
第 2010-293-001 号)。
裴小革,经济系博士生导师。1956 年 10 月出生于北京市。现为中国社会科学院经
资料来源育明教育官网:(考博分校) 考博考试信息、辅导课程可咨询育明教育考博分校
育明 考博分校 资料来源: 考博资料、辅导课程 咨询育明考博刘老师
项目《中国近代经济史》1937-1949 卷副主编。主持院级课题《抗战前中国产业经济发 展状况研究》、《中国经济史学数据库》等项目,现担任院创新工程《我国初期工业化》 首席研究员。已发表《民国时期经济政策的沿袭与变异》(2006 年)、《民族工业发展史 话》(2000 年、2011 年)等个人专著,发表了《官产官业处置、收归国有取向与民初经 济政策》(1998 年)等数十篇学术论文。《民国时期经济政策的沿袭与变异》获 2009 年 经济所优秀科研成果奖一等奖,2010 年中国社会科学院优秀成果奖(专著)三等奖。
育明 考博分校 资料来源: 考博资料、辅导课程 咨询育明考博刘老师
中国社会科学院经济系考博真题导师分数线内部资料 一、专业的设置、招生人数及考试科目
院系ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
(招生人数) (招生人数)
401 经济系 (14)
①1001 英语
01 经济增长与资本形成
资料来源育明教育官网:(考博分校) 考博考试信息、辅导课程可咨询育明教育考博分校
育明 考博分校 资料来源: 考博资料、辅导课程 咨询育明考博刘老师

三、论述题(40 二选一)1、对财政政策和货币政策的四种政策组合和运用环境进行评述。

中国社会科学院考博历年真题 经济学原理2001


2、从生产作业管理(operations management)角度分析如何提高中国制造业的劳动生产率和竞争优势。

1.消费者剩余(Consumer Surplus)
2.资本有机构成(Organic Composition of Capital)
3.规模收益递增(Increasing returns to scale)
4.边际技术替代率(Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution)
5.风险规避系数(Risk Aversion Coefficient)
6.持久收入假说(Permanent Income Hypothesis)


中国社会科学院《经济学原理》历年真题——1999年经济学原理试题一、概念解释(每题5分)价值资本积累两大部类级差地租Ⅰ通货紧缩恩格尔系数M1 外贸依存度二、简答。
——2000年经济学原理试题一、概念解释(共40分,每题4分)社会必要劳动资本积累第Ⅱ大部类社会主义生产目的GDP 边际消费倾向M2 机会成本生产成本生产函数帕雷托最优二、简答题(共30分,每题10分)1.简述马克思劳动价值论的基本原理。
——2001年经济学原理试题一、简答题(共40分,每题10分)1、产业资本循环的阶段和职能2、社会主义市场经济体制的基本框架3、利润率最大化的条件4、通货膨胀的基本类型二、论述题(3题中任选两题,每题30分)1、市场失灵的主要表现及其校正措施2、应用宏观经济调控的基本原理,分析我国近两年宏观经济政策的特征3、应用现代公司治理结构原理分析我国国有企业的公司化改造——2002年经济学原理试题一、概念解释(每题4分,共28分)社会主义市场经济劳动的二重性资本有机构成边际效用需求弹性市场失灵GNP折算(缩减)指数二、简答题(每题14分,共42分)1、以宏观经济学中的总需求决定论说明扩大政府采购的作用2、试论述社会总资本扩大再生产的实现条件3、作图说明垄断企业的产品价格和产量如何决定三、论述题(选一题,30分)1、比较说明:马克思与西方经济学分别怎样解释市场上的产品价格如何决定?2、马克思如何以劳动价值论来说明资本主义社会国民收入的分配?他的观点与西方经济学中的收入分配理论有何不同?——2003年经济学原理试题一、概念辨析(每题14分,共70分)1、经济学和政治经济学2、价值和生产价格3、资本集中和资本积累4、机会成本和边际成本5、经济增长和经济发展二、论述题(每题40分,共80分)1、谈谈经济学中的静态分析、比较静态分析和动态分析2、西方经济学中的失业理论和我国现阶段的就业问题——2004年经济学原理试题一、名词解释30分绝对剩余价值级差地租II 资本原始积累恩格尔定理无差异曲线二、简答题50分A垄断条件下利润平均化规律会发生那些变化?B浅析规模经济与范围经济的关系!三、论述题70分A生产要素按贡献参与分配的依据及其意义!B论公平与效率的关系!——2005年经济学原理考试试题一、名词解释:每题6分边际效用对剩余价值有效需求自然失业率虚拟资本二、简答题,每题20分1、产业资本循环实现条件是什么?2、完全竞争与不完全竞争的区别和联系?3、IS-LM模型中的产品市场和货币市场实现均衡的机制是什么?三、论述题,每题30分1、产权、产权制度对市场经济发展的意义2、在社会主义市场经济条件下市场机制和宏观调控的关系——2006年经济学原理试题一、名词解释(共30分,每题6分。

2005年一、名词解释(每题5分,共20分,答案每题不能少于30字)1、环比价格指数(chain price index)2、萨谬尔森均衡(Samuelson Equilibrium)3、铸币税(Seigniorage)4、试验经济学(Experimental economics)二、简答(每题10分,共20分,答案不少于300字)1、新古典宏观经济学与新凯恩斯主义经济学的基本理论有哪些主要区别?2、简述比较优势原理的基本要点。

(5分)二、设一个厂商使用几种投入n>2,对于一个既定的产出水平,关于要素价格变化△W i和要素变化△X i,显示的成本最小化原理导出什么不等式?(5分)三、假定有两家厂商,他们面临的是线性需求曲线P(Y)=a-bY,每家厂商的边际成本不变为C,是求古诺均衡情况下的产量。

中国社会科学院考博数量经济与技术经济系数量经济学专业经济政策计量分析方向真题导师分数线内部资料一、专业的设置、招生人数及考试科目院系(招生人数)专业(招生人数)研究方向导师考试科目405数量经济与技术经济(11)020209数量经济学(6)01经济政策计量分析李雪松①1001英语②2001经济学原理③3043数量经济学二、导师介绍李雪松系博士生导师,1970年9月生于江苏省,任数量经济与技术经济研究所副所长,数量经济学专业,1999年,中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所副研究员;2000年7-10月,在荷兰经济政策分析局进行中国加入WTO经济效应的模拟研究;2001年12月-2003年3月,在美国芝加哥大学经济系进行应用经济计量学方面的访问研究(合作教授:2000年诺贝尔奖得主James J.Heckman教授);2003年,中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所经济模型研究室副主任;2005年,中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所经济模型研究室主任;2006年,中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所研究员,中国社会科学院研究生院教授。


论述题:对经 济学理论或现 象进行深入分 析,分值占比
计算题:经济 学模型或数据 的计算与分析,
分值占比约 20%
案例分析题: 结合实际案例 分析经济学原 理或政策,分 值占比约10%
难度:社科院考博经济学真题难度较大,主要考察考生对经济学理论和实践的深入 理解及综合运用能力。
交流与分享:参加备考交流会、 与考友分享经验、互相鼓励支持
题目:论述发展中国家如何实现经济赶超。 答案:发展中国家可以通过制定合适的 经济政策、加强基础设施建设、促进技术创新和人才培养等措施,实现经济赶超。
答案:发展中国家可以通过制定合适的经济政策、加强基础设施建设、促进 技术创新和人才培养等措施,实现经济赶超。
题目:分析发展中国家在经济发展过程中面临的主要挑战。 答案:发展中国家在经济发展 过程中面临的主要挑战包括资源短缺、环境压力、人口增长、贫困和不平等等问题。
社科院考博经 济学真题备考 资料推荐
真题来源:社科院考博经济 学真题主要来源于历年考试 真题和模拟试题
获取方式:可以通过购买、 下载或在线学习平台获取社 科院考博经济学真题
简答题:简述 经济学原理或 概念,分值占
《宏观经济学》作者:曼 昆
《政治经济学教程》作者: 宋涛
《西方经济学》作者:高 鸿业
经济学经典教材: 曼昆《经济学原 理》、萨缪尔森 《经济学》等

中国社会科学院研究生院 2001 博士研究生入学考试英语试题

中国社会科学院研究生院 2001 博士研究生入学考试英语试题Part ⅠVocabulary (15 points)Section ADirections:Choose the word that is the closest synonym to the underlined word.1.Totally perplexed by the first question on the exam,he passed on to the second.A.relieved by B.satisfied with C.confused by D.sated with2.To the growing perturbation of the unions,the Ministry of Labour has been pressing for a stringent income policy.A.satisfaction B.disappointment C.relief D.anxiety3.Adages are frequently mutually antagonistic:witness,“ignorance breeds prejudice” and “familiarity breeds contempt.”A.is at the heart of B.multiplies C.worsens D.generates4.His mother's scolding pierced him to the quick.A.froze him completely B.shamed him enormouslyC.hurt him to the core D.stuck in his craw5.This year's sterling depreciation,only a few aver,has no impact On the economy at large.A.increase in value B.fall in value C.lack of use D.drastic change6.How valiant that general who prosecutes a war with vigor!A.brings to trial B.wages C.praises D.condemns7.Management was not acting in good faith when it alleged that worker's wages would have to be cut for the company to remain solvent.A.prosperous B.out of debt C.productive D.out of trouble8.The new military junta suppressed dissent.A.initiated B.quashed B.supported D.reinstated9.To cream a circuit,a conducting wire is attached to an electric cell at one end,and to an electric outlet at the other.A.battery B.faucet C.socket D.appliance10.The former Soviet state of Georgia today exhibits a diversified economy.A.a multifaceted B.a sagging C.a dissolving D.an improved11.The Mayor asked the city council to recommend potential programs for the benefit of the indigent.A.transient B.unemployed C.homeless D.needy12.He wears strange clothes,talks to himself,and appears unkempt.Is it any wonder his neighbors view him as an eccentric?A.a crank B.cuckoo C.an anchorite D.unconventional13.So engrossed was the detective in considering the evidence that he completely forgot where he was.A.wrapped up B.impressed C.disinvolved D.impatient14.Disastrous forest fires are quite often caused by simple carelessness:a dropped butt ignites dead leaves.A.enflames B.burns C.lights D.blackens15.The reciprocal hatred between various members of different races underlies the difficulty of integration in the United States.A.hidden B.profound C.mutual D.racialSection BDirections:Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.16 .Having discovered the shadiness in which her employers were involved ,sheimmediately________ her connection with them.A.converted B.severed C.improved D.realized17.An important customer may resent being________ by an assistant rather than by the boss.A.condescended to B.devoted to C.attended to D.conformed to18.The antique silver________ the beautifully set table.A.complemented B.implemented C.augmented D.complimented19.He spends his time in________ complaints rather than acting.A.fragile B.fertile C.frangible D.futile20.She________ because she found the journal interesting.A.subscribed B.prescribed C.described D.inscribed21.It is in the chairman of the board's interest,before a meeting,to________ with the directorsabout sensitive matters.A.confer B.contend C.conspire D.consort22.Complacency towards ecological balance (“It can't happen here!”) has resulted in a numberof________.A.damages B.wastes C.catastrophes D.dangers23.The village lies over the mountain and is________ only by boat.A.acceeded to B.available C.accessible D.obtainable24.A nation-wide service was announced to________ the sacrifice made by the heroes of thewar.A.memorize B.commemorate C.award D.reward25.The doctor pondered for a while,trying to recall which of several medications would be bestto________ the patient's suffering.A.alleviate B.restrict C.decrease D.diminish26.The volume knob,if turned toward the left,will________ the sound.A.magnify B.enlarge C.amplify D.reinforce27.Having reached the top of the hill,we were appalled to find the path________ precipitously.A.departed B.decreased C.descended D.derailed28.Often considered in common thought as________,language,culture,and personality are in fact inseparable.A.indistinct paradigms B.separate reasonsC.irreplaceable concepts D.independent entities29.Based on economic studies,it seems possible to forecast that a recession may________ adepression.A.imply B.indicate C.symbolize D.precede30.The speech consisted of________ phrases,well-chosen imagery,and amusing rhetorical flourishes.A.suitable B.selected C.apt D.fitPart ⅡGrammar (15 points)Section ADirections:Choose the answer that best fills in the blank.31.Before Columbus set sail on his first voyage of discovery,many pooh-poohed his chances,and were unwilling to________ on his chances of success.A.make bets B.make the bet C.make a bets D.make bet32.Although her research topic had been approved by her thesis advisor,the library persistedin________ the documents.A.its denial for access B.deny her access toC.denying her access to D.denying her access for33.Their differences were urnreconcilable:they had no alternative________ the law to settle the dispute between them.A.but going to B.but to go C.but go to D.but invoking34.________,water is composed of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen.A.As is known B.As be knownC.As known D.Which is known35.It is imperative that he________ full charge of the joint project.A.take B.taking C.took D.takes36.He________ leave her than a child would abandon a favorite plaything.A.would no more B.would rather C.will no longer D.may no more37.The radio was of________ quality that I took it back and asked for a better one.A.such the infeaior B.such a inferior C.so an inferior D.such inferior38.He goes shopping so frequently not because he is rich,but because he enjoys________ politely.A.speaking B.being spoken to C.being spoken D.speaking to39.Eighteenth-century statesmen were totally convinced that war could be used as________ settling disputes.A.a mean to B.a means for C.some means for D.means for40.She does not believe that he is________ the honor accorded him.A.worth of B.worth C.worthy of D.worthy41.Few of the young realize what feats lie________ them.A.in the store for B.in store for C.waiting D.awaiting for42.Reading________ the mind________ food is to the body.A.is for...is as B.as...is asC.is to..._______what D.what is...is as43.Obviously,he decided not to say anything about it because he hoped to________.A.keep it as a secret B.keep it to be a secretC.keep it a secret D.keep it being a secret44.She was slated to present an abstract of her thesis at the national convention,and so spent the holiday________.A.touching on it B.touching it upC.touching it D.touching it down45.Greeley's injunction “Go West,young man!” resulted in a massive migration of population,with people occupying land________ no one held title of ownership and that had yet to be sold.A.to which B.that C.which D.of whichSection BDirections:Choose the letter that indicates the error in the sentence.46.Now,as our urban areas sink ever deeper into drug-produced crime,death from the illic it useof unregulated and dangerous drugs following death,that becomes vital for the parents,teachers,C Dand advisors of our youth to have as wide an understanding of these problems as possible.47.It was musingly noted that the major reason why the English colonized so much of the worldAwas that,no matter what weather conditions they met abroad,they had already experiencedB Csomething like it at home.D48.I like sculptors,modern painters were influced by primitive,and ancient art,whichA B Cdemonstrated in the works of the Gaugin and Rousseau.D49.The moon may be considered a world that is complete in itself yet utterly dead,a sterile,mountainous waste on which during the day the sun blazes down with great heat,but on whichA Bduring the night the cold is so intense that it far surpasses anything ever experiencing on the earth.C D50.It is often the result with new ideas,a great deal of frantic activity and optimistic forecastingA B Cproduce no discernible results.D51.By definition,a discount store offers standard merchandises at prices lower than those of moreA Bconventional merchants.It is able to do so by accepting a lower profit margin,by purchasingat higher volume,and by paying workers less.C D52.In the digestive process,food is initially processed in the stomach,with its nutrient valueApassing into the bloodstream.Alcohol,however,is highly unusual so that some 20 percent entersB C Dthe bloodstream directly from the stomach,having bypassed the digestive process.53.The clothes you wear do not serve only a pure practical function.They speak volumes about theA Bway you view your personality,your state of mind,your social status,and even your aspirations and dreams.C D54.The greatest utility,of an education lies not so much in teaching one information rather than inA B Cteaching one how to deal with the information acquired.D55.The obstacles Nancy Kerrigan faced as she strove to win the Olympic ice skating medal atALikehamma in 1944 form the kind of story about whom a fascinating novel might be written.56.It is on occasion the manner in which a person expresses the thought rather than the actualA Bwords which tells us whether the speaker is serious or not.C D57.The Quebecois,partly because of language,and partly because of religion,have long been consideringA Bto separate themselves from the rest of the Canadian provinces.C D58.Despite the President wrote a conciliatory letter deploring the incident,the press was adamantA B Cin continuing its condemnation.D59.Acids constitute a family of chemical compounds that,in solution,have the ability to turnA Bcertain blue vegetable dyes red,a corrosive action on metals,and taste sharp.C D60.Well over three-fourths of that book on noted British writers are about authors who wroteA B Cduring the nineteenth century.DPart ⅢCloze Test (10 points)Directions:Choose the word that best completes the meaning.It was a foolish question to ask.It 61 more sense for me to have learned if she had 62 or a point of view,but it was 63 for that now and I supposed that the 64 Relations Office had 65 her before granting the interview.I didn't have time this week to read 66 pieces about corporate rainmakers and their golden parachutes or women at midtown law firms 67 six times my salary but whining about breaking the 68 ceiling.“Won't waste your time,”she 69 .“If the details on your 70 are accurate and the articles Laura 71 me have correct background,we won't have to 72 that.”I 73 in approval.She was obviously a 74 ,and an intelligent one 75 .It was always 76 to sit for a 77 when the questioner spent the first hour asking what schools I had 78 ,how long 79 ,and whether I liked my job.“Is it all right 80 you if we start with some information about the Sex Crimes Prosecution Unit?”“I'd like that,”I replied.61.A.made B.would make C.would have made D.would be62.A.a fish to fry B.a nut to crack C.a song to sing D.an axe to grind63.A.still late B.too late C.so late D.past64.A Common B.Financial C.Local D.Public65.A.vetted B.called C.connected with D.contacted with66.A.rushed B.windy C.puff D.blowing67.A.taking B.making C.slaving for D.losing68.A.plastered B.glass C.fragile D.limited69.A.rambled B.carried on C.lectured D.went on70.A.application B.curriculum vitae C.report D.folder71.A.phoned B.faxed C.had phoned D.had faxed72.A.re-paint B.remix C.re-write D.rehash73.A.trembled B.grimaced C.smiled D.winked74.A.girl B.pro C.tyro D.mogul75.A.at that B.at this C.to reboot D.added76.A.agreeable B.instructive C.impatient D.aggravating77.A.photo B.portrait C.profile D.sketch78.A.attended B.matriculated C.enrolled D.preferred79.A.I had worked B.did I work C.was I working D.would I work80.A.for B.to C.according to D.withPart ⅣReading Comprehension (30 points)Directions:Answer all questions based on the information in the passages below.Passage 1Early that June Pius XII secretly addressed the Sacred College of Cardinals on theextermination of the Jews.“Ev ery word We address to the competent authority on this subject,andall Our public utterances,”he said in explanation of his reluctance to express more open condemnation,“have to be carefully weighed and measured 15 by us in the interest of the victims themselves,lest,contrary to Our intentions,We make their situation worse and harder to bear.”He did not add that another' reason for proceeding cautiously was that he regarded Bolshevism as afar greater danger than Nazism.The position of the Holy See was deplorable but it was an offense of omission rather than commission.The Church,under the Pope's guidance,had already saved the lives of more Jewsthan all other churches,religious institutions,and rescue organizations combined,and was presently hiding thousands of Jews in monasteries,convents,and Vatican City itself.The recordof the Allies was far more shameful.The British and Americans,despite lofty pronouncements,had not only avoided taking any meaningful action but gave sanctuary to few persecutedJews .The Moscow Declaration of that year—signed by Roosevelt ,Churchill ,and Stalin—methodically listed Hitler's victims as Polish,Italian,French,Dutch,Belgian,Norwegian,Soviet,and Cretan.The curious omission of Jews (a policy emulated by the U. S. Office of War Information) was protested vehemently but uselessly by the World Jewish Congress.By thesimple expedient of converting the Jews of Poland into Poles,and so on,the Final Solution waslost in the Big Three's general classification of Nazi terrorism.Contrasting with their reluctance to face the issue of systematic Jewish extermination was the forthrightness and courage of the Danes,who defied German occupation by transporting toSweden almost every one of their 6,500 Jews;of the Finns,allies of Hitler,who saved all but four of their 4,000 Jews;and of the Japanese,another ally,who provided refuge in Manchuria for some 5,000 wandering European Jews in recognition of financial aid given by the Jewish firm of Kuhn,Loeb & Company during the Russian—Japanese War of 1904—1905.1.“We,Our” and “Us” in the first paragraph refer to________.A.Pius XII himselfB.Plus XII and the College of CardinalsC.an unknown groupD.something that cannot be determined by the text2.“The Allies” refers to________.A.Britain,the Soviet Union,and the U. S. A.B.the Polish,Italians,etcC.the JewsD.something that cannot be determined by the text3.The actions of the British and the Americans,as contrasted to the actions of the Church,may be illustrated by which of the following?A.There's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip.B.A stitch in time saves nine.C.All say and no do.D.What goes around comes around.4.The U. S. Office of War Information________.A.eschewed the policy mentioned B.emasculated the policy mentionedC.aped the policy mentioned D.did none of the above5.“The Final Solution” refers to________.A.the extermination of the JewsB.the answer to the problem of war in generalC.a mathematical problemD.none of the above6.“Their” in paragraph 3,line 1,refers to the________.A.Jews B.Poles,and so on C.Big Three D.DanesPassage 2Between the invention of agriculture and the commercial revolution that marked the end ofthe middle ages,wealth and technology developed slowly indeed.Medieval historians tell of the centuries it took for key inventions like the watermill or the heavy plow to diffuse across the landscape.During this period,increases in technology led to increases in the population,with little if any appearing as an improvement in the median standard of living.Even t he first century of the industrial revolution produced more “improvements” than “revolutions” in standards of living.With the railroad and the spinning and weaving of textiles as important exceptions,most innovations of that period were innovations in how goods were produced and transported and in new kinds of capital,but not in consumer goods.Standards of living improved,but styles of life remained much the same.The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries saw a faster and different kind of change.For thefirst time,technological capability outran population growth and natural resource scarcity.By the last quarter of the nineteenth century,the typical inhabitant of the leading economies—a Briton,a Belgian,an American,or an Australian had perhaps three times the standard of living of someone in a pre-industrial economy.Still,so slow was the pace of change that people,or at least aristocratic intellectuals,couldthink of their predecessors of some two thousand years before as effectively their contemporaries.Marcus Tullius Cicero,a Roman aristocrat and politician,might have felt moreor less at home in the company of Thomas Jefferson.The plows were better in Jefferson's time.Sailing ships were much improved.However,these might have been insufficient to createa sense of a qualitative change in the order of life for the elite.Moreover,being a slave of Jefferson was probably a lot like being a slave of Cicero.So slow was the pace of change that intellectuals in the early nineteenth century debatedwhether the industrial revolution was worthwhile ,whether it was an improvement or a degeneration in the standard of living.Opinions were genuinely divided,with as optimistic a liberal as John Stuart Mill coming down on the “pessimist” side as late as the end of the 1840s.In the twentieth century,however,standards of living exploded.In the twentieth century,the magnitude of the growth in material wealth has been so great as to make it nearly impossibleto measure.Consider a sample of consumer goods available through Montgomery Ward in 1895—when a one-speed bicycle cost $65.Since then,the price of a bicycle measured in “nominal” dollars has more than doubled (as a result of inflation).Today,the bicycle is much less expensive in terms of the measure that truly counts,its “real” price:the work and sweat needed to earn its cost.In 1895,it took perhaps 260 hours' worth of the average American worker's production to amass enough money to buy a one-speed bicycle.Today an average American worker can buy one—and of higher quality—for less than 8 hours worth of production.On the bicycle standard (measuring wealth by counting up how many bicycles the labor canbuy) the average American worker today is 36 times richer than his or her counterpart was in 1895.Other commodities would tell a different story.An office chair has become 12.5 times cheaper in terms of the time it takes the average worker to produce enough to pay for it.A Steinway piano or an accordion is only twice as cheap.A silver teaspoon is 25 percent more expensive.Thus t he answer to the question “How much wealthier are we today than our counterparts ofa century ago?” depends on which commodities you view as important.For many personal services—having a butler to answer the door and polish your silver spoons—you would find little difference in average wealth between 1895 and 1990:an hour of a butler's time costs about the same then as now.For mass-produced manufactured goods—like bicycles—we are wealthier by as much as 36 times.7.In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries upper-class intellectuals________.A.believed that they were very much the same as their equals some two thousand years before B.probably thought that great changes had occurred since CiceroC.felt that qualitative changes had occurred in the last two thousand yearsD.believed in the efficacy of slavery8.In the nineteenth century________.A.worthwhile,visible change occurred as a result of the Industrial RevolutionB.scholars such as John Stuart Mills felt the Industrial Revolution was a negative forceC.led to widespread degenerative behavior in urban conglomeratesD.none of the above9.A bicycle today,generally speaking,________.A.requires more work and sweat because fewer people work to produce itB.is comparatively less in real price than a bicycle in the nineteenth centuryC.needs to be considered in terms of “nominal” costsD.is cheaper in America than any other western country10.Commodities in the twentieth century________.A.are impossible to compare across centuriesB.are more expensive than the nineteenth centuryC.are cheaper than they were in the nineteenth centuryD.need to be measured by comparing upper-class essentials such as having a butler11.The sentence “Moreover,being a slave of Jefferson was probably a lot like being a slave of Cicero”________.A.shows that the author believes that slaves were commoditiesB.reveals that lower class people in the nineteenth century were really slavesC.reinforces the idea that the quality of life really had not changed much over the centuries D.comments on the long-lasting effects of slavery from Roman times12.A suitable title for this passage might be________.A.The Tempo and Temper of ChangeB.The Steadily Increasing Rate of ChangeC.An Explosion of Material WealthD.Improving the Standards of Living for AllPassage3Scholars often seem to operate on the assumption that any analysis with a rosy outlooksimply does not adequately understand the matter at hand.Ecotourism researchers have not been derelict in this regard,as the literature review earlier showed.All the researchers who have looked at Capirona's project,however,have been impressed by its grassroots nature and are optimistic about its potential as eco-development (Colvin 1994;Wesche 1993;Silver 1992).All of these researchers,however,visited the community in its early years of operation.As mentioned previously,recent,non-scholarly reports are less positive.Thus there remains some doubt as to the long-term viability of even such a model of indigenous ecotourism development as Capirona.This study originally proposed to study Capirona's project,but that community was wear of such research visits and refused a request to carry out the study there.Palo Blaneo,though completing only its first year of ecotourism development was chosen as an alternate site.Perhaps it should not be surprising that the prospects for ecotourism in,Palo Blanco appear,as they did in Capirona quite bright.Ecotourism development efforts differ from mainstream development efforts in that,asidefrom start-up loans,much or all of the continuing financial support comes from tourists rather than from governments or development agencies.As a result,the two main players in any ecotourism endeavor—the hosts and the guests—are driven by differing motivations.The local population hopes to improve its own lot by taking advantage of the curiosity,disposable income,and in some cases,perhaps,good intentions of ecotourists.The tourists want to “explore the natural wonders of the world,”whether that be a wildebeest migration across the Serenget i or the march ofleaf-cutter ants across the jungle floor (Ryan and Grasse 1991:166).In contrast to mass tourism,ecotourism permits tourists to seek educational self-fulfillment inthe form of travel,and tries to transform that activity into something that benefits the greater good—specifically,to fund environmental preservation,rural development,and even cultural survival.However,in order to satisfy everyone—tourists,environmentalists,tour operators and the local hosts ,ecotourism must bring into aliganment a variety of contradictory purposes.Ecotourism promotes feelings among tourists that they are part of the solution when,in fact,the very act of flying a thousand miles or more to their destination consumes resources and pollutes the environment (cf.Somerville 1994).The beauty of ecotourism is that it can exploit this egotistic motivation;the flaw is that it is forever limited by it.Even a brief foray into development literature ,however ,shows that flawed conceptualizations are the rule,not the exception.As development,ecotourism may be no more inchoate than any other approach,and in some ways it is as progressive as any theory.For example,ecotourism twin development goals—conserving the environment and benefiting local peoples—are increasingly seen ,both within and outside of tourism circles ,asinterdependent.Without economic development,many argue that environmental conservation is neither ethical nor sustainable (Boo 1990:1;West and Brechin 1992:14,Brandon and Wells 1992).Such conservation can b e achieved only by “providing local people with alternative income sources which do not threaten to deplete the plants and animals within the protected zone”(Brandon and Wells 1992:557).Most research on this issue,however,assumes that the protective regulations have been established by the government or another external agency.In Palo Blanco,however,the people themselves are already acting to protect their land.13.According to the author,scholars________.A.see life through rose-colored glassesB.should never give favorable reportsC.are expected to give only favorable response following their research and analysisD.seem to believe a favorable result to research missed the point14.Ecotourism relies on________.A.government aid exclusivelyB.local people and their donations of time and moneyC.initial loans at the beginning,followed by support from touristsD.government assistance through agencies and local disposable income15.The main contradiction raised in this text is that________.A.local people do not need outside touristsB.tourists who believe in ecotourism actually bring some measure of damage to the placesthey visitC.tourists are egotistical but do not want to beD.tourists do not want to spend money but the local people expect them to16.A study of the studies available on this topic shows that________.A.ecotourism is not like other projects that earn moneyB.the twin goals actually coincide with each otherC.the rule in the thinking about ecotourism is that the thinking is well putD.later studies and reports may differ from earlier studies17.The key to conserving the environment is________.A.economic self-relianceB.income for the local people that is independent of ecotourismC.ameliorating accessibilityD.all of the above18 .The expres sion “explore the natural wonders of the world” is in quotation marksbecause________.A.there are no specific natural wonders of the worldB.it is meant to bring attention to the use of the word “wonder”C.it is meant to be amusing in its comparison of a wildebeest to an antD.it is probably a quotation from Ryan and GrassePassage 4It is not forbidden to dream of building a better world,which is by and large what the social sciences try to help us to do.How to make cities more harmonious,reduce crime rates,improve welfare,overcome racism,increase our wealth—this is the stuff of social sciences.The trouble is that the findings of social sciences are often dismissed as being too theoretical,too ambitious or。

考试科目:《资本论》与社会主义经济理论科目代码:2001 考试时间:月日(注:特别提醒所有答案一律写在答题纸上,直接写在试题或草稿纸上的无效!)———————————————————————————————————————一.简答题1、马克思的劳动价值论与效用价值论比较。
考试科目:《资本论》与社会主义经济理论科目代码:2001 考试时间:月日(注:特别提醒所有答案一律写在答题纸上,直接写在试题或草稿纸上的无效!)———————————————————————————————————————一、简答题1、资本主义经济制度的根本缺陷?在生产资料所有制上,实行生产资料的资本家私有制;在分配上,资本家凭借资本所有权,通过绝对剩余价值生产与相对剩余价值生产,占有越来越多的剩余价值;资本主义私有制与社会大生产的矛盾使得资本主义经济的运行不可避免地要在经常发作的经济危机中循环。
3、我国建立社会主义经济制度的途径?1)没收官僚资本,建立社会主义全民所有制;2)和平赎买民族资本,壮大社会主义全民所有制3)改造个体私有制,建立社会主义劳动群众集体所有制二、论述题1、我国国民经济的五方面是如何协调发展?2、谈谈你对经济学的看法以及你对马克思“资本来到世间,从头到脚,每个毛孔都滴着血和肮脏的东西”的看法?(仅供参考)考试科目:《资本论》与社会主义经济理论科目代码:2001 考试时间:月日(注:特别提醒所有答案一律写在答题纸上,直接写在试题或草稿纸上的无效!)———————————————————————————————————————一.简答题1、马克思的货币理论及其现实意义。

理论联系实际:在回答问题时,要将所学的经济学原理与现实生活中的实际情况相结合,进 行深入的分析和阐述。
突出重点:在回答问题时,要突出重点,强调关键点,让阅卷老师能够快速地理解你的观点 和思路。
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考察内容:市场供需均衡理论 考察题型:简答题、论述题、计算题 考察重点:价格弹性、消费者行为、生产者行为等 解题思路:结合实际案例,运用所学理论进行分析和解释
2018年考博真题:多元回归分 析
2019年考博真题:时间序列分 析
2020年考博真题:面板数据分 析
2021年考博真题:计量经济学 模型选择与评估
国民收入核算:考察对国民收 入核算方法、核算指标及其相 互关系的理解。
宏观经济学概述:考察对宏观 经济学基本概念和理论的掌握 情况。
经济增长与经济发展:考察对 经济增长、经济发展基本理论
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《宏观经济学》作 者:曼昆
《微观经济学》作 者:平狄克
《经济学原理》作 者:萨缪尔森
《货币银行学》作 者:米什金
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1、环比价格指数(chain price index) S
2、萨谬尔森均衡(Samuelson Equilibrium)
4、试验经济学(Experimental economics) 5
1 无差异曲线
2 流动性陷阱(相对剩余价值)
3 菲利普斯曲线
4 资本有机构成
1 加速原理及其基本要点。
2 外延式粗放型经济增长与内涵式集约型经济增长的异同点
1 垄断资本主义特点“恰恰不是工业资本的统治,而是金融资本的统治”。
2 科学发展观的基本内涵及其实践意义。