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Pulse Switch
6 HF Port
Power Supply
Cooling Fan
S630 v.s. Agilent 4072 Hardware
A gilent 4072
S630 Advantage
Lower COO
Best I M easure (resolution) 0.1fA
continuity, spacing, insulation, leakage)
• WAT is the primary quality element for a foundry FAB ( the quality assurance for wafer output)
• WAT characteristics: DC force and measurement, Automation, high throughput, precision, sampling
50fA (Std Port)
500 X better than 4072
(re s o lu tio n )
10fA (AD C )
Full low current port, N o port
lim itation
M in. I M easure (accuracy) 1.2% + 100fA
1.1% + 3pA
(re s o lu tio n )
1uV (use 3458A ) 10X better than 4072, H P 3458A is
very slow
M in. V M easure (accuracy) 0.015% reading + 0.04% reading + 5X better than 4072
The purpose of WAT
• Monitor Process Window. • Check Design Rule. • Control the Process Parameters(SPC). • Debug the Process Error. • Reliability Characterization. • Device Modeling for Circuit Design. • Develop next Generation.
50 X better than 4072
B est V M easure (resolution) 100nV
100uV (Std. SM U ) 1000 X better than 4072
(re s o lu tio n )
2uV (w ith AD C )
20 X better than 4072
Tool introduction-Tester
• Force voltage, current.
• Measure voltage, current.
• Capacitance measure.
• Control prober moving
• A switch matrix to provide 48 pin output.
(force & m easure)
200V @ 50mA
All SM U s can do 200V@ 100m A
(use HPSM U)
(4072 can only has 2 H PSM U s)
C apacitance M eter
VXI-C , 4284A
HP 4284A
VXI-C M eter is faster
(force & m easure)
1A @ 14V (14W ) All SM U s can output 1A
(use HPSM U)
(4072 can only has 2 H PSM U s)
M ax V(force & m easure)
200V @ 100m A 100V @ 20m A (2W ) 2 X better than 4072
VCI Classics
Agilent 4072 Hardware
System Cabinet Workstation
Optical Interface
Diag Board
8 AUX Input 8 SMU
Ports Selector GNDU
What is WAT ?
Wafer Acceptance Test
What kind of work?
• An electrical test system, non-productivity activity
– WAT is an electrical test system for process goodness monitor.( Device characteristics, resistor, capacitor, interconnection,
0.01% reading + 2X better than 4072
300uV (use 3458A)
M ax. I (force & m easure) 1A @ 20V (20W ) 100m A @ 20V (2W ) 10X better than 4072
Keithley S630
Biblioteka Baidu
Agilent 4072A
Keithley Cabinet
Keithley tester head
Agilent Cabinet
Agilent tester head
Keithley S600 Hardware
•S600 System Cabinet
Workstation HP-8110
WAT Introduction简 介和应用
• Why WAT?
• Hardware & Software System
– Tester/Probe/Probe Card
• Test Pattern and Measurement
• WAT WATCH system
• WAT Test Items
Sw itching M atrix
S olid S tate R elay R eed R elay