


1. S(£/$)=,F1 (£/$)=,F3(£/$)= ,F6(£/$)=。
(假设每个月只有30天)你对结果如何解释答:f1 = [F1 (£/$) - S (£/$)]/ S (£/$)*360/30 = =%f3 = [F3 (£/$) - S (£/$)]/ S (£/$)*360/90 = =%f6 = [F6 (£/$) - S (£/$)]/ S (£/$)*360/180 ==%2. 目前S($/£) = ,F3($/£) = ,在你对汇率进行分析的基础上,你认为S3($/£) = 。
假如你愿意买入或者卖出£1 000 000;(1) 如果在远期市场上进行投机的话,你需要采取那些行动投机美元的预期收益是多少(2) 如果即期汇率最终事实上是S3 ($/£) = ,那么你投机美元的收益将是多少答:卖出英镑,买入美元£ 1 000 000 × S($/£) = $ 1 950 000(1) S3($/£) =做多头——买入远期英镑$ 1 950 000 ÷ F3($/£) = $ 1 950 000 ÷ = £1 026 316£ 1 026 316 × S3($/£) = £ 1 026 316 × = $1 970 527 $ 1 970 527 – $ 1 950 000 = $ 20 527(2) S3($/£) =£ 1 026 316 × S3($/£) = £ 1 026 316 × = $1 908 948 $ 1 908 948 – $ 1 950 000 = –$ 41 0523. Cray研究所赊销给德国Max Planck研究院一台超级计算机,6个月后应收1000万欧元。


3. 国际融资风险管理
• 国际融资风险的识别与评估
• 国际融资风险的控制与防范措施
1. 国际营运资金管理概述 • 国际营运资金管理的定义和目标
• 国际营运资金管理的主要内容和方法
2. 国际现金管理
• 国际现金流入与流出的管理
• 国际现金预算与控制的方法和 步骤
1. 简答题
4. 案例题
2. 论述题
3. 计算题
1. 简答题
3. 计算题
2. 论述题
论述国际融资决策需要考虑的因 素。
国际财务管理涉及多国经济环境、货 币汇率变动、国际税务法规、政治风 险等因素,需要综合考虑多种因素, 制定合适的财务策略。
1. 全球化经营的需要
随着全球化进程加速,跨国公司需要有效的国际财务管理来整合全 球资源,优化资源配置,提高经营效率。
2. 降低财务风险
国际财务管理有助于跨国公司识别、评估和控制财务风险,降低经 营风险。
3. 国际应收账款管理
• 国际应收账款的信用政策制定与执 行
• 国际应收账款的催收与保理业务
04 国际财务管理案例分析
某跨国公司在多个国家设有子公 司,由于各国的汇率波动,公司 面临外汇风险。

那么在纽约500000英镑价值多少美元?在伦敦,直接标价法下的美元汇率是多少?答:卖英镑500000磅,买美元500000*1.1115=555750美元;0.9001-0.8997 3.一个投资者想以0.9080美元的价格购买欧元现货,然后以0.9086美元的价格卖出一个180天的欧元远期。

国际财务管理作业答案书31页习题4、美元与日元的汇率是$1=¥200.01,日元与欧元的汇率是 Euro=¥189.12,那么欧元与美元的兑换比率是多少?日元=1/200.01 美元日元=1/189.12 欧元所以欧元和美元的比率是189.12/200.01=0.94555、假设在纽约,直接标价法下英镑与美元的汇率是1.1110-5.那么在纽约500000 英镑价值多少美元?在伦敦,直接标价法下的美元汇率是多少?英镑与美元的汇率是1/1.1110-5,那么在纽约英镑值555500-555750 在伦敦直接标价法下美元汇率是 1/0.9 1/0.896、一个投资者想以0.9080 美元的价格购买欧元现货,然后以0.9086 美元的价格卖出一个 180 天的欧元远期。
请问欧元掉期率是多少?180 天欧元升水是多少?(0.9086-0.9080)/0.9080*360/180=0.0013 升水是0.000669页习题2、一家英国公司向美国某公司出售引擎并从其购买零件。
假设有一笔15 亿美元的应收账款和一笔7.4 亿美元的应付账款。
他还有6 亿美元的借款,现汇汇率是$1.5128/£。
这家英国公司用美元和英镑表示的美元交易风险各是多少?假设英镑升值到$1.7642/£,这家英国公司用英镑表示的美元交易风险损益是多少?用美元表示的美元交易风险15 亿美元-7.4 亿美元-6 亿美元=14.8660 亿美元用英镑表示的美元交易风险(15 亿美元-7.4 亿美元-6 亿美元)/1.5128=9.8268 亿英镑用英镑表示的美元交易风险损益=9.8268 亿英镑-14.8660 亿美元/1.7642=1.4003 亿英镑。
3、假设美国贝尔公司的英国分公司在年初和年末的流动资产是 100 万英镑,固定资产 200 万英镑,流动负债是100 万英镑,它没有长期负债。
在流动/非流动着算法、货币/非货币折算法、时态法和现行汇率法下的英国贝尔分公司的会计风险是多少?流动/非流动性折算法下英国贝尔分公司的会计风险为:流动资产100 万英镑+流动负债100 万英镑货币/非货币则算法下英国贝尔分公司的会计风险为:货币性资产100 万英镑+货币性负债 100 万英镑。

5.每种货币在本国都有购买商品和劳务的能力,不同货币购买力的比率构成了相互间汇率的基础。这 是( )。
A 购买力平价理论 B 国际费雪效应理论 C 利率平价理论 D 无偏估计理论
正确答案:A 单选题
6.只有( )的变化才会对经营风险产生影响,即影响营业现金流。
28.国内企业股票不直接在境外上市,而是通过已在境外证券交易所上市或能够比较容易取得境外证券 交易所上市资格的公司来达到间接上市、获取国际资本市场资金目的的融资方式称为( )。
10.国际转移定价的基本方法不包括( )。
A 以市场为基础的定价 B 以成本为基础的定价 C 交易自主的定价 D 双重定价 正确答案:D
A 本币升值有利于本国商品出口 B 本币贬值有利于本国商有助于消除资本账户的逆差 正确答案:B 单选题
3.由东道国对跨国公司在当地业务的政策的不确定性引起的政治风险称为( )。
A 制度风险 B 转移风险 C 经营风险 D 控制风险 正确答案:D 单选题
4.出口方把经进口方承兑和进口方银行担保的期限在6个月-10年的远期汇票或本票,在无追索权的基 础上出售给出口地银行或金融公司,从而提前获得现金的融资方式为( )
1.国际企业在合并财务报表过程中由于不同货币计价所产生的企业报表反映价值改变的风险称为( ) 。
A 经济风险 B 交易风险 C 折算风险 D 金融风险 正确答案:C 单选题
2.根据无偏估计理论,如果外汇市场是有效的,则远期汇率应该是( )的一个无偏估计。
A 现时即期汇率 B 未来即期汇率 C 远期折现汇率 D 远期合同汇率 正确答案:B 单选题

第四章 外汇汇率预测
• 1、
St 5
1 8%
1 5% • 2、 iA =(1+6%)×(1+5%)-1≈11.3% iB =(1+6%)×(1+8%)-1≈14.48%
SF 5 1 14 . 48 % 1 11 . 3 % 5 . 1429
9月1日,98 100 0 . 010204 0 . 01 0 . 000204 由此造成收益为:6250×(0.000204-0.0001683)≈0.23万美元
执行汇率 应收款到期日的 期权协 即期汇率 定价格 (汇率) 1英镑=1.58美元 1英镑=1.60美元 1英镑=1.63美元 1英镑=1.65美元 1英镑=1.67美元 1.63美元 1.63美元 1.63美元 1.63美元 1.63美元 1.63美元 1.63美元 1.63美元 1.65美元 1.67美元
第六章 外汇风险管理的策略 与方法
6250 110 56 . 82 万美元 62 . 5 万美元
6250 108
57 . 87 万美元
6250 100
6250 98
63 . 78 万美元
损失:62.5-56.82=5.68万美 收益:63.78- 57.87-0.5 元 =5.41万美元 • 现货市场的损失没有全部被期货市场的收益所抵补,相差 0.27万美元,其原因是: (1)支付外汇期货交易佣金0.5万美元 (2)期汇市场与现汇市场的汇率变动幅度不一致 3月1日,1 1 0 . 0092592 0 . 0090099 0 . 0001683

国际财务管理考试题及答案一、选择题1. 国际财务管理中,汇率变动对跨国公司的影响主要体现在哪些方面?A. 产品定价B. 利润分配C. 投资决策D. 所有以上选项答案:D2. 在国际金融市场中,哪种货币被称为“避险货币”?A. 美元B. 欧元C. 日元D. 英镑答案:C3. 跨国公司进行国际投资时,主要考虑哪些风险因素?A. 政治风险B. 汇率风险C. 信用风险D. 所有以上选项答案:D二、简答题1. 简述国际资本流动对国内经济的影响。
答案:国际资本流动对国内经济的影响主要体现在以下几个方面:- 资本流入可以增加国内投资,促进经济增长。
- 资本流出可能导致国内资金短缺,影响经济发展。
- 资本流动可能引起汇率波动,影响出口和进口。
- 国际资本流动还可能带来技术转移和知识溢出效应,提升国内产业竞争力。
2. 解释什么是“三角套汇”并给出一个简单的例子。
三、计算题1. 假设某公司在美国有100万美元的销售额,预期利润率为10%,如果该公司决定在欧洲设立分公司,预计欧洲分公司的销售额为80万欧元,利润率为12%。
答案:美国分公司的利润 = 100万美元 * 10% = 10万美元欧洲分公司的利润 = 80万欧元 * 12% = 9.6万欧元假设1美元兑换1欧元,则总利润 = 10万美元 + 9.6万欧元 = 19.6万美元四、论述题1. 论述跨国公司在进行国际财务管理时,如何平衡全球战略与地方适应性。

4、公司到期收回人民币:5000×81.21/100=4060(万元)5、如果掉期交易,则卖掉美元得到的人民币: 50×6.79=339.5(万元)美元掉期交易下支付美元的人民币价格:50×6.78=339(万)买卖价差人民币收入净额=339.5-339=0.5(万元)如果不做掉期交易,则美元两周的存款利息收入为50×0.4%×14/365=0.00767(万美元)折合人民币利息收入:0.00767×6.782=0.052(万元)两者相比,掉期交易比较合适.6、201X年11月16日合约执行价格1澳元=1.02美元即期汇率1澳元=1.024美元合约价格低于即期汇率,企业应该履行该合约,企业履约支付的澳元加上期权费:1澳元=1.02+(2.6834/100)=1.0468(美元)与即期交易相比,企业亏损:50×100×(1.0468-1.024)=114(美元)8、远期汇率低于及其汇率,故远期贴水为:远期汇率-即期汇率=0.188-0.190=-0.0029、行权,因为行权价低于实施期权时的即期汇率。

国际财务管理作业31、远期外汇交易(1)(远期汇率计算)某日英国伦敦的外汇市场报价如下:英镑对美元的即期汇率为:1GBP =USD1.5392 / 1.5402,2个月的远期点数21/24;英镑对法国法郎的即期汇率为:1GBP=FRF7.6590 / 7.6718,2个月的远期点数252/227,试计算:英镑对美元以及英镑对法国法郎两个月的远期汇率分别为多少?解:英镑对美元两个月的远期汇率1GBP=USD(1.5392+0.0021)/ (1.5402+0.0024)1GBP=USD1.5413/1.5426英镑对法国法郎两个月的远期汇率1GBP=FRF(7.6590-0.0252) / (7.6718-0.0227)1GBP=FRF7.6338/7.6491(2)巴黎外汇市场美元对欧元的即期汇率是1美元=0.8200-0.8240欧元,三个月远期贴水为340-330,我某公司出口一批机床,原报价每台机床30 000欧元。
问我应改报多少美元?解:(1)首先弄清l美元=0.8200-0.8240欧元为直接标价法,直接标价法下升水加贴水减三个月后美元对欧元的汇率:1美元=(0.8200-0.0340)-(0.8240-0.0330)欧元即l美元=0.7860-0.7910欧元(2)其次清楚0.7860为买入价,0.7910为卖出价(3)再有改报多少美元,最初报价30 000欧元,表明最后要得到的是欧元,这样改报的美元数应该能够换回所需要的欧元数,那么卖给银行美元用买入价即改报美元数:30 000/0.7860=38170美元(3)P教材85:第四题解:收:5000÷100×81.21=4060.5万元人民币减少损失为50万元(4)某个澳大利亚进口商从日本进口一批商品,日本厂商要求澳方在3个月内支付10亿日元的货款。
当时外汇市场的行情是:即期汇率:1澳元=100.00~100.12日元3月期远期汇水数:2.00~1.90故3月期远期汇率为:1 澳元=98.00~98.22日元如果该澳大利亚进口商在签订进口合同时预测3个月后日元对澳元的即期汇率将会升值到:1澳元=80.00—80.10日元问题:1)若澳大利亚进口商不采取避免汇率风险的保值措施,现在就支付10亿日元,则需要多少澳元?2)若现在不采取保值措施,而是延迟到3个月后支付10亿日元,则到时需要支付多少澳元?3)若该澳大利亚进口商现在采取套期保值措施,应该如何进行?3个月后他实际支付多少澳元?解:1)该澳大利亚进口商签订进口合同时就支付10亿日元,需要以1澳元=100.00日元的即期汇率向银行支付10亿/100.00=0.1亿澳元,即10,000,000澳元。

本题共30个小题,每小题2分)1. 国际证券组合投资可以降低()。
A .系统风险B .非系统风险C .市场风险D .不可分散风险2. 如果票面利率小于市场利率,此时债券应该()发行。
A .溢价B .折价C .平价D .以上答案都可以3. 以下风险中最重要的是()。
A .商品交易风险B .外汇借款风险C .会计折算风险D .经济风险4. 如果某项借款名义贷款期为10年,而实际贷款期只有5年,则这项借款最有可能采用的偿还方式是()。
A .到期一次偿还B .分期等额偿还C .逐年分次等额还本D .以上三种都可以5. 在国际信贷计算利息时以365/365来表示计息天数与基础天数的关系称为()。
A .大陆法B .欧洲货币法C .英国法D .时态法6. 欧洲货币市场的主要短期信贷利率是()。
A .LIBORB .SIBORC .HOBORD .NIBOR7. 一国政府、金融机构、公司等在某一外国债券市场上发行的,不是以该外国的货币为面值的债券是()。
A .普通债券B .国内债券C .欧洲债券D .外国债券8. 在对国外投资的子公司进行财务评价时,应扣除的子公司不可控因素不包括()。
A .转移价格B .利率波动C .通货膨胀D .汇率波动9. 在国际技术转让中,利润分享率一般认为应是()。
A .1/2B .1/3C .1/4D .1/510. 美国A公司预测美元对英镑美元升值,美元对马克美元贬值,则A公司()。
A .从英国的进口,应加快支付B .对英国的出口,应推迟收汇C .从德国的进口,应推迟支付D .对德国的出口,应推迟收汇11. "使用外资收益率"这一指标等于1减去()。
A .可偿还期B .外资偿还率C .补偿贸易换汇率D .补偿贸易利润率12. 国际商业银行贷款中不属于短期的是()。

1.若美元对人民币的即期汇率为¥7.9/$,6个月的远期汇率为¥7.8/$,已知中国6个月存款利率为2.9%,美元6个月存款利率为 4.2%。

Solutions for International Corporate FinanceChapter 1 (2)Chapter 2 (4)Chapter 3 (6)Chapter 4 (8)Chapter 5 (12)Chapter 6 (14)Chapter 7 (16)Chapter 8 (18)Chapter 9 (21)Chapter 10 (23)Chapter 11 (26)Chapter 12 (29)Chapter 15. International Business Methods. Snyder Golf Co., a U.S. firm that sells high-quality golf clubs in the U.S., wants to expand internationally by selling the same golf clubs in Brazil.a. Describe the tradeoffs that are involved for each method (such as exporting, direct foreign investment, etc.) that Snyder could use to achieve its goal.ANSWER: Snyder can export the clubs, but the transportation expenses may be high. If could establish a subsidiary in Brazil to produce and sell the clubs, but this may require a large investment of funds. It could use licensing, in which it specifies to a Brazilian firm how to produce the clubs. In this way, it does not have to establish its own subsidiary there.b. Which method would you recommend for this firm? Justify your recommendation. ANSWER: If the amount of golf clubs to be sold in Brazil is small, it may decide to export. However, if the expected sales level is high, it may benefit from licensing. If it is confident that the expected sales level will remain high, it may be willing to establish a subsidiary. The wages are lower in Brazil, and the large investment needed to establish a subsidiary may be worthwhile.8. Comparative Advantage.a. Explain how the theory of comparative advantage relates to the need for international business. ANSWER: The theory of comparative advantage implies that countries should specialize in production, thereby relying on other countries for some products. Consequently, there is a need for international business.b. Explain how the product cycle theory relates to the growth of an MNC.ANSWER: The product cycle theory suggests that at some point in time, the firm will attempt to capitalize on its perceived advantages in markets other than where it was initially established.10. Valuation of Wal-Mart’s International Business. In addition to all of its stores in the U.S., Wal-Mart has 11 stores in Argentina, 24 stores in Brazil, 214 stores in Canada, 29 stores in China, 92 stores in Germany, 15 stores in South Korea, 611 stores in Mexico, and 261 stores in the U.K. Consider the value of Wal-Mart as being composed of two parts, a U.S. part (due to business in the U.S.) and a non-U.S. part (due to business in other countries). Explain how to determine the present value (in dollars) of the non-U.S. part assuming that you had access to all the details of Wal-Mart businesses outside the U.S.ANSWER: The non-U.S. part can be measured as the present value of future dollar cash flows resulting from the non-U.S. businesses. Based on recent earnings data for each store and applying an expected growth rate, you can estimate the remitted earnings that will come from each country in each year in the future. You can convert those cash flows to dollars using a forecasted exchange rate per year. Determine the present value of cash flows of all stores within one country. Then repeat the process for other countries. Then add up all the present values that you estimated to derive a consolidated present value of all non-U.S. subsidiaries.15. International Joint Venture. Anheuser-Busch, the producer of Budweiser and other beers, has recently expanded into Japan by engaging in a joint venture with Kirin Brewery, the largest brewery in Japan. The joint venture enables Anheuser-Busch to have its beer distributed through Kirin’s distribution channels in Japan. In addition, it can utilize Kirin’s facilities to produce beer that will be sold locally. In return, Anheuser-Busch provides information about the American beer market to Kirin.a. Explain how the joint venture can enable Anheuser-Busch to achieve its objective of maximizing shareholder wealth.ANSWER: The joint venture creates a way for Anheuser-Busch to distribute Budweiser throughout Japan. It enables Anheuser-Busch to penetrate the Japanese market without requiring a substantial investment in Japan.b. Explain how the joint venture can limit the risk of the international business.ANSWER: The joint venture has limited risk because Anheuser-Busch does not need to establish its own distribution network in Japan. Thus, Anheuser-Busch may be able to use a smaller investment for the international business, and there is a higher probability that the international business will be successful.c. Many international joint ventures are intended to circumvent barriers that normally prevent foreign competition. What barrier in Japan is Anheuser-Busch circumventing as a result of the joint venture? What barrier in the United States is Kirin circumventing as a result of the joint venture?ANSWER: Anheuser-Busch is able t o benefit from Kirin’s distribution system in Japan, which would not normally be so accessible. Kirin is able to learn more about how Anheuser-Busch expanded its product across numerous countries, and therefore breaks through an “information”barrier.d. Explain how Anheuser-Busch could lose some of its market share in countries outside Japan as a result of this particular joint venture.ANSWER: Anheuser-Busch could lose some of its market share to Kirin as a result of explaining its worldwide expansion strategies to Kirin. However, it appears that Anheuser-Busch expects the potential benefits of the joint venture to outweigh any potential adverse effects.24. Global Competition. Explain why more standardized product specifications across countries can increase global competition.ANSWER: Standardized product specifications allow firms to more easily expand their business across other countries, which increases global competition.Chapter 24. Free Trade. There has been considerable momentum to reduce or remove trade barriers in an effort to achieve “free trade.” Yet, one disgruntled executive of an exporting firm stated, “Free trade is not conceivable; we are always at the mercy of the exchange rate. Any country can use this mechanism to impose trade bar riers.” What does this statement mean?ANSWER: This statement implies that even if there were no explicit barriers, a government could attempt to manipulate exchange rates to a level that would effectively reduce foreign competition. For example, a U.S. firm may be discouraged from attempting to export to Japan if the value of the dollar is very high against the yen. The prices of the U.S. goods from the Japanese perspective are too high because of the strong dollar. The reverse situation could also be possible in which a Japanese exporting firm is priced out of the U.S. market because of a strong yen (weak dollar). [Answer is based on opinion.]8. International Investments. In recent years many U.S.-based MNCs have increased their investments in foreign securities, which are not as susceptible to negative shocks in the U.S. market. Also, when MNCs believe that U.S. securities are overvalued, they can pursue non-U.S. securities that are driven by a different market. Moreover, in periods of low U.S. interest rates, U.S. corporations tend to seek investments in foreign securities. In general, the flow of funds into foreign countries tends to decline when U.S. investors anticipate a strong dollar.a. Explain how expectations of a strong dollar can affect the tendency of U.S. investors to invest abroad.ANSWER: A weak dollar would discourage U.S. investors from investing abroad. It can cause the investors to purchase foreign currency (when investing) at a higher exchange rate than the exchange rate at which they would sell the currency (when the investment is liquidated).b. Explain how low U.S. interest rates can affect the tendency of U.S.-based MNCs to invest abroad.ANSWER: Low U.S. interest rates can encourage U.S.-based MNCs to invest abroad, as investors seek higher returns on their investment than they can earn in the U.S.c. In general terms, what is the attraction of foreign investments to U.S. investors?ANSWER: The main attraction is potentially higher returns. The international stocks can outperform U.S. stocks, and international bonds can outperform U.S. bonds. However, there is no guarantee that the returns on international investments will be so favorable. Some investors may also pursue international investments to diversify their investment portfolio, which can possibly reduce risk.10. Exchange Rate Effects on Trade.a. Explain why a stronger dollar could enlarge the U.S. balance of trade deficit. Explain why a weaker dollar could affect the U.S. balance of trade deficit.ANSWER: A stronger dollar makes U.S. exports more expensive to importers and may reduceimports. It makes U.S. imports cheap and may increase U.S. imports. A weaker home currency increases the prices of imports purchased by the home country and reduces the prices paid by foreign businesses for the home country’s exports. This should cause a decrease in the home country’s demand for imports and an increase in the foreign demand for the home country’s exports, and therefore increase the current account. However, this relationship can be distorted by other factors.b. It is sometimes suggested that a floating exchange rate will adjust to reduce or eliminate any current account deficit. Explain why this adjustment would occur.ANSWER: A current account deficit reflects a net sale of the home currency in exchange for other currencies. This places downward pressure on that home currency’s value. If the currency weakens, it will reduce the home demand for foreign goods (since goods will now be more expensive), and will increase the home export volume (since exports will appear cheaper to foreign countries).c. Why does the exchange rate not always adjust to a current account deficit?ANSWER: In some cases, the home currency will remain strong even though a current account deficit exists, since other factors (such as international capital flows) can offset the forces placed on the currency by the current account.13. Effects of Tariffs. Assume a simple world in which the U.S. exports soft drinks and beer to France and imports wine from France. If the U.S. imposes large tariffs on the French wine, explain the likely impact on the values of the U.S. beverage firms, U.S. wine producers, the French beverage firms, and the French wine producers.ANSWER: The U.S. wine producers benefit from the U.S. tariffs, while the French wine producers are adversely affected. The French government would likely retaliate by imposing tariffs on the U.S. beverage firms, which would adversely affect their value. The French beverage firms would benefit.15. Demand for Exports. A relatively small U.S. balance of trade deficit is commonly attributed toa strong demand for U.S. exports. What do you think is the underlying reason for the strong demand for U.S. exports?ANSWER: The strong demand for U.S. exports is commonly attributed to strong foreign economies or to a weak dollar.Chapter 35. International Financial Markets. Recently, Wal-Mart established two retail outlets in the city of Shenzhen, China, which has a population of 3.7 million. These outlets are massive and contain products purchased locally as well as imports. As Wal-Mart generates earnings beyond what it needs in Shenzhen, it may remit those earnings back to the United States. Wal-Mart is likely to build additional outlets in Shenzhen or in other Chinese cities in the future.a. Explain how the Wal-Mart outlets in China would use the spot market in foreign exchange. ANSWER: The Wal-Mart stores in China need other currencies to buy products from other countries, and must convert the Chinese currency (yuan) into the other currencies in the spot market to purchase these products. They also could use the spot market to convert excess earnings denominated in yuan into dollars, which would be remitted to the U.S. parent.b. Explain how Wal-Mart might utilize the international money market when it is establishing other Wal-Mart stores in Asia.ANSWER: Wal-Mart may need to maintain some deposits in the Eurocurrency market that can be used (when needed) to support the growth of Wal-Mart stores in various foreign markets. When some Wal-Mart stores in foreign markets need funds, they borrow from banks in the Eurocurrency market. Thus, the Eurocurrency market serves as a deposit or lending source for Wal-Mart and other MNCs on a short-term basis.c. Explain how Wal-Mart could use the international bond market to finance the establishment of new outlets in foreign markets.ANSWER: Wal-Mart could issue bonds in the Eurobond market to generate funds needed to establish new outlets. The bonds may be denominated in the currency that is needed; then, once the stores are established, some of the cash flows generated by those stores could be used to pay interest on the bonds.11. Foreign Exchange. You just came back from Canada, where the Canadian dollar was worth $.70. You still have C$200 from your trip and could exchange them for dollars at the airport, but the airport foreign exchange desk will only buy them for $.60. Next week, you will be going to Mexico and will need pesos. The airport foreign exchange desk will sell you pesos for $.10 per peso. You met a tourist at the airport who is from Mexico and is on his way to Canada. He is willing to buy your C$200 for 130 pesos. Should you accept the offer or cash the Canadian dollars in at the airport? Explain.ANSWER: Exchange with the tourist. If you exchange the C$ for pesos at the foreign exchange desk, the cross-rate is $.60/$10 = 6. Thus, the C$200 would be exchanged for 120 pesos (computed as 200 ×6). If you exchange Canadian dollars for pesos with the tourist, you will receive 130 pesos.15. Exchange Rate Effects on Borrowing. Explain how the appreciation of the Japanese yen against the U.S. dollar would affect the return to a U.S. firm that borrowed Japanese yen and used the proceeds for a U.S. project.ANSWER: If the Japanese yen appreciates over the borrowing period, this implies that the U.S. firm converted yen to U.S. dollars at a lower exchange rate than the rate at which it paid for yen at the time it would repay the loan. Thus, it is adversely affected by the appreciation. Its cost of borrowing will be higher as a result of this appreciation.20. Interest Rates. Why do interest rates vary among countries? Why are interest rates normally similar for those European countries that use the euro as their currency? Offer a reason why the government interest rate of one country could be slightly higher than that of the government interest rate of another country, even though the euro is the currency used in both countries.ANSWER: Interest rates in each country are based on the supply of funds and demand for funds for a given currency. However, the supply and demand conditions for the euro are dictated by all participating countries in aggregate, and do not vary among participating countries. Yet, the government interest rate in one country that uses the euro could be slightly higher than others that use the euro if it is subject to default risk. The higher interest rate would reflect a risk premium.21. Forward Contract. The Wolfpack Corporation is a U.S. exporter that invoices its exports to the United Kingdom in British pounds. If it expects that the pound will appreciate against the dollar in the future, should it hedge its exports with a forward contract? Explain.ANSWER: The forward contract can hedge future receivables or payables in foreign currencies to insulate the firm against exchange rate risk. Yet, in this case, the Wolfpack Corporation should not hedge because it would benefit from appreciation of the pound when it converts the pounds to dollars.Chapter 43. Inflation Effects on Exchange Rates. Assume that the U.S. inflation rate becomes high relative to Canadian inflation. Other things being equal, how should this affect the (a) U.S. demand for Canadian dollars, (b) supply of Canadian dollars for sale, and (c) equilibrium value of the Canadian dollar?ANSWER: Demand for Canadian dollars should increase, supply of Canadian dollars for sale should decrease, and the Canadian dollar’s value should increase.12. Factors Affecting Exchange Rates. Mexico tends to have much higher inflation than the United States and also much higher interest rates than the United States. Inflation and interest rates are much more volatile in Mexico than in industrialized countries. The value of the Mexican peso is typically more volatile than the currencies of industrialized countries from a U.S. perspective; it has typically depreciated from one year to the next, but the degree of depreciation has varied substantially. The bid/ask spread tends to be wider for the peso than for currencies of industrialized countries.a. Identify the most obvious economic reason for the persistent depreciation of the peso. ANSWER: The high inflation in Mexico places continual downward pressure on the value of the peso.b. High interest rates are commonly expected to strengthen a country’s currency because they can encourage foreign investment in securities in that country, which results in the exchange of other currencies for that currency. Yet, the peso’s value has declined against the dollar over most years even though Mexican interest rates are typically much higher than U.S. interest rates. Thus, it appears that the high Mexican interest rates do not attract substantial U.S. investment in Mexico’s securities. Why do you think U.S. investors do not try to capitalize on the high interest rates in Mexico?ANSWER: The high interest rates in Mexico result from expectations of high inflation. That is, the real interest rate in Mexico may not be any higher than the U.S. real interest rate. Given the high inflationary expectations, U.S. investors recognize the potential weakness of the peso, which could more than offset the high interest rate (when they convert the pesos back to dollars at the end of the investment period). Therefore, the high Mexican interest rates do not encourage U.S. investment in Mexican securities, and do not help to strengthen the value of the peso.c. Why do you think the bid/ask spread is higher for pesos than for currencies of industrialized countries? How does this affect a U.S. firm that does substantial business in Mexico?ANSWER: The bid/ask spread is wider because the banks that provide foreign exchange services are subject to more risk when they maintain currencies such as the peso that could decline abruptly at any time. A wider bid/ask spread adversely affects the U.S. firm that does business in Mexico because it increases the transactions costs associated with conversion of dollars to pesos, or pesos to dollars.14. Aggregate Effects on Exchange Rates. Assume that the United States invests heavily in government and corporate securities of Country K. In addition, residents of Country K invest heavily in the United States. Approximately $10 billion worth of investment transactions occur between these two countries each year. The total dollar value of trade transactions per year is about $8 million. This information is expected to also hold in the future. Because your firm exports goods to Country K, your job as international cash manager requires you to forecast the value of Country K’s currency (the “krank”) with respect to the dollar. Explain how each of the following conditions will affect the value of the krank, holding other things equal. Then, aggregate all of these impacts to develop an ov erall forecast of the krank’s movement against the dollar.a. U.S. inflation has suddenly increased substantially, while Country K’s inflation remains low. ANSWER: Increased U.S. demand for the krank. Decreased supply of kranks for sale. Upward pressure in the krank’s value.b. U.S. interest rates have increased substantially, while Country K’s interest rates remain low. Investors of both countries are attracted to high interest rates.ANSWER: Decreased U.S. demand for the krank. Increased supply of kranks for sale. Downward pressure on the krank’s value.c. The U.S. income level increased substantially, while Country K’s income level has remained unchanged.ANSWER: Increased U.S. demand for the krank. Upward pressure on the krank’s value.d. The U.S. is expected to impose a small tariff on goods imported from Country K. ANSWER: The tariff will cause a decrease in the United States’ desire for Country K’s goods, and will therefore reduce the demand for kranks for sale. Downward pressure on the krank’s value.e. Combine all expected impacts to develop an overall forecast.ANSWER: Two of the scenarios described above place upward pressure on the value of the krank. However, these scenarios are related to trade, and trade flows are relatively minor between the U.S. and Country K. The interest rate scenario places downward pressure on the krank’s value. Since the interest rates affect capital flows and capital flows dominate trade flows between the U.S. and Country K, the interest rate scenario should overwhelm all other scenarios. Thus, when considering the importance of implications of all scenarios, the krank is expected to depreciate.22. Speculation. Blue Demon Bank expects that the Mexican peso will depreciate against the dollar from its spot rate of $.15 to $.14 in 10 days. The following interbank lending and borrowingin the interbank market, depending on which currency it wants to borrow.a. How could Blue Demon Bank attempt to capitalize on its expectations without using deposited funds? Estimate the profits that could be generated from this strategy.ANSWER: Blue Demon Bank can capitalize on its expectations about pesos (MXP) as follows:1. Borrow MXP70 million2. Convert the MXP70 million to dollars:MXP70,000,000 × $.15 = $10,500,0003. Lend the dollars through the interbank market at 8.0% annualized over a 10-day period. The amount accumulated in 10 days is:$10,500,000 × [1 + (8% × 10/360)] = $10,500,000 × [1.002222] = $10,523,3334. Repay the peso loan. The repayment amount on the peso loan is:MXP70,000,000 × [1 + (8.7% × 10/360)] = 70,000,000 × [1.002417]=MXP70,169,1675. Based on the expected spot rate of $.14, the amount of dollars needed to repay the peso loan is: MXP70,169,167 × $.14 = $9,823,6836. After repaying the loan, Blue Demon Bank will have a speculative profit (if its forecasted exchange rate is accurate) of:$10,523,333 – $9,823,683 = $699,650b. Assume all the preceding information with this exception: Blue Demon Bank expects the peso to appreciate from its present spot rate of $.15 to $.17 in 30 days. How could it attempt to capitalize on its expectations without using deposited funds? Estimate the profits that could be generated from this strategy.ANSWER: Blue Demon Bank can capitalize on its expectations as follows:1. Borrow $10 million2. Convert the $10 million to pesos (MXP):$10,000,000/$.15 = MXP 66, 666,6673. Lend the pesos through the interbank market at 8.5% annualized over a 30-day period. The amount accumulated in 30 days is:MXP66,666,667 × [1 + (8.5% × 30/360)] = 66,666,667 × [1.007083] = MXP67,138,8894. Repay the dollar loan. The repayment amount on the dollar loan is:$10,000,000 × [1 + (8.3% × 30/360)] = $10,000,000 × [1.006917] = $10,069,1705. Convert the pesos to dollars to repay the loan. The amount of dollars to be received in 30 days (based on the expected spot rate of $.17) is:MXP67,138,889 × $.17 = $11,413,6116. The profits are determined by estimating the dollars available after repaying the loan:$11,413,611 – $10,069,170 = $1,344,44123. SpeculationDiamond Bank expects that the Singapore dollar will depreciate against the dollar from its spotDiamond Bank considers borrowing 10 million Singapore dollars in the interbank market andinvesting the funds in dollars for 60 days. Estimate the profits(or losses) that could be earned from this strategy. Should Diamond Bank pursue this strategy?ANSWER:Borrow S$10,000,000 and convert to U.S. $:S$10,000,000 × $.43 = $4,300,000Invest funds for 60 days. The rate earned in the U.S. for 60 days is:7% × (60/360) = 1.17%Total amount accumulated in 60 days:$4,300,000 × (1 + .0117) = $4,350,310Convert U.S. $ back to S$ in 60 days:$4,350,310/$.42 = S$10,357,881The rate to be paid on loan is:.24 × (60/360) = .04Amount owed on S$ loan is:S$10,000,000 × (1 + .04) = S$10,400,000This strategy results in a loss:S$10,357,881 – S$10,400,000 = –S$42,119Diamond Bank should not pursue this strategy.Chapter 52. Risk of Currency Futures. Currency futures markets are commonly used as a means of capitalizing on shifts in currency values, because the value of a futures contract tends to move in line with the change in the corresponding currency value. Recently, many currencies appreciated against the dollar. Most speculators anticipated that these currencies would continue to strengthen and took large buy positions in currency futures. However, the Fed intervened in the foreign exchange market by immediately selling foreign currencies in exchange for dollars, causing an abrupt decline in the values of foreign currencies (as the dollar strengthened). Participants that had purchased currency futures contracts incurred large losses. One floor broker responded to the effects of the Fed's intervention by immediately selling 300 futures contracts on British pounds (with a value of about $30 million). Such actions caused even more panic in the futures market.a. Explain why the central bank s intervention caused such panic among currency futures traders with buy positions.ANSWER: Futures prices on pounds rose in tandem with the value of the pound. However, when central banks intervened to support the dollar, the value of the pound declined, and so did values of futures contracts on pounds. So traders with long (buy) positions in these contracts experienced losses because the contract values declined.b. Explain why the floor broker s willingness to sell 300 pound futures contracts at the going market rate aroused such concern. What might this action signal to other brokers?ANSWER: Normally, this order would have been sold in pieces. This action could signal a desperate situation in which many investors sell futures contracts at any price, which places more downward pressure on currency future prices, and could cause a crisis.c. Explain why speculators with short (sell) positions could benefit as a result of the central bank s intervention.ANSWER: The central bank intervention placed downward pressure on the pound and other European currencies. Thus, the values of futures contracts on these currencies declined. Traders that had short positions in futures would benefit because they could now close out their short positions by purchasing the same contracts that they had sold earlier. Since the prices of futures contracts declined, they would purchase the contracts for a lower price than the price at which they initially sold the contracts.d. Some traders with buy positions may have responded immediately to the central bank s intervention by selling futures contracts. Why would some speculators with buy positions leave their positions unchanged or even increase their positions by purchasing more futures contracts in response to the central bank s intervention?ANSWER: Central bank intervention sometimes has only a temporary effect on exchange rates. Thus, the European currencies could strengthen after a temporary effect caused by central bank intervention. Traders have to predict whether natural market forces will ultimately overwhelm any pressure induced as a result of central bank intervention. ]。
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《国际财务管理》章后练习题及参考答案第一章绪论一、单选题1. 关于国际财务管理学与财务管理学的关系表述正确的是(C)。
A. 国际财务管理是学习财务管理的基础B. 国际财务管理与财务管理是两门截然不同的学科C. 国际财务管理是财务管理的一个新的分支D. 国际财务管理研究的范围要比财务管理的窄2. 凡经济活动跨越两个或更多国家国界的企业,都可以称为( A )。
A. 国际企业B. 跨国企业C. 跨国公司D. 多国企业3.企业的( C)管理与财务管理密切结合,是国际财务管理的基本特点A.资金B.人事C.外汇 D成本4.国际财务管理与跨国企业财务管理两个概念( D) 。
A. 完全相同B. 截然不同C. 仅是名称不同D. 内容有所不同4.国际财务管理的内容不应该包括( C )。
A. 国际技术转让费管理B. 外汇风险管理C. 合并财务报表管理D. 企业进出口外汇收支管理5.“企业生产经营国际化”和“金融市场国际化”的关系是( C )。
A. 二者毫不相关B. 二者完全相同C. 二者相辅相成D. 二者互相起负面影响二、多选题1.国际企业财务管理的组织形态应考虑的因素有()。
A.世界统一财务管理观B.比较财务管理观C.跨国公司财务管理观D.国际企业财务管理观5. 我国企业的国际财务活动日益频繁,具体表现在( )。
A. 企业从内向型向外向型转化B. 外贸专业公司有了新的发展C. 在国内开办三资企业D. 向国外投资办企业E. 通过各种形式从国外筹集资金三、判断题1.国际财务管理是对企业跨国的财务活动进行的管理。
()四、简答题略第一章习题参考答案一、单选题1.C2.A3. C4. D5.C6.C二、多选题1. ABCD2. ABCD3. ABCD4. ABCD5. ABCDE三、判断题1.√2. √3. ×4. ×5. √6. ×7. √8. √9. √第二章国际财务管理环境一、单选题1.国际企业面临的新的风险来源不应该包括( A)。
A. 经营风险B. 外汇风险C. 政治风险D. 法令方面的风险2. 布雷顿森林体系可以概括为( B)。
A .国际金本位制B .黄金-美元本位制C .以美元为中心的国际储备多元化和实行浮动汇率制的国际货币制度D .以上三者都可以3.国际财务管理以外的对国际财务管理系统有影响作用的一切系统的总和,构成( C )。
A.国际经济环境B.国际金融环境C.国际财务管理环境D.国际社会环境4.以美元为中心的国际储备多元化和实行浮动汇率制的国际货币制度是( A)A.牙买加体系B.布雷顿森林体系C.国际金本位制度D.金银复本位制度5.目前我国实行的汇率制度为( C )。
A.固定汇率制B.自由浮动汇率制C.管理浮动汇率制D.单独浮动汇率制6.一国外汇市场的汇率完全由外汇市场的供求关系决定,这种汇率制度称为( B)。
A.固定汇率制B.自由浮动汇率制C.管理浮动汇率制D.单独浮动汇率制7.( D )是指世界各国在货币兑换、国际收支调节、国际储备和结算等方面所共同遵守的惯例或规则而形成的一种制度。
A.国际金本位制B.黄金—美元本位C.外汇管理制度D.国际货币制度二、多选题1.按财务管理环境与企业的关系划分,财务管理环境分为( AC)。
A.企业内部财务管理环境B.动态财务管理环境C.企业外部财务管理环境D.静态财务管理环境E.宏微观财务管理环境2.国际财务管理的经济环境包括( ABCDE )。
A.经济周期B.经济发展水平C.经济体制D.金融环境E.税收环境三、判断题1. 法律环境是指东道国有关投资方面,特别是外国投资的所有法律、法规的总体构成情况。
(V )2. 国际货币制度是指国际间进行各种交易支付所采用的一系列安排和惯例以及支配各国货币关系的一套规则和机构。
(V )四、简答题略第二章习题参考答案一、单选题1.A2.B3. C4. A5.C6.B7.D二、多选题1. AC2. ABCDE三、判断题1.√2. √第三章外汇市场一、单选题1.美国A公司预测美元对英镑美元升值,美元对马克美元贬值,则A公司( D )。
A.从英国的进口,应加快支付B.对英国的出口,应推迟收汇C.从德国的进口,应推迟支付D.对德国的出口,应推迟收汇2. 给予持有者执行或放弃合约选择权的是( C )。
A .即期外汇交易B .远期外汇交易C .期权外汇交易D .期货外汇交易3.为资金供应者和资金需求者双方通过某种形式融通资金达成交易的场所是(A )。
A.金融市场B.长期证券市场C.黄金市场D.短期贷放市场4.用自己的资金参与外汇中介买卖并承担买卖损益者,称为( A )。
A.一般经纪人B.跑街或掮客C.特殊经纪人D.外汇投机者5.两种货币通过第三种货币的中介而推算出来的汇率被称为( B )。
A.基本汇率B.交叉汇率C.固定汇率D.有效汇率6.两家跨国公司拥有相反的优势货币和货币需求,相互交换货币的交易系指( C )。
A.货币期权交易B.货币期货交易C.货币互换交易D.远期外汇交易7.“外汇是以外币表示的用于国际结算的支付手段”是指外汇的(B )含义。
A. 动态B. 静态C. 综合D. 基本8. ( A )是外汇市场的主体。
A. 外汇银行B. 外汇经纪人C. 一般顾客D. 中央银行9. 在我国现阶段,( D )在经营外汇业务方面占主导地位。
A. 人民银行B. 工商银行C. 建设银行D. 中国银行10. 固定汇率与浮动汇率是从( C )角度划分的。
A. 制定汇率的方法B. 外汇交易的期限C. 国际汇率制度D. 银行买卖外汇11. 即期汇率与远期汇率是从( B )角度划分的。
A. 制定汇率的方法B. 外汇交易的期限C. 国际汇率制度D. 银行买卖外汇12. 基本汇率与套算汇率是从( A )角度划分的。
A. 制定汇率的方法B. 外汇交易的期限C. 国际汇率制度D. 银行买卖外汇13. ( B )自身并不经营外汇买卖,而只充当外汇买卖的中介。
A. 外汇银行B. 外汇经纪人C. 一般顾客D. 中央银行14. 节约1美元外汇所需要的人民币数额是( C )。
A. 外汇净现值B. 换汇成本C. 节汇成本D. 创汇成本15. 换取1美元外汇所需要的人民币数额是( B )。
A. 外汇净现值B. 换汇成本C. 节汇成本D. 创汇成本16.“我国境内所有企业的各类外汇收入必须及时调回境内”是( A )的内容。
A. 外汇收入结汇制B. 外汇收入售汇制C. 外汇支出结汇制D. 外汇支出售汇制17.在( D )下,一定单位的本国货币折算的外币数量增多,说明本币升值或外币贬值。
A.关键标价法B. 套算标价法C. 直接标价法D. 间接标价法18.外汇是( A )这一名词的简称。
A. 国际汇兑B. 国外汇兑C. 外国汇兑D. 汇率19.通常情况下,汇率变动得越频繁,外汇风险的可能性( A ) 。
A. 越大B. 越小C. 不受影响D. 以上答案都不对二、多选题1.中国外汇市场的长期发展目标有( ABD )。
A.实现人民币在经常项目下的自由兑换B.使人民币成为国际性通货C.人民币为国际结算、储备和借贷货币D.把上海建成国际金融市场中人民币交易和清算中心E.成为世界最大的外汇市场2.影响汇率的具体因素有( ABDE )。
A.国际收支状况B.通货膨胀率差异C.货币供求状况D.利率差异E.市场预期心理3.外汇市场的主要参与者包括( ABCD )。
( )5.假定马克汇率由1.5马克/美元变到1.7马克/美元,则美元相对马克升值了13.33%,马克相对于美元贬值了11.77%。
( V )6.外汇市场可以是有形的也可以是无形的。
( V)7.无论是直接报价还是间接报价,都使用买入汇率、卖出汇率和中间汇率的报价方法。
(V )8.通常远期汇率报价的买卖价差小于即期汇率报价。
(V )11.国际上外汇交易的95%发生在银行间市场,因此银行间市场被认为是国际外汇市场的代名词。
(V )12.外汇汇率上涨,说明在间接报价方式下,外汇贵了,因而兑换本币比以前多了。
( V )16.间接标价法又称应收标价法,是以一定单位的外国货币为标准,折算为一定数额的本国货币的方法。
( V)18.远期交易是指交易双方在达成交易合约后,不立即进行交割,而是规定在将来的某个日期进行交割。
( V)19.即期汇率也称现汇率,是交易双方达成外汇买卖协议后,在两个工作日以内办理交割的汇率。
(V )20.远期汇率也称期汇率,是交易双方达成外汇买卖协议,约定在未来某一时间进行外汇实际交割所使用的汇率。