界的第二位,成为两个超级大国之一,几乎是不可能的。在这个时期内,苏联遭受了两次世界大战的严重破坏,而美国不仅未受到战争破坏,反而发了战争财,但两国的经济差距仍然极大地缩小了。如果不实施计划经济,象我们中国这样一个“一穷二白”的刚刚建立的社会主义国家,要在50年代搞成一百多项重点工程,并在60年代就建立起国民经济体系,同样是很难想象的。众所周知,正是那个时期奠定了我国社会主义工业化的基础。1953-1979年期间,我国的经济总量年平均增长率仍高于一般国家的增长率。从1949所到1989年,经过40年的建设,我国经济面貌发生了根本性的变化。而在这40年中,我国经济还遭受过“大跃进”和“文化大革命” 两次的大折腾,不然发展还会更快一些。但是,高度集中的计划经济体制,也有它的缺陷和历史局限性。随着社会主义工业化初期任务的完成,国民经济的规模不断扩大,经济联系日益复杂,这种经济体制的一些弊端就逐渐暴露出来了。因为,高度集中的计划经济体制对资源的配置是建立在这样两个前提上的:一是中央计划部门对社会的一切经济活动拥有全部信息;二是全社会利益一体化,不存在相互分离的利益主体。随着经济的发展,这两个前提越来越难以成立。从信息方面来说,在当今经济发展阶段,人们需求极其复杂,变化极快,由此产生巨大巨大信息量。另外,由于地方、部门、企业利益的相对独立性,传递信息中也有失真的情况。所以,中央计划部门要准确惧到这样巨大的信息量,并迅速做出反映,编制成一个统一的、各部分相互衔接的计划,并层层下达到基层单位去执行,是有极大难度的。从利益方面来说,要求社会的一切经济组织没有自己的任何特殊利益和要求去执行计划也是不可能的。随着我国社会主义经济建设条件的变化,原有经济体制已经越来越不适应现代化建设的需要,严重地束缚了生产力的发展。总而言之,原有经济体制的弊端,突出地表现在以下几个方面:第一,政企职责不分,条块分割,国家对企业统得过死,企业的经营活动与市场相隔离。第二,抱视商品生产、人才和市场的作用,政府主要依靠自上而下的指令性计划,借助于行政手段来组织和管理经济,容易造成经济计划与经济运行实际的脱离,甚至背离。第三,分配中平均主义严重。国家对企业


我国火力发电国家产业政策 国家颁布的对火电行业有重大影响的政策具有两个特点。首先是节能,从一次能源的合理利用规划,到发电煤耗要求,再到能源用户端管理全方位的贯彻了节约能源的指导思想。其次是环保,主要体现在对发电工艺的要求上。 ●主要政策: “十二五”电力工业发展的基本思路 《关于加快关停小火电机组的若干意见》 《现有燃煤电厂二氧化硫治理“十二五”规划》 《关于降低小火电机组上网电价促进小火电机组关停的通知》 《关于“十二五”深化电力体制改革的实施意见》 《能源发展“十二五”规划》 《燃煤发电机组脱硫电价及脱硫设施运行管理办法(试行)》 《节能发电调度办法(试行)》 《天然气利用政策》 《关于进一步贯彻落实差别电价政策有关问题的通知》 《中华人民共和国能源法》(征求意见稿) 《关于煤矸石综合利用电厂项目核准有关事项的通知》 《关于抽水蓄能电站建设管理有关问题的通知》 《关于加强煤制油项目管理有关问题的通知》 《关于组织开展小煤矿瓦斯专项整治的通知》 《关于进一步加强煤矿建设项目安全管理的通知》 《关于规范煤制天然气产业发展有关事项的通知》 ●“十二五”电力工业发展的基本思路 电力工业的主要任务是加快结构调整,转变增长方式,特别要强调通过关停小火电机组,改进发电调度方式,实现节能减排目标。 优化发展煤电:1.煤电的发展需要综合平衡煤源、水源、电力市场、电力系统、运输、环保等因素,实现煤电合理布局、优化结构、节约资源、保护环境、

节约用水、提高技术水平和经济性,要积极促进热电联产,利用低热值煤炭、煤层气、高炉气、余热余压发电,实现资源综合利用,提高能源利用效率。2.“十二五”期间要推进火电机组节能、减排工作,一是加大上大压小的力度,加快关停小火电机组;二是优先安排靠近用电负荷中心的环保项目;三是坑口电站,包括建设褐煤、洗中煤、煤矸石项目,以及港口、路口等运输条件优越的电厂;四是鼓励建设采用高参数、大容量的机组,如60万千瓦及以上的超临界、超超临界机组;五是火电项目要符合国家的环境保护、用水政策及热电联产政策;六是建设有利于电网安全、多方向、分散接入电力系统的项目。以上是“十二五”期间应该优先安排和考虑的项目。 天然气发电:1.我国现有天然气发电装机容量1000多万千瓦,到2010年末规划为3600万千瓦。2.由于资源受到限制,我们提出适度发展天然气发电。现在的燃气机组在“十五”期间也投了一些,但发电利用小时很低,主要是气源不足,供不应求,燃气机组开开停停。3.“十二五”期间已经规划了一些LNG 接收站,目前有一些项目正在谈,突出的矛盾是价格问题。近几年LNG资源价格上涨速度比较快,而我们国内天然气价格同国际市场价格比还有一定差距,各方面对LNG价格的承受能力比较低,国产天然气价格偏低,在一定程度上影响了LNG进口。解决这个问题,一方面要尽可能争取拿到一些价格合理的资源,另一方面要加快国内天然气价格与国际接轨的步伐,这样既有利于节约能源,又有利于增加供给。所以,天然气发电要适度发展,天然气的使用要优先考虑城市民用燃气。 提高能源效率:1.我国电力工业的能源利用效率同国际先进水平比较,差距较大。2.按照“十二五”规划,到2010年全国供电煤耗要降到355克。3.厂用电率到“十二五”末要降到4.5%。4.线损到“十二五”末力争要降到7%。5.积极采用先进技术,推广使用高效节能的发电及输电设备,改进发电调度方式,实施节能环保调度,加快淘汰能源利用效率低、发电煤耗高、污染排放重的小火电机组以及损耗高的老旧输配电设施,加大技术改造力度、提高设备利用效率,在热冷负荷比较集中或者发展潜力较大的地区,因地制宜的推广热电联产或者热电冷汽多联供技术,加强电力需求侧管理。6.“十二五”期间准备加大热电联产机组建设力度,建设规模初步定为4500万千瓦,煤矸石综合利用发电2000万千瓦,大力发展洁净煤技术,包括IGCC、CFB,开工建设一批示范工程。 1.加快关停小火电 《关于加快关停小火电机组的若干意见》。文件强调,要加快调整电力工业结构,下决心淘汰一批不符合节能环保标准的小火电机组,建设一批大型高效环保机组,发展一批清洁能源和可再生能源发电机组,为完成“十二五”节能减排约束性指标做出贡献。 明确“十二五”关停机组范围:1.单机容量50MW以下的常规火电机组;2.运行满20年、单机100MW以下的常规火电机组;3.按照设计寿命服役期满、单机200MW以下的各类机组;4.供电标准煤耗高出05年本省(区、市)平均水平10%或全国平均水平15%的各类燃煤机组;5.未达到环保排放标准的各类机组;6.按照法律、法规应予关停或国务院有关部门明确要求关停的机组。 采用差别电量、电价等多种手段压缩小火电生存空间:1.改进发电调度方式,按照节能、环保、经济的原则,优先调度可再生能源和高效、清洁的机组发


国家工商行政管理总局文件 工商办字〔2010〕247号 关于公布国家工商行政管理总局规章、规范性文件 清理结果的公告 附件1:国家工商行政管理总局现行有效规章目录(74件) 1.城乡个体工商户管理暂行条例实施细则(1987年9月5日工商个字〔1987〕第231号公布 1998年12月3日国家工商行政管理局令第86号修订) 2.广告管理条例施行细则(1988年1月9日工商广字〔1988〕第13号公布 1998年12月3日国家工商行政管理局令第86号第一次修订 2000年12月1日国家工商行政管理局令第99号第二次修订 2004年11月30日国家工商行政管理总局令第18号第三次修订) 3.中华人民共和国企业法人登记管理条例施行细则(1988年11月3日国家工商行政管理局令第1号公布 1996年12月25 日国家工商行政管理局令第66号第一次修订 2000年12月1日国家工商行政管理局令第96号第二次修订) 4.中华人民共和国私营企业暂行条例施行办法(1989年1月16日国家工商行政管理局令第2号公布 1996年12月17日国家工商行政管理局令第64号第一次修订 1998年12月3日国家工商行政管理局令第86号第二次修订) 5.外国(地区)企业在中国境内从事生产经营活动登记管理办法(1992年8月15日国家工商行政管理局令第10号公布) 6.化妆品广告管理办法(1993年7月13日国家工商行政管理局令第12号公布 2005年9月28日国家工商行政管理总局令第21号修订) 7.医疗广告管理办法(1993年9月27日国家工商行政管理局、卫生部令第16号公布 2005年9月28日国家工商行政管理总局令第21号第一次修订 2006年11月10日国家工商行政管理总局、卫生部令第26号第二次修订) 8.关于禁止有奖销售活动中不正当竞争行为的若干规定(1993年12月24日国家工商行政管理局令第19号公布) 9.关于禁止公用企业限制竞争行为的若干规定(1993年12月24日国家工商行政管理局令第20号公布) 10.兽药广告审查标准(1995年3月28日国家工商行政管理局令第26号公布)
