毕业设计 基于单片机的空调控制系统

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MCU-based air-conditioning control system


As a result of global climate warming and national people's living standards, air-conditioning will be in people's lives gradually become an indispensable part. Micro-computer control system for air conditioners by the task instructions and in accordance with 89S52 room temperature, indoor heat exchanger temperature, outdoor temperature heat exchangers, compressors, etc. to control the status of the operation of air conditioners. Specifically, is to control the compressor, outdoor fan, indoor fan, indoor wind motor and the actual set temperature and room temperature liquid crystal display with LCD display. Main function is based on room temperature and temperature difference, and considering other conditions, and then on the indoor and outdoor compressors and fans running for intelligent control.

The control system uses a single chip AT89S52 data collection, data processing to achieve the temperature control system of regulation and control. The main process is as follows: use of temperature sensor DS18B20 collecting temperature signal and then the signal is converted to non-power electrical signal, electrical signal and then converted into the A / D converter into a digital transmitted to the single-chip microcomputer for data processing, and output control signal peripherals. Loss single-chip, and then displayed by the single-chip control, and compare the acquisition of the temperature and the temperature settings are consistent, and then drive the heating or air conditioning to cool the air to deal with the cycle in order to achieve the regulation of indoor temperature in the entire design, related to the temperature detection circuit, driver control circuit, display circuit, the keyboard circuit and power circuit design. LCD charged by the real-time display of temperature and set temperature, in line with the use of C language and assembly language programming to enable software conversion air-conditioning temperature of the basic functions of intelligence. Low cost of this control circuit, functional and practical, is easily to operate, a certain degree of practical value.

This paper discusses three aspects, first of all is the description of the hardware circuit; then the software part of the design; the final is the realization of function.

KEY WORDS:Temperature Control,89S52, DS18B20 ,LCD liquid crystal display





本控制系统采用AT89S52单片机收集数据,处理数据来实现对温度控制系统的调控。主要过程如下:利用温度传感器DS18B20采集的温度信号再将非电量信号转换为电信号,转换后的电信号再进入A/D转换器转换成数字量,传送给单片机进行数据处理,并向外围设备输出控制信号。输给单片机,再由单片机控制显示,并比较采集的温度与设定的温度是否一致,然后驱动空调机的加热或降温循环对空气进行处理,从而实现对室内温度的调节,在整个设计中,涉及到温度检测电路,驱动控制电路,显示电路,键盘电路以及电源的设计等电路。由LCD实时显示被控温度及设定温度,在配合用C 语言和汇编语言编程使软件实现空调温度智能转换的基本功能。本控制电路成本低廉,功能实用,操作简便,有一定的实用价值。


