















()5.A.Doeshelikegoinghiking?.B.Doeshelikedoingwordpuzzles?. Ⅲ.Listenandchoosetherightanswer(听问句,选择恰当的答语)














































































D.I’mgoingto swim..














B:No,hedoesn’t.Helikesdoingwordpuzzlesanddoingkungfu. A:Oh,Iknow.









Therearethreepeopleinmyfamily:myfather,mymotherandI.Wehavediffer enthobbies.Myfatherlikesplayingfootball.Heisbusy.Soheoftenplaysfootb allforarest.Mymotherlikesdancing.Shesaysitcanhelpherkeephealthy.Doyo uknowwhatmyhobbiesare?Ilikedoingkungfuanddoingwordpuzzles.Oh,Ialsoli kesleep.Thesearemyfamily’shobbies.Ilovemyfamily.








六年级上册Module 1 Unit 1同步练习 一、单项选择(每题2分,共24分) ( ) 1 He’s in New York____ his cousin, Simon. A at B with C for ( ) 2 Tell me more ____the Great Wall. A about B How long C in ( ) 3 ____is it ? It’s about six thousand kilometres. A How B How long C How about ( ) 4 ____is Beijing? A How long B How big C How many ( ) 5 Daming is ____America. A visiting B visit C visited ( ) 6 It’s a ____of the Great Wall. A pictures B picture C photos ( ) 7 It’s ____eight million people. A get B got C gets ( ) 8 It’s a lovely cat. Please look ____it. A at B out C in ( ) 9 Here are two ____the Great Wall. A pictures B picture C pictures of ( ) 10 Please tell me more things ____Shanghai. A in B about C on ( ) 11 Beijing____got eight million people. A is B us C has ( ) 12 Fourteen____. A millions B milliones C million 二、改错(每题2分,共16分) ’s about two thousands seven hundred me more about the Great is a 4 How’s long is the Great Wall ?______________________ 5 Look this 6 Now you tell me anything about 7 Beijing is got about fourteen million 8 This postcards are 三、用所给词的适当形式填空(每题2 分,共10分) 1 Beijing has _____(get) about fourteen million people. 2 How long _____(be) the Great Wall ? 3 It’s about six hundred ________(kilometre) ? 4 It’s _____(a ) animal.


How to Get to the Science Museum We are going to the science museum tomorrow. The science museum is next to the hospital. It’s near our school. So we can go there on foot. First, go straight from our school. Next, turn left at the post office and walk for five minutes. Then turn right at the bookstore. We can find the hospital on the right. Walk straight, and we’ll see the science museum. Don’t Be Against(违反)the Traffic Rules(交通规则) I go to school from Mondays to Fridays. I go to school by bike at 7:30 in the morning.I have to cross two busy roads. I know the traffic rules well. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light. I always ride on the right side of the road. I am never against the traffic rules. My weekend plan Hi, I am Amy.I am going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I am going to do my homework.In the afternoon, I am going to play football with my friends. In the evening, I am going to watch TV with my parents.On Sunday morning, I am going to take a dancing class.In the afternoon, I am going to watch a film. In the evening,I am going to read books.I love my weekend.



六年级上册英语第二单元测试 姓名:____________ 班级:____________ 分数:______________ (满分:100分时间:50分钟) 一、抄写句子, 请注意句子大小写和标点符号。(10分) 1. Let’s go to the nature park. 2. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. 3. How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital 4. I must pay attention to the traffic lights. 5. In the USA people on bikes must wear one. 二、选出每组中不同类的单词。(10分) ()1. A. plane B. subway C. cinema ()2. A. red B. sled C. green ()3. A. train B. usually C. sometimes ()4. A. stop B. bus C. wait ()5. A. early B. fast C. ferry 三、单项选择。(15分) ()1. Some children go to school _________ foot. A. by B. at C. on ()2. __________ can I get to the zoo A. What B. How C. Where ()3. __________ go at the red light. A. Don’t B. Does C. Do ()4. There are always three lights: red, yellow and __________. A. green B. blue C. black ()5. --- How do you come to school --- I usually come by _________. A. a bike B. the bike C. bike ()6. Let’s _________ the library to read some books. A. go to B. to go C. to go to ()7. Please _________! The light is yellow now. A. slow down and stop B. wait C. go ()8. How _________ your mother go to Beijing


六年级上册英语测试题(一) (1-3单元) 姓名________ 班级_________ 得分_________ 听力部分(40分) 一. 听音。选出你所听到的单词,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。(每小题1分,共10分。) ( ) 1. A. by B.my C.bike ( ) 2. A.ship B. shoe C.she ( ) 3. A.fine B. then C. ten ( ) 4. A. now B. how C. know ( ) 5. A. buy B. bus C. but ( ) 6. A.can B. want C. plane ( ) 7. A. tell B.take C.tail ( ) 8. A. wait B. west C. east ( ) 9.A. left B. next C. light ( )10. A. today B. tonight C. taxi 二. 听音。选出你所听到的句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。(每小题2分,共10分。) ( )1. A. I go to Shanghai by plane. B. I go to Beijing by train. ( ) 2. A. Usually I go to school on foot. B. Sometimes I go by bike. ( ) 3. A. Where is the library? B. Where is the cinema? ( ) 4. A. How can I get to the museum? B. How can I get to the hospital? ( ) 5. A. What are you going to do this evening? B. What are you going to do on Saturday morning? 三. 听音。根据你所听到的句子,选择所给的单词完成下列句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。(每小题2分,共10分。)


人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册单元知识点 Unit1 How can I get there ? 一、主要单词: museum博物馆bookstore书店cinema电影院turn 转弯left向左right向右 hospital医院post office 邮局science科学straight笔直地crossing十字路口二、习惯语搭配: post office邮局science museum科学博物馆pet hospital宠物医院Italian restaurant意大利餐馆Beihai Park北海公园Palace Museum故宫博物院go straight直走 turn right/left右/左转next to挨着in front of...在...前面near the park在公园附近on Dongfang Street在东方大街上 三、惯用表达式: Excuse me 打扰一下Follow me, please!请跟着我! 四、公式化句型: 1、问路的句型及其答语: 问句:Where is the + 地点?···在哪儿? 答语:It’s + 表示地点的词语。它···。 next to the bookstore, near the hospital/post office, over there, on Dongfang Street, in front of the school... 2、询问怎么到某地的句型及其答语: 问句:How can +主语+ get (to)+地点?···怎么到···? 同义句型:Can you tell me the way to +地点?Where is + 地点?Which is the way to +地点?答语:Turn +方向+表示地点的介词短语。···转。 at the cinema at the corner near the post office... 五、例句:Where is the cinema, please? 请问电影院在哪里? It’s next to the hospital. 它与医院相邻。 Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left. 在电影院向左转,然后直行。它在左边。Turn left at the bank。在银行左转。 六、主题写作:介绍去某地的路线 模板:1、交代目的地的位置及距离The … is near/next to … It is (not) far from … 2、说明可以采取的交通方式You can go on foot /by bus /by bike… 3、说明路线Go straight . Turn left / right at… 范文How to Get to the Science Museum We are going to the science museum tomorrow.The science museum is next to the hospital.It’s not far from our school.So we can go there on foot.First,go straight from our school.Next,turn left at the post office and walk for about five minutes.Then turn right at the bookstore.We can find the hospital on the right.Walk straight,and we’ll see the science museum.


小学六年级英语上册期末考试试卷(第一套) (一)听力部分 分享本来不属于东西,属于事,就像颜色不属于物体,属于事,就像美丽不属于物,属于事,就像爱不属于物,属于事,她依赖于人的心存在,但分享给你带来了不同的结果和感受,有这些就够了,不管是物是事,不管天荒地老,我就是需要这种感觉,谢谢你的下载与我在这个世界开始链接.(word文档可以删除编辑) 一.选出听到的单词: ( )1. a. nice b. nine c. fine ( )2. a. photo b. phone c. bowl ( )3. a. fridge b. first c. fruit ( )4. a. same b. name c. some ( )5. a. count b. old c. out ( )6. a. my b. may c. why ( )7. a. wash b. washing c. washer ( )8. a. Miss b. Mr c. Mrs ( )9. a. letter b. let c. little ( )10. a. long b. wrong c. song

二.选出听到的句子: ( )1.a. How many buses are there in the street? b. How many cars are there in the street? c. How many bikes are there in the street? ( )2.a. What’s his sister’s name? b. What’s her sister’s name? c. What’s his brother’s name? ( ) 3. a. How old is Mary, Jane? b. How old is Jane, Jack? c. How old is Jack, Mary? ( )4. a. The reading room is Room 234. b. The reading room is Room 324. c. The reading room is Room 432. ( ) 5. a. There is a big dog under the tree. b. There is a small bird in the tree.


Unit 1 How can I get there? 一:重点单词和短语 Science科学, museum博物馆, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital ,tasty, buy, London Eye伦敦银, stomach胃,crossing十字路口, turn left, turn right, go straight=walk straight直走.next to紧挨着/与。。。相邻, far from(离。。。远), near在。。。附近,behind(在。。。后面), in front of(在。。。前面), between…and…(在。。。和。。。之间) 二:按要求写单词: hot(反义词)cold , cool(反义词)warm,too(同音词)to/two can not(缩写)can’t right(反义词)left/wrong buy(同音词)by/bye sea(同音 词)see first(基数词)one four(序数词)fourth did (原形)do /does three(序数词)third give(过去式)gave 三:重点句型分析 1. Where is the museum shop? 此问句是由特殊疑问词where 引导的一个特殊疑问句,where意为“在哪里,到哪里”,用来询问地点,放在句子的开头。询问“某人或某物在哪里”的基本句型是:“ Where +is/are+ 主语?”,where is 后接名词或代词的单数形式,where are 后接名词或代词的复数形式。表示地点的词:museum博物馆, post office邮局, bookstore书店, cinema电影院, hospital医院restaurant餐馆bank银行bus stop 公交车站lake湖library图书馆zoo动物园school学校park公园garden花园hotel旅馆 2. It’s nea r the door. 此句中near是表示位置的介词,意为“旁边,附近” ,其同义句是:It’s next to the door.它在门的旁边。表示位置的短语:next to the bookstore挨着书店near the hospital在医院附近near the post office在邮局附近over there 在那边on Dongfang Street在东方大街上in front of the school在学校前面 3. How can we get there? 此句用来询问“怎样去某地”,后面直接跟地点。回答时,可以用“ Turn left, turn right, go straight.”等句来回答。 同义句:1.Can you tell me the way to+地点? 2.Where is the +地点? 3.Which is the way to +地点 4. Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital. 此句是指路的句型。常用到的句型有:turn left, 向左转turn right, 向右转go straight直着走。同时表示在某处的介词用at. 5.Is the Thames far from here? No, it isn’t. 此句是个be动词开头的一般疑问句,其回答要用Yes或No. 句中的far from意为“离……远”。反义词组为next to.


练习题学校 班级 考号 姓名__________________________ PEP 人教版六年级英语上册 小学英语六年级上册期末考试模拟试卷 听力部分(20分) 一、 Listen and choose (听录音, 选出你所听到的内容) 5分 ( ) 1. A. north B. nose C. mouth ( ) 2. A. live B. dive C. drive ( ) 3. A. right B. tonight C. night ( ) 4. A. ship B. shop C. stop ( ) 5. A. writer B. winter C. water 二、 Listen and choose the right answer (听录音,根据问句选答语) 10分 ( ) 1. A. She is strong. B. Yes, she is. C. She is an actress. ( ) 2. A. I often go by bus. B. I like diving. C. He likes diving. ( ) 3. A. He is a worker. B. He works in a school. C. She works in a bank. ( ) 4. A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus ( ) 5. A. I’m going to the zoo. B. I’m going at 3 o’clock. C. I’m going to read books. 三、Listen and number(听录音,排顺序) 5分 ( ) And then? ( ) Excuse me. Where is the post office? ( ) Thank you! ( ) Turn leftat the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left. ( ) It’s east of the cinema. 笔 试 部 分(80分) 一、 找出划线部分发音与其它单词不同的选项(10分) ( )1、A. name B. bag C. at D. and ( )2、A. ten B. desk C. bed D. me ( )3、A. live B. his C. five D. fish ( )4、A. on B. no C. shop D. not ( )5、A. use B. much C. but D. lunch


人教版六年级英语上册期末测试卷 六年级英语 一、写出下列单词(10分) 1. 生气的____________ 2.令人惊奇的______________ 3.邮递员____________ 4. 商人_________ 5.飞行员___________ 6. 俱乐部_______ 7.大学____________ 8. 科学家____________ 9. 教练_______________ 10.每人____________ 二、按要求完成下列各题(10分) 1. mouse(复数)_____________ 2. sea(同音词)____________ 3. happy(反义词)______________ 4. work(名词)__________ 5. study(单三形式)_________________ 6. chase(现在分词)____________ 7. worried(动词形式)__________________ 8. wear(同音词)________________ 9. country(复数)___________________ 10.good(反义词) ____________ 三、写出下列短语(10分) 1. 数到十______________________ 2. police officer______________________ 3. 看病_____________________ 4. head teacher______________________ 5. 去工作_______________________ 6. take a deep breath_____________________ 7. 做字谜______________________ 8. pen pal_____________________ 9.去远足_________________________ 10.factory worker______________________ 四、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空(10分) 1. Let’s______(watch) TV together . 2. I want ___________ (be) a scientist. 3. My sister ______________ (live) in a big city. 4. ______(do)he ______(go) to school by bus? 5. I like ___________(play) the piano. 6. We should ______(study) hard and ______(stay) healthy. 7. Peter _____(like) _____(read) stories. 五、单项选择(20分) ( )1. I_____have a Tv. A. am not B.don’t C. doesn’t ( )2. My mother is a teacher,She ____ English. A.teach B. like C. teaches ( )3.Does he___ ? A. living in China B.lives in China C. live in China ( )4.My father is a doctor,he works in a _________ . A. bookstore B. post office C. hospital ( )5. —Does Bill live in Australia? —Yes,he ________.A.is B.doesn’t C.does ( )6. My father likes hiking with his friends. A.goes B.go C.going ( )7. . --Where does he work? — A. His hobby is painting. B. He works in a gym. C. He is a head teacher. ( )8. ( )4. --What is John’s hobby?---____________. A. I like drawing. B. He likes drawing. C. He like drawing. ( )9. Mary’s uncle is _____ doctor, her aunt is ______ artist. A. a , an, B. a, a C an, a ( )10. Liming want football player. A. to B.to be C.be ( )11.---Thank you . ---- A.Me too B.Goodbye C.You’re welcome. ( )12.My father works in university. A.a B.an C.the ( )13.What your hobbies? A.am B.are C.is ( )14. He____ a very healthy life. A. has B. is C. have


人教版六年级上册英语考试试题 B.笔试部分(70分) 一、语音辨析。判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同的(T),不同的(F)。(4分) 1.cookcool() 2.hardarm() 3.mothergirl() 4.yearbear() 5.smokehot() 6.lookzoo() 7.rubbishruler()8.dancegate() 二、英汉互译(14分) 1.举办一场时装秀______________ 2.看舞狮 ___________________ 3.浪费能源____________________ 4.我们的手机 _______________ 5.小心地滑___________________ 6.中国新年_________________ 7.下周 _________________8.theirplansforChristmas____________ 9.reusewater_________10.makeasentencewith“cake”_______ ______ 11.saveenergy___________12.messyanddirty________________ ____ 13.protecttheEarth_____________14.WorldEnvironment______ _____ 三、选择。(12分) ()1.Mymother_____alotofthingsforNewYearsDayyesterday.

A.saw B.bought C.went ()2.It’sthe23thofDecember._______iscoming. A.Helloween B.Easter C.Christmas ()3.Heleniswritingemails_____herfriends. A.for B.to C.of ()4.Whatdothesigns_____?Thesigns_____“Noparking”. A.means,means B.mean,means C.mean,mean ()5.Heis_____hisbooks.He______itforhislesson. A.lookfor,bring B.lookingfor,brought C.lookingfor,brings ()6.Inthelibrary,weshouldnot______________. A.becareful B.eatordrink C.readbooks ()7._______ChineseNewYear’sEve,https://www.360docs.net/doc/475895295.html, A.In B.At C.On ()8.Thereisnot______coaloroilonearth.Weshouldsaveenergy. A.many B.any C.much ()9.Mikelikes______inthecity,butI________. A.living;can’t B.lives;don’t C.living;don’t ()10.Theweatherbecame_____and______. A.wind;cloudy B.wind;cloudy C.windy;cloudy ()11.EarthDayisonthe__________. A.5thofJune B.22thofApril C.5thofJuly



新版P E P小学六年级英语上册单词表Unit 1 Science 科学/ ′saiEns/ sci知→知识,-ence表示抽象名词;’系统的知识” Museum 博物馆/ mju:′ziEm/ muse-词根:艺术,艺术品,Muse-缪斯女神。-um 表示地点名称的字尾 post office 邮局post(邮递)office(办公室;营业处)Bookstore 书店/ ′bukstR:/ store(商店) Cinema 电影院/ ′sinEmE/ 联想记忆:此(ci)处影院太糟糕,遭到哪(ne)吒的痛骂(ma)。see a film 看电影 Hospital 医院/ ′hRspitEl/ hospit表示“客人”;al名词后缀,表示地方Crossing 十字路口/ ′krRsiN/ cross(n. 交叉,十字) Turn 转弯/ tE:n/ 联想记忆:兔(tu)耳(r)能turn(转动)Left 左/ left/ lift(举起)loft(阁楼) Straight 笔直地/ streit/ str(词根:拉扯,拉紧) Right 右/ rait/ light(光)night(夜晚)might(力量)Ask 问/ B:sk/ mask(面具)cask(木桶) Sir (对男子的礼貌称 呼)先生 / sE:/ Interesting 有趣的/ ′intristiN/ inter(埋)rest(休息)interest(兴趣,爱好) Italian 意大利的/ i′tAljEn/ Restaurant 餐馆/ ′restErRN/ 联想:在饭店休息(rest)时看见,一(a) 油桶(u象形)让蚂蚁(ant)爬满 Pizza 比萨饼/ ′pi:tsE/ Street 大街;街道/ stri:t/ 联想:绿化的街道(street),两旁都是树(tree) Get 到达/ get/ GPS 全球(卫星)定位系统 Gave (give的过去式) 提供;交给 / geiv/ Feature 特点/ ′fi:tFE/ feat(做)+ure(构成抽象名词)→做事的状态→做事特征。 Follow 跟着/ ′fRlEu/ 联想:fo=佛,ll=理论,o=噢,w=万,可联


六年级英语测试卷(60分钟,100分) 一、Listen and choose,听音,选出你听到句子中含有的单词,听2遍。(10分) ( ) 1.A.crossing B.cinema https://www.360docs.net/doc/475895295.html,ic ( ) 2.Aplane B.postcard C.poem ( ) 3.A.bookstore B.bike C.bus ( ) 4.A.space B.stop C.ship ( ) 5.A.lesson B.left C.let 二、Read and choose the right answer (单项选择)(20分) ( ) 1. — ___ can I go to Shanghai? —You can go by plane. A. What B. Where C. How ( ) 2. Does your mother wash clothes? A. Yes, she doesn’t. B. Yes, he does. C. No, she doesn’t. ( ) 3. In China, drivers drive on the ___ side of the road. A. left B. right C. two ( ) 4. _I’m ill _You should__________ A. See a film B. Go to school C. See a doctor ( ) 5. I want to buy some books. So I can go to the ___ . A. bookstore B. shoe store C. pet shop ( ) 6. What does Tom do? A. Tom goes to school. B. Tom is a boy. C. Tom is a teacher. ( ) 7. How does he go to school? A. On feet. B. By foot. C. On foot. ( ) 8.He is a worker.Where does he work? A.His hobby is painting. B. He works in a factory C. He is a singer. ( ) 9. It’s late. Let’s go _____ together. A. to home B. home C. school ( ) 10. Tom’s mother teaches English. What does his mother do? A.She is a policewoman. B. She is a teacher. C. She goes to work by car. 三、Put the words in right order (连词成句) (10分) 1. do How you to go school ( ? ) 2. You take can deep a breath( . )


六年级英语第一、二单元测试题班级___姓名___分数__ 一、读一读,选出划线部分读音不同的一项。(10分) ()1.A.beatB.teamC.peak ()2.A.pictureB.bikeC.pig ()3.A.blueB.mustC.bus ()4.A.appleB.trafficC.play ()5.A.rainB.trainC.pair 二、根据图片写短语。(14分) 三、读一读,填空。(10分) 1.___________ataredlight 2.___________atagreenlight 3.___________atayellowlight 5.Whenwegobycar,wemustobey(遵守)the_______________. 四、选择最佳答案。(10分) ()1.当你建议和朋友一起去动物园的时候,你应该说: A.Let’sgotothezoo. B.Howdoyougotothezoo? C.Whereisthezoo? ()2.当你问别人乘怎样的交通工具去北京时,你应该说:

A.Let’sgotoBeijingbycar. B.HowdoyougotoBeijing? C.DoyougotoBeijingbycar? ()3.你告诉别人坐15路公共汽车去公园时,应该说: A.YoucangobytheNo.15bus. B.Youcangobybus. C.Youcangobysubway. ()4.当你询问别人怎样去Australia时,应该说: A.DoyougotoAustraliabyplane? B.HowdoyougotoAustralia? C.WhereisAustralia? ()5.当你想问别人‘‘我能步行去吗’’应说: A.CanIgoonfoot? B.HowdoyougotoShanghai? C.HowcanIgettoZhengzhou. ()6.LittleJacksometimesgoeshome_____foot. A.by B.atC,on ()7.Iliveonthe_____floor. A.five B.fifth C.fiveth ()8.Yellowlightmeans‘‘______’’ A.Go B.Stop C.Wait ()9._______canIgettothezoo?


第一学期期末测试 六年级英语试卷 姓名: 听力(30分)笔试(70分)总分 题号分值一 10 二 10 三四 1010 五 10 六 10 七 20 八 10 九 10100 得分 听力部分 一、听录音,选图画。(每题2分,共10分) 根据录音内容,选出相应的图画,将图画的标号写在提前括号内(每小题读2遍) ()1、 A B ()2、 A B 1513 ()3、 A B ()4、 A B ()5、 A B 二、听录音,排顺序(每题2分,共10分) 根据所听句子的先后顺序,给下面图画排序,将图片的序号写在图下括号内(每小题读2遍)

()()()()() 三、听录音,写单词(每题2分,共10分) 根据听到的对话内容,把所缺的单词填在横线上,补全对话(对话读两遍) Amy:How can I g e t t o the Wall Street? Mike:Maybe that way.I am no t. Amy:Is the Wall Street here? Mike:The Wall Street?Y ou are walking the wrong way.Y ou take the No.8t o go there. Amy:Thank you! Mike:You’re welcome. 笔试部分 四、图文配伍(每题2分,共10分) 根据下面对话内容选出相应的图片,将图片的标号填写在提前的括号内。 A B C D E ()1.----How do you usually visit your grandparents? ----I usually visit my grandpar ents by plane,because their home is far from here. ()2.----What are you going to do this afternoon? ----W e are going t o the hospital to see our math teacher. ()3.----What’s your hobby?Do you like dancing? ----No,bu t I like acting.I want to be an actor in the future. ()4.----what d o e s your father do? ----He is an artist.He likes painting very much. ()5.----Does your pen pal r ead newspapers after lunch? ----Y es,he does. 五、情景对话(每题2分,共10分) 根据A栏的问题,从B栏中选择合适的答案,将其标号写在提前的括号内。 A ()1.Does your mother teach English? ()2.How can I g e t t o the Zhongshan Park? ()3.Where is the cinema,please? ()4.How do you do that?


六年级上册英语期末综合素质能力测评 听力部分(20分) 一、听音,将你听到的单词或词组前的字母写在括号里。(5分) ()1、A. GPS B. Germany C. gym ()2、A. amazing B. quickly C. comic ()3、A. feature B. ferry C. fast ()4、A. university B. gym C. space ()5、A. ask B. join C. use 二、听音。根据图片提示,按你听到的顺序将句子补充完整。(10分) 1、Mike is ______________________________. 2、They are ______________________________. 3、Chen Jie is ______________________________. 4、Wu Yifan is ______________________________. 5、I am ______________________________. 三、听问句,找答句。将你听到的问句前的序号写在对应的答句前的括号里。(5分)( ) It’s over there. ( ) I often go by subway. ( ) I’m going to draw some pictures. ( ) Yes, he does. ( ) She is a head teacher. 笔试部分(80分) 四、连词成句。(注意大小写和标点符号)(10分) 1. are, what, going, you, do, to, tomorrow (?) _____________________________________________________________________ 2. to, have, an, I am going, lesson, art (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 3. hobbies,are,what,your(?) _____________________________________________________________________ 4. does,Dad, now,how, feel(?) _____________________________________________________________________ 5. has,very,life,he, a healthy (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 五、情景识别,填代号。(10分) ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. A. His father goes to work by subway. B. My father is a teacher in a school. C. Their grandpa reads newspapers every day. D. Jack always goes to the cinema. E. His sister likes playing the violin. 六.根据图片和句子内容提示,将下面的句子补充完成。(10分) 1题图2题图3题图 1、My father is a ___________. 2、My mother is a _______________. 3、My sister is a _____________.
