校园百科知识竞赛 (英语)

2020年中小学生百科知识竞赛题库及答案(三)1.夜盲症是因为缺少哪种维生素所导致?维生素A2.曾饰演许文强,小马哥,赌神,等经典角色的香港男影星是谁?周润发3.徐克电影《笑傲江湖-东方不败》里的东方不败由哪位女演员扮演的?林青霞4.2009年红极一时的歌曲,七月份的尾巴,是什么星座狮子座5.《米老鼠和唐老鸭》中,布鲁托是一只什么动物?狗6.狮子,老虎,骡子,鹿在大漠里行走,谁最渴?DA狮子 B老虎 C骡子 D鹿7. To turn over a new leaf. 对应的汉语成语为:BA.西装革履B.洗心革面C.独树一帜8.我国铁道部的CRH高速动车,统一命名为什么号和谐号9动画片中舒克贝塔历险记中,舒克是什么职业飞行员10中国和朝鲜两国的界河叫做什么江鸭绿江11明月几时有,把酒问青天出自宋朝哪位词人之手?苏轼12小鹿,小猴,小虎同时做一道难题,谁做对了?CA小鹿,B小猴 C小虎小虎队13英文A wise man is free from perplexities. 对应的汉语成语为:BA. 为虎作伥B.智者不惑C.智者无敌14目前我国内地的小型民用汽车牌照的底色是什么颜色?蓝色15“第五大道”是美国哪个城市的著名街道?纽约16秒表的哪个部分总是旧的?CA时针 B分针 C秒针秒针的英语是second hand 二手的意思17孔子是儒家学派的,那么老子是什么学派的?道家18我国最大的内陆咸水湖泊是哪一个?AA.青海湖 B纳木错湖C色林措湖19俗话说的“百善之首”是哪一种品德?孝20由强生公司注册的,指代彩色美容隐形眼睛片的名称是什么?美瞳(二)21标志为一匹跃起的马,以生产顶级赛车和运动跑车闻名于世的意大利名车品牌是?法拉利22.2009年推出的一款以三国为背景,卡片形式为主的桌面游戏叫什么?三国杀23.小白,小黄,小兰坐车,谁会吐?A小白 B小黄 C小兰小白兔24. Remember the past and it will guide your future. 对应的汉语成语为:BA.星星之火可以燎原B.前事不忘后事之师C.前不见古人后不见来者25.清朝皇帝的姓氏是什么?爱新觉罗26.茶、可可和哪一种饮料并称为世界三大饮料?咖啡27.劳动法规定,劳动者每日正常工作时间不得超过几小时?八小时28. 天安门前有一对汉白玉雕龙的柱子,柱顶横插云形石这种传统建筑被称为什么?华表29.“床前明月光”是李白的千古名句,其中“床”指的是什么?【C】A、窗户B卧具C、井上的围栏30. A fantastic garb. 对应的汉语成语为:AA.奇装异服B.忠言逆耳C.痴人说梦31.“豆蒄年华”是指女生的多少岁?1332.《水浒传》讲的是哪个朝代的英雄故事?宋朝33.篮球比赛中,进一球最高能得几分?3分34.体力劳动者叫蓝领,脑力工作者被叫做?白领35. 我国著名的“五岳”中,位于南方地区的是( )A、恒山B、衡山C、嵩山D、华山答案:B;北岳恒山(位于山西)、西岳华山(位于陕西)、中岳嵩山(位于河南)、东岳泰山(位于山东)和南岳衡山(位于湖南)。

2020年小学生趣味百科知识竞赛试题及答案(共100题)1.称“榨菜”为“榨”是否因腌制过程中榨去水分是一道重要工序?(对)2.鲸鱼是“鱼”吗?(不是是哺乳动物)3.汇入大西洋最长的河流是亚马逊河吗?(对)4.发生“日食”是由于月亮挡在地球与太阳之间吗? (对)5.黄酒名品“加饭酒”的产地在浙江吗?(对)6.孔子和孟子都是春秋时期的人吗? (错孟子是战国时期的人)7.我国宋代邢窑出白釉瓷、越窑出青釉瓷,所以有“南青北白”之称,对吗? (对)8.普利策奖是新闻、文化方面的大奖吗?(对)9.许多人都喜欢到低于海平面410公尺的死海去做日光浴是因为紫外线最弱吗?(对)10.我国公安机关的性质是行政机关吗? (对)方是在北冰洋吗? (错南极洲)12.地球是一个正圆体吗? (错)13.家里养了两只猫,为大猫开了一个大洞,为小猫开了一个小洞的大科学家是牛顿吗? (对)14.火烧圆明园的是日本帝国主义者吗? (错是英法联军)15.“向雷锋同志学习”是毛泽东主席向全国人民发出的号召吗?(对)16.农历九月九日既是重阳节,又是老人节,对吗? (对)17.黄河是我国的第一大河流吗? (错是长江)18.香港是在1999年回归的吗? (错1997年7 月1日)19.中国的传统宗教是佛教吗? (错道教)20.火车也是靠右侧通通行的吗? (错是左侧)21.我国规定身高达1.3米的儿童在乘车、游园时要买半票,对吗? (错要买成人票)22.成语“夜郎自大”中的“夜郎”是人名吗? (错是国名)23.《西游记》中大闹天宫的人物孙悟空是被压在“五指山”下吗? (错是五行山)24.《封神榜》中姜子牙用的钓鱼勾是弯的吗? (错是直的)25.乘坐公共汽车时,当汽车突然刹车时,你的身体是向前倾倒吗? (对)26.两只手同时触摸带电的电线会触电,一只手触摸时不会触电。
(错)27.足球比赛双方各有12名运动员,对吗? (错11名)28.在古代生产科举的最高级别考试------殿试中,获得第一的被称为“驸马”,对吗?(错是状元)29.我国体育运动员中收入最高的是姚明吗? (对)30.中国历史上唯一的女皇帝是武则天吗? (对)31.皇后是皇帝的母亲吗?(错皇太后是皇帝的母亲)32.“三山五岳”中的“五岳”这首是华山吗?(错是泰山)33.“神州六号”载人飞船搭乘了一名宇航员,对吗?(错是两名)34.一天之中,气温最低的时刻是在子夜吗? (错是在日出前后)35.我国现在有三个特别行政区,对吗?(错二个)36.我国和日本是隔海相望的邻国吗?(对)37.世界是国土面积最大的国家是中国吗?(错是俄罗斯)38.公历每个月者有30日吗?(错二月没有)39.海平面是平的吗? (错是弧线)40.HB铅笔比2B铅笔硬吗? (对)41.我国的国旗上有一个大的五角星和五个小的五角星,对吗?(错是四个小的五角星)42.一刻钟是20分钟吗? (错是十五分钟)43.英文字母一共有28个吗? (错是26个)44.《水浒传》中在景阳冈打虎的英雄是武松吗?(对)45.“二人转”是东北的民间艺术形式,对吗? (对)46.人有七窍,这七窍是指眼、耳、口、鼻吗? (对)47.2006年有2月29日吗? (错)48.有四个角的图形就是长方形,对吗?(错)49.最小的自然数是1,有最大的自然数。

学校举办知识竞赛英语作文Title: The Importance of Knowledge Competitions in Schools。
Knowledge competitions play a pivotal role in shaping the academic environment of schools. They provide a platform for students to showcase their intellectual capabilities, foster healthy competition, and promote a culture of continuous learning. In this essay, we will delve into the significance of knowledge competitions in schools.Firstly, knowledge competitions encourage students to delve deeper into various subjects beyond their curriculum. These competitions often cover a wide range of topics, from science and mathematics to literature and history. As students prepare for these competitions, they expand their knowledge base and develop a deeper understanding of different subjects. This not only enhances their academic proficiency but also cultivates a sense of curiosity andpassion for learning.Moreover, knowledge competitions help in honingessential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication. Participants are required to analyze complex problems, think creatively, and articulate their ideas concisely. Through rigorous preparation and participation in these competitions, students sharpen these skills, which are indispensable for their academic and professional success.Furthermore, knowledge competitions promote teamworkand collaboration among students. Many competitions involve team-based formats where participants work together tosolve challenges or answer questions. This fosters a spirit of camaraderie and mutual support among students. Theylearn to leverage each other's strengths, communicate effectively, and work cohesively towards a common goal. These collaborative experiences not only enrich their academic journey but also prepare them for thecollaborative nature of the real world.Additionally, participation in knowledge competitions boosts students' confidence and self-esteem. When students successfully answer questions or solve problems in front of an audience, it instills a sense of accomplishment and pride in their abilities. Even if they do not emerge as winners, the experience of facing challenges and overcoming obstacles builds resilience and confidence. This confidence transcends beyond the competition arena and empowers students to tackle academic and personal challenges with courage and determination.Furthermore, knowledge competitions serve as a platform for recognizing and nurturing talent. They provide an opportunity for students to showcase their academic prowess and intellectual acumen. Schools can identify gifted students and provide them with additional resources and opportunities for growth. Moreover, participating in competitions can open doors to scholarships, internships, and other academic accolades, which can significantly impact students' future prospects.In conclusion, knowledge competitions play a vital rolein enriching the academic experience of students. They stimulate intellectual curiosity, foster essential skills, promote collaboration, boost confidence, and recognize talent. Therefore, schools should continue to organize and encourage participation in such competitions as they contribute significantly to the holistic development of students.。

小学生英语百科知识竞赛题及答案选择题1、在中国被人们认为是Lucky number (好运数字)的是 _________A. 5 和 6B.6 和 8C. 7 和 9D. 2 和 32、What is too much for two ,and just right for one ? (A )A. TimeB.A secretC. FriendD. A room3、What letter is on your face ? It ’ s letter __(B)A. A D u4、What’ s the meaning of “ talk big ” (A)A. 说大话B.谎言言 C 骂人 D5、星期一用英语怎么说_________C. WednesdayD. Sunday6、以下单词都属于动物类的是()A. dog and catB.monkey and appleC. dog and treeD. cat and red7、当你打扰到别人时应该怎么说()A. Excuse meB.SorryC. You‘ re welcomeD. Thank you8、“ Chinese Rose指的”是 ______A. 中国玫瑰 B 中国荷花 C 中国月季花 D 中国向日葵9、The Chinese meaning of“ Love me , Love my dog” is ___________A. 我爱狗B.爱我,爱狗 . C 爱屋及乌10、在以下餐具中哪一项在吃西餐中不需要用到的是( A )11、在欧美国家就餐时,餐巾纸只能用来擦( B )A. 餐具和汗B. 餐具和嘴巴C.嘴巴和鼻涕D.鼻涕和餐具12、在美国打的坐在哪个地址司机比较快乐()A. 前座B. 后座13、万圣节在哪一天( )月 1 日月 25 日 C. 10 月 30 日月20 日14.He is a fat cat means ___________( B)A. 它是一只肥胖的猫 B 他是一个富豪 .C.他爱说大话 D. 他特别懒散15、 When is the World Water Day? (世界节水日) BA. April 1stB. March 23rdC. June 22ndD. July 1st16、 Which animal has the longest life expectancy(寿命最长) ? DA. CatB. FishC. DogD. Turtle (乌龟)17、 .He is a fat cat means ___________(B)A. 它是一只肥胖的猫 B 他是一个富豪 .C.他爱说大话 D. 他特别懒散18、 Which month do women talk the least ? (A)C.January .D June19、 Who is the first Chinese in NBA? CA. Yao MingB. Yi JianlianC. Wang ZhizhiD. Ba te ’ er20、哪个城市叫“ Big Apple ”CA.Washington DCB.HustonC.New YorkD.Los Angle二、填空题1、五个元音字母是( A E I O U )。

英语百科知识竞赛活动方案English Answer:General Knowledge Quiz Competition.Objective:To test the general knowledge of participants in various academic disciplines and current affairs.Eligibility:Open to students of all ages and grade levels.Format:The competition will consist of three rounds:Round 1: Multiple Choice.Participants will be presented with a series ofmultiple-choice questions covering a wide range of topics, including history, geography, science, literature, and current events.Round 2: Short Answer.Participants will be asked to answer a series of short essay questions that require them to demonstrate their knowledge, critical thinking skills, and ability to communicate their ideas clearly.Round 3: Team Challenge.Participants will be divided into teams and given atask that requires them to collaborate and use their combined knowledge to solve a problem or complete a project.Rules:Participants must adhere to the instructions given by the competition organizers.Any form of cheating or plagiarism will result in disqualification from the competition.Participants are encouraged to bring their own writing materials and any other resources they may need.Scoring:Round 1: Each correct answer will be worth a certain number of points.Round 2: The quality of the short answers will be evaluated by a panel of judges, and points will be awarded accordingly.Round 3: The team challenge will be evaluated by a panel of judges, and points will be awarded based on the team's performance.Prizes:Recognition and prizes will be awarded to the top-performing individuals and teams.Timeline:Registration deadline: [Date]Competition date: [Date]Registration:Participants can register for the competition by completing the registration form available on the official website: [Website Address]Contact Information:For more information, please contact the competition organizers at [Email Address] or [Phone Number].中文回答:英语百科知识竞赛活动方案。

选择题一、简单题1..非处方药的英文简写是什么?C.O T CA.O B CB.O A CC.O T C2.S M S是指哪一种手机服务?A.短信息A.短信息B.彩信息C.电子邮件3.C D-R O M属于什么设备?B.存储设备A.移动设备B.存储设备C.驱动设备4.荷兰地名中多带“丹”(-dam),如阿姆斯特丹、鹿特丹等,你知道-dam的含义吗:A.坝A.坝B.塘C.滩5.I S O14000是国际__体系认证?A.环境A.环境B.质量C.安全6.I n t e r n e t最初用作?A.军事A.军事B.经济C.环境7.“T O M O R O O W I S A N O T H E R D A Y”出自以下哪部电影? A.A.《飘》B.《音乐之声》C.《泰坦尼克号》8.“r o u g h d i a m o n d”在英语口语中翻译为什么?A.脾气坏心地坏的人B.外粗内秀的人C.粗心的人9. “smell a rat”是什么含义?A.感到怀疑B.闻出、嗅出C. 感到开心10.符号$中s代代表那个国家?A. 西班牙A.西班牙B.美国C.瑞士11. 局域网的英文缩写是? A. LANNMW .二、难度题12..为保证安全,大型船舶两侧一般都画有载重量的标记---国际船舶载重线符号。
请问:BDD表示什么意思? A.北大西洋冬季载重线A.北大西洋冬季载重线 B .北大西洋夏季航线 C.北太平洋冬季航线13.在麻纺织品的标签上若有“TR”字样,请问它代表什么意思? C. 涤麻混纺织物A.麻纺织物B.涤纺织物C. 涤麻混纺织物14.古埃及人称铜为“ankh”,其含意为:永恒的生命A.永恒的文化B.永恒的生命C.15.在西方音乐发展史中有一个“巴洛克”音乐时期。
“巴洛克” barrooco一词源于___文? A. 葡萄牙A.葡萄牙B.西班牙C.荷兰16.coffee这个词来源于?A. 地名A.人名B. 地名C.植物名17.沙龙,是法语Salon的音译,本义为?B.客厅A.厨房B.客厅C.卧室:18 CBD翻译为:商务中心区,最早产生于20世纪20年代的哪个国家? C.美国A.法国B. 英国C. 美国19.美国中央情报局的英文简写是? B. CIAA. CLAB.CIAC.CFA20."成人呼吸窘迫综合征的英文简称为? A. ARDSA.ARDSB.ARHSC.CRHS21."卡拉OK"兴起于哪国?B. 日本A.德国B.日本C. 法国22.电池上的“R、S、F”三个字母代表什么?:C.电池的形状A.电池的长度B.电池的型号C.电池的形状23.“亚历山大”一词来源于希腊语,他的含义是? A. 人类保护者A人类保护者 B.人类统治者 C.人类开拓者24. "Internet组织域名中,COM表示什么? A.商业组织A.商业组织B. 经济组织C.网络组织25.法国干邑白兰地酒的“X.O"标志表示什么意思?B. 贮藏期A.保质期B.生产地C.贮藏期26.MPA是下面哪个的英文缩写::A. 公共管理硕士A.公共管理硕士B. 公共管理学士C.公共管理博士27.BOT(建设运营转让)投资方式是哪个国家首先应用的? A. 土耳其A.土耳其B. 哈萨克斯坦C.俄罗斯28."Y*AHOO"一词原指野蛮人,它出自哪一部小说:A.《格列佛游记》A.《格列佛游记》B.《鲁滨逊漂流记》C.《亚马逊河历险记》29.英文“报纸”(newspaper——新闻纸)一词,起源于哪种报纸?C.《牛津公报》A.《泰晤士报》B.《每日邮报》C.《牛津公报》30。



英语社团《英语百科知识竞赛》1、What is English equivalent(对应词)of 世界贸易组织?( C )A.WDOB.WMDC.WTOD.WHO2、What is English equivalent of 世界卫生组织?(B)A.WTOB.WHOC.WDOD.WMD(解析:WHO is world health organization.)3、What is English equivalent of 国内生产总值?(A)A.GDPB.GNPC.GMPD.GPP4、What is English equivalent of 国际奥委会?(A)A.IOCB.NOCC.FIFAD.AOC(解析:FIFA:国际足球联盟)5、What is English equivalent of 药品生产质量管理规范?(D)A.GLPB.GCPC.GAPD.GMPB组1、Translate the sentence"All that glitters(闪烁;闪耀)is not gold." into Chinese.(发光的并不一定都是金子。
)2、Translate the sentence "A lazy youth ,a lousy(非常糟的;极坏的)age.''into Chinese.(少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
)3、Translate the sentence "All time is no time when it is past." into Chinese.(光阴一去不复返。
)4、Translate the sentence"Failure is the mother of success."into Chinese.(失败乃成功之母。
)5、Translate the sentence"A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.'' intoChinese. (千里之行,始于足下。

• A. E, N B. F, I
• C. H, F
D. F, X 答案:B
• 3.选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词。
A. Red B. orange C. Peach D. banana
•4. What’s the meaning of •“it’s a piece of cake” (俚语) ?
• (今)相容刻苦自励,发愤图强。(近义)悬梁刺股 发愤图强
• 例句:人在学业上,事业上要想取得成绩,不仅需要聪明才智, 能力技巧,尤其需要卧薪尝胆和百褶不回的拼搏精神。
5.《西游记》里的孙悟空神通广大,他在 花果时自封为什么?
A.孙悟空 B.齐天大圣 C.孙行者
• 9. 86版电视剧《西游记》中,孙悟空用 芭蕉扇熄灭了哪座山的烈火?
• 10.四书五经中的四书指的是《论语》、 • 《大学》、《中庸》和哪本书?
A. S B. L C. M D. Y
• 2.英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,
• 杜甫在中国古典诗歌中的影响非常深远,被后人称为 “诗圣”,他的诗被称为"诗史"。杜甫共有约1500首诗 歌被保留了下来,大多集于《杜工部集》。
4.“卧薪尝胆”与下面哪个历史人物有 关? A.李白 B.勾践 C.诸葛亮 D.项羽
• 卧薪尝胆:本意躺在柴草上品尝苦胆。据《史记.越王勾践世家》 载:春秋时,越国被吴国打败,相传越王勾践回国后,坐卧于薪 草之上,“苦身焦思,置胆于坐,坐卧即仰胆,饮食亦尝胆也。 以激励自己,雪耻复国。”

必答题1.There are _____________ stars on the flag of the US.(50)2.How often do the Olympic Games be held?(Every four years )3.What kind of dog can't bark(吠)?(hot dog )4.The five rings of the Olympic Games has ________、________、_________、________、________ ,five colors .( red yellow blue green black)5.__________ the longest river in the world.( Nile)6._________________the capital of Australia.( Canberra )7.Which is the first day of a week ?(Sunday )8.Which city is called “Big Apple”?( New York )9.Which number is unlucky in western country ?_______(13 )10.You call your Grand father’s mother _____________(Great-grand mother )11.Mother’s Day is on _____________(On the second Sunday of May )12.What letter can fly ? (B)13.“woof !woof !”It’s the sound of ___________.(dog )14.We have ____________ in Spring Festival. ( Lantern Festival)15.16.The differences between “here” and “there” is _____________(the letter “T”)17.The 2008 Olympics Games in Beijing English Slogan (口号)? (One world ,One dream )18.Where can we see countries without people , towns without houses and rivers without water? (on a map )19 .What animal carry two hills on its back ? (camel )20.Some kind of animals has two long ears , two red eyes , a short tail and white fur , It’s __________(rabbit )抢答题What is too much for two ,and just right for one ? (A)A. TimeB.A secretC. FriendD. A room2.What letter is on your face ? It’s letter __(B)A. AB.iC.o D u3.What’s the meaning of “talk big ”(A)A.说大话B.说谎话C 骂人D吹牛4.”Mars” is _________(D)A水星B 木星C金星D火星5.小偷最怕那三个字母?(D)A.SOSB.PLSC.VIPD.ICUk can be best stored in the cow ! (T)7.8.HP is to KS as GO is to __________(A )A. JRB.CHC.BM D . EY8.My brother is fourteen , I’m four years older than he , My dad is twenty-six years older than I , My mom is two years younger than My dad, How old is My mom ?A.38 B 45 C39 D409.10.Most Western persons shake hands when they meet each other .(F)11.The Chinese meaning of “Love me , Love my dog” is ___________A.我爱狗B.爱我,爱狗. C 爱屋及乌12.“Chinese Rose ”指的是______A.B.中国玫瑰B中国荷花C中国月季花D中国向日葵12.What letter is a question ?(B)A.DB.YC.M D . J13.14.Western People use chopstick to eat food !(F)15.He is a fat cat means ___________(B)A.它是一只肥胖的猫B他是一个大亨.C.他爱说大话D.他非常懒惰15.Which month do women talk the least ? (A)A.FebruaryB.SeptemberC.January . D June。

一、是非题1.麻雀是候鸟吗(错是留鸟)2.我国古代传说中最擅长相马的人是伯乐吗 (对)3.火车轨道之间的宽度是143.5厘米吗(对)4.我国居民日常用电是交流电,它的电压一般是220伏特吗 (对)5.我国交通法规定,要靠左侧通行,对吗 (错是右侧)6.中华人民共和国的国庆节是七月一是吗 (错十月一日)7.“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”是李白的诗句吗 (对)8.每个星期的第一天是星期一吗 (错是星期日)9.地球最高点是珠穆朗玛峰吗 (对)10.中国的国球是排球吗? (错是乒乓球)11.地球上最冷的地方是在北冰洋吗(错南极洲)12.地球是一个正圆体吗 (错)13.家里养了两只猫,为大猫开了一个大洞,为小猫开了一个小洞的大科学家是牛顿吗 (对)14.火烧圆明园的是日本帝国主义者吗(错是英法联军)15.“向雷锋同志学习”是毛泽东主席向全国人民发出的号召吗 (对)16.农历九月九日既是重阳节,又是老人节,对吗 (对)17.黄河是我国的第一大河流吗 (错是长江)18.香港是在1999年回归的吗 (错1997年7 月1日)19.中国的传统宗教是佛教吗 (错道教)20.火车也是靠右侧通通行的吗 (错是左侧)21.我国规定身高达1.3米的儿童在乘车、游园时要买半票,对吗 (错要买成人票)22.成语“夜郎自大”中的“夜郎”是人名吗 (错是国名)23.《西游记》中大闹天宫的人物孙悟空是被压在“五指山”下吗 (错是五行山)24.《封神榜》中姜子牙用的钓鱼勾是弯的吗 (错是直的)25.乘坐公共汽车时,当汽车突然刹车时,你的身体是向前倾倒吗 (对)26.两只手同时触摸带电的电线会触电,一只手触摸时不会触电。
(错)27.足球比赛双方各有12名运动员,对吗 (错11名)28.在古代生产科举的最高级别考试------殿试中,获得第一的被称为“驸马”,对吗(错是状元)29.我国体育运动员中收入最高的是姚明吗 (对)30.中国历史上唯一的女皇帝是武则天吗 (对)31.皇后是皇帝的母亲吗(错皇太后是皇帝的母亲)32.“三山五岳”中的“五岳”这首是华山吗(错是泰山)33.“神州六号”载人飞船搭乘了一名宇航员,对吗(错是两名)34.一天之中,气温最低的时刻是在子夜吗 (错是在日出前后)35.我国现在有三个特别行政区,对吗(错二个)36.我国和日本是隔海相望的邻国吗(对)37.世界是国土面积最大的国家是中国吗(错是俄罗斯)38.公历每个月者有30日吗(错二月没有)39.海平面是平的吗 (错是弧线)40.HB铅笔比2B铅笔硬吗 (对)41.我国的国旗上有一个大的五角星和五个小的五角星,对吗 (错是四个小的五角星)42.一刻钟是20分钟吗 (错是十五分钟)43.英文字母一共有28个吗 (错是26个)44.《水浒传》中在景阳冈打虎的英雄是武松吗(对)45.“二人转”是东北的民间艺术形式,对吗 (对)46.人有七窍,这七窍是指眼、耳、口、鼻吗 (对)47.2006年有2月29日吗 (错)48.有四个角的图形就是长方形,对吗(错)49.最小的自然数是1,有最大的自然数。

(每题3分)1.What can't be used until it's broken? (C )A.appleB.tofuC.eggD.tea2.What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?) (C )A.bookB.priceC.ageD. plane3.中号衣服的标志是(C )A. SB. LC. MD. Y4.What does “it’s a piece of cake” mean? (A )A.易如反掌B.一块蛋糕C.香甜可口D.漂亮美丽5.英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是__和。
(C )A. E, N B . F, I C . H, F D. F, X6.Which day is Tree Planting Day? (C )A. March.1B. May. 12C. March. 12D. May. 147.Dumplings are eaten at _______.(D )A.Mid-Autumn FestivalB. Dragon Boat FestivalC. Children’s DayD. Chinese New Year’s Day8.What is the largest living land animal? (C )A. tigerB. lionC. elephantD. leopard(豹子)9.选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词。
(B )A. RedB. orangeC. PeachD. banana10.An English woman will not glad when you ask her about . (B )A.her name B. her age C. her home D. her child11.UFO的意思是。

英语百科知识竞赛活动方案English Trivia Contest Activity Plan.Objective:To foster a fun and engaging learning environment while enhancing English vocabulary, grammar, and general knowledge.Target Audience:Students of English language, language enthusiasts, and anyone interested in trivia.Materials:List of trivia questions.Timer.Scorecards.Prizes (optional)。
Procedure:1. Preparation:Create a comprehensive list of trivia questions covering various aspects of the English language, including vocabulary, grammar, idioms, literature, and history.Ensure that the questions are age-appropriate andcater to the target audience's knowledge level.Divide the participants into teams of 3-5 members each.2. Rules:Each team will have a designated scorer who will track their performance.The questions will be read aloud by the moderator, and teams will have a limited time (e.g., 30 seconds) to discuss and provide an answer.Partial points may be awarded for correct but incomplete answers.The team with the highest total score at the end of the contest is declared the winner.3. Question Categories:Vocabulary: Definitions, synonyms, antonyms, word origins, and usage in sentences.Grammar: Parts of speech, verb tenses, sentence structures, and punctuation.Idioms and Phrases: Meanings, origins, and usage in context.Literature: Authors, literary works, characters, andfamous quotes.English History and Culture: Key events, historical figures, and cultural traditions.4. Game Play:The moderator will read out the first question.Teams will discuss and write down their answer on a scorecard.The moderator will reveal the correct answer after the time limit.If a team answers correctly, they receive the allotted points.The next question will be read out, and the process will repeat.5. Scoring:Correct answer: 2 points.Partially correct answer: 1 point.Incorrect answer: 0 points.6. Prizes (Optional):Top-scoring team: Books, gift certificates, or other English-related items.Best team name: Creative and memorable team names may be recognized with a small prize.7. Conclusion:Once all the questions have been asked, the scores will be tallied, and the winning team will be announced.Prizes will be awarded to the winners and any other designated categories.The event will conclude with a brief discussion and feedback session to reinforce learning and encouragefurther exploration of the English language.Note:The level of difficulty and number of questions can be adjusted based on the target audience's knowledge level.To enhance the learning experience, encourage teams to explain their reasoning behind their answers or share interesting facts related to the questions.Consider inviting a guest speaker (e.g., an English professor or language expert) to provide additionalinsights or challenges.。
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• • • • • ( )8. How _____ your brother? A. am B. is C. are D. be
• • • •
( )9. Tom and I ____ good frien ds. He ____ twelve. A. are; is B. am; is C. is; are D. are; are
• ( )10. --_____ your backpack? • ---At school. • A. What’s • B. What • C. Where’s • D. Where
• 11.The boy with his sister__________ (study) in a middle school.
• 14. I have a lovely cat. __________________ (it) name is Mimi.
• 15. How many __________________ (library) are there in your city?
• • • • • • ( )4. ---Nice to meet you! ---__________. A. I’m fine, thanks B. That sounds great C. Yes, I am D. Nice to meet you, too.
•( )5. --Linda, here are some apples for y ou! • ---_________. • A. They are on the desk • B. They are green • C. That sounds boring • D. Thank you very much
• 12. Millie is always the_______ (one)one to get to school.
• 13. Class begins. ______________ (open) your books, boys and girls.
• ( )6. --Mum, ____ my good friends, Andrew and Nick. • A. she is • B. this is • C. these are • D. these is
• • • • • • ( )7. ----Who is that boy? ---He is my _______. A. daughter B. mother C. brother D. aunt
• 2.- Whose__________(cake) are these? - They're Jim's.
• 3. —My glasses _______(be) in the box.. The pair of glasses __________(be ) useful.
• ( )8. ---Is Peter your ________? • --Yes. He is my mother’s brother. • A. father • B. uncle • C. brother • D. cousin
• • • • • • ( )9. ---Do you have a _______? ---Yes. It’s 6:00 now. A. ruler B. dictionary C. photo D. watch
• 12.Some of _________ (they) are playing games at the moment.
• 13.He writes to his sister __________ (two) a month.
• 19.The students have lots of f____________ at the party.
• 20.Let’s b__________ our class with an English song.
• 1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10
•( )2. Her father likes pears and bananas, but he ____ like French fries. • A. doesn’t • B. aren’t • C. isn’t • D. can’t
•( )3. ---_____ his pingpong bats? • ---They are under the bed. • A. Are they • B. Where are • C. Are those • D. What color are
• 答案
• ( )2. 下面四组单词中划线部分发音 相同的一组是: • A. name; case; tape • B. list; fine; this • C. zero; mother; those • D. ruler; UFO; club
• 答案:
• ( )3. This is ____ orange. ____ orange is on the table. • A. an; An • B. an; The • C. a; The • D. the; A
• ( )10. I ____ a boy. Bob and I ____ g ood friends. • A. am; am • B. am; are • C. are; are • D. are, am
• 11. Can you hear_______ (I),Millie?
• 英语:必答题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、 8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、 16、17、18、19、20
抢答题:1、2、3、4、5、6、7、 8、9、10、11、12、13、14、 15、16、17、字母中,都含有因素/e/的 一组是: • A. Ee, Ff, Mm, Xx • B. Ll, Nn, Yy, Zz • C. Ff, Mm, Nn, SS • D. Gg, Hh, Ll, Xx
• 1.Now most people live in tall___________(bulid).They don’t live in small houses any more.
• 14.Every evening she spends about one hour __________ (read) English.
• 15.Look, who __________ (run) on the playground?
•is running
• ( )1. --Is Jane your cousin, Mona? • ---_______. She is my friend, too. • A.No, she isn’t. • B. No, it isn’t. • C. Yes, she is. • D. Yes, it is.
第一环节: 有问必答! 规则是: 1、每队一号、二号选手答题,其他选手不可以提示或代替答题。 2、答题时间为30秒,每队要在规定时间内回答问题,答对一题加10分 答错,不得分。 3、如有不会可选择放弃,不扣分。 第二环节,看谁动作快(抢答)!本环节的规则是: 1、在主持人将竞赛题宣读完毕,并说“开始”后,各队方可按铃抢答, 答对加10分,答错扣10分 2、若没等主持人宣布“开始”就抢先按铃,或无故随意按铃,均视为违例, 违例者扣10分,同时赛题作废。 • 3、答题者必须在10秒内开始回答,答题时间为60秒。 • 第三环节:风险选择!看你胆量有多大! • 每队可任意选择20、30或50分的题目,答对加相应的分值,答错扣相应分 值,答题时间为60秒。 • • • • • • • • • •
启东市建新中学 启东市建新中学
主办:校长室、团委 主办:校长室、团委
• 1、参赛选手要态度端正,遵守比赛纪律,遵循比赛规则,服从指挥,服从 裁判,认真对待比赛。 • 2、各代表队在比赛开始前已通过抽签确定了队次。请对号入座! • 3、要求各参赛队员用普通话回答问题,吐字清晰,声音洪亮,表意明确。 • 4、选手答题须起立作答,答题完毕后须回复“答题完毕”,在规定时间之 外回答的内容无效。 • 5、参赛队员可以要求试题重复一遍,重复的时间计入规定时限内,但抢答 题不得重复题目内容。 • 6、本队选手遵守各项规则,本班观众积极响应配合,若台上选手回答不出, 可由台下同班同学回答,答题规则一样;队容、班貌都整齐、清新、积极, 方可作为评选最佳团队奖的候选。 • 本次竞赛共三个环节: • 第一环节:必答题: • 第二环节:抢答题: • 第三环节:风险题;