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• see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事(强调全过程) • see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事
❤The one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the bag. with 一旦出现在名词或代词后就做定语, 出现在动 词之后做状语 He came in with a book. (作状语) The boy with a book came in. (作定语) get a fright 吓了一跳 so+形容词(副词)+that…/such+(修饰词或形容词)+ 名词+that… 如此……以致…… 一旦有名词, 就认为形容词修饰的是名词, 前面的词 也修饰的是名词
❤He is finding his new work far more exciting. find 可以用一般现在时态, 可以用进行时态 He is finding his trip very exciting. far more exciting 更有趣 (在形容词和副词的比较级与最高级前面,可以 用far(相当much)来表示强调,译为“很,大 大的”) It’s far/much colder today than it was yesterday. This is (by) far the most expensive bicycle in the shop.
• while n. 一段时间 • regret v. 后悔 • far adv. 非常 • rush v. 冲 • act v. 行动 • straight adv. 径直 • Fright n. 害怕 • battered adj. 撞坏的 • shortly adv. 很快,不久 • afterwards adv. 以后
• 1. review text • 2. review words • 3. grammar paper
• • • • • •
1. Unexpected telephone calls worry me. I am worried by unexpected telephone calls. 2. Someone stole his bike long time ago. His bike was stolen long time ago. 3. No one has done those jobs yet. Those jobs have not been done yet.
• 1. Is Roy finding his new job as a bus driver exciting or not? • 2. In which street did he see two thieves recently? • 3. Were they running out of a shop, or were they running out of a bank? Where did Roy drive his bus? Did they drop the stolen money or not? Did they get into a car, or did they run away?(and ...so...and )
❤a short while ago=a short time ago 不久以前 while 作名词表示“一会儿,(一段)时间”时 常与a连用,有时也与the,this 等连用: They haven’t seen each other for a long while. Have you been in Australia all this while? I saw her a short while ago. ^0^ however可以放句首, 可以放句中;如果一个 词两边有逗号,证明这个词是插入语
1.与call有关的短语动词 动词call与不同的小品词连用可以构成意义不同的短语动 词。 1.He ___ every house in the street once a month. 2.He was asked to___ the police station. 3.Have you___George recently? 4.Some people on the bank ___the man in the boat. 5.If you want my help, just ____. 6.For some reason, they have ______the party / the meeting.
❤When he was driving along Catford Street
recently, he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car. • see和一些感知动词(如smell, feel, hear, watch, notice等)可以用在动词+名词/代词宾语+不带to的 不定式结构(省略to)中,如果全过程用do,过程中 的一瞬间用doing~
• 引导结果状语从句时,它们的结构分别是:
so +形容词(副词) +that…/ such +(a, an修饰词或 形容词)+名词+that… 如此……以至于…… 一旦有名词, 就认为形容词修饰的是名词, 前面的词 也修饰的是名词,如果名词是可数名词单数才要 加 a 和an, 反过来如果是可数名词单数, 前面一定要加 a或an It was so cold that no one went out.
Special difficulties
▲So and Such such 和so都可以用于表示程度,但so只能 副词和连词,such则是形容词,因此so通 常位于形容词、副词之前,而such 只能位 于名词之前: I’ve never read so interesting that a book is. I’ve never read such an interesting book.
1 He ran ______ quickly that I could not catch him.
2 Whoever told you ______ thing? 3 You should not make ______ many mistakes. 4 You should not say ______ things. 5 This picture is ______ beautiful that I shall hang it in my room. 6 It was ______ good book that it was bought by a film company. 7 It was ______ extraordinary exhibition that I went twice. 8 He is ______ lazy boy that he never does anything.
*如果有几个以上的形容词共同修饰一个名词的时候, 冠词放在第一位, 这句话中冠词不放在第一位,说明“a” 与 “boy” 有关系, “lazy” 从 意思上与“boy” 有关系, 但从强调点与“boy” 没关系, 它的强调点在 “lazy” 上。
• 用so, such或such a填空 :
• From those two pictures, can you guess what are we going to learn this time? Any predictio百度文库s?
• Can you share any stories about thieves?
New words
❤The thieves' car was badly damaged and easy to recognize. ……and easy to recognize = and the car was easy to recognize (用主动表被动含义)
• 如果一个不定式的前面是一个形容词, 如果主句的结局是“系表结 构+to”,不定式当中常用主动表被动,在不定式的表达方式当中, 动词的宾语如果刚好是这句话的主语, 这个宾语一定不能出现 • The apple is sweet enough to eat. The apple is too sour to eat. (sour adj. 酸的) The question is easy enough to answer. The boy is enough clever to answer the question. 这个小孩足够聪明以至于能回答这个问题。(the question不是主语 故一定要出现) • 文中“…easy to recognize(car)” 因 car 是主语, 所以不能出现 在不定式当中, 也许有可能用主动表达被动含义, 及物动词后面一 般加宾语(这个宾语就是这句话的主语就不加), 又如:The clothes are too comfortable to ware.
答案: 1、so 2、such a 3、so 4、such
5、so 6、such a 7、such an 8、such a
• 4. Where did Roy drive his bus then? Did he damage their car or not? (and ) • 5. Whom did he telephone after this? • 6. Were both men arrested later or did they get away?
• such 除了表示“这样的,如此的”等意思外,还可以表示 “像这一类的”,so不能表示这种意思。 He often talks about such things. You should not speak to such people. 如果形容词是表示数量的(many, much, little, few), 一律用so There is so little time left that we must hurry. There is such a little(小) bird that I can't see it. (little不会和可数名词连用,如连用不会译成“数量少”,而 应译为“小”) He is so lazy a boy./ He is such a lazy boy.
Review these following sentences
• • • • •
4. Someone is still repairing your car. Your car is still being repaired. 5. Someone was repairing it yesterday, too. It was being repaired yesterday, too. 6. Someone would take the boys to the cinema. • The boys would be taken to the cinema.
Listening comprehension
*How did Roy stop the thieves?
• Please follow the CD and read. After reading, answer these following questions.