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Warm spring, pond ice melted. Mother Frog slept a winter, also woke up. She crawled out of the mud hole, plop jumped into the pond, the plants gave birth to a lot of black round eggs. Spring breeze blowing, the sun shining, the pond water getting warmer. Mother Frog eggs under the activity slowly up into a group of large head long tail of tadpoles, they go to swim in the water, very happy.

One day, the mother duck with her children to the pond to play. Tadpoles see the little duck with her mother in the water program to program to, then he remembered his mother came. Tadpole you ask me, I ask you, but who knows.

"Our mom where?"

Together they travel to the duck around, asked the duck:"?? Ya Mama, Ya Mama, you saw our mother do please tell us, what our mother to die."

Ya Mama replied: "seen, with your mother on the head two big eyes, big mouth and wide to find it yourselves.."

"Thank you, mother duck!" Little tadpoles swam happily.

A big fish swim around, saw little tadpoles on his head two big eyes, wide mouth and big, they would like to be Mom, mom to catch up to shout: "!! Mom Mom"

Big Fish smiled and said:. "I am not your mother, my mother is your mother fish has four legs, to the front to

find it."

"Thank you for it! Fish mother!" Little tadpoles swam again.

A large turtle swam a little tadpole to see big turtles have four legs, and thought: This really is the mother came back, to catch up to shout: "!! Mom Mom"

Big turtle smiled and said:. "I am not your mother, I

was a small turtle mother your mother belly is white, to the front to find it."

"Thank you friends! Tortoise mother!" Little tadpoles swam again.

A big white goose "Hang Hang" cried, swam up. Small

tadpole tadpole see the big white goose white belly, happy to think: this time can really find her mother. Caught up, they kept shouting: "Mom Mom!!"

Big Goose smiled and said: "Little tadpole tadpole, you have to admit that I'm not your mother, I was gosling mother your mother wearing green clothes and began to sing 'Kaka Lo' and you go to the front. it. "

"Thank you for it! Oye!" Little tadpole swam again.

Yeah tadpoles swim, you swim, swim to the pond and saw a frog sitting on a lotus leaf circle "Kaka Lo" to sing, they quickly swim past, Xiaoshengdiwen: "I ask that you: you saw our mother do ? There are two big eyes on her head, mouth and wide and large, has four legs, white belly, wearing green clothes, singing 'Kaka Lo' is ...... "

Frog heard "Kaka Lo" laughed, she said: "!! Oh silly boy, I am your mother do it!"
