


初三()班姓名______ 成绩_______



1. A . files B. fails C. fell D. feels

2. A. pearl B. pear C. peel D. pale

3. A. elegant B. elephant C. telephone D. electric

4. A. force B. fourth C. folds D. fourths

5. A. sides B. says C. size D. signs

6. A. tied B. tired C. tried D. tie

7. A. heard B. hurt C. hers D. hurts

8. A. send B. sand C. sent D. center

9. A. grow B. grown C. grew D. growing

10. A. 4,847,635,780 B. 484,763,578 C. 4,847,635,718 D.



11. A. By train B. By bike C. By plane D. By ship

12. A. He was busy B. He was new there

C. He was too tired to say anything

D. He was afraid

13. A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Tuesday D. Thursday

14. A. John is on his way home B. Maybe John is on the way to the post office

C. John is in the teacher’s office.

D. John has left the post office

15. A. two and a half hours B. At nine

C. An hour and a half

D. At eleven thirty



16. ----Do you know how to plant trees?

----Yes, ________________.

A. the more, the better

B. more or less

C. more and more

D. so do I

17. Let’s put up the map on the wall __________ everyone can see it clearly.

A. when

B. because

C. so that

D. since

18. Mr and Mrs. Green have ______ in Beijing for a week.

A. got

B. reached

C. been

D. arrived

19. She was never heard__________ so well before.

A. sing

B. singing

C. sang

D. to sing

20. The twins often know ____________________.

A. what the other is going to say

B. that the other is going to say

C. what is the other going to say

D. if the other is going to say

21. Now computers work __________ faster than the old ones.

A. several millions times

B. millions of time

C. millions of times

D. million of times

22. Have you ever seen __________ man?

A. such a tall

B. such tall a

C. so a tall

D. a so tall

23. He answered me, but he spoke __________ quickly __________clearly

A. either; or

B. both; and

C. neither; nor

D. nor; neither

24. There will not be enough space even to stand__________ the earth.

A. in on

B. in

C. on

D. over

25. The population of China is much larger than____________ Japan.

A. /

B. it in

C. those in

D. that of

26. He said he _____________ to the party.

A. will go

B. is coming

C. would come

D. has been

27. When the rubbish collector saw the couple, they ____________ hands down the lane.

A. are holding

B. were holding

C. held


28. The police office finished reading the report ___________.

A. interested

B. interesting

C. in interest

D. with interest

29. Many residents of that area __________ snake bites every year.

A. die from

B. die in

C. die for

D. die of

30. The teacher must be ____________.

A. listening to

B. listened to carefully

C. listened carefully

D. listen

31. The machine _______ is good. Only the price is a little bit high.

A. itself

B. that

C. it

D. this

32. Let’s make some_____ for this old lady.

A. place

B. room

C. space

D. seat

33. ______ which channel can we find our favourite programme?

A. On

B. In

C. By

D. For

34. ----____________? I didn’t hear you.

----I said you could take this seat.

A. Hello

B. Can I help you

C. Pardon

D. Sorry

35. We have __________ students this year than last year.

A. many

B. a lot more

C. much

D. any more


Why School May Frighten a Young Child

Schools may be frightening to young children. They are 36 in their school. Before that they stayed at home. At home children may have been able to do 37 they wanted when they wanted to do it. But in school they are

38 time for talking, working and eating. At home children are scolded(责备)in private(私下), but in school children will be scolded in front of their

39 . “Bob,” the teacher may say, “Why are you the only one in class who40 do your yesterday’s homework?” Or, “David, why are you the only one who can’t work quietly at your 41 ?” In school the children may not be noticed very much by the teacher or the teacher is too busy to 42 him or her. But at home the parents will treat their son or daughter 43 . For these and other reasons(原因), it is not 44 that children may not like to stay at school.

Though it is much 45 in school, the children can learn a lot. They can’t learn so much out of school.

36. A. happy B. new C. angry D. old

37. A. what B. that C. 不填 D. why

38. A. had B. given C. spent D. got

39. A. teacher B. classmates C. brothers and sisters D. parents

40. A. haven’t B. won’t C. hadn’t D. didn’t

41. A. home B. desk C. school D. room

42. A. teach B. look at C. take care of D. scold

43. A. carefully B. angrily C. carelessly D. happily

44. A. interesting B. good-looking C. sleeping D. surprising

45. A. happier B. better C. stricter D. worse



Has a doctor ever given you a note to take to the chemist for some medicine? Are you able to read the note easily? Some doctors write clearly but most doctors do not. Chemists have more chances to read doctors’ notes, but sometimes doctors write so badly that even the chemists can’t read them.

One day a lady wrote to a doctor inviting him to have dinner at her house. The doctor wrote an answer, but he didn’t write clearly and the lady

couldn’t read it.

“What shall I do?” she said to her husband, “I don’t know whether he is coming or not. I don’t want to give him a telephone call and say I can’t

read his writing.”

Her husband thought a moment, and then he had an idea.

“Thank you,” said his wife. “That’s a very good idea.”

She went to the chemist’s shop and gave the doctor’s note to the chemist. The chemist looked at it very carefully. Then he said politely, “Could you wait a moment, madam?” He went to the back of he shop. After a few minutes he returned, carrying a large bottle. He gave the bottle to the lady and said, “Three times a day and one spoonful at a time.”

( )46. It isn’t ________ for us to read the notes written by most doctors.

A. right

B. pleased

C. easy

D. difficult

( )47. The underlined word “chemist” in this passage is a person


A. takes medicine

B. studies chemistry

C. can read doctors’ writings

D. sells medicine

( )48. The lady wrote a doctor a letter because____________________.

A. she wanted to see him

B. she wanted to invite him to dinner

C. she wanted to get some medicine for her husband

D. s he didn’t want to give him a telephone call

( )49. The husband thought_________________________________.

A. the chemist could give them an answer

B. the letter was for the chemist

C. the chemist would give them the right medicine

D. the chemist coul dn’t read, either

( )50. After reading the story, we know_________________________________.

A. the doctor agreed to come to the lady’s house

B. the doctor refused to come to the lady’s house

C. the chemist could read the doctor’s note

D. the chemis t could not read the doctor’s note


Mr. Black and Mr. White were two very famous artists in the city. Their drawings were also very popular in the city. But they tried to see who could draw the best picture.

One day they asked an old man to be the judge. Mr. Black drew an apple tree. He put his picture in the field. Soon the birds came and tried to eat the apples. The old man saw it and said, “You have certainly won. Mr. White cannot draw so good a picture as yours. But we’ll go to see his picture.”

They went to Mr. White’s house. There was nothing but red beautiful curtains on the wall. The old man asked, “Where is your picture, Mr. White?” He said, “Lift the curtains and you will find my picture there. The old man tried to lift the curtains but found th at they were drawn there. They were Mr. White’s picture. The old man said, “Birds thought the apples were real. Men thought the curtains were real. So Mr. White won. His picture is the best one.”

( )51. Mr. Black drew______________________.

A. an apple tree

B. the best picture

C. curtains

D. birds

( )52. The old man thought Mr. Black’s picture was good because____________.

A. it was in the field

B. it was an apple tree

C. the birds like it

D. the birds thought is was real

( )53. Mr. Whi te’s picture was______________________.

A. an apple tree

B. curtains

C. nothing

D. an old man

( )54. Mr. White won because the picture looked real to________________________.

A. the children

B. the birds

C. the judge

D. women

( )55. Which of the following statements is right?

A.The birds came and ate the apples up.

B. The old man said Mr. White’s picture was the best one at last.

B.The two pictures were not so good.

D. The curtains on the wall were real.



1.Where 56 Lucy 56 (go)? I’m looking for her everywhere.

2.He 57 (carry) some water for Granny Li yesterday.

3.The earth 58 (go) around the sun.

4.If we 59 (start) at seven, we’ll be late.

5.60 (not make) so much noise.

6.Did the weather report say whether we 61 (have) a fine day tomorrow?

7.No man 62 (travel) farther than the moon.

8.He was 63 (strike) on the head and immediately passed out.

9. They were busy talking and didn’t notice the car64 (run) around the corner.

10. After the inspector 65 (interview) all the residents, he went to Miss Huang’s flat.



66 think how many 67 mouths there will 68 in one year!

2. 必须阻止孩子们在街上玩。

The children must be stopped 69 70 in the street.

3. 他们彼此见到面,高兴得别的什么事都忘了。

They were 71 pleased to see each other 72 they forgot everything 73 .


Please keep 74 75 76 that cat, or it will 77 78 .

5. 所有的报纸都卖完了

All the newspapers have been 79 80 .

6. 他试穿了新的西装,然后照了镜子。

He 81 82 the new 83 and looked at 84 in the 85 .


Once a lady wrote a long story and sent it

an famous editor (编辑). After a few days the story 86. ____________ was sent back to her. This made the lady happy, 87. ____________

and wrote to the editor at once. 88. ____________ “Dear sir: Yesterday you send back the story of mine.89. ____________

How do you know that the story is good without even 90. ____________ read it? Before I sent you the story, I pasted (贴) the pages 91. ____________ 18, 19 and 20. This was a test to see when you would read 92. ____________ it. When the story came back yesterday, the pages were again 93. ____________ pasted together. Is this the way you read all the stories 94. ____________ that is sent to you?” The editor wrote back, 95. ____________

“Dear madam: At breakfast when I have tasted an egg, I don’t

have to eat it up to fi nd out that it is bad”


Li Lei, catch a bird, tie, string(绳子),cry, by the road, set…free, let…go back


一、A A B D D C B D D A

二、C B C B A

三、B C C D A C A C A D C B D A B A B A C


四、B A B B D B C A D C

五、C D B A D A D B C B

六、1. has…gone 2. carried 3. goes 4. start 5. Don’t make

6. would have

7. has-traveled

8. struck

9. running 10. (had) interviewed

七、1. Just more be 2. from playing 3. so that else

4. an eye on break thing(something)

5. sold ont

6. tried on suit(s) himself mirror

八、it →it∧to an →a

happy →unhappy / angry

and wrote →and she wrote / wrote write

send →sent is good →is (not) had read →reading when →if / whether

again →still is →are / were


初三英语上册期末考试题及答案 初三英语上册期末试题 第I卷(听力部分共20分) 第一部分:听对话回答问题(本大题共10分,每小题1分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对 话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目,听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到嘀的信号后进入下一小题。 What does Miss Jones teach ? A B C What sport does Ricky like to watch ? A B C How will Frank go from Beijing to Guangzhou ? A B C What time did the man say they should meet ? A 10:00 B 10:30 C 7:30 Where will they go for a walk tomorrow ? A on the beach B in the park C in the countryside What will happen if the man keeps singing loudly ? A He will get tired . B He will lose his voice . C He will catch a cold . Why does Amy want to buy the scarf ? A She thinks it is beautiful . B It will be warm in winter . C It

is very cheap . What is the woman looking for ? A A bookshop called Sunshine . B A block of flats called Sunnyside . C A shopping mall called Sunlight . What has the man done many times before ? A He has swum across the river . B He has jumped over the gate. C He has climbed the tree . How is Millie feeling ? A Maybe she feels nervous . B Maybe she feels ill . C Maybe she feels sleepy . 第二部分:听对话和短文答题(本大题共10分,每小题1分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选的答案。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。答题完毕,请等待嘀的信号,进入第一篇短文。 From where can they see a long way ? A The bathroom B The balcony C The kitchen What does the man think of climbing the stairs ? A It is great fun B It is boring C It helps to keep fit 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选


江苏省苏州市田家炳实验初级中学九年级英语上学期期末考试试题本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两卷,满分130分,考试时间100分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共75分) 一、听力选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) A.听对话回答问题 本部分共有10小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。 1. Which season can it most probably be? 2. What programme are they watching? 3. What does Ben do after school now? 4. Where is Susan going tonight? 5. How many countries has the man been to so far? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. 6. What are the man and woman doing? A. They are talking on the phone. B. They are arguing in the room. C. They are having an English lesson. 7. Where does this dialogue probably take place? A. At school. B. At home. C. In a restaurant. 8. What colour is the English teacher's hair? A. Black. B. Brown. C. White. 9. What do we learn from the dialogue? A. Amy finished the exam in an hour B. The test has one page. C. The exam was difficult. 10. What is the man going to do? A. He'll wash the school uniforms by hand. B. He'll use the washing machine.


Review of Units 1-5(1-5单元复习) 归纳总结 一. 语法 1. 动名词的用法: (1)动名词兼有动词和名词的特征,由动词加–ing 构成。 (2)用法 A. 作主语 She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a lot. B. 作宾语 Now, I am enjoying learning English. Thanks for sending me the E-mail. C. 作定语 I think that doing a lot of listening practice is one of the secrets…… 2. used to 的用法 ―主语+used to+动词原形+其它‖这个句型结构表示过去的习惯,暗示现在已无此习惯。 其否定形式是主语+didn’t use to +动原 问句形式为:Did+主语+use to+…? 反意疑问句:主语+used to+…,did+主语? 和used to 相关的其它句型: get / be used to doing 习惯于做… be used for doing被用来 3. 简单的被动语态 当主语是动作的承受者时,应用被动语态。 一般现在时被动语态:主语+is/am/are+过去分词 一般过去时被动语态:主语+was/were+过去分词 一般将来时被动语态:主语+will be+过去分词 含有情态动词的被动语态:主语+情态动词+be+过去分词 4. allow句型 (1)allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 We do not allow people to smoke in the hall. (2)allow doing允许做某事 (3)be allowed to do 被允许做某事 (4)should be allowed to do 应该被允许做某事 5. 虚拟语气 构成: 主句:主语+would+动原 从句:if+主语+过去式(be动词一律用were)+其它 用法: A. 表示与事实相反的假设 B. 表示不可能实现的事情 C. 用于提建议 6. 提建议句型总结 (1)I think you should / could do. (2)You had better do. (3)If I were you, I would do. (4)What about / How about doing? (5)Why not do …? / Why don’t you do …? 7. 表示推断的情态动词 (1)can’t(0%)(2)might / could (20%-80%)(3)must 90% 这几个表示推测的情态动词后面可接: A. +名词 He must be a boy. B. +物主代词 It must be Mary’s / mine. It must be Mary’s book. C. +形容词 She must be very sad. D. +be +doing She must be doing his homewor 8. 定语从句 (1)在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。引导定语从句的词称为关系词,有关系代词和关系副词两类。在本单元中,我们只涉及到关系代词。 例如:I like music that I can dance to. 我喜欢可以随之跳舞的音乐。 music是先行词,that I can dance to 是定语从句修饰music ,其中,that 是关系代词引导定语从句。 又如I prefer singers who can write their own songs. 我喜爱能自己写歌的歌星。 singers 是先行词,who can write their own songs是定语从句修饰singers, 其中,who是关系代词。(2). 结构比较 (A)人(n.)+ who +从句 比较:一位漂亮的女孩a beautiful girl beautiful是形容词做定语 a girl who is beautiful 从句做定语(girl是先行词) (B)物(n.)+ that + 从句 比较:一本有趣的书an interesting book 形容词做定语 a book that is interesting 从句做定语(book是先行词) (3) 关系代词who / that的作用: a. 做代词, 代替先行词 b. 在从句中担任句子成分:主语或宾语 c. 做连词, 把主句和从句连接起来 (4) 成分比较 who\that在从句中可担任: 1.主语 2. 宾语 (A)I love singers who write their own songs. who在从句中用作主语。 (B)He is the man who I met yesterday. who在从句中用作宾语。 (初三英语第1页,共12页)


2016~2017学年度第一学期期末练习 初三英语2016.1 四、单项填空(共10分,每小题1分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. —Is this your coat? —No. _____ coat is black. A. My B. His C. Her D. Your 22. Beijing will hold the Winter Olympic Games ______ August, 2022. A. at B. on C. in D. of 23. The weather is bad outside, _______we have to study at home. A. so B. or C. but D. because 24. —______ is your favourite writer? —Mark Twain. A. What B. Who C. When D. Where 25. Tom is growing fast. He is even _______ than his father. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest 26. —Must I finish the homework tonight? —No, you ______. You can finish it tomorrow. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. can’t 27. My sister ______when I got home yesterday evening. A. sleep B. slept C. was sleeping D. is sleeping 28. Mr. Green ______ here since last year. A. lives B. will live C. was living D. has lived 29. The iphone ______ by Apple Computer Inc. before 2007. A. invent B. invented C. is invented D. was invented 30. —Do you know______ the meeting? —Tomorrow morning. A. when they had B. when they willhave C. when did they have D. when will they have


上海市徐汇区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷 II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分) 7. A) A dentist. B) A detective. C) A doctor. D) A teacher. 8.A) Spring. B) Winter. C) Autumn. D) Summer. 9. A) It was interesting. B) It was exciting. C) It was wonderful. D) It was funny. 10. A) In an office. B) In a library. C) At a book store. D) At a post office. 11.A) T om's. B) Sue's. Q Kitty's. D) Bill's. 12.A) For three days. B) For four days. C) For six days. D) For a week. 13.A) By having a good sleep. B) By reading some novels. C) By listening to light music. D) By going to the cinema. 14. A) Because Paul wants to borrow Linda's camera. B)Because Paul would like to invite Linda to the party. C)Because Linda wants to take some pictures for Paul. D)Because Linda would like to need the camera herself. 15.A. By underground. B. By bus. C. By car. D. On foot 16.A. 8 yuan. B. 10 yuan. C. 20 yuan. D. 28 yuan. III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用"T"表示,不符合的用"F"表示):(共7分)


序号英语词性中文第四次第三次初三上1eat up吃光 初三上1creative adj.有创造力的;创造性的 初三上1curious adj.好奇的 初三上1energetic adj.精力充沛的 初三上1modest adj.谦虚的 初三上1organized adj.有条理的;有效率的 初三上1order n.顺序 初三上1k eep…in order使…保持井然有序 初三上1show off炫耀 初三上1grammar n.语法 初三上1come up with想出(主意) 初三上1neither conj.(否定句中)两者之一不 初三上1nor conj.也不 初三上1neither…nor…既不…也不… 初三上1accountant n.会计 初三上1born adj.天生的 初三上1impress vt.给…留下印象 初三上1sculpture n.雕塑,雕像 初三上1praise n.赞扬,表扬 初三上1sales department n.销售部 初三上1general adj.总的;普遍的;首席的 初三上1race n.竞赛;赛跑 初三上1either…or…不是…就是…,或者…或者… 初三上1lead n.领先地位;榜样 初三上1take the lead处于领先地位 初三上1fall behind落后 初三上1challenge n.挑战 初三上1chief adj.主要的,首要的 初三上1high-speed adj.高速的 初三上1connect vt.连接 初三上1connect to/with与…相连,连接 初三上1miss n.错误,过失 初三上1as good as和…几乎一样,简直是 初三上1attention n.注意,专心 初三上1pay attention to注意 初三上1standard n.标准 初三上1pioneer n.先锋,开拓者 初三上1surgeon n.外科大夫 初三上1carelessness n.粗心 初三上1extra adj.附加的;额外的 初三上1devote vt.把…贡献,把…专用于 初三上1respect vt.尊敬,尊重 初三上1suitable adj.合适的;适宜的 初三上1partner n.搭档,合作伙伴 初三上1impatient adj.不耐烦的,急燥的 初三上1think twice(about sth)三思而行 初三上1do the dishes洗碗 初三上1lunar adj.月球的 初三上1calendar n.日历;挂历初三上1animal sign生肖 初三上1represent vt.代表;象征初三上1appear vi.出现 初三上1fixed adj.固定的 初三上1cycle n.循环


初三上学期期末测试题 Ⅰ卷 Ⅰ单选(20分) 1. It ________ nearly two weeks _________ I had received his letter. A. is, that B. was, that C. is, since D. was, since 2. It is five years since my dear aunt __________ here. A. left B. has left C. is left D. had left 3. Nobody in _________ right senses would play such a silly joke. A. their B. his C. her D. one's 4. —May I speak to Lucy? —This is ________ speaking. A. her B. she C. she's D. hers 5. I forgot Tom's address. But I found his telephone number in the _________. A. phone books B. book of phone C. phone's book D. phone book 6. He said that he watched TV every ________ day. A. another B. three C. the second D. other 7. We are going to be on our holidays _________. A. in three days' time B. after 3 days C. three days later D. in three day's time 8. Look at these clouds, ________. A. It'll rain B. It's going to rain C. It'll be raining D. It is to rain 9. Nobody knows what _______ happen next.


2019初三上学期英语期末试卷(有) 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 以下是中国()为您推荐的xxxx初三上学期英语期末试卷,希望本篇对您学习有所帮助。 xxxx初三上学期英语期末试卷 九年级英语试题 听力部分 题号ⅠⅡⅢⅣ总分 得分 I.句子理解。 1. II.问句应答。 ,itis. ,’mafraidso. ,let’ ?’ssplitit. ? ,that’sright.

,that’sfine. III.对话理解, ? ? ::::50. ? ? ? IV.短文理解 Namemegan Age________________ ProblemsofbeingsotallLooklikeanadultHas tobuyspecial__________andshoes AdvantagesofbeingsotallBeingthebest____ _______inherschool oftenmakemore__________ HerwishTobeaseveryoneelse Ⅰ.单项选择 从各题所给的A、B、c、D四个选项中选择正确答案。

1.—Shallwecallforataxi? —_______thephonenumberinyellowPages. 2.—whynottakethissweater,LiHua? —’t_____it. ? —It’shardtosay._______people,Ithink. ________.Itdoesn’tworknow. _______tillnextTuesdaybecauseofthebadw eather. _________ honestboy. ,,,,a ________city. 8.—Listen!Helenissinginginthenextroom. —It_______ ’’ ________. ,xxxx,onebowlinthemingdynasty____


初三英语上册期末试卷及答案 初三英语上册期末试卷 听力理解(共30分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选择 最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。 6. Where is Betty going? A. To the park. B. To the zoo. C. To the museum. 7. How is the weather? A. It’s rainy. B. It’s snowy. C. It’s windy. 请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。 8. What does Peter’s grandma like? A. Art. B. Music. C. History. 9. What will Peter get for his grandma? A. A CD. B. A book. C. A mobile phone. 请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。 10. Why didn’t Amy go to school yesterday? A. Because she had a cold.

B. Because she hurt her arm. C. Because she went to West Hill. 11. When will the bus leave for the trip? A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:00. 请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。 12. What does the man do? A. A doctor. B. A reporter. C. A sportsman. 13. What does the man think of talk shows? A. Interesting. B. Exciting. C. Boring. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第15小题。 14. What can we learn from the speech? A. We should do more work than we can. B. Interests may help us do volunteer work. C. The frist volunteer work must be perfect. 15. What is the speech mainly about? A. Reasons for being a volunteer. B. Purposes of being a volunteer. C. Suggestions for being a volunteer. 三、听对话,记录关键信息。本段对话你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分) 请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。


2019-2020学年九年级英语上学期期末考试试题 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共8页。满分100分,考试时间90分钟。答卷前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号等信息填写在答题卡规定的位置。考试结束后,只须将答题卡交回。 2.答题注意事项见答题卡,答在本试卷上不得分。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共55分) 一、听力测试(共15小题,计15分) 注意:听力测试分四部分。做题时,先将答案画在试卷上,录音内容结束后,将所选答案填入第Ⅱ卷前的答题栏内或用铅笔转涂到答题卡上。 (一)听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。 A B C D E F 1.____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ (二)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。 6. A. A pencil. B. A ruler. C. A knife. 7. A. A blue one. B. A white one. C. A black one. 8. A. It’s snowy. B. It’s cloudy. C. It’s sunny. 9. A. America. . B. China C. England. 10. A. She’s going to write an article. B. She’s going fishing. C. She is going

to read a book. (三)听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。短文读两遍。听短文前,你们将有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。 11. The Sea world is not open on Monday. 12. We can’t go to the Sea World in March. 13. We can see the short film about the sea in the Visitor Center. 14. T he children’s favorite show is the dolphin show at the Sea World. 15. Tickets for children are eighty yuan 请考生们先找到第四大题的听写部分,你们将有5秒钟的准备时间。 二、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)选择最佳答案。 16. 一Would you like ________ apple or ________ pear? 一Either, thanks. A. an; an B. a; a C. an; a D. a; an 17. Tom is _______ best friend and I often help _______with his English. A. my; him B. I; he C. my; he D. mine; his 18. 一International Big data EXPO(国际大数据博览会)was held in Guiyang on May 26th. 一__________ exciting news it was! A. What an B. What a C. What D. How 19. 一I think that Jane writes as _________ as Mike. 一So he does. A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. more carefully 20. The apartment has ________ floors and Mr. Smith lives on the ________floor with his family. A. twelve; twelve B. twelfth; twelfth C. twelve; twelfth D. twelfth; twelve 21. 一How does your father go to work every day? 一He used to ________ a bus, but now he is used to ________. A. take; walk B. taking; walking C. taking; walk D. take; walking 22. 一What’s in the picture? 一There ________ a teacher and some students playing games on the playground. A. is B. are C. has D. have 23. 一Would you mind _________ the electronic fan, Alice?

初三英语上学期Unit 2

英语九年级上Unit 2 Biggest, Longest, Widest Lesson 11 & 12教案 Lesson 11 Class opening For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher?s guide. Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the reading as required. You may wish to mention the comparative and superlative forms of words that appear in the reading. Select a few of these words and ask if anyone has figured out the meaning. If a student relies correctly, ask him or her to share the strategies used to puzzle out the meaning. Remember to give lots of praise for a good try, even if it?s wrong. Step 2: Ask the class to read the dialogues and ask, “What?s does …stand on one foot? mean?” Step 3: Introduce the class to the reading “Special Animals” by asking the following questions. Encourage the students to refer to the reading for the answers. What is the largest animal in the world? What is the smallest animal in the world? What is the oldest animal in the world?


初三英语第一学期期末测试 听力部分(20分)略 笔试部分(80分) 1. 选择填空(10分) ( )1.___ interesting work it is! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a ()2.He has never late for class, -------he ? A.is B.isn’t C.has D.hasn’t ( )3. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I fishing. A. go B. went C. going D. will go ( )4. Andrew is speaking too quickly. Let’s ask him to speak more . A. quick B. slow C. quickly D. slowly ( )5.There was a bird_______in the shy just now. A.fly B.flying C.to flying D.flew ( )6.—Shopping with me ? —Sorry. I have a lot of clothes______. A.to wash B.washed C.wash D.to be washed ( )7.How long has Tom here? A. left B.left for C. been away D. been away from ( )8. This kind of book ____. A. is sold good B. is sold well C. sells well D. sells good ( )9.-- ______ do you go to Hong Kong? --I've never been there. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far ( )10.--Did the police catch the robber? --Yes. He _______ last week. A. caught B. has been caught C. was catching D. was caught 二. 完形填空(15分) 先阅读短文,然后从文后每小题的四个选项中选出一个可以填入短文中相应空白处的正确答案. Mr Green works in a middle school.He__1__ a teacher. He likes reading and often 2 some books from the library.He keeps 3 to the radio every day and reading texts after supper.So he knows much and teaches _4 .His students like him very much.Mike,Mr Green’s little son ,is only nine.He often reads when his father is __5.And he often asks him some questions.Mr Green


初三英语 一、听力选择(满分26分) A)对话理解(共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分) 听下面16段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳项。每段对话读两遍。1.What does the man want to drink? A.Black coffee.B.White coffee C.Tea with milk. 2.How long has Jack been in the school? A.For two years.B.Since two months ago.C.Two years ago. 3.How did Alice go to school? A.By bicycle.B.On foot.C.By bus.4.Where does this conversation take place? A.At a restaurant.B.At a theatre.C.At the station. 5.How much does the man need to borrow to buy the coat? A.$5 B.$10 C.$11. 6.What is David going to do?

A.Catch a train home.B.Do his homework.C.Go to apark. 7.What did the man mean? A.He was badly hurt.B.He was safe.C.He couldn’t see. 8.What was the weather like yesterday evening? A.Rainy.B.Sunny.C.Cloudy.9.In which month did Tom’s father go to Japan? A.January.B.Febmary.C.March.10.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A.Teacher and student.B.Classmates.C.Mother and son.11.What did the woman do with today’s newspaper? A.Sheuseditto cook. B.She cleaned the doors with it. C.She cleaned the windows with it. 12.What is the man? A.A policeman.B.A writer.C.A robber.13.Where does the man prefer to live?


初三英语综合试题 I.单项选择。(25 分,每题1 分) 1.---Do you like the new coat, Jack? ---Well, let me and see. A. wear it on B. put on it C. try it on D. dress on it 2.---What about Mr. Black’s speech? ---Wonderful! There were people there. A. a large number of B. much C. a great deal of D. lots 3. A neighbor helped to keep our dog. It while we were on holiday. A. was taken care B. took care of C. is taken care of D. was taken care of 4.---How long does it take to get to the station? ---It’s walk. A. six minute’s B. six-minutes C. six minutes’ D. six minutes 5.---I like the party so much, but I go home. It’s too late. ---What a pity! A. mustn’t B. have to C. mat D. can’t 6.---Would you like to watch TV or listen to the music? --- . I’m busy with my work. Thank you. A. Both B. None C. Either D. Neither 7.Bob told me that his next match was against team from another school. A. a girls’ B. girl’s C. the girls’ D. girls’ 8.With the money he saved, he could go on with his education. A. it B. what C. this D. that 9.---Do you mind if I sit here? ---No, but . It’s for the old, young man. A. of course not B. better not C. take it D. not at all 10.Nobody noticed what the young man at that moment. A. will do B. was doing C. has done D. had done 11.Time is not enough for so much work.. people are needed, I think. A. Other two B. Only two C. Two more D. Two others 12.I’m afraid that no one knows . A. when will the game start B. where has our teacher gone C. who will win the game D. how long did the meeting last 13.---Why are you late? ---My bike broke down. I had it . A. repaired B. repairs C. repair D. repairing 14.---Let’s go to see the show. ---I it. It’s very interesting. A. have seen B. see C. an seeing D. had seen 15.That piece of music sounds . A. well B. badly C. nice D. wonderfully
