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A;Which person do you admire most?B:I admire my mother most.

A:could you tell me some reasons that why you adire her most?

B:she is very kind,she always encourage me to overcome difficults in my lifetime,an she ca n support me no matter how dark the world around me becomes,when I gain several accomplish ment,she wil come to congratulate to me.And you.


(二)性别歧视insexism gender inequality

Gender inequality is a long_standing historical and global problem.,in ancient times,many count aries in the world existed such concept,but the practice of feminist movement have not never sto pped,Nowadays,people all over the countary advocate the equality between man and woman,a nd the situation is going to better to better.but some still hold this idea.

In my opinion,the concept is wrong,there are many out_standing woman whe play an importan t role in the world and the enterprises.


Nowadays,an increasing number of students are going to abroad yo study,like everything going t o abroad has favorable and unfavorable aspects,the favorable aspects can be listed as follow,firstl y,studing abroad not only learn many professional knowledge,but also know several culture and c ustoms of foreign nations.secondly,they can take advantage of this opportunity to study foreign la nguage thirdly,they can meet many different people and different experiene,which can enrich ou r view and broaden our mind.

But we are just looking at the positive side,there are still some drawbacks as well,they may feel l onely,and the cost is very high.Basing on the anaiysis obove,I think the advantage is outweigh dis advantage.


1、诚信credit loyalty thrust

Credit play an important role in any individuals development of chracter and competence,withou t credit no one can get thrust from others,let alone gian help from others and cooperate with oth ers.As the old saying is that thoesty is the best policy.


We must the remember the Yugong’s story,an old foolish man who have the quality of persevera nce,finally moving the big mountian infront of his house.It the pereverance rather than genius an d any other extraordinary capacity,that can inspire us to cope with any arduous tasks.with persev erance,the goals we intend can be reached and so can the hard nut be cracked.


On summer holiday,my parents took me to climb the mount huangshan,As we all know,huangsha n is a famous scenic spor,located in Anhui province.they are many beautifull scenary like strange pines,absurd stones and sea of cloud.The pines can be seen every corner of the mount.I was ama zed by their thrength and vigor.The stones look like human_being,animals and other object.At su nrise or sunset,the cloud assume every colour from red to purple.I like to see them very much,Alt hough,I am very tired along way,the days on the mount is a worthwhile period in my life time.I ha ve a wonderful time.
