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Unit 1Definition of advertising,types of advertising,advertising media,considerations in choosing media.广告的定义、类型,广告媒体(媒介),对选择媒体的考虑。

Unit 2 The four functions of money;cashless ways of dealing with money.钱的四个功能,非现金处理钱的方式。

Unit 3 The five steps in entering business in China.在中国进入业务的五个步骤。

Unit 4 The reasons why Dell is so successful in China.戴尔在中国如此成功的原因。

Unit 5 Sources to investigate for information on employers;preparing the essential written materials,details about the resume and the cover letter.雇主的信息来源调查;准备必要的书面材料、详细的简历和求职信。

Unit 6 The definition of insurance,types of insurance.


Unit 7 The concepts behind consumers’actions;the 3 steps for the purchase process.基于消费者行为背后的概念;购买过程的3个步骤。Unit 8 The personnel policy in management;the building up of Microsoft Co.人事政策管理;微软公司的建立。

Unit 9 The definition of bonds,stocks,the features of bonds,types of stocks,how to buy and sell securities,the stock market,the bond market,considerations before investing in securities;the definition of mutual funds.债券的定义,股票、债券的特点,股票的类型,如何买卖证券,股票市场,债券市场,在投资证券之前的考虑,共同基金的定义。

Unit 10 types of products,the benefits of packaging.产品的类型,包装的好处。


Unit 1 Why price is important;factors affecting pricing,supply and demand,goals of pricing.为什么价格是很重要的;影响定价、供给和需求的因素、目标定价。

Unit 2How can a marketer understand and appreciate the values,customs,symbols and language of other societies.营销人员如何理解和欣赏价值,海关、符号和其他国家的语言。

Unit 3The four PS of marking:Product,Price,Promotion and Placement.四个注意年代的标志:产品、价格、促销和位置。

Unit 4Types of promotional methods;how to better communicate with people.促销方法的类型,如何更好地与人沟通。

Unit 5The definition of physical distribution,the benefits of physical distribution.物流的定义,物流的好处。

Unit 6The meaning of customer relations,how to stress customer needs.客户关系的意义,如何应击客户需求。

Unit 7 The reason why overseas sales are important,global marketing strategy,multinational approach.海外销售重要的原因,全球营销战略,跨国的方法。

Unit 8Six methods of payment in foreign trade;understanding of the American Banking System.六种外贸付款的方法;对美国银行体系的理解。Unit 9 The definition of a company,characteristics companies,different types of shares in a company;the definition of the income statement and the balance statement.企业公司的定义、特点,公司里不同类型的股票,损益表和余额明细表的定义。

Unit 10The six condition of a valid contracts;the exchange rate,the advantage of floating rate. 有效合同的六个条件,汇率,浮动利率的优势。


Unit 1 The definition of “public relations”,the benefits of publicity.“公共关系”的定义,宣传的好处。

Unit 2 Understanding the meaning of “impulse buying” and “reflex buying”;the influence of advertising.理解“冲动消费”和“反射购买”的意义;广告的影响。
