







While most people are suffering from snoring (打鼾),research shows it can be harmful to your health.That's because for over 18 million Americans,it's related to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)(阻碍性睡眠).It can cause people to suffer from OSA repeatedly and unknowingly stop breathing during the night.The lack of oxygen can last for a minute or longer,and happen hundreds of times each night.

Thankfully,most people wake when the obstruction happens,but it can make you feel completely tired.OSA has also been linked to a lot of health problems including heart disease.

It's expensive to treat OSA.Doctors may require you to wear uncomfortable equipment,and may even include painful surgery(手术).

Fortunately,there is now a comfortable,far less costly treatment.A recent study published by Eastern Virginia Medical School's Division of Sleep Medicine in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine concludes that wearing a simple chin strap(下巴托) while you sleep can be an effective treatment for OSA.

The chin strap works by supporting the chin and tongue,preventing obstruction of breath.It is now available from a company called My Snoring Solution.It's made from a high-tech,lightweight,and super-comfortable material.Thousands of people have used the“My Snoring Solution”chin strap to help weaken their snoring,and they report better sleeping,and better health because of it.

The“My Snoring Solution”chin strap is available only from the company's website which is currently offering a limited time“2 for 1(buy one and get another one for free)”offer($119).The product also comes with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee.The free additional strap is great for travel or as a gift for a fellow sufferer.

Best of all,this product comes with an unconditional 90-day money back guarantee!

Click here to learn more about this special $119 offer from My Snoring Solution.


1.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A.Y ou have to suffer a lot if you get OSA.

B.We are facing the shortage of OSA doctors.

C.Patients' expense should be paid by the government.

D.The traditional treatment for OSA has many disadvantages.



2.Which of the following statements is NOT right about the chin strap?

A.It is not heavy.

B.It can cure OSA completely.

C.It can only be bought on the Internet.

D.Y ou can get a free strap when you buy the product.

解析:细节理解题。根据第五段“Thousands of people have used the'My Snoring Solution'chin strap to help weaken their snoring...”可知,这个产品只能减轻打鼾症状,并不能根治。


3.If you pay $238,how many products can you buy?


解析:细节理解题。根据第六段“...which is currently offering a limited time'2 for 1(buy one and get another one for free)'offer ($119) ”可知,现在这个产品处于买一赠一促销阶段,119美元可以得到两套,所以238美元可以得到四套产品。



As many women know only too well,finding a dress that fits their bodies isn't an easy task.But a new dress,which is created using a 3D printer,may be the answer to every woman's style problems.

A design studio has used 3D printing technology to create a creative dress customized(定做)to a woman's body.The dress,which costs a surprising £1,900($3,000)to print,features 2,279 printed patterns interconnected by 3,316 hinges.

Creators Nervous System call it a“4D dress”as the printed dress can go from a flat object to the shape that you want.Jessica Rosenkrantz,co-founder and creative director,said that the dress took nearly 48 hours to print.

The company,based in Massachusetts,the USA,has also created a smartphone and tablet app(平板电脑程序),which helps users to operate their https://www.360docs.net/doc/4710319577.html,ing the app,the pattern,style and flexibility (柔韧性)of the dress can all be changed.

Speaking about her work,Jessica Rosenkrantz said:“I'm very interested in a future where dresses are more personal and customised.It is printed using a process called Selective Laser

Sintering that uses a laser(激光)to mix together nylon powder,leaving unmelted powder in between all of the gap spaces.More dresses are already on the way.”

Although the 4D dress is quite exorbitant,many women have ordered it.Women like it very much because it fits them well.What's more,it is easy to be compressed(压缩)and to be stored.It can also change its pattern,style and flexibility whenever you want it to do so.The most important thing about the 4D dress is that it has no harmful materials,therefore it does no harm to your body.


4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.The 4D dress created by 3D printing technology.

B.Tips on how to choose suitable dresses.

C.New technologies and our daily life.

D.The development of 3D printing technology.



5.The underlined word “exorbitant”in the last paragraph probably means ________.A.complex B.heavy

C.soft D.costly

解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段“The dress,which costs a surprising £1,900($3,000)to print”可知,这种裙子光打印就需要3 000美元,非常昂贵。


6.What is a must if you want to operate the 4D dresses?

A.A smartphone. B.The tablet app.

C.A computer. D.A VIP card.

解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“...and tablet app,which helps users to operate their https://www.360docs.net/doc/4710319577.html,ing the app,the pattern,style and flexibility of the dress can all be changed.”可知,顾客必须使用公司研制的平板电脑程序才能操作4D裙子。


7.The last paragraph shows readers ________.

A.the working process of the 4D dress

B.the popularity of the 4D dress

C.the advantages of the 4D dress

D.the history of the 4D dress




You may have heard adults say they are uncomfortable in the morning without a cup of coffee.One reason they may feel that way is that coffee contains caffeine(咖啡因).Caffeine exists naturally in coffee,tea,and cocoa beans,which are used to make chocolate.But now food makers are adding it to many products.

The US government is especially worried about the problem.That's why the Food and Drug Administration(FDA)is studying the health effects of caffeine on young people.Studies show that too much caffeine can make people nervous and unable to sleep.What's more,caffeine is

habit-forming.Those who consume it regularly and stop suddenly may experience headaches and feel tired.

One of the biggest concerns is the large amount of caffeine added to so-called energy drinks,like Red Bull.A 12-ounce(盎司)can of cola has about 35 milligrams(毫克)of caffeine.A similar serving of Red Bull contains more than three times that amount.

The Institute of Medicine is also working on caffeine-safety measures.“Teenagers should not take drinks that contain caffeine.Some teenagers consume caffeine to stay awake and study for a test.They will remember less of what they just studied,”said Stallings,a member of the institute.

Companies that make products with added caffeine say they do not advertise them to

kids.However,there is no law to stop children from buying them.So the FDA needs to set limits on caffeine,especially in energy drinks.As for added caffeine in foods,the government should just say no.If not,the amount of caffeine should be printed on food labels to remind consumers.The government must do that.

Doctors say kids should avoid caffeine.If you need extra energy,try these natural ways:eat right,exercise,and get plenty of sleep.


8.What is the US government particularly concerned about?

A.The fact that coffee contains caffeine.

B.The practice of adding caffeine to foods.

C.The measures to avoid caffeine's effects.

D.The practice of using caffeine to make chocolate.

解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“But now food makers are adding it to many products.”和第二段“The US government is especially worried about the problem.”可知,食品生产商给食品添加咖啡因,这引起了美国政府的特别关注。


9.Red Bull is listed in the third paragraph as an example of ________.

A.caffeine's effects on health

B.teenagers' addiction to caffeine

C.drinks which contain much caffeine

D.people's concern about teenagers' health

解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“One of the biggest concerns is the large amount of caffeine added to so-called energy drinks,like Red Bull.”可知,红牛里添加了许多咖啡因,作者列举这个例子只是为了说明饮料中含有咖啡因这种情况。


10.According to the passage,which of the following is RIGHT?

A.Teenagers should consume caffeine to keep awake.

B.Drinks containing caffeine have bad effects on teenagers' growth.

C.Teenagers' habits of drinking should be changed.

D.People's poor memory has a lot to do with caffeine.

解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Studies show that too much caffeine can make people nervous and unable to sleep...Those who consume it regularly and stop suddenly may experience headaches and feel tired.”和第四段“Some teenagers consume caffeine to stay awake and study for a test.They will remember less of what they just studied”可知,摄入太多咖啡因会使人精神紧张,无法入睡。经常摄入咖啡因又突然停止的人会头痛,感到疲劳。青少年为了保持清醒和准备考试学习摄入咖啡因,但是他们只会记住学到的东西的很少部分。由此可知,摄入咖啡因对青少年的成长有影响。


11.Paragraph 5 mainly talks about ________.

A.the measures to protect teenagers from caffeine's effects

B.the risk of buying products containing caffeine

C.how to control the use of caffeine

D.how to take care of teenagers




Tears ran down from my eyes as I saw the essay my high school English teacher had just handed back.A big F was written on top.I was hopeless.I was stupid!My face burned with shame when my classmates called me stupid.

“I'm the only one who doesn't know my ABCs!”I sobbed to mum.

“I'll help,”she promised.

Every day I sat with her,but to me,cat looked like cta and red was reb.Frustrated,I would return to my bedroom and draw,filling the paper with houses,restaurants and offices.

“When I grow up,I want my own store,”I told mum,pointing to my drawings.

“That's great!”she said,“but first you have to learn to read.”

Later,I was diagnosed with dyslexia(失读症).So mum took me to a learning centre,where I was given reading exercises.But I still struggled.Finally,I graduated,but I was afraid of my reading skills.

“I'll never get a job!”I cried to mum later again.

“Don't focus on what you can't do,”she comforted.“Concentrate on what you can.”

But what can I do?I wondered.Suddenly,I thought of the drawings I'd made as a child and my dream of having my own store.I enjoyed sales so much that over the next few years,I tried my hand at other businesses.Today,I watch over seven branches.We have 187 employees and $15 million in sales.

While I'll never be what my teachers might have wanted,I am a success-on my own terms.The other day a student sent me a card,reading:You gave me so much confidence.I hope to be like you when I am big.Tears of joy filled my eyes.This was my A,I smiled.


12.Why did the author feel so ashamed at school?

A.His teacher scolded him in class.

B.His teacher refused to read his essay.

C.He failed to hand in his essay on time.

D.His classmates looked down upon him.

解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句“My face burned with shame when my classmates called me stupid”可知,作者感到羞愧的原因是同学们说他愚蠢,瞧不起他,因此选D。


13.Which of the following best describes the author's feeling to his mother?

A.Doubtful. B.Grateful.

C.Guilty. D.Annoyed.



14.What do you know from the last paragraph?

A.The author's success inspired a kid.

B.The author's parents were proud of their child.

C.The author set a good example to businessmen.

D.The author's teacher must have felt ashamed.

解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Y ou gave me so much confidence.I hope to be like you when I am big”可知,作者的成功鼓舞了一个孩子,应选A。


15.Which of the following can match the text?

A.No pains,no gains.

B.Never too old to learn.

C.Every man has his value.

D.Two heads are better than one.





Today,not a lot of people take the time to read books anymore,but there are many benefits of reading books.Read on to learn the various benefits of reading books!

16____ Whenever you read something,you learn new information that you otherwise would not have known.It can be a fact about history or a theory you did not know existed.If you want to learn new words in particular,reading books is a great way to enrich your vocabulary.

17____ Similar to solving puzzles,reading books allows your mind to practise its processing skills.Going without books for too long will turn your mind to mush.

One of the primary benefits of reading books is its ability to develop your critical thinking skills.____18____ Whenever you are faced with a similar problem in real life,your mind is now able to put its mystery-solving prowess to a test.

One of the great benefits of reading books is that the information in it can be accessed over and over again.For example,reading a cookbook allows you the luxury of reviewing the procedures and the ingredients whenever you need to.____19____ Don't even think about writing the information down because you may lose the paper you wrote down on sooner or later.

These are just some of the wonderful benefits of reading books.Why don't you drop by a bookstore or a library and pick a book up?If you can't even go outside,you can download free

e-books online and read them on your computer.____20____

A.Reading books helps you become a better reader.

B.Reading also keeps your mind in good condition.

C.Following a recipe from a cooking show will be difficult.

D.Reading mystery novels,for example,sharpens your mind.

E.Obviously,reading books provides you with new knowledge.

F.That way,you can see how advantageous reading can be for yourself.

G.You can memorize information better by seeing how words are used while reading.





Luke Cameron decided to do a good deed every day for the whole year of 2014.At that time,he could never have ____21____ how much it would change his life.Luke was ____22____ to do a year of good deeds soon after a good friend ____23____ in 2013,when he was extremely sad.In December 2013,Luke decided that January 1 would be the day that he started ____24____ good deeds.He also started writing a Good Deed blog,and ____25____ every small kind action on the site.

The ____26____ actions ranged from taking out the rubbish for his elderly neighbour,to baking lemon cakes and ____27____ them to his friends and family.He has also bought countless meals for ____28____ at McDonald's,and even paid for a person's petrol just ____29____ he stood next to the person in the queue.____30____,Luke has spent £3,000 in the last 12 months on good deeds,____31____ the fact that he was only earning the wage(工资)of a shop worker.

Since starting his Good Deed ____32____,Luke entered a competition to win the job of National Philanthropy Manager.His great challenge ____33____ the organizers to believe that he was the right man for the ____34____.So,in 2015,Luke will be paid to travel to the UK taking part in 45 different charities.He had also decided to ____35____ his challenge the next year.

He said:“I did this ____36____ to help people as a social experiment.I wanted to ____37____ how helping others for a year can really help myself.I've gone from working in a __38__ to now the National Philanthropy Manager,and I've raised thousands for charity.The __39__ has completely changed my life.By helping others,I have healed myself.It really changes your view on life when you help people.You will become more ____40____ for what you have.”


21.A. expected B.informed

C.noticed D.realized



22.A. fortunate B.unwilling

C.determined D.delighted

解析:根据上文“Luke Cameron decided to do a good deed...”可知,卢克决定做一年的善事。


23.A. passed away B.got over

C.fell ill D.went broke

解析:根据下文“...when he was extremely sad.”可知,卢克的好友去世了,他伤心欲绝。


24.A. secret B.public C.personal D.daily

解析:根据上文“...every day for the whole year of 2014.”可知,卢克决定每天做一件善事。


25.A. renewed B.recorded

C.repeated D.recalled

解析:根据上文“He also started writing a Good Deed blog...”可知,卢克为此开了博客,记录下每一件小小的善事。


26.A. childish B.voluntary

C.kind D.strange

解析:根据上文“...every small kind action on the site.”可知答案。


27.A. lending B.moving

C.selling D.sending



28.A. friends B.relatives

C.partners D.strangers



29.A. once B.because

C.when D.if



30.A. Firstly B.Finally

C.Totally D.Honestly

解析:根据下文“...Luke has spent £3,000 in the last 12 months on good deeds...”可知,在过去12个月中卢克做善事一共花了3 000英镑。


31.A. except B.regarding

C.with D.despite

解析:根据上下文“...Luke has spent £3,000...earning the wage of a shop worker.”可知,卢克去年做善事一共花了3 000英镑,尽管他只拿商店店员的工资。


32.A. dream B.challenge

C.lesson D.project

解析:根据下文“His great challenge...”可知,卢克由于日行一善的挑战,他获得了一个竞争国家慈善事业经理一职的机会。


33.A. convinced B.forced

C.advised D.allowed

解析:根据下文“...now the National Philanthropy Manager...”可知,卢克成为了国家慈善事业的经理,所以说他的善行挑战使组织者确信他是合适的人选。


34.A. competition B.life

C.job D.world



35.A. quit B.develop C.continue D.spread



36.A. finally B.importantly

C.silently D.completely



37.A. see B.announce C.research D.prove

解析:根据上文“...as a social experiment.”可知,卢克把做善事当作是社会试验,用来看看帮助别人是怎样反过来帮助自己的。


38.A. community B.shop

C.charity D.school

解析:根据上文“...he was only earning the wage of a shop worker.”可知,卢克曾是一名商店的员工。


39.A. chance B.belief

C.programme D.experiment

解析:根据上文“I did this...to help people as a social experiment.”可知,这次试验彻底改变了卢克的生活。


40.A. grateful B.desired

C.anxious D.concerned





As the monitor as well as one of the top students in my class,I am always a proud

boy.Sometimes I rely so much on 41.________ that I won't follow others' suggestions.And it was because of my blind pride that I made 42.________ stupid mistake in a physics competition

43.________ needed not only personal ability 44.________ teamwork.During the competition,I thought I performed 45.________(well)than my partners and it was I that won the applause of the audience,so I forgot 46.________(work)together with them.47.________ our group were preparing for the last question,one of my partners told me that there was something wrong with our last question's answer and suggested 48.________(check)it out.But I was so proud that I didn't take his advice.To my surprise,our answer was wrong and we failed.If I 49.______(take)his advice at that moment,we would not have failed.50.________(experience)the failure,I realize that it is important to listen to others' opinions.


45.better46.to work47.When48.checking49.had taken50.Having experienced


第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)







Time flies !This is a third year that I have been in this school.In the past two and a half years ,our school had organized many activities.What impressed me best was an activity called “Learning to Far m”.In an autumn afternoon ,we were sent to a farm which we learned to plant

potatoes.Having been in the city for so a long time ,we were so happy to go to the countryside.After divided into three groups ,we started to work.Some students cut potatoes into pieces ,some dug holes ,and the others put the pieces of potatoes into the hole ,put the earth back and pushed them down hard.We continued doing that until all the work was done.Although we were exhausted ,but we felt fulfilled on our way back home.


Time flies !This is

a the third year that I have been in this school.In the past two and a half years ,our school had has organized many activities.What impressed me best most

was an activity called

“Learning to Farm”.In On

an autumn afternoon ,we were sent to a farm we learned to plant potatoes.Having been in the city for so such

a long time ,we were so happy to go to the

countryside.After divided into three groups ,we started to work.Some students cut potatoes

into pieces ,some dug holes ,and the others put the pieces of potatoes into the

hole holes ,put the earth back and pushed them it

down hard.We continued doing that until all the work was done.Although we were exhausted ,

we felt fulfilled on our way back home. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


















Dear Mike,

I am very glad to hear from you.And I would like to introduce some facts about the minorities in China which you are very interested in.

As we all know,China has been a united multi-national country since ancient times.When the PRC was set up in 1949,there were 56 peoples in China altogether,which are all equal.Among them,the population of the Han people is the greatest.Thus the other peoples are called minorities.Although the population of those minorities is relatively small,they are widespread all around China.Most of them have their own history,language and culture.All the peoples in China contribute to the development of China and they will keep together forever.That is my brief introduction of Chinese minorities.What do you think of it?

Good luck to you!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


必修一 ★阅读鉴赏★ 第一单元 1 *沁园春长沙 2 诗两首 雨巷 再别康桥 3 大堰河──我的保姆 第二单元 4 烛之武退秦师 5 荆轲刺秦王 6 鸿门宴 第三单元 7 记念刘和珍君 8 小狗包弟 9 *记梁任公先生的一次演讲第四单元 10 短新闻两篇 别了,“不列颠尼亚” 奥斯维辛没有什么新闻 11 包身工 12 飞向太空的航程 ★表达交流★ 心音共鸣写触动心灵的人和事园丁赞歌记叙要选好角度 人性光辉写人要凸显个性 黄河九曲写事要有点波澜 朗诵 ★梳理探究★ 优美的汉字 奇妙的对联 新词新语与流行文化 ★名著导读★ 《论语》 《大卫·科波菲尔》 后记

第一单元──中国新诗和外国诗歌: 1.反复朗读; 2.分析意象; 3.发挥想像; 4.感受真情; 5.陶冶性情; 6.学写新诗。 其中反复朗读、发挥想像是读诗的基础,这是最基本的训练,也是容易做到的,在本册课本“表达交流”中有“朗诵”一节,较为全面地指导学生朗诵,可提示学生提前阅读,其中朗读的知识、方法、技巧等可供学习本单元时参考;分析意象、感受真情是教学重点,分析意象又是教学难点,学生可能不懂什么是意象,不会分析意象,应该教给一些关于意象的知识,明确了概念有利于顺利地把握和分析诗中意象;学写新诗体现读写结合的原则,是更高要求,读诗与写诗可以互相促进,但在本单元读诗是更基本的。 第二单元──古代山水游记类散文: 1.朗读背诵; 2.知人论世; 3.品味情意; 4.培养语感; 5.注重审美。 其中朗读背诵没有写进单元提示,但它是题中应有之义,读文言文当然应该强化有声的“读”的训练,它与“培养语感”是相适应的,朗读背诵是培养语感的前提和途径,事实上本单元的“研讨与练习”多有朗读和背诵的要求;文言文去今久远,作品背景复杂,作者情况难以明了,所以强调知人论世的阅读鉴赏方式;品味情意是达到审美的一条重要途径,当然审美目标的达成来自多方面努力,包括品味语言、鉴赏文章形式美等,所谓情意也就是习惯所称思想感情。 第三单元──现当代写人记事散文: 1.抓住细节; 2.分析个性; 3.体察倾向; 4.品评亮点; 5.圈点批注。 其中的细节描写是指对人物的细节描写,包括对人物的外貌、言行、心理和生活环境的细致入微的描写。这些描写是这类写人记事散文的主要构成部分,也是教学时应当着重关注的部分。要通过对这些细节描写的品味分析,来分析总结人物的个性,体察透视作者对人物、事件和时代的感情倾向、评价判断和深刻思考。圈点批注应细分为圈点和批注,这是两种不同的阅读方式,也是传统语文教学最有效的阅读经验之一,现在高中课本是大开本,课文旁边都留有大片空白,供练习批注之用。批注的形式可以多种多样,应充分个性化,批注的内容应紧密联系课文,用语最好精粹、恰当。这是学生进入高中后学语文第一次尝试圈点批注,老师们可以提示方法,关注学生圈点批注的过程和结果。 第四单元──中外新闻报告文学: 1.学习新闻作品:弄清新闻结构、新闻事实、新闻背景、客观叙述和主观评价,学会提取信息。 2.学习报告文学:联系时代背景,把握作者倾向,鉴赏叙事技巧,学会关注社会。 3.读写结合:评论新闻事实,思考社会问题。


一 one: one表示泛指,指同名称中的另一事物既可代替人,也可以代替物 复数形式为ones. That,主要用于两种东西的对比,其复数形式为those,也可以用于特指。That用于代替物,不能用于代替人。 I don’t like this computer canyou give me a better (one)? The wether in Guangzhou is hotter than (that) in Beijing in summer. that,which: Here is the man (that)you're been looking for I don’t like the way (that) you talk to somebody else. and: She doctors her children for colds and stomachaches. 二 Until then: Until then,his family ____ from him for six months A.didn't hear B.hasn't heard C.hasn't been hearing

D.hadn't heard 过去完成时标志词: 1.由时间状语来判定 2.(1 )by + 过去的时间点。 3.(2 )by the end of + 过去的时间点。 4.(3 )before + 过去的时间点。 5.I _______ (finish) reading the novel by nine o'clock last night. 6.We _______ (learn) over two thousand English words by the end of last term. 7.They ______(plant) six hundred trees before last Wednesday. 三 1. Look at the children on the playground. They are flying kites ________(happy). Let’s join them. 2. Why do you think you did so ___________(bad)i n your test? As: As time went on / by, she became more and more beautiful . As a young man, he was active in sports. Remember, you must do everything as I do


《多媒体课件制作与使用技术》课题:The Olympic Games 姓名:Mia Dong 学号:17 专业:英语班级: 4 课程名称:多媒体课件制作与使用技术 学期:2012至2013学年第二学期

人教版高中英语必修二第三单元 《The Olympic Games》教学设计 Mia Dong 外语系4班17 一、学情分析 (一)学习者分析 1、一般特征: 学生基本上来自农村,英语水平参差不齐,学习压力大; 学习策略与方法不合理,有的学生还不喜欢英语。 2、学习风格分析: 对于高中生来说,学习的习惯和方法还是局限于较为死板,习惯于题海战术,很 少有自发的对感兴趣的课题的研究或学习; 学生习惯于上课认真听老师讲解,较少地参与主动地学习,一直是较为死板地学 习,老师激发学生兴趣,使其主动融进课堂学习。 3、初学能力判断; 既一个学期的高中英语学习后,学生的英语水平能力有提高,但还需继续努力; 关于必修二已经学习了第一、二单元,学生基本可以接受第三单元的学习任务, 前提是必须认真融入由教师带领的学习氛围中。 (二)教材分析 本单元以世界性的体育盛会──Olympic Games 为话题,旨在通过本单元的教学, 使学生了解奥运会的起源、宗旨、以及古现代奥运会的异同。学会用英语表达自己 的兴趣爱好以及如何向别人推荐某一种爱好,同时培养学生对体育运动的爱好。二、教学目标

教学要求: (一)教学模式 关于第二单元本环节——reading部分,采用教学问答模式、课堂授受模式、指导自 学模式、合作交流模式以及探究学习多种模式交叉运用。 (二)教学策略 主要是使用替代式教学策略,使学生在短期内学习许多内容,提高教学效率。其中 穿插问题引导方式,从而克服单一的替代式教学策略的不足 (三)教学方法 以语言形式获得间接经验的方法为主,通过教师和学生口头语言活动及学生独立阅 读书面语言为主,其中使讲授法、谈话法、讨论法和读书指导法交叉使用。 四、教学平台 以多媒体课件演示为主,辅之以少量板书,即多媒体课件教室的教学环境。 五、教学计划 本单元用6课时 第一课时: Warming up and listening 第二课时: Speaking 第三课时: Reading 第四课时: Reading 第五课时: Language study 第六课时: Integrating skills (注:本课件为教学计划中的第三课时) 六、教学动力和动机 关于第三单元本环节教学,教师通过展示学生普遍关注的或喜欢的图片调动学习兴 趣,并且共同讨论学习各种有趣的运动调动学生学习积极性,并告知学生在reading 后有课堂测验,从而使学生感到较小的压力,促进学习积极性,进而完成教学任务 和教学目标。 七、教学具体环节


《别了,不列颠尼亚》说课稿 一、说教材 《别了,不列颠尼亚》是编排在人教版《普通高中课程标准实验教科书语文1(必修)》第四单元的课文,是精读课文《短新闻两篇》中的一篇,另一篇是《奥斯维辛没有什么新闻》。这一单元的学习内容是新闻和报告文学,还有两篇作品分别是中国报告文学三大里程碑之一的《包身工》和记录中国航天事业辉煌发展的《飞向太空的航程》。 本单元四篇作品不仅传递着新鲜、真实的信息,同时更张显人文性的厚度,他们以饱满的情感,纵横的历史经验,给读者以心灵的震撼,是将新闻事实与新闻背景、客观叙述与主观评价完美结合的典范。基于以上特点我将《别了,不列颠尼亚》的教学目标设定为:学习积累新闻文体的相关基本知识,通过快速阅读掌握新闻事实,了解香港回归的历史过程,感悟借助细节、对比等手法展现出的作者的骄傲与自豪。阅读文本,使学生能够与作者产生情感共鸣,完成潜移默化的德育教育目标。 在教学目标确立的基础上,突出教学重点,即学习新闻类作品的特点和本文的写作特色。注重基础知识的传授和阅读能力的培养,并且让这种能力的生成在教师的指导和点拨下实现。根据学生的认知水平和鉴赏能力,将教学难点设定为学习本文运用对比含蓄地表达情感的手法。

二、说教法 1、学情分析: 高一的学生经过初中的语文学习和训练,有一定的阅读和鉴赏能力。他们对新闻类作品比较熟悉,学习此类作品容易让他们获得心灵共鸣,产生获取知识的满足感。为防止学生在阅读过程中流于表面化,肤浅化,教学过程由浅入深,由已知过渡到未知成为了我设计本课的教学思路。目的是激发学生的学习兴趣,健全学生思考与探究的能力,达到水到渠自成的教学效果。 2、教法指导 第斯多惠说“教育艺术的本质不在于传授本领,而在于激励、唤醒和鼓舞”。为了让学生学会自主学习,我采用了以下教学方法: (一)阅读法:先速读,后精读。根据新大纲要求学生的速读应达到每分钟600字。本文约1000字,要求学生在两分钟内读完,并概述本则新闻的要点。这可培养学生的阅读速度,提高概括能力。 (二)提问法:以提问的形式对学生的阅读实践进行适时的点拨,推动学生的思维活动,探究文本的真意。同时注重各个问题之间的内在联系,构建个性化解读方式。 (三)示例法:用一篇示例新闻加深学生对这一体裁的理解。 三、说学法 学生是学习的主体,自主学习是高中阶段教育的重要任务,


2015年必修四英语主谓一致 句子的主语有单复数及人称的变化,其谓语动词需要根据主语的人称和数的不同而有所变化。即:谓语动词与其主语在人称和数上必须保持一致。 她的梦想已经实现了。 Her dreams ______ come true. Her dream _______come true. 从以上两个例句可以看出谓语动词随主语的数而变化。 她(他)常常搭公车上学。 She/He often goes to school by bus. 他们常常搭公车上学。 They often go to school by bus. 他(她)是老师。 He/She is a teacher. 他们是老师。 They are teachers. ●主谓一致可分为以下四种:语法一致、意义一致、就近原则、随前原则 【语法一致】 (1)主语是and,both…and…连接的并列结构 如果主语指的是两个或两个以上的人或物,则谓语动词用复数。 在中国的这个地方既种稻子又种小麦。 Both rice and wheat _____ grown in this part of China. (be) 我妈妈和我已看过这部电影。 My mother and I have seen the film. ? A knife and fork ___ used to have meals. (be) ?The singer and dancer _____ on the stage. (be) 注意:由and连接的并列主语前面分别有each,every,no修饰时,其谓语动词用单数形式。 Every boy and every girl has to receive education in our country. 在我国每一个男女孩子都得受教育。 师生没有被邀请参加晚会。 No student and no teacher ________________ (2)主语后面接说明主语的修饰语


PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHY 地理之谜 人们也许觉得奇怪,为什么用来描述英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰这四个国家的词语不太一样。但如果你学过英国历史,就能弄清楚这个问题。 首先是英格兰。威尔士于13世纪同英格兰联合了起来。如今只要有人提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士总是包括在内的。接着,英格兰、威尔士同苏格兰于17世纪联合了起来,名字就改成了“大不列颠”。令人庆幸的是,当苏格兰的詹姆斯国王成为英格兰和威尔士的国王时,这三个国家和平地实现了联合。最后,英国政府打算于20世纪初把爱尔兰也同另外三个国家和平联合起来以形成联合王国。然而,爱尔兰的南部却不愿组建联合王国,它分离出去,并建立了自己的政府。因此只有北爱尔兰同英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰联合起来,而组成了联合王国,这一点从新的联合王国国旗上就可以看得出来。 值得赞扬的是,这四个国家的确在一些方面共同合作,例如在货币和国际关系方面;但是有些制度仍然区别很大。例如,北爱尔兰、英格兰和苏格兰在教育体制和立法体制上都存在着差异。在参加像世界杯之类的比赛时,它们有着各自的足球队。在这四个国家中,英格兰是最大的。为了方便起见,它大致可以划分为三个地区。最靠近法国的那个地区叫做英格兰南部,中部地区叫做英格兰中部,最靠近苏格兰的那个地区叫做英格兰北部。你可以看到英国的大部分人口聚居在南部,而多数大工业城市都位于中部和北部。尽管,英国任何一个城市都不像中国的城市那样大,但是他们都有着自己的享有威名的足球队,有的城市甚至还有两个队。很遗憾,这些建于19世纪的工业城市对游客并没有吸引力。要找历史性建筑你得去更古老的、比较小些的由古罗马人建造的城镇。在那儿你才可能找到更多的有关英国历史和文化的东西。 最具历史意义的宝地是伦敦。那儿有博物馆,有艺术珍品、剧院、公园和各种建筑物。它是全国的政治中心。它有公元一世纪由罗马人建造的最古老的港口,有由盎格鲁——撒

2018-2019学年高中语文人教版必修一:单元综合测评1 Word版含答案

单元综合测评(一)第一单元 (时间:120分钟满分:120分) 一、基础巩固(17分) 1.下列各句中加点成语的使用,全都不正确的一项是(3分)() 【导学号:79942024】①要知道生之可贵,但不可苟且偷安 ....;要知道死不足惧,但不可轻易言死。 ②他知道自己患的是不可救药 ....的癌症,但他以“生命不息,战斗不止”的精神,鞠躬尽瘁为人民办事。 ③对于这样的意见,要加以分析,不可以生吞活剥 ....地完全肯定或完全否定。 ④宜春一中的老年人活动中心里,象棋、扑克、乒乓球、羽毛球、收音机、电视 机、书报、画片,包罗万象 ....。 ⑤如果不未雨绸缪 ....,将来就要被动,就难以保证明年地方工业发展的需要,因此从现在起,就必须“今年看明年”,及早准备。 ⑥摆好后,他照例是横瞅瞅,竖看看,里磕磕,外扳扳,直到那砖横平竖直了, 他自己也觉得称心如意 ....了,这才摸起另一块。 A.①③④B.①③⑤ C.②⑤⑥D.③④⑥ A[①苟且偷安:只顾眼前,得过且过的意思。与语境不合。“苟且偷生”与“不可轻易言死”相对,应该用“苟且偷生”。②不可救药:病重到已无法救治,比喻人或事物坏到无法挽救的地步。可以作定语,使用正确。③生吞活剥:比喻生硬地接受或机械地搬用(别人的经验、理论、方法等)。本句不是“搬用”的意思,而是“笼统含糊,不加分析”的意思,应用“囫囵吞枣”。④包罗万象:内容丰富,应有尽有的意思。虽也可在前边先列举一些事物,但一般都不在前边列出具体事物。而“应有尽有”有概括的作用,运用时可以跟总括性的词语搭配,也可以先在前边列举一些事物,而后用“应有尽有”来总括。所以此处应用“应有尽有”。⑤未雨绸缪:比喻事先做好准备。使用正确。⑥称心如意:形容心满意足,事情的发展完全符合心意。使用正确。] 2.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(3分)() 【导学号:79942025】A.这部迪士尼动画影片不仅故事有趣,动物主角可爱,情节引人入胜,而且能将哲理意义、文化内涵自然巧妙地融进精彩的故事情节中,给人以启迪。


必修五知识点总结 Unit 1: 1. put forward: 提出(计划、建议等);将…提前;把钟表拨快 e.g. He put forward a good plan for this project. 他为这项工程提出了一个好的方案。 The match has been put forward to 1:30. 比赛已经提前到一点半举行。 Put the clock forward by ten minutes. 把钟表拨快十分钟。 【词语联想】 ? put away: 收起来;贮存,储蓄 ? put down: 放下;写下,记下 ? put off: 推迟;延期 ? put on: 穿上;增加;上演(戏剧) e.g. put on weight: 增加了体重put on a new play: 上演新戏剧 ? put up: 张贴;撑开(帐篷) e.g. put up a poster put up a tent: 搭起帐篷 2. conclude: v. 作结论,断定(conclusion: n. 结论) e.g. The jury concluded that he was guilty. 陪审团认定他有罪。 【习惯用语】★draw a conclusion 作出结论 3. defeat vt.打败, 击败, 战胜;使(希望, 计划等)失败, 挫败; 阻挠, 使无效 e.g. He finally conceded defeat. 他最终承认了失败。 ◆区别: defeat, conquer, overcome ? defeat 指“赢得胜利”, 尤其指“军事上的胜利”,e.g. defeat th e enemy 打败敌人。 e.g. conquer nature 特别指“获得对人、物或感情的控制”, ? conquer指“征服”、”战胜”, ? overcome指“战胜”、“压倒”、“克服”尤指“感情”而言, e.g. overcome difficulties 4. attend: v. 1) to be present at; go to (meeting, conference, lecture...) 出席;参加 e.g. He decided to attend the meeting himsel f. 他决定亲自赴会。 2) to look after, care for, serve 照顾;看护。 e.g. Which doctor is attending to (on) you? 哪位医生护理你? 3)to go with 伴随 e.g. The work was attended with much difficulty. 这项工作带来许多困难。 5. expose...to... e.g. Don't expose your skin to the sun for too long. They had to be exposed to the enemy's gunfire. 6. blame sb. for sth.因为某事责备某人 e.g. He blamed the boy for his mistake. ★be to blame: 应受责备,应负责任 Who is to blame for the mistake?这个错误应归咎于谁? 7. in addition: 除此之外,另外, 意思相当于besides, what's more e.g. I paid 100 Yuan in addition. In addition to English, he has to study a second language. ◆区别: in addition to, except, besides,beside ? in addition to:除…之外,还有…,表示递进关系。 e.g. The company provided the workers with free lunch in addition to paid holidays. 这家公司为员工们提供带薪假期,还有免费午餐。 ? except:除…之外,表示在整体中排除, e.g. Everyone except me got an invitation. 除了我以外, 所有人都收到了请柬. ? besides 表示“除了……以外,还有……”,与in addition to 同义,

人教版必修一 教材分析_语文_教材分析_人教版

人教版必修I教材分析 本册教材供高一年级上学期前半段使用,学生在高中阶段接触的第一个语文必修模块。本册教材由阅读鉴赏、表达交流、梳理探究、名著导读组成,下面简要介绍一下全册教材,并谈一谈教学设想。 一、阅读鉴赏 阅读鉴赏的四个单元是现代新诗、古代记叙散文、写人记事散文、新闻(新闻和报告文学)。按照教材总的编排构想这四个单元在培养学生的阅读能力方面各有侧重。其中现代新诗侧重于品味和赏析,两个散文单元侧重于思考和领悟,新闻单元侧重于沟通和运用。 第一单元的新诗选的是毛泽东的《沁园春?长沙》、戴望舒的《雨巷》、徐志摩的《再别康桥》、艾青的《大堰河—我的保姆》。 《沁园春?长沙》是毛泽东同志年轻时代的佳作。诗中意象丰富,意境开阔,气魄宏大,意蕴深沉。所谓词如其人,词如其心,此词堪称毛泽东同志的壮志篇、抱负篇、情怀篇,亦可谓号召篇、期望篇。此词虽然运用中国古典诗词创作的格律形式,但内容和情感上却完全不受形式所困,是一首将深刻的政治内容与完美的艺术形式自然结合的上乘之作。教学时,要结合当时的时代背景去理解此词,但不应变成政治的诠释,而应把对诗人情感的理解放在对丰富的意象的感知上。 《诗两首》包括戴望舒先生的《雨巷》和徐志摩先生的《再别康桥》两首诗。这两首诗都是语言优美、情感细腻、意蕴悠长的唯美之作,称得上中国新诗的唯美的典范。《雨巷》也使戴望舒有了“雨巷诗人”的称号,《再别康桥》是闻一多在努力实现诗歌“三美”主张的有一代表性作品。 《大堰河——我的保姆》是艾青的代表作。诗人用朴素的语言和真挚的情怀深情地追忆自己的保姆——一位勤劳善良而又命运悲惨的中国旧时代生活在社会最底层的普通劳动妇女。此诗唯其真而得其美。诗中所描绘的那个时代的生活与我们学生现在的生活存在着比较大的距离,要注意通过情景的创设来缩小这种距离感,才能更好体验诗人的真性情。 需要说明的是,严格讲这三首诗不能统一划分为新诗,如果从创作时间上讲都出现在1919年之后,但是毛泽东的《沁园春?长沙》是依旧词牌的个律所创作的一首内容全新的诗歌。其次对于新诗歌的教学我们必须关注这一类文本独特的语文价值以及选文所呈现的每一片的核心价值,总体而言新诗歌的阅读与鉴赏我们要注意新诗歌以下的特点:

人教版 必修二 第三单元 阅读教学设计

BOOK2 Unit3 Who am I? 阅读教学设计(第一课时) 宁夏育才中学秦芹 一.教材分析 本课为人教版教材高一第一学期必修二第三单元第一课。文章以第一人称的形式按时间先后顺序讲述了computers的产生、发展和现在,并以拟人化的口吻表达了computers乐于为人类服务的精神。这个题材贴近学生生活,学生比较熟悉也很感兴趣,但与电脑相关的的专业术语过多。 1.文本特征: 文章体裁是科普说明文,文本特征十分明显。Reading中以别致的标题WHO AM I?引起学生的好奇心,使学生迫不及待地阅读这篇文章,并努力猜出“I”是computer,从而对文章的内容印象深刻。文章分为三个自然段。第一段按照时间顺利讲述了电脑在不同时期的发展状况。第二段从电脑的记忆储存和外形上讲述了电脑的变化。第三段描述电脑的作用。另外,文章还配有两幅插图,提示了相关部分的主要内容。在阅读过程中,注意引导学生利用这些文本特征进行速读和略读。 2.文本特点: 从文本的语言来看 ........,文章内容与生活紧密联系,但语言要求较高。文中出现的专业术语、短语较多,因此要通过实物图片解释或在上下文中理解,引导学生理解词汇的意思,从而提高阅读速度。在文章中尤其是在第一段描述电脑在不同时期的发展的时候,专业术语较多。 从文本的结构来看 ........,文章有三个自然段,每一段的开头一句话就是本段的主题句。脉络清晰。 从文本的内容来看 ........,文章是一篇关于电脑及其用途的文章,要注意对学生正确使用电脑的引导。 二任务分析 1.学习本篇阅读所需要的基础知识 (1)了解和电脑部件相关的基本词汇 (2)了解基本的科普说明文结构及相应的阅读技巧 2.学情分析:


Women of achievement (Teaching Design) (人教版高中英语课本必修四第一单元) 贵阳三十七中彭青娥 Teaching material analysis: The topic of the unit is “women of achievement”. It shows the achievements and contributions of six great women in different countries in different times, as well as the problems they had to overcome. It tells students the importance of respecting and protecting wildlife. More importantly, it helps students learn the roles that women play in the society and build up their confidence, responsibility and right views of society and gender. It encourages students to think about their own future plans and how to achieve them. Students should learn to use some adjectives to describe a great person and understand the reading passage. They should also be required to retell the text in their own words. The class aims to develop students’ different reading skills and self-confidence, and encourage them to learn from great women. Teaching important points: 1.Have students learn about some great women and their achievements. 2.Get students to learn different reading skills. Teaching difficult points: 1.Develop students’ reading ability. 2.Enable students to talk about women of achievement. Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge aims: 1) Have students master the useful new words and expressions in this part. 2) Let students learn to use some adjectives to describe a great person. 3) Let students learn about some great women and their achievements in different fields in the world. 4) Have students learn something about law: "Wildlife protection law of the People's Republic of China" 2. Ability aims: 1) Have students learn to use some reading skills such as predicting, skipping, note-taking, skimming and scanning. 2) Enable students to talk about women of great achievement. 3. Emotional aims: 1) Enable students to learn from great women, stimulate their love and


高一历史必修二第三单元综合测试卷一、选择题 19世纪中期伴随着列强对中国的侵略中国传统经济结构发生了变化。据此回答14题。 1.鸦片战争后“洋布洋棉其质既美其价复廉民间之买洋布、洋棉者十室而九。”这表明( ) ①中国棉纺织业水平下降②中国自然经济开始解体③手工生产难以与机器生产竞争A①②B②③C①③D①②③ 【答案】B 2.鸦片战争对中国经济产生的影响包括( ) ①东南沿海棉纺织业受到很大冲击②自然经济瓦解③丝茶等农产品大量出口A①②B ②③C①③D①②③ 【答案】C 3.茅盾的小说《春蚕》写到“洋鬼子怎样就骗了钱去老通宝不很明白。河里自有了小火轮船以后他自己田里生出来的东西就一天一天不值钱而镇上的东西却一天一天贵起来。”以下对这段话的理解不正确的是( ) A小农经济受到沉重打击B列强对中国进行商品倾销C中国的自然经济瓦解D列强凭借特权打开中国市场 【答案】C 4.19世纪后期烟台、青岛等开埠通商引发了山东省经济结构的调整。下表是今济南地区的章丘、济阳在20世纪初花生种植面积占耕地总面积百分比变化表(章有义的《中国近代农业史资料》第二辑)。下列

对该表的解读正确的是( ) 年份和地区1900 1915 1920 1924 山东章丘0.1 35 45 50 山东济阳0.2 15 25 40 ①农产品商品化程度增强②自然经济完全解体③经济逐渐被融入世界市场④经济作物种植比例上升A①②③B②③④C①②④D①③④ 【答案】D 19世纪60-90年代洋务派掀起了一场洋务运动中国近代化开始起步。据此回答5-12题。 5.从生产力发展的角度看洋务运动实质是( ) A以机器大生产代替手工劳动B富国强兵C发展民族资本主义D维护清王朝的封建统治 【解析】洋务运动引进了西方的科技创办了一批近代军事工业、近代民用工业促进了中国近代化。“近代”的含义是指机器大生产。因此选A。 【答案】A 6.在洋务运动期间洋务派已经注重对能源进行开发。观察下图判断该企业是( ) A江南制造总局B上海发昌机器厂C天津开平煤矿D安庆内军械所 【答案】C


2018年10月11日河北冀州中学的高中历史组卷 一.选择题(共30小题) 1.殷商主要把王室子弟分封到王畿之地,加强对被占领地区的控制。而到了周代,所封的同姓子弟诸侯国以武力为后盾,在原有的邦国部族区域强行楔入,如同往原方邦部族里“掺沙子”。这种变化说明西周时期() A.君主权力得到了某些强化 B.实现了中央对地方的直接管理 C.地方制度发生了质的变化 D.大一统国家管理已经基本成型 2.西周时分封设爵位五等,分为公侯伯子男五级,得位等级依次递减。战国时秦国则设爵位二十等,平民也可因军功封爵,有爵位者按等级學受不同待遇。这一变化说明秦国() A.进一步发展完善了分封制 B.封爵制有助于分封制瓦解 C.平民可因军功而成为分封诸侯 D.社会等级日益分化且层次复杂 3.《礼记?大学》载:“所谓治国必先齐其家者:其家不可教而能教人者,无之。故君子不出家而成教于国。孝者,所以事君也;弟者,所以事长也;慈者,所以便众也,”这主要体现了() A.家国同构观念B.宗法血缘关系C.家庭伦理规范D.以德治民思想4.王国维在《殷周制度论》中指出:“天子、诸侯虽无大宗之名,而有大宗之实”。其意在强调() A.天子是天下之大宗B.诸侯在本国则为大宗 C.天子诸侯均行宗法D.诸侯冲击天子之地位 5.西周是青铜器铭文大发展的时期,其字数与内容较商代相比均有了显著变化。在出土的青铜器中,用何尊、大盂鼎等详细记述贵族们接受周王的训诰和册命典礼的长篇巨制,屡见不鲜。该变化出现的主要原因是西周() A.中央集权进一步强化B.更加注重礼制的建设

C.青铜制造技术的发展D.汉字的运用日益广泛 6.周代的礼制内容非常复杂,在众多规定中体现了“亲亲”和“尊尊”两个基本原则。其中,“尊尊”主要反映了() A.浓厚的宗族色彩 B.浓重的神权色彩 C.强烈的等级意识 D.发达的礼乐制度 7.秦朝的“书同文”“行同伦”政策,最早可上溯到孔子,子思在《中庸》中转述孔子的话说:“今天下车同轨,书同文,行同伦。”这说明() A.儒法两家思想具有互补性B.文化统一成为时代要求 C.秦代奉行外法内儒的思想D.当时学术思想日益趋同 8.“创新”是一个国家,一个民族不断发展的灵魂,根据所学知识判断秦始皇的哪些措施属于首创() ①确立皇帝制度②推行郡县制③修筑长城④统一货币、文字、度量衡。A.①②④B.①④C.①③④D.①②③④ 9.《易中天中华史?汉武的帝国》中写道:“始皇的焚书,武帝的尊儒,动机都一样。”文中的“动机”主要指() A.消灭异端学说 B.唯我独尊,树立皇帝的权威 C.统一思想,巩固中央集权制度 D.繁荣学术文化 10.秦兵马俑出土的陶俑、陶马都经过精心彩绘且几乎无一雷同,青铜兵器制作精良且形制、大小几乎一致。每批陶俑、陶马、兵器上都打印或刻有T匠的名字。这反映当时() A.法家思想在国家管理上的体现 B.陶器制作T艺达到巅峰 C.工匠制造技艺高超、产品精美 D.战争催生青铜制造产业 11.秦汉时期的“九卿制”是古代专制社会的行政制度。观其职能,奉常、少府、宗正等负责皇室宗族事务;廷尉、典客等则纯粹管理国家事务。这本质上反映了秦汉时期的政治()


必修四第一单元 一、选择题。 1.下列词语中,加点字的注音不完全正确的一项是() A.忤逆(wǔ)前合后偃(yǎn)铁杵(chǔ)揠苗助长(yà) B.罪愆(qiān)繁衍生息(yǎn)擦(wèn)愠怒(yùn) C.谂知(shěn)熟稔(rěn)诡谲(jué)鹬蚌相争(yù) D.蕴藉(jiè)杯盘狼藉(jí)笑靥(yǎn)梦魇(yǎn) 2.下列各组词语中,有错别字的一组是() A.虚嚣惫赖暑气暄负曲衔冤 B.绣闼墙隅干家缘鳏寡孤独 C.玉醅暮霭歪剌骨红鸾天喜 D.看觑变徵白泠泠蜗角虚名 3.下列依次填入横线处的词语,恰当的一组是() ①借助于美国人的扶植,日本在上世纪六七十年代就已跃居为世界第二大经济强国。 ②这家医院医生医术高明、医德高尚,许多重病、疑难病患者都愿意到这里。 ③中国政府台湾同胞的切身利益,始终以最大的诚意争取台湾问题的和平解决。 ④常言道:“。”一个人再聪明能干,离开了人民群众的支持,也终将一事无成。 A.鼎力应诊考虑到孤掌难鸣 B.大力就诊鉴于一个巴掌拍不响 C.鼎力应诊鉴于一个巴掌拍不响 D.大力就诊考虑到孤掌难鸣 4.下列句子中没有语病的一项是() A.为阻止“台独”,中国准备牺牲一些国际的友好关系、外商投资甚至“必要的人员伤亡”。 B.作为一个共产党员,党的领导干部,办事情、想问题,都要从党的根本利益为出发点。 C.王教授没有上过正规大学,他在学术上获得了重大的成就,是由于他顽强不屈的努力取得的结果。 D.“神舟”五号的返回舱回到地球后,实验舱还可以继续停留在外太空进行各种空间实验,这比俄罗斯最新一代的“联盟”系列飞船还要先进。 5.下列句子中的标点符号,运用错误的一项是() A.如果台湾问题朝灾难性的方向继续发展,中国在内政外交上长期遵循的原则———稳定保障经济发展的原则可能被打破。 B.从知识分子到平民百姓,从网上舆论到上书人大,人们在追问是什么让一个善良的人惨死他乡? C.全国人大常委会通过了《中华人民共和国宪法修正案(草案)》,这是25年经济改革、民主政治追求的制度性成果。 D.我国年满十八周岁的公民,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、家庭出身、宗教信仰、教育程度、财产状况、居住期限,都有选举权和被选举权;但是依照法律被剥夺政治权利的人除外。 6.下面一句台词,反映了人物怎样的心情?() 鲁侍萍:“你是萍,……凭———凭什么打我的儿子?”


人教版高中语文目录必修一到必修五 2019-08-20 09:26:15 文/尹乙晴 高中语文都学了些什么?下面小编汇总的人教版高中语文目录,供大家参考。 1人教版高中语文必修一目录 第一单元 沁园春长沙 诗两首 雨巷 再别康桥 大堰河──我的保姆 第二单元 烛之武退秦师 荆轲刺秦王 鸿门宴 第三单元 记念刘和珍君 小狗包弟 记梁任公先生的一次演讲 第四单元 短新闻两篇 别了,“不列颠尼亚” 奥斯维辛没有什么新闻

包身工 飞向太空的航程 2人教版高中语文必修二目录第一单元 荷塘月色 故都的秋 囚绿记 第二单元 《诗经》两首 氓 采薇 离骚 孔雀东南飞并序 诗三首 涉江采芙蓉 短歌行 归园田居(其一) 第三单元 兰亭集序 赤壁赋 游褒禅山记 第四单元

就任北京大学校长之演说 我有一个梦想 在马克思墓前的讲话 3人教版高中语文必修三目录第一单元 林黛玉进贾府 祝福 老人与海 第二单元 蜀道难 杜甫诗三首 秋兴八首(其一) 咏怀古迹(其三) 登高 琵琶行并序 李商隐诗两首 锦瑟 马嵬(其二) 第三单元 寡人之于国也 劝学 过秦论

师说 第四单元 动物游戏之迷 宇宙的边疆 一名物理学家的教育历程 4人教版高中语文必修四目录第一单元 窦娥冤 雷雨 哈姆莱特 第二单元 柳永词两首 望海潮(东南形胜) 雨霖铃(寒蝉凄切) 苏轼词两首 念奴娇赤壁怀古 定风波(莫听穿林打叶声) 辛弃疾词两首 水龙吟登建康赏心亭 永遇乐京口北固亭怀古 李清照词两首 醉花阴(薄雾浓云愁永昼)

声声慢(寻寻觅觅) 第三单元 拿来主义 父母与孩子之间的爱 短文三篇 热爱生命 人是一根能思想的苇草 信条 5人教版高中语文必修五目录第一单元 林教头风雪山神庙 装在套子里的人 边城 第二单元 归去来兮辞并序 滕王阁序 逍遥游 陈情表 第三单元 咬文嚼字 说“木叶” 谈中国诗


新人教版高中英语必修五期末复习测试 1. ____ was most important to her, she told me, was her family. A. It B. This C. What D. As 2. It was not until midnight _____ they reached the camp site. A. that B. when C. while D. as 3. --How do you___ we go to Beijing for our holiday? - I think we’d better fly there. It is much more comfortable. A. insist B. want C. suppose D. suggest 4. Mr. Green stood up in defense of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he wasn’t the one_____. A. blamed B. blaming C. to blame D. to be blamed 5. I don’t know who ____ for the broken window. A. to be blamed B. to blame C. is to blame D. is to be blamed 6. The manager required to be kept ____ everything happening in the company while he was away. A. informing of B. informed of C. inform D. informed 7. My brother’s pale face suggested that he ____ ill, and my parents suggested that he ____ a medical examination. A. be; should have B. was; have C. should be; had D. was; has 8. The police are searching the town for Mr. Smith, who they think is _____ to the murder. A. concerned B. linked C. united D. involved 9. Every time he ____ to visit me, he ____ buy me some books. A. will come; will B. comes; will C. comes; would D. will come; would 10. I don’t think the wound in his leg will ____ his decision to enter for the English competition. A. effect B. affect C. disturb D. interrupt 11. The research is so designed that once ______ nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. begun C. beginning D. having begun 12. _____ production by 60%, the company has had another excellent year. A. As B. For C. With D. Through 13. The first textbooks _____ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A. having written B. to be written C. being written D. written 14. The boy has a handsome face ____ the scar on the his forehead. A. except B. besides C. other than D. apart from 15. Eating too much fat can ____ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A. result from B. devote to C. contribute to D. attend to 16. It _____ to chat online all day long. You’d better do something else. A. makes no sense B. makes no difference C. makes sense D. makes difference 17. The discovery of the new evidence led to ______. A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught 18. The growing of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, ______ are beyond our control. A. most of them B. most of which C. most of what D. most of that 19. For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, ______ New York is an example. A. for which B. in which C. of which D. from which 20. _____ you eat the correct foods _____ be able to keep fir and stay healthy. A. Only if; will you B. Only if; you will C. Unless; will you D. Unless; you will 21. _____ I used to go mountain-climbing every summer. A. At a time B. At one time C. At times D. At the same time 22. Please remain_____; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.
