
电流电压功率频率电阻电容电抗current voltage power frequency resistance capacitance reactance电阻率resistivity阻抗impedance相,相位phase有功功率active power 无功功率reactive power视在功率apparent 装设功率installed 安培ampere (A) 伏volt (V) power power欧姆ohm赫兹hertz (HZ)瓦watt (W)供电局power supply authority电力公司power supply company发电厂power plant变电所substation配电站distribution substation配变电站transformer station 终端变电站terminal substation车间变电站substation in workshop :室内变电站indoor substation自动变电站automatic substation成套变电站unit substation 高压室H.T room低压室L.T room变压器室transformer room 变压器平台transformer platform柴油发电机室diesel generator room控制室control room蓄电池室battery room维修间maintenance room值班室duty room 歇息室rest room电容器室condenser room充电室battery -- chargingroom室外储油罐outdoor oiltank地下油罐underground oiltank日用油箱day tank负荷load一类负荷first-class load二类负荷second-class load三类负荷third-class load照明负荷lighting load动力负荷power load电阻负荷resistance load电抗负荷reactive load冲击负荷shock load空载non -load有载on-load满载full -load过载over -load不平衡负荷unbalanced load平衡负荷balanced load额定负载nominal load负荷计算load circulation功率因数power factor同时使用系数diversityfactor需要系数法demand factormethod利用系数法utilizationfactor method二项式法binomial method无功功率补偿reactivepower compensation自然功率因数natural powerfactor补偿后功率因数powerfactor after高压补偿H.T side低压补偿compensatingcompensatingcompensating in L.T side负荷率load rate补偿容量compensatingcapacity设备装设容量installedcapacity备用容量standby capacity额定容量rated capacity视在容量apparent capacity计算容量calculatedcapacity短路容量short circuitcapacity负荷计算表load calculationtable电压voltage高压high tension (H.T)低压low tension (L.T)冲击电压临界电压残存电压击穿电压供电电压照明电压工作电压额定电压impulse voltagecritical voltageresidual voltagebreakdown voltagesupply voltagelighting voltageworking voltagerated voltage相电压phase voltage线电压line voltage过压over--voltage欠压under--voltage电压降voltage drop电压损失电压偏移电压波动电压标准电压等级voltage lossvoltage deviationvoltage variationvoltage standardvoltage class电压调整率voltage regulationrate电流current交流alternating current (A.C)直流direct current (D.C)短路电流short--circuit短路点short circuit point三相短路电流three-phaseshort-circuit current两相短路电流two-phaseshort-circuit current单相短路电流single--phaseshort-circuit current短路电阻short-circuitresistance短路电压short-circuit voltage短路电抗short-circuitreactancein短路容量short-circuit capacity短路稳定性short-circuit stability短路冲击电流short-circuit impulse current热效应thermal effect稳定短路电流steady state short-circuit current切断电流cut-off current整定电流setting current动作电流action current额定电流rated current, nominal current熔体电流melt current熔丝电流fuse current故障电流fault current极限电流limiting current过电流over--current有效值virtual value, effective value电源,供电方式power and supply systempowerpower备用电源应急电源常用电源供电电压standby source emergency source normal source supply voltage双回路供电two-feeder supply 两个独立电源two independent power supply放射式radial system单回路放射式one-circuit radial system双回路放射式two-circuit radial system有公用备用干线的放射式radial system with public standby main line树干式trunk system单回路树干式one-circuit trunk system单侧供电双回路树干式two-circuit trunk system with one-side power supply 双侧供电单回路树干式one-circuit trunk system withtwo-side power supply双侧供电双回路树干式two-circuit trunk system withtwo-side power supply环式ring system链式chain system变压器—干线式transformer-main line systemTN 系统TN systemTN—S 系统TN-S systemTN—C 系统TN-C systemTN —C —S 系统TN-C-SsystemTT 系统TT system单相二线制1-phase 2-wiresystem三相四线制3-phase 4-wiresystem三相五线制3-phase 5-wiresystem保护线protective earth (PE)中性线(N 线) neutral分列运行independentoperation并列运行parallel operation无载运行non-load operation变压器transformer三相变压器transformer油浸变压器transformer自冷变压器transformerthree-phaseoil-immersedself-cooling铜线变压器copper-coiltransformer铝线变压器aluminum-coiltransformer有载调压的变压器on-loadregulating transformer可调变压器variabletransformer全封闭的变压器fully-enclosed transformer干式变压器dry transformer单相变压器single-phasetransformer防雷变压器lightning-prooftransformer环氧浇注变压器epoxy-resinfilled transformer电力变压器transformer低损耗变压器transformer照明变压器transformer控制变压器transformerpowerlow losslightingcontrol三相油浸自冷式铝线低损耗有调压电力变压器3-phaseself-coolingaluminum-coiltransformeroil-immersedand low-losspower变压器系数transformer factor调压器voltage regulator稳压器stabilizer减压器reducer整流器rectifier限流器current limiter不停电电源uninterruptedpower supply (UPS)变阻器rheostat电阻器resister自动功率调整器automaticpower regulator电压互感器voltagetransformer电流互感器currenttransformer降压变压器step-downtransformer自动调压器automaticregulator高频变压器high-frequencytransformer降压器step-down transformer升压器step-up transformer编号code型号type用途function二次接线图号secondarywiring drawing No.工作电源working source操作电源operating source外形尺寸overall dimension一次主要设备preliminary main equipment辅助设备auxiliary equipment 进线incoming line出线outgoing line规格specification数量quantity高压电器H.T equipment高压配电柜H.T distribution cabinet高压开关柜H.T switchgear手车式高压开关柜draw—out type H.T switchgear户内交流金属铠装挪移式开关柜indoor A.C armored movable switchgear高压无功功率补偿装置H.T reactive power compensator高压静电电容器柜H.T electrostatic capacitor cabinet大功率并联电容无功功率补偿high power parallel capacitor reactive power compensating 高压断路器H.T circuit breaker少油断路器minimum oil circuit breaker油断路器oil circuit breaker 真空断路器vacuum circuit breaker空气断路器air circuit breaker 六氟化硫断路器sulfur hexaflouride breaker (SF6 breaker)户内式indoor (type)户外式outdoor (type)电磁式electromagnetic产气式aerogenic高压接触器H.T contactor高压真空接触器H.T vacuum contactor高压负荷开关switch高压隔离开关H.T isolator操动机构control mechanism手动操动机构hand controlmechanism电磁操动机构magneticcontrol mechanism弹簧储能操动机构(energystoring) spring operatingmechanism电动操动机构motor drivedoperating mechanism高压熔断器H.T fuse跌落式熔断器drop—out fuse高压电抗器H.T reactor串联电抗器series reactor高压互感器H.T transformer移相电容器phase —shiftcapacitor低压配电装置L.Tdistributor device低压配电屏L.T distributionpanel低压无功功率补偿装置L.Treactive power compensator抽屉式低压配电屏drawableL.T distribution panel电动机控制中心motorcontrol center (MCC)固定式低压配电屏fixed L.Tdistribution panel低压静电电容器屏L.Telectrostatic capacitor panel出线屏进线屏联络屏计量屏outgoing panelincoming panelconnection panelmeasurement panel动力馈电屏power feederpanel照明馈电屏lighting feederpanel控制柜control cabinet配电箱distribution cabinet总配电箱general distributionbox动力配电箱powerdistribution box照明配电箱lightingdistribution box插座箱socket box电度表箱kilowatt-hour meterbox非标准控制箱,柜,台non-standard control box,cabinet, desk电源切换箱powerchange-over box开关switch总开关master switch主开关main switch刀开关knife switch负荷开关load switch开启式开关open switch封闭式开关closed switch组合开关combination switch自动空气断路器automaticair breaker框架式skeleton type塑料外壳式断路器mouldedcase circuit breaker (MCCB)行程开关position switch微动开关microswitch万能转换开关universalswitch分级转换开关stepping switch换相开关phase converter防爆开关explosion proofswitch漏电保protection三向开关轻载开关压力开关护开关leakageswitchthree—way switchunderload switchpressure switch单刀双掷开关single-poledouble throw switch接触器contactor交流接触器A.C contactor直流接触器D.C contactor消弧接触器arc extinctioncontactor起动器starter电磁起动器electromagneticstarter磁力起动器magnetic starter自动空气式星三角起动器automatic air star-delta starter减压起动器voltage reducingH.T loadstarter起动控制箱starting controler 低压熔断器L.T fuse螺旋式熔断器screw fuse快速熔断器quick fuse瓷插式熔断器plug-in fuse继电器relay电流继电器current relay电压继电器voltage relay过电流继电器over-current relay信号继电器时间继电器中间继电器漏电继电器signal relay timing relay intermediate relay leakage relay欠压继电器under-voltage relay绝缘监视继合器insulation detection relay交流电度表A.C kilowatt hour meter单相电度表single-phase kilowatt hour meter三相电度表three-phase kilowatt hour meter无功电度表reactive kilovolt ampere-hour meter无功功率表reactive power meteractive power meter电流表ammeter, current meter 电压表voltmeter万用电表universal meter绝缘检查电压表insulation check voltage meter功率因数表power factor meter多相电度表polyphase meter 电力定量器机电electrical machine同步的synchronous异步的asynchronous电动机motor发机电generator转子rotor定子stator 柴油发机电 ( 组 ) dieselgenerator (set)电动发机电 ( 组 ) motorgenerator (set)感应电动机induction motor鼠笼式感应电动机squirrelcage induction motor绕线式电动机wound-rotorinduction motor滑环式电动机slip-ring motor起动电动机starting motor;actuating motor自激电动机motor with selfexcitation同步器synchronizer励磁机exciter伺服电动机service motor插接装置plug device插头plug螺口插座screw socket卡口插座bayonet socket插座socket; outlet单相二极插头1-phase2-pole plug三相插头3-phase plug单相插座single phase socket三相四极插座3-phase4-pole socket接线柱binding post接头adapter接线板terminal block接线盒terminal box;junction box接线箱connection box;junction box线路及安装line andinstallation线,路线高压路线输电路线电源进线line and circuitH.T linetransmission lineincoming line出线outgoing line馈线feeder供电干线main supply line;supply main低压路线L.T line电力干线main power line照明干线main lighting line支线branch line电力支线power branch line照明支线lighting branch line封闭式母线enclosed bus--bar接插式母线plug-in bus--bar接地母线earth line中性线,零线neutral应急照明线emergencylighting line联络线liaison line滑触线trolley line埋地线underground line明线open wire暗线concealed wire明线布线暗线布线通信路线架空路线架空干线电缆路线open wiringconcealed wiringcommunication lineoverhead lineoverhead maincable line电缆沟cable trench电缆桥架cable bridge电缆托架cable tray电缆槽cable duct墙式电缆槽wall duct导线conductor and cable裸导线bare conductor铝线aluminum conductor铜芯线copper core cable电缆cable馈电电缆feed cable电力电缆power cable照明电缆lighting cable通信电缆communicationcable控制电缆信号电缆实心电缆同轴电缆单芯电缆双股电缆高压电缆低压电缆绝缘电缆屏蔽电缆护套电缆铜芯电缆铠装电缆control cablesignal cablesolid cablecoaxial cablesingle-core cablepaired cableH.T cableL.T cableinsulated cableshielded cablesheathed cablecopper core cablearmored cable有功功率表铅包电缆lead-covered cable油浸电缆oil-immersed cable 漆包电缆lacquer-cover cable 纸绝缘电缆paper-insulated cable橡皮绝缘电缆rubber-insulated cable塑料绝缘电缆plastic-insulate cable绕扎电缆wrapped cable聚乙烯polyethylene, polythene聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆polyvinylchloride (PVC) cable 交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆x-linked polyethylene (XLPE) cable乙烯绝缘软性电缆vinyl cabtyre cable阻燃铜芯塑料绝缘电线flame retardant copper core plastic insulated wire交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆x —linked polythene insulated steel tape armored PVC sheathed power cable韧性橡皮绝缘电缆tough-rubber sheathed cable地下电缆ground cable架空电缆overhead cable软电缆flexible cable电缆隧道cable tunnel电缆隧道口cable tunnel exit 电缆井cable pit电缆人孔cable manhole电缆夹cable cleat电缆分线箱cable junction box电缆箱,分线盒cable cabinet 电缆接线头cable plug电缆终端盒,电缆接头电缆吊架,电缆吊杆cable hanger电缆桥架cable bridge埋深buried depth 安装installation安装高度installation height电杆长度pole length线间距离distance betweenlines跨度span弧垂sag交叉点crossing point架空引出over-head leadingout落地安装installed on ground嵌装在墙上built in wall挂墙安装suspended on wall明装surface mounted嵌装flush mounted暗装conceal mounted架空引入over-head leading-in敷设laying明敷exposed laying暗敷concealed laying埋地敷设led underground由……引来(led) from引至(led) to直埋buried directlyunderground穿钢管敷设laid in steelconduit引上led-up引下led--down沿……敷设run along沿墙along wall沿梁along beam跨柱across column弯曲半径bending radius抽头tap-off电缆终端头cable terminationjoint试验,维护test, maintenance试车整定修理验收故障test run, commissionsettingrepairacceptancefault停电power cut, power failure校正correct停机stop定期检修periodicmaintenance继电保护relaying保护protection保护配置protectiondisposition电流速断保护currentquick-breaking protection过电流保护over-currentprotection纵联差动保护tandemdifferential protection过载保护over-load protection距离保护distance protection功率方向保护directionalpower protection继电器relay逆流继电器reverse-currentrelay阻抗继电器impedance relay低周率继电器low frequencyrelay重合闸继电器reclosing relay定向继电器directional relay瞬动继电器instantaneousrelay辅助继电器auxiliary relay差周率继电器differencefrequency relay极化继电器polarized relay合闸位置继电器closingposition relay整定setting整定值set value整定范围setting range时限time lag反时限inverse time定时限definite time定时反时限definite inversetime变时限dependent time死区dead zone保护范围protection range动作action动作时间action time,actuating time动作范围action range延时delay切换switchover瞬时动作instantaneous action 复位reset直流操作D.C operation交流操作A.C operation操作电压control voltage合闸switch on跳闸trip off接通switch-in, close-up备用电源自动投入automatic switch-on of standby power supply自动重合闸automatic reclosing脱扣线圈tripping coil电流脱扣,串联脱扣tripping电压脱扣,并联脱扣series shunttripping起动start住手stop按钮push button断开,切断break, cut off直接起动direct starting延时速断delay quick breaking保护跳闸protecting tripping防跳tripping prevent跳闸指示灯tripping indicating lamp合闸回路closing circuit超温报警over temperature alarming防雷,接地lightning protection and earthing雷击lightning stroke雷害lightning disturbance雷电闪络lightning flash over雷电过电,雷涌lightning surge直击雷direct stroke侧击雷side stroke感应雷induction stroke雷暴thunderstorm雷电日thunder day雷电日数number of lightning days雷电或者然率lightning probability触电electric shock静电感应electrostaticinduction放电electric discharge间隙gap电火花spark电弧arc漏电leakage漏电路径leakage path避雷装置lightning protector避雷针lightning rod,lightning conductor避雷带lightning belt避雷网lightning-protectionnet避雷针支架lightning rodsupport避雷针基础lightning rodbase避雷器arrester球形避雷spherical arrester管式避雷tubular arrester阀式避雷器auto-valvearrester角式避雷器horn arrester多隙避雷器multigap arrester金属氧化物避雷器metal-oxide arrester铅避雷器aluminum arrester氧化膜避雷器oxide filmarrester磁吹避雷器magneticblow-out arrester磁吹阀式避雷器magneticblow-out valve type arrester防雷工程lightning protectionengineering均压网voltage balancing net保护和接地protection andearthing保护范围保护高度保护半径protection rangeprotection heightprotection radius保护角protection angle防雷分类classification oflightning protection一类防雷区first classprotection接地earthing接地电阻earth resistance接地电阻表earth tester防雷接地earthing forlightning protection人工接地artificial earthing工作接地working earthing保护接地protective earthing保护地protective earth信号地signal earth重复接地re-earthing中性点接地neutral pointearthing屏蔽接地接地系统接地故障暗接地线shielding earthingearthing systemearth faultconcealed earth line暗检测点concealed checkpoint接地装置earthing device接地开关earthing switch接地火花避雷器earthingarrester接地母线earth bus接地线earth conductor接地极earth electrode引下线led-down conductor断接卡disconnector接地干线ground bus垂直接地极vertical electrode水平接地极horizontalelectrode降阻剂resistance reducer利用主筋作引下线mainreinforcing bar used asdown-led conductor利用铁爬梯作引下线ironladder used as down-ledconductor接地线引入处entrance ofearth wire自然接地体natural grounding基础接地体foundationgrounding接零保护neutral protection保护接零protectiveneutralization接零干线neutral main利用电线管作零线conduit used as neutral line零线,接地线(conductor) 零线,中性线(conductor) neutral line neutral line带电金属外壳current carrying metallic case不带电金属外壳non-current carrying metallic case材料material金属metal镀锌zinc plating , galvanization镀铂镀钠镀铬镀镍镀锡platinum plating cadmium plating chromium plating nickel plating tin plating镀锌板galvanized sheet 镀锌层zinc coat镀锌钢板plate镀锌扁钢steel镀锌角钢steel镀锌圆钢steel镀锌钢管galvanized steel galvanized flat galvanized angle galvanized round galvanized steelpipe镀锌槽钢steel硬塑料管galvanized channel hard plastic pipe绝缘材料insulating materials 绝缘包布insulating tape填充filling填料filler, filling material电缆膏cable compound绝缘膏insulating compound 膏compound漆lacquer, paint清漆varnish搪瓷enamel; porcelain enamel 沥青bitumen; asphalt云母mica 环氧树脂epoxy resin腊wax石膏gypsum石棉asbestos电木,酚醛塑料bakelite玻璃纤维glass fiber橡皮rubber辅件auxiliaries支架support电缆夹具cable cleal电缆接头cable spice电缆套cable box电缆铠装cable armouring接地螺栓earthing bolt百页窗louvres隔板closure, partition隔热板heat shield法兰,垫圈flange镀锌螺母galvanized nut螺钉螺栓垫块垫木垫片垫圈吊钩screw, nailboltbearerskidgasket, spacerwasher; (ring ) gaskethanging hook轨rail照明lighting人工照明artificial lighting工作照明working lighting直接照明direct lighting间接照明indirect lighting局部照明local lighting; spotlighting挪移照明portable lighting应急照明emergency lighting疏散照明egress lighting值班照明duty lighting警卫照明guard lighting障碍照明obstacle lighting正常照明normal lighting舞台照明stage lighting走道照明corridor lighting盘面照明dial lighting楼梯照明staircase lighting剧场照明theater lighting室内照明indoor lighting室外照明道路照明广场照明街道照明照明方式普通照明辅助照lightingoutdoor lightingroad lightingplaza lightingstreet lightinglighting patterngeneral lighting明supplementary大面积照明area lighting大面积泛光照明area floodlighting逆光照明back lighting漫散照明diffuse lighting橱窗照明shop windowlighting。

acceleration transducer 加速度传感器acceptance testing 验收测试accessibility 可及性accumulated error 累积误差AC—DC-AC frequency converter 交—直—交变频器AC (alternating current) electric drive 交流电子传动active attitude stabilization 主动姿态稳定actuator 驱动器,执行机构adaline 线性适应元adaptation layer 适应层adaptive telemeter system 适应遥测系统adjoint operator 伴随算子admissible error 容许误差aggregation matrix 集结矩阵AHP (analytic hierarchy process) 层次分析法amplifying element 放大环节analog-digital conversion 模数转换annunciator 信号器antenna pointing control 天线指向控制anti—integral windup 抗积分饱卷aperiodic decomposition 非周期分解a posteriori estimate 后验估计approximate reasoning 近似推理a priori estimate 先验估计articulated robot 关节型机器人assignment problem 配置问题,分配问题associative memory model 联想记忆模型associatron 联想机asymptotic stability 渐进稳定性attained pose drift 实际位姿漂移attitude acquisition 姿态捕获AOCS (attritude and orbit control system) 姿态轨道控制系统attitude angular velocity 姿态角速度attitude disturbance 姿态扰动attitude maneuver 姿态机动attractor 吸引子augment ability 可扩充性augmented system 增广系统automatic manual station 自动-手动操作器automaton 自动机backlash characteristics 间隙特性base coordinate system 基座坐标系Bayes classifier 贝叶斯分类器bearing alignment 方位对准bellows pressure gauge 波纹管压力表benefit-cost analysis 收益成本分析bilinear system 双线性系统biocybernetics 生物控制论biological feedback system 生物反馈系统black box testing approach 黑箱测试法blind search 盲目搜索block diagonalization 块对角化Boltzman machine 玻耳兹曼机bottom—up development 自下而上开发boundary value analysis 边界值分析brainstorming method 头脑风暴法breadth—first search 广度优先搜索butterfly valve 蝶阀CAE (computer aided engineering) 计算机辅助工程CAM (computer aided manufacturing) 计算机辅助制造Camflex valve 偏心旋转阀canonical state variable 规范化状态变量capacitive displacement transducer 电容式位移传感器capsule pressure gauge 膜盒压力表CARD 计算机辅助研究开发Cartesian robot 直角坐标型机器人cascade compensation 串联补偿catastrophe theory 突变论centrality 集中性chained aggregation 链式集结chaos 混沌characteristic locus 特征轨迹chemical propulsion 化学推进calrity 清晰性classical information pattern 经典信息模式classifier 分类器clinical control system 临床控制系统closed loop pole 闭环极点closed loop transfer function 闭环传递函数cluster analysis 聚类分析coarse—fine control 粗—精控制cobweb model 蛛网模型coefficient matrix 系数矩阵cognitive science 认知科学cognitron 认知机coherent system 单调关联系统combination decision 组合决策combinatorial explosion 组合爆炸combined pressure and vacuum gauge 压力真空表command pose 指令位姿companion matrix 相伴矩阵compartmental model 房室模型compatibility 相容性,兼容性compensating network 补偿网络compensation 补偿,矫正compliance 柔顺,顺应composite control 组合控制computable general equilibrium model 可计算一般均衡模型conditionally instability 条件不稳定性configuration 组态connectionism 连接机制connectivity 连接性conservative system 守恒系统consistency 一致性constraint condition 约束条件consumption function 消费函数context—free grammar 上下文无关语法continuous discrete event hybrid system simulation 连续离散事件混合系统仿真continuous duty 连续工作制control accuracy 控制精度control cabinet 控制柜controllability index 可控指数controllable canonical form 可控规范型[control]plant 控制对象,被控对象controlling instrument 控制仪表control moment gyro 控制力矩陀螺control panel 控制屏,控制盘control synchro 控制[式]自整角机control system synthesis 控制系统综合control time horizon 控制时程cooperative game 合作对策coordinability condition 可协调条件coordination strategy 协调策略coordinator 协调器corner frequency 转折频率costate variable 共态变量cost—effectiveness analysis 费用效益分析coupling of orbit and attitude 轨道和姿态耦合critical damping 临界阻尼critical stability 临界稳定性cross—over frequency 穿越频率,交越频率current source inverter 电流[源]型逆变器cut—off frequency 截止频率cybernetics 控制论cyclic remote control 循环遥控cylindrical robot 圆柱坐标型机器人damped oscillation 阻尼振荡damper 阻尼器damping ratio 阻尼比data acquisition 数据采集data encryption 数据加密data preprocessing 数据预处理data processor 数据处理器DC generator-motor set drive 直流发电机-电动机组传动D controller 微分控制器decentrality 分散性decentralized stochastic control 分散随机控制decision space 决策空间decision support system 决策支持系统decomposition—aggregation approach 分解集结法decoupling parameter 解耦参数deductive-inductive hybrid modeling method 演绎与归纳混合建模法delayed telemetry 延时遥测derivation tree 导出树derivative feedback 微分反馈describing function 描述函数desired value 希望值despinner 消旋体destination 目的站detector 检出器deterministic automaton 确定性自动机deviation 偏差舱deviation alarm 偏差报警器DFD 数据流图diagnostic model 诊断模型diagonally dominant matrix 对角主导矩阵diaphragm pressure gauge 膜片压力表difference equation model 差分方程模型differential dynamical system 微分动力学系统differential game 微分对策differential pressure level meter 差压液位计differential pressure transmitter 差压变送器differential transformer displacement transducer 差动变压器式位移传感器differentiation element 微分环节digital filer 数字滤波器digital signal processing 数字信号处理digitization 数字化digitizer 数字化仪dimension transducer 尺度传感器direct coordination 直接协调disaggregation 解裂discoordination 失协调discrete event dynamic system 离散事件动态系统discrete system simulation language 离散系统仿真语言discriminant function 判别函数displacement vibration amplitude transducer 位移振幅传感器dissipative structure 耗散结构distributed parameter control system 分布参数控制系统distrubance 扰动disturbance compensation 扰动补偿diversity 多样性divisibility 可分性domain knowledge 领域知识dominant pole 主导极点dose-response model 剂量反应模型dual modulation telemetering system 双重调制遥测系统dual principle 对偶原理dual spin stabilization 双自旋稳定duty ratio 负载比dynamic braking 能耗制动dynamic characteristics 动态特性dynamic deviation 动态偏差dynamic error coefficient 动态误差系数dynamic exactness 动它吻合性dynamic input—output model 动态投入产出模型econometric model 计量经济模型economic cybernetics 经济控制论economic effectiveness 经济效益economic evaluation 经济评价economic index 经济指数economic indicator 经济指标eddy current thickness meter 电涡流厚度计effectiveness 有效性effectiveness theory 效益理论elasticity of demand 需求弹性electric actuator 电动执行机构electric conductance levelmeter 电导液位计electric drive control gear 电动传动控制设备electric hydraulic converter 电-液转换器electric pneumatic converter 电-气转换器electrohydraulic servo vale 电液伺服阀electromagnetic flow transducer 电磁流量传感器electronic batching scale 电子配料秤electronic belt conveyor scale 电子皮带秤electronic hopper scale 电子料斗秤elevation 仰角emergency stop 异常停止empirical distribution 经验分布endogenous variable 内生变量equilibrium growth 均衡增长equilibrium point 平衡点equivalence partitioning 等价类划分ergonomics 工效学error 误差error-correction parsing 纠错剖析estimate 估计量estimation theory 估计理论evaluation technique 评价技术event chain 事件链evolutionary system 进化系统exogenous variable 外生变量expected characteristics 希望特性external disturbance 外扰fact base 事实failure diagnosis 故障诊断fast mode 快变模态feasibility study 可行性研究feasible coordination 可行协调feasible region 可行域feature detection 特征检测feature extraction 特征抽取feedback compensation 反馈补偿feedforward path 前馈通路field bus 现场总线finite automaton 有限自动机FIP (factory information protocol)工厂信息协议first order predicate logic 一阶谓词逻辑fixed sequence manipulator 固定顺序机械手fixed set point control 定值控制FMS (flexible manufacturing system)柔性制造系统flow sensor/transducer 流量传感器flow transmitter 流量变送器fluctuation 涨落forced oscillation 强圃获荡formal language theory 形式语言理论formal neuron 形式神经元forward path 正向通路forward reasoning 正向推理fractal 分形体,分维体frequency converter 变频器frequency domain model reduction method 频域模型降阶法frequency response 频域响应full order observer 全阶观测器functional decomposition 功能分解FES (functional electrical stimulation) 功能电刺激functional simularity 功能相似fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑game tree 对策树gate valve 闸阀general equilibrium theory 一般均衡理论generalized least squares estimation 广义最小二乘估计generation function 生成函数geomagnetic torque 地磁力矩geometric similarity 几何相似gimbaled wheel 框架轮global asymptotic stability 全局渐进稳定性global optimum 全局最优globe valve 球形阀goal coordination method 目标协调法grammatical inference 文法推断graphic search 图搜索gravity gradient torque 重力梯度力矩group technology 成组技术guidance system 制导系统gyro drift rate 陀螺漂移率gyrostat 陀螺体Hall displacement transducer 霍尔式位移传感器hardware-in—the—loop simulation 半实物仿真harmonious deviation 和谐偏差harmonious strategy 和谐策略heuristic inference 启发式推理hidden oscillation 隐蔽振荡hierarchical chart 层次结构图hierarchical planning 递阶规划hierarchical control 递阶控制homeostasis 内稳态homomorphic model 同态系统horizontal decomposition 横向分解hormonal control 内分泌控制hydraulic step motor 液压步进马达hypercycle theory 超循环理论I controller 积分控制器identifiability 可辨识性IDSS (intelligent decision support system)智能决策支持系统image recognition 图像识别impulse 冲量impulse function 冲击函数,脉冲函数inching 点动incompatibility principle 不相容原理incremental motion control 增量运动控制index of merit 品质因数inductive force transducer 电感式位移传感器inductive modeling method 归纳建模法industrial automation 工业自动化inertial attitude sensor 惯性姿态敏感器inertial coordinate system 惯性坐标系inertial wheel 惯性轮inference engine 推理机infinite dimensional system 无穷维系统information acquisition 信息采集infrared gas analyzer 红外线气体分析器inherent nonlinearity 固有非线性inherent regulation 固有调节initial deviation 初始偏差initiator 发起站injection attitude 入轨姿势input-output model 投入产出模型instability 不稳定性instruction level language 指令级语言integral of absolute value of error criterion 绝对误差积分准则integral of squared error criterion 平方误差积分准则integral performance criterion 积分性能准则integration instrument 积算仪器integrity 整体性intelligent terminal 智能终端interacted system 互联系统,关联系统interactive prediction approach 互联预估法,关联预估法interconnection 互联intermittent duty 断续工作制internal disturbance 内扰ISM (interpretive structure modeling) 解释结构建模法invariant embedding principle 不变嵌入原理inventory theory 库伦论inverse Nyquist diagram 逆奈奎斯特图inverter 逆变器investment decision 投资决策isomorphic model 同构模型iterative coordination 迭代协调jet propulsion 喷气推进job-lot control 分批控制joint 关节Kalman-Bucy filer 卡尔曼—布西滤波器knowledge accomodation 知识顺应knowledge acquisition 知识获取knowledge assimilation 知识同化KBMS (knowledge base management system)知识库管理系统knowledge representation 知识表达ladder diagram 梯形图lag—lead compensation 滞后超前补偿Lagrange duality 拉格朗曰对偶性Laplace transform 拉普拉斯变换large scale system 大系统lateral inhibition network 侧抑制网络least cost input 最小成本投入least squares criterion 最小二乘准则level switch 物位开关libration damping 天平动阻尼limit cycle 极限环linearization technique 线性化方法linear motion electric drive 直线运动电气传动linear motion valve 直行程阀linear programming 线性规划LQR (linear quadratic regulator problem)线性二次调节器问题load cell 称重传感器local asymptotic stability 局部渐近稳定性local optimum 局部最优log magnitude—phase diagram 对数幅相图long term memory 长期记忆lumped parameter model 集总参数模型Lyapunov theorem of asymptotic stability李雅普诺夫渐近稳定性定理macro-economic system 宏观经济系统magnetic dumping 磁卸载magnetoelastic weighing cell 磁致弹性称重传感器magnitude—frequency characteristic 幅频特性magnitude margin 幅值裕度magnitude scale factor 幅值比例尺manipulator 机械手man—machine coordination 人机协调manual station 手动操作器MAP (manufacturing automation protocol)制造自动化协议marginal effectiveness 边际效益Mason’s gain formula 梅森增益公式master station 主站matching criterion 匹配准则maximum likelihood estimation 最大似然估计maximum overshoot 最大超调量maximum principle 极大值原理mean-square error criterion 均方误差准则mechanism model 机理模型meta-knowledge 元知识metallurgical automation 冶金自动化minimal realization 最小实现minimum phase system 最小相位系统minimum variance estimation 最小方差估计minor loop 副回路missile-target relative movement simulator 弹体—目标相对运动仿真器modal aggregation 模态集结modal transformation 模态变换MB (model base)模型库model confidence 模型置信度model fidelity 模型逼真度model reference adaptive control system 模型参考适应控制系统model verification 模型验证modularization 模块化MEC (most economic control)最经济控制motion space 可动空间MTBF (mean time between failures)平均故障间隔时间MTTF (mean time to failures)平均无故障时间multi—attributive utility function 多属性效用函数multicriteria 多重判据multilevel hierarchical structure 多级递阶结构multiloop control 多回路控制multi—objective decision 多目标决策multistate logic 多态逻辑multistratum hierarchical control 多段递阶控制multivariable control system 多变量控制系统myoelectric control 肌电控制Nash optimality 纳什最优性natural language generation 自然语言生成nearest-neighbor 最近邻necessity measure 必然性侧度negative feedback 负反馈neural assembly 神经集合neural network computer 神经网络计算机Nichols chart 尼科尔斯图noetic science 思维科学noncoherent system 非单调关联系统noncooperative game 非合作博弈nonequilibrium state 非平衡态nonlinear element 非线性环节nonmonotonic logic 非单调逻辑nonparametric training 非参数训练nonreversible electric drive 不可逆电气传动nonsingular perturbation 非奇异摄动non—stationary random process 非平稳随机过程nuclear radiation levelmeter 核辐射物位计nutation sensor 章动敏感器Nyquist stability criterion 奈奎斯特稳定判据[size=9pt]objective function 目标函数observability index 可观测指数observable canonical form 可观测规范型on—line assistance 在线帮助on—off control 通断控制open loop pole 开环极点operational research model 运筹学模型optic fiber tachometer 光纤式转速表optimal trajectory 最优轨迹optimization technique 最优化技术orbital rendezvous 轨道交会orbit gyrocompass 轨道陀螺罗盘orbit perturbation 轨道摄动order parameter 序参数orientation control 定向控制originator 始发站oscillating period 振荡周期output prediction method 输出预估法oval wheel flowmeter 椭圆齿轮流量计overall design 总体设计overdamping 过阻尼overlapping decomposition 交叠分解Pade approximation 帕德近似Pareto optimality 帕雷托最优性passive attitude stabilization 被动姿态稳定path repeatability 路径可重复性pattern primitive 模式基元PR (pattern recognition) 模式识别P control 比例控制器peak time 峰值时间penalty function method 罚函数法perceptron 感知器periodic duty 周期工作制perturbation theory 摄动理论pessimistic value 悲观值phase locus 相轨迹phase trajectory 相轨迹phase lead 相位超前photoelectric tachometric transducer 光电式转速传感器phrase—structure grammar 短句结构文法physical symbol system 物理符号系统piezoelectric force transducer 压电式力传感器playback robot 示教再现式机器人PLC (programmable logic controller) 可编程序逻辑控制器plug braking 反接制动plug valve 旋塞阀pneumatic actuator 气动执行机构point-to-point control 点位控制polar robot 极坐标型机器人pole assignment 极点配置pole—zero cancellation 零极点相消polynomial input 多项式输入portfolio theory 投资搭配理论pose overshoot 位姿过调量position measuring instrument 位置测量仪posentiometric displacement transducer 电位器式位移传感器positive feedback 正反馈power system automation 电力系统自动化predicate logic 谓词逻辑pressure gauge with electric contact 电接点压力表pressure transmitter 压力变送器price coordination 价格协调primal coordination 主协调primary frequency zone 主频区PCA (principal component analysis) 主成分分析法principle of turnpike 大道原理priority 优先级process-oriented simulation 面向过程的仿真production budget 生产预算production rule 产生式规则profit forecast 利润预测PERT (program evaluation and review technique) 计划评审技术program set station 程序设定操作器proportional control 比例控制proportional plus derivative controller 比例微分控制器protocol engineering 协议工程prototype 原型pseudo random sequence 伪随机序列pseudo—rate-increment control 伪速率增量控制pulse duration 脉冲持续时间pulse frequency modulation control system脉冲调频控制系统pulse width modulation control system 脉冲调宽控制系统PWM inverter 脉宽调制逆变器pushdown automaton 下推自动机QC (quality control)质量管理quadratic performance index 二次型性能指标qualitative physical model 定性物理模型quantized noise 量化噪声quasilinear characteristics 准线性特性queuing theory 排队论radio frequency sensor 射频敏感器ramp function 斜坡函数random disturbance 随机扰动random process 随机过程rate integrating gyro 速率积分陀螺ratio station 比值操作器reachability 可达性reaction wheel control 反作用轮控制realizability 可实现性,能实现性real time telemetry 实时遥测receptive field 感受野rectangular robot 直角坐标型机器人rectifier 整流器recursive estimation 递推估计reduced order observer 降阶观测器redundant information 冗余信息reentry control 再入控制regenerative braking 回馈制动,再生制动regional planning model 区域规划模型regulating device 调节装载regulation 调节relational algebra 关系代数relay characteristic 继电器特性remote manipulator 遥控操作器remote regulating 遥调remote set point adjuster 远程设定点调整器rendezvous and docking 交会和对接reproducibility 再现性resistance thermometer sensor 热电阻resolution principle 归结原理resource allocation 资源分配response curve 响应曲线return difference matrix 回差矩阵return ratio matrix 回比矩阵reverberation 回响reversible electric drive 可逆电气传动revolute robot 关节型机器人revolution speed transducer 转速传感器rewriting rule 重写规则rigid spacecraft dynamics 刚性航天动力学risk decision 风险分析robotics 机器人学robot programming language 机器人编程语言robust control 鲁棒控制robustness 鲁棒性roll gap measuring instrument 辊缝测量仪root locus 根轨迹roots flowmeter 腰轮流量计rotameter 浮子流量计,转子流量计rotary eccentric plug valve 偏心旋转阀rotary motion valve 角行程阀rotating transformer 旋转变压器Routh approximation method 劳思近似判据routing problem 路径问题sampled—data control system 采样控制系统sampling control system 采样控制系统saturation characteristics 饱和特性scalar Lyapunov function 标量李雅普诺夫函数SCARA (selective compliance assembly robot arm)平面关节型机器人scenario analysis method 情景分析法scene analysis 物景分析s—domain s域self-operated controller 自力式控制器self-organizing system 自组织系统self—reproducing system 自繁殖系统self-tuning control 自校正控制semantic network 语义网络semi—physical simulation 半实物仿真sensing element 敏感元件sensitivity analysis 灵敏度分析sensory control 感觉控制sequential decomposition 顺序分解sequential least squares estimation 序贯最小二乘估计servo control 伺服控制,随动控制servomotor 伺服马达settling time 过渡时间sextant 六分仪short term planning 短期计划short time horizon coordination 短时程协调signal detection and estimation 信号检测和估计signal reconstruction 信号重构similarity 相似性simulated interrupt 仿真中断simulation block diagram 仿真框图simulation experiment 仿真实验simulation velocity 仿真速度simulator 仿真器single axle table 单轴转台single degree of freedom gyro 单自由度陀螺single level process 单级过程single value nonlinearity 单值非线性singular attractor 奇异吸引子singular perturbation 奇异摄动sink 汇点slaved system 受役系统slower—than-real-time simulation 欠实时仿真slow subsystem 慢变子系统socio—cybernetics 社会控制论socioeconomic system 社会经济系统software psychology 软件心理学solar array pointing control 太阳帆板指向控制solenoid valve 电磁阀source 源点specific impulse 比冲speed control system 调速系统spin axis 自旋轴spinner 自旋体stability criterion 稳定性判据stability limit 稳定极限stabilization 镇定,稳定Stackelberg decision theory 施塔克尔贝格决策理论state equation model 状态方程模型state space description 状态空间描述static characteristics curve 静态特性曲线station accuracy 定点精度stationary random process 平稳随机过程statistical analysis 统计分析statistic pattern recognition 统计模式识别steady state deviation 稳态偏差steady state error coefficient 稳态误差系数step-by-step control 步进控制step function 阶跃函数stepwise refinement 逐步精化stochastic finite automaton 随机有限自动机strain gauge load cell 应变式称重传感器strategic function 策略函数strongly coupled system 强耦合系统subjective probability 主观频率suboptimality 次优性supervised training 监督学习supervisory computer control system 计算机监控系统sustained oscillation 自持振荡swirlmeter 旋进流量计switching point 切换点symbolic processing 符号处理synaptic plasticity 突触可塑性synergetics 协同学syntactic analysis 句法分析system assessment 系统评价systematology 系统学system homomorphism 系统同态system isomorphism 系统同构system engineering 系统工程tachometer 转速表target flow transmitter 靶式流量变送器task cycle 作业周期teaching programming 示教编程telemechanics 远动学telemetering system of frequency divisiontype 频分遥测系统telemetry 遥测teleological system 目的系统teleology 目的论temperature transducer 温度传感器template base 模版库tensiometer 张力计texture 纹理theorem proving 定理证明therapy model 治疗模型thermocouple 热电偶thermometer 温度计thickness meter 厚度计three—axis attitude stabilization 三轴姿态稳定three state controller 三位控制器thrust vector control system 推力矢量控制系统thruster 推力器time constant 时间常数time—invariant system 定常系统,非时变系统time schedule controller 时序控制器time-sharing control 分时控制time—varying parameter 时变参数top-down testing 自上而下测试topological structure 拓扑结构TQC (total quality control) 全面质量管理tracking error 跟踪误差trade—off analysis 权衡分析transfer function matrix 传递函数矩阵transformation grammar 转换文法transient deviation 瞬态偏差transient process 过渡过程transition diagram 转移图transmissible pressure gauge 电远传压力表transmitter 变送器trend analysis 趋势分析triple modulation telemetering system 三重调制遥测系统turbine flowmeter 涡轮流量计Turing machine 图灵机two-time scale system 双时标系统ultrasonic levelmeter 超声物位计unadjustable speed electric drive 非调速电气传动unbiased estimation 无偏估计underdamping 欠阻尼uniformly asymptotic stability 一致渐近稳定性uninterrupted duty 不间断工作制,长期工作制unit circle 单位圆unit testing 单元测试unsupervised learing 非监督学习upper level problem 上级问题urban planning 城市规划utility function 效用函数value engineering 价值工程variable gain 可变增益,可变放大系数variable structure control system 变结构控制vector Lyapunov function 向量李雅普诺夫函数velocity error coefficient 速度误差系数velocity transducer 速度传感器vertical decomposition 纵向分解vibrating wire force transducer 振弦式力传感器vibrometer 振动计viscous damping 粘性阻尼voltage source inverter 电压源型逆变器vortex precession flowmeter 旋进流量计vortex shedding flowmeter 涡街流量计WB (way base)方法库weighing cell 称重传感器weighting factor 权因子weighting method 加权法Whittaker-Shannon sampling theorem 惠特克—香农采样定理Wiener filtering 维纳滤波work station for computer aided design 计算机辅助设计工作站w-plane w平面zero—based budget 零基预算zero—input response 零输入响应zero—state response 零状态响应电气自动化专业词汇zero sum game model 零和对策模型z—transform z变换[/size]11。

电气工程及其自动化专业必背术语-翻译electrical infrastructure 电气基础设施electrical installation 电气安装技术equations set 方程组four-layer 四层hookup接线图human machine interface 人机界面impedance阻抗incidence 入射incident wave 入射波incorporated 合成一体的instantaneous 瞬间的interleaved 交叉load admittance 负载导纳lumped 集中的modal模式的modeling 建模motor management systems 电机管理系统mounting pads安装垫片noise margins噪音安全系数proximity effect 邻近效应terminator终结器undershoot 负脉冲信号;下冲transistor 晶体管audion三极管capacitance电容Diesel 柴油机AC-motors交流电机transistor晶体管coupling联结耦合current carrying capacity 载流能力(最大允许电流) conductivity 传导性in isolation绝缘lead导线leakage current泄漏电流inductance 感应系数loops线圈macroprocessor微处理器multimedia show多媒体展示medium-power distribution 中压配电motor and soft starters 电机及软起动器numerical controls数控系统optimal最佳的,最理想的radian弧度overload relays 过载继电器overshoot 过冲peak current 峰值电流power dissipation电力分散process automation 过程自动化punch穿孔,冲压reactance 电抗recharge再充regulated power supply稳压电源resistance 阻抗resistor 电阻器resonate 共振self-inductance 自感应series inductance 串联感应simulation 模拟switching 配电、交流thermal cycle 热循环thickness厚度voltage regulator 调压器resistive 有抵抗力的process instrumentation and analytics过程仪表及分析仪器warping扭曲,变形wiring layout线路配置图AC-drives交流变频器asymmetrical 非对称的attenuation 衰减bridged impedance桥接阻抗cable bridge 电缆桥架charge 电荷circuit schematic diagram电路原理图解coefficient 系数configuration构造constant 常量copper sheet铜片damping 阻尼decomposition 分解decouple 分离delay circuit 延迟电路dielectric sheets 介电原片diode clamping 钳位edge connector边缘连接器schematic 示意图services&industry solutions 服务和工业解决方案。

电子、电气、自动化类专业英语词汇AAC-DC-AC frequen cy convert er 交-直-交变频器accumul ated error 累积误差actuato r 驱动器,执行机构accurac y 精度ac-alterna ting current交流activeelement有源元件activecircuit有源电路activefilter有源滤波器admitta nce 导纳admissi ble error容许误差adjustm ent 调整fine adjustm ent 细调rough adjustm ent 粗调adjusta ble range 可调范围amplitu de 幅值amplify ing element放大环节ampacit y 载流量ampere安培kilovol t ampere千伏安amperem eter 安培表,电流表amplifi er 放大器analog-digital convers ion模数转换anode 阳极anti-pumping device防跳装置apparen t power 视在功率armatur e 电枢autotra nsform er 自藕变压器automat on自动机Bballast镇流器ballast-factor镇流器系数battery蓄电池battery capacit y 蓄电池容量base voltage基准电压base power 基准功率bellows pressur e gauge 波纹管压力表breaker断路器brushle ss excitat ion system无刷励磁系统bushing套管button按钮push button按钮turn button旋钮bus 母线butterf ly valve 蝶阀buzzer蜂鸣器burden负载CCAE (compute r aided enginee ring) 计算机辅助程CAM (compute r aided manufac turing) 计算机辅助制造Camflex valve 偏心旋转阀capacit ive displac ementtransdu cer 电容式位移传感器capsule pressur e gauge 膜盒压力表cascade compens ation串联补偿Cartesi an robot 直角坐标型机器人cable 电缆cable transmi ssionline 电缆输电线triple-core cable 三芯电缆coaxial cable 同轴电缆fiber-optical cable 光纤电缆fire resista nt cable 耐火电缆heating sensiti ve cable 热敏电缆impregn ated paper insulat ed cable 油浸纸绝缘电缆strande d coppercable 铜铰线电缆twin-core cable 两芯电缆single-core cable 单芯电缆capacit ance 电容capacit or 电容器adjusta ble capacit or 可变电容器shunt capacit or 并联电容器capacit or divider电容分压器capacit y 容量chaos 混沌charact eristi c locus 特征轨迹changeo ver 切换automat ic changeo ver 自动切换charge充电charger充电器charact eristi c impedan ce 特征阻抗charact eristi c equatio n 特征方程circuit电路,回路auxilia ry circuit辅助回路follow-up circuit跟踪回路main circuit主电路short circuit plate 短路板seriescircuit串联电路circuit breaker断路器air circuit breaker空气断路器current-limitin g circuit breaker限流断路器earth leakage circuit breaker漏电开关field circuit breaker磁场开关closedloop pole 闭环极点closedloop transfe r functio n 闭环传递函数coeffic ient matrix系数矩阵combine d pressur e and vacuumgauge 压力真空表compati bility相容性,兼容性compens atingnetwork补偿网络compens ation补偿composi te control组合控制configu ration组态consist ency 一致性constra int conditi on 约束条件control accurac y 控制精度control cabinet控制柜control panel 控制屏,控制盘control synchro控制式,自整角机control systemsynthes is 控制系统综合control ling instrum ent 控制仪表cornerfrequen cy 转折频率coil 绕组shunt excitat ion coil 分励线圈commiss ion 调试compone nt 分量fundame ntal compone nt 基波分量harmoni c compone nt 谐波分量conduct ance 导电率high conduct ivity高导电率conduct or 导体composi te conduct or 组合导线flexibl e conduct or 伸缩节flexibl e conduct or 软导线conduct or cross-section导体截面connect ion 接线delta connect ion 三角形连接star connect ion 星形连接connect or接头end connect or 终端接头power connect or 电源接头contact触头arcingcontact弧触头arcing-extingu ishing contact灭弧触头electri cal indepen dent contact无源接点main contact主触头movingcontact动触头normall y closedcontact常闭接点normall y openedcontact常开接点station ary contact静触头auxilia ry contact辅助触头contact or 接触器electro magnet ic pneumat ic contact or 电磁气动接触器electro magnet ic contact or 电磁接触器continu ous duty (service) 连续运行control控制automat ic control自动控制central ized control集中控制photoel ectric control光电控制器remotecontrol远程控制control circuit控制回路electri cal auxilia ry control panel 电气辅助控制屏corona电晕correct ing circuit校正电路correct ion factor校正系数COS = change-over switch切换开关crest voltage峰值电压critica l damping临界阻尼critica l stabili ty 临界稳定性cross-over frequen cy 穿越频率,交越频率CS = control switch控制开关CT = current transfo rmer 电流互感器burdenof CT CT的二次容量zero sequenc e CT 零序CTcurrent sourceinverte r 电流[源}型逆变器cut-off frequen cy 截止频率CU = coeffic ient of utiliza tion 利用系数current电流current transfo rmer 电流变压器capacit ive current电容电流dynamic stablecurrent动稳定电流field current磁场电流impress ed current外加电流inducti ve current电感电流interru ptingcurrent开断电流leakage current泄漏电流momenta ry current瞬时电流negativ e sequenc e current负序电流no-load current空载电流nominal dischar ge current标称放电电流peak withsta nd current峰值耐受电流rated breakin g current额定开断电流reactiv e current感性电流short circuit current短路电流startin g current起动电流stray current泄漏电流rated continu ous current额定持续电流zero sequenc e current零序电流current amplifi cation电流放大current collect or 集电器current convert er 变流器current intensi ty 电流强度current shunt 分流器phase current相电流DD control ler 微分控制器dampedoscilla tion 阻尼振荡damper阻尼器damping ratio 阻尼比data acquisi tion 数据采集data encrypt ion 数据加密data preproc essing数据预处理data process or 数据处理器damperwinding阻尼绕组DC system直流系统DC-directcurrent直流DC generat or-motor set drive 直流发电机-电动机组传动DCS-Destrib uted control system集散控制系统;decentr alized stochas tic control分散随机控制decoupl ing paramet er 解耦参数derivat ive feedbac k 微分反馈deviati on 偏差deviati on alarm 偏差报警器definit e time lag 定时限delay 延时delta connect ion 三角形连接DFD=date flow diagram数据流图diagram图,图纸CWD =control wiringdiagram控制接线图EWD =element ary wiringdiagram原理接线图mimic diagram模拟图one-line diagram单线图diaphra gm pressur e gauge 膜片压力表differe nce equatio n model 差分方程模型differe ntialdynamic al system微分动力学系统differe ntialpressur e level meter 差压液位计differe ntialpressur e transmi tter 差压变送器differe ntialtransfo rmer displac ementtransdu cer差动变压器式位移传感器differe ntiati on element微分环节digital filer 数字滤波器diamete r 直径differe ntialrelay 差动继电器differe ntialprotect ion 差动保护dischar ge 放电deep dischar ge 过放电self dischar ge 自放电dischar ge counter放电计数器dispatc her 调度员distort ion factor畸变系数discret e systemsimulat ion languag e 离散系统仿真语言discrim inantfunctio n 判别函数displac ementvibrati on amplitu de transdu cer 位移振幅传感器distrib uted paramet er control system分布参数控制系统distrub ance 扰动disturb ance compens ation扰动补偿distrib uted paramet er 分布参数distrib utioncabinet配电柜disrupt ive dischar ge 火花放电diode 二极管directaxis synchro nous reactan ce 直轴同步电抗diversi ty 多样性diversi ty factor分散系数dominan t pole 主导极点dropout current开断电流dual princip le 对偶原理dynamic braking能耗制动dynamic charact eristi cs 动态特性dynamic deviati on 动态偏差dynamic error coeffic ient 动态误差系数Eearthing 接地earthin g rod 接地极earthin g termina l 接地端子eddy current thickne ss meter 电涡流厚度计eddy current涡流effecti veness有效性electri c 电气electri c actuato r 电动执行机构electri c conduct ance levelme ter 电导液位计electri c drive control gear 电动传动控制设备electri c hydraul ic convert er 电-液转换器electri c pneumat ic convert er 电-气转换器electro hydrau lic servo vale 电液伺服阀electro magnet ic flow transdu cer 电磁流量传感器electro magnet ic field theory电磁场原理electri c field intensi ty 电场强度electri cal arc 电弧electri c braking电气制动electri c welding machine电焊机electri city enginee ring 电气工程electro de pole 电极electro magnet电磁铁electro magnet ic inducti on 电磁感应electro motanc e 电动势electro nic element电子元件envelop e 包络线equipot ential surface等电位面error 误差ESD-Emergen cy Shut Down 紧急停车系统excitat ion 励磁reducin g excitat ion 减励磁force excitat ion 强励low excitat ion 低励磁over excitat ion 过励磁excitat ion current励磁电流force excitat ion factor强励系数staticexcitat ion system静态励磁系统excitat ion transfo rmer 励磁变压器excitat ion voltage励磁电压exciter励磁机main exciter主励磁机pilot exciter副励磁机standby exciter备用励磁机explosi on-proof type 防爆型extra high voltage system超高压系统Ffault 故障groundi ng fault 接地故障fault recorde r 故障记录failure alarmin g signal事故报警信号failure diagnos is 故障诊断fast actingfuse 快速熔断器FC-Fail closed故障关;FO-Fail open 故障开F-C = high-voltage current limitin g fuse and vacuumcontact or 高压限流熔断器及真空接触器feasibi lity study 可行性研究feature detecti on 特征检测feature extract ion 特征抽取feedbac k compens ation反馈补偿feeder馈线incomin g feeder进线outgoin g feeder出线feederbay 馈线间隔feedbac k voltage反馈电压feedfor ward path 前馈通路field 磁场field bus 现场总线field voltage磁场电压field flashin g equipme nt 起励设备field extinct ion 消磁fixed set point control定值控制flexibl e joint 挠性接头FI-Fail indeter minate故障时任意位置;FL-Fail locked故障时保位flow sensor/transdu cer 流量传感器flow transmi tter 流量变送器FMS (flexibl e manufac turing system)柔性制造系统forcedoutage强迫停机frequen cy 频率frequen cy convert er 变频器frequen cy respons e 频域响应frequen cy convert er station变频站frequen cy convers ion 频率变换fuse 熔断器no powder-filledcartrid ge fuse 无填料封闭管式熔断器plug-in type fuse 插入式熔断器powder-filledcartrid ge fuse 有填料封闭管式熔断器screw-type fuse 螺旋式熔断器self-mending fuse 自复熔断器fuse blow 熔断器熔断full order observe r 全阶观测器functio nal decompo sition功能分解fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑Ggate valve 闸阀gain constan t 增益常数gap 间隙protect ive gap 保护间隙generat or 发电机directcurrent generat or 直流发电机signalgenerat or 信号发生器generat or load curve 发电机负荷曲线generat or pedesta l 发电机基座generat or rotor 发电机转子generat or stator发电机定子generat or termina l 发电机端子generat or termina l lead 发电机引出线generat or-transfo rmer unit 发电机变压器组glare 眩光glass cloth tape 波纤带globaloptimum全局最优globe valve 球形阀grading ring 屏蔽环groundb ed 接地床directl y (solid) grounde d 直接接地effecti vely grounde d 有效接地single-phase groundi ng 单相接地groundi ng conduct or 接地导体groundi ng megger接地电阻测试仪main groundi ng network (grid) 主接地网groundi ng system接地系统groundi ng termina l 接地端子groundi ng wire 接地线governo r valve 调速器阀门governo r 调速器Hharmoni cs 谐波even harmoni c 偶次谐波odd harmoni c 奇次谐波harmoni c current谐波电流heater加热器heating element加热元件heavy load 重载hertz (Hz) 赫兹high pressur e sodium( HPS ) 高压钠灯high voltage transmi ssionline 高压线路high-frequen cy amplifi cation高频放大high-frequen cy filter高频滤波器high voltage system高压系统hystere sis 磁滞IIA-Instrum ent air 仪表空气identif iabili ty 可辨识性ideal transfo rmer 理想变压器igniter触发器illumin ance 照度inching点动index of merit 品质因数inducti ve force transdu cer 电感式位移传感器industr ial automat ion 工业自动化instabi lity 不稳定性integra l of absolut e value of error criteri on 绝对误差积分准则integra tion instrum ent 积算仪器intelli gent termina l 智能终端interac ted system互联系统interco nnecti on 互联interna l disturb ance 内扰inverse Nyquist diagram逆奈奎斯特图inverte r 逆变器indicat or 指示器input 输入instrum entati on 测量仪表insulat ion 绝缘insulat ing strengt h 绝缘强度layer insulat ion 层间绝缘mica insulat ion 云母绝缘plastic insulat ion 塑料绝缘section insulat ion 段间绝缘turn insulat ion 匝绝缘insulat ion between phase 相间绝缘insulat ion class 绝缘等级insulat ion level 绝缘水平insulat or 绝缘子porcela in insulat or 瓷质绝缘子post insulat or 柱式绝缘子support ing insulat or 支撑绝缘子suspend ing insulat or 悬挂式绝缘子inverte r 逆变器inverse time lag 反时限inducta nce 电感inducto r 电感器inducti on motor 感应电动机异步电动机instant aneous power 瞬时功率instrum ent transfo rmer 仪用变压器insulat ing transfo rmer 隔离变压器integra te 积分integra ted circuit集成电路impulse voltage脉冲电压impedan ce 阻抗asymmet ricalimpedan ce 不对称阻抗Jtesting jack 试验端子junctio n box 接线盒KKalman-Bucy filer 卡尔曼-布西滤波器kilovar (kVAR) 千乏kilovol t 千伏kilowat t (kW) 千瓦kilowat t-hour 千瓦时Llag-lead compens ation滞后超前补偿lagging power factor滞后功率因数Lagrang e duality拉格朗日对偶性Laplace transfo rm 拉普拉斯变换lamp灯mercury lamp 水银灯metal halidelamp 金属卤化物灯fluores cent lamp 荧光灯incande scentlamp 白炽灯self-ballast ed lamp 自镇流灯tungste n halogen lamp 碘钨灯lamp socket灯座leading power factor超前功率因数lead box 出线箱leakage reactan ce 漏抗least squares criteri on 最小二乘准则linearprogram ming 线性规划lineari zation techniq ue 线性化方法light load 轻载light source(illumin ant) 光源lightni ng 雷电tube type lightni ng arreste r 管形避雷器valve type lightni ng arreste r 阀型避雷器lightni ng arreste r 避雷器lightni ng current雷电流lightni ng protect ion 防雷lightni ng rod 避雷针lightni ng strike雷击lightni ng wire 避雷线lightni ng arresto r 避雷器lightin g box 照明箱lightin g fixture灯具flood lightin g 泛光照明local lightin g 局步照明emergen cy lightin g 应急灯flush mounted fluores cent lightin g fixture嵌入式荧光灯tube fluores cent lightin g fixture简式荧光灯waterpr oof fluores cent lightin g fixture防水荧光灯flamepr oof fluores cent lightin g fixture防爆耐火荧光灯road lightin g fixture路灯line loss 线路损耗line voltage线电压line current线电流live line connect ion 带电接线live line disconn ection带电拆线LLD = lamp lumen depreci ation光通量衰减系数load cell 称重传感器local asympto tic stabili ty 局部渐近稳定性local optimum局部最优log magnitu de-phase diagram对数幅相图lumpedparamet er model 集总参数模型load 负荷targetload 目标负荷loading effect负荷效应load charact eristi c curve 负载特性曲线lockerrelay 闭锁继电器looping-off 解环loss 损耗copperloss 铜损iron loss 铁损load loss 负载损耗no-load loss 空载损耗supplem entary load loss 附加损耗loss-ratio 损耗比louver格栅low voltage system低电压系统low potenti al relay 低电压继电器lug 接线片ring lug 环型接线片spade lug 铲型接线片termina l lug 接线端子lumen 流明luminar ies 照明器effecti ve luminou s intensi ty 有效光强Mmagnitu de margin幅值裕度magnitu de-frequen cy charact eristi c 幅频特性magneti c field intensi ty 磁场强度magneti zation curve 磁化曲线magneti c lock 电磁锁mainten ance box 检修箱malfunc tion 误动作manhole人孔marking strip 标识条manualstation手动操作器MAP (manufac turing automat ion protoco l) 制造自动化协议Mason‘sgainformula梅森增益公式matchin g criteri on 匹配准则MAX-Maximum最大maximum likelih ood estimat ion 最大似然估计maximum oversho ot 最大超调量MCB = miniatu re circuit breaker微型断路器MCCB = moulded case circuit breaker塑壳式断路器mean-squareerror criteri on 均方误差准则mechani cal turbine torque机械转矩mediumvoltage system中等电压系统megawat t (MW) 兆瓦metal clad 金属铠装meter 表计gravity meter 比重计insulat ion supervi sion meter 绝缘监察表phase meter 相位表plier-type current meter 钳型表power factormeter 功率因数表single-phase kilowat t-hour meter 单相电能表three-phase kilowat t-hour meter 三相电能表voltage meter 电压表watt-hour meter 电度表kVAR-hour meter 无功电度表kW-hour meter 有功电度表MF = mainten ance factor维护系数MHF = mountin g heightabove the floor 距地面安装高度MHWP = mountin g heightabove the work-place 距工作面安装高度microwa ve 微波MIN-Minimum最小minimum phase system最小相位系统minimum varianc e estimat ion 最小方差估计milliam meter毫安表millivo ltmete r 毫伏表mimic bus 模拟母线motor 电动机adjusta ble speed motor 调速电动机commuta tor motor 整流子电动机horizon tal type motor 卧式电动机synchro nous motor 同步电动机variabl e speed motor 可变速电动机vertica l type motor 立式电动机motor maximum torque电动机最大转矩mounted安装handrai l mounted扶手安装open mounted明装wall mounted吸壁flush mounted暗装pendant mounted悬挂stanchi on mounted柱上安装surface mounted吸顶安装mountin g type 安装方式movable type 移动式MTTF (mean time to failure s) 平均无故障时间multilo op control多回路控制mutualcouplin g line 互感线路multipl e of current电流倍数NN-typesem icondu ctor N型半导体namepla te 铭牌negativ e pole 负极negativ e sequenc e compone nt 负序分量neutral point 中性点necessi ty measure必然性侧度negativ e feedbac k 负反馈neuralassembl y 神经集合Nichols chart 尼科尔斯图nonline ar differe ntialequatio n 非线性方程nonline ar element非线性环节node 节点nonreve rsible electri c drive 不可逆电气传动non-station ary randomprocess非平稳随机过程NPN transis tor NPN型晶体管Nyquist stabili ty criteri on 奈奎斯特稳定判据Oobjecti ve functio n 目标函数off nominal turns ratio 非额定匝数比offset-mho relay 偏置姆欧继电器ohm 欧姆OHM = ohmmete r 欧姆表oil level indicat or 油位指示器on-off control通断控制open loop pole 开环极点open circuit开路operate操作operate d in singlephase 分相操作operate d in three phase 三相操作operati ng duty cycle 操作顺序hydraul ic operati ng mechani sm 液压操作机构pneumat ic operati ng mechani sm 气动操作机构operati ng mechani sm 操作机构operati on 运行load limit operati on 限负荷运行orienta tion control定向控制oscilla tion 振荡oscilla ting period振荡周期oscillo scope示波器outgoin g line 出线directi on of outgoin g line 出线方向output输出outputincreme nt 增负荷outputreducti on 降负荷overhea d line 架空线overdam ping 过阻尼over-flux 过激磁over-voltage times 过电压倍数overhea d transmi ssionline 架空输电线overcur rent relay 过电流继电器overcur rent protect ion 过电流保护PP control比例控制器P-type semicon ductor P型半导体PA-Plant air 工厂空气packing instruc tion 包装说明pagingdispatc hing unit 扩音调度机paralle l 并联paralle l branch并联支路paralle l circuit并联电路passive element无源元件passive linearnetwork无源线性网络paramet er 参数partial dischar ge 局部放电peak time 峰值时间periodi c duty service定期运行permeab ility导磁率phase 相phase shift 相移in-phase 同相phase angle 相角phase sequenc e 相序phase-angle differe nce 相角差phase lead 相位超前phase locus 相轨迹phasorreprese ntatio n 向量表示法per phase equival ent circuit单相等值电路photoel ectric tachome tric transdu cer 光电式转速传感器pickupcurrent启动电流piezoel ectric force transdu cer 压电式力传感器PLC (program mablelogic control ler) 可编程序逻辑控制器plug-in unit 插件plug braking反接制动PN junctio n PN结PNP transis tor PNP型晶体管pneumat ic actuato r 气动执行机构point-to-point control点位控制pole and tower 杆塔pole plate 极板pole assignm ent 极点配置pole-zero cancell ation零极点相消polynom ial input 多项式输入positiv e pole 正极posenti ometri c displac ementtransdu cer 电位器式位移传感器positio n measuri ng instrum ent 位置测量仪positiv e feedbac k 正反馈potenti al 电位,电势potenti al sensiti ve device电压敏感装置potenti al transfo rmer 电压变压器step potenti al 跨步电压touch potenti al 接触电压zero potenti al 零电位power 功率activepower 有功功率apparen t power 视在功率electri c power 电功率reactiv e power 无功功率stand by power 备用电源power apparat us 电力设备power factor功率因数power factorangle 功率因数角power grid 电网power transfo rmer 电力变压器power supplybox 动力箱power systemautomat ion 电力系统自动化AC power source交流电源DC power source直流电源power system电力系统power flowing out of the bus 输出功率power rating额定功率pressur e gauge with electri c contact电接点压力表pressur e transmi tter 压力变送器prime mover 原动机printed circuit board 印刷电路板proport ionalcontrol比例控制proport ionalplus derivat ive control ler 比例微分控制器protect ion 保护back-up protect ion 后备保护busbarprotect ion 母线保护cathodi c protect ion 阴极保护differe ntialprotect ion 差动保护distanc e protect ion 距离保护freezeprotect ion 防冻groundi ng protect ion 接地保护high-frequen cy protect ion 高频保护impedan ce protect ion 阻抗保护low frequen cy protect ion 低频保护over current protect ion 过流保护over excitat ion protect ion 过励磁保护start-up protect ion 起动保护thermo-magneti c protect ion 热磁保护under voltage protect ion 低电压保护protect ive zone 保护范围protect ive potenti al 保护电位PT (=potenti al transfo rmer) balance protect ion PT断线保护pulse duratio n 脉冲持续时间pulse frequen cy modulat ion control system脉冲调频控制系统pulse width modulat ion control system脉冲调宽控制系统PVC(polyvin yl chlorid e) insulat ed cable 聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆PWM inverte r 脉宽调制逆变器Qquadrat ure axis synchro nous reactan ce 交轴同步电抗quasi steadystate 准稳态Rradio 无线电radianfrequen cy 角频率rated 额定rated voltage额定电压rated input 额定输入rated output额定输出rated value 额定值reactan ce 电抗capacit ive reactan ce 容抗inducta nce reactan ce 感抗synchro nous reactan ce 同步电抗transie nt reactan ce 暂态电抗reactor电抗器current-limitin g reactor限流电抗器disrupt ive reactor分裂电抗器groundi ng reactor接地电抗器shunt reactor并联电抗器resista nce 电阻resista nce thermom eter sensor热电阻high resista nce 高阻low resista nce 低阻resisto r 电阻器arc suppres sion resisto r 灭弧电阻dynamic braking resisto r 制动电阻non-liner resisto r 非线性电阻standar d resisto r 标准电阻startin g resisto r 起动电阻regulat ing transfo rmer 调节变压器recordi ng 记录recordi ng duratio n 记录时间recordi ng instrum ent 记录仪表receive r 接收机recepta cle (socket)插座recepta cle plug 插头re-close 重合闸rectifi er 整流器rectify整流rectifi er circuit整流电路referen ce angular velocit y 参照角速度reflect ance factor反射系数relay 继电器auxilia ry relay 辅助(中间)继电器blockin g relay 闭锁继电器Buchhol tz relay 瓦斯/压力断电器closing relay 合闸继电器control relay 控制继电器current relay 电流继电器current-limitin g relay 限流继电器pilot relay 辅助继电器self-startin g relay 自启动继电器thermal relay 热继电器trippin g relay 跳闸继电器voltage relay 电压继电器relay protect ion 继电保护relay station中继站repeate r 中继器repeate r circuit中继电路repeate r group 中继组resolut ion 分辨率redunda nt informa tion 冗余信息regener ativebraking回馈制动,再生制动respons e curve 响应曲线revolut ion speed transdu cer 转速传感器reverse voltage反向电压rheosta t 变阻器slider-type rheosta t 滑线式变阻器start rheosta t 起动变阻器RMS = root-mean-square有效值robustcontrol鲁棒控制robustn ess 鲁棒性root locus 根轨迹rotamet er 浮子流量计,转子流量计rotatin g transfo rmer 旋转变压器rotor 转子squirre l-cage type rotor 鼠笼型转子wound type rotor 绕线式转子rotor winding转子线圈rpm-revolut ions per minute每分钟的转数RTD-Resista nce tempera ture detecto r 热电阻Ssaturat ion effect饱和效应salient machine凸极机steadystate current稳态电流samplin g 采样samplin g control system采样控制系统 samplin g frequen cy 采样频率saturat ion 饱和saturat ion charact eristi cs 饱和特性saturab le reactan ce 饱和电抗saturat ion factor饱和系数scanner扫描器scope 范围scope of work 工作范围seriescircuit串联电路sensing element敏感元件sensiti vity analysi s 灵敏度分析servo control伺服控制,随动控制servomo tor 伺服马达settlin g time 过渡时间self-holding自保持sensiti vity 灵敏度series串联setting value 整定值shield屏蔽shade and railing遮栏sheath护套inner sheath内护套outer sheath外护套short circuit短路three-phase short circuit三相短路two-phase short circuit两相短路systemshort circuit capacit y 系统短路容量signaldetecti on and estimat ion 信号检测和估计similar ity 相似性simulat ed 仿真simulat ed interru pt 仿真中断simulat ion block diagram仿真框图simulat or 仿真器silicon-steel sheet 硅钢片sinusoi d 正弦波signal信号failure signal事故信号flash signal闪光信号statussignal状态信号signalindicat or 信号指示器single-phase 单相singleline to groundfault 单相接地故障S/MH = spacing-to-mountin g heightratio 距高比solenoi d valve 电磁阀soil resisti vity 土壤电阻率solid state rectifi er 固态整流器solverplated镀银speed control system调速系统spacer间隔棒special tool 专用工具splice接头factory splice工厂接头field splice现场接头SS = selectswitch选择开关stabili zation稳定stabili ty criteri on 稳定性判据state equatio n model 状态方程模型state space descrip tion 状态空间描述station ary randomprocess平稳随机过程statist ical analysi s 统计分析steadystate deviati on 稳态偏差step functio n 阶跃函数step-by-step control步进控制stabili zed power supplydevice稳压电源装置starter起动器full-voltage starter全电压启动器reduced-voltage starter降压启动器rotor resista nce starter转子电阻启动器star-delta starter星-三角起动器magneti c starter磁力起动器stator定子statorcore 定子铁芯statorend cover 定子端盖statorhousing定子外壳statorwinding定子线圈storage battery蓄电池suscept ance 电纳steadystate stabili ty 静态稳定substat ion 变电站sub-synchro nous resonan ce 低频共振surge arreste r 避雷器suppres sor 避雷器surge voltage冲击电压subtran sientcurrent次暂态电流superpo sition theorem叠加原理switch开关disconn ecting switch隔离开关doubleearthin g switch双接地刀electro nic switch电子开关fuse- switch熔断器式开关groundi ng (earthin g) switch接地开关iron clad switch铁壳开关singleearthin g switch单接地刀statictransfe r switch静态转换开关knife switch刀开关pull switch拉线开关singlepole switch单极开关switchoff 断开switchon 合上switch-fuse 负荷开关switchg ear 配电装置in-door switchg ear 屋内配电装置out-door type switchg ear 户外配电装置step-up switchy ard 升压站switchy ard 开关站symmetr ical 对称的synchro nizati on 同期synchro nizing device同期装置synchro nous condens er 调相器synchro scope同期表system系统systemoscilla tion 系统振荡synchro nous 同步synchro nous generat or 同步发电机synchro nous condens er 同步调相机synchro nous motor 同步电动机symmetr ical compone nt 对称分量Ttap lead 抽头tap positio n indicat or 分接头位置指示器tapping分接tapping range 分接范围tapping step 分接级tachome ter 转速表targetflow transmi tter 靶式流量变送器tempera ture transdu cer 温度传感器tensiom eter 张力计telecon trol 遥控telemet ering遥测telepho ne交换机automat ic exchang e telepho ne 自动交换机dispatc hing telepho ne 调度电话机extensi on telepho ne 电话分机noise-reducin g telepho ne 抗噪音电话机talking on the telepho ne 通话video telepho ne 可视电话telepho ne booth 电话亭telepho ne handset电话听筒termina l 端子compres sion termina l 压缩端子termina l block 端子排termina l screw 端子螺钉test 试验test box 试验盒AC withsta nd voltage test 交流耐压试验DC withsta nd voltage test 直流耐压试验paralle l breakin g test 并联开断试验partial dischar ge test 局部放电试验perform ance test 性能试验routine test 例行试验routine test 常规试验sealing test 密封试验short circuit test 短路试验short-line fault test 近区故障试验site test 现场试验statictest 静态试验test report试验报告test voltage试验电压pen tester试电笔Theveni n equival ent impedan ce 戴维南等效阻抗the steadystate stabili ty limit 静稳定极限thermoc ouple热电偶thermom eter 温度计thyrist or 可控硅thickne ss meter 厚度计time constan t 时间常数time schedul e control ler 时序控制器time-invaria nt system定常系统,非时变系统time dial setting时间整定值tin galvani zed 镀锡torque转矩startin g torque起动转矩torsion al stress扭应力trigger触发transfe r functio n matrix传递函数矩阵transfe r functio n 传递函数transie nt deviati on 瞬态偏差transie nt process过渡过程transit ion diagram转移图transmi tter 变送器transie nt stabili ty 暂态稳定transie nt respons e 瞬态响应transdu cer 变送器transfo rmer 变压器step-up transfo rmer 升压变压器step-down transfo rmer 降压变压器subdivi ded transfo rmer 带分接auto- transfo rmer 自耦变压器current transfo rmer 电流互感器lightin g transfo rmer 照明变压器main transfo rmer 主变压器PT = potenti al transfo rmer 电压互感器shell type transfo rmer 壳式变压器single-phase transfo rmer 单相变压器three-phase transfo rmer 三相变压器two winding transfo rmer 双绕组变压器three winding transfo rmer 三绕组变压器transmi ssionline 输电线路transmi tter 发射机trip 跳闸tripper脱扣器sequenc e trippin g 顺序跳闸shunt trippin g 联跳trippin g pulse 跳闸脉冲transie nt current暂态电流transis tor 三极管transpo sed line 换位线路turbine flowmet er 涡轮流量计。

电气工程及其自动化Electrical Engineering and Automation专业英语词汇English VocabularyEdit by zhao Guoshu,on Aprial 7,2009电气工程专业英语词汇表electrical engineering 电气工程generator发电机gas insulated substation GIS 气体绝缘变电站turbogenerator 汽轮发电机neutral point中性点hydrogenerator 水轮发电机movable contact 动触头hydraulic turbine 水轮机fixed contact静触头steam turbine 汽轮机arc-extinguishing chamber灭弧室arc-extinguish 灭弧arc-suppression 灭弧setting value整定值dynamo直流发电机inductive (capacitive)电感的(电容的) capacitive coupling电容性耦合inductive coupling电感性耦合stray capacitance杂散电容grounding capacitance 对地电容power capacitor 电力电容residual capacitance 残余电容capacitor bank 电容器组coupling capacitor耦合电容parasitic coupling capacitor寄生耦合电容decoupling capacitor 去耦电容bypass capacitor 旁路电容motor 电动机stray inductance 杂散电感distributed inductane分布电感stator定子sphere gap 球隙rotor转子bushing tap grounding wire 套管末屏接地线power transformer电力变压器electrostatic voltmeter 静电电压表multimeter万用表voltage drop电压降forward voltage drop正向压降variable transformer 调压变压器power transfer电能传输,功率转换ammeter电流表taped transformer 多级变压器step up (down) transformer升(降)压变压器voltage divider 分压器circuit breaker (CB) 断路器chopper 斩波器over current过电流surge impedance 波阻抗match the impedance 阻抗匹配neutral point中性点dead tank oil circuit breaker 多油断路器schering bridge 西林电桥live tank oil circuit breaker 油断路器rogowski coil !"#$%线英vacuum circuit breaker'(断路器oscilloscope)波器sulphur hexafluoride breaker SF6断路器peak voltmeter *值电压表trip unit +,器potential transformer PT 电压体感器conductor .线current transformer CT 电流体感器cascade transformer /级变压器disconnector 0123earthing switch 接地汽轮test object 456synchronous generator78发电机synchronous motor/machine78电动机stepper/stepping motor89电机brushless DC motor:;直流电机form factor波灭弧室gain?@analog AB的digital>C的linear power supply工感电的steady-state FGon-state voltage HG压降on-state resistance HG电阻detection impedance IJ阻抗asynchronous machine K8电机substation 变电站insulator 绝缘子hydro power station 水力发电站lightning arrester LM器thermal power station N力发电站电气工程专业英语词汇表metal oxide arrester MOA OPQLM器nuclear power station R电站bus bar S线oil-filled power cable T油电力电旁overhead line V(线mixed divider (阻容)W合分压器transmission line 传输线XLPE cable XYZ[\电旁(coaxial) cable (7])电旁relay^电器contactor接触器pull-in current 动末电流drop-out current`a电流Schmitt trigger bcd触发器iron core eftuned circuit 调正电路interface circuit接向电路integrated circuit (IC)ij电路winding k组suspension insulator lm绝缘子bushing 套管time-varying n变的porcelain insulator op绝缘子front(tail) resistance 波头(q)电阻glass insulator rs绝缘子inverter station 换流站flash counter M电断室器steel-reinforced aluminum conductorufvw线charging(damping) resistor T电(阻阻)电阻tank y体point plane gap z{|隙earth(ground) wire 接地线exciting winding}~k组grading ring •压环trigger electrode 触发电极firing angle触发角highvoltage engineering 高电压工程glow discharge 辉光放电highvoltage testing technology 高电压性验技术harmonic g波fundamental%波power electronics 电力电子microelectrics technology微电子技术automatic control自动控制principles of electric circuits电路原理digital signal processing>C信号处理digital signal processor>C信号处理器power system 电力弧统impulse current冲击电流power network电力网络impulse flashover 冲击闪络insulation绝缘positive feedback正反馈negative feedback负反馈inhomogenous field 不晶匀场overvoltage过电压transient voltage 瞬强电压clamp voltage箝位电压insulation coordination 绝缘配合aging老寿internal discharge 内部放电direct current (DC)直流电alternating current (AC)X流电lightning stroke M电波AC transmission system X流输电弧统lightning overvoltage M电过电压plug 插头socket插座arc discharge电弧放电dielectric strength 绝缘强度reliability"靠性maintainability维修性durability耐久性validity有效性longevity寿命electric leakage switch漏电汽轮loss angle (介质)损耗角attachment coefficient 附着匀场magnetic field~场permeability~.率attenuation factor 衰减匀场mean free path 平晶自由程anode (cathode)阳极(阴极)mean molecular velocity 平晶分子速度breakdown (电)击穿negative ions 负号子电气工程专业英语词汇表bubble breakdown 气泡击穿non-destructive testing 非破坏性性验cathode ray oscilloscope 阴极射线汇波器non-uniform field 不晶匀场cavity (穴,腔partial discharge局部放电corona 电晕peak reverse voltage 反向表值电压critical breakdown voltage 临界击穿电压withstand voltage 耐受电压phase-to-phase voltage 相电压switching overvoltage ('(23的)操阳过电压recovery voltage 恢复电压voltage rating额定电压blocking voltage 截止电压reverse-blocking voltage 反向截止电压threshold voltage 阈值电压saturation voltage 饱和电压breakdown voltage击穿电压composite insulation 组合绝缘photoelectric emission 光电发射photon 光子optocoulper光耦solar photovoltatic array 太阳能光伏阵列optical fiber 光学纤维light-activated SCR光控晶闸管snubber curcuit缓冲电路holding current维持电流discharge 放电dielectric电介质,绝缘体polarity effect极性效应dielectric constant 介质常矩dielectric loss 介质损耗quasi-uniform field 稍不晶匀场radio interference :线干扰divider ratio 分压器分压比rating of equipment 设备额定值grounding接地routing testing 常规脂验electric field 电场electrochemical deterioration 电器学腐蚀shielding 屏蔽electron avalanche 电子崩short-circuit test短路性验no-load test(载脂验normally-open常闭normally-closed常闭electronegative gas 电负性气体space charge (|电荷epoxy resin 环效树脂streamer breakdown 流注击穿expulsion gap 灭弧油隙surface breakdown 表面击穿field strength场强sustained discharge 自持放电field stress 电场力field distortion 场畸变thermal breakdown 热击穿field gradient 场梯度treeing 树枝放电field emission 场致发射uniform field •匀场flashover 闪络wave front(tail) 波头(恢)gaseous insulation 气体绝缘prime mover原动机power factor功率因矩torque力矩,转矩periphery 外围distribution automation system配电网自动器弧统distribution system配电弧统distribution feeder配电线路servomechanism伺服机构(=统)servo system伺服因统automatic meter reading 自动抄表frequency changer D率变换器boiler 锅炉armature winding 电枢停组field winding励轻停组internal combustion engine 内燃机brush 电静deenergize 断电commutator换向器carbon brush碳枝underground cable 地下电旁EMF(Electro-Motive force) 电动势电气工程专业英语词汇表counter EMF反电动势MMF(Magneto-Motive Force)~动势flux linkage~Yreluctance~阻loop system 环网匀统demagnetization 退轻,去林relay panel ^电器屏trip circuit跳闸电路tertiary winding 第三停组switchboard 配电盘,汽轮屏eddy current涡流instrument transducer J量蚀感器copper loss铜损oil-impregnated paper 油浸纸绝缘iron loss e损bare conductor 裸蔽线leakage flux漏纤度flux-density ~Hc度reclosing 重合闸autotransformer 自耦变压器distribution dispatch center 配电调度中心Zero sequence current 零序电流pulverizer 磨煤机series (shunt) compensation /(并)联补偿drum 汽包,炉筒restriking 电弧重燃superheater 过热器automatic oscillograph 自动录波仪peak-load *荷tidal current 潮流prime grid substation 主网变电站trip coil 跳闸线英instantaneous power 瞬强功率active power有功功率reactive power:功功率radian frequency角部率current capacity载流容量synchronous condenser 78调相机active power有功功率main and transfer busbar 单量线带旁路shunt reactor 并联电抗器feeder 馈电线blackout 断电、停电skin effect i肤效应extra-high voltage (EHV) 超高压potential stress 电位应力(电场强度)ultra-high voltage (UHV) d高压domestic load 民用电crusher 碎煤机reserve capacity 备用容量fossil-fired power plant N电厂baghouse i尘室combustion turbine 燃气轮机stationary (moving) blade 固定(角动)叶片right-of-way 线路走廊shaft转套rectifier整流器full-wave rectification 全波整流forward-biased 正向偏置ripple脉动spike 尖备kinetic(potential) energy 动(势)能pumped storage power station 抽水蓄能电站reactance (impedance) 电抗(阻抗)reactor 电抗器light(boiling)-water reactor 轻(沸)水反应堆reactive 电抗的,头功的stator(rotor) 定(转)子phase displacement (shift) 相移armature 电枢surge 冲击,过电压salient-pole凸极retaining ring 护环slip ring滑环collector ring i电环carbon brush炭千arc suppression coil 消弧线英short-circuit ratio短路比cross section横截面primary(backup) relaying 主(后备)^电保护induction感应phase shifter 移相器sinusoidal distribution 正弦分布autotransformer 自藕变压器power line carrier (PLC) 电力线载波(器) bushing 套管line trap 线路限波器turn (turn ratio)匝(匝比,变比)电气工程专业英语词汇表uninterruptible power supply(UPS)不列断电的switch-mode/switching power supply23电的power factor功率因矩line-frequency 工感spot power price 实湿电价tap 分接头time-of-use(tariff) 分功(电价)XLPE(Cross Linked Polyethylene)X联零序磨(电旁)arc re-ignition电弧重燃rms (root mean square) •方根值operation mechanism 操动机构RF (radio frequency) 射部pneumatic(hydraulic) 气动(液压)rpm (revolution per minute) 转/分nameplate 铭牌LAN (local area network) 局域网independent pole operation 分相操阳LED (light emitting diode)发光二极管photo transisitor 光电三极管free-wheeling diode续流二极管schottky barrier diode肖委炭势垒二极管fast-recovery diode快恢复二极管kilovolt千伏kiloampere 千安millisecond 毫秒microsecond微秒malfunction 失灵single (dual, ring) bus 单(双,环不)S线shield wire LM线IC (integrated circuit)ij电路creep distance 爬电距根FFT (fast Fourier transform) 快速傅立叶变换silicon rubber 硅橡胶telemeter 遥甩composite insulator 合能绝缘子load shedding 甩负荷invertion 逆变oscillator 晶体振荡器converter (inverter) 换流器(逆变器)step-down converter降压变换器step-up converter 升压变换器full-bridge converter全桥变换器PWM(pulse-width modulation)脉宽调制duty ratio 占后比soft-start软启动lateral 支线bus tie breaker S联断路器power-flow current 工感续流protective relaying^电保护sparkover 放电transfer switching 倒闸操阳silicon carbide碳三硅outgoing (incoming) line 出(9)线Zinc oxide OPQphase lead(lag) 相位超前(滞后)withstand test 耐压性验static var compensation (SVC) 静止馈功补偿dispatcher 调度员Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS)灵活活流输电弧统supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) 监控与秒据采校EMI (electromagnetic interference)电林干扰EMC (electromagnetic compatibility)电林兼容ISO (international standardization organization) 国际标准软组织GIS (gas insulated substation, geographic information system)气体绝缘变电站,地理信息毫统IEC (international Electrotechnical Commission)国际电工(技术)委员会IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)电气与电子工程师学会(美)IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers)电气工程师学会(英)scale 刻度,量程calibrate 校准rated 额定的terminal接线端子fuse 熔断器,保险丝,熔丝humidity湿度resonance g振,共振moisture潮湿,湿气analytical 解析的电气工程专业英语词汇表numerical>C的amplitude modulation (AM)调幅frequency-domain D域frequency modulation (FM)调感time-domain n域binary二垒制operation amplifier运算放大器octal八垒制filter滤波,滤波器active filter有插滤波器decimal十垒制passive filter :E滤波器hexadecimal 十六垒制rms(root mean square)•方根。

current ['kʌrənt] n. 电流alternating current 交流电流direct current 直流电流current density 电流密度active current 有功电流reactive current 无功电流voltage ['vəultidʒ] n. 电压voltage drop 电压降落voltage gain 电压增益voltage divider 分压器voltage stabilizer 稳压器variable ['vεəriəbl] n. 变量;a.可变的,可调的,易变的complex variable 复变量dependent variable 因变量independent variable 自变量input variable 输入变量charge n. 电荷,充电;v. 充电,带电,起电charge distribution 电荷分布charge particle 带电粒子test charge 试验电荷positive charge 正电荷negative charge 负电荷coulomb n. 库仑(电荷的单位)coulomb meter 库仑计circuit ['sə:kit] n. 电路circuit diagram 电路图analogue circuit 模拟电路short circuit 短路open circuit 开路active circuit 有源电路passive circuit 无源电路underlying [,ʌndə'laiiŋ] a. ①基本的,根本的②潜在的,在下(面)的,下伏的electron [i'lektrɔn] n. 电子magnitude ['mæɡnitju:d] n. 大小,尺寸,数量,数值electromotive a. 电动的,起电的electromotive force 电动势ampere ['æmpεə] n. 安,安培(电流的单位)ampere meter 安培ampere turn 安匝volt ampere 伏安integrate ['intiɡreit, 'intiɡrit, -ɡreit] v. 积分,求积分work n. 功potential a.势的,位的,电位的;n.势(能),位(能), 电势(位,压) potential difference 电位差,电势差earth potential 地电势(位)potential energy 势(位)能reference potential 参考(基准)电位rectangular ['rek'tæŋɡjulə] a. 矩形的,直角的,正交的joule [dʒu:l, dʒaul] n. 焦尔(能量、热量、功的单位)volt [vɔlt] n. 伏特(电压、电位、电势的单位)electron volt 电子伏特voltaic a. 动[流]的,电压的,电镀的,伏打(式)的voltaic battery 伏打电池convention [kən'venʃən] n. 习惯,惯例,常规by convention 按照惯例reference direction 参考方向polarity [pəu'lærəti] n. 极性power n. ①功率,效率②动力,电力,能力,电源③乘方,幂watt n. 瓦特(功率的单位)time-varying a. 时变的instant n. 瞬间,瞬时,即刻,时刻;a.立刻的,直接的,紧急的,迫切的instantaneous [,instən'teinjəs] a.瞬时(作用)的,瞬息的,即刻的instantaneous power 瞬时功率passive a. ①无源的②消极的,被动的;n. 无源passive network 无源网络algebraic a. 代数的active a. ①有源的,有功的,有效的②活动的,主动的,积极的③活性的,放射的,激励的active element 有源元件resistor n 电阻,电阻器capacitor n. 电容器inductor n. 电感器source n. 电源,(光,能,动力,信号,辐射,根,来,起)源voltage source 电压源current source 电流源ideal independent source 理想独立源constant voltage source 恒定电压源independent source 独立源dependent source 受控源controlled source 受控源voltage-controlled voltage source电压控制电压源current-controlled voltage source电流控制电压源voltage-controlled current source电压控制电流源current-controlled current source电流控制电流源generator n. ①发电机②(脉冲,信号,气体)发生器,振荡器,加速器AC generator 交流发电机diamond-shaped a. 菱形的transistor n. 晶体管,半导体管operational a. ①运算的,计算的②操作的,工作的,业务的,运转的amplifier n. 放大器integrated circuit 集成电路token n. ①标记,象征②特征by the same token 同理,同样;另外,还有Ohm 欧姆(电阻,电抗,阻抗的单位)Ohm's Law 欧姆定律resistance n. ①电阻,电阻器(件,装置)②阻力,阻尼③抵抗,抵制,反对resistance load 电阻(性)负载magnetic resistance 磁阻measuring resistance 标准电阻,测量用电阻rearrange v. 重新整理(安排,布置,排列),调整linear a. ①线性的,一次的②(直)线的,直线型的,线状的linear resistor 线性电阻nonlinear a. 非线性的,非直线的nonlinear resistor 非线性电阻incandescent a. 白炽(热)的,炽热的incandescent lamp 白炽灯voltage-current characteristic 伏安特性short circuit 短路open circuit 开路conductance n. ①电导,导电性,导纳②传导(性,率,系数),导率siemens n. 西门子(电导单位)network n. 网络,电路,电网linear time-varying network 线性变参数网络network analyzer 网络分析器configuration n. 结构,构造topology n. 拓扑,拓扑学,拓扑结构node n. ①节点,结点,交点,叉点②(波)节,结,节branch n. ①支路,支线,支脉②分支(路,线,流)③部门,分部,分行dimension n. ①维(数),度(数)②尺寸,线度③量纲,因次loop n. 回路,闭合电路,环路,循环,环clockwise a.; ad. 顺时针方向(的)counterclockwise a.; ad. 逆时针方向(的)nodal a. 节点的,结点的,交点的,节的,结的nodal analysis 节点分析mesh n. 网孔,网格,网眼,网状mesh analysis 网孔分析simultaneous a. ①联立(方程)的②同时(存在,发生)的,一起的,同步的quotient n. ①商(数),系数②份额,应分得的部分determinant n. ①行列式②决定因素,遗传素datum n. ①基准(点,线,面),基标②数据,资料,信息chassis n. 底盘,底(盘)架,底板(座)planar a. ①平面的,平的②二维的,二度的error-minimizing a. 令错误最少的symmetry n. 对称(性,现象),均称,调和coefficient n. ①系数,因数,常数,率②折算率phasor n. 相量,相图,相位复(数)矢量phasor diagram 相量图sinusoidal a. 正弦(波,式,形,曲线)的steady-state a. 稳态的domain n. ①(定义)域,区(领)域,定义范围②区,范围,界time domain 时域frequency domain 频域transform v.; n. ①变换,改变,转换,换(折)算②变换式,反式magnitude n. ①大小,幅值,幅度,量,数量,尺寸,②等级,量级phase n. ①相(位)②(发展)阶段,时期,局面③方(侧)面three-phase 三相single-phase 单相phase voltage 相电压phase current 相电流(be) out of phase 异相(的)lag n.; v. 滞后,落后,迟(时)滞lead v. 超前,提前,领先AC = alternating current 交流电流,交流电,交流DC = direct current 直流电流,直流电,直流theorem n. 定理,原理(则),命题,法则Thevenin's theorem 戴维南定理superposition n. 叠加,重叠superposition theorem 叠加定理transmission n. 输电,传(输,递,送,播,导)equivalent a. 等效的,等值的,等同的amplitude n. 振幅,幅度,波幅effective a. 有效的,等效的,生效的,能行的,有作用的,有影响的sequence n. 顺序,次序,时序,序列,系列positive sequence 正序negative sequence 负序,反序phase sequence 相序load n. 负荷,负载impedance n. 阻抗topologically ad. 在拓扑结构上,从拓扑结构electronics n. 电子学,电子仪器,电子设备,电子线路understatement n. 轻描淡写,有节制的表达omnipresent a. 无处不在的,普遍存在的electronic a. 电子(学)的transaction n. ①交易,业务②办理,处理,执行,记录digital a. 数字的,数字式的,计数的espionage n. 谍报,间谍活动,密探,监视signal-processing a. 信号处理的analog n. ①模拟(量,装置,设备,系统)②类似,类比,比拟velocity n. 速度,速率thermocouple n. 热电偶discrete a. 离散的,不连续的,分散的household a.; n. 家用的,普通的,一般用途的,家庭,家,户thermostat n. 恒温器,定温器,温度自动调节器preset v.; a. ①预定,预置,(预先)调整②安装程序,给定程序的switch n. 开关;v. 接通或关断,转变,换接A/D = Analog-to-Digital 模数转换,模数变换D/A = Digital-to-Analog 数模转换,数模变换transducer n. 传感器,变送器,发射器,换能器,换流器excitation n. ①激励,激发,激磁②刺激,干扰display v. 显示,显像,表现,陈列,展览;n. 显示,指示,表现Boolean 布尔的logic gate 逻辑门symbolic a. 符号的,记号的,象征(性)的proof n. 证明,证实,证据;v. 检验;a. 试验过的,合乎标准的,防……的singularly ad. 非凡地,特殊地,奇异地,单独地Manipulation n. 处理,计算,操作,控制,管理binary n.; a. 二进制的,二进位的,二元的,二成分的②二,双,复arithmetic n. 算术,计算,运算;a. 算术的,计算的,运算的associative a. 结合的,联合的,相关的,commutative a. 交换的,换向的,代替的,相互的distributive a. 分配的,分布的,个别的truth table 真值表multiplication n. ①乘法,相乘②增加,增多,增殖,倍增addition n. ①加法②增加,附加,相加conjunctive a. ①合取的,逻辑乘的②连接的,连系的disjunctive a. 析取的,分离的,转折的identity n. 单位,同一,完全相同,一致,恒等,身份null n. ; a. ①零的,空的,无②不存在的,没有的complement n.; a. ①补码,补数,余的,补的②补充,互补displacement n. ①位移,变位,移动,平移,偏移②排(水,汽,气,液)量intensity n. ①强度,密度,亮度,光强②强烈,紧张regulation n. ①调整,校准,控制②规则,规章,规程,章程,条例,细则quantize v. ①量化,分层,取离散值②(使)量子化clarity n. 清晰,清晰度,透明,透明度sine n. 正弦fidelity n. 保真,保真度,逼真,逼真度disc n. 盘,圆片,唱片sample v. 采样,取样,抽样;n. 采样,样品,标本,模型,实例straightforward a. ①直接的,明确的,坦率的②简单的,易懂的③顺向的,流水作业的sensitive a. 敏感的,灵敏的,易感光的;n. 对……敏感的材料sensitive element 敏感元件voltage divider 分压器photoelectric a. 光电的piezoelectric a. 压电的amplification n. 放大(率,系数,倍数,作用),加强,增强pulse n. 脉冲,脉动integral a. 积分的,累积的,整数的,整体的,总体的;n. 积分,整数,整体parameter n. 参数,参量,系数precision n. 精度,精密,精确; a. 精确的,精密的incompatible a 不相容的,不一致的concurrently ad. 同时microsecond n. 微秒bit n. 位,比特,二进制数full-scale a. ①满刻度的,满标度的,满量程的②完全的,全面的quantization n. 量化,分层,把连续量转换为数字byte n. 字节code n. 编码,密码,符号;v. 编码,译码encode v. 编码,译码,把……译成电码weighted a. ①加权的,权重的,加重的②受力的,负载的receipt n. 收到,接收,收据amplifier n. 放大器register n. ①寄存器,②记录,登记,注册,挂号;v. ①登记,注册,挂号②记数,存储parallel-in 并联输入的parallel-out 并联输出的resolution n. 分辨率,鉴别力gain n. 增益,放大系数,放大率,增量drift n. 漂移,偏移operational amplifier 运算放大器difference amplifier 差动放大器differential a. 微分的,差动的,差分的,差别的;n. 微分,差动,差分,差别feedback n. 反馈,回复,反应stability n. ①稳定性,稳定度,安定性,复原性②耐……性,耐久性capacitive a. 电容性的,电容的,容性的coupling n. 耦合,偶合,连接;a. 耦合的,连接的long-term a. 长期的,远期的power-supply n. 电源solid-state a. 固态的microvolt n. 微伏saturate v. 使饱和;a. 饱和的,浸透的comparator n. 比较器swing v.; n. 摇摆,摆动single-ended a. 单端的two-sided a. 双边的,双侧的,两边的,两方面的frequency band 频带semiconductor n. 半导体power electronic n. 电力电子loss n. 损耗,损失parasitic a. 寄生的,附加的winding n. ①绕组,线圈②一圈,一转transformer n 变压器,变换器,变量器dielectric n. 介质,电介质,绝缘材料;a. 绝缘的,介电的,介质的,不导电的eddy n. 涡流,旋涡; a. 涡流的,涡旋的;v. 涡流,起旋涡hysteresis n. 磁滞,滞后,迟滞on-state a. 通态的,接通的,开态off-state a. 关态的,断开的,断态的microamp n. 微安milliamp n. 毫安steering n. 转向,操纵,控制,调整buildup n. ①形成,产生,出现②增加,增大,上升③建造,建起ramp v. 斜变,倾斜,直线上升waveform n. 波形clamp v. 箝位,定位,使固定snubbering n. 缓冲zero-voltage 电压过零的zero-current 电流过零的ripple n.波纹,波度,微波rectifier n. 整流器isolation transformer 隔离变压器interface n. 接口Buck converter 降压式变换器,降压式斩波器Boost converter 升压式变换器,升压式斩波器Buck-Boost converter 升/降式变换器,升/降式斩波器quadrant n.象限,四分之一圆周,九十度弧step-down a. 降压的,降低的step-up a. 升压的,升高的dual a. 二重的,对偶的filter n.; v. 滤波,过滤periodically ad. 周期地portable a. 手提的,轻便的,可携带的sink n. 换能器,变换器,散热器,汇点,收点,穴hypothetical a. 假设的,假定的,有前提的duty ratio 功率比,能量比turn ratio 匝数比PWM pulse width modulation 脉冲宽度调制switch-mode power supplies 开关电源inverter n. 逆变器uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) 不间断电源single-phase a. 单相的three-phase a. 三相的parameter n. 参数unidirectional a. 单极性的,单向的electromagnetic a. 电磁的relay v. 中继,转播;n. 继电器synchronous motor 同步电动机torque n. 转矩non-sinusoidal a. 非正弦的low-pass 低通smoother n.滤波器,整平器polarity n. 极性bidirectional a. 双向的harmonics n. 谐波high order harmonics 高次谐波induction n. 感应square-wave 方波response time 响应时间notching n. ; a. 阶梯式,下凹的,切口,开槽step pulse 阶跃脉冲induction machine 感应电机horseshoe n. ①马蹄形,U形②马蹄铁magnet n. 磁铁,磁石,磁体horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁permanent magnet 永久磁铁perpendicular a. ①(与……)垂直的②直立的;n. 垂直,正交,竖直magnetic field 磁场induction machine 感应电机horseshoe n. ①马蹄形,U形②马蹄铁magnet n. 磁铁,磁石,磁体horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁eddy n. 涡流,涡旋permanent magnet 永久磁铁perpendicular a. ①(与……)垂直的②直立的;n. 垂直,正交,竖直magnetic field 磁场bar n. ①线棒,导条②条,杆slot n. ①槽②隙缝lamination n. ①叠片,冲片②分层③薄片braze v.铜焊,钎焊solder n.焊料,接合物;v. 焊,焊接short-circuiting a. 使短路的ring n. 环squirrel cage 鼠笼core n. ①铁芯②心,核心coil n. 线圈,绕组random-wound 散绕form-wound 模绕insulation n. 绝缘performance characteristics 工作特性air-gap 气隙polyphase n.; a. 多相,多相的motoring n.; a. 电动机运行plugging 反向制动,反相序制动控制generating n.; a. 发电机运行synchronous speed 同步速breakdown torque 失步转矩,停转转矩locked-rotor torque 止转转矩,起动转矩breakaway n. ①起步,起动②分离,脱离breakaway force 起动力rated a. ①额定的,标称的②计算的,设计的full-load a. 满(负)载的overhauling a. 检修的,大修的prime mover 原动机induction generator 感应发电机,异步发电机wind-driven generator 风力发电机inrush current 涌流synchronous machine 同步发电机armature n. 电枢armature winding 电枢绕组field winding 励磁绕组,磁极绕组quantitative a. 量的,数量的,定量的salient a. 凸出的,凸的,突出的salient pole 凸极saturation n. 饱和,饱和度cylindrical-rotor 隐极式转子,鼓极转子steam-turbine-driven generator 汽轮发电机Y-connected windings 星形连接绕组turbine generator 涡轮发电机,汽轮发电机,水轮发电机cps = cycles per second 周/秒,赫rpm = revolutions per minute 转/分steam turbine 汽轮机rating n. 额定值,额定参数;标称值,定额efficiency n. 效率wedge n. 楔[形],楔形物,槽楔;v. 楔进,斜楔concentric coil 同心线圈slip ring 滑环lead n. ①导线,导管,引线②铅;v. 超前,导前,引导carbon brush 碳刷mmf = magnetomotive force 磁动势step wave 阶跃波diameter n. 直径vibration n. 振荡field current 励磁电流exciter n. 励磁机shaft n. 轴regulation n. 调节stability n. 稳定性,稳定ventilation n. 通风,换气,通风装置flux n. 通量,磁力线transformer n. 变压器wrap v.; n. 包裹,包扎,缠绕,卷ferromagnetic core 铁磁芯primary winding 一次绕组,原绕组,初级绕组secondary winding 二次绕组,副绕组,次级绕组tertiary winding 三次绕组,第三绕组power transformer 电力变压器core form 铁芯式shell form 壳式innermost a. 最内部的,最里面的,最深处的leakage flux 漏磁通unit transformer 单元(机组)变压器substation transformer 配电变压器distribution transformer 配电变压器potential transformer 电压互感器current transformer 电流互感器copper loss 铜耗hysteresis loss 磁滞损耗,磁滞损失reluctance n. 磁阻self-inductance 自感应core-loss 铁芯损耗distill 提取…精华,蒸馏instruction 指令document n.文件thermostat 恒温器,定温器,温度自动调节器audio signal n. 声频信号,音频信号program n. 程序keyboard n. 键盘software n. 软件central processing unit 中央处理单元workstation n. 工作站videogame console 视频游戏操作板mainframe n. 主机,主机架supercomputer 超级计算机server 服务器client 客户microcomputer 微型计算机desktop computer 台式计算机notebook computer 笔记本电脑handheld computer 掌上电脑computer-aided 计算机辅助的three-dimensional 三维的animated graphics 动画图像local area network ( LAN)局域网LCD screen ( liquid crystal display screen ) 液晶显示屏display device 显示设备mouse n. 鼠标floppy disk drive 软盘驱动器hard disk drive 硬盘驱动器CD-ROM drive CD-ROM驱动器DVD drive DVD驱动器CD-writer CD写入器,刻录机sound card 声卡rudimentary a. 基本的,基础的,初步的,根本的built-in a. 嵌入的,安装在内部的,内装的,机内的modem n. 调制解调器peripheral device 外围设备scanner n. 扫描仪digital camera 数码相机joystick n. 控制杆graphics tablet 图形板operating system 操作系统miniaturized a. 小型的,小型化的ALU (arithmetic logic unit) 算术逻辑单元control unit 控制单元register n. 寄存器cycle n. 周期clock cycle 时钟周期word size 字长cache n. 高速患缓冲存储器instruction set 指令集megahertz n. 兆赫,兆赫兹gigahertz n. 吉赫,吉赫兹motherboard n. 母板, 主板chip n. 芯片,晶片,组件CISC (complex instruction set computer) 复杂指令集计算机RISC (reduced instruction set computer) 简化指令集合计算机serially ad. 串行地serial processing 串行处理parallel processing 并行处理pipelining a. 流水线的RAM (Random Access Memory) 随机存储器operating system 操作系统plug v. 插入,插上;n. 插头,插入物microscopic a. 微观的,细微的,显微(镜)的,显微的charge v. 充电,带电,起电;n. 电荷,充电discharge v. 放电bit n. 位byte n. 字节volatile a. 易失的,挥发的,易挥发的,易变的,短暂的megabytes (MB) 兆字节software package 软件包install v. 安装virtual memory 虚拟存储器nanosecond 纳秒SDRAM (synchronous dynamic RAM) 同步动态RAMROM (Read-Only Memory) 只读存储器startup n. 起动caterpillar-like a. 履带式的DIP ①= double in-line package 双列直插式组件②=dual in-line package 双列式封装BIOS (basic input/output system) 基本输入输出系统CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor memory)rechargeable battery 充电电池setup 安装update v. 更新,修改,校正slot n. 槽expansion slot 扩展槽port n. 端口data bus 数据总线expansion bus 扩展总线socket n. 插座,插口expansion card 扩展卡adapter n. 适配器USB universal series bus 通用串行总线storage device 存储设备download v.; n. 下载ISA (industry standard architecture)工业标准结构PCI (peripheral component interconnect) 外部设备互连video capture card 视频捕获卡interface n.; v. 接口AGP (accelerated graphics port) 加速图形端口serial port 串行端口jack n. 插座,插孔,插口,弹簧开关protrude v.(使)伸出,突出,推出cutout n. 中断装置,断流器,断路器CRT (cathode ray tube) 阴极射线管LCD (liquid crystal display) 液晶显示dots of color 色点stand-alone 独立的diagonally ad. 对角地dot pitch 点距clarity n. 清晰度pixel n. 像素,图素,像元resolution n. 分辨率, 分辨度ink jet 喷墨printout n. 打印输出nozzle n. 喷管,喷头,喷嘴cartridge n. 夹头,卡盘cyan a.; n. 蓝绿色的,蓝绿色magenta a.; n. 深红色的,深红色photocopier n. 照相复印机,影印机light-sensitive a. 光敏的drum n. 磁鼓electrostatically ad. 静电地multicolored a. 多色的default n. 缺省,默认ribbon n. 色带module n. 模件,组件,模块document n. 文件,文献,公文Web browsing 网页浏览programmer n. 程序员computer language 计算机语言binary a.;n. 二进制的,二进位source code 源代码high-level language 高级语言machine language 机器语言batch n. 批,一批object code 目标代码compiler n. 编译程序interpreter n. 解释程序script n. 脚本operand n. 操作数octal a. 八进制的hexadecimal a. 十六进制的assembler n. 汇编程序system software 系统软件application software 应用软件operation system 操作系统user interface 用户界面,用户接口menu n. 菜单toolbar n. 工具条button n. 按钮compatible a. 兼容的,可共存的,兼容制的graphical user interface 图形用户界面click v. 按file management system 文件管理系统bootstrap n. 引导bootstrap program 引导程序single-user operating system 单用户操作系统multiuser operating system 多用户操作系统multitasking operating system 多任务操作系统data base 数据库redundant a. 冗余的,多余的,fault-tolerant a. 容错的redundancy n. 冗余disk array 磁盘阵列home computer 家用电脑dial up 拨号repository n. 仓库twisted-pair 双绞的,双绞线的coaxial cable 同轴电缆fiber-optic cable 光缆,光纤电缆microwave n. 微波infrared a. 红外线的;n. 红外线shielded a. 屏蔽的unshielded a. 非屏蔽的strand n. 股,股线bandwidth n. 带宽high-bandwidth 高带宽low-bandwidth 低带宽broadband n. 宽带narrowband n. 窄带hub n. 集线器router n. 路由器gateway n. 网关repeater n. 中继器,转播器electric power system 电力系统cable n. 电缆,缆,钢丝绳;v. 架设电缆,敷设电缆fuse n. 保险丝,熔断器;引信;v. 熔化,熔断meter n. 米;测量仪表,计量器customer n. 客户,用户radius n. 半径incandescent lamp 白炽灯transmission line 输电线路power loss 功率损耗voltage drop 电压降落AC transmission 交流输电transmission system 输电系统utility n. 公用事业,效用,中心电站flexibility n. 灵活性,机动性,适应性;柔性,柔度interconnection n. 相互连接,互联asynchronous a. 异步的nominal frequency 额定频率misoperation n. 误操作,误动作paramount a. 最高的,头等的;高过,优于in parallel 并联地synchronously ad. 同步地facility n. ①容易,方便②灵活,熟练③(便利)条件④(常用复数)设备,装置,工具,器材primary energy 一次能源fossil n. 化石,石块hydraulic a. 水力[学]的,水压的,液压的,液力的mechanical energy 机械能switching device 开关装置,开关设备subtransmission n. 二次输电subtransmission system 分支输电系统,二次输电系统distribution system 配电系统substation n. 变电所,变电站,分站,分所feeder n. 馈线,馈电电路redundancy n. 多余,冗余contingency n. 意外事故,偶然事故reliable a. 可靠的bus n. 母线overload n. 过载,超载,过负荷optimal a. 优化的,最优的,最佳的production cost 生产成本,生产费用hydro-generation n. 水力发电dry period 枯水期replenishment n.(再)补充,充实,充满economic dispatch 经济调度economic operation 经济运行security n. 安全性,可靠性emission n. 排放,放出,散放tie-line n. 联络线var flow 无功潮流throttle n. 阀门,节流阀,调速汽门thermal unit 热力机组,热力单位magnetizing current 激磁电流,励磁电流electric clock 电钟active power balance 有功功率平衡supplementary control 辅助控制load-frequency control (LFC) 负荷频率控制speed governor 调速器underfrequency load shedding 低周减载,低频减负荷automatic generation control (AGC) 自动发电控制stabilize v. 使……稳定reactive power 无功功率active power 有功功率automatic voltage regulator 自动电压调节器shunt capacitor 并联电容器,并联电容shunt reactor 并联电抗器,并联电抗synchronous condenser 同步调相机static var compensators (SVCs) 静止无功补偿器series capacitor 串联电容器tap-changing transformer 可调分接头变压器booster n. 升压器,增压器,加压泵angular a. 角的,角度的power versus angle relationship 功角关系synchronous reactance 同步电抗,功率—角度关系excitation voltage 励磁电压angular displacement 角位移rotor angle stability 转角稳定性,功角稳定性voltage stability 电压稳定性electromechanical a. 机电的electromagnetic a. 电磁的equilibrium n. 平衡,均衡mechanism n. 机理,机制;机构,装置;结构synchronism n. 同步accelerate v. 加速,促进decelerate v. 减速mechanical torque 机械转矩electrical torque 电气转矩outage n. 停电,断电,中断,停运,停机,事故short-circuit fault 短路故障power-angle relationship 功角关系fluctuation n. 波动,起伏small-signal stability 小信号稳定性transient stability 暂态稳定性small disturbance stability 小干扰稳定性damp v. 阻尼,(使)减弱,减幅;n. 阻尼,衰减damping torque 阻尼转矩instability 不稳定性out of step 失步synchronizing torque 同步转矩non-oscillatory a. 非振荡的,非周期的disturbance n. 扰动,干扰post-disturbance a. 干扰后的,扰动后的,事故后的unstable a. 不稳定的first-swing n.; a. 第一次摇摆power system protection 电力系统保护,电力系统继电保护abnormality n. 异常,反常,不正常sense v. 检测,读出,断定;感觉,感受,感到relay n. 继电器,中继器;v. 中继,转播,用继电器控制circuit breaker 断路器trip coil 跳闸线圈,脱扣线圈electromechanical relay 电磁继电器solid state 固态static relay 静态继电器,无触点继电器self-checking 自检,自校maloperation n. 误操作,误动作,维护不当energize v. 激励,激磁,驱动,通以电流overcurrent relay 过电流继电器undervoltage relay 低电压继电器,欠压继电器underfrequency relay 低周继电器,低频继电器directional relay 方向继电器thermal relay 热继电器,温度继电器,热敏继电器phase sequence relay 相序继电器negative sequence relay 负序继电器zero sequence relay 零序继电器differential relay 差动继电器percentage differential relay 比率差动继电器distance relay 距离继电器plane impedance relay 平面阻抗继电器angle impedance relay 角度阻抗继电器angle admittance relay 角度导纳继电器Mho relay 姆欧继电器,电导继电器offset relay 偏置继电器restricted relay 制约式继电器pilot relay 控制继电器,辅助继电器wire pilot relay 有线控制继电器carrier channel pilot relay 载波控制继电器microwave pilot relay 微波控制继电器transductor relay 饱和电抗型继电器rectifier bridge relay 整流桥型继电器electronic relay 电子继电器3-φ fault 三相故障3-φ to ground fault 三相接地短路故障double line to ground fault 两相短路接地故障line to line fault 相间短路故障single line to ground fault 单相接地故障ground fault 接地故障internal fault 内部故障external fault 外部故障interturn fault 匝间故障overvoltage n. 过电压overheat v. 过热,使过热overheating n. 过热,超温lubrication oil 润滑油out of step 失步overspeed n.; v.; a. 超速,过速,超转速,过速的miscellaneous a. 杂的,杂项的,各种的;n. 其他resonance n. 谐振,共振trip v. (使)断开,(使)跳闸,切断,关闭mechanical resonance 机械共振hydro turbine 水轮机inertia n. 惯性,惯量undercurrent n. 欠电流,电流不足;a. 欠电流的,低电流的arcing n. 飞弧,发弧,弧击穿overexcitation n. 过励air-blast circuit breaker 压缩空气断路器oil circuit breaker 油断路器,多油断路器quench v.; n. 熄灭,熄弧arc-quenching n. 灭弧minimum-oil circuit breaker 少油断路器magnetic air circuit breaker 磁吹断路器SF6 circuit breaker 六氟化硫(SF6)断路器vacuum circuit breaker 真空断路器interrupting capability 开断容量,遮断容量deion grid 去电离栅极,灭弧栅interrupting time 开断时间,遮断时间nameplate n. 铭牌operating mechanism (断路器的)操动机构horn gap 角隙,角放电器火花源horn gap contact 带灭弧功能的触头air switch 空气开关spring-action 弹簧动作spring-action driving mechanism 弹簧操作机构insulating barrier 绝缘隔板arc chute 灭弧罩,灭弧隔板,电弧隔板blowout coil 灭弧线圈,消弧线圈arc-extinguishing a. 灭弧的,消弧的molded-resin 模制树脂,浇铸树脂trigger n. 触发,起动;v. 触发,起动,激发,引起outdoor a. 户外的live-tank 带电箱体dead-tank 接地箱体gas-insulated substations (GISs) 气体绝缘变电站vacuum-bottle n. 真空罐switchgear n. 开关设备,配电设备,配电装置voltage-to-current ratio 电压电流比time-delayed relay 延时继电器timer relay 时间继电器overreach v.; n. 越过,伸得过长current transformer 电流互感器voltage transformer 电压互感器remote back-up 远后备arcing fault 闪络故障underreach v.; n. 达不到backup n. 后备,支持,备份;a. 后备的,备用的,备份的response n. 响应,反应lightning n. 雷(电),闪电;a. 闪电(般)的lightning arrester 避雷器overhead ground wire 架空地线surge n.; v. 电[浪]涌,冲击,波动surge arrester 避雷器over-voltage n. 过电压switching surge 操作冲击,操作浪涌clip n. 线夹,接线柱,夹子;v. 夹住,箝,钳牢,固定ionizer n. 电离装置,游离装置silicon carbide 碳化硅,金刚砂spark gap 火[电]花隙,放电器,避雷器valve block 阀片break down 击穿,断裂,破裂arc chamber 电弧室zinc-oxide n.氧化锌metal-oxide varistor 金属氧化物压敏电阻器basic impulse insulation level (BIL) 基本冲击绝缘水平coal-fired a. 燃煤的furnace n. 炉,炉膛,燃烧室pulverizer n. 磨煤机,粉煤机preheated a. 预热的boiler n. 锅炉,蒸发器,蒸汽发生器flue gas 烟气,废气,排烟electrostatic a. 静电的precipitator n. 除尘器electrostatic precipitator 电除尘chimney n.(高)烟囱,烟筒coal hopper 煤斗burner n. 燃烧器,喷燃器cooling tower 冷却塔feed water pump 给水泵psi 磅/平方英寸(压强单位)shutoff n. 关闭,切断,断路exhaust steam 乏汽heater exchanger 热交换器condenser n. 凝结器,冷凝器feed-water 给水turbogenerator n. 涡轮发电机single-stage turbine 单级汽轮机thermal efficiency 热效率multi-stage turbine 多级汽轮机tandem a.; ad. 级联(的),串联的,前后排列的;n. 前后排列使用的一组事物in tandem 前后地,协力地,相互合作地superheater n. 过热器high-pressure turbine 高压汽轮机reheater n. 再热器intermediate-pressure turbine 中压汽轮机low-pressure turbine 低压汽轮机cogeneration n. 热电联产,热电联供acid rain 酸雨greenhouse effect 温室效应hydropower n. 水力,水力发电cubic a. 立体的,三次的,体积的,正六面体的dam n. 坝,堰penstock n. 水道,压力水管hydroplant n. 水电厂,水电站high head 高水头low head 低水头tail race 尾水渠,退水渠nozzle n. 喷嘴periphery n. 周边,周围,外围,范围blade n. 叶片,轮叶spoked wheel 辐轮start up 起动,开动,触发thermal plant 热电厂dispatcher 调度员sparingly 节省地,有节制地,少量地spillway n. 泄水道,溢水孔base-loading 基荷pumped storage 抽水蓄能peak load 高峰负荷off-peak 非峰值的on-line 在线daily load-demand curve 日负荷曲线shaves the peaks (负荷曲线的)削峰fills the troughs (负荷曲线的)填谷bucket wheel rotor 勺轮转子fission n.; v. 裂变,分裂,剥离nuclear power plant 核电站,核电厂reactor n. 反应堆,反应器;电抗器,电抗线圈coolant n. 冷却剂,冷却液light-water reactor 轻水反应堆boiling-water reactor (BWR)沸水反应堆pressured-water reactor (PWR) 压水反应堆reactor core 反应堆堆芯,反应堆活性区bypass valve 旁路阀门reactor coolant pump 反应堆冷却泵moderator n. 减速剂,慢化剂self-regulation 自调整negative feedback 负反馈pressurize v. 增压,对……加压,产生压力pressurizer n. 保持压力装置,增压装置setpoint 设定值,给定值make-up 补给[水],补充let-down 下泄control rod (反应堆的)控制棒,控制杆visualize v. 使……可视化,具体化,形象化manoeuvre n. 调动,策略;v. 调动,操纵automatic control system 自动控制系统reconfigurable a. 可重构的,可再构的open-loop control system 开环控制系统functional block diagram 功能框图feedback n. 反馈closed-loop control system 闭环控制系统single-input single-output (SISO) 单输入单输出continuous control 连续控制discontinuous control 断续控制periodically ad. 周期地sample n. 采样,取样,样品,试件;v. 采样discrete-data 离散数据的sampled-data 采样数据的relay feedback control system 继电反馈控制系统servomechanism n. 伺服机构,伺服系统,随动系统multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) 多输入多输出modern control theory 现代控制理论trajectory n. 轨迹,轨道multivariable 多变量differential equation 微分方程Laplace transform 拉普拉氏变换frequency-response 频率响应root-locus 根轨迹time response 时域响应state variable 状态变量nth-order n阶matrix n. 矩阵mathematical model 数学模型eigenstructure n. 特征结构eigenvalue n. 特征值eigenvector n. 特征向量block-diagram 框图transfer function 传递函数negative feedback 负反馈error signal 误差信号operator n. 算子,算符,操作符,控制器complex parameter 复数参数frequency parameter 频率参数time domain 时域denominator n. 分母open-loop transfer function 开环传递函数forward transfer function 前向传递函数transient a. 暂态的,瞬态的,短暂的steady-state error 稳态误差controllability n. 可控性observability n. 可观性linear time-invariant system 线性时不变系统polynomial n.; a. 多项式(的)response n. 响应,答复,应答driving a. 驱动的real part 实部inverse transform 反变换pole n. 极,极点necessary condition 必要条件sufficient condition 充分条件imaginary axis 虚轴s plane s平面triangular a. 三角的conjugate n. 共轭值;a. 共轭的,共轭根的quadruplet n. 四件一套,四个一组numerator n. 分子performance n. 性能frequency response 频率响应passband n. 通带,频带dynamic performance 动态性能robust a. 强壮的,强健的,健全的,鲁棒的,坚固的performance index 性能指标modern control theory 现代控制理论synthesis n. 综合,合成Fourier transform 傅立叶变换,傅氏变换inverse Fourier transform 傅氏反变换definite integral 定积分analytical a. 解析的,分析的,分解的qualitatively ad. 定性地logarithmic a. 对数的rectangular coordinates 直角坐标logarithmic coordinates 对数坐标Bode plots 波特图phase angle 相角polar coordinates 极坐标Nyquist plots 奈奎斯特图dissipation n. 消耗energy-storage element 储能元件spurious a. 寄生的,杂散的,乱真的attenuate v. 衰减,减少,削弱semilog n. 半对数logarithm n. 对数asymptotic a. 渐近的decibel n. 分贝radian n. 弧度octave n. 八度,倍频程(八度)。

time-invariant 时不变的
self-(or mutual-)induction 自(互)感
displacement current 位移电流 conductance 电导
voltage drop 电压降 volt-ampere characteristics 伏安特性
metal-filament lamp 金属丝灯泡
seen, increase of current from zero to
I≈I1 causes the terminal voltage of the source to decrease linearly
In other words, the voltage drop VS across the source resistance rises in proportion to the current. This goes on until

专业英语电路基础characterize描绘…的特征,塑造人物,具有….的特征property 性质,财产equal in magnitude to 在数量(数量级)上等同于convert 转换converter 转换器time rate 时间变化率mathematically 从数学上来讲differen tiate v 区分,区别in honor of 为纪念某人name in honor of为纪念某人而以他命名electromotive force (e m f )电动势voltaic battery 伏打电池,化学电池an element 一个电器元件interpret 口译,解释,说明the potential at point a with respect to point b is点a关于点b的电势Potential difference/voltage 电势差/电压expend 花费,消耗instantaneous 瞬时的,促发的passive sign convention 关联参考方向the law of conservation of energy 能量守恒定律reference polarity 参考极性electron 电子electronic 电子的electric 电的,电动的time—varying 时变的constant-valued 常量的metal lic 金属的be due to 是因为,由于,归功于building block 模块Coulomb库伦,Ampere安培,joule焦耳,Volt伏特,Watt瓦特,work 功变量u(t),i(t)是电路中最基本的概念.他们描述了电路中的各种关系。
电荷也是构成物质的原子的电器属性,量纲是库伦.我们从初等物理可以得知所有物质是由基本组成部分原子组成,而原子又包括电子(electron),质子(proton)和中子(neutron)我们都知道电荷e是带负电的电子,在数量上等于1.60210*1019 C, 而质子携带同等电荷量的正电荷,相同数量的质子,电子使原子呈现电中性(neutrally charged).我们细想一下电荷的流动,电荷或电流的一个特征就是它是可移动的,就是说从一个地方以能量转换的形式转移到另外一个地方。

able [`eibl] adj.能够abnormal [Qb`n?:m"l] adj.异常abort ["`b?:t]中断,停止absent [`Qbs"nt] adj. 不在的,缺少的acceleration [Qk.sel"`reiS"n] n. 加速,加速度access [`Qkses] vt. 存取,进入,接近action [`QkS"n]. 动作actuator [`Qktjueit"]n.操作(执行)机构,执行器address ["`dres] 地址adjust ["`d??st] 调整,校正adjustable wrench 活扳手adjustable ["`d??st"bl] 可调整的adjusting screw 调整螺钉adjustment ["`d??stment] 调节、调节装置air compressor空压机 [k"m`pres"] 压缩机air exhaust fan排气扇[ig`z?:st] 排气,抽完air [e"]风,空气alarm ["`lam] 报警align ["`lain] 定位,对准,调整alternating current AC 交流电 [?:l`t?:n"t] 轮流,交替ambient temp 环境温度ambient [`Qmbi"t] 周围的,环境的ammeter [`Qmit"] n. 电流表,安培计amp [Qmp] n. 安培ampere [`QmpE"] n. 安培amplifier [`Qmplifai"] n. 放大器,扩音器analog input [`Qn"l?g] 模拟量输入analog output 模拟量输出analog signal 模拟信号[`Qn"l?g] [`signl]analog [`Qn"l?g] 模拟analog-to-digital A/D 模数转换 [`did?it"l]angle valve 角伐angle [`QNgl] 角度application program 应用程序 [.Qpli`keiS"n] 请求,应用arc [a:k] 电弧,弧光area [`e"ri"] 面积,区域arrester [e`rest"] 避雷器assemble line装配线,生产线["`sembl]assemble ["`sembl] 安装,组装asynchronous motor 异步马达 [ei`siNkr"n"s]atomizing [`Qtm"s.fi"] 雾化attention ["`tenS"n] 注意auto reclose 自动重合闸autoformer 自耦变压器automatic [.?:t"``mQtik] AUTO 自动automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器 [`regjuleit"] auxiliary [?:g`zilj"ri] AUX 辅助的avoid ["`v?id] 避免,回避avometer ["`v?mit"]万用表,安伏欧表计axis [`Qksis] 轴,轴线back pressure 背压back up 支持,备用back wash 反冲洗baffle [`bQfl] 隔板bag filter 除尘布袋balance [`bQl"ns] 平衡,称,天平ball [bc:l] 球bar [ba:] 巴,条杆base [beis] 基础、根据battery [`bQt"ri] n. 电池bearing [`bE"riN] BRG 轴承bell [bel] 铃,钟 (ring 铃声,环)belt tension 皮带张力 [`tenS"n]belt [belt]带,皮带bi rate [bai reit] n.比特率binary [`bain"ri] 二进制,双bit [bit] 比特(二进制)black [blQk] 黑色blade [bleid] 叶片bleed [bli:d] 放气,放水blow [bl"u] 吹blown [`bl"un] 熔断的blue [blu:] 蓝色boiler BLR [`b?il"] 锅炉bolt [b"ult] 螺栓、拧螺丝boolean [`bu:li"n] n. 逻辑boost [bu:st] BST增压,提高boost pump BP 升压泵bore [b?:] 孔,腔both [b"UT] 双方,两者都bottom [`b?t"m] 底部bracket [`brQkit]支架,托架,括号brake [breik] 刹车,制动器,闸break [breik] 断开,断路、破裂、折断breaker coil 跳闸线路breaker [`breik"]断路器,隔离开关brown [braun] 棕色brush [br?S] 电刷,刷子bucket [`b?kit] 斗,吊斗buffer n. [`b?f"] 缓冲器bump [b?mp] 碰,撞击burner [`b":n"] 燃烧器button [`b?tn] 按钮bypass/by pass BYP 旁路byte [bait] 字节(八位)cabinet [`kQbinit] 厨柜,机箱、柜cable [`keibl] 电缆calculator [`kQlkjuleit"] 计算器caliber [`kQlib"] 管径、尺寸、大小cam [kQm] 凸轮cancel [`kQns"l] 取消、省略capacitance [k"`pQsit"ns] n. 容量,电容capacitor [k"`pQsit"] n. 电容器=capacitator card [ka:d](电子)板、卡carton [`ka:t"n] 纸板箱casualty [`kQ?ju"lti] 人身事故、伤亡、故障center [`sent"] 中心central control room 中控室central processing unit CPU 中央处理器centrifugal fan 离心风机centrifugal [sen`trifjug"] 离心的change [tSeind?] 改变character [`kQrikt"] 字符charge indicator 验电器、带电指示器charge [tSA:d?] n. 充电,电荷chassis earth 机壳接地chassis [`SQsi] 底座、机壳check [tSek] 检查chimney [`tSmni] 烟囱、烟道circuit [`s":kit] n. 电路circuit breaker 电路断路器circuit diagram 电路图 [`dai"grQm]circuitry [`s":kitri] n.电路,线路circulating water pump 循环水泵circulating 循环 [`s":kjuleitiN]clamp [klQmp] 夹具、钳class of insulation 绝缘等级 [.insju`leiS"n] class [kla:s] 类、等级、程度clean [kli:n] 清洁的、纯净的cleanse [klenz] 净化、洗净、消毒CLEARING OF FAULT 故障清除clockwise [`kl?kwaiz] 顺时针、右旋的clog [kl?g] 障碍,塞满,粘注close [kl"uz] 关闭closed-loop 闭环 [lu:p]coarse [k?:s] 粗的、不精确的code [k"ud] 代号、密码coder [`k"ud"] 编码器coil [k?il] n.线圈cold [k"uld] 冷,冷的,感冒collect [k"`lekt] 收集colour [`k?l"] 颜色command [k"`ma:nd] 命令、指挥communication [k".mju:ni`keiSn] 通信、通讯compensation [k?mpen`seiS"n]补偿,矫正component [k"m`p"un"nt] 元件compress air 压缩空气 [E"]compress [k"m`pres] 压缩compressor [k"m`pres"] 压缩机computer [k"m`pju:t"] 计算机condensate [k?n`denseit] 冷凝、使凝结condition [k"n`diS"n] 条件、状况、环境conduct [`k?nd?kt] 传导conductivity [.k?nd?k`tiviti] 导电率conductor [k"n`d?kt"] n.导体,导线configure [k"n`fig"] 组态congealer [k"n`d?i:l"] 冷却器、冷冻器connect [k"`nekt] 连接connection [k"`nekS"n] 联接connector [k"`n"kt"] 联接器、接线盒console [k"n`s"ul] 控制台constant [`k?nst"nt] 恒定的contact [`k?ntQkt] n.接触,触点,vt.接触,联系contact to earth 接地、触地、碰地 [":P] contact [`k?ntQkt] 触点contactor [`k?ntQkt"] (电流)接触器、触头continuous [k"n`tinju"s] 连续的control [k"n`tr?l] CNTR/CNTPL 控制control panel 控制盘 [`pQnl] 面板,仪表板,屏幕control valve 调节阀 [vQlv]controller [k"n`tr"ul"] 控制器convert [k"n`v":t]n.转换 vt.使转变,转换.... conveyor [k"n`vei"] 传送带,输送机cooktop [`kukt?p] n.炉灶cool [ku:l] 冷的cooler [`ku:l"] 冷却器cooling fan 冷却风机 [fQn]cooling tower 冷却塔 [`tau"] 塔,城堡cooling water pump 冷却水泵cooling [`ku:liN] 冷却copy [`k?pi] 拷贝core [k?:] 铁心、核心、磁心correct [k"`rekt] 正确的,改正correction [k"`rekS"n] 修正、改正corrosion [k"`r"u?"n] 腐蚀counter [`kaunti"] n.计数器couple [`k?pl] CPL 联轴器curdle [`k":dl] 凝固currency [`k?r"nsi] 流动、流通current [`k?r"nt] n. 电流,水流、当前、气流current transformer CT 电流互感器 [trQns`f?:m"]cursor [`k":s"] 光标curve [k":v] 曲线cutter [`k?t"] 切削工具,刀具ccycle 循环、周期、周波cylinder [`silind"] CYL 汽缸,圆柱体cymometer [sai`m?mit"] 频率表,频率计damage [`dQmid?] 损坏、破坏danger zone 危险区 [z"un]danger [`deind?"] 危险、危险物dangerous [`deind?r"s] 危险的dank [dQNk] 潮湿data base 数据库[beis] 底部,基层,灯座data pool 数据库 [pu:l]data [`deit"] 数据deactivate [di:`Qktiveit] 使无效dead band 死区 [ded] [bQnd] 区,队debugging [di:`b?giN] n.调试deceleration [di:.sel"`reiS"n] n. 减速,减速度decrease [di:`kri:s] DEC 减少deep [di:p] 深度、深的、深default [di`f?:lt] n. 默认(值),缺省(值)degree [di`gri:] 度、等级delay time 延时 [di`lei] 延迟,滞后 relay [`ri:lei] 继电器delay [di`lei] 延迟,滞后delete [di`li:t] 删除,作废defective [di`fektiv] 有缺陷的,损坏,次品,不完全description [dis`kripS"n] 说明、描述detect [di`tekt] 发现、检定detector [di`tekt"] 检测器,探测器deviate [`di:vieit] 背离、偏差device [di`vais] 设备、仪器,装置diagnosis [.dai"g`n"usis] 诊断diagram [`dai"grQm] 图形、图表diameter [dai`Qmit"] 直径dielectric [.daii`lektrik] 介质、绝缘的diesel generator 柴油发电机[`di:z"l] [`d?en"reit"]发电机,振荡器differential [.dif"`renS"] 差别的,差动的,微分differential pressure DP/DSP 差压 [`preS"]digital input/output 数字量输入/输出 [`did?itl] 数字的,数字digital signal 数字信号[`did?itl][`signl]digital [`did?itl] 数字的digital-to-analog D/A 数/模转换 [`Qn"l?g]direct current DC 直流(电) [di`rekt] 直接的disassembly [.dis"`sembli] 拆卸disaster shutdown 事故停机 [`S?tdaUn] 停工(机),关机disaster [di`za:st"] 事故、故障discharge 排除、放电、卸载disconnect switch 隔离开关disconnect 断开,分离disconnector 隔离器、隔离开关discrete [dis`kri:t] adj.不连续的,离散的discrete input 开关量输入discrete output 开关量输出disk [disk] 磁盘diskette [dis`ket] 磁盘,磁碟display [di`splei] 显示、列屏dissipation [.disi`peiS"n] n. 分配,分发distance [`dist"ns] 距离,间隔distilled water DISTL WTR 蒸馏水 [dis`tild] 由蒸馏得来的distributed control system DCS 集散控制系统distributed [dis`tribju:tid] 分布的distributing board 配电盘 [dis`tribju:tiN] [b?:d]double [`d?bl] 两倍的,双重的dowel pin 定位销 [`dau"l] 销子 [pin]down [daun] 向下的,向下download 下载downtime 停机时间drain DRN 疏水、排放drawing [`dr?:iN] 画图.制图 ,图样、牵引drill [dril] 钻孔、钻头、钻床drive nail 钉钉子drive [draiv] 驱动、强迫drop [dr?p] 滴,点滴,落下dry [drai] 干、干燥duct [d?kt] 风道、管道dust catcher 除尘器、吸尘器 [`kQtS"] 捕捉器dust [d?st] 灰尘duty [`dju:ti] 责任,义务dynamic [dai`nQmik] 动态的dynamometer [.dain"`m?mit"] 功率表earth connector 接地线、接地 [":T] [k"`n"kt"]earth fault 接地故障 [f?:lt]earth lead 接地线、接地 [li:d] 引线,领导earth 大地 [":T]eccentricity [eksen`trisiti] 偏心、扰度edit [`edit] 编辑efficiency [i`fiS"ns] 效率ejected [i`d?ekt] 喷射,驱逐,被放出的ejection [i`d?ekS"n] 弹出,排出,喷出,喷射electric failure 触电 [i`lektrik] 电的 [`feilj"] 故障,失败electric spark 电火化 [spa:k]electric [i`lektrik] 电的、电动的、导电的electrical machine 电机 [m"`Si:n] 机器,机械electrical service 供电 [`s":vis] 维修,服务,管理electrical [i`lektrikl] 电的、电气的electric-hydraulic control 电/液控制 [hai`dr?:lik] [k"n`trol] electrician [ilek`triSn] 电工electrode [i`lektreUd] 电极electronic [ilek`tr?nik] 电子的、电子学的electrostatic [i`lektr"u`stQtik] 静电的electrotechnics [i`lektr"u`tekniks] 电工学、电工技术element [`elim"nt]元件、零件、单元] n.电梯,升级机?elevator [`eliveitemergency [i`m":d?nsi] EMERG 紧急事故empty [`empti]排空enable [i`neibl] 使能够,允许enclosure [in`kl"u?"] n.密封,外壳,包围encoder [in`k"ud"] 编码器end cover 端盖end 末端、终结energy meter 电度表energy [`en"d?i] 能、能量engineer [.end?i`ni"] 工程师enter [`ent"] 开始、使进入entry [`entri] 输入equipment [i`kwipm"] 设备error [`er"] 错误escape valve 安全阀 [is`keip]event [i`vent] 事件exceed [ik`si:d] 超过excess [ik`ses] 超过、过度exciter [ik`sait"] 励磁机exit [`eksit] 出口expansion [iks`pQnS"n] EXP 膨胀explosion [iks`pl"u?"n] 爆炸external [eks`t":nl] 外部的、表面的extra-high voltage 超高压 [`ekstr"] 额外的,特大的factor [`fQkt"] 因素、因数factory [`fQkt"ri] 工厂、制造厂failure [`feilj"] FAIL 失败,故障false [f?:ls] 假的、错误的fan [fQn] 风扇、风机fault [f?:lt] 故障faultless [`f?:ltlis]没有缺陷、完美的faulty operation 误操作 [`f?:lti] [.?p"`reiS"n]运算,工作features [`fi:tS"] 特点feed [fi:d] 馈、供给feedback [`fi:dbQk] 反馈fiber optic 光纤 [`faib"] 光纤,纤维 [`?ptik] 光学上的,视觉的field [fi:ld] n.现场,原野file [fail] 文件、锉刀fill [fil] 装填filter [`filt"] n. 过滤器,滤波器,滤网,filter differential pressure FILTR DP 滤网压差final [`fain"l] 最后的fire pump 消防水泵fire [`fai"] 燃烧、火焰fireproof [`fai"pru:f] 防火的、阻燃的fixed [fikst] 固定的、固定、确定、保护屏flank [flQNk] 侧翼、侧面flash lamp 闪光灯flash light 闪光flash [flQS] 闪光、闪烁、闪蒸float-charge浮充电[fl"ut] 浮动 [tSa:d?] 充电,电荷flow [fl"u] 流量、流动flowmeter [`fl"umi:t"] 流量计flue gas 烟气 [gQs] 气体,煤气,毒气,汽油flue [flu:] 烟道fluid [`fluid] 液体flux [fl?ks] n. 流量,通量forbid [f"`bid] 禁止force draft fan 送风机 [drA:ft] 通风force [f?:s] 强制form [f?:m] 形式、形状、形成、构成format [`f?:mQt] 形式、格式frequency [`fri:kw"nsi] 频率friction [`frikS"n] n. 摩擦,摩擦力from [fr?m] 从、来自、今后full speed 额定频率fully [`fuli] 充分的、完全的fume [fju:m] 烟,冒烟function [`f?NkS"n] 功能fuse holder 保险盒 [`h"uld"]fuse [fju:z] 保险丝、熔断器fusible cutout 熔断开关[`fju:z"bl]溶解的,可融的[`k?taut]断流,保险装置gauge [ged?] 仪表、标准gear pump 齿轮泵 [gi"] [p?mp]gear shift housing 变速箱 [Sift]换挡,变化 [`h"uziN]外壳,套gear [gi"] 齿轮gearbox 齿轮箱general control panel总控制屏[`d?en"r"l]普通的,全面的,综合的generator [`d?en"reit"] n. 发电机gland seal 轴封 [glQnd]填料函盖,密封压盖 [si:l] 封,密封,填料glass-paper 砂纸go on 继续goal [g"ul] 目的、目标graphics [`grQfiks] 调节阀grease [gri:s] 图形green [gri:n] 绿色ground [graUnd]地面,场所、接地 earth[":T]地球,接地、大地,泥土guide [gaid] 领路人、向导half [hA:f] 一半、一半的halt instruction 停机指令[h?:lt]停机,中断,暂停[in`str?kS"n]halve [ha:v] vt. 二等分,平分hammer [`hQm"] 锤子hand [hQnd] 手,指针handle[`hQndl]vt.触摸,运用,买卖,处理,操作vi.搬运,易于操纵handwheel [`hQndwi:l] 手轮,驾驶盘hardware [`hA:dwE"] 硬件havoc [`hQv"k] n.严重破坏 vt.损害heat [hi:t] 热、加热heater [`hi:t"] 加热器heating [`hi:tiN] 加热,供暖hertz [`h":ts] HZ 赫兹high pressure HP 高压history [`hist"ri] 历史hold [h"uld] 保持hopper [`h?p"] 漏斗、料斗hose [h"uz] 软管、水龙带hot circuit 通电线路 [`s":kit]hot start 热态启动 [stA:t]hot [h?t] 热的,热情的,辣的hydraulic [hai`dr?:lik] 水力的,液压的,油压的,水压的I/O point 输入/输出点inboard [`inb?:d] 内侧idle [`aidl] 空闲的,空载的、无效的ignitor [ig`nait"] 点火,点燃,点火器impedance [im`pi:d"ns] 阻抗import [im`p?:t] 进口、输入、引入impulse [`imp?ls] 脉冲、冲击、冲量inch [intS] IN 英寸inching [`intSiN] 缓动、点动increase [in`kri:s] INC 增加increment [`inkrim"nt] 增量,加1,递增index [`indeks] 索引、指标,指针,指数indicate [`indikeit] 指示,显示,表明indicator [`indikeit"] 指示器inductance [in`d?kt"ns] 电感,自感应induction motor 异步电动机 [in`d?kS"n] 感应 [`m"ut"]inductive reactance 感抗[in`d?ktiv]电感的,感应的[ri`Qkt"ns]电抗inductor [in`d?kt"] n.电感器,感应器inhibit [in`hibit] 禁止,抑制,约束init 初使化initial [i`niS"l] 初始的,最初的inlet [`inlet] 入口input/output I/O 输入/输出insert [in`s":t] 插入inside [`in`said] 内侧、内部inspection [in`spekS"n] 观察、检查inspector [in`spekt"] n.检测install [in`st?:l] 安装instruction [in`str?kS"n] n. 指令,指导,指示,说明书,instrument panel 仪表盘 [`pQnl]instrument [`instrum"nt] 仪器insufficient [.ins"`fiS"nt] 不足的,不够的insulate [`insjuleit] 绝缘、隔离insulation [.insju`leiS"n] 绝缘insulator [`insjuleit"] n.绝缘体integer [`intid?"] 整数integral [`intigr"l] 积分,积分的interface [`int".feis] n.分界面,界面,接口interface [`int".feis] 接口interference [.int"`fi"r"ns] 干扰、干涉intermediate relay 中间继电器 [.int"`mi:dj"t]中间的,中级,中频internal [in`t":nl] 内部的,内部interrupt [.int"`r?pt] 中断into [`intu] 向内、进入,到...里,进入到...之内inverter [in`v":t"] 逆变器、反相器、非门isolator [`ais"leit"] 隔离器、刀闸,分离器,绝缘体job [d??b] 工作jumper [`d??mp"] 跳线、跨接junction box 接线盒 [`d??NkS"n]key [ki:] 键销、钥匙、键槽keyboard [`ki:b?:d] 键盘kilovolt-ampere KVA 千伏安 [`kil"Uv"Ult`Qmpe"]kink [kiNk] 弯曲、缠绕knack [nQk] 技巧、窍门、诀窍knife-switch 闸刀开关label [`leibl] 标号、标签,商标,标志laboratory [l"`b?r"t"ri] 实验室ladder diagram 梯形图 [`lQd"] [`dai"grQm]ladder logic Diagram 逻辑梯形图[`l?d?ik][`dai"grQm]ladder [`lQd"] 梯子、阶梯lamp [lQmp] n.灯、光源last [la:st] 最后的,末尾的leak [li:k] 泄漏,漏,漏洞(动词)leakage [li:kid?] n. 漏,泄漏,渗漏least [li:st] 最少的、最小的left [left] 左length [leNT] 长度level [`levl] 液位、水平lever [`li:v"] 杆,杠杆,控制杆lifebelt [laifbelt] 安全带、保险带lift [lift] 提、升light run 空转 [lait] [r?n]light [lait] 光,灯,轻,淡,日光,光亮,点,点燃,照亮lightning [`laitniN] 雷电limit [`limit] LMT 极限、限制limit switch [`limit] 限位开关limiter [`limit"] 限制器、限位开关line [lain] 线、直线list [list] 列表、目录liter [`li:t"] 公升little [`litl] 小的,少许,少的load [l"ud] n. 负荷,负载load thrown on 带负荷 [Tr"un]local attendant 现场值班员 ["`tend"nt]维护人员,值班人员,服务员local repair 现场检修 [ri`pE"] 修理,修补local [`l"uk"l] 当地的,局部,本地location [l"u`keiS"n] 位置,定位,单元,场所lock [l?k] 闭锁、密封舱、固定logger [`1?g"] 记录器、拖车logic [`l?d?ik] 逻辑long [l?N] 长loop [lu:p] 环、回路loose [lu:s] 松的、不牢固的loosen [`lu:sn] 松开、松动loss [l?s] 损失、减少low [l"u] 低lower [`l"u"] 较低的、降低low-half 下半 [hA:f]lub oil pump 润滑油泵lub oil 润滑油lubricate [`lu:brikeit] LUB 润滑machine [m"`Si:n] 机器,机械magnet [`mQgnit] 磁main wire 电源线 [`wai"]main [mein] 主要的,主群组maintain [men`tein] 维修、维持、保养maintenance manual 检修手册 [`mQnju"l]maintenance [`meintin"ns] 维护、维护,检修、小修make [meik] 制造 ,是成为make sure 确定 [Su"] 的确,对...有把握make up 补充(补给)malfunction [mQl`f?NkS"n] 故障,出错、误动、失灵management [`mQnid?m"nt] 管理、控制、处理man-machine interaction 人机对话[mQn][m":`Si:n][.int"`QkS"n] man-machine interface MMI 人机接口 [`int".feis] 界面,接口manometer [m"`n?mit"] 压力表manual reject MRE 手动切换 [ri`d?ekt]拒绝,排斥manual [`mQnju"l] 手动、手册manual/Auto station M/A STATION 手动/自动切换站mark [mA:k] 型号、刻度、标志、特征master control room 主控室、中央控制室 [k"n`trol]master [`mA:st"]主人,主要,控制,师傅,正版material [m"`ti"ri"l] n. 材料,原料maximum [`mQksim"m] 最大,最大值,最高,mean [mi:n] 平均,平均值、中间的measure [`me?"] 度量、测量,量,尺寸mechanical trip vlv 机械跳闸阀 [mi`kQnikl] [trip] 脱扣,解扣mechanical [mi`kQnikl] 机械的、力学的mechanism [`mek"niz"m] 机械、力学、方法、装置、机构medial [`mi:dj"l] 中间的、平均的medium [`mi:dj"m] 中间的、中等的、装置、介质、工质melt [melt] 溶解,熔化memory [`mem"ri]存储,存储器,记忆menu [`menju:] n. 菜单metal [`metl] 金属meter [`mi:t"] n.仪表,米,表meter switch 仪表开关method of operation 运行方式 [.?p"`reiS"n]操作,运转method [`meT"d] 方法、规律、程序microphone [`maikr"f"Un] 麦克风、话筒,传声器,扩音器microprocessor [maikr"u`pr"uses"] n.微处理器middle [`midl] MID 中间的,中间,当中,中型mill [mil] 磨、磨粉机、压榨机,铣刀mind [maind] 头脑、精神、介意minimum [`minim"m] 最小的minor overhaul 小修 [main"]次要,副修科目[.auv"`h?:l]检修,大修minute [mai`nju:t] 分钟misfill 误装mishandle [`mis`hQndl] 胡乱操作、误操纵misread [mis`ri:d] 错读miss [mis] 过错,避免,小姐,姑娘,故障,失败miss operation 误动作、误操作 [.?p"`reiS"n]mistake [mis`teik] 错误、事故mixer [`miks"] n. 搅拌器,混合器,混频器modem [`m"ud"m] 调制解调器modify [`m?difai] 修改、更改modulating valve 调节阀 [`m?djuleit] [vQlv]module [`m?dju:l] n.模块,组件,模数moisture [`m?istS"] 湿度、湿汽mold [m"uld]模具monitor [`m?nit"] n.******,监视器,监控器 vt.&vi.监控month [m?nT] 月more than 超过[m?:] 更多的[D"n] 与...相比较,比motor MTR 马达 [`m"ut"]motor winding 电动机组绕组 [`waindiN] 绕组,线圈,绕,缠mount [maunt] 安装、固定mouse [maus] 鼠标move [mu:v] 移动multimeter [`m?ltimit"] 万用表nail [neil] 钉子、钉钉子naught line 零线 [`n?:t] 零,无neck [nek] 颈,管颈needlepoint vlv 针阀 [`ni:dlp?int]negative pressure NEG PRESS 负压negative [`neg"tiv] 负的network [`netw":k] 网络neutral line 中性线 [`nju:tr"l]中性的newly [`nju:li] 最近,重新、新地nipper [`nip"] 钳子、镊子noise remove 消音器 [n?iz][ri`mu:v]noise [n?iz] 噪音no-loading 空载nominal power 额定功率[`n?minl]标称的,额定的[`pau"] nominal [`n?minl] 标称的、额定的normal closed contact 常闭触点 [`k?ntQkt]触头,触点,接点normal [`n?:m"l] 正常的、常规的normally [`n?:m"li] 正常地not available 无效、不能用 ["`veil"bl] 可用的,有用的nozzle [`n?zl] 喷嘴number [`n?mb"] 数字、号码、数目nut [n?t] 螺母、螺帽occur ["`k":] 发生ohm ["um] n.欧姆oil breaker 油开关 [`breik"]oil gun 油枪 [g?n]oil level 机油平面[`levl]oil [?il] 油oiler [`?il"] 注油器,油商oilless [?illes] 缺油的on/off 开/关online [?nlain] 联机的,在线的open circuit 开路 [`"up"n][`s":kit]open-loop 开环 [lu:p]operating panel 操作盘 [`?p"reitiN][`pQnl]operation [.?p"`reiS"n] 操作、运行operational log 运行记录[?.?p"`reiS"n][l?g]operator keyboard 操作员键盘 [`ki:b?:d]operator station 操作员站 [`steiS"n]operator [`?p"reit"] 操作员option switch 选择开关optional [`?pS"n"l] 可选的,选择orbit [`?:bit] n. 轨道,轨迹orientation [.?rien`teiS"n] 方位,定向,定位original ["`rid?"n"l] 初始的、原始的out 出、出口outboard [`autb?:t] 外侧的outage [`autid?] 断电,停机,出故障outlet [`autlet] 出口output [`autput] 产量、产品、输出oven [`?vn] n.烤箱over current 过流 [`k?r"nt]over loading 过载 [`l"udiN]over voltage 过压 [`v"Ultid?]over [`"uv"] 结束,上面的,过分的overcool [`"uv"ku:l] 过冷却overflow [`"uv"`fl"u] 溢流overhaul [."uv"`h?:l] 大修,检修overhead [`"uv"hed] 顶部,高空,架空overheat [."uv"`hi:t] 使过热overload [`"uv"`l"ud]n.过载overload protection 过载保护[`"uv"`l"ud][pr"`tekS"n] package [`pQkid?] 组件、包,插件packaging [`pQkid?iN] n.包装panel [`pQnl] 屏、盘parameter [p"`rQmit"] 参数part [pA:t] 部分、部件password [`pA:sw":d] 口令,密码peak [pi:k] 峰值percent [p"`sent] PCT 百分数percentage [p"`sentid?] 百分比perfect [`p":fikt] 完全的、理想的performance [p"`f?:m"ns] 完成、执行、性能periodic inspection 定期检查 [in`spekS"n]periodic [pi"ri`?dik] 周期的、循环的peripheral equipment 外围设备 [i`kwipm"nt] peripheral [p"`rif"r"l] 周围的,外围设备,周边的permanent [`p":m"n"nt] 永久的、持久的permit [p"`mit] 允许PG 编程器phase not together 缺相、失相[feiz]相[t"`geD"]共同phase [feiz] PH 阶段、状态、方面、相phase sequence 相序 [`si:kw"ns] 次序,顺序,时序phase voltage 相电压phase-failure protection 断相保护 [`feilj"]phase-in 同步photoelectricity [.f"ut"uilek`trisiti] 光电piezometer [.pai"`z?mit"] 压力计pilot [`pail"t] 导向、辅助的、控制的pipe [paip] 管、管道plan [plQn] 计划plant [plA:nt] 工场、车间plastic [`plQstik] 塑料PLC(programmable Logic Controller) 可编程序逻辑控制器pliers [`plai"z] 钳子、老虎钳plug socket 插座 [`s?kit]plug [pl?g] 塞子、栓、插头plus [pl?s] 加pneumatic [nju`mQtik] 气动的point [p?int] 点pointer [`p?int"] 指针,指示器pole [p"ul] 极、柱,极点,电极,电杆pollution [p"`lu:S"n] 污染portion [`p?:S"n] 一部分position [p"`ziS"n] POS 位置potential [p"`tenS l] 电势,电位potential transformer PT 电压互感器[p"`tenS l][trQns`f?:m"] power failure 停电 [`pau"] [`feilj"]故障,失败power [`pau"] PWR 功率、电源,能力,动力PPI(point-to-point Interface)点对点接口preblow 预吹preferential [.pref"`renS"l] n. 优先的,优先权perform [p"`f?:m] 预先形成,预制,预成型坯,粗加工的成品preheat [`pri:hi:t] 预热preheater [`pri:hi:t"] 预热器preliminary [pri`limin"ri] 准备工作present [pri`zent] 出现preset [`pri:`set] 预设、预置press [pres] 压,按,压力pressure [`preS"] PRES 压力primary [`praim"ri] 初级的、一次的principle [`prins"pl] 原理、原则printer [`print"] 打印机probe [pr"ub] 探头process [pr"`ses] 过程、方法production [pr"`d?kS"n] 生产、产品、作品program [`pr"ugrQm] 程序programmable [`pr"ugrQm"bl] adj.可设计的,可编程的prohibit [pr"`hibit] 禁止proportional / integral / derivative PID 比例/积分/微分protection [pr"`tekS"n] PROT 保护、预防protocol [`pr"ut"k?l] n.协议pull [pul] 拖 ,拉pulse [p?ls] 脉冲、脉动pump body 泵体pump [p?mp] 泵purge [p":d?]净化、吹扫push and pull switch 推拉开关push button 按钮push [puS] 推pushbutton [puS`b?tn] n. 按钮pyod [`pai"d] 热电偶quality [`kw?liti] 质量quit [kwit] 停止、离开、推出rack earth 机壳接地 [rQk] 机架,机柜,导轨 [":T] radiation fin 散热片[.reidi`eiS"n] 辐射,发散 fin] 散热片radiator [`reidieit"] n. 散热器,冰箱raise [reiz] 升高range [reind?] 范围、量程rate [reit] 速度,速率rated power [`reitid] 额定功率rated [`reitid] 额定的、比率的ray [rei] 光线、射线read out 读出、结果传达reading 读数real time 实时的 [`ri:"l]receive tank 回收箱、接收箱 [ri`si:v] [tQNk]receive [ri`si:v] 收到,接到,接收,接待recipe [`resipi] 处方、配方reclosing 重合闸recovery time 恢复时间 [ri`k?v"ri]recovery [ri`k?v"ri] 恢复、再生rectification [.rektifi`keiS"n] 整流、检波、调整rectifier [`rektifai"] n.整流器,矫正器red 红色reduction [ri`d?kS"n] 还原、缩小、降低redundancy [ri`d?nd"nsi] 冗余、多余reference [`refr"ns] REF 参考、参照、证明书reflux [`ri:fl?ks] 倒流、回流register [`red?ist"] 寄存器regulate [`regjuleit] 调节、控制relay [`ri:lei] n. 继电器release [ri`li:s] 释放reliability [i"`biliti] 可靠性、安全的relief [ri`li:f] 去载、卸载、释放、解除relieve valve 安全阀、减压阀[ri`li:v] [vQlv] remove 除去、拆卸renewal [ri`nju"l] 更新、更换repair [ri`pE"] 修理repairer 修理工、检修工repeat [ri`pi:t] 重复、反复replace [ri`pleis] 重新、启动、更换、替换replacement parts 备件、替换零件[ri`pleism"nt][pA:t] request [ri`kwest] REO 请求require [ri`kwai"] 要求reserve parts 备件 [ri`z":v]reserved [ri`z":vd] 备用的reset [`ri:set] 复位resist [ri`zist] n.阻抗resistance [ri`zist"ns] n.电阻、阻抗resolution [.rez"`lju:S"n] n. 分辨率response [ris`p?ns] 响应restart [ri:`stA:t] 重新启动retighten [ri`tait"n] 重新紧固retract [ri`trQkt] 可伸缩的、缩回return oil 回油 [ri`t":n]return [ri`t":n] 返回reverse rotation 反转 [ri`v":s]rig [rig] 安装、装配、调整right [rait] 右right-of-way 公用线路ring [riN] 环roller [`r"ul"] 滚筒、辊子rotary switch 转换开关 [`r"ut"ri]rotate [r"u`teit] 旋转rotation [r"u`teiS"n] 旋转,转动,回转rotor [`r"ut"] 转子routine [ru:`ti:n] 例行的、日常的routing inspection 日常检查、日常检测 [in`spekS"n] routing maintenance 日常维护 [`ru:tiN] [`meintin"ns] rubber [`r?b"] 橡胶run back 返回run 运行safe [seif]安全的、可靠的、稳定的safety cap 安全帽safety [`seifti] 安全sample [`sQmpl] 取样、举例sampling [`sA:mpliN] 采样、抽样、取样saw [s?:]锯scale [skeil] 刻度、衡量、比例尺、测量、铁锈水垢scan [skQn] 扫描schedule [`Sekju:l] 时间表、计划表screen [skri:n]] 屏幕screw driver 螺丝刀screw socket 螺口插座screw [skru:] 螺杆、螺丝、旋转seal [si:l] 密封search [s":tS] 寻找、查找second [`sek"nd] 秒、第二seep [si:p] 渗出、渗漏seepage [`si:pid?] 渗漏现象select [si`lekt] 选择selector [si`lekt"] 选择器self-hold [self] [h"uld]自保持self-running 自启动send [send] 发送,寄,发射sensor [`sens"] 传感器sequence [`si:kw"ns] 顺序、序列service manual 维修说明书series [`si"ri:z] n.连续,串联service [`s":vis] 维修.保养.服务、伺服servo [`s":v"u] 伺服servomotor [`s":v"u.m"ut"] 伺服电机set up 安装、调整、建立set [set] 设定shaft [SA:ft] 轴、手柄、矿井shake [Seik] 摇动、振动shield [S i:ld] 屏蔽shift [S ift] 值、替换shock [S?k] 震动,使受电击short circuit 短路short [S ?:t] 短的、短路、使短路should [S ud]应该,将要show [S "u] 展览,显示,指示shut off 关闭 [S ?t] 关闭,关上shut [S?t] 关上,更加shutdown [`S?tdaUn] 停止、停机siccative [`sik"tiv] 干燥剂,使干燥的,side [said] 侧边siemens [`si:m"z] 西门子sifter [`sift"] 筛子、滤波器sign [sain] 标记、注册signal lamp 信号灯signal [`signl] 信号,发信号silencer [`sail"ns"] 消音器simulation [.simju`leiS"n]n.仿真,模拟simulator [`simjuleit"] 仿真机single blade switch 单刀开关 [bleid] 刀刃,刀片single [`siNgl] 单个的、个体的site [sait] 现场size [saiz] 尺寸、大小skip [skip] 空指令、跳跃smoke [sm"uk] 烟、冒烟smokes-stack 烟囱 [stQk] 烟囱,堆,堆栈smooth [smu:D] 平滑的、光滑的socket wrench 套筒扳手socket [`s?kit] 插座software [`s?ftwE"] 软件solenoid [`s"ulin?id] 电磁线圈solid wrench 呆扳手solid [`s?lid] 固体、坚固的、固体的source [s?:s] 源、电源spanner [`spQn"] 扳手spare [sp?"] 备用的、空余的spare parts 备件、备品spark [spA:k] 火花special tool 专用工具special [`speS"l] 特别的、专门的specification [.spesifi`keiS"n] 技术要求,说明书speed [spi:d] 速度spray nozzle 喷嘴 [sprei] 喷雾,喷射spring clutch 弹簧离合器 [kl?tS] 离合器spring [spriN] 弹簧、春天stack [stQk] 烟囱,堆栈stall [st?:l] 停车、阻止standard [`stQnd"d] 标准standby [`stQndbai] 备用、待机star [stA:] 星、星形连接start up 启动start [stA:t] 启动、开始starter [`stA:t"]n.启动器,启动钮starting conditions 启动条件 [`sta:tiN] 启动,开始,出发start-up sequence 启动程序 [`si:kw"ns] 程序,次序,顺序,序列state [steit] 状态statement [`steitm"nt] 声明、语句station [`steiS"n] 站、台,岗位,身份,地点,发电厂,位置stator coil 定子线圈stator core 定子铁芯 [k?:]stator [`steit"] 定子status display 状态显示status [`steit"s] 状态stability [st"`biliti] 稳定性steam [sti:m] STM 蒸汽step [step] 步,步幅step-by-step 步进式,逐步,按部就班的step-by-step motor 步进电动机step-down transformer 降压变压器step-up transformer 升压变压器still [stil] 仍然,还,更stop [st?p] 停止storage battery 蓄电池storage [`st?rid?] 储存strainer [`strein"] 滤网,过滤器streamline [`stri:mlain] 流水线stretching [`stretS iN]拉伸,伸长suction pump 真空泵 [`s?kS "n] 吸入,抽气,superheater [`sju:p"hi:t"] 过热器supply [s"`plai] 供给support [s"`p?:t] 支持、支撑sure [S u"] 确信的、可靠的switch [switS] n. 开关,电闸switch blade 开关闸刀 [bleid] 刀刃,刀片switch [switS] 开关、切换switching off 断开 [`switS iN]switching on 接通switching push button 开关按钮symbol [`simb"l] 符号synchro [`siNkr"u]同步,同步机synchronization [.siNkr"nai`zeiS "n] 同步synchronizer [`siNkr"naiz"] 同步器syren [`sai"r"n] 汽笛、报警器syringe [`sirind?] 注油器system unit 主机system [`sist"m] 系统tab [tQb] 表格,制表tachogenerator [`tQk"`d?en"reit"] 测速发电机tandem [`t Qnd"m] 串联tank [tQNk] 箱temperature compensation 温度补偿 [k?mpen`seiS "n] temperature [`tempritS"] 温度。

电气(diànqì)自动化专业英文词汇及缩写电气自动化专业(zhuānyè)英文词汇及缩写电力系统(diàn lì xì tǒnɡ) power system发电机 generator励磁 excitation励磁(lì cí)器 excitor电压 voltage电流 current升压(shēnɡ yā)变压器 step-up transformer母线 bus变压器 transformer空载(kōnɡ zǎi)损耗 no-load loss铁损 iron loss铜损 copper loss空载电流 no-load current有功损耗(sǔnhào) activeloss无功损耗reactive loss输电系统 power transmission system高压侧 high side输电线 transmission line高压 high voltage低压 low voltage中压 middle voltage功角稳定 angle stability稳定 stability电压稳定 voltage stability 暂态稳定 transient stability电厂 power plant能量输送 power transfer交流 AC直流 DC电网 power system落点 drop point开关站 switch station调节 regulation高抗 high voltage shuntreactor并列的 apposable裕度 margin故障 fault三相故障 three phase fault分接头 tap切机 generator triping高顶值 high limited value静态 static (state)动态 dynamic (state)机端电压控制 AVR电抗 reactance电阻 resistance功角 power angle有功(功率) active power电容器 Capacitor电抗器 Reactor断路器 Breaker电动机 motor功率因数 power-factor定子 stator阻抗 impedance功角 power-angle电压等级 voltage grade有功负载: active load PLoad无功负载 reactive load档位 tap position电阻 resistor电抗 reactance电导 conductance电纳 susceptance上限 upper limit下限 lower limit正序阻抗 positive sequenceimpedance负序阻抗 negative sequenceimpedance零序阻抗 zero sequenceimpedance无功(功率) reactive power功率因数 power factor无功电流 reactive current斜率 slope额定 rating变比 ratio参考值 reference value电压互感器 PT分接头 tap仿真分析 simulation analysis 下降率 droop rate传递函数 transfer function框图(kuàngtú) block diagram 受端 receive-side同步 synchronization保护(bǎohù)断路器 circuit breaker摇摆 swing阻尼 damping无刷直流电机 Brusless DC motor刀闸(隔离(gélí)开关) Isolator 机端 generator terminal变电站 transformer substation永磁同步电机 Permanent-magnet Synchronism Motor 异步电机 Asynchronous Motor三绕组(ràozǔ)变压器 three-column transformer ThrClnTrans双绕组(ràozǔ)变压器 double-column transformer DblClmnTrans固定串联电容补偿 fixed series capacitor compensation双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the same tower 单机无穷大系统 one machine- infinity bus system励磁电流 Magnetizing current补偿度 degree ofcompensation电磁场:Electromagneticfields失去同步 loss ofsynchronization装机容量 installed capacity无功补偿 reactive powercompensation故障切除时间 fault clearingtime极限切除时间 critical clearingtime强行励磁 reinforcedexcitation并联电容器 shunt capacitor<下降特性 droopcharacteristics线路补偿器 LDC(line dropcompensation)电机学 Electrical Machinery自动控制理论 AutomaticControl Theory电磁场 Electromagnetic Field微机原理 Principle ofMicrocomputer电工学 Electrotechnics电路原理 Principle of circuits电机学 Electrical Machinery电力系统稳态分析Steady-State Analysis of PowerSystem电力系统暂态分析Transient-State Analysis of PowerSystem电力系统继电保护原理 Principle ofElectrical System's RelayProtection电力系统元件保护原理 Protection Principle ofPower System 's Element电力系统内部过电压 PastVoltage within Power system模拟电子技术基础 Basis ofAnalogue ElectronicTechnique数字电子技术 DigitalElectrical Technique电路原理实验 Lab. ofprinciple of circuits电气工程讲座 Lectures onelectrical power production电力电子基础 Basicfundamentals of powerelectronics高电压工程 High voltage engineering电子专题实践Topics on experimental project of electronics电气工程概论Introduction to electrical engineering电子电机集成系统 Electronic machine system电力传动与控制Electrical Drive and Control电力系统继电保护Power System Relaying Protection 主变压器main transformer升压(shēnɡ yā)变压器step-up transformer降压(jiànɡ yā)变压器step-down transformer工作(gōngzuò)变压器operating transformer备用(bèiyòng)变压器standby transformer公用(gōngyòng)变压器common transformer三相变压器three-phase transformer单相变压器single-phase transformer带负荷调压变压器on-load regulatingtransformer变压器铁芯transformer core变压器线圈transformer coil变压器绕组transformer winding变压器油箱transformer oil tank变压器外壳transformer casing变压器风扇transformer fan变压器油枕transformer oilconservator(∽ drum变压器额定电压transformer reted voltage变压器额定电流transformer reted current变压器调压范围transformer voltageregulation rage配电设备power distributionequipmentSF6断路器SF6 circuit breaker开关switch按钮button隔离开关isolator,disconnector真空开关vacuum switch刀闸开关knife-switch接地刀闸earthing knife-switch电气设备electrical equipment变流器current converter电流互感器current transformer电压互感器voltage transformer电源power source交流电源AC power source直流电源DC power source工作电源operating source备用电源Standby source强电strong current弱电(ruò diàn)weak current继电器relay信号(xìnhào)继电器signal relay电流(diànliú)继电器current relay电压(diànyā)继电器voltage relay跳闸(tiào zhá)继电器tripping relay合闸继电器closing relay中间继电器intermediate relay时间继电器time relay零序电压继电器zero-sequence voltage relay差动继电器differential relay闭锁装置locking device遥控telecontrol遥信telesignalisation遥测telemetering遥调teleregulation断路器breaker,circuit breaker少油断路器mini-oil breaker,oil-mini-mum breaker高频滤波器high-frequency filter组合滤波器combined filter常开触点normally opened contaact常闭触点normally closed contaact并联电容parallel capacitance保护接地protective earthing熔断器cutout,fusible cutout电缆cable跳闸脉冲tripping pulse合闸脉冲closing pulse一次电压primary voltage二次电压secondary voltage并联电容器parallel capacitor无功补偿器reactive powercompensation device消弧线圈arc-suppressing coil母线Bus,busbar三角接法delta connection星形接法Wye connection原理图schematic diagram一次系统图primary system diagram二次系统图secondary system diagram两相短路two-phase short circuit三相短路three-phase short circuit单相接地短路single-phase ground short circuit短路(duǎnlù)电流计算calculation of short circuit current自动(zìdòng)重合闸automatic reclosing高频(ɡāo pín)保护high-freqency protection 距离(jùlí)保护distance protection横差保护(bǎohù)transverse differential protection纵差保护longitudinal differential protection线路保护line protection过电压保护over-voltage protection母差保护bus differential protection 瓦斯保护Buchholtz protection变压器保护transformer protection电动机保护motor protection远方控制remote control用电量power consumption载波carrier故障fault选择性selectivity速动性speed灵敏性sensitivity可靠性reliability电磁型继电器electromagnetic无时限电流速断保护instantaneously over-current protection跳闸线圈trip coil工作线圈operating coil制动线圈retraint coil主保护main protection后备保护back-up protection定时限过电流保护definite time over-currentprotection三段式电流保护the current protection withthree stages反时限过电流保护inverse time over-currentprotection方向性电流保护the directional currentprotection零序电流保护zero-sequence currentprotection阻抗impedance微机保护Microprocessor ProtectionAGC AutomaticGeneration Control 自动发电控制AMR Automatic MessageRecording 自动抄表ASS AutomaticSynchronized System 自动准同期装置ATS Automatic TransformSystem 厂用电源快速切换装置AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator 自动电压调节器BCS Burner Control System 燃烧器控制系统BMS Burner Management System 燃烧器管理系统CCS Coordinated Control System 协调控制系统CIS Consumer Information System 用户信息系统CRMS Control Room Management System 控制室管理系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管DA Distribution Automation 配电自动化DAS Data Acquisition System 数据采集与处理系统DCS Distributed Control System 分散控制系统DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制(系统)DEH Digital Electronic Hydraulic Control 数字电液(调节系统)DMS Distribution Management System 配电管理系统DPU Distributed Processing Unit 分布式处理单元DSM Demand Side Management 需求侧管理EMS Energy ManagementSystem 能量管理系统ETS Emergency TripSystem 汽轮机紧急跳闸系统EWS EngineeringWorking Station 工程师工作站FA Feeder Automation 馈线自动化FCS Fieldbus ControlSystem 现场总线控制系统FSS Fuel Safety System燃料安全系统FSSS Furnace SafeguardSupervisory System 炉膛安全监控系统FTU Feeder Terminal Unit馈线远方终端GIS Gas InsulatedSwitchgear 气体绝缘开关设备GPS Global PositionSystem 全球定位系统HCS Hierarchical ControlSystem 分级控制系统LCD Liquid CrystalDisplay 液晶显示屏LCP Local Control Panel就地控制柜MCC Motor ControlCenter (电动机)马达控制中心MCS Modulating ControlSystem 模拟量控制系统MEH Micro ElectroHydraulic Control System给水泵汽轮机电波控制系统MIS ManagementInformation System 管理信息系统NCS Net Control System网络监控系统OIS Operator InterfaceStation 操作员接口站OMS Outage ManagementSystem 停电管理系统PAS Power ApplicationSoftware 电力应用软件PID ProportionIntegration Differentiation比例积分微分PIO Process Input Output过程输入输出(通道)PLC ProgrammableLogical Controller 可编程逻辑控制器PSS Power SystemStabilizator 电力系统稳定器RTU Remote TerminalUnit 站内远方终端SA SubstationAutomation 变电站自动化SCADA SupervisoryControl And DataAcquisition 数据采集与监控系统SCC SupervisoryComputer Control 监督控制系统SCS Sequence ControlSystem 顺序(程序)控制系统SIS Supervisory Information System 监控信息系统TDCS(TDC) Total Direct Digital Control 集散控制系统TSI Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation 汽轮机监测仪表UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 不间断供电WMS Work Management System 工作管理系统内容总结(1)电气自动化专业英文词汇及缩写。

电气工程及其自动化专业英语Section I basic electric circuitChapter 1 Introduction to electric circuitsNew Words and Expressions1. electrical circuit n. 电路2. voltage n. 电压,伏特3. curre nt n. 电流,通用的,流通的,现在的4. curre nt flow n. 电流5. resistor n. 电阻,电阻器6. battery n. 电池7. load n. 负载,负荷8. performa nee n. 性能9. circuit diagram n. 电路图10. idealized model n. 理想模型Introduction*A simple circuit and its components.idealized model of the circuit*Model can be cha nged if n ecessary.*summarizeIn elementary physics classes you undoubtedly have been introduced to the fun dame ntal con cepts of electricity and how real comp onen ts can be put together to form an electrical circuit. A very simple circuit, for example, might consist of a battery, some wire, a switch, and an incandescent light bulb as shown in Fig.1-1. The battery supplies the en ergy required to force electro ns around the loop, heati ng the filame nt of the bulb and caus ing the bulb to radiate a lot of heat and some light.Energy is transferred from a source, the battery, to a load, the bulb———You probably already know that the voltage of the battery and the electrical resista nee of the bulb have something to do with the amount of curre nt that will flowin the circuit. From your own practical experienee you also know that no current will flow until the switch is closed. That is, for a circuit to do anything, the loop has to be completed so that electro ns can flow from the battery to the bulb and the n back aga in to the battery. And fin ally, you probably realize that it doesn t much matter, whether there is on e foot or two feet of wire connecting the battery to the bulb, but that it probably would matter if there is a mile of wire between it and the bulb.Also shown in Fig. 1-1 is a model made up of idealized components. The batteryis modeled as an ideal source that puts out a constant voltage, VB, no matter what amount of curre nt, i, is draw n. The wires are con sidered to be perfect con ductors that offer no resista nee to curre nt flow. The switch is assumed to be ope n or closed. There is no arcing of curre nt across the gap whe n the switch is ope ned, nor is there any bounce to the switch as it makes con tact on closure. The light bulb is modeled as a simple resistor, R, that never changes its value, no matter how hot it becomes or how much curre nt is flow ing through it.Fig. 1-1 (a) A simple circuit(b) An idealized represe ntati on of thecircuitFor most purposes, the idealized model shown in Fig. 1-1b is an adequate represe ntati on of the circuit; that is, our prediction of the current that will flow through the bulb whenever the switch is closed will be sufficiently accurate that we can consider the problem solved. There may be times, however, when the model is in adequate. The battery voltage, for example, may drop as more and more curre nt is drawn, or as the battery ages. --------------------------------- T he light bulb' s resistance may change as it heats up, and the filame nt may have a bit of inductance and capacitance associated with it as well as resistance so that when the switch is closed, the current may not jump in sta ntan eously from zero to some fin al, steady state value. The wires may beundersized, and some of the power delivered by the battery may be lost in the wires before it reaches the load. These subtle effects may or may not be important, depending on what we are trying to find out and how accurately we must be able to predict the performa nee of the circuit. If we decide they are importa nt, we can always cha nge the model as n ecessary and then proceed with the an alysis. The point here is simple. The comb in ati ons of resistors, capacitors, in ductors, voltage sources, curre nt sources, and so forth, that you see in a circuit diagram are merely models of real comp onents that comprise a real circuit, and a certa in amount of judgme nt is required to decide how complicated the model must be before sufficie ntly accurate results can be obta in ed. For our purposes, we will be using very simple models in general, leav ing many of the complicati ons to more adva need textbooks.Chapter 2Definitions of key electrical quantitiesNew Words and Expressionscharge n. vt.电荷;充电nu cleus n.原子核(pl.); nuclear adj.n egative n.否定,负数,底片adj.否定的,消极的,负的,阴性的positive adj.[数]正的adj.[电]阳的in gen eral 通常,大体上,一般而言,总的说来algebraic adj.代数的,关于代数学的soluti on to the circuit problem n.关于电路问题的解法the un its of power n.功率的单位direct curre nt (dc) n 直流电alter nat ing curre nt(ac) n.交流电sinu soidally adv.正弦地tran sistor n.晶体管Part 1 Charge and CurrentAn atom con sists of a positively charged nu cleus surro un ded by a swarm of n egativelycharged electr ons. The charge associated with one electr on has bee n found to be 1.602 x 10- 19 coulombs; or, stated the other way around, one coulomb can be defined as the charge on 6.242 x 1018 electro ns. While most of the electr ons associated with an atom are tightly bound to the nu cleus, good con ductors, like copper, have free electrons that are sufficie ntly dista nt from their nu clei that their attract ion to any particular n ucleus is easily overcome. These con ducti on electr ons are free to wan der from atom to atom, and their moveme nt con stitutes an electric curre nt.In a wire, when one coulomb ' s worth of charge passes a given spot in one second, the current is defined to be one ampere (abbreviated A), named after the nineteenth-century physicist Andr ' e Marie Amp'ere. That is, curre nt i is the net rate of flow of charge q past a point, or through an area:i=d q/d t (1.1)In general, charges can be negative or positive. For example, in a neon light, positive ions move in one direct ion and n egative electr ons move in the other. Each con tributes to curre nt, and the total curre nt is their sum. By conven ti on, the direct ion of curre nt flow is take n to be the direct ion that positive charges would move, whether or not positive charges happen to be in the picture. Thus, in a wire, electrons moving to the right constitute a current that flows to the left, as shown in Fig.1-2.(〉)dq--- / =—dtFig. 1-2 By conven tio n, n egative charges movi ng in one direct ion con stitute a positive curre ntflow in the opposite direct ionW/hen charge flows at a steady rate in one direction only, the current is said to be direct current, or 血A battery, for example, supplies direct curre nt. When charge flows back and forth sinusoidally, it is said to be alternating current, or ac. In the United States the ac electricity delivered by tes of ac and dc are show n in Fig.1-3.Time ―(a)Fig. 1-3 (a) Steady-state direct curre nt (de) (b) Alter nat ing curre nt(ac)Part 2 Kirchhoff' s Current LawTwo of the most fun dame ntal properties of circuits were established experime ntally a cen tury and a half ago by a Germa n professor, Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824 - 1887). The first property, known as Kirchhoff ' s current law (abbreviated KCL), states that at every instant of time the sum of the curre nts flow ing into any node of a circuit must equal the sum of the curre nts leavi ng the no de, where a node is any spot where two or more wires are join ed. This is a very simple, but powerful con cept. It is in tuitively obvious once you assert that curre nt is the flow of charge, and that charge is con servative—n either being created nor destroyed as it en ters a no de. Uni ess charge somehow builds up at a no de, which it does not, the n the rate at which charge en ters a node must equal the rate at which charge leaves the no de.There are several alter native ways to state Kirchhoff ' s curre nt law. The most com monly used stateme nt says that the sum of the curre nts flow ing into a node is zero as show n in Fig. 1-4a, in which case some of those curre nts must have n egative values while some have positive values. Equally valid would be the stateme nt that the sum of the curre nts leav ing a node must be zero as show n in Fig. 1-4b(aga in some of these curre nts n eed to have positive values and some n egative). Fin ally, we could say that the sum of the curre nts en teri ng a node equals the sum of the curre nts leav ing a node (Fig. 1-4c). These are all equivale nt as long as we un dersta nd what is meant about the directi on of curre nt flow whe n we in dicate it with an arrow on a circuit diagram. Curre nt that actually flows in the directi on show n by the arrow is give n a positive sig n. Curre nts that actuallyflow in the opposite direct ion have n egative values.(a) The sum of the curre nts into a node equals zero(b) The sum of the curre nts leav ing the node is zero(c) The sum of the curre nts en teri ng a node equals the sum of the curre nts leavi ng the node Note that you can draw curre nt arrows in any directio n that you want — that much is arbitrary — but once havi ng draw n the arrows, you must the n write Kirchhoff ' s curre nt law in a manner that is con siste nt with your arrows, as has bee n done in Fig.1-4. The algebraic soluti on to the circuit problem will automatically determ ine whether or not your arbitrarily determ ined direct ions for curre nts were correct.Example 1.1 Using Kirchhoff ' s Current LawA node of a circuit is shown with current direction arrows chosen arbitrarily. Havingpicked those directi on s, i1 = - 5 A, i2 = 3 A, and i3 = - 1 A. Write an expressi on for Kirchhoff ' s current law and solve for i4.Solution. By Kirchhoff ' s current law,i1 + i2 = i3 + i4 so thatThat is, i4is actually 1 A flowi ng into the no de. Note that i2, i3, and i4 are all en teri ng the no de, and i1 is the only curre nt that is leavi ng the no de.Part 3 Kirchhoff ' s Voltage LawElectr ons won ' t flow through a circuit uni ess they are give n some en ergy to help send them on their way. That “ push ” is measured in volts, where voltage is defi ned to be the amount nodenodenode1 + i4 i4 = - 1 AFig. 1-4 lllustrating various ways that Kirchhoff ' s current law can be statedof en ergy (w, joules) give n to a un it of charge,v=dw/dq A 12-V battery therefore gives 12 joules of en ergy to each coulomb of charge that it stores. Note that the charge does not actually have to move for voltage to have meaning. Voltage describes the potential for charge to do work.While curre nts are measured through a circuit comp onent, voltages are measured across componen ts. Thus, for example, it is correct to say that curre nt through a battery is 10 A, while the voltage across that battery is 12 V. Other ways to describe the voltage across a comp onent in clude whether the voltage rises across the comp onent or drops. Thus, for example, for the simple circuit in Fig. 1-1, there is a voltage rise across the battery and voltage drop across the light bulb. Voltages are always measured with respect to someth ing. That is, the voltage of the positive terminal of the battery is“ so many volts ” with respect to the negative terminal; or, the voltage at a point in a circuit is some amount with respect to some other poin t. In Fig. 1-5, curre nt through a resistor results in a voltage drop from point A to point B of VAB volts. V A and VB arethe voltages at each end of the resistor, measured with respect to some other point.The reference point for voltages in a circuit is usually desig nated with a ground symbol. While many circuits are actually groun ded — that is, there is a path for curre nt to flow directly into the earth —some are not (such as the battery, wires, switch, and bulb in a flashlight). When a ground symbol is show n on a circuit diagram, you should con sider it to be merely a reference point at which thevoltage is defi ned to be zero. Fig.1-6 points out how cha nging the node labeled as ground cha nges the voltages at each node in the circuit, but does not cha nge the voltage drop across each comp onent.(1-2)Fig. 1-5 The voltage drop from point A to point B is V AB, where VAB = VA - VBThe sec ond of Kirchhoff ' s fun dame ntal laws states that the sum of the voltages around any loop of a circuit at any instant is zero. This is known as Kirchhoff ' s voltage law (KVL). Just as was the case for Kirchhoff ' s curre nt law, there are alter native, but equivale nt, ways of stat ing KVL. We can, for example, say that the sum of the voltage rises in any loop equals the sum of the voltagedrops around the loop. Thus in Fig. 1-6, there is a voltage rise of 12 V across the battery and avoltage drop of 3 V across R1 and a drop of 9 V across R2. ------------- Notice that it doesn' t matterwhich node was labeled ground for this to be true. Just as was the case with Kirchhoff ' s current law, we must be careful about labeli ng and in terpret ing the sig ns of voltages in a circuit diagram in order to write the proper vers ion of KVL. A plus (+) sig n on a circuit comp onent in dicates a reference direct ion un der the assumpti on that the pote ntial at that end of the comp onent is higher than the voltage at the other end. Aga in, as long as we are con siste nt in writi ng Kirchhoff ' s voltage law, the algebraic soluti on for the circuit will automatically take care of sig ns.Part 5 Summary of Principal Electrical QuantitiesThe key electrical qua ntities already in troduced and the releva nt relati on ships betwee n these quantities are summarized in Table 1-1.Since electrical quantities vary over such a large range of magnitudes, you will often find yourself work ing with very small qua ntities or very large qua ntities. For example, the voltage created by your TV antenna may be measured in millionths of a volt (microvolts, 卩V), while the power gen erated by a large power stati on may be measured in billi ons of watts, or gigawatts (GW). To describe quantities that may take on such extreme values, it is useful to have a system of prefixes that accompany the units. The most commonly used prefixes in electrical engineering are give n in Table 1-2.Part 6 Ideal Voltage Source and Ideal Current SourceElectric circuits are made up of a relatively small nu mber of differe nt kinds of circuiteleme nts, or comp onen ts, which can be in terc onn ected in an extraord in arily large nu mber of ways.At this point in our discussion, we will concentrate on idealized characteristics of these circuit eleme nts, realiz ing that real comp onents resemble, but do not exactly duplicate, the characteristics that we describe here.An ideal voltage source is one that provides a give n, known voltage vs, no matter what sort ofload it is conn ected to. That is, regardless of the curre nt draw n from the ideal voltage source, it will always provide the same voltage. Note that an ideal voltage source does not have to deliver a con sta nt voltage; for example, it may produce a sinu soidally vary ing voltage —the key is that voltage is not a fun ctio n of the amount of curre nt draw n. A symbol for an ideal voltage source is show n in Fig. 1-7.A special case of an ideal voltage source is an ideal battery that provides a con sta nt dc output, as show n in Fig. 1-8. A real battery approximates the ideal source; but as curre nt in creases, the output drops somewhat. To acco unt for that drop, quite ofte n the model used for a real battery is an ideal voltage source in series with the internal resista nee of the battery.An ideal curre nt source produces a give n amount of curre nt is no matter what load it sees. As show n in Fig. 1-9, a commo nly used symbol for such a device is circle with an arrow in dicati ng the directi on of curre nt flow. While a battery is a good approximati on to an ideal voltage source, there is nothing quite so familiar that approximates an ideal curre nt source. Some tran sistor circuits come close to this ideal and are ofte n modeled with idealized curre nt sources.Section II The electric power systemChapter 1 Brief Introduction to The Electric Power SystemNew Words and ExpressionsMinimum a 最小prime mover n 原动机gen erator n 发电机load n 负载furn ace n 炉膛boiler n 锅炉fissi on able n 可裂变的fissi on able material 核燃料Part 1 Minimum Power systemelevatio n n 高度,海拔internal combusti on engine 内燃机 steam-drive n turbi ne 汽轮机hydraulic turbi ne 水轮机convert v 变换,转换 shaft n 传动轴,轴 torquen 力矩servomecha nism n 伺服机构* Elements of a minimum electric power system *Types of energy source *Types of prime mover *Types of electrical load*Functions of the control systemA minimum electric power system is shown in Fig.1-1, the system consists of an energy source, a prime mover, a generator, and a load.The en ergy source may be coal, gas, or oil burned in a furnace to heat water and gen erate steam in a boiler; it may be fissi on able material which, in a nu clear reactor, will heat water to produce steam; it may be water in a pond at an elevatio n above the gen erat ing stati on; or it may be oil or gas burned in an internal combusti on engine.The prime mover may be a steam-driven turbine, a hydraulic turbine or water wheel, or aninternal combustion engine. Each one of these prime movers has the ability to convert energy in the form of heat, falling water, or fuel into rotation of a shaft, which in turn will drive theEnergy source Prime nioverGenerator Lx>adContjolFig* 1-1 The tninfnmm electric power systemgen erator.The electrical load on the gen erator may be lights, motors, heaters, or other devices, alone or in comb in ati on. Probably the load will vary from mi nute to min ute as differe nt dema nds occur. The control system functions (are ) to keep the speed of the machines substantially constant and the voltage within prescribed limits, even though the load may cha nge. To meet these load con diti on s, it is n ecessary for fuel in put to cha nge, for the prime mover in put to vary, and for the torque on the shaft from the prime mover to cha nge in order that the gen erator may be kept at con sta nt speed. In additi on, the field curre nt to the gen erator must be adjusted to maintain con sta nt output voltage. The con trol system may in clude a man stati oned in the power pla nt who watches a set of meters on the gen erator output term in als and makes the n ecessary adjustme nts manu ally .In a moder n stati on, the con trol system is a servomecha nism that sen ses gen erator-output con diti ons and automatically makes the n ecessary cha nges in en ergy in put and field curre nt to hold the electrical output with in certa in specificati ons.Part 2 More Complicated Systems*Foreword*Cases of power system with out circuit breaker *Power system with circuit breakerNew Words and Expressions1. associated2. circuit3. circuit breaker4. dee nergize5. dee nergized6. outage n7. diagram8. switch out of9. switch offIn most situati ons the load is not directly conn ected to the gen erator term in als. More com monlya 联接的 n 电路n 断路器 vt 切断,断电 adj 不带电的停电 n 简图退出来,断开 v 切断,关闭the load is some distanee from the generator, requiring a power line connecting them. It is desirable to keep the electric power supply at the load with in specificati ons. However, the con trols are near the generator, which may be in another building, perhaps several miles away.If the dista nce from the gen erator to the load is con siderable, it may be desirable to in stall transformers at the generator and at the load end, and to transmit the power over a high-voltage line (Fig.1-2). For the same power, the higher-voltage line carries less current, has lower losses for the same wire size, and provides more stable voltage., TransformerTransformerPrime 〔Mover Generator f C High-voltage line—Fig- 1-2 A generator connected through transformers anda high-voltage line to a distant loadIn some cases an overhead line may be un acceptable. In stead it may be adva ntageous to use an un dergro und cable. With the power systems talked above, the power supply to the load must be in terrupted if, for any reas on, any comp onent of the system must be moved from service for maintenance or repair.Additi onal system load may require more power tha n the gen erator can supply. Ano ther gen erator with its associated tran sformers and high-voltage line might be added.It can be shown that there are some advantages in making ties between the generators (1) and at the end of the high-voltage lines (2 and 3), as shown in Fig.1-3. This system will operate satisfactorily as long as no trouble develops or no equipment needs to be taken out of service.Kig. 1-3 A system with para)lei operation or the generators t of the transformers andof the transmission lintsThe above system may be vastly improved by the in troducti on of circuit breakers, which may be ope ned and closed as n eeded. Circuit breakers added to the system, Fig.1-4, permit selected piece of equipme nt to switch out of service without disturb ing the rema in der of system. With this arran geme nt any eleme nt of the system may be dee nergized for maintenance or repair by operati on of circuit breakers. Of course, if any piece of equipme nt is take n out of service, the n the total load must be carried by the remaining equipment. Attention must be given to avoid overloads duri ng such circumsta nces. If possible, outages of equipme nt are scheduled at times when load requireme nts are below no rmal.Low-voltageo=^GeneratorsFig.1-5 shows a system in which three gen erators and three loads are tied together by threeFig* 1-4 A system with necessary circuit breakerstran smissi on lin es. No circuit breakers are show n in this diagram, although many would berequired in such a system.Fis- 1-S Three generators supplying threeloads over hlgh-voltnge trAnsmlsston linesChapter 2 Faults on Power SystemNew Words and Expressions1. fault2. in terfere neen 干扰,防碍6. feed (fed)给。

generator 发电机发电机gas insulated substation GIS 气体绝缘变电站气体绝缘变电站 turbogenerator 汽轮发电机 neutral neutral point point 中性点中性点 hydrogenerator 水轮发电机 moving moving contact contact 动触头动触头 hydraulic turbine 水轮机 fixed fixed contact contact静触头静触头 steam turbine 汽轮机 arc-extinguishing arc-extinguishing chamber chamber 灭弧室灭弧室 dynamo 直流发电机 stray stray capacitance capacitance 杂散电容杂散电容 motor 电动机 stray stray inductance inductance 杂散电感杂散电感 stator 定子 sphere sphere gap gap球隙球隙rotor转子转子 bushing tap grounding wire 套管末屏接地线套管末屏接地线 power power transformer transformer 电力变压器 electrostatic electrostatic voltmeter voltmeter 静电电压表静电电压表 variable transformer 调压变压器 ammeter电流表电流表 taped transformer多级变压器 grounding grounding capacitance capacitance 对地电容对地电容 step up (down) transformer 升(降)压变压器 voltage voltage divider divider 分压器分压器 circuit circuit breaker breaker CB 断路器 surge surge impedance impedance 波阻抗波阻抗 dead tank oil circuit breaker 多油断路器 Schering Schering bridge bridge 西林电桥西林电桥 live tank oil circuit breaker 少油断路器 Rogowski Rogowski coil coil 罗可夫斯基线圈罗可夫斯基线圈 vacuum circuit breaker 真空断路器 oscilloscope 示波器示波器 sulphur hexafluoride breaker SF 6断路器 peak peak voltmeter voltmeter 峰值电压表峰值电压表 potential potential transformer transformer PT 电压互感器 conductor导线导线 current current transformer transformer CT 电流互感器 cascade cascade transformer transformer 串级变压器串级变压器 disconnector 隔离开关 coupling coupling capacitor capacitor 耦合电容耦合电容 earthing switch 接地开关 test test object object被试品被试品 synchronous generator 同步发电机 detection detection impedance impedance 检测阻抗检测阻抗 asynchronous machine 异步电机 substation变电站变电站 Insulator 绝缘子绝缘子 hydro power station 水力发电站水力发电站 lightning arrester避雷器避雷器 thermal power station 火力发电站火力发电站 metal oxide arrester MOA 氧化锌避雷器氧化锌避雷器 nuclear power station 核电站核电站 bus bar 母线母线 oil-filled power cable 充油电力电缆充油电力电缆 overhead line 架空线 mixed mixed divider divider (阻容)混合分压器混合分压器 transmission line 传输线 XLPE XLPE cable cable 交链聚乙烯电缆交链聚乙烯电缆 (coaxial) cable (同轴)电缆 relay 继电器继电器 iron core 铁芯 tuned tuned circuit circuit 调谐电路调谐电路 winding 绕组 suspension suspension insulator insulator 悬式绝缘子悬式绝缘子 bushing套管 porcelain porcelain insulator insulator 陶瓷绝缘子陶瓷绝缘子 front(tail) resistance 波头(尾)电阻 glass glass insulator insulator 玻璃绝缘子玻璃绝缘子 inverter station换流站 flash flash counter counter雷电计数器雷电计数器 steel-reinforced aluminum conductor 钢芯铝绞线charging(damping) charging(damping) resistor resistor充电(阻尼)电阻电阻tank箱体箱体point plane gap 针板间隙针板间隙 earth(ground) wire 接地线 exciting exciting winding winding 激磁绕组激磁绕组 grading ring均压环 trigger trigger electrode electrode 触发电极触发电极 highvoltage engineering 高电压工程 glow glow discharge discharge 辉光放电辉光放电 highvoltage testing technology 高电压试验技术 harmonic 谐波谐波 Power electronics电力电子 Automatic Automatic control control 自动控制自动控制 Principles of electric circuits电路原理电路原理Digital signal processing数字信号处理数字信号处理power system 电力系统 impulse current 冲击电流冲击电流power network 电力网络 impulse flashover 冲击闪络冲击闪络 insulation 绝缘 inhomogenous field 不均匀场不均匀场 overvoltage 过电压 insulation coordination 绝缘配合绝缘配合aging 老化 internal discharge 内部放电内部放电 alternating current 交流电 lightning stroke 雷电波雷电波AC transmission system 交流输电系统 lightning overvoltage 雷电过电压雷电过电压arc discharge 电弧放电 loss angle (介质)损耗角(介质)损耗角 attachment coefficient 附着系数 magnetic field 磁场磁场 attenuation factor 衰减系数平均自由行程衰减系数 mean free path 平均自由行程anode (cathode) 阳极(阴极)平均分子速度阳极(阴极) mean molecular velocity 平均分子速度breakdown (电)击穿 negative ions 负离子负离子bubble breakdown 气泡击穿 non-destructive testing 非破坏性试验非破坏性试验 cathode ray oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器 non-uniform field 不均匀场不均匀场cavity 空穴,腔 partial discharge 局部放电局部放电corona 电晕反向峰值电压电晕 peak reverse voltage 反向峰值电压composite insulation 组合绝缘 photoelectric emission 光电发射光电发射critical breakdown voltage 临界击穿电压 photon 光子光子Discharge 放电 phase-to-phase voltage 线电压线电压 Dielectric 电介质,绝缘体 polarity effect 极性效应极性效应 dielectric constant 介质常数 power capacitor 电力电容电力电容 dielectric loss 介质损耗 quasi-uniform field 稍不均匀场稍不均匀场 direct current 直流电 radio interference 无线干扰无线干扰divider ratio 分压器分压比设备额定值分压器分压比 rating of equipment 设备额定值grounding 接地 routing testing 常规试验常规试验electric field 电场 residual capacitance 残余电容残余电容 electrochemical deterioration 电化学腐蚀 shielding 屏蔽屏蔽electron avalanche 电子崩短路试验电子崩 short circuit testing 短路试验electronegative gas 电负性气体 space charge 空间电荷空间电荷epoxy resin 环氧树脂 streamer breakdown 流注击穿流注击穿 expulsion gap 灭弧间隙 surface breakdown 表面击穿表面击穿field strength 场强 sustained discharge 自持放电自持放电field stress 电场力 switching overvoltage 操作过电压操作过电压field distortion 场畸变 thermal breakdown 热击穿热击穿field gradient 场梯度 treeing 树枝放电树枝放电field emission 场致发射 uniform field 均匀场均匀场 flashover 闪络 wave front(tail) 波头(尾)波头(尾) gaseous insulation 气体绝缘 withstand voltage 耐受电压耐受电压Prime mover 原动机 Power factor 功率因数功率因数 Torque 力矩配电网自动化系统力矩 Distribution automation system 配电网自动化系统Servomechanism 伺服系统自动抄表伺服系统 Automatic meter reading 自动抄表Boiler 锅炉 Armature 电枢电枢Internal combustion engine 内燃机 Brush 电刷电刷 Deenergize 断电 Commutator 换向器换向器 Underground cable 地下电缆 Counter emf 反电势反电势Loop system 环网系统 Demagnetization 退磁,去磁退磁,去磁 Distribution system 配电系统 Relay Relay panel panel 继电器屏继电器屏 Trip circuit 跳闸电路 Tertiary Tertiary winding winding 第三绕组第三绕组 Switchboard 配电盘,开关屏 Eddy Eddy current current 涡流涡流 Instrument transducer 测量互感器 Copper Copper loss loss 铜损铜损 Oil-impregnated paper 油浸纸绝缘 Iron Iron loss loss 铁损铁损 Bare conductor 裸导线 Leakage Leakage flux flux 漏磁通漏磁通 Reclosing重合闸 Autotransformer 自耦变压器自耦变压器 Distribution dispatch center 配电调度中心配电调度中心 Zero sequence current 零序电流零序电流 Pulverizer 磨煤机磨煤机Series (shunt) compensation 串(并)联补偿串(并)联补偿 Drum 汽包,炉筒 Restriking电弧重燃电弧重燃 Superheater 过热器 Automatic Automatic oscillograph oscillograph 自动录波仪自动录波仪 Peak-load峰荷 Tidal Tidal current current 潮流潮流 Prime grid substation 主网变电站 Trip Trip coil coil跳闸线圈跳闸线圈 Reactive power` 无功功率 Synchronous Synchronous condenser condenser 同步调相机同步调相机 Active power 有功功率有功功率 Main and transfer busbar 单母线带旁路单母线带旁路 Shunt reactor 并联电抗器 Feeder 馈电线馈电线 Blackout断电、停电 Skin Skin effect effect 集肤效应集肤效应Extra-high voltage (EHV) 超高压 Potential Potential stress stress 电位应力(电场强度) Ultra-high voltage (UHV) 特高压 Capacitor Capacitor bank bank 电容器组电容器组 Domestic load 民用电 crusher 碎煤机碎煤机 Reserve capacity 备用容量 pulverizer 磨煤机磨煤机 Fossil-fired power plant 火电厂 baghouse集尘室集尘室Combustion turbine 燃气轮机燃气轮机 Stationary (moving) blade 固定(可动)叶片固定(可动)叶片 Right-of-way 线路走廊 Shaft转轴转轴 Rectifier整流器 Kinetic(potential) Kinetic(potential) energy energy 动(势)能动(势)能 Inductive (Capacitive) 电感的(电容的) Pumped storage power station 抽水蓄能电站抽水蓄能电站 Reactance (impedance) 电抗(阻抗) Synchronous Synchronous condenser condenser 同步调相机同步调相机 Reactor 电抗器Light(boiling)-water Light(boiling)-water reactor reactor 轻(沸)水反应堆轻(沸)水反应堆 Reactive电抗的,无功的 Stator(rotor) 定(转)子定(转)子 Phase displacement (shift) 相移Armature 电枢电枢 Surge 冲击,过电压 Salient-pole 凸极凸极 Retaining ring 护环 Slip Slip ring ring滑环滑环 Carbon brush 炭刷炭刷 Arc suppression coil 消弧线圈消弧线圈 Short-circuit ratio 短路比 Primary(backup) Primary(backup) relaying relaying 主(后备)继电保护继电保护 Induction 感应 Phase Phase shifter shifter移相器移相器Autotransformer 自藕变压器自藕变压器 Power line carrier (PLC) 电力线载波(器)电力线载波(器) Bushing 套管Line Line trap trap线路限波器线路限波器 Turn (turn ratio) 匝(匝比,变比)匝(匝比,变比) Uninterruptible power supply 不间断电源不间断电源 Power factor 功率因数功率因数 Spot power price 实时电价实时电价 Tap分接头 Time-of-use(tariff) 分时(电价)分时(电价) Recovery voltage 恢复电压 XLPE(Cross XLPE(Cross Linked Linked Polyethylene )交联聚乙烯(电缆)交联聚乙烯(电缆)Arc reignition 电弧重燃电弧重燃 Rms (root mean square) 均方根值均方根值 Operation mechanism操动机构操动机构RF (radio frequency)射频射频。

电气工程及其自动化专业英语-ZOE Su1. Introduction电气工程及其自动化( Electrical Engineering and Automation)是一个广泛应用于各个领域的学科,它涵盖了电力系统、电子电路、自动控制、仪器测量等多个方面。
2. Electrical Engineering 英语词汇2.1 电力系统•Power system: 电力系统•Power generation: 发电•Power transmission: 输电•Power distribution: 配电•Power plant: 发电厂•Substation: 变电站•Transformer: 变压器•Generator: 发电机•Transmission line: 输电线路•Circuit breaker: 断路器•Load: 负载2.2 电子电路•Circuit: 电路•Resistor: 电阻器•Capacitor: 电容器•Inductor: 电感器•Diode: 二极管•Transistor: 晶体管•Integrated circuit (IC): 集成电路•Printed circuit board (PCB): 印制电路板•Voltage: 电压•Current: 电流2.3 自动控制•Control system: 控制系统•Feedback: 反馈•PID controller: 比例积分微分(PID)控制器•Sensor: 传感器•Actuator: 执行器•Control signal: 控制信号•Closed-loop control: 闭环控制•Open-loop control: 开环控制2.4 仪器测量•Instrumentation: 仪器测量•Measurement: 测量•Accuracy: 精度•Calibration: 校准•Sensor: 传感器•Meter: 仪表•Voltmeter: 电压计•Ammeter: 电流计•Oscilloscope: 示波器•Multimeter: 电表3. Electrical Engineering 英语短语3.1 电力系统•Power blackout: 停电•Grid integration: 网络集成•Load shedding: 负荷调节•Power factor: 功率因数•Power outage: 断电•Voltage regulation: 电压调节•Renewable energy: 可再生能源•Power factor correction: 功率因数校正•Power supply: 电源3.2 电子电路•Logic gate: 逻辑门•Circuit design: 电路设计•Printed circuit board (PCB) design: 印刷电路板设计•Analog circuit: 模拟电路•Digital circuit: 数字电路•Circuit analysis: 电路分析•Circuit simulation: 电路仿真•Circuit board layout: 电路板布局•Electronic component: 电子元件•Circuit diagram: 电路图3.3 自动控制•Automatic control: 自动控制•Control loop: 控制回路•Feedback loop: 反馈回路•Control system design: 控制系统设计•Proportional control: 比例控制•Integral control: 积分控制•Derivative control: 微分控制•Control algorithm: 控制算法•System response: 系统响应•Setpoint: 设定值3.4 仪器测量•Measurement uncertainty: 测量不确定性•Precision measurement: 精密测量•Measurement accuracy: 测量准确性•Metrology: 计量学•Calibration procedure: 校准程序•Test equipment: 测试设备•Instrument calibration: 仪器校准•Measurement range: 测量范围•Measurement error: 测量误差•Data acquisition: 数据采集4. 总结掌握电气工程及其自动化专业中的英语词汇和短语是很有必要的,它可以帮助我们更好地理解和交流相关知识。

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电气自动化专业英语 字体大小:大 | 中 | 小 2007-01-27 21:34 - 阅读:768 - 评论:0 电力系统 power system 发电机 generator 励磁 excitation 励磁器 excitor 电压 voltage 电流 current 升压变压器 step-up transformer 母线 bus 变压器 transformer 空载损耗:no-load loss 铁损:iron loss 铜损:copper loss 有功损耗:active loss 空载电流:no-load current 无功损耗:reactive loss 输电系统 power transmission system 高压侧 high side 输电线 transmission line 高压: high voltage 低压:low voltage 中压:middle voltage 功角稳定 angle stability 稳定 stability 电压稳定 voltage stability 暂态稳定 transient stability 电厂 power plant 能量输送 power transfer 交流 AC 直流 DC 电网 power system 落点 drop point 开关站 switch station 调节 regulation 高抗 high voltage shunt reactor 并列的:apposable 裕度 margin 分接头:tap 故障 fault 三相故障 three phase fault 切机 generator triping 高顶值 high limited value 静态 static (state) 动态 dynamic (state) 机端电压控制 AVR 电抗 reactance 电阻 resistance 功角 power angle 有功(功率) active power 电容器:Capacitor 电抗器:Reactor 断路器:Breaker induction motor 感应电动机 旋转磁场 绕组 rotating magnetic field winding stator rotor induced current time-phase exciting voltage 定子 转子 感生电流 时间相位 励磁电压 circuit components circuit parameters electrical device electric energy primary cell energy converter conductor heating appliance direct-current time invariant self-inductor mutual-inductor the dielectric storage battery 电路元件 电路参数 电气设备 电能 原生电池 电能转换器 导体 电热器 直流 时不变的 自感 互感 电介质 蓄电池 电动势 e.m.f = electromotive fore unidirectional current 单方向性电流 circuit diagram load characteristic terminal voltage 电路图 负载特性 端电压 external characteristic conductance 外特性 电导 伏安特性 volt-ampere characteristics carbon-filament lamp ideal source internal resistance induction machine horseshoe magnet magnetic field eddy current right-hand rule left-hand rule slip slot lamination laminated core short-circuiting ring squirrel cage rotor core 碳丝灯泡 理想电源 内阻 感应式电机 马蹄形磁铁 磁场 涡流 右手定则 左手定则 转差率 槽 叠片 叠片铁芯 短路环 鼠笼 转子铁芯 cast-aluminum rotor 铸铝转子 bronze horsepower random-wound insulation ac motor 青铜 马力 散绕 绝缘 交流环电动机 end ring alloy coil winding form-wound 端环 合金 线圈绕组 模绕 工作特性 performance characteristic frequency revolutions per minute motoring generating per-unit value breakdown torque breakaway force overhauling 频率 转/分 电动机驱动 发电 标么值 极限转矩 起步阻力 检修 wind-driven generator 风动发电机 revolutions per second number of poles speed-torque curve plugging synchronous speed percentage locked-rotor torque full-load torque prime mover inrush current magnetizing reactance 转/秒 极数 转速力矩特性曲线 反向制动 同步转速 百分数 锁定转子转矩 满载转矩 原动机 涌流 磁化电抗 line-to-neutral stator winding leakage reactance no-load full load Polyphase iron-loss complex impedance rotor resistance leakage flux locked-rotor chopper circuit separately excited compounded dc motor de machine speed regulation shunt series armature circuit optical fiber interoffice waveguide bandwidth light emitting diode 线与中性点间的 定子绕组 漏磁电抗 空载 满载 多相(的) 铁损 复数阻抗 转子电阻 漏磁通 锁定转子 斩波电路 他励的 复励 直流电动机 直流电机 速度调节 并励 串励 电枢电路 光纤 局间的 波导 波导管 带宽 发光二极管 silica regeneration coaxial high-performance carrier mature Single Side Band(SSB) coupling capacitor propagate modulator demodulator line trap shunt Amplitude Modulation(AM)调幅 单边带 再生, 硅石 二氧化硅 后反馈放大 共轴的,同轴的 高性能的 载波 成熟的 结合电容 传导 传播 调制器 解调器 限波器 分路器 Frequency Shift Keying(FSK)移频键控 tuner attenuate incident two-way configuration 二线制 generator voltage dc generator polyphase rectifier boost time constant forward transfer function 发电机电压 直流发电机 多相整流器 增压 时间常数 正向传递函数 调谐器 衰减 入射的 error signal regulator stabilizing transformer time delay 误差信号 调节器 稳定变压器 延时 直轴瞬变时间常数 direct axis transient time constant transient response solid state buck operational calculus gain pole feedback signal dynamic response 瞬态响应 固体 补偿 算符演算 增益 极点 反馈信号 动态响应 voltage control system mismatch error detector excitation system field current transistor high-gain boost-buck feedback system reactive power feedback loop 失配 电压控制系统 误差检测器 励磁系统 励磁电流 晶体管 高增益 升压去磁 反馈系统 无功功率 反馈回路 automatic Voltage regulator(AVR)自动电压调整器 reference Voltage magnetic amplifier amplidyne self-exciting limiter manual control block diagram linear zone 基准电压 磁放大器 微场扩流发电机 自励的 限幅器 手动控制 方框图 线性区 电压互感器 稳定网络 稳定器 气隙磁通 饱和效应 饱和曲线 磁链 标么值 并励磁场 磁路 负载饱和曲线 气隙磁化线 多相整流器 potential transformer stabilization network stabilizer air-gap flux saturation effect saturation curve flux linkage per unit value shunt field magnetic circuit load-saturation curve air-gap line polyphase rectifier active (passive) circuit elements 有(无)源电路元件 leakage current circuit branch 漏电流 支路 P.D. = potential drop 电压降 potential distribution 电位分布 r.m.s values = root mean square values 均方根值 effective values 有效值 steady direct current 恒稳直流电 sinusoidal time function 正弦时间函数 complex number 复数 Cartesian coordinates 笛卡儿坐标系 modulus 模 reluctance power amplifier compound generator rheostat 磁阻 功率放大器 复励发电机 变阻器 自励过程 self – excitation process commutation condition 换向状况 积复励电动机 cumulatively compounded motor operating condition 运行状态 equivalent T – circuit rotor (stator) winding winding loss prime motor active component reactive component electromagnetic torque T 型等值电路 转子(定子绕组) 绕组(铜)损耗 原动机 有功分量 无功分量 电磁转矩 retarding torque inductive component abscissa axis 横坐标 制动转矩 感性(无功)分量 induction generator 感应发电机 synchronous generator 同步发电机 automatic station hydropower station 无人值守电站 水电站 自励过程 process of self – excitation auxiliary motor 辅助电动机 technical specifications 技术条件 voltage across the terminals 端电压 steady – state condition reactive in respect to active in respect to synchronous condenser coincide in phase with synchronous reactance algebraic 代数的 瞬态 暂态 相对….呈感性 相对….呈阻性 同步进相(调相)机 与….同相 同步电抗 algorithmic 算法的 real part imaginary part 虚部 实部 displacement current 位移电流 trigonometric transformations 瞬时值 epoch angle 初相角 phase displacement 相位差 signal amplifier 小信号放大器 mid-frequency band 中频带 bipolar junction transistor (BJT)双极性晶体管 field effect transistor (FET)场效应管 electrode 电极 电焊条 polarity 极性 gain 增益 isolation emitter collector base 基极 隔离 分离 绝缘 隔振 发射管 放射器 发射极 集电极 self-bias resistor 自偏置电阻 triangular symbol phase reversal 三角符号 反相 infinite voltage gain 无穷大电压增益 feedback component differentiation 反馈元件 微分 integration 积分下限 impedance fidelity 阻抗 保真度 summing circuit 总和线路 反馈系统中的比较环节 Oscillation 振荡 inverse 倒数 admittance 导纳 transformer 变压器 turns ratio 变比 ampere-turns 匝比 安匝(数) mutual flux 交互(主)磁通 vector equation 向(相)量方程 power frequency 工频 capacitance effect 电容效应 induction machine 感应电机 shunt excited 并励 series excited 串励 separately excited self excited 自励 field winding speed-torque 磁场绕组 励磁绕组 他励 characteristic 速度转矩特性 dynamic-state operation 动态运行 salient poles excited by 励磁 凸极 field coils 励磁线圈 air-gap flux distribution 气隙磁通分布 direct axis armature coil 直轴 电枢线圈 旋转(整流子)换向器 换向器-电刷总线 rotating commutator commutator-brush combination mechanical rectifier 机械式整流器 armature m.m.f. wave 电枢磁势波 Geometrical position magnetic torque spatial waveform 几何位置 电磁转矩 空间波形 正弦磁密度 电枢外电路 瞬时电功率 瞬时机械功率 sinusoidal – density wave external armature circuit instantaneous electric power instantaneous mechanical power effects of saturation 饱和效应1。

电流current电压voltage功率power频率frequency电阻resistance电容capacitance电抗reactance电阻率resistivity阻抗impedance相,相位phase有功功率active power无功功率reactive power视在功率apparent power装设功率installed power安培ampere (A)伏volt (V)欧姆ohm赫兹hertz (HZ)瓦watt (W)供电局power supply authority电力公司power supply company 发电厂power plant变电所substation配电站distribution substation配变电站transformer station终端变电站terminal substation 车间变电站substation in workshop :室内变电站indoor substation自动变电站automatic substation 成套变电站unit substation高压室H.T room低压室L.T room变压器室transformer room变压器平台transformer platform柴油发电机室diesel generator room控制室control room蓄电池室battery room维修间maintenance room值班室duty room休息室rest room电容器室condenser room充电室battery -- charging room室外储油罐outdoor oil tank地下油罐underground oil tank日用油箱day tank负荷load一类负荷first-class load二类负荷second-class load三类负荷third-class load照明负荷lighting load动力负荷power load电阻负荷resistance load电抗负荷reactive load冲击负荷shock load空载non -load有载on-load满载full -load过载over -load不平衡负荷unbalanced load平衡负荷balanced load额定负载nominal load负荷计算load circulation功率因数power factor同时使用系数diversity factor需要系数法demand factormethod利用系数法utilization factormethod二项式法binomial method无功功率补偿reactive powercompensation自然功率因数natural powerfactor补偿后功率因数power factorafter compensating高压补偿compensating in H.Tside低压补偿compensating in L.T side负荷率load rate补偿容量compensating capacity设备装设容量installed capacity备用容量standby capacity额定容量rated capacity视在容量apparent capacity计算容量calculated capacity短路容量short circuit capacity负荷计算表load calculationtable电压voltage高压high tension (H.T)低压low tension (L.T)冲击电压impulse voltage临界电压critical voltage残余电压residual voltage击穿电压breakdown voltage供电电压supply voltage照明电压lighting voltage工作电压working voltage额定电压rated voltage相电压phase voltage线电压line voltage过压over--voltage欠压under--voltage电压降voltage drop电压损失voltage loss电压偏移voltage deviation电压波动voltage variation电压标准voltage standard电压等级voltage class电压调整率voltage regulation rate电流current交流alternating current (A.C)直流direct current (D.C)短路电流short--circuit短路点short circuit point三相短路电流three-phaseshort-circuit current两相短路电流two-phaseshort-circuit current单相短路电流single--phaseshort-circuit current短路电阻short-circuit resistance短路电压short-circuit voltage短路电抗short-circuit reactance短路容量short-circuit capacity短路稳定性short-circuit stability短路冲击电流short-circuitimpulse current热效应thermal effect稳定短路电流steady stateshort-circuit current切断电流cut-off current整定电流setting current动作电流action current额定电流rated current, nominalcurrent熔体电流melt current熔丝电流fuse current故障电流fault current极限电流limiting current过电流over--current有效值virtual value, effectivevalue电源,供电方式power and supply system工作电源working power source 操作电源operating power source 备用电源standby source应急电源emergency source常用电源normal source供电电压supply voltage双回路供电two-feeder supply两个独立电源two independent power supply放射式radial system单回路放射式one-circuit radial system双回路放射式two-circuit radial system有公用备用干线的放射式radial system with public standby main line 树干式trunk system单回路树干式one-circuit trunk system单侧供电双回路树干式two-circuit trunk system with one-side power supply双侧供电单回路树干式one-circuit trunk system with two-side power supply双侧供电双回路树干式two-circuit trunk system with two-side power supply环式ring system链式chain system变压器—干线式transformer-main line systemTN系统TN systemTN—S系统TN-S systemTN—C 系统TN-C system TN—C—S系统TN-C-S system TT 系统TT system单相二线制1-phase 2-wire system 三相四线制3-phase 4-wire system 三相五线制3-phase 5-wire system 保护线protective earth (PE)中性线(N线)neutral分列运行independent operation并列运行parallel operation无载运行non-load operation 变压器transformer三相变压器three-phasetransformer油浸变压器oil-immersedtransformer自冷变压器self-coolingtransformer铜线变压器copper-coil transformer铝线变压器aluminum-coiltransformer有载调压的变压器on-loadregulating transformer可调变压器variable transformer全封闭的变压器fully-enclosedtransformer干式变压器dry transformer单相变压器single-phasetransformer防雷变压器lightning-prooftransformer环氧浇注变压器epoxy-resin filledtransformer电力变压器power transformer低损耗变压器low losstransformer照明变压器lighting transformer控制变压器control transformer三相油浸自冷式铝线低损耗有调压电力变压器3-phase oil-immersed self-coolingand low-loss aluminum-coil powertransformer变压器系数transformer factor调压器voltage regulator稳压器stabilizer减压器reducer整流器rectifier限流器current limiter不停电电源uninterrupted powersupply (UPS)变阻器rheostat电阻器resister自动功率调整器automatic powerregulator电压互感器voltage transformer电流互感器current transformer降压变压器step-down transformer自动调压器automatic regulator高频变压器high-frequencytransformer降压器step-down transformer升压器step-up transformer编号code型号type用途function二次接线图号secondary wiringdrawing No.外形尺寸overall dimension一次主要设备preliminary mainequipment辅助设备auxiliary equipment进线incoming line出线outgoing line规格specification数量quantity高压电器H.T equipment高压配电柜H.T distributioncabinet高压开关柜H.T switchgear手车式高压开关柜draw—outtype H.T switchgear户内交流金属铠装移动式开关柜indoor A.C armored movableswitchgear高压无功功率补偿装置H.T reactive power compensator高压静电电容器柜H.T electrostatic capacitor cabinet大功率并联电容无功功率补偿high power parallel capacitorreactive power compensating高压断路器H.T circuit breaker少油断路器minimum oil circuitbreaker油断路器oil circuit breaker真空断路器vacuum circuit breaker空气断路器air circuit breaker六氟化硫断路器sulfurhexaflouride breaker (SF6 breaker)户内式indoor (type)户外式outdoor (type)电磁式electromagnetic产气式aerogenic高压接触器H.T contactor高压真空接触器H.T vacuum contactor高压负荷开关H.T load switch高压隔离开关H.T isolator操动机构control mechanism手动操动机构hand control mechanism电磁操动机构magnetic control mechanism弹簧储能操动机构(energy storing) spring operating mechanism 电动操动机构motor drived operating mechanism高压熔断器H.T fuse跌落式熔断器drop—out fuse高压电抗器H.T reactor串联电抗器series reactor高压互感器H.T transformer移相电容器phase—shift capacitor低压配电装置L.T distributor device低压配电屏L.T distribution panel 低压无功功率补偿装置L.T reactive power compensator抽屉式低压配电屏drawable L.T distribution panel电动机控制中心motor control center (MCC)固定式低压配电屏fixed L.T distribution panel低压静电电容器屏L.T electrostatic capacitor panel出线屏outgoing panel进线屏incoming panel联络屏connection panel计量屏measurement panel动力馈电屏power feeder panel照明馈电屏lighting feeder panel控制柜control cabinet配电箱distribution cabinet总配电箱general distribution box 动力配电箱power distribution box 照明配电箱lighting distribution box插座箱socket box 电度表箱kilowatt-hour meter box非标准控制箱,柜,台non-standardcontrol box, cabinet, desk电源切换箱power change-over box开关switch总开关master switch主开关main switch刀开关knife switch负荷开关load switch开启式开关open switch封闭式开关closed switch组合开关combination switch自动空气断路器automatic airbreaker框架式skeleton type塑料外壳式断路器moulded casecircuit breaker (MCCB)行程开关position switch微动开关microswitch万能转换开关universal switch分级转换开关stepping switch换相开关phase converter防爆开关explosion proof switch漏电保护开关leakage protectionswitch三向开关three—way switch轻载开关underload switch压力开关pressure switch单刀双掷开关single-pole doublethrow switch接触器contactor交流接触器 A.C contactor直流接触器 D.C contactor消弧接触器arc extinction contactor起动器starter电磁起动器electromagnetic starter磁力起动器magnetic starter自动空气式星三角起动器automatic air star-delta starter减压起动器voltage reducing starter起动控制箱starting controler低压熔断器L.T fuse螺旋式熔断器screw fuse快速熔断器quick fuse瓷插式熔断器plug-in fuse继电器relay电流继电器current relay电压继电器voltage relay过电流继电器over-current relay信号继电器signal relay时间继电器timing relay中间继电器intermediate relay漏电继电器leakage relay欠压继电器under-voltage relay绝缘监视继合器insulationdetection relay交流电度表 A.C kilowatt hourmeter单相电度表single-phase kilowatthour meter三相电度表three-phase kilowatthour meter无功电度表reactive kilovoltampere-hour meter无功功率表reactive power meter有功功率表active power meter电流表ammeter, current meter电压表voltmeter万用电表universal meter绝缘检查电压表insulation checkvoltage meter功率因数表power factor meter多相电度表polyphase meter电力定量器电机electrical machine同步的synchronous异步的asynchronous电动机motor发电机generator转子rotor定子stator柴油发电机(组)diesel generator(set)电动发电机(组)motor generator(set)感应电动机induction motor鼠笼式感应电动机squirrel cageinduction motor绕线式电动机wound-rotorinduction motor滑环式电动机slip-ring motor起动电动机starting motor;actuating motor自激电动机motor with selfexcitation同步器synchronizer励磁机exciter伺服电动机service motor插接装置plug device插头plug螺口插座screw socket卡口插座bayonet socket插座socket; outlet单相二极插头1-phase 2-pole plug 三相插头3-phase plug单相插座single phase socket三相四极插座3-phase 4-pole socket接线柱binding post接头adapter接线板terminal block接线盒terminal box; junction box 接线箱connection box; junction box线路及安装line and installation 线,线路line and circuit高压线路H.T line输电线路transmission line电源进线incoming line出线outgoing line馈线feeder供电干线main supply line; supply main低压线路L.T line电力干线main power line照明干线main lighting line支线branch line电力支线power branch line照明支线lighting branch line封闭式母线enclosed bus--bar接插式母线plug-in bus--bar接地母线earth line中性线,零线neutral应急照明线emergency lighting line 联络线liaison line滑触线trolley line埋地线underground line明线open wire暗线concealed wire明线布线open wiring暗线布线concealed wiring通信线路communication line架空线路overhead line 架空干线overhead main电缆线路cable line电缆沟cable trench电缆桥架cable bridge电缆托架cable tray电缆槽cable duct墙式电缆槽wall duct导线conductor and cable裸导线bare conductor铝线aluminum conductor铜芯线copper core cable电缆cable馈电电缆feed cable电力电缆power cable照明电缆lighting cable通信电缆communication cable控制电缆control cable信号电缆signal cable实心电缆solid cable同轴电缆coaxial cable单芯电缆single-core cable双股电缆paired cable高压电缆H.T cable低压电缆L.T cable绝缘电缆insulated cable屏蔽电缆shielded cable护套电缆sheathed cable铜芯电缆copper core cable铠装电缆armored cable铅包电缆lead-covered cable油浸电缆oil-immersed cable漆包电缆lacquer-cover cable纸绝缘电缆paper-insulated cable橡皮绝缘电缆rubber-insulatedcable塑料绝缘电缆plastic-insulate cable绕扎电缆wrapped cable聚乙烯polyethylene, polythene聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆polyvinylchloride (PVC) cable交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆x-linkedpolyethylene (XLPE) cable乙烯绝缘软性电缆vinyl cabtyrecable阻燃铜芯塑料绝缘电线flame retardant copper core plasticinsulated wire交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆x—linked polythene insulated steeltape armored PVC sheathed powercable韧性橡皮绝缘电缆tough-rubbersheathed cable地下电缆ground cable架空电缆overhead cable软电缆flexible cable电缆隧道cable tunnel电缆隧道口cable tunnel exit电缆井cable pit电缆人孔cable manhole电缆夹cable cleat电缆分线箱cable junction box电缆箱,分线盒cable cabinet电缆接线头cable plug电缆终端盒,电缆接头电缆吊架,电缆吊杆cable hanger电缆桥架cable bridge埋深buried depth安装installation安装高度installation height电杆长度pole length线间距离distance between lines跨度span弧垂sag交叉点crossing point架空引出over-head leading out落地安装installed on ground嵌装在墙上built in wall挂墙安装suspended on wall明装surface mounted嵌装flush mounted暗装conceal mounted架空引入over-head leading-in敷设laying明敷exposed laying暗敷concealed laying埋地敷设led underground由……引来(led) from引至(led) to直埋buried directly underground穿钢管敷设laid in steel conduit引上led-up引下led--down沿……敷设run along沿墙along wall沿梁along beam跨柱across column弯曲半径bending radius抽头tap-off电缆终端头cable termination joint 试验,维护test, maintenance试车test run, commission整定setting修理repair验收acceptance故障fault停电power cut, power failure校正correct停机stop定期检修periodic maintenance继电保护relaying保护protection保护配置protection disposition电流速断保护current quick-breaking protection过电流保护over-current protection 纵联差动保护tandem differential protection过载保护over-load protection距离保护distance protection功率方向保护directional power protection继电器relay逆流继电器reverse-current relay阻抗继电器impedance relay低周率继电器low frequency relay 重合闸继电器reclosing relay定向继电器directional relay瞬动继电器instantaneous relay辅助继电器auxiliary relay差周率继电器difference frequency relay极化继电器polarized relay合闸位置继电器closing position relay整定setting整定值set value 整定范围setting range时限time lag反时限inverse time定时限definite time定时反时限definite inverse time变时限dependent time死区dead zone保护范围protection range动作action动作时间action time, actuatingtime动作范围action range延时delay切换switchover瞬时动作instantaneous action复位reset直流操作 D.C operation交流操作 A.C operation操作电压control voltage合闸switch on跳闸trip off接通switch-in, close-up备用电源自动投入automaticswitch-on of standby power supply自动重合闸automatic reclosing脱扣线圈tripping coil电流脱扣,串联脱扣series tripping电压脱扣,并联脱扣shunt tripping起动start停止stop按钮push button断开,切断break, cut off直接起动direct starting延时速断delay quick breaking保护跳闸protecting tripping防跳tripping prevent跳闸指示灯tripping indicatinglamp合闸回路closing circuit超温报警over temperaturealarming防雷,接地lightning protectionand earthing雷击lightning stroke雷害lightning disturbance雷电闪络lightning flash over雷电过电,雷涌lightning surge直击雷direct stroke侧击雷side stroke感应雷induction stroke雷暴thunderstorm雷电日thunder day雷电日数number of lightningdays雷电或然率lightning probability触电electric shock静电感应electrostatic induction放电electric discharge间隙gap电火花spark电弧arc漏电leakage漏电路径leakage path避雷装置lightning protector避雷针lightning rod, lightningconductor避雷带lightning belt避雷网lightning-protection net避雷针支架lightning rod support避雷针基础lightning rod base避雷器arrester球形避雷spherical arrester管式避雷tubular arrester阀式避雷器auto-valve arrester角式避雷器horn arrester多隙避雷器multigap arrester金属氧化物避雷器metal-oxidearrester铅避雷器aluminum arrester氧化膜避雷器oxide film arrester磁吹避雷器magnetic blow-outarrester磁吹阀式避雷器magneticblow-out valve type arrester防雷工程lightning protectionengineering均压网voltage balancing net保护和接地protection and earthing保护范围protection range保护高度protection height保护半径protection radius保护角protection angle防雷分类classification oflightning protection一类防雷区first class protection接地earthing接地电阻earth resistance接地电阻表earth tester防雷接地earthing for lightning protection人工接地artificial earthing工作接地working earthing保护接地protective earthing保护地protective earth信号地signal earth重复接地re-earthing中性点接地neutral point earthing 屏蔽接地shielding earthing接地系统earthing system接地故障earth fault暗接地线concealed earth line暗检测点concealed check point接地装置earthing device接地开关earthing switch接地火花避雷器earthing arrester 接地母线earth bus接地线earth conductor接地极earth electrode引下线led-down conductor断接卡disconnector接地干线ground bus垂直接地极vertical electrode水平接地极horizontal electrode降阻剂resistance reducer利用主筋作引下线main reinforcing bar used as down-led conductor利用铁爬梯作引下线iron ladder used as down-led conductor接地线引入处entrance of earth wire自然接地体natural grounding基础接地体foundation grounding 接零保护neutral protection保护接零protective neutralization 接零干线neutral main利用电线管作零线conduit used as neutral line零线,接地线neutral line (conductor)零线,中性线neutral line (conductor)带电金属外壳current carrying metallic case不带电金属外壳non-currentcarrying metallic case材料material金属metal镀锌zinc plating , galvanization镀铂platinum plating镀钠cadmium plating镀铬chromium plating镀镍nickel plating镀锡tin plating镀锌板galvanized sheet镀锌层zinc coat镀锌钢板galvanized steel plate镀锌扁钢galvanized flat steel镀锌角钢galvanized angle steel镀锌圆钢galvanized round steel镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe镀锌槽钢galvanized channel steel硬塑料管hard plastic pipe绝缘材料insulating materials绝缘包布insulating tape填充filling填料filler, filling material电缆膏cable compound绝缘膏insulating compound膏compound漆lacquer, paint清漆varnish搪瓷enamel; porcelain enamel沥青bitumen; asphalt云母mica环氧树脂epoxy resin腊wax石膏gypsum石棉asbestos电木,酚醛塑料bakelite玻璃纤维glass fiber橡皮rubber辅件auxiliaries支架support电缆夹具cable cleal电缆接头cable spice电缆套cable box电缆铠装cable armouring接地螺栓earthing bolt百叶窗louvres隔板closure, partition隔热板heat shield法兰,垫圈flange镀锌螺母galvanized nut螺钉screw, nail螺栓bolt垫块bearer垫木skid垫片gasket, spacer垫圈washer; (ring ) gasket吊钩hanging hook轨rail照明lighting人工照明artificial lighting工作照明working lighting直接照明direct lighting间接照明indirect lighting局部照明local lighting; spotlighting移动照明portable lighting应急照明emergency lighting疏散照明egress lighting值班照明duty lighting警卫照明guard lighting障碍照明obstacle lighting正常照明normal lighting舞台照明stage lighting走道照明corridor lighting盘面照明dial lighting楼梯照明staircase lighting剧场照明theater lighting室内照明indoor lighting室外照明outdoor lighting道路照明road lighting广场照明plaza lighting街道照明street lighting照明方式lighting pattern一般照明general lighting辅助照明supplementary lighting大面积照明area lighting大面积泛光照明area flood lighting逆光照明back lighting漫散照明diffuse lighting橱窗照明shop window lighting。

专业英语电路基础characterize描绘…得特征,塑造人物,具有…、得特征property 性质,财产equal in magnitude to 在数量(数量级)上等同于convert 转换converter 转换器time rate 时间变化率mathematically 从数学上来讲differen tiate v 区分,区别in honor of 为纪念某人name in honor of为纪念某人而以她命名electromotive force (e m f )电动势voltaic battery 伏打电池,化学电池an element 一个电器元件interpret 口译,解释,说明the potential at point a with respect to point b is点a关于点b得电势Potential difference/voltage 电势差/电压expend 花费,消耗instantaneous 瞬时得,促发得passive sign convention 关联参考方向the law of conservation of energy 能量守恒定律reference polarity 参考极性electron 电子electronic 电子得electric 电得,电动得time-varying 时变得constant-valued 常量得metal lic 金属得be due to 就是因为,由于,归功于building block 模块Coulomb库伦,Ampere安培,joule焦耳,Volt伏特,Watt瓦特,work 功变量u(t),i(t)就是电路中最基本得概念。
我们从初等物理可以得知所有物质就是由基本组成部分原子组成,而原子又包括电子(electron),质子(proton)与中子(neutron)我们都知道电荷e就是带负电得电子,在数量上等于1、60210*1019 C, 而质子携带同等电荷量得正电荷,相同数量得质子,电子使原子呈现电中性(neutrally charged)。

我们还知道电子的电量是负的并且在数值上等于1.602100×10-12C ,而质子所带的正电量在数值上与电子相等。
从数学上来说,电流i 、电荷q 以及时间t 之间的关系是:从时间t0到时间t 所移送的电荷可由方程(1-1)两边积分求得。
电路中a 、b 两点间的电压等于从a 到b 移动单位电荷所需的能量(或所需做的功)。
数学表达式为:式中w 是单位为焦耳的能量而q 是单位为库仑的电荷。
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The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020
时间: 2007-9-4 transistor 晶体管
audion 三极管
capacitance 电容
Diesel 柴油机
AC- motors 交流电机
coupling 联结耦合
current carrying capacity 载流能力(最大允许电流)
conductivity 传导性
in isolation 绝缘
lead 导线
leakage current 泄漏电流
inductance 感应系数
loops 线圈
macroprocessor 微处理器
multimedia show 多媒体展示
medium-power distribution 中压配电
motor and soft starters 电机及软起动器
numerical controls 数控系统
optimal 最佳的,最理想的
overload relays 过载继电器
overshoot 过冲
peak current 峰值电流
power dissipation 电力分散
process automation 过程自动化
process instrumentation and analytics 过程仪表及分析仪器punch 穿孔,冲压
reactance 电抗
recharge 再充
regulated power supply 稳压电源
resistance 阻抗
resistor 电阻器
resonate 共振
self-inductance 自感应
series inductance 串联感应
simulation 模拟
switching 配电;交流
thermal cycle 热循环
thickness 厚度
voltage regulator 调压器
warping 扭曲,变形
wiring layout 线路配置图
AC-drives 交流变频器
asymmetrical 非对称的
attenuation 衰减
bridged impedance 桥接阻抗
cable bridge 电缆桥架
charge 电荷
circuit schematic diagram 电路原理图解coefficient 系数
configuration 构造
constant 常量
copper sheet 铜片
damping 阻尼
decomposition 分解
decouple 分离
delay circuit 延迟电路
dielectric sheets 介电原片
diode clamping钳位
edge connector 边缘连接器
electrical infrastructure 电气基础设施electrical installation 电气安装技术
equations set 方程组
four-layer 四层
hookup 接线图
human machine interface 人机界面impedance 阻抗
incidence 入射
incident wave 入射波
incorporated 合成一体的
instantaneous 瞬间的
interleaved 交叉
load admittance 负载导纳
lumped 集中的
modal 模式的
modeling 建模
motor management systems 电机管理系统mounting pads 安装垫片
noise margins 噪音安全系数
proximity effect 邻近效应
radian 弧度
resistive 有抵抗力的
schematic 示意图
services & industry solutions 服务和工业解决方案terminator 终结器
undershoot 负脉冲信号;下冲。