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第六单元礼仪性口译(Interpreting Ceremonial Speeches )

6-1新春联欢 ( Celebrating the Spring Festival )

各位嘉宾:(Distinguished guests,)

在这个美丽无比、繁星满天的夜晚,我谨代表总经理欧阳女士,以及公司的全体同仁,感谢各位能在一年中最繁忙的季节,从百忙中拨冗光临我们的新春联欢晚会,并向你们表示欢迎。(O n this most beautiful evening with numerous shining stars in the sky, on behalf of General Manager Madam Ouyang and all my colleagues of the company, I wish to thank you all the people here for taking the time of their busy schedule, at the busiest time of the year, to come to our Chinese New Year’s party. We really appreciate your presence here tonight with us.)

特别有幸的是,今晚我们邀请到了从加拿大远道而来的本森电子公司的朋友们。有如此杰出的贵宾与我们一起共同欢度春节,我深感自豪和荣幸。(In particular, we are very fortunate to have the attendance of our friends with the Benson’s Electronics Company, who came here all the way from Canada. I feel very proud and honored to have such a distinguished group of guests with us, in celebration of our Spring Festival.)

我们尽自己之所能,并将继续竭尽全力使各位度过一个最轻松、最快乐、最难忘的夜晚。我希望各位来宾能尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴与美酒。请不要客气。(We have done and will continue to do our best to make this evening most relaxing, most enjoyable and most memorable for you. I hope you will have a good time enjoying the traditional Chinese cuisine and drinking the unique Chinese wine to your heart’s content. So help yourself.)

各位还将欣赏由本公司一些才华横溢的青年员工所表演的纯正的中国味的文艺节目。今晚我们会过得非常愉快。平日在公司上班时,我们中外职员几乎没有时间坐下来交谈。我希望这次晚会可以让我们有极好的机会,无所拘束的了解彼此的情况,增进个人之间的友谊。(In a moment, you will enjoy the authentic Chinese performance given by some talented young employees of our company. We will have a lot of fun tonight. While at work in the company, we, Chinese as well as overseas staff of the company, hardly get to sit own and talk to each other. I hope this party will give us an

excellent opportunity to get to know each other better in a more informal way and increase personal friendships.)

女士们、先生们,我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临。最后,我祝愿各位新年身体健康、万事如意。(Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to thank you again for coming to the party. And I wish every one of you good health and the very best of luck in everything in the new year.)

6-2圣诞晚会 ( At the Christmas Party )

董事长先生,(Mr. Chairman,)

女士们、先生们,(Ladies and gentlemen,)

各位圣诞快乐!(Merry Christmas to you all !)

我谨代表我们一行的全体成员,感谢董事长先生的盛情邀请,使我们来到装饰得如此华丽的大厅,参加如此欢快的圣诞晚会。(On behalf of all the members of my group, I’d like to thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your gracious invitation for us to attend such an enjoyable Christmas party in such a magnificently decorated hall.)

圣诞节是一个十分欢愉的节日,这的确是一年中的良辰佳时。圣诞节对我们所有人都有其吸引人的地方,那就是人间的温暖、爱恋、关怀、团聚、融洽、奉献。这就是圣诞节的精神所在。( Christmas is a very happy and joyous occasion. It is really a wonderful time of the year. There is something in this holiday which appeals to everyone. That is, warmth, love, care, union, harmony and dedication of humanity. This is the spirit of the Christmas holiday.)

在许多国家,圣诞节是全年的一个亮点。除了礼物之外我们还希望得到其他一些东西。在所有的欢乐和装饰物的背后,我们希望得到更有意义、更丰富的东西,那就是生活的真谛:快乐、希望、信念。有了信念,我们将无所畏惧地跨入充满挑战和机遇的新的一年。(In many countries of the world, the celebration of Christmas is a high point of the year. We hope for more than presents at Christmas. We feel sure that behind all the fun and decorations, there must somehow be a message, something more—some key to life, such as happiness, hope and faith. Armed with that faith, we should be able to embark undaunted upon the new year with all its challenges and chances.)
